Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Flycatchers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Flycatchers
Ash-throated Flycatcher
Great Crested Flycatcher
Tropical Kingbird
[Tropical/Couch's Kingbird]
Cassin's Kingbird
Western Kingbird
Eastern Kingbird
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Fork-tailed Flycatcher
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Western Wood-Pewee
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Acadian Flycatcher
Alder Flycatcher
Willow Flycatcher
Least Flycatcher
[Empidonax flycatcher]
[Black Phoebe]
Eastern Phoebe
Say's Phoebe
Vermilion Flycatcher

Willow Flycatcher(Empidonax traillii)
1967Fall latest 9-16 Houston Co., FL; 9-20 Morrison Co., LSR; 9-22 Lake Co., RK.
1968Spring early 5-5 Hennepin Co., JAJ; 5-12 Carver Co., RTH; 5-16 Minneapolis, FN/ MAS; 5-19 Goodhue Co., EMB.
1968Summer reported from Marshall, Mahnomen, Pine, Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Clearwater, Stearns, Nobles, Morrison, Meeker, Anoka, Rice, Hubbard, Hennepin Co's.
1974Spring None reported. Flycatcher sp? "Traill's" Flycatchers which were not identified as Alder or Willow: early south 5-7 Hennepin VL, ETS; 5-11 Hennepin OJ; 5-11 Olmsted JF.
1974Summer Reported from Lyon, Goodhue, Winona, Washington, Dakota, Hennepin, Olmsted, Mower, Clay, Pipestone, Murray, Chippewa, Aitkin; also see below.
1974Fall 9-12 Morrison LSR.
1975Spring 3 reports: 5-12 Hennepin PG; 5-31 Pipestone RBJ; 5-27 Hennepin FN. Flycatcher sp? "Traill's" Flycatchers which were not identified as Alder or Willow: early south 5-7 Lyon HCK; 5-13 Yellow Medicine GLO; early north 5-22 St. Louis MMC; 5-24 St. Louis GJN.
1975Summer Nested in Murray; also reported from Yellow Medicine, Pope, Wright, Sherburne, Rice, Olmsted, Houston, Freeborn and Rock.
1975Fallonly reports 8-2 Big Stone RJ, PE; 8-6 Rock KE; 8-10 Olmstead JF_
1976Spring 4 reports: 5-27 Olmsted JF; 5-30 Mower RKJ; 5-31 Roseau KE; 5-24 Wabasha Ray R. Bockman. Flycatcher Sp. "Traill's" Flycatchers not identified as Willow or Alder: Early south 5-5 Lyon HK; 5-7 Olmsted VH; 5-12 Yellow Medicine GO; 1 report north 5-19 Clay LCF.
1976Summerreported fro~ 12 counties north to Anoka and Isanti.
1977Spring 1 report: 5-30 Winona JF. 11Traill's11 Flycatcher Birds not reported as Willow or Alder: Early south 5-2 Lac qui Parle CB; 5-3 Lyon HK; 5-12 Houston EF; 2 reports north 5-22 Aitkin JB; 5-23 Morrison PM.
1977Summer Reported from Clay, Anoka, Washington, Dakota, Nicollet, Olmsted and Houston.
1978Summer Seen in Houston, Olmsted, Lyon, Lac qui Parle, Stearns (Grand Lake, NMH), Clay (Felton, DGW), and Becker (Tamarac NWR, TDA).
1979Spring Early south 5-12 Olmsted VH, 5-15 Freeborn DG; early north 5-27 Clay LCF.
1979Summer Seen in Houston, Fillmore, Winona, Olmsted, Martin, Meeker, Hennepin, Dakota, Ramsey, Anoka, Chisago, Otter Tail, Becker (Tamarack NWR), Clay(Moorhead), Marshall (Thief Lake WMA).
1979Fall 8-2 Lac qui Parle CMB, 8-8 Anoka KL, 8-25 Anoka KL.
1980Spring Reported 5-17 Houston EMF, 5-23 Anoka KL, 5-24 Ramsey DGW, 5-25 Olmsted JF, 5-26 Dakota MW, Washington BL.
1980Summer Seen in Houston, Dakota, Ramsey, Hennepin, Anoka, Isanti, Stearns (Lovell Lake, RBJ), Yellow Medicine, Traverse, Wilkin, Clay, Norman, Pennington (all W. counties, KRE).
1980Fall 8-15 Dakota MW, 8-24 Nicollet JCF.
1981Summer Seen within range as described in Loon 53:209 including Otter Tail (T131R44; T131R40).
1981Fall One report 8-11 Mower RJ.
1982Spring 5-13 Lac qui Parle CMB, Houston 5-16 EMF, 5-23 RJ, Dakota 5-18 SC, 5-19 JD, 5-23 Rice KJ, Martin EB/ K -all reports.
1982Summer Seen south and west of a diagonal from Anoka, Sherburne, Ottertail, Polk (KRE; K&SS).
1983Spring All reports: 5/7 Martin KL, Houston EMF, 5/23 Wabasha WDM, 5/27 Olmsted JF, 5/28 Hennepin OJ, Houston 5/28 KJ, 5/31 EMF.
1983Summer Seen in Houston, Wabasha, Dakota, Carver, Wright, Hennepin, Ramsey, Anoka, Washington (6/17, two, O'Brien SP, BL). Big Stone, Clay (6/6, Felton, KRE), DULUTH (6/3 Minn. Point, KL).
1983Fall Three reports: 8/22, 10/4 Houston EMF, 9/7 Ramsey RH.
1984Spring Early south 51 II Hennepin OJ, 5/13 Washington TBB, 5/19 Houston AB, Wabasha DZ, Cottonwood WH, 5/20 Olmsted JPIAM; early north 5/10 Otter Tail GMO, 5/17 Kittson KSS, 5/26 Clay LCF.
1984Summernested in Clay; also seen in 14 other counties including Kanabec (6/23 -RJ).
1985Spring Early south SIS Olmsted AP, 5/6 Houston EMF, 5/17 Ramsey KB, 5/18 Goodhue DB!, TTu; only north report 5/9 Clay LCF.
1985Summer Nested in Hennepin. Also seen in Clay, Meeker, Wright, Ramsey, Scott, Dakota, Goodhue, Olmsted, Houston.
1985Fall All reports: 8/15-9/24 Houston EMF, 8/189/ 1 Hennepin m.ob., 10/2 Fillmore RJ.
1986Spring Early south 5/9 Fillmore AMP, 51 I0 Houston EMF, 5/14 Olmsted RE; early north 5/J6 Wilkin GAM, 5/18 Polk AB, 5/26 Clay LCF.
1986Summer Probable nesting in Ramsey. Also seen in 15 other counties south and west of a diagonal from Marshall, Clearwater (AB), Hubbard (JL; first sighting in county), Ramsey, Houston , but absent from the central and south central regions.
1986Fall 8/1 and 9/29 Houston EMF, 8/8 Dakota DB, Fillmore AP, 8/16 Clay TM, 8/27 Marshall AB.
1987Spring Early south 5/10 Houston EMF, 5/12 Mower RRK; only north reports 5/17 Clearwater AB, 5/24 Clay LCF.
1987Summer Seen in 19 South counties north to Isanti, Wright, Swift plus Clay and Beltrami (AB) in the North. More reports than in previous years.
1987Fall Late north 8/27 Becker BK, 8/31 Polk AB; late south 9/10 Cottonwood BF, 9/27 Houston EMF, 10/4 Olmsted RSE.
1988Spring Early south 5/7 Freeborn TM, 5/8 Houston EMF, 5/10 Olmsted BSE; early north 5/7 Todd PH, 5/13 Clay LCF, 5/29 Red Lake AB.
1988Summer Seen in 21 counties within range plus Aitkin (6/23-7!16, RiceLakeNWR, KE etal.).
1988Fall Only north report 8/9 Kittson AB; early south 8/9 Hennepin SC, ES ; late south 9/10 Houston AP, 9/23 Cottonwood BF, 9/26 Houston EMF.
1989Spring Early south 5/9 Hennepin OJ and Olmsted BSE, 5/11 Houston EMF, 5/13 Goodhue APr; only north reports 5/27 Wilkin KB, 5/29 Clay LCF.
1989Summer Nested in Wilkin KB; seen 19 other counties as far north as Isanti in east and Polk in west. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, 11 June 1989, Aitkin County. Photo by Warren Nelson.
1989Fall Two north reports 8/13 Kittson AP, 8/19 Clay LCF; late south 9/11 Steele AP, 9/24 Cottonwood ED, 9/25 Houston EMF.
1990Spring Early south S/8 Olmsted JB, S/11 Rock RJ, S/ 12 Hennepin OJ; one north report Si ll Clay LCF.
1990Summer Seen in 19 counties as far north as Norman in west and Sherburne in east.
1990Fall One north report 8/5 Clay MO; late south 9/8 Ramsey RH, 9/14 Washington WL, 9/19 Houston EMF.
1991Spring Early south 5/4 Hennepin OJ, 5/5 Lac qui Parle CMB, 5/9 Olmsted BSE and Washington PC, WL; two north reports 5/5 Grant SDM, 5/9 Clay LCF (both earliest dates on record).
1991Summer Probable nesting in Murray; seen in 13 other southern counties plus Mille Lacs RJ, Wilkin, Clay, Polk.
1991Fall One north report 8/3 Norman MO; late south 9/4 Rice FKS and Washington WL, 9/30 Houston EMF.
1992Spring Early south 5/3 Hennepin OJ, 5/12 Winona CS, 5/13 Houston EMF; early north 5/14 Clay LCF, 5/18 Pennington KSS, 5/30 Marshall MCBS.
1992Summer Reported in 13 southern counties plus Kittson, Marshall, Polk, Pennington, Red Lake, Clay, Wilkin, Morrison.
1992Fall All reports: 8/5 Hennepin SC, 8/8 Norman MO, 9/3 Grant RJ, 9/10 Washington WL, 8/5–10/3 Houston EMF.
1993Spring Early south 5/6 Hennepin OJ, 5/8 Cottonwood ED and Yellow Medicine KB, PS, 5/11 Sherburne DO. Early north 5/9 Clay LCF, 5/29–31 Duluth KE, mob, 5/30 Grant SDM.
1993Summer Seen in 20 counties as far north as Mahnomen in the west and Anoka in the east; also observed in St. Louis (singing bird in Duluth throughout most of June, mob).
1993Fall All reports: 8/4 Anoka KB, 8/10 Washington WL, 8/18–9/10 Hennepin mob, 8/20–22 Winona mob.
1994Spring Early south 5/9 Hennepin OJ, 5/11 Olmsted JBo, 5/14 Brown TBr; only north report 5/28-30 Duluth (same location as 1993) DN, mob.
1994Summer Nested in Anoka WL. Seen in 14 other counties as far north as a line through Clay, Washington; plus a singing bird on 6/5 near Orr in St. Louis Co. RHo.
1994Fall No north reports. Late south 9/11 Carver AB, 9/16 Washington TEB, 9/20 Anoka KB and Houston EMF.
1995Spring Early south 5/6 Hennepin OJ, 5/10 Rice JL, 5/11 Olmsted CK; early north 5/28 Clay RO, 5/31 Polk MCBS.
1995Summer Probable nesting in Anoka, Rice. Seen in 20 additional counties as far north as Polk, Red Lake in the west and Meeker, Washington in the east.
1995Fall Reported 8/1 Winona CS, 8/2 Houston EMF, 8/3 (calling) Ramsey KB, 8/5 Dakota (3) TT, 8/12 Hennepin SC, 8/25 Washington TEB, 9/20 Houston EMF. Total of 15 records from 8/1 to 9/20. Note: In order to advance our knowledge, future reports of Empidonax flycatchers not identified by voice (call notes or calling) will not be published. Please indicate on your Seasonal Report Forms how the bird was identified and documented.
1996Spring Early south 5/5 Mower RRK, 5/11 Rice JL, 5/15 Rice FKS. Early north 5/21 Polk SKS.
1996Summer Most reports in 14+ years. Probable nesting in Kandiyohi; seen in 26 additional counties as far north as Roseau in the west and Todd, Pine in the central/east.
1996Fall All north reports: 9/15 (second latest north date) Marshall PS, 9/18 (latest north date) Crow Wing JS/MN. All south reports: 8/3 Dakota TT, 8/15 Dakota (2) TT.
1997Spring All reports: 5/8 Hennepin OJ, 5/15 Olmsted DA, BE, 5/18 Hennepin TT, 5/24 Hennepin PBu, 5/26 Dakota TT and Hennepin SC, 5/30 Dakota TT.
1997Summer Observed in 20 southern counties plus Kittson, Clay, Wilkin.
1997Fall All reports: 8/2 Dakota TT, 8/5 Hennepin KB, 8/15 Hennepin SC.
1998Spring All reports: 5/19 Hennepin SC, 5/22 Dakota TT.
1998Summer Recorded in 21 southern counties plus Wilkin, Clay, Lake of the Woods (7/27 PS); probable nesting in Lyon.
1998Fall No north reports. Late south 8/1 Rock KSu, PS, 8/2 Dakota TT, 9/7 Dakota TT. Note: During spring and fall migration, undocumented records of silent Empidonax flycatchers are not published in this report. Please be sure to indicate singing or calling birds on the Seasonal Report form.
1999Spring Early south 5/5 Hennepin OJ, 5/11 Meeker DF and Mower DSm. No documented north reports.
1999Summer Seen in 20 counties as far north as Clay, Todd, Anoka.
1999Fall Only north report: 8/2 Wilkin PS. All south reports: 8/1 Dakota TT and Rice TBo, 8/14 Hennepin SC. Note: During spring and fall migration, undocumented records of silent Empidonax flycatchers are not published in this report. Please be sure to indicate singing or calling birds on the Seasonal Report form.
2000Spring Early south 5/12 Faribault †PS, 5/19 Dakota †TT; others vocalizing late May in Cottonwood †BBo, Rice †TBo, Hennepin †SC. Note: During spring and fall migration, undocumented records of silent Empidonax flycatchers are not published in this report. Please be sure to note singing or calling birds on the Seasonal Report form.
2000Summer Reported in 25 counties as far north and east as a line through Marshall, Todd, Anoka, Houston.
2000Fall Only documented reports: 8/3 Anoka KJB, 8/4 Dakota ADS, 9/10 Hennepin SLC. Note: During spring and fall migration undocumented records of silent Empidonax flycatchers are not published in this report. Please be sure to indicate singing or calling birds on the Seasonal Report form.
2001Spring Early south 5/19 Dakota †TAT and Meeker †DMF; reported without details from nine south counties. Only documented report north: 5/19 Hubbard †FZL. Note: During spring and fall migration, please provide details for silent Empidonax flycatchers and on the Seasonal Report form, denote those birds identified by voice.
2001Summer Seen in 17 counties as far north as Roseau in the west and Stearns, Washington in the east.
2001Fall Last “singing” birds 8/4 Meeker DMF, 8/5 Dakota TAT, 8/8 Hennepin SLC.
2002Spring Vocalizing birds reported from six south counties starting 5/6 Hennepin OLJ, 5/17 Stearns DCT, MAJ. Only north report of calling birds: 5/31 Polk (2) EEF. Note: During spring and fall migration, please provide details for silent Empidonax flycatchers and denote birds identified by voice.
2002Summer Record-high number of reports. Seen in 26 counties as far north as a line through Wilkin, Todd, Morrison, Pine; plus 6/19 Carlton RBJ, 6/19 St. Louis (at the southern edge of the county) †RBJ.
2002Fall Two reports with details: 8/9 Grant HHD, 9/4 Anoka KJB.
2003Spring Vocalizing birds in five south counties beginning 5/10 Goodhue DFN, 5/23 Hennepin OLJ and Rice TFB; also heard in Dakota, Lac qui Parle. Reported without details from three south and two north counties. Note: During spring and fall migration, please indicate calling or singing Empidonax flycatchers on seasonal report form.
2003Summer Fewest reports since 1985, and nearly half that of last year; observed in 15 southern counties, plus singing male 6/27 Roseau (Roseau River W.M.A.) KLP
2003Fall Vocalizing 8/16 Hennepin DWK. Reported without details from Big Stone, Brown, Ramsey.
2004Spring Early south 5/14 Hennepin OLJ, 5/17 Sherburne PLJ, 5/20 Rice TFB. Additional south reports with details from ADS, DFN, PEB, PHS, and WCM. One north report from Kanabec lacked details.
2004Summer Observed in 26 counties in all regions of the state except Northeast, North-central.
2004Fall Vocalizing 8/2 Pine JMP, 8/8 Brown BTS.
2005Spring Early south 5/8 Fillmore NBO, 5/21 Dakota PEB, 5/28 Hennepin HCT. Additional reports with details from Houston (PHS) and Anoka (PEB).
2005Summer Observed in 28 counties in all regions except Northeast.
2005Fall Only 8/11 Lac qui Parle BJU was vocalizing.
2006Spring Early south 5/15 Big Stone BJU, 5/20 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/21 Meeker DMF. Reported from five north counties, but none with details on how the birds were identified.
2006Summer Found in 41 counties throughout state except Northeast.
2006Fall Vocalizing 8/1 Lac qui Parle (3) BJU, 8/7 Scott DWK, 8/9 Lac qui Parle BJU, 8/11 Dakota ADS.
2007Spring320 Early south 5/20 Meeker DMF, 5/21 Rice DAB. High count 5/28 Hennepin (12 in four different locations in northern part of county) PEB. Details also provided by HCT, DWK, JCC, BAF.
2007Summer531 Reported in all regions in South plus Polk, Norman, Clay, Wilkin, Otter Tail.
2007Fall4 All reports of vocalizing birds: 8/1 Lac qui Parle BJU, 8/2 Scott (2) BAF, 8/3 Olmsted JWH, 8/23 Blue Earth RMD. Reported without details from an additional six south counties.
2008Spring316 Early south (median 5/8) 5/13 Dakota JPM, 5/15 Sherburne PLJ, 5/18 Lac qui Parle BJU, Meeker DMF. Also reported with details from Meeker DPG, Hennepin HCT, PEB, Brown BTS, Dakota ADS, DFN, Scott DFN.
2008Summer532 Reported from all regions except North-central, Northeast.
2008Fall6 High counts 8/2 Lac qui Parle (5, Big Stone NWR) PCC, PHS. Late south 8/10 Nicollet RMD, Sherburne PLJ, 8/17 Carver (3) JCC (median 9/10). Reported from additional 8 south counties without details.
2009Spring116 Early south 5/17 Washington DFN, 5/20 Brown LBF, 5/22 Dakota BAF. Also reported with details from Meeker, Hennepin. High counts 5/31 Dakota (12, Black Dog Nature Preserve S.N.A.) ADS, 5/22 Dakota (7, Orchard Lake) BAF.
2009Summer829 Found in all central and southern regions. All north reports from western regions including Pennington, Norman, Mahnomen, Clay. High count 7/26 Hennepin (6) WCM. First county breeding record from Scott BAF.
2009Fall5 All south 8/1 Cottonwood JCC, Scott BAF, 8/2 Hennepin DWK, 8/3 Sherburne PLJ, 8/9 Hennepin SLC, 8/28 Carver JCy (median late 9/10). High count 8/2 Hennepin (5) DWK. Additional reports from 1 north, 4 south counties.
2010Spring7 Early south 5/9 (median) Sherburne PLJ, 5/16 Dakota (5) BAF, 5/17 Dakota CMB, 5/19 Rice TFB. High count 5/23 Dakota (10 singing at Black Dog Nature Preserve S.N.A.) MDu. Reports from an additional 10 south and 3 north counties lacked details.
2010Summer836 Reported from all regions except Northeast. First county breeding record from Kandiyohi DPG.
2010Fall4 All south 8/1 Rice TFB, 8/3 Lac qui Parle BJU, 8/4 Big Stone BJU, 8/11 Sherburne PLJ. Median late north 8/9, south 9/9. Undocumented reports from an additional 2 north, 3 south counties.
2011Spring226 Reported with details from 12 south counties. Early south (median 5/9) 5/15 Jackson MDU, 5/21 Nicollet JCC, Rice DAB. High counts 5/28 Anoka (5, Carlos Avery W.M.A.) PEB, 5/30 Lac qui Parle (5) BJU. No north reports with details.
2011Summer644Found in all central and southern regions plus Clay, Lake of the Woods, Marshall. High count 6/4 Nicollet (6 singing, Swan Lake area) RMD.
2011Fall115 All north 8/5 Traverse JPr, RZi, KRE, JJS. High count 8/1 Hennepin (6) CMB. Vocalizing birds reported from 9 south counties, including late south 8/16 Murray DBM, 9/2 Sherburne PLJ (median 9/9). Undocumented reports from an additional six south counties.
2012Spring322 Reports with details from 14 south counties. Early south (median 5/9) 5/12 Hennepin CMB, 5/13 Winona DBz. High counts 5/31 Hennepin (15, Males all on established territory at Hyland Lake P.R.) CMB. North reports from Douglas, Otter Tail, and Pine without details.
2012Summer1039 Found in all regions except Northeast. High counts 6/2, 6/6 Hennepin (18, Hyland Lake P.R.) CMB.
2012Fall29 Reported from 5 south counties with ID notes. All south reports: 8/1 Lac qui Parle BJU, 8/4 Hennepin (2) BAF, 8/23 Pope DBM, 8/28 Ramsey HSt, 9/2 Dakota ACr (median late 9/4).
2013Spring626 Early south (median 5/9) 5/13 Dakota TAT, 5/17 Hennepin BAF, 5/19 Dakota DFN. All north reports 5/18 Grant DWK, HCT, PEB, 5/22 Clay PEB. High count 5/26 Murray (12) GWe.
2013Summer1247 Found in most regions. No reports from Northeast and all of North-central except Hubbard. First county breeding record for Rice SWe. High counts 6/1 Carver (10, Carver P. R.) JCy, 6/3 Dakota (10, Cliff Fen, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) CMB.
2013Fall312 Reported with ID notes from 1 north and 3 south counties. All north 8/19 Traverse DWK, HCT (median late 8/9). Late south 8/18 Scott BAF, 9/1 Dakota ACr (median 9/4).
2014Spring734Reported with ID notes from 14 south, 4 north counties. Early south (median 5/9) 5/10 Wabasha LHl, 5/13 Big Stone DLP, 5/14 Hennepin MPi, Ramsey ASi. Early north (median 5/17) 5/15 Morrison HCT, PEB, 5/20 Morrison DWK, HCT, PEB, 5/25 Crow Wing JPR. High count 5/30 Hennepin (10) CMB.
2014Summer1334Found in areas along and south of a line from Polk to Pine.
2014Fall314 No north reports with details. Reported south with identification notes from 8 counties, including late south 8/9 Anoka (2) DWK, Hennepin BAF, 8/10 Stevens DLP, 8/31 Chippewa JCC.
2015Spring531 Reports with details from 18 south counties but only one north. Early south (median 5/9) 5/9 Goodhue SWe, Wabasha LHl, 5/12 Lyon GWe. Only north report with details (median 5/17) 5/30 Aitkin ToL. High counts 5/22 Dakota (12, Cliff Fen, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) BAF, 5/31 Hennepin (8, Hyland Lake P.R.) MHu.
2015Summer1643 Reported from all regions except Northeast. Unusual location 6/7 Lake of the Woods (Butterfield F.R., vocalization well described) WaB. High count 6/6 Hennepin (7 calling, Hyland Lake P.R.) MHu.
2015Fall211 Reported with details from 1 north and 3 south counties. Only north report 8/31 Grant CNl (median late 8/5). Late south 8/16 Carver MPi, 8/29 Kandiyohi JoS (median 8/31).
2016Spring628 Reported with details from 1 north and 10 south counties. Early south (median 5/10) 5/11 Hennepin CMB, 5/14 Goodhue ODa, Hennepin ACr, Washington ECl. Only north report (median 5/18) 5/28 Douglas DPG. High count 5/23–25 Dakota (8, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Cliff Fen) GHo, LiH, SBE.
2016Summer1141 Reported from all regions except Northeast. High count 6/3 Dakota (11, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Cliff Fen) BAF.
2016Fall422 Reported with details from 2 north and 7 south counties. All north 8/3 Clay PBB, 8/20 Otter Tail MJB (median 8/9). Late south 8/16 Swift JoS, RAE, 8/18 Kandiyohi JoS, 8/23 Rice RBW (median 8/29).
2017Spring634 Reported with details only from 12 south counties. Early south (median 5/10) 5/10 Ramsey JuW, 5/14 Ramsey ASi, Washington DFN, 5/17 Carver JCy, Rice TFB. High count 5/27 Hennepin (8) CMB.
2017Summer1347 Reported from every region except North-central, Northeast.
2017Fall419 Reported with details from 5 south counties. Late south 8/23 Sherburne PLJ, 8/26 Hennepin ACr (median 8/28).
2018Spring736 Reported with details from 18 south counties, but none in the north. Early south (median 5/10) 5/8 Washington DFN, 5/9 Lyon NMe, Rice JiP, Washington DFN, 5/10 Dakota SWe, Ramsey DTr. High counts 5/21 Sherburne (4, Sherburne N.W.R.) ebd, 5/27 Waseca (Blowers C.P.) PSu.
2018Summer1542 Found in all regions except North-central, Northeast. High count 6/26 Lyon (17, Coon Creek W.M.A.) GWe. First county breeding record 7/24 Houston SHo.
2018Fall328 Reported with ID notes from 1 north and 9 south counties. High count 8/10 Hennepin (3) JBn. Only north report 8/17 Polk DLP (median late 8/14). Late south 8/27 Hennepin LAi, 9/2 Scott BAb, 9/9 Carver ebd (median 8/26).
2019Summer1650 Found in all regions, but scarce in North-central, Northeast.
 Breeds south and west.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.