Lapland Longspur(Calcarius lapponicus) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1945 | Winter | | | Small flocks are found in the open sections of the state every winter. |
1961 | Winter | | | Mrs. Olin saw eight at Big Carnelian Lake, Washington County, no date given. |
1962 | Spring | | | April 28 near Tyler, Lincoln Co., one female or winter plumage male seen by Avifauna! Club; May 15 Duluth, Janet C. Green found one dead. Where are the longspurs this year? Chestnu,t-collared Longspur_· At least two singing males were seen between Felton and Ulen, Clay Co., on May 30 by Avifauna! Club. |
1962 | Winter | | | Feb. 17, small flock, Dakota Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel. |
1963 | Fall | | | earliest, Sept. 14, Knife River, Lake Co., R. B. Janssen. |
1963 | Winter | | | Jan 4, Red Wing, Goodhue Co., R. Huber; Jan 18, Traverse Co., R. Grant; Feb 1, Altura, Winona Co., Avifauna! Club. See also Christmas count. |
1964 | Spring | | | "best migration ever reported here (Duluth and North Shore)," lOO's seen between 3-24 and 4-1, fide JCG. |
1964 | Summer | | | last spring date, 4 25, Stevens Co, RAG. on several counts. After several years of summer Evening Grosbeaks, the first two actual nests were found for the state. The Lark Buntings moved in from the west to breed in Lac qui Parle County and presumably Rock County. The Yellow-crowned Night Heron extended its nesting range northward by about a hundred miles. Dickcissels were "super-abundant" in the southern half of the state. Yellowbilled Cuckoos continued to show evidence of northward range expansion. Northern Bobwhite may be on the up-swing. The rare Kentucky Warbler put in two appearances and several species of northern warblers continued to show breeding evidence in northeasternMinnesota. Despite these interesting records, observations |
1964 | Fall | | | 9-20 NE Minn, fide JCG; 10-3 Clay, Norman Co's, RO, RLH; 10-15 Stevens Co, 50-55, RAG; 10-16 NE Minn, fide JCG; 10-20 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 10-24 Stevens Co, 50, RAG; 10-30 Clay Co, common, RPR; 11-1 Wright Co, 60, RLH; 11-7 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 11/3 Ramsey Co, 12, ACR; 11-15 Nobles Co, EHW. SMITH'S LONGSPU R: 10-24 Grant Co, 5 mi N. Elbow Lake, 25 with flock of 100 coveted species turned up: Ross' Goose, Harlequin Duck, King Eider, Iceland Gull, Varied Thrush and Smith's Longspur. Most observers felt that the fall warbler migration did not meet normal expectations. This was especially felt by some of the bird-banders, who reported that their fall warbler banding was the poorest in several years. |
1964 | Winter | | | all winter in extreme SW corner of state; 1-24 Wheaton, Traverse Co, 4, RAG; 1-31, Nobles (100) and Watonwan (250) Co's, RG, RO, RLH. Mid-Feb saw movements in SE Minn: 2-13, Wabasha Co, 500, RG, RLH, 2-12, Washington Co, 8,WHL and 2-22 Dakota Co, 10, LJ. |
1965 | Spring | | | earliest 3-7 Alberta, ES; latest 5-29 Duluth, PBH. SMITH'·S LONGSPUR: 5-2 Breardsley, Big Stone Co, RAG (See Notes of Interest in previous issue). |
1965 | Fall | | | earliest 10-24 Sherburne Co, NMH and 10-28 Two Harbors, RBJ. |
1966 | Fall | | | Earliest 9-9 Duluth, RPR; 9-13 Carver Co., RDT; 9-23 Cook Co., MAF and Lake Co., RK; latest 11-5 Cook Co., DB, EHH; 11-14 Nobles Co., HSH; 11-26 Fargo, MGA. |
1966 | Winter | | | 12-11 Stevens Co., 50, JAH; 12-20 Cook Co., JCG; 12-21 Lake Co., DP; not seen again until Feb. (Lyon Co., PE and Nobles Co., HSH). |
1967 | Spring | | | latest 4-21 Lake Co., RK; 4-25 Traverse Co., JAH; 5-2 to 5-12 Cook Co., MOP. |
1967 | Fall | | | earliest 9-11 St. Louis Co., JCG; 9-19 St. Louis Co., FN/ MAS; 9-21 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 9-23 St. Louis Co., BL, DB, RBJ; latest 11-11 Lyon Co., PE, Nobles Co., HSH and Stearns Co., KE; 11-12 Chisago Co., WHL. |
1967 | Winter | | | reported from Nobles, Wabasha, Lyon, Stearns, Redwood, DB) Co's.; two northerly records, 12-14 Lutsen, Cook Co., 1 female, LS; 12-22 Two Harbors, Lake Co., 1 male, JCG, probably late migrants. |
1968 | Spring | | | latest 3-30 Ottertail Co., EHH; 4-15 Lac qui Parle Co., BL; 5-3 Stearns Co., KE. |
1968 | Fall | | | 10-31 Watonwan 100+ DMF; 11 -9 Lac qui Parle 1000's BL; early 9-12 St. Lou~s JCG; 9-27 Cook MOP; 9-28 Lake RK; late 11-12 Traverse RBJ; 11-21 Cook MAF; 11-23 Goodhue 30 to 50 BL. |
1968 | Winter | | | Flocks, 20-75 reported from Pope, Dakota, Hennepin, and Chisago Counties; lesser numbers from Carver, Winona, Ramsey, Goodhue, and St. Louis: singles -12-28 and 1-25, dump, 12-28 harbor, PBH & MMC; greatest numbers and only Feb. observations from Watonwan Co., 2400, DMF. |
1969 | Spring | | | Early North Clay Co., EGA; 3-8 Beltrami Co., BL; 4-4 (100's) Swift Co., HSH; 4-7 (150+) Watonwan Co., DMF; 4-19 Wright Co., CKS; 5-17 Cook Co., OP. |
1969 | Fall | | | 11-10 Lyon 300+ PE; 11-30 Dakota 50+ DB; 9-24 St. Louis JCG; 9-27 Duluth RBJ and VL; 11-19 Duluth MC. |
1969 | Winter | | | 12-10 (6) Winona BTV; 12-23 (150) Rice GNR; all winter, Lyon HCK, PE. |
1970 | Spring | | | only 3 reports Lyon, Yellow Medicine, Lac qui Parle {750-200,000) KE, PE; 4-12 Lac qui Parle DB; 5-5 Dakota RG. |
1970 | Fall | | | early 9-13 Cook L R; 9-27 Cook JP; 10-2 Houston FL; late north 11-5 Duluth MMC; JG; peak 10-5 Lake (1000} ]G. |
1970 | Winter | | | 12-23 (50) Pope JAH; 1-23 (9) Dakota DAB; 1-24 (20) Stearns RBJ. |
1971 | Spring | | | early south 3-13 Lyon 1-IK and Jackson HH; 3-29 Nobles HI-I; early north 4-11, 4-17, 4-18 Duluth KE; late 5-25 Duluth JG; peak 5-1 Wilkin and Clay (550) KH. |
1971 | Fall | | | early 9-11 Duluth; 10-4 Cook; 10-9 Wilkin; late north 11-6 Grant; 11-7 Duluth; 11-8 Cook; peak 10-31 Crow Wing (2000) TS. |
1972 | Winter | | | 12-2 Clay Elizabeth G. Anderson; 12-31 (161 Olmsted. JAB; 1-7 (2) Cottonwood LR; 2-25 (3) Nicol let JN. |
1973 | Fall | | | Reported from five counties. Early 9-16 St. Louis (RBJ), (OLJ). Peak 10-28 Rock (300) (KRE). |
1973 | Winter | | | Reported on the Cottonwood, Marshall, Mountain Lake, Afton, Hastings and Duluth Christmas Counts· also 1-19 Aitkin (RR) and 2-10 Rock (KE). |
1974 | Fall | | | Early 9-14 Duluth JG; 9-30 Marshall AR; late north 11-2 Duluth JG; 11-6 Polk KBZ. |
1974 | Winter | | | Reported from Wabasha, Olmsted, Mower, Rock (173 on Christmas Count), Chippewa and Cook (1-14, RG) Co's. |
1975 | Spring | | | Early south 3-1 Yellow Medicine GLO; 3-23 Lyon HCK; 3-28 Hennepin HCK; early north 3-21 Marshall SV; 4-27 Clay ABNGP; late 5-31 St. Louis BL, JCG, H. Huber. |
1975 | Fall | | | early north 9-13 St. Louis CH; early south 9-27 Hennepin OJ; late north 11-1 AitkiN JG; 11~2 Wilkin SM. |
1975 | Winter | | | reported from 13 counties north to the Crookston, Warren and Fergus Falls Christmas Counts; also an early spring migrant on 2-13 in Murray Co. (AD); more reports than usual. |
1976 | Spring | | | Early south 3-6 Olmsted, Dodge RBJ; 3-7 Fillmore GE; early north 4-16 Aitkin JB; 4-19 St. Louis JCG and Aitkin PD. |
1976 | Fall | | | Early south 9-16 Hennepin, 9-26 Rock; early north 9-4 Duluth, 9-14 Marshall and Itasca; late north 10-24 Cook, 10-26 Duluth. |
1976 | Winter | | | Reported from 14 counties north to Wilkin, Roseau (1-21; PH) and Polk (Crookston Christmas Count); more reports than usual. |
1977 | Spring | | | Early south 3-5 Fillmore RJ; 3-12 Hennepin OJ, RJ and Rock KE; early north 3-26 Clay LCF; 4-6 St. Louis DA; late 5-3 St. Louis GN. |
1977 | Fall | | | Early south 9-24 Anoka (KL); late north 11-21 St. Louis (KE), 11-29 Cook (KE). |
1977 | Winter | | | Overwintered in Lac qui Parle, Olmsted and Le Sueur; migrants as late as early Jan. also seen in Polk, Cook, Grant, Lyon, Cottonwood, Freeborn and Mower. |
1978 | Summer | | | Early north 9-16 and 9-17 St. Louis RJ and OJ; early south 9-30 Anoka KL; late north 10-15 Wilkin (300+) GO and 10-21 Wilkin DGW. |
1978 | Fall | | | Early north 9-16 and 9-17 St. Louis RJ and OJ; early south 9-30 Anoka KL; late north 10-15 Wilkin (300+) GO and 10-21 Wilkin DGW. |
1978 | Winter | | | December migrants reported from Freeborn, Wabasha, Big Stone, Wilkin; wintered in Murray, Lac qui Parle and Otter Tail (SM); February miggrants seen in Lyon, Fillmore, Carver, Olmsted. |
1979 | Spring | | | Early south 3-31 Murray RJ (500 plus), 4-2 Traverse DGW; early north 3-3 Marshall ANWR; late south 4-13 Sibley LCF; late north 4-14 Otter Tail GMO (greater than 2000), Wilkin DGW, 4-15 Clay LCF. |
1979 | Fall | | | Early north 9-15 St. Louis JG and DGW, 9-16 St. Louis KSS; early south 9-8 Hennepin OJ, 10-7 Anoka KL; late north 11-3 St. Louis RJ, 11-10 St. Louis JG. Smith1s Longspur Three reports: 9-19 St. Louis KE, 10-17 Clay SM, 10-27 Otter Tail GMO. |
1979 | Winter | | | Reported from feeders in St. Louis 1-10 and Cook 2-16 in the northeast. Also reported from Otter Tail, L~c qui Parle, Swift, Redwood, Lyon, Nicollet and Mower. |
1980 | Spring | | | Early south 3-7 Nicollet JCF, 3-18 Redwood LJF; early north 4-4 Pennington JM, 4-21 St. Louis KMH; late south 4-26 Lac qui Parle KE, 5-12 Lac qui Parle JS; late north 5-8 Wilkin GMO, 7,000 plus, 5-19 St. Louis KE. |
1980 | Fall | | | Early north 9-11 St. Louis KE, 9-13 St. Louis LW; early south 10-10 Hennepin OJ, 10-17 Nicollet JCF; late north 10-26 St. Louis KE, JG, 11-14 Cook KMH. |
1980 | Winter | | | Reported on the Lamberton CBC. Also reported from Mower, Steele, Rice, Waseca, Nicollet, Blue Earth and Grant 2-28 (GMO). |
1981 | Spring | | | Late south 4-1 Traverse SM; late north 5-14 Cook KMH, 5-16 St. Louis KE, 5-19 St. Louis SS. |
1981 | Fall | | | Early north 9-6 St. Louis KE, 9-13 St. Louis OJ; early south 10-20 Blue Earth EB/ K, 10-30 Mower RRK; late north 11-27 Becker RN, 11-30 ClayLCF. |
1981 | Winter | | | Reported from Lac qui Parle, Redwood, Cottonwood, Nicollet, Anoka, Olmsted and Mower in the south. Nort~ reports from Clay 12-6 (LCF); Penmngton, abundant from first week of January until last week of February (SKS) and Beltrami 2-24 (DAJ). |
1982 | Spring | | | Late south 4-11 Houston JP I AM,4-25 Lac Qui Parle SC; late north 5-20 St. Louis DB, RJ, 5-24 Lake of the Woods LW. |
1982 | Fall | | | Early north 9/16 Cook KMH, St. Louis LE, 9/19 St. Louis AB, 9/20 Lake SWI MS ; early south 9/26 Hennepin OJ, 9/29 Blue Earth EBK; late north 10/21 Cook KMH, St. Louis LE, 10/24 Cook DGW, 10/31 Clay LCF, Wilkin JB. |
1982 | Winter | | | Reported from II counties in the west and south regions. |
1983 | Spring | | | Early north 3/2 Clay TT, 3/20 Polk KSS ; late south 4/23 Lac qui Parle RH, 4/30 Mower RJ; late north 5/22 St. Louis TL, 5/23 Lake fide SWIMS. |
1983 | Summer | | | One male, 6/26 Rice Lake NWR, Aitkin Co. (KRE) (Loon 55:178). First summer record ever! |
1983 | Fall | | | Early north 9/12 Cook KMH, 9/17 St. Louis HRNR, 9/18 St. Louis AB, MH, NH, JSp,; early south 10/30 Chippewa AB, Kandiyohi AB, 11/5 Benton RJ; late north 10.29 Lake JSP, St. Louis HRNR, IIII Cook KMH, 11/6 Clay LCF. |
1983 | Winter | | | Reported from 17 counties in the south central, central and three western regions. All were December reports except Clay, 1/5 (LCF), Otter Tail, 1-17 (GMO) and Blue Earth, 2-12 (KL). In Wilkin, "a few overwintered," (GMO). |
1984 | Spring | | | Early north 3/25 Otter Tail GMO, 4/7 Clay AB, 4/21 Marshall AB; late south 4/8 Nicollet AB, 4/10 Dakota JD, 5/4 Dodge RJ; late north 5/9 Lake of the Woods TW, 5/ll Lake SWIMS, 5/14 Otter Tail GMO. |
1984 | Summer | | | late migrant 6/4 Duluth (fide KE). |
1984 | Fall | | | Early north 9/10 Cook KMH, 9/15 St. Louis MF, 9/18 Roseau AJ; early south 9/22 Goodhue BL, Hennepin OJ, 9/29 Hen nepin IT, I0113 Hennepin SC; late north I 1/20 Cook KMH. |
1984 | Winter | | | Reported from 12 south and west region counties. |
1985 | Spring | | | Early north 3/20 Wilkin SDM, 4/6 Polk AB, 4/14 Aitkin SC; late south 3/30 Lac qui Parle AB, 4/7 Olmsted JEB ; late north 5/18 St. Louis SSt, 5/19 St. Louis AB, 5/22 Cook KMH. |
1985 | Fall | | | Early north 9/13 St. Louis NH, SS, 9/14 Cook KMH; early south 9/21 Hennepin SC, 10/4 Dakota TTu; late north 11/10 Clay LCF, 1/120 Cook KMH, 1/130 Aitkin WN. |
1985 | Winter | | | Reported from five northwest region counties including January reports in Kittson, 1/23, 25 (KL) and Marshall, 75 on 1/23 (KL). Also reported from eight additional south and west region counties. |
1986 | Spring | | | Late south 4/8 Mower AMP, 4/13 Mower AB, 5/6 Dakota AB, JD; late north 5/15 St. Louis AE, 5/16 Cook WP, 5/17 Cook KMH, 5/1 8 Polk AB. |
1986 | Fall | | | Early north 9/6 Cook KMH, 9/12 Duluth DB, GS, 10/25 Clay LCF and Grant AB; |
1986 | Winter | | | Reported from 18 south and west region counties. |
1987 | Spring | | | Early north 3/7 Aitkin SC, 4/18 Wilkin SC; late south 4/25 Lac qui Parle AB, DB, RH, OJ, 4/26 Lac qui Parle TBB, 4/27 Traverse GS; late north 5/17 Cook KMH and St. Louis MHIJS, KR, 5/22 Cass WP, 5/28 Lake SWI MS. |
1987 | Fall | | | Early north 9/9 Cook KMH, St. Louis fide KE, 9/19 Lake of the Woods IT, St. Louis RSE, 9/20 Pine RJ ; early south 10/3 Hennepin SC, 10/10 Lac qui Parle AB, 10/20 Hennepin GP, 10/22 Dodge AP; late north 11/11 Clay LCF, 11!22 Wilkin AB. |
1987 | Winter | | | Reported on the Warren, Lac qui Parle, Faribault and Owatonna CBC's. Also reported from ten additional south and west counties with a maximum of 250 in Stevens 1/8 (KL). |
1988 | Spring | | | Early north 4/17 Lake KE, 4/23 Aitkin SC, WN; late south 4/17 Cottonwood TI, 4/23 Lac qui Parle TM, 4/24 Renville AB; late north 5/10 Red Lake RJ, 5/13 Duluth DB, 5/14 Cook KMH. |
1988 | Fall | | | Early north 9/5 Lake DZ, 9/14 Cook WP, 9/16 Cook KMH; early south 9/24 Hennepin OJ, 10/1 Hennepin SC, 10/3 Traverse AB. |
1988 | Winter | | | North reports from Polk and Norman, 11/4 RJ and Aitkin 12/31, 1/22 WN. Also reported from 13 central and south region counties. |
1989 | Spring | | | Late south 4/22 Lac qui Parle OJ, 4/23 Big Stone AB, 5/8 Dakota JD, AP; late north 4/26 Cook WP, 5/12 Wilkin LB. |
1989 | Fall | | | Early north 9!12 Duluth KE, 9/20 Lake BL, 9/21 Duluth PS; early south 9/6 Steele AP, 9/24 Dakota AP, 9/28 Waseca AP, 9/30 Mower AP, RJ; late north 10/11 Clay PS, 10/14 Aitkin WN, 10/20 Clay LCF. |
1989 | Winter | | | Reported on the Baudette, Warren, and Roseau CBCs in the north. Also reported from 16 central and south region counties. |
1990 | Spring | | | Late south 4/16 Blue Earth BB, 4/29 Lac qui Parle AB, CMB, TEB; late north 4/29 Clay LCF, 4/30 Lake SWIMS, St. Louis SS, 5/4 Wilkin FKS. |
1990 | Fall | | | Early north 9/16 Wilkin MO, 9/17 Cook KMH, Lake DPV, 9/20 Beltrami DJ, Clay PS; early south 9/18 Hennepin OJ, 9/22 Olmsted AP, 9/23 Anoka SC, GP; late north 10/14 Clay LCF, 10/19 Cook KMH, 10/22 Cook AB. |
1990 | Winter | | | Reported from a record 21 counties with northern records from Wilkin 1/21 SDM· Roseau 1/6 (50+) MO; Lake of the Wood; 1/2 PS; Marshall (290 on Warren CBC GL); Duluth 1/14-2/28, (fide KE); and the Crosby CBC in Crow Wing (3, KR, WN). Northward movement noted in Murray 2/25 (500) NDK and Becker 2/26 (3) DB. Statewide CBC total of 666. |
1991 | Spring | | | Early north 3/31 Polk AB, 4/7 Wilkin SDM; late south 4/23 Stevens PS, 4/26 Pipestone KR, 4/27 Lac qui Parle CMB, KR; late north 5/5 Clay MO, 5/15 Koochiching GM. |
1991 | Fall | | | Early north 9/4 Cook KMH, 9/6 Duluth KE; early south 9/29 Hennepin SC, 10/5 Renville RJ; late north 11/11 Cook KMH, 11/23 Becker MO. |
1991 | Winter | | | Reported from 19 counties (record 21 l.y.) with reports north on Warren, Crookston, Detroit Lakes, and Fergus Falls CBC's plus Wilkin 1/12. February reports suggested movement into the state at this time (with the Horned Larks?); as many as 200 were in Nobles 2/1 RJ. Heavy migration noted in Pipestone and Murray 2/28 (2,000) ND, JP. CBC total 45 (666 l.y.) |
1992 | Spring | | | Early north 4/16 Clay LCF; late south 4/25 Lac qui Parle AB, DB, OJ and Stevens RJ, 4/26 Martin BBo; late north 5/12 Cass RJ, 5/23 Cook KMH, PS. |
1992 | Fall | | | Early north 9/19 Aitkin DS and St. Louis PS; early south 9/27 Le Sueur PS, 10/2 Hennepin OJ; late north 11/7 Polk SSt, 11/8 Aitkin WN. |
1992 | Winter | | | Very scarce despite mild Dec. weather and record number of Snow Buntings. Reported from only nine counties (the lowest in over ten years; 19 l.y.) including Lyon and Murray (no dates, overwintering?), 1/1 Freeborn RJ, 1/1 Rice County mob, 1/3 Dakota and Ramsey AB, and 1/18 Lac qui Parle KB. Also reported on the Lamberton, Mountain Lake, Marshall and Warren (only north report) CBCs. No report of returning migrants in February except possibly 2/28 Dakota/Goodhue JD (only February report). CBC total 152 (45 l.y.). |
1993 | Spring | | | Late south 4/25 Dakota TT, 5/2 Redwood AB. Late north 4/7 Polk PS, 5/12 Lake DPV. |
1993 | Fall | | | Early north 9/10 Cook KMH, 9/16 Lake DPV. Early south 9/24 Ramsey KB, 10/2 McLeod RJ. Late north 11/27 Aitkin WN, 11/28 Clay LCF. |
1993 | Winter | | | Reported from 14 counties (nine l.y.), with most in the south regions, but also reported from Marshall, Polk, Norman and Clay in the northwest region including a high of 200 on 1/25 Polk KSS. Also reported 12/4 St. Louis AB. |
1994 | Spring | | | Late south 4/28 Hennepin TT, 5/7 Dakota BL; late north 5/2 Pennington KSS, 5/12 Wilkin WM. |
1994 | Fall | | | Early north 9/11 Duluth PS, 9/17 Roseau PS. Early south 9/19 Dakota TT, 10/1 Chippewa RJ. Late north 10/23 Wilkin RH, 10/25 Cook KMH. |
1994 | Winter | | | Reported from 16 counties in south and west. Aside from additional reports in December and February, January reports included: 1/7–8 Winona CS (100), 1/16 Mahnomen BBe (40), 1/21 Lake of the Woods (200) SKS (unusual number and location), 1/21 Dakota TT (20), and 1/22 Dodge BL (30–50). Returning migrants noted 2/27 Murray ND (1,000). CBC total a below average 60 individuals. |
1995 | Spring | | | Late south 4/1 Jackson RJ, 4/15 Dakota (75) TT, 4/30 Lincoln AB; late north 5/20 St. Louis SS, TW, 5/22 Lake (3) KE, PS. |
1995 | Fall | | | Early north 9/16 Lake DV and St. Louis mob, 9/25 Cook KMH. Early south 9/15 Hennepin SC and Ramsey KB, 9/22 Chisago RJ. Late north 11/4 Lake DV and Pennington SKS, 11/29 Wilkin SDM. |
1995 | Winter | | | Reported from 19 counties in all regions of the state except the northwest including several unusual northeast reports: 12/10 Lake DV and on the Duluth and Sax-Zim CBCs. Migration of many flocks averaging 20–50 birds was noted on 2/17 Watonwan CG/BS. CBC total 74. |
1996 | Spring | | | Late south 4/13 Cottonwood (1,000) DBS, TT and Redwood DBS, 4/15 Winona CS, 4/25 Hennepin SC. Late north 5/19 St. Louis PBu, 5/26 Lake of the Woods AnH, AH, PS. |
1996 | Fall | | | Early north 9/14 St. Louis TEB, RJ, TW, 10/3 Lake PBu. Early south 9/29 Hennepin TT, 10/4 Dakota DBS, 10/5 Anoka KB. Late north 11/10 Clay MRN, 11/20 St. Louis LW. |
1996 | Winter | | | Reported from 13 counties south and west of Kandiyohi, except an unusual report on the Grand Marais CBC. CBC total 47 (74 l.y.). The only reports after 1/1 were 12/8–1/26 Wilkin SDM, 1/16 Watonwan DBr, 2/12 Brown CMa, 2/26 Olmsted CH, and late February Kandiyohi RJF. |
1997 | Spring | | | Late south 5/3 Lac qui Parle PJ, 5/13 Spring Lake Park, Dakota Co. DZ, 5/17 (second latest date south) Vermillion Twp., Dakota Co. (41–44) PBu, DBS, TT. Late north 5/12 Lake GS, 5/16 Becker SL, 5/18 St. Louis TW. |
1997 | Fall | | | Early north 9/20 St. Louis TT, 9/21 Lake DV, 10/5 Roseau (~100) PS. Early south 10/1 Ramsey RJ and Hennepin (43) TT, 10/2 Dakota DBS. Late north 10/20 St. Louis LW, TW, 10/26 Cook WM. Late south 10/27 Lyon RgS, 11/2 Freeborn ABa, 11/4 Renville CMa. |
1997 | Winter | | | Reported from 13 counties as far north and west as Otter Tail. The only reports before mid-February were 1/30 Otter Tail CN, 1/13 Murray ND, 1/22 Freeborn ABa, and the Lac qui Parle (1), Cottonwood (24) and Wabasha (43) CBCs (total 68). There were eight reports of mid to late February migrants, including a peak 2/17 Pipestone (1,000+) PKL. |
1998 | Spring | | | Peak numbers 3/3 Clay (1,000) RK, 4/12 Big Stone (150) LE. Late south 4/18 Olmsted CH, 4/19 Jackson TT, 4/25 Big Stone WM. All other north reports: 4/5 Roseau PS, 4/22 Pennington RJ, 4/28 St. Louis fide FN, 5/5 St. Louis SL |
1998 | Fall | | | Early north 9/18 St. Louis FN, 9/19 St. Louis SWe, 9/21 Cook TEB, KMH. Early south 9/12 Faribault RJ, 9/18 Houston RJ, 9/22 Hennepin TT. Late north 10/24 Polk and Wilkin mob, 11/8 St. Louis SS. Hundreds still present in southwestern part of the state on 11/19 (KB). |
1998 | Winter | | | Reported from 29 counties in all regions except the north central and northeast. CBC total record 2,203 with a peak of 1,150 at Owatonna. Unusual early January peaks 1/9 Clay (400) RMK and 1/6 Dakota (1,100) AH. |
1999 | Spring | | | See winter report for early north migrants. Peak count 4/17 Clay (1,000) RO. Late south 4/24 Hennepin SC, 5/4 Dakota SWe (recent median departure date 4/29). Late north 5/17 St. Louis PS, 5/22–23 St. Louis TW, ABo. |
1999 | Fall | | | Early north 9/15 Cook KMH, 9/18 St. Louis SWe. Laplands were not found in the north away from Lake Superior until 10/6 Itasca ABo and 10/16 Wilkin (30) CN. Early south 9/19 Hennepin TT, 9/29 Dakota DBS. Peak numbers 10/23 Lyon (420) RgS, 10/29 Jackson (400) TT. Late north 10/26 Mille Lacs CMa, 10/31 Aitkin WN, 11/7 Cook CMa. |
1999 | Winter | | | Reported from 26 counties in the south and west bounded by a line from Washington to Meeker to Otter Tail to Polk. Hundreds still present in Dec. and early Jan. with a peak of 1758 on the Grand Forks-East Grand Forks CBC (of which 352 in Minnesota). Mid-winter reports from at least eight counties suggest some overwintered. Thousands noted migrating 2/27 Wilkin SDM. |
2000 | Spring | | | Seen in 14 south but only 5 north counties. See the winter report for early migrants. RJF reported thousands migrating through Kandiyohi during early March. Late south 5/2 Dakota DBS, 5/14 Dakota SL, SWe. Late north (median 5/17) 5/20 St. Louis mob. |
2000 | Fall | | | Reported from 11 north and 17 south counties. Arrived on time north and south. Early north 9/14 St. Louis SS, 9/15 Wilkin KJB (median 9/13). Early south 9/24 Hennepin TAT, 9/25 Steele NFT (median 9/23). Notable counts 11/4 Cottonwood (1000) BRB, 11/4 Rock (550) ND. Late north 11/29 Wilkin SDM, but also see winter report. |
2000 | Winter | | | Reported from 32 counties, primarily in the south and west. None reported from Northeast or North-central regions, and only from Dakota in the East-central. Maximum counts: 12/30 Willmar CBC (230), 12/31 Battle Lake CBC (467), 1/16 Polk (250) DPJ, and 2/3 Wilkin (100+) CRG. |
2001 | Spring | | | Reported from 13 south and 4 north counties, mostly in the Southwest and South-central regions. See winter report for dates of early migrants. BRB reported thousands migrating 3/30 Jackson (near Heron Lake). No south reports after 4/28 Lac qui Parle mob, except 5/16 Dakota (female) ADS. Late north (median 5/18) 5/16 Lake of the Woods (male) PHS. |
2001 | Fall | | | Reported from 9 north and 10 south counties. High count 11/2 Yellow Medicine (1000+) DFN. Early north 9/4 (ties the earliest date) Kanabec CAM, 9/11 Cass PHS. Early south 9/23 Meeker DMF, 9/25 Renville CRM. |
2001 | Winter | | | Reported from 21 counties south and west of a line through Dakota, Wright, Otter Tail, Red Lake, and Kittson. Reports spanned the season. Maximum counts 1/1 Austin CBC (100), 2/19–23 Nobles (100s). |
2002 | Spring | | | Seen in 12 south and 8 north counties in all regions. Late south 5/7 Dakota TAT, 5/8 Big Stone KJB. Late north 5/19 Pennington JMJ, 5/20 Lake JWL et al. High counts 3/27 Dakota (4000) TAT, 4/21 Meeker (1000s) DMF. |
2002 | Fall | | | Early north 9/10 Lake KRE, JWL, 9/15 St. Louis SWe. Early south 9/29 Hennepin SLC, 10/12 Benton HHD. Late north 11/3 Cook CRM, 11/7 St. Louis ALE, JWL. Last reported south 11/18 Sibley CRM, 11/19 Pipestone RBJ. Also see winter report. |
2002 | Winter | | | Reported from 12 counties in the south and west. No reports 1/8–2/6, but apparent returning flocks of 20–50 reported 2/7–26. Maximum reported number 12/14 Crookston CBC (308). |
2003 | Spring | | | Seen in 16 south and 7 north counties. No reports from North-central, and only Lincoln in Southwest. Late south (median 5/1) 5/4 Dakota JPM and Stearns DRu. Late north (median 5/18) 5/4 Marshall (100s) ALE, 5/28 Cook MCBS. Highest reported count 3/1 Becker (500) JPM. |
2003 | Fall | | | Reported from all regions except the Southwest. Early north 9/13 Beltrami DPJ, 9/16 Lake JWL. Early south 9/28 Hennepin TAT, 10/5 Hennepin SLC, 10/10 Sherburne REH. High count 10/26 Clay (1000) RHO. Late north 11/11 Cook CRM, 11/23 Wadena PJB, but also see winter report. November reports south from Brown, Lac qui Parle, Olmsted. |
2003 | Winter | | | Reported from 28 counties as far north as Crow Wing and Clay. Seen throughout the season. All reports (n=7) of 50+ were from 1/23–2/2, suggesting migratory movement at this time. |
2004 | Spring | | | Seen in 19 south and 7 north counties. Late south 5/2 Meeker (500) RWS and Mower JEM, 5/3 Goodhue JPM. Late north 5/15 Cook JGW, 5/26 St. Louis (male) KRE. Highest reported counts 3/9 Lac qui Parle (3750 in Walter Twp.) BJU, 4/17–18 Polk (“thousands”) MH et al. |
2004 | Fall | | | Found in 10 north and 10 south counties. Early north 9/16 Lake JWL, 9/17 St. Louis LAW, SLF. Early south 9/28 Nicollet RMD, 10/7 Meeker DMF, 10/9 Dakota ADS. Please see winter report for late migrants and overwintering birds; only November reports south from Waseca and Cottonwood. |
2004 | Winter | | | Reported from four north and five south counties statewide. Relatively low numbers overall but common in Southwest from 1/21 through end of period BRB; also note 779 on Mountain Lake-Windom CBC. |
2005 | Spring | | | Observed in 15 south and 5 north counties. Late south 5/7 Stevens JEB, 5/8 Dakota ADS. Late north 4/23 Clay CMN, an astonishing 26 days prior to the median (5/19)! Highest reported count 3/18 Dakota (450) JPE. |
2005 | Fall | | | Found in 15 north counties from early September through late November. Early north 9/9 Lake JWL, 9/18 St. Louis PHS. Reported in 16 south counties including early south 9/23 Brown BTS, 9/23 Olmsted JWH. |
2005 | Winter | | | Reported from 8 north and 25 south (only 5 south last year) counties statewide. North reports spanned the season. High count 1/9 Fillmore (1,000) NBO. |
2006 | Spring | | | Found in 24 south and 8 north counties. Late south 4/28 Lac qui Parle BJU and Sibley RBJ, 5/1 Lac qui Parle BJU. Late north 5/7 Polk JMJ, 5/17 Cook JWL. Highest reported count 4/27 Polk (500+ at Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) TWi. |
2006 | Fall | | | Found in 12 north counties beginning 9/10 Cass DAY, 9/19 Lake JWL, 9/20 Lake EEO. Observed in 18 south counties starting 9/15 Lac qui Parle BJU, 9/26 Chippewa BJU and Olm-sted JWH. Reports continued through November both north and south. |
2006 | Winter | 5 | 35 | Reports north were down from last year and concentrated in the central region. No significant numbers reported until 2/26 Mille Lacs (70–80) ASc, NSc. Much more numerous in the southern half of the state with reports spanning the season. High count for December 12/23 Yellow Medicine (400) BJU. The first reports suggesting northward migration were 1/19 Dakota (400) CMB, peaking 2/7 Lac qui Parle (1,300) BJU. |
2007 | Spring | 15 | 20 | Late south 5/6 Dakota DWK, ADS (median 5/3). Late north 5/19 Lake JWL, 5/22 Cass BAW (median 5/18). Season high count 4/6 Rice (475) DAB. |
2007 | Fall | 16 | 9 | Early north (median 9/13) 9/14 Lake JWL, 9/22 St. Louis PHS, MCA, 9/23 St. Louis PHS, ABL. Early south (median 9/24) 9/17 Lac qui Parle BJU, 9/26 Meeker DMF, 10/4 Lincoln BJU. Season high count 10/30 Lac qui Parle (400) BJU. Late north 11/1 Cook RBW, 11/6 Cook CRM, 11/10 Lake PEB. There were a few observations of this species north for the winter. See winter report for both south and north reports. Also, sightings and numbers were down compared to previous seasons. |
2007 | Winter | 8 | 25 | Widely scattered reports north, where unexpected in winter, including 12/29 Roseau (2) JMJ, 1/21 Aitkin (Tamarack) KRE, and 2/2 Clay HHD. Additional reports from a few CBCs, with the high count from Crookston (63). Reports were down in the south compared with last year, but spread throughout the region. The CBC high count south was from Marshall (80). Reports after mid-January were scarce, with no significant migration movements noted: 1/22 Renville SWe, 1/23 Lac qui Parle (35) BJU, Sherburne DMF, 1/27 Dakota (60) JPM, 2/16 Waseca RBW, 2/24 Olmsted DAB, JWH. |
2008 | Spring | 8 | 26 | Early north (median 3/14) 3/9 Kittson HHD, Marshall JMJ, 4/16 Polk NGE, St. Louis PHS. Late south 5/2 Fillmore DBz, 5/3 Stearns RBJ, and 5/10 Dakota JCC (median 5/3). Late north 5/17 Lake JWL, St. Louis WCM, 5/21 St. Louis PHS (median 5/18). Season high count 4/27 Polk (minimum of 1,000) KRE. |
2008 | Fall | 19 | 13 | Early north (median 9/13) 9/15 Cass DAY, Lake JWL, St. Louis ABL, 9/16 Cook and Lake EEO, St. Louis PHS. Early south (median 9/24) 9/28 Waseca JWH, 9/30 Sherburne PLJ, 10/3 Lac qui Parle PCC, PHS. Season high counts 10/25 Clay (3,000) RHO, 10/4 Cook (433) PHS. Late north 11/3 Cass, Hubbard, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods BJU, 11/9 Cook JLO, DWK, Polk SAS. There were some observations of this species north for the winter and many south, as usual (see winter report). |
2008 | Winter | 7 | 24 | Number of reports similar to last year. No significant numbers were reported north. High counts 2/16 Brown (750 total in 4 distinct flocks) WCM, 12/2 and 12/7 Steele (100) NFT. CBC high count 108 (Rochester). |
2009 | Spring | 17 | 32 | Many winter reports prevent accurate understanding of when spring migrants arrived. Presumed early north (median 3/14) 3/28 Itasca EEO, Pennington JMJ, 3/29 Pennington JMJ, 4/11 Otter Tail LS. Late south 5/6 Pope (20) MJB, 5/13 Dakota ADS, 5/17 Stearns RMD, JWH (median 5/3). Late north 5/18 Cass BAW, 5/22 St. Louis KJB, 5/29 Lake of the Woods DBW, MHK (median 5/18). Season high counts 4/18 Norman (2,500) JMJ, 3/28 Watonwan (2,000) MJB. |
2009 | Fall | 9 | 17 | Early north (median 9/13) 9/14 Lake CRu, St. Louis NLM, 9/15 St. Louis PHS, 9/19 Cass BAW. Early south (median 9/24) 10/4 Cottonwood DBM, McLeod DWK, Steele JWH, 10/10 Meeker DMF. Late north 11/2 Aitkin KCR, Cook PLJ, 11/8 Cook SIv, LS, CRM, 11/15 Clay RHO. There were also reports of this species north for the winter and many south (see winter report). Season high counts 11/15 Clay (2,000) RHO, 10/5 St. Louis (383) PHS, 10/8 St. Louis (350) PHS. |
2009 | Winter | 12 | 35 | Reported from more counties than in any of the previous five years. Reported throughout the state except Northeast, and throughout the season. High counts 12/23 Meeker (60) MJB, 1/2 Roseau (37) JMJ, 1/5 Clay (30) RHO. CBC high count 1/3 Battle Lake (311). |
2010 | Spring | 13 | 32 | An accurate understanding of when spring migrants arrive is complicated by the many winter reports of this species. Presumed early north 3/9 Polk CMK, 3/17 Mille Lacs ASc, 3/21 Grant, Traverse HHD. Late south 5/1 Goodhue HHD, 5/2 Dakota BAF, 5/16 Ramsey DBM (median 5/4). Late north 4/20 Marshall MA, 4/23 Douglas JPE, 5/18 Roseau JEB, 5/19 St. Louis AM (median 5/19). Season high counts 4/13 Dakota (1,500) JPM, 4/9 Polk (1,000) DOL. |
2010 | Fall | 24 | 25 | Record early north (median 9/13) 9/1 Cook DAG, 9/10 St. Louis (2) KuS, PHS, 9/13 St. Louis SCZ. Early south (median 9/24) 9/17 Lac qui Parle (4) BJU, 9/26 Anoka (Carlos Avery W.M.A.) MDu, 9/28 Big Stone BJU. Reports of this species continue throughout the winter both north and south (see winter report). Season high counts 10/23 Polk (1,000) KRE, 9/24 St. Louis (714, Duluth) KJB, CRu, 10/24 Kittson (300, Joe River S.W.A.) TBr. |
2010 | Winter | 16 | 35 | Reports up for the second consecutive winter. Only absent from the Northeast. High counts 12/5 Rock (250) DWK, 2/12 Nicollet (80) DWK. CBC high counts 12/31 Hastings-Etter (170), 12/18 Fergus Falls (95). |
2011 | Spring | 9 | 33 | Only found southwest of a line from Kittson through Washington. High counts 3/19 Cottonwood (4,000) BRB, 3/20 Lac qui Parle (3,500) BJU. Late south 5/9 Lac qui Parle (24) BJU, 5/14 Dakota (15, Douglas Twp.) SWe (median 5/4). Late north 4/16 Polk JMJ, 4/17 Grant DFN, 4/23 Clay (300) RHO (median 5/19). |
2011 | Fall | 19 | 30 | Early north (median 9/13) 9/13 St. Louis KJB, 9/15 St. Louis KRE, SC, KJB, 9/16 Cass DAY, Itasca SC, St. Louis JHD, 9/17. Early south (median 9/24) 9/24 Hennepin SLC, Sibley RPR, 10/1 Anoka MJB, Dakota BAF, SHF. High counts 10/24 Kittson (200, Joe River S.W.A.) TrB, 11/6 Dakota (125, Great Western Industrial Park, Randolph) BAF. |
2011 | Winter | 10 | 31 | Number of reports down from the highs of the previous two years (51 counties 2010, and 47 in 2009). Reported from all regions, but much more scarce in the northern half of the state. Individual high counts 1/13 Rice (400) DAB, 1/23 Faribault (250, Delavan) RBJ, DAC. CBC high counts 12/23 Northern Meeker County (344), 12/17 Owatonna (224). |
2012 | Spring | 14 | 32 | Early north (median 3/9) 3/10 Grant DBM, 3/12 Traverse BJU. High counts 3/3 Lac qui Parle (~800, Walter Twp.) BJU, 4/22 Clay (~600, Felton Prairie) RHO. Late south 5/12 Washington NHe (median 5/4). Late north 5/15 Kittson (6) TrB, 5/19 St. Louis JLK, AM (median 5/19). |
2012 | Fall | 15 | 29 | Early north (median 9/13) 9/6 St. Louis (2) JLK, 9/9 St. Louis ABL, KJB. Early south (median 9/24) 9/18 Ramsey RMD, 9/22 Dakota BWF, 9/23 Winona (11) HCT. High count 9/24 St. Louis (709, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. This species continued into the winter season in the south, and in the western counties of the north. |
2012 | Winter | 11 | 36 | Number of reports similar to the past 3 years. Observed southwest of a line from Roseau, southeast to Cass, Mille Lacs, and Washington. CBC high counts 12/16 Austin (1,566), 12/15 Jackson County (835), 12/15 Owatonna (564). |
2013 | Spring | 12 | 42 | Present north and south as season began. High counts 4/7 Big Stone (300) WCM, 4/13 Dakota (300) SHF. Late south 5/3 Wabasha ANy, Wright RBJ, 5/5 Blue Earth ChH, MiO, Stearns PCC (median 5/4). Late north 5/18 Todd DPG, 5/19 St. Louis JLK, 5/20 St. Louis KJB (median 5/19). |
2013 | Fall | 14 | 21 | Early north (median 9/13) 9/7 Lake (2, Two Harbors) BCM, 9/13 Itasca SC, St. Louis KJB. Early south (median 9/24) 9/13 Blue Earth (Minneopa S.P.)WCM, 9/28 Lyon GWe, Steele BWF, 10/6 Isanti HHD. High count 11/20 Dakota (120, Great Western Industrial Park) TAT. |
2013 | Winter | 19 | 37 | Reported from most regions statewide, but very scarce or absent in the North-central, Northeast, and northern East-central regions. CBC high counts 12/14 Owatonna (1,036, including one flock of 500 in Steele NFT), 12/14 Duluth (219, including a single flock of 180 at Canal Park JLK). |
2014 | Spring | 10 | 30 | Early north (median 3/9) 4/10 Crow Wing (6) JPR, 4/13 Becker WCM, Clay WCM, Grant HHD, RAE. High count 3/31 Dodge (2,000) NFT. Late south 4/24 Dakota (2) DAd, 4/26 Lac qui Parle SMC, 4/28 Big Stone (75) ANy (median 5/4). Late north 5/3 Morrison (25) MJB, Wilkin TCL, 5/11 Clay (2) MO (median 5/19). |
2014 | Fall | 23 | 22 | Early north (median 9/13) 9/16 St. Louis KJB, 9/17 St. Louis KJB, ClN, 9/21 Itasca SC, St. Louis KJB, ALo. Early south (median 9/24) 9/14 Brown BTS, 9/24 McLeod RBW, 10/5 Dakota JHn, Lyon GWe. High count 11/6 Sibley (300, Gaylord W.T.P.) PEB. |
2014 | Winter | 8 | 27 | Fewest reports in past five years with all reports from western or southern counties. High count 12/18 Scott (110) DWK. CBC high counts 12/20 Jackson County (750), 12/20 Owatonna (580). |
2015 | Spring | 17 | 38 | High counts 3/11 Lyon (1,000) GWe, 4/11 Dakota (500) NS. All late south reports from 180th St. marsh, Dakota; 5/3 RPR, JSf, JlB, 5/8 VDo, THl (median 5/4). Late north 5/19 Lake JWL, St. Louis JMr, 5/23 Aitkin JPR (median 5/19). |
2015 | Fall | 17 | 26 | Early north (median 9/14) 9/12 Lake JWL, 9/19 Lake JWL, St. Louis HHD, ToL, JPR, 9/20 Cook EEO. Early south (median 9/23) 9/27 Washington GJa, 10/2 Lyon GWe, 10/4 Lyon GWe, 10/5 Stearns HHD. High count 11/10 Freeborn (1,000) TAT. |
2015 | Winter | 9 | 38 | Reports typical of most winters with fewest from Northeast and North-central. High counts 2/28 Yellow Medicine (4,000, four-mile stretch of 100th Ave during snowstorm) GWe, 2/28 Yellow Medicine (150) GWe, 12/5 Dakota (125, Great Western Industrial Park) ADS. CBC high counts 1/2 Wabasha (150), 12/18 Lamberton (135), 12/19 Northwest McLeod (Hutchinson) (54). |
2016 | Spring | 11 | 32 | Present both north and south from winter season. High counts 3/20 Stevens (450) JPR, ClN, 3/22 Freeborn (400) TAT, 3/17 Polk (350) SAu, 3/29 Rock (350, Touch the Sky Prairie) KEm. Late south 5/7 Dakota TAT, Mower JBu, 5/15 Lyon GWe, DaB (median 5/5). Late north 5/12 Wilkin ANy, 5/20 Douglas CoM, 5/22 St. Louis ClN, JPR (median 5/19). |
2016 | Fall | 19 | 30 | Early north (median 9/13) 9/19 St. Louis KJB, JLK, 9/20 Cook LiH, 9/22 Cook EEO. Early south (median 9/24) 10/4 Benton HHD, 10/7 Stearns HHD, 10/8 Chisago DWK, Kandiyohi MJB. High counts 10/24 Jackson (535, Heron Lake W.M.A.) DAk, 11/5 Jackson (est. 400, Heron Lake Twp.) RBJ, 11/6 Lyon (350, Coon Creek W.M.A.) KnM. |
2016 | Winter | 17 | 41 | More counties reporting than in prior twenty winters, although few reports from North-central or Northeast. High counts 2/19 Lyon (1,000) GWe, 2/20 Yellow Medicine (1,000) GWe, 2/19 Washington (500) PNi, 2/24 Douglas (500) BEc. CBC high counts 12/15 Glacial Ridge (553), 12/17 Fergus Falls (523), 12/17 Owatonna (494). |
2017 | Spring | 22 | 39 | Present both north and south from winter season. High counts 3/31 Yellow Medicine (1,500) GWe, 3/5 Scott (500) BHe, 4/17 Lyon (500) NMe, RJS. Late south 4/29 Stevens DLP, 4/30 Big Stone JWH, DAB, 5/2 Wright MJB, DOr, 5/4 Dodge CRM, m.ob. (median 5/6). Late north 4/29 Cook GNy, Kittson WCM, 4/30 Traverse JWH, DAB, 5/5 Wilkin HHD, 5/13 Polk SAu (median 5/20). |
2017 | Fall | 21 | 27 | Early north (median 9/14) 9/5 Lake JWL, 9/9 Cook ebd, 9/26 Lake AxM, ALx, St. Louis AxM, ALx. Early south (median 9/24) 9/30 Swift DOr, 10/2 Benton HHD, 10/5 Dakota TAT, BAF. High counts 11/24 Yellow Medicine (800) GWe, 11/1 Becker (600, Hamden Slough N.W.R.) HeH, ShG, 10/28 Le Sueur (500) GHo. |
2017 | Winter | 7 | 46 | Reported from slightly fewer counties than last winter's record of 56, but still well above the 10-year average of 45. No reports from North-central or Northeast regions. Unusual report: 2/26 Chisago JSa (likely an early returning migrant). High counts 12/21 Winona (300) SHo, 12/9 Steele (150) JmP, 12/21 Olmsted (125) SHo. CBC high counts 12/30 Hastings-Etter (387), 12/27 Northern Meeker (273), 12/17 Kensington (163). |
2018 | Spring | 9 | 43 | Present south from the winter season in many counties but only a few north. Presumed early migrants north (median 2/29) 3/23 Douglas BEc, 3/25 Clay PBB, 3/28 Grant EGa. High counts 3/20 Blue Earth (1,000) ChH, 3/27 Goodhue (700, Lake Byllesby) JiP, GHo. Late south 5/7 Sherburne REn, 5/9 Yellow Medicine REn, 5/13 Chisago JJS, JPr (median 5/7). Late north 5/19 St. Louis JuG, 5/20 Cook BMu, PAl, JZj, St. Louis StK (median 5/20). |
2018 | Fall | 22 | 28 | Â Early north (median 9/13) 9/18 Cook JaJ, 9/22 Lake JWL, 9/27 Cook CDg, Itasca SC. Early south (median 9/24) 10/1 Anoka (Blaine) RMD, 10/2 Anoka (Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve) MKo, LKo, 10/4 Carver JCy. High counts 10/25 Cottonwood (500, est.) TAT, 10/20 Cottonwood (200, Rock Ridge Prairie S.N.A.) NMe, 10/13 Lake (170, Two Harbors) JWL. |
2018 | Winter | 12 | 43 | Reported statewide except in coniferous zone of Northeast and North-central. Unusual winter records: 1/4 Anoka LiH, 2/17 Clearwater REn. High counts 12/31 Faribault (570) DAk, 1/20 Rice (400) DAB, 1/20 Rice (250) ebd. CBC high counts 12/14 Morris (100), 12/15 Fairmont (100), 1/1 Mountain Lake-Windom (97). |
  | Migrant throughout. Winter visitant south and west. |