Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Canada Jay
Blue Jay
Clark's Nutcracker
Black-billed Magpie
American Crow
Common Raven

American Crow(Corvus brachyrhynchos)
1930SummerThe contents of about ten crew's nests were examined. The first neat, containing five eggs1 w.s found by Stanley Stein at Shakopee, on April 17th. A nest found by Charles EMens on April 20th, which held five young, was probably an earlier nest. On the same date Evans also found a nest containing six eggs. No really late nests were located, one found by Evans on May )rd, with four eggs, being the latest.
1931SummerFive nests with four or five eggs each reported between the dates of April 11th and Hay 23rd.
1932SummerAn ~ncubating crow was seen f7.I'·st on April 24th (Evans). On May 10th a nest with 5 young about 5 days old was found by Eisele and Downey).
1933Summer Records of thirty-one nests received, Hi~Jenz found a nest ncar st. Cloud on April 1oth which held 2 fresh eggs. Mrs, Peterson ~d J. Jones discovered a nest with 6 eggs at l~a.disdn on April 14th, A nest containing 3 newly-hatched young and 2 eggs was f'ound in Pennington County on June 6th by Grines. Swonson reports 2 fully-fledged young near St, Paul on May 24th, Young Grows just out of the nest were very cotllllon in County, where ' " they wore observed by Stein and the writer on June 15th. The birds nested in nest of the small growths of trees found in the sparsely-settled areas,
1934Summer Tho earliest nest of this black fugitive ltlt\S found on.April 8th near Grand ~~e by Hanson and Hiomonz~ It was completed but empty on this date, but.on·April 22nd it hold 5 egGs• To Hi~enz must nlso go the' credit for tho last ne~t, which l·TO.s located in the r.1idst of a Night Heron colony nu(lr Hutchinoson ond·was the home of two large younG·when,seon on.Me~y 19th.
1935Summer Two records of American Crow nests were submi-tted. Upson sa"' 5 eggs April 19th, and Co.rlnnder saw a nest with an wJmown number of eggs April 25th.
1936Summer Seven nests of the crafty and cu..rming crot.r were discovered. Five eggs was the contents of a nest discovered by Robert Upson April 26th~ tho following day he found a nest of :four eggs. Swcdenborg's discovery of a nest on May 7th revealed small young. George Rysgaard saw young birds just out of the nest on June 8th.
1937SummerOn April 7 a nest of five eggs was found by B. Upson. On May 9 five eggs were found in a nest near Minne­apolis by Upson.
1938SummerM. R. Voth, on April r2, found a completed but empty nest on the Teachers College Islands, St. Cloud. Near Upsala, Minnesota A B. Madd~n saw 5 young ready to fly on May 12. Mr. E. D. Swedenborg saw young out of the nest being fed on June 25 at Gull Lake.
1943SummerSt. Louis County, April 19, 4 eggs. E. JO'lles and H. Gilbert. May 8, Ramsey County, 5 nest.s. Hros. Lewia and Pius.
1944Summer8. April 22, three, five, and six eggs, Dakota County, Hofstead and Olson. Also, April 22, six eggs, Bro­ther Hubert and Brother Pius, Dakota County. April 23, seven eggs; May 13, four eggs; Ramsey, Olson.
1945Summer1 young, Duluth, July 4, Olga Lakela; 3 young, Washington Co., Don and Eldeen Jacobs; eggs and young, Washington Co., May 26, William Longley; nest, 5 eggs, May 11, Ada, Minn., Arnold Erickson, William Marshall.
1945WinterPresent in limited numbers each winter in the southern part of the state.
1946SummerBllllding. March 30, !'lamsey Co.; young out, Aug. 6, Stearns Co., Moore.
1947Summer2 eggs, April 27; 3 eggs, April 29; 3 eggs, May 4, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis. BLACK-CAPPED CHICKADEE. Found nest, May 8, 5 eggs, May 10, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis.
1961SummerForest Strnad banded two young from nest on 3 June near Kasson on 6 May. H. Huber saw an adult incubating near Dawson, Lac qui Parle County. On 13 May he observed a nest with two young near La Crescent.
1963SummerSt. Louis Co., Duluth, June 17, ad with 4 y, D. Meyer.
1964Summerbreeding Lake (DM) and St. Louis CWM) Counties. Black-capped Chickadee:breeding Ram sey (MAS, ELC), St. Louis (CS), Hen nepin (MEH), and Crow Wing (TEM) Counties; also Fargo-Moorhead, EGA.
1966Summernested in Stearns, Morrison and Clay Co's; also reported from 18 other counties around the state.
1967Summernested Ramsey, Cook Co's.; also reported from Goodhue, Stevens, Traverse, Lac qui Parle, Big Stone, Pope, St. Louis, Hubbard, Hennepin, Nobles, Clearwater, Wabasha, Morrison, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Beltrami, Washington, Cottonwood Co's.
1967Winter reported from 26 counties, all across the state, including NE corner.
1968Summer nested in Mille Lacs Co; also reported from Beltrami, Stearns, St. Louis, Lake, Carlton, Clearwater, Wabasha, Blue Earth, Hennepin, Pine, Washington, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Nobles, Morrison, Carver, Anoka, Rice, Pope, Sherburne, Winona Co's.
1968FallConcentrations reported 10-13 Cottonwood 74 LAF; 10-19 Lake 60 RK; 11-19 Benton 25 NMH. Black • capped Chickadee: Reported from fifteen counties. 11-21-11-23 St. Louis (Hibbing) HM recorded 34 individuals- 16 newly banded and 18 returns.
1968WinterReported frorr. 22 counties throughout state.
1969Spring3-1 Mille Lacs Co., MI; and Duluth, MMC, JCG; 3-16 (10) Duluth, KS.
1969Summernested in Pine Co.; reported by most observers throughout the state.
1969Fall8-1 Chisago 20 EL; 9- 27, 10-12 Duluth 50 JCG; 10-17 Watonwan 254 LAF.
1969WinterWintered in Pine, Carlton, Morrison, Winona, Hennepin, Carver, Watonwan, Blue Earth, Stearns, Washington, Ramsey, Wright, Lyon, Pope, Dakota, Rice, Cottonwood, Mower, Freeborn, Nobles Chisago, Fillmore, Olmsted, Wabasha, Aitkin, Clearwater, St. Louis (1-16, twenty, Gnesen Twp. dump, JCG), Lake. Migration in the North 2-6-22.
1970Springpeak 3-4 Rice (500} OR.
1970Falllate north 10-29 Marshall A R; 11-8 Lake PH; 11-16 Mille Lacs Ml; peak 10-14 Cook (350) jP.
1970Winterreported from 30 counties from Duluth and Crow Wing southward.
1971Summerno nests found but reported from 33 counties throughout the state.
1971WinterNorth all winter in Ottertail Clay, Morrison. Mille Lacs, Crow Wing Aitkin' Duluth; migration: 2-22 in Duluth Bagley,' Onamia: South reported in 21 counties; greatest number: (110) Cottonwood, (2-300) Rice. ·
1972Summernesting reported in 5 counties; seen in 34 other counties. Black-capped Chickade.e: nested In Ramsey, Hen nepin, Cottonwood, (Crow Wing), (Mille Lacs), (Nobles); seen in 25 other counties.
1972WinterNORTH Reported from nine counties, all winter Beltrami and Morrison; migra tion: 1-23 Grant. SOUTH Reported from eighteen counties; Houston (100 plus).
1973Summer Reported from 30 counties.
1973Fall Seen in 15 counties. Peak 10-17 St. Louis (500) (JCG).
1973Winter Reported from 35 counties north to Cook, St. Louis, Cass, Clearwater and Clay.
1974Spring Reported from 17 counties.
1974Summer Nested in Stearns and Chippewa; also reported from 41 other counties.
1974Winter Reported from 34 counties north to Marshall, Clearwater, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
1975Spring Reported from 31 counties.
1975Summer Nested in Hubbard, Mille Lacs and Hennepin; also reported from 36 other counties.
1975Winterreported from 43 counties north to Polk (East Grand Forks Christmas Count), Clearwater (Itasca Christmas Count), Crow Wing, Aitkin, Duluth, Lake and Cook; peak of 894 on the Mton Christmas Count; spring migrants seen 2-15 St. Louis (DB), 2-19 Hubbard (HF) and 2-21 Becker (SM).
1976Spring Reported from 33 counties.
1976Summernested in Hubbard, Cass, Stearns and Lac qui Parle; also reported from 39 other counties.
1976Fall Permanent resident.
1976Winter Reported from 37 counties north to Marshall, Hubbard, St. Louis and Cook.
1977Spring Reported from 36 counties.
1977Summer Nested in Lac qui Parle, Ramsey and Olmsted; also reported from 34 other counties throughout the state.
1977Winter Overwintered in 34 counties; Dec. migrants also in Polk, Marshall and St. Louis (Hibbing and Sax-Zim); first Feb. migrants 2-4 St. Louis, 2-10 Marshall and 2-12 Morrison.
1978Summer Breeding reported from St. Louis; seen also throughout the state.
1978Fall Permanent resident.
1979Spring Permanent resident. Reports from 39 counties.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Clay, Stearns, Goodhue; also seen throughout the state.
1979Fall Permanent resident.
1979Winter Reported from 40 counties. Apparently more common than usual in the the northern regions with reports north to Cook, Lake, Itasca and Pennington.
1980Spring Permanent resident. Reports from 37 counties.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Stearns, Anoka; seen also throughout the state.
1980Fall Reported from 12 counties north, large no. 10-16 Pine OJ (1,000) and 16 counties south.
1980Winter Reported from 45 counties including an overwintering report from Pennington (KSS). Bla·ck-capped Chickadee Reported from 38 counties.
1981Spring Permanent resident reported from 22 south and 13 north counties.
1981Summer Breeding data from Cook, Pennington, Stearns, Hennepin, Le Sueur. Seen throughout the state.
1981Fall Reported from 27 north and 40 south counties.
1981Winter This year's most widely reported species: 59 counties throughout the state. Overwintered in Marshall (KSS) and Grand Marais (KMH) but missing in Duluth from 1-11 until 2-21 (JG).
1982Spring Permanent resident reported from 45 south and 27 north counties.
1982Summer Breeding data from Cook, Polk. Seen throughout the state.
1982Fall Reported from 17 north and 26 south counties.
1982Winter Reported from 64 counties throughout the state including Roseau, Lake of the Woods and Cook. Apparently becoming more common in winter in the far north.
1983Spring Reported from 27 counties south, 22 north.
1983Summer Breeding data from Cook, Stearns, Brown. Seen throughout the state.
1983Fall Reported from 13 counties north, 22 south.
1983Winter Reported from 74 counties throughout the state. Peak of 596 on the Excelsior CBC and a statewide count of 5608. Overwintered m Cook (KMH) and early migrants returned to the far north central and northwest regions in early February.
1984Spring Reported from 27 south and 17 north counties; an albino on 4/29 Aitkin JB.
1984Summernested in Cook, Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Clearwater, Clay, Anoka and Ramsey; also seen in 57 other counties.
1984Fall Reported from 18 counties north, 24 south.
1984Winter Reported from 64 counties throughout the state. Distribution and numbers about the same as last year.
1985Spring Reported from 22 north and 34 south counties.
1985Summer Probable nesting in Cook, Anoka, Ramsey , Dakota. Seen in 45 other counties throughout the state.
1985Fall Reported from 13 north and 27 south counties .
1985Winter Reported from 75 counties throughout the state. Over-wintered in Grand Marais (KMH) and 14 were recorded on the Baudette CBC. A statewide CBC count of4 793 ( 4869 L. y.).
1986Spring Reported from 16 north and 32 south counties.
1986Summer Nested in St. Louis, Marshall (SKS), Steams, Benton (NH); probable nesting in Cass, Crow Wing, Anoka, Freeborn. Also seen in 60 other counties throughout the state.
1986Fall Reported from 18 north and 24 south counties.
1986Winter Reported from 79 counties throughout the state with a CBC total of 6/39 (4793 L.Y.). Two overwintered in Ely (SS) and numerous reports of migrants in the far north in mid and late February.
1987Spring Reported from 17 north and 31 south counties.
1987Summer Nested in Lake of the Woods, Le Sueur; probable nesting in Aitkin, Stearns, Anoka, Ramsey. Also seen in 57 other counties throughout the state.
1987Fall Reported from 16 north and 30 south counties.
1987Winter Reported from 80 counties throughout the state (79 L. Y.) with a CBC total of 6/24 (6139 L.Y.).
1988Spring Reported from 34 south and 18 north counties .
1988Summer Nested in Pennington, Clay, Hennepin. Seen in 53 other counties statewide.
1988Fall Reported from 14 north and 32 south counties.
1988Winter Reported from 75 counties throughout the state including all winter in Koochiching GM. Statewide CBC total of 6,043 (6,124 l.y.). Common Rawn Reported from 15 north region counties and from Pine, Chisago and Isanti in the east central region. Statewide CBC total of 866 (727 l.y.).
1989Spring Reported from 32 south and 17 north counties.
1989Summer Nested in Anoka; probable nesting in Crow Wing. Seen in 54 other counties statewide.
1989Fall Reported from 20 north and 26 south counties .
1989Winter Reported from 69 counties throughout the state, overwintering as far north as Koochiching GM and Grand Marais, Cook Co. WP. Statewide CBC total of 6,422 (6,043 l.y.).
1990Spring Reported from 19 north and 30 south counties.
1990Summer Nested in Anoka, Brown; probable nesting in Otter Tail, Crow Wing. Seen in 50 other counties statewide.
1990Fall Reported from 17 north and 29 south counties; peak 10/7 Lakewood Pumping Station, Duluth (2415) KE.
1990Winter Recorded in 72 counties (69 l.y.) throughout the state, overwintering as far north as Grand Marais, Cook KMH, Roseau, Marshall, and Itasca. 61 found on the Baudette CBC. Large flocks moving north in Beltrami 2/1 DJ. Some northern areas on!y lacked crows for a few weeks in January.
1991Spring Reported from 14 north and 32 south counties.
1991Summer Nested in Pennington, Olmsted; probable nesting in Clay, Crow Wing, Hennepin. Seen in 46 other counties statewide.
1991Fall Reported from 16 north and 31 south counties.
1991Winter Reported in 55 counties (72 l.y.) throughout the state with large numbers overwintering unusually far north into Cook, Lake, Koochiching, Itasca, Beltrami, Roseau (CBC), and Marshall (Warren CBC). CBC total 12,850 (13,088 l.y.).
1992Spring Reported from 21 north and 37 south counties.
1992Summer Nested in Kittson, Marshall, Pennington, Winona HVA; probable nesting in four counties. Seen in 48 other counties statewide.
1992Fall Reported from 20 north and 30 south counties.
1992Winter Reported from 81 counties throughout the state, even in the far north (overwintering?). CBC total 7,416.
1993Spring Reported from 23 north and 34 south counties.
1993Summer Nested in Lake of the Woods, Lyon HK, Anoka; probable breeding in Crow Wing, Ramsey, Washington. Seen in 49 additional counties statewide.
1993Fall Reported from 16 north and 32 south counties.
1993Winter Reported from 78 counties throughout the state, including midwinter records north to the Canada border.
1994Spring Reported from 18 north and 31 south counties.
1994Summer Nested in Anoka; probable nesting in Becker, Crow Wing, Kandiyohi, Dakota. Seen in 43 other counties statewide.
1994Fall Reported from 18 north and 25 south counties.
1994Winter Reported from 80 counties throughout the state. CBC total an above average 14,123.
1995Spring Reported from 30 south and 18 north counties.
1995Summer Nested in Crow Wing JS/MN, Dakota RHf, Winona; probable nesting in Itasca, Hennepin, Washington. Recorded in 45 additional counties statewide.
1995Fall Reported throughout the state.
1995Winter Reported from 79 counties throughout the state. CBC total 10,178.
1996Spring Reported from 43 south and 28 north counties.
1996Summer Most reports since 1986. Nested in Crow Wing; probable nesting in five counties. Observed in 62 additional counties statewide.
1996Fall Reported throughout the state.
1996Winter Reported from 69 counties throughout the state. CBC total 11,966. Peak of 500 noted 12/3 Rochester, Olmsted Co. CH.
1997Spring Reported throughout the state.
1997Summer Many reports, similar to previous year. Seen in 67 counties throughout state; probable nesting in Murray, Rice, Freeborn.
1997Fall Reported throughout the state.
1997Winter Reported from a record 83 counties throughout the state. CBC total 13,347. Record number of 10,000 reported from Rochester, Olmsted Co. fide CH (date?).
1998Spring Reported throughout the state.
1998Summer Most reports in 15+ years; seen in 72 counties throughout state. New nesting records in Lake JLi, Murray ND; probable nesting in Ramsey, Nicollet, Freeborn.
1998Fall Reported throughout the state.
1998Winter Reported from 69 counties throughout the state. CBC total 14,670. Peaks: St. Paul CBC (2,335), and 2/5 Hennepin (2,000 in Minneapolis) KB. CBC total 14,670.
1999Spring Reported throughout the state.
1999Summer Seen in 66 counties throughout state.
1999Fall Reported throughout the state.
1999Winter Reported from 76 counties throughout the state.
2000Spring Seen statewide
2000Summer Many reports, similar to 1998. Observed in 72 counties throughout state; new nesting record in Washington PHe.
2000Fall Reported throughout the state, with two observations of partial albinos. High count of 1000 in Mower on both 11/11 and 11/30 (RRK).
2000Winter Reported from 66 counties throughout the state.
2001Spring Seen statewide
2001Summer Seen in 57 counties statewide.
2001Fall Found statewide.
2001Winter Reported from 64 counties throughout the state.
2002Spring Seen statewide.
2002Summer Observed in 70 counties statewide.
2002Fall Reported throughout the state.
2002Winter Reported from 59 counties throughout the state.
2003Spring Seen statewide.
2003Summer Seen in 64 counties throughout state.
2003Fall Reported throughout the state.
2003Winter Reported from 67 counties throughout the state.
2004Spring Found statewide
2004Summer Reported from 59 counties throughout state.
2004Fall Reported throughout the state. Highest reported count 10/13 Kanabec (2000) CAM.
2004Winter Reported from 54 counties throughout the state.
2005Spring Noted in all but three counties.
2005Summer Record high number of reports: seen in 73 counties statewide.
2005Fall Noted throughout the season in all regions.
2005Winter Reported from 79 counties statewide.
2006Spring Reported statewide.
2006Summer Most reports ever. Reported from all counties except Martin, Mower.
2006Fall Reported from 82 of 87 counties throughout the season.
2006Winter2744 Reported statewide.
2007Spring3353 Reported statewide.
2007Summer3348 Reported throughout the state.
2007Fall3449 Reported throught the season statewide. High count 10/11 St. Louis (2,663 at H.R.B.O.) EMG, KJB.
2007Winter2642 Reports down slightly from last year, but still reported statewide. Seen on every CBC in the state except the Isabella count. CBC high count Rochester (1,414).
2008Spring3252 Reported statewide. High count 3/31 Hennepin (112, Nicollet Island, downtown Minneapolis) SCa.
2008Summer2443 Found statewide.
2008Fall3448 Reported statewide. High counts 10/17 St. Louis (2,557 at H.R.B.O.) KJB, 11/3 Lake of the Woods (391) BJU, 10/11 Pine (300) DPG.
2008Winter2551 Reported statewide and absent only on the Beltrami Island CBC.
2009Spring3453 Reported from all counties of the state.
2009Summer3243 Found statewide. High count 7/10 St. Louis (131, Sax) EEO.
2009Fall3152 Reported statewide. High counts 10/14 St. Louis (3,063, H.R.B.O., record high fall count) KJB, 10/9 Cook (313, migrating along the North Shore) PCC, PHS, 11/8 Roseau (200) JMJ, 11/28 Hennepin (200) ALD.
2009Winter2843 Reported statewide. CBC high count 12/19 Rochester (2,716). High count 1/6 Hennepin (810) WCM.
2010Spring3353 Reported statewide.
2010Summer3051 Found statewide. First county breeding records for Beltrami BLe, Dodge fide BBA, Douglas JPE, Itasca JLK, Koochiching DMK, Morrison RPR, Sherburne RBy, Todd MSK.
2010Fall3453 Reported statewide. This fall's extraordinary corvid movement continued with this species, H.R.B.O. (St. Louis) recorded a new seasonal record of 16,020 individuals, with a record-high count of 3,252 on 10/23 KJB. Away from Hawk Ridge was another notable high count of 700 on 10/15 in Cook (Hovland Woods S.N.A.) RBJ.
2010Winter2847 Reported statewide. High counts were from roosts in Hennepin 12/4 south side of downtown Minneapolis (6,035) PEB, 1/15 Elliot Park, south Minneapolis (3,000) BAF.
2011Spring3453 Reported from every county. High counts 3/11 Olmsted (100, Silver Lake) LAV, 3/3 Hennepin (80) DDo.
2011Summer3350Found throughout state. First county breeding records for Chisago KSc, Mower RPR, Otter Tail RPR, Wadena CCa.
2011Fall3453 Reported statewide. High North Shore counts include 10/20 St. Louis (3,232) and 10/18 St. Louis (1,875), both by the Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census. High count away from the North Shore 11/9 Olmsted (998) PHS, with 673 counted at the Olmsted County Fairgrounds, and 325 flying to the fairgrounds.
2011Winter3250Reported from all regions statewide, with more reports than in any of the previous 5 years. CBC high counts 12/17 Bloomington (5,657), 12/17 Rochester (2,297), 12/17 St. Paul (North) (1,613).
2012Spring3453 Reported statewide. High count 3/10 Steele (~200) DPG.
2012Summer3453 Reported from every county in the state. First county breeding records for Cottonwood JSc, Fillmore BAS, Jackson JSc, Martin JSc, Pipestone SWe, Pope RPR, Steele PSu, Wabasha RPR, Waseca PCo, Wright SMa, Yellow Medicine RPR.
2012Fall3452 Reported statewide. High counts 11/27 Hennepin (est. 5,000, Powderhorn Park) JJo, 10/15 St. Louis (2,228, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census; 2,177 of these were tallied from H.R.N.R.) KJB.
2012Winter3252Reported from 84 of 87 counties. High count of 2,500 in Hennepin heading to a downtown Minneapolis roost on 2/16 (TJo) exceeded all CBC high counts.
2013Spring3453 Reported statewide.
2013Summer3353 Reported from all counties except Norman. First county breeding records from Carver SWe, Meeker MJB, Redwood JSc, Renville JSc, Roseau DKb.
2013Fall3353 Reported statewide. Counts exceeding 1,000 were all from the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census in St. Louis; peak numbers were 1,607 on 10/19 and 1,191 on 10/26, both KJB.
2013Winter3053 Reported statewide. High count 1/27 Hennepin (3,000) MPi. CBC high counts 12/14 Rochester (1,104), 12/21 Austin (969).
2014Spring3453Reported statewide. High counts 3/23 Chisago (120) DPi, 4/2 St. Louis (120) AM.
2014Summer3451Reported from every county except Le Sueur, Watonwan. First county breeding record from Rock AXH
2014Fall3353 Found statewide throughout the season. High counts 11/20 Hennepin (3,000, roosting in Minneapolis) TLo, 10/15 St. Louis (1,403, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB.
2014Winter2952 Reported statewide from all but six counties. High count 1/15 Hennepin (2,000, Minneapolis, roosts in Bryn Mawr and Kenwood areas near I-394) TLo. CBC high counts 12/20 Rochester (1,755), 12/20 St. Paul (North) (934), 12/20 Faribault (898).
2015Spring3453 Reported statewide. High counts 3/2 Olmsted (250, Zumbro River below Silver Lake dam.) LAV, 3/23 Red Lake (200) SAS.
2015Summer3353 Reported from every county except Traverse. First county breeding record for Norman AXH.
2015Fall3452 Reported statewide. High count 10/20 St. Louis (3,832, H.R.B.O.) KJB.
2015Winter3153 Reported statewide from all but three counties. High counts 1/5 Hennepin (3,500, North Central University) BrW, 1/31 Hennepin (2,000, Pioneers Cemetery) AxB, 12/7 Hennepin (1,183, Minneapolis) SBM. CBC high counts 12/19 Bloomington (1,302), 12/19 Rochester (1,193), 12/19 St. Paul (North) (1,100).
2016Spring3453 Reported statewide. High count 3/1 Hennepin (1,500, evening roost at University of Minnesota–East Bank campus) JuW.
2016Summer3453 Reported from every county.
2016Fall3453 Reported statewide. High count 10/16 St. Louis (2,822, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/14 St. Louis (1,500, H.R.N.R.) JPR.
2016Winter3352 Reported statewide from all but two counties. High counts 2/11 Olmsted (5,200, Soldier's Field North, Rochester) MiD, 1/19 Olmsted (2,214, Ronald McDonald House, Rochester) ETH, 1/14 Hennepin (Riverside Park, Minneapolis) AAz. CBC high counts 12/18 Rochester (1,471), 12/17 Faribault (885), 12/31 St. Paul (North) (801).
2017Spring3453 Reported statewide. High counts 3/13 Hennepin (500, East River Flats Park) KSz, 3/13 Otter Tail (350) BEc.
2017Summer3453 Found in all counties. First county breeding record 6/3 Blue Earth ChH.
2017Fall3453 Reported statewide. High count 10/25 St. Louis (1,956) H.R.B.O.
2017Winter3153 Reported from 84 of 87 counties. High counts 2/2 Hennepin (2,000, Powderhorn Park) IVa, 2/17 Hennepin (1,732) ASD, 2/2 Olmsted (1,410, Rochester) LAV. CBC high counts 12/16 Rochester (2,960), 12/16 St. Paul (North) (1,879) CBC, 12/16 Bloomington (1,277).
2018Spring3453 Reported statewide. High counts 3/18 Hennepin (800) IVa, 4/1 Isanti (400) RCl, 5/21 Hennepin (322) SKe.
2018Summer3453 Reported from every county.
2018Fall3453  Reported statewide. High counts 10/17 St. Louis (917) H.R.B.O., 11/17 Renville (385) GWe.
2018Winter3253 Reported statewide from all counties except Pennington and Traverse. High counts 2/19 Hennepin (2,400, Minneapolis Pioneers & Soldiers Memorial Cemetery) GrS, 1/11 Olmsted (950, Cascade Meadow Wetlands and Environmental Science Center) LAV. CBC high counts 12/15 Rochester (1,570), 12/15 St. Paul (North) (870), 12/15 Duluth (778).
2019Summer3453 Reported from every county.
 Permanent resident throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.