Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Kinglets
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Kinglets
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Golden-crowned Kinglet(Regulus satrapa)
1930SummerWithin a hundred feet of the Brown Creeper s nest on the Brule River, the writer found a nest of thie feathered mite on June 18th, It was placed near the end of a branch of a tall whito spruee about forty feet from tho ground ond held at least five young, apparently about two days old. The writer also saw young out of the nest, being fed, near Onamia, Juno 29th, and observed adults carrying food near Northome on June 24th. Gustav Swanson saw adults carrying food near Deer River on June 18th.
1932SummerAlthough.:there are a nut1bor of breeding rucords, only 2 occupied nests of this species are recorded in Dr. Roberts', ~rds of Minnesota, both of which were found by lJ:r. Swedenborg. Two nore occupied nests were found this year, und both cf then were also fow1d by Hr. Swedenborg, c.t Onru:1in. The first had 9 eggs on Hay 29th, and tha second contained young which left the nest on Jtme 20th. Aside from these nests, young were seen being fed in five localities, the latest on July 29th (Swcdenborg).
1934Summer As in past yenrs, we turn to tho Swedenborgs for records of this tiny species. Mr. and Mrs. Swedenborg and Dr. Pros.sor found o. nest containing 6 sr.mll young at Common Loon Loko on June 19th.
1935Summer Only Prosser reports on this sprightly little northerner, but he saw many families af young out of tho nest being fed at Cook, St. Louis County, August 17th.
1938SummerOn June Io, at Lake Vermillion, a nest of 5 young was seen by Dr. Prosser and E. D. Swedenborg.
1945WinterThree at Duluth, December 26, 1942, (Mrs. Olin); two at Cloquet, February 22, 1942, (Arnold Erickson); present almost every winter in Minneapolis, many published records.
1962SummerJuly 2, Hibbing, adult feeding young in spruce grove, Harriet Micensky.
1964Summer8-8, Hibbing, St. Louis Co, 2 ad and 8y, HM.
1964WinterScarce. 11-20 to 12-26, St. Paul, 1 or 2. Peak of 4 on 11-20, ACR; 12-1, Collegeville, Stearns Co, 6, RPR. (
1966Springearliest 3-17 September, 1966 Hennepin Co, RBJ; 3-20 Rochester, JPF; 3-22 Minneapolis, VL.
1966Summer7-11 St. Louis Co, RBJ.
1966Winterreported from Kanabec and Stevens Co's in December only; all winter in Stearns, Hennepin, Washington and Winona Co's.
1967Springearly 3-4 Stearns Co., RPR; 3-10 Nobles Co., 3, HSH; 3-18 Ramsey Co., ACR.
1967Summerreported from Lake, Cook Co's.
1967Fall earliest in south 9-22 Anoka Co., WHL; 9-28 FargoMoorhead, EGA; 9-28 Morrison Co., LSR; 9-29 Hennepin Co., MHM.
1967Winter reported from Stearns, Hennepin, Fillmore, Carver, Wright, Stevens, St. Louis and Morrison Co's.; withdrew from last 3 counties after December.
1968Spring early 3-17 Rice Co., OAR; 3-20 Washington Co., JO; 3-24 Stevens Co., JAH.
1968Summer nested at Iron Lake, Cook Co, NMH; also reported from Lake (JAH), JCG), Clearwater (TCD), Carlton (BL), Becker (FN/MAS) Co's.
1968Fall9-29 Rice 10 JAH; 9-26 Hennepin WKE; 9-26 Anoka WHL; latest north 11-11 Roseau PEB.
1968WinterLast 12-11 Cottonwood MLAF; 12-11 Watonwan DMF.
1969Spring3-22 (10) Hennepin Co., BL, DB; 3-30 Goodhue Co., VL; 4-5 (30) Waseca Co., WF; 4-7 Cook Co., OP; 4-9 Mille Lacs Co., MI; and Duluth, MMC; Late S. 4-17 (20) Winona Co., BT; 4-20 (12) Hennepin Co., JAJ.
1969Summerreported from Cook, St. Louis, and Marshall (6-14 JJG, RBJ) Co's.
1969Fall10-26 Anoka 15+ BAH; 11-9 Hennepin 15 CH; 8-27 Chisago EL; 9-24 Washington WHL; 9-25 St. Louis JCG; 9-29 St. Louis HM; 11-11 St. Louis HM; 11-22 Morrison LSR; 11-22 Washington WHL; 11-27 Carver TH.
1969WinterWintered in Winona, Blue Earth, Goodhue, Stearns, Cook (2-1, Grand Marais, EL), Cottonwood, Rice, Lyon, Fillmore, Wabasha.
1970Springearly south 4-6 Carver MM and Hennepin WL; 4-7 Dakota PE and Goodhue KE and Hennepin GES; early north 4-8 Duluth JG, MMC; 4-12 Crow Wing J B; late south 4-25 Anoka J LM; 4-26 Hennepin J J.
1970Summerreported only from Cook Co.
1970Falllate north 10-29 Morrison L R; 11-1 Crow Wing J B; early south 9-27 Hennepin VL; 9-29 Washington WL.
1970Winterreported only from Rice, Goodhue, Winona.
1971Springearly south 3-17 Stearns MLC; 3-29 Hennepin VL; 3-31 Hennepin ES, CH and Murray AD; early north 4-2 Duluth JG; 4-4 Crow Wing JB.
1971Summerreported from St. Louis, Cook and Lake of the Woods.
1971Fallearly south 9-27 Stearns; 9-28 Carver and Hennepin; late north 10-28 Duluth; 11-4 Morrison; 11-14 Grant.
1972Winter12-7 Nobles HSH; 12-16 Otter Tail KRE; 12-31 Rochester JAB; 2-11 Swift RZ. Bohemain Waxwing: NORTH Reported from eleven counties. Flocks up to 100 in early December, Duluth. SOUTH Reported from eight counties. About 100 all winter at Talcott Lake Game Refuge, Cottonwood County LR.
1973Summer Nested in Clearwater, Aitkin, Lake; seen also in Wabasha (6-13 DM) Isanti (7-22 SC) Cook (JCG). Ruby-crowned King.Jet Reported from Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake & Cook.
1973Fall Seen in 19 counties.
1973Winter Reported from 14 counties north to St. Louis (Hibbing Christmas Count) and Clearwater (Itasca Christmas Count).
1974Spring Early south 3-3 Rock KE; 3-4 Mower DS; 3-28 Murray AD; early north 4-10 St. Louis JG; 4-11 Clay KZ; 4-11 Clearwater RCD.
1974Summer Nested in St. Louis and Lake; also reported from Cook.
1974Fall Early south 10-1 Ramsey EM; late north 11-11 Marshall AR; 11-14 Crow Wing EC.
1974Winter Reported from 11 counties north to Marshall, Clearwater and Crow Wing; peak of 49 on the St. Paul N.E. Christmas Count.
1975Spring Early south 3-30 Swift HH; 4-5 Rock KE; 3 reports on 4-6, early north 4-7 Clay SC; 4-14 Marshall SV.
1975Summer Nested in Clearwater; also reported from St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
1975Falllate north 11-6 Ottertail SM; 11-8 Clay LCF; early south 9-21 Ramsey DM; 9-23 Hennepin ES; 9-24 Washington DGW.
1975Winterfewer reports than usual; seen in Olmsted Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington and Clearwater (Itasca Christmas Count) Co's.
1976Spring Early south 3-2 Hennepin RBJ; 320 Olmsted JF; 3-22 Olmsted VH; early north 3-28 Pine ML; 4-2 Crow Wing DK; 4-4 Aitkin JB; late south 5-10 Hennepin OJ.
1976Summerreported from Marshall, St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
1976Fall Early south 9-19 Lac qui Parle, 9-21 Washington; late north 10-23 Cook and Otter Tail, 11-1 Duluth; late south 11-9 Hennepin, 11-16 Wabasha, 11-25 Olmsted.
1976Winter (The only report was from the Afton Christmas Count, which may have been on the Wisconsin side of the river.)
1977Spring Early south 3-3 Wabasha DM; 3-26 Hennepin BE; 3-27 Murray KE and Jackson LR; early north 3-26 St. Louis GN; 4-2 Crow Wing DK; 4-10 St. Louis HPD.
1977Summer Reported from St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
1977Fall A number of observers indicated the numbers of this bird are down substantially. Late date north 11-22 St. Louis (KE). Ruby-crowned King.let Late north 11-6 Otter Tail (DS) 1/10 Otter Tail (GW); late south i1-25 Wabasha (DWM).
1977Winter Continues scarce with only five December reports from Clay, Duluth, Hennepin, Dakota and Wabasha.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Beltrami (Waskish); also seen in Cook, Lake and St. Louis.
1978Fall Early south 8-21 Houston EMF; late north 11-11 Crow Wing RJ, Itasca PM, 11-13 C~ay LCF; late south 10-30 Anoka JH, 11-23 Houston EMF.
1978Winter Perhaps coming back from its recently depressed numbers; 11 December reports north to Beltrami and Aitkin.
1979Spring Early south 3-25 Nicollet JCF, 3-31 Hennepin ES, GS, Rice LB; early north 4-15 Marshall ANWR, 4-18 St. Louis DA, Wilkin FKS.
1979Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Beltrami.
1979Fall Early south 9-22 Houston EMF, 9-27 Anoka JH, Sherburne EH; late north 11-10 Roseau WL, 11-17 Wadena RJ, 11-25 Otter Tail SM.
1979Winter Reported from 12 counties in the south and north reports from Lake 1-20 (KG), St. Louis, Roseau, Clearwater, Clay, Becker, 50, 2-10 (TNWR), Otter Tail and Crow Wing.
1980Spring Late south 4-12 Olmsted JF, 4-19 Dakota MW; early north 3-2 Otter Tail SM, 3-23 Hubbard GP, 4-2 Polk KSS.
1980Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Koochiching. Ruby-crowned King.let Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Aitkin (WN), Itasca, Koochiching, Beltrami, Wadena (Evergreen BBS).
1980Fall Early south 9-16 Anoka JLH, Olmsted JEB, 9-19 Hennepin SC, 9-20 Houston FL, Sherburne OJ; late north 10-31 St. Louis JG, 11-1 TH, 11-29 Otter Tail GW; peak 9-28 Clay TL (70+).
1980Winter Reported from Houston, Mower, Blue Earth, Olmsted and Le Sueur in the south. North reports from Cass and Otter Tail.
1981Spring Early north 3-28 Pennington KSS, St. Louis 4-4 LW, 4-7 TH, JG; late south 4-17 Houston JPI AM, 4-28 Dakota TC, 5-1 Lyon HK.
1981Summer Seen in eight counties within range.
1981Fall Early south 9-16 Anoka JLH, 9-18 Hennepin SC, 9-25 ES; late north 10-21 Clay LCF, 10-31 Aitkin WN, 11-3 Marshall KSS, 11-14 Clearwater JP.
1981Winter Only five reports: Becker and Duluth in the north and Anoka, Hennepin and Wabasha in the south.
1982Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, Koochiching, Beltrami, Clearwater, Mille Lacs (Mille Lacs WMA; CF).
1982Fall A good season with reports from 13 north and 27 south counties. Early south 9/16, 23 Houston EMF, 9/19 Anoka SC, 9/23 Brown JSp; late north I 1/23 Lake SWI MS, I 1/25 Marshall KSS, 11/27 Clay LCF, II 128 Cook DZ/MC.
1982Winter More reports than usual; 24 counties throughout the state north to Itasca, Beltrami and Kittson.
1983Spring Early north 3/10 Crow Wing WL, 3/23 Hubbard OJ, 3/27 Beltrami JP; late south 5/4 Dakota JD, 5/6 Sherburne EH/SS, Murray HK, 5/8 Houston EMF.
1983Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, Cass.
1983Fall Reported from 8 counties north, 18 south. Early south 9/13 Lyon HK, 9/22 Ramsey DZIMC, 9/23 Hennepin SC; late north II/13 Beltrami JSP, 11/25 Otter Tail RJ, RG, Beltrami AS.
1983Winter Reported on the St. Paul NE CBC and from Hennepin, 12-19 MRBA, Brown, 12/1 (JS) and Houston, till 12-12 (EMF).
1984Spring Early north 4/3 Pennington KSS, 4/14 Clay LCF, 4/16 Cook KMH, 4/18 Wadena RJ, St. Louis AE; late south 5/9 Washington JD, 5/12 Nicollet NCF, 5/13 Lyon HK.
1984Summerseen in Cook, Lake and St. Louis.
1984Fall Early south 9/15 Houston EMF, 9/18 Lyon HK, 9/19 Olmsted JEB; late north 11/3 St. Louis VR, 11/4 Clay LCF, 11/24 Kittson KSS.
1984Winter More reports than last year; 13 counties throughout the state except for the NE region. Total CBC count of IS (one last year). The Loon VoL 57
1985Spring Early north 4/5 Clearwater AB, 4/6 Clay LCF, Kanabec SSt, 4/12 Marshall ANWR, Cook KMH; late south 4/14 Washington, Dakota DZ, 4/16 Olmsted JEB, 4/19 Hennepin SC, 4/28 Cottonwood WH.
1985Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Carlton, Itasca, Clearwater, Marshall (Agassiz NWR).
1985Fall Early south 9/10 Hennepin SC, 9/22 Mower JM, Houston EMF, Anoka JH and Dakota/Ramsey JP/AM; late north 11/4 Wadena RJ, 11/11 Cook KMH, 11/21 Lake P. Eikeland.
1985Winter Reported in Aitkin, Lyon, Brown and the Rochester CBC.
1986Spring Early north 3/22 Pennington KSS, 3/23 St. Louis KE, 3/28 Clay LCF, 3/31 St. Louis AE; late south 4/25 Ramsey KB, 4/26 Lac qui Parle AB, RE, 5/1 Brown JS, 5/8 Lyon HK. Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Early south 3/23 Mower RRK, 3/25 Hennepin SC, Blue Earth JCF, 3/27 Washington TBB, Fillmore AMP; early north 3/31 St. Louis D. Johnson, 4/2 Marshall ANWR, 4/6 Clay LCF, Hubbard JL, Kanabec SSt; late south 5/21 Ramsey KB, 5/27 Murray NO, 5/28 Dakota TTu.
1986Summer Probable nesting in Hubbard. Also seen in seven other counties within range in the North.
1986Fall Early south 9/6 Houston JM, 9/13 Anoka SC; late north 11/9 Clay LCF, 11/15 Mille Lacs RJ, 11/28 Clearwater AB.
1986Winter Reported from 18 south and central region counties.
1987Spring Early north 3/20 Cook EH and Hubbard JL, 3/21 Clay LCF, 3/24 Duluth fide KE; late south 4/24 Ramsey KB and Dodge AP, 4/25 Anoka JH.
1987Summer Probable nesting in Mille Lacs (Lewis Twp., AB). Also seen in five other counties within range plus Agassiz NWR (JM).
1987Fall Early south 8/7 Dakota TT, 9/20 Hennepin SC and Anoka GP and Brown JS, 9/23 Mower and Fillmore AP; late north 10/23 Lake SW, 10/25 Kanabec AB, 10/31 Clay LCF.
1987Winter Reported from 17 counties throughout the state with a total CBC count of 41.
1988Spring Early north 3/31 Clay LCF, 4/2 Beltrami AB and St. Louis AE, 4/3 Cook KMH; late south 4/17 Cottonwood BF and Fillmore NAO, 4/22 Hennepin SC and Brown JS, 4/24 Ramsey DZ.
1988Summer Probable nesting in Roseau; also seen in Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1988Fall Early south 9/23 Hennepin SC, 9/27 Houston EMF, Hennepin OJ; late north 11/16 St. Louis, 11/18 Cook KMH, 11/25 Marshall AB; late south 11/19 Murray ND, Houston EMF.
1988Winter Much scarcer than last year with reports Odd-plumaged Black-capped Chickadee at feeder during Winter 1988-89, Castle Rock Township, Dakota County. Photo by Lois and Steve Kittleson. Fall 1989 133 from only St. Louis 11/9, Hennepin 12/19 SC and on the Crosby and Cedar Creek CBCs.
1989Spring Early north 3/27 Duluth KE, 4/12 Polk SKS, 4/15 Otter Tail SDM; late south 5/2 Ramsey AB and KB and Olmsted PP, 5/6 Goodhue SC, 5/15 Hennepin DZ.
1989Summer Only reports; Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Mille Lacs AB.
1989Fall Early south 9/20 Hennepin SC, 9/24 Cottonwood ED; late north 11/15 Pennington KSS, 11/23 Cook KMH, 11/25 Aitkin WN; late south ll/20 Fillmore NAO, 11/26 Brown JS.
1989Winter Still scarce with reports from nine counties from Duluth and Aitkin south. Apparently overwintered only in Aitkin and Anoka.
1990Spring Early north 3/10 St. Louis SK, 3/24 Aitkin WN, 4/4 Cook KMH; late south 5/2 Olmsted BSE, 5/6 Fillmore GMD, 5/8 Rice TB.
1990Summer Seen in Clearwater, Hubbard, Itasca, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1990Fall Early south 9/19 Hennepin SC and Washington WL, 9/23 Anoka GP, Houston EMF and Ramsey RH; late north 11/12 Becker MO and Lake DPV, 11/22 Aitkin SC; late south 11/29 Houston EMF, 11/30 Brown JS.
1990Winter Scarce for third straight winter. Found in 10 counties statewide with a CBC total of 104. Not recorded in southwest except in Brown.
1991Spring Early north 3/31 Pine DZ and St. Louis TW, 4/5 Beltrami OJ, 4/6 Lake DPV; late south 4/21 Goodhue HH, 4/25 Hennepin SC, 4/26 Blue Earth LF.
1991Summer Seen in Roseau, Clearwater, Hubbard, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1991Fall Early south 8/20 LeSueur EK, 9/19 Hennepin SC, 9/24 Anoka KB; late north 11/7 Cook KMH, 11/11 Norman MO; late south 11/24 Martin BBo, 11/30 Brown JS and Cottonwood ED.
1991Winter Only eight reports (10 l.y.) including Brown JS, Anoka JH, and the Lac qui Parle, Marshall, New Ulm, and St. Paul CBC's in the south, plus north reports from Duluth CBC, Otter Tail 2/23 SDM, and Roseau 1/11 PS (probably the farthest north this species has ever been recorded in winter). Statewide CBC total only 13 (104 l.y.).
1992Spring Early north 3/29 Clay LCF, 4/4 Pennington KSS, 4/5 Otter Tail MO; late south 4/30 Hennepin KB, SC, 5/3 Ramsey BSE, 5/5 Winona CS.
1992Summer Probable breeding in Roseau; also seen in Marshall, Clearwater, Hubbard, Aitkin, Carlton, Lake, Cook.
1992Fall Early south 9/23 Hennepin TT, 9/25 Washington WL; late north 11/8 Wilkin MO, 11/28 Roseau KB; late south 11/29 Hennepin SC, 11/30 Brown JS.
1992Winter Numbers up. Reported from 17 counties (8 l.y.) statewide as far north as 12/5 Lake DPV and 12/12 & 1/29 Roseau SSt & PS (2–3 found in Hwy 3/0 bog for second consecutive Jan.). CBC total 33.
1993Spring Early north 3/29 Clay LCF, 4/5 Lake DPV, 4/9 Polk KSS. Late south 5/1 Nicollet LF, 5/3 Washington PC, 5/12 Hennepin DZ.
1993Summer Reported from St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Carlton, Aitkin, Cass.
1993Fall Early south 9/17 Hennepin SC, 9/19 Dakota TT. Late north 11/3 Lake DPV, 11/4 Kanabec CM, 11/6 Aitkin WN. Late south 11/26 Brown JS, 11/28 Winona CS.
1993Winter Very scarce. Reported from only eight counties (17 l.y.), with nearly all records in December only, and the only two north reports from 12/4 Aitkin SC and 1/16 St. Louis (2) MH. No February reports.
1994Spring Early north 4/3 Kanabec CM, 4/8 St. Louis AE, 4/10 Grant SDM; late south 5/2 Rice TB, 5/6 Hennepin SC, 5/7 Ramsey TT.
1994Summer Reported in Becker, Koochiching, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1994Fall Early south 9/17 Hennepin SC, TT, and Washington WL, 9/18 Winona AM. Late north 11/24 St. Louis SS, 11/25 Carlton LW. Late south 11/25 Anoka CF, 11/30 Brown JS.
1994Winter Reported from 16 counties throughout the state, but all reports except these three were in December: 1/21 Aitkin WN, 1/21 Lake DPV, and 2/25 Olmsted CK. This pattern of most reports in December and none or few overwintering seems to be typical for this species. CBC total 29.
1995Spring Early north 3/11 Aitkin WN, 3/25 Clay CF, 4/1 Grant SDM; late south 5/2 Pipestone JP, 5/5 Brown JS, 5/6 Hennepin DB.
1995Summer Recorded in Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus 6/17 Pine (near Duquette) DW.
1995Fall Early south 9/17 Hennepin SC, 9/19 Hennepin KB. Late north 11/11 Mille Lacs CB, 11/16 St. Louis SW/MS. Late south 11/19 Wabasha DZ, 11/27 Washington WL.
1995Winter Reported from a below average eight counties in all regions; the only report after early January was until 2/3 Aitkin WN.
1996Spring Early south 4/2 Dakota KB and Rice TBo, 4/4 Watonwan DBr. Early north 4/8–10 Becker BBe, 4/18 Carlton LW. Late south 5/8 Jackson JCBC, 5/12 Dakota TT and Hennepin SC.
1996Summer Reported in Roseau, Becker, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake.
1996Fall Early south 9/10 Jackson (7) JCBC, 9/17 Stearns MJ/DT, 9/25 Goodhue KB. Late north 11/23 Carlton LW. Late south 11/2 Nicollet MF, 11/3 Fillmore NO, 11/17 Olmsted CH.
1996Winter Reported from six north and two south counties. The only report after early January was 2/21 Kanabec BA.
1997Spring Early south 3/20 Brown JSp, 3/27 Scott RH, 3/28 Mower RJe. Early north 3/9 (earliest north date on record, but more likely an overwintering bird) Aitkin WN, 3/22 Aitkin SC, 3/28 Morrison WB. Late south 4/26 Anoka JH, 5/4 Jackson (2) MJC, 5/10 Olmsted CH.
1997Summer Probable nesting in St. Louis; also seen in Marshall, Aitkin, Lake.
1997Fall Early south 9/21 Hennepin SC, 9/24 Brown JSp, 9/25 Houston EMF. Late north 11/8 Carlton LW and Clay (2) CN, 11/30 Aitkin WN. Late south 11/22 Olmsted CH, 11/25 Rice TBo, 11/28 Brown JSp.
1997Winter Reported from 21 counties in all regions except the West Central (most reports since 1983). Overwintered in Fillmore NO. Additional reports after mid-January which suggest overwintering include Lake, Washington, Olmsted, Scott, and Redwood. CBC total a record 45, with 29 of the total individuals from the North (!).
1998Spring Early south 3/13 (overwintered?) Dakota DBS, 3/25 Rice TBo, 3/26 Hennepin SC. Early north 3/22 (possibly overwintered near Lancaster) Kittson PS, 3/29 Lake DV, 4/3 Cook KMH. Late south 4/17 Dakota TT, 4/18 Fillmore BBr, 4/19 Olmsted CH.
1998Summer Most reports since 1992. Probable breeding in St. Louis; also seen in Marshall, Beltrami, Koochiching, Aitkin, Carlton, Lake, Cook.
1998Fall Reported throughout the state.
1998Winter Reported from 24 counties throughout the state, but the only overwintering noted was in St. Louis and Chisago; all other reports were before 1/2. CBC total a record 78, with a peak of 14 at Duluth.
1999Spring Overwintered in Chisago and St. Louis, see winter report. Probably overwintered in Rice (seen 3/1 TBo). Probable migrants 3/27 in Freeborn, Rice, Hennepin, Mower. Early north (possibly overwintered) 3/14 Aitkin WN, 3/31 St. Louis JN. No May reports south, last seen 4/30 Rice TBo.
1999Summer Many reports, similar to previous year. Recorded in Beltrami, Itasca, Cass, Aitkin, Carlton, St. Louis, Lake, Cook. Unusual report (late migrant?) 6/6 Anoka RH.
1999Fall Many north reports through the end of October, then only 11/21 Carlton LW. Early south 9/20 Hennepin SC, 9/21 Meeker CMa, then quickly spread throughout the other southern counties during the last week of September and first few days of October.
1999Winter Reported from 28 counties in all regions. Overwintered in Kandiyohi RJF. Only other reports after early Jan. were 12/11–1/13 Fillmore NO, 1/2–22 Aitkin WN, 1/16 Lake PS, 1/8 & 2/24 Meeker DF.
2000Spring Observed in total of 22 south and 10 north counties statewide. Early south 3/23 Freeborn ABa and Rice TBo, then multiple reports from nine additional counties within one week. Arrived north on time, where first reported 3/25 Aitkin WN, but see winter report regarding observations there.
2000Summer Reported in Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus 7/23 (summer residents?) Stearns (3) KRE, †HHD et al.
2000Fall First south reports within one day of median arrival (9/17): 9/18 Brown JSS, 9/20 Swift JJS. Late north 11/21–22 in Cass, St. Louis and Otter Tail, then 11/25 Aitkin WEN. Many November reports south, including 11/26 Hennepin DCZ; also see winter report.
2000Winter Reported from 12 counties, though the only sighting in the western regions was 12/1 Clay RHO. More January reports than usual, especially in the Northeast, but only one February report statewide.
2001Spring Reported from 14 south and 11 north counties statewide, but only Jackson in Southwest and Wilkin in West-central. Many south reports beginning 3/31 Rice TFB; also see winter report. Excluding St. Louis (where overwintered, JWL), early north 4/14 Clay RHO, 4/15 Lake JWL.
2001Summer Seen in Roseau, Itasca, Aitkin, St. Louis, Carlton, Lake.
2001Fall Late north 10/20 in three counties, 10/21 Cass MRN. Early south 9/15 Hennepin SLC, 9/19 Ramsey REH, near median arrival (9/17). Four November reports south, including 11/15 Hennepin TAT. See winter report for additional dates north and south.
2001Winter Reported from ten counties in all regions except the East-central. Only reports after early January: 1/23–24 Todd RBJ, JSK, 1/30 Lake JWL, 2/24 Kittson PHS, JMJ, SKS.
2002Spring Reported from 21 south and 9 north counties. Early south 3/28 Washington TAT, 3/30–31 in five counties, peak migration 4/6–13. Early north (but see winter report) 4/7 Otter Tail fide BAB, 4/12 Pennington JMJ and St. Louis (14) JRN. Late south 5/9 Cottonwood EPD, only May report south.
2002Summer Reported in eight North-central and Northeast counties plus Pine.
2002Fall Early south 9/15 Anoka JLH, 9/21 Scott SWe, then many reports beginning 9/26. All November reports north: 11/2 Lake JWL, 11/9 Cass MRN, 11/23 Aitkin WEN. Also see winter report.
2002Winter Reported from 15 counties in all regions except the South-central and West-central. Only reports after 1/1 were 1/4–2/15 Aitkin WN et al. and 2/16 Winona RA.
2003Spring Overwintered in Otter Tail through at least 3/13. Migrated about ten days to two weeks earlier than expected, though confusion with overwintering individuals possible. Potential early south migrants 3/17 Martin RBJ, JEB and Murray NED, 3/19 Rice TFB (median 3/28). Early north 3/15 St. Louis JRN, 3/23 Aitkin WEN (median 3/27). High count 4/11 St. Louis (20) JRN. Late south 4/25 Anoka KJB and Olmsted PWP, 4/26 Hennepin SLC (median 5/6).
2003Summer Observed in Lake of the Woods, Itasca, Cass, Aitkin, Carlton, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
2003Fall Statewide total of 52 reports from 14 north and 18 south counties. Early south (median 9/17) 8/28 Yellow Medicine BRL, 9/28 Chisago, Hennepin and McLeod. Peak migration 9/28–10/12 north, 10/11–25 south.
2003Winter Reported from only 17 counties, but in all regions of the state. The only reports after 1/10 Roseau ZL were 2/2 Todd RBJ and 2/19 Brown BTS.
2004Spring Reported from 16 north and 20 south counties. South reports included one early observation 3/9 Rice JJS, TFB (probably overwintered, but see winter report), then more expected arrivals 3/28 Hennepin DCZ and Lac qui Parle BJU (median 3/27). Early north 3/23 Carlton MSS, 3/31 Grant SPM and Pine JMP (median 3/26).
2004Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Cass, Beltrami, Hubbard, Clearwater.
2004Fall Found in 14 north and 21 south counties. Early south 9/23 Murray NED, 9/24 Hennepin SLC, 9/27 Chisago REH (median 9/16). Most north observations between 9/22 and 10/23, while frequent south reports into the first week of November.
2004Winter Reported from five north and four south counties. All north reports: 12/19 Lake (3, Two Harbors CBC) fide FJN, 1/1 Todd (3, Long Prairie CBC) JSK, 2/5 Koochiching JMJ, 2/5 St. Louis (McDavitt Rd, Sax-Zim Bog) MTA, 2/6 Aitkin (2) WEN. All south reports: 12/4, 12/11, 1/9 Scott (Wilkie Unit, M.V.N.W.R.) DWK, plus the Excelsior, Lac qui Parle, and Marshall CBCs.
2005Spring Early south 3/5 Nicollet RMD (probably overwintered), 3/20 Meeker DMF, 3/25 Olmsted JJS (median 3/25). Early north 3/25 Beltrami SC, 3/30 Clay PBB, 4/3 Wadena PJB. Late south (away from known breeding locations) 4/17 Fillmore JWH, 4/18 Wabasha JWH (median 5/6).
2005Summer North reports from Beltrami, Koochiching, Itasca, Cass, St. Louis, Lake, Cook. Only south report: 7/29 Sherburne †ASc.
2005Fall Found in 29 north and 31 south counties, in all regions. Record-high counts 10/4 Lyon (200+ at Camden S.P.) RJS, 10/8 Norman (78) BJU, 10/16 Meeker (100 at Litchfield N.C.) DMF. No north reports after 11/18 Pine JMP, but also see winter report.
2005Winter Reported from 10 north and 8 south counties. All north reports after December: 1/1–2 Todd m.ob., 1/29 Clay (2, Moorhead) BWF.
2006Spring Probably overwintering 3/4 Lac qui Parle (3) BJU; presumed early south migrants 3/25 Sibley JEB, 3/27 Rice TFB, then five more counties by the end of the month (median 3/28). Early north 4/3 Pine JMP, 4/4 Mille Lacs ASc, 4/5 Otter Tail and St. Louis (median 3/25). Late south 5/20 Sherburne ASc, 5/22 Ramsey LMS (median 5/6).
2006Summer Most re-ports ever. Found in nine counties in North-central, Northeast, plus 6/5–13, 7/18 Sherburne ASc, 6/11, 7/25 Pine JMP.
2006Fall Reported from 21 north and 38 south counties. Multiple reports from Sherburne, where found last three consecutive summers; presumed early south migrants 9/9 McLeod PRH, 9/17 Olmsted JWH (median 9/17). High counts 10/1 Cass (40) MRN, 9/30 Scott (19) BAF. All November reports north: 11/4 Cook HHD, 11/5 Cook CMB, 11/5 St. Louis JWL, 11/8 Traverse RBW. Please see winter report for additional observations north and south.
2006Winter36 North reports scattered throughout the season with a high count 12/20 (6) Pine and again 12/27 (6) CKR. Probably overwintered 1/2–2/14 St. Louis m.ob. Scattered across the south from Lac qui Parle to Fillmore, with three reports after mid-January: 1/17 Lac qui Parle (4) BJU, 1/28 Scott DWK, and 2/05 Brown BTS.
2007Spring1332 Early south 3/24 Meeker DMF, 3/26 Big Stone and Dakota (median 3/26). Early north 3/17 Aitkin DWK, 3/24 Hubbard HHD, 3/28 Carlton LAW (median 3/25). High count 4/6 Rice (32) DAB. Late south 5/8 Le Sueur RMD (median 5/6). Also found 5/19+ Sherburne REH (see summer report).
2007Summer101 Seen in Lake of the Woods, Koochiching, Beltrami, Clearwater, Hubbard, Itasca, Cass, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, and 6/19–7/16 Sherburne ASc.
2007Fall2232 First south reports away from known summering locations (median 9/16) 9/25 Lac qui Parle FAE, 9/27 Dakota, Scott JEB, 9/28 Blue Earth JJS, Ramsey REH. Only November north report 11/21 St. Louis FKB.
2007Winter52 All reports north include CBCs Roseau (2), Crosby (2), Duluth (2), and Lake (1), plus 1/14 Pine MCA. Two reports south 12/27 Lac qui Parle BJU, and 1/6 Brown BTS.
2008Spring1935 Early south (median 3/25) 3/21 Nobles BTS, 3/25 Faribault WAF, 3/28 Dakota CMB, Renville JoS. Early north (median 3/25) 4/5 St. Louis DGo, 4/7 Mille Lacs ASc, St. Louis FKB. High count 4/11 Fillmore (10) NBO. Late south 5/20 Sherburne ASc, 5/21 Ramsey EMH (median 5/6).
2008Summer91 Seen in Hubbard, Cass, Itasca, Aitkin, St. Louis, Carlton, Lake, Cook, Pine, Sherburne.
2008Fall1830 Early south outside of known summering areas (median 9/16) 9/22 Stearns DMF, 9/25 Ramsey MDu, 9/27 Carver (Carver P.R.) JCy. High counts 10/10 St. Louis (52, Brighton Beach, Duluth) SMC, 9/28 St. Louis (32S) PHS.
2008Winter39 All north reports: 12/6 Clay (8 at Buffalo River S.P.) †PBB, Kanabec HHD, 12/20 Cook (Grand Marais CBC). South reports from Anoka, Blue Earth, Brown, Kandiyohi, Nicollet, Scott, Sherburne, Stearns, Wright in December, then only 1/17 Wright (2) DMF, 2/4–8 Brown (2) BTS, DAB, 2/12 Sherburne ASc.
2009Spring1233 Early south (median 3/25) 3/14 Brown BTS, 3/17 Rice TFB, 3/21 Fillmore (2) NBO. Early north (median 3/25) 4/9 Mille Lacs ASc, 4/11 Cass BAW, Wilkin LS. High counts 3/30 Fillmore (20) NBO, 3/27 Fillmore (16) NBO. Late south 5/1 Jackson JEB, 5/10 Isanti DBM, Sherburne SMC, Washington DFN (median 5/6).
2009Summer111 In north found in North-central, Northeast plus Mille Lacs, Pine. All south reports: singing along Blue Hill Trail 6/26, 7/18 ASc, followed by sighting of adult feeding fledged young 7/28 Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.) PLJ.
2009Fall2030 Early south migrants (median 9/17) 9/20 Ramsey REH, 9/25 Steele HHD. High counts 10/3 Crow Wing (18) CKB, 10/20 Carver (18) JCy.
2009Winter88 All north reports were from December except 1/2 Isabella CBC. Only south reports after December were 1/2 Olmsted JWH, LAV, 2/20 Rice (2) DAB, JLO, JWH. CBC high count 12/20 Itasca S.P. (7).
2010Spring929 Early south migrants (median 3/25) 3/19 Carver JCy, Dakota LEC, 3/20 Dakota ASc. Early north (median 3/25) 3/22 Aitkin (2) MDN, 3/23 Hubbard MAW. High count 3/31 Carver (7) JCy. Late south 4/18 Dakota CRM, 4/22 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 5/7). Additional south reports of possible summering birds 5/28 Sherburne ASc, 5/30 Washington (William O'Brien S.P.) MDN.
2010Summer91 Found in Aitkin, Beltrami, Cass, Cook, Crow Wing, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Sherburne, St. Louis. First county breeding record from Crow Wing fide BBA.
2010Fall3141 Early south migrants (median 9/17) 9/14 Hennepin SLC, 9/16 Meeker RBW, 9/17 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU. High counts 10/12 Anoka (80, Carlos Avery W.M.A.) MDu, 10/1 Fillmore (24) NBO, 10/10 St. Louis (24) PHS. Late north 11/24 Hubbard (2) PBB, 11/26 St. Louis KJB, 11/27 Mille Lacs ASc, but see winter report (median 11/22).
2010Winter612 All north reports were from December except 1/1 Rice Lake N.W.R. CBC. Only south reports after December were from Blue Earth, Rice and Wright. CBC high count 12/27 Pine County (7). No individual high counts greater than 2.
2011Spring1935 Early south (median 3/25) 3/17 Hennepin JMN, 3/20 Hennepin SLC, Lac qui Parle (2) BJU. Early north (median 3/25) 3/27 Itasca SC, 4/7 Morrison SC, 4/8 Cass BAW, Traverse SC. High counts 4/3 Hennepin (8) DDo, 4/23 Hennepin (7) CMB. Late south 5/5 Hennepin (2, Richardson N.C.) MaK, 5/7 Waseca (2) DCu (median 5/7).
2011Summer11Observed in Northeast, North-central plus Pine. First county breeding records for Carlton JLK, Pine APa.
2011Fall1433 Early south (median 9/17) 9/13 Sherburne PLJ, 9/27 Carver (4) JCy. High counts 10/1 Dakota (18, Dodge N.C.) ACr, 10/12 St. Louis (15) JLK. Late north 11/13 Cook JPr, 11/23 Itasca SC (median 11/22).
2011Winter1118More reports than any of the previous 5 years. Reported across a broad swath of northern counties from Polk and Clay in the Northwest, east to Lake, but absent from the far Northwest and North-central regions. Reports south were scattered from Lac Qui Parle, Lyon and Nobles in the West-central and Southwest, arcing north to Stearns and Isanti, and then south along the eastern border counties to Winona. CBC high counts 12/31 Rice Lake N.W.R. (7), 12/15 Lac qui Parle (6), 12/18 Itasca S.P. (5).
2012Spring1626 Early south (median 3/25) 3/1 Carver (Rapids Lake) JCy, 3/3 Nobles HHD,RAE, 3/7 Lac qui Parle (5) BJU. Early north (median 3/25) 3/16 Roseau fide JMJ, 3/18 Itasca SC. High count 3/31 Hennepin (10, Bass Ponds) MDu. 5/1 Sherburne JSP, 5/6 Washington PSm, 5/7 Rice (2) LMS (median 5/7).
2012Summer111 Seen in all northern regions plus Sherburne. High count 7/13 Cook (5, Brule Lake) JEl. First county breeding record from Koochiching fide BBA.
2012Fall2437 Early south (median 9/17) 9/16 Anoka DPG, 9/17 Hennepin CRM, Ramsey PRH. High count 9/26 St. Louis (19, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. See winter report for late north migrants.
2012Winter511 Reports down significantly from last year (29 counties). All north 12/2 St. Louis EBr, 12/4 Cass (2) BAW, 12/15 Walker CBC (2, same birds in Cass?), 12/7 Polk (2) SAu, 12/16 Carlton-Cloquet CBC (3), Itasca S.P. CBC, 1/8 St. Louis GLa. Widespread south including 12/1 Kandiyohi JoS, 12/2 Houston ANy, 12/4 Houston KJB, 12/8 Le Sueur RAE, 2/19 and 2/21 Wright SC, 2/28 Hennepin BAb. Also reported from these additional CBCs: Fairmont (2), St. Paul (North) (2), Faribault (2), St. Cloud-Collegeville, and Cedar Creek Bog.
2013Spring1743 Early south (median 3/25) 3/30 Carver JCy, Dakota ADS, BDo, ACr, KDS, Hennepin CMB, RDa, CAs, RSA, Winona ANy, JWH. Early north (median 3/25) 4/6 Pine SuB, 4/8 St. Louis EBr, 4/10 Cook ph. DMB. High counts 4/18 Carver (25, Rapids Lake, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy, 4/10 Washington (24, Lake Elmo R.P.) BDo. 5/23 Sherburne (2) JGb, 5/26 Sherburne DWK (median 5/7).
2013Summer12 Observed in North-central, Northeast, plus Becker and Pine. High count 6/5 St. Louis (7, Sax-Zim Bog) EBr. First county breeding record for Itasca fide BBA.
2013Fall1835 Early south (median 9/17) 9/27 Hennepin DPa, Olmsted LAV, 9/28 Lyon GWe. High counts 9/2 St. Louis (15) GTa, CMg, 10/17 Hennepin (14) CMB. Late north 11/23 Beltrami KEm, MEm, 11/30 Hubbard MAW (median 11/22). Nearly all south reports prior to 11/15, late south 11/20 Hennepin JSl, 11/25 Sherburne BRo (median 11/29).
2013Winter4 Numbers down significantly over previous five winters when birds were reported from an average of 18 counties a season. All reports: 12/14 La Crosse-La Crescent CBC, St. Paul (North) CBC, Faribault CBC (6), 1/2 Winona ANy.
2014Spring2238Early south (median 3/25) 3/21 Scott BAb, 3/23 Meeker MJB. Early north (median 3/25) 4/5 Morrison KEm, MEm, 4/7 Itasca SC. High count 4/5 Carver (16) JCy. Many south reports after the 5/7 median departure, final reports 5/12 Mower RJW, 5/17 Stearns RPR, 5/19 Chisago RZi.
2014Summer8Reported in Aitkin, Beltrami, Clearwater, Cook, Crow Wing, Itasca, Lake, St. Louis. High count 6/21 St. Louis (7, Sax-Zim Bog) TRK.
2014Fall2430 Early south (median 9/17) 9/25 Anoka HHD, 10/2 Carver JCy, Sherburne PLJ. High counts 10/7 St. Louis (262, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/6 St. Louis (153, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Many birds lingered into winter both north and south (median late 11/25 north, 11/29 south).
2014Winter1115 Scattered reports from all regions with the highest number of reporting counties since 2011, rebounding from last year's low count of four counties. Unusual reports 12/20 Bemidji CBC, 12/14 Itasca EEO, 1/1 Lake of the Woods DBW. High counts 12/31 Meeker (5, Litchfield N.C.) JAn, 1/3 Lake (5) JWL, 1/23 Sherburne (4, Sherburne N.W.R.) JlB. CBC high counts 12/14 Carlton-Cloquet (11), 12/14 Itasca State Park (6).
2015Spring1733 Early south (median 3/25) 3/22 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) AGu, 3/26 Hennepin AHr, Nobles DFe, KMS, ALo, CRM, 3/27 Cottonwood DFe, KMS, ALo, CRM. Early north (median 3/25) 3/6 St. Louis (overwintered?) HHD, 4/1 Crow Wing JPR, ABi, EGa, Pine SC, 4/5 Morrison DLP, Todd ALu. High counts 4/11 Fillmore (25) NBO, 4/10 Benton (24 Bend in the River R.P.) MEm, KEm, 4/8 Carver (21) JCy. Late south 5/1 Washington PNi, 5/2 Hennepin ZGe, 5/7 Scott JEB (median 5/7).
2015Summer9 Found in North-central, Northeast, plus Roseau. High count 7/17 Cook (6, Eagle Mountain Trail) MoW.
2015Fall2638 Several very high counts from the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census (St. Louis, KJB): 733 on 9/28, and 234 on 10/7. Birds continued into the winter season both north and south.
2015Winter920 Reported statewide from most counties since 2011, when also found in 29 counties. Unusual winter records 12/20 Grand Rapids CBC, 1/2 Roseau CBC. High counts 1/7 Wright (5, Montissippi C.P.) NSc, 12/7 Morrison (4) MJB. CBC high counts 12/17 Lac qui Parle (5), 12/19 Faribault (4).
2016Spring2644 Probable overwintering birds 3/5 Sherburne LSf, 3/8 Lyon GWe, 3/12 Carver WRe, MRe, likely early south migrants (median 3/23) 3/14 Hennepin (2) CWB, 3/15 Ramsey KCh, 3/17 Hennepin DWK. Early north (median 3/26) 3/27 Lake NLM, 3/29 Morrison SEm, Polk (4) SAu. High count 4/9 Dakota (22, Miesville Ravine P.R.) AlF. Late south 5/5 Dakota AlF, 5/8 Hennepin WFe, 5/15 Lac qui Parle FAE (median 5/7).
2016Summer11 Found in North-central and Northeast, plus Pine. High counts 6/25 St. Louis (8, Sax-Zim Bog) JuW, 7/23 Cook (8, Judge C.R. Magney S.P.) JyW, 6/8 Cook (6, Deer Lake) APa.
2016Fall2845 Early south (median 9/18) 9/14 Wright GrM, 9/18 Hennepin TAT, 9/21 Carver DAB. Near record-high counts 10/18 St. Louis (679, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/13 St. Louis (613, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Late north 11/10 Cook JLf, ALx, 11/11 Koochiching HHD, RAE, Lake JLf, ALx (median 11/29), but see winter report.
2016Winter515 Reported from 21 counties in all regions of state except North-central with slightly more reporting counties than ten-year average (17). High count Chippewa (5, Gneiss Outcrops S.N.A.) GWe. CBC high count 12/17 Faribault (2).
2017Spring3144 Early south (median 3/22) 3/5 Carver JCy, 3/19 Chippewa KnM, Dakota PNi, BDo, ToL, JWZ, Olmsted JoP. Early north (median 3/27) 3/15 St. Louis LME, 4/1 Mille Lacs TAn, St. Louis DWK, HCT, LSh, SBM. High counts 4/14 Lyon (46, Southwest Minnesota State University) GWe, 3/27 Fillmore (30) NBO, 3/29 Chisago (30, Carlos Avery W.M.A.) JAB. Late south 5/10 Rock (5) LSm, 5/17 McLeod BDc, 5/29 Sherburne (4) ABm, JlB (median 5/7).
2017Summer10 Reported from Aitkin, Beltrami, Cass, Clearwater, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis.
2017Fall2749 Probable summering birds 8/27 – 9/10 Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R., Blue Hill Trail) JuW, JlB, SBE, LiH. Early south (median 9/17) 9/17 Ramsey KSi, 9/23 Hennepin JcM. High counts 9/28 St. Louis (104, Stoney Point) TRd, 10/22 St. Louis (60, Park Point, Pine Forest S.N.A.) GWe, JtH. Late north 11/6 Lake JPR, St. Louis NAn, 11/7 Cook ShG, St. Louis StK (median 11/29).
2017Winter717 Widely scattered reports throughout season from 24 counties, well above 10-year average of 18. Unusual winter records: 12/10 Dodge JWH, 12/18 Granite Falls CBC, 2/9 Traverse RAE. High counts 12/1 Lyon (6, Southwest Minnesota State University) GWe, 12/13 Rice (4) TFB, 1/10 Rice (4) DAB. CBC high counts 12/17 Marshall (61), 12/18 Granite Falls (9).
2018Spring2146 Early south (median 3/22) 3/2 Houston DJa, 3/9 Benton LKo, 3/16 Hennepin ebd. Early north migrants (median 3/27) 3/28 Otter Tail WPl, 4/10 St. Louis JLK, 4/14 Crow Wing JhH, LnH, Otter Tail NaH. High counts 4/11 Carver (29, Rapids Lake, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy, 4/1 Olmsted (25, Izaak Walton Wetlands) MiD. Late south 5/9 Hennepin WFe, 5/14 Dakota DTr, 5/18 Olmsted LAV (median 5/8).
2018Summer9 Found in Aitkin, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Pine, Roseau, St. Louis.
2018Fall3043 Early south (median 9/17) 9/1 Sherburne JCC, 9/16 Hennepin WFe, 9/22 Chisago ClB. High counts 10/7 Hennepin (16, Grass Lake) KBg. Late north 11/3 Hubbard REn, St. Louis MZa, RiC, 11/4 Itasca SC (median 11/29).
2018Winter219 Observed in 19 widely scattered southern counties plus Clay and St. Louis in the north, identical to ten-year average. New season record 12/21 Lincoln LiH. High counts 1/1 Winona (15, Whitewater S.P.) ToM, 12/8 Yellow Medicine (7) GWe. CBC high counts 12/17 Lac qui Parle (4), 12/16 Lamberton (3), 12/22 Mankato (3).
2019Summer10 Observed in Beltrami, Carlton, Cass, Clearwater, Cook, Hubbard, Itasca, Lake, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis. High count 6/17 St. Louis (8, near Cook) MGo, m.ob.
 Breeds northeast and north-central. Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.