Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Woodpeckers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Woodpeckers
Lewis's Woodpecker
Red-headed Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Williamson's Sapsucker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
American Three-toed Woodpecker
Black-backed Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
[Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)]
[Northern Flicker (Red-shafted)]
Pileated Woodpecker

Black-backed Woodpecker(Picoides arcticus)
1961Spring was seen by Nels Hervi and Virginia Barrows near Ely on 3 April. Northern Flicker. Earliest report was 1 April at Northfield by Dr. Rysgaard. Robert Ulvang saw one at Duluth on 5 April. Otherwise the peak of arrival for the state was 15 April. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was first seen by Dean Honetschlager in Washington County on 10 April. A. C. Rosenwinkel saw them on 13 April in St. Paul and Dr. Rysgaard saw them on 15 April at Northfield. By 15 April they had reached Duluth, as seen by several observers. Flycatchers: All Minnesota species were seen this season. Western Eastern Kingbird was seen 27 May at Duluth (I doubt that there are
1961Fall on September 23. Common Night hawks and Chimney Swifts were last seen and heard on August 24. Gray Jays seemed unusually scarce. Common Ravens undoubtedly are increasing as summer residents in areas adjacent to the Lakehead. Unfortunately Starlings continue to increase throughout the region and great flocks were present in late summer. The Common Grackle appears to be increasing as a breeding species with· in the limits of Fort William. We usually find the Lincoln's Sparrow an uncommon summer resident, but we heard two males on July 6 and two in a second area on July 19. In a third area we saw an agitated adult carrying nesting material on July 23. The early fall migration was generally
1962WinterDec. 15, Nimrod, Wadena Co., female collected, R. Oehlenschlager; Feb. 17, Lutsen, Cook Co., 2 males, Gloria Peleaux, Janet Green, R. Janssen; Mar. 2, Waskish, Beltrami Co., male and female seen, 4 others heard, D. Dorn and R. Huber. Some of those calling may have been the following species.
1963SpringMarch 23, Encampment Forest, Myrtle Penner; March 23, just S. Park Rapids, Hubbard County, Avifauna! Club; March 23, 9 mi. S Waskish, Beltrami County, male and female seen, 4 others heard, Avifauna! Club.
1963SummerLake Co., Fernberg road, July 3 and 13, 1 female seen, John C. Green. Warnpuss Lake, Aug. 17, 1 female seen, D. Pearson. Hubbard Co., Itasca Park, y left nest on July 5, fide Beh Thoma.
1963FallSept. 1, St. Louis Co., John Green; Oct. 19, Ely, A. C Rosenwinkel; Nov. 29, Hibbing, St. Louis Co., Harriet Micensky.
1964Winterall winter, Lutsen, Cook Co, 1, LS; Jan, Wadena and Cass Co's, near Nimrod, a few, RO.
1965Spring3-16 Beltrami Co, DB; one seen during period, no date(s) given, Hibbing, HM.
1967Fall 11-4 Duluth, 1, JGH and Tofte, Cook Co., 1, MOP; 11-18 Isabella, Lake Co., 1, JLS. NORTHERN THREE-TOED WOOD· 8 mi. SE of Park Rapids, 1 male, A WP and several other observers.
1967Winter 2-1 7 Encampment Forest, Lake Co., I , RL, JCG; 12-30 French River, St. Louis Co., 1, JGH; 1-2 French River, St. Louis Co., 1, Mrs. Alseth fide JCG ; 2-4 Cascade River, Cook Co., 1, HEP; 25 sightings during period, Lutsen, Cook Co., LS; one fantastic record from out on the prairie; 2-8 Watonwan Co. , Madelia Research Center, 1, good details, EDK.
1968Spring 3-12 Duluth, fide JCG; only report.
1968Summer 6-8 Seagull Lake, Cook Co, nest with noisy young being fed by adults, NMH.
1970Fall6 reports from Duluth (4) and Cook (2), from 9-6 to 11-29; more reports than usual.
1970Winter12-31 (2) Itasca State Park JAH; 1-23 Lutsen, Cook Co. W. Jiracek; 1-23 Maple Hill (Cook Co., Christensen; 1-24 (2) Gunflint Trail, Cook Co. MMC; 2-14 Lake KRE.
1971Winter12-3 -1-22 (female), 2-13 (male) Deerwood TS; 1·8 (3 females 1 male) Deerwood EMB; 2-24 rural Duluth H: Roberts. NORTHERN THREE·TOED WOODPECKER: 11-273- 5 (minimum, 3 males, 1 female) Deerwood TS.
1972Summernested In Clearwater (two nests near Itasca Park, RCD); seen also in N. St. Louis (Little Sioux burn).
1972Winter12-16 (2) Hubbard DR; 1-2 Crow Wing TS; 1-13 Hubbard KRE, RBJ, DR. Clark's Nutcrack'er: 12-17 Christma·s Lake Hennepin Co. BDC; 2-20 Christmas Lake WHL. See cover photo of The Loon, Vol. 44, No. 4.
1973Fall Five reports: 10-17 thru 11-3 St. Louis (JCG, JAB); 10-18 Koochiching (TS); 11-10 Cook (KRE).
1973Winter Reported on the Itasca and Sax-Cotton Christmas Counts; also seen on 2-28 Pine Co. (R. Carter, B. Murphy).
1974Spring 2 reports: 4-22 to 4-26 Beltrami NMH; 5-24 St. Louis GJN.
1974Summer Three nesting reports: Little Sioux Burn, St. Louis Co. (no date, GN); two nests at Isabella, Lake Co. seen on the June MOU trip; S. Kawishiwi campground, Lake Co. (PH).
1974Fall 9-15 to 10-25 Duluth (11) various observers; 9-22 Lake (6) RBJ, PE; 10-5 Pine PZ; 10-19 Aitkin JB; 10-23 to 11/4 Crow Wing (2) EC; 11-9 Mille Lacs MI.
1974Winter Reported from Cook (1-1, J. Jepson; 1-26, KE; 2-1, LS), St. Louis (2-2, GN), Morrison (12-22, DB) and Sherburne Co's (Sherburne Christmas Count). NORTHERN THREE-TOED WOODPECKER 12-23 Morrison (DB) and 1-9 Crow Wing (3, RG).
1975Spring 2 reports: 3-2 Crow Wing (1) RBJ; 5-10, 11 Lake J. Sublett. Northern Thre~toed Woodpecker 3 reports: 3-2 Crow Wing (2) RBJ; 4-4 Crow Wing TS; 5-26 Koochiching PG.
1975Summer Three nests found along the Echo Trail, St. Louis Co. (GN); one young seen in Cook Co. on 7-1 (GN); two nest holes found in Lake Co. at Isabella and Kitigan L. (JG).
1976Spring 2 reports: 4-13 St. Louis (1) PD; 4-28 St. Louis (1) DS.
1976Fall 2 reports: 8-1 Ely, St. Louis Co. GN; 10-23 Dixon L., Itasca Co. MS.
1976Winter Several reports from the BabbittEly- Isabella area of St. Louis and Lake Co's. all winter (TH, SH, LP); also 1 on 12-29 Lake of the Woods Co. (KE, SM), and 1 in Crow Wing Co. on 1-31 (TS). NORTHERN THREE-TOED WOODPECKER Almost common around Babbitt and Ely in St. Louis and Lake Co.; seen on 1-13 (TH); 2-15 (LP); all winter at 4 Lake Co. spots (LP); and from 1-10 to 1-17, 2 at S. Olson's feeder.
1977Spring 5 reports: 4-11 Lake (1), 4-28 St. Louis (1) CNS; 5-8 St. Louis (2) GN; 5-20 Cook NH; 5-21 Becker (1) GO.
1977Winter Reported from Koochiching, St. Louis (3 reports), Lake and Cook.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Beltrami (Waskish); also seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis (Fairbanks), Hubbard (Itasca SP).
1978Fall 9-24 Clearwater SV, 9-30 St. Louis TH, 11-18 Cotton DB.
1978Winter Six reports from Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake and Cook, including a concentration of at least 20 individuals in January in the Saganaga burn at Sea Gull L. at the end of the Gunflint Trail (C. Bergman). Northern American Three-toed Woodpecker Five found in the Saganaga burn mentioned above (C. Bergman); this has been a very difficult species to find in recent years.
1979Spring 3-2 St. Louis TH, 5-19 Lake SW.
1979Summer Breeding reported from St. Louis (Babbitt), Lake; also seen in Cook.
1979Fall Reported from the following counties: Beltrami, Cook, Hubbard, Itasca, Roseau, St. Louis, Wadena. Northern American Three-toed Woodpecker Two reports 9-19, 20, 23 Cook Rick Olson, 8-5 St. Louis BDC.
1979Winter Sixteen reports from Cook, St. Louis, Itasca and Hubbard Counties. Northern American Three-toed Woodpecker Three reports for this elusive species: Cook, Gunflint Trail 2-5, 2-16 (KE), 2-10 (NB), Lake, two individuals at Isabella 2-16, 2-18 (SW) and Babbitt, St. Louis 2-6, 2-29 (TH).
1980Spring 9 reports from Cook, Crow Wing, Itasca and St. Louis counties. Northern American Three-toed Woodpecker 3-1 St. Louis TH, 5-10 Lake SW; many reports RBA.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Cook, St. Louis, Itasca (Scenic SP); also seen in Lake, Lake of the Woods.
1980Fall All reports: 8-2 Cook R. Huber (M&F), 8-9 Lake SW, 8-24 SS (F), 8-15 Lake of the Woods TG (M&F), 8-16 St. Louis RH, 11-10 SS (F). Northern American Three-toed Woodpecker Only reports from Cook County 11/5, 21 KMH.
1980Winter Nine reports from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca and Beltrami. Northern American Three-toed Woodpecker Reported from Poplar Lake, Cook County, eight sightings throughout the period (KMH), Isabella, Lake Co. 12-13 (RBA), no details given, and Babbitt, St. Louis County 12-12 and 2-5 (TH).
1981Spring 3-31 Cook TS, 4-25 Cook RJ, 5-2 St. Louis SS, 5-12 Lake of the Woods TA, 5-17 Hubbard TCS, 5-29 Cook KG, 5-30 KE, 5-30 Itasca TL -all reports. Northern American Three-toed Woodpecker Reported from St. Louis 4-30, 5-2, 5-12 TH, 5-2 SS, 5-1 Cook KMH, 5-21 Lake of the Woods KSS.
1981Summer Breeding data from Cook, Lake; nesting reported from Lake of the Woods. Seen also in Beltrami, Clearwater (Itasca SP).
1981Fall Present throughout the period in Lake County SW / MS, 9-19 to 10-25 Duluth, several sightings (9 on 10-15), 10-3 Itasca A. Bolduc fide DB, 10-5 TL, 11-25 TL, 10-18 Lake DB, 10-21 JB, 10-25 DGW, 10-24 Cook DGW, 10-31 DB, 11-4 St. Louis TL, 11-17 Crow Wing JB, 11-25 Rice REA.
1981Winter Reported from Cook, Lake and St. Louis in the northeast and Anoka 12/2, Bunker Hills Park (SC), and Carlos Avery 1-17 (KL) in the east central.
1982Spring All reports-3-3 St. Louis JG, 3-3, 4-5,7, 5-8 Lake SWI MS, 4-14 Cook SL, 4-23 St. Louis AE, 5-15 Cook US Forest Service; resident Cook MKH.
1982Summer Breeding data from Cook, Lake. Seen in Itasca, Beltrami, Clearwater.
1982Winter A south report from Washington, 1/1 (RBJ, RG) and the St. Paul NE CBC. Ten reports from the north central and NE regions and a NW region report from Mahnomen, Roy Lake, 1/22 (PKL), 2/27 (RBJ, RG).
1983Spring Reported as permanent resident Cook KMH, 3/30 Becker TNWR, 5/6 to 28 Lake SWIMS.
1983Summer Breeding data from Cook, Lake. Also seen in Clearwater, Itasca, Carlton (Nickerson bog).
1983Fall All reports: 9/24 Cook MH, during entire period KMH, 10/1 Itasca AB, 11/5 DB, 11/26 AB, DB, 11/26 Beltrami AS, 10/13 St. Louis KE, 10/25 HRNR, 10/14 -10/31 Lake SWIMS.
1983Winter Reports of about 14 individuals from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Aitkin and northern Pine and Kanabec. Only CBC reports from Isabella and Grand Rapids.
1984Spring All reports: Cook 4/17 SL, 4/21, MH, 4/22 KC, KE, 5/29 FL, throughout entire period KMH, EH; 5/19 Clearwater JEB, 5/29 St. Louis KE.
1984Summernested in Cook, Lake and Lake of the Woods; also seen in St. Louis.
1985Spring 3/8 Cook SL, 3/20 Lake SS, 4/30 Itas~a DB 5/11 Duluth KE, 5/18 St. LoUis AE~ Present entire period Cook KMH, St. Louis MH/JS.
1985Summer Nested in Cook, Lake (four nests reported). Also seen in Carlton (Cloquet Forestry Center), Cass.
1986Spring Reported from Beltrami, Clearwater, Cook, Hubbard and St. Louis north and 3/8 Benton RJ, 5/2 Anoka JH, 5/8 Washington SSt, 5/13 Hennepin B. Dix.
1986Summer Nested in Cook. Also seen in Lake.
1986Fall Reported from Beltrami, Cass, Cook, Hubbard, Itasca, Lake, Pine and St. Louis. A peak of eight on 9/13 Hawk Ridge m.ob.
1986Winter Reports of about 28 individuals (25 L.Y.) from seven northeast and north central regioon counties. Also reported from Chisago in the east central region 2/17 (RG).
1987Spring 4/4-5113 reported from Clearwater, Cook Lake and St. Louis Counties.
1987Summer Seen in Cook (10 on 6/28-29, KE), Lake, Hubbard, Clearwater.
1987Fall Reported from Clearw_ater, Cook, Hubbard, Roseau and St. LoUis count1es.
1987Winter Reported on the Grand Marais, Gunflint Trail, Isabella, Duluth, Sax-Zim and Beltrami Island CBC's.
1988Spring Reported from Beltrami, St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
1988Summer Nested in Itasca, Cook. Also seen in St. Louis, Lake, Clearwater.
1988Fall All reports: 8/13 Cass JL, 8/27-28 Hubbard HJF, 9/4 Beltrami AB, 9/18 St. Louis DB, AB, 11/5,7,18 Lake SWIMS, 11/18 Duluth DB.
1988Winter Reported on the Gunflint Trail North, Aurora and Beltrami Island CBCs. No other reports.
1989Spring All reports: 3/2 St. Louis MH/JS; 5/4 Cook OSL; throughout period Beltami DJ and Cook KMH; 5/14 Lake KP (The Loon 61: 147).
1989Summer Nested in St. Louis, Cook; also seen in Beltrami.
1989Fall All reports: 8/11 and 10/8 St. Louis SW/ MS, DJ, 11/7LakeSW/MS, 11/14CookWP.
1989Winter Reported on the Beltrami Island, Aurora, Hibbing and GunflintTrail CBCs and in Lake.
1990Spring All reports: 3/29 Cook OSL, S/IS St. Louis (pair) AE; throughout period Beltrami DJ and Cook KMH.
1990Summer Seen in Clearwater, Lake, Cook.
1990Fall All reports: Cook (throughout period) KMH, 10/13 and 11/3 Lake SWIMS, 10/2729 St. Louis SWIMS, KE, 11/4Beltrami DJ.
1990Winter Reported from Cook, Lake, Roseau (Beltrami Island State Forest), Beltrami, and St. Louis (3 reports).
1991Spring All reports: 3/10 Itasca AB, DB, 3/24-5120 Roseau MO, KB, 4/7 Hubbard TS, 4/20-21 Lake KR, 5/7 St. Louis KB; throughout period Cook KMH, KB, WP.
1991Summer Probable nesting in Lake, Cook; also seen in Roseau.
1991Fall All reports: Cook (throughout period) KMH, 8/1 - 11/16 St. Louis KE, KB, SW/MS, 10/4 - 11/19 Itasca AB, 10/13 Beltrami DJ.
1991Winter Reported as scarce but seen in eight counties (five l.y.). Reported throughout period in Cook KMH, during February in Lake mob, plus Aurora (3) and Baudette CBC's, Koochiching 12/20 KB, Lake of the Woods 1/4 KB, SSt, Aitkin 1/19 & 1/29 KB, Marshall 2/2 MO, Beltrami 2/23 & 2/29 DJ, and St Louis 2/29 KB.
1992Spring All reports: 3/7 Becker (one) MO, 3/8 Hegman Lake, St. Louis Co. (two) SS, 5/9–17 Roseau MCBS, 5/24-25 Hubbard DJ, AB, 5/30 near Bird Lake, St. Louis Co. (nest found) KE, AE; throughout period in Cook KHM, SOL.
1992Summer Over twice the usual number of reports. Nested in Lake of the Woods; probable breeding in Beltrami, St. Louis. Also seen in Clearwater, Hubbard, Cass, Itasca, Lake, Cook.
1992Fall All reports: 9/22–11/16 St. Louis mob, 9/29 Lake DPV, 9/30–10/31 Cook mob, 10/3 Itasca AB, 10/3–11/1 Beltrami DJ, 10/30 Pine DM, 11/9 Hubbard TS.
1992Winter Thirteen individuals reported from only six counties (twelve ind.s from nine counties l.y.), including Roseau PS & SDM, Beltrami (Bemidji CBC fide DJo), Koochiching KB, Lake mob, Cook mob, and 2/13 Carlton CM.
1993Spring All reports: 3/4–4/17 Lake mob, 3/6?5/30 Cook mob, 3/21 Koochiching KB, 3/27 Roseau PS, 4/30 St. Louis SS.
1993Summer Nested in Itasca, St. Louis; also observed in Beltrami, Cook.
1993Fall All reports: 9/3–4 Roseau PS, 9/6–10/27 Cook KMH, SOL, 9/25 Itasca AB, 9/25–10/24 St. Louis mob, 10/10 Lake WB, 10/31 Beltrami DJ.
1993Winter 14 individuals reported from six counties (12 individuals from six counties l.y.), including 2/19 Roseau SDM, 2/27 Beltrami DJo, 2/19–20 Aitkin WN (2), St. Louis mob (3), Lake mob (four locations) and 2/11 Cook fide PBa.
1994Spring All reports: 3/5 Itasca AB, DB, 3/5–12 Aitkin (1) WN, CM, 3/16–4/2 Lake mob, 5/10 Amundsen Lake, St. Louis Co. SW/WS, Sax-Zim Bog, St. Louis Co. (no date) KE.
1994Summer Seen in Hubbard, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1994Fall All reports: 9/9–11/20 Cook KMH, SOL, 9/10 Clearwater BF, 9/17–11/22 St. Louis (“numbers up”) KE, mob, 10/3 and 11/5 Itasca DB, AB.
1994Winter Approximately 13 individuals reported from 9 counties (about average) within the coniferous belt as far south as the Crosby CBC and 1/6–16 Carlton fide KE.
1995Spring All reports: 3/3–4 Koochiching KB, TT, 3/10 St. Louis KB, 3/26 Cook OSL, 3/28 Lake (3) CMa, 3/31 Lake (6) DBM, 4/8 Lake AH, 5/20 Aitkin CB, 5/27 Roseau (2) PS, 5/29 Carlton (2) PS.
1995Summer Nested in Lake; probable nesting in Cook, Hubbard. Also observed in Roseau, Koochiching, St. Louis.
1995Fall Reported from Clearwater, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Pine and St. Louis counties.
1995Winter Eleven individuals reported from Beltrami, Crow Wing, Aitkin, St. Louis and Lake.
1996Spring All reports: 3/15 Carlton TW, 3/26 Aitkin CB, Beltrami (3) DJo, Lake SW/MS, 5/26 Lake of the Woods (2) AnH, AH, PS.
1996Summer Observed in Koochiching, Hubbard, Lake.
1996Fall Only reports from Roseau (2) PS and HRNR, St. Louis Co. (3) FN.
1996Winter Only six individuals (eleven l.y.) reported from St. Louis and Lake, and on the Bemidji, International Falls and Grand Marais CBCs.
1997Spring Only report: 5/31 St. Louis AH, PH, PS.
1997Summer Probable nesting reported in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Cook.
1997Fall All reports: 9/8 Beltrami PS; 9/23–November at Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve, St. Louis Co. (max. 3) mob; 10/2 St. Louis (Fisherman's Point) AE, 10/19 Hubbard DJo, 10/20 Cook KMH, 10/26 Beltrami DJo, 11/27 Lake DV, 11/30 Aitkin WN.
1997Winter Twelve individuals reported from Aitkin, Clearwater, Hubbard, Itasca, Lake, Pine and St. Louis.
1998Spring All reports: 3/6 & 20 St. Louis KN, PT, 3/14 Lake AH, 3/19 Hubbard DJo, 5/9 Carlton PS, 5/15 Becker AH, PS, 5/19 Beltrami DJo, 5/30 Cook KMH.
1998Summer Probable breeding in Roseau; also observed in Hubbard, Lake, Cook.
1998Fall All reports: 9/19 and 10/3 Itasca ABo, 10/17 Lake BSe, 10/27 Hubbard (2) DJo, 9/12, 10/27 and 11/4 Cook KMH, plus a seasonal total of eight at HRNR 9/15–11/1 St. Louis FN, mob.
1998Winter Seventeen individuals reported from St. Louis (9), Lake (2), Beltrami (1), Carlton (1), Pine (1), Lake of the Woods (1), plus seen on the Itasca State Park and Beltrami Island CBCs.
1999Spring Reported 5/18 Roseau (1) AH, PS, plus Lake of the Woods, St. Louis, Cook.
1999Summer Several reports. Observed in Beltrami, Cass, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus Carlton (no date) KE and 6/18,27 Pine (reported as nesting, but no documentation) SWe et al.
1999Fall Numbers were up along the North Shore during October and November, including 12 migrants at HRNR (8 last fall). Also reported 8/15 Hubbard RSm.
1999Winter At least 30 individuals reported from 10 counties within the coniferous zone. Peak Isabella CBC (11).
2000Spring All were in late May: Clearwater (2) mob, Beltrami DJo, and St. Louis (3 along Hwy 11, plus Lakewood Twp. near Duluth) AE, TW.
2000Summer Seen in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Hubbard, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus new nesting record in Pine (St. Croix S.P.; southernmost nesting record for the state) †AXH, GS.
2000Fall Reported within usual range from five counties. All reports: 9/10 – 11/27 Cook (10 sightings) KMH; 9/11 St. Louis (CR 52 west of 207) CRM; 9/18 St. Louis (BWCA) DMF; early October St. Louis (HRNR and Stoney Point) fide KRE; 10/2 Cass (near L. Winnibigoshish) JWL; mid-October St. Louis (4, HRNR) fide KRE; 10/23 Cook (4 along FR 3/5) PHS; 10/24 St. Louis (2 at CR 7 and 3/9) fide KRE; 10/30 Lake (Isabella) JWL; early November Cook (3 along Gunflint Trail) DBz; 11/5 Beltrami (Lake Bemidji S.P.) DPJ.
2000Winter About 31 individuals reported from eight counties within coniferous zone. Peak count seven on both the Isabella and Roseau CBCs.
2001Spring Several reports from three locations in Lake, plus late May observations in Roseau and Lake of the Woods KRE et al., Hubbard FZL, Clearwater DPJ, Itasca OLJ.
2001Summer Many reports: seen in Beltrami, Hubbard, Cass, Itasca, Carlton, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
2001Fall Numbers up in Northeast m.obs. Peak migration 10/27 Cook (6 locations PME, PHS, plus 4 more locations CRG). Seen 9/4 – 11/23 at H.R.N.R. in Duluth (max. 4 on 9/25) FJN, and at least 3 other locations in St. Louis. Also reported from Beltrami (2), Lake of the Woods (4), and Lake.
2001Winter A record 41 individuals in Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Clearwater, Crow Wing, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, plus first south reports since 1987: 1/2–9 Sherburne (Becker) ph. †DO et al., and 2/23 Sherburne (Sand Dunes S.F.) JEH.
2002Spring Seen in Cook, Hubbard (Fern Twp.), Lake (max. 4 pair on 5/19, JWL et al.), Lake of the Woods, Roseau (Lost River S.F.), St. Louis.
2002Summer Many reports: seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Beltrami, Clearwater, Hubbard, Cass; plus 6/8 Pine (St. Croix S.P.) CBr.
2002Fall Numbers up along the North Shore of L. Superior, especially at H.R.N.R. where as many as 25 were seen during the season (peak 4 on 10/24, FJN, DSC). High count 10/26 Cook (7) m.obs. Also reported from Lake of the Woods GMM.
2002Winter Maximum 49 individuals reported from eight north counties.
2003Spring Reported from Beltrami, Clearwater, Cook, Lake, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis.
2003Summer Observed in Lake of the Woods, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Carlton.
2003Fall Numbers up in stands of dying balsam in Lake of the Woods (MHK), but down along the North Shore of L. Superior, especially at H.R.N.R., Duluth. All reports: Cook, Lake, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis.
2003Winter A maximum of 49 individuals reported from eight north counties. Although there may be some duplication of individuals, 15 were counted 12/27 Roseau CBC, and this species was stated to be “numerous” by MHK in Lake of the Woods County The only report outside the coniferous region was 2/15 Polk (Gully Fen W.M.A.) PHS, JMJ, SAS.
2004Spring Reported from Itasca S.P. plus Beltrami, Cook, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, St. Louis.
2004Summer Observed in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Aitkin, Itasca, Beltrami, Clearwater, and Lake of the Woods.
2004Fall Good numbers found in all three counties along the North Shore of L. Superior, especially at H.R.B.O. (total of 22 for season, beginning 9/13 FJN). Only reports away from Northeast: Clearwater, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods.
2004Winter About 10 individuals reported in 6 north counties. First county record 1/29 Otter Tail SPM.
2005Spring Unusual location 5/6 Wadena BJU. Many reports from St. Louis, including up to 5 birds along McDavitt Rd in Sax-Zim Bog; also reported from Carlton, Lake, Lake of the Woods.
2005Summer Seen in Roseau, Cass, Itasca, Lake, St. Louis, Carlton.
2005Fall Unusual location 10/8 Mahnomen (La Garde Twp.) BJU. Also reported from Itasca, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods in North-central region, and Cook, Lake, St. Louis in the Northeast.
2005Winter At least 23 individuals found in 7 north counties, including a maximum of five birds 12/31 Roseau (Roseau CBC) fide BJo.
2006Spring Reported from Aitkin, Hubbard (Itasca S.P.), Koochiching, St. Louis.
2006Summer Found in 10 counties: Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Koochiching, Clearwater, Cass, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Pine.
2006Fall Reported from Beltrami, Cass, Clearwater, Koochiching, and Lake of the Woods in North-central, and throughout the Northeast. High count 10/21–26 Lake (6 at Lighthouse Point, Two Harbors) m.ob. Unusual location 10/29 Washington (female at Afton S.P.) RBW.
2006Winter10 A maximum total of 20 individuals reported from 10 north counties, including one as far west as 12/28 Becker (female, Tamarac N.W.R.) MO. Exceptional was a tally 12/16 Aitkin (10) CKR, one half of the entire season's total.
2007Spring7 Reported from Aitkin, Cass, Cook, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Pine, St. Louis.
2007Summer9 Seen in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Clearwater, Itasca, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
2007Fall10 Reported from Aitkin, Beltrami, Cass, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, and St. Louis. High counts 10/22 St. Louis (23, statewide record high count at H.R.B.O., where 83 were seen for the season) EMG, KJB, 10/21 St. Louis (22, between Duluth and Knife River in Lake County) KRE.
2007Winter101 Reported from within normal range across the north, including 1/20 and 2/2 Cass (different locations) BAW, 12/30–2/11 Aitkin (various locations) m.ob., 12/9–2/24 St. Louis (various locations) m.ob., 12/16–2/17 Lake (various locations) m.ob., 2/16 and 2/17 Cook (different locations) fide JWL. Farthest south were reports on 2/3 Pine DSe, and the Cedar Creek Bog CBC which strattles Isanti and Anoka Counties. Also observed on several CBCs including Beltrami Island N.F. (2), Carlton, and Roseau, from counties not previously mentioned. High counts were 12/15 Duluth CBC (3), 12/23 Aitkin (3) fide JWL, 12/25 Lake (3) GSe, 2/24 St. Louis (3) LS, and Itasca S.P. CBC (3).
2008Spring7 Reported from Aitkin, Cass, Cook, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Mille Lacs (Vineland Rd. near Hwy 169), and St. Louis.
2008Summer6 Seen 6/1 St. Louis SLF, 6/4 Lake KRE, 6/5 St. Louis (4) KRE, 6/9, 6/11, 6/17-19, 6/22-23, 6/26, 7/2 Itasca MCBS, 6/10 Aitkin KRE, 6/20 Carlton fide JWL, 6/22 St. Louis (parents feeding young, Sax-Zim) JCa, 7/17 Becker MDN.
2008Fall103 Reported from Aitkin, Cass, Clearwater, Cook, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Mille Lacs, Pine, St. Louis in the north. A total of 43 migrants counted in St. Louis at H.R.B.O. 9/5–11/4 KJB. South reports: 10/18–11/26 Sherburne (2, male and female, Sherburne N.W.R.) SLo, m.ob., 10/29 Dakota (female, Acacia Park Cemetery, Mendota Heights) †ADS, 10/29 Dakota (female, Cowling Arboretum, Carleton College) ph. †OSM, 11/19 Anoka (male) BRL, 11/24 Anoka (female, Martin Lake) CKB.
2008Winter93 A minimum 29 individuals found within normal range north including an impressive 8 individuals reported on the Rice Lake N.W.R. CBC. At least 6 individuals reported south: 12/2–13 Sherburne (2, Blue Hills Trail) DPG, m.ob., 12/6 Anoka DWK, BRL, CKB, 1/7–24 Stearns (2, St Wendel Tamarack Bog S.N.A.) MJB, m.ob., 2/18 Stearns (female, Avon Hills S.N.A.) MJB. Statewide CBCs tallied 21 individuals on 10 counts, up 71% from 20–year average.
2009Spring6 Reported in Carlton, Cass, Hubbard, Itasca, Lake, St. Louis including 5/25 Carlton (2, pair at nesting cavity) DAB, JWH.
2009Summer8 Reported from Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Hubbard, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
2009Fall10 Observed in Beltrami, Carlton, Cass, Cook, Hubbard, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, St. Louis beginning 9/5 Roseau JCC, KRE, LS.
2009Winter111 Approximately 33 individuals reported including one south of normal range 1/30 Sherburne (Ann Lake Campground) †DDo, †LS, and 2/3 ASc. CBC high count 12/26 Ely (5).
2010Spring7 Observed in Beltrami, Cass, Clearwater, Cook (near Lutsen, ph. DMB), Hubbard, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis.
2010Summer7 Seen in Aitkin, Cass, Cook, Itasca, Kanabec, Lake, St. Louis.
2010Fall7 Reported from Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Hubbard, Lake, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis.
2010Winter91 Reported north from normal range, including Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Cass, Itasca, Aitkin, Carlton, St. Louis, Lake, and Cook. Two south reports, neither with details: 12/18 Sherburne N.W.R. CBC, 12/20 Sherburne (Ann Lake) ASc. CBC high count 12/26 Ely (8, of which 5 found by NLM near Low Lake boat access).
2011Spring6 Reported from Cass, Cook, Itasca, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, St. Louis.
2011Summer6Seen in Clay, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Roseau, St. Louis.
2011Fall4 Only reported from Aitkin, Cook, Lake, St. Louis. Several reports of North Shore migrants, including a high count of 9 individuals 10/26 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census) KJB.
2011Winter9No south reports for the first time in 5 years. Interesting north reports 12/2 Becker (female, Bad Medicine Lake) MO, 12/30 Cass DAY, and 2/4 and infrequently until 2/18 Crow Wing HHD, m.ob. Several reports from 12/10–1/28 St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog) m.ob. All other reports from within normal range in the North-central and Northeast regions. CBC reports 12/17 Grand Marais (5), 12/18 Itasca S.P., 12/23 Ely (2), 1/1 Isabella (2).
2012Spring61 One unusual south report 4/3 Stearns (Lake Sagatan) ph. JPo. North reports from Clearwater, Cook, Itasca, Lake, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis.
2012Summer5 Reported from Clearwater, Cook, Koochiching, Lake, St. Louis.
2012Fall4 Reported from Cook, Lake, Lake of the Woods, and St. Louis.
2012Winter5 Reported from within normal range in the North-central and Northeast regions, with the fewest number of winter reporting counties since 1996. Approximately 20 individuals reported. CBCs with multiple individuals: 12/30 Isabella (4), 12/16 Itasca S.P. (2).
2013Spring6 Reported from Clearwater, Hubbard, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, St. Louis.
2013Summer8 Reported from Aitkin, Beltrami, Clearwater, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, St. Louis.
2013Fall3 Reported only from Cook, Lake, and St. Louis. High count 10/20 Lake (7, Pagami Burn near Isabella Lake) DPa.
2013Winter7 Very scarce. Most observations were from St. Louis, where reports spanned the season, m.ob. Only other reports: 12/27 Cook (Banadad Ski Trail) LHa, 1/12 Itasca SC, 2/15 Aitkin (Hedbom Logging Trail Rd.) JmP, 2/16 Beltrami (Lake Bemidji S.P.) DPJ, Lake (C.R. 1) JRn, MDp, 2/23 Lake (Greenwood Lake) PeT. Only two CBC reports: 12/29 Beltrami Island (2), 1/4 Isabella (2).
2014Spring6Reported from Cass, Clearwater, Itasca, Lake, Lake of the Woods, and St. Louis. No reports of more than two individuals.
2014Summer3Observed in Itasca, Lake, St. Louis.
2014Fall4 Reported only from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, and Itasca. No counts of more than two individuals.
2014Winter6 Most reports were, by far, from St. Louis County, and most of these were from Sax-Zim Bog. Additional reports from Roseau (1), Lake of the Woods (3), Itasca (1), Lake (4 or 5), and Cook (1).
2015Spring6 Reported from Aitkin, Cook, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Pine, and St. Louis. High count 4/9 St. Louis (3, off the Echo Trail) BHo.
2015Summer7 Found in Beltrami, Clearwater, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, St. Louis.
2015Fall6 Reported from Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Roseau, St. Louis. High counts 9/7 Roseau (8) JMJ, 9/5 Roseau (6, Thompson Forest Rd. burn) LS, KRE.
2015Winter7 Reported from within normal range including Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Cass and Itasca with highest number of reports from Sax-Zim Bog, as is typical. No south reports for fifth consecutive year. CBCs with multiple individuals: 12/26 Ely (3), 12/31 Beltrami Island (2), 1/2 Isabella (2).
2016Spring6 Reported from Clearwater (Itasca S.P.), Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods (two nests, GMM), Roseau, St. Louis. No reports of more than two individuals.
2016Summer10 Found in all northern regions. High counts 7/13 Roseau (5) fide JMJ, 7/27 Itasca (5, Lost Forty S.N.A.) AJF, JSf.
2016Fall6 Reported from Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Roseau, St. Louis. No counts of more than three individuals.
2016Winter9 Reported from highest number of north counties since 2011 when also found in nine counties. High counts 2/18 St. Louis (4, Sax-Zim Bog) JVe, 2/19 Lake (4, Tomahawk Road) ASu, KnM, 2/19 Lake (4, C.R. 2 at the Sand River) ASu, KnM. CBC high counts were highest in past five years: 12/31 Isabella (7), 12/23 Ely (6).
2017Spring6 Reported from Roseau, Koochiching, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook. High count 4/2 Cook (5, Lima Grade Rd./F.R. 152) HCT, DWK, SBM.
2017Summer6 Observed in Beltrami, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis.
2017Fall91 Found north from Pine and Hubbard northeast to Cook. Significant movement down the North Shore was noted from Stoney Point in St. Louis where census activities tallied high counts 10/9 (32) TRd, 10/10 (29) TRd, StK, KJB, 10/17 St. Louis (25) TRd, StK. One south report 10/15 Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R., Blue Hill Trail) ph. TBu, KBu.
2017Winter12 Reported from all counties north and east of a line from Pine to Roseau, plus Clearwater and Hubbard. Observed in same number of north counties as previous year and equal to 10-year average. Largest number of reports from Sax-Zim Bog in St. Louis. Multiple reports of 4 individuals from Sax-Zim Bog throughout season. CBC high counts 12/18 Sax-Zim (7), 12/23 Ely (4), 12/31 Isabella (4), 12/31 Beltrami (4).
2018Spring8 Reported from Clearwater, Hubbard, Cass, Itasca, Koochiching, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake. Many reports of up to three individuals.
2018Summer7 Reported from Beltrami, Clearwater, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, St. Louis.
2018Fall10 Reported from Aitkin, Carlton, Cass, Cook, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis. No counts of more than three individuals.
2018Winter6 Found in six North-central and Northwest counties in expected range, albeit below ten-year average of 9 counties. High counts 12/22 Lake (4) JWL, 12/30 St. Louis (4, Sax-Zim Bog) FJN, JDS,1/28 St. Louis (4, Sax-Zim Bog) ebd. CBC high counts 12/30 Isabella (9), 12/22 Ely (5).
2019Summer8 Found in Becker, Cass, Clearwater, Itasca, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, St. Louis.
 Permanent resident north-central and northeast. Irruptive winter visitant.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.