Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Warblers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Warblers
Worm-eating Warbler
Louisiana Waterthrush
Northern Waterthrush
Golden-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
[Golden-winged Warbler X Blue-winged Warbler]
[Lawrence's Warbler]
[Brewster's Warbler]
Black-and-white Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Connecticut Warbler
MacGillivray's Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Kentucky Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler
American Redstart
Kirtland's Warbler
Cape May Warbler
Cerulean Warbler
Northern Parula
Magnolia Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Palm Warbler
Pine Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
[Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)]
[Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)]
Yellow-throated Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Townsend's Warbler
Hermit Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Canada Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
Painted Redstart

American Redstart(Setophaga ruticilla)
1930SummerA Redstart was seen building by.Alden Risser near St. Paul, on May 11th. This observer also saw the first completed nest, containing three eggs, in the same locality on June 1st. The writer found a nest with two eggs near Minneapolis, on June 8th. This nest was situated in tbe top of a dead tree about 25 feet from the ground.
1931SummerNest \dth two eggs found on May.31st (Alden Risser)1 and another by Stanley Stein, which contained two young June 21st.'
1932SummerTwo nests were found, both by Swedonborg. The first on June 5th, and held 3 American Redstart eggs and t Brown-headed Cowbird egg, while the second contained 3 well developed young a week later.
1933Summer Seven reported. Swanson found n nest containing 3 eggs at Goon Crock on Mny 22nd. The nest was discovered by Grimes, who found it on June 26th in Winona County. It held 3 eggs of tho · · owner o.e well o.s a Brown-headed Cowbird ogg. Morse reports young of this species very numerous in a tamarack swamp on July 25th. The Flicker, 1933
1934Summer The earliest nost was found on M..'1y 31st ncar St. Cloud by Hiemenz. Although there were only 2 Brown-headed Cowbird eggs in it, the female American Redstart wns on the nest. The latest record also comes fr~a st. Cloud, where Ha.naonnmd Hiemonz round a nest ~ontaining 3 eggs on July 2oth. The Fllakar, 1934.. P. 50
1935Summer Other Bird Clubbers beside Prosser, Swed.enborg and Upson must have seen American Redstart nests, but no one else reported them. The Bird Club found American Redstarts1 nests in various stages of constructionat Frontenac May 25th. Prosser and Swedenborg saw a completed but empty nest June 9th in Hennepin County. And Upson saw small young out of the nest J\Ule 25th.
1936Summer A five egg nest was found by Swedenborg at Excelsior on June 7th. Also on June 7th George Rysgaard found a nest containing a set of two eggs near Long Meadow. On June 14th a nest containing t\-ro small young and one large young Brown-headed Cowbird was located at Minnetonka Mills by Swedenborg. The latest nest was that found by Kenneth Carlander on June 30th at which time the nest held newly hatched young.
1937SummerOn June. 2I at Savage, Minnesota, W. Breckenridge found a nest that held one egg; Nearby he saw a young. bird able to fly, being fed by the male.
1938SummerE. D. Swedenborg and Dr. Prosser discovered a fin"ished but empty nest near Lake Vermillion on June 7·
1943SummerNorth Mpls., completed nest, June 5. W. J. Breckenridge.
1944SummerAugust 7, feeding young cowbird, Hennepin, Sadah Field.
1945SummerNest, Ft. Snelling, May 26, Brother Hubert..
1946Summer2 young out, Aug. 5, Stearns Co., Moore; 15 nests, June 1-13, Anoka Co., Bro. Hubert.
1961SummerBob Janssen found a nest two feet off the ground on 1 July near Eden Prairie, Hennepin County. The nest contained two eggs plus two Brown-headed Cowbird eggs. Dave Pearson saw adults feeding juveniles on 20 August at Many Point Scout Camp.
1961FallJan Green saw one at Duluth on 24 Oct., some 12 days later than the latest date listed by Roberts. Fringillidae: Thirty-five of 47 species were reported.
1962Falllast date, Oct. 10, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel.
1963SpringMay 8, Minneapolis, W. R. Pieper; May 11, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 11, Cass Co., the Mathisens. 
1963Falllatest, Sept. 29, Minneapolis, R. B. Janssen; Oct. 21, Fargo-Moorhead area, Mrs. Leslie Welter. BLACKBIRDS, ORIOLES AND TANAGER
1964Spring5-17 Crow Wing Co, MSB; 5-6 Duluth, JCG; 5-11 Stearns Co, "low numbers" RPR; 5-5 Hennepin Co, MAS; 5-2 Wright Co, EC; 5-6 Ramsey ELC; 5-5 Washington Co, DH; 5-3 Goodhue Co, IG; 5-3 Pope Co, WH; 5-6 Ramsey ACR; 5-14 Marshall Co, DLO; 5-10 Olmsted Co, JPF; 5-2 Wright Co, EC.
1964Summerbreeding St. Louis (VFB), Crow Wing (TEM), Hubbard (LWJ) and Washington (ACR) Counties.
1965Springearliest 5-5 Rochesler, JPF.
1965Falllatest 10-2 Eyota, FGD and 10-12 Duluth, 12, JCG.
1966Springearliest 5-4 Rochester, JPF and Washington Co, DH; 5-6 Minneapolis, DB; 5-7 Carver Co, EHH, St. Cloud, NMH, Hennepin Co, JAJ, Goodhue Co, RLH, Polk Co, GSM. September, 1966
1966Summernested in Goodhue Co; also reported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Crow Wing, Stearns, Clay, Dakota, Wabasha and Rice Co's.
1966FallLatest 9-30 Lake Co., RK; 10-13 Washington Co., WWL; 10-22 Hennepin Co., MHM.
1967Springearly 5-10 Hennepin Co., VL, EMB, Morrison Co., LSR, Olmsted Co., CMJ, JPF, Washington Co., WWL and Ramsey Co., RJC; 5-11 Wright Co., EC, Stearns Co., RPR, Cottonwood Co., LAF and Rice Co., OAR.
1967Summernested Goodhue, Hubbard, Crow Wing Co's; also reported from Cook, St. Louis Co's.
1967Fall latest 9-22 Duluth, JCG; 9-26 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA and Anoka Co., PE; 9-29 Washington Co., DS, WWL.
1968Spring early 4-30 Goodhue Co., DS; 5-3 Anoka Co., WHL; 5-6 Fargo- Moorhead, fide EGA; 5-7 Minneapolis, FN/ MAS and Crow Wing Co., MSB.
1968Summer nested in Mille Lacs Co; also reported from Stearns, Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Hubbard, Pine, Morrison, Douglas, Sherburne, Crow Wing, Rice, Goodhue, Hennepin, Chisago, Wright, Winona Co's.
1968Fall9 -6 Cook 22 MAF; 9-9 St. Louis 25 JCG; late 9-23 Morrison LSR; 9 -20 Cottonwood LAF; 9-29 Ramsey MIG; 10-14 Hennepin EWJ.
1969Spring5-3 Rice Co., BAP; 5-4 Carver Co., THH; 5-10 Pine Co., MMC, and Cook Co., RIG; 5-16 (35) Winona Co., BT; 5-17 (100) Washington Co., DS.
1969Summernested in WrightCo.; also reported from Cook, St. Louis, Beltrami, Cass, Crow Wing, Ottertail, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Rice, Winona, Wabasha, Goodhue, and Stearns.
1969Fall8-9 Duluth 6 MC; 9-10 Mille Lacs 10 MI; 10-4 Washington RHJ; 10-14 Ramsey EC; 10-19, 10- 22 St. Louis MC, HM.
1970Springearly south 5-1 Winona TV; 5-6 Goodhue KE; 5-7 Dakota DB and Hennepi n BDC; peak 5-25 Duluth (100) JG; earl y north 5-9 Crow Wing J B and Morrison LR.
1970Summernested in Mille Lacs, Wright, Crow Wing, Winona, and Stearns Co's; also reported from Cook, Lake, Wabasha, Carver Hennepin, St. Louis, Goodhue, and Ramsey Co's.
1970Falllate north 9-23 Morrison L R and Duluth MMC; 9-27 Duluth )G; late south 9-21 Hennepin VL, FN.
1971Springearly south 5-10 Hennepin VL5- 11 Carver KH and Scott PE and Washington ~~ :iYly north 5-11 Morrison LR; 5-14 Mille 1
1971Summernested in Carver and Goodhue; also reported from 20 other counties.
1971Falllate south 9-12 Wabasha; 9-27 Hennepin: late north 9-16 Morrison; 9-19 Crow Wing; 9>-23 Duluth.
1972Summernested in St. Louis, (Crow Wing), (Aitkin), (Mille Lacs), (Washington); seen in Clearwater, Hubbard Beltrami, Cass, Cook, Sh~rburne, Wright, Carver, Ri'Ce (Nerstrand Woods), Houston, Winona.
1973Summer Nesting reports from Crow Wing, Nicollet; seen in 21 other from Polk to Houston. counties
1973Fall Reported from nine counties. Late 9-30 Hubbard (6) (HJF) (large number for so late.)
1974Spring Early south 4-30 Houston FL; 5-7 Le Sueur GR; 5-10 Lyon HCK; early north 5-12 Mille Lacs MI; 5-14 Crow Wing TS.
1974Summer Nested in Aitkin, Lake, Le Sueur; also reported from 20 other counties.
1974Fall Late north 9-24 Clay LCF; 10-10 Duluth JG; 10-12 Marshall AR; late south 9-24 Hennepin FN, PF.
1975Spring Early south 9 reports on 5-6; early north 5-11 Mille Lacs MI, LP; 5-13 St. Louis GJN; 5-14 St. Louis JCG and Marshall SV.
1975Summer Nested in Itasca and Mille Lacs; also reported from 22 other counties southwest to Lyon, Pipestone and Rock.
1975Falllate north 10-2 Hubbard WL; 11-13 Duluth JG; late south 10-1 Hennepin RJ; 10-2 Blue Earth VR; 10-5 Washington WL.
1976Spring Early south 5-7 Hennepin ETS; 5-8 Hennepin BE; 5-9 Hennepin DB, BDC; early north 5-11 St. Louis JCG; 5-12 Crow Wing JB; 5-13 St. Louis GN.
1976Summernested in St. Louis, Pine, Kanabec and Houston; also reported from 21 other counties.
1976Fall Late north 9-20 Cook and Duluth; late south 9-23 Washington, 10-1 Hennepin.
1977Spring Early south 5-3 Houston FL; 5-6 Hennepin HCP, ES; 3 reports on 5-7; early north 5-6 Crow Wing TS; 5-9 Otter Tail GO; 5-10 Marshall SV A.
1977Summer Nested in Roseau, Cass, Mille Lacs, Hennepin and Olmsted; also reported from 12 other counties southwest only to Otter Tail and Anoka; fewer reports than usual.
1978Summer Seen in 26 counties eastward from Olmsted, Stearns and Polk except Grant and Nicollet.
1978Fall Late north 10-28 St. Louis KE; late south 9-20 Hennepin WKE and Houston EMF.
1979Spring Early south 4-27 Rice EW (details?), 5-4 Hennepin TD, 5-5 Cottonwood LF, Rice LB; early north 5-13 St. Louis TH, 5-16 Becker SM, Marsall ANWR.
1979Summer Breeding reported from St. Louis, Stearns, Sherburne, Olmsted, Houston; also seen in 20 other counties west to Nicollet, Otter Tail, Kittson.
1979Fall Late north 9-22 Otter Tail GMO and St. Louis JG, 9-25 St. Louis KMH; late south 9-28 Houston EMF and Sherburne EH, 9-29 Ramsey BL.
1980Spring Early south 5-9 Goodhue JD, Ramsey OJ, Washington DR, 5-10 reported from eight counties; early north 5-6 Cook TB, 5-14 St. Louis DA.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Red Lake, Morrison; also seen throughout the state eastward from Olmsted, Nicollet, Stearns, Otter Tail.
1980Fall Late north 9-23 Cook KMH, St. Louis JG, 9-30 St. Louis CM, KE; late south 10-10 Nicollet JCF, 10-26 McLeod Ray Glassel.
1981Spring Early south 4-25 Washington RA, 5-3 Hennepin ES, Mower RRK, 5-4 Hennepin DB, SC; early north 5-7 Crow Wing JB, TS, 5-8 St. Louis KE, LW, 5-9 Clearwater JP, Itasca TL, Pennington KSS.
1981Summer Breeding data from Cook, Houston. Seen in 24 other counties in the eastern and central regions plus Marshall, Becker.
1981Fall Late north 10-6 Aitkin RJ, 10-18 St. Louis KE; late south 9-28 Hennepin ES, 10-5 Hennepin SC.
1982Spring Early south 5-4 Hennepin SC, 5-5 Houston JPI AM, 5-6 Hennepin OJ, ES; early north 5-6 Mille Lacs CF I KB, 5-9 Clay LCF, Polk MH, 5-11 Marshall JSP.
1982Summer Breeding data from Houston. Seen in 31 other counties throughout range but not westward of Freeborn, Nicollet, Douglas.
1982Fall Late north 10/2 St. Louis L W, 10/5 St. Louis LE, I 0/13 Clay LCF; late south 9/28 Wright ES, 9/30 Olmsted JEB, 10/10 Brown JSp.
1983Spring 5/6 Nicollet JCF, 5/7 Dakota DGW, Fillmore RJ, Houston EMF, Mower BJ, RRK, Murray AD, Washington RH, 5/8 Brown JSp, Cottonwood WH, Hennepin SC; early north 5/6 Mille Lacs MLWMA, 5/8 Aitkin WN, 5/9 Clay LCF.
1983Summer Breeding data from Morrison, Brown, Houston. Seen in 26 other counties throughout range.
1983Fall Late north 10/8 Cook KMH, 10/13 Roseau AJ, 10/18 St. Louis AB; late south 10/2 Brown JSp, 10/3 Hennepin ES, Houston EMF, 10/4 Hennepin SC.
1984Spring Early south 5/6 Murry AD, 5/7 Hennepin SC, 5/8 Washington SSt; early north 5/10 Roseau KSS, 5/11 Mille Lacs MLWMA, 5/13 Aitkin WN. Winter 1984
1984Summernested in Cook, Lake of the Woods, Crow Wing and Morrison; also seen in 27 other counties.
1984Fall Late north 9/30 St. Louis HR, 10/10 St. Louis KMH, 10/20 St. Louis KC; late south 9/28 Hennepin, I0/10 Houston EMF.
1985Spring Early south 5/3 Mower RRK, 5/5 Brown JSp, Hennepin SC, DZ, 5/6 Dakota AB, Tiu, Hennepin DBI, OJ, GP, Houston EMF, Ramsey KB, Winona JH; early north 5/1 Cook KMH, 4/4 Aitkin WN, 5/7 Clay LCF.
1985Summer Nested in Cook, Ramsey (KB, SSt); prob- able nesting in Clearwater, Kanabec, Hennepin, Brown. Also seen in 23 other counties eastward from Marshall, Stearns, Scott and Olmsted, plus Nicollet, Lac qui Parle.
1985Fall Late north 9/23 Clay LCF, 9/25 Otter Tail SDM, 9/26 Kanabec SSt, 10/1 Cook KMH, late south 9/22 Houston EMF, 9/26 Ramsey KB, 10/4 Hennepin SC, GP.
1986Spring Early south 5/2 Hennepin OJ, 5/4 Hennepin SC, Houston JM, GS, 5/5 Houston EMF, Olmsted RE, Ramsey KB, Rh; early north 5/6 St. Louis fide KE, 5/10 Aitkin WN, Clearwater AB, Hubbard JL, Pennington KSS, 5/11 Clay LCF.
1986Summer Nested in Becker(BK), Ramsey; probable nesting in Fillmore. Seen in 32 other counties in all regions except the southwest and only Otter Tail in the west central.
1986Fall Late north 9/20 Itasca AB, 9/30 Cook KMH, lOll Clay LCF; late south 10/2 Hennepin SC, 10/3 Lyon HK, lOIII Dakota TT.
1987Spring Early south 5/7 Olmsted PP, 5/8 Washington TH, 5/9 Brown JS, Dakota JD, LeSueur MT and MF, Scott AB, and Winona JB and RSE; early north 5/7 Duluth fide KE, 5/9 Lake fide SWIMS, 5/ll Marshall ANWR and Pennington RJ, 5/14 Becker BK.
1987Summer Nested in Becker; probable nesting in Cook, Nicollet. Also seen in 34 other counties in all regions but only Otter Tail in the west central and Murray (6/10, AP) in the southwest.
1987Fall Late north 9/20 St. Louis RSE, 9/21 Cook KMH, 10/19 St. Louis KE; late south 9/25 Hennepin SC, Houston EMF, 9/27 Steele RJ, AP, 10/3 Hennepin OZ.
1988Spring Early s0uth 5/2 Dakota TT and Mower JM, 5/3 Hennepin SC, ES, 5/5 Brown JS, Fillmore NAO; early north 5/8 Otter Tail SDM, 5/10 Clay LCF 5/13 Becker BK.
1988Summer A few more reports than in recent years; nested in Becker, Aitkin (WN), Cook, Hennepin, Carver, Brown. Seen in 37 other counties statewide but not in southwest and only Douglas in west central.
1988Fall Late north 9/20 Cook KMH, 9/24 Clay LCF, 10/16 St. Louis TBB; late south 9/18 Fillmore NAO, 9/22 Houston EMF, 9/25 Blue Earth AB.
1989Spring Early south 5/5 Anoka GP, Hennepin JD, Houston AP, 5/6 Hennepin SC, Goodhue AB, Houston EMF, Mower JM, Scott DC; early north 5/7 Pennington SKS, 5/11 LCF, Hubbard JL, 5/13 Polk RJ, AP.
1989Summer Nested in Anoka WL, Brown; probable nesting in Becker, Itasca, Crow Wing, Washington. Seen in 29 other counties in all regions except west central ; scarce in central and seen only in Jackson 6/17 RJ in southwest.
1989Fall Late north 9/16 Kanabec AP, RJ, 9/18 Cook OSL, 9/22 Cook KMH, Lake DPV; late south 9/26 Hennepin SC, 9!29 Winona CS, 10/1 l Ramsey BL.
1990Spring Early south 5/5 Hennepin SC, 5/7 Winona JD, 5/8 Mower JM; early north 5!12 St. Louis KE, 5/13 Pennington KSS, 5/14 Becker DJ, Cook WP.
1990Summer Nested in Rice, probable nesting in Becker, Crow Wing, Anoka, Brown. Seen in 29 other eastern and central counties plus Clay, Otter Tail in west.
1990Fall Late north 9/24 Lake DPV, 10/4 Cook SOL, 10/6 Lake KR; late south 9/19 Houston EMF, 9/20 Washington WL, 9/21 Winona CS.
1991Spring Early south 5/3 Houston JM, 5/4 Hennepin OJ, LeSueur PS, Winona AB ; early north 5/9 Becker DEB, Beltrami DJ, Clay LCF, MO, Douglas SDM, 5/10 Becker BK, Hubbard JL, Pennington KSS.
1991Summer Nested in Clearwater DBl; probable nesting in five counties. Seen in 33 other counties in all regions except southwest.
1991Fall Late north 9/23 Cook KMH, 9/27 Lake DPV; late south 9/29 Hennepin TT, 10/22 Hennepin SC.
1992Spring Early south 5/2 Winona CS, 5/3 Hennepin TT and Mower JM; early north 5/7 St. Louis AE, 5/9 Becker BBe, Beltrami DJ, Clay LCF and Roseau NJ.
1992Summer Nested in Crow Wing, Anoka, Winona HVA; probable nesting in Becker, Brown, Hennepin, Washington. Seen in 30 additional counties in all regions including 6/7 Rock, 6/28 Murray ND in southwest.
1992Fall Late north 10/6 Cook KMH, 10/8 Pine DPV; late south 10/18 Hennepin SC, 10/24 Wright CS.
1993Spring Early south 4/29 Rice TB, 5/1 Winona AM. Early north 5/6 Becker BBe, 5/7 Kanabec CM.
1993Summer Most reports since 1988. Nested in Anoka, Hennepin, Nicollet, Winona; probable nesting in Becker, Crow Wing, Brown. Seen in 36 additional counties in all regions except southwest.
1993Fall Late north 9/26 St. Louis KB, TW, 9/30 Cook KMH. Late south 9/23 Hennepin DB, 10/3 Anoka CF, 10/14 Hennepin fide SC.
1994Spring Early south 5/4 Winona CS, 5/5 Houston EMF and Winona JPo; early north 5/7 Koochiching GM, 5/11 Cook SOL.
1994Summer Fewest reports since 1983. Nested in Crow Wing, Anoka, Winona counties; probable nesting in Becker, Cass, Cook, Kandiyohi, Nicollet. Seen in 22 additional counties in all regions except southwest.
1994Fall Late north 9/26 Cook SOL, 10/3 Carlton LW. Late south 10/11 Winona CS, 10/16 Hennepin SC.
1995Spring Early south 5/4 Winona CS, 5/6 Cottonwood ED, 5/7 Hennepin SC, TT; early north 5/11 Clay SLM, 5/13 Aitkin WN, Kanabec CM and Marshall SKS, 5/15 St. Louis AE.
1995Summer Nested in four counties, probable nesting in four; seen in 31 additional counties.
1995Fall Late north 10/4 Aitkin MG, 10/14 Lake DV. Late south 10/9 Winona CS, 10/10 Hennepin SC.
1996Spring Early south 5/10 Fillmore NO, 5/11 Hennepin SC and Winona CS. Early north 5/12 Wadena PBi, 5/14 Douglas SWa, 5/15 Beltrami DJo.
1996Summer Record number of reports. Nested in Cass, Crow Wing; probable nesting in Brown, Hennepin, Fillmore. Seen in 46 additional counties statewide, including Murray in southwest.
1996Fall Late north 9/28 Aitkin WN, 9/29 Kanabec CM, 10/6 Kittson PS and St. Louis KB. Late south 9/30 Ramsey TT, 10/8 Brown JSp, 10/9 Hennepin SC.
1997Spring Early south 5/9 Goodhue RJ and Anoka TBr, 5/10 Hennepin SC. Early north 5/10 Morrison MJ/DT, 5/13 Hubbard RSm, 5/14 Aitkin WN.
1997Summer Observed in 45 counties in all regions except west central; probable nesting in Becker, Lake, Olmsted.
1997Fall Late north 9/23 Kanabec CM, 9/26 St. Louis AE, 9/28 Aitkin WN. Late south 9/25 Hennepin SC, 9/27 Houston EMF, 11/9 (second latest south date) Houston BC.
1998Spring Early south 5/6 Hennepin SC, 5/9 Cottonwood ED and Hennepin TT. Early north 5/10 Becker BBe and Carlton LW, 5/11 Beltrami DJo.
1998Summer Reported in 44 counties in all regions except southwest. New nesting record in Fillmore NO; probable nesting in Becker, Aitkin, Rice.
1998Fall Late north 10/10 Aitkin WN, 10/17 Carlton LW, 10/24 Lake JLi. Late south 10/4 Hennepin SC, 10/7 Brown JSp, plus two record late dates at Lake Calhoun, Hennepin Co., apparently referring to the same individual: 11/14 (SC) and 11/22 (LE). Both records were well-documented by these two experienced observers.
1999Spring Arrived significantly earlier than usual south and north. Early south 4/28 Ramsey BL, 5/1 Rice TBo, then 5/3 in five counties. Early north 5/3 (second earliest north) St. Louis JN, 5/5 Aitkin CB, 5/6 Kanabec CM.
1999Summer Observed in 47 counties from all regions except the southwest; new nesting record in Chippewa JLi.
1999Fall Many reports through September north and south, then only two north reports: 10/16 Cook PS, 11/6 (second latest date north) Lake KE et al. Late south 10/1 Hennepin TT, 10/7 Hennepin SC.
2000Spring Observed in 27 south and 21 north counties. Early south 4/30 Lac qui Parle OJ, then daily arrivals in eight counties through 5/6. Early north (recent median 5/8) 5/7 in five counties.
2000Summer Observed in 46 counties in all regions (but only Jackson in southwest).
2000Fall Reported from all regions. High count 9/6 Anoka (37) KJB. Commonly reported north through 9/23, then 10/15 Lake JWL, 10/18 Cook KMH (median 10/6). Late south 10/2 Fillmore NBO (median 10/11).
2001Spring Reported from 36 south and 25 north counties. Early south 4/30 Scott CRM, then daily arrivals 5/1–5 in nine counties. Early north 5/4 Crow Wing PSP, 5/6 Pine KIM, BAP.
2001Summer Seen in 44 counties in all regions except Southwest.
2001Fall Late south 9/27 Freeborn RBJ, 9/29 Hennepin SLC, 10/1 Hennepin ChM. Two north reports were even later: 10/7 Carlton LAW, 10/8 Lake CRM, KEO.
2002Spring Reported from 39 south and 24 north counties. Early south 5/4 in five counties, 5/5 in five more. Early north 5/4 Kanabec BLA and Wadena PJB, 5/11 in five counties. Peak migration 5/11–15 south, 5/14–18 north. High count 5/15 Mille Lacs L. (132) KJB.
2002Summer Observed in 46 counties as far west and south as a line through Clay, Pope, Kandiyohi, Freeborn; plus 6/25 Jackson CRM.
2002Fall Late north 10/5 Carlton LAW, 10/12 Lake JWL. Late south 10/6 Hennepin SLC, 10/10 Kandiyohi RPR, KRE.
2003Spring Arrived within one day of recent medians. Early south 5/3 Freeborn AEB, 5/4 Goodhue, Hennepin and Rice. Early north 5/8 Wilkin KJB, 5/9 Todd JSK, SID, 5/10 in seven additional counties.
2003Summer Observed in 48 counties in all regions (but only 6/1 Pipestone KRE in Southwest).
2003Fall Observed in 20 north and 20 south counties statewide. Highest reported count 9/15 St. Louis (500 at Park Point, Duluth) SCB, PHS. Four north reports exceeded the recent median departure (10/6): 10/7 Mille Lacs RBJ, 10/12 Lake and St. Louis JWL, 10/25 Lake KRE. Late south (median 10/10) 10/11 Goodhue BRL, 10/13 Hennepin DWK.
2004Spring Reported from 36 south and 23 north counties. Early south 5/2 Murray NED, 5/6 Hennepin SLC and Rice TFB. Early north 5/9 Aitkin WEN, Todd JSK, SID and Wadena PJB. High counts 5/24 Anoka (100) JLH, 5/28 Kittson (73) AXH, PHS.
2004Summer Observed in 43 counties statewide; new nesting record for Todd JSK.
2004Fall Reported from 18 north and 23 south counties, but no reports from the Southwest. Late north 10/1 Lake JWL, 10/2 Carlton LAW, 10/4 St. Louis SLF. Late south 9/25 Dakota SWe, 10/2 Hennepin SLC.
2005Spring Found in most counties within each region. Early south 5/5 Olmsted LAV and Rice TFB. Early north 5/8 Hubbard MAW and Otter Tail DTT, SMT. Both early arrivals within two days of recent medians. High count 200+ during fall-out at Hole-in-the-Mountain C.P. in Lincoln (5/24, PHS).
2005Summer Record number of reports: seen in 59 counties statewide. (Previous record was 48 counties.)
2005Fall Well-represented in all regions except the Southwest, where only reported 8/23 Lincoln (BJU). Late north 10/3 Beltrami BJU, 10/6 St. Louis JWL (same as recent median). Late south 10/1 Goodhue BAF, 10/5 Hennepin DWK, 10/15 Ramsey REH.
2006Spring Found in every region. Early south 5/2 Fillmore NBO, 5/3 Olmsted LAV, 5/4 Ramsey and Rice. Early north 5/8 Otter Tail AJD, 5/9 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/10 Cook (6) BWS. Both early arrivals were within a day of recent medians.
2006Summer Seen in 71 coun-ties throughout state. First nesting record for Pennington SAS.
2006Fall High counts 8/28 Anoka (15) DWK, 9/3 Hubbard (12) PBB. Late north 10/3 St. Louis SLF, 10/9 Lake JWL (median 10/6). Late south 9/26 Lac qui Parle BJU, 9/27 Washington RBJ, 9/28 Fillmore NBO (median 10/10).
2007Spring2446 Early south 5/3 Rice TFB, 5/5 Carver JCy, Faribault WAF, Fillmore NBO, and Stearns RBJ (median 5/3). Early north 5/6 Clay RHO, 5/7 Cass BAW, St. Louis LAW, and Todd JSK (median 5/8). High count during fallout at Park Point 5/31 St. Louis (200) CLW.
2007Summer3140 Reported from record high number of counties in all regions of the state.
2007Fall2735 High count 9/5 St. Louis (28) PHS. Late north 9/28 St. Louis SLF, 10/10 Lake (Knife River) JWL, 10/21 Lake (Two Harbors) LS, KRE (median 10/6). Late south 10/7 Scott BAF, 10/12 Houston JWH, 10/17 Olmsted JWH (median 10/10).
2008Spring2943 Early south (median 5/3) 5/1 Rice TFB, 5/3 Fillmore NBO, Le Sueur RMD, 5/4 Meeker DMF. Early north (median 5/7) 5/9 Mille Lacs RBJ, 5/10 Cass BAW, Crow Wing (2) JSB. High counts 5/30 St. Louis (63) PHS, 5/16 Scott (44, Murphy-Hanrehan Park north trails, Scott & Dakota.) BAF.
2008Summer2333 Seen in all regions except Southwest.
2008Fall2235 High count 9/12 St. Louis (45) PHS. Late north 9/28 Mille Lacs ASc, 9/30 St. Louis SLF, 10/15 St. Louis fide JWL (median 10/6). Late south 9/29 Anoka DWK, DPG, Hennepin CMB, 9/30 Hennepin CMB, DWK, 10/4 Wright DWK (median 10/10).
2009Spring3143 Early south (median 5/3) 5/5 Hennepin MDu, CMB, Olmsted JWH, Rice TFB, 5/6 Dakota JPM, Meeker DMF, Scott CRM. Early north (median 5/7) 5/6 Kanabec CAM, 5/9 Otter Tail fide JMJ, 5/11 Mille Lacs and Morrison RBJ. High counts 5/28 Marshall (33, Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, 5/19 Clay (24) RHO.
2009Summer3137 Found in all regions of state. First county breeding records from Kanabec SPS, Beltrami fide BBA, Clay PaS, Pine EMH.
2009Fall2736 High counts 9/7 St. Louis (71, third-highest fall count.) PHS CRu, 9/12 St. Louis (30, Park Point) MDu, 9/11 St. Louis (26) PHS. Late north 9/21 Clay RHO, 9/26 Crow Wing (2) JSB, 10/15 St. Louis MJB (median 10/6). All south October reports came from Hennepin, 10/2, 10/3 (Westwood Hills N.C.) DWK, and a late-lingering female 10/31 11/2 (Bluff Trail, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) BRL, †SLC, m.ob. (median 10/10).
2010Spring2845 Early south (median 5/3) 5/6 Goodhue LEC, Houston (Beaver Creek Valley S.P.) NBO, Rice TFB. Early north (median 5/8) 5/7 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/8 Morrison FGo. High counts 5/24 St. Louis (200, Park Point, from Southworth marsh to near the end of the point) DWK, 5/25 St. Louis (78, Park Point) PHS.
2010Summer3044 Found in all regions of the state. First county breeding records from Benton MRN, Dodge TEB, Kittson LW.
2010Fall2938 High counts 9/12 St. Louis (199, Duluth) KJB, CRu, 8/26 Cook (19) CRu. Late north 9/25 Cook (Grand Portage S.P.) DAB, JWH, 9/28 Roseau fide JMJ (median 10/7). Late south 9/27 Hennepin TAT, SLC, Ramsey BNW, Steele PSu, 9/28 Steele (3) PSu, 9/29 Steele PSu, 10/6 Jackson BJU (median 10/10).
2011Spring3452 Early south (median 5/3) 5/5 Big Stone BJU, Dakota CRM, Fillmore NBO, Hennepin (3 locations) m.ob., Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/6 from three aditional counties. Early north (median 5/8) 5/7 St. Louis (2) JLK, 5/9 Clay RHO, Morrison FGo, 5/10 from five additional counties. High counts 5/23 St. Louis (81 from Southworth Marsh, Park Point R.A., and hike past Sky Harbor Airport) PHS, 5/22 St. Louis (65, Park Point R.A.) JLK, 5/18 Rice (50, Sakatah Lake S.P.) DCu.
2011Summer3042Seen statewide. First county breeding records for Carlton JLK, Washington DHe. High count 6/6 Rice (30, Carlton College Cowling Arboretum) LRe.
2011Fall2842 High counts 9/19 St. Louis (21) JLK, 8/28 Carver (18, Carver P.R.) JCy, 9/4 Houston (17, Beaver Creek Valley S.P.) ACr. Late north 10/2 Clay RHO, Morrison FGo, 10/8 Carlton MRo (median 10/7). Late south 9/29 Hennepin (2) TAT, CMB, 9/30 Anoka DPG, 10/2 Washington CBu (median 10/10).
2012Spring3150 Early south (median 5/3) 5/2 Goodhue GJM, Olmsted LAV, Scott (2) MMz, Winona ANy, 5/3 seven more counties. Early north (median 5/8) 5/3 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/4 Todd JLK, 5/5 Douglas JPE, Itasca SC, Morrison FGo, Pine (2) PSe, Polk JOJ, Todd (2) JLK.
2012Summer3346 Seen throughout state. High counts 6/7, 6/23 Houston (30, Beaver Creek Valley S.P.) DSt, 6/13 Goodhue (30, Prairie Island) GJM. First county breeding records for Pope fide BBA, Renville PRH, Swift (August record) JoS, Wright RLL.
2012Fall3143 High count 9/6 St. Louis (28, H.R.N.R.) SmR. Late north 10/6 St. Louis KRo, (2) KRE, 10/7 St. Louis PRH (median 10/7). Late south 10/2 Steele PSu, 10/3 Wabasha ANy (median 10/10).
2013Spring3148 Early south (median 5/3) 5/1 Houston ANy, 5/2 Rice TFB, 5/5 Dakota HSt, Goodhue GJM, Hennepin SOa. Early north (median 5/8) 5/8 Pine ANy, 5/11 Hubbard MAW, 5/12 Becker RAE, St. Louis DYo. High counts 5/30 St. Louis (244, Park Point) KJB, 5/19 St. Louis (185) PHS.
2013Summer3244 Seen statewide. High counts 6/1 Carver (32, Carver P.R., Lowry N.C.) JMg, 6/28 Goodhue (30, Miesville Ravine P.R., Picnic Area) KPo.
2013Fall3042 New fall high counts all from the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census in St. Louis: 8/22 (108), 9/11 (77), 8/26 (40) KJB. Late north 9/29 St. Louis AM, 9/30 Cook PRH, Lake RBW, 10/1 Cook PRH (median 10/7). Late south 9/30 Hennepin TAT, 10/5 Sherburne PLJ, 10/6 Washington VDo (median 10/10).
2014Spring3250First south reports on 5/5 (median 5/3) from Dakota, Fillmore, Hennepin, Olmsted, Ramsey, Steele, Swift, and Washington! Early north (median 5/8) 5/5 Crow Wing JPR, 5/6 Becker HeH, ShG, Polk VLa, St. Louis JLK. Several high count reports of 50+ individuals from 5/18–5/22 in both Goodhue and Hennepin locations.
2014Summer3441Seen throughout state. High counts 6/4 Goodhue (64, Prairie Island, Lower Island Conservation Area) GJM, 7/3 Fillmore (55, north branch of Root River) JDv, 6/18 Beltrami (32, Lake Bemidji S.P.) KCo. First county breeding record from Freeborn AEB.
2014Fall3343 Highest counts all from the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census in St. Louis (KJB): 263 on 9/2, 178 on 9/7, 98 on 9/6. Few reports after early October. Late north 10/7 St. Louis JLK, 10/8 St. Louis KRE, 10/11 St. Louis ByS (median 10/7). Late south 10/6 Carver JCy, Hennepin TLo (median 10/10).
2015Spring3351 Early south (median 5/3) 5/2 Dakota DEv, Scott RHe, 5/3 Carver MJa, Hennepin CMB. Early north (median 5/8) 5/4 Lake JWL, 5/5 Crow Wing KMa, 5/6 Crow Wing EGa, and in Morrison, Otter Tail, Pine, St. Louis on 5/7. High counts 5/17 St. Louis (218, Park Point) KJB, 5/18 St. Louis (161) KJB.
2015Summer3340 Observed in all regions. High counts 6/14 Goodhue (60, Collishan Rd. & State Trail) SWe, 7/7 Hennepin (40, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) DMe. First county breeding records from McLeod PRH, Steele PSu.
2015Fall3244 Reported statewide except from the southwest corner. High counts from St. Louis, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census (KJB): 463 on 9/1, 99 on 9/7. Other notable counts 9/3 St. Louis (86, Park Point R.A.) ALx. Late north 10/7, 10/12 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB (median 10/8). Late south 10/5 Carver MJa, Olmsted JPr, Ramsey MJM, Steele PSu, 10/7 Hennepin BAF (median 10/9).
2016Spring3351 Early south (median 5/3) 5/1 Dakota JDv, 5/5 Carver RBJ, RBW, JCy, Hennepin DCZ, Houston DFe, Rice GBa. Early north (median 5/7) 5/4 Cass MMd, 5/10 Crow Wing EGa, Hubbard REn, AxB. High counts 5/18 Winona (40, Great River Bluffs S.P.) SHo, 5/28 Carlton (37, Jay Cooke S.P.) JEd, DTr, 5/24 Marshall (36, Agassiz N.W.R.) KnM.
2016Summer3345 Observed statewide. High counts 6/21 Fillmore (46, Forestville / Mystery Cave S.P.) KnM, 6/27 Houston (44, Beaver Creek Valley S.P.) LAV, 6/4 Clay (40, Buffalo River S.P.) MO.
2016Fall3447 All high counts from St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB: 1/6 on 9/19, 85 on 8/26, 66 on 8/30. Late north 10/7 Becker MIO, St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/21 Lake HCT, BAb, DWK, SBM (median 10/8). Late south 10/11 Ramsey REH, 10/13 Hennepin CMB, 10/15 Hennepin SKS (median 10/9).
2017Spring3152 Early south (median 5/3) 5/4 Dodge CRM, m.ob., 5/6 Goodhue RDa, 5/7 Brown BTS, Hennepin CMB, Waseca PSu. Early north (median 5/7) 5/8 Polk SAu, 5/9 Cass DoH, Polk CoM, 5/10 Crow Wing ABi, Pine JSP, KrM. High counts 5/25 Polk (50, Audubon Sanctuary) HHu, 5/28 Carver (43, Carver P.R.) JMg.
2017Summer3447 Seen statewide. High count 6/23 Otter Tail (68, Maplewood S. P.) ebd. First county breeding records 9/3 Chisago JlH, 6/13 Grant CNn.
2017Fall3151 High counts 9/3 Lake (67) SLL, JWL, 9/3 St. Louis (64) JLK. Late north 10/7 St. Louis IVa, 10/8 Lake SLL, JWL, St. Louis H.R.B.O. (median 10/9). Late south 10/7 Hennepin CMB, Wabasha LSf, 10/8 Benton LKo, 10/13 Washington PAl (median 10/8).
2018Spring3252 Early south (median 5/3) 5/1 Dakota GVa, 5/2 Faribault WAF, Goodhue ChS, Houston DBz, Stearns LKo. Early north (median 5/7) 5/6 Pine KrM, 5/7 St. Louis BHo, then numerous reports beginning 5/8. High counts 5/11 Hennepin (100, Lake Harriet) CWB, 5/10 Hennepin (60, Veterans Memorial Park) DGu, 5/19 St. Louis (55, Stoney Point) StK, 5/9 Ramsey (50, Crosby Farm R.P.) BBr, 5/11 Hennepin (50, Fort Snelling S.P.) ebd.
2018Summer3449 Seen in every county except Dodge, Lincoln, Nobles, Pipestone.
2018Fall3351 High counts 8/18 St. Louis (65, Park Point R.A.) PHS, 9/1 St. Louis (51, Duluth/North Shore) KJB, 8/29 St. Louis (50, Stoney Point) KJB. Late north 10/15 St. Louis ebd, 10/19 St. Louis RCl, m.ob., 10/20 Lake JWL (median 10/9). Late south 10/17 Dodge ebd, Ramsey ebd, 10/18 Hennepin TAT (median 10/9).
2019Summer3451 Observed in every county except Martin, Murray. High count 6/22 Nicollet (53, Seven Mile Creek C.P.) DnS, PNi.
 Breeds throughout, but rare southwest. Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.