Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Stilts, Avocets
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Stilts, Avocets
Black-necked Stilt
American Avocet

American Avocet(Recurvirostra americana)
1961Springseen 23 April at Salt Lake by Avifauna! Club members. Seen there periodically through April and May. On 21 May a nest with four eggs was found. As many as 20 adult birds were seen in the area at one time. A lone individual was also seen near Big Lake, east of Herman, Grant County on the same day. Gulls and Terns: Nine species were seen; the terns arrived normally. A few unusual dates are listed below for the gulls.
1961SummerNested at Salt Lake. (See Flicker, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 41, 57, 58, June 1961.) Birds seen again 17 June by members of Avifauna! Club, at least 20 adult birds seen; probably largest single group of this species ever seen in Minnesota. Birds gone by 4 August, at which time lake was almost dry.
1962SpringApril 28 Salt Lake, about 20, Avifauna! Club; April28 near Gaylord, Sibley Co., Bob Janssen; May 12 Salt Lake, besaved as if nesting, Avifauna! Club; May 19 Salt Lake, probably nesting, various M.O.U. members; May 19 Frontenac, Goodhue Co., Avifauna! Club..
1962SummerJuly 29, Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co., one flying immature with cinnamon-brown head, R. Huber.
1962Fallapproximately third week in Oct., sizeable flock at Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co., seen by Goodman Larson of Conservation Dept.
1963SpringApril 21, near Beardsley, Big Stone County, 2 seen, A. C. Rosenwinke}; April 23 thru May 12, Salt Lake, as many as 9 at once, R. Grant.
1964Spring5-5 Duluth, 2 PHB; 5-10 Salt Lake, RG; 5-16 Fargo, 2, DRL.
1964SummerSalt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co, 2 nests, 4 eggs each, RAG.
1965Spring5-17 White Bear, ELC, RLH; 5-18 St. Cloud, DHG; also reported from Thief Lake Refuge (Bud Garrish) and Roseau Refuge (Jack Jensen) but no dates given.
1965Fall9-20 Cottonwood Co, 3, PE, exceptional.
1966Spring5-24 Salt Lake, EHH, DB; 5-29 Lake Traverse, EMB. Wilson's Phalaro,pe: earliest 4-20 Carver Co, DB; 4-23 Stevens Co, JAR; 4-25 Big Stone Co, ES. Northern Phalarope: 5-19 Jackson Co, NMH; 5-24 Salt Lake, EHH, DB and Stevens Co, JAR; 5-25 Dakota Co, RG.
1966Summer6-11 Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co, 1, ELC, RLH.
1967Fall 8-27 Lyon Co., 1, PE; only fall report.
1968Spring 4-19 Moorhead, fide EGA; 5-2 Duluth, 1, fide JCG; 5-10 Marshall Co., 19, AWR; 5-26 Big Stone Co., EMB; only reports.
1968Summer 6-22 Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co, 1, PE.
1968Fall11-1 Nicollet (Middle Lake) DB fide A. Bolduc. This is one of very few fall dates for this species.
1969Summeronly report; 8-9 Clay Co. 4 EA.
1970Spring7 reports HK; 4-25 Houston (2) FL; 5-2 and 9 Lyon {5) KE, PE; 5-9 Jackson BL; 5-10 Martin (6) Mrs. W. R. Luwe; 5-16 Sibley {2) KE, PE; at least 20, none last year.
1971Spring4 reports VL; 5-l Sibley (15) ES; 5-15 Lac qui Parle (4) KE. PE. RR; 4-27, 5-2 (a peek of 30 by T-fK), 5-15 5-16, 5-18 Marshall, Lyon Co., many observers.
1971Fall7-16 Clay, E. Welter;10-31 Duluth (2) BL; this bird is seldom reported in fall.
1973Summer 6-1 LeSueur (St. Peter GN), 6-2 Nicollet (Swan Lake); 6-3 & 7-14 Clay (Moorhead Lagoons); 6-28 Big Stone (1 adult and 2 downy youn~ Big Stone Wildlife Refuge Mgr.).
1974Fall 8-17 Lyon PE, RBJ.
1975Spring 10 reports: 4-19 Lac qui Parle (4) PVK; 4-20 Yellow Medicine (2) GLO; 4-24 Big Stone (20) DWS; 4-26 (3) HCK; 5-24 (1) BL, Lyon; 4-27 (3) CF, 5-29 (6) ETS, 5-31 (2) RBJ, Lac qui Parle; 4-29 (1) Cottonwood LR; 5-26 Aitkin (1) TS.
1975Fall8-24 Lyon KE, PE, HK; 8-16 Clay (4) fide E. Ander son; 10-18 Lincoln RJ, BL; only re ports.
1977Spring 14 reports from 4-23 to 5-29 from Lac qui Parle, Olmsted (5-1, 36) see Loon 49:182, Clay, Otter Tail, Grant, Lyon, Big Stone and Marshall. Winter 1977
1977Summer Nested at Wells, Faribaut Co. (2 pair with 7 young; J. Smith); also reported from Clay (until 6-15, Moorhead, many observers), Marshall (6-8 and 7-5, Agassiz N.W.R., SV), 7-17 Grant (GO), Lac qui Parle (until 7-23, Salt L., peak of 6, many observers) and Traverse (an amazing concentration of 76 on 7-9 at Mud L., KE, PE); easily the best summer for this species in memory!
1978Spring Reported from Lac qui Parle and Otter Tail.
1978Summer Seen in Faribault (6-10, two, Wells, RBJ), Lac qui Parle (6-20, 6-22, Big Stone NWR, CMB; 7-16, two, Salt Lake, DGW).
1978Fall 8-2 Hennepin OJ, 8-10 Wilkin GO, 8-26 Big Stone DB, OJ. - ~-\~ !«tf-+ The Loon
1979Spring Early south Lac qui Parle 4-20 KE, JS, 4-21 CMB, LJF; early north 4-27 Wilkin FKS, 5-13 Otter Tail SM; late south 5-27 Jackson DGW.
1979Summer Late migrant 6-5 Lyon. Early migrant 7-29 Otter Tail.
1979Fall Two reports, 8-2 Otter Tail GMO, 9-2 Olmsted JF. Wilson's PhaJa,rope Late north 8-18 Marshall KSS, 8-28 Marshall KE, RJ, 8-6 Marshall (200) GMO. Northern Phalarope Three reports 8-4 Blue Earth RJ, 8-6 Wilkin GMO, 8-28 Marshall KE.
1980Spring Early south 5-12 Lac qui Parle JS (28), 5-13 Cottonwood LF, 5-14 RG, Big Stone JS; early north 5-2 Marshall ANWR, 5-13 Wilkin GMO, 5-21 Becker TNWR, Pennington KSS.
1980Summer Nesting attempted in Marshall (Agassiz NWR, one infertile egg) and Lac qui Parle (Salt Lake, three nests destroyed by rain, early June, KRE).
1981Spring All reports: 4-17 Rock (16) BL, 4-29 Otter Tail SM, GMO, 5-3 Marshall FDS, 5-19 KSS, FDS, 5-31 FDS, 5-4 Pennington KSS, 5-9 Olmsted JEB, JSD, 5-14 Stearns NMH, 5-16 Carver RJ, 5-17 Clay KE, 5-31 KE, 5-20 Cottonwood LAF, 5-31 Wilkin SM, JPI AM.
1981Summer Late migrants: 6-6 Duluth; 6-9 (2) Sibley (Lake Washington). Summer records: 6-11, two, Clay (Clay WMA), 6-15, two, Marshall (Thief Lake WMA), 6-29, eight, Clay (KRE).
1981Fall 9-11 and 9-18 BSNWR, only reports.
1982Spring All reports -Lac qui Parle 4-25 SC, 5-2 AB, 5-1 Otter Tail GMO, 5-6 S eele EK, 5-19 Yellow Medicine HK, 5-:2 a e oi the Woods TW, 5-29 Pennington JSP, 5-31 Grant SDM.
1982Summer Breeding data from Polk (E. Grand Forks; S&DL). Greater Y ellowlegs Early migrants North: 6/30, 7/2, 7/7; South: 7/15, 7/16.
1983Spring South 4/22 Lac qui Parle DGW, 4/30 Mower RRK, 5/1 Chippewa KL; north 4/28 Otter Tail SDM, 5/9 Marshall ANWR, 5/29 Duluth many observers.
1983Summer Nested in Lac qui Parle (Salt Lake, MNH). Seen at Crookston, Polk Co. (four, 6/17, AB).
1984Spring Numbers up; early south 4/10 Lake Calhoun, Hennepin Co. (5) CH, 4/24 Lac qui parte KL; early north 4/22 Lake of the Woods AJ, 4/27 Polk KSS ; late south 5/26 Lac qui parle SC, 5/31 Watonwan EBIK; late north 5/18 Marshall ANWR, 5/26 Polk AB. Also reported from Anoka, Big Stone, Blue Earth, Cottonwood, Dodge, Martin, Rice, Waseca, Crow Wing and Ottertail.
1984Summer6/4-7/23 Crookston sewage ponds, Polk Co. (max. 8 AB, DB); 6/13 Big Stone (SC); 6/6 Waseca (JF).
1984Fall 10/19 Goodhue (16) BL, 10/21 Duluth, St. Louis Co. P. Egeland.
1985Spring All reports: 4/22 Duluth m.ob., 4/22 Marshall ANWR, 4/22 Olmsted M.ob., 4/27 Lac qui Parle m.ob., 4/28 Pennington (3) RJ, 4/29 Polk (2) RJ, 5/4 Polk AB, 5/10 Marshall (7 nests, 24 birds), ANWR, 5/15 Swift (4) RJ.
1985Summer Nested at Agassiz NWR, Marshall Co. (5/22, seven nests with eggs, JM) and in Lyon (HK, The Loon 57: 142). Also seen in Polk (Crookston, AB). Greater Yell ow legs Early migrants 7/5 Polk, Norman, Brown.
1985Fall All reports: 8/2 and 8/28 Lyon HK, 10/23 Clay (1) NH.
1986Spring All reports: 4/26 Lac qui Parle KE, RH, 4/27 Blue Earth (I) MF, RG, 5/1 Mower (5) RRK, JM, 5/3 Lac qui Parle (14) TM, 5/13 St. Louis (4) fide KE, 5/15 Marshall (1) ANWR, 5/26 and 5/27 Aitkin (1) WN.
1986Summer Single birds seen in Agassiz NWR (6/ I,JM) and Lac qui Parle (6/14, BBS).
1987Spring All reports: 4/25 Big Stone (2) KE, 4/28 Pennington GS, 5/5-9 Marshall ANWR, TK, 5/6-29 Duluth P Backstrom, m.ob., 5/16 Lyon HK, 5/17 Polk AB, 5/17 Renville RG, 5/23 Brown BL.
1987Summer Nested in Polk (Johnson Twp., nest with two eggs, AB). Also seen in Clay (7112, KR), Cass (7/10 Leech Lake, 2, KB), Nicollet (7/ 3-24, max. 5, JF).
1988Spring All reports: 4/27 Wright RG, 5/1 Lyon HK, 5/9-28 Todd PH, RG, 5/10 Aitkin WN, 5/14- 23 Big Stone EL, AB, 5/21-28 Marshall ANWR, BSE, 5/27 Polk AB, 5/28 Norman RG and Pennington KE.
1988Summer Nested in Todd (Browerville). Also seen in Marshall, Dakota (7 /2 Black Dog L., seven birds, TT). Ruddy Thrnstone Migrants 6/8 Lake of the Woods, 7/30 Duluth.
1988Fall All reports: 8/10 Hennepin (4) OJ, m.ob., 8/20 Dakota (7) TT, RG, 8/27 Big Stone (1) RJ.
1989Spring All reports: 4/17-5/25 Olmsted m.ob., 4/23 Big Stone TEB, 5/17-23 Nicollet RG, MF, 5/19-31 Duluth m.ob., 5/21 Lac qui Parle SC,GP.
1989Summer Seen in Polk, Clay, Clearwater, Traverse, Big Stone, 6/9-14 Duluth mob, 6/22 Sibley RG.
1989Fall One report: 10/28 Austin, Mower Co. (2) RRK.
1990Spring All reports 4/19 Duluth (7) PS and Pine (2) LD (The Loon 62:153-154), 4/21 Carver (6) SC, GP, Redwood AB, BL and Yellow Medicine PS, 4/28 Big Stone (13) PS, 4/30 Lac qui Parle CMB, 5/11 Big Stone RJ, 5/12 Yellow Medicine RJ, 5/16 Lyon PS, 5/28 Clearwater AB.
1990Summer Only two records: nested in Clearwater AB, seen 7/4 Olmsted AP.
1990Fall All reports: 8/9 Washington (4) WL, 8/24 Lyon (6) HK, 9/8 Blue Earth (4) MF, 9/9 Clay LCF.
1991Spring All reports 4/27 Olmsted (6) and Winona (8) AP, CS, 4/27-517 (max 8) Big Stone PB, KR, 5/9 Jackson (25) ED, 5/16-19 Polk mob, 5/16-25 Marshall mob, 5/19 Kittson KB, 5/23 Roseau KB.
1991Summer Nested at Thielke L., Big Stone Co. mob and Crookston, Polk Co. PS; also seen in Marshall, Becker, Traverse, Lac qui Parle, Lyon.
1992Spring All south reports: 4/24 Rock ND, JP, 4/25–5/2 Lac qui Parle (peak of 20) mob, 5/3 Cottonwood AB; all north reports 4/29–5/12 St. Louis mob, 5/7 Clay MCBS, 5/9–5/31 Roseau NJ, MCBS, 5/13 Clearwater (two) RJ, 5/16–21 Kittson MCBS, GS, 5/20 Marshall KSS, 5/28 Clearwater PS.
1992Summer Only reports: Clay, 6/17 Dakota (Black Dog L.) DM, 6/22 Wright MSt.
1992Fall One report: 8/21–23 Renville KR, KE.
1993Spring All reports: 4/22 Roseau (ties second earliest date north) PS, 4/25 Lac qui Parle CJ, 4/29 Rice TB, 5/28 Clearwater (5) AB.
1993Summer Only report: nested in Becker, deserted in early June due to heavy rain. This is the fewest number of reports since 1982.
1994Spring All reports: 4/14 Olmsted JBo and Rice (19+) OR, FKS, 4/21 Yellow Medicine (4) HK, 5/21 Roseau (2) PS, 5/29 Polk AB.
1994Fall Only report: 10/22 Cottonwood County (2) ED.
1995Spring All reports: 4/22 Big Stone (1) fide AH, 4/28 Pipestone (2–3) ND, JP, 4/29 Olmsted (2) mob, 4/29 Mower (1) RRK, 4/30 Douglas (7) SW.
1995Summer Only reports: 7/13 Polk (2) PKL, 7/15 Wabasha (2) CS.
1995Fall All reports: 8/10 Dakota (5) TT, same birds reported 8/10 Ramsey mob.
1996Spring Over 1/5 birds reported from 10 south and 5 north counties. Early south 4/21 Carver DBM and Olmsted JSt, also Kandiyohi RJF. Peak numbers 4/27 Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co. (27) FL, mob, 4/27 Lincoln (25) PJ, 5/2 Washington (min. 20) TEB. Early north 4/21 Wilkin SDM, 4/27 Traverse SDM.
1996Fall All reports: 8/3 Big Stone (1) LE, 8/5 Lac qui Parle (6) TT, 8/17 Renville (1) RF and Traverse (1) WM, 9/5–6 Wadena (8) PBi, 9/22 Dakota PBu, 10/6 Lac qui Parle (1) LE, 9/29–10/17 Polk (3) mob. Although there were no summer reports, this was the end of an incredible avocet year!
1997Spring All reports: 4/15 Blue Earth (2) MF, 4/19–20 Rock (3) fide AH, 4/28–5/1 Aitkin fide AH, 5/5 Olmsted DA, BE, CH, 5/10 Kandiyohi (11) RJF, 5/12 Jackson PS, 5/18 Renville PS, 5/23 Lac qui Parle (2) WM. Total of 22 birds, numbers down from last spring.
1997Fall All reports: 8/16–24 Clay (1) mob, 9/21 Pennington (2) PS, 9/26 Jackson (7) SR, 10/9–17 Carver (4) mob.
1998Spring All reports: 4/18 Big Stone (1) TBr, 4/23 Kandiyohi (20) RJ, 4/24 Winona (19) CS, 4/26–5/2 Lyon (1) TGu, 4/30 Mower (1) RRK, and 5/7 Todd JSK/SDu; 5/9 Big Stone (2) TEB, RJ, Meeker (2) PBu, CO, and McLeod (2) BL; 5/13 Marshall (one at Stephen) PS, 5/14–19 St. Louis (1) MH, 5/16–17 Marshall (two at Agassiz NWR) mob, 5/24 Clearwater ABo. Total of at least 54 avocets seen in 11 counties.
1998Summer First summer reports in three years: 6/3 Roseau (2) BSi, 6/5 Olmsted DA, BE, 6/11–15 Kanabec CM, 6/8 Big Stone (total of three at two different locations) RJ, 7/19, 25 Big Stone (up to five at Barry) KB.
1998Fall All reports: 8/9 Meeker (1) RTF, 8/22 Faribault (4) MT.
1999Spring All reports: 4/19 Hennepin (2 at Medicine L.) OJ, 4/25 Lac qui Parle mob, 5/18 Roseau (one at Roseau R. WMA) AH, PS, 5/30–31 McLeod (Glencoe) DBM, RJ. Numbers down dramatically compared to recent spring migrations (The Loon 70:11–20). Also see summer report.
1999Summer Colony of six adults and eight young found in Big Stone MCBS; also observed in Lac qui Parle. Unusually far east was a report on 6/9,10 in Dakota County (probable late spring migrant) DBS.
1999Fall All reports: 8/18 Lac qui Parle (3 at BSNWR) BOl, 9/10 Lac qui Parle (4 at BSNWR) BOl, 9/13 Jackson (3 at North Heron L.) BBo, 9/27 Jackson (2 at South Heron L.) mob, 10/17 Chippewa ABo.
2000Spring All south reports: 3/31 (record early date) Lac qui Parle (2 at Salt L.) BF, 4/15 Steele (2 near Rice Lake S. P.) BrT, 4/23 Dakota (L. Byllesby) JDa, TT, 4/30–5/14+ Lac qui Parle (pair at Thielke L.) PC, PS, WM, 5/22 Yellow Medicine (Miedd L.) CMa. All reports for the north: 4/21 Clearwater ABo, 4/22 Traverse (14) RJ, late April Becker (4 at HSNWR) fide BBe, 5/3 St. Louis (Duluth) fide KE, 5/15 Traverse (nesting pair) WM (The Loon 72:239–240), 5/28 Polk ABo.
2000Summer All reports: 6/3–16 St. Louis (maximum of 3 at Duluth) mob, 6/18 Polk (Crookston sewage lagoons) PHS, Traverse (nesting pair; see The Loon 72:239–240) WCM, 6/23–7/31+ Big Stone (3 adults with 4 young) KJB, 7/26–31 Rice TFB et al.
2000Fall Reported 8/4 and 9/1 Big Stone (different locations) KJB, 11/11 (record late by ten days!) Wabasha (Weaver) BAF.
2001Spring Statewide total 43+ birds in 11 counties, similar to last spring. All south reports: 4/22–23 Dakota (max. 5 at L. Byllesby) mob, 4/23 Goodhue (5) CRG, 4/28–29 Wabasha mob, 5/3 Hennepin (Diamond L.) PMJ, 5/7 Hennepin (18 at Rogers) WCM et al. Early north 4/25 Traverse SPM, 4/26 Wilkin KJB and Todd JSK, 4/30 St. Louis (Duluth) PHS. Also reported in May from Pennington (2), Polk (2), Red Lake, Roseau (4).
2001Summer Most reports since 1991. Observed 6/2 and 7/15 Clay (2 at Moorhead sewage lagoons) TAT, ADS, 7/3 Rice (3) FVS, 7/3 Houston (4 at Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge) fide AXH, 7/21–29 Big Stone (max. 3) PCC, PHS, 7/21 Marshall (6 at Agassiz NWR) PHS, 7/23–29 Winona (2 at Lewiston sewage lagoons) CBe.
2001Fall No north reports. Numerous observations through 9/9 Big Stone (county road 61/state highway 28) including peak count 8/30 (11) KJB. All other reports: 8/22 Big Stone (4 at Clinton) DDM, BJM, Lac qui Parle (max. 3 in August at Big Stone N.W.R.) m.obs., 10/1 Dakota (2 at L. Byllesby) ADS, 10/13 Winona (Lewiston) CBe, JJS.
2002Spring Statewide total 167+ birds in 30 counties, the most ever in a single season (The Loon 70:11–20). Early south 4/15 Dakota (6 at H.P.B.C.) KJB, 4/18 Freeborn (30 at Geneva) WJP. Early north 4/29+ Becker (2 at Hamden Slough N.W.R.) m.ob., 5/2 Traverse (17 at Mud L.) KJB. Only report from Northeast: 5/11–15 St. Louis (3 at Duluth) DRB, DSC, FJN. First county occurrences 5/13 Pope (9 at Long Beach) KJB, 5/25–26 Scott (Louisville Swamp) CRM, SWe.
2002Summer Record-high number of reports (following an exceptional number of spring sightings). As many as five adults and three fledged young observed on various June dates at Hamden Slough N.W.R., Becker Co. BAB et al. All other reports: 6/8 and 6/16 Traverse (max. 7 at Mud L.) PCC, RSF, PHS; 6/15–7/14 Big Stone (max. 4 near Graceville) PHS; 7/10 Dakota (Eagan) ADS; 7/12 and 7/22 Winona (max. 2 at Lewiston sewage lagoons) CAS, CRM; 7/14 Meeker (L. Hanson) DMF; 7/17 Houston (2 at Heron/Trapping Islands) FZL; 7/28 Murray (3 at Eastlick Marsh, Shetek) fide RJS.
2002Fall All north reports: 8/4 Roseau (7) PHS, 8/7–13 Traverse (max. 6 at Mud L.) m.obs., 9/11 Traverse (3 at Mud L.) KJB. All south reports: 8/1–19 Jackson (max. 3 at North Heron L.) KJB et al., 8/2 Dakota (male at L. Byllesby) ADS, 8/9 Stearns (juvenile at Albany lagoons) †RPR, 9/12 Lac qui Parle (5 at Big Stone N.W.R.) KJB, 9/21 Jackson (one at Sandy Point C.P.) KRE et al., 10/1 Lac qui Parle (one at Big Stone N.W.R.) BEO, 10/5 Jackson (22 at Sandy Point C.P.) RBW.
2003Spring Statewide total ~42 birds in 8 counties (compare with record-high 167+ in 30 counties last spring). Early south 4/20 Lyon (2) TGu, 4/21 Lac qui Parle (3) BJU. Early north 4/29+ Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) KA, m.ob., 4/30+ Becker (pair at Hamden Slough N.W.R.) m.ob. Highest reported counts 4/27 Stearns (9–11 at Albany sewage ponds) PCC, HHD, 5/21 Big Stone (11 in vicinity of county road 61/state highway 28) KJB.
2003Summer Reported 7/19 Lac qui Parle (Salt L.) BJU, 7/27 Winona (5 at Lewiston sewage ponds) CAS; also multiple nests in Big Stone County (peak of 16 adults and young in Toqua Twp.) PCC and one nesting pair in Marshall County (Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, PCC, JMJ.
2003Fall All sightings: 8/9, 8/16 Big Stone (one, Toqua Twp.) PCC, 8/30 Pennington (one, Thief River Falls) KRE et al., 10/6 Lac qui Parle (6 at Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 10/11 Marshall (36 at Lansing Parker Pool, Agassiz N.W.R., second highest count) PHS, JMJ, SAS.
2004Spring Statewide total of 74 individuals seen in 11 south and 5 north counties, including single birds in unusual locations 5/10 Lake (Flood Bay) ph. JWL, 5/16 Carlton (Moose Lake W.T.P.) †CBr, LM. Early south 4/19–5/5 Steele (Spindler's Pond) CAK, JJS, ph. RLE, 4/26 Winona (2 at Lewiston) CBe. Early north 5/7+ Otter Tail GLS et al. Highest reported counts 4/29 Wright (11 near Montrose) DDM, BJM, 5/6 Lyon (9 at Island L.) RPR, 5/9–16 Big Stone (8 or 9 in Toqua Twp.) PCC, PHS et al., 5/19 (9 at L. Byllesby) JPM.
2004Summer Observed throughout season in Big Stone (max. 14, 6/19) PCC, PHS et al., 7/3 Traverse (8 at Mud L.) PCC.
2004Fall All sightings: 8/1 Big Stone (2) PHS, 8/6, 8/12 Traverse (1) KJB, 8/9 Hennepin (1) DWK, WCM, 8/15 Anoka (3) JEH, 9/26 Yellow Medicine (1) PCC, PHS.
2005Spring Statewide total of 52 individuals in nine south and three north counties. Early south 4/10 Anoka (Carlos Avery W.M.A.) SHu, 4/11 Murray (19 at Lake Wilson) JT; also reported from Big Stone (max. 13 in Toqua Twp. on 4/30 DFN, plus 1–3 birds in 3 other locations), Dakota (1), Lac qui Parle (1), Lincoln (1), Meeker (3), Nobles (1), Stearns (1). Early north 5/6 Cass (2 in Poplar Twp.) BJU, 5/7 Grant (2) JEB, RBJ; also seen 5/23 Polk (1) NGE.
2005Summer Seen through 7/3 Big Stone (max. 4, including adult with chick in Toqua Twp., PCC) m.ob., 7/9 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2005Fall All reports: singles 8/13 Chippewa (Wegdahl) BJU, 8/23 Lincoln (Lake Benton) BJU, 10/9 Lac qui Parle (Salt L.) PCC, PHS, plus (late south) 10/16 Swift (2 at Lubenow W.M.A.) BJU.
2006Spring Statewide total of 89 individuals in 13 counties. Early south 4/9–12 Big Stone (4, west of Graceville) DFN, KJB, 4/13 Big Stone (5, near Ortonville) KJB; additional south reports from Brown, Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, Meeker, Olmsted, Rock, Stearns, Steele, Winona. All north reports: 5/5 Kittson ABL, 5/22 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS. Record-high spring count 4/14 Chippewa/Lac qui Parle (41, Minnesota River Valley) BJU.
2006Summer All south reports: 6/11 Lac qui Parle (4, Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 6/28 Big Stone (2) LS, 7/27 Big Stone (juvenile near Ortonville) ph. BJU. All north reports from Agassiz N.W.R. 6/24 (1), 7/15 (2) Marshall PHS, JMJ.
2006Fall All reports: 8/1 Lac qui Parle (Salt L.) BJU, 8/6 Nicollet (2 at Nicollet W.T.P.) JLO, 9/3 Nobles (Worthington W.T.P.) BTS.
2007Spring59 Statewide total of 90 individuals (89 in 13 counties last spring). Early south 4/14 Steele (14, Spindler's Pond) KRV, m.ob., 4/21 Kandiyohi (2) RSF and Lac qui Parle (11, three locations) PCC, BJU, 4/26+ Big Stone (max. 10, Toqua Twp.) m.ob. Additional south reports from Brown (8), Chippewa (2), Meeker, Nobles, Olmsted (4), Scott (5). Early north 5/6 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) GT, 5/7 St. Louis (Interstate Is., Duluth) DAG, PHS, 5/8 Crow Wing (5, St. Mathias Twp.) JSB and Todd JSK; singles also reported from Polk and Roseau.
2007Summer12 Reported throughout the season in Big Stone (max. 14 on 6/15, PHS); additional south report 6/24 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU. Only north report: 6/9 Wilkin BJU.
2007Fall13 First county record: 8/12 Sherburne (Big L.) ph. SWo. High counts 24 on 8/17 in Big Stone (Toqua Twp., PHS) and 19 on 9/3 in Traverse (Croke Twp., BJU). Only other report away from the west regions: 8/13 Freeborn (Geneva L.) JWH. Late south 9/22 Lac qui Parle (2 at Salt L.) PCC.
2008Spring39 Early south (median 4/20) 4/19–20 Hennepin (7, Bass Ponds, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JMu, 4/27 Lac qui Parle (Salt Lake) BJU, SWe. Only three north reports: 4/24 Wilkin (2, Manston Marsh W.M.A.) DBM, 5/4 Otter Tail SPM, 5/19 Clay (4, Sabin W.T.P.) WCM. High count 5/26 Big Stone (9) PHS.
2008Summer12 Found 6/1 Becker (seen by Scott Kahan, Hamden Slough N.W.R.) fide JMJ, 6/6 Stearns STW, 7/18, 7/25, 7/31 Big Stone (6) PHS, RBJ.
2008Fall2 All reports: 8/1 Big Stone (2, Toqua Twp.) PHS, 9/2–10/3 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) m.ob. (late south median 10/5).
2009Spring514 Early south (median 4/20) 4/13 Stearns (2, Albany W.T.P.) PLJ, 4/23 Dakota (7, Lake Byllesby) CMB, LS, JPM and Hennepin (2, Purgatory Creek) WCM. Early north (median 4/30) 5/17 St. Louis DAG, SG, 5/20 Norman CRM. High counts 5/3 Steele (33) Dave Williams, 5/23 Marshall (20) PHS.
2009Summer12 Only north report: 6/12 Marshall (2, Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, JMJ. Reported throughout season in Big Stone (max. 7) PCC, m.ob., 6/20 Lac qui Parle (1, Salt L.) PCC.
2009Fall32 All north reports: 8/2 Otter Tail FVS, 8/22 Traverse KRE, 9/6 Roseau (Roseau W.T.P.) JCC, KRE, LS. All south reports: 8/1–15 Lac qui Parle (Arena Twp., Haydenville W.M.A.) PCC, PHS, 9/15–18 Steele (Spindler's Pond) m.ob.
2010Spring47 Early south (median 4/20) 4/23 Big Stone (2) BJU, 4/30 Dakota (12, Lake Byllesby) m.ob. Also reported from Hennepin, Lac qui Parle, Lincoln, Meeker, Stearns. All north reports: 5/2 St. Louis (Interstate Island W.M.A.) PHS, 5/23 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) JMJ, SAS, PHS and Polk (Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) KRE, 5/25 Todd (2, Browerville W.T.P.) BWF. High counts 4/30 Dakota (18, Lake Byllesby) RTe, 5/13 Lincoln (17, Gislason N.W.R.) RJS.
2010Summer2 Seen 6/10 Big Stone (7) BJU, 6/27 Big Stone (6) PCC, 7/3 Big Stone DBM, 7/10 Big Stone (7) PCC, 7/31 Houston DBM.
2010Fall4 All reports: 8/3 Lac qui Parle (2, Cory Lake) BJU, 9/4 Big Stone (Toqua Twp.) BJU, 9/12 Lac qui Parle (7, Hamlin W.M.A.) PCC, 9/18 Stearns (Eden Valley W.T.P.) DWK, 9/22 Lac qui Parle (2, Cory Lake) BJU, 10/6 Jackson (6, west of Skunk Lake) BJU (median 10/3).
2011Spring312 Early south (median 4/20) 4/9 Big Stone (Toqua Twp.) BJU, Lac qui Parle KRE, m.ob., 4/10 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) BJU, 4/17 Big Stone (7, Graceville) RPR. All north reports before recent median of 4/30: 4/9 Hubbard (Potato Lake) ph. ANy, 4/11 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) DBM, 4/24 Polk JMJ. High count 4/25 Goodhue (18, Prairie Island) CMB, RBW, BRL.
2011Fall13 All north observations 8/20–9/18 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) m.ob. All south reports: 8/1 Lac qui Parle (Hantho Twp.) BJU, 8/20 Big Stone (4) PCC, PHS, 8/21 Big Stone (Toqua Twp.) BJU, 8/27 Big Stone (2) PCC, 9/10 Big Stone (7) PCC, 9/18 Big Stone (2, Toqua Twp.) BJU, 9/30 Anoka REH. High count 8/20 Grant (15, North Ottawa Impoundment) BJU.
2012Spring216 South reports 3/31 Lac qui Parle ph. BJU; 4/7 Lac qui Parle PEJ, DFN, 4/12 Lac qui Parle (Salt Lake) BJU, 4/13 Lac qui Parle DLP, 4/14 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. bridge) RDa, 4/16 Blue Earth (3, Perch Lake) AnK, ChH and Rice (Millersburg) DAB all before recent median 4/20. All north reports after recent median 4/30: 5/2 Marshall (4) fide JMJ, 5/3 Marshall (2, Agassiz N.W.R.) GAK, 5/18 Morrison FGo, 5/21–22 Morrison (Pierz W.T.P.) DBM, CRM, BWF, 5/28 Marshall (Warren) HHu. Additional first county report 5/21 Benton CRM.
2012Summer43 Found in Carver, Faribault, Grant, Lac qui Parle, Pennington, Polk, Roseau.
2012Fall3 Only reports: 8/9 Big Stone (Big Stone N.W.R.) and Lac qui Parle (2, Salt Lake) PLJ, 8/10 Lac qui Parle CRM, ALo, 8/15 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 9/21 Redwood (Willow Lake) HHD, RAE.
2013Spring818 Early south (median 4/20) 4/16 Murray NED, 4/20 Brown BTS, m.ob., Cottonwood TrF, Dakota (Lake Byllesby) m.ob., Murray GWe. Early north (median 4/30) 4/21–22 St. Louis (Duluth Harbor) JGB, PHS, 4/26 Traverse DBM. High northbound counts 5/15 Big Stone (59, record high) DLP, 4/20 Brown (30, Lone Tree Lake, Eden Twp.) BTS.
2013Summer13 Observed in Big Stone, Brown, Lac qui Parle, Traverse. High count 6/7 Big Stone (8, Thielke Lake) DLP.
2013Fall12 Only north report 8/9 Traverse (16, season's high count) DLP. All south 9/29 Olmsted (2, East Landfill Reservoir) JPr, m.ob., 10/18 Nicollet (Duck Lake, North Unit of Swan Lake W.M.A). ChH.
2014Spring215Early south (median 4/20) 4/12 Stearns PCC, 4/19 Big Stone (2) PEJ, DFN, 4/23 Big Stone (11, Thielke Lake) DLP, Kandiyohi (Atwater W.T.P.) JWd, SGa. All north 5/9 Morrison (11, Crane Meadows N.W.R.) MEm, 5/18 Wadena (2) PJB. High count 5/8 Mower (17, Grand Meadow W.T.P.) RAE.
2014Summer33Observed in Big Stone, Faribault, Grant, Polk, 6/2 St. Louis (Minnesota Point) †JLK, Stevens. High counts 7/29 Stevens (25) ANy, 7/27 Grant (12) KRE.
2014Fall45 North reports from the North Ottawa Impoundment in Grant (max. 11) through 8/17. Additional north reports 8/14 Traverse DPG, 9/15 St. Louis (Superior Entry) ClN, 10/24 Grant (2, near Ashby) HHD, 10/30 Pine (Hinkley W.T.P.) ph. DAC, RBJ. All south 8/1–2 Stevens (max. 27, season's high count) RAE, HHD, m.ob., 8/9 Hennepin (4, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Bass Ponds) BAF, Lac qui Parle (Salt Lake) RAE, 9/1 Hennepin (3, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Bass Ponds) TAT, SHF, BAF, Isanti (Isanti W.T.P.) HHD, 9/21–22 Kandiyohi RSF, JoS, ph. JWd.
2015Spring614 Early south (median 4/20) 4/11 Lac qui Parle KeL, 4/13–18 Hennepin (Bass Ponds, Bloomington) NSa, m.ob. Early north 4/20 Crow Wing (Crosby W.T.P.) JPR, 5/1 Pennington (Thief River Falls W.T.P.) SAu, 5/2 Douglas (2, Clifford Lake Rd.) JLK. High counts 5/1 Lac qui Parle (32 in the same pool, Big Stone N.W.R.) BAF, SHF, DLP, 5/3 Carver (20, Wahibo Marsh) JWZ, MJa.
2015Summer22 Probable northbound migrant 6/1 Todd MJB, RAE. Reported throughout season in Big Stone, including high count 7/16 (24) DLP. Fall migrants 7/3 Polk (1) SAu, 7/18 Stevens (2) DAB, JEB, JWH.
2015Fall24 All north 8/22 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) RAE, ToL, CNn, BAb, 9/28 St. Louis (Superior Entry) JPR. All south 8/3–11 Big Stone (max. 8, season's high count, on 8/3) DLP, 8/10 Ramsey (AHATS observation deck) ELC, m.ob., 9/20 Brown (4, Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS, MiO, 10/24 Yellow Medicine (2, Miedd Lake) GWe.
2016Spring718 Early south (median 4/18) 4/13 Big Stone (2) DLP, Yellow Medicine (34, Miedd Lake) GWe, 4/15 Renville (21, Bird Island W.T.P.) TAT. Early north 4/20 Crow Wing (max. 10, St. Mathias rice paddies) ph, EGa, m.ob., Todd (4, Browerville W.T.P.) BWF, 4/23 Marshall (1, near Warren) SAu, Polk (1) SAu. High count 4/25 Yellow Medicine (37, Miller-Richter State W.M.A.) SBE, LiH, KeL.
2016Summer13 Found in Big Stone, Grant, Lac qui Parle, Yellow Medicine. High count 7/5–7 Big Stone (15) DLP.
2016Fall14 One north report: 8/14–10/17 Grant (max. 3) AaL, WPI. All south 8/13 Lyon (8, Cottonwood Lake) GWe, 9/7–12 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) MiO, BTS, 10/8–23 Yellow Medicine (max. 2, Miedd Lake) GWe, 10/29 Cottonwood (9, Talcot Lake State W.M.A.) DAk.
2017Spring714 Early south (median 4/15) 4/9 Yellow Medicine (Miedd Lake) GWe, 4/15 Dakota (2, Jirik Sod Farms) PNi, ph. CMB, ph. SBM, m.ob., Lincoln (11, Twin Lake) GWe, Olmsted (3, Silver Creek Reservoir) JmP, JPr. Early north (median 4/29) 4/17 Traverse (5, Traverse Pond) KnM, 4/25 Polk (2, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) DaL, 4/30 Aitkin (3, north of Aitkin) EGa, RAE, KCR. High count 4/30 Stearns (13, Albany W.T.P.) WCM, m.ob.
2017Summer42 Reported from Big Stone. Clay, Grant, Lyon, Marshall, Polk. High count 7/8 Polk (27, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) SAu represented onset of fall migration.
2017Fall13 One north report 8/10 Polk (East Grand Forks W.T.P.) RAE, HHD. All south reports 8/23 Mower (6) SWm, 9/1–13 Lyon (max. 4, Lone Tree Lake) GWe, 10/8 Rice (max. 12, near Warsaw) RAE, m.ob.
2018Spring1118 Early south (median 4/15) 4/11–13 Lyon NMe, RJS, 4/20 Big Stone (max. 3) DOr, m.ob. Early north (median 4/29) 4/18 Clay TCL, 4/19 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) WPl, REn. High counts 5/1 Lyon (72, 160th St., near Balaton) ph. GWe. First county record 4/23 Beltrami DPJ, ph. REn.
2018Summer53 Seen in Big Stone, Clearwater, Freeborn, Goodhue, Grant, Polk, Red Lake, Traverse. High count 7/10 Polk (48, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) SAu. First county breeding record 6/13 Grant CNn. Presumed southbound migrants 7/12 Freeborn (3) PSu, 7/13 Goodhue (4) KDS, m.ob.
2018Fall25 All north 8/25 Grant (5) DnS, MWS, 10/2 Cass (1, Lake Winnibigoshish) REn, 11/5 Grant (1, North Ottawa Impoundment) LiH, ASu. All south 8/1 Dakota (7, Mississippi Lock and Dam 2) Eli, Washington (6, also Mississippi Lock and Dam 2, but distinct from the 7 in Dakota Cty) ELi, 9/1 Scott (11, Spring Lake) JRg, ebd, 9/2 Brown (11, Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) KEm, JWH, MiO, 9/12 Goodhue (5, Frontenac S.P.) ClB.
2019Summer24 Seen in Big Stone, Grant, Pennington, Red Lake, Sibley, Stearns, Watonwan. Southbound migrants 7/19 Watonwan STa, 7/27–29 Sibley RBW, m.ob.
 Rare breeder west. Migrant mostly west.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.