Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Flycatchers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Flycatchers
Ash-throated Flycatcher
Great Crested Flycatcher
Tropical Kingbird
[Tropical/Couch's Kingbird]
Cassin's Kingbird
Western Kingbird
Eastern Kingbird
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Fork-tailed Flycatcher
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Western Wood-Pewee
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Acadian Flycatcher
Alder Flycatcher
Willow Flycatcher
Least Flycatcher
[Empidonax flycatcher]
[Black Phoebe]
Eastern Phoebe
Say's Phoebe
Vermilion Flycatcher

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher(Tyrannus forficatus)
1964Spring5-16 Castle Danger, Lake Co, Donald Wick, others, photographed.
1967Summer610 Winona Co., 1 mi. N. Elba, 1 adult seen, good details, HFH.
1968Summer 6-14 Castle Danger, Lake Co, 1 imm photographed (or female ?), MEP, same place one was seen in 1965.
1974Spring 5-13 to 5-16 Akeley, Hubbard Co. (1) C. Bergo, D. Christianson (See last issue of LOON, Vol. 46, No. 3 for details).
1974Summer One spotted in typical habitat, flying over a shopping center parking lot in Edina, Hennepin Co. on 6-27 (RJ).
1975Fall10-25 to 10-28 Duluth ES plus many more, the bird was killed by a car on 10-28 and specimen is at UMD.
1976Spring 1 report: 4-30 Lake (1 dead) Mr. & Mrs. Larsen.
1978Summer One seen on 7-6 in Sibley Co. (Common Loon 50:212).
1979Spring 4-29 Duluth KE.
1979Summer Seen in Clay 7-8, 7-22 (Loon 51:199200).
1982Fall Reported 10/22 to 28 Aitkin (one imm.) M.ob. See The Loon (55:35-36)
1983Spring 4/27 Grand Portage M. Lindemann, Hendricks fide SL; 5/10 Robert's Sanctuary, Hennepin Co. (The Loon 55:92)
1984Spring 5/11 Whitewater S.P., Winona m.ob. (The Loon 56: 199-200)
1984Fall 8/18 Babbitt, St. Louis Co., D. Chamlui fide KE.
1985Spring 5/7 Olmsted 1. Gullickson (The Loon 57:109), 5/24 Norman P. Egeland et al. (one immature).
1985Fall 10/2 Cook KMH (The Loon 57:181)
1986Spring 5/17 Cook KMH (The Loon 58: 136-137).
1987Spring 5/5 Grand Marais, Cook, S.&B. Muehl berg.
1987Fall 10/16 Goodhue C. Hanson.
1988Fall 8/2-8 Ely, St. Louis Co. Z. Tefft et al. (The Loon 60: 179).
1990Summer First summer record since 1979; one bird seen 7/21 Rock (The Loon 62 :227).
1990Fall 9/26 Norman PS (The Loon 63:62).
1991Summer Unusual number of reports: immature observed on 7/10-11 in Lac qui Parle CMB (The Loon 63:277); one seen on 7/15 in Anoka RK (The Loon 63:208); adult male observed on 7/19 in Duluth KE (The Loon 63:199).
1991Fall 10/4-22 Knife River, Lake Co. KE, MH, mob (The Loon 63:278), 10/18-20 Lutsen, Cook Co. BL, mob, 10/26 Gooseberry Falls State Park, Lake Co. FN.
1993Summer Two reports: 6/10 St. Louis TW (one bird at Park Point, Duluth) and 7/25–26 Hubbard AB (single bird near Hubbard; The Loon 65:214). There have now been summer records in three of the past four years.
1993Fall 10/23 Park Point, Duluth mob.
1994Fall 10/16–20 Ely, St. Louis Co., SS, BT, 10/21 Wilkin KE et al (The Loon 67:63).
1997Summer A single female was observed 6/4 – 7/17 near Elk River in Sherburne Co. mob (The Loon 69:183–185); the bird built several nests in association with a male Western Kingbird.
1997Fall Only report: 10/2 St. Louis (photographed at the Duluth airport; uncharacteristically for fall, did not linger) mob.
1998Spring Two reports: 5/15 Morrison (near Randall) WB, 5/24 Carlton (near Eagle Lake) StM.
1998Fall Two documented reports: 9/29 Cook (Tofte) DSp, 10/24 Cook (Grand Marais) TBr, SR.
1999Spring Two reports: 5/22–23 St. Louis (Boy Scout Landing in Gary-New Duluth) mob, 5/27 Hubbard (White Oak Twp.) PP (The Loon 71:168).
1999Summer One was photographed on 6/2 at Duluth in St. Louis Co. TFr.
2000Summer Seen 6/10–11 St. Louis (Park Point in Duluth) JAB, †PHS (The Loon 72:180), and 7/8 Olmsted †DMA.
2001Spring Two reports: 5/10 Koochiching (west of Northome) †RLu (The Loon 73:254), 5/12 Pope (near Starbuck) †DPe (The Loon 73:252).
2002Spring Only documented report: 5/25 Lake (Split Rock R.) †CJT.
2003Spring One documented 5/24–25 Lake (Two Harbors) †RMD, †KRE, ph. JWL, †PHS; subsequently refound through 5/27 m.ob.
2003Fall One discovered on St. Paul Audubon Society field trip 10/18 Dakota (Schaar's Bluff) †JPS et al. was refound 10/19 †PEB, †ADS, †TAT, ph. TPB, ph. DAC (latest south date).
2004Spring One seen 5/12 Lyon (Camden S.P.) †SMo.
2004Fall Second county record 9/6 Wilkin (Anna Gronseth Prairie) †RAE; the first was at Rothsay W.M.A., 21 October 1994 (The Loon 67:63). More expected was one along the North Shore of Lake Superior 10/7–9 St. Louis (40th Avenue West/Erie Pier area, Duluth) †MTA; documentation also provided by †CBr, ph. MH, ph. EEO, †PHS.
2006Spring Two second county records: 4/23 Lac qui Parle (Garfield Twp.) †HJF et al., ph. BJU, 5/1–2 Clay (near Downer) †MM, †RHO, BWF.
2006Summer Single adults seen 6/7 Carlton (Twin Lakes Twp.) †LAW, 7/1 Yellow Medicine (Echo Twp.) †AF.
2007Spring11 One found 4/23 Olmsted (near Oronoco) LAV stayed through 4/26 (†CMB, †LEC, ph. †JPM, m.ob.). Another was discovered at Minnesota Point in St. Louis, 5/23–25 ph. SCZ.
2007Summer1 New county record: 6/7 Cass (Bena) KeC, †SC.
2009Summer2 Two reports: 6/26 Sibley (south of Henderson) ph. LAR, LER, 7/25+ Dodge (Ellington Twp.) MaM, ph. †DAB, †CMB, ph. †DWK, †LS, m.ob.
2009Fall1 An individual first reported 7/31 in northeastern Dodge county continued through 8/3, ph. †DAB, ph. †LS, m.ob.
2010Spring1 Adult male originally found northwest of Redwood Falls 4/24 CPl, relocated 4/26 Redwood RAE, DBM, †BTS was a new county record.
2011Fall11 An adult female was found north 10/28–29 St. Louis (Waseca Industrial Road, west Duluth) ph. †RMD, BWF, †PHS, ph. AXH, m.ob. One south was a new county record 10/18 Wabasha (Wabasha airport) ph. BLi.
2012Spring1 One report, first county record 5/24 Beltrami (just north of Kelliher) ph. †ANy.
2012Fall1 First county record 8/2 Cottonwood (U.S. Highway 71, one mile south of Redwood County line) ph. BRB.
2013Summer1 Observed 6/2–5 Cook (mouth of Brule River near Naniboujou Lodge) fide JWL, ph. BPl, CLW.
2015Spring21 One south report, new county record 4/12–13 Rice †TFB. Two north reports, 5/6 Clay (Moorhead) ph. †KaS, 5/13 St. Louis (Stoney Point) ph. †KJB.
2015Summer1 Observed 6/4 Beltrami (County road 702, about 6 miles east of Grygla) ph. †KJB.
2017Summer4 Seen 6/5 Yellow Medicine (Mound Spring S.N.A.) ph. †JF, 6/9 Nicollet ph. †JnT, 6/25–7/19 Mower (I-90, just east of Dexter) ph. AS, ph. LiH, †PCC, ph. †REn, 7/1 Rice (west of Dennison) †DFN.
2018Spring1 Only report, a new county record: 5/31 Blue Earth (570th Ave. north of 280th St.)TPu, †DAB, m.ob.
2018Summer1 Observed 6/5 Carlton (Douglas Rd.) ph. JLK.
 Ninety-five records: 36 spring, 33 summer, 1 summer-fall, 24 fall, and 1 undated. One breeding attempt (1997), a mixed-pairing with Western Kingbird (T. verticalis). Recorded in eight of the last ten years, most recently 2018.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.