Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Sandpipers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Sandpipers
Upland Sandpiper
Eskimo Curlew
Long-billed Curlew
Hudsonian Godwit
Marbled Godwit
Ruddy Turnstone
Red Knot
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper
Curlew Sandpiper
Purple Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper
[Calidris sandpiper]
Short-billed Dowitcher
Long-billed Dowitcher
[Limnodromus dowitcher]
American Woodcock
Wilson's Snipe
Spotted Sandpiper
Solitary Sandpiper
Lesser Yellowlegs
Greater Yellowlegs
Wilson's Phalarope
Red-necked Phalarope
Red Phalarope

Whimbrel(Numenius phaeopus)
1961Springseen on 31 May at Duluth by Jan Green.
1961FallOne seen at Duluth on 9 Sep. by Avifauna! Club members.
1962SpringJanet C. Green saw three on Minnesota Point, Duluth on May 24. Last seen there on May 31.
1963FallAug. 28, Duluth, D. Meyer. Upland Plover: latest, Aug. 3, Rock Co., Avifauna! Club; Aug. 10, Norman Co., Avifauna! Club.
1964Spring5-12 Dora Lake, Cass Co, JAM; 5-20 Duluth, 16 JCG.
1965Spring5-20 (1) and 5-28 (2) Duluth, PBH. 
1966Summer5-20 Rochester, Olmsted Co, 2, JPF. Upland Plover. 7-18 Fargo-Moorhead, ad with 1 y, EGA; present in Nobles Co until 7-20 and Jackson Co until 8-1, HSH; Stevens Co, RAG; 7-7 Minneapolis, 1, FN; 6-17 Swift Co, 15, NH; 6-12 and 6-23 Clover Valley, north of Duluth, Anthony Rekas, first Duluth record.
1967Spring5-27 Duluth, 1,RBJ, JCG, RLH, many other observers. Upland Plover: 4-28 Scott Co., 2, JIM; 5-2 Hennepin Co., FN/ MAS; 5-4 Watonwan Co., EDK; 5-6 Brown Co., HFH and Nicollet Co., EHH.
1968Spring 5-25 Duluth, CLH.
1969Spring5-23 (10) Cook Co., MA; 5-24 (22) Duluth, CLH, RL, PBH. Upland Plover: 5-2 (5) Watonwan Co., EDK; 5-4 Wilkin Co., EC, and Mpls., FN j MAS; 5-5 Duluth, JCG; 5-30 (4) Clay Co., DMF.
1969Summer6-2 St. Louis Co. 4 JJG; 6-29 Duluth 3 RL; 7-1 Duluth 2 RL. Latter two records p·erhaps extremely early fall migrants?
1969Fall9-21 Duluth, by J. P. Perkins. Upland Plover: 8-25 Hennepin 4 VL.
1970Spring2 reports: Duluth 5-12 (2) and 5-28 (4} MMC. 
1971Spring3 reports from Duluth RR; 5-25 (an amazing peak of 28) KE, RR, JG; 5-26 (1) MMC. Upland Plover: early south 5-1 Wilkin VL; 5-2 Carver OJ; 5-4 Watonwan EK; early north 5-1 Clay KH; 5-6 Duluth MMC.
1973Summer 6-2 St. Louis (Duluth) Joe Gallian.
1974Spring 4 reports from Duluth: 5-16 (1) MMC; 5-19 (4) GJN; 5-20 (3) BDC and PF; 5-23 (1) DS; 5-16 Goodhue (4) C. Farnes.
1974Fall 8-10 Duluth MMC.
1975Spring 4 reports: 5-16 Wabasha (2) WDM, RL; 5-17 St. Louis (2) and Meeker (1) OLJ; 5-29 St. Louis (1) BDC; this bird is casual away from Lake Superior.
1976Spring 4 reports of 20 birds: 5-23 Cook (Tofte) (17) Tom Hart; 5-26 St. Louis (1) BDC, BB; 5-30 St. Louis (1) CH, DGW; 5-31 Marshall (1) KE, RBJ, casual away from Lake Superior.
1976Fall 9-17 Big Bay, Cook Co., T. Dyke.
1977Spring 1 report: 5-30 St. Louis DA.
1977Summer Seen only at Duluth on 6-11 (DA, B. Hojnacki).
1977Fall Only report 8-29 to 8-31 Cook (G. Scott).
1978Spring 5-19 Stearns (7) NH; 5-20 St. Louis (31-100) KE, HK, RBJ; 5-27 St. Louis SG.
1978Summer Late migrant 6-4 Duluth (ETS).
1978Fall 8-28 Duluth KE, 9-24 Duluth J. Goin.
1979Spring 5-7 St. Louis DA (11), 5-24 Cook Don Goodermote (150). Only reports.
1980Spring 5-3 Marshall RBA; only report.
1980Fall 9-9 through 14 Duluth, many observers.
1984Spring 5/19 St. Louis (I) KC, M. Hendrickson, 5/27 St. Louis (23) L. Hanson -all reports.
1984Summer6/17 Duluth (T. Savaloja).
1985SpringTraverse, Clay; Buffbreasted Sandpiper: Olmsted; Ruff: Goodhue; Little Gull and Artie Tern: Duluth; Short-eared Owl: Chippewa;
1986FallAll reports: 9/4-27 Park Point, Duluth m.ob., 9/13-23 North Shore, Duluth m.ob.
1987Summer Late migrant 6/1-2 Cook (TW, WP).
1988Spring All reports; 5/14-23 Duluth m.ob., 5/18-22 Cook (max. 19) WP, TW.
1989Spring Only report: 5/20-29 Duluth (max. 12) m.ob.
1989Fall One report: 9/2 Duluth (1) DE. Stilt Sandpipers and Lesser Yellowlegs, 24 August 1989, Thief River Falls, Pennington County. Photo by Peder Svingen.
1990Spring Only reports: 5/17 St. Louis (25) KE, 5/26- 27 Cook mob. Winter 1990
1990Summer One bird 6/7 Duluth FL.
1991Fall Only report: 8/22 Tofte, Cook County MH.
1992Spring All reports: 5/17 Otter Tail (20) SDM, 5/18–30 St. Louis mob, 5/23-25 Lake fide KE, 5/23-30 Cook KMH, DN.
1992Summer Only reports: 6/1,3 Lake, 6/10 St. Louis.
1992Fall All reports: 8/29 St. Louis KR, 9/2 St. Louis PS, 9/19–21 St. Louis mob.
1993Spring All reports 5/19–31 St. Louis mob, 5/19 Lake DPV, 5/25–29 Cook KMH, DN.
1993Fall All reports 9/17–10/6 St. Louis mob (2nd latest date for state).
1994Spring All reports: 5/22 Cook SDM, 5/24 Anoka mob, 5/28 St. Louis BL, 5/28 Roseau mob, 5/29 St. Louis CF.
1994Fall All reports: 9/21–25 St. Louis (5) AH, KE.
1995Spring All reports: 5/20–29 St. Louis mob, 5/21 Clearwater (4) DJ, 5/23 Cook (10–12) SM/CE.
1995Fall Only report: 8/22 St. Louis DBe.
1996Spring All reports: 5/18 St. Louis mob, 5/20 Aitkin (4) WN.
1996Fall Only report 9/8 St. Louis fide KE.
1997Spring All reports: 5/17 Dakota (Lake Byllesby) PBu, DBS, 5/24 Sherburne (3) DJe, 5/25 Cook (21) MO, 5/31 St. Louis in two locations: Minnesota Point (4) and Stoney Point (13) mob.
1997Fall No reports.
1998Spring All reports: 5/16–18 St. Louis (28–30) mob, 5/20 Jackson (1) PS, 5/24 Clearwater (2) ABo, 5/28–30 St. Louis (max. 22) mob.
1998Summer First summer reports in six years. First county record on 6/8 in Lac qui Parle (13) RJ; three observed on 6/2 at Duluth in St. Louis Co. CB.
1998Fall All reports were single birds: 9/5 St. Louis KB, 9/17–23 St. Louis mob.
1999Spring All reports were from the northeast region: 5/20–31 St. Louis (max. 19 on 5/23) DBM, mob, 5/28–30 Cook mob.
1999Summer Only report: 6/3 Lake JMc.
1999Fall The only report was from Duluth, the most reliable location in the state for this species: 9/9 St. Louis (1) JLi.
2000Spring Three unusual locations: 5/16 Dakota (6 at L. Byllesby) DBS, 5/17 Big Stone (1 in Toqua Twp.) †PS, 5/24 Becker (single at HSNWR) mob. All other reports were along North Shore of Lake Superior in May as expected, and all were from St. Louis except 5/25 Lake JLi. Peak count 5/20 St. Louis (25) DBe.
2000Summer Only report: 6/2 St. Louis (7 at Park Point in Duluth) KRE.
2000Fall All reports: 8/10 St. Louis (Park Point) PHS, 9/3 Lake (Burlington Bay) fide KRE.
2001Spring Exceptional report 5/19 Marshall (7 at ANWR) CRM et al. Very low numbers along North Shore of Lake Superior, where reported 5/10+ St. Louis mob, 5/29 Cook DMF.
2001Summer Exceptional date and first county record 7/1 Pipestone †CAK, JJS.
2001Fall Only report: 8/23 St. Louis (Park Pt., Duluth) TPW.
2002Spring Arrived north 5/18–19 St. Louis (max. 13) m.ob. High counts 5/24 Cook (25 at Paradise Beach) DFN, 5/24 St. Louis (17–19 at Duluth) KJB, FJN. First county occurrences 5/26 Polk (Crookston lagoons) AXH, PHS, 5/31 Kandiyohi (3 at Green Lake lagoons) RSF.
2002Summer Late migrants 6/5 St. Louis (3 at Duluth) JWB.
2002Fall Only report: 8/18 Cook (1) JWL, SLL.
2003Spring All reports from Northeast, except first county record 5/21 Wilkin (one seen and heard at Breckenridge lagoons) KJB. Early north 5/16–19 St. Louis (max. 32 at Duluth) MH, m.ob. Providing the state's second highest count (226) were two separate flocks within a ten minute period 5/26 Cook (154 at Five Mile Rock and 72 at Paradise Beach) DFN; reports of 100+ at Good Harbor Bay (KRE et al.) and 45 at Grand Marais (TD) the same day were probably among those counted by DFN. Late north 5/27 Cook (1) RBJ.
2003Fall Singles in St. Louis 9/9 (near Brighton Beach) MH, 9/21 (Park Point, Duluth) MTA.
2004Spring Record-early and also at an exceptional location was the flock of 18 Whimbrel at Salt L. 4/18 Lac qui Parle †BJU. Second county occurrence 5/20 Kandiyohi †RSF. All other reports from the Northeast beginning 5/17 Lake (2) JWL and St. Louis (13–16) m.obs., 5/18 Lake (22 at Knife River, also the highest reported count) PHS, 5/19 Cook (18) RBJ.
2004Summer Only report: 6/6–8 St. Louis SLF et al.
2004Fall Only report: 8/28 St. Louis (one at 40th Ave. West, Duluth) JLR.
2005Spring Only report: 5/24 St. Louis LS.
2005Summer Only the second report of a spring migrant this year: 6/9 Cook (Grand Marais harbor) fide JWL.
2005Fall All reports: singles 9/13 Crow Wing (Ironton W.T.P.) JSB, 9/18 St. Louis (Minnesota Point) †PHS et al.
2006Spring Early north 5/20 Lake (one at Knife River) JCG, 5/27 Cook (50+ at Paradise Beach) DFN; also observed at Duluth (3) PHS. All south reports: 5/25 Lac qui Parle (one feeding briskly with a Willet in section 5, Garfield Twp.) BJU, 5/31 Anoka (one at Carlos Avery W.M.A.) BRL et al., †CMB.
2006Summer All reports: 6/2–5 Cook (max. 8, Grand Marais) RBJ, SC, 6/22 St. Louis (Interstate Is., Duluth) KRE.
2006Fall Only report: 9/11 St. Louis (Duluth) KRE.
2007Spring3 Early north 5/18 Lake of the Woods (1) MHK, JMo, 5/21–22 St. Louis (13) KRE, m.ob., 5/22 Lake (8 at Lighthouse Point, Two Harbors) JWL. High count 5/23 St. Louis (25 at Park Point, Duluth) CMB, DBz.
2007Summer2 All reports: 6/1, 6/7 St. Louis PHS, 7/18 Cass (Pelican Is., Leech Lake) ph. ABi.
2007Fall21 Reported from Park Point, Duluth in St. Louis beginning 8/23 PHS; last reported there 10/19 KJB. Also reported 9/15 Lake (Castle Danger) fide JWL. First county record 8/8 Hennepin (2 at Purgatory Creek in Eden Prairie) HCT, †DWK, m.ob.
2008Spring3 All reports from Cook, Lake, and St. Louis beginning 5/17 St. Louis (2, Park Point, Duluth) PHS. Last reported 5/27 St. Louis CMB. High count of 78 found 5/24 Cook (Paradise Beach) DFN.
2008Fall Only report 8/25 Lake JWL.
2009Spring31 One south report: 5/23 Kandiyohi (6, Olson Lake W.P.A.) DAB, JWH. All north reports: 5/14–30 St. Louis m.ob, 5/21 Polk (2, Erskine W.T.P.) HHD, JCC, 5/22 Aitkin JSB, 5/23 Marshall (3) REM, m.ob. See summer report for late migrants north.
2009Summer1 All reports refer to northbound migrants at Park Point, Duluth: 6/1–2 (5) KRE, LS, PHS, 6/13 (3) LS.
2010Spring31 Only south report 5/24 Lac qui Parle (Yellow Bank Twp.) ph. BJU. All north reports: 5/16 Lake (7, Lighthouse Point, Two Harbors) JWL, St. Louis (Hearding Island, Duluth) PHS, 5/18 St. Louis (2, Park Point) PHS, 5/27 St. Louis (60, Park Point) JLK, 5/29 Cook (3, Paradise Beach) DFN, St. Louis (5, Park Point, Duluth) PHS, 5/30 St. Louis (2, Park Point, Duluth) PHS.
2010Summer11 Observed 6/1–3 St. Louis ph. PHS, ph. SCZ, 7/28 Dakota KRo, † JPM, †CMB, JWH, ADS, RTe.
2010Fall No reports.
2011Spring31 One bird in St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) beginning 4/22 (second earliest date on record) ph. PHS and present through 4/29 m.ob. Two north reports away from St. Louis: 5/29 Pennington (Thief River Falls W.T.P.) †JWH, BWF, 5/30 Kittson †JMJ. High count 5/28 St. Louis (18, Park Point R.A.) JLK. Only south report: 5/13 Lac qui Parle (Yellow Bank Twp.) ph. BJU.
2011Summer1Observed 6/7 – 6/12 St. Louis (max. 2 at Park Point, Duluth) ph. PHS, m.ob.
2011Fall No reports.
2012Spring51 Only south report: 5/28 Dakota (Vermillion Twp.) BRL, ph. CMB, m.ob. Early north (median 5/18) 4/23 Cass MaH, 5/19 Clearwater (13) PEB, DWK, 5/20 St. Louis (6) JLK; other north reports from Cook and Lake. High count 5/26 Cook (36, Paradise Beach) DFN. See summer report for late migrants north.
2012Summer1 Two reports from St. Louis (on or near Hearding Island, Duluth: 6/2 (25) ph. AM, 6/5 (2) ANy.
2012Fall No reports.
2013Spring71 Only south report and season's high count: 5/24 Big Stone (44, highest count away from Lake Superior) ph. ANy, JWH. Several north reports away from Lake Superior beginning 5/12 Polk (East Grand Forks W.T.P.) ph. SAu, ph. VLa, 5/18 Grant and Traverse (North Ottawa Impoundment) ph. PEB, DWK, HCT, 5/20 Cass (Walker W.T.P.) BAW, 5/29 Itasca ph. SC. All other north reports from Lake Superior: 5/22 St. Louis (19, Park Point) JLK, 5/23 St. Louis DFN, TKe, 5/24 Cook DFN, 5/30 St. Louis (Park Point) MSS, EBr. See summer report for late migrants north (median 6/2).
2013Summer1 Only report: 6/3 St. Louis (ball field on Park Point) CLW.
2013Fall No fall reports since 2008.
2014Spring31All south 5/10 Rice (south of C.R. 12 along C.R. 72) †DAB, ph. GHo, DAB. All north 5/19 St. Louis (14, Duluth) KJB, 5/24 Cook (Paradise Beach) DFN, 5/26 Douglas (south of Brandon) ph. DWK, 5/28 Cook (Taconite Harbor) ClN, MGo, but also see summer report.
2014Summer21Seen 6/2 St. Louis (Park Point) JLK, 6/6 Clay (Felton Prairie) ALD, CRM, 7/27 Faribault †WAF, ph. RLE.
2015Spring4 All north: 5/17–19 St. Louis (Park Point) KJB, TRK, HHD, JLK, 5/22 St. Louis (2, Park Point, Pine Forest S.N.A.) ph. DTr, 5/23 Cook DFN, Lake (6, season's high count, Knife Island) JCr, 5/25 Cass (3) BAW, m.ob., 5/31 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) ph. LMS.
2015Summer No reports.
2015Fall No fall reports since 2008.
2016Spring51 Only south report 5/17 Stearns (max. 9, Albany W.T.P.) †PCC, m.ob. All north 5/15 Marshall and Polk (11, Agassiz Valley Impoundment) PEB, 5/18 St. Louis (Western Waterfront Trail) SDi, 5/19 St. Louis (Arkola & Poplar) JLK, 5/23 Red Lake (8 total: three at gravel pit in extreme southwest corner of county, five at rice paddies near Oklee) PEB, DWK, HCT, SBM, 5/27 Lake (Agate Bay) EEO, JPR.
2016Summer No reports.
2016Fall No fall reports since 2008.
2017Spring2 No south reports. Reported regularly from Park Point R.A. in St. Louis County from 5/16 (7) JLK, JPR through 5/28 (3) StK. Also found north in Cook County: 5/25 (14, Grand Marais, Artist's Point) REn, 5/27 (7, Five Mile Rock) JWH, 5/28 (7, Paradise Beach) SLL, JWL, See summer report for latest north migrants.
2017Summer2 Seen 6/4 Aitkin (C.R. 15 west of Aitkin) HCT, DWK, SBM, 7/7 St. Louis (Port Terminal, Duluth) NKu, SKu.
2017Fall1 First fall report since 2008: 8/15 St. Louis (Park Point, ball fields) JPR.
2018Spring4 No south reports. Reported north in St. Louis from 5/13 (3) FJN through 5/31 DyL, but also see summer report. Also found north 5/19 Lake (6, Two Harbors) JCa, 5/22 Grant (11, North Ottawa Impoundment) DBz, ANy, m.ob., 5/26 Red Lake (4, gravel pit in extreme southwest corner of county) fide JMJ, m.ob. High count 5/20 St. Louis (28, Park Point R.A.) HHD, RAE.
2018Summer1 Found 6/2 St. Louis (2, Duluth) JLK.
2018Fall1 Only report 9/22 Lake (Knife River Marina) KRE, JWL.
2019Summer21 Late spring migrants 6/5 Cook (11, Grand Marias Harbor) ebd, 6/8 St. Louis (Duluth) NMe, 6/12 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) WCM. Exceptional report of non-breeding bird 6/29 – 7/17 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) †Evelyn Mock, m.ob.
 Rare migrant mostly on Lake Superior, primarily in spring.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.