Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Larks
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Larks
Horned Lark

Horned Lark(Eremophila alpestris)
1930SummerMarius Morse found the earliest nest reported ot this species near Robbinsdole on March 23rd; contents, three eggs. Gustav Swanson found a neat in Anoka county which held three young birds on May 7th. Blue Jay:va Several nests ot the jay were tound, the first by Alden Carpent~, at Robbinsdale, containing five eggs on April 29th. The latest was seen at Shakopee, by Ralph Woolsey, on June 28~. At that time the nest harbored three almost tully fledged young.
1931SummerAlGen Risser reports a nest with three eg~s on MD..rch 20 (On Risser's personal copy he corrected it to 30th}.
1932SummerNo nosts of this early breeding bird were found until Ma.y 29, when Downey found a nest a.t Trail with one. young, The last was seen June 24 with 2 eggs by the writer. Mrs. Wilson tells of a nest which contained young which were hatching on June 19. On this and the following da.y there was a tournaoent at the golf course on which this nest was built. The nest was on ~e fairway right in front of the 9th green, and the crowds of people wallted past both days, the young birds survived, and left the nest June 27th.
1933Summer Four nests reported. The first was fcund on Narch 2oth by Fischer, Stein and the writer at Shakopee. Three frozen eggs were lying beside the nest. In this case the eggs were ruined because of the enthusiaso of the observers. who, endeavoring to locate the nest, stationed th~aselves unknowingly quito close to it for a considerable length of time and prevented the bird's rereturn to the eggs. Hiemenz found the second nest near St. Cloud on March 27th. It contained 4 eggs. The same nest harbored a young bird about 2 days old on April 7th. Grili1es discovered a nest containing 5 small young in Pennington Ccunty on Juno 1oth, and on June 19th located another which held 4 snall young.
1934Summer The first occupied nest was found by Rysgaard on Na.rch 27th. Throe hnlf-grown young nestled within its confines. Risser reported the latest nest, which contained 1 egg on April ~Oth, Two days later ho found, in place of the sunken cup-shaped nest, o. gopher hole, with the remains of the nest scattered thereabout.
1935Summer Although this bird usually n~sts in the open C1ountry, the first nest found this year was in a M:inneapoli.s parl{. Turner, watching an adult bird with Dr. Roberts' and the bird class April 22nd at the edge of Lake Nokanis, saw a tuft of fuzz materialize into a dovmy yonng lark. His dead brother was found a few.feet from the nest. Ri:~ser came across o. nest May 2nd '\oThich had in it 1 living and 1 dead young. These were the only 2 records subraittcd.
1936Summer George li.ysgaard reported the only nest. On April :29th a nest, but little more than an excavation in the cinder -~~ack of tho Ham.line University athletic field, contained three half-gr01m young. The editor placed stru:es about tho nest; the parents continued the of the young, raising two to rna.tttrity despite continual disturbance of practicing track Inen.
1937SummerOn April 15 Upson found a nest of four eggs; on June 18 Dana Struthers found a nest of four eggs. Both were seen at Minneapolis.
1938SummerOn April 2, at Lake Traverse, Paul, Rysgaard, Ma­hon, and Erickson found a nest that held small young. Virginia Scott and other members of Dr. Lakela's class found a Lark nest on June 25 at Minnesota Point. At that time it held 5 eggs; and on July 12 there was one bird in the nest. The next day the nest was empty.
1943SummerApril, 4 nests, Ramsey County. Bro.s. Lewis and Pius. May 23, yotmg being fed, Anoka Co=­ty. W. J. Breckenridge.
1944Summer8. April 9, four eggs; June 22, two young; St. Paul, Hofstead. Others, all apparently un­ successful, reported by Olson, and Brother Hubert and Brother Pius.
1945SummerNest with 3 eggs, March 25, Ramsey Co., Russell Hofstead; nest with eggs, Apr. 4, Hennepin Co., Wallace E. Hamilton.
1945WinterPresent in the southern part of the state every winter.
1946Summer4 eggs, March 27, 4 eggs, May 1, I!amsey Co., Bro. Hubert. We hope that the single March nest does not indicate that most Minnesota ornithologists are fair weather birders.
1961SummerA nest with four eggs was found on Minnesota Point, 27 May, by Avifauna! Club members. SWALLOWS: All Minnesota species were found nesting this season.
1961WinterOn February 4, A. C. Rosenwinkel saw a flock in Washington County.
1962WinterArrived in some numbers during early Feb. near Twin Cities. By end of Feb., they were paired off on breeding territories as far north as Duluth and Waskish.
1963SummerSt. Louis Co., Duluth, Minnesota Point, April 30, ly barely able to fly, Jan Green.
1963WinterA few wintered in south· eastern part of state; first migrants were Jan 15, Minneapolis, Mpls Audubon Society and Jan 18, Traverse Co, R. Grant; by Feb 1, common through· out most of open areas of state.
1964SummerHennepin Co, several nests, EWJ.
1964Fall11-7 Lac qui Parle Co, RBJ; 11-17 (15) to 11-21 (75) Roseau Co, JLR; 11-28 Pope Co, 4 flocks of 5-100, RAG.
1964WinterA few wintered north to Washington (DS, BL), Anoka (BL, LJ, MAS) Stearns (NH) and Stevens (RAG) Co's but the largest flocks were observed in the SW corner of the state (BA, RG, RO, RLH) where some 600-800 were seen on a single trip, on 1-31.
1965Falllatest 10-30 Ramsey Co, ACR; 11-11 Anoka Co, 20, WWL; 12-2 Wabasha, DGM.
1965WinterAll Winter: usually small groups (2-15) before migration in Stevens, Pope, Hennepin, Dakota, Wright, Scott, Wabasha, Goodhue, Winona, Olmsted, Rice, Cottonwood, Nobles, Lyon. Migration: Central-1/ 30 (influx, 3-400), Dakota, EMB; next wave 2/10-13 (many first arrivals); biggest wave, 2/24 (100+, Stearns, NMH)-2/ 26 (large flocks, Stevens, RAG). Migration: North-first arrivals (none wintered): 2/10, Crow Wing, JB; 2/12, Duluth, MGGs, and Grand Marais, E. Putnam; 2/24 (4), Aitkin, CEP; 2/25, Polk, G&SM; 2/26 (40), Marshall, Az. Staff. Gray Jay. All winter, regularly (perhaps more common than normal) reported by 13 people in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, S. Beltrami, Aitkin (1-3 all winter, CEP). 1/2 (4), Walker, Cass Co., Xmas. 1/12 (2), Brainerd, Crow Wing Co., LSR. 1/19
1966Summer6-3 Pope Co, ad feeding y, WH; also reported from Jackson, Nobles, Rock, Lincoln, Lyon, Lac qui Parle, Wabasha, Sherburne, Ramsey, Morrison, Stevens, Hennepin, Rice, Winona, Mille Lacs, St. Louis, Dakota Co's; 7-10 Lac qui Parle Co, 50-60 birds, MIG, early fall migrants?
1966Winterreported from Pope, Hennepin, Wabasha, Winona, Roseau, Morrison, Dakota, Sherburne, Crow Wing, Lyon, Rice, Goodhue, Washington, Wright, Anoka, Stearns, Olmsted, Cottonwood, Nobles, Grant, Lac qui Parle, Ottertail, Douglas, Marshall and Ramsey Co's.; more reports than usual, but it is difficult to separate migrants from wintering birds.
1967Springearliest in north, 3-1 Marshall Co., A WR; 3-2 Lake Co. fide RK; 3-4 Carlton Co., EHH; 3-5 Roseau Co., 30, PEB.
1967Summernested Nobles, St. Louis, Clay Co's.; also reported from Washington, Stevens, Traverse, Pope, Lac qui Parle, Cottonwood, Hennepin, Morrison, Wabasa, Hubbard, McLeod, Anoka Co's.
1967Fall latest 11-29 Stearns Co., KE; 11-29 Stearns Co., KE; 11-30 Washington Co., WWL and Pope Co., WH.
1967Winter reported from Adrian, Nobles Co., entire period, hundreds, EHW; Lyon, Redwood, Renville Co's., hundreds in Jan., Feb., PE; all other reports seem to indicate some migration; 12-3 Nobles Co., HSH, 12-4 Anoka Co., ACR, 12-21 Stearns Co., KE; then no records until 1-11 Washington Co., JO, 1-13 Dakota Co., DB, 1-15 Nobles Co., hundreds, HSH; in northern areas, 2-15 Marshall Co., A WR, 2-25 Crow Wing Co., MSB, 2-25 Roseau Co., PEB.
1968Summer nested in Beltrami Co; also reported from Stearns, Cottonwood, Nobles, Hubbard, Swift, Morrison, Wabasha, Lyon, Scott, Clay, Anoka, Rice, Pope, Winona, Hennepin Co's.
1968Fall10-3 Cook 1 OO's MAF; late north 10-24 Duluth MC; 10-22 Lake RK; 10-31 Cook MAF; late south 10-30 Hennepin VL; 11 -26 Nobles HSH.
1968WinterReported from Aitkin, Blue Earth, Carver, Scott, Goodhue, Wabasha, Hennepin, Chisago, Morrison, Nobles, Fillmore, Kanabec, Dakota, Ramsey, Winona, Watonwan, Cottonwood, Rice, and Washington Counties. Horned Lark (Northern Race): 12-21 Rice (Dennison) OAR.
1969Spring2-18 (18) Faribault Co., OAR; 2-24 Washington Co., FVS; 3-1 Morrison Co., LSR, and St. Louis Co., MH; 3-2 (1,000's) Nobles Co., HSH; 3-7 & 8 (100,000's) Beltrami, Marshall, Roseau, Pennington, and Kittson Co.'s, BL.
1969Summernested in Dakota Co.; also reported from 17 other counties.
1969Fall9-30 Cook 26 MAF; 10- 19 Duluth 20 MC and JCG; 10-26 Wabasha DGM; 11-11 Hennepin VL; 11- 13 Duluth MC and JCG.
1969WinterWintered in Aitkin, Winona, Pope, Rice, Nobles, Wright, Watonwan, Blue Earth, Lyon, Stearns, Chisago, Dakota, Olmsted, Fillmore, Sherburne, Wabasha. Migration in the South was noticeable 1-31 - 2-7. Migration North 1-31 Clearwater RCD; 2-9 Hubbard ETS; 2-15 Morrison LSR; 2-22 Marshall (Agassiz staff).
1970Springearly north 2-22 Morrison LR; 3-7 Lake and Cook GES; peak 3-1 Nobles (lOO's) HH.
1970Summernested in Clay and Winona Co's. and reported by most observers in the state. 
1970Falllate north 11-8 Duluth JG ; 11-21 Crow Wing )B.
1970Winterwintered in Sherburne, Wright, Hennepin, Carver, Dakota, Goodhue, Wabasha, Winona, Olmsted, Fillmore, Nobles, Murray, Rock; migration South was noticeable 1-22-26, 2-12-14; North late Jan. -3-2 (3) Duluth fide J. K. Bronoel; 2-4 Marshall, Agassiz staff; 2-18 Clearwater RCD; 2-19 Cass ES; 2-20 Crow Wing JB.
1971Springearly north 2-18 Clearwater RCD; 3:14 Morrison LR; 3-21 Crow Wing JB.
1971Summernested in Hennepin, St. Louis Aitkin and Pope; also reported from 14 other counties.
1971Falllate north 11-7 Lake; 11-13 Cook: 11-26 Ottertail.
1971WinterDec. thru mid-Jan in Marshall Ottertail, Clay, Wabasha, Murray, Cottonwood; Lac qui Parle, Nobles, Rock, Swift, Kandiyohi, Dakota, Wright, Winona, Carver; South migration: 2·2 (250) Wabasha, Cottonwood; 2-8 thru 13 first ar~vals, nine people; 2-20 thru 28, flock~ (20-50) widespread; North migration: 2-21 Clearwater; 2-29 Morrison, Crow Wing.
1972Summernested In Hennepin, Aitkin, (Anoka); seen in 11 other counties.
1972WinterDecember thru mid-January Rice (69), Rochester, Cottonwood (272), Winona (15), Olmsted (3) and Otter Tail (4). Mid-Januarythru February: Anoka (1), Hennepin (8) Sherburne (6), 2-3 Marshall first migrants, 2-4 Otter ~f~~ll~[s~25gjigrants, Pope (20), Swift (20), 2-18
1973Summer Nested in Hennepin, St. Louis; seen in 23 other counties.
1973Fall Seen in nine counties.
1973Winter Reported from 19 counties north to Otter Tail. First spring migrants noted on 1-24 Anoka (SC).
1974Spring. Early north 3-1 Clay LCF; 3-1 Mornson TS; 3-10 Morrison LSR.
1974Summer Nested in Chippewa, Rock, Hennepin; also reported from 28 other counties.
1974Fall Late north 10-10 Marshall AR; 11-6 Norman, Polk KBZ; 11-13 Duluth JG.
1974Winter More common than usual: reported from 35 counties north to Marshall, Beltrami, Morrison and Mille Lacs; peak of 2318 on the Rock Co. Christmas Count; first migrants on 1-17 in Olmsted Co.
1975Spring Early north 3-1 Morrison LSR; 3-2 Aitkin PVK; 3-3 Clay LCF.
1975Summer Nested in Rock, Dakota and Cottonwood; also reported from 18 other counties; fewer reports than usual.
1975Falllate north 11-8 Cook KE, BL; 11-9 Duluth KE; 11-29 Cook JG, PE. RJ.
1975Winterreported from 27 counties north to Otter Tail and Polk Co's; also "spring" migrants first noted 1·16 Olmsted (JF), 1-20 Wabasha (WDM) and 1-24 Goodhue (HC) in the South, and 1-30 Aitkin (TS), 2-10 Marshall (SV) and 2-17 Clay (LCF) in the North.
1976Spring Early north: 3 reports on 3-3.
1976Summernested in Olmsted; also reported from 31 other counties.
1976Fall Permanent resident south, no late dates north.
1976Winter Reported from 35 counties north to Polk and Becker; first migrants on 2-3 Washington (GA) and 2-9 Anoka (KL) in the South, and on 2-11 Marshall (SV) and 2-19 Crow Wing (TS) in the North; more reports than usual.
1977Spring 3 reports on 3-1.
1977Summer Nested in Hennepin; also reported from 24 other counties throughout the state.
1977Fall Late north 11-25 Clay (LCF), Douglas (WL), 11-29 Lake (KE), Douglas (WL).
1977Winter Overwintered in 11 counties; fall migrants as late as early Jan. reported from 13 other counties including a peak of 2507 on the Mt. Lake -Windom CBC; earliest "spring" migrants 2-2 Watonwan and Cottonwood and 2-10 Wabasha in the South, and 2-20 in Clay, Pennington and Morrison in the North.
1978Summer Seen in 19 counties throughout the state as far northeast as Duluth.
1978Fall Late north 10-29 Otter Tail RG, resident south.
1978Winter December migrants reported from 12 counties; January reports (of wintering birds?) from 21 other counties north to Clay (1-23,24, LCF, SM), Aitkin and Roseau (1-7, SM); earliest February migrants south 2-2 Mower, 2-3 Cottonwood and 2-4 Olmsted and Wabasha, earliest north 2-5 Morrison, 2-25 Wilkin and Otter Tail.
1979Spring Reports from 15 counties.
1979Summer Breeding reported in Clay, Stearns, Hennepin; seen in 27 other counties as far north as Duluth, Hubbard, Roseau. Horned Lark nest with two cowbird eggs, May 11, 1980 St. Cloud, Stearns County.
1979Fall Late north 10-13 Beltrami MV & SL, 10-15 Marshall KSS, 10-18 St. Louis JG. Resident south.
1979Winter This harbinger of spring was reported from 34 counties. December migrants or wintering birds were reported from nine counties, principally in the southwest. Returning migrants, however, seem predominant in the reports. In the south 17 counties reported early arrivals: earliest Wabasha 1/7, Mower 1-19 and Olmsted 1-25. Early north arrivals were reported from eight counties, including Aitkin 1-26, Cook 2-25 and Pennington 2-26.
1980Spring Reported from 35 counties.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Clay, Stearns, Sherburne; also seen throughout the state except the Northeast Region (seen at Duluth only) plus Koochiching, Itasca.
1980Fall Late north 11-2 St. Louis LW, 11-4 Cook KMH, Pennington KSS; reportsfrom ten counties south.
1980Winter Overwintered in Pennington (KSS). Also reported from 31 other counties with early south migrants in Le Sueur 1-15, Houston 1-17 and Hennepin 1-20. Early north in Wilkin 1-18, Aitkin 2-14 and Angle Inlet, Lake of the Woods 2-23.
1981Spring Reported from 18 south and 11 north counties.
1981Summer Breeding data from Anoka. Seen throughout the state except only Duluth in the Northeast.
1981Fall Reported from 21 counties with late north 11-1 Clay LCF, 11-6 St. Louis TL, 11-28 Aitkin WN, 11-29 Otter Tail SDM.
1981Winter Reported from 47 counties throughout the state. Overwintered in Clay, Sherburne, Cottonwood, Olmsted, and Martin. Early migrants on 1-31 in Anoka in the south and Polk in the north.
1982Spring Reported seen in 79 counties KL.
1982Summer Breeding data from Hubbard, Steams. Seen throughout the state.
1982Fall Reported from 17 counties; late north 10/23 St. Louis KE, 10/30 LE, 10/30 Cook KMH, 10/31 Clay LCF.
1982Winter Reported from 44 counties throughout the state with the exception of the NE region. The only December report was from Olmsted. Migrants returned in mid to late January and were widespread by early February.
1983Spring Reported from 25 counties south, 15 north.
1983Summer Breeding data from Steams. Seen throughout the state except the Northeast.
1983Fall Reported from 9 counties south, 7 north. Late north 10/16 Clay LCF, 10/27 Roseau AJ, 11/26 St. Louis KE.
1983Winter Reported from 68 counties throughout the state except the northeast and most of the west central region. Numerous reports of returning migrants in late January and early February.
1984Spring Reported from twenty south and twelve north counties.
1984Summernested in Clay, Wright and Olmsted; also seen in 33 other counties.
1984Fall Reported from nine counties south, four north; late north 10/29 Cook, St. Louis RE, 11/6 Cook KMH, 11/17 St. Louis AB, DB.
1984Winter Reported from 42 counties in all but the NE region. Peak count of 488 on the Mountain Lake-Windom CBC. This species overwinters in the south regions of the state but the 24 flocks averaging over SO each found in Rock on 1-17 (KL) probably represent returning migrants.
1985Spring Reported from 17 north and 26 south counties.
1985Summer Seen in 40 counties in all regions except the northeast.
1985Fall Reported from 16 south, seven north counties; late north 11/21 Cook KMH, 11/29 Clay LCF.
1985Winter Reported from 61 counties (42 L.y.) throughout the state. Numerous north central region reports of migrants in late Febraury and a Duluth report on 1-4, J, McKearnan. A statewide CBC count of 551 (906 L. y.), with a peak of 289 on the Mountain LakeWindom count.
1986Spring Reported from 15 north and 27 south counties.
1986Summer Probable nesting in Fillmore. Seen in 46 other counties in all regions except the northeast and adjacent counties in the north central and east central.
1986Fall Late north 11/9 Cook KMH, 11/15 Kanabec RJ, ll/16 Clay LCF.
1986Winter Reported form 50 counties in all but the northeast region. Statewide CBC total of 352 (551 L.Y.).
1987Spring Early north 3/ l Beltrami TK and Clay MMM, 3/2 Norman BK; nine north and 26 south counties.
1987Summer Seen in 46 counties throughout the state except in the northeast.
1987Fall Reported from six north and 21 south counties; late north 11/6 Cook KMH.
1987Winter Reported from 60 counties in all but the northeast region (50 L.Y.). Statewide CBC total of 10/4 (352 L.Y.). More than normal numbers overwintered in the west central and southwest regions.
1988SpringReported from 29 south counties. Early north 3/1 Beltrami TK and Marshall ANWR, 3/3 Clay LCF, MMM.
1988Summer Numbers apparently increasing; seen in 51 counties as far northeast as Aitkin, Hubbard, Clearwater, Roseau.
1988Fall Reported from four north and 18 south counties; late north 10/10 Cook WP, 11/2 St. Louis SS, 11/20 Clay LCF.
1988Winter Early north migrants in Todd 1/16 PH. Also reported from 54 additional counties in all but the northeast region. Statewide CBC total of 354 (1,014 l.y.).
1989Spring Reported from 41 counties south; early north 3/1 Todd PH, 3/4 Aitkin WN, 3/8 Hubbard HJF and Otter Tail KH.
1989Summer Nested in Wilkin KB, JH; probable nesting in Swift. Seen in 43 other counties in all regions except northeast.
1989Fall Reported from nine north and 16 south counties; late north 10/25 Cook KMH, 10/29 Clay LCF, 11/20 Pennington KSS.
1989Winter Reported from 54 counties in all but the northeast region. Probable early migrants in Clay 1/14 and Todd 11/0 may not have gone far south due to lack of snow early in winter. Statewide CBC total of 572 (354 l.y.).
1990Spring Reported from 16 north and 32 south counties .
1990Summer Seen in 43 counties in all regions except northeast.
1990Fall Reported from seven north and 15 south counties; late north 10/29 Lake DPV, I 1/6 Cook KMH, 11/22 Otter Tail MO.
1990Winter Reported from a record 60 counties statewide with overwintering noted as far north as Becker, Clay, OtterTail, and Wilkin and perhaps Pine where seen I II8 PKL. Other northern records: Roseau 11/2 SDM; Marshall (Warren CBC); Polk 12/22 (2) PS. Northward movement in south and central first week of February, reaching Lake of the Woods 2/14 KH. 1,973 found on CBCs (l.y. 572).
1991Spring Reported from 18 north and 29 south counties.
1991Summer Fewer reports than in past seven years; seen in 32 counties in all regions except northeast.
1991Fall Reported from nine counties north and 16 counties south ; late north 11/10 Cook SDM, 11/15 Pennington KSS, 11/24 Clay MO.
1991Winter Reported from 45 counties (record 60 l.y.) with a statewide CBC total of 675 (1,973 l.y.). Only northeast region report was Cloquet CBC. Only overwintering reported was in southwest. Timing of arrival into south regions unknown, but many migrants in southwest on 1/16 KL, and by 2/2 and 2/3 many were noted as far north as Hennepin and Anoka. Possible early migrants were reported in Otter Tail 1/12 PS, and Becker 1/28 BBe, plus mid-to-late February dates as far north as Roseau and Lake of the Woods.
1992Spring Reported from 14 north and 39 south counties.
1992Summer Observed in 40 counties as far northeast as a line through Lake of the Woods, Morrison, Washington.
1992Fall Reported from nine north and 18 south counties; late north 10/31 Norman MO, 11/7 Polk SSt, 11/28 Wilkin PS.
1992Winter Reported from 55 counties (45 l.y.) statewide with a Christmas Bird Count total of 571 (675 l.y.). Overwintering noted only in southern regions as far north as Goodhue in the east and Lac qui Parle in the west. December reports (including CBCs) came from all across the south, additionally reported as far north as Roseau in the west. In January this western component apparently contracted and the species was seen mostly in southern regions, where there was an increase in sightings. Unusual for January were the reports from 1/29 Cook KMH and 1/29 Roseau PS. As usual, by early to mid-February this species had invaded as far north and east as Beltrami and Aitkin, plus 2/7 Cook PKL. Thousands noted in Otter Tail 2/28 SDM.
1993Spring Reported from 14 north and 32 south counties.
1993Summer Observed in 36 counties in all regions except northeast but only Beltrami and Wadena in north central.
1993Fall Reported from nine north and 17 south counties. Late north 10/23 Wilkin WM, 11/21 Cook MB, 11/30 Polk KSS.
1993Winter Reported from 44 counties (55 l.y.) throughout the state.
1994Spring Reported from 13 north and 31 south counties.
1994Summer Fewest reports in ten+ years. Nested in Clay, Winona HVA, JPo; probable nesting in Pennington, Morrison. Seen in 25 additional counties in all regions, including Cook in northeast.
1994Fall Reported from six counties north and 14 south. Late north 10/15 Aitkin WN and Clay CF, 10/22 Douglas DN, 10/25 Cook KMH.
1994Winter Reported from 40 counties throughout the state. January records came from as far north as Roseau and Marshall in the northwest, and two unusual reports in the northeast: 1/6 Duluth KE, and 1/13–2/3 Cook KMH. Over 1,000 were present by 1/25 in Martin PKL. CBC total an average 890.
1995Spring Reported from 31 south and 16 north counties.
1995Summer Relatively few reports, similar to last year. Nested in Anoka, Winona; probable nesting in Todd. Seen in 27 other counties in all regions except northeast and only Aitkin in north central.
1995Fall Late north 11/3 Cook KMH, 11/5 Todd JSK. Late south 11/19 Hennepin TT, 11/26 Jackson RJ.
1995Winter Reported from 54 counties as far north and west as Red Lake. Migrants noted 2/17 Becker (300+), 2/24 Big Stone (600–700) and 2/28 Redwood (100s). CBC total 499.
1996Spring Reported from 40 south and 24 north counties.
1996Summer Probable nesting in Wilkin, Todd, Carver. Seen in 34 other counties as far north and east as a line through Roseau, Hubbard, Morrison, Isanti.
1996Fall Late north 10/19 Becker (85) BBe, 11/19 St. Louis TW, 11/29 Clay RO. Late south 11/3 Big Stone LE, 11/19 Jackson JCBC, 11/21 Blue Earth (25) LF.
1996Winter Reported from 48 counties in all regions except the Northeast. Although January reports were confined to the far south, by 2/9 migration was well underway; peaks of 1,000+ birds were noted 2/20 Renville CMa and Becker BBe.
1997Spring Reported throughout the state. Peak count 3/1 Becker (4,728) BBe.
1997Summer Seen in 40 counties as far north and east as a line through Roseau, Clearwater, Aitkin, Chisago; probable nesting in Todd, Lyon, Olmsted.
1997Fall Late north 11/6 St. Louis LW, 11/10 Cook KMH, 11/30 Wilkin SDM. Late south 11/5 Renville CMa, 11/16 Big Stone LE, 11/30 Waseca JZ.
1997Winter Reported from 65 counties in all regions except the Northeast (most reports since 1984). Interestingly, most reports were after early January, with comparatively few December reports. CBC total only 184. Previous winters with over 60 counties reported also included CBC totals of 1,000+ individuals (e.g., 1991 and 1986). Peak 2/8 Big Stone (1,250) LE.
1998Spring Reported throughout the state.
1998Summer Observed in 32 counties as far north and east as a line through Roseau, Wadena, Morrison, Washington. New nesting record in Goodhue CH, JHo; probable nesting in Freeborn.
1998Fall Reported throughout the state. Peak counts 11/5 St. Louis (~100) JN, 10/24 Lyon (86) RgS.
1998Winter Reported from 48 counties throughout most of the state. Exceptional numbers in December CBC total a record 3,144 with a peak of 1,580 at Mountain Lake. Spring (?) peaks 1/6 Fillmore (300) NO, AO, 1/9 Clay (500) RMK, 1/13 Fillmore (400) NO, AO, and 1/18 Lincoln, Pipestone, and Rock (800) RgS.
1999Spring Reported throughout the state.
1999Summer Seen in 32 counties in all regions except northeast.
1999Fall Reported throughout the state. Peak counts were unimpressive.
1999Winter Reported from 57 counties throughout the state. Unusual report on the Grand Marais CBC. Peak 12/19 Cottonwood CBC (415).
2000Spring Observed in 29 south and 13 north counties, and in all regions except northeast. On 3/13 RgS counted 1063 while driving from Marshall, Lyon County to Hutchinson, McLeod County.
2000Summer Reported in 37 counties as far north and east as a line through Roseau, Crow Wing, Washington; new nesting records in Todd JSK, Rice JL.
2000Fall Reported throughout the state in all regions except southeast. Peak counts from southwest, including 11/8 Nobles (1500) and Rock (500) LWF.
2000Winter Seen in 45 counties throughout the state. Unusual Northeast reports included 1/4 Cook KMH, plus early February reports from Duluth.
2001Spring Observed in 47 south and 19 north counties, but only Lake in Northeast.
2001Summer Fewest number of reports in 18+ years; seen in 22 counties as far north and east as a line through Roseau, Cass, Anoka, Fillmore.
2001Fall Reported throughout the state except in South-central region, but only one observation in Southeast. No high counts noted.
2001Winter Reported from 38 counties. Absent north and east of a line through Washington, Mille Lacs, Cass, Polk, Kittson. Potential early migrants noted as early as 1/9–1/21+ but note maxima 12/29 Albert Lea CBC (370) and 1/1 Mountain Lake-Windom CBC (409).
2002Spring Observed in 36 south and 17 north counties. High counts 3/16 Wright (132) DFJ, 3/21 Polk (150) EEF.
2002Summer Seen in 38 counties as far north as a line through Marshall, Wadena, Isanti, Washington.
2002Fall Found in all regions throughout the state. Late north 10/26 Cook PLJ, 11/3 St. Louis JWL. See winter report for additional migrants and overwintering south.
2002Winter Reported from 37 counties in all regions except the Northeast. Hundreds noted by 2/2 Fillmore NBO.
2003Spring Seen south and north throughout the period. High counts 3/5 Fillmore (78) NBO, 3/9 Cass (50) MRN.
2003Summer Reported in 32 counties in all regions except Northeast.
2003Fall Seen in all regions. No significant counts. Late north 11/23 Wadena PJB, 11/24 Lake JWL, but also see winter report.
2003Winter Reported from 12 north and 33 south counties in all regions of the state except the Northeast and the North-central. The only north report between 1/1 Pillager CBC and 1/28 Todd BWF was 1/12 Otter Tail SPM. Reported all season in Lac qui Parle, Big Stone and Chippewa BJU. There were no additional south dates between 1/3 Albert Lea CBC and the following: 1/19 Brown BTS, 1/20 Scott JEB, 1/27 Olmsted (40) PWP, then four reports 1/28–31, plus 2/1 Brown (65+) BTS, all suggesting the beginning of northbound movement. Note that this species may retreat south for only a few weeks in January, so regular observations at this time are particularly worthwhile.
2004Spring Reported throughout the season, both south and north. High counts 3/12 Polk (302) EEF, 3/9 Fillmore (100) NBO. Found in over half the counties of every region, except none in Northeast.
2004Summer Seen in 34 counties in all regions except Northeast.
2004Fall Found in all regions. Last north reports 11/13 Lake JWL, 11/14 Cook and St. Louis SLF, but also see winter report. South reports continued through the end of the season.
2004Winter Reported from 18 north and 17 south counties. Potential early north migrants 1/15 Lake of the Woods fide JMJ, 1/18 Marshall JEB, 1/23 Douglas JPE. Present south in small numbers throughout period. Reported as common 1/21 through end of period (not absent at any point during winter) Brown BRB. Reported “everywhere” 2/21 in southern Washington LS, a day after a five inch snowfall. Highest reported count 2/25 (100) Olmsted PWP.
2005Spring Found north and south throughout the period, except no Northeast reports. High counts: 500 in Brown (3/20, BRB), 125 in Dakota (3/18, JPE).
2005Summer Most reports since 1989: observed in 44 counties in all regions except Northeast. First nesting record in Lac qui Parle BJU.
2005Fall Late north (but see winter report) 11/2 Itasca JEB, 11/6 St. Louis ALE. Seen throughout the season south. No noteworthy high counts.
2005Winter Reported from 12 north and 37 south counties. Unusual mid-winter report 1/7 St. Louis (Sax-Zim) KRE et al. Early north migrants indistinguishable from wintering birds, as shown by 1/1 Todd (19) BWF, 1/2 Wadena (18) PJB. Many reports North-central and Northwest beginning mid-February. Highest reported count 2/26 Norman (300) PBB.
2006Spring Found in all regions by early March, except for Northeast where first found in mid-May. High count on 3/4 Clay (200) PBB.
2006Summer Reported from 60 coun-ties in all regions of state except Northeast.
2006Fall Late north (but see winter report) 11/5 St. Louis (18) SLF, 11/25 Wadena PJB (median 11/20). No noteworthy high counts.
2006Winter738 Lingering southbound migrants noted north 12/1 Todd JSK, SID. Likely returning migrants first noted 1/3 Mille Lacs NSc and 1/11 Otter Tail CMB. Seen throughout the season south, with high counts beginning the end of January. Early south migrants indistinguishable from wintering birds. Highest reported count 2/25 Brown (825) BTS. Also, “1000s” 2/28 Meeker DMF.
2007Spring2452 High counts 3/4 Sibley (350) JCC, 3/5 Fillmore (200) NBO, 3/6 and 3/10 Steele (200) NFT.
2007Summer1945 Reported from record high number of counties in all regions except Northeast.
2007Fall1734 High count 8/4 Chisago (180, North Branch sod farms) DWK. Late north 11/2 Cook DWK, St. Louis FKB, 11/4 Cook LS, HHD but see winter report (median 11/24).
2007Winter1236 Reports were up slightly over last year. In the north, lingering migrants were reported 12/16 Morrison HDD. Likely returning migrants were first noted 2/2 Otter Tail HDD. In the south, reports were from all regions and throughout the season with early northbound migrants being indistinguishable from wintering birds. No significant high counts noted during the migration period. CBC high count Mountain Lake/Windom (1,527).
2008Spring2450 High counts 3/23 Mower (100, near Sargeant) NFT, 3/15 Wadena (63) PJB.
2008Summer1134 Seen in all regions except Northeast.
2008Fall2137 Late north reports 11/3 Lake of the Woods BJU, 11/8 Cook DWK, 11/9 Cook JLO, DWK, but see winter report (median 11/24).
2008Winter1448 All January reports north: 1/1 Todd (Todd CBC) FGo, 1/17–19 Morrison MJB (Little Elk W.M.A.). Widespread reports south with non-CBC high count 12/16 Lyon (203) RJS. CBC high count Cottonwood (685).
2009Spring2353 Reported from all non-forested regions of the state. High count 3/1 Blue Earth (100) ChH.
2009Summer1736 Reported from all regions of state. Unusual report 6/6 Cook (CR 7, probably a late migrant) JCG. First county breeding record for Blue Earth ChH. High count 7/9 Mower (36) RBJ.
2009Fall1432 No north reports after 11/1 St. Louis DBM. High counts 8/22 Chisago (200) MJB, 10/8 St. Louis (103) PHS.
2009Winter1045 Reported from about the same number of counties as last year. North reports mostly North-central, none Northeast. Non-CBC January north reports included 1/1 Cass (4) DAY, 1/3 Wadena PJB, 1/13 Mille Lacs ASc. South reports were widespread throughout the region and season, with generally modest numbers. High count 12/23 Meeker (106) MJB. All February reports were of 65 or fewer. CBC high count 12/19 Lac qui Parle (379).
2010Spring2350 Present both north and south as the season commenced. Not reported from the northeastern quarter of the state. High counts 3/5 Clay (100, north of Moorhead) RHO, 3/6 Wadena (76) PJB.
2010Summer1841 Reported throughout state, except the far north. First county breeding records for Crow Wing PSP, McLeod PRH.
2010Fall2044 Late north reports 11/11 Carlton BJU, Pine BJU. High counts 11/14 Carver (52) JCy, 10/6 St. Louis (50, H.R.B.O.) KJB, CRu.
2010Winter2043 More north reports than usual, with most of the observations in February. Unusual north was 12/17–18 St. Louis (Canal Park) ph. PHS. South reports were widespread and throughout the season. High counts 12/5 Rock (180) DWK, 2/23 Steele (170) NFT. CBC high count 12/14 Cottonwood (210) was well below the average high CBC count of the prior three winters (863).
2011Spring2752 Common statewide other than the Northeast, where the only reports came from St. Louis in May. High counts 3/1 Fillmore (70) RTP, 3/13 Carver (70) JCy.
2011Summer1843Observed in all regions except Northeast. First county breeding records for Chisago MHe, Nicollet RMD, Otter Tail RPR.
2011Fall1745 See winter report for late north migrants. High counts 8/29 Dakota (50, Jirik Sod Farms) ACr, 10/18 St. Louis (44, Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census) KJB.
2011Winter1443Reports down slightly from last year. Widespread throughout the south, with patchy distribution in the north with most reports in February. Unusual north was 12/7 St. Louis (3) fide JWL. High counts include 1/21 Houston (500) JPr, 2/14 Jackson (300) KSm. CBC high count 12/17 Fairmont (103), like last year, was well below the average high CBC count of the prior four winters (863).
2012Spring2352 No reports east of a line from Roseau to Carlton counties. High count 3/4 Carver (116) JCy.
2012Summer2548 Found in all regions except Northeast. High count 7/19 Kittson (18) TrB. First county breeding records for Dodge (August record) DAB, Douglas fide BBA, Meeker fide BBA, Morrison PSP, Polk fide BBA, Yellow Medicine PME.
2012Fall2041 Late north 11/24 Douglas JPE, but see winter report. High counts 10/6 St. Louis (42) KJB, 10/7 Lake (42) JLK.
2012Winter1248 Reported nearly statewide, but absent from the Northeast region. As usual, most observations were in February. Widespread south with high counts including 2/22 Brown (700) BTS, 2/24 Rice (237) DAB. CBC high counts 1/1 Mountain Lake-Windom (316), 12/16 Austin (266). As has been the recent trend, the CBC high counts were well below-average from recent years.
2013Spring2753 Not reported from 7 northern counties. High count 4/13 Carver (190) JCy.
2013Summer2549 Found south and west of a line from Lake of the Woods to Chisago, plus St. Louis. First county breeding records from Kittson DKb, Ramsey JFR, Red Lake DKb, Renville fide BBA, Wabasha GJM.
2013Fall1643 Few reports from the northwest region, but otherwise found statewide. High counts 9/14 Clay (34) DPa, 9/21 Koochiching (25) MDu.
2013Winter1951 More reporting counties than in any of the previous five winters. Observed south of a line from Kittson to Pine. CBC high counts 12/14 Fairmont (463), 12/14 Northwest McLeod (Hutchinson) (265). No significant flocks of spring migrants were noted.
2014Spring2852No reports from 6 northeastern counties and Ramsey. High counts 3/18 Sherburne (250) MJB, 3/22 Polk (250) SAu.
2014Summer1735Observed in all regions except Northeast, but only Wadena in North-central.
2014Fall2347 High count 11/26 Faribault (100) ClN. Late north migrants 11/8 Cook BAb, ClN, 11/12 St. Louis JLK, 11/17 St. Louis (6) KJB.
2014Winter1446 Reported from about the same number of counties as past five years with few reports from the Northeast and North-central regions. Unusual record 12/20 Grand Marais CBC. High count 1/6 Faribault (150) ClN. CBC high counts 1/1 Mountain Lake-Windom (198), 12/20 Fairmont (100), 1/1 Whitewater River (88).
2015Spring2653 Only Northeast report 3/14 Lake ph. JWL. High counts 3/1 Wabasha (123) LHl, 3/15 Becker (91) ShG, HeH.
2015Summer1744 Seen in all regions except Northeast. High count 7/16 Dakota (25) ADS.
2015Fall1742 High count 10/9 Lake (78, Two Harbors) JLK. Late north 11/14 Cook DMB, 11/15 St. Louis MLH, Wadena PJB.
2015Winter1651 Reported throughout season and nearly statewide, but absent from the Northeast. High counts 12/18 Cottonwood (551) BTS, 12/26 Lyon (250) GWe, 1/1 Pipestone (200) TKa, CKa. CBC high counts 12/18 Lamberton (787), 1/1 Albert Lea (219), 12/17 Lac qui Parle (136).
2016Spring2653 Largely absent east of a line from Carlton to Roseau counties, with only single reports from Koochiching and St. Louis in this area. High counts 3/17 Polk (100) SAu, 3/26 Lac qui Parle (100, Salt Lake) WSc, AHn.
2016Summer2448 Seen in all regions except Northeast. High count 7/31 Dodge (20, C.R. G, flock sitting on road) PSu. First county breeding record: 5/15 Steele PSu.
2016Fall2244 High counts 10/19 St. Louis (140, Grassy Point, Duluth) JLK, 10/13 St. Louis (96, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Continued into the winter season both north and south.
2016Winter2652 Observed in the most counties in over twenty years and in all regions, although absent from northern half of North Central region. Unusual report: 2/12 Lake JPR, ClN. High counts 2/24 Becker (400, Riparia W.M.A.) ShG, HeH, 2/15 Jackson (250) KEm, 2/14 Pipestone (200) TCz. CBC high counts 12/16 Lac qui Parle (1,147), 12/15 Cottonwood (637), 12/17 Jackson County (621).
2017Spring2853 Reported statewide, but few reports from North-central and Northeast. High counts 3/16 Nicollet (60, Swan Lake W.M.A.) APi, 3/3 Olmsted (57) MiD, 3/16 Blue Earth (50, Lincoln W.P.A.) APi.
2017Summer2141 Observed in all regions except Northeast.
2017Fall2346 High count 9/30 Chisago (400, North Branch sod farms) JSa. Late north 11/11 Wilkin LiH, 11/12 Becker HeH, ShG.
2017Winter1850 Reported from 68 counties, somewhat less than the prior winter's record count of 78 counties, but still well above the 10-year average of 62 counties. Fewest reports from North-central and Northeast Regions. High counts 2/9 Faribault (1,000) WAF, 2/6 Cottonwood (523) LHl. CBC high counts 1/1 Mountain Lake-Windom (939), 12/31 Wabasha (176), 1/1 Albert Lea (174).
2018Spring2953 First Northeast arrival in late April. High counts 3/24 Lyon (350, Lone Tree Lake) GWe, 4/26 Lac qui Parle (200) KeL.
2018Summer2247 Observed in all regions except Northeast. First county breeding record 7/26 Watonwan CRM.
2018Fall2448 High counts 9/16 Dakota (106, Jirik Sod Farms) KDS, 10/28 Le Sueur (65) BxP. Late north 11/18 St. Louis DnS, PNi, 11/22 Traverse ebd.
2018Winter1850 Observed from 68 counties (ten-year average 64) throughout state in all regions but Northeast and North-central (except Hubbard). High counts 1/23 Faribault (300) RBJ, 1/27 Washington (250) IVa, 1/31 Brown (200) BTS. CBC high counts 1/2 Hendricks (367), 12/29 Albert Lea (336), 12/14 Morris (77).
2019Summer2250 Observed in all regions except Northeast.
 Breeds south and west. Migrant throughout. Overwinters south and west.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.