Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Kingfishers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Kingfishers
Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher(Megaceryle alcyon)
1930SummerSeveral nests were found, the earliest by Alden Risser and Gustav Swanson at Frontenac on May 18th. The female were incubating at the time. ThG writer found nests with young at Minneapolis on June 8th; near Ely on June 21, and in Itasca Park on June 26th.
1931Summer,One nest on li.Jay 3oth;· contents not inves~ tigated (s. Stein • A nest-with 5 young on Jurie 24th.
1932SummerS. Stt::in found a KinGfisher t s nest with 4 eggs on May 6o Nrs. Wilscn cbserved another fooding young in the nest at Montevideo, July 1st.
1933Summer Nine nesting-sites of the kingfishar were reported. Several were investigated, the first by Hicmenz of St. Cloud. It held 6 fresh eggs on May 11th. Hanson exrouined the lust nest near Ely on June 15th, when the contents were 5 fresh eggs. A nest found by the writer on June 12th contained several young birds nearly ready to leave and who were (judging fro:r.1 tho subterranean sounds) having a 11rattling good time. n One of thctl was bold enough to come to tho entrance of the nest, and when proffered a finger he engerly seized it in his greedy bonk, then tried to retreat with the morsel. The owner of the digit had other plans for it, hcwevcr; but to the rocalcitro.nt rogue relinquish his hold it was necessary to drag hi:t71 forth bcdily. After tho finger was disengaged he wns replaced in the tunnel, where he lost little tine in scuttling out of sieht and roach, instinctively rattling choice kingfisher anathoc1as as he disappeared,
1934Summer Hnnson and Hieuenz of St. Cloud report c. nest with 4 fresh eggs. found on May 15th. The latest nest wt'..S found by Nr. and Mrs. Mahle on Juno 24th. An adult was soon carryinG food into tho nest hole, but the contents were not investigated.
1935Summer Prosser observed a kingfisher tunnelling in·iio a bank in /1Iloka. County, April 30th.
1937SummerOn June 27 Swedenborg heard young in a nest near Minneapolis.
1938SummerOn June ro at Lake Vermillion, Dr. C. C. Prosser and Mr. and Mrs. Swedenborg saw a kingfisher excavating for a home.
1940SummerArnold Erickson saw several kingfisher holes in the wall of a sheer bank on Sorrens Bluff at Red Wing on April 21. Several birds were seen. At Red Wing on June 15, G. Rys­gaard observed several fledged young.
1943SummerMay 29 and June 28, 3 nests, Washington County. Bros. Lewis a;nd Pius.
1944Summer3. May 13, status uncertain, Frontenac; June 5, adults carrying in food, Fort Snelling; Eastman. June 27, two large young, Dakota County, Brother Hubert and Brother Pius.
1945Summer2 large young in nest, Dakota Co., July 5, Brother Hubert.
1945WinterNear Minneapolis, January 22, 1938; near Shakopee, January 10, 1943, (Swedenborg).
1963SummerSt. Louis Co., Duluth, June 23, hole in bank, y heard, D. Meyer. Hibbing, July 11, hole in bank, 4 feet deep, y heard, H. Mic~nsky. Northern Flicker.-Winona Co., Goodview, June 24, 4y left nest in Cottonwood, Grace Gordon. Winona, July 15, ad, 2y, Grace Dahm. Ramsey Co., Bald Eagle Lake, June, nest with y, Elizabeth Campbell. Lake Co.,,Moose Lake, July 4, y heard in nest, John C. Green. Fernberg road, July 14, 3 large y, John C. Green, St. Louis Co., Fairbanks, June 16, 1y, 5e, Ruth Kuchta. Duluth, June 22, 6e, Jan Green. Duluth, July 5 y heard in nest, D. Meyer. Duluth, July 15, 1y being fed, A. K. Arndt. Hibbing, June 23, ad entering nest hole, H. Micensky.
1963WinterOne all winter in west Minneapolis, Gloria Peleaux.
1964Summerbreeding Ramsey (ELC), Lake (JCG) and St. Louis (FS) Counties.
1964WinterThe usual few reported from SE Minn: Dakota (VS, EWJ), Olmsted (JPF), Winona (XC, RG, RLH), Washington (XC) and Hennepin (MAS) Co's.
1965Falllatest 11-21 Washington Co, DS and 11-29 Hennepin Co, DB.
1966Summer6-27 Hennepin ~o, pair nesting, FN; 8-12 Duluth, 2 y out of nest, PBH; also reported from Lake, Pope, Dakota, Hennepin, Morrison, Cass, Beltrami, Douglas, Ramsey, Crow Wing, Stevens, Rice, Aitkin, Anoka, Wright, Washington, Nobles Co's. Northern Flicker; nesting in Cottonwood, Cook, Blue Earth, Winona, Rice, Wright, Polk, Morrison, St. Louis, Washington, Crow Wing Co's; also reported from Lake, Wabasha, Stearns, Hennepin, Nobles, Anoka, Aitkin, Stevens, Beltrami, Ramsey, Olmsted, Cass, Dakota, Jackson, Pope Co's.
1966FallLatest 10-22 Traverse Co., JAH; 10-23 Duluth, JCG; 10-29 Wabasha Co., DGM. Northern Flicker:Latest 11-24 Pope Co., WH; 11-26 Lyon Co., PE; 11-28 Nobles Co., HSH.
1966Wintertwelve reports from Ramsey, Hennepin, Dakota, Winona and Rice Co's.
1967Springearly 3-24 Hennepin Co., RBJ; 3-25 Dakota Co., EMB and Ramsey Co., RJC; two northerly records in March: 3-30 Crow Wing Co., MSB and Marshall Co., A WR.
1967Summerreported from Stevens, Traverse, Lyon, Washington, Beltrami, Itasca, Aitkin, Cook, Crow Wing, Morrison, Pope, Wabasha, Cass, Hubbard, Carver, Goodhue, Jackson, Ramsey Co's.
1967Fall latest in north 11-1 Cook Co., JGH; 11-21 Pope Co., WH.
1967Winter usual wintering few reported from Winona, Dakota, Ramsey, Anoka, Wabasha, Goodhue, Fillmore, Olmsted Co's.
1968Summer nested in Clearwater Co; also reported from Stearns, Morrison, Wabasha, Lyon, Blue Earth, Carver, Lake, Cottonwood, Beltrami, Lake, St. Louis, • f Hennepin, Anoka, Rice, Washington , Swift, Carlton, Pope, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Mille Lacs, Wright, Winona Co's.
1968FallLate north 10-19 Pine MIG; 10-23 Roseau PEB; late south 10-21 Cottonwood LAF; 10-28 Nobles HSH; 11-23 Goodhue BL.
1968WinterReported from Chisago, Dakota, Faribault, Hennepin, Houston, and Winona Counties; 12-21 Faribault 2 OAR; 1-20 Houston FZL; all Jan. Dakota EMB.
1969Spring3-15 Hennepin Co., EIS; 3-21 Winona Co., BT; 4-3 Kanabec Co., RJH; 4-10 Duluth, MMC, and Cook Co., RIG; 4-17 (5) St. Louis Co., P~H.
1969Summernested in Cook Co.; reported from Hennepin, Carver, Wabasha, Wright, Lake, Mille Lacs, Winona, Washington, Rice, Beltrami, Ramsey, Isanti, Brown, St. Louis, Red Lake, Pope, Cottonwood, Morrison, Crow Wing, and Nobles.
1969Fall8-5 Carver 5 KH; 9-20 Carver 4 TH; 11-28 Duluth PBH; 11-21 Olmsted HEW; 11-30 Ramsey EC.
1969WinterReported in Dec. from Wabasha, Winona, Ramsey, Goodhue, Lyon. Last seen on 1-2 Dakota RG, EMB; 1-4 Ramsey JJ.
1970Springearly south 4-3 Winona TV; 4-5 Rice JAH, OR; 4-7 Hennepin GES and Nobles HH; early north 4-8 Duluth JG, MMC; 4-9 Lake RK.
1970Summernested in Morrison, M1lle Lacs and Wright Co's.
1970Falllate north 10-25 Beltrami JG; 10-29 Marshall AR; late south 11-29 Wright ES, BH and Hennepin CH ; 11-30 Carver KH. Yellow shafted Flicker: late north 11-6 Duluth, A. K. Arndt; 11-20 Cook )G.
1970Winter12 observations Dec. to 1-3 (Ramsey, JJ; Goodhue Xmas) from Hennepin, Carver, Dakota, Fillmore, Winona, Houston, Goodhue; 2-14 Pig's Eye, Ramsey Co. CU.
1971Springearly south 3-10 Sherburne RLD; 3-14 Wabasha and Winona KE, PE; 3-20 Winona KJG; early north 4-8 Marshall AR; 4-10 Duluth MMC.
1971Summernested in Carver and Hennepin; also reported from 24 other counties.
1971Falllate south 11-12 Carver; 11-21 Wabasha; 11-30 Hennepin; late north 11-15 Crow Wing; 11-28 Ottertail.
1971WinterNorth 12-18 Ferg-us Falls KRE. c::....., •., DP~" tl,rn mirl-.T~n. in O:::tkota. Olrnsted, Winona. Hennepin. Wabasha; later: 2-12 Sibley RG; 2-21 Olmsted HLB.
1972Summerbreeding cards from Lake -· nesting reported in 5 others; seen in 23 other counties.
1972WinterReported in December from Rice, Big Stone, and Dakota, in January from Wabasha and Winona and in February from Dakota, Ramsey and Nicollet.
1973Summer Nested in Murray, Kandiyohi, St. Louis; seen in 29 other counties.
1973Fall Reported from 23 counties.
1973Winter Reported from 16 counties north to Crow Wing, Clearwater and Otter Tail.
1974Spring Early south 3-9 Sibley RBJ; 3-12 Stearns NMH; 3-14 Mower DS; early north 4-5 St. Louis GJN; 4-7 Marshall Winter 1974 AR; 4-8 Crow Wing TS.
1974Summer Nested in Rock; also reported from 35 other counties.
1974Fall Late north 10-13 Itasca MS; 10-19 Aitkin JG; 10-25 Marshall AR.
1974Winter Reported from 12 counties west to Rock, Nicollet and Sibley.
1975Spring Early south 3-1 Goodhue CF and Lyon GLO; 3-9 Goodhue PAZ; early north 4-7 Clay SC; 4-12 St. Louis GJN.
1975Summer Nested in Stearns; also reported from 35 other counties.
1975Falllate north 10-29 Marshall SV; 11-8 Hubbard DM; late south 11-22 Cottonwood LF; 11-23 Carver JRG.
1975Winterreported from 19 counties north to Otter Tail (12-30, GO), Mille Lacs (12-24 and 2-17, GO, WL) and Duluth (12-11 and 1-3, JJ, T. Garvey).
1976Spring Early south 3-1 Hennepin BE; 3-5 Fillmore GE; 3-7 Lyon HK; early north 4-3 Otter Tail GW and Marshall SV; 4-4 St. Louis GN, JCG. ·
1976Summernested in Mille Lacs, Itasca and Houston; also reported from 31 other counties.
1976Fall Late north 10-22 Itasca, 11-5 Otter Tail, 11-25 Duluth KE.
1976Winter Reported from 15 counties north to Otter Tail (Fergus Falls Christmas Count).
1977Spring Early south 3-1 Hennepin SH; 3-11 Ramsey RH; 4 reports on 3-12; early north 3-19 Otter Tail SM, GEW, GO; 3-25 Crow Wing DK; 4-3 St. Louis DA; 4-9 Marshall SVA.
1977Summer Nested in Anoka; also reported from 31 other counties throughout the state.
1977Winter Overwintered in Houston, Fillmore, Mower, Freeborn, Sibley, Le Sueur, Dakota and Winona; also reported on the Big Stone, Marshall and Faribault CBCs and until 1-7 Otter Tail (MO, GO).
1978Spring Early north 3-11, 4-7 Otter Tail GO, SM; 4-2 Clay LCF.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Stearns and Anoka; also seen throughout the state.
1978Fall Late north 11-25 Otter Tail GW; late south 11-30 Fillmore GBE.
1978Winter Many more reports than usual, possibly concentrated and more visible because of the lack of open water; 14 December reports, January reports in Anoka and Fillmore, and overwintered in Houston, Hennepin, Lyon and Redwood.
1979Spring Early south 3-17 Redwood LJF, 3-20 Houston EMF; early north 4-7 Otter Tail GMO, 4-13 Itasca TOS.
1979Summer Seen throughout the state.
1979Fall Late north 11-4 Beltrami SM, 11-17 Otter Tail GMO, St. Louis KE.
1979Winter Nineteen reports: Late north migrants in St. Louis 12-3 (DA), 12-28 (fide Jan Green) and Otter Tail 12-4 (SM). An early north migrant (?) in Cass 2-25 (SY). Eight Dec. reports, two Jan. reports and six Feb. reports in the south.
1980Spring Early north 4-1 St. Louis KMH, 4-2 Crow Wing SE, Otter Tail GW, 4-16 LCF. Winter 1980
1980Fall Late north 10-25 St. Louis KE, 10-28 Hubbard HJF, 10-29 Clay TL, 11-29 Otter Tail GW. Reported from ten north and 16 south counties.
1980Winter Reported from 12 counties in the south and Otter Tail in the north.
1981Spring Early north 3-20 Aitkin TCS, 3-28 Hubbard HJF, Otter Tail GMO, St. Louis JG, 3-29 St. Louis LW.
1981Summer Breeding data from Cook, Itasca, Morrison. Seen throughout the state.
1981Winter North reports from Otter Tail, overwintered (SDM) (GMO) and Duluth 1222, fide (JG). A southwest report from Redwood; until 12-26 (LJF) and 10 reports from the Twin Cities area southeastward.
1982SpringSome over-winter mostly in south counties; early north 3-29 Otter Tail SDM, 4-2 Marshall ANWR, 4-3 Mille Lacs CF I KB, Hubbard DJ.
1982Summer Breeding data from Cook, Stearns. Seen throughout the state.
1982Fall Reported from 39 counties. Late north 11/2 Pennington KSS, Lake SWIMS, 11/6 Crow Wing KE, 11/28 Mille Lacs TS, II / 29 Cass JC. Red-headed VVoodpecker Reported from nine north and 19 south counties. Red-bellied VVoodpecker Reported from Aitkin, Pine and St. Louis (at feeder) and 21 counties south.
1982Winter Overwintered in Otter Tail (SDM). Present in Aitkin on 11/5, 11/6 (WN) and Lyon, three on 12/18 (HK). Also reported from seven counties south and east of the Twin Cities area.
1983Spring Some over-wintered in south; early north 4/6 Pennington KSS, 4/9 St. Louis TL, 4/12 Mille Lacs MLWMA, 4/17 St. Louis AB, Otter Tail SDM.
1983Summer Breeding data from Cook. Seen throughout the state.
1983Fall Reported from 34 counties. Late north 10/18 Cook KMH, 10/30 St. Louis VR, 11/18 Beltrami JSP.
1983Winter Overwintered in Otter Tail (SDM) and found on the Crosby CBC. Reports of about 17 additional individuals from eight counties south and east of the Twin Cities area.
1984Spring Some overwintered in the south; early north 3/2 Ottertail (overwintered) GMO, 3/25 Pennington KSS, 3/27 Lake SNP, 4/7 Aitkin WN.
1984Summerseen in 32 counties.
1984Fall Reported from 28 counties. Late north II113 Roseau AJ, 11/20 Cook KMH, Ill 22 Clay LCF. Red-headed VVoodpecker Reported from nine north and 16 south counties. Late north 10/22 Cook KMH, 11/18 Aitkin WN, 11/24 SC, 9/26 to 11/30 St. Louis (7) L. Pearson. Red-bellied VVoodpecker Reported from Aitkin, Cook, Pennington, and St. Louis counties in the north, and from 14 south counties.
1984Winter Reported from Pennington, 12-10 (KSS), Otter Tail, overwintered (SDM); and 13 additional Twin Cities and south region counties.
1985Summer Probable nesting in Lake and St. Louis. Also seen in 45 other counties throughout the state.
1985Fall Reported from 30 counties. Late north 10/4 Lake SWIMS, 10/7 Itasca AB, 10/12 Aitkin WN.
1985Winter Reported from nine Twin Cities and south region counties. A statewide CBC count of 8 (16 L.y.).
1986Spring Some overwintered in the south; early north 4/1 Otter Tail SDM; early north 4/1 Otter Tail SDM; 4/3 Cook GAM, 4/6 Clay LCF.
1986Summer Nesting in St. Louis, Stearns; probable nesting in Lake of the Woods, Aitkin, Pope. Seen in 41 other counties throughout the state.
1986Fall Late north 10/21 Mille Lacs ES, 10/25 Mahnomen RJ, 1/123 OtterTail SDM.
1986Winter Unusual north region reports from Northome, Koochiching Co. on l /3 (SDM) and the Isabella CBC. Also reported on the Fergus Falls CBC and from 18 additional south and central region counites. Statewide CBC total of 30 (eight L.Y.).
1987Spring Overwintered in the south; early north 3/22 Otter Tail SDM, 3/26 Clay LCF, 3/28 St. Louis AE.
1987Summer Probable nesting in Clay. Also seen in 49 other counties throughout the state.
1987Fall Late north 10/3 Itasca AB, 10/13 Cook SOL, 10/24 Aitkin WN.
1987Winter Reported on the Fergus Falls CBC and from 16 additional central and south region counties, (18 L.Y.). Statewide CBC total of 36 (30 L.Y.).
1988Spring Early north 4/2 Beltrami AB, 4/3 Aitkin WN, 4/5 Pennington SKS.
1988Summer Probable nesting in Pipestone; seen in 54 other counties statewide.
1988Fall Late north 10/4 Aitkin SC, ES and St. Louis, 10/21 Crow Wing BSE, 10/25 Clay LCF.
1988Winter Overwintered in Otter Tail and reported from 16 additional south and central region counties (same as l.y.). Statewide CBC total of 24 (36 l.y.).
1989Spring Early north 4/13 Aitkin WN, 4/14 Todd PH, 4/16 Becker BK, Duluth MH, CO, Itasca TS, Kanabec AB and Pennington SKS.
1989Summer Seen in 48 counties statewide.
1989Fall Late north 10/29 Cook OSL, 11/4 Becker BK, 11/30 Otter Tail SDM.
1989Winter Reported on the Bemidji and Duluth CBCs; in OtterTail, Carlton 2/11 MS; Crow Wing; and Brimson, St. Louis Co. 12/13 JN. Also reported from 16 additional south and central region counties. Statewide CBC total of 32 (24 I.y.).
1990Spring Early north 3/26 Todd PH, 3/29 Otter Tail SDM, 4/4 St. Louis AE, 4/8 Beltrami TS.
1990Summer Probable nesting in Lake, OtterTail, Olmsted; seen in 42 other counties statewide.
1990Fall Late north 10/12 Lake DPV, 10/22 Becker BK, 10/29 Beltrami KSS, 11/25 Otter Tail SDM.
1990Winter Overwintered in Winona, Otter Tail (five on CBC), Houston, and Washington Counties. Seen on the Crosby, Crow Wing CBC and in eight other counties in December and January. Late February records in Anoka and Hennepin perhaps early migrants. Statewide CBC total of 22 (24 1. y.).
1991Spring Early north 3/15 (earliest date on record) Crow Wing, Mille Lacs KR, 3/26 Becker DeB.
1991Summer Nested in Ramsey KB; probable nesting in Olmsted. Seen in 47 additional counties statewide.
1991Fall Late north 10/17 Beltrami DJ, 11/7 Cook KMH, 11/14 Lake SW/MS.
1991Winter More widely reported on CBC's with a total of 23 individuals (22 l.y.). Reported from 14 counties south (15 l.y.) mostly in December, plus January reports from Goodhue 1/28 KB, Hennepin mob, Sherburne 1/16 SNWR, and Winona 1/4 PS. Overwintered in Houston. Report from Mower 2/25 probably an early migrant.
1992Spring Early north 3/7 Beltrami DJ (wintering bird?), 4/4 Becker BBe, 4/8 Aitkin WN, 4/12 Clay LCF.
1992Summer Probable breeding in Washington; seen in 46 additional counties throughout state.
1992Fall Late north 10/16 Mille Lacs, 10/25 Aitkin WN, 11/30 Otter Tail SDM.
1992Winter Reported from 15 counties included overwintering in 8 southern counties; other south reports were single December dates. In the north, overwintered in Otter Tail County (2) SDM, and seen 12/10 Beltrami PS. CBC total 14.
1993Spring Early south 3/3 Scott and LeSueur PS, 3/7 Dakota TT. Early north 4/4 Kanabec CM, 4/9 St. Louis ME, 4/28 Beltrami DJ.
1993Summer Nested in Aitkin WN; probable nesting in Washington, Dakota. Seen in 43 other counties statewide.
1993Fall Late north 9/25 Mille Lacs RJ, 9/25 Polk PS, 11/27 Kanabec CM.
1993Winter Reported from 12 counties (15 l.y.), with only north reports in Otter Tail and Becker. Only overwintering was in Otter Tail. Other reports were in December and January with no additional reports in February.
1994Spring Early north 3/30 Kanabec, 4/11 Becker BK.
1994Summer Fewest reports since 1984. Probable nesting in Nicollet; observed in 36 additional counties throughout state.
1994Fall Late north 10/22 Otter Tail RH, 10/23 St. Louis SS, 11/5 Aitkin WN. Late south 11/5 Blue Earth RJ, 11/19 Olmsted JW, 11/29 Washington TEB.
1994Winter A total of 40 individuals were reported from 19 counties south. Although the number of overwintering individuals is unknown, reports were distributed throughout the period. There were also three north reports where unusual: two to three overwintered in Otter Tail SDM, and two other individuals were reported on the Bemidji and Grand Rapids CBCs. CBC total 32.
1995Spring Early north 4/7 St. Louis NJ, 4/10 Clay RO, 4/18 Otter Tail KKW.
1995Summer Probable nesting in Fillmore; seen in 38 additional counties statewide.
1995Fall Late north 10/22 Clay RO, 10/28 Aitkin CMG, 11/18 St. Louis DBe; reported from 25 south counties.
1995Winter Reported from 19 south counties. Only north reports were in Otter Tail SDM and on the Duluth CBC. Only individuals noted overwintering were in Otter Tail, Hennepin, and Winona. CBC total 24.
1996Spring Early north 4/9 Wadena PBi, 4/11 Becker BBe and Todd JSK, SDu.
1996Summer Probable nesting in Kandiyohi, Renville; seen in 47 additional counties throughout the state.
1996Fall Late north 11/2 Carlton LW, 11/3 Aitkin WN, 11/4 Clay MRN. Reported from 32 south counties.
1996Winter Overwintered in Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. SDM and reported 12/18 Little Falls, Morrison Co. WB/SMr. Also reported from an additional 15 south counties, where the majority of reports were in December. CBC total 27 (24 l.y.).
1997Spring Reported from 35 counties south. Early north 3/29 Todd JSK/SDu, 4/6 Cass SCM, 4/7 Morrison WB.
1997Summer Reported in 47 counties throughout state. New nesting record in Crow Wing JS/MN; probable nesting in Aitkin, Big Stone, Rice, Olmsted.
1997Fall Late north 11/2 Aitkin WN, 11/5 St. Louis JN, 11/6 Becker BK. Reported from 28 south counties.
1997Winter Reported from a record 25 counties as far north as Otter Tail and Todd, where overwintered. CBC total 31.
1998Spring Early south (some of these birds may have overwintered) 3/1 Brown JSp, 3/3 Hennepin TT, and 3/4 Fillmore NO. Early north 3/10 (overwintered?) Douglas SWa, GrK, 3/24 St. Louis JN, and 3/26 Kanabec BA.
1998Summer Most reports since 1988. Observed in 53 counties throughout state; probable nesting in Lincoln.
1998Fall Reported throughout the state to the end of the period.
1998Winter Reported from 18 south and 7 north counties. Overwintered as far north as Otter Tail SDM. CBC total 31.
1999Spring See winter report for overwintering as far north as Otter Tail. Early north 3/11 St. Louis JN, only significant north date.
1999Summer Seen in 49 counties statewide; new nesting record in McLeod RbS.
1999Fall Reported from 21 north and 40 south counties. Please see winter report for late migrants and overwintering birds.
1999Winter Reported from 21 south and 5 north counties. Overwintered as far north as Otter Tail.
2000Spring Observed in 39 south and 22 north counties. The reports 3/2 Douglas KKW and 3/4 Aitkin WN probably refer to overwintering birds (see winter report). Apparent migrant reported 3/23 Itasca BN.
2000Summer Reported in 53 counties statewide.
2000Fall Reported from 22 north and 28 south counties. Late north 11/11 Hubbard RCS, 11/18 Otter Tail CMN. Also see winter report.
2000Winter Reported from 22 counties as far north as Becker. Reports after 1/1 were from Becker, Otter Tail, Hennepin, Dakota, Washington, Fillmore, and Houston.
2001Spring Found in 36 south and 27 north counties. Early north 4/3 Wadena PJB, also see winter report. Peak migration 4/10–20 in 12 north counties.
2001Summer Reported in 41 counties statewide.
2001Fall Observed in 16 north and 36 south counties. Late north 11/3 St. Louis JRN. Also see winter report.
2001Winter Reported from 17 south and 6 north counties throughout the season. Most northerly were 1/3 St. Louis (Ely) BRT, and 12/15 International Falls CBC.
2002Spring Reported from 37 south and 24 north counties. Only March report north 3/17 Grant SPM, DKM, but see winter report. Peak migration 4/6–15 in ten north counties.
2002Summer Observed in 52 counties in all regions except Southwest.
2002Fall Reported from 56 counties statewide.
2002Winter Reported from 4 north and 21 south counties with overwintering as far north as Otter Tail. Unusually far north report 1/19 Kittson SPM.
2003Spring Reported from 32 south and 23 north counties. Overwintered as far north as Otter Tail (please see winter report); probable early north migrant 3/24 St. Louis JRN.
2003Summer Reported in 49 counties statewide.
2003Fall Reported from 55 counties statewide.
2003Winter Reported from 27 counties in all regions except the Northwest, and as far north as 1/11 St. Louis (Virginia) SLF. Overwintered in Otter Tail SPM and Anoka JLH, with additional reports after early January from Wright, Washington, Mower, Winona and Houston.
2004Spring Reported from 57 counties statewide. Early north (but see winter report) 3/27 Kanabec JMP, 4/2 Aitkin WEN.
2004Summer Reported from 40 counties statewide.
2004Fall Reported from 48 counties in all regions except Southwest. Lingered through 11/28 St. Louis (Duluth) JRN, but see winter report.
2004Winter Reported from only 12 counties in range. Overwintered Otter Tail (same bird seen on Fergus Falls CBC) DST, SPM. Unusual late-winter report 2/6 Polk JMJ. CBC total of 38 individuals on 18 counts.
2005Spring Reported from 69 counties. Early north (but also see winter report) 3/11 Polk NGE, 3/21 Clay BWF.
2005Summer Most reports ever: observed in 57 counties statewide.
2005Fall Reported from 56 counties in all regions except Southwest. Please see winter report for overwintering birds north and south.
2005Winter Reported from 4 north and 12 south counties. Over-wintered in Otter Tail SPM and St. Louis (Manganika Creek near Virginia) SLF. Unusual report 12/17 St. Louis (Duluth CBC) fide JWL .
2006Spring Reported from 73 counties. Early north (away from overwintering sites) 3/19 Grant SPM, 3/27 St. Louis (St. Louis River at Fond du Lac) JWL.
2006Summer Observed in 68 counties throughout state.
2006Fall Observed in 28 north and 38 south counties. High count 9/1 Mille Lacs (5) NSc.
2006Winter615 Overwintered in St Louis for the second year in a row (Manganika Creek near Virginia) SLF. Other north reports in Douglas, Morrison, Todd and Wadena with the latest 1/26 Cass BAW. Reported south throughout the season with all counts <2 birds.
2007Spring2649 Overwintered north through 3/8 St. Louis (Virginia) SLF fide JWL. Spring migrants north 3/23 Isanti RBJ, DAC, 3/25 Wadena PJB and Pine EMH. No significant high counts.
2007Summer2642 Seen in all regions of the state.
2007Fall2744 Reported throughout the state. Last reported north 11/3 St. Louis SMC.
2007Winter313 Reports spanned the entire season although no observers specifically referenced possible overwintering individuals. All reports north 12/18 Cass BAW, 1/17 Isanti CKB, and one 2/27 St. Louis SLF, which was considered an early spring migrant. In the south, reports were concentrated from the central and eastern regions in a triangle from Ramsey southwest to Brown, then southeast to Houston. The only reports from the western regions were on the Otter Tail and Lac qui Parle CBCs. CBC high count Winona (4).
2008Spring2946 Reported south throughout the season. Early north report 3/1 St. Louis (St. Louis River, Duluth) MFu, then none until 3/29 Wadena PJB (median 3/28).
2008Summer2234 Found in all regions of state.
2008Fall3144 Last reported north 11/7 St. Louis SES, 11/9 Wadena PJB. Reported south throughout the season.
2008Winter110 One north report 12/1 Cass (Gull Lake) BAW. All south reports (7 individuals) from East-central region plus 1/26 Olmsted JWH.
2009Spring2846 Observed south throughout the season. Early north (median 3/26) 3/21 Traverse MO, 3/23 Red Lake SAS.
2009Summer2433 Reported from all regions of state.
2009Fall2440 Last reported north 11/22 Wadena PJB. Reported south throughout the season.
2009Winter320 All north 12/1 Cass (Walker) BAW, 12/19 Fergus Falls CBC, 1/1 Pillager CBC (2), 1/3 Battle Lake CBC, 1/18 Cass (Sylvan Dam, Camp Ripley) MJB. Many reports south; found on 13 CBCs statewide.
2010Spring2745 Observed south throughout the season. Early north (median 3/26) 3/24 Hubbard MAW, 3/26 Douglas JPE. No significant counts.
2010Summer2438 Found statewide. First county breeding records for Hennepin SHF, Meeker RPR, Todd MSK, Yellow Medicine SWe.
2010Fall2846 Last reported north 11/6 Mille Lacs WCM. Reported south throughout the season.
2010Winter417 All north 12/18 Fergus Falls CBC (2), St. Louis (female, Hartley N.C.) fide JWL, 1/1 Long Prairie CBC (2), 1/2 Cass DAY. Overwintered in Hennepin SLC. CBC high counts 1/1 Whitewater River (5), 12/18 Bloomington (4), Faribault (4).
2011Spring3253 Observed south throughout the season. Early north (median 3/26) 3/26 Wadena PJB, 4/5 Otter Tail ARo.
2011Summer2842Found throughout state. First county breeding record from Pine QYo, Rice CCa.
2011Fall2748 Last reported north 11/12 Todd JeM. Reported south throughout the season.
2011Winter629More reports than any of the previous 5 years. All north reports: 12/10 Aitkin GPM, 12/12 Todd JeM, DTM, 12/16 Uppgaard W.M.A. CBC, 12/17 Fergus Falls CBC, 1/1 Long Prairie CBC (same bird as 12/12?), 1/18 Becker KLa, 2/2 Hubbard MAW. South reports were concentrated in the Central, East-central and Southeast Regions but were reported in all regions. Unusual was a report 12/29 Rock RHo. CBC high counts 12/17 Faribault (6), 12/17 Excelsior (5), 12/17 Mankato (4), 12/18 Austin (4). None of the birds were noted as overwintering.
2012Spring3252 Observed south throughout the season. Early north (median 3/26) 3/16 Todd JeM, 3/17 Douglas JPE. High counts 4/15 Washington (5, Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A.) GJa, 5/12 Clay (5) RHO.
2012Summer3451 Found in all counties except Mower, Redwood. First county breeding records for Otter Tail MRN, Waseca PCo.
2012Fall3049 High count 8/3 Dakota (5, Lake Rebecca) DwS. Last reported north 11/14 Itasca SC, 11/17 Lake PHS. Reported south throughout the season.
2012Winter925 Second highest number of reporting counties of the previous five winters, topped only by 34 in the prior year. Reports were spread out across the state, from St. Louis in the Northeast region, west to Otter Tail and Stevens, south to Jackson and east to Houston. Most unusual was the new winter record 12/2 Lake of the Woods (Dicks Way, Roseau River) DBM. Overwintering was only noted 1/2–2/28 Olmsted (Zumbro River below the Silver Lake Dam) JWH. CBC high counts 12/16 Austin (6), 12/15 Excelsior (5), 12/15 Minneapolis (North) (5), 12/15 St. Paul (North) (5), 12/15 Winona (5).
2013Spring3250 Observed south throughout the season. Early north (median 3/26) 3/29 Douglas JPE, 4/4 Otter Tail RJo. High counts 3/29 and 4/6 Carver (4, Rapids Lake Unit, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy.
2013Summer2945 Found in all regions of state. First county breeding records from Grant NCu, Roseau BJS.
2013Fall2850 High counts 8/30 Goodhue (9, Vermillion Bottoms) GJM, 8/11 St. Louis (6, including 4 young, Everett Woods) JLK. All north reports after October: 11/11 Otter Tail JsS, 11/16 Mille Lacs AFo.
2013Winter123 All north reports: 12/14 Fergus Falls CBC, 12/29 Battle Lake CBC. The number of south reports was above average—remarkable considering the frigid weather! No reports of overwintering birds. CBC high counts 12/14 Winona (5), 12/14 Excelsior (3), 12/21 Austin (3), 12/28 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (3).
2014Spring3149Overwintered south; notable increase in south reports beginning 3/30. Early north (median 3/26) 3/30 Clay PBB, 4/2 Todd DTM, 4/6 Otter Tail JsS. High counts 4/20 Morrison (6, Crane Meadows N.W.R.) KEm, MEm, 4/19 Anoka (5, Springbrook N.C.) KMa.
2014Summer2337Found in all regions of state.
2014Fall3052 High counts 9/20 Sherburne (4, Sherburne N.W.R., Wildlife Drive) BAF, SHF, 10/11 Carver (4, Rapid Lakes Unit, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) MPi. All north reports after October: 11/8 Crow Wing ABi, 11/14 Morrison MJB, 11/28 Hubbard MAW.
2014Winter325 All north reports: 12/20 Crosby CBC, 12/24 Hubbard (Shingobee River) MAW, 1/1 Long Prairie CBC. Found widely south including February reports from Fillmore, Kandiyohi, Scott, and Winona.
2015Spring3147 Observed south throughout the season. Early north (median 3/26) 3/18 Crow Wing BGr, 4/1 Crow Wing JPR, 4/2 Todd ALu.
2015Summer2942 Observed throughout state. High counts 7/27 Otter Tail (8, Maplewood S.P.) BHp, 7/2 Wright (7, County road 9 to county road 12, N. Fork of Crow R.) MJB.
2015Fall3049 High counts 9/6 Hennepin (5, family group at Coon Rapids Dam R.P.) TLo, 9/14 Roseau (5, Hayes Lake S.P.) KHR. Last reported north 11/29 Otter Tail TJa, but also see winter report.
2015Winter426 All north reports: 12/7–21 Cass (Ten Mile Lake) DoH, DAY, 12/17 Hubbard (Steamboat River Twp.) MAW, 12/19 Fergus Falls CBC, 1/3 Battle Creek CBC, 2/5 Aitkin HHD, RAE. Found widely south in usual abundance including 12/3–2/20 Big Stone DLP, FAE. CBC high counts 12/20 Austin (5), 12/19 Marshall (3), 12/19 St. Paul (North) (3).
2016Spring3253 Found south throughout the winter. Early north (median 3/24) 3/8 Todd (Ahrens Pond) ALu, 3/12 Morrison GLa, BAb, 3/15 Polk SAu.
2016Summer2948 Observed statewide. High counts 7/4 Mille Lacs (12, Rum River, C.R.13, Princeton) MJB, 7/4 Isanti (10, Rum River, Hwy. 47 to Walbo Landing) MJB, 7/15 Sherburne (7, Sherburne N.W.R.) JlB.
2016Fall3452 Reported from every county but Le Sueur. Several high counts of 5. Late north 11/2 Kanabec DFe, 11/3 Hubbard MAW, and then only found in Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) well into December.
2016Winter430 All north reports: 12/1–1/10 Otter Tail WPl, m.ob., 1/2 Long Prairie CBC, 1/3 St. Louis SLF, 2/3 Cass JAn. Reported widely south from highest number of counties in past five winters including unusual reports from 12/3, 12/29 Chippewa DLP, GWe, 12/8–16 Big Stone DLP, 12/28 Le Sueur BSa, 1/7 Pipestone VKl. CBC high counts 12/18 Mankato (3), 12/31 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (3), 12/31 St. Paul (North) (3), 1/1 Whitewater River (3).
2017Spring3352 Early north (median 3/24) 3/19 Otter Tail WPl, 3/25 Todd JeM, 3/28 Crow Wing ABi. High counts 5/23 Wright (10, Lake Maria S.P.) MLk.
2017Summer3150 Found statewide. High counts 7/7 Fillmore (8 along Root R., Preston to Lanesboro) JDv, 7/29 Sherburne (7, Sherburne N.W.R.) RCl.
2017Fall3152 High counts 8/12 Hennepin (8, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Bass Ponds) SDz, 10/5 Sherburne (8, Sherburne N.W.R.) SMC. Two November reports north: 11/10 Douglas JPE, 11/30 Hubbard REn.
2017Winter627 Scattered reports from all regions, although less frequently in north, throughout season in similar number of counties as past two years. Unusual reports: 12/10 Yellow Medicine GWe, JtH, 12/16 Le Sueur ChH, 12/18 Bluestem Prairie/Buffalo River S.P. CBC, 12/18 Itasca S.P. CBC. CBC high counts 12/16 Bloomington (11), 12/16 Excelsior (7), 12/17 Austin (7).
2018Spring3253 Early north (median 3/24) 3/25–29 Morrison MJB, m.ob., 3/28 St. Louis ebd, 3/30 Crow Wing PSP. High count 4/23 St. Louis (6, W.S.H.C.) JPR, FJN.
2018Summer3251 Reported from every county except Murray, Norman, Red Lake, Sibley.
2018Fall3353 High count 8/26 Sherburne (7, Sherburne N.W.R.) ebd. Several north reports into December.
2018Winter632 Reported from season-high 38 counties (ten-year average 27) and from all regions of state, albeit less commonly from Northwest and North-central. Frequent midwinter reports, especially from East-central and Southeast regions, indicate numerous overwintering birds. New season record: 12/13 Murray DAk. Other unusual reports: 12/17 Yellow Medicine BDo, 12/22 Clay RSw, 1/5 Pipestone ASu. High count 1/6 Hennepin (3, Bass Ponds) KvM. CBC high counts 12/15 Bloomington (5), 12/15 Excelsior (5), 12/15 Winona (5).
2019Summer3149 Reported statewide. High count 6/22 Winona (7, Minnesota City) ebd.
 Breeds throughout. Winter visitant, mostly south.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.