Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Vireos
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Vireos
White-eyed Vireo
Bell's Vireo
Yellow-throated Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo

Bell's Vireo(Vireo bellii)
1961SpringSeen 30 May near Reno, Houston County by William Pieper and other Avifauna! Club members.
1961SummerA nest with four eggs was found at Reno on 10 June by the Huber brothers.
1962SpringMay 16 several seen and heard at Reno, Houston Co., and one seen at Vasa, Goodhue Co., W. R. Pieper and R. Huber.
1962SummerJune 30, Reno, Houston Co., Avifaunal Club; July 28, same area, singing male, brought food several times to sumac-wild grape entanglement, apparently nesting, H. and R. Huber.
1963SpringMay 26, Reno, Houston Co., male singing, found last year's nest in Sumac bush, Avifauna! Club.
1963SummerHouston Co., Reno, one pair present all summer and p::-e ~ umeably breeding although actual nest not found, Avifaunal Club. Wabasha Co., Dorer Pools, June 8, one male singing, R. B. Janssen.
1964Spring6-1 Wabasha Co, nesting, RG; 6-12 Luverne, Rock Co, 1 heard, RLH, appears to be first record for county.
1964Summer6-12, Luverne, Rock Co, RLH; 6·14, Wabasha Co, nest empty, RG, RLH; 8·7, Winona Co, heard, FV; 8·15 Winona Co., 3 singing, RBJ.
1965Spring5-28 Winona, FV; 5-29 Dorer Pools, Wabasha Co, WRP.
1966Spring5-23 Winona, GD, GG, FV; 5-23 Rochester, 1 banded by JPF, CMJ, excellent details; 5-31 Dorer Pools, Wabasha/ Winona Co line, EHH, RG.
1966Summerreported from Winona Co; 6-5 to 7-5 Dakota Co, 3 mi SE of Nicols, RG, BL, RBJ, DB, ELC, RLH; northernmost record in recent years.
1967Spring5-31(FGD),6-1(FV/ HVBC) Winona Co.
1967Summer6-10 Dorer Pools, Wabasha Co., 2, HFH; 6-12 Winona Co., 1, EHH; 7-14 Hennepin Co., Cedar Ave. Bridge, 1 singing, RLH.
1968Spring 5-25 Frog Lake, Stevens Co., 1 singing and seen, DB, RG, EHH, HFH (see Notes of Interest in previous issue); an astounding record, only report.
1968Summer reported only from Wabasha (DB), Winona (BT,GD) Co's.
1968Fall9-7 Chisago (Taylors Falls) EL.
1969Spring5-18 Winona Co., BT.
1969Summer8-3 Winona Co. TV, only report.
1969Fall8-2 Winona BTV.
1970Spring5-13 Carver Park, Carver Co. KH ; "black eyes with small white spectacles, vireo shape and movements; wingbars; whitish throat and breast of faint yellowish; sm aller than Solitary, not as gray. "
1970Summernested at Kellog, Wabasha Co. (june, 1 pr. and 4 y, BTV).
1971Spring2 reports Marshall, Lyon Co. HK.
1972Summernested in Dakota (Burnsville; last seen 7-25 VL); June, collected near Luverne, ROCK Co., D. W. Warner.
1973Summer Winona 7-4 (KG) & 7-21 (RBJ & FL).
1973Fall One report (none last year): 8-4 Goodhue (JAB). Yellow-throated. Vireo Seen in Anoka, Hennepin, St. Louis, Morrison, Sherburne.
1974Spring 3 reports: 5-16 Hennepin (1) OJ; 5-25 Olmsted (1) JF; 5-27 Pipestone (1 singing male) KE.
1974Summer Present until 6-30 near Rochester, Olmsted Co. (JF); no reports from Winona.
1974Fall 9-1 5 Blue Mounds State Park, Rock Co. KE.
1975Spring 3 reports: 5-6 Le Sueur (3) HFC; 523 to 6-2 Goodhue (2) CF; 5-31 Rock KE.
1975Summer 3 reports: 6-1 Pipestone National Monument, Pipestone Co. (SV); 6-2 Goodhue (CF); 6-5 Olmsted (JF).
1976Spring 1 report: 5-15 Goodhue (Vasa, 1) BDC.
1976Summerup to 5 reported from Kellogg, Wabasha Co. from 6-13 (F. Lesher) to 7-31 (JB).
1977Spring 2 reports: 5-10 Hennepin (2) SH; 5-29 Winona (1) FL.
1977Summer Again reported near Kellogg, Wabasha Co. until 7-13 (DGW, KE, RJ).
1977Fall All reports 8-5 Winona (VL) 8-28 Wright (ES), 8-28 Houston (FL). '
1978Spring 5-6 Watonwan (1) RG; 5-28 Wabasha (3) KE, SM.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Wabasha (Lower Sand Prairie). See Notes of Interest.
1979Spring Wabasha county 5-27 GS, 5-30 BB.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Wabasha; also seen in Dakota (Burnsville, fide RBJ).
1979Fall One report 8-5 Wabasha DGW.
1980Spring Three reports: 5-20 Winona JSD, 5-22 Cottonwood RG, Houston FL, 5-31 Olmsted JF.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Ramsey (Fort Snelling SP); also seen in Wabasha, Olmsted, Winona.
1981Spring Five reports: 5-1 Wabasha DWM, 5-8 Washington RH, 5-15 Winona SM, 5-30 Fillmore RJ, Wabasha WDM.
1981Summer Breeding data from Wabasha; nesting reported from Dakota (six birds, Black Dog to Fort Snelling State Park, KG, MW et al). Also seen in Scott (Savage), Rice (Sibley Marsh, KJ).
1981Fall One report: 9-24 Rock GS.
1982Spring Four reports: 5-17 Winona GS, 5-22 Wabasha DGW, 5-23 Wabasha DWM, 5-27 Wabasha and Goodhue BL.
1982Summer Breeding data from Wabasha.
1983Spring One report: 5/11 Wabasha WDM.
1983Summer Seen in Ramsey (Roseville, 6/6 -6!12), Dakota (Black Dog, 6/9 two males, 7/3 pair, SC), Wabasha (Kellogg, D&GW; 6/6 & 7/14, D&WM), Houston (6/22 Hokah, FL).
1983Fall One report: 8/10 Wabasha JP/AM (3).
1984Spring All reports: Wabasha 5/l9 BL (2) DZ, 5/26 WDM, 5/21 Dakota PL, 5/28 Olmsted JEB (2).
1984Summernested in Olmsted (6/9, nest with 4 eggs -JB); also seen 6/27 Dakota (BE).
1984Fall 8/4 & II Fort Snelling S.P., Dakota TT.
1985Spring Many observer reports from Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Wabasha and Winona counties from 5/10 to 30.
1985Summer Seen in Hennepin (611 Elm Creek Park, m.ob.), Dakota (6/15-6/20, TTu), Scott (AB), Wabasha (7/8, WDM).
1985Fall 8/21 Goodhue BL.
1986Spring All reports: 5/17 Goodhue DBI, JD, 5/18 Dakota KE, Tfu (3), BE, 5/20 Wabasha WDM, 5/27 Dakota Tfu (5).
1986Summer Seen in Dakota, Wabasha, Houston.
1986Fall Only report 8/9 Wabasha JPIAM.
1987Spring 5/23,25,27 Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. m.ob. ; 5/15 Wabasha WDM.
1987Summer Seen in Dakota, Wabasha.
1987Fall All reports: 8/ I Dakota TT, 8/20 Houston EMF.
1988Spring All reports: 5/12-25 Dakota m.ob. Wabasha 5/14 KR, 5/24 WDM, 5/31 Houston FL.
1988Summer Only records : seen in Fillmore, Dakota, Rock (6/16, Blue Mounds S.P., TI).
1989Spring All reports: 5/14 Winona ES, 5/22 Dakota AB, 5/25 Goodhue AP, 5/29 Wabasha KE, et a!.
1989Summer Probable nesting at Black Dog, Dakota Co.; also seen in Wabasha and Olmsted.
1990Spring All reports: 5/23 Scott (1) DC, 5/24-30 Blue Earth (nesting) MF, BB, 5/29 Houston FL, 5/30 Dakota AB.
1990Summer Breeding recorded in Wabasha, probable breeding in Winona; nest built but abandoned in Blue Earth BB. Also seen in Dakota.
1990Fall One report 8/11-9/1 Winona (2 ad., 4 imm.) CS, AP.
1991Spring All reports: 5/10-11 Wood Lake, Hennepin Co. (I) JPo et al., 5/11 Fillmore GMD, 5/1331 Winona (two locations) CS, 5/20-26 Dakota (2) AB, RG, 5/22 Rock (I) PB, 5/23 Blue Earth (2) MF, 5/24 Wabasha DWM.
1991Summer Nested in Winona (The Loon 63:206-207); also seen in Dakota, 6/14 Rock ND.
1991Fall All reports: 8/9 - 9/3 Prairie Island, Winona Co. CS, 8/22 Mud Lake, Winona Co. fide CS.
1992Spring All reports: 5/10–25 Winona CS, mob, 5/20–27 Dakota (two) PS, TT, DB, 5/22–30 Wabasha KE, mob, 5/24–27 Ramsey (one) DN, KB.
1992Summer Nested at two locations in Wabasha (lower Sand Prairie and McCarthy L. WMA); was also seen in Dakota, Goodhue, Winona and Houston.
1992Fall One report: 8/10 Winona CS.
1993Spring All reports: 5/8?15 Wabasha WDM, DN, 5/23 Dakota (two) TT, 5/23 Winona CS.
1993Summer Reported in Washington, Dakota, Wabasha, Olmsted, Winona.
1993Fall Two reports: 8/20 Wabasha DBM, 9/19 Washington (one) WL (The Loon 66:49–50).
1994Spring All reports: 5/14 Hennepin TT, mob, 5/24 Winona FL, 5/25 Wabasha CS, 5/29 Dakota (2) TBr.
1994Summer At least two males defending territories near Black Dog L. in Dakota Co. (6/3–7/2 PBu, mob.); a single bird observed on 6/4 in Scott Co. SK; a singing male seen on 6/26 at Weaver Dunes in Wabasha Co. DWi; one bird observed at Nelson Fen Wildlife Area in Olmsted Co. (6/6 to end of June, JB et al.).
1995Spring All reports: 5/19–23 Winona CS, FL, 5/27 Olmsted CK, JSt, Dakota (no date) PB.
1995Summer Several reports: 6/2 Winona (Mud L.) CS; 6/4 – 7/2 Dakota (Black Dog fen) TT et al.; 6/16 Blue Earth (near Mankato) MF; 6/17 Wabasha (McCarthy L. WMA) fide AH; 6/24 – 7/3 Carver (Minnesota Valley NWR) RG et al.
1995Fall No reports.
1996Spring Early south 5/15 Rice TBo, 5/21 Wabasha JD, FL, 5/24 Winona CS. Also reported from Dakota and Blue Earth counties.
1996Summer Nested at Minneopa S.P. in Blue Earth Co. BBo. Also reported near Black Dog L. in Dakota TT, DBo; two singing at O.L. Kipp S.P. in Winona Co. PBu, DBS; plus Wabasha CS.
1996Fall Only report 8/11 Dakota TT.
1997Spring All reports: 5/15 Houston (2) DV, 5/18 Dakota TT, 5/19 Dakota SWe.
1997Summer Nest with four eggs discovered at Black Dog Lake in Dakota Co. JL, FKS. Other reports include two singing on 6/25 – 7/26 along N. Hennepin Bike Trail in Hennepin Co. HT, mob; one singing on 6/28 at Frontenac S. P. in Goodhue Co. CH; one singing on 6/13 at Minneopa S. P. in Blue Earth Co. BBo; one on 6/28 and 7/6 in wildlife area south of Waseca in Waseca Co. JSe; plus 6/1 Winona CB.
1997Fall All reports: 8/5–15 Hennepin KB, SC, 8/30–31 Lac qui Parle BL, RG.
1998Spring All reports: 5/19–22 Lac qui Parle (second county record) WM, PS, 5/25 Dakota TT, 5/26 Blue Earth MF.
1998Summer All reports: 6/13 Blue Earth (Minneopa S. P.) MF; 6/13 and 7/4 Waseca (Otisco Township) JSe; 6/15,20 Wabasha (McCarthy L.) DBe, BBr; 7/3 Dakota (Black Dog L.) TT; Winona (Great River Bluffs S. P., no date) AH, PS.
1998Fall All reports: 8/2 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) TT, 8/10 Winona (two at Prairie Island) CS, 8/29 Waseca (Otisco Twp.) JSe.
1999Spring Reported 5/22 Blue Earth (2) ABa, MF, 5/22+ Waseca (2) ABa, JSe et al., 5/24 Dakota (Black Dog L.) TT.
1999Summer Reported on 6/7 at Black Dog L. in Dakota Co. TBo, on 6/9 at Minneopa S.P. in Blue Earth Co. (same location where reported for past three years) MF, and on 6/19 and 7/11 at Highway 13 waterfowl management area in Waseca Co. (same site as previous year) JSe.
1999Fall Only report: 8/6 Dakota TT.
2000Spring All reports were within expected range. First seen 5/19 Ramsey DCn, 5/19+ Dakota TT, PS. First county record 5/28–29 Steele (Somerset Twp.) NT, DBM. Also observed in Blue Earth (Minneopa S. P.) MF, RJ, Waseca ABa, and Winona MBW.
2000Summer None could be found at the WMA in Waseca Co. where recently reliable. One from spring still singing 6/3 Steele (Somerset Twp.) NFT et al., †AEB. Also found 6/10–7/8 Dakota (Black Dog L.) TAT, DBS; 6/12 Blue Earth (Minneopa S.P.) †MJF; 6/25 Winona (Great River Bluffs S.P.) †PCC; 7/8–24 Washington (maximum of 2 at Kingston Park) MEn, †CRM et al.; and 7/10 Olmsted (Chester Woods County Park) JDu.
2000Fall Only reported by TAT at Black Dog L., Dakota County: four birds on 8/12 and one on 9/4.
2001Spring Reported north of usual range 5/14 Stearns (Roscoe Prairie) DDM, BJM. Also: 5/19+ Dakota (Black Dog L.) TAT, ADS, 5/25 Goodhue (Frontenac S.P.) CRG, 5/26+ Blue Earth (Minneopa S.P.) BRB et al.
2001Summer Reported 6/7 – 7/2 Dakota (Black Dog L.) TAT et al.; 6/9–11 Blue Earth (one singing at Minneopa S.P.) DFN, MJF; 6/11 – 7/14 Olmsted (Chester Woods Park) JDu et al.; plus an early June report at Great River Bluffs S.P. in Winona Co. fide AXH, and one present the entire season at Frontenac S.P. in Goodhue Co. †CMJ.
2001Fall Oberved 8/5 Dakota TAT.
2002Spring Reported 5/7 Blue Earth (seen and heard at Minneopa S.P.) MJF, 5/26+ Goodhue SWe et al., 5/27+ Dakota (Black Dog L.) TAT, 5/28 Wabasha (McCarthy Lakes W.M.A.) CRM, 5/30 Winona (Great River Bluffs S.P.) fide AXH.
2002Summer Record-high number of reports; 6/3 and 6/30 Wabasha (McCarthy L. W.M.A) PHS, JPE, 6/5 – 7/27 Winona (max. 3 at Great River Bluffs S.P.) CAS et al., 6/6 and 6/8 Blue Earth (Minneopa S.P., same location as past five years) MJF, 6/8 Olmsted (Chester Woods) fide AXH, 6/8 Meeker (Manannah Twp.) †DMF, 6/10–15 Dakota (max. 2 at Black Dog Preserve) RMD, FTM et al., 6/22 and 7/4 Waseca (max. 2 at Otisco W.M.A.) JPS, 6/29 Mower (Taopi) JPE.
2002Fall No reports.
2003Spring Arrived south three days later than the recent median. Early south 5/18 Wabasha (2) JMP, 5/24 Blue Earth (Minneopa S.P.) MJF. Also observed 5/25 Dakota (Cliff Fen) DWK, 5/26 Waseca (2) JPS, 5/26 Hennepin (Diamond L. near Dayton) DWK.
2003Summer Nested in Dakota (Black Dog Fen Park) JPM et al., possible nesting in Waseca (Senn-Rich W.M.A.) JPS, 6/27 Winona (2 at Great River Bluffs S.P.) FZL.
2003Fall Last reported 8/31 Dakota (Cliff Fen) DWK.
2004Spring Reported from six counties: 5/15 Wabasha CBe, 5/18 Lac qui Parle (Yellow Bank Twp.) BJU, 5/18+ Blue Earth (Minneopa S.P.) MJF, 5/19+ Dakota RMD, 5/31 Waseca JPS and Winona (Great River Bluffs S.P.) KRE (median 5/15)
2004Summer Observed 6/5 Dodge OWB, 6/6, 6/27 Winona BWF, DAB, 6/8 Wabasha KTP, 6/16 Blue Earth BTS, 7/4 Waseca JPS.
2004Fall No reports.
2005Spring Early south 5/14 Scott JOt, 5/20 Waseca JPS (median 5/15). Also found in Dakota (Murphy-Hanrehan and Cliff Fen) and Wabasha (McCarthy Lakes W.M.A.).
2005Summer Observed 6/1 Hennepin BBB, 6/1+ Brown (Rosenau-Lambrecht W.M.A.) BTS, BJU, 6/1, 6/30, 7/5 Waseca JPS, 6/7 Blue Earth ChH, 7/1 Dakota ADS, 7/16 Le Sueur BJU.
2005Fall Only report: 8/21 Winona CAS (same as median).
2006Spring All observations: 5/22 Goodhue JLO, 5/29 Dakota (3 at Cliff Fen Park) DWK, 5/31 Hennepin (Elm Creek P.R.) JPS.
2006Summer Most reports ever. Found in Washington, Dakota, Nicollet, Le Sueur, Blue Earth, Waseca, Lyon (6/23, MCBS).
2006Fall Only report: 9/2 Dakota JLS.
2007Spring4 All reports: 5/12 Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) DDo, LEC, 5/13 Wabasha (McCarthy Lake W.M.A.) JWH, 5/17 Dakota (location?) PRH, 5/20 Le Sueur (Kasota Prairie) CMB, CRM, RBJ, 5/28 Dakota (2 at Cliff Fen S.N.A.) CMB, JCC, LS, PEB, RBW (median 5/15).
2007Summer5 Reported within usual range from Hennepin, Dakota, Goodhue, Waseca, Blue Earth.
2007Fall No reports.
2008Spring3 All reports 5/20–31 Dakota (as many as 3 singing males at Black Dog Nature Preserve S.N.A.) m.ob., 5/26–30 Wabasha (2, McCarthy Lake W.M.A.) KRE, RHO, 5/27 Le Sueur (Kasota Prairie) BJU.
2008Summer4 All reports: 6/8–22 Hennepin DDo, PEB, m.ob., 6/6–7/29 Wabasha (2) SLF, JWH, ARW, 6/9, 6/10, 6/25, 7/6 Dakota JLO, (4) ADS, ph. JPM, (2) BAF, 6/13–7/3 Waseca JPS, RBJ, RBW, DAB.
2008Fall1 Only report 8/31 Dakota, two males still singing at Cliff Fen S.N.A., BAF.
2009Spring13 New county record and only north report: 5/18, 5/23 Morrison (Belle Prairie Park) FGo. All south (median early 5/15) 5/17–24 Hennepin (a singing male returned to Lake Nokomis, Minneapolis) m.ob., 5/23–31 Dakota (Black Dog Nature Preserve S.N.A.) m.ob. 5/23–24 Goodhue (Frontenac S.P.) WOS, 5/28 Wabasha RPR. High counts both from Black Dog Nature Preserve S.N.A., Dakota; 5/23 (7) MDu, 5/31 (6, 3 singing males and their mates) ADS.
2009Summer5 All reports: Dakota (Black Dog Nature Preserve S.N.A.), Hennepin (L. Nokomis), Goodhue (Frontenac S.P.), Mower (Cartney W.M.A., Wild Indigo S.N.A.), Dodge (Pheasants Forever W.M.A.).
2009Fall1 BAF documented singing males lingering at the traditional Black Dog Nature Preserve S.N.A breeding area on 9/7, 9/13, and 9/18 Dakota. A high count of 5 birds was present 9/13, with only one remaining 9/18.
2010Spring6 Early south (median 5/15) 5/16 Dakota (2, Black Dog Nature Preserve S.N.A.) BAF, 5/17 Dakota (3) CMB, 5/18 Rice TFB, 5/20 Washington (Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A.) ph. LSi. High count 5/23 Dakota (4, Black Dog Nature Preserve S.N.A.) MDu. Most reports from Dakota, but also reported from Hennepin, Houston, Lac qui Parle (Caerulean W.M.A., a.t. BJU), Rice, Washington.
2010Summer4 Reported 6/2 – 7/7 Dakota (Black Dog Nature Preserve S.N.A.) m.ob. (max. 6 on 6/20 BAF), 6/2 – 7/16 Hennepin (Lake Nokomis) DWK, BAF, ph. AXH, ph. †DDo (The Loon 83:42–43).
2010Fall1 Only one report, 8/27 Wabasha PME (median late south 8/21).
2011Spring6 Early south (median 5/15) 5/15 Jackson (Black Bridge Rd.) MDu. Also reported from Dakota, Hennepin, Lac qui Parle, Rice, Waseca. High count 5/17 Dakota (3) CMB.
2011Summer7Observed in Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Ramsey, Rice, Wabasha, Washington. All counts ≤ 4 birds.
2011Fall3 All south reports: 8/14 Houston (sod farm northeast of Hokah) HHD, RAE, 8/15 Hennepin (2 summering birds continuing in Eden Prairie) SLC, 9/3 Dakota (3 males continuing at traditional Black Dog Nature Preserve S.N.A. breeding area) BAF, 9/7 Hennepin (one bird still singing at 8/15 location) SLC (median late south 8/21).
2012Spring7 Early south (median 5/15) 5/6 Dakota (Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Black Dog Unit) MDu, 5/11 Goodhue DFN, Rice TFB. Also reported from Hennepin, Olmsted, Wabasha, and Washington.
2012Summer7 Found in Dakota, Goodhue, Ramsey, Rice, Wabasha, Washington, Watonwan. All counts < 3 individuals.
2012Fall4 All reports: 8/5 Goodhue DFN, 8/8 Dakota (2) RMD, 8/12 Wabasha JCC, 9/1 Dakota BAF, SHF, 9/8 Washington LEC (median late 8/27).
2013Spring9 Reported from a record-high 9 counties, including a first county record 5/26+ Chisago (Shafer W.T.P.) RBW. Early south (median 5/15) 5/12 Hennepin (Hyland Lake P.R.) MHu, 5/12–16 Hennepin (General Mills Research Nature Area) RCB, SFl, AMa, 5/14 Anoka BMc, Dakota DHn. High count 5/31 Wabasha (3) SHo.
2013Summer9 Reported from Anoka, Chisago, Dakota, Goodhue, Kandiyohi, Olmsted, Ramsey, Rice, Wabasha. New county record 6/15 Kandiyohi (north edge of Whitefield W.M.A., about 6 mi. SW of Willmar) RAE, JoS. Originally found by Randy Frederickson.
2013Fall1 All reports were from the Black Dog Preserve in the Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Dakota County, where last found 9/7 BAF (median 8/27).
2014Spring4Early south (median 5/15) 5/18 Rice TFB, 5/24 Wabasha JiH, CWi, DCo. Also reported from Dakota and Washington.
2014Summer6Observed in Goodhue, Ramsey, Rice, Rock, Wabasha, Washington.
2014Fall3 All south 8/2 Wabasha (McCarthy Lake W.M.A.) RMD, 8/12 Dakota (Gores Pools #3 W.M.A.) DVe, 8/17 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Long Meadow Lake Unit) CMB.
2015Spring5 Early south (median 5/15) 5/15 Dakota TAT, ADS, 5/16 Hennepin NTG, 5/18 Goodhue JHn. Also reported from Rice and Wabasha. High count 5/25 Dakota (5, Cliff Fen, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) CMB.
2015Summer5 Reported from Dakota, Goodhue, Olmsted, Rice, Wabasha.
2015Fall1 Only one report, 9/7 Carver (Minnesota Landscape Arboretum) LM.
2016Spring5 Reported from Dakota, Goodhue, Rice, Wabasha, and Washington. Early south (median 5/15) 5/12 Wabasha MJM, 5/21 Dakota BCh, Rice TFB. High count 5/25 Dakota (3, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Cliff Fen) LiH, SBE.
2016Summer7 Reported from Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Rice, Wabasha, Waseca, Washington.
2016Fall7 Reported from seven south counties, a new high for the fall season, including 8/2–9/1 Hennepin (2) CMB, 8/5 Goodhue (Frontenac S.P.) DVe, 8/9–21 Dakota (three locations) BMu, KDS, DRD, 8/28 Carver (Carver P.R.) JCy, 8/28 Waseca (Blowers C.P.) PSu, 8/31 Washington (Carpenter N.C.) KWr., and late south 9/2 Rock (Blue Mounds S.P.) BMi, JGe (median 8/31).
2017Spring9 Nine counties ties a record high for this species. Early south (median 5/15) 5/19 Wabasha SHo, 5/20 Dakota LiH, Lyon RJS. Unusual reports: 5/20 Lyon (Marshall) ph. RJS, 5/28 Olmsted (2, Rock Dell W.M.A.) ECu, 5/26 Waseca (Janesville W.T.P.) RBW.
2017Summer9 Found in Brown, Carver, Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Olmsted, Rice, Wabasha and 7/23 Swift (near Appleton) †JWH.
2017Fall2 All south 8/1–9 Hennepin CMB, 8/23 Washington ELi (median late 8/31).
2018Spring6 Reports from Dakota, Hennepin, Olmsted, Rice, Wabasha and Washington. Early south (median 5/15) 5/16 Dakota LiH, Olmsted LAV, Rice TFB, 5/18 Olmsted JmP, Wabasha DBz.
2018Summer7 Found in Dakota, Fillmore, Goodhue, Hennepin, Rice, Wabasha, Washington.
2018Fall3 All south 8/1 Rice TFB, 8/11 Rice (2, Alvey Trail) SEm, KEm, DAB, 8/15 Goodhue DVe, 8/25 Washington PNi, BDo (median late 8/31).
2019Summer19 Reported from Blue Earth, Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Olmsted, Ramsey, Rice, Scott, Washington, and only the third north record ever: 7/7 Cass (88th Ave NE at Vermillion River) BDo, LiH.
 Breeds locally southeast and east-central. State designation: Special Concern.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.