Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks
Summer Tanager
Scarlet Tanager
Western Tanager
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Black-headed Grosbeak
[Rose-breasted Grosbeak X Black-headed Grosbeak]
[Pheucticus grosbeak]
Blue Grosbeak
Lazuli Bunting
Indigo Bunting
Painted Bunting

Summer Tanager(Piranga rubra)
1963SummerWinona Co., Homer, June 14, 1 ad seen for about 7 minutes, working its way along the hillside, Alton Shira. Very few Minnesota records for this species.
1964SpringSee Notes of Interest.
1965Spring5-19 to 5-24, female banded by JCG at Mrs. Arthur Wright's feeder in Duluth where JCG took photos of adult male last year. See Notes of Interest in previous issue. Probably fourth or fifth record for Minnesota.
1968Spring 5-11 St. Paul, Ramsey Co., 1 moulting male seen by Manley Olson (see Notes of Interest in previous issue).
1972SpringTwo turned up.  In western Minn.: one was at Detroit Lakes, Becker Co. from 5-3 to 5-7 (fide EB), and another was in rural Lac qui Parle Co . on 5-17 (Mrs. L. Christianson). These are the 8th and 9th state records (see the last issue of The Loon for details). 
1975Spring 1 report of this casual species: 5-11 Hennepin (1) BDC.
1975Fall9-1 Rice Lake State Park Steele co., one heard KE.
1976Fall Reported from ~0-11 to 10-21 in Duluth at the Seehgs feeder; second fall report on record.
1978Spring 4-27 Lyon (1) HK.
1979Spring 5-12 Martin EB (see The Loon, Vol. 51, No. 3).
1979Fall 10-23 through 11-1 St. Louis K. Sundquist, KE, JG, BL, Paul Egeland, Jerry Gresser, Marj Carr.
1980Fall Two reports: 8-24 St. Louis D. Green (see The Loon, Vol. 52, No.4, p. 189), 10-8 St. Louis T. Decker (see The Loon, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 143-144).
1981Spring 5-9 Goodhue Alice Johnson, see The Loon Vol. 53, No. 3, p. 170.
1981Summer Male seen on 6-18 in Crow Wing (Loon 53:223).
1981Fall 10-19 thru 11-7 St. Louis KE, TL, MH, SDM, TW, WN.
1982Spring 5-9 Lyon HK.
1982Fall One report: 10/30 Cook M. Brackney.
1983Summer One, 6/18 Fergus Falls, Ottertail Co. (SM).
1983Fall Two reports 9/13 Hubbard RG (The Loon 56:73-74), 9/19 Cook KMH.
1984Spring All repports 5/10 Washington W. Evans, 5/12 Mower RBA, 5/14 Ramsey RBA (The Loon 56:201).
1984Summer6/1 Carlos Avery W.M.A., Anoka Co. (KL).
1984Fall Two reports 8-8 St. Louis fide KE, I0/ 10 St. Louis fide KE.
1985Spring All reports: 5/2 through 5/4 St. Louis KE, 5/8 Lac qui Parle FE, LeSueur RJ.
1986Spring Five reports 5/3 Washington RJ, JPIAM, 5/14 Fillmore AMP, Lake fide KE, 5/15 Fillmore RE, 5/26 Mower RRk.
1987Fall 10/1 thru 10/17 Crow WingTS, WN, DB, AB.
1987Winter First winter record, Anoka County, Carlos Avery WMA, 12/1 until 12/22 (m.ob.). See details on page 125 this issue.
1988Spring Three reports: 5/3 Wright JMa, 5/15 Clay LCF, 5/18 Duluth fide KE.
1991Spring All reports 5/7-9 Chisago PB, RJ, KR, 5/27 Hennepin SC.
1992Spring Early south 5/12 Goodhue DB and Hennepin SC, TT; early north 5/17 St. Louis KE, 5/28 Cook KMH.
1993Spring Two reports 5/2–3 Lac qui Parle fide FE, 5/3 Stevens fide PB.
1993Fall Four reported individuals: 9/30 Cook KMH, 10/30–11/23 Hennepin mob, 11/1–11/17 Olmsted fide JB, 11/13 Pennington KSS.
1994Spring Only report 4/28–29 Winona mob.
1994Summer First summer report since 1983! One immature discovered on 6/25 at Blue Mounds S.P. in Rock Co. fide PBa.
1994Fall Reported 10/24-26 (male) Lake SS, 8/19–28 (female) Olmsted mob.
1995Spring One report 5/10–11 Rice GGC, FKS (The Loon 67:176).
1995Fall Only report 11/9–25 (second latest south date) Winona fide CS.
1996Spring All reports: 5/5–10 (second earliest north date) St. Louis fide KE, “late May” Olmsted JTh.
1996Fall No reports.
1997Spring All reports: first-year males identified 5/14–25 Westwood Nature Center, Hennepin Co. mob, 5/28–29 Baxter, Crow Wing Co. PP. One was seen and heard calling 5/27 Camden State Park, Lyon Co. RgS.
1997Fall Only reports: 10/18–23 Cook (Good Harbor Bay) CMa, mob, 10/19–24 St. Louis (Stoney Point) KE, mob.
1998Spring Only report: 5/9 Lyon (Camden S. P.) RgS.
1998Fall Only report: 10/17–19 Lake (Two Harbors) BSe, MH, mob.
1999Spring An unprecedented influx with first county records in seven counties! See article elsewhere in this issue (The Loon 71:216–220.
1999Summer Only the second summer record in 16 years, following an unprecedented influx of approximately 18 individuals in May (The Loon: 71:216–220). Single bird (heard only) on 6/24 at Old Cedar Ave. bridge in Hennepin Co. SC.
1999Fall All reports: 8/20 Anoka (Spring Lake Park) †AH, 10/21 Lake (Knife River) AH, †PS. The latter perpetuates the recent pattern of this species being found along the North Shore in October.
2000Spring Three documented reports: 5/3 Nobles (male near Leota) †ND, 5/11–16 Cook (imm. male photographed near Grand Marais) †NBr, †KMH, 5/21 Brown (female at Lake Hanska) †DWi (The Loon 72:179–180). Two were reported without details from Houston.
2000Summer Second consecutive summer record; second-year male singing and calling on 6/24 at Murphy-Hanrehan Park Reserve in Scott Co. BAF.
2000Fall Seen at feeder near Faribault in Rice County 11/15–25+ †TFB.
2000Winter Female from fall season (11/15) lingered to 12/5 Rice †TFB (The Loon 73:176). Second winter record.
2001Spring Documented 5/3–6 Mower (south of Austin) †RNS, mob, 5/8 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) †SLC, †KJB.
2001Fall No reports.
2001Winter Record late date north 12/2 St. Louis (Duluth) fide KRE.
2002Spring More reports than usual: 4/21–27 Hennepin (imm. male at Wirth Park in Minneapolis, earliest ever) CE, ph. CFa, m.ob., 5/9 Blue Earth (imm. male at Mankato) MJF, 5/10–13 Wabasha (imm. male at Wabasha) WGA, CBe, †PHS, 5/11–20 Mower (near Austin) SJ, †PSc et al., 5/11+ Cottonwood (imm. male for about ten days at Mountain Lake feeder) m.ob., 5/14 Kandiyohi (photographed) fide RSF, 5/28–29 Steele (imm. male at Owatonna) †NFT, RBJ, PL et al. The Wirth Park bird was picked up and rehabilitated after being diagnosed with a fractured coracoid (SKS).
2002Fall Two reports from opposite corners of the state: 11/5–30 Pennington GM et al., †SAS, ph. †PHS (The Loon 75:117–118), 11/16–19 Winona (Lock and Dam #5) RMD, RHy, DBz, JJS.
2003Spring All reports: 5/1–7 Freeborn (imm. male at Hartland) AEB, ph. DDM, 5/5–8 Chisago (imm. male at Chisago L.) ph. DAA, †SHA, 5/15–31+ Dakota (adult male at Lebanon Hills R.P.) †DE, †PEB, †JPM, †ADS, ph. JWa, m.ob., 5/19–25 Dakota (Rosemount) ph. GM, 5/20–22, no details, Freeborn (female at Myre-Big Island S.P.) RNS et al. Also see undocumented reports.
2003Summer Territorial males in Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) and Dakota (Lebanon Hills R.P.), both of which had been first reported in May (see Spring report), each paired up with a female Scarlet Tanager and attempted nesting (The Loon 75:221–230). The mixed pair at Murphy-Hanrehan fledged a single cowbird (but no hybrid tanagers) BAF.
2003Fall The adult male summering at Murphy-Hanrehan P.R. (The Loon 75:221–225) lingered through 8/9 Scott BWF.
2004Spring Major influx of no fewer than 11 individuals; also see undocumented reports. Record-early arrival 4/18–29 Steele (imm. male near Owatonna) ph. WH, NFT et al. All other south reports: 5/4 Olmsted (imm. male at Byron, dates?) JDF, RLE, †CBr et al., 5/8 Chippewa (adult male at Lac qui Parle L.) †BJU, 5/14–15 Hennepin (imm. male at Wood L.) †PJ, m.obs., 5/15+ Scott (adult male at Murphy-Hanrehan P.R., virtually the same territory as last year, The Loon 75:221–225) †RMD, †BAF, m.obs., 5/16+ Dakota (adult male at Lebanon Hills, same territory as last year) ph. JPM, †CBr, 5/18 Scott (female or imm. male at Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) †LBF, PB, 5/22 Scott (imm. male at Shakopee) ph. AJM, 5/29 Lac qui Parle (adult male at Lac qui Parle S.P.) †BJU. All north reports: 5/15 Cook (adult male at Prairie Portage) SE, †DL, JRo, MP, 5/15–19 Crow Wing (adult male north of Baxter) ph. WAB, m.obs.
2004Summer Adult males (see spring report) documented through 7/23 Dakota (Lebanon Hills R.P.) ph. JPM, †CBr, †ADS, and through 7/25 Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) †RMD, †BAF, JMP. Both observed advertising for mates to no avail.
2004Fall No reports.
2005Spring Nine documented records, all pertaining to first-spring males except as noted: 4/30 Hennepin (adult male at Coon Rapids Dam) †JMS, 5/7–10 Steele (Owatonna) ph. NFT, 5/8 Goodhue (Hok-si-la Park) CH, JWH, †DCZ, 5/8 Hennepin (Richfield, a few blocks west of Wood Lake N.C.) ph. AB, 5/9–14 Hennepin (Wood Lake N.C., same as 5/8?) †CMB et al., ph. SBM, 5/11–16 Wabasha (East Indian Creek) †SK, RLE et al., 5/17 Washington (age/sex unspecified, banded at Warner N.C.) MP, 5/20 Mower (Grand Meadow W.T.P.) †SLF, 5/21+ Dakota (adult male at Lebanon Hills, third consecutive year at this location) †JPM. Also see undocumented reports.
2005Summer Male Summer Tanager paired with female Scarlet Tanager produced at least one hybrid young at Lebanon Hills R.P., Dakota ph. JPM.
2005Fall Resuming the pattern of late October strays along the North Shore of L. Superior was a female at Croftville 10/30 Cook BJM, DDM, KRE, JWL, JPM et al.
2006Spring Adult male 5/17+ Dakota (Lebanon Hills Park) †CMB, †ADS et al. No details 5/6 Goodhue m.ob.
2006Summer Documented 6/5 Lincoln (Hole-in-the-Mountain C.P.) †SPS, and through 6/9 Dakota (Lebanon Hills R.P.) †ADS, †JPM. Also see undocumented reports.
2006Fall Reported along the North Shore of Lake Superior 11/8–25 Lake (northeast of Silver Bay) KEH, †JWL, ph. LME, m.ob. Two south reports: 10/14 Steele ph. †NFT, 11/9–24 Olmsted (no details) JWH, PWP.
2007Spring23 All documented reports: 5/3 Dakota (Spring Lake P.R.) †JPM, 5/8 Faribault (Blue Earth River) †WAF, 5/9 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) †ChM, JEP, 5/12 Dakota (Lebanon Hills R.P.) †ADS, 5/19 Lake (Silver Bay) †JWL, 5/27 Kittson (Lancaster) ph. GBr fide DTT.
2007Summer1 Observed 6/19, 6/26 Jackson (Kilen Woods State Park) MCBS.
2007Fall1 Only report 10/21–23 St. Louis (female at Stoney Point) KRE, LS, NRi.
2008Spring34 All south reports (median 5/3) 5/1–3 Mower (Austin) ARW, JEM, 5/4 Sibley (adult male, Rush River C.P.) RMD, 5/8 Blue Earth (Minneopa S.P.) ChH, 5/9–14 Stearns (first spring male in Farming Twp.) ph. DLL fide PCC, 5/17 Stearns (female at Avon Hills S.N.A.) MJB, 5/31 Steele (first spring male, Owatonna) ph. LJo. All north reports (median 5/15) 5/13–14 Lake (Two Harbors) ph. JWL, †PHS, 5/14–15 Aitkin (Lake Minnewawa) KCR, JSB, 5/15 Cook (Grand Marais) LGr.
2008Summer1 Reported without details 6/3 Le Sueur (Chamberlain Woods S.N.A.) RBJ, 6/10 Le Sueur (Kasota Prairie) RBJ.
2008Fall11 All reports 8/16–23 Le Sueur (Chamberlain Woods S.N.A.) †JCC, RMD, m.ob., 10/29–11/2 Lake fide JWL, HHD, m.ob.
2009Spring212 All south (median early 5/3) 4/20, 21 Fillmore (female, Spring Valley) ph. RTP, JWH, CWG, 4/29 – 5/2 Blue Earth (first-spring male, Good Thunder) ph. JCN, m.ob. 5/6 Freeborn (Albert Lea) AEB, Olmsted (first-spring male, Rochester) DMA, JWH, 5/11-12 Nicollet (first spring male, rural Courtland) NV, 5/12 Pope (first-spring male near Starbuck) †SSt, 5/13 Waseca (first-spring male near Waseca) AEB, 5/13 Blue Earth (a second first-spring male in Good Thunder) JCN, 5/14 Meeker (first-spring male, Darwin) DMF, 5/16 Hennepin (female, T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) TAT, 5/17 Carver (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) RBW, 5/21 Rice (first-spring male, Carleton College Arboretum) NBr, 5/23 Lyon (2, Camden S.P.) fide RJS. All north 5/12–18 Clearwater (adult male, Itasca S.P.) †DPJ, PLJ, 5/14–16 Clay (first-spring male in Moorhead; second county record) ph. †SSe.
2009Summer21 All reports: 6/8 Aitkin (first-spring male, Gun Lake Rd feeder) WEN, 6/8 Crow Wing (Agate Lake Road, Deerwood Twp.) JSB, 6/28, 7/12–25 Washington (first-spring male, Afton S.P.) EHa, †DWK, v.t. JPS.
2009Fall11 All reports: 11/21 Otter Tail (near Fergus Falls) ph. SJa, 11/29 Hennepin (St. Louis Park) ph. CBa.
2010Spring1 Only report was of a window-kill specimen 5/17 Martin (first-spring male, Fairmont) ph. JBe.
2010Fall44 There were many reports this season: 8/14, 21 Le Sueur (Chamberlain Woods S.N.A.) RMD, DBM; 10/8–11 McLeod ph. BEH, †PRH, †CMB, ph. DAC, m.ob.; 11/5 Clearwater (Gonvick) RLE; 11/4–11 Lake (Two Harbors) CRu, SaG, ph. KRE, ph. MLH, m.ob.; 11/7–13 Morrison (Fishtrap Lake) †FGo, HHD, DBM, m.ob.; 11/19 Roseau (Greenbush) RAE; 11/24–28 Crow Wing ph. GeS; 11/28 Dakota ph. †MiM. Another was in Redwood in mid-November for about a week fide PME.
2011Spring311 A most impressive 25 individuals reported — 18 south and 7 north! Early south 4/23 Hennepin (female, Lake Calhoun) ph. DMc, WHo, 5/5 Rice (frst-spring male) ph. BJB, 5/5–8 Olmsted (first-spring male) ph. REJ, m.ob. Late south 5/28 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) BJU, Steele (Rice Lake S.P.) DAB, 5/29 Hennepin LMS. Additional documented south reports 5/14 Watonwan ph. AnK, 5/23 Blue Earth ph. MRu. All north reports: 5/9–15 St. Louis (near UMD campus) ph. fide JWL, 5/10 Kanabec (first-spring male, west of Ogilvie) RAE, 5/12 St. Louis (first-spring male, Lakeside neighborhood of east Duluth) ph. JWL, MH, 5/12–16 St. Louis (Duluth Twp.) fide JWL, 5/13 St. Louis (near Cotton) fide JWL, 5/13 Cook (Lutsen) ph. JuH, 5/28–31 St. Louis (first-spring male, West Orange St., Duluth) ph. CEd, ph. PHS, m.ob.
2011Summer2Observed 6/4 Rice (Nerstrand Big Woods S.P.) JJo, 6/8, 6/19 Blue Earth (east of Rapidan) RMD, ChH, AnK.
2011Fall31 All north reports: 8/18 Mille Lacs (Waukon) RBJ, DAC, 9/8 Douglas JPE, 10/16–17 St. Louis (female/immature in Duluth) CCE, ph. KRE. One south report 11/14+ Washington (first-year male, Carpenter N.C.) JV, ph. LMS, ph. ALD, m.ob.
2011Winter1Fourth winter record for the state, seen in Washington (Carpenter N.C.)  through 12/2 LEC, LMS, JHg.
2012Spring13 All south 5/2 Olmsted (first-year male, Silver Creek Reservoir) JPr, JWH, 5/8 Olmsted (first-year male, Kutzky Park, Rochester; same bird?) ph. SWs, 5/9 Hennepin (female, Eden Prairie) ph. ChC, 5/19 Mower (female, Austin) ph. BPl. One north 5/18 Aitkin KCR.
2012Fall11 All reports: 8/17 Aitkin KCR, 10/19–29 McLeod (female, Hutchinson) †BEH, PRH, †DWK, ph. SBM, m.ob.
2012Winter1 Fifth winter record: 12/7 McLeod (Hutchinson) ph. KyC.
2013Spring4 Five individuals reported south: 5/1 Freeborn AEB, Hennepin (Corcoran) ph. ABL, 5/11 Hennepin (Minneapolis) KvB, PEB, KRo, SBM, 5/18 Ramsey LeM, 5/28 Dodge (Blooming Prairie) JPr.
2013Summer1 Adult male 6/6 Aitkin ph. JdB.
2013Fall1 Only report 11/2–11 Kanabec (adult male in Brook Park) ph. KDH, ph. DWK, ph. RZi, m.ob.
2014Spring11All reports 5/6 Blue Earth (Good Thunder) ph. JNe, 5/8–10 Fillmore (first-year male) RAE, JWH, ph. DAC, ph. GEr, m.ob., 5/8–9 Freeborn (first-year male) ARW, AEB, ph. DcS, 5/9 Hennepin (first-year male) ph. LFz, 5/10 Mower (Honey Tree Farm) ph. SWm, 5/11 Blue Earth (adult male, near Cambria) GLa, KRE, ph. RZi, m.ob., Scott (first-year male, Shakopee) ph. AMo, 5/12 Faribault WAF, Washington (2, 1 photographed) ph. JLM, 5/14+ Washington (Afton S.P.) JSe, 5/16 Blue Earth (female, south of Mankato) ChH, 5/17–18 Rice (first-year male, Faribault) †DAB, BWF, 5/21 ph. Sherburne (first-year male) BTe, 5/22 Ramsey (first-year male) DSg.
2014Summer1Seen 6/1, 6/8 Washington (Afton S.P.) SBE, RMD, 6/28 BAb.
2014Fall1 Only report 10/29–11/4 Hennepin ph. MNe.
2015Spring3 All reports 5/7 Faribault WAF, 5/9 Washington (Afton S.P.) BDo, 5/26 Lyon (Camden S.P.) RJS.
2015Summer1 Observed 7/19 Washington (Afton S.P. — North Prairie Loop) JBu.
2015Fall12 Only three reports, but all documented: 10/14–17 Lake (Knife River W.T.P.) ph. KRE, AM, ph. JLK, ph. JWL, ph. PHS, 10/28 Hennepin †CMB, 11/14 Rice (Faribault) ph. †DAB.
2015Winter1 Only the sixth winter observation of this species, all of which have occurred during the first week in December: 12/5–6 Ramsey (Roseville, female visiting feeder) ph. GlB, BrJ.
2016Spring13 All reports 5/10 Chisago (first-year male, Taylors Falls) ph. JoZ, 5/11 Otter Tail (feeder at Reames Lake; first appeared around 5/8) ph. KiF, 5/12 Dakota (C.P. Adams Park) KWr, 5/14–15 Murray (first-year male) JT, ph. JPr, m.ob.
2016Summer4 Found 6/5–21 Washington (Afton S.P.) JJo, AJF, RZi, (male and female) RBd, 6/16 Lyon (Garvin Park) GWe, 6/26–7/3 Carver (Minnesota Landscape Arboretum) WFe, RBW, ROx, m.ob., 7/2 Yellow Medicine (Wegdahl) GWe.
2016Fall1 One report 9/15–18 Steele (first-year male, Kaplan Woods Parkway, Owatonna) †HCT, BAb.
2017Spring26 All south 5/10–19 Mower ph. PMM, 5/12–13 Watonwan (Long Lake C.P.) JCC, KRE, ph. RZi, m.ob, 5/16–17 Olmsted (Indian Heights Park) LAV, m.ob., 5/20–25 Rice (residential feeder) TFB, 5/28 Benton (adult male) ph. DOr, 5/30 Kandiyohi (near Bergquist) JoS. All north 5/21 Crow Wing PSP, 5/24 Cook (Grand Marais RV Park and Campground) JSd, LSd.
2017Summer3 Observed 6/1–14 Washington (Afton S.P.) LiH, m.ob., 6/8 Rice (Northfield) DAT, 6/16 – 7/24 Carver (male, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum) ebd, ASu, JLI, LH, m.ob.
2017Fall13 All north 11/21 St. Louis (West Duluth) CBl, TBl, m.ob. All south 8/4 Washington (Afton S.P.) TMn, 8/22 Washington (Lake Elmo R.P.) PNi, BDo, 8/30 Meeker PKF, 11/5–21 Anoka (Andover) ph. JPH.
2018Spring416 Twenty south and four north individuals, for the highest spring total since 2011. Early south (median 5/3) 4/29 Brown (Lake Hanska C.P.) ph. STa, 5/2, 5/20 Faribault WAF, 5/3 Rice (Carleton College Cowling Arboretum) LEC, FGo, 5/7 Hennepin (Veterans Memorial Park) WPe, Houston (Spring Grove) ph. ToM, 5/7–10 Kandiyohi ph. JWd, 5/8–13 Wright (Buffalo) ph. MrS, ph. ToL, m.ob., 5/9 Hennepin (Purgatory Creek Wetlands) ph. HiK, Washington (Oakdale Nature Preserve) ph. EBy. Other south reports were from Carver, Cottonwood (2 locations), Dakota, Fillmore, Hennepin (a third location), Le Sueur, Lyon, Nicollet, and Olmsted. All north 5/8–10 Becker ph. DFr, 5/8–11 Polk (East Grand Forks) ph. SAu, JCJ, JMJ, 5/10–11 Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) ph. WPl, JsS, 5/13 St. Louis (Congdon Park neighborhood) ph. JPR, LME.
2018Summer2 Observed 6/9–15 Kandiyohi (Sibley S.P.) †JWH, LiH, ph. JWd, 7/21 Carver (Rapids Lake Unit, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy.
2018Fall21 All north 10/13 Red Lake (Plummer) ph. PCt, HHu, 10/28–30 Cook (Grand Marais) RMD, m.ob. One south report 8/18–19 Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) ph. DTr, BAb.
2019Summer2 Found 6/1 Ramsey (first-spring male, Falcon Heights) ph. AnM, 6/10 Washington (Afton S.P.) AJF.
 Rare migrant throughout. Three breeding attempts, all mixed pairings with Scarlet Tanager (P. olivacea).


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.