Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Sandpipers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Sandpipers
Upland Sandpiper
Eskimo Curlew
Long-billed Curlew
Hudsonian Godwit
Marbled Godwit
Ruddy Turnstone
Red Knot
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper
Curlew Sandpiper
Purple Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper
[Calidris sandpiper]
Short-billed Dowitcher
Long-billed Dowitcher
[Limnodromus dowitcher]
American Woodcock
Wilson's Snipe
Spotted Sandpiper
Solitary Sandpiper
Lesser Yellowlegs
Greater Yellowlegs
Wilson's Phalarope
Red-necked Phalarope
Red Phalarope

Upland Sandpiper(Bartramia longicauda)
1930SummerA nest o£ this species, one of the most interesting finds of this season, was discovered by Marius Morse, about two miles north of Robbinsdale on June 1st, at which time it held four eggs.
1932SummerH. J. Breckenridge found the 'only nest of this fine prairie bird en lhy 21, when it held 4 eggs. t-t~s. C. E. Peterson reports downy young on June 24 at l1adison, and larger young on later elates.
1933Summer Bartram's Snndpiper is represented by a nest f'ouncl by Robert Nontgomery in Anoka County on Jtme 5th. The c:ontcnts were 3 eggs. It is to be hoped that this onco-disappenring prairie bird's 'Will appear oftener in these records in the future.
1934Summer Two nests of this fine prairie bird were reported. On May 2oth Hiemenz found a nest with 1 fresh egc, near Hutchinson. The other nest was seen by ner.1bcrs of the M.B.C. who were on the trip to Linwood toke June 17 (see list under BOB-WdiTE). In addition to the above, a nest found near Revillo, S. Imk. by Mrs. Peterson contained 4 eggs on Juno 5th.
1936Summer On June 27th Robert Upson noted nn o.dult ' '):.we-thirds grow young. V!l's. C. E. Peterson at Madison reported young with adult.on June 5th.
1937SummerAlden Risser, George Rysgaard, Lawrence Pittelkow, and Evanson found four quailie's eggs on June 20 near Euclid.
1938SummerAt Worthington on June I3, R. M. Berthel watched 2 young Plovers that had just hatched.
1940SummerC. E-:lward Carlson found, in Martin County on May 24, a nest with 4 eggs.
1947Summer4 eggs, May 23, Kandiyohi Co., Barrett.
1961SummerSeveral nearly-grown young seen on 15 July near Felton by members of Avifauna} Club.
1964Spring4-25 Salt Lake, RG, RLH; 4-26 Sherburne Co, RPR; 4-28 Wright Co, EC; 5-24 Marshall Co, DLO.
1964SummerClay Co, 6·2, nest and 4e, OAS; Stevens and Traverse Co's, about 10 pair, RAG; 7-4, Hennepin Oo, 9 birds, MAS.
1965Springearliest 4-18 Grant Co, RAG.
1966Springearliest 5-7 Nobles Co, HSH; 5-11 Wright Co, EGC; 5-17 Polk Co, GSM.
1967Fall 8-6 Anoka Co., 1, PE.
1968Spring early 4-25 Fargo-Moorhead, fide EGA; 4-27 Nicollet Co., DB; 5-2 Watonwan Co., EDK; one northerly record 5-17 Duluth, 1, JNG.
1968Summer reported from Morrison, Swift, Nobles, Clay Co's and on 6-28 and 7-11 , Hibbing, St. Louis County HM.
1970Springearly south 4-29 Watonwan EK and Dakota PE and Lyon HK; peak 5-23 Becker (15) KE, PE; early north 5-2 Duluth MMC.
1973Summer Nested in St. Louis, Aitkin; seen in Polk, Red Lake, Mahnomen, Clay, Becker, Ottertail, Mille Lacs, Stearns, Lac qui Parle, Anoka, Hennepin, Dakota, & Rock (Blue Mounds State Park).
1973Fall Three reports (two last year): 8-10 Clay (8) (KBZ); 8-15 Clay (FL); 9-5 St. Louis (RBJ).
1974Spring Early south 4-27 Rock KE; RBJ; 4-27 Pipestone RBJ; 4-30 Stearns NMH; only reports north 5-4 St. Louis JG; 5-19 Clay KZ; 5-30 Aitkin TS.
1974Summer Nested in Clay, Swift, Chippewa; also reported from 14 other counties.
1974Fall Late 8-1 Duluth MMC; 8-3 Wilkin RBJ; 8-17 Lyon RBJ, PE; 8-24 Aitkin JB.
1975Spring Early south 4-27 Dakota RAG; 5-3 Rock KE; 5-10 Brown RBJ and Yellow Medicine GLO; early north 5-5 St. Winter 1975 Louis MMC; 5-7 Traverse MS; 5-11 Aitkin JB.
1975Summer Nested in Rock; also reported from 13 other counties north to Clay, Aitkin and St. Louis.
1975Fall8-2 Big Stone, Swift RJ; only report.
1976Spring Early south 4-18 Rock KE; 4-24 Lac qui Parle RBJ; 2 reports north 5-21, 5-25 St. Louis GN.
1976Summernested in Mahnomen, Becker, Clay and Sherburne; also reported from Swift, Lyon, Pipestone, Rock, Nobles, Sibley, Chisago and Mower.
1976Fall 4 reports: 8-2 Yellow Medicine GO, 8-4 Clay PKL, 8-10 Lyon RJ, 8-21 Stearns PKL.
1977Spring Early south 4-15 Cottonwood ED; 4-22 Lyon, Murray DGW; 4-23 Lac qui Parle RJ, KE; early north 5-7 Wilkin SM, GEW; 5-8 Wilkin LCF.
1977Summer Nested in Rock and Stearns; also reported from Kittson, Marshall, Norman, Clay, Otter Tail, Aitkin, Big Stone, Yellow Medicine and Stevens.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Marshall; also seen in 24 other counties all in the northwest, west-central, southwest, central and east-central plus Aitkin in the north-central. Early migrant 7-20 Lake ("Milepost 7" near Silver Bay, John Green).
1978Fall "Summer resident" Marshall ANWR, 8-2 Anoka KL, Otter Tail GO, 8-10 Lac qui Parle CMB, 8-13 Clay LCF.
1979Spring Early south 4-21 Yellow Medicine BL, OJ, 4-22 Chippewa JS, Lyon DGW, Rock KE, Yellow Medicine RJ; early north 4-29 Wilkin SM, Polk SS, 5-9 Clay HK.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Clay, Wabasha, St. Louis (Duluth airport); also seen in 17 other counties in the South plus Otter Tail, Polk, Pennington, Marshall, Kittson, Roseau in the North.
1979Fall 8-5 Otter Tail GMO, 8-6 Olmsted JF, 8-15 Murray LJF, 8-26 Lac qui Parle CMB, 8-29 Sibley LJF, 9-2 Clay LCF. Spotted Sa,ndpiper Late north 9-20 Itasca TL and St. Louis KMH, 9-26 Otter Tail GMO, 10/6 St. Louis KE; late south 9-18 Olmsted J-F, 9-21 Nicollet JCF, 9-25 Lac qui Parle CMB.
1980Spring Early south 4-26 Lac qui Parle ES, 5-3 Big Stone SC, GP, 5-8 Sherburne EH; early north 5-2 Pennington KSS, 5-6 Marshall ANWR, 5-8 Clay SM Wilkin GMO. '
1980Summer Seen throughout the western regions and central part of the state east to the Twin Cities; also in Mower, Beltrami, Lake of the Woods. Spotted Sandpipe~r Breeding reported in five counties; seen also in 27 counties throughout the state. Early migrants North: 7-23 (JCG).
1980Fall 8-6 Redwood LJF, 8-22 Clay LCF, 9-7 Redwood LJF.
1981Spring Eary south 4-2 Anoka BH, 4-25 Chisago, DB, BL, RJ; early north 4-25 Wilkin JPjAM, 5-1 Cay TL, 5-2 Grant GW.
1981Summer Breeding data from Polk, Clay, Mower. Reported throughout the western regions plus five counties in the central regions and Aitkin, St. Louis (Floodwood). Spo>tted Sandpiper Breeding data from Cook, Lake. Seen throughout the state.
1981Fall 8-1 Lac qui Parle CMB, 8-2 Renville KE, 8-11 Fillmore RH.
1982Spring Early south 5-1 Murray WF, 5-8 Chippewa CMB; early north 5-1 Carlton LW, 1 AB, Otter Tail GMO and Polk KSS.
1982Summer Breeding data from Clay, Swift, Rock. Seen in 26 other counties throughout the state except the Northeast.
1982Fall 8/14 Sibley JS, 9/11 Hennepin OJ.
1983Spring Early south 5/7 Hennepin OJ, 5/8 Pipestone AB, 5/10 Chippewa RJ; early north 4/20 Otter Tail GMO; 5/7 Beltrami JP, 51 I 0 Polk KSS. Whim brei 5/13 Lyon HK, 5/21 LakeS. Wilson, 5/23 Cook SDM (135), 5/25 Duluth MH, SDM; peak 5/31 Cook (300) D. Goodermote.
1983Summer Breeding data from Polk, Clay, Swift, Chippewa. Seen throughout the Western regions plus Watonwan, Ramsey, Hennepin, Benton, Aitkin, Carlton, Duluth. Whimbrei Three, 6/4 Beaver Bay, Lake Co. (KRE); one 6/11, Lake of the Woods (TW).
1983Fall 8/5 Polk AB, Lake of the Woods KSS, 8/6 Pipestone RJ, 9/30 Hennepin VL (needs details) Lyon (no date) HK -all reports.
1984Spring Early south 4/28 Swift KE, 4/30 GS, 5/4 Mower RJ, Anoka KL; early north 5/3 Ottertail GMO, 5/9 Clay LCF, 5/12 Polk AB.
1984Summernested in Aitkin, Polk, Ramsey, Cottonwood, Big Stone and Olmsted; also seen in 17 other counties.
1984Fall 8/4 Chippewa (1) BL, 8/4 Kittson KSS, 8/9 Dakota (2) TI, 8/24 Nobles (I) BL, 10/12 Marshall (8) GSK-all reports. Whimbre1 8/29 Grand Marais, Cook Co. KMH.
1985Spring Early south 4/18 Pope DR, 4/26 Lac qui Parle RH, 4/27 Chippewa AB, Lac qui Parle BDC, FL; early north 4/19 Norman BK, 5/2 Pennington TT, 5/4 Clay LCF. Whimbrei All reports: 4/26 Traverse M. Stensaas, 5/13 to 5/28 St. Louis (8 max.) m.ob., 5/18 Clay 0. W. Johnson, 5/21 Cook (12) WP, 5/26 Cook (7) KMH.
1985Summer Nested in Polk, Mahnomen, Benton (BL), Rock; probable nesting in Sibley, Blue Earth. Also seen in 21 other counties including St. Louis. Whim brei Seen 7/21 Duluth (fide KE).
1985Fall All reports: 8/3 Lac qui Parle RGJ, 8/7 Lyon HK, 8/13 Grant SDM, 9/23 Cook KMH.
1986Spring Early south 4/25 Lac qui Parle RH, 4/26 RE, TTu, 4/29 Olmsted RE, 5/3 Dakota TRF; early north 5/2 Clay RGJ, 5/4 Wilkin GAM, SDM, 5/9 Polk KSS, 5/ll Aitkin WN. Whimbrei All reports: 5/15 to 5/24 St. Louis (3) m.ob., 5/17 St. Louis (11) SSt.
1986Summer Nested in Big Stone,Lac qui Parle (RGJ). Also seen in 25 other counties east to Lake of the Woods, Aitkin, Duluth, Washington and Faribault (AB, DB; first sighting in county).
1986Fall All reports: 8/2 Wilkin BL, 8/7 Dakota TT, 8/19 Mower RRK. 
1987Spring Early south 4/25 Lac qui Parle AB, DB, OJ, 4/27 Winona AP; early north 4/18 Wilkin GAM, 5/5 Duluth KE, 5/10 Red Lake RG. Whim brei All reports: 5/15-24 Duluth (max. 33) m.ob., 5/16-31 Cook (max. 2) RJ, WP, 5/22 Thief River Falls, Pennington Co. KE.
1987Summer Nested in Norman (BK). Also seen in 16 other counties throughout the western regions, six counties in the central regions, and St. Louis, Hennepin, Dodge, Mower in the eastern regions.
1987Fall All reports: 8/15 Rock KE, RH, 9/1 Duluth KC. Whim brei 8/27- 10/16 Duluth (max. 2) m.ob.; only report.
1988Spring Early south 4/30 Chippewa RJ and Lac qui Parle AB, DB, 5/5 Olmsted BSE, 5/8 Stevens EL; early north 5/5 Clay LCF, 5/20 Norman MS, 5/22 Babbitt, St. Louis Co. SS.
1988Summer Nested in Big Stone, Lac qui Parle. Seen in 26 other counties throughout state although scarce in northeast and north central. Whimbrei Fifteen birds seen in Cook (6/6, WP), late migrants.
1988Fall Two reports: 8/7 Clay LCF, 8/20 Clay AP.
1989Spring Early south 5/5 Rock ND, 5/13 Dodge JB, BSE and Steele KV, 5/14 Murray AB; early north 4/23 Kittson TR, 5/7 Nonnan BK, 5/10 Clay LCF
1989Summer Nested in Kittson TR, Wilkin JH, Aitkin; probable nesting in Dakota. Seen in 14 other western counties plus Clearwater, St. Louis, Dodge, Mower. Whim brei One late migrant seen at Park Point, Duluth 6/15, TW.
1990Spring Early south 4/25 Rock PG, 4/27 Blue Earth MF, 4/28 Cottonwood RJ, Lac qui Parle AB and Lyon HK; early north 4/28 Clay MO, 4/29 Otter Tail SDM, 5/17 St. Louis KE.
1990Summer Nested in Nobles; probable nesting in Pipestone. Seen in 19 other counties in all regions except northeast.
1990Fall All reports: 8/11 Clay MO, 9/1 Clay LCF, 9/14 Pipestone JP. Whimbrei One report: 9/15-18 Duluth KR, PS.
1991Spring Early south 4/26 Pipestone KR, 4/27 Lac qui Parle mob and Lyon HK, 4/28 Big Stone RB, DL; early north 5/4 Wilkin SDM, 5/8 Polk PS, 5/13 Lake (2) RG, RJ. Whim brei All reports: 5/19 St. Louis ( 18) PB, 5/21 Cook (40) KMH, 5/21-26 St. Louis mob.
1991Summer Nested in Roseau KB; probable nesting in Clay, Aitkin. Seen in 12 additional western counties plus Lake of the Woods, Clearwater, Mille Lacs, Sherburne, Kandiyohi, Mower, Lake DPV.
1991Fall All reports: 8/1-3 Clay LCF, MO, 8/4 Traverse AB, DB, 8/24 Rock KE, TEB.
1992Spring Early south 4/18 Big Stone DO, 5/1 Rock PS, 5/2 Pipestone PS; early north 5/7 Clay MCBS, 5/10 Kittson MCBS, Polk KSS and Wilkin MO, 5/13 Clearwater RJ.
1992Summer Fewer reports than usual. Nested in Marshall, Aitkin; seen in 11 other western counties plus Morrison, Wright, Ramsey, Dakota.
1992Fall All reports: 8/1 Kandiyohi RJ and 9/2 Clay LCF.
1993Spring Early south 4/29 Yellow Medicine PS, 4/30 Watonwan RJ, 5/8 Stearns JR. Early north 5/3 Otter Tail SDM, 5/12 Clay LCF, 5/20 St. Louis KR.
1993Summer Probable nesting in Stevens. Observed in 16 other counties throughout state as far northeast as St. Louis.
1993Fall All reports: Lyon HK, 8/31 Hennepin SC, DB, TBR, a startling sight in an urban cemetery, perched on a tombstone!
1994Spring Early south 4/30 Lac qui Parle WM, 5/2 Olmsted JBo, 5/8 Chippewa AB; early north 5/4 Otter Tail SDM, 5/13 Norman WM, 5/21 St. Louis TW.
1994Summer Decline in reports continues; number of counties observed in is only half that of 1988. Nested in Murray (name illegible); seen in eight other western counties plus St. Louis, Morrison, Kandiyohi, Le Sueur, Waseca.
1994Fall Only report: 10/1 Lake KE.
1995Spring Early south 4/28 Pipestone RJ, 4/30 Lac qui Parle TT and Lincoln AB; early north 4/20 Aitkin KB, 5/10 Clay RO and St. Louis SS.
1995Summer Nested in Murray; probable nesting in Douglas. Observed in 12 other western counties plus Anoka, Ramsey, Dakota, Olmsted, Winona.
1996Spring Early south 4/16 Waseca JZ, 5/8 Murray ND. Early north 5/8 Wilkin SDM, 5/13 Otter Tail SDM, 5/18 St. Louis PBu.
1996Summer Observed in 16 counties in all regions.
1996Fall All reports: 8/1 Murray RgS, 8/5 Big Stone LE, 8/21 Brown BBo.
1997Spring Early south 4/26 Lac qui Parle TT, 5/9 Jackson MJC. Early north 5/3 Clay RO, PW, 5/11 Carlton LW, 5/23 Douglas GS.
1997Summer Relatively few reports, similar to past five years; this species deserves increased scrutiny. Observed in 11 western counties plus Clearwater, Kandiyohi, Dakota, Olmsted.
1997Fall All reports: 8/1 Big Stone KB, 8/2 Hennepin TT, 8/2 Lake of the Woods (2) PS, 8/15 Lyon RgS, 8/17 Jackson MJC, (no date) Dakota SWe.
1998Spring Early south 4/25 Lac qui Parle WM, RgS, 5/8 Blue Earth RbS, 5/15 Murray ND. Early north 5/8 Traverse RJ, 5/17 Marshall AH, PS.
1998Summer Reported in 13 western counties plus Beltrami, Clearwater, Dakota, Rice, Waseca, Fillmore.
1998Fall All reports: 8/2 Lincoln and Rock KSu, PS, 8/3 Redwood RJ, 8/9–11 Clay mob, 8/12 Dakota KB, 8/13 Lincoln MRN.
1999Spring Reported from seven counties south, including 5/31 Dakota (2) TT. Early north 5/1 Clay RO and Polk DN, 5/6 Otter Tail SDM. Two reports from the northeast region: 5/22 St. Louis (max. 5) mob, 5/30 Cook (1) TN.
1999Summer Reported in 14 western counties, plus Kandiyohi, Carver, and St. Louis.
1999Fall Only reported from the west-central and southwest regions of the state: 8/1 Rock PS, 8/17 Stevens CMa.
2000Spring Observed in 11 south and 8 north counties in all regions except southeast and south-central. Only April report: 4/29 Swift ABo (median south 4/26). Early north 5/1 Clay NWi. Only two reports from northeast region: 5/8 Lake (1) JLi, 5/20 St. Louis (2) mob.
2000Summer Most reports since 1988. Observed in 18 western counties plus St. Louis, Stearns, Meeker, Renville, McLeod, Le Sueur, Dakota.
2000Fall Only north report: 9/13 St. Louis KJB, SLC. South reports all from the west, where last found 9/8 in Big Stone (2) BEO. These are all several weeks later than recent median departure dates north (8/20) and south (8/17).
2001Spring Observed in 12 south and 8 north counties, mostly in western regions. No reports from Southeast or North-central. Early south 4/28 Lac qui Parle and Swift mob, 4/29 Big Stone WCM. Early north 4/29 Wilkin KJB, 5/3 Pine MCBS.
2001Summer Very few reports (in contrast to the previous year). Seen in eight western counties plus St. Louis, Aitkin, Stearns, Meeker, Dakota, Mower.
2001Fall No north reports. August reports from four counties in Southwest region, plus 8/21 Dakota TAT, 9/21 Lac qui Parle (3) BEO.
2002Spring Observed in ten south and six north counties. No reports from North-central or Southeast regions. Early south (median 4/26) 4/17 Waseca JEZ, 4/30 Hennepin TAT. Early north (median 5/2) 4/23 Traverse KJB, 5/4 Traverse RBJ. Also seen 5/12 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave., Bloomington) LBF.
2002Summer Reported in 17 counties as far north and east as a line through Polk, Red Lake, Sherburne, Dakota, Blue Earth; plus St. Louis, Pine.
2002Fall Reported from nine western counties. High count 8/1 Traverse (15) RBJ. Late north 8/13 Grant CRM. Late south 9/4 Swift RBJ.
2003Spring Seen in ten south and nine north counties. No reports from the Southeast. Early south (median 4/26) 4/29 Swift KJB, 5/1 Chippewa, Sherburne and Swift. Early north (median 5/2) 5/6 Traverse KJB, 5/8–10 in three counties.
2003Summer Observed in 15 western counties plus Stearns, Meeker; record-high count 7/3 Big Stone (25) BJU.
2003Fall Only reports: 8/2 Big Stone (2) PCC, 8/2–3 Lac qui Parle (1) BJU, 8/16 Traverse (3) PHS.
2004Spring Reported from only 14 western counties plus Dakota, Freeborn, Sherburne. Early south 4/26 Freeborn AEB, 4/27 Cottonwood BRB. Early north 5/1 Traverse PHS, 5/8 Clay, Otter Tail, Traverse. Highest reported counts 5/1 Lac qui Parle (36 at Plover Prairie) BJU, 5/16 Big Stone (14 on survey route) JWL, PHS et al.
2004Summer Observed in 22 counties in all regions except Northeast and North-central; new nesting records for Jackson BRB, Rice FVS, Dakota SWe.
2004Fall Only north report 8/6 Traverse KJB. Five reports from Big Stone, where last seen 8/29 (1) PHS, JMJ.
2005Spring Reported from 10 south and 8 north counties, including Lake (5/28, JCG) and St. Louis in the Northeast. No reports from East-central or Southeast regions. Arrived late. Early south (median 4/26) 5/7 Big Stone, Jackson, Stevens. Early north (median 5/2) 5/6 Crow Wing JSB, 5/9 Norman JEB. Highest reported count 5/13 Big Stone (8 on survey route) PHS.
2005Summer Reported from 23 counties in all regions except Northeast, Southeast. Highest reported count 7/13 Redwood (16 in one field) LBF.
2005Fall Only report: 8/13 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU.
2006Spring Reported from 12 south and 5 north counties, including St. Louis in Northeast. No reports from North-central or Southeast regions. Early south 4/14 Swift BJU, 4/20 Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north 5/7 Clay and Polk JMJ, 5/8 Red Lake SAS. Remarkable total of 49 observed by teams conducting 85 miles of walking surveys at Glacial Ridge N.W.R. 5/9 Polk fide RPR.
2006Summer Observed in 29 counties, 9 north and 20 south, including Cook (6/3, Grand Marais m.ob.) and St. Louis (6/18, LS) in the Northeast. None in North-central or Southeast, and only Dakota in East-central.
2006Fall One north report: 8/6 Clay PBB. Late south 8/23 Big Stone BJU, 8/24 Chippewa BJU; also observed in Blue Earth, Lac qui Parle, Meeker, and Stevens.
2007Spring616 Early south 4/21 Lac qui Parle (1) PCC, 4/26 Big Stone BJU and Dakota JPM, 4/27 Cottonwood RBW. Early north 4/28 Clay (2) PBB, 5/9 Polk (63 in 80 miles of walking by multiple observers) fide RPR. Reported from St. Louis in Northeast region, but none in North-central or Southeast.
2007Summer912 No reports from eastern regions. First juvenile 7/6 Big Stone PHS. High counts 7/1 Polk (18 along 0.3 mile stretch of County Road 44, Kertsonville Twp.) PCC, 7/30 Big Stone (loose flock of 19) BJU.
2007Fall34 All north reports: 8/6 Traverse (2) BJU, 8/23 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) EMG, KJB, 8/25 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) EMG, KJB, St. Louis (location?) ABL, 8/31 Wilkin BJU. Late south 8/10 Jackson KJB, 8/11 Big Stone (2) PHS, RSF, 8/22 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2008Spring612 Early south (median 4/26) 5/4 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU, 5/5 Stearns (Paynesville Twp.) PCC. Early north 5/6 Clay (4, Felton Prairie) RHO, 5/9 Polk NGE. High count 5/10 Clay (6, Bluestem Prairie S.N.A.) RHO.
2008Summer510 Seen in all regions except North-central, Southeast.
2008Fall27 Two north reports: 8/2 Marshall FGo, 8/9 Traverse (3) HHD, LS, KRE. Observed south in Big Stone, Brown, Faribault, Lac qui Parle, Lyon, Redwood, and Wright as late as 8/24 Faribault HHD (median 8/20).
2009Spring611 Arrivals north and south identical with recent medians. Early south 4/26 Lac qui Parle SWe, 5/3 Cottonwood HHD. Early north 5/3 Polk JMJ, 5/6 Otter Tail TJa. High count 5/31 Clay (8, Blue Stem Prairie S.N.A.) DBW.
2009Summer514 Found in all regions except North-central. Unusual location 6/23 Cook (fly-by) RPR. First county breeding record from Pope DPG.
2009Fall5 No north reports. Late south 8/23 Lac qui Parle KRE, 8/24 Carver DMF (median 8/15).
2010Spring78 Early south (median 4/26) 4/24 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/27 Big Stone DPG. Early north (median 5/3) 5/2 Clay (3, Felton Prairie) RHO, 5/8 Clay RHO, 5/12 Polk (Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) MAh. High count 5/18 Wilkin (4, Rothsay W.M.A.) AMe. No observations from the northeast.
2010Summer615 Found south and west of a line from Polk to Hennepin. First county breeding record from Otter Tail LS.
2010Fall23 Only north reports: 8/1 Clay WMu, 9/5 Marshall PRH, LMS, CRM (median 8/15). Reported south in Big Stone, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle as late as 8/15 Kandiyohi JoS (median 8/22). High count 8/7 Lac qui Parle (33, record high southbound count, included 13 juv., Arena Twp.) PCC.
2011Spring512 Early south (median 4/26) 4/24 Lac qui Parle, Yellow Medicine BJU, 4/26 Martin TAT. Early north (median 5/3) 5/3 Clay (2, Felton Prairie) RHO. No significant counts.
2011Summer817Reported from all regions except East-central. High count 6/22 Cottonwood (34) MDg.
2011Fall28 High count 8/1 Lac qui Parle (6, Plover Prairie and Lac qui Parle W.M.A.) BJU. Only north reports: 8/10 Todd (Quistorff W.M.A.) DPG, 8/21 Traverse (Walls Twp.) BJU (late median 8/15). Late south 8/13 Nobles BTS, 8/20 Big Stone (Foster Twp.) PCC, PHS (median 8/22).
2012Spring1115 Early south (median 4/26) 4/22 Brown (2, Mulligan Twp.) DWK, SBM, 4/26 Brown ANy, DBM and Yellow Medicine DBM. Early north (median 5/3) 4/30 Kittson TrB and Morrison DBM, 5/1 Crow Wing (Pequot Lakes) ABi. High count 5/12 Clay (11) RHO.
2012Summer1220 Reported from all regions, but mainly the western half of the state. First county breeding records for Cottonwood fide BBA, Martin (May record) ChH, Pipestone SWe, Watonwan fide BBA, Yellow Medicine PME.
2012Fall47 Late north 8/15 Todd HHD, 8/24 Douglas JPE (median 8/15). Late south 8/12 Murray GWe, 8/15 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 8/22).
2013Spring812 Early south (median 4/26) 4/26 Swift DBM, 5/5 Blue Earth (Lincoln W.P.A.) m.ob. and Chippewa DBM. Early north (median 5/3) 4/28 Clay TCL, 5/7 Clay RHO. High count 5/12 Clay (7) TCL.
2013Summer1117 Found in all regions except East-central, Southeast. Record high southbound count 7/6 Stevens (45 in one mowed hay field) DBM.
2013Fall35 High count 8/10 Rock (8, Blue Mounds S.P.) RyM. Late north 8/19 Traverse (3 juveniles) HCT, DWK, 9/5 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Late south 8/31–9/1 Brown (Sleepy Eye Airport) RBW, MiO, 9/7 Renville (Fairfax W.T.P.) DBM.
2014Spring912Early south (median 4/26) 4/26 Lac qui Parle SBE, 5/3 Big Stone DPG, 5/5 Pipestone JSc, 5/8 Olmsted JWH. Earliest north reports were all from Clay, beginning 5/3 Clay MO; additional early north reports 5/13 Pine (2) SC, 5/14 Traverse DLP. High count 5/18 Clay (12, 6 pairs at Felton Prairie) LFr.
2014Summer916Reported from all regions except North-central, East-central, but predominantly in western regions. High count 7/29 Stevens (41 in single hayfield) ANy.
2014Fall37 All reports west of a line from Mahnomen through Cottonwood. High count 8/2 Stevens (24, including 21 at one location reported during the summer season) DWK. All north 8/2 Grant (southwest corner of county) DWK, Mahnomen (Waubun Marsh) KRo, 8/9 Grant (2, North Ottawa Impoundment.) PCC, 8/17 Clay DLP. Late south 8/15 Lac qui Parle (Lac qui Parle High School) JWd, 8/17 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) MHo, 9/7 Chippewa RMD.
2015Spring1111 Early south (median 4/26) 4/26 Yellow Medicine (Miller-Richter W.M.A.) GWe, 4/27 Yellow Medicine (Clarkfield W.T.P.) GBa, 5/2 Big Stone (2) BAF, SHF, Lyon (2) GWe. Early north (median 5/3) 5/3 Polk (Kertsonville) SAu, 5/5 Clay (2) JSf, Kittson (2) CSc, Polk (Erskine) DeT.
2015Summer1017 Reported from all regions except North-central. First county breeding record for Stevens JWH. High count 7/31 Renville (13) RAE.
2015Fall12 High counts 8/1–3 Redwood (max. 28, 2/0th and C.R. 6) BTS, DWK, 8/1 Renville (18, C.R.11 and 200th St.) JoS. Late south 8/8 Lac qui Parle DLP, Redwood (8) SOa, 8/9, 8/16 Stevens RAE, 8/30 Yellow Medicine DWK, HCT.
2016Spring716 Early south (median 4/26) 4/29 Renville KBR, 5/1 Lyon GWe, 5/2 Faribault (2) WAF, Rock KEm. Many north reports from Clay beginning 4/30 Clay (Bluestem Prairie S.N.A.) ToL; additional early north reports 5/3 Polk (3, Tympanuchus Prairie) SAu, 5/10 St. Louis (2, Arkola & Poplar) JLK. High count 5/14 Clay (8, Bluestem South) HeH, ShG.
2016Summer819 Found south and west of a line from Clearwater to Waseca. High count 7/31 Jackson (54, one group of 33 and another group of 21 in harvested alfalfa fields near C.R. 14/400th Ave) RAE.
2016Fall11 No north reports for the second consecutive season. High counts 8/5 Lyon (17, 290th Ave.) GWe. Late south 8/14 Lac qui Parle LiH, 8/21 Redwood (10) BTS, 8/30 Yellow Medicine (Miedd Lake) GWe.
2017Spring1019 Early south (median 4/26) 4/17 Dakota RCW, 4/22 Lac qui Parle FGo, Pipestone VKl, 4/27 Rock KEm. Early north (median 5/3) 4/22 Pennington JWH, BWF, Red Lake JWH, BWF, 4/27 Grant WPl, 5/3 Marshall (2) JSm. High count 5/7 Clay (9) TCL.
2017Summer1018 Reported from every region except East-central, Southeast. First county breeding record 8/1 Grant PLJ.
2017Fall27 High tally only 2. Late north 8/9 Wilkin HCT, 8/13 Grant (2) PLJ. Late south 8/25 Lac qui Parle JmP, 8/31 Blue Earth WAF, 9/2 Rock RSA.
2018Spring918 Early south (median 4/26) 5/2 Yellow Medicine (6) WCM, 5/3 Big Stone DLP, Cottonwood (2) RAE. Early north (median 5/3) 5/5 Clay BCo, Traverse CRM, m.ob., 5/6 Grant CRM, m.ob., Polk SAS, St. Louis ebd. High count 5/20 Clay (9, Felton Prairie) LiH. Notable report: 5/28 Steele DAB, KEm.
2018Summer1216 Seen in all regions except Southeast. Most common in western regions.
2018Fall110  High counts 8/5 Brown (15, C.R. 10) LiH, ASu, 8/3 Lincoln (14, C.R. 17) GWe. All north 8/3 Grant (North Ottawa Twp.) SHo. Late south 8/9 Lac qui Parle DLP, 8/10 Redwood WCM, 8/14 Yellow Medicine (3) RJS (median 8/24).
2019Summer1117 Seen west and south of a line from Kittson to Freeborn, plus Mille Lacs, St. Louis.
 Breeds mostly west.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.