Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Sandpipers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Sandpipers
Upland Sandpiper
Eskimo Curlew
Long-billed Curlew
Hudsonian Godwit
Marbled Godwit
Ruddy Turnstone
Red Knot
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper
Curlew Sandpiper
Purple Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper
[Calidris sandpiper]
Short-billed Dowitcher
Long-billed Dowitcher
[Limnodromus dowitcher]
American Woodcock
Wilson's Snipe
Spotted Sandpiper
Solitary Sandpiper
Lesser Yellowlegs
Greater Yellowlegs
Wilson's Phalarope
Red-necked Phalarope
Red Phalarope

Sanderling(Calidris alba)
1964Spring4-18 Frontenac, RBJ; 5-7 Winona Co, LJ; 5-7 Duluth, 125, JCG; 5-10 Salt Lake, RG; 5-12 Hennepin Co, MAS.
1964Summerlatest spring dates, 6-6, Duluth, JCG; 6-6, Lac qui Parle Co, DP; 6-7, Stevens Co, RAG; 6-29 Duluth, DP, RG, RLH; fall dates, 7-26, Duluth, WRP; 8-22, Duluth, FL, DP.
1965Springearliest 5-18 Wisconsin Point, PBH; latest 6-1 Duluth, WRP, DP, RLH.
1965Falllatest 9-11 Washington Co, 6, ACR; 9-15 Holt, Marshall Co, 9, DLO.
1966Springearliest 5-13 Hennepin Co, DB; 5-15 Dakota Co, EMB and Washington Co, ACR; 5-16 Duluth, 50, JCG; latest 5-17 Wright Co, EGC and Washington Co, EHH; 5-21 Ramsey Co, ACR and Duluth, JCG.
1966Summer6-6(100), 6-7(300) and 6-11(1) Duluth, JCG; 7-31 Mille Lacs Lake, 2, TEM; 8-5(10) and 8-17(4) Duluth, PHB; 8-22 Duluth, 15, JCG.
1966FallEarliest 8-7 Nicollet Co., DB; 8-28 Duluth, JCG; latest 9-24 Clay Co., LWJ; 9-26 Cook Co., JCG; 10-8 Lyon Co., PE.
1967Springearly 4-29 Lac qui Parle Co., EHH; 5-2 Carver Co., FN/MAS; 5-4 Lac qui Parle Co., JAH; late 5-28 Duluth, HFH; 6-7 Duluth, BB. American Avocet:4-15(VL), 4-29(EHH), 5-4(JAH) Lac qui Parle Co.; 5-7 Nicollet Co., HFH; 4-22 to 5-23 Fargo-Moorhead fide EGA.
1967Fall earliest 8-10 Carver Co., FN/ MAS; 9-4 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; latest 9-24 Duluth, JCG; 10-7 Lyon Co., PE; 10-17 Big Stone Co., JAH.
1968Spring early 5-12 Duluth, KE, JPP; 5-18 Carver Co., RBJ, RTH; 5-19 Minneapolis, EMB; late 5-25 Lac qui Parle Co., DB; 5-27 Lac qui Parle Co., KE; 6-4 Duluth, KE.
1968Summer 7-11 Goodhue Co, FN/MAS.
1968FallEarliest 8-28 Crow Wing RBI; five other records all from Duluth in September.
1969Spring5-2 Washington Co., DS; 5-4 Hennepin Co., EMB; 5-19 Lac qui Parle Co., BL; 5-22 Duluth, PBH; 5-24 (150+) Duluth, PBH, and (50+) CLH; 5-30 Morrison Co., LSR.
1969Summer6-1 Duluth 500, JJG; 6-11 Duluth 30 FL; 7-18 Clay Co. EA.
1969Fall9-6 Duluth 30 TH; 8-5 Duluth 5 MC; 9-13 Duluth BTV; 10-28 Duluth KP; 8-21 Wright ETS; 10-2 Clay ETS.
1970Springearly 4-25 Renville {50) WL; 4-26 Lyon HK; 4-30 Duluth RL; peak 5-23 Duluth {100+) CH; late 5-29 and 31 Duluth GES, RL.
1970Summer6-16 Duluth J.P. Perkins; 7-20,7-23
1970Fallearly 7·18 Duluth (40) KE; 8·4 Wright ES; late north 10·15 Marshall AR; 10·11 Duluth )G; late south 9·12 Hennepin DB.
1971Springearly south 5-l Lyon PE; 5-2 Cottonwood LF; 5-12 Lac qui Parle RR; early north 5-20 Duluth KE, RR, JG; 5-22 Duluth MMC; late 5-29 Swift BH and Duluth JG, CH, RBJ; 5-30 Lyon PE.
1971Summer6-3 Aitkin TS, JB; 6-6 Lyon L. Paynter.
1971Fallearly 7-10 Lyon; 7-11 Duluth; late south 9-26 Lyon; late north 10-16 Grant; 10-24 Duluth.
1972Summer7-2 Lyon, 7-19 Duluth; 7-28 (20) Duluth.
1973Summer 6-5 St. Louis (Duluth), 7-4 & 7-14 Clay (Moorhead Lagoons). Short-billed Dowicher 7-10 Hennepin. Dowicher Sp. 6-10 & 7-4 Clay.
1973Fall Seen in Mille Lacs, Early 8-6 St. Louis (9) (OLJ). Peak 9-2 St. Louis (40) (JCG).
1974Spring Early south 4-27 Lyon HCK; 5-4 Goodhue RBJ; early north 5-16 St. Louis UMD, GJN; 5-18 St. Louis KE; late 5-27 St. Louis GJN and 5-27 Hen- nepin ETS; peak 5-23 St. Louis (300+) GJN. America,n Avocet 5 reports: 4-27 Lyon RBJ, DR; 5-12 Rock (2) KE; 5-17 St. Louis (Duluth 3) DE; mid-May Big Stone DS.
1974Summer 6-1 Goodhue (RJ).
1974Fall Early 7-3 Lyon VL; 8-14 Duluth JG; late north 9-27 Marshall AR; 10-20 Duluth GR; no reports of late dates south.
1975Spring Early south 5-10 Lyon HCK; 5-17 Lac qui Parle PAZ. OLJ, KG; early north 5-13 St. Louis GJN; 5-20 St. Louis GA; late 5-28 St. Louis GJN.
1975Summer 6-13 Pope (OJ) and 6-15 Lyon (BDC); latest south dates on record by a week.
1975Fallearly 6-28 Lyon PE; 8-17 Duluth JG; 8-28 Hennepin OJ; late 11-14 Duluth DS.
1976Spring Early south 4-14 Lyon GO earliest date on record; 4-24 Lac qui Parle several observers; early north 5-21 St. Louis GN, JH; 5-22 Marshall SV; late 5-28 Hennepin CH. America,n Avocet 16 reports: 5-1 Murray (16) KE; 5-2 (2) HK, 5-4 (1) GO, 5-5 (10) BDC, 5-12 (8) HK, 5-15 (1) BL, 5-23 (1) RL, all Lyon Co.; 5-3, 5-5, 5-7 Cottonwood LF; 5-22 Lac qui Parle (2) KE; 5-15, 5-16, 5-24 Lac qui Parle CB; 5-26 Grant RL; 5-30 Marshall (2) KE, ETS; 5-10 (2), 5-16 (8) Marshall SV. 
1976Summerlate migrant 6-12 Duluth (DGW).
1976Fall Early north 7-24 Duluth, 8-16 Aitkin; early south 7-28 Yellow Medicine GO, 8-12 Lyon; late north 10-26 Duluth, 11-7 Mille Lacs DGW; late south 10-27 Anoka.
1977Spring Early south 5-2 Washington DS; 5-10 Lyon GO; 5-12 Lyon HK; early north 5-11 St. Louis GN; 5-15 St. Louis DA; late 5-30 St. Louis DA.
1977Summer Late migrants 6-14 Marshall and 6-18 Duluth (S. Schon).
1977Fall Early north 7-16 Grant (GO), 7-17 Otter Tail (GO), Traverse (DGW).
1978Summer Late migrants North 6-6, 6-11.
1978Fall Early north 8-10 GO and 8-12 Wilkin SW; early south 8-7 Anoka KL· late north 11-2 Wilkin GO and 11-3 Duluth KE; late south 10-21 Hennepin OJ.
1979Spring Early south 4-26 and 5-1 Washington DS; early north 5-14 Otter Tail GMO, Winter 1979 5-15 St. Louis KE; late north 5-31 Marshall CMB.
1979Summer Late migrants 6-2, 6-16 Duluth.
1979Fall Early north 8-3 St. Louis KE, 8-6 Wilkin GMO; early south 8-4 Washington DMB, 8-6 Hennepin OJ; late north 9-30 St. Louis JG, 10-5 Marshall KSS; late south 9-15 Washington DS.
1980Spring Early south 5-11 Dakota JD, 5-12 Sherburne JH, 5-13 Olmsted JB; early north 5-17 St. Louis KE, 5-21 Pennington KSS, 5-22 Otter Tail GMO.
1980Summer Late migrants: 6-6 Duluth, 6-11 Pennington. Dowitcher Sp. Early migrants North: 7-3, 7-12; South: 6-29 (MJF), 7-8 (two locations).
1980Fall Early north 8-4 St. Louis KE; early south 8-2 Washington DMB, 8-3 Hennepin OJ; late north 10-15 St. Louis JG, RJ, LW, 10-16 OJ, 10-18 WN, 11-9 KE; late south 9-2 Mower RRK, 9-3 Washington DS.
1981Spring Early south 4-24 Lac qui Parle RH, 4-25 OJ; early north 5-6 St. Louis TL, 5-17 OJ, Marshall KSS; late south 5-24 Cottonwood JEB, Hennepin SC, 5-25 Dakota KG, Washington DR; late north 5-30 St. Louis JW, 5-31 Cook KMH, Wilkin SM.
1981Summer Late migrants North: 6-6, 6-8. Early migrants North: 7-16, 7-29; South: 7-9 Goodhue (RSA).
1981Fall Early north St. Louis 8-25 KE, 8-28 KL; early south 8-1 Ramsey KL, 8-7 BSNWR, 8-11 Brown KL, 8-12 Washington DMB; late north 9-26 St. Louis KL, LW, 10-12 TW, 10-14 KE; late south 9-23 Lac qui Parle KL, 9-25 BSNWR, 10-13 Hennepin SC.
1982Spring Early south 5-6 Lac qui Parle CMB, 5-16 Yellow Medicine CMB; early north 5-8 Pine LW, St. Louis 5-17 KE, 5-18 JG; late north 5-26 Cook MKH, Pennington 5-26 KSS, 5-29 JSP, 5-28 St. Louis AB.
1982Summer Late migrants South: 6/2; North: 6/8 Duluth, 6/16, 6/25 Lake of the Woods. Early migrants North: 7/10, 7/17, 7/21.
1982Fall Early north 8/1 Aitkin WN, 8/3 St. Louis KE, 8/7 Pennington KSS; early south 8/4 Lyon HK, 8/10 Hennepin OJ; late north St. Louis 9/27 LE, 10/3 KE, 9/29 Polk RJ, 10/13 Todd RJ; late south 9/12 Hennepin ES, 11/1 Cottonwood LAF.
1983Spring Early south 5-8 Cottonwood WH, 5-9 Olmsted JEB, early north Lake of the Winter 1983 Woods 4/27 TW, 5!14 KL; Late south 5/20 Blue Earth JCF, 5/21 Stearns NH, ES ; late north 5/29 Lake of the Woods TW.
1983Summer Late migrants North: 6/4, 6/9. Early migrants North: 7/9; South: 7/23. Semipahnated Sandpiper Late migrants South: 6/11, 6/12, 6/26 (injured); North: 6/20, 6/24-25. Early migrants North: 7/1 Wilkin, 7/20, 7/21 ; South: 7/16, 7/22, 7/24.
1983Fall Early north 8/15 Cook KMH, 8/20 St. Louis MH; early south 8/17 Stearns NH, 8/27 Dakota JD; late north 9/24 St. Louis Sanderling, 9/16/83, Duluth, Nestor Hiemenz RJ, 9/25 Lake of the Woods KSS, 10/25 Roseau AJ; late south 10/2 Washington OS, 10/3 Dakota RG, 10/7 SC. Red Knot, 9/13/83, Two Harbors, Lake County, Steve Wilson
1984Spring Early south 5/6 Hennepin BL, 5/1 I Blue Earth JCF; early north 5/8 Ottertail GMO, 5/9 Lake of the Woods TW; late south 5/26 Lac qui Parle SC, PL, 5/27 Washington DS; late north 5/26 Wilkin SC, Roseau KSS, 5/27 Clay SC, St. Louis DGW.
1984Summerlast spring date 6/12 Lake of the Woods; first fall date 7/7 Lake of the Woods.
1984Fall Early north 8/29 Cook KMH, 9/2 Clay LCF; early south 8/30 Washington JD, 91 I Nicollet RJ; late north 10/18 Pennington KSS, I0123 St. Louis MH, I0127 St. Louis RE, Lake of the Woods AJ; late south ' 10/6 Goodhue BL, 10/14 Washington DS.
1985Spring Early south 4/30 Dakota SC, ES ; early north 4/28 Clay LCF, 5/11 St. Louis KE; late south 5/28 Blue Earth MF, 5/31 Hennepin OJ; late north 5/28 St. Louis JBITS, 5/30 St. Louis NH, FL, Cook KMH, RJ.
1985Summer Late migrants: South, 6/4 Stearn, 6/5 Chisago; North, 6/2, 6/7 Cook. Early migrants: North, 7/12 Cook, 7/27 Cass, Roseau; South, 7/2 1 Lyon.
1985Fall All reports: 8/17-9111 Stearns RJ, NH, 8/18 Hennepin OJ, 8/25 Pennington RJ, 8/29-9/ 15 St. Louis m.ob., 9/14-9/17 Cook m.ob.
1986Spring Early south 4/24 Hennepin OJ, 5/12 Olmsted RE; early north 5/5 Clay LCF, 5/13 St. Louis fide KE; late south 5/23 Hennepin OJ,, 5/28 Olmsted RE; late north 5/29 Wilkin GAM, 5/30 Cook KMH.
1986Summer Late migrants 6/8 Cook. Only report.
1986Fall All reports : 8/2 Nobles RG, 8/26-914 Polk AB, RJ, 9/6 Blue Earth MF, 9/13-10/17 Duluth m.ob., 10/17 Cook KMH, 10/9 Hennepin ES, 10/29 Lyon HK.
1987Spring Early south 5/15 Olmsted JB, 5/18 Winona AP; early north 5/14 Duluth KE; late south 5/28 Pipestone JP, 5/30 Goodhue TI; late north 5/30 St. Louis SC.
1987Summer Migrants: 6/19 Goodhue (B. Litkey) and 7/30 Clay.
1987Fall All reports : 8/8-9/23 Washington DS. 8/14 Cottonwood RJ, AP, 8/30 Cook SOL and Lake SS, SW, 9/18 Nicollet JF, 9/19- 10/14 Duluth m.ob., 10/25 Swift RG.
1988Spring All reports: 5/9 Goodhue JD, 5/11 Dodge AP and 5/14 DS, 5/14 Olmsted JEB, 5/15 Lyon HK, 5/21 Pennington ANWR, 5/26 Lake of the Woods KH, 5/28-29 Red Lake RG,AB.
1988Summer Fall migrants: 7/17 Faribault, 7/24 Clay, 7/31 Duluth and Wilkin and Traverse.
1988Fall Early north 8/9 Pennington AB, 8/25 Cook KMH; early south 8/13 Lyon BSE, 8/22 Hennepin ES, SC; late north 10/2 Beltrami AB, 10/22 Aitkin BSE, WN; late south OJ, 9/24 Blue Earth RJ, 9/26 Waseca AP, 9/28 Blue Earth, Faribault WN, AP.
1989Spring Early south 5/14 Lyon AB, 5/18 Olmsted BSE; early north 5/11 Lake of the Woods KH, 5/20 Duluth TW; late south 5/27 Goodhue RJ, AP, 5/31 Olmsted BSE; late north 5/27 Duluth AB, APr.
1989Summer Only reports: 6/1 Wabasha, 6/2 Wilkin, 6/19 Clay, 7/26 Carver RG.
1989Fall All reports : 8/13-24 Pennington RJ, AP, PS, 8/15 Polk AB, 9/10-30 Duluth AB, OS, 10/7 Cook WP, 11/4 Wabasha BL.
1990Spring Early south 4/28 Lac qui Parle MB, 5/2 Rock PG, 5/11 Big Stone RJ; early north 5/11 Aitkin KR and Clay LCF, 5!12 Mille Lacs KR, PS, 5/15 St. Louis PC; late south 5/23 Carver RJ and Olmsted BSE, 5/28 Lyon HK; late north 5/26 St. Louis TW, 5/28 Clay LCF.
1990Summer All records: 6/7 Duluth, 6/20 Goodhue KB ; 7/20 Rock and Steams, 7/26 Pennington.
1990Fall Late north 9/19 Otter Tail RG, 10/6 St. Louis DPV; late south 8/21 Hennepin OJ, 9/24 Meeker RG.
1991Spring All reports: 4/27 Olmsted BSE, 5/13 Scott PS, 5/19 Becker MO, 5/20 Marshall KSS, 5/22 Winona RG, 5/23 Clay MB, 5/25 St. Louis AB, 5/26 Clay LCF and Winona AP.
1991Summer All records: 6/4 Cook, 7/22 Hennepin, 7/26 Traverse, 7/27 Martin, (no date) Anoka.
1991Fall Late north 9/17 Clearwater KB, 9/22 Wilkin MO, 10/29 St. Louis KE; late south 9/7 Rock JPa, 9/12 Yellow Medicine HK, 9/14 Stevens KB.
1992Spring Early south 5/10 Olmsted JB; early north 5/8 Pennington MCBS, 5/9 Roseau NJ, 5/11 Clay LCF; late south 5/23 Goodhue KB, 5/24 Stearns JR, 5/26 Hennepin OJ; late north 5/27 Norman PS, 5/31 St. Louis EL.
1992Summer Observed 6/1 Hennepin, 6/2 Red Lake, 6/5 Clay, 6/7 Lake.
1992Fall Late north 10/1 St. Louis SC, 10/4 Cook PB and Roseau (3) PS, 10/10 Roseau KB; late south 10/9 Lac qui Parle AB, 10/11 Swift RG, 11/8 Martin BBo.
1993Spring All reports: 5/11 Clay LCF, 5/13 Olmsted, 5/17 Goodhue KB, 5/20 Stearns BBo, 5/21–29 St. Louis TEB, DE, 5/24–25 Hennepin SC, 5/24 Murray RG, RJ, 5/24 Pipestone RG, 5/24 Waseca (40) RG, 5/29–30 Lake of the Woods KB.
1993Summer Only records: 7/23 Clay, 7/29–30 Goodhue.
1993Fall Late north 10/12 Olmsted JB, 10/15 Pennington KB; late south 9/29 Anoka KB, 10/9 Chippewa RJ, 10/12 St. Louis TW.
1994Spring All reports: 4/8 Mower RRK (precedes earliest date by six days), 5/8 Roseau PS, 5/10 Olmsted JBo, 5/14 Waseca OJ, 5/22 Goodhue DN, 5/23 Anoka PKL, 5/24 Le Sueur OJ, 5/26 Anoka PKL, 5/29 Clearwater AB.
1994Summer All reports: late migrant 6/6 St. Louis, early migrants 7/23 Winona, 7/28 Carver.
1994Fall Only report north: 8/8–9/24 St. Louis mob. All south reports: 8/14 Winona CS, 9/10 Wabasha JW.
1995Spring All reports: south 5/6 Lac qui Parle KB, 5/15 Olmsted CK, 5/20 Winona CS, 5/26 Le Sueur RJ; north 5/27 St. Louis TEB, 5/28 Lake SW/MS, 5/29 Aitkin KB.
1995Summer Only reports: 6/15 Lake of the Woods, 7/18 Polk, 7/22 Jackson.
1995Fall Late north 10/1 St. Louis TT, 10/15 Lake of the Woods KB, 11/4–8 (second latest north) Cook mob. Late south 9/4 Washington TEB, 9/15 Ramsey KB, 10/18 Blue Earth (1) RJ.
1996Spring Early south 4/25 Brown RG, RJ, 4/28 Renville PJ, 5/4 Waseca JZ. Early north 5/18 Clearwater ABo and St. Louis mob, 5/26 Lake of the Woods PS.
1996Summer Only record: 7/21 Pipestone.
1996Fall Late north 10/21 Polk KB, 10/25 Marshall SKS and St. Louis KB, 10/26 Cook AH. Late south 9/30 Winona CS, 10/1 Murray RgS, 10/19 Big Stone LE. Peak numbers 9/5 St. Louis (55) TT, 9/19 Polk (20) PS, 10/6 Big Stone (25) LE.
1997Spring Early south 5/17 Dakota TT, 5/18 Lac qui Parle (12) PS, 5/23 Benton RJ. Early north 5/18 St. Louis TW, 5/31 Clearwater ABo. Peak 5/31 St. Louis (15) mob.
1997Summer All records: 6/1 Polk, 6/1-2 St. Louis, 7/15, 19 Wilkin.
1997Fall Late north 9/20 St. Louis RH, 9/21 Pennington PS, 10/5 Polk PS. Late south 9/8
1998Spring Early south 5/4 Stearns KE, PS, 5/8 Lyon RgS. Early north 5/16 Marshall AH, PS, 5/23 St. Louis DN. Late south 5/30 Pope RJ. Peak count 5/30 St. Louis (50) mob.
1998Summer Record number of reports; spring and fall migrants observed in nine counties. Late migrant 6/10 Big Stone, early migrant 7/12 Marshall.
1998Fall Late north 8/26 Wadena RJ, 9/5 Marshall JJ and St. Louis KB. Late south 9/11 Hennepin SC, 10/4 Lyon RgS, 11/1 Faribault JDa.
1999Spring Reported from five south counties, plus St. Louis. All reports were in May. Early south 5/9 Lyon RgS. Early north 5/11 St. Louis PS. Peak count 5/29 St. Louis (~100) mob.
1999Summer Migrants observed in seven counties. Late migrant 6/3 Lake, early migrants 7/18 Big Stone and Stearns; peak count 6/1 St. Louis (~100) PS.
1999Fall Three of the five north reports were in mid-October: 10/16 Cook AH, PS, 10/17 St. Louis PS, 10/20 Polk PS. More south reports than usual, especially from South Heron L., Jackson Co. (max. 28 on 10/11 RgS). Latest south 10/25 Jackson CMa and Stearns SWi.
2000Spring Early south 5/10 Meeker (2) DF, close to median arrival (5/8). Also reported south from Jackson (9), Renville (1), Faribault (6). Early north 5/7 St. Louis (3) PS, 5/17 Clay WM, with subsequent reports in Wilkin and Norman. Numbers down in Duluth PS.
2000Summer Only reports: 6/5, 6/12 St. Louis (20–30 at Duluth) mob.
2000Fall Early north 8/6 Polk PCC, 8/10 Lake JWL. Early south 8/12 Carver PEB, 8/15 Lac qui Parle KJB. Peak counts 8/26 St. Louis (53) PHS, 9/8 Lac qui Parle (38) BEO, 9/13 St. Louis (38) SLC, KJB. First county record on 9/8 Benton (Little Rock L.) HHD. All October reports: 10/1 Polk PHS, 10/3 Lac qui Parle BEO, 10/22 Yellow Medicine KRE et al.
2001Spring Early south (median 5/8) 5/7 Big Stone KJB; also seen in Meeker (2), Stearns, Dakota (max. 13), Hennepin (2). Reported from nine north counties, mostly in the Northwest. Early north 5/11 Norman RBJ, 5/17–19 in five counties. Numbers continue to be low in Duluth; peak 5/24 St. Louis (20) DFN.
2001Summer All reports: late migrants 6/2 St. Louis, 6/3 Marshall; mid-summer report 6/25 Becker †CRM; early migrants 7/15 St. Louis, 7/21 Marshall, 7/28 Lac Qui Parle.
2001Fall Scarce along North Shore of L. Superior, where high count 9/15 St. Louis (20) TPW. Late north 9/23 Lake JWL. Reported from eight south counties, including (early south) 8/6 Meeker RJS. No reports later than 10/23 Jackson CRM, 10/27 Dakota SWe.
2002Spring Reported from ten south and eight north counties. No reports from Southwest or Southeast. Early south 5/4 Hennepin (9) RMD, 5/6 Dakota CRG, ADS. Early north 5/4 Traverse (Mud L.) PCC, AXH, PHS, 5/10 Clay (3) RHO. Late south (median 5/31) 5/31 Rice (9) TFB. Late north 5/29 Traverse (7 at Mud L.) KJB, also see summer report. High count 5/26 St. Louis (75+ at Duluth) FJN.
2002Summer Spring migrants observed in St. Louis, Traverse, Hennepin, Dakota, Waseca; late migrants 6/16 St. Louis (8) BCM, 6/16 Traverse (5) RSF et al. Fall migrants found in St. Louis, Meeker, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle; early migrant 7/23 Big Stone DB. Peak count 6/8 Traverse (56) PCC.
2002Fall Early north 8/4 Roseau (1) PHS, also see summer report. Scarce for the second consecutive fall along North Shore of L. Superior, where high count 9/19 St. Louis (30 at Park Point, Duluth) MH. Early south 8/1 Stearns (4 at Paynesville) JPM, RPR, also see summer report. All counts ?12 in southern regions. Late north 10/11 St. Louis (1) MRN, only October report. Observed in eight south counties, including (late south) 10/21 Winona (2) CBe, JWH.
2003Spring Reported from only six south and six north counties. No reports from Southeast. Scarce along the North Shore of L. Superior. Early south 5/10 Dakota ADS, 5/17 Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north 5/8 Pennington KJB, 5/11 Crow Wing HHD, JPR. Late south 5/29 Big Stone BJU, 5/31 Dakota ADS, JPM and Rock KRE et al. Late north 5/30 Marshall PLJ, but also see summer report. Highest reported count 5/19 Big Stone (28) KJB.
2003Summer Observed in seven counties; late migrant 6/14 Brown BSm, FVS, early migrants (all singles) 7/17 Wilkin KJB, 7/27 Marshall SAS, PHS, 7/29 Big Stone KJB. Peak count 6/10 Traverse (28) PCC.
2003Fall Reported from Lake, Lake of the Woods, Pennington, and St. Louis in the north, plus nine south counties. Please see summer report for first fall migrants. Additional arrivals north and south respectively, 8/23 St. Louis (one at Tower) JWL, 8/16 Lac qui Parle (6) BJU. First juvenile 9/27 Lac qui Parle PCC. Relatively scarce for the third consecutive fall along the North Shore of L. Superior, where high count 9/11 St. Louis (50 at Park Point, Duluth) MTA, but note 200 unidentified “Sanderling-size” shorebirds at same location 11/4 MTA, MH. Late north 9/26 St. Louis (7) JWL. Late south 10/21 Winona (2) CBe, JWH.
2004Spring Reported from 15 south counties beginning 4/29 Dakota JPM, 5/1 Jackson JSS and Lac qui Parle PEJ, DFN. Observed in only six north counties including first arrivals 5/1 St. Louis MSS, 5/10 Otter Tail DTT, SMT, EJE. Highest reported count 5/31 St. Louis (230+ at Park Pt., Duluth) KJB. All other counts <40.
2004Summer Spring migrants 6/5 Big Stone (2) PHS, 6/6 St. Louis (7) SLF. Early south 7/12 Brown (4) EOr, 7/17, 7/22 Lac qui Parle m.ob., 7/25 Swift BJU, 7/28 Big Stone BJU (no fall migrants north). Highest reported count 6/1 Big Stone (18) PHS.
2004Fall Reported from five north and ten south counties. Early north 8/21 Traverse PCC; please see summer report for early south migrants. First juvenile 8/28 Traverse PCC. Apart from second highest fall count 9/8 St. Louis (150 at Park Point, Duluth) PHS, relatively scarce for the fourth consecutive fall along the North Shore of L. Superior. Late north 10/28 Lake JWL, 10/30 Cook (2) JWL, PHS and Mille Lacs (1) DWK. Late south 10/20 Lac qui Parle (3) PHS, 10/23 Goodhue (1) BRL.
2005Spring Reported from five south counties beginning 5/8 Dakota SWe, 5/13 Big Stone (4) PHS. Observed in seven north counties beginning 5/8 Crow Wing KWR, 5/10 St. Louis MTA, PHS. Highest reported counts 5/29 Traverse (33 at Mud L.) KJB, 5/30 Polk (44 at Crookston W.T.P.) KJB.
2005Summer All reports: 6/5 St. Louis JCG, 7/24 Lac qui Parle (2) PHS, 7/27 Clay BJU.
2005Fall Reported from eight north and seven south counties; none in East-central or South-central regions. Early north 8/27 St. Louis m.ob. Please see summer report for early south migrant; next reported 8/11 Lac qui Parle BJU. First juveniles 8/21 Big Stone PHS, 8/28 Lac qui Parle PCC. Relatively scarce for the fifth consecutive fall along the North Shore of L. Superior. Late north (median 10/10) 10/4 St. Louis LAW. Late south (median 10/21) 10/14 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2006Spring Reported from seven south counties beginning 5/3–5 Dakota JPM et al., 5/5 Lac qui Parle BJU. All north reports: 5/25 (65), 5/27 (42) St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) PHS, DWK, 5/27 (3) St. Louis SLF, 5/28 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) JMJ, PHS. Please see summer report for late spring migrants.
2006Summer Northbound migrants: late south 6/11 Lac qui Parle BJU; late north 6/10 Polk PHS. Southbound migrants: early north 7/22 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) JMJ, SAS, PHS; early south 7/23–25 Lac qui Parle MBu, BJU, PCC.
2006Fall Reported from 5 north and 10 south counties, none in Northwest or Southeast. Please see summer report for first fall migrants; additional arrivals 8/23 Lake JWL (north), 8/1 Lac qui Parle BJU (south). First juveniles 8/27 Lac qui Parle (2) PCC, PHS. High count 9/17 St. Louis (50 at Park Point, Duluth) PHS. Late north 9/27 Cass (3) DAY, 10/7 St. Louis m.ob. (median 10/10). Late south 11/2, 11/5–6, 11/8–9 (ties latest south date) Brown BTS (median 10/21).
2007Spring513 Early south 4/24 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/7 Freeborn (2) JWH, 5/8 Brown (3) BTS and Lincoln JEB, HHD, JJS. Early north 5/7 St. Louis MSS, 5/19 Crow Wing ASc and St. Louis WCM, 5/20 Traverse PHS. New county record: 5/15 Steele DAB. High count 5/25 St. Louis (150) DWK. Late south 5/28 Blue Earth HHD; also see summer report.
2007Summer13 Northbound migrants: late south 6/9 Brown (2) BTS; late north 6/13 St. Louis (3) PHS. Southbound migrants: early north 7/23 St. Louis (4) PHS; early south 7/20 Big Stone PHS, 7/21 Lac qui Parle PCC, PHS.
2007Fall911 See summer report for early southbound migrants north. Early south 8/18 Meeker (3) DMF, 8/19 Freeborn JWH. First juveniles 8/25 St. Louis (1) KJB and Lac qui Parle (1) PCC. Late north 10/20 St. Louis (8) PHS, 10/30 St. Louis (2) PHS, OWB. Late south 9/30 Sibley HHD, 10/3 Yellow Medicine BJU. High counts 9/24 St. Louis (85, Park Point, Duluth) KJB, 9/25 St. Louis (66, Hearding Island and Duluth Harbor) PHS.
2008Spring58 Early south (median 5/6) 4/26 Lac qui Parle SWe, 5/4 Lac qui Parle PCC. Early north (median 5/11) 5/6 St. Louis (3, Park Point, Duluth) PHS, 5/13 St. Louis (24, Park Point, Duluth) PHS. High count 5/30 St. Louis (83, Park Point, Duluth) PHS. Late south 5/26 Nicollet DWK, 5/28 Brown (4, Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS (median 6/1). See summer report for late migrants north.
2008Summer22 Northbound migrants: late south 6/1 Lac qui Parle (1) BJU; late north 6/6 St. Louis (85 at Park Point, Duluth) PHS. High count away from Duluth 6/1 Cass (15 at Pelican Is., Leech Lake) BAW. Southbound migrants: 7/13, 7/19 Lac qui Parle PCC, PHS, 7/15, 7/16 Brown (2) BTS.
2008Fall510 See summer report for early southbound migrants. First juvenile 8/16 Lac qui Parle PCC. High count 9/4 St. Louis (356, Park Point, Duluth, highest fall count on record) PHS. Late north 10/17 Cass (3) m.ob., 11/1 Cass (Little Pelican Island, Leech Lake) BAW (median 10/9). Late south 11/4 Rice TFB (median 10/22).
2009Spring1014 Early south (median 5/5) 5/3 Redwood HHD, 5/10 Watonwan (Butterfield W.T.P.) KRE, LS. Early north (median 5/11) 5/2 Becker BDS, 5/6 Crow Wing (Ironton W.T.P.) JSB, 5/7 Becker BDS. See summer report for late migrants south and north. High counts 5/27 St. Louis (58) KJB, 5/13 Kandiyohi (34 at Olson Lake W.P.A.) RSF.
2009Summer22 Northbound migrants: late south 6/3 (11), 6/7 Brown BTS; late north 6/3 Cass (1) BAW, 6/7 St. Louis (15) LAV. Southbound migrants: no north data; early south 7/17 (1), 7/21 (1) Brown BTS. High count 6/2 St. Louis (46 at Park Point, Duluth) PHS.
2009Fall510 See summer report for early migrants north and south. Late north 10/17 St. Louis KJB, 10/26 Cass BAW (median 10/11). Late south 10/18 Ramsey (White Bear Lake) RBW (median 10/22). High count 9/15 St. Louis (38, Duluth) PHS.
2010Spring511 Early south (median 5/5) 5/9 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) RMD, 5/12 Dakota (Lake Byllesby) CMB. Early north (median 5/11) 5/14 St. Louis (9, Park Point) PHS, 5/16 Cass (3, Pelican Island) BAW and St. Louis PRH. No significant counts. See summer report for late migrants south and north.
2010Summer43 Northbound migrants: late south 6/7 Brown BTS, 6/10 Big Stone BJU; late north 6/6 St. Louis (29) PHS, 6/8 Mille Lacs FGo. Only southbound migrants 7/25 St. Louis (2) PHS.
2010Fall611 See summer report for early migrants north. Early south (median 7/23) 8/5 Rice TFB. High count 9/11 St. Louis (120, Park Point, Duluth) KRE. Late north 9/26 St. Louis HCT (median 10/11). Late south 10/17 Pope JJS (median 10/22). First county record: 8/27 Itasca JJS.
2011Spring48 Early south (median 5/5) 5/3 Stearns FGo, 5/9 Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north (median 5/11) 5/21 Douglas (Osakis W.T.P.) JPE, JEl, 5/22 Becker DBM, St. Louis CAB. High count 5/27 St. Louis (100+) DFN. Late south 5/28 Lyon (8) DPG, 5/30 Chippewa (Milan), Swift (8, Lubenow W.P.A.) BJU (median 6/1). See summer report for late migrants north.
2011Summer11All reports: northbound migrants 6/1, 6/11 St. Louis ph. SCZ, DWK, JLO; southbound migrant 7/29 Blue Earth ChH.
2011Fall1313 Early north (median 7/25) 8/6 Traverse DPG, 8/8 St. Louis (3) TAT. Early south (median 7/23) 8/3 Lac qui Parle (Haydenville W.M.A.) BJU, 8/4 Renville DPG, but see summer report. High count 9/27 St. Louis (26, Park Point R.A.) PHS. Late north 10/1 Cook RAE, ALo and St. Louis KRE, LS, 10/2 Cass (3, Pelican Island) DAY (median 10/11). Late south 10/8 Rice TFB, 10/15 Swift DBM (median 10/22).
2012Spring512 Early south (median 5/5) 5/3 Lac qui Parle (2, Cory Lake) BJU, 5/14 Rock (34) BWF, JWH. Early north (median 5/11) 5/15 St. Louis (Park Point) PHS, 5/17 Wadena (Sebeka W.T.P.) HHD. High count 5/28 St. Louis (75, Park Point) JLK. See summer report for late migrants.
2012Summer27 Seen in Aitkin, Carver, Jackson, Lac qui Parle, Renville, St. Louis, Sibley, Stearns, Swift. Northbound migrants: late south 6/3 Carver JCy; late north 6/4 St. Louis ANy. Southbound migrants: early north 7/13 Aitkin DBM; early south 7/16 Sibley JCy.
2012Fall59 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High count 8/8 St. Louis (34, Park Point) EBr. Late north 9/18 St. Louis (Park Point) ALo, EBr, 9/23 St. Louis DAB, ANy (median 10/11). Late south 9/15 Ramsey RMD, 10/4 Yellow Medicine RBJ (median 10/22).
2013Spring46 Early south (median 5/5) 5/4 Big Stone DFN, PEJ, 5/13 Hennepin BPo. Early north (median 5/11) 5/19 Aitkin and Crow Wing JCC, 5/20 St. Louis MAM, DaM, KJB, JLK. High counts from St. Louis (Park Point) 5/30 (235) and 5/31 (175) PHS. See summer report for late migrants south (median 6/1) and north (median 6/7).
2013Summer12 Reported from Big Stone, Brown, St. Louis. Northbound migrants: late south 6/7 Brown (1) BTS, MiO; late north 6/15 St. Louis (7) CMn. Southbound migrants: early north 7/22 St. Louis (20, Duluth) KRE, EBr; early south 7/24 Brown (3) BTS. Third highest northbound count 6/1 St. Louis (360) PHS, including 76 at 12th Street, 70 at Beach House, and 2/4 SE of Sky Harbor Airport, all at Park Point.
2013Fall513 See summer report for early southbound migrants, north and south. Numerous high counts of over 100 at Park Point R.A. in St. Louis beginning 9/10, peaking with 245 counted carefully by 5s on 9/15 (JLK). Late north 10/4 St. Louis JLK, 10/27 Grant DPG (median 10/11). Late south 10/12 Big Stone DLP, Brown (2 juveniles) BTS, 10/16 Goodhue BRL, 10/18 Ramsey ELC (median 10/22).
2014Spring913Early south (median 5/5) 5/5 Meeker RMa, 5/12 Big Stone DLP, 5/14 Stearns (5) PCC. Early north 5/8 Marshall (4) CCr, 5/9 Morrison (7) MEm, then none until 5/15. New county record 5/17 Fillmore (southeast of Goethite W.M.A.) RMD. High count 5/25 Roseau (20) KRE. Late south 5/26 Renville (5) GWe, 5/27 Carver RAE; also see summer report. Late north 5/30 Kanabec JEB; also see summer report.
2014Summer35Found in Big Stone, Carver, Dakota, Douglas, Grant, Kandiyohi, Rice, St. Louis. Late spring migrants 6/2 Big Stone DLP, 6/3 St. Louis JLK, DCZ. Southbound migrants: early north 7/25 Grant KRE et al., early south 7/22 Carver JCy, KMS. 
2014Fall810 See summer report for early southbound migrants, north and south. High count 9/29 St. Louis (31) TPW. Late north 10/2 St. Louis (8) KRE, JPr, 10/6 St. Louis (2, Superior Entry) ToL (median 10/11). Late south 10/25 Hennepin (juvenile at Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) †BAF, SHF, BAF, 11/1 Lac qui Parle (3, Big Stone N.W.R..) PCC (median 10/22).
2015Spring414 Early south (median 5/5) 5/11 Yellow Medicine RJS, 5/12 Renville (2) DWK, and 5/15 in Hennepin, Jackson, Stearns. Early north (median 5/11) 5/6–7 Crow Wing (max. 5, several locations along Mille Lacs Lake) KMa, JPR, EGa. First report away from Mille Lacs Lake 5/14 St. Louis (4, Park Point) ClN. High counts 5/26 St. Louis (104, Duluth) KJB, 5/22 Jackson (88, Heron Lake area) KJB. Late south 5/30 Stearns HHD, 5/31 Big Stone DLP, Brown BTS, MiO (median 6/1). Late north 5/31 St. Louis (8) ToL, LMS (median 6/7). See summer report for more late migrants, north and south.
2015Summer31 Northbound migrants 6/2 St. Louis (38, Park Point) JLK, 6/3 (4) KRE; 6/3 Brown MJB, 6/3 Crow Wing (Mille Lacs L.) EGa. Only fall migrant 7/31 Douglas JPE.
2015Fall79 See summer report for first early north migrant; subsequently reported 8/7 St. Louis (9, Park Point) JLK. Early south 8/20 Washington PNi, 8/30 Renville DWK, HCT. High count 9/27 St. Louis (60, Park Point) JeR, NKr. Late north 10/9 Cook ClN, and then only reported from St. Louis where last seen 10/29 St. Louis (Park Point) PNi, BMu. (median 10/7). Late south 10/18 Lyon (4, Sham Lake) GWe, 10/22–29 Dakota (4, Lake Byllesby) ALw, m.ob.
2016Spring519 Early south (median 5/4) 4/24 Yellow Medicine BMu, 4/25 Lac qui Parle (2) CMz, 5/7 Redwood BTS. Early north (median 5/11) 5/12 St. Louis JPR, Wilkin (2) ANy, DBz. High counts 5/28 St. Louis (46, Park Point R.A.) MLH, 5/25 Yellow Medicine (28, Miedd Lake) GWe. See summer report for late migrants, north and south.
2016Summer25 Observed in Lac qui Parle, Lake, Lyon, St. Louis, Stearns, Wright, Yellow Medicine. Late spring migrants 6/7–8 Stearns HHD, 6/11 St. Louis (7, Park Point) BDo, KvM.
2016Fall513 After no southbound summer reports, early north (median 7/25) 8/8 St. Louis (5) JLK, early south (median 7/23) 8/6 Yellow Medicine JCC. High count 9/19 St. Louis (53, Park Point R.A.) MLH. After 9/25 only reported north from Park Point, where last seen 10/6 St. Louis (2) DOr, and from Agate Bay 10/11 Lake JWL (median 10/10). Late south 9/26 Hennepin (Lake Harriet) TAT, m.ob., 9/27 Jackson KEm, 9/29 Lyon JEB, Redwood JEB (median 10/21).
2017Spring1417 Early south (median 5/4) 4/19–26 Faribault WAF, 5/6 Dakota (2) BDo, (2) LiH, 5/7 Stearns FGo. Early north (median 5/11) 4/11 Grant (appeared to be one-legged, North Ottawa Impoundment) WPl, 4/23 Grant (same location) CRM, m.ob., 5/2 St. Louis (4) JPR, JLK. High count 5/22 St. Louis (80, Park Point, near airport) JPR. Late south 5/30 in Benton, Stearns, Washington, then 5/31 Benton (7, Foley W.T.P.) RBW (median 6/4). Late north 5/31 Morrison RBW, RBJ, St. Louis (6) BCl (median 6/7). Also see summer report for more late migrants north and south.
2017Summer64 Reported from Benton, Cass, Chisago, Clay, Grant, Lyon, Morrison, St. Louis, Stevens, Traverse. Late spring migrants 6/11 St. Louis (4) ebd, 6/15 Crow Wing GHo, KDS. High count 7/13 St. Louis (130, Park Point) JPR. Additional fall migrants 7/21 Morrison, Lac qui Parle.
2017Fall1010 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High counts were all from Park Point in mid September, with peak tally 9/15 St. Louis (50, Park Point) JWL. All north reports after 9/21 were also from Park Point, with latest reports 10/5 St. Louis (2) DOr, 10/8 St. Louis (2) KvM, except for the latest report 10/20 Grant (4) MO (median 10/11). Late south 9/17 Yellow Medicine (8) GWe, 9/18 Benton HHD, followed by one record late 11/26 Dakota (Spring Lake P.R.) †DWK (median 10/21).
2018Spring1015 Early south (median 5/4) 5/5 Wabasha REn, m.ob., 5/5–9 Lyon (max. 24) VKl, m.ob., 5/6 Watonwan (20, Madelia) ASu, LiH. Early north (median 5/11) 5/5–14 Grant GJa, KRE, m.ob., 5/14 Morrison FGo, St. Louis KCo, JDx, Todd JLK. High count 5/19 St. Louis (48, Park Point R.A.) JuW. See summer report for late migrants both north and south.
2018Summer110 Seen in Chippewa, Dakota, Freeborn, Kandiyohi, Lyon, Redwood, Rice, St. Louis, Stearns, Steele, Yellow Medicine. Late spring migrants 6/8 (30), 6/9 (12) St. Louis (Duluth, Park Pt.) BAF, AUm. Southbound migrants: early north 7/28 St. Louis (2) MWS; early south 7/26 Dakota (1) MwT, 7/27 Redwood (1) CNn.
2018Fall99 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High count 9/15 St. Louis (80, Park Point R.A.) BEA. Late north 10/12 Cook (2) JWf, 10/12–13 St. Louis (max. 8) KRE, m.ob., 10/17 Grant CNn (median 10/11). Late south 9/24 Faribault WAF, 10/6 Stearns AUm, 10/11 Ramsey LiH (median 10/21).
2019Summer42 Found in Dakota, Grant, Marshall, Polk, St. Louis, Stearns. Northbound migrants: late south 6/3 Stearns (3) PCC; late north 6/10 Grant (1) CNn. Southbound migrants: early north 7/20 St. Louis (1) AFo, 7/21 Grant (2) LiH.
 Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.