Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
White-tailed Kite
Swallow-tailed Kite
Golden Eagle
Northern Harrier
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Northern Goshawk
Bald Eagle
Mississippi Kite
Red-shouldered Hawk
Broad-winged Hawk
Swainson's Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
[Red-tailed Hawk (Eastern)]
[Red-tailed Hawk (Northern)]
[Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's)]
[Red-tailed Hawk (Krider's)]
Rough-legged Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk

Bald Eagle(Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
1932SummerMGrse reports the only el:tgle nest. ·It was found at Itasca Pork and contained.3 yom1g nearly fledged eaglets on July 1 •
1933Summer Two eyries of this unduly glorified yet picturesque bird were seen. The nest at Lake Itasca was observed by Stein, Swanson, Fischer and the writer on June 20th, when it 1/0 doubt harbored.: fairly large young, although they could not b13 seen from the lake. A nest examined near Ely by Jack Hanson was found to contain 2 young ready to fly on July 20th.
1934Summer Four nests of this rmgnific~nt bird of prey were rClpbrted. On May 12th Marius Morse flushed an adult from a nest "a.bout which 1t circled,.uttering a peculiar squeakine noiso. 11 Contents of the nest which was 80 feet from the ground in a Norway Pin0, uere not know. This was near CutOFoot Sious Lake, Itasca County. Hienenz found a nost with 2 large young on Juno 9th near Cross Lnke, American Crow Wing County., On June 22nd Hanson saw a. nest with 2 half-grown younc; on Tamarack Point, Lake vJinnibigoshish. A ranger had previously taken another young bird from the nes·t for a pet~ so there were originally t,hree offs!)ring in this Roys.l Household, perched 93 feet high in the top of a Norway Pine. The latest nest was reported from Itasca Perk, where Eisele found 3 large young in a nest on June 28th. He reported that they left the nest about 2 weeks later. Feeney visited an Eagle 1 s nest (same one?) in Itasca Park on July 25th and found "fresh signs about tho nest. One full-grown young out of the nest. May have been a second young in it. 11
1935Summer Writing from Park Rapids near Itasca Park, Dobie reports a nest seen May 29th. An aerie of our national bird was ·:,,·-~·;;,, ' watched by Charles Rief last summer in Itasca Park. The nest located in a tree, contained eggs that hatchod. before June 3oth. The young were out of the nest by July 15th.
1936Summer In Itasca State Park, Kenneth Carlander found a nest on ~.ay 29th ~ch.l-tas occup~ed and probably held eggs o:r small youngo
1938SummerAt Lake Itasca on Mav 29, N. L. Huff and Arnold Erickson sa~ a well-feathered young Eagle in its nest in a live white pine. On August I, also a~ Lake Itasca, G. Swanson saw 2 full grown young that could fly. The two ob­ servations were probably made on the same family of Eagles.
1940SummerA single nest was found on July 6, at Sea Gull Lake by Dr. Lakela, Dr. Graybeal, Miss Elwell, E. Maher and C. Hero. It is believed the nest contained 2 young.
1945WinterAt Dassel, February 5, 1945, (J. P. Jensen); two at Taylors Falls, winter of 1940-41, (Mrs. Hugh H. Owen).
1946SummerLarge young, July 24, Remer, Bob Larson. Occasional pairs remain in the wilder parts of the state. One wonders if the effectiveness of the Federal protection will be proved by an increase of the eagle in the next few years.
1947SummerJuly 1, 3 young, Itasca Park, Longley.
1961Springnumerous throughout the eastern part of the state this season. (See Seasonal Report.)
1961SummerH. Vogel saw an adult fighting with an Osprey on 7 July at Star Island, Cass Lake, Cass County. GALLINACEOUS BIRDS:
1961FallFive were seen on 15 Sep. at Duluth, on hawk count. One adult and one immature seen by Avifauna! Club at Lac qui Parle Reservoir on 11 Nov., one immature seen by same group on 10 Sep. at Whitewater State Park, Winona County and two immatures seen by the Huber brothers near Two Harbors on 25 Nov. Mathilda Henkel reports one adult and one immature at Holden Township, Goodhue County, on 24 Oct. and another immature there on 17 Nov.
1962SpringSt. Louis Co. adult Janet C. Green; April 1-7 adult and 3 immature Janet C. Green; April 25 adult Janet C. Green. Hennepin Co.: March 27 adult R. Huber March 31 adult Bob Janssen; April 7 immature Bob Janssen. Anoka Co.: May 19 adult A. C. Rosen winkel
1962SummerJuly 30, Itasca Park, Clearwater Co., 2 young on nest, Avifauna! Club.
1963SummerChippewa National Forest reports 20 of 31 nests were active, but only lOy brought off; Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge, 2 nests produced 5y. Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge, 1 known nest was unsuccessful, Superior National Forest, 7 active nests, per cent success not yet reported. Itasca State Park, 1 nest active for past several years was inactive this year.
1963WinterDec 7, Homer, Winona Co., 1 ad, Alton Shira; Dec 17, Beaver Bay, Lake Co., 1 ad, fide Jan Green; Jan 5-12, Encampment Forest, Lake Co., 1 ad, Myrtle Penner; Jan 18, Dakota Co., 2 ad, 1 imm, A. C. Rosenwinkel; Feb 8, Dakota Co., 1 ad, A. C. Rosenwinkel; Feb 11, Cass Co., 1 ad, John Mathisen; Feb 25, Mankato, Blue Earth Co., 1 ad, Earl Kopischke; all winter, Reads Landing, Wabasha Co., with high counts of 31 adults on Jan 4 and again Feb 1, Avifauna! Club; only immatures reported there were 4 on Feb 8, Grace Dahm and 2 on Mar 8, Jane Olyphant.
1964Spring3-7 Duluth, JCG; 3-8 Warroad, JR; 3-8 Wabasha Co, 1 ad, 2 imm, JO; 3-10 Stearns Co, H. Wilson; 3-15 Crow Wing Co, MSB; 3-25 Freeport, 1 ad, N. Zaczkowski; 3-25 DH; 3-29 Cascade River, Lake Superior, AEA; 3-29 Beltrami Co, MG; 4-5 Duluth, 1 ad, 1 imm, JCG; 4-15 Cass Co, 2, JAM; 4-17 Cass Co, 6, JAM; 4-18 Ramsey Co, 2 ad, MAS; 4-18 Duluth, JCG; 5-13 Itasca Co, JAM; 5-13 Hennepin Co, ELC.
1964Summer6-17, Cook Co, RBJ; breedingwise, our national emblem isn't faring so well; an inventory of known nests in the Chippewa National Forest this summer revealed that only 30 of 55 nests were active this summer; even more discouraging, only 15y were brought off from the 30 nests, JAM.
1964Fall9-5 Ely, St. Louis Co, JCG; 9-11 Duluth, 4, PBH; 9-12 Roseau Co, PEB, JLR; 9-21 Two Harbors, RK; 10-11 Cass Co, JAM; 10-19 St. Louis Co, FN; 10-23 Hennepin Co, EWJ; 10-23 Crow Wing Co, ELC; 10-24 Cass Co, WRP, RO, RLH; 10-30 Crow Wing Co, ELC; 11-6 Cook Co, 2, MAF; 11-20 Cloquet Forest, GWG; 11-21 and 11-27 Duluth, Neil Pearson; 11-30 (14), 12-2 (24) and 12-3 (55; 48 ad, 7 imm) Read's Landing. Wabasha Co, counts by Game Warden Willis Kruger; 12-6 (4) Read's Landing, WRP, RG, RLH.
1964WinterAs usual, most birders focused their attention on Read's Landing, Wabasha Co, where counts of 1, 3, 3, 5, 12, 12, 15 were obtained between 12-1 and 2-28; Other areas: 12-1, Lake Co, 1 ad, 1 imm, RK; 12-3, Hennepin Co, 1 ad, RDT; 12-4, Duluth, 1 ad, HEP; 12-5, Pine Co, 1 ad, DO; 12-6, West Duluth, 1 ad, OAF; 12-18, Lake Co, 1 ad, RK; 12-19, Stoney Point, St. Louis Co, 1 imm, JCG; 1-2, Kellogg, Wabasha Co, 5 ad, WRP, RG, RLH; 1-5, Winona Co, 2, GZ, TST; 2-7, Caledonia, Houston Co, 2 ad, RO; 2-7, Washington Co, 2, ACR; 2-10, Wright Co, AS; 2-13, Elba, Winona Co, 1 ad, RG, RLH; 2-13, Hovland, Cook Co, TP; 2-26, Washington Co, 1, BL; 2-27, Dakota Co, 1 ad, ACR.
1965Fall9-5 Tamarack, 2, MIG; 9-25 Warroad, 3, JLR, PEE· 9-21 Holt 1 DLO; 9-23 Little Marais,' 2 ad JCG· '10-i Aitkin Co, 1 ad, 12 imm, CEP; '10-10 Becker Co, 1, NMH; 10-21 Kellogg, 2, DGM; 10-25 Lake Vermilion, DGM; 10-29 Holt, 6, DLO, 11-12 Holt, 1, DLO; 11-25 S~erburne Co, 1, NMH; 11-28 French R1ver, 2 ad, JCG; 11-28 Knife River 3 imm, JCG; 11-30 Aitkin Co, 1 ad CEP· 12-3 Pike Lake, St. Louis Co, eati~g Eve: ning Grosbeak, fide PBH; 12-5 Wabasha 5, GD.
1966Spring3-6 Two Harbors, RK; 3-6 St. Louis Co, JKB; 3-6 Chisago Co, DH; 3-13 to 3-27 Wabasha Co, great numbers, KK; 3-13 Washington Co, DH; 3-15 St. Louis Co, 2, Ray Sanbeck; 3-15 Hennepin Co, EWJ; 3-16 Stevens Co, RAG; 3-16 Washington Co, WHL; 3-17 Carlton Co, JCG; 3-18 KK says "on Mississippi River all month of March," Wabasha and Winona Co's; 3-17 Stearns Co, RPR; 3-21 JAM reports "by 3-21 about 10 on territory, Itasca and Cass Co's,"; 3-24 Wabasha Co, DGM; 4-1 (3) and 4-3 (7) Rice Lake Refuge, CEP; 4-3 Red Wing, ES; 4-5 Wabasha, 8 or 10, DGM; 4-7 St. Louis Co, 1, NJH; 4-8 Duluth, 1 ad, DNH: 4-8 Agassiz Refuge, 4, DLO; 4-12 Walker, Cass Co, EBH; 4-23 Wabasha, 1, DGM; 5-26 Cook Co, HH.
1966Summernested in Cass Co; also reported from Itasca and Washington Co's.
1966FallFrom 9-29 to 11-29 some 14 observers reported 4 adults, 13 immatures and 24 age undetermined, from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Cass, Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Wabasha, Winona and Houston Counties.
1966Winterusual wintering group at Read's Landing, Wabasha Co., with interesting build-up and decline of numbers, thusly: 12-12 (12), 12-23 (34), 1-1 (48), 1-28 (21), 2-11 (20), 2-13 (12), 2-26 (6); also reported from St. Louis, Dakota, Washington Co's.
1967Springnumbers in March varied as follows at the two best-known wintering spots: Read's Landing, Wabasha Co., 3-6 (25), 3-7(30), 3-8 (20), 3-11 (6), 3-12 (26), 3-18 (8), 3-19 (15) and Red Wing, Goodhue Co., 3-6 (5), 3-8 (6), 3-18 (22), 3-28 (1); also reported in March from Stearns, Roseau, Aitkin, Lake, Cass, Itasca, Beltrami and Washington Co's. plus Fargo-Moorhead; reported in April from Hennepin, Wabasha, St. Louis, Beltrami, Cass, Lac qui Parle, Morrison, 89 September 1967 Cook, Marshall and Winona Co's. plus White Rock, South Dakota, which is right on the Traverse County border.
1967Summerreported from Beltrami, Cook, St. Louis Co's.
1967Fall 8-1(2), 8-4(4), 8-14(2), 8-22(4) Becker Co., JF; 8-9 Itasca Co., 1 imm, JAH; 9-16 Houston Co., 1 imm, FL; 9-21 Duluth, 1, PBH; 9-23 Duluth, 1 imm, JCG; 9-25 Stearns Co., 1 ad, KE; 10-10 Crow Wing Co., 5 ad and Mille Lacs Co., 2 ad, FN/ MAS; 10-12 Becker Co., 1 ad, 4 imm, JAH; 10-28(1 imm) 11-4(2 ad, 1 imm) Crow Wing Co., ELC; 11-4 Wabasha Co., 2, DGM; 11-12 Anoka Co., 1 imm, WHL, Duluth, 1 imm, JCG and Stevens Co., 1 ad, JAH; 11-13 Mille Lacs Co., 1 imm, ELC; 11-15(1), 11-21(2) Wabasha Co., DGM; 11-22 Wabasha Co., 2 imm, RAK; 11-23 Ramsey Co., 3 imm, BL; 11-24 Mille Lacs Co., fide DW; 11-26 Lac qui Parle Co., 1 ad, JLS; 11-28 Crow Wing Co., 1, MSB.
1967Winter 12-10 Houston Co., 2ad, 2imm, FL; 2-3 Read's Landing, Wabasha Co., 2ad, FL; 12-30 Pt. Douglas, Washington Co., 3ad, SAW; 12-3(lad, 3imm), 12-4(lad, 2imm), 12-5(lad, limm) Wacouta, Goodhue Co., MH; 12-23 Taylors Falls, Chisago Co., lad, MFH; seen, DGM; 1-9 Dakota, Goodhue, Wabasha Co's., 9ad, FN/MAS; 1-13 Red Wing, Goodhue Co., 3, DB; 12-12 Bloomington, Hennepin Co., VL; all winter, Trout Lake & Prairie River area, Itasca Co., 2 ad, TCD; 2-17 Taylors Falls, Chisago Co., 2 ad, EL; 12-28(lad, 7imm), 1-2(10) McGregor, Aitkin Co., ME; 12-10 Crow Wing Co., 1, MSB; 12-5, 12-12 Hennepin Co., lad, RDT; 12-20, 12-31 Duluth, St. Louis Co., fide JCG; 2-11 Carlos Avery Refuge, Anoka Co., limm, MIG.
1968Spring 3-6 (3), 3-15 (10), 4-13 (1) Wabasha Co., DGM; 3-9 Houston Co., 3, FL and Aitkin Co., CEP; 3-14 (1), 3-20 (6), 3-24 (8) Winona Co., BT; 3-17 Marshall Co., 1, AWR and Duluth, 1 imm, JCG; 3-19 Wabasha Co., 12, FN/ MAS; 3-23 Duluth, 1 ad, JCG; 3-29 Marshall Co., 1, AWR; 3-30 Lac qui Parle Co., 2, DB, EHH; 3-31 Crow Wing Co., 1, MSB; 4-5 Marshall Co., 1, AWR; 4-6 Traverse Co., 1 imm, KE; 4-7 Wright Co., 2, EHD; 4-10 Cook Co., 2, RLG.
1968Summer nested in Itasca, Beltrami, St. Louis, Lake Co's; also reported from Hubbard, Clearwater Co's; 6-19 Anoka Co, WHL, apparently late spring migrant.
1968FallReported in 12 counties: Carver RDT; Crow Wing, Merle W. Johnson; Chisago EL; Dakota DGM; Houston FL; Lac qui Parle DMF; Lake MC; Morrison ELC; Mille Lacs ELC; Nobles HSH; Roseau DB; St. Louis MC; Wabasha FN/ MAS. Included 15 immature birds.
1968WinterLast 12-4, 5 12-10 2 Aitkin (Rice Lake Refuge) CEP; 12-20 Wabasha 20 DGM; winter singles: Chisago (Taylors Falls) EL; 1-24 St. Louis (Duluth) MMC; 1-11 Goodhue (Reads Landing) 4-5 FN/MAS; first 2-14 Pike Lake, Duluth fide PBH; 2-15 Lake (Sucker Lake) THN; 2-22 St. Louis (Island Lake) fide JCG; 2-23 Goodhue (Reads Landing) 15, (Red Wing) 3 both RG.
1969Spring3-20 (41) Wabasha Co., BT; 3-23 Duluth, MMC; 3-25 St. Louis Co., NJH; 4-1 (80) Wabasha Co., BT; late 4-7 Wabasha Co., DWM; 4-18 Wabasha Co., DWM.
1969Fall11-11 Wabasha 23 BTV; 11-21 Houston 11 ad. 3 imm. FL; 8-6 Chisago EL; 8-16 St. Louis RHJ; late records south 11-26 and 11-27 Wright (Howard Lake) 1 ad. DA; 11-28 Wabasha RGL; 11-30 Wabasha DGM; north 11-27 Duluth JGH; 11-28 Duluth MC.
1969WinterWintered South in Chisago, Dakota, Goodhue, Wabasha (12- 5 K. Krumm reported 98 including 27 Imm.; BTV reported peak Dec. count of 131; fewer in Jan.), Winona, Lyon (12-25, HCK); North in Duluth (12-2, two, 12-18, 1-5, MMC), Lake 1-3, DAB; 1-31 T. Savaloja), Rice Lake Refuge, Aitkin Co. (2-27, two, CEP). Greatest number 12-26 (75) Lake Northern Harrier: Dec., Nobles HSH. MMC; 2-7-18 (25) Cook JCG.
1970Springmany reports immatures reported from St. Louis, Lac qui Parle, Sibley, Houston, Meeker, and Wabasha {no more than two at a time seen at once); total of 19 adults reported from St. Louis, Mille Lacs, Lyon, Washington, Houston and Wabasha (maximum of eight seen at one time); birds with no age indicated also reported from Marshall, Duluth, St. Louis, Cass, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Rice, Scott, Chisago, Washington, Hennepin, Goodhue and Wabasha; maximum number: 3-1 Reads Landing, Wabasha Co. {19) WL.
1970Fallreported from Marshall (1 ), Crow Wing (12), Mille Lacs (4), Sherburne (1), Itasca (12), Lake (1), Becker (2), Duluth (47), Wright (1), Isanti (1 ), Houston (7), Aitkin (1 ), Ramsey (2), Wabasha (12), and Morrison (1); more reports and more counties than usual.
1970Winterfall migration peak I 2-5 (about 22, Duluth), 12-6 (24 Wabasha, 14 Winona, BTV; 40 Goodhue to Winona, KRE); wintered in Crow Wing (1-1, 2 imm. JB), Lake (North Shore, 2), Duluth (1-12 MMC), Nobles (12-25 Ochcda Refuge, V. Leak), Lac qui Parle (1-23 Refuge BAH), Goodhue (16 on Xmas), Wabasha 12-30 (21, CKS) -2-14 (I 9, K&JG); spring migration 2-22 (48) Upper Mississippi NWR, K. Krumm, 2-27 (24) Wabasha VL, 2-27 (22 ad, 5 imm.) Houston FZL; one at nest site Houston 2-21, FZL; 3-12 Minn. City (6), Weaver (2), Read's Ldg (26) -total 24 ad., 10 imm., FN.
1971Spring29 reports from 3-6 to 5-12 of a total of 132 individuals (25 adults, 42 immatures, 65 with no age indicated); reported from Houston (13), Wabasha (47), Goodhue (1), Washington (1), Hennepin (14), Scott (1), Carver (19), Lyon (3), Lac qui Parle (4), Chippewa (5), Sherburne (2), Lake (3), St. Louis (10), Aitkin (1), Crow Wing (3), Itasca (1), Clearwater (1), and Marshall (4).
1971Summernested in St. Louis (2 nests and 3 young raised) and Mille Lacs (1 nest and 1 young); also reported from Itasca and Beltrami.
1971Falladults reported from Crow Wing (1), Mille Lacs (1), Duluth (5) and Aitkin (3); immatures reported from Stearns (1) Hennepin (]); Wadena (1\, Aitkin (9), Duluth (9\, Becker (3) and Cottonwood (1\; also 94 of unknown age were reporten from Winona, Sherburne, Wabasha. Grant, Koochiching, Clearwater, St. Louis, Aitkin, Cass, Crow Wing, Marshall and Hennepin.
1971WinterNorth fall migrants (7 birds) W. Mesabi Range fide HM; 12-9 (2 A) Ottertail KRE; winter: 12-26 (3) Clearwater; 12-11 (1, fide MI) -2-28 (2, TS) Brainerd; 1-20 Duluth MMC; 1-29 Crow Creek, Lake Co. B&DC; spring migrants: 2-26 Ely RG; 3-7 (2) Central Lakes, St. Louis C'o. fide HM. South last migrants: 12-12 Sherburne BD, 12-18 Carver KH; wintered Miss. River Hennepin (Osseo, 1-13) to Houston, maximum count (151 in Jan., scarce mid-Jan. to mid-Feb.; all winter (1) Lac qui Parle Refuge.
1972Summernested in Clearwater, Mille Lacs; seen also in Cook. Chisago (7-8 Imm. St. Croix River JCG). Lac qui Parle (7-22 Imm. Marsh Lake BAH). ~~~~h c~~::'t~~s~ested in (Crow Wing); seen in 16 Osprev: nested in (Crow Wing); seen also in N. St. Louis. Cook, Clearwater. 
1972WinterNORTH Wintered in Crow Wing (2) TS; Itasca, Dixon Lake no date fide MS; 2-9 Mille Lacs (1a) MI; 12-7 thru 2-17 Five reports from Duluth area, maximum of 5, 12-10, Mrs. William son; 2-10 Wadena RCD. SOUTH 12-6 (1a) Sherburne SRS; 1-7 Winona RBJ, DR; 1-12 (2a) Winona FZL; 1-21 Wabasha WHL; 2-11 Read's Landing OAR; 2-24 (2a) Winona FZL, (11a· 1 imm) Read's Landing WHL; 2-25 (1a) Houston FZL.
1973Summer Nested in St. Louis, Cass & Aitkin; seen in Becker, Ita~ca, Mille Lacs, Isanti, & Houston (6-16 FL).
1973Fall A total of 77 individuals reported (35 ad., 28 imm., 14 unknown age). By county, the reports were as follows: Marshall (5 unknown), St. Louis (3 ad., 2 imm., 2 unknown), Wabasha (7 ad., 2 imm., 2 unknown), Dakota (2 ad.), Lyon (1 unkown), Becker (1 ad., 3 imm., ), Cass (4 ad., 1 imm., 1 unkown), Winona (1 imm.), Aitkin (2 ad., 2 imm., 1 unkown), Houston (6 ad., 4 imm.), Sherburne (3 ad.), Crow Wing (7 ad., 5 imm.).
1973Winter Also much more widespread than usual: reported from Clearwater (1i), Hubbard, Cass (2a, 1i), St. Louis (2), Stearns (1a), Sherburne (1a, li), Carver, Washington (7a), Hennepin, Dakota (6), Goodhue (6a, li), Wabasha (13a, 3i), Winona (3), Houston (4a, li), Steele (1a), and Freeborn.
1974Spring 35 reports from 3-1 to 5-10 for a total of 130 individuals (47 adults, 39 immatures, 44 no age indicated); reported from Winona (1), Freeborn (1), Hennepin (4), Houston (21), Big Stone (4), Le Sueur (4), Cotonwood (2), Anoka (3), Lac qui Parle (2), Lyon (2), Rice (1), Wabasha (31), Watonwan (2), Chippewa (10), St. Louis (28), Itasca (3), Hubbard (1), Cass (1), Becker (1), Mille Lacs (2), Marshall (1) Crow Wing (2).
1974Summer Nested in St. Louis, Lake, Aitkin (also on 6-1, 27 of 43 nesting territories in the Superior National Forest reported active); also reported from Hubbard, Itasca, Mille Lacs.
1974Fall Reported from Hubbard, Lake, Mille Lacs, Le Sueur, Winona, Wabasha, Houston, Murray, Itasca and St. Louis, 9-3 to 12-10 (89) migrated past Hawk Ridge.
1974Winter Reported from Marshall (1a, 1i), Hubbard, Itasca (1a), St. Louis (10 at Duluth and Hibbing), Lake (1a), Lac qui Parle (2), Chippewa (6), Stearns, Sherburne (1a), Hennepin, Ramsey (2a), Dakota, Goodhue (12), Wabasha (14), Winona (1a), and Le Sueur Co's.
1975Spring 45 reports from 3-1 to 5-26 for a total of 1/1 individuals (20 adults, 15 immatures, 75 no age indicated): reported from Goodhue (3); Hennepin (7); Freeborn (1); Wabasha (39); Lac qui Parle (7); Carver (1); Scott (4); Anoka (1); Lyon (1); Big Stone (4); Stearns (1); Le Sueur (1); Houston (6); Aitkin (1); Carlton (1); Marshall (2); Mille Lacs (2); St. Louis (19); Itasca (4); Hubbard (1); Cass (1); Lake (1); Koochiching (1); Crow Wing (1); Washington (1).
1975Summer Nested in Itasca and St. Louis; also a total of 35 young raised from 26 nests in the Superior National Forest; also reported from Cook, Lake, Hubbard, Cass and Houston (6-17 near Reno nest site, RJ).
1975Fall51 either adults or unidentified plus 13 immatures reported from the following 14 counties, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Beltrami, Marshall, St. Louis, Hubbard, Ottertail, Itasca, Mille Lacs, Freeborn, Big Stone, Anoka, Yellow Medicine, Wabasha, Hennepin, Washington, Mower and Carver.
1975Wintermore reports than usual: Winona (2a), Houston (12), Wabasha (26), Freeborn (li), Goodhue (5a), Ramsey (li), Washington (9a, 2i), Dakota (6a), Sherburne (li), Lac qui Parle (la, 2i), Grant, Otter Tail, Cass (la), Clearwater (2a), Hubbard (2a in early Feb., HF), Carlton (2 in Feb.), Marshall (li), Itasca (la on 2-27, MS), St. Louis (3a), Lake and Cook (2a, li) Co's.
1976Spring 42 reports from 3-2 to 5-31 for a total of 160 individuals (45 adults, 30 imm, 85 no age); reported from St. Louis (10), Wabasha (76), Clearwater (3), Big Stone (5), Chippewa (17), Hennepin (2), Swift (4), Dakota (4), Goodhue (9), Anoka (1), Carlton (1), Le Sueur (1), Freeborn (7), Washington (1), Kandiyohi (1), Stearns (1), Houston (3), Otter Tail (1), Mille Lacs (2), Hubbard (2), Itasca (3), Marshall (2), Clay (1), Crow Wing (2), Cass (1).
1976Summernested in Clearwater, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Pine, St. Louis, Chippewa National Forest (67 nests, 48 successful) and Superior National Forest (26 of 52 nests active, 20 successful, 29 young raised); also reported from Beltrami, Cass and Itasca.
1976Fall Late north 11-11 Beltrami, 11-24 Hubbard, and 11-26 Duluth; early south 9-20 Chippewa, 9-27 Washington, and 10-2 Houston.
1976Winter Reported from Becker (1), Itasca (la), Carlton (2a), Pine (4a), Cook (1), Lake (li), Big Stone (1), Sherburne (1), Wright (1}, Hennepin (li), Washington (6a, li), Dakota (5a, li), Goodhue (2a), Rice (la), Wabasha (lOa), 5i, 10 unknown), Winona (2a), Houston (li, 4 unknown) and Freeborn (2).
1977Spring 44 reports from 3-5 to 5-28 for a total of 154 individuals (32 adults, 47 imm., 75 no age): reported from Houston (3), Winona (1), Wabasha (43), Dakota (3), Big Stone (12), Lac qui Parle (1), Mahnomen (1, Hennepin (2), Carver (1), Lake (1), Clearwater (1), Crow Wing (6), St. Louis (45), Traverse (7), Grant (1), Olmsted (1), Morrison (1), Itasca (5), Marshall (5), Wilkin (1), Hubbard (4), Becker (4), Cass (3), Anoka (2).
1977Fall Reported by 34 observers.
1977Winter A total of 21 adults, 7 immatures and 12 unknown age reported from 20 counties north and west to Cook, Lake, Koochiching, Becker, Otter Tail, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle and Cottonwood.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Otter Tail, Hubbard and American Crow Wing plus the Chippewa NF (Common Loon 50:217-218) and Superior NF (Common Loon 50:219-220); also seen in Becker, Clearwater, Sherburne (Becker, EAR), St. Louis and Lake.
1978Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge total 79; late north 11-24 Otter Tail GO, 11-26 Becker TA, Marshall ANWR, 11-28 Beltrami, Hubbard HF; early south 8-13 Sherburne EH, 9-27 Lac qui Parle CMB.
1978Winter A total of 20 adults, 6 immatures and 9 unknown age reported from 19 counties north to Otter Tail, Crow Wing and Itasca.
1979Spring 42 reports from 26 counties. Peak 3-11 Wabasha RE (18A, 51mm). Early north 3-1 Itasca MS, Becker TNWR, 3-4 Cass HH.
1979Summer Breeding reported throughout the Northeast and North Central plus adjacent counties to the west and south (Loon 51:177) and Houston and Chisago Counties; also seen in Big Stone and Stearns.
1979Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge total 86. Late north 11-20 St. Louis JG, 11-22 Hubbard HF, 11-27 Itasca TL; early south 8-5 Wabasha WDM, 9-1 Houston FL, 9-29 Anoka BH.
1979Winter Reported from 20 counties north to Lake, St. Louis, Itasca and Becker. This included 20 adults, 14 immatures and 49 with no age given.
1980Spring Peak south 3-23 Wabasha (18) DGW; early north 3-4 Beltrami JM, 3-11 St. Louis SNF, 3-20 Cass TOS.
1980Fall Hawk Ridge total 82 (last year 86); late north 11-29 Atkin WN, 11-30 Itasca TL and St. Louis (5) Dick Green; early south 10-7 Dakota SC, 10-10 Nicollet JCF, 10-20 Olmsted JF.
1980Winter Fewer reports than last year. Nine adults, only three immatures and 15 with no age given reported from 15 counties north to Lake, Itasca, Lake of the Woods and Beltrami.
1981Spring Early north 3-4 Itasca JC and Beltrami AS, 3-10 Lake of the Woods TA, St. Louis fide KE; south 3 nests, 2 with young 5-21 Houston FL.
1981Fall Hawk Ridge total 149, a record high (1980:82); early south 8-8 Chisago DB, OJ, 9-6 Wabasha KL, 10-10 Houston FL; late north 11-26 Itasca TL, 11-27 Hawk Ridge (3), 11-28 Hubbard HF; south 11-30 Wabasha (30A, 4 imm.) OJ. Manh Hawk Hawk Ridge total 8/1 (1980:582); late north 11-5 Hawk Ridge, 11-8 Pine KL, 11-27 Otter Tail GMO; late south 11-1 Goodhue DB, OJ, 11-5 Cottonwood LAF, 11-11 LeSueur HC.
1981Winter Reports from 19 counties throughout the state with the exception of the northwest and southwest regions. This is about normal countywise but the number of individuals was up sharply, undoubtedly a reflection of this fall's record Hawk Ridge count of 149. De pendent on the amount of multiple counting and/ or reporting, it appears there may have been about 150-200 individuals in the state at some time during the period. A significant December migration was noted in the Lower Mississippi Valley on 12-14, 15 and 16 when upwards of 75 individuals were counted moving southward (mob). Overwintered in Mankato, Blue Earth Co. January reports in the north from Becker, Hubbard and Duluth. Many reports of February migrants including
1982Spring Reported from 27 counties. Peak 3-26 Wabasha DGW (13A, 20I). Nesting reported 3-6 Houston FL.
1982Fall Hawk Ridge count: 402 (1982: 149) a record high for the second year in a row! Early south 8-27 Blue Earth JS, 9/17 Nicollet JCF; late north 11/24-25 Cook KMH, SL, 11/25 Marshall KSS.
1982Winter Thirty-five reports from 23 counties throughout the state with the exception of the south west region. Overwintering reports include Polk (KSS) and Otter Tail (GMO). Winter reports of this species have been increasing for the past several years.
1983Spring Reported form 40 counties. Winter peak 3/5 along Mississippi River in Dakota, Goodhue, Wabasha 46A, 321, OJ.
1983Summer Breeding data from Becker (Tamarac NWR), Mille Lacs, Sherburne (Sherburne NWR). Also seen throughout the Northeast and North Central plus Marshall, Houston.
1983Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count 384 still another record high ( 1982 count: 207); late north 11/27 Mille Lacs AB, Todd SDM, 11/29 Beltrami JSP; peak 11/24-26 Duluth, Dave Evans (250+ ).
1983Winter This species continues to increase in winter with reports of about 230 individuals in the state at some time during the period. Reports were received from eight north and 18 south counties in all regions except the southwest. In addition to the usual reports along the river in the southeast, overwintering birds were reported from Nicollet (JCF) and Renville (MF). An overwintering report from Kittson in the far northwest fide (KSS) needs details. Spring migrants in the central and north regions were noted in Otter Tail 2-14 (GMO), Duluth 2-15, C. Copeland, Kanabec 2-18 (KL) and Clearwater, 2-19 (AB).
1984Spring Permanent resident, reported from 18 counties south, 15 north.
1984Summernested in Houston (4 nests, 3 successful, 7 young fledged -FL) also seen in 13 other counties including Washington.
1984Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 376, second highest total (1983: 394): late north 11/24 Marshall ANWR, 11/27 Hubbard HJF, 11/30 Mille Lacs MLWMA.
1984Winter Reported from 25 counties throughout the state. North reports include the Aurora (2) and Duluth (4) CBC's and December and February observations from Becker, Beltrami, Hubbard, Crow Wing, Lake and Cook. Fourteen were recorded on the Lac qui Parle CBC and a 1-18 report on the MBRA indicated 16 were in the Minnesota River Valley. Overwintered in Mankato (JCF) and along the Mississippi River in the SE (mob). Total individuals number about the same as last year.
1985Spring Reported from 17 counties south, 18 north. Winter peak 3/13 Houston FL (33).
1985Summer Nested in Aitkin, Itasca, Beltrami. Also seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Cass, Lake of the Woods, Clearwater, Marshall, Todd, Isanti, Chisago, Murray (6/9, LF).
1985Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 159 (1984: 376), down from two previous record high years. Late north 11/24 Aitkin WN, 11/28 Cook KMH, 11/30 Itasca AB.
1985Winter Reported from 21 counties (25 L.y.) with a statewide CBC count of 49. Nine were reported along the Minnesota River Valley on the 1/15 MRBA. Numerous reports along the Mississippi River southeast of the Twin Cities. Early migrants(?) in St. Louis 11/9, (B. Hojnacki) and Pine 1/31, (M. Stensaas). Reported in Houston as follows: 1/3, in nest tree, 2/9, two adults at nest, 3/2, incubating (FL).
1986Spring Reported from 23 counties south, 12 north; peak 3/16 Wabasha KE (30).
1986Summer Nested in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Koochiching (fide FS), Cass, Aitkin, Sherburne (Sherburne NWR); probable nesting in Houston. Also seen in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Agassiz NWR, Clearwater, Hubbard , Itasca.
1986Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 304 ( 1985: 159); late north 11/21 Cook SL, WP, 11/24 Hubbard HJF, 11/29 St. Louis CO; peak 11/30 Wabasha, Winona, Goodhue OJ (123).
1986Winter Reported from 39 counties throughout the state (21 L. Y.) with a statewide CBC total of 51 ( 49 L. Y.). Numberous reports of migrants in the north regions in mid to late February and one overwintered at Duluth. Considera- ble migratory movement at the beginning and end of the period combined with the possibility of double-counting precludes meaningful estimates of total individuals but the numbers certainly seem to be increasing.
1987Spring Reported from 25 counties south, 16 north; peak 3/16 Wabasha (86) AP; two Houston County nests (FL).
1987Summer Seen in 15 counties throughout range. Nested in Lake of the Woods, Becker (Tamarac NWR) and in the Superior and Chippewa National Forests, producing more successful nests (38 and 89, respectively) and young (59 and 151) than in any year since surveys began in 1963.
1987Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 166 (1986: 304), late north I 1/26 Becker BK, I 1/27 Beltrami AB, 11/30 Cook SOL; peak south 11/21 Wabasha AP (125).
1987Winter Reported from 43 counties throughout the state. Widespread in the northern regions in December and February; one overwintered in Duluth (KE); a pair at the nest site in Houston on 11/7 (FL). The statewide CBC total was 125 (51 L.Y.).
1988Spring Reported from 21 counties south, 13 north; peak of 45 on 4/1 Wabasha AP. Harlequin Duck, 5 May 1988, Canal Park, Duluth, St. Louis County. Photo by Bill Penning.
1988Summer First known nesting in this century in the southwest at Lac qui Parle W.M.A. (KB); nesting also in Beltrami, Benton (NHi), Sherburne. Seen in 15 other counties in range southwest to Becker, Stearns, Ramsey; plus a young bird in Chippewa.
1988Fall Hawk Ridge count: 261; late north 11/26 Becker AP, 11/27 St. Louis KE, 11/30 Wilkin SDM.
1988Winter Reported from 37 (43 l.y.) counties in all but the SW region. Again overwintered in Duluth KE. Statewide CBC total of 1/5 (125 I.y.).
1989Spring Reported from 15 counties north, 21 counties south; peak 3/9 Wabasha (36) OJ.
1989Summer More reports from the south than in recent years. Nested in Lake, Aitkin, Sherburne; probable nesting in five other northern counties plus Anoka. Seen in five additional northern counties plus Washington, Dakota, Wabasha, Houston, 6/21 Wilkin KB, 6/20 Brown JSp.
1989Fall Hawk Ridge count: 396, a new record high ; late north 11/24 St. Louis TW, 11/26 Aitkin WN, 11/29 Lake DPV.
1989Winter Reported from 43 (37 l.y.) counties. Statewide CBC total of 1/0 (115 l.y.). Returning birds reported in the north as early as 2/5 Cass, 2/6 Carlton, 2/9 Beltrami, 2/9 Hubbard and widespread by end of month.
1990Spring Reported from 24 counties south, 16 counties north. Winter 1990
1990Summer Reports gradually increasing. Nested in Chippewa CMB, Isanti KB, Anoka KB ; probable nesting in Becker, Otter Tail. Also seen in 12 northern counties plus Sherburne, Dakota, Goodhue, Houston, 7/27,29 Murray ND.
1990Fall Hawk Ridge count: 422, another record high; late north 11/30 Beltrami DJ, Hawk Ridge, Norman BK; peak 11/17 Wabasha (71 ).
1990Winter Reported from 38 counties statewide with a CBC total of 136 (110 l.y.). Overwintering birds as far north as OtterTail and Lake 1/17 DPY. A 1/27 Beltrami bird KR may have been an early arrival since Sherburne birds working on nest by 1/25 SNWR.
1991Spring Reported from 28 counties south, 15 counties north; peak 3/31 Wabasha 292 KE.
1991Summer Reports gradually increasing over past five years; for status summary see The Loon 63:268-271. Nested in Marshall KSS, Beltrami, St. Louis, Anoka, Hennepin KB; plus a remarkable nesting on the ground in Mahnomen (The Loon 63:155-157). Probable breeding in Otter Tail; seen in 16 other counties as far south as Lac qui Parle, Wabasha, Houston.
1991Fall Hawk Ridge count: 582, a new high; highest day count 11/7 Hawk Ridge 126; late north 11/29 Itasca KB, 11/30 Aitkin WN, Otter Tail SDM.
1991Winter Reported from a total of 42 counties (38 l.y.) in all regions of the state. Many reported wintering unusually far north including Cook, Lake, St. Louis (11 on the Duluth CBC), Koochiching, Beltrami, Aitkin, Otter Tail, and Kanabec, plus January dates in Marshall (1/4) and Becker (1/16, 22). Overwintered in 11 other counties in the south along the Mississippi River and two counties in the west on the Minnesota River (Lac qui Parle and Chippewa, no date, overwintering?). Many isolated reports from an additional 18 counties, mostly in December and February, representing early and late migrants. Many reports in mid-February from as far north as Cass and Pennington. CBC total of 101 (136 l.y.). Peak of 76 in Wabasha 12/29 OJ.
1992Spring Reported from 25 counties south, 18 counties north.
1992Summer Increase in number of reports continues. Nested in seven counties including Kittson MCBS, Ramsey KB; probable breeding in six counties. Seen in 12 additional counties as far south as a line through Polk, Otter Tail, Dakota, Houston.
1992Fall Hawk Ridge count: 982, a new high. Late north 11/29 Itasca AB, 11/30 Becker BBe and Roseau KB.
1992Winter The most widely reported raptor this season. Bald Eagles were reported from 42 counties (42 l.y.) in all regions except the northwest. Again, was noted overwintering in northern regions as far northeast as Lake and Cook counties, and as far west as Becker and Otter Tail counties. Most of the other overwintering records were along the Mississippi River from Houston County to Stearns, along the Minnesota River from Lac qui Parle to Redwood County, and north along the St. Croix River to Chisago. CBC total 217 (136 l.y.), a record number, with 21 birds moving south as late as 12/19 on the Duluth CBC. Approximately 175 birds reported overwintering in the state with 104 counted along the Mississippi River on 2/1 Goodhue and Wabasha OJ. Few Feb. reports of returning migrants, although some were noted as far north as Koochiching and Beltrami in late February where apparently none had overwintered.
1993Spring Reported from 26 counties south, 17 counties north.
1993Summer Nested in Lake of the Woods, Becker, St. Louis, Crow Wing, Anoka, Ramsey; probable nesting in Cass, Goodhue. Seen in 15 other counties as far south and west as a Marshall, Otter Tail, Houston.
1993Fall Hawk Ridge count: 1,725, another new high. Late north 11/29 Hawk Ridge, 11/30 Becker BBe, Beltrami DJ.
1993Winter Reported from 38 counties (42 l.y.) throughout the sate. Although most reports were in Dec. and Feb., overwintering was noted as far north as Otter Tail and Cook. Large numbers (500+) created a spectacle along lower Lake Pepin in Dec. (The Loon 66:105–6).
1994Spring Reported from 25 south and 16 north counties; peak 4/16 Aitkin (66) WN.
1994Summer Southern records continue to increase. Nested in Becker, Otter Tail, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Morrison SM; probable nesting in St. Louis, Sherburne, Kandiyohi, Lyon. Seen in ten additional northern counties plus Chisago, Anoka, Washington, Rice, Houston.
1994Fall Hawk Ridge count: 4,368, more than double 1993 record. 10/31 (410), 11/19 (578), 11/22 (733), all record high day counts in North America. Late north 11/30 Aitkin CMG, Beltrami DJ, Cook KMH.
1994Winter Reported from a record 48 counties throughout the state with overwintering noted as far north as Marshall, Koochiching and Cook. CBC total of 242 individuals, another record.
1995Spring Reported from 29 south and 19 north counties.
1995Summer Nested in seven counties including Wright DO; probable nesting in seven. Observed in 12 additional counties as far south as Lac qui Parle in the west and Houston in the east.
1995Fall Peak of 470+ on 11/26 Lake Pepin from Lake City to Reads Landing, Wabasha Co. KB. Reported from 56 counties statewide with 1,953 flying over Hawk Ridge.
1995Winter Reported from a record 50 counties throughout the state. CBC total 174.
1996Spring Reported from 63 counties. Peak 3/14 Goodhue (250) SMh. Nest activity 4/26 Renville JL, 5/23 Sherburne LF, (no date) Hennepin SC, 5/7 (on nest) and Clearwater MN.
1996Summer Record number of observations; almost double the previous ten-year average for number of counties reported. Nested in Meeker PJo, Renville (JL, DBM, FKS), Sherburne, Cass, Crow Wing, Aitkin; probable nesting in Otter Tail, Big Stone, Chippewa, Kandiyohi. Seen in 31 additional counties in all regions except southwest.
1996Fall Seen in 43 counties statewide. Peak count 10/31 HRNR, St. Louis Co. (644) FN.
1996Winter Reported from 40 counties throughout the state (record 50 l.y.). CBC total a record 326 (174 l.y.).
1997Spring Reported from 63 counties. At nest 4/2 Mahnomen BK, 4/9 Becker BK, 4/28 Renville JL, 4/29 Todd JSK/SDu, 5/10 Hennepin DZ, 5/17 Becker SL, 5/24 Sherburne DJe, 5/30 Renville JL.
1997Summer Seen in 35 counties throughout state. New breeding records in Big Stone RJ, Dakota TEB, and Goodhue DJe; probable breeding in Otter Tail, Anoka, Hennepin, and Olmsted.
1997Fall Reported from 47 counties. Peak 10/24 HRNR (200).
1997Winter Reported from 49 counties throughout the state (40 l.y.). CBC total a record 352 (326 l.y.).
1998Spring Reported from 52 counties. Peak 3/28 Duluth (438) FN.
1998Summer Many reports, for third consecutive year; seen in 38 counties in all regions except southwest. New nesting records in Pope SDM, Stearns SWi; probable nesting in Marshall, Aitkin, Lake, Sherburne, Kanabec, Freeborn, Olmsted.
1998Fall Reported from 50 counties. Peak count away from Hawk Ridge 11/1 Winona (40) JL.
1998Winter Reported from a record 52 counties throughout the state, with a record CBC total of 656, including a peak of 1/8 at Winona.
1999Spring Overwintered south and north; at nests by mid-March in Otter Tail. Counts on L. Pepin peaked at 496 on 3/22 (KB). Peak north 3/16 St. Louis (229) FN, DCa.
1999Summer Observed in 33 counties in all regions except southwest; new nesting record in Carver DBM.
1999Fall Reported from 24 north and 33 south counties, including a partial albino 11/4 Big Stone †AH. Peak concentration away from HRNR was 10/20 Big Stone/Lac qui Parle (21 at Big Stone NWR) BOl.
1999Winter Reported from 64 counties throughout the state. Peak 2/29 along the Mississippi River, Dakota and Goodhue counties (250+) KB.
2000Spring Reported from 33 south and 23 north counties in all regions. DF found unusual concentrations in Meeker County during late March, including 146 on 3/21. Most of these were at Pigeon L., Collinwood Twp., and Mud L., Ellsworth Twp. Also note peak count 554 on 3/26 in St. Louis (Table 1).
2000Summer Record high number of reports. Observed in 44 counties in all regions except southwest; new nesting records in Wadena MRN, Rice JL, and Fillmore NBO. A statewide survey by the MDNR Nongame Wildlife Program located 681 nesting pairs, the fourth largest population in the United States (behind Alaska, Florida, and Wisconsin). In comparison, a 1973 survey revealed only 1/5 active nests!
2000Fall Reported from 25 north and 33 south counties in all regions.
2000Winter Reported from 55 counties throughout the state. Peak 2/21 along the Mississippi River, Goodhue and Wabasha counties (215) OLJ.
2001Spring Reported from 37 south and 29 north counties statewide. Total 2/88 for season at Hastings-Prescott Bird Count, including peak count 330 on 3/27 (KJB). Also see Table 1.
2001Summer Reported in 30 counties in all regions except Southwest; new nesting record in Polk EEF.
2001Fall Reported from 21 north and 35 south counties. See Table 1 for high count.
2001Winter Reported from a record 66 counties throughout the state. Late movement over Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve in Duluth, including 85 on 12/8 and 61 on 12/10 (FJN). Early migrants counted in Duluth (18 on 2/17 and 43 on 2/18) FJN, DCa, and along the Minnesota River in Renville (19 on 2/18) WCM.
2002Spring Observed in 41 south and 25 north counties. Peak migration 3/17 Dakota (533 at H.P.B.C., mostly in Minnesota) KJB, 4/12 St. Louis (372 at W.S.H.C., Duluth) FJN, DSC. Also see Table 1.
2002Summer Seen in 42 counties in all regions except Southwest; new nesting record in Todd MRN.
2002Fall Reported from 26 north and 36 south counties. See Table 1 for high count.
2002Winter Reported from 20 north and 31 south counties.
2003Spring Observed in 35 south and 29 north counties. Peak migration 3/19 Dakota (453 at H.P.B.C.) KJB, 3/24 St. Louis (588 at W.S.H.C., Duluth) FJN, DSC. Also see Table 1.
2003Summer Reported in 40 counties in all regions of the state.
2003Fall Found in 25 north and 34 south counties. Peak count 11/6 St. Louis (495 at H.R.N.R., Duluth) DSC, FJN. Total of 3356 at H.R.N.R. DSC, FJN, TSm.
2003Winter Reported from 58 counties throughout the state.
2004Spring Observed in 39 south and 25 north counties. North American record high daily migration count 3/23 St. Louis (822 at W.S.H.C. in Duluth) FJN, DSC, breaking old record of 734 from fall 1994 at Hawk Ridge. Seasonal total of 2937 at H.P.B.C (510 on 3/29) KJB.
2004Summer Observed in 34 counties in all regions of state.
2004Fall Seen in 20 north and 30 south counties in all regions. See Table 1 for peak count.
2004Winter Reported throughout the period from 50 counties statewide.
2005Spring Observed in 41 south and 31 north counties. Season total of 2,859 at W.S.H.C., Duluth (684 on 3/28; second highest in count history) FJN, DSC. Also see Table 1.
2005Summer Reported from 46 counties statewide, the most reports ever received.
2005Fall Seen in 29 north and 33 south counties in all regions. See Table 1 for high count.
2005Winter Reported from a record 62 counties statewide, including a grand total of 909 on 62 CBCs. Highest reported counts: north 2/4 Morrison (50) CMC, south 12/17 Winona CBC (205) fide WC.
2006Spring Seen in 47 south and 32 north counties. Record-high count 3/12 Goodhue/Wabasha (1,213 at L. Pepin) KJB. Seasonal total of 2,338 at W.S.H.C., Duluth (peak of 301 on 3/26) DSC.
2006Summer Reported from 57 counties statewide.
2006Fall Seen in 30 north and 39 south counties in all regions. Peak count 11/1 St. Louis (213 at Duluth) H.R.B.O.
2006Winter2738 Reported from a record 65 counties (old record of 62 set just last year). Huge number of reports statewide reflects the spectacular recovery of this species.
2007Spring3051 High counts 3/24 St. Louis (353, W.S.H.C., Duluth) DSC, 3/18 Dakota (300 near Prescott) JPM.
2007Summer2528 Reported statewide. First county breeding record Washington TEB.
2007Fall3344 High counts 11/3 St. Louis (206 at H.R.B.O.) EMG, KJB, 11/18 Houston (195 at Pool 8 of Mississippi R.; includes birds in WI) BAF.
2007Winter2334 Reported from eight fewer counties than last year, but still second highest winter county total. The relatively severe winter conditions no doubt affected distribution and densities somewhat. Of interest is the high count 1/15 Morrison (approximately 50 near Buckman feeding on offal from a chicken plant) fide RPR. The sheer number of records (292) by 72 observers reflects this species' current thriving status.
2008Spring3048 High counts 4/13 Wabasha (100 at Lake Pepin) DPG, 3/1 Ramsey (71 in St. Paul) BAF.
2008Summer2432 Observed in all regions except Southwest. First county breeding record for Carlton DCr, Stevens RPR, Freeborn AEB.
2008Fall3244 High counts 10/31 St. Louis (273 at H.R.B.O.) KJB, 11/1 Houston (203 near Brownsville) RPR.
2008Winter2338 High count 2/22 Ramsey (55, Mississippi River, Kaposia Landing to Hardman Ave.) BAF. Numerous reports statewide.
2009Spring3253 Seasonal total of 4,142 at W.S.H.C. (peak of 4/9 on 3/17) KJB. Also see Table 1.
2009Summer2629 Reported throughout state. First county breeding records from Clay MRN, Traverse DPG, Chisago RZi.
2009Fall2844 High counts 11/5 St. Louis (296 at H.R.B.O.) KJB, 11/21 Houston (100) NBO.
2009Winter2543 Reported from 68 counties. High counts 12/29 Wabasha (166, Lake Pepin) NAK, 1/22 Wabasha (145, Reads Landing) KJB. Almost no reports from western one-third of state.
2010Spring3152 High counts 3/16 St. Louis (679, W.S.H.C.) KJB, 3/15 Dakota (128) JPM, 3/12 Rice (120) TFB. Seasonal total of 4,028 at W.S.H.C. KJB. Also see Table 1.
2010Summer2636 Found in all regions of the state. First county breeding records for Douglas JPE, Grant DPG, Jackson fide BBA, McLeod SMa, Mower fide BBA, Nicollet BTS, Olmsted CHa.
2010Fall3350 High counts 11/26 St. Louis (388 at H.R.B.O.) KJB, 11/28 Houston (106, Brownsville) RPR.
2010Winter2444 Reported from 68 counties (a record), from all regions of the state except extreme southwest. High counts 12/10 Ramsey (47, Mississippi River) CMB, 2/26 Houston (40) DJa, 12/22 Houston (39) NKe, AKe. All individual north counts were of 1–3 birds. CBC high counts 2/18 Winona (116), 1/2 Wabasha (85); CBC high counts north 12/18 Duluth (12), 12/29 Aurora (12).
2011Spring3453 Reported from every county. High counts 3/16 St. Louis (290, W.S.H.C.) EBr, FJN, Rice (200) TFB, 3/19 Dakota (84, Freedom Park) SHF, 3/19 Rice (75) DAB.
2011Summer3142Reported statewide.
2011Fall3350 High counts 11/25 St. Louis (453 at H.R.B.O.) KJB, 11/18 Houston (175, Houston) RTP.
2011Winter3245Reported from 77 counties (a record) including all but 2 north. High counts: 12/8 (310) and 12/4 (242) Houston (Pool 8, Reno bottoms) KJB, 12/9 Wabasha (70) CWG, 12/10 Wabasha (70, Lake City) RBJ, DAC. High count north 12/1 St. Louis (37, H.R.N.R.) KJB.
2012Spring3453 Reported from every county. High counts 3/10 Benton (62) MJB, 3/13 St. Louis (54, W.S.H.C.) EBr.
2012Summer3242 Found in all regions of state. First county breeding record from Wilkin CCa.
2012Fall3347 High count 11/12 St. Louis (488, H.R.N.R.) KJB.
2012Winter3048Reported from 78 counties (a record), although no reports from extreme southwest. High counts 12/5 Houston (606, Pool 8, Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R.) KJB, 12/30 Goodhue (483, Red Wing) KDS. High count north 12/6 Mille Lacs (23) KJB. CBC high counts 12/30 Red Wing (584), 12/15 Winona (80), 12/15 Bloomington (52).
2013Spring3453 Reported from every county. High counts 3/17 Wabasha (308, Lake Pepin) ACr, 3/13 Wabasha (150, Reads Landing) AMa, 3/30 St. Louis (61, W.S.H.C.) KJB.
2013Summer3344 Reported statewide. First county breeding records from Faribault BTS, Wabasha BAS.
2013Fall3349 Reported in all regions of the state except the extreme southwest. High count 10/19 St. Louis (342, H.R.N.R.) KJB.
2013Winter2749 Reported from 76 counties, only slightly fewer than the last two winters. High counts 12/5 St. Louis (162, H.R.N.R.) KJB, 1/2 Wabasha (135, Reads Landing) LSc, SeP, 1/12 Wabasha (90, Reads Landing) ToL. North high count after December: 2/1 Morrison (50 in field near Crane Meadows N.W.R.) JTa. CBC high counts 12/29 Red Wing (128), 12/14 Winona (68).
2014Spring3453Reported from every county. High counts 3/30 St. Louis (476, West Skyline, Duluth) KJB, 4/20 St. Louis (106, W.S.H.C.) FJN.
2014Summer3240Seen in all regions of state. High counts 6/4 Goodhue (21, Prairie Island, Lower Island Conservation Area) GMJ, 6/1 Dakota (10, Lake Byllesby) ADS, 6/16 Dakota (9, Vermillion Bottoms) GJM.
2014Fall3450 Reported in all regions of the state. High counts 10/5 St. Louis (277, H.R.B.O.) KJB, 11/7 Blue Earth (177) BHW, 11/13 Houston (150, Upper Mississippi N.W.R.) JnC.
2014Winter3050 Reported from a season record 80 counties (absent from only 4 north and 3 south), although high counts were very modest: 1/1 Washington (35, Point Douglas Park) BDo, 12/19 Isanti (32) DPG, 2/26 Morrison (28, Crane Meadows N.W.R.) KEm. CBC high counts 12/28 Red Wing (101), 12/20 Bloomington (62), 1/3 Wabasha (60).
2015Spring3453 Reported from every county. High count 3/29 Morrison (235, Crane Meadows N.W.R.) KEm, MEm, 3/15 Carver (139, Rapids Lake) JCy.
2015Summer3343 Found in all regions. High count 6/26 Houston (20, Brownsville Lookout, Pool 8) JnC.
2015Fall3350 Reported in all regions of the state. High counts 11/15 Blue Earth (310) B.H.W., 9/19 St. Louis (276, H.R.B.O.) KJB. Seasonal total of 5,671 at Hawk Ridge (KJB) was the second highest ever—this, despite the fact that by the end of the count on 11/30 conditions north were still relatively mild, and certainly many more eagles remained to the north.
2015Winter3152 Reported from 83 counties (all but 3 North and 1 South), the most in at least the past ten winters (previous was 80 last year). High counts north: 2/17 Morrison (30, north and west of Pierz) PSP, 1/2 St. Louis (15) JSa. South high counts: 12/5 Blue Earth (197), 12/7 Blue Earth (160) BHW, 12/4 Houston (128, Brownsville north overlook) SRo, JRo. CBC high counts north: 12/19 Walker (43), 12/14 Tamarac N.W.R. (39). CBC high counts south: 12/19 Bloomington (138), Winona (129), 12/26 Hastings-Etter (88).
2016Spring3453 Reported from every county. High counts 3/12 St. Louis (607, W.S.H.C., Thompson Hill) FJN, 3/12 Dakota (223, including one kettle of 42, all viewed from Freedom Park overlook) BAF.
2016Summer3246 Found statewide. High count 6/1 Goodhue (15, Prairie Island, Mississippi River islands) JEn.
2016Fall3452 Found in every county but Rock. High counts 10/18 St. Louis (251) H.R.B.O., 10/24 St. Louis (251) H.R.B.O.
2016Winter3453 Reported from every county in the state (87), a first for the winter season; in the previous five years, the county total has ranged from 76–83. North high count prior to mid February 12/31 Morrison (82, east of Royalton, around chicken barn) KEm, SEm, JEm, MEm. Notable influx of spring migrants starting mid February St. Louis (Duluth, Enger Tower) including 2/21 (91) TRd, 2/18 (81) FJN, TRd, StK. South high counts from Blue Earth BHW: 2/25 (149), 12/1 (124), 12/5 (123). Elsewhere, south high counts 12/12 Wabasha (80) KJB, 12/24 Goodhue (76) KDS. CBC high counts 1/1 Wabasha (63), 12/31 Hastings-Etter (47), 12/17 Henderson (46).
2017Spring3353 Reported from every county but Roseau. High counts 3/6 Dakota (140, Black Dog Lake) HCT, 3/9 Goodhue (131, Mississippi River Lock and Dam 3) KDS.
2017Summer3248 Found throughout state.
2017Fall3453 Reported from every county. High counts 11/19 Blue Earth (313) BHW, 11/8 St. Louis (253) H.R.B.O.
2017Winter3253 Reported from 85 counties (all but two north), down slightly from last year's record 87. North high counts 12/14 Morrison (95) SEm, 12/7 St. Louis (52, migrants; Duluth, Hawk Ridge N.R.) TRd. Unlike last winter, there was no pattern of influx of late February spring migrants north. South high counts 1/3 Goodhue (165, Red Wing, Colvill Park) GHo, 12/24 Isanti (142, pig farm north of St. Francis) RCl. CBC high counts 12/23 Red Wing (246), 12/16 Bloomington (98), Winona (79), Mankato (78).
2018Spring3453 Reported from every county. High counts 4/11 St. Louis (375, W.S.H.C.) FJN, 4/19 St. Louis (306, W.S.H.C.) JPR, FJN.
2018Summer3450 Seen in all counties except Jackson, Murray, Redwood. First county breeding record 5/13 Waseca PSu.
2018Fall3453 Reported from every county. High counts 11/18 Blue Earth (358) BHW, 11/20 Blue Earth (293) BHW.
2018Winter3453 Reported from all 87 counties statewide for only the second time in winter (also in 2016); the 10-year average is 76 counties). North high count in January 1/5 Kanabec (15) SPS, and in February 2/1 St. Louis (9, Duluth) JLK. Reported from all 53 south counties for the third consecutive winter. South high counts 12/24 Isanti (215, central Stanford Twp.) RCl, 1/13 Wabasha (150, Lake Pepin) MaJ. CBC high counts 12/15 Bloomington (174), 12/30 Wabasha (159), 12/22 Red Wing (101).
2019Summer3451 Seen in every county except Lincoln, Murray. High count 7/4 Isanti (70, hog farm east of Crown) MJB.
 Breeds throughout. Winter visitant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.