Ancient Murrelet(Synthliboramphus antiquus) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1950 | Fall | | | One of the rarest records in Minnesota fo1· a long time is that of an ancient murrelet which was caught in a bullhead net at Cutfoot Sioux Lake, Itasca County, November 27, by Larry Dibble. The specimen is now in the collection of the Minnesota Museum of Natural History. The only other specimen known from the state was shot at Lake Hook, McLeod County in November 1905 by W. B. Hopper of Hutchinson. This species, which nests dong the shores of the North Pacific a 1d migrates along the coastlines of l sia and North Ame1·ica as far as Lower California and Japan in winter, cccurs only rarely east of the Rockies. |
1979 | Fall | | | Oct. Itasca (Lake Winnibigoshish) shot KE fide B. Teft. |
1999 | Fall | | | Seventh Minnesota record 11/20 Cook (Grand Marais) †DBz, †PC et al. (The Loon 72:43–45). This is the first time that any alcid has been found alive and healthy in the state of Minnesota by birders! Other records (two Dovekie and six Ancient Murrelet records) refer to specimens, birds found moribund or dead, or those shot by hunters from flocks of waterfowl. |
  | Seven records: six fall and one winter. Last recorded 1999. |