Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Martins, Swallows
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Martins, Swallows
Bank Swallow
Tree Swallow
Violet-green Swallow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Purple Martin
Barn Swallow
Cliff Swallow
[Cave Swallow]

Barn Swallow(Hirundo rustica)
1930SummerEarliest nest, one totmd by the writer at Milaca on May 24, with four eggs, Several other nests were found, the latest by Alden Risser at st. Paul on July 13, at which time it contained fair-sized young,
1931SummerNest with 2 er;gs on l".ia.y 29th (Swedenborg}; nest with sLlall young on June 20th; three nests with 1 -3 eegs on June 21 st (\loolsey) •
1932SummerBoth the first nnd last nests of this beautiful bird were found by E. D. Swodenborg. In the first were 2 eggs on May 18th, a.nJ the last had 4 eggs on July 30th. \ Ihe: Flicker, 1932 ""' 2:1 -I I ' '
1933Summer Sixteen records of this bird contributed. The £irst, seen Qy Upson on June Jrd, held 6 eggs, while the latest \IDS reported by Swedenborg, '..rho examined a nest near Minneapolis on Ju1y 15th. The latter contained 3 eggs. -38-The Flickgr, 1933
1934Summer Tho first occupied nests tor the season were found "by Hiemenz at Hutchinson on May 18th. There were 8 nests under a bridge, two of 1which were investigated. One of these contained 2 :fresh eggs while tQo other was · eamplotod but empty. Tho latest }tlrrnosota record came from Eisele, who found a nest with 4 eggs on August Jrd. These hatched on August 9th.. Hiemenz found a nest with 4 large young on September 2nd in South Dakota, just across tho line from Browns Vnll~y, Traverse County.
1936Summer Juno 7th, tho 'earliest reported date.for tho nesting of tho beautiful member of the swallow fnroily comes from Ilysgaard \-Jho saw a pair incubating at Long Mea~1ow; the nest was inc.ccbssiblo. A group o£ nests with younG was found bY Kenneth Ca:rlancler June 30th at Hackensack.. -On Augu"st 3rd Kenneth Carlander saw ~ix young ready to take wing nt Hackensack.
1937SummerOn June r6, n::ar Lake of the Woods, Pittelkow, Rys­gaard and Risser found three eggs in a barn martin's nest. They saw four large young near Lake Winnibigoshish on June 21, on which date Upson fouad a nest of two eggs near Minneapolis.
1938SummerA completed but empty nest was found at Warren by Dr. Donald Mahle on June 25. Arnold Erick­ son found a nest of 2 eggs at Rock Creek, Pine County, on June 27. On July 27 Kenneth Carlander examined a nest of young under a bridge near Rice Lake, Anoka County.
1940SummerThe earliest report is that of Carol Nordby of Ren­ville who saw a nest with young on May I2. C. Hero and K. Carlander ob­served several nests at Renville and Lake of the Woods respectively. Arnold Erick­son turned in the latest report-4 small young in a nest at Rock Creek, Pii1e Co., on August Io. '
1943SummerSt. Louis Coun­ty, July 19, 5 young. 0. Lakela. June 24, Leech Lake, young. K. Carlaillder. June 1-29, 5 nests, Ramsey Washing­ton, and Winona Counties. Bros. Lewis ll!nd Pius.
1944Summer4. July 18, five eggs; July 20, building; Cottonwood County, Olson. August 1, five young, St. Louis -county, Lakela. August 15, young, Washington County, Brother Hubert and Brother Pius. May 28, five eggs, Stillwater, Kutz.
1945SummerNest with 4 young, Duluth, July 7, Olga Lakela; nest with young, Hennepin Co., Aug. 5, Don and Eldeen Jacobs.
1946SummerBuilding, June 9, St. Louis Co., 2 nests with young, June 18, Ramsey Co., Bro. Hubert; 4 young, June 22, Hennepin Co., Breckenridge.
1947Summer6 nests, 16 eggs, June 12, Hennepin Co., Pratt; 4 nests, 17 eggs, June 16, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis; 3 young, 1 egg, June 18, Chippewa, Barrett; young, June 20, Duluth, Moore; 2 young, Aug. 4, Hennepin Co., Pratt; 3 young, Aug. 19, Clearwater Co., Barrett; 3 young, Aug. 25, Beltrami Co., Barrett; 12 young on wing, fed by adults, St. Louis Co., Lakela, Aug. 29.
1961SummerForest Strnad found 23 nests containing from three to five young each, most of which he banded, in Dodge County between 27 June and 9 August. R. Huber banded three young just leaving the nest near _Nimrod, Wadena County on 26 August. A fourth young eluded capture.
1962SummerJune 17, Sand Dunes State Forest, Sherburne Co., nest under bridge, W. R. Pieper and R. Huber.
1962Fallsame as for Tree Swallow.
1963SpringApril 24, Minneapolis, R. Janssen; April 24, Kandiyohi Co., Mrs. Melvin Broman; April 28, Big Stone Co., R. Grant.
1963SummerNumerous nesting in Lake, Winona and St. Louis Counties.
1963Falllatest, Oct. 5, Nicollet Co., W. R. Pieper and Oct. 16, Crow Wing Co., Elizabeth Campbell. Clift Swallow: latest, Oct. 21, Wright Co., Erma Christopher.
1964Spring4-17 Hennepin Co, MAS; 4-24 Anoka Co, LJ; 4-25 Salt Lake RG; 4-27 Marshall Co, DLO; 4-30 Stearns Co, RPR; 4-30 Ramsey Co, ACR; 5-4 Wright Co, EC.
1964Summerbreeding St. Louis (MWM, HM, DM), Beltrami (JAM), Lake (JCG), Clay (DM) and Hubbard CLWJ) Counties.
1964Fall9-27 Stearns Co, large numbers, RPR; 10-3 Hennepin Co, fide FN; 10-3 Ottertail Co, RLH, RO; 10-19 Two Harbors, 2, FN.
1965Springearliest 4-17 Winona, KK.
1965Falllatest 9-25 Alexandria, MVS and 9-26 Benton Co, NMH.
1966Springearliest 4-14 Bemidji, JAM; 4-23 Goodhue Co, RBJ, BL, EMB, Hastings, MIG; 4-24 Wright Co, EGC.
1966Summernested in Washington, Clay, Itasca, Rock Co's; also reported from Wabasha, Lake, Sherburne, Roseau, Ramsey, Morrison, Crow Wing, Stevens, Cottonwood, Beltrami, Hennepin, Rice, Cook, Nobles, Stearns and Carver Co's.
1966FallLatest 10-1 Brown Co., RBJ; 10-9 Lyon Co., PE; 10-7 Cottonwood Co., LAF.
1967Springearly 4-18 Hennepin Co., FN/MAS; 4-20 Washington Co., BL; 4-21 Lyon Co., PE.
1967Summernested Ramsey, Lyon, Hennepin, Washington Co's.; also reported from St. Louis, Beltrami, Clearwater, Nobles, Goodhue, Dakota, Carver, McLeod, Hubbard, Wabasha, Pope, Morrison, Crow Wing, Cook, Cottonwood, Stevens, Big Stone, Traverse, Lac qui Parle, Washington Co's.
1967Fall latest 10-1 Stearns Co., KE; 10-8 Lyon Co., PE; 10-10 Nobles Co., HSH.
1968Spring early 4-19 Anoka Co., WHL; 4-20 Stearns Co., KE, Wabasha Co., DGM; 4-21 Houston Co., FL; 4-25 Washington Co., DS.
1968Summer nested in Washington, Stearns, Lyon, Hubbard, Goodhue, Carver, Mille Lacs Co's; also reported from Clearwater, Wright, Blue Earth, Hennepin, Pine, Carlton, Clay, Norman, Becker, Pope, Cottonwood, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Nobles, Swift, Morrison, Wabasha, Anoka, Rice, Sherburne, Winona Co's.
1968Fall8 -31 Marshall 100 MSB; 10-3 Wabasha DGM; 10-9 Watonwan DMF; 10-17 Lyon PE.
1969Spring4-9 Winona Co., BT; 4-13 Rice Co., OAR; 5-1 Morrison Co., LSR; 5-2 Mille Lacs Co., MI, and Duluth, MMC.
1969Summernested in Anoka, Wright, Hennepin, and Rock Co's.; reported by most observers throughout the state. Cliff Swallow:.. nested in Wright, St. Louis (Split Rock KE), and Beltrami Co's.; also reported from St. Louis, Cook, Lac qui Parle, Pennington, Brown, Mille Lacs, Crow Wing, Swift, Marshall, Sherburne, Wadena, Cass, Beltrami, and Wabasha Co's.
1969Fall8-18 Blue Earth 150 EDK 9-7 Rock 260 LAF; 10-9 Duluth JCG;' 10-21 Hennepin ETS; 10-29 Lyon PE.
1970Springearly south 4-11 Wright BH; 4-12 Chisago EL; 4-18 Redwood RG; early north 4-30 Duluth MMC and Morrison LR.
1970Summernes ted in Morrison, Winona, Wright, Hennepin, Mille Lacs, Carver, Chi sago, Pope, and Anoka Co; reported from 13 other counties.
1970Falllate north 9-6 Duluth MMC; 9-15 Duluth JG; late south 10·13 Hennepin PE; 10-18 Hennepin PF; 17-7 Lyon PE (good details).
1971Springearly south 4-14 Winona TV; 4-18 Stearns MLC_; 4-21 Murray AD; early north 4-17 Duluth KE; :>-2 Crow Wing JB.
1971Summernested in Pope, Hennepin, Carver and Lyon; also reported from 29 other counties.
1971Falllate south 10-11 Lyon; 10-15 Carver; 10-24 Cottonwood; late north 9-24 Douglas; 10-2 Mille Lacs.
1972Summerbreeding cards from 3 counties, nesting reported in 5 others; seen in 25 other counties.
1973Summer Reported from 35 counties.
1974Spring Early south 4-11 Rock DR; 4-16 Cottonwood RBD; 4-17 Cottonwood LAF· early north 4-17 Cass HRH· 4-20 Mor: rison BH; 4-28 St. Louis TS.
1974Summer Nested in Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Clay, Ottertail, Sherburne, Wright, Le Sueur, Hennepin, Murray, Rock; also reported from 30 other counties.
1974Fall Late north 10-8 Marshall AR; 11-2 Cook RBJ, PE; late south 10-24 Le Sueur GR; 10-19 Wabasha WDM.
1975Spring Early south 4-16 Lac qui Parle GLO; 4-19 Goodhue CF; early north 4-26 Aitkin TS; 5-7 Traverse MS; 3 reports on 5-9.
1975Summer Nested in Marshall, Cass, Mille Lacs, Clay, Lac qui Parle, Wright, Hennepin, Olmsted and Lake: also reported from 23 other counties.
1975Falllate north 10-7 Clay LCF; 10-17 Marshall SV; late south 10-18 Lincoln, Murray RJ, BL; 10-30 Swift HH; 11-1 Nicollet KE, PE.
1976Spring Early south 3-23 Olmsted JF; 4-12 Cottonwood ED; 4-15 Carver JRG; early north 4-27 Marshall SV; 5-5 Itasca MS; 5-6 St. Louis GN.
1976Summernested in Marshall, Cass, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Lake, Sh~rburne, Wright, Ano_ka, Hennep_m, Washington, Lac Qm Parle, Sw1ft, Pipestone, Cottonwood, Rock and Le Sueur; also reported from 26 other counties.
1976Fall Late north 9-21 Marshall, 9-23 Otter Tail; late south 10-11 Dakota, 10-22 Anoka, 10-24 Swift.
1977Spring Early south 4-11 Hennepin ES and Carver JRG; 4-12 Lac qui Parle FE; 4-14 Lyon HK; early north 4-24 Wilkin TS; 4-27 Marshall SVA.
1977Summer Nested in Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Itasca, Sherburne, Anoka, Hennepin, Dakota and Le Sueur; also reported from 32 other counties throughout the state.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Stearns, Morrison, Grant, Big Stone, Beltrami, Anoka, American Crow Wing, Otter Tail and St. Louis; also seen throughout the state.
1979Spring Early south 4-13 Anoka DAS, 4-14 LeSueur EB, Dakota RE; early north 4-15 Otter Tail SM, 5-7 St. Louis DA, Marshall ANWR, 5-7 Lac qui Parle JS (2000).
1979SummerBreeding reported from Lake, St. Louis, Morrison, Otter Tail, Clay, Traverse, Rock, Stearns, Anoka, Hennepin, Olmsted; also seen throughout the state.
1979Fall Late north 10-6 Douglas RMA, 10-17 Otter Tail SM; late south 10-13 Steele RJ, BL.
1980Spring Early south 4-3 Wabasha WDM, 4-18 Lyon HK, 4-19 LJF; early north 4-19 Morrison DCF, 4-21 St. Louis DA.
1980Summer Breeding reported from 12 counties; seen also throughout the state.
1980Fall Late north 9-27 Wilkin GW, 9-28 Clay TL, 9-30 Otter Tail SM, 10-31 N. Jackson; late south 9-27 Nicollet MF, 9-28 Wright ES, Le Sueur RJ, 10/0 Nicollet JCF, Redwood LJF, Murray AD.
1981Spring Early south 4-3 Washington DR, 4-17 Nobles BL; early north 4-10 Aitkin WN, 4-22 Otter Tail SM, 4-29 Crow Wing JB, TS. Winter 1981
1981Summer Breeding data from Cook, Lake, Becker, Wadena, Morrison, Benton, Washington, LeSueur, Kandiyohi, Big Stone. Seen throughout the state. CliH Swa1llow Breeding data from Lake, Isanti, Big Stone. Seen throughout the state.
1981Fall Late north 10-4 St. Louis TL, 10-6 KE, 10-6 Morrison DB, 10-11 Otter Tail GW, 10-31 SDM; late south 10-4 Wright ES, 10-7 Olmsted JEB, 10-9 Hennepin OJ, 10-17 Big Stone RJ.
1982Spring Early south 3-31 Anoka KL, 4-16 Nicollet JCF, 4-17 Rice KJ, Redwood LJF, 4-18 Winona AB, Lac qui Parle CMB, 4-19 Lyon HK, 4-21 Mower RRK, Hennepin SC; early north. 4-18 Otter Tail SDM, 4-24 Mille Lacs AB, 4-25 Cook MKH, 4-27 St. Louis KE, Pennington KSS. Cliff Swallow _ Early south 4-25 Big Stone BL, 4~28 Lyon HK, Stearns 5-5 NH, 5-6 SE; early north 4-24 Beltrami JSP, Otter Tail SDM, 4-26 Marshall ANWR, St. Louis 4-27 KE, 4-30 JG, 4-27 Pennington KSS, ·5-1 Clay RJ, Lake of the Woods TW.
1982Summer Breeding data from Cook, Lake, Benton, Steams, LeSueur. Seen throughout the state.
1982Fall Late north 10/3 Cass NH, 10/4 Otter Tail SDM, 10/13 Grant RJ. 10/18 Marshall, Wadena AB; late south 10/13 Anoka KL, 10/15 Nicollet JCF, 10/22 Lac qui Parle BL, 10/23 Brown JSp.
1983Spring Early south 4/13 Dakota JD, 4/18 Anoka SC, 4/19 Sherburne EH/SS, 4/22 Goodhue BL, Ramsey RJ; early north 4/25 Otter Tail SDM, 4/28 Cook SL, 4/29 Mille Lacs MLWMA, 4/30 Aitkin, WN, St. Louis TL, Clearwater AB.
1983Summer Breeding data from Kittson, Polk, Clearwater, Clay, Stearns, Benton, Anoka, Renville, LeSueur. Seen throughout the state.
1983Fall Late north 10/1 St. Louis KE, MH, 10/8, 10/18 Clay JSP, 10/23 Otter Tail DS; late south 10/ IS Isanti OJ, 10/16 Houston FL, Dakota MW, 10/18 Olmsted BE, 10/21 Nicollet JCF, 11/12 Scott P. Egeland.
1984Summernested -in Cook, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Clearwater, Clay, Wadena, Anoka, Ramsey, Stearns, Brown, Le Sueur and Cottonwood; also seen in 47 other counties.
1984Fall Late north 9/29 Roseau KC, 9/30 Clay LCF, 10/19 St. Louis fide KE; late south 10/19 Goodhue BL, 10/20 Chippewa AB, 10/21 Goodhue RJ, Olmsted RE, 10/26 Nicollet JCF.
1985Spring Early south 4/8 Cottonwood WH, 4!10 Dakota JD, 4/12 Hennepin OJ, 4/13 ITu, 4/13 Olmsted AP; early north 4/20 Morrison RJ, Pine AB, DB, Mille Lacs KC, 4/28 Clay LCF, Wilkin GAM, Otter Tail SDM, 4/29 Cook KMH.
1985Summer Nested in Cook, Morrison, Steams, Meeker, Dakota, Rice, Watonwan (JS) Martin (KWB), Nobles; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Roseau, Clay, Pope, Wright, Anoka, Washington, Cottonwood. Seen in 38 other counties throughout the state. Third most widely reported species in state.
1985Fall Late north 9/9 Wilkin GAM,. 9/15 Mille Lacs AB, 9/29 Clay LCF: late south 10/4 Olmsted JEB, 10/5 DS, 10/12 Redwood RJ, BL, 10/12 Lincoln BL.
1986Spring Early south 4/16 Wabasha WDM, 4/18 Benton, Sherburne 00/SS, 4/19 Wright TM, Wabasha BL, Pipestone JP, early north 4/22 St. Louis MH/SS, 4/24 Wilkin GAM, 4/27 Cook KMH, Aitkin WN, Otter Tail SDM.
1986Summer Nested in Koochiching (FS), Cass, Pope, Steams, Wright, Hennepin, Rice, Mower (RRK), Freeborn (NHo), Jackson (NH); probable nesting in Cook, Lake of the Woods, Clay, Anoka, Olmsted, Fillmore. Also seen in 52 other counties throughout the state.
1986Fall Late north 10/4 Mille Lacs RJ, 10/7 Duluth KE, 10/14 Grant and Doublas KL; late south 10/15 Freeborn NHo and Wright ES, 10/18 Scott BL, 10/19 Chippewa AB.
1987Spring Early south 4/13 Wright DO, 4/16 Rock ND, 4/17 Faribault KWB; early north 4/9 MorrisonAB, 4/17 Pine RG, 4/18Wilkin SC.
1987Summer Nested in Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Cass, Todd (RH), Stevens (EL), Stearns, Washington, Blue Earth (JB); probable nesting in Cook, Clay, Anoka, Le Sueur, Cottonwood, Mower. Also seen in 46 other counties throughout the state.
1987Fall Late north 10/4 Clay LCF, 10/6 Duluth WE, 11/5 Sawbill Trail, Cook, Ellen Hawkins; late south 10/10 Lac qui Parle AB and Nicollet MT and Ramsey RH, 10/ II Wright ES and Dakota OZ.
1988Spring Early south 4/10 Hennepin SC, 4/12 Benton DO and Dodge AP, 4/15 Lyon HK and Steele KV; early north 4/3 Crow Wing WL, 4/30 Cook KMH and Carlton LW, 5/1 Todd PH, Aitkin WN and Pennington SKS.
1988Summer Nested in eight counties south of Crow Wing; seen in 57 other counties statewide.
1988Fall Late north 9/18 St. Louis AB, 9/20 Lake WL, 10/1 Otter Tail RJ; late south Ramsey RH, 10/14 Chippewa AB, 10/15 Fillmore AP, 10/16 Dodge AP
1989Spring Early south 4/3 Sherburne DO, 4/15 Murray ND, 4/16 Fillmore AP and Olmsted JB; early north 3/29 Todd PH, 4/30 Crow Wing AB, Aitkin WN and St. Louis SS, 5/4 Beltrami DJ.
1989Summer Nested in six counties including Wilkin KB; probable nesting in four. Seen in 57 other counties statewide.
1989Fall Late north 10/4 Duluth KE, 10/5 Clay LCF, 10/23 Otter Tail DS; late south 9/30 Mower RJ, 10/4 Winona CS, 10/13 Freeborn AP.
1990Spring Early south 4/18 Freeborn AP, 4/21 Hennepin SC, DZ, Lac qui Parle CMB, Martin BB and Yellow Medicine PS; early north 4/22 Pine AB, 4/25 Beltrami DJ and Wadena DB, 4/29 Clay LCF and Otter Tail SDM.
1990Summer Nested in Crow Wing, Le Sueur; probable nesting in Clearwater, Otter Tail, Anoka, Washington, Fillmore. Seen in 53 other counties statewide.
1990Fall Late north 9/19 Pennington KSS, 10/7 Clay LCF, 10/18 Otter Tail SDM; late south 10/3 Lac qui Parle CMB, 10/6 Swift RJ, 10/14 Winona CS.
1991Spring Early south 3/26 Big Stone RG, 4/6 Lac qui Parle CMB, 4/15 Washington OS; early north 4/26 Lake DPV and Traverse OJ, 4/28 Clay LCF and Roseau MO, 5/1 Beltrami OJ and Pennington KSS.
1991Summer Fewer reports than in last seven years. Nested in five counties including Roseau KB, Winona HVA; probable nesting in three. Seen in 46 other counties statewide.
1991Fall Late north 9/23 Cook KMH and Marshall KSS, 9/29 Clay LCF and Norman MO; late south 9/30 Dodge AB and Pipestone JP, 10/6 Goodhue KB and Olmsted CS.
1992Spring Early south 4/14 Rice TB, 4/15 Houston FL, 4/17 Hennepin SC and Winona CS; early north 4/29 Pennington KSS, 5/1 Beltrami DJ, 5/2 Lake DPV.
1992Summer Nested in nine counties including Pennington SSt; probable breeding in Cottonwood. Observed in 47 additional counties statewide.
1992Fall Late north 9/25 Roseau NJ, 10/4 Wilkin MO, 11/4 Duluth FN; late south 10/5 Nicollet JS, 10/10 Redwood DN, 10/11 Chippewa AB.
1993Spring Early south 4/12 Winona CS, 4/17 Faribault RJ and Rice DSm. Early north 4/19 Becker BK, 4/29 Beltrami DJ and Otter Tail SDM.
1993Summer Nested in nine counties including Douglas KKW, Kanabec CM; probable breeding in Anoka, Rice, Cottonwood. Observed in 50 other counties statewide.
1993Fall Late north 10/18 Marshall KSS, 10/26 St. Louis PBu, 11/6 (record late north date) St. Louis FN. Late south 10/12 Olmsted JB, 10/30 Hennepin OJ and Ramsey KB, 11/8 Sibley KB, JF.
1994Spring Early south 4/14 Ramsey RH, 4/15 Olmsted JBo, 4/16 Hennepin DB and Mower RJ; early north 4/18 Becker BBe, 4/20 Otter Tail SDM, 4/22 Lake DPV.
1994Summer Fewest reports in ten+ years. Nested in four counties, probable nesting in five. Seen in 39 additional counties statewide.
1994Fall Late north 9/25 Clay CF, 10/8 Douglas DN, 10/9 Otter Tail DJ and St. Louis MH. Late south 10/8 Houston JD, FL, 10/9 Martin RH, 10/10 LeSueur RG.
1995Spring Early south 4/11 Dakota SK, 4/13 Hennepin DB, 4/15 Brown JS, Lac qui Parle DBS and Swift DO; early north 4/10 Otter Tail SDM, 4/20 Kanabec CM, 4/25 Todd JSK.
1995Summer Nested in 12 counties including Nicollet LF; probable nesting in five. Observed in 35 other counties throughout state.
1995Fall Late north 9/21 Clearwater WL. Late south 10/12 Winona CS, 10/14 McLeod TT, 10/25 (fifth latest south) Chisago RG.
1996Spring Early south 4/10 Hennepin SC, 4/15 Rice JLa, 4/20 Washington DS. Early north 4/20 Kanabec BA, 4/25 Todd JSK, SDu, 4/30 Mille Lacs mob.
1996Summer Nested in four counties, probable nesting in nine; seen in 48 other counties statewide.
1996Fall Late north 9/13 Clay (200) CN. Late south 10/11 Winona CS, 10/16 Hennepin SC.
1997Spring Early south 4/11 Nicollet DS, 4/19 Hennepin and McLeod RJ. Early north 4/20 Otter Tail SDM, 4/26 St. Louis NJ, 4/29 Cass SCM.
1997Summer Observed in 63 counties statewide; probable nesting in Cass, Stearns, Brown, Freeborn.
1997Fall Late north 9/7 Aitkin WN, 9/14 Wadena PBi and Clay CN. These data don't appear representative as the 12-year median late north date is 10/12. Late south 10/17 Chippewa ABo, 10/18 Washington RJ and Rice JLa.
1998Spring Early south 4/12 Waseca OJ, 4/13 Dakota DBS, 4/17 Nicollet LF. Early north 4/27 Todd JSK, 4/30 Lake DV, and 5/3 Becker BBe.
1998Summer Observed in 65 counties statewide. New nesting records in Yellow Medicine RgS, McLeod RbS, Fillmore NO; probable nesting in eight counties.
1998Fall Record high count 8/14 Lyon (1,020) RgS; MRN also reported “hundreds” during peak migration 8/26 Waseca, 8/28 Brown. Late north 10/3 Clay RO, 10/6 Todd JSK/SDu, 10/22 St. Louis (two at HRNR) FN et al. Late south 10/12 Lyon RgS, 10/18 Swift ABo, 10/24 Hennepin SC.
1999Spring Arrived south earlier than usual (recent median 4/12), where first reported 4/4 Hennepin SC, 4/9 Meeker DF, 4/10 Dakota TT. Arrived north on time; first seen 4/19 Wadena RJ.
1999Summer Recorded in 61 counties throughout state; new nesting records in Hubbard DBr, Steele CH, JHo.
1999Fall Largest flock was 3/5 birds in Stevens on 9/25 (RJ). Most birds left on time by the middle of October, but at least one lingered later than any other in Minnesota history. Late north 9/10 Beltrami DJo, 9/12 Wadena PBi, 10/3 Cass MRN. Late south 10/12 Rock PS, 10/19 Hennepin SC, 11/14–17 (latest date in state) Scott CMa, †SC.
2000Spring Seen in 29 south and 18 north counties. Arrived on time. Early south (median 4/12) 4/14 Hennepin DBo, TT, 4/15 in two counties. Many reports north during late April, where first seen 4/21 in four counties.
2000Summer Record high number of reports; observed in 73 counties throughout state.
2000Fall Record high count of 400 on 9/15 in Traverse and another 225 on the same day in Wilkin (both KJB). Many reports north through September, but then only 10/5 Polk EEF, 11/2 Todd JSK, SDu. Numerous south reports up to the recent median departure date (10/16), but then none until 10/30 Washington (1) RBJ.
2001Spring Seen in 39 south and 23 north counties. Early south 4/9 Dakota KJB and Goodhue BRL, 4/10 Hennepin SLC. Early north 4/16 Beltrami DPJ, 4/20 Wadena PJB.
2001Summer Fewest reports since 1994. Seen in 50 counties statewide; new nesting record in Norman GEN.
2001Fall Late north 9/29 Becker and Otter Tail DFN, 10/6 Douglas REH. Reported from six south counties during October; latest 10/21 Wright DFJ.
2002Spring Seen in 36 south and 22 north counties. Early south 4/6 Carver RMD, 4/10 Meeker, and Waseca. Early north 4/17 Morrison WLB, 4/21 Otter Tail PHS.
2002Summer Many reports, similar to 2000; found in 74 counties throughout state.
2002Fall Late north 9/19 Polk EEF, 9/21 Otter Tail DTT, SMT and Red Lake JMJ (18 days prior to median 10/9). Five south reports after median departure (10/16): 10/17 Wabasha LJU, 10/19 Hennepin PEB and Swift RBJ, 10/22 Murray CRM, 11/3 Scott PEJ.
2003Spring Arrived south on time: 4/12 Le Sueur DPS, 4/14 Freeborn AEB, 4/15 Wabasha JJS. Record early north (by over one week!) 3/21 Grant DKM, SPM, followed by 4/15 Todd JSK, SID, 4/24 Kanabec CAM.
2003Summer Observed in 64 counties throughout state.
2003Fall Reported from 18 north and 28 counties, but apparently departed prior to median dates north (10/8) and south (10/17). Late north 9/25 Kanabec JMP, 9/28 Becker DFN. Late south 10/11 Waseca JPS, 10/12 Kandiyohi SLC.
2004Spring Early south 4/15 Dakota PEJ, then from six additional counties on 4/17 (median 4/11). Early north 4/25 Clay RHO, Kanabec CAM (median 4/19). High count 100 5/20 Polk EEF.
2004Summer Observed in 62 counties throughout state.
2004Fall Second-highest fall count 9/16 Polk (790) EEF. Late north 10/1 Lake JWL, 10/12 Clay PHS, 10/19 Otter Tail JEB. Late south 10/2 Dakota ADS, Olmsted PWP, Waseca JPS (median 10/16).
2005Spring Early south 4/6 Meeker DMF, 4/7 Sherburne HHD (median 4/12). Early north 4/4 St. Louis SLF, 4/16 Aitkin ASc (median 4/20).
2005Summer Reported from 66 counties throughout state.
2005Fall Reported from the majority of counties in all regions. High count 8/17 Pine (100) MCA. Late north 10/8 Mahnomen BJU, 10/14 Pine JMP (median 10/8). Late south 10/9 Renville and Sibley JWH, RMD, 10/30 Dakota CRM (median 10/17).
2006Spring Early south 4/8 Hennepin DWK, 4/11 Meeker DMF (median 4/12). Early north 4/14 Wadena PJB, 4/20 St. Louis SLF (median 4/20).
2006Summer Reported from all 87 counties. New nesting record for Houston KAK.
2006Fall Reported from 24 north and 47 south counties. High count 9/9 Kittson (200 over one field) SAS. Late north 9/21 Morrison and Todd MRN, 9/30 Wadena PJB (median 10/9). Late south 10/17 Blue Earth DWK, 10/22–23 Brown BTS, m.obs. (median 10/16).
2007Spring2853 Early south 4/15 Anoka REH, 4/17 Meeker DMF, 4/18 in four counties (median 4/11). Early north 4/18 Mille Lacs NSc and Wadena PJB, 4/21 Aitkin, Clay, St. Louis (median 4/19). High count 5/15 Dakota (100) DKo.
2007Summer3450 Observed throughout the state.
2007Fall3446 High count 8/19 Carlton (110) DWK. Late north 9/26 Traverse BJU, 10/9 Lake (5, Two Harbors) JWL, 10/16 Todd MSK (median 10/8). Late south 10/9 Blue Earth (4) ChH, 10/11 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/13 Lac qui Parle (3) PHS (median 10/17).
2008Spring3149 Early south dates all from Dakota: 4/7 JPM, 4/10 JLO, 4/15 BRL (median 4/11). Early north (median 4/19) 4/17 Aitkin KCR, Mille Lacs NSc, 4/19 Douglas JPE, 4/21 Becker fide JMJ. High count 4/25 Fillmore (75) RTP.
2008Summer2743 Observed throughout state.
2008Fall3247 High counts 9/26 Traverse (267, Wheaton W.T.P.) PHS, 10/2 Traverse (266, Mud Lake) PHS. Late north 9/25 Wadena PJB, 9/26 Traverse PHS, 9/28 Traverse DBM, 10/2 Traverse PHS (median 10/8). Late south 10/14 Pope DMF, followed by a record-late first-year individual in Scott at the Blue Lake W.T.P. 11/8 – 11/23 CRM, †DWK, PEJ (median 10/17).
2009Spring3149 Early south (median 4/11) 4/3 Dakota JPM, 4/12 Hennepin BAF, ABL, 4/14 Big Stone DPG. Early north (median 4/19) 4/13 Todd MSK, 4/20 St. Louis SLF, 4/25 Douglas JPE, JPE, Kanabec CAM, Otter Tail DST. High count 5/9 Clay (160) RHO.
2009Summer3146 Seen statewide. First county breeding record from Scott SWe. High count 6/24 Washington (20) TEB.
2009Fall3149 High counts 10/11 Stearns (total of 617: 280 at Grand Lake, 231 at Albany W.T.P., 106 at Paynesville W.T.P.) PCC, 8/19 Crow Wing (200) JSB. Many birds lingered past the median departure dates both north and south. Late north 10/18 Clay DFN, Douglas JPE, 10/31 Lake (3) LS (median 10/9). Late south 10/28 Dakota (6, Black Dog Lake) ADS, 10/31 Stearns (5, Albany W.T.P.) PCC, for the second consecutive year a very late individual at the Blue Lake W.T.P, 11/1315 Scott PEJ, CRM, DWK, and finally 11/25 Hennepin †SLC.
2010Spring3152 Early south (median 4/11) 4/4 Hennepin (3, Wood Lake N.C.) JJo, 4/5 Ramsey BNW, 4/9 Nicollet RMD. Early north (median 4/19) 4/23 Douglas JPE, 4/29 Mille Lacs RBJ, DAC, Otter Tail DST.
2010Summer3351 Found statewide. First county breeding record from Goodhue BSa.
2010Fall2948 High count 8/20 Douglas (208, Alexandria) RTe. Late north 9/25 St. Louis KRE, LS, RTe, Traverse HHD, 10/28 St. Louis (2, Sax-Zim Bog) MaA (median 10/8). Late south 10/9 Lincoln CRM, ALo, Winona DBz, 10/16 Rice DAB, JWH (median 10/17).
2011Spring3353 Early south (median 4/11) 4/7 Hennepin BeH, 4/8 Carver RZi, Goodhue RSA. Early north (median 4/19) 4/22 Morrison FGo, 4/25 Hubbard MAW, 4/26 Grant RAE. High count 5/26 Houston (200) RTe.
2011Summer3453Reported from every county in state. First county breeding record from Chisago SuL, Pine CCa. High counts 6/25 Hennepin (50, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) JJo, 7/17 Waseca (50, Pondview) DCu.
2011Fall3051 High count 8/21 Hennepin (75, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) JJo. Late north 9/29 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census) KJB, 10/7 Douglas JPE, St. Louis (H.R.N.R.) AaB (median 10/8). Late south 10/20 Lac qui Parle PEJ, 10/23 Jackson (Sandy Point Park) KSm (median 10/17).
2012Spring3353 Early south (median 4/11) 4/4 Hennepin CRM, 4/5 Hennepin PEJ, 4/6 Wabasha RZi, KRE. Early north (median 4/19) 4/15 Aitkin ANy, 4/19 Clay (3) DaP, 4/22 Grant DFN. High counts 4/21 McLeod (~50, Silver Lake) RPR, 5/6 Carlton (~50, Moose Lake W.T.P.) ACr, 5/13 Hennepin (~50, French R.P.) ACr.
2012Summer3453 Reported from all counties. High count 7/26 Lyon (50, Cottonwood W.T.P.) GWe. First county breeding record from Waseca PCo.
2012Fall3252 High counts 8/30 Rice (est. 150) GHo, 8/22 Faribault (est. 80) CoN, ClN. Late north 9/26 Grant DBM, 10/7 Douglas HHD, RAE (median 10/8). Late south 10/14 Hennepin (3) DJR, ZSl, 10/25 McLeod (3) SBM (median 10/17).
2013Spring3252 Early south (median 4/11) 3/28 Faribault (3, Rice Lake W.M.A.) ph. CoN, ClN, 4/6 Brown DWK, Goodhue BRL. Early north (median 4/19) 4/17 Douglas BEc, 4/19 Morrison FGo. High count 5/22 Goodhue (120, Prairie Island) DVe.
2013Summer3453 Seen in all counties. High count 7/31 Dakota (120, Jirik Sod Farms) DWK. First county breeding records from Faribault JSc, Sibley CCa, Wabasha ScM.
2013Fall3052 High counts 8/28 Ramsey (1,000 at Bald Eagle Lake premigratory roost) ToL. Late north 10/1 Grant (140, second highest count reported) MJM, St. Louis KJB, BCM, 10/2 Otter Tail MJM (median 10/8). Late south 10/18 Big Stone DLP, 10/19 Anoka JWH, Jackson KRE, ANy, LS, RZi, DOK, RSA (median 10/17).
2014Spring3453Early south (median 4/11) 4/6 Hennepin JSg, 4/11 Hennepin LWn, 4/12 Dakota KMS, 4/13 Anoka JaM. Early north (median 4/19) 4/21 Itasca SC, 4/22 Morrison KEm, 4/24 Cass BAW, Clay PBB, Morrison MJB. High counts 5/15 Carver (200, Rapids Lake) DAT, GHo, 5/15 McLeod (200) KLz, 5/9 Hennepin (150) JmM.
2014Summer3450Seen in all counties except Le Sueur, Mower, Watonwan. High count 7/29 Hennepin (150, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) TRi.
2014Fall3351 High counts 9/19 Brown (500, Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) RBJ, DAC, 8/11 Hennepin (400, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) BAF. Late north 9/19 Clay (Buffalo River S.P.) MO, 9/20 Clay HeH, ShG, 9/28 Becker HeH, ShG (median 10/8). Late south 10/9 Cottonwood HHD, KMS, CRM, 10/10 Dakota ANy, ADS, followed nearly a month later by a very late individual 11/4 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) BRL (median 10/17).
2015Spring3352 Early south (median 4/11) 4/10 Ramsey SFr, Winona DBz, 4/12 Carver DTr, Rice TFB. Early north (median 4/19) 4/13 St. Louis JLK, 4/19 Polk DaG, 4/23 Pine HHD. High counts 5/8 Goodhue (100, Hok-Si-La Park) SBM, 5/5, 5/8 Dakota (60, 180th St. marsh) RPR, CTS.
2015Summer3453 Reported from all counties.
2015Fall3353 High counts 9/28 Faribault (450, Wells W.T.P.) DWK, 9/12 Cottonwood (323) CRM. Late north 10/5 Marshall (2) DdD, 10/11 Clay (4) PBB, 10/12 St. Louis ClN (median 10/7). Late south 10/18 Jackson JAn, 10/19 Lyon (7) GWe, 10/31 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS (median 10/23).
2016Spring3353 Early south (median 4/9) 4/2–3 Hennepin ph. JBs, 4/5 Ramsey DFN. Early north (median 4/19) 4/16 Otter Tail DST, Pine MHs, 4/22 Wadena PJB. High counts 4/26 Brown (100) CoM, 5/12 Washington (100) KvM, 5/14 Anoka (100) JKe, 5/14 Goodhue (100) KeA.
2016Summer3453 Reported from all counties. Numerous estimates of 50 birds in Southeast region.
2016Fall3453 High count 9/17 Yellow Medicine (250, Miedd Lake) GWe. Late north 10/6 Traverse KeM, 10/11 St. Louis (3, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB (median 10/7). Late south all from Carver (Tacoma Ave.): 10/18 WCM, BHe, 10/23 WCM, 11/7 WCM, two weeks after the 10/23 median.
2017Spring3453 Early south (median 4/8) 4/5 Carver SBM, Hennepin CMB, Washington EzH, JHh, 4/7 Yellow Medicine GWe. Early north (median 4/17) 4/11 Grant CNn, 4/13 Morrison KEm, MEm, 4/16 Todd TLu. High counts 5/23 Polk (300, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) MSp, 5/28 Marshall (175, Warren W.T.P.) JCa, 5/30 Scott (150) RiC.
2017Summer3453 Reported from all counties. High count 7/28 Rice (120, Northfield Twp.) GBa. First county breeding record 7/7 Redwood WCM.
2017Fall3253 High count 9/3 Grant (200) CNn. Late north 10/4 St. Louis H.R.B.O., 10/10 Traverse KnM, 10/13 Aitkin JWl (median 10/7). Late south 10/13 Mower SWm, 10/15 Jackson JJu (median 10/24).
2018Spring3453 Early south (median 4/8) 4/11 Houston ASu, 4/12 Anoka DGu, Hennepin DWK, CSl, BeH. Early north (median 4/17) 4/22 Clay TCL, Douglas HHD, Mille Lacs ABL, and also in Beltrami, Morrison, Pine, St. Louis on 4/23. High count 5/14 Washington (125, Marsh Creek Park) ERH.
2018Summer3453 Seen in all counties. High count 7/7 Steele (100, Ellendale) DGu.
2018Fall3353 High counts 9/15 Grant (800, Niemackl Lake Park) MO, 8/10 Freeborn (500) MaJ. Late north 10/13 Todd RAE, 10/17 Grant CNn, 10/25 Grant NaH (median 10/7). Late south 10/21 Ramsey m.ob., 10/23 Scott BAb, 10/29 Olmsted JPr (median 10/24).
2019Summer3453 Seen in every county. All counts ≤ 70.
 Breeds throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.