Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Pelicans
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Pelicans
American White Pelican
Brown Pelican

American White Pelican(Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)
1938SummerG. Swanson on July q, found 4 nest of r-2 eggs on the Ontario side of Lake of the Woods. This is the first definite nesting record for the species in the Minnesota area since 1904.
1961Springseen in large numbers by the Avifauna} Club on 23 April at Lake Traverse. Again on 5 May there were ten seen in the same area by R. Grant.
1961SummerOn 24 June, the Huber brothers saw nine White Pelicans at Swan Lake. HERONS, BITTERNS, EGRETS:
1961FallJerry Church saw one at Two Harbors in Oct. This will appear later in the Flicker as a note of interest.
1962SpringApril 21 Rice Lake, Hen· nepin Co., Avifauna! Club; May 2 Co· kato, Wright Co., 400 seen by Mrs. War· ren Christopher. HERONS, EGRETS, ETC.:
1962SummerJuly 28, Lac qui Parle Co., 33 birds, Richard K. Ols-on.
1962FallSept. 8, Tiger Lake, Carver Co., 200 seen, Avifauna! Club; Sept. 8, Titlow Lake, Sibley Co., 300 seen, Avifauna! Club; Oct. 6, Lakt! Traverse, 500 seen, Avifauna! Club; Oct. 17, Two Harbors, Lake Co., 1 seen, Mrs. R. A. Kuchta; Oct. 20, Minnesota Point, Duluth, 1 seen, John Green; Dec. 1, latest date, Lac qui Parle Refuge, 1 seen, Arlin C. Anderson (refuge manager) and Avifaunal Club members. (See Notes of Interest) Double-crested Corm01·ant: last report, Oct. 30, Lac qui Parle Lake, Lac qui Parle Co., John Bitter.
1963SpringApril 4, Swift County, E. D. Strand; April 6, Swan Lake, Nicollet County 45 seen, R. Janssen; April 7, Rice County, 0. Rustad; April 19, Big Stone County, 1800-2000 seen, A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 30, Swan Lake, Nicollet County, 8 seen, R. Janssen.
1963SummerBig Stone Co., Artichoke Lake, Aug. 31, 1 non-breeder seen, R. Grant, Avifauna! Club; this bird was apparently in vicinity all summer according to local reports.
1963FallSept. 29, Traverse Co., Avifauna! Club; Sept. 30, Wright Co., Erma Christopher; Oct. 11, Duluth, fide Ray Naddy; Oct. 27, Lac qui Parle Oo., R. B. Janssen; Nov. 3, Traverse Co., R. Grant.
1964Spring4-4 Lac qui Parle Co, RBJ; 4-15 Marshall Co, DLO; 4-17 Big Stone Co, 100 plus, RPR; 4-18 Wheaton, RG; 5-18 Becker Co, RLW.
1964Fall9-1 Traverse Co, 150, RAG; 10-11 Traverse Co, many, FN. Double·crested Cormorant: 9-6 Traverse Co, 20, RAG; 10-15 Traverse Co, 250, FN; 11-7 Lake Lillian, Kandiyohi Co, 1, RBJ, RG.
1965SpringMore reports than usual; 4-8 Willmar, TQ; 4-15 Traverse Co, RAG; 4-16 Villard fide NH; 4-19 Rice Co, CE, PE, JB; 4-20 White Rock, LWJ; 4-27 Traverse Co, DB; 4-28 Lake Andrew, OP; 5-2 Grant Co, RPR; 5-10 Holt, DLO.
1965Fall9-24 Carver Co, 25, RDT 9-30 Holt, Marshall Co, 15, DLO; 10-9 Lyon Co, PE; these were latest records.
1966Spring4-16 Lake Traverse, EHH and Lake Shetek, HSH; 4-21 Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge, DLO; 4-24 McLeod Co and Big Stone Co, VL; 4-25 Rice Co, EWJ; 5-1 Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge, DLO; 5-5 Lake Traverse, DB; 5-13 Agassiz Refuge, DLO; 5-15 Morrison Co, LSR; 5-19 Jackson Co, NMH; 5-21 (BL) THE LOON and 5-28 (EMB) Lac qui Parle Co.
1966FallReported from Carver Co. on 9-10 (50, BL) through 10-8 (500+, RBJ); Jackson Co. on 9-14 (HSH) thru 10-10 (250, RBJ); Watonwan Co. on 107 (300, EDK) thru 10-12 (3, EDK); Lyon Co. on 9-22 (15, PE); Lac qui Parle Co. on 9-30, JAH; Nobles Co., 10-7, about 25, HSH. 9 March 1967
1967Spring4-5 Nobles and Jackson Co's., HSH; 4-7 Stearns Co., 50, FN/ MAS; 4-14 Traverse Co., RPR; 4-15 Jackson Co., DB; 4-18 Big Stone Co., JAH; 4-22 Lyon Co., PE, and Marshall Co., AWR; 4-24 Rice Co., OAR; 4-25 Wabasha Co., EHH; 4-29 Cottonwood Co., LAF; 4-22 to 5-10 Fargo-Moorhead, fide EGA; 5-1 (25), Duluth, Mrs. H. Q. Sims; 5-6 Jackson Co., 500, EMB; 5-7 Stevens Co., JAH; 5-8 Faribault Co., EDK; 5-9 Winona Co., FL; 5-11 Rice Co., OAR; 5-12 Ottertail and Grant Co's., JAH; 5-14 Winona Co., GD and Jackson Co., HSH; 5-20 Jackson Co., 50, TEM; 5-21 Stevens Co., JAH.
1967Summer6-18 Lake Traverse, Traverse Co., 14, BC, LC, RLH; 6-24 Big Pelican Lake, Crow Wing Co., 4, Peter Cullen; 6-28 near Reno, Houston Co., 35, FL; 7-20 Lake Ocheda, Nobles Co., 1, HSH.
1967Fall 8-20 Wright Co., 1, DB; 9-4 Heron Lake, Jackson Co., 100+, Mrs. Bertram Miller fide WJB; 9-6 Big Stone Co., 150, JAH; 9-18 Traverse Co., 500, JAH; 9-23 Sibley Co., 6, FN/MAS; 9-30 Lac qui Parle Co., 20, JLS; 9-30 Carver Co., 150, RDT; 10-6 Duluth fide RN; 10-6 Big Stone Co., 15, JAH; 10-8 Lyon Co., 45, PE; October, Nobles and Jackson Co's., many, HSH.
1968Spring 4-14(1), 4-15(100+) Nobles Co., HSH; 4-15 Big Stone Co., BL; 4-27 Nicollet Co., 30+, DB; 4-29 Stevens Co., MSB; 4-30 Marshall Co., 125, A WR; 5-2 Carver Co., 8, RTH; 5-10 (30+ ), 5-28(17) Big Stone Co., J AH; 5-12 Fargo-Moorhead, fide EGA; 5-21 Lac qui Parle Co., EHH; 5-26 Big Stone Co., EMB; 5-20 Nobles Co., HSH; 5-29 Marshall Co., KE.
1968Summer 6-10(8), 7-24(90), 7-28(225) Agassiz Refuge, Marshall Co., AWR; 8-15 Lake Ocheda, Nobles Co., 35, HSH; biggest news of the season is the l).esting colony found in June at Lac qui Parle Game Refuge by refuge personnel. At least 50 nests were..found, containing eggs or young or both. Colony also included Doublecrested Cormorants and Great Blue Herons.
1968Fall8-15 and 10-7 Nobles HSH; 9-2 Nicollet (Swan Lake) 100+ DB; 9-2 Pope 200 WH; 9-23 Carver (Tiger Lake) 33 RDT.
1969Spring4-12 Big Stone Co., DB, BL; 4-13 (100's) Nobles Co., HSH; 4-20 (175) Cottonwood Co., LAF.
1969Summer6-13, 3, Marshall Co. RBJ; 6-22, 12, Milan, Chippewa Co., BAH and 6-16 & 6-23, 1 in Jackson Co. HH. Rather scarce this summer.
1969Fall9-7 Jackson 900 to 1000 LAF; 9-15 Wright 700 DA; 10-7 Cottonwood LAF; 11-1 Nicollet KH.
1970Springmany reports : early south 4-6 Rice OR: 4-12 Lac qui Parle DB; 4-18 Stearns MC; early north 4-25 Duluth KE, PE ; 4-25 Marshall AR; peak 4-23 Jackson (500) LF; late south 5-18 and 19 Wabasha TV, WDM; late north 5-24 Clearwater KE, PE.
1970Summer6-24 Upper Red Lake, Beltrami Co. (4), MM; 6-21 Bear.Lake, FREEBORN Co. (17), Mrs. Lucius Lackore; 7-12 Fish Lake, DULUTH (12), MMC and 7-14 Fish Lake (18), Mrs. C. McManus, fide JCG. Also reported from Marshall and Lac qui Par le Co's.
1970Fall6 reports RG; 9-4 (337) and 10-1 ( 1/0) Marshall A R; 9-26 to 9-28 Cottonwood (1000) LF ; 10-25 and 26 Ramsey, Tom Nicholls; 11-10 Pope WH.
1971Springearly south 4-9 Traverse DB; 4-10 Nicollet BL; 4-11 Lac qui Parle HK; early north 4-8 Marshall AR; 5-9 Marshall KE, RR; late 5-21 Jackt~ n LF; 5-22 Stevens FN; peak 4-25 Jackson (1500) Double-cre,sted Cormorant: early south 4-3 Lac qui Parle KE, PE, DB; 4-10 Nicollet BL; 4-11 Houston JAB and Lac qui Parle HK; early north 4-4 Clay LW; 4-7 Marshall AR; peak 5-5 Lac qui Parle (150) JB.
1971Summerreported from 5 areas 6-27, and 8·21 Jackson (up to 25 including 3 imm.) HH, JAB, MHM; all summer, Marshall JBMH; 6-20 Clearwater (15) RD; 7-25 Lac qui Parle (12) BH and Stevens (23) OJ; this species has only nested once previously in the state (1968), but the multitude of observations each summer suggest that the bird may breed regularly here (the 3 imm. birds in J ackson Co. did not appear until August which suggests nesting).
1971Fallmnch more common than usual: late ~outh 10-23 Traverse; 10-~0 Lac qui Parle: ll-5 Cottonwood; l~te north 9-26 Ottertail; J0-7 Marshall; oo~ks !1-20 Cottonwood (3000\ LF: 9-12 Jackson (4.000) HH; "Sept." Nobles (5.000) HH.
1972Summernested in Lac oui P•rle (100 young, Marsh Lake BAH), Jackson (75 yonng, Heron Lake JAB); seen also in Clearwater, Marshall. Stevens.
1973Summer Nested in Lac qui Parle (150 young Marsh Lake BAH), seen in Big Stone, Nicollet, Jackson & Cook (6-6 Taconite Harbor JP) (6-16 no. of Arrowhead R. fide MMC).
1973Fall Reported from Murray, Lyon, Grant, Clay, Stearns, Jackson. Late south 9-30 Cottonwood (120) (LAF); 10-14 Lac qui Parle (AFE). Peak 8-29 Marshall (829) (AWR).
1973Winter A late migrant seen 12-3 in Big Stone Co. (D. Peterson).
1974Spring Early south 4-6 Watonwan RBD; 4-7 Murray HCK; 4-8 Chippewa CLH; 1 report north 4-18 Marshall (137) AR; peak 4-14 Murray (200+ ) HCK. Double-crested. Cormorant Early south 4-6 Chippewa KE; 4-9 Lac qui Parle JS; 4-11 Chippewa CLH; early north 4-11 Pine ML; 4-17 Marshall AR; 4-22 Clay LCF; peak 5-18 Pope (300+ ) BH.
1974Summer Nested at Marsh L., Big Stone Co.; non-breeding birds also reported from Marshall, Beltrami, Duluth, Lac qui Parle, Chippewa, Nicollet; more reports than usual.
1974Fall Late south 9-25 Lac qui Parle AFE; 9-28 Carver PZ; late north 10-23 Silver Bay, Lake J. Gallian; 10-24 Marshall AR; Peak 9-16 Jackson (1000-t) LF.
1975Spring Early south 4-12 Big Stone DWS; 3 reports 4-13; early north 4-15 Becker TRS; 4-27 Marshall AR; 4-27 Traverse PG; peak 5-17 Lyon (200+ ) HCK. 
1975Summer Nested in Big Stone; also reported from Lake of the VVoods, Marshall, Lincoln (300 on 6-12, KE) and Jackson.
1975Falllate south 10-18 Lincoln RJ, BL; 10-19 Freeborn DG; 11-23 Ramsey OJ; late north 10-19 Marshall SV; 10-26 Duluth, B. Rosen feld, peak 10-6 Meeker (2000) WL.
1975Winterstayed until 12-21 at Como L. in St. Paul (GA); latest date on record by 18 days.
1976Spring Early south 4-11 Lac qui Parle AFE; 4-12 Yellow Medicine GO; 4-14 Washington WL; early north 4-15 to 4-21 Marshall SV; 4-22 Wilkin MS.
1976Summernested in Big Stone; also reported from Marshall (100's by mid-July, SV), Swift, Lac qui Parle, Pope (BSH), Swift, Lincoln (KE), Benton (MC) and Jackson (peak of 400, LR).
1976Fall Late north 10-25 Marshall; late south 10-31 Hennepin, Lac qui Parle, 11-28 Big Stone CMB; peak 8-14 Cottonwood (2000).
1976Winter A late migrant lingered until 12-11 at Ortonville, Big Stone Co. when it was found dead (CMB).
1977Spring Early south 3-30 Cottonwood ED; LAF; 4-3 Murray HK; 4-8 Lac qui Parle BL; early north 4-9 Marshall SVA; 4-13 Otter Tail GO; 4-14 Otter Tail SM; 5-25 Cook, See Loon 49:170 171.
1977Summer Nested at Marsh L., Big Stone Co.; also reported from Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, Otter Tail, Traverse, Grant, Lac qui Parle, Swift, Pope and Anoka; more reports of non-breeding birds than usual.
1977Fall Late south 11-14 Dakota (RJ), peak 9-16 Freeborn (4000) (DG), interesting sidelight on 9-5 on Todd Lake, McLeod Co. 100 were killed in a hail store (fide C. Henderson).
1978Spring Early north 4-7 Grant DW; 4-13, 4-15 Otter Tail SM, GO.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Big Stone (160+ nests, Marsh Lake); also seen in Marshall, Otter Tail, Grant, Douglas, Swift, Lac qui Parle, Lincoln, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami (100s in June, Lower Red Lake), and Pope (200-+-on 7-23)).
1978Fall Peak 9-17 Freeborn (1,000) DG; late north 11-1 Duluth KE, 11-3 Marshall SV; late south 11-29 Freeborn DG.
1978Winter Another incredible first winter record in spite of the weather with four overwintering at Albert Lea, Freeborn Co. (m.ob.).
1979Spring Early south 4-7 Traverse GMO, 4-8 Freeborn DG, 4-10 Lac qui Parle CMB; early north 4-9 Becker TNWR, 4-17 Marshall ANWR, Itasca JM. Unusual 4-21 St. Louis KE. Peak 4-16 Lac qui Parle JS (300).
1979Summer Seen throughout the West Central plus Marshall, Beltrami, Yellow Medicine, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Blue Earth, Nicollet, McLeod, Meeker, Chisago (25 over Rush Lake, 6-21).
1979Fall Peak 9-3 Murray HK (600+); late north 9-27 Otter Tail GMO, 10-5 Marshall KSS, 10-16 Roseau JH; late south 10-24 Wabasha PF, 11-1 Lac qui Parle CMB, 11-13 Lac qui Parle OE.
1979Winter Again overwintered at Albert Lea, Freeborn Co. (fide BJ).
1980Spring Early south 4-16 Le Sueur MF, 4-17 Freeborn DG, 4-20 Cottonwood RG, Martin EB; early north 4-18 Marshall ANWR, Lake of the Woods TA, 4-19 Otter Tail GMO.
1980Summer Observations clustered in three areas: West Central (Big Stone to Kandiyohi), South Central (Nicollet, Martin) and Northwest (Roseau, Marshall, Lake of the Woods). Also seen in Koochiching (Rainy Lake), 6-30 (2), DNR report.
1980Fall Late north 8-25 Grant SM, 10-28 Duluth KE, many obs.; late south 10-1 Big Stone SM, 10-4 Nicollet JCF, 1021 Olmsted JF; peak August (no date) Marshall (500) ANWR.
1981Spring Early south 4-12 Cottonwood LAF and Murray HK, 4-24 Lac qui Parle RH, 4-26 Big Stone FL and Wilkin FKS; early north 4-5 Lake of the Woods TA, 4-9 Otter Tail SM, 4-11 Marshall FDS.
1981Summer Breeding data from Lake of the Woods, Big Stone. Seen throughout the western regions plus St. Louis (7-19 Boulder Lake).
1981Fall Late north 9-16 Traverse; late south 11-2 Ramsey KL, 11-7 Wabasha KE, RJ, WDM, 11-30 Dakota MW.
1981Winter Three reports: Black Dog, Dakota County until12-16 (mob), Hastings, Dakota County 12-13 (JD) (same individual?) and one on the Faribault CBC, Rice County. (see Notes of Interest page 181).
1982Spring Early south 4-1 Big Stone KL, 4-4 Rice RJ, 4-7 Lac qui Parle CMB; early north 4-11 Otter Tail SDM, 4-14 Marshall ANWR, 4-16 Pennington KSS.
1982Summer Seen throughout the western regions plus adjacent counties in the North Central region and Faribault, Freeborn.
1982Fall 8/19 Duluth D. Green; late north 10/13 Grant RJ, I0126 Hubbard DJ; late south 10/25 Faribault JCF, 10/31 Chippewa AB, J 1/21 Redwood JS.
1983Spring Early south 3/13 Freeborn RRK, (Earliest date ever!) 4/2 Blue Earth MF, 4/13 Faribault JCF; early north 3/24 Hubbard H. Warrington fide DJ, 4/19 Marshall ANWR, 4/20 Otter Tail SDM, GMO.
1983Summer Breeding at Lake of the Woods and Marsh Lake, Lac qui Parle Co. (1450 nests; significant increase from last year). Seen throughout the western regions plus Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Itasca, Kandiyohi, Brown.
1983Fall Late north I016 Lake of the Woods AJ, 10/10 Beltrami JSP, I0121 Mille Lacs KL, peak lOIII Freeborn (750--1000) RHJ; late south 10/14 Nicollet JCF, IOII8 Freeborn BE, IOI23 Chippewa AB.
1983Winter Again overwintered at Albert Lea, Freeborn Co. (mob).
1984Spring Overwintered again at Albert Lea (3117 Freeborn RJ); early south 4/10 Lyon HK, 4/14 Nicollet JCF, 4/18 Le Sueur EK; early north 4/20 Grant PP, Otter Tail GMO, 4/21 Marshall ANWR.
1984Summerseen in 18 counties including Hennepin, Washington and Le Sueur. Double-crested Cormarant: nested in Marshall, Pope, Renville, Le Sueur and Houston; also seen in 27 other counties including Cook (6114 Grand Marais KMH).
1984Fall Unusual 9/14 Crow Wing AB, DB, KE, 9/23-10/27 Duluth m obs., 10/26-7 Cook KMH ; late north 10/29 Otter Tail DS; late south 10/20 Chippewa AB, 10/22 Dakota SC, 11/13 Wabasha VL.
1985Spring Early south 4/5 Traverse RJ, 4/7 Olmsted, AP, 4/10 Chippewa RGJ; early north 4/10 Otter Tail SDM, 4/18 Aitkin C. Heft, Marshall ANWR; unusual 5/29 St. Louis SWIMS.
1985Summer Seen in 24 counties east to Lake of the Woods, Cass, Wright (Pelican Lake), Freeborn.
1985Fall 8/27 Duluth, late North 9/29 Otter Tail SDM, 10/6 Clay KL, 11/3 Traverse GAM; late south 10/22 Dakota TTu, 10/31 Lac qui Parle RGJ, 11/2 Murray HK.
1985Winter Lingering migrant in Albert Lea, Freeborn County on 12/8 (RG).
1986Spring Early south 3/27 Faribault WKB, 3/28 Cottonwood KL, 3/29 Martin RJ; early north 4/1 Clay LCF, 4/2 Otter Tail SDM, 4/3 Marshall ANWR.
1986Summer Nested at Marsh Lake, Big Stone Co. (50 nests, JS). Also seen in ten other counties in the western regions plus Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami in the north central and Brown, Nicollet, Freeborn in the south central.
1986Fall Late north 9/6 Duluth fide KE, 10/8 Koochiching GM, 10/24 Lake of the Woods RG, RJ; late south II 18 Wright ES, 11/16 Carver RG ; peak 8/12 Freeborn NHo ( 1500).
1986Winter Three individuals again overwintered in Albert Lea (m.ob.)
1987Spring Early south 4/1 Scott EK, 4/8 Blue Earth JCF, 4/11 Lincoln AB; early north 4/17 Clay LCF, 4/18 Beltrami TK and Clearwater AB, 5/14-19 Duluth, K. Camburn, D. Johnson.
1987Summer Nested in Lake of the Woods (Fourblock I.). Also seen in 24 other counties west from St. Louis, Otter Tail, Meeker, Nicollet, Faribault.
1987Fall Late north 9/3 Marshall IT, 11/4 Roseau MC; late south 9/29 Nicollet MF, 11/28 Jackson RG and Lac qui Parle EL; peak 9/5 Wright ES (500 + ).
1987Winter Injured individuals were turned in to DNR personell in Lake of the Woods County on 12/1 and 12/4, two were recorded on the Lac qui Parle CBC and a non-injured individual again overwintered in Albert Lea, (AP, RJ).
1988Spring Early south 4/1 Murray RJ, 4/2 Nobles AP, 4/5 Lac qui Parle FE; early north 4/8 Marshall ANWR and Pennington SKS, 4/10 Otter Tail SDM.
1988Summer No nesting reports; seen in 18 counties (primarily north central, northwest, west central) as far east as St. Louis (two at Duluth on 7/20, DK) and south to Jackson and Freeborn.
1988Fall Late north 8/19 Lake of the Woods AP, 8/29-9/15 Duluth m.ob., 9/3 Beltrami AB and Hubbard TS ; late south 10/4 Freeborn NH and Scott AB, 10/19 Big Stone SDM.
1988Winter Two again overwintered in Albert Lea NH.
1989Spring Early south 4/1 Carver RG, Nicollet JCF, Nobles KE; early north 4/12 Marshall SKS, 4/16 Koochiching GM, 4/20 Duluth KE; also reported from Houston and Wabasha.
1989Summer More reports than in recent years. Many sightings in 23 southern counties as far north as Traverse and Steams and as far east as Freeborn; plus Olmsted AP Also seen in eight counties north of a line from Becker to Koochiching, plus St. Louis. No nesting reports.
1989Fall Late north 9/9-l 011 Duluth mob, 9/17 Lake fide KE, 10/6 Crow Wing AB; late south 9/30 Cottonwood ED, I I 14 Wabasha BL, II I 21 Freeborn AP.
1989Winter One on the Albert Lea CBC, EF. Why only here in winter?
1990Spring Early south 3/12 Rice OR, 4/7 Lac qui Parle AB, 4/8 Lyon HK, Martin BB; early north 4/7 Traverse SDM, 4/14 Grant RJ, Mille Lacs WN.
1990Summer Many reports for second straight year. Nested in Lake of the Woods; seen in 29 counties throughout state as far east as St. Louis, Aitkin, Rice, Freeborn.
1990Fall Late north 10/17 Beltrami DJ, 10/23 Polk SDM, 11/22 OtterTail MO; late south 11/24 Dakota RB, Hennepin RH, 11/25 Washington RG, 11/29 Goodhue DO.
1990Winter An amazing five at Black Dog, Dakota12/5 PKL with one bird overwintering and seen 2/22 SC; also 12/6 Otter Tail SDM and one on the Albert Lea CBC.
1991Spring Early south 3/7 (earliest date on record) Wabasha WDM, 3/30 Renville BL, 4/3 Chippewa FE; early north 4/3 Koochiching GM, 4/6 Becker MO, Otter Tail SDM, Todd KB.
1991Summer Sharp increase in reports over past two years continues, especially in eastern regions. No breeding reported, but seen in 39 counties as far east as St. Louis B. Rowe, Washington TBB, Wabasha HH, Houston EMF.
1991Fall Late north 9/22 Otter Tail MO, 10/2 Grant SDM, 10/25 Becker BB, KB; late south 10/12 Dakota DZ, 10/22 Hennepin KB, 11/1 Lac qui Parle AB.
1991Winter Two on Albert Lea CBC.
1992Spring Early south 3/28 Nicollet RJ, 4/7 Freeborn RRK, 4/9 Rice TB; early north 4/6 Otter Tail SDM, 4/22 Becker BBe, 4/23 Beltrami PS; also 4/25 Duluth KE.
1992Summer Fourth consecutive year of increased reports. Seen in 46 counties in all regions of the state, including St. Louis County in the northeast.
1992Fall Late north 9/20 Clay LCF, 10/10 Lake of the Woods RJ, 11/13 Duluth fide KE; late south 11/4 Murray ND, 11/6 Ramsey fide PB, 11/27 Dakota PB, RH.
1992Winter Two overwintered at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. mob. By 2/27, one was reportedly dead, DN. Also reported 12/4 & 11 at Albert Lea, Freeborn Co. RRK.
1993Spring Early south 3/1 Dakota AB, KB (overwintered), 4/3 Winona AM, 4/9 Wabasha DN. Early north 3/29 Becker BBe, 3/31 Koochiching GM.
1993Summer Many reports, similar to previous two years. Nested in Lake of the Woods; seen in 42 additional counties in all regions of the state and as far east as Cook (6/26, fide PB) and Houston EMF.
1993Fall Late north 8/26 Koochiching GM, 8/29 Beltrami DJ, 8/31 Becker BK. Late south 10/30 Chippewa AB, Washington DS, 11/10 Cottonwood ED, 11/16 Freeborn RG.
1993Winter Only report 12/2 Freeborn PKL.
1994Spring Early south 3/12 Freeborn AB, 3/31 Pope SDM, 4/3 Jackson KB; early north 4/10 Grant SDM, 4/11 Becker BBe, 4/17 Douglas KKW. Also reported 5/30 Duluth (21) TD.
1994Summer Fewer reports than in past three years. Despite this, two new colonies were discovered; one at Minnesota Lake in Faribault BF (The Loon 66:111–112) and another at Lake Johanna in Pope NH (The Loon 66:112–113). Probable breeding in Lac qui Parle; seen in 29 additional counties statewide.
1994Fall Late north 10/6 Beltrami DJ, 10/8 Douglas DN, 10/10 Traverse KB. Late south 11/19 Winona JD, FL, 11/22 Dakota RG, 11/25 Murray ND.
1994Winter Five “flightless cripples” overwintered at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. BF, mob. One also probably overwintered at Albert Lea, Freeborn Co. where reported on the Albert Lea CBC and on 1/25 PKL. These are typical locations for this species in winter. More unusual was one apparently overwintering at Bayport, Washington Co. where reported on the St. Paul NE CBC and on 2/20 BL (presumably same bird).
1995Spring Overwintered Dakota PJ; early south 3/24 Rock WM, 4/2 Cottonwood ED, Goodhue RG and Kandiyohi RF/JC; early north 4/11 Cass SM/CE, 4/15 Otter Tail SDM, 4/16 Todd JSK; peak 4/23 Crow Wing (250) WL.
1995Summer Observed in 41 counties throughout the state. This species is now regularly reported statewide in summer, despite limited breeding.
1995Fall Reported in 16 north and 26 south counties. Late birds flew over Duluth 11/10 St. Louis DEv; peak of 1,000 birds on 10/1 Dakota DJe.
1995Winter Two individuals overwintered at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co., and three individuals were recorded on the Albert Lea CBC.
1996Spring Reported from 67 counties. Most reports occurred the first week of April and unusual numbers were seen along the North Shore in Lake, St. Louis.
1996Summer Observed in 43 counties in all regions except northeast.
1996Fall Peak counts 8/4 Big Stone (3000–3500) LE, 9/29 Jackson (700) JCBC, 10/9 Houston (360) FL. Reported in 34 counties statewide, including an unusual report 9/11 Duluth mob. No north reports in October. Note: Please report all late flocks, as small numbers of injured birds may attempt to overwinter and their dates of occurrence are not representative of migration.
1996Winter One overwintered at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. mob, and more unusual, another overwintered at Red Wing, Goodhue Co. HH, CS. It is unknown if the bird recorded on the Albert Lea CBC overwintered.
1997Spring Reported from 53 counties. Overwintered in Freeborn ABa. Probably overintered in Dakota DN, DZ. (Ten-year median arrival 3/27). Early north 4/6 St. Louis KE (ten-year median 4/8).
1997Summer Reported in 40 counties statewide (peak of ~1700 observed 7/20 Big Stone LE).
1997Fall Peak counts: 9/1 Winona (250) CN, 9/16 Dakota (250+) SWe. Unusual numbers reported at HRNR in Duluth where still considered rare: 9/9 St. Louis (34) FN, 10/15 St. Louis (52) FN. Reported from 35 counties statewide.
1997Winter An apparently flightless bird overwintered at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. mob. This species also continues to be reported in winter at Albert Lea, Freeborn Co., where one individual apparently overwintered. Two additional individuals were reported on the Winona CBC.
1998Spring Reported from 47 counties. Unusual report: 4/13–5/17 Duluth (total 42, including 12 on 4/24) FN et al.
1998Summer Probable nesting in Faribault; seen in 31 additional counties statewide. Peak 7/5 Marshall (600) PS, JJ.
1998Fall Peak counts 9/18 Hennepin (500) LE, 9/30 Jackson (400) MJC. Unusual reports 8/29 St. Louis (25 at HRNR) FN, 10/4 Houston (~200) FL with at least one lingering into December. Reported from 40 counties statewide.
1998Winter All reports: Late south 12/1 Sibley KB, JD, 12/2 Wabasha BBr, 12/12 Houston RJ, FL, and the Albert Lea CBC (not overwintering?).
1999Spring Reported 3/1 Freeborn ABa, where this species often overwinters in small numbers. Generally arrived on time both south and north. Early south 3/28 Lac qui Parle ABo, 3/30 Faribault KB and Jackson MJC. Early north 4/1 Douglas KB, 4/10 Morrison WB. Unusual report 4/18 St. Louis (7 at Enger Tower in Duluth) FN. Peak count 4/24 on Marsh L. (2,000) FL.
1999Summer Reported in 26 counties throughout thestate.
1999Fall Total of 146 this season at HRNR in St. Louis, including a peak of 67 on 9/15 (FN). Late north 9/19 Wadena PBi. The largest flocks were 8/15 Big Stone (1,875 at BSNWR) AH and 9/19 Jackson (1,200) MJC. Late south 11/21 Chippewa, Lac qui Parle KB, McLeod DF, but at least two also overwintered in Dakota.
1999Winter Two overwintered at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. mob; a third individual was last seen at this location on 1/9. Additional late south reports: 12/5 Lac qui Parle FE, 12/10 McLeod RbS, 12/12 Meeker DF.
2000Spring Early south 3/11 Rice MF, 3/25 Meeker DF. Earliest north 3/29 Becker fide BBe, 3/31 St. Louis fide KE. Increasing in Duluth, St. Louis County (mob); e.g., total of 194 for the season at West Skyline Hawkwatch including 75 on 4/26 (FN). Peak counts 4/8 Martin (1100 on Pierce L.) RJ, 4/23 Big Stone (2000 at BSNWR) PS.
2000Summer Reported in 39 counties as far east as St. Louis, Wabasha.
2000Fall Largest concentrations 8/21 Lac qui Parle (2200 at Marsh L.) KJB, 9/10 Jackson (800) MJC, and 10/6 Houston (500) FZL. Reported north from Cook, Norman, and St. Louis counties in October, then 11/2 Todd JSK, SDu, 11/9 Polk EEF. Late south 11/13 Lac qui Parle BEO, 11/30+ Dakota mob.
2000Winter One overwintered at Black Dog Lake, Dakota County mob.
2001Spring Reported from 40 south and 23 north counties statewide. Excluding Dakota where one overwintered, early south 3/29 Nobles CRM and Goodhue ADS. Early north 4/9 Itasca JWL, 4/11–14 in ten counties. Total 3/47 for season at Hastings-Prescott Bird Count, where peak migration 984 on 4/24 (KJB). Total 161 for season at West Skyline Hawkwatch in Duluth, including 78 on 4/24 (FJN). Numbers up in West-central region (SPM).
2001Summer Few reports, almost half the previous ten-year average. Seen in 25 counties statewide, including a few apparently summering in the Duluth harbor (mob) and 6/17 Cook JWL et al.
2001Fall Oberved in 10 north and 33 south counties. High count 8/8 Jackson (1100 at Heron L.) MJC. Numbers up in St. Louis, especially at H.R.N.R. in Duluth, where a peak of 60 on 9/3 was probably the same flock seen 9/3 Lake (Two Harbors) TRo. Late north 10/23 Polk EEF. See winter report for late south dates.
2001Winter An injured bird overwintered in Dakota (Black Dog L.) m.ob. Late south (all reports) 12/6 Minneapolis fide AXH, 12/15 Goodhue BRL and †Northwest McLeod CBC, 12/22 Winona CBC, 12/26 Lac qui Parle CBC.
2002Spring Observed in 33 south and 19 north counties. Early south 4/2 Lac qui Parle KJB, 4/3 Jackson MJC, peak migration 4/10–16 (13 south counties). Numbers down at H.P.B.C. (peak 383 on 4/12) KJB. Early north 4/12 Cass SWS, 4/14 Grant DTT, SMT and St. Louis FJN. Seasonal total 322 at W.S.H.C. in Duluth (peak 63 on 4/26) FJN, DSC.
2002Summer Seen in 37 counties in all regions except Northeast. New nesting record in Meeker (colony with 50+ flightless young on 7/18 at Pigeon L.) RBJ, BJM, DDM, PLJ.
2002Fall Observed in 14 north and 28 south counties in all regions. Unusual locations 9/14, 9/24 Lake JWL. Total 136 at H.R.N.R. in Duluth, including 9/10 (41) and 9/22 (48) FJN, DSC. Late north 10/13 Beltrami DPJ. Late south 11/24 Hennepin DWK.
2003Spring Seen in 34 south and 18 north counties. Early south 3/27 Martin JJS, 3/31 Goodhue ADS, peak migration 4/10–13 (9 south counties). Seasonal total of 2250 at H.P.B.C. including 526 on 4/22 KJB. Arrived later than recent median (3/30) north: 4/12 Grant, Otter Tail and St. Louis, 4/14 Lake JEB, RBJ. Total of 1/1 down from recent years at W.S.H.C. in Duluth (FJN, DSC).
2003Summer Observed in 38 counties statewide; recently established nesting colony still active in Meeker (150 adults at Pigeon L.) PLJ.
2003Fall Seen in 13 north and 22 south counties statewide. Highest reported count 9/20 (400) Rice FVS, DAB. Unusual locations 8/27 St. Louis (43 at H.R.N.R., Duluth), 9/25–30 Lake JWL, PHS, 10/21 (late north) Cook m.obs. Late south 11/1 Lac qui Parle BJU, 11/2 Dakota ADS, but also see winter report.
2003Winter Reported 12/18 Hennepin (Richfield) MCA and 12/20 Northwest McLeod CBC.
2004Spring Seen in 37 south and 17 north counties. Early south 3/23 Dakota (H.P.B.C.) KJB, 3/24 Rice TFB. Early north 4/9 St. Louis (W.S.H.C., Duluth) FJN, DSC, 4/15 Marshall GT. Seasonal total of 8783 at H.P.B.C., including peak 3436 on 4/9 KJB. Seasonal total of 490 at W.S.H.C. in Duluth (FJN, DSC). Notable concentrations 4/6 Washington (800 at Grey Cloud Is.) TEB, and 4/11 Dakota (est. 800–900 at L. Isabelle) KLa. Interesting was a brown-stained individual photographed 4/18 at Dakota (L. Byllesby) JJS.
2004Summer Observed in 34 counties in all regions of state.
2004Fall Seen in 14 north and 29 south counties statewide. Several Northeast reports, including 8/21–10/4 St. Louis (peak count of 1/3 on 9/7 at H.R.B.O.) FJN, 8/21 St. Louis (Ely) SES, 8/22–10/9 Cook (Grand Marais) m.ob. High count 9/16 Dakota (2,100 at Black Dog L.) SWe. Late north 11/21 Cook (Taconite Harbor) ARu, 11/22 Lake (same bird?) UK. Late south 11/24 Houston FZL, 11/27 Hennepin DWK, but also see winter report.
2004Winter As many as nine individuals overwintered through 2/13 Dakota (Black Dog L.) PEJ, m.ob. Also reported 12/18 Freeborn AEB, 2/26 Goodhue (2 at Red Wing) DAB.
2005Spring Reported from 36 south and 21 north counties. Early south (away from Dakota where it overwintered) 3/23 Houston FZL, 4/1 Faribault BRB. Early north 3/31 Otter Tail SPM, 4/5 Becker fide JMJ. Seasonal total of 195 at W.S.H.C. in Duluth (FJN, DSC) down from 490 last spring.
2005Summer Most reports since 1996: observed in 42 counties statewide.
2005Fall Observed in 15 north and 29 south counties statewide. Northeast reports: 8/17–9/11 St. Louis (seasonal total of 78 at H.R.B.O., Duluth) FJN, RSB, 9/10–19 St. Louis (4 at Duluth) MTA. High count 9/17 Carver (225) RBJ. Late north 10/1 Koochiching BJU, 11/12 Mille Lacs WCM (median 10/24). Late south 11/23 Swift BJU, 11/27 Dakota BAF, but also see winter report.
2005Winter Recorded 12/17 St. Paul (North) CBC fide JPS. Severely injured individual 12/22 Ramsey (Hardman Ave., South St. Paul) KJB. All other reports from Dakota: Black Dog Lake 12/17 (3) Bloomington CBC, 12/27 (2) DFN, 1/3 (3) ADS, 1/7 ASc, and Spring Lake Park 1/29 BAF.
2006Spring Found in 45 south and 25 north counties. Early south 3/25 Houston FZL, LS, 3/26 in five counties. Early north 4/4 Otter Tail SPM, 4/7 Marshall (50 at Agassiz N.W.R.) MA, GLH. Highest reported count unusually far east 3/11 Dakota (731 at H.P.B.C.) KJB. Seasonal total of 195 at W.S.H.C., Duluth (DSC). Unusual locations 4/20 Lake (2) SMc, 5/17 Cook (3) DAG, JWL.
2006Summer Observed in 52 counties in all regions except Southeast.
2006Fall Reported from 14 north and 41 south counties statewide. Northeast reports: 8/4 St. Louis (25) SLF, 8/4–11/22 (ties second latest north date) St. Louis (max. 18 in Duluth) H.R.B.O., JRN, m.ob, 10/21 Cook (Grand Marais) SMc. High count 9/20 Goodhue (2,500 on L. Pepin, includes birds in Wisconsin) RPR. Late north (away from Duluth) 10/18 Clay BWF, 10/21 Marshall RBW. Late south 11/21 Waseca JPS, 11/28 Dakota CMB, but also see winter report.
2006Winter3 Reported 12/4–8 Dakota (3, Black Dog Lake) DAB, DWK, JPM, PEB, 12/21 and 1/8 Lac qui Parle (3) BJU, 1/13 Wabasha JLO, LS, RBJ.
2007Spring2146 Early south 3/16 Lac qui Parle BJU, 3/21 Dakota CMB, JPM (median 3/27). Early north 3/27 Cass (22, second earliest north) BAW, 3/31 Otter Tail RBW and Traverse JCC (median 4/8). High count 3/28 Lac qui Parle (940, Marsh Lake) BJU. Unusual location: 5/27 Lake (Castle Danger) JWL.
2007Summer2136 Record number of sightings statewide.
2007Fall1738 High counts 9/11 Ramsey (426 at Pig's Eye Island) RBJ, 10/9 Blue Earth (400) ChH, 9/26 Lake (105 at Two Harbors) JWL, KRE. Late north 10/14 Marshall JMJ, Wilkin JCC, 10/20 Grant JLO, DWK. Late south 11/25 Houston NBO, 11/27 Lac qui Parle BJU, but also see winter report.
2007Winter2 All reports: 1/12–2/23 Ramsey/Dakota (1 injured, near Pig's Eye) BAF, BNW.
2008Spring2448 Early south (median 3/27) 3/21 Faribault WAF, 3/27 Blue Earth ChH. Early north (median 4/8) 4/4 Douglas JPE, 4/7 Marshall GT. High counts 4/13 Goodhue (800) DPG, 4/20 Hennepin (350) PEB. Unusual location: 5/13 Cook DMB.
2008Summer1735 Seen statewide. Unusual report 6/1 Carlton (124, flying north in formation about 300 feet high) RPR. High count 7/26 Lac qui Parle (929) PCC, PHS.
2008Fall1741 High counts 8/31 Dakota (1,900 at Black Dog Lake) BAF, 9/4 Goodhue (400) LEC, 9/13 Waseca (350 at Lake Elysian) JPS, 9/5 Big Stone (295) PHS. Late north 10/26 Lake JWH, 11/3 Lake of the Woods BJU (median 10/25). Late south 11/29 Dakota DAB, JWH, Ramsey m.ob., 11/30 Dakota ALD, CRM, but also see winter report.
2008Winter2 Multiple reports from two metro locales: 12/5 – 1/1 Dakota (up to 6 birds, at least two injured, Black Dog Lake) BAF, DWK, JPM, ADS; and Ramsey/Dakota (3 with injured wings, Kaposia Landing) BAF, JPM, AXH.
2009Spring2447 Early south (median 3/26) 3/15 Houston (70, Wildcat Landing) JWH, 3/21 Dakota PEB, Winona DFN, ANy. Early north (median 4/7) 4/3 Otter Tail fide JMJ, 4/10 Douglas JPE, Mille Lacs RBJ, DAC. High counts 3/24 Lac qui Parle (280, Marsh Lake) BJU, 4/4 Carver (182, Rapids Lake) WCM, 4/25 St. Louis (166, W.S.H.C.) KJB, 4/24 Dakota (155, Lake Byllesby) FKB, 5/8 St. Louis (149, St. Louis R.) PHS. Season total at W.S.H.C. of 1,066 KJB. Unusual location: 5/3 Lake (21, Knife R.) SDa.
2009Summer1935 Observed in all regions except Southeast. High count 6/1 Hennepin (~300 on Lemans L.) MRe.
2009Fall1344 High counts 8/8 Marshall (346, Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, 8/1 Anoka (320, Rice Lake) DWK, 10/17 Houston (300) NBO. Late north 10/12 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB, 10/18 Douglas JPE, 11/5 Cass (injured) BAW (median 10/25). Please see winter report for late south migrants and over-wintering birds.
2009Winter6 Over-wintering birds in Dakota , Ramsey and Washington Counties represent known or probable injured or stressed individuals. Notable winter high count 12/4 Houston (200, Reno Bottoms, Pool 8) KJB. Other reports of more than 2 birds: 12/1 Faribault (5, Minnesota Lake) DBM, 12/5 Washington (4, Lock and Dam #2) PEB, 12/12 Ramsey (4, Kaposia Landing) BAF, PEB.
2010Spring2549 Early south (away from over-wintering areas) 3/13 Dakota RTe, Washington MDu, 3/18 Houston PEJ, NBO. Early north (median 4/7) 4/3 Douglas JPE, 4/5 Kanabec CAM, 4/6 Cass BAW. High counts 5/13 Blue Earth (300) ChH, 4/12 Dakota (110, Lake Byllesby) CMB. Unusual location: 5/17 Lake (7, Knife River) SDa.
2010Summer2440 Observed statewide. First county breeding records for Carver DAB, Marshall fide BBA.
2010Fall1937 High counts 9/27 Dakota (1,000, Mud Hen Lakes) SKS, 9/27 Houston (882, Blue Target) SKS, 9/27 Dakota (804, Spring Lake Park Reserve--Schaar's Bluff) SKS, 9/27 Winona (750, Prairie Island Park) SKS. Late north 10/17 Polk SAS, 11/7 Polk JMJ, 11/9 Lake (4, Two Harbors) BJU (median 10/25). Late south 11/24 Dakota m.ob., 11/27 Wabasha BAF (median 12/18), but also see winter report.
2010Winter3 Overwintering birds in the Twin Cities were injured and flightless: through 2/14 Dakota and Ramsey (2, Kaposia Landing) m.ob., through 2/24 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) m.ob. One additional report 12/2 Lac qui Parle of a fresh road-killed bird near north end of Lac qui Parle Lake BJU; this bird had been banded 6/26/10 in Minnesota (no further details).
2011Spring3151 Early south (away from overwintering areas) 3/11 Swift BJU, 3/19 Wabasha OWB, 3/20 Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north (median 4/7) 4/5 Douglas ARW, 4/7 Cass ABi, Otter Tail ARo, 4/8 Kittson TrB, Traverse, Wilkin m.ob. High counts 4/12 Dakota (500) LEC, 4/14 Wright (315, Pelican Lake) PEB. Unusual location 4/12 Lake (2, Two Harbors) JWL.
2011Summer2043Reported from all regions of state.
2011Fall1542 High counts 9/10 Dakota (350) BeH, 9/2 Hennepin (200, Purgatory Creek) BeS, 10/2 Goodhue (200, Barn Bluff) RSA. Late north 11/11 Mille Lacs DBM, 11/17 Marshall fide JMJ (median 10/25). Please see winter report for late south migrants and overwintering birds.
2011Winter16All reports: overwintering birds 12/17–2/3 Ramsey and Dakota (2, Kaposia Landing) m.ob. had injured wings and were unable to fly, and may be the same crippled individuals present the previous winter. Other reports 12/11 Freeborn AEB, 12/12 Washington (Point Douglas, no evidence of injury) DWK, 12/15 Lac qui Parle CBC (9), 12/17–23 Lac qui Parle/Chippewa (7, Churchill dam, appeared healthy) DLP, SVo, 1/31 and 2/23 Lac qui Parle (2, south end Lac qui Parle Lake) BJU.
2012Spring2446 Early south (median 3/26) 3/12 Lac qui Parle BJU, 3/17 Winona DBz, 3/20 Goodhue JLO. Early north (median 4/7) 3/24 Douglas PJK, 3/31 Mille Lacs PEJ, Wadena PJB, 4/1 Todd BWF, JWH. High counts 3/30 Winona (~1,000, Verchota Landing) ANy, 3/23 Lac qui Parle (~650) BJU. Unusual location: 5/1 Lake (Knife River) PHS, 5/10 Lake (24, Two Harbors) JWL.
2012Summer2339 Seen in all regions of state. High count 7/22 Yellow Medicine (300, Curtis Lake) SVo.
2012Fall1740 High counts 8/25 Dakota (est. 1,000+, Lake Isabelle) TAT, 9/10 Hennepin (780, Purgatory Creek) HCT. Late north 9/28 Cook HHD, RAE, 10/10 St. Louis KJB, 10/12 Traverse RAE, 10/19 Traverse RBJ, 11/9 Lake of the Woods PBB (median 10/25). Please see winter report for late south migrants and overwintering birds.
2012Winter5 Overwintering birds (through 2/25) Dakota and Ramsey (3, Kaposia Landing) m.ob. included two with wing injuries although one was reported flying. These may have been some of the same injured birds reported in previous winters at this location. Other reports: 12/1 Lac qui Parle (below Marsh Lake dam) DLP, 12/2–3 Houston (2) PEJ, DFN, ANy, 12/3–25 Dakota (1 injured, Black Dog Lake) m.ob., 12/9 Freeborn AEB.
2013Spring3052 Early south (median 3/26) 3/13 Dakota CPu, 3/28 Lac qui Parle DLP, 3/29 in nine counties. Early north (median 4/7) 3/31 Aitkin CAB, 4/3 Polk fide JMJ, St. Louis PLJ, 4/13 Grant RAE, HHD. High counts 4/15 Winona (1,100, Prairie Island Road) DBz, 4/26 Washington (415) JHg.
2013Summer2647 Seen throughout state. High count 6/24 Pope (300, Lake Johanna S.N.A. rookery) KRE.
2013Fall2142 High counts 9/24 Hennepin (600, estimate of birds flying out of the Black Dog area) TAT, 9/16 Head of Lake Pepin (2,733) AFr (The Loon 86:59–66).. Late north 10/13 Cass (Leech Lake) BAW, Douglas JPE, 10/20 Otter Tail (12, Battle Lake area) JsS, 11/8 Itasca (injured) DBM, Lake of the Woods (6, healthy) DBM (median 10/25).
2013Winter5 From mid December, small flock overwintered Ramsey (Kaposia Landing), with 11 as late as 12/28, 9 on 1/11, and eventually reduced to 6 by 1/19–2/16 (last report) BAF, m.ob. Only a few had obvious wing injuries while the rest appeared healthy and some were seen flying. They survived bitter cold including –23°F and three days of continuous subzero temperatures in early January. In Dakota (Black Dog Lake), two with wing injuries persisted into late February m.ob., but another injured bird died 1/19 KOk. However, two others were seen flying 1/12 AWh, JSl. CBC high count 12/14 St. Paul (North) (21).
2014Spring2952Overwintered south in Ramsey/Dakota. First south migrants (median 3/26) 3/15 Winona DBz, 3/26 Big Stone CRM, KMS, JMs. Early north (median 4/7) 4/5 Otter Tail DST, 4/9 Crow Wing ABi, 4/10 Polk SAu. High counts 4/18 Carver (370) JCy, 4/17 Cottonwood (300) DHr, 4/18 Washington (300) GJM.
2014Summer2444Observed in all regions of state.
2014Fall2147 High counts 9/19 Hennepin (1,475, counted by 5's, 950 at Bass Ponds and 525 at Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) BAF, SHF, 9/13 (1,000, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) MCo, SCo. Late north 9/29 St. Louis (38, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/23 Clay (Felton Prairie) KCo, 10/25 Marshall JMJ (median 10/25), but also see winter report.
2014Winter2 Up to 4 reported 12/4–20 Ramsey (Mississippi River, Kaposia Landing) m.ob. At least some of these had wing injuries (BAF) but unlike injured birds in previous years none were reported after 12/20.
2015Spring2750 Early south (median 3/26) 3/23 Cottonwood DHr, Winona DBz, 3/25 Houston DFN. Early north (median 4/7) 4/4–10 Douglas BEc, JPE, 4/4 Todd JLK, 4/8 Clay PBB, 4/10 Grant DWK, SBM. High count 5/19–27 Jackson (500, Heron Lake area) KJB.
2015Summer2343 Observed throughout state. High count 6/14 Meeker (400, Pigeon L.) PLJ.
2015Fall2348 High counts 8/30 Carver (425, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy, 9/20 Hennepin (420, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) BAF. Late north 10/11 Becker HeH, ShG, Lake NKr, JeR, 10/20 Grant HHD, RAE, 11/6 Douglas ANy (median 11/6).
2015Winter5 Multiple individuals lingered in Houston (Mississippi River Pool 8), including 12/3 (91) PEJ, 12/11 (22) GHo, KDS. Latest reports 12/19 Bloomington CBC (2), La Crosse-La Crescent CBC, Winona CBC, 12/21 Hennepin (Bass Ponds, appeared to have injured wing) GrS.
2016Spring2551 Early south (median 3/16) 3/6 Winona (15) †RSA, 3/8 Freeborn BLs, Wabasha (25) JmP. Early north (median 4/5) 3/12 Douglas (2, Little Rachel Lake) †BEc, 4/5 Traverse HHD, 4/10 Cass (10, Shamps Pond) DAY, Douglas (Osakis W.T.P.) BEc, Marshall (3) RAE, Roseau JMJ. High counts 4/23 Lac qui Parle (500, total for county) SEm, KEm, MEm, 5/6 Meeker (500, Pigeon Lake) DSt, 4/15 Washington (427, Carpenter N.C.) CNC.
2016Summer2644 Found throughout state. High count 7/9 Lac qui Parle (1,000, Marsh L.) KeM.
2016Fall2250 High counts 9/9 Dakota (700, counted by 5s at Spring Lake P.R., Schaar's Bluff) BAF, 9/4 Dakota (600, counted by 5s at Black Dog Lake outlet) BAF. Late north 11/10 Mille Lacs DFe, 11/12 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 11/16 St. Louis (2 juveniles flying over Southworth Marsh) ALx (median 11/5). See winter report for late south migrants.
2016Winter4 All reports: 12/3 Houston (3, Brownsville) SHo, 12/5 Blue Earth BHW, 12/5–10 Washington (1–4, Hastings) m.ob., 1/1 Yellow Medicine (Granite Falls) ph. JF.
2017Spring3050 Early south (median 3/16) 3/11 Freeborn (2) PEJ, 3/12 Winona (13) DBz, 3/19 Washington (4) JSf. Early north (median 4/4) 4/7 Crow Wing (7) JLA, Otter Tail (5) JsS, followed by reports on 4/8 from Grant (4), Marshall (14), Polk (49) HHu, Traverse, and Wilkin (4). High count 5/5 Swift (4,000, Marsh Lake Dam) JtH, GWe.
2017Summer2746 Seen in all regions.
2017Fall2348 High counts 8/19 Wright (1,100, one group on Pelican Lake) RCl, 9/30 Dakota (950, Black Dog Power Plant) BBr. Late north 11/3 Todd MJB, 11/20 Traverse DLP, 11/27 Cass (Shingobee Bay, appeared to have an injured wing) HHD (median 11/7). See winter report for late south.
2017Winter7 Early December reports from Hennepin, Sibley. Later reports include 12/16 Fairmont CBC, LaCrosse-LaCrescent CBC (2), 12/18 Granite Falls CBC (4), 12/23 Red Wing CBC. High count 12/5 Hennepin (10) JST.
2018Spring3153 Early south (median 3/16) 3/13 Hennepin (7) GVa, 3/14 Freeborn RBW, 3/17 Big Stone DLP, Swift (4) KnM, ASu, LiH, Wabasha (24) CBv. Early north (median 4/4) 4/11–12 Douglas (100) CRM, m.ob., 4/12 Clay (28) NKu, Grant RAE, (10) CRM, Morrison (35) NMe, Polk (2) NKu. High counts 4/6 Houston (1,200, Lawrence Lake) SHo, 4/30 Pope (1,000, Brooten) DOr.
2018Summer2947 Observed statewide. First county breeding record 9/9 Grant AXH.
2018Fall2349 High counts 8/20 Big Stone (1,875, Marsh Lake, estimate) GWe, 8/28 Hennepin (1,000) TAT. Late north 10/13 Lake (4) JWL, m.ob., St. Louis JPR, m.ob., 11/1 Wilkin GDr (median 11/7). See winter report for late south.
2018Winter5 All reports: 12/3 Dakota (Ft. Snelling S.P., Gun Club Lake) ebd, 12/5 Houston (Brownsville overlook) KDS, 12/22 Freeborn (3, Albert Lea) ebd, 12/23–2/1 Brown and Watonwan (Lake Hanska) STa, m.ob., overwintered Freeborn (1–2, Albert Lea) through 2/13 JWH, DaS. CBC high count 12/29 Albert Lea (7).
2019Summer3149 Seen throughout state. High count 6/1 Big Stone (1,500, Correll) GWe.
 Breeds locally except east. Migrant throughout. State designation: Special Concern.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.