Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Chickadees, Titmice
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Chickadees, Titmice
Black-capped Chickadee
Boreal Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse

Black-capped Chickadee(Poecile atricapillus)
1930SummerThe only occupied nest ot the chickadee reported was by Gustav Swanson, near Deer Rivor on June 2oth.
1932SummerMrse Wilson w~tched Chicka4ees bui:f.ding o.t Montevideo, May 1st, but the only nest investigated ~s focnd by Downey & Eisele on Hay 13th, and. contained :3 eggs. that could be seen, and probably tlore. )
1933Summer Seven nests f'ound. Hieoenz reports an oceupiod nest seen noo:rSt. Cloud on April 25th, but c'lid not ascertain its contents until May 9th, Upon reVisiting it he found tho.t a storm had broken the stub off just o.t the nest, whi-ch contained 7 eggs. The birds, of course, had The Flicker, 19.3.3 -.39 deserted. Two nests found by Risser and Swanson at Frontenac on May 21st held 7 and 9 eggs respectively. Several young ready to leave cor.1prised the contents of a nest seen by Stein and the writer on June 5th.
1934Summer Tho earliest occupied nest of this species held 5 fresh eggs when it wns discovered near St. Cloud by HiOI!lenz on Hay 13th. Swedonborg and Prosser watched young being fed in a nest more than 25 feet f'rom the ground on June 17th near Leon Lalw, Cook County.
1935Summer Prosser writes that on June 24th at Caribou Lake, Cook County, he and Swedonborg found a chiclmdoo feeding young out of tho nest.
1936Summer The Bird Club mE;mbers found a nest of three largo young on June 14th at Linwood Lake. Mrs. Peterson saw young out of nest June 19th.
1937SummerOn June r7 L. Pittelkow, Dr. Risser and G. Rysgaard found a nest near Lake of the Woods, but couldn't examine it.
1938SummerOn May 20, at Minneapolis,. Upson found a nest in a birch stub about 3 feet high; it held 5 small young. The nest entrance DECEMBER, 1938. was in the top of the stub. In Houston County A! Buzicky found a nest that held 7 eggs that was situated in a stump {May 23 ). Near Gull Lake E. D. Swedenborg saw young awing on June 25. On July 5 Rysgaard re-visited a nest to which the chickadees were carrying nesting material on June 5; it held half­grown young (Sturgeon Lake).
1940SummerHarrell and Longley found a nest with 7 eggs on May I8 in St. Paul; all hatched by May 25.
1943SummerMay 8, Hamsey. Com1ty. Bros. Lewis and Pius.
1944SummerMay 15, eight eggs, Hennepin, Sadah Field.
1945Summer5 young, Duluth, July 11, Olga Lakela; nest, Hennepin Co., May 27, Don and Eldeen Jacobs; 2 adults with young, Hennepin Co., Lulu M. Aler; nest with 6 eggs, Ramsey·Co., Brother Hubert.
1945WinterCommon permanent resident.
1946SummerYoung out, June 11, Hennepin Co., Aler.
1961SummerForest Strnad banded five young on 24 June near Kasson. WRENS:
1962SummerJune 17, Minneapolis, 5 young out of nest, Brother Theodore. I Boreal Chic!~adee: July 19, Hibbing, Adult feeding 2 young out of nest, Har riet Micensky; Aug. 24, Isabella, two seen, R. Oehlenschlager.
1963SummerNumerous nestings reported from Dakota, Ram· sey, Beltrami, St. Louis and Cook Counties.
1966Summernested in Nobles, Wright, Washington and Hennepin Co's; also reported from 26 other counties.
1967Summernested Cook, Lyon, Hennepin, Ramsey Co's. and FargoMoorhead; also reported from Carver, Stevens, St. Louis, Hubbard, Nobles, Clearwater, Beltrami, Pope, Wabasha, Morrison, Crow Wing, Washington, Cottonwood Co's. 127 December 1967
1968Summer nested in Mille Lacs, Lyon, Anoka, St. Louis, Hennepin Co's; also reported from Cook, Lake, Carlton, Clearwater, Beltrami, Stevens, Pine, Wabasha, Washington, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Cottonwood, Nobles, Morrison, Carver, Rice, Pope, Wright, Winona Co's.
1968WinterReported from 24 counties throughout state.
1969Summernested in St. Louis, Hennepin, and Carver Co's.; also reported by numerous observers throughout the state.
1969FallReported from Beltrami, Blue Earth, Anoka, Carver, Cass, Chisago, Cook, Co~tonwood, Hennepin, Mille Lacs, Mornson, Olmsted Ramsey, St. Louis, Sherburne, Wabasha, Washington, Winona, Wright.
1969WinterReported from 29 counties.
1970Summerneste d in Ram sey, Mille Lacs, Cottonwood, an d Hennepin Co's.
1970Fallreported from 31 counties.
1970Winterreported from 31 counties.
1971Summernested in Carver, Ramsey, Hennepin and Wright; also reported from 25 other counties.
1971WinterNorth reported from 14 counties; South reported from 19 counties.
1972WinterNORTH Reported from thirteen counties. SOUTH Reported from eighteen counties.
1973Summer Reported from 28 counties.
1973Fall Reported f'om 17 counties.
1973Winter Reported from 42 counties.
1974Spring Reported from 14 counties.
1974Summer Nested in St. Louis, Stearns, Hennepin, Ramsey, Le Sueur, Winona, Cottonwood, Pipestone; also reported from 29 other counties.
1974Winter Reported from 41 counties.
1975Spring Reported from 27 counties.
1975Summer Nested in Lake, St. Louis, Mille Lacs, Ramsey, Hennepin and Rock; also reported from 24 other counties.
1975Winterreported from 47 counties throughout the state including a peak of 567 on the Itasca Christmas Count.
1976Spring Reported from 31 counties.
1976Summernested in Clay and Anoka; also reported from 37 other counties.
1976Fall Permanent resident.
1976Winter Reported from 42 counties throughout the state.
1977Spring Reported from 30 counties.
1977Summer Nested in Hubbard, Cass, Crow Wing, Lac qui Parle, Cottonwood, Anoka, Washington, Olmsted and Otter Tail; also reported from 21 other counties throughout the state.
1977Winter Reported from 42 counties.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Cottonwood, Hennepin and Beltrami; also seen throughout the state.
1978Fall Permanent resident.
1978Winter Reported from 48 counties. Borea,l Chickadee Seven reports from Beltrami, Clearwater, St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
1979Spring Permanent resident.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Lake, Stearns, Anoka, Goodhue; also seen throughout the state.
1979Fall Permanent resident.
1979Winter -by Dana Gardner
1980Summer Breeding reported from Clay, Stearns, Anoka (58 nests! JLH), Washington, LeSueur, Houston; seen also throughout the state.
1980Fall Common resident of the state reported from 29 counties.
1981Spring Resident reported from 20 south and 11 north counties.
1981Summer Breeding data from Pennington, Itasca, Cook, Stearns, Hennepin, Le Sueur, Houston. Seen throughout the state.
1981Fall Reported from 19 north and 26 south counties.
1981Winter Reported from 52 counties throughout the state. The Duluth CBC recorded 1202.
1982Spring Permanent resident reported from 32 south and 15 north counties.
1982Summer Breeding data from St. Louis, Pennington, Cottonwood, LeSueur, Olmsted. Seen throughout the state.
1982Fall Permanent resident reported from 17 north and 21 south counties.
1982Winter Reported from 57 counties throughout the state.
1983Spring Reported from 27 counties south, 20 north.
1983Summer Breeding data from Lake, Kittson, Pennington, Stearns, Sherburne, Anoka, Hennepin, Washington, LeSueur, Brown. Seen throughout the state.
1983Fall Reported from 13 counties north, 20 south.
1983Winter Reported from 73 counties throughout the state with a total CBC count of 9836. Peak counts of I ISO at Duluth and 1621 on the St. Paul NE count. Least abundant in the SW region with CBC counts ranging from 39 to 93.
1984Spring Reported from 28 south and 19 north counties.
1984Summernested in Clearwater, Clay, Cass, Stearns, Anoka, Ramsey, Brown, Scott, Wabasha, Le Sueur, Olmsted and Blue Earth; also seen in 38 other counties. Boreal Chicakdee: seen in Cook; only report.
1984Fall Reported from 21 counties north, 25 south.
1984Winter Reported from 66 counties throughout the state. Distribution very similar to last year with a statewide CBC total of 9268 and a peak of 1254 at Duluth.
1985Spring Reported from 20 north and 28 south counties.
1985Summer Nested in Morrison, Benton (NH), Isanti (JH), Ramsey, Washington, Wabasha, Olmsted, Brown; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Becker, Clay, Meeker, Anoka, Dakota. Also seen in 32 other counties throughout the state.
1985Fall Reported from 14 north and 23 south counties. 9/12 St. Louis 2069 in 31/2 hours MH.
1985Winter Widespread and common. Reported from 83 counties throughout the state. A statewide CBC count of 10,725 (9268 L.y.) with high counts of 1371 at Duluth and 1311 on the St. Paul northeast count.
1986Spring Reported from 16 north and 30 south counties.
1986Summer Nested in Cass, Hennepin, Washington, Dakota (RH), Rice, Dodge (JB), Olmsted, Brown, Cottonwood; probable nesting in Pennington, Steams, Benton, Anoka (53 nests found, JH). Also seen in 38 other counties throughout the state.
1986Fall Reported from 16 north and 29 south counties .
1986Winter Somewhat scarcer in the southwest and south central regions but otherwise about the same as last year. Reports from 72 counties (83 L. Y.) with a statewide CBC total of 10,328 (10,725 L.Y.).
1987Spring Reported from 14 north and 28 south counties .
1987Summer Nested in Pennington, Cass, Stearns, Washington, Brown; probable nesting in Clay, Anoka, Dakota, Nicollet. Also seen in 43 other counties throughout the state.
1987Fall Reported from 15 north and 32 south counties.
1987Winter Reported from 66 counties throughout the state (72 L. Y.) with a statewide CBC total of 10216 (10328 L.Y.).
1988Spring Reported from 32 south and 16 north counties.
1988Summer More reports than in recent years. Nested in 15 counties south of Cass including Todd (PH), Freeborn (NH), Fillmore (NAO); probable nesting in Aitkin, Stevens. Seen in 43 other counties statewide.
1988Fall Reported from 24 north and 31 south counties.
1988Winter Reported from 77 counties (66 l.y.) throughout the state with a statewide CBC total of 9,801 (10,216 l.y.).
1989Spring Reported from 34 south and 16 north counties.
1989Summer Nested in Brown, Dodge, Olmsted; prob- able nesting in Cook, Crow Wing, Anoka, Washington. Seen in 46 other counties statewide.
1989Fall Reported from 25 north and 32 south counties .
1989Winter Reported from 71 counties throughout the state (77 l.y.) with a statewide CBC total of 11,810 (9,801 l. y.).
1990Spring Reported from 17 north and 29 south counties.
1990Summer Nested in seven counties including Murray Bewick's Wren, 9 June 1990, Clear Lake, Sherburne County. Photo by Kim Risen. ND; probable nesting in five counties. Seen in 38 other counties statewide.
1990Fall Reported from 24 north and 30 south counties.
1990Winter Reported from 62 counties throughout the state (71 I. y.) with a statewide CBC total of 10,206 (11,810 l.y.).
1991Spring Reported from 23 north and 30 south counties.
1991Summer Nested in six counties including Aitkin WN; probable nesting in seven. Seen in 36 other counties throughout state.
1991Fall Reported from 19 north and 29 south counties.
1991Winter Reported from 51 counties (62 l.y.) statewide with a CBC total of 9,674 (10,206 l.y.).
1992Spring Reported from 20 north and 35 south counties.
1992Summer Nested in five counties including Roseau SSt, Marshall MCBS; probable breeding in eight. Seen in 36 additional counties statewide.
1992Fall Reported from 19 north and 32 south counties.
1992Winter Reported from 81 counties (51 l.y.) statewide with a CBC total of 11,706.
1993Spring Reported from 21 north and 34 south counties.
1993Summer Nested in Itasca, Anoka, Washington, Brown; probable nesting in seven counties. Seen in 41 additional counties statewide.
1993Fall Reported from 24 north and 35 south counties.
1993Winter Reported from 81 counties (81 l.y.) statewide.
1994Spring Reported from 21 north and 31 south counties.
1994Summer Fewer reports than average. Nested in three counties, probable nesting in seven; seen in 32 additional counties statewide.
1994Fall Reported from 17 north and 26 south counties.
1994Winter Reported from 63 counties throughout the state. CBC total 11,410.
1995Spring Reported from 31 south and 28 north counties.
1995Summer Nested in seven counties, probable nesting in four; observed in 36 other counties statewide.
1995Fall Reported throughout the state. Some observers reported increased numbers in the northeast and southeast.
1995Winter Reported from 72 counties throughout the state. CBC total a record 15,733 (11,410 l.y.), with a record high count of 2,396 on the Duluth CBC.
1996Spring Reported from 44 south and 24 north counties.
1996Summer Nested in three counties, probable nesting in eight; observed in 44 additional counties statewide.
1996Fall Reported throughout the state.
1996Winter Reported from 65 counties throughout the state. CBC total 11,019 (record 15,733 l.y.).
1997Spring Reported throughout the state.
1997Summer Observed in 54 counties statewide. New nesting record in Kanabec CM; probable nesting in Aitkin, Morrison, Jackson, Freeborn, Olmsted.
1997Fall Reported throughout the state.
1997Winter Reported from a record 86 counties throughout the state. CBC total 15,128 (11,019 l.y.).
1998Spring Reported throughout the state.
1998Summer Recorded in 51 counties throughout state; probable breeding in eight counties.
1998Fall Reported throughout the state.
1998Winter Reported from 64 counties throughout the state. CBC total 13,136.
1999Spring Reported throughout the state.
1999Summer The most reports since 1988; observed in 57 counties statewide.
1999Fall Reported throughout the state.
1999Winter Reported from 69 counties throughout the state.
2000Spring Observed throughout the state.
2000Summer Record high number of reports; observed in 65 counties statewide.
2000Fall Reported throughout the state.
2000Winter Reported from 66 counties throughout the state.
2001Spring Observed throughout the state.
2001Summer Reported in 58 counties throughout the state.
2001Fall Statewide.
2001Winter Reported from 67 counties throughout the state.
2002Spring Observed throughout the state.
2002Summer Seen in 63 counties statewide; new nesting record in Pine KWR.
2002Fall Reported throughout the state.
2002Winter Reported from 64 counties throughout the state.
2003Spring Observed throughout the state.
2003Summer Reported in 59 counties statewide.
2003Fall Reported throughout the state.
2003Winter Reported from 60 counties throughout the state.
2004Spring Reported throughout the state.
2004Summer Seen in 56 counties in all parts of state.
2004Fall Reported throughout the state.
2004Winter Reported from 53 counties statewide.
2005Spring Found throughout the state.
2005Summer Most reports ever: observed in 68 counties in all regions of state.
2005Fall Statewide.
2005Winter Reported from 66 counties statewide.
2006Spring Reported from 81 counties throughout the state.
2006Summer Found in 78 counties in all regions of state.
2006Fall Reported from 32 north and 48 south counties.
2006Winter2942 Reported from 71 counties statewide.
2007Spring3352 Reported throughout the season from all regions. High count 3/11 St. Louis (30) NFT.
2007Summer2848 Seen in all regions of the state.
2007Fall3450 Reported statewide. Major movement reported along the North Shore, with over 200 banded 9/23–27 H.R.B.O. fide DAG.
2007Winter2837 Reports down slightly from last year, but from throughout the season and all regions statewide. Seen on every CBC in the state, with the high count from Duluth (2,587).
2008Spring3351 Reported statewide.
2008Summer2236 Seen in all regions of state. First county breeding record from Koochiching AXH.
2008Fall3446 Reported statewide. High counts 11/16 St. Louis (49) PHS, 8/2 St. Louis (25) TPW.
2008Winter2848 Found statewide throughout the season.
2009Spring3352 Reported statewide. High count 4/24 St. Louis (22) PHS.
2009Summer3041 Observed throughout state. First county breeding records from Nicollet RMD, Pope RPR.
2009Fall3152 Reported from all regions. High counts 9/10 Chisago (56, Franconia Bluffs S.N.A.) RBJ, 11/5 Carver (56) RBJ, 9/7 St. Louis (36) PHS.
2009Winter2745 Reported from about the same number of counties both north and south as last year. Widespread throughout the region and season. CBC high count 12/19 Duluth (2,614).
2010Spring3253 Reported statewide. High count 4/4 Dakota (36, Lebanon Hills R.P.) RTe.
2010Summer2949 Seen throughout the state. First county breeding records for Carlton fide BBA, Chisago fide BBA, Douglas JPE, Jackson BSa, Mower fide BBA, Stevens MKu, Yellow Medicine PME.
2010Fall3453 Reported statewide.
2010Winter3048 Found throughout the season in all but 9 western counties. High counts 1/2 Lake of the Woods (73) DWi. CBC high counts 12/18 Duluth (2,248), 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (1,082), 12/18 Bloomington (888).
2011Spring3353 Reported statewide.
2011Summer3248Found statewide. First county breeding records for Lake of the Woods BWa, Wadena CCa.
2011Fall3352 Reported statewide. High counts 11/7 St. Louis (63, Sax-Zim Bog) DaW, 9/17 Dakota (52, Dodge N.C.) ACr.
2011Winter3148Reported from all regions statewide throughout the season. Number of reporting counties similar to last year. High count 12/30 St. Louis (355) SLF. CBC high count 12/17 Duluth (2,449).
2012Spring3353 Reported statewide.
2012Summer3453 Seen in every county in the state. First county breeding records for Red Lake fide BBA, Sibley (May record) JSc, Wilkin CCa.
2012Fall3353 Reported statewide. High count 11/16 Ramsey (56, Crosby Farm R.P.) BRo.
2012Winter3252 Found in all but three counties. CBC high counts 12/15 Duluth (1,741), 12/29 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (1,076), 12/15 Excelsior (717), all significantly lower than last year's highest count (2,449, Duluth CBC).
2013Spring3352 Reported statewide. High count 3/12 St. Louis (54, Sax-Zim Bog) SLm, PSc.
2013Summer3149 Reported statewide. High count 6/30 Scott (26, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R. – North) BAF. First county breeding record for Waseca PSu.
2013Fall3350 Reported from all regions. Only notable high count 10/7 Dakota (40) DAd.
2013Winter3048 Reported statewide throughout the season. CBC high counts 12/14 Duluth (1,571), 12/28 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (1,056).
2014Spring3453Reported statewide. High counts all from Sax-Zim Bog, St. Louis: 3/1 (75) MSc, 3/11 (65) EBr.
2014Summer3246Found statewide. High count 7/26 Hennepin (30, Minnetonka) JBrn. First county breeding record for Steele PSu.
2014Fall3453 Reported statewide.
2014Winter2949 Reported from all regions statewide throughout the season. Number of reporting counties similar to last year. High count 12/20 Crow Wing (215, Ironton) KCR, CLR. CBC high counts 12/20 Duluth (2,046), 12/27 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (947), 12/20 Ely (755).
2015Spring3353 Reported statewide. High counts 3/1 St. Louis (47, Sax-Zim Bog) DDe, 4/26 Hennepin (41, Hyland Lake P.R.) MHu.
2015Summer3452 Seen in every county except Rock. High counts 7/9 Ramsey (50, Crosby Farm R.P.) CSm, 7/19 Hennepin (39, Hyland Lake P.R.) MHu.
2015Fall3452 Reported statewide. High counts 10/25 Hennepin (59, Elm Creek P.R.) TLo, 9/7 Lyon (50, Camden S.P.) GWe.
2015Winter3152 Reported from all but four western counties. High counts 12/19 Dakota (176) VWe, 1/2 St. Louis (175) JSa, 12/28 Pine (147) JSa, AmS. CBC high counts 12/19 Duluth (2,017), 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (1,143), 12/19 Excelsior (896).
2016Spring3453 Reported statewide.
2016Summer3452 Seen in every county except Pipestone. High counts 7/2 Hennepin (70, Staring Lake Trails) JVv, 7/6 Hennepin (50, Crow-Hassan P. R.) GAn, 7/6 Dakota (48, Miesville Ravine P. R.) EGB, 7/2 Ramsey (47, Sucker Lake) EGB, 6/26 Dakota (46, Lebanon Hills R.P.) DTr, JEd.
2016Fall3453 Found in all 87 counties.
2016Winter Found in all but six western counties. High counts 1/2 St. Louis (307) FJN, 12/17 St. Louis (217) JDx, ClN. CBC high counts 12/17 Duluth (2,036), 12/31 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (1,110), 1/2 Fredenberg (782).
2017Spring3453 Reported from all counties. High counts 3/1 Lake (70, C.R. 2) HlB, 4/6 Ramsey (60, Crosby Farm R.P.) CEl, ToL, 5/6 Hennepin (56, Hyland Lake P.R.) MHu.
2017Summer3252 Observed in every county except Lincoln, Mahnomen, Norman. High count 6/17 Hennepin (40, Minnehaha Falls) EGB.
2017Fall3453 Reported statewidein cluding several notable high counts from Stoney Point, St. Louis: 6/1 on 10/16 TRd, StK, and 562 on 10/8 TRd.
2017Winter3151 Found in all but five counties along western border of state. High counts 12/26 Pine (165) DGn, AmS, 12/27 Washington (119) JuW. CBC high counts 12/16 Duluth (1,934), 12/16 Excelsior (1,044), 12/30 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (875).
2018Spring3453 Reported statewide. High counts 4/12 Hennepin (73, 5.25 mile traveling count) ebd, 4/11 Dakota (60, 8.1 mile traveling count) MLk, 4/22 Dakota (55, Carleton College Cowling Arboretum) NiR.
2018Summer3451 Found in all counties except Pipestone, Redwood. High count 7/28 Dakota (48, Lebanon Hills R. P.) MKe. First county breeding record 5/25 Big Stone DLP.
2018Fall3353 Reported statewide. High counts 10/14 St. Louis (245, Stoney Point) StK, 10/23 St. Louis (162, Stoney Point) RyS.
2018Winter3350 Reported from all but four counties throughout the season. High counts 12/15 St. Louis (299) ClN, JDx, 12/15 St. Louis (133) FJN, 12/14 Cass (123) REn. CBC high counts 12/15 Duluth (2,491), 12/15 Excelsior (1,111), 12/29 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (903).
2019Summer3453 Found in every county. High count 7/31 Carver (52, Carver P.R., Grimm Rd. Picnic/Recreation Area) JCy.
 Permanent resident throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.