Willet(Tringa semipalmata) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1932 | Summer | | | On June 24 Mrs. C. E. Peterson and Mrs. N. o. Wilson se.w a pair of Willets with one downy chick at Ap~_,leton. Elccept for the observation of ~'bung Willets that were full (;Town at the sane place last year, this appears to be the first breeding record of the Willet in Minnesota. for the 2oth century. |
1961 | Spring | | | reported at Duluth by P. B. Hofslund's ornithology class (I believe this is the second or third record for that area) on 11 May. One was seen at Salt Lake on 5 May by R. Grant. Red Knot: seen from 26 to 29 May at Duluth by Jan Green; on 27 May by P. B. Hofslund and members of the Avifauna! Club. White-rumped Sandpiper: seen 21 May at Salt Lake by Avifauna} Club members and Jan Green reports ten of them at Duluth on 30 May. |
1961 | Summer | | | A distinct pair and another individual were seen on 17 June at Salt Lake by members of A vifaunal Club. Here, too, nesting is a good possibility. On 1 July, Bob Janssen saw three Willets at Fisher Lake, Scott County. |
1962 | Spring | | | April 28 Salt Lake, Avifauna! Club; seen there again by same group on May 12 and 27, displaying some sort of courtship flight; most unusual record was at Duluth on April 30, seen by Janet C. Green. Knot: May 24 Duluth, Minnesota Point, Janet C. Green. |
1962 | Summer | | | July 30, Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co., Richard K. Olson. Knot: Aug. 18, Duluth, St. Louis Co., one in molt from spring to fall plumage, three in fall plumage, Avifauna! Club; Aug. 25, Duluth, one in molt, 4 in fall plumage, Avifauna! Club. An excellent field mark, not noted in popular literature, is the bright yellow "soles" of the feet, which contrast nicely with the greenish legs, as the Knots walk away from the observer. |
1963 | Spring | | | April 27, Salt Lake, Avifaunal Club; April 28, Beardsley, Big Stone County, R. Grant; May 7, Mud Lake, Traverse County, R Grant; May 12, Duluth, Dennis Meyer. |
1963 | Summer | | | Lac qui Parle Co., Salt Lake, present every summer but nest as yet not located. Avifauna! Club. |
1963 | Fall | | | latest, August 3, Lac qui Parle Co., Avifauna! Club. |
1964 | Spring | | | 4-25 Salt Lake, RBJ; 5-7 Sherburne Co, 1, EAH; 5-9 White Rock Dam, above Lake Traverse, EGA; at Duluth on 5-7 JCG, 5-10 BL, 5-19 PBH. |
1964 | Summer | | | 6-14 Stevens Co, RAG. |
1965 | Spring | | | 5-6, Hibbing, HM, SM; 5-8 Moorhead, LWJ and Breadsley, RAG; 5-13 Moorhead, LWJ; 5-25 Duluth, PBH, JCG. |
1966 | Spring | | | 4-30 Dakota Co, DB; 5-5 Duluth, JCG; 5-14 Frontenac, MIG. |
1966 | Summer | | | 6-11 Clay Co, DB, RG; few summer records in the past two or three years. Greater Ye,llowlegs: 7-1 (7) and 7-8 (12) Agassiz Refuge, Marshall Co, DLO; 7-17 Hennepin Co, VL. |
1967 | Spring | | | 5-2 Olmsted Co., JPF, CMJ, Carver Co., FN/ MAS, Dakota Co., FN/ MAS and 4-30 (2), 5-5 (5), 5-20 (1) Duluth, JCG, 5-4 Stevens Co., JAH and FargoMoorhead fide EGA; 5-6 Lyon Co., PE; 5-13 Martin Co., BL; 5-14 Carver Co., RDT; 5-15 Marshall Co., AWR; 5-21 Clay Co., LWJ. |
1968 | Spring | | | 4-13 Dayton Twp., Hennepin Co., 1, Evelyn Cruzen; 4-28 Windom, Cottonwood Co., 3, LAF; 4-29 Wilkin Co., 4, MSB; 5-4 Minneapolis, 1, SW; 5-6 Marshall 1, PBH; 5-12 Fargo-Moorhead, fide EGA; 5-14 Frontenac, Goodhue Co., 1, EHH; 5-20 Marshall Co., 2, A WR; 5-25 Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co., 1, DB; and Morrison Co., 1, LSR; more reports than I can recall in past years. |
1968 | Summer | | | 7-7 Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co, 1, RLH; 8-4 Grand Forks, North Dakota, 1, RLH; 8-23 Albertville, Wright Co, 1, GES. |
1968 | Fall | | | 8-23 Wright (Albertville) ETS. |
1969 | Spring | | | 5-12 Hennepin Co., EIS; 5-15 Lincoln Co., BL; 5-22 Duluth, RL; 5-24 Duluth, CLA, PBH. |
1969 | Fall | | | 8-31 Lac qui Parle 2 KP; 9-26 Marshall ETS; 10-19 Duluth 19, by P. Getman. |
1970 | Spring | | | 10 reports Parle {8) WL; 5-1 Houston FL; 2 northerly reports: 4-26 and 4-30 Duluth KE, PE, JG, RL; also reported from Sibley, Jackson, Lyon {8), and Dakota; more reports than usual. |
1970 | Summer | | | 6-18 Mud Lake, Traverse Co. (2) EC, BL. The first summer record of a pair in many year~. |
1970 | Fall | | | 2 reports Lacs (1) MI. |
1971 | Spring | | | early south 4-25 Stearns AMB; 5-l Lyon PE; 5-2 Blue Earth EK; early north 5-l Mille Lacs MI; 5-11 Duluth JG; late 5-26 Duluth JG; 5-29 Lyon PE. |
1971 | Summer | | | 2 reports migrant); 6-28 Agassiz Refuge, Marshall Co., MMC (migrant or summer resident?). The Loon |
1971 | Fall | | | 3 reports and 20 Murray (6) ND. Greater Yellowleas: early 7-10 Aitkin and Sherburne; late south 10-30 Lvon; 10-31 Henneoin; 11-2 Winona; late north 10-17 Ottertail; 11-4 Marshall. Lesser Yellowlecn: early 7-8 Aitkin; 7-9 Duluth; late south 10-23 Cottonwood; 10-24 Freeborn; 10-31 Wright; late north 10-17 Ottertail; 10-27 Marshall. Knot: "rare in July," Agassiz NWR, Marshall Co., AR; very few inland reports. |
1973 | Summer | | | 7-28 Hennepin. |
1973 | Fall | | | Three reports, two from Duluth; 84 Hennepin (ETS); 8-8, 8-18 St. Louis (OLJ, FL). |
1974 | Spring | | | Early south 4-23 Hennepin OJ; 4-30 Hennepin VL, ETS (21); early north 4-30 St. Louis GJN, UMD; 5-9 Mille Lacs TS; late 5-21 St. Louis JG. Grea.ter Yellowlegs Early south 3-31 Sibley RBJ; 4-9 Carver FN; 4-12 Rock KE; early north 4-16 Aitkin TS, JB; 4-21 Aitkin (50) JB; 4-21 Mille Lacs MI; late 5-19 St. Louis GJN. |
1974 | Fall | | | 8-3 Wilkin RBJ; 8-25 Freeborn DG; only reports. |
1975 | Spring | | | Early south 4-29 Hennepin (14) JJW; 4 reports 4-30; early north 4-30 St. Louis JCG, BDC; 5-2 St. Louis MMC; late 5-13 Anoka SC; 5-17 St. Louis KE, HCK, TS. |
1975 | Summer | | | One reported 6-29 in Marshall Co. (SV); very few summer records. |
1975 | Fall | | | 7-19 Lyon KE, PE; 8-14 Marshall SV; and 9-5 Duluth GC; only reports. |
1976 | Spring | | | Early south 4-19 Stearns NMH; 4-24 Lac qui Parle AFE, HK; 4-29 Hennepin HPR; no reports north; late 5-16 Lyon KE. |
1976 | Fall | | | 4 reports: 6-27 Jackson DGW, 7-15 Rock KE, 7-20 Duluth TD, 8-19, 21 Anoka PKL, 8-20 Lyon KE. |
1977 | Spring | | | Early south 4-2 Anoka (1) DGW earliest date on record; 3 reports on 4-23; 1 report north 5-7 Mille Lacs (1) TS; late 5-22 Lyon ED. |
1977 | Summer | | | 2 reports: 6-3 Duluth (ES); 6-14 Marshall (KE). |
1977 | Fall | | | All reports 6-27 Lyon (VL), 7-16 Traverse (DGW), 7-21 Otter Tail (GO), 8-16 Big Stone (RJ). |
1978 | Summer | | | Late migrants 6-7 (Lac qui Parle, GLO), 6-23 (Duluth, DGW). |
1978 | Fall | | | 8-19 Wilkin, SM, GO, GW; only report. |
1979 | Spring | | | Early south 4-21 Lac qui Parle HK, 4-27 Hennepin TD; early north 5-1 Pennington SS, 5-10 St. Louis DA; late dates 5-22 Lac qui Parle RE, 5-26 St. Louis BDC. Greater Yello,wlegs Early south 4-7 Redwood RJ, 4-8 Lac qui Parle CMB; early north 4-14 Otter Tail GMO, 4-17 Marshall ANWR; late dates 5-18 Nicollet JCF, 5-27 Lac qui Parle CMB. |
1979 | Summer | | | Late migrant 6-16 Duluth (D&GW). |
1979 | Fall | | | 8-11 Douglas RJ, 8-18 Wilkin GMO, 9-5 St. Louis KL, 9-12 Redwood LJF; only reports. |
1980 | Spring | | | Early south 4-27 Martin EB, 5-8 Lyon HK; early north 4-29 St. Louis KE, 5-19 Marshall John Herman, Roseau RJ; late date 5-24 Wilkin GW. |
1980 | Summer | | | Seen in Swift (6-10, Lake Oliver, NMH), Wilkin (6-21, Akron Twp., KRE). Early migrants: 7-12 Marshall. |
1980 | Fall | | | 8-23 Otter Tail GMO. |
1981 | Spring | | | Early south 4-15 Hennepin VL, 4-17 Nobles BL; early north 4-29 Grant SM, 5-7 Pennington KSS; late south 5-15 Stearns NH, 5-20 Rock SM; late north 5-21 Lake of the Woods RJ, 5-30 Wilkin GMO; peak 5-14 Duluth (12) P. B. Hofslund. |
1981 | Summer | | | Early summer records: 6-9 Wilkin (pr., Breckenridge lagoons), 6-15 Pennington (Thief River Falls lagoons), 7-7 Clearwater (two, Lake Itasca). Early migrants North: 7-25, 7-29. |
1981 | Fall | | | 10-3 Big Stone BSNWR, only report. |
1982 | Spring | | | Early south 4-24 Jackson BL wood KJS 4-25 Lac qui Parle SC; early nortfi 5-Ajtkjn WN, 5-8 Duluth JG, TL, Marshall ANWR and Ottar Tail GMO. |
1982 | Summer | | | Late migrants (?) South: 6/1 Watonwan (EB-K), 6/20 Martin (RBJ). Early migrants North: 7/6 (4) Knife River, LAKE (J. Eaton). |
1982 | Fall | | | 8/7 Hennepin SC, 10/7 Mille Lacs DS. |
1983 | Spring | | | Early south 4/23 Lac qui Parle many observers, 5/8 Nicollet JCF; early south 4/25 Cook KMH, 5/7 Otter Tail GMO, 5!12 to 21 Duluth KE, SDM. |
1983 | Summer | | | Early migrants: 7/11 & 16, Roseau. |
1983 | Fall | | | 8/14 Lyon (2) KE, 9/25 Lake of the Woods KSS. Lesser Yellowlegs, 8/15183, Sartell, Stearns County, Nestor Hiemenz |
1984 | Spring | | | Early south 4/26 Lac qui Parle SWIMS, 4/27 Hennepin DB, ES, Lac qui Parle PL: early north 4/29 Wilkin SDM, 5/8 Marshall ANWR, 5/9 St. Louis (6) KE, Clay LCF; late south 5/13 Washington JPIAM, 5/31 Anoka KL; late north 5/17 Roseau AJ, 5/23 Cook SDM. |
1984 | Summer | | | 7/9 Lake of the Woods (TW); 6/12 Duluth (m.ob.); 7/22 Carlos Avery W.M.A., Anoka Co. (KL). |
1984 | Fall | | | 8/21 Washington (3( RJ, BL. |
1985 | Spring | | | Early south 4/23 Olmsted RE, AP, Hennepin OJ, 4/27 Yellow Medicine KE; early north 5/2 Marshall ANWR, 5/11 and 5/12 St. Louis (4) KE, 5/13 M. Stensaas; late south 5/23 Ramsey KL, 5/26 Cottonwood SSt; late north 5/25 Clay PP, 5/28 St. Louis fide KE. |
1985 | Summer | | | Only reports from Marshall (6/2 Agassiz NWR, JM) and Lyon (pair, 7/22, HK). |
1985 | Fall | | | 8/1 Frontenac, Goodhue Co. (I) BL. |
1986 | Spring | | | Early south 4/26 Lac qui Parle AB, DB, Sibley (39) RG, RJ, 4/27 Blue Earth, Rice RG; early north 4/25 Wilkin GAM, 5/4 St. Louis B. Penning; late south 5/5 Olmsted JEB, RE, 5/16 Steele RE; late north 5/19 Marshall ANWR, 5/27 St. Louis L W. |
1986 | Fall | | | 9/6 Wright (I found dead) ES. |
1987 | Spring | | | All reports: 4/25 Lac qui Parle AB, DB, OJ and Dakota BL, 5/1 Carlton GS, 5/2 Cottonwood RG, RJ, 5/7 Olmsted PP, 5/13 Duluth KE, 5/25 Goodhue AB and Waseca RG, 5/31 Aitkin SC. |
1987 | Summer | | | Single birds seen 6/19 Goodhue (B. Lit- key), 7/15 Yellow Medicine (HK), 7/18 Nicollet (JF). |
1987 | Fall | | | All reports: 8/13 Wabasha RG, 8/14 Dodge RSE. |
1988 | Spring | | | Early south 4/17 Cottonwood BF, 4/20 Carver RG; early north 4/30Traverse RJ, 5/10 Norman RJ, 5/11 Cook WP; late south 5/10 Washington TBB, 5/14 Big Stone AB; late north 5/22 Clay TT, 5/29 Polk BSE. |
1988 | Summer | | | Only reports: 6/8 Lake of the Woods, 7/31 Wilkin, 7/11-13 Fillmore (AP). |
1988 | Fall | | | All reports: 8/9 Pennington AB, 8/11 Polk AB. |
1989 | Spring | | | Early south 4/2 Nobles KE, 4/29 Murray ND, JP and Wabasha BL; early north 4/30 Crow Wing AB, WN, 5/6 Aitkin WN and Pennington SKS; late south 5/16 Goodhue AP, 5/18 Hennepin DB; late north 5/27 Duluth SC. |
1989 | Summer | | | Only report: 6/l 1-12 one bird Thielke Lake, Big Stone Co. CMB. |
1989 | Fall | | | All reports : 8/19 Swift (2) CMB, KE, 10/19 Cottonwood (5) ED. |
1990 | Spring | | | Early south 4/16 Rock PG, 4/21 Martin BB, 4/25 Blue Earth AP; late south 5/11 Hennepin DC, 5!12 Stevens RJ, 5/18 Mower RRK and Nicollet JCF; all north reports 4/20 Duluth MST, PS, 4/28 Pine TEB, 4/29 Duluth (20) MSTand OtterTail SDM, 5/14 Lake DV. |
1990 | Fall | | | One report: 8/3 Cass (2) SWIMS. |
1991 | Spring | | | Early south 4/21 Pipestone PS, 4/26 Rock (3) PB, KR, 4/27 Lac qui Parle mob and Pope RG, RJ; late south 5/15 Olmsted BSE, 5/16 Scott RJ ; all north reports 5/4 Wilkin SDM, 5/15 Lake of the Woods SWIMS. |
1991 | Summer | | | Only reports: 7/29 Traverse, 7/30 Big Stone. |
1992 | Spring | | | Early south 4/25 Lac qui Parle mob, 4/26 Big Stone mob, 5/1 Olmsted and Rock JB, BSE; late south 5/23 Brown RJ; all north reports: 4/21 Aitkin WN, PS, 5/8 Cook KMH, 5/8–13 Roseau MCBS, 5/12 Clearwater. |
1992 | Summer | | | Only reports: 6/5 Clay KR, 7/25 Wilkin County MO. |
1993 | Spring | | | All reports: 4/24 Lac qui Parle (11) DB, 4/29 Otter Tail SDM, 4/30 Nobles ND, 5/2 St. Louis SS, 5/15 Wilkin SDM, 5/25 Polk AB. |
1993 | Summer | | | Only records: 7/27,31 Goodhue RJ, RG. |
1993 | Fall | | | All reports: 8/1 Murray DSm, 8/9 St. Louis TW, 8/16 Lyon HK, 9/13 St. Louis KE. |
1994 | Spring | | | Early south 4/23 Lac qui Parle RB, 4/24 Rice TB, 4/25 Winona (32) CS; early north 5/1 Otter Tail CS/KC, 5/5 Aitkin WN, 5/13 Norman WM. |
1994 | Summer | | | Two reports: early migrant(?) 7/5 Anoka fide PBa, plus 7/31 Kandiyohi. |
1994 | Fall | | | All reports: mid-August Kandiyohi (1) RJ, 8/14 Big Stone (1) TBr. |
1995 | Spring | | | Over 80 birds reported from 15 counties with migration peak 4/28–29; maximum count 35 in Lac qui Parle TT. Early south 4/27 Le Sueur RG; early north 5/4 Lake RJ. |
1995 | Summer | | | Only report: 7/22 Jackson (1) KB. |
1995 | Fall | | | Only report 8/26 Carver (1) fide AH. |
1996 | Spring | | | Early south 4/24 Hennepin SC, 4/25 Wright RG, 4/26 Anoka DJe. Early north 5/2 Pine (3) RG, 5/3 Wadena PBi, and 5/15 Aitkin WN. |
1996 | Summer | | | All reports: 6/8 Kandiyohi RJF, 7/6 Big Stone (3) LE. |
1996 | Fall | | | All reports: 8/23 St. Louis BY, 8/5 Lac qui Parle (6) TT, 8/6 Brown (5) CMa, 8/8 Renville (1) CMa. |
1997 | Spring | | | Early south 4/26 Yellow Medicine ABo, 4/27 Hennepin mob and Olmsted (2) DA, BE. Early north 5/5 Hoyt Lakes, St. Louis Co. (9) AE, NJ, 5/17 Becker SDM. Unusual report 5/31 Duluth (1–2) mob. Total at least 38 birds in 13 counties. |
1997 | Summer | | | Most reports in 14+ years. Late migrant 6/7 Clay. Fall migrants observed in six other counties; early migrant 7/7 Murray. |
1997 | Fall | | | Only report 9/26 St. Louis (1) FN. |
1998 | Spring | | | Early south 4/28 Big Stone AH, 4/29 Kandiyohi (13) RJF, and 5/3 Lac qui Parle KE, PS. Also seen 5/7 Faribault (7) RG and 5/11 Meeker RbS. Early north 5/10 St. Louis PS, 5/16 Crow Wing PJ and Marshall AH, PS. Late south 5/26 Renville (2) CMa, 5/27 Hennepin TBr. Seasonal total approximately 38 birds in 16 counties. |
1998 | Summer | | | Many reports, similar to last year. Spring migrants observed in five counties; late migrant 6/7 Marshall KB. Fall migrants 7/25 Big Stone, 7/30 Becker. |
1998 | Fall | | | Only report: 9/11 Big Stone (1) MRN. |
1999 | Spring | | | All reports were later than the recent median arrival dates. Peak counts 4/29 Dakota (11 at Lake Byllesby) DBS, 5/11 Meeker (26 near Boon L.) DF. Only north reports were in Duluth. Late south 5/21 Lyon (1) RgS, 5/30 Hennepin (1) TT et al., 5/31 Kandiyohi (1) RJF. Seasonal total approximately 40 birds in 9 counties. |
1999 | Summer | | | Late migrant 6/2 Hennepin SWe. Record early fall migrant 7/3 Renville DF; also reported 7/9 Big Stone (2) KB, 7/11 Sibley, 7/18 Big Stone, 7/27 Meeker. |
1999 | Fall | | | Only two reports, both in August from the west-central part of the state: 8/7 Lac qui Parle WM, 8/15 Chippewa (5) PC. Fall migration for this species is usually during the first two weeks of August. |
2000 | Spring | | | Statewide total >120 individuals found in 16 south and 5 north counties. Reported in all regions except the north-central. Early south 4/8 Nobles (L. Bella, through at least 4/23, PS) KE et al., 4/22 Murray (6) ND. Peak count 5/19 Yellow Medicine (31 at Miedd L.) DBM. Total of 35 between 5/2 and 5/15 in Dakota (L. Byllesby) DBS, including 15 on 5/5. Unusual concentration 5/14 Hennepin (13 at L. Calhoun) PBu. Early north 4/30 Otter Tail SDM, 5/7 St. Louis PS. |
2000 | Summer | | | All reports: 6/2 St. Louis (at Park Point in Duluth) KRE, 7/8 Big Stone (15–20) DBz, 7/22 McLeod RBJ, 7/31 Big Stone (2) KJB. |
2000 | Fall | | | Only report: 8/19 Meeker (Lake Evenson) DMF. |
2001 | Spring | | | Grand total of 126+ individuals, similar to last spring. Reported from eight south and ten north counties, five of these in Northwest. Early south 4/26 Stearns (2) PCC, 4/28 in three counties. Early north 4/26 Wilkin KJB, 4/27–30 in three counties. Peak counts 4/28 Lac qui Parle (max. 10) mob, 4/30 Dakota (16–19 at L. Byllesby) mob, 5/1 Rice (70–75 near Faribault, record high count) TFB et al. |
2001 | Summer | | | All reports: 6/3 Marshall (2) PHS, 7/16 Dakota ADS, 7/22 Meeker DMF, 7/28 and 7/31 Lyon DDM et al.
2001 | Fall | | | All north reports: 9/11 St. Louis (3 at Park Pt., Duluth) FJN, 9/22 St. Louis (40th Avenue West, Duluth) m.obs. Many reports of one or two 8/8–21 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) and 8/12–27 Big Stone (Toqua Twp.) m.obs. First juvenile 8/25 Big Stone PCC. All other reports: 8/1 Dakota (7 at L. Byllesby) ADS, 8/10 Lyon (same bird as late July?) RJS. |
2002 | Spring | | | Grand total 179+ birds in 24 south and 12 north counties, numbers up for the third consecutive spring (Table 2). Observed in all regions except the North-central. Early south 4/27 Dakota ADS, TAT and Lac qui Parle m.ob., 4/28–30 in nine counties. Early north 4/15 (earliest north date) Otter Tail (Newman W.P.A.) EJE, 4/24 Roseau KJB, 4/29 Becker BAB. Late south 5/26 McLeod (2) DMF, 5/27 Lac qui Parle FAE. Late north 5/27 St. Louis PHS, 5/29 Marshall KJB, also see summer report. High counts 5/7 Dakota (29 at L. Byllesby) TAT, 5/11 St. Louis (25 at Duluth) FJN. |
2002 | Summer | | | All reports: 6/8 Traverse PCC, 6/23 Traverse PHS, 6/30 Traverse (5) PCC, PHS, 6/30 Becker (2) TAT, 7/6 Meeker DMF, 7/10 Dodge (4 adults) TAT, 7/23 Big Stone DB, 7/28 Lac qui Parle PCC. |
2002 | Fall | | | First juvenile 8/7 Traverse KJB, PCC. Only other north report: 8/21 Pennington (juvenile) KJB. All south reports were singles: 8/9 Brown BSm, 8/18 Meeker DMF, 8/24 Jackson RMD, RHy. |
2003 | Spring | | | Reversing a three-year trend of increasing numbers during spring migration (The Loon 74:207) but still above the long term average was a total of ~105 birds in 15 south and 7 north counties. Early south (median 4/25) 4/13 Lyon DFN, PEJ, 4/24 Redwood JJS, 4/25–29 in five more counties. Early north (median 5/1) 5/3 Traverse RBJ et al., 5/6 St. Louis fide DRB. Please see summer report for late spring migrants south and north. High counts 4/27 Olmsted (19 at Silver Creek Reservoir) CBe, PWP, 5/3 Traverse (12 at Mud L., probably from flock of 20 seen on the South Dakota side of state line the previous day) JEB, RBJ et al. |
2003 | Summer | | | All reports: 6/8 St. Louis DRB, 6/13 Polk JMJ, 6/21 Marshall PCC, PHS, 6/22 Kandiyohi (2) RSF, 7/11 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU, 7/20–29 Big Stone PCC, KJB, 7/28 McLeod RMD. |
2003 | Fall | | | Singles reported 8/9–19 Big Stone m.obs., 9/21 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, JMJ. |
2004 | Spring | | | Grand total of 244+ individuals (four reports lacked count data) in 25 south and 4 north counties, including 5/12 Benton (Benton Beach C.P.) RAE, HHD. Early south 4/24–28 Dakota (max. 11 at L. Byllesby) m.obs., 4/27 Lac qui Parle (Salt L.) BJU. Early north 4/29–5/1 Otter Tail (Western Twp.) EJE, SPM, 5/1 Traverse (3 in Tara Twp., 14 at Mud L.) DFN, PHS. Last reported 5/25 Goodhue (Sand Pt.) SWe (no representative late north dates). Highest reported counts 4/28–30 Mower (max. 36 at Lyle W.T.P.) JEM, 5/2 Lac qui Parle (48 at Bailey Slough, Manfred Twp.) BJU. |
2004 | Summer | | | Observed 6/26, 7/3 Traverse PCC, 7/25 Swift BJU, 7/28 Big Stone BJU, 7/31 Lac qui Parle PCC et al. All reports were of one or two birds. First juvenile 7/25 Big Stone PHS. |
2004 | Fall | | | All reports: 8/1 Big Stone (2) PHS, plus singles 8/6–7 Lac qui Parle KJB, BRL, 8/21 Meeker DMF, 8/21 Traverse PCC. |
2005 | Spring | | | Total of 106+ individuals (244+ last spring) in 13 south and 10 north counties. Early south (median 4/24) 4/19 Rock (4) DBz, 4/24 Murray (3) JT. Early north (median 5/1) 5/5 Crow Wing (7) JSB and St. Louis (2) MTA, JWB. Late south 5/23 Rock PHS, 5/29 Grant KJB. Late north 5/30 Traverse KJB, 5/31 St. Louis JLR. Highest reported counts 5/6 St. Louis (15 at Morgan Park) JWB, DWa, 5/14 St. Louis (20 at Park Point, Duluth) JWL. |
2005 | Summer | | | All reports: 7/3 Lac qui Parle (4 at Borchardt Rosin W.M.A.) PCC, 7/3 Big Stone PCC, 7/3 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 7/12 Rock (2) CRM, 7/15 Becker MO, 7/18 Lac qui Parle (Dawson) BJU, 7/24 Meeker DMF, 7/27 Traverse (3, first juveniles) KJB, 7/31 Lac qui Parle (Salt L.) PCC. |
2005 | Fall | | | All reports: 8/11–13 Lac qui Parle (Salt L.) BJU et al., 8/20 Lac qui Parle (Manfred Twp.) PHS, 8/26 St. Louis (3) RSB, 9/9 Yellow Medicine WCM, PHS. |
2006 | Spring | | | Total of 157 individuals (106+ last spring) in 17 south and 6 north counties. Early south 4/14 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/26 Steele (2) NFT, KRV. Early north 5/2 Marshall (2 at Agassiz N.W.R.) BCa and Otter Tail BWF, 5/6 Grant JEB. Late south 5/25 Lac qui Parle BJU. Late north 5/27 St. Louis DWK. Please see summer report for additional late spring migrants. Highest reported counts 4/27 Lac qui Parle (29, Lac qui Parle Lake, near MN 40 bridge) BJU, 4/30 Rice (18, Dennison W.T.P.) DAB, 5/1 Olmsted (15, East Landfill Reservoir) JWH, PWP, JJS. |
2006 | Summer | | | Total of 12 birds found in 8 counties, mostly in western regions. Spring migrants: late south 6/5 Lac qui Parle PCC; late north 6/1 Polk PHS. Mid-summer reports 6/24–27 Lac qui Parle (low flow area, Big Stone N.W.R.) m.ob., 6/30 Becker (Hamden Slough N.W.R.) PHS, 7/1 Big Stone PHS, 7/5–8 Lac qui Parle (Kaercher Peninsula, Big Stone N.W.R.) LS, CCB. Southbound migrant and farthest east 7/13 Carver (Chaska Lake) RMD. |
2006 | Fall | | | No north reports. Observed in six south counties, including unusual fall concentration 8/1 Lac qui Parle (8 at Salt L.) BJU. First juvenile 8/12 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) PCC, PHS, JMJ. Late south 8/14 Yellow Medicine US, 8/19 Steele NFT, 9/16 Lyon fide RBW. |
2007 | Spring | 8 | 14 | Statewide total of 170 individuals (157 last spring). Early south 4/24, 4/27, 4/28 Lac qui Parle (different locations) BJU. Early north 4/26 Polk EEF and Wilkin RBJ, DAC, 5/4 Itasca (2, Trout Lake, Bovey) †EEO. High counts 4/29 Dakota (28, Lake Byllesby) CMB, JPM, JLO, ADS, 5/8 Hennepin (max. 20, Purgatory Creek) m.ob. Late south 5/23 Lincoln (4) BJU (median 5/26). Late north 5/23 St. Louis (4) CMB, 5/27 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS. |
2007 | Summer | 1 | 3 | Mid-summer report 6/22 Goodhue SWe. Early south 7/7–8 Lac qui Parle PCC, BJU, 7/15 Meeker DMF. All north reports: 6/1 Clay ABi, 6/30, 7/7 Traverse (Mud Lake) PCC, PHS. |
2007 | Fall | 2 | 4 | North reports 8/6 Traverse BJU, 8/11 Marshall JMJ, 8/18 Marshall (juvenile) PHS, JMJ, 8/31–9/1 Marshall PHS, JCC. All south reports: 8/1 Lac qui Parle BJU, 8/3 Meeker (2) DMF, 8/24 Swift BJU, 9/10 Wright DMF; also reported from Big Stone and Jackson. No significant counts. |
2008 | Spring | 10 | 15 | Early south (median 4/24) 4/27 Dakota (2) JPM and Lac qui Parle BJU, SWe, 4/28 Dakota JWH. Early north5/1 (median) Itasca EEO. First county record: 5/4 Todd (13, Lake Osakis) KRE, LS. High count 5/4 Lac qui Parle (17) PCC. Late south 5/27 Mower ARW and Rice TFB, 5/28 Mower JEM. Late north 5/29 St. Louis (2) PHS, 5/31 St. Louis LS (median 6/1). |
2008 | Summer | 2 | 3 | Found 6/1 St. Louis PHS, SLF, 7/15 Cass BAW, 7/17–18 Brown (1) ph. BTS, 7/22 McLeod DMF, 7/25–26 (max. 17 at Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS, DBM, 7/31 Carver SWe. |
2008 | Fall | 2 | 5 | Two north reports: 8/29 Crow Wing (3, Ironton W.T.P.) JSB, 8/31–9/1 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) m.ob. First juvenile 8/10 Lac qui Parle PCC. Late south 9/13 Big Stone PBB, 10/28 Anoka (Carlos Avery W.M.A.) ph. AXH, the latter the latest date on record, more than two months later than the median (8/19). |
2009 | Spring | 14 | 27 | Early south (median 4/24) 4/18 Stearns DPG, 4/24 Olmsted JWH. Early north (median 5/1) 4/30 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) PHS, 5/1 Douglas JPE. Late south 5/20 Meeker JCC, 5/24 Nicollet RMD (median 5/26). Late north 5/24 Marshall PHS (median 6/1). High counts 4/30 Kandiyohi (49) RSF, 5/6 Hennepin (47, Lake Calhoun) TAT. The W.S.H.C. produced 29 on 5/5 and a season total of 53 KJB. |
2009 | Summer | | 4 | All reports: 7/16 Kandiyohi DMF, 7/21 Brown (2) BTS, Rice TFB, 7/26 Big Stone PCC. |
2009 | Fall | 1 | 1 | Three reports: 8/14 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) JMJ, PHS, 8/16 and 8/25 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS. |
2010 | Spring | 3 | 16 | Early south (median 4/24) 4/20 Kandiyohi DPG, 4/25 Ramsey (White Bear Lake) ELC. All north reports: 4/23 Douglas JPE, 5/3 St. Louis (8, Park Point) PHS, 5/4 St. Louis (5, Park Point) PHS, 5/16 St. Louis (Longyear Lake) TAb, 5/20 Pennington (Thief River Falls W.T.P.) JMJ, PHS. Astonishing record high count of 327 birds 4/30 Dakota (Lake Byllesby) CMB; prior high count was 78 from 1959. On the same day 65 birds were counted in Olmsted (C.R. 9 marsh) LAV. Late south 5/15 Carver JCy, Dakota (Lake Byllesby) CMB, Lac qui Parle BJU, Ramsey DWK, CRM, 5/20 Dakota JPM (median 5/26). |
2010 | Summer | | 1 | Reported 7/24 Lac qui Parle BJU. |
2010 | Fall | | 2 | Only reports: 8/3 Lac qui Parle (juv., Mehurin Twp.) BJU, 9/5 Renville (Bird Island W.T.P.) DPG (median 8/20). |
2011 | Spring | 1 | 17 | Early south (median 4/24) 4/23 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) BJU, Swift JoS, 4/25 Blue Earth (4, Lake Ida) ph. JNe, Lac qui Parle (7, Cerro Gordo Twp.) BJU. High counts 5/2 Dakota (24, 180th St. marsh) MDu, 5/3 Olmsted (23, Silver Creek Reservoir.) JWH, 5/2 Dakota (18, Lake Byllesby) CMB. Late south 5/22 Dakota ADS, 5/25 Dakota LMS (median 5/26). Only north report: 5/1 St. Louis (8, Canal Park) AM. |
2011 | Summer | 1 | 2 | Presumed southbound migrants 7/5 Otter Tail LS, 7/10 Wright (4) PCC, 7/31 Lac qui Parle BJU. |
2011 | Fall | | 1 | Only report: 8/1 Lac qui Parle (2, Agassiz Twp.) BJU. |
2012 | Spring | 9 | 18 | South reports 3/24 Lac qui Parle (2, Salt Lake) JF, 4/16 Lac qui Parle (2, Hamlin W.M.A.) JF, 4/21 Lac qui Parle DLP all before recent median 4/24. Early north (median 5/1) 4/29 Morrison (28, Royalton) FGo, MJB and Todd (6, Eagle Bend W.T.P.) DWK, SBM, 5/2 St. Louis (4, Park Point) JLK. High count 4/29 Hennepin (50, Rice Lake) KRo, CMB, RTe. Late south 5/27 Pipestone WCM, RAE, GLa, 5/29 Carver (4) JCy (median 5/26). See summer report for late migrants north. |
2012 | Summer | 4 | 3 | Seen 6/5, 6/25 Lac qui Parle BJU, 6/6 St. Louis DBr, 7/1 Red Lake ANy, 7/5 Carver JCy, Grant MCBS, 7/13 Aitkin DBM, 7/28 Renville JCC. Dates scattered throughout the summer are typical of this species and directional classification is vexed (The Loon 74:65–82); all of these July dates are best classified as southbound migrants. |
2012 | Fall | | 3 | Only reports: 8/7 Jackson (North Heron Lake) KJB, 8/11 Carver (New Germany) JCy, 8/24–26 Mower (Dexter W.T.P.) RAE, JWH, m.ob. |
2013 | Spring | 11 | 33 | Early south (median 4/24) 4/19 Jackson RAE, 4/20 Freeborn PEJ. Early north (median 5/1) 4/26 Traverse DBM, 4/27 Otter Tail KRE, ALo and Traverse DPG. High count 4/27 Fillmore (33, farm pond on C.R.16 about 1 mile west of C.R. 17) HHD, RAE. Late south 5/22 Scott AlS, ABr, 5/29 Dakota DVe (median 5/26). Late north 5/24 Norman DWK, PEB and St. Louis FKB, 5/31 Itasca SC, EEO (median 6/1). See summer report for late migrants south. |
2013 | Summer | | 7 | Reported from Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Le Sueur, Lyon, Nicollet, Renville, Sibley. Late spring migrant 6/8–9 Renville JWH, DWK, ANy, HHD. Southbound migrants 7/6 Lac qui Parle DLP, 7/7 Sibley JCy. High count 7/13 Sibley (12) DWK. |
2013 | Fall | | 1 | Only report: 8/19 Lac qui Parle (4, Salt Lake) BMc. |
2014 | Spring | 10 | 26 | Early south (median 4/24) 4/17 Fillmore RAE, 4/24 Cottonwood RMD, 4/25 Lac qui Parle KeL. Early north (median 5/1) 4/28 Traverse ANy, 5/4 Wadena PJB, 5/5 Polk SAu. High counts 5/7 Olmsted (24, Cascade Meadow Wetlands) JWH, LAV. Late south 5/21 Washington JSP, 5/22 Lac qui Parle RDi (median 5/26). Late north 5/23 Itasca (5) SC, 5/29 Polk VLa, but also see summer report (median 6/1). |
2014 | Summer | 1 | 2 | Late northbound migrant 6/6 Pine (North Star Farm) MiD. All other reports: 7/12 Freeborn (Geneva) PEJ, 7/13 Carver (2) JCy. |
2014 | Fall | 1 | 4 | The most fall reports since 2008. All north 8/7–9 Grant (max. 3 at North Ottawa Impoundent) HCT, m.ob. All south: 8/4 Lac qui Parle (Salt Lake) HHD, 8/10 Sibley (9, seasonal high count, Sand Lake) HHD, RAE, 8/11 Rice (Canby Ave. Pond) GHo, 8/12–25 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) CMB, m.ob., 8/30 Lac qui Parle (7, Salt Lake) RSA, 9/3 Lyon (3, Lone Tree Lake) GWe, 10/23 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) GSw. |
2015 | Spring | 8 | 19 | Early south (median 4/24) 4/26 Big Stone DLP, 4/27 Yellow Medicine (3) GBa, 4/28 Nicollet and Sibley MiO. Early north (median 5/1) 4/26 Polk SAu, 5/3 Marshall CCr, 5/5 St. Louis (4) JPR, RZi, ClN, TRK, High counts 5/6 St. Louis (41, Hibbing) ph. JMa, 5/5 Lyon (22, Brauner Lake) TKa. Late south 5/28 Freeborn (2) TAT, Renville KJB (median 5/26). Late north 5/27 Polk (Agassiz Valley) SAu, 5/29 Polk JMJ (median 6/1). Also see summer report for late migrants north and south. |
2015 | Summer | 4 | 5 | Northbound migrants 6/3 Crow Wing EGa, 6/7 Renville SBn. Unclassified mid-summer reports 6/20 Polk, 6/26 Lake of the Woods, 7/2 (5) Big Stone, 7/11 (2) Dodge/Steele. Southbound migrants 7/24 Swift, 7/25 Traverse DLP. |
2015 | Fall | 2 | 3 | The second consecutive fall with above-average reports. All north 8/7 St. Louis (max. 8, Park Point) BTS, AaS, ph. AM, JLK. 8/9–16 Grant (max. 3, North Ottawa Impoundment) RAE, GHo, KDS, DgM. All south 8/13 Ramsey ELC, m.ob., 8/16 Stevens RAE, 8/23 Yellow Medicine DBi. |
2016 | Spring | 11 | 33 | Early south (median 4/23) 4/19 Hennepin (3) SBE, 4/22 Kandiyohi JoS, JWd, Lyon (2) GWe, JPR. Early north (median 4/30) 4/29 St. Louis BMu, (4) JPR, JlB, ABm, 5/7–8 Crow Wing EGa, KNo, 5/11 Traverse ANy, DBz. High counts 5/12 Wilkin (11) ANy, 5/3 Olmsted (7, Silver Lake) MMe, 5/11 Dakota (7) RAE. Late south 5/24 Faribault WAF, BAy, Stearns PCC, 5/29 Hennepin BAF (median 5/26). Late north 5/24 St. Louis JLK, 5/27 Red Lake SC, RBJ, 5/29 Itasca SC (median 6/1). |
2016 | Summer | 1 | 3 | Northbound or possibly non-breeding birds 6/18, 6/20, 7/10 Lyon (max. 2) GWe. Southbound migrants: early north 7/10 St. Louis (4, Park Point) ph. BeA; early south 7/13, 7/15 Yellow Medicine (1) GWe, RBJ, RBW, 7/22 Martin (1) DAk. |
2016 | Fall | 1 | 4 | All north 8/3 Cass (2, Leech Lake) DAY, BAW. All south 8/4 Wright (3) DWK, 8/12 Lac qui Parle (Salt Lake) ASu, GWe, BAb, RAE, 8/28 Mower (Brownsdale W.T.P.) DWK, 9/6 Washington (Forest Lake) MJM. |
2017 | Spring | 9 | 27 | Early south (median 4/23) 4/17 Lyon (12) VKl, 4/20 Hennepin MHu, Stearns MJB. Early north (median 4/30) 4/23 Grant CRM, m.ob., 4/30 Crow Wing (2) JLK, 5/2 St. Louis (6) JLK, JPR, BeA. High count 5/3 Scott (max. 25) HCT, m.ob. Late south 5/27 Olmsted DAB, 5/30–31 Scott BHe, BAb (median 5/28). Late north 5/25 Kanabec (Grass Lake Twp.) KrM, 5/30 St. Louis JPR (median 6/1). Also see summer report for latest migrants north and south. |
2017 | Summer | 3 | 5 | Reported from Grant, Lyon, Renville, Roseau, Scott, Stearns, Traverse, and unusual location 6/20 Wabasha (L. Pepin) ph. GBa. |
2017 | Fall | | 4 | All south 8/2 Nicollet (3, S.R. 1/1) BHe, 8/17 Lac qui Parle (3, Salt Lake) WCM, Scott (10, C.R. 13) BHe, 9/13 Lyon (Lone Tree Lake) GWe. |
2018 | Spring | 13 | 29 | Early south (median 4/23) 4/22 Cottonwood ASu, LiH, Lyon NMe, 4/24 Big Stone DLP. Early north (median 4/30) 4/20–22 Grant ASu, LiH, m.ob., 4/24 Otter Tail NaH, 4/30 St. Louis (3) ClN, m.ob. High counts 5/1 Blue Earth (104, total from two separate flocks) ChH. Late south 5/23 Ramsey DnS, 5/25 Lyon (2) GWe, 5/28 Stearns PCC (median 5/28). Late north 5/25 Grant MO, Red Lake CRM, m.ob., Roseau CAs (median 6/1). |
2018 | Summer | 5 | 7 | Observed in scattered locations in every region except Northwest, East-central. High count 7/3 Cass (6, Walker) MO. |
2018 | Fall | 1 | 3 | All north 9/3 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) JWL, SLL. All south 8/11 Dakota (2, Spring Lake P.R.) MwT, 8/14 Lyon (Lone Tree Lake) GWe, 8/17 Freeborn (Arrowhead Point C.P.) BHe. |
2019 | Summer | 4 | | Late spring migrant 6/9–11 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) ph. SAu, HHu. All other reports: 6/24–26 Grant (max. 2) m.ob., 7/2–3 Grant (max. 3) m.ob., 7/21 Clay (2) TCL, MO, ph. JWZ, Grant (1) LiH, 7/28 Wilkin (1) IsH. |
  | Former summer resident south and west. Migrant throughout. |