Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Flycatchers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Flycatchers
Ash-throated Flycatcher
Great Crested Flycatcher
Tropical Kingbird
[Tropical/Couch's Kingbird]
Cassin's Kingbird
Western Kingbird
Eastern Kingbird
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Fork-tailed Flycatcher
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Western Wood-Pewee
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Acadian Flycatcher
Alder Flycatcher
Willow Flycatcher
Least Flycatcher
[Empidonax flycatcher]
[Black Phoebe]
Eastern Phoebe
Say's Phoebe
Vermilion Flycatcher

Western Kingbird(Tyrannus verticalis)
1930SummerAlden Risser located two nests of this weste1~ species at Madison on June 29th. One nest contained three eggs, the other large young. Alden Carpenter writes as follows from Robbinsdalet :!When I discovered this nest on June 9th, the birds were just building it. Two days later the nest was gone and I discovered them building in a tree across the street. After some time they came b
1931SummerThe only nests of this species reported t were found by Mrs. Peterson at Ha.dison. 'rl-10 nests, Jv~y 2nd, contents·rrot investigated.
1932SummerThe.first nest -was s eon May 28th n.t Mndison by Mrs. Peterson. Tho contents was not deter-hlined. The last was seen at Breckenridge, June 23rd, -when it held three ecrcs (Woolsey).
1933Summer We chalk up eleven nests for this loquacious follow. Grimes reports the first, found in Pennington County on,Juno 12th when it,: '. held 5 eggs. He discovered the last nest in the same locality on June 23rd. This nest contain.ed 2 eggs. A nes't found on July 6th by Bill Webb at ·Le Sueur harbored 5 young.
1934Summer The only Mim1esota nests of this attractive spitfi:r';J ware reported by Hanson and Hiemenz. On June 3I'd thoy found a half-finished nest near st. Cloud; on the 20th the bird was incubating. June 10th Hiemenz found a nest which had just been started ~ad which held one fresh egg on the 19th. Not ten feet awo.y was an occupied Baltimore Oriole's nest, showing,that, though tho Eastern Kingbirds ru~o no doubt pugnacious, they don't mind neighbors that tend to their own bus• iness. Hanson found a nost containing 1 egg, near Avon, Stearns ::' County, on June 13th.-On June 5th Mrs. Peterson discovered a nest of this species, consisting of 4 eggs deposited in a deserted American Robin's nest, near Revillo, South Dakota. The Flic~, 1934-P~ 42
1935Summer In an old Rcbints nest on a shelf built for Rooins to nest on, Swnnson found 3 eggs of the VTestern or AJ.•k::~.nsas Eastern Kingbird June 27th at Thief Lake. lvJrs. Peterson saw 2 n~sts uncer construction at Madison on June 24th and June 30th. The young loft both of ·these nests on August 4th.
1936Summer A partially completed nest was found by Robert Upson at Lake Traverse on May 23rd. Mrs. Peterson at Madison reported a nest completed on June 19th, female incubating on June 24th, and young out of the nest on July 13th.
1937SummerMrs. C. E. Peterson saw young western kingbirds being fed on June 15, near Dassel. On June 18 Dr. A. F. Risser, G. Rysgaard and L. Pittelkow found a nest that held one egg, near Warren. Young awing near Dassel were seen on July 30 by Mrs. Peterson.
1938SummerOn June 6 at Lake Traverse, Bob Upson found a nest with one egg. Ten to twelve empty nests nearby were attended by solicitous adults.
1946Summer3 young, Aug. 22, Becker Co., Barrett. Only nest reported in the past six years.
1947SummerNest, July July 6, Swift Co., Willis; nest with 1 egg, July 4, Anoka Co., Breckenridge·
1961SummerFour immatures being fed by adult on 5 August near Felton, seen by R. Huber.
1962SpringMay 12 Chippewa Co., Avifauna! Club; May 24 Duluth, P. B. Hofslund and Janet C. Green; June 2 Encampment Forest, Lake Co., John Pratt.
1962SummerJune 9, Clay and Becker Co.'s, Avifauna! Club; Sept. 3, Jordan Sand Prairie, Scott Co., R. Huber.
1963SpringMay 5, Lake Traverse, R. Grant; May 22, Two Harbors, Dr. Church.
1963SummerRock Co., Manley, July 27, ad feeding grasshoppers to 4y on fence, Avifauna! Club. Clay Co., Moorhead, July 15, y heard in nest, D. Meyer.
1964Spring5-4 Anoka Co, LJ; 5-10 Lac qui Parle Co, RG, RLH; 5-16 Wabasha Co, RBJ; 5-20 Marshall Co, DLO; 5-23 Sherburne Co, RPR; 5-24 Douglas Co, MVS.
1964Summer7-27, Fargo-Moorhead, 40 birds, EGA; breeding Clay (DM) and Hubbard (LWJ) Counties; 6-27 Anoka Co., 2 seen, RBJ.
1964Fall9-1 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 9-5 Stevens Co, RBJ; 9-7 Stevens Co, RAG.
1965Springhas swept eastward across our state to breed in southeastern Minnesota and Wisconsin. Earliest 5-5 Stevens Co, RAG and 5-6 Royalton, DHG.
1966Springearliest 5-5 Polk Co, GSM; 5-17 St. Cloud, NMH; 5-J8 Stevens Co, JAR.
1966Summer6-10 Hennepin Co, 2 nests, VL; 7-29 Park Rapids, Hubbard Co, nest withy, LWJ; also nested in Lyon Co, PE; reported from Rock, Lincoln, Yellow Medicine, Sherburne, Marshall, Clay, Anoka, Roseau, Nobles and Stevens Co's; one northeasterly record, 6-8 Duluth, St. Louis Co, BT.
1966FallLatest 9-10 Lincoln Co., BL, DB, RLH; 9-17 Lac qui Parle Co., JAH; 9-28 Cook Co., good details, MOP; all three are among the latest dates we've had.
1967Springearly 5-3 Wabasha Co., photographed, DGM; next date 5-17 Rock Co., HSH; 5-18 Hennepin Co., HFH and Stevens Co., JAH; 5-19 Dakota Co., MRL.
1967Summernested Morrison Co., 18 mi. E. Little Falls, pair with 2 y, ELC; also reported from Lac qui Parle, Big Stone, Rock, Wabasha, Hubbard (LWJ) Co's.
1967Fall latest 8-31 Pope Co., JAH; 9-3 Lincoln Co., BL.
1968Spring early 4-26 Stearns Co., 1, KE (exceptional); 5-15 FargoMoorhead, fide EGA; 5-16 Ramsey Co., FVS; 5-25 Big Stone Co., DB, EHH.
1968Summer nested in Jackson, Lyon, Polk, Morrison (NMH, ELC), Hubbard (LWJ) Co's; also reported from Isanti (JLS), Nobles, Swift, Douglas, Sherburne, Anoka, Pope, Clay, Norman, Becker, Rock, Lac qui Parle Co's.
1968Fall8-25 Big Stone (Artichoke Lake) JAH.
1969Spring5-16 Kandiyohi Co., RBJ; 5-17 Wabasha Co., BT, Nobles Co., HSH, Kandiyohi Co., RHJ, EIS, and Kanabec Co., RHJ.
1969Summernested in Rock Co. and Morrison Co.; also reported from Ottertail, Mahnomen, Wilkin, Clay, Norman, Anoka, Lac qui Parle, Wright, Nobles, Sherburne, and Meeker Co's.
1969Fall8-18 Wright ETS; 9-12 Dakota BTV; 10-2 Chisago 3 EL.
1970Springearly 5-3 Lac qui Parle HK; 5-13 Ramsey BDC; 5-17 Pipestone KE; PE and Goodhue HW.
1970Fall3 reports Wabasha WDM; 8-30 Cottonwood LF.
1971Springearly south 5-11 Stearns MLC; 5-12 Murray AD; 5-12 Stearns RR; early north 5-29 Douglas DB; 5,30 St. Louis RBJ.
1971Summernested in Lyon; also reported from Marshall, Morrison, Wright, Pope, Hennepin, Aitkin, Yellow Medicine, Grant, Douglas, Mahnomen and Kittson.
1972Summernested in Stearns, Hennepin, Ottertail; seen in 14 other counties as far NE as Crow Wing (TS), Morrison (Genola, EC) and SE as Dakota. Great-crested Flycatcher: breeding card from Ramsey, nesting reported in 3 others; seen in 20 other counties as far NE as Duluth.
1972Fallwere seen in Lac qui Parle, Cottonwood, and Anoka Cos. from 8-11 to 8-19 where they are expected, but birds in Cook Co. on 9-1 (JJ) and in Lake Co. on 9-2 (MMC) were unusual. 
1973Summer Reported from 17 counties.
1973Fall Three reports (five last year): Seen in Rock, Clay, Hennepin.
1974Spring Early south 5-9 Rock KE; 5-11 Lyon PF; 5-12 Chippewa JS; early north 5-11 Clay LCF; 5-13 Lake MMC.
1974Summer Nested in Big Stone, Chippewa, Pipestone; also reported from 18 other counties including Duluth (6-1, MMC).
1974Fall All reports 8-17 Rock RBJ; 8-19 Murray AD; 8-21 Clay LCF.
1975Spring Early south 4-30 Murray RAG; 5-3 Rock KE; 5-4 Rock HCK; early north 5-3 Otter Tail GLO; 5-15 Marshall SV; 5-17 Morrison DAF.  
1975Summer Nested in Clay, Pipestone and Rock; also reported from 16 other counties east to Cass, Mille Lacs and Hennepin.
1975Fallonly report north 8-15 Itasca DB; late south 8-6 Rock KE; 9-1 Murray AD.
1976Spring Early south 5-8 Wabasha WM; 5-9 Rock LH; early north 5-16 Marshall SV; 5-22 Otter Tail NJ; also reported from Lake of the Woods 5-31 KE, RBJ. Great-crested Flycatcher Early south 5-8 Wabasha WM; 5-9 Olmsted JF; early north 5-14 Otter Tail NJ; 5-15 Crow Wing JB and Todd GW; 5-16 St. Louis JCG.
1976Summernested in Clay, Pipestone, Rock and Hennepin (Brooklyn Park, OJ); also reported from 16 other counties east to Wadena, Morrison and Sherburne. SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER: a reliable report of this casual bird by the park staff at Blue Mounds St. Pk., Rock Co. on 6-28.
1976Fall Late north 8-20 Tofte, Cook Co. RJ, 8-21 Clay; late south 8-15 Traverse, 9-5 Lac qui Parle.
1977Spring Early south 5-10 Dakota BSH; 5-12 Stearns NH; 5-13 Stearns BE; early north 4 reports on 5-7. Winter 1977
1977Summer Nested in Otter Tail, Traverse, Stearns, Anoka, Pipestone, Murray and Rock; also reported from 18 other counties east to Hennepin and Sibley.
1977Fall All reports north 8-10 Hubbard (FL), 8-15 Clay (LCF); late south 9-11 Blue Earth (LAF).
1978Spring 1 out of range report 5-27 St. Louis SG.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Grant, Murray and Sherburne; also seen in 19 other counties in the northwest, westcentral, south-west and central regions plus Lake of the Woods and Anoka.
1978Fall Late north 8-20 Clay LCF, 9-6 Otter Tail SM; late south 8-21 Lac qui Parle CMB, 9-10 Murray AD.
1979Spring Early south 5-12 Freeborn DG, Winter 1979 Washington DR, 5-13 Sherburne EH, 5-14 Otter Tail GMO, 5-18 Douglas RJ.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Sherburne, Anoka, Wright, Rock, Big Stone, Clay; also seen in 11 other counties in the western regions plus Hubbard (Duck Lake).
1979Fall Late north 9-2 Clay LCF (31 seen on 8-12), 9-7 St. Louis KE (rare in Duluth); late south 10-18 Dakota banded by R. J. Christman (details submitted).
1980Summer Breeding reported from Pennington, Clay, Stearns, Big Stone, Hennepin; also seen throughout the western regions plus Hubbard, Cass, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, Sherburne, Anoka and Olmsted (one, Chatfield BBS, DM).
1980Fall One reported 8-27 Clay LCF. '
1981Spring Early south 5-9 Pipestone RJ, 5-10 Washington DR, 5-13 Sherburne EH; early north 5-3 Clay LCF, 5-10 Otter Tail OJ, 5-11 SM. Reported from 8 other counties.
1981Summer Breeding data from Hubbard, Big Stone, Anoka; nesting reported from Sherburne. Seen in 18 other counties throughout range.
1981Fall Late north 8-29 Wilkin DB, Otter Tail OJ, 8-30 Clay LCF, Otter Tail GW, 9-11 Clay KL, 9-12 Pennington · KSS; late south 8-11 Cottonwood KL, 8-17 Lyon HK, 9-2 Sherburne EH/ SS.
1982Spring All reports -5-8 Cass KL, Morrison NH, Pennington ANWR, 5-9 Stearns CM, 5-12 Otter Tail SDM, 5-15 Polk KSS, 5-17 Becker EHI SS, Clay LCF, 5-18 Rock GS, 5-20 Redwood LJF, 5-21 Roseau GS, 5-22 Pine OJ, 5-30 Anoka SC.
1982Summer Breeding data from Hubbard, Big Stone, Steams, Sherburne; reported nesting in Anoka (Coon Rapids). Seen throughout the western regions plus Beltrami (near Bemidji), Wadena, Morrison, Benton, Ramsey. Late migrant: 6/12 Stoney Pt., St. Louis Co. (RBJ).
1982Fall All reports: 8/3 Beltrami JP, 8/4 Roseau JR, 8/7 Morrison DB, 8/15 Rock KE, 8/22 Pennington KSS, 8/28 Otter Tail OJ, DB, Stearns CM, 8/30 Kittson RJ, 8/31 Clay LCF, 9/5 Grant SDM; also Marshall and Traverse RJ.
1983Spring Early south 5/8 Lincoln AB, 5/14 Lac Quie Parle BL, Stearns MF, 5/17 Murray AD; early north 5/9 Clay LCF, Traverse RJ, 5/11 Otter Tail SDM, 5/14 Clearwater AB, Marshall ANWR, KL, Beltrami JP, Clay TL. Winter 1983
1983Summer Breeding data from Polk, Big Stone. Seen throughout the western regions, Central and East Central regions plus Carlton (617).
1983Fall Reported from 6 counties north, 5 south. Late south 8/19 Big Stone OJ, DB, 8/24 Sherburne KL; late north 8/27 Clay LCF, 8/31 Wilkin SDM, 9/0 RJ, 10/6 Polk DS.
1984Spring Early south 5/9 Pipestone JPa, 51 I 0 Murray HK, 5/12 Stevens KL, Lac qui Parle BL, DZ, 5/19 Rock AD; early north 5/10 Clay LCF, 5/13 Clearwater, Beltrami AB, 5/17 Kittson KSS, 5/19 Clearwater ES.
1984Summernested in Clay, Big Stone and Anoka; also seen in 18 other counties including Hennepin and Washington.
1984Fall All reports: 8/5 Pipestone JPa, 8/19 Lac qui ParleTT (7), 8/24 Polk KSS, 9/2 Clay LCF, 9/4 Hennepin SC, 9/8 Otter Tail RJ, Murray AD, 9/9 Otter Tail SDM.
1985Spring Early south 5/3 Wright SS/DO, 5/4 Washington DS, 5/10 Murray ND, 5/11 Rock DB; early north 5/5 Wilkin GAM, 5/7 Clay LCF, 5/9 Roseau AJ, Polk IT, 5/10 Morrison AB.
1985Summer Nested in Mahnomen (MH), Big Stone, Washington (TTu); probable nesting in Hubbard, Clay, Lac qui Parle, Anoka, Hennepin, Nobles. Also seen in 16 other counties throughout range.
1986Spring Early south 4/26 Watonwan ED, 5/1 1 Fillmore AMP, 5/12 Sherburne DO/SS, 5/13 Rock TTu; early north 5/4 Wilkin SDM, 5/6 Wilkin GAM, 5/13 Clay LCF, 5/15 Pennington KSS.
1986Summer Nested in Clay, Pipestone; probable nesting in Sherburne, Lac qui Parle. First county sightings in Koochiching (6/4, FS), Watonwan (AB, DB). Also seen in 20 other counties within range.
1986Fall Late north 9/1 Duluth T. Savaloja, 9/3 Wilkin RJ, 11/2-3 Cook KE, KMH; late south 8/1 Hennepin OJ, 8/25 Lac qui Parle RGJ.
1987Spring Early south 5/7 Sherburne DO, 5/8 Murray NO, 5/10 Faribault KWB; early north 5/13 Hubbard RJ and Marshall ANWR, 5/16 Wilkin GAM, 5/18 Clay LCF.
1987Summer Nested in Clay, Big Stone, Stevens (EL), Morrison (NH), Sherburne, Pipestone. Also seen in 14 other counties throughout range plus Lake of the Woods, Blue Earth (JB).
1987Fall Late north 8/7 Becker BK, 8/18 Duluth PB, 8/26 Clay LCF; late south 8/16 Pope AB, 8/24 Meeker OS, 10/15 Anoka GP.
1988Spring Early south 5/10 Stevens ELand Sherburne DO, 5/14 Lac qui Parle AB, 5/15 Lyon HK; early north 5/6 Clay LCF, 5/11 Roseau RJ.
1988Summer Nested in Tr.averse, Pipestone, Hennepin, Anoka. Seen m 13 other western counties plus Hubbard, Wright, Washington, Dakota.
1988Fall Late north 8/9 Kittson, Marshall and Red Lake AB, 8/23 Clay LCF, 9/7-9 Duluth fide KE; late south 8/13 Lincoln BSE, 8/23 Murray ND, 91l0 Olmsted JB.
1989Spring Early south 5/4 Hennepin OJ, 5!9 Lincoln TG; early north 5/12 Kittson TR, 5/13 Clay LCF, 5/14 Wilkin KB.
1989Summer Nested in Lac qui Parle CMB; probable nesting in Pipestone. Seen in 24 other counties east to a line through Roseau, Washington, Brown.
1989Fall Late north 8/13 Kittson RJ, 8/27 Clay LCF, 8/27 and 9/10 Duluth LE, MH; late south 9/4 Murray JP, 9/8 Hennepin OJ, 9/20 Murray ND.
1990Spring Early south 5/8 Murray ND and Sherburne DO, 5/13 Anoka GP, 5/21 Lac qui Parle GS; early north 5/10 Clay LCF, 5/18 Polk PS, 5/19 Morrison AB and Otter Tail SDM.
1990Summer Seen in 12 western counties and six central and east central counties; plus Lake of the Woods, Clearwater, Le Sueur, 6/10 Duluth JHg.
1990Fall Late north 8/26 Otter Tail DS, 9/2 Cook PS, 9/9 Clay LCF; late south 8/19 Kandiyohi KE, 9/7 Lyon RJ, 9/9 Murray ND.
1991Spring Early north 5/9 Clay LCF and Otter Tail PS, 5/11 Wilkin MO, 5/15 Kittson KB, 5/21 Lake of the Woods (2) PS; one south report 5/22 Sherburne DO.
1991Summer Nested in Kittson KB, Marshall KSS; probable nesting in Anoka. Seen in 21 other counties within range plus 6/17 Cook MS.
1991Fall Late north 9/8 Otter Tail MO, 9/12 Clearwater PS, 9/17 Duluth TW; late south 8/3 Hennepin SC, 8/11 Swift AB.
1992Spring Early south 5/7 Sherburne DO, 5/14 Cottonwood ED and Lac qui Parle FE, 5/23 Wright MS; early north 5/7 Clay LCF, 5/8 Morrison PS, 5/10 Otter Tail MO; also reported 5/30 Sax-Zim Bog, St. Louis Co. (one) PB, KR.
1992Summer Probable breeding in Marshall, Clay, Dakota; seen in 23 additional counties as far east as a line through Kittson, Crow Wing, Washington, Blue Earth.
1992Fall Late north 8/30 Duluth KR, 9/9 Traverse SDM, 9/13 Clay LCF and Wilkin SDM; late south 8/30 Big Stone RB, 9/12 Lac qui Parle BL.
1993Spring Early south 5/6 Murray ND, 5/8 Yellow Medicine KB, PS, 5/13 Stevens BBo. Early north 5/10 Otter Tail CS/KC, 5/11 Clay LCF. Also reported 5/24–25 Duluth KE, KR, 5/29 Lake of the Woods PS, 5/30 Cook mob.
1993Summer Fewest reports in past ten+ years; several observers noted a decrease. Seen in ten western counties plus Beltrami, Sherburne, Anoka, Hennepin, Brown.
1993Fall All reports: 8/2–9 Clay LCF, 8/16 Lyon HK, 8/26 Hennepin OJ.
1994Spring Early south 5/4 Cottonwood ED and Sherburne DO, 5/10 Faribault RG, RJ, 5/11 Olmsted JBo; early north 5/5 Becker BBe, 5/14 Marshall KSS and Wilkin SDM, 5/21 Roseau PS.
1994Summer Decline in reports for second consecutive year. Nested in Wilkin SDM, Pipestone, Washington; seen in nine other western counties plus Hennepin.
1994Fall Reported from nine counties (three last year). Late north 8/17 Clay FL and Marshall DB, 9/6 Duluth FN, 9/9 Cook KMH. Late south 8/23 Sherburne AB, 9/14 Hennepin SK, 9/26 Olmsted JW.
1995Spring Early south 5/17 Sherburne DO, 5/20 Big Stone DN, 5/26 Murray ND; early north 5/14 Clay RO, 5/18 Polk SKS. Peak number 5/27 Roseau (10) PS.
1995Summer Nested in Hennepin; probable nesting in Washington. Seen in 15 western counties plus Lake of the Woods, Todd, Sherburne, Anoka, Renville, McLeod.
1995Fall Reported from 13 counties (9 l.y.). Late north 9/2 St. Louis AH, 9/3 St. Louis FN, 9/16 Clay CF. Late south 8/18 Sherburne ABo and Washington JF, 8/26 Big Stone (4) DN. Nested (2 adults & 1 young) Washington JF.
1996Spring Early south 5/19 Big Stone LE, 5/20 Benton RG, RJ. Early north 5/16 Beltrami SCM, 5/18 Clay RO and Clearwater ABo; also reported 5/26 Lake (2) fide KE, 5/28 Waseca JZ.
1996Summer Number of reports extremely low — half that of the ten-year average. Nested in Big Stone; also seen in Clay, Becker, Wilkin, Lac qui Parle, Wadena, Stearns, Benton, Sherburne, Anoka, Hennepin.
1996Fall Late north 8/17 Traverse and Grant WM, 9/7 Roseau KB. Late south 8/9–11 Dakota (max. 3) DBS, TT, 8/19 Lincoln (2) TT, 8/31 Big Stone LE. Peak counts 8/3 Roseau (8) PS, 8/4 Lake of the Woods (5) PS, 8/4 Big Stone (10) LE, 8/5 Lac qui Parle (23) TT.
1997Spring Early south 5/10 Lac qui Parle (3) BL, TT, 5/17 Murray ND. Early north 5/16 Clay RJ, 5/24 Traverse WM and Clay TBr. Unusual report of at least 21 birds in a single flock and a total of 26 on 5/25 Lake of the Woods (near Rocky Point) DBe, PS et al. Grand total 17 records of 49 individuals (20 records of 33 birds l.y.).
1997Summer Reported in 17 counties as far east as a line through Lake of the Woods, Mille Lacs, Anoka, Watonwan; probable nesting in Sherburne.
1997Fall All reports: 8/10 Kittson PS, 8/11 Big Stone LE and Wilkin FL, 8/16 Clay DWi. Total of only 4 birds reported versus at least 55 last year.
1998Spring Early south 5/9 Big Stone TEB and Hennepin PBu, 5/10 Big Stone RJ, MF. Early north 5/13 Roseau PS, 5/15 Wilkin GS, 5/16 Marshall PS. Unusual location: 5/30–31 St. Louis (Duluth) JLi et al.
1998Summer Seen in 11 western counties plus Lake of the Woods, Hennepin, 6/1 Rice. New nesting record in Lake of the Woods PS; probable breeding in Wilkin.
1998Fall Few north reports. Unusual location and dates: 9/20 and 9/27 St. Louis (HRNR) FN. Late south 8/15 Swift WM, 8/16 Hennepin WM, 9/24 Yellow Medicine RgS.
1999Spring Arrived seven to ten days later than usual, south (earliest 5/16) and north (earliest 5/15). Reported from six south counties, including 5/18–22 Mower RRK et al. No reports from the southwest or west-central regions except 5/16 Otter Tail SDM. Unusual location 5/18 St. Louis (Enger Tower in Duluth) FN. Also reported north from Clay, Marshall, Roseau.
1999Summer Recorded in eight western counties plus Lake of the Woods, Meeker, Sherburne, Hennepin, Washington.
1999Fall Late north 8/28 Traverse MBW, 8/29 Otter Tail SDM, 9/19 St. Louis (Stony Pt.) JG. Only south reports: 8/4 Lyon RgS, 8/7 Lac qui Parle WM, 8/8 Swift TT, 8/17 Stevens CMa, 9/8 Meeker DF. Except for the one unusual report from St. Louis, departed two weeks early in the north.
2000Spring Observed in 13 south counties though none in southeast. Early south 5/1 Kandiyohi (2) RJF, then no reports before 5/12 Dakota DBS. All north reports: 5/13+ Clay CN et al., 5/13 Pennington JJ, 5/15+ Traverse WM, RJ.
2000Summer Reported in eight western counties plus Lake of the Woods, Wadena, Benton, Sherburne, Meeker, Hennepin, Anoka.
2000Fall Reported west and east, but not from the central regions of the state. Three on the North Shore, 9/10 Cook KRE and Lake (2) JWL, were almost expected. Latest north 9/21 St. Louis (HRNR) FN. Latest south reports were all earlier: 8/21 Big Stone KJB, 8/25 Yellow Medicine CRM. Compare these to median late dates north (9/10) and south (9/8).
2001Spring Seen in 10 south and 9 north counties, though none in Southeast or Northeast. Early south 5/10 Murray NED, 5/12 Meeker DMF and Wright DFJ. Early north 5/12 Otter Tail SPM, DKM, 5/15–19 in eight counties. Peak count 5/24 Lake of the Woods (20 at Rocky Point) KJB.
2001Summer Record low number of reports; seen in eight western counties plus Meeker, Benton.
2001Fall Reported in northwestern Minnesota through 8/25 Clay (25) and Wilkin TAT. Continuing a recent trend of late fall occurrences along the North Shore and representing the second and third latest north dates were singles 10/9–11 Lake (Larsmont) JWL, 10/14 St. Louis (Park Pt., Duluth) AXH. Only south reports: 8/3 Lincoln FZL, 8/17 Yellow Medicine RJS, 8/30 – 9/1 Dakota ADS.
2002Spring Reported from 4 south and 11 north counties. Early south 5/4 Lac qui Parle CRG, 5/6 Pipestone PHS; only other south reports from Meeker, Sherburne. Early north 5/13 Clay RHO, 5/14–18 in five counties.
2002Summer Observed in 12 western counties plus Hubbard, Sherburne, Anoka, Carver; peak count 7/27 Sherburne (13) REH.
2002Fall Most were in the Northwest and West-central regions. All reports after 8/13: 8/24 Pine †OWB, 9/1 Kittson CRM, SWe and Pennington SWe, 9/30 Hennepin TPB.
2003Spring Early south 5/7 Big Stone BJU, 5/10 Lac qui Parle BJU; none away from the western tier counties until 5/19 Carver RMD. Early north 5/8 Clay KJB, 5/15 Otter Tail DTT, SMT, 5/16 Lake of the Woods JJS.
2003Summer Most reports since 1995; seen in 19 western counties plus Stearns, Meeker, Sherburne, Dakota.
2003Fall All north reports: 8/2 Wilkin CAS fide JMJ, 8/16–18 Traverse (max. 8) PHS, PEB, 9/1 Kittson KRE et al. Reported from seven south counties, mostly in West-central region. Late south 9/12 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/3 Dakota (Black Dog L.) †CBr, LM.
2004Spring Only five reports away from western regions. Early south 5/9 Big Stone PHS (three locations), Sherburne PLJ and Swift BJU. Early north 5/8 Clay JMJ, Otter Tail SPM and Traverse JJS.
2004Summer Most reports since 1992; seen in 25 counties as far east as Sherburne.
2004Fall All August and September reports north were from the Northwest and West-central regions, culminating with 9/10 Wilkin DTT, SMT (same as median). Late migrant(s) reported along North Shore of Lake Superior 10/30 Cook (Tofte) KRE, 10/31 (second latest statewide) Lake JPM. South reports during August from Big Stone, Yellow Medicine, Sherburne, and Meeker, then 9/13 Steele (Rice Lake S.P.) †LBF.
2005Spring Early south 5/7 Jackson HHD, LS, KRE (median 5/8), then no additional reports until 5/16 Big Stone WCM. High count 10 on 5/20 (Wilkin, AXH, PHS). Early north 5/14 Otter Tail DTT, SMT, 5/17 Wilkin PHS (median 5/11). Away from the western third of the state, only found in Clearwater, Meeker, Sherburne and Anoka (5/26 ABi).
2005Summer Observed in 22 counties in all regions except Southeast.
2005Fall Reported from four north and seven south counties. After August, only north reports were 9/4 Roseau KRE, CRM, 10/30 (third-latest date north) Cook (Colvill) JWL, KRE. Late south 8/31 Chisago KWR, 9/11 Lac qui Parle BAW.
2006Spring Only reports away from West-central were from Dakota and Dodge in the south, and Clay and Norman in the north. Early south 5/6 Stevens JEB, 5/7 Swift BJU, 5/9 Dodge (Claremont Twp.) †CRM et al. and Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north 5/7 Traverse (2) LBF, 5/13 Otter Tail DTT, SMT.
2006Summer Found in 24 coun-ties in all regions except Northeast, Southeast.
2006Fall Reported from only two north and nine south counties. All notable counts from BJU in the West-central region: 8/1 Lac qui Parle (16), 8/9 Swift (8). Late north 8/12 Wilkin HHD, 8/30 Traverse BJU (median 9/13). Late south 9/4 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 9/9).
2007Spring612 Early south 5/8 Lincoln HHD, JEB, JJS, 5/9 Yellow Medicine JEB, JJS (median 5/7). Early north 5/9 Polk EEF, 5/12 Clay (5) RHO (median 5/11). Of interest were several reports from the eastern third of the state: 5/20 Goodhue LS, 5/25 Hennepin LMS and St. Louis DWK, JLO, SCZ, 5/26 Kanabec DPG.
2007Summer616 Seen south and west of a line from Polk to Anoka.
2007Fall68 All north reports 8/6 Traverse (5) BJU, 8/23 Itasca (White Oak L. boat landing) JWL, 8/27 St. Louis (Duluth) KJB, 8/31 Becker DPG, Pennington BJU, 9/2 Roseau CRM (median late north 9/10). Late south 8/24 Swift (2) BJU, 9/4 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 9/9).
2008Spring512 Reported east to Sibley, Anoka. Early south (median 5/7) 5/4–7 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/10 Meeker DMF. All north 5/5 Traverse KRE, 5/15 Norman HHD, 5/16 Clay RHO, 5/18 Clay WCM, 5/22 Cass DAY, 5/25 Marshall DBM.
2008Summer316 Seen in all regions except Northeast, Southeast.
2008Fall109 Young still in nest 8/9 Traverse KRE, HHD, LS. Late north 9/1 Roseau CRM, 9/3 Lake (Two Harbors golf course) JCG, 9/7 Cook RBJ (median 9/10). Late south 9/1 Cottonwood BRB, then no more reports until 9/26 Dakota RLW, well past the 9/9 median.
2009Spring815 Early south (median 5/7) 5/6 Cottonwood DHr, Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/13 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU, ASc, 5/16 Anoka DWK, PEB, Chippewa HHD, RMD, Meeker DMF, Stearns DMF, Wright DMF, Yellow Medicine RMD. Early north (median 5/10) 5/17 Crow Wing (Ironton W.T.P.) JSB, 5/20 Norman CRM, 5/21 Clay RBJ, DAC, Marshall fide JMJ, Polk JCC.
2009Summer97 Seen in Northwest, West-central, Central, plus Wadena, Anoka. Four nests documented in Anoka AXH.
2009Fall33 Few reports. Found outside normal range 8/17 Aitkin JWL, other north reports 8/3 Polk fide JMJ, 8/29 Wilkin HHD (median late 9/10). All south 8/1 Lyon JCC, 8/2 Lincoln JCC, 8/25 Meeker DMF (median 9/8).
2010Spring714 Early south (median 5/7) 5/2 Redwood (Johnsonville Twp.) BRB, 5/8 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/9 Lincoln DBM. Early north (median 5/10) 5/8 Otter Tail DST, 5/18 Kittson, Roseau JEB. An individual 5/25 St. Louis (Park Point) ph. SC was well out-of-range. High count 5/25 Roseau (4, Springsteel Resort) LBF.
2010Summer1012 Seen in all regions except Northeast, South-central. First county breeding records from Benton MJB, Yellow Medicine BJU.
2010Fall66 High counts 8/3 Lac qui Parle (8) BJU, 8/21 Traverse (6) KRE. Late north 8/23 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) RSt, 9/13 Lake (Two Harbors) KRE (median 9/10). Out of range migrants in St. Louis 8/15 FJN, 8/19 FJN. Late south 9/4 Big Stone (2) BJU, Lac qui Parle (3) BJU, 9/8 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 9/9).
2011Spring68 Restricted to the western third of the state, except for birds in Anoka (2) and Morrison. Early south (median 5/7) 5/2 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/6 Big Stone BJU. Early north (median 5/10) 5/16 Clay (Bluestem Prairie) RHO, 5/17 Marshall MA.
2011Summer1114Seen in all regions except Northeast, South-central. High count 6/4 Traverse (8) JOJ.
2011Fall510 High counts 8/1 Lac qui Parle (10) BJU, 8/5 Traverse (8) KRE. Late north 8/21 Traverse (4) BJU, 8/27 Traverse, Wilkin RAE (median 9/10). Late south 9/4 Pipestone (2), Rock BJU, 9/5 Big Stone JCC, 9/20 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 9/9).
2012Spring118 Early south (median 5/7) 5/1 Lac qui Parle LS, 5/3 Lac qui Parle BJU, first south reports outside of Lac qui Parle 5/6 Lyon GWe, Rock LS. Early north (median 5/10) 5/9 Grant (4) DBM, 5/10 Traverse DBM, 5/12 Clay (3) RHO, Otter Tail DST. High counts 5/9 Grant (4) DBM, 5/18 Benton (4) HHD.
2012Summer1614 Seen in all regions except South-central. Unusual locations 6/6 St. Louis (Arkola Rd, 2 miles E of county road 7) ANy, 7/3 Lake (Two Harbors, Lakeview Cemetery) JWL.
2012Fall410 All north 8/6 Traverse DLP, 8/14 Traverse (4, 2 adults 2 young) ANy, 8/19 Clay DLP, Polk JMJ, 9/3 Grant LS (median late 9/9). Late south 8/26 Stearns (Albany W.T.P.) SLP, LMS, 8/28 Stevens RMD, 9/4 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 9/9).
2013Spring57 Fewer reports than normal. Early south (median 5/7) 5/14 Lyon GWe, Meeker †PRH. Early north (median 5/10) 5/15 Cass JPr, 5/16 Grant WCM, 5/23 Otter Tail (3) JsS. High counts 5/26 Clay (4) TCL, 5/28 Otter Tail (4) JSe, 5/29 Anoka (4) AXH.
2013Summer1410 Seen in Central region and all western regions plus Anoka, Hubbard, Lake of the Woods.
2013Fall76 Reported north through 9/9 Otter Tail JsS (median 9/9). Late south 8/24 Lac qui Parle DLP, Sherburne RKi, 8/28 Sherburne CKl, 9/7 Stearns CCo.
2014Spring1312Early south (median 5/7) 5/5 Faribault WAF, 5/11 Hennepin DGe, DvR, 5/16 Cottonwood WCM. Early north (median 5/10) 5/9 Becker HeH, Clay KMn, 5/10 Polk JMJ. High count 5/22 Grant (5, North Ottawa Impoundment) CNn.
2014Summer814Seen in all regions except North-central, Southwest, Southeast. Unusual report 6/1 St. Louis (Duluth, Park Point Recreation Area) †PHS. 
2014Fall56 No notable high counts. Late 8/30–31 Roseau CRM, m.ob., 9/27 Morrison (2) MJa, 10/24–27 Lake RPR, TAT, ph. PHS, ph. ClN. Late south 8/26 Sherburne (2, Riverside Park) TSh, 8/30 Le Sueur ANy, 9/1 Redwood BTS.
2015Spring915 Early south (median 5/7) 5/9 Redwood BTS, Yellow Medicine GWe, 5/12 Dakota DVe, Goodhue ODa, BMc, Lac qui Parle FAE. All north 5/11 Morrison ANe, IHe, 5/17 Norman HCT, 5/20 Traverse RAE. High counts 5/30 Grant (6, North Ottawa Impoundment) CNn, 5/22 Douglas (5, southwest Douglas County) ToR.
2015Summer1416 Seen in every region except Southeast. Extraordinary mid-summer report 6/25 Cook (Grand Marais, Artists Point) ph. †MiD.
2015Fall79 High count 8/10 Clay (4, Felton Prairie) DPJ. Late north 8/27 Todd CSh, 8/29 Traverse DWK, 9/5 Roseau LS, KRE (median 9/9). Late south 8/30 Swift DLP, 9/13 Yellow Medicine GWe (median 9/7).
2016Spring919 Early south (median 5/7) 4/30 Pipestone BMu, 5/8 Yellow Medicine GWe, 5/13 Rock DAB. Early north (median 5/10) 5/9 Polk SAu, 5/11 Otter Tail JSm, 5/16 Traverse RAE. High counts 5/19 Yellow Medicine (4, Miedd Lake) GWe, 5/22 Kittson (4, Kennedy W.T.P.) PEB, DWK, SBM, HCT.
2016Summer815 Seen in every region except Northeast, Southeast. High count 6/25 Lyon (8, 160th Ave. gravel pits) GWe.
2016Fall67 Notable report 8/11 McLeod BHa. High count 8/13 Kittson (4) SAu. Late north 8/14 Polk KvM, BDo, 8/15 Wilkin HHD, 8/21 Otter Tail GMO (median 9/9). Late south 8/25 Swift JWd, 8/28 Stearns AUm, 8/30 Yellow Medicine GWe (median 9/7).
2017Spring914 Early south (median 5/7) 5/7 Lincoln KnM, ASu, LiH, 5/8 Murray GWe, 5/12 Anoka ToL, Jackson MEm, KEm. Early north (median 5/12) 5/12 Grant HHD, 5/13 Polk SAu, 5/14 Clay TCL. High counts 5/26 Lake of the Woods (6, Rocky Point Resort) CAs.
2017Summer1219 Seen in all regions except Northeast, Southeast.
2017Fall64 High count 8/18 Wilkin (6) RAE. Late north 8/19 Wilkin ASl, 8/20 Clay DLP, Grant ClN, 8/25 Red Lake KnM, ASu (median 9/7). Late south 8/22 Big Stone HHD, Lyon GWe, 9/4 Pipestone DWK. (median 9/4).
2018Spring1113 Early south (median 5/7) 5/7 Benton HHD, Lyon GWe, 5/8 Benton FGo, Lincoln GWe, 5/9 Yellow Medicine ASu, LiH. All north 5/8 Clay KaS, 5/11 Crow Wing JLA, Traverse DFN, 5/16 Becker JCJ, SAu, 5/17 Roseau DBz, ANy. High count 5/25 Lake of the Woods (11) AXH.
2018Summer1317 Seen in all regions except Southeast, but most abundant in western regions. Unusual location 6/5 Cook (Grand Marais) RyS. High count 6/6 Clay (8, Felton Prairie) EBr, ebd.
2018Fall712 High count 8/2 Yellow Medicine (11, Mound Spring Prairie) LiH. Late north 8/23 Wilkin NaH, DFe, CBt, JCJ, CRM, 9/29 St. Louis KnM (median 9/7). Late south 8/27 Scott ph. WCM, 8/28 Hennepin DEl, 9/6 Dakota IVa (median 9/4).
2019Summer1417 Seen in all regions except South-central, Southeast. Unusual locations 6/4 St. Louis (Cook) ebd, 6/10 Cass (Pillsbury S.F.) DMz, 6/11 St. Louis (Stoney Point) KRE, RPR.
 Breeds mostly west and central. Rare migrant.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.