Black-necked Stilt(Himantopus mexicanus) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1989 | Spring | | | 4/23-25 Roseau WMA, Roseau Co. TP, SW (The Loon 61 :197; first state record). |
1989 | Summer | | | Two birds, male and female, seen by mob near Alberta, Stevens Co. 7/l 2-17 (The Loon 61: 139-140); second state record. |
1992 | Summer | | | Third state record: two birds were discovered on 6/4 at Minnesota River Valley National Wildlife Refuge (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge), Hennepin Co. SK (The Loon 64:166–167). |
2000 | Spring | | | Fourth state record 5/24 Martin (Pierce L.) †MK (The Loon 72:240–241). |
2003 | Spring | | | Fifth state record 5/25 Wright (2 adults near Montrose) †BW. |
2004 | Spring | | | Dramatic and unprecedented influx of eight birds in four locations: 4/14 Anoka/Ramsey (record-early at Lakeside Park, Mounds View) †AXH, 5/16–17 Steele (3 at Spindler's Pond near Rice Lake S.P.) GJ, ph. †PWP, ph. JJS, 5/16–27 Scott (3 at Belle Plaine W.T.P.) †WCM, ph. AXH, †CBr, †PHS, m.obs., 5/18 Kandiyohi (NW of Lake Lillian) †RSF. |
2005 | Spring | | | Two accepted records: adult male 4/21–24 Big Stone (Centennial W.P.A.) †LWM, †PCC, ph. †PHS, 5/8–10 Steele (one at Spindler's Pond near Rice Lake S.P., same location where 3 found last spring) NFT, ph. KV. |
2006 | Spring | | | Twelfth state record 5/27 Anoka (2 at Carlos Avery W.M.A.) ph. †RPF, †SHM, DFR. |
2007 | Spring | | 1 | Thirteenth state record 5/26 Rock (Hills W.T.P.) †LS, ph. †KRE et al. (The Loon 79:239). |
2008 | Spring | | 1 | One bird found 5/11 Kandiyohi (west of Willmar) †BWF. |
2010 | Spring | 1 | 1 | Two reports: 5/15 Brown (2, Milford Twp.) ph. †SPS, 5/23 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) SAS, †JMJ, ph. †PHS. These were the 16th and 17th state records, respectively. |
2012 | Spring | | 3 | Three reports: 4/15 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. bridge) ph. †SLP, ph. †BAF, ph. †CMB, ph. †BeH, ph. ANy, ph. †KRo, m.ob., 4/20–23 Blue Earth (Lily Lake) ph. †AnK, ph. †ChH, m.ob., 5/19 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) †BTS, ph. †SVo. |
2013 | Spring | | 2 | Three reports: 5/3–4 Big Stone (Thielke Lake) ph. †BJU, ph. †DLP, 5/10 Steele (Rice Lake S.P.) †DAB, HHD, JWH, 5/22 Big Stone (Thielke Lake) †ASd. |
2014 | Spring | 1 | 2 | Three first county records: 5/12–13 Faribault ph. †WAF, 5/14–15 Yellow Medicine (Miller Lake) ph. †MHe, ph. ANy, DBz, 5/24+ Grant (Herman W.T.P.) ph. SPS, ph. †DWK, ph. JTa, (5/27 nest with egg) ph. DBM. |
2014 | Summer | 1 | | Seen 6/1–14 Grant (nesting pair continuing from May, Herman W.T.P.) PSP, AXH, BAb, ph. PEB, JSc, KSw, ph. JPR, m.ob. First state and county breeding record DBM. |
2015 | Spring | | 1 | New county record 4/25–26 Stearns (2, Getchell Lake) †PCC, ph. SBM, ph. BWF, ph. CRM, m.ob. |
2016 | Spring | 1 | 1 | All reports: 5/18 Grant (1, North Ottawa Impoundment) †DBz, ph. ANy, 5/31 Lyon (1, flooded field near Tracy) DFe, ph. †GWe, m.ob. |
2016 | Summer | 1 | 3 | Seen 6/1 Lyon (continuing from spring, SW of Tracy) KMS, SSc, RBW; 6/16–7/26+ Big Stone (2, intersection of MN 28 and C.R. 61) ph. CoM, ph. JWd, ph. †DWK, ph. †DLP, m.ob.; 7/21+ Jackson (up to nine in two family groups, though two were never documented; original report by Tony Thompson was of one individual at Christiana W.P.A.) ph. †KEm, m.ob. First county breeding record 7/22 Jackson †KEm. |
2016 | Fall | | 3 | Four south reports of this casual species. Two groups were first discovered in the summer: one continuing through 8/16 Big Stone (2, Toqua Twp.) ph. JPR, ph. LiH, m.ob.; the other through 8/20 Jackson (7, as many as three adults and four juveniles reported at Christiana W.P.A.) KEm, ph. JWZ, m.ob. Additional migrants 9/1 Blue Earth (171st St and C.R. 20) ph. RJA,ph. STa, m.ob., 10/16–18 Blue Earth (C.R. 13 east of C.R. 30) †ChH, ph. APi, WCM. |
2017 | Spring | 1 | 3 | All south 4/25–5/2 Lyon/Yellow Medicine (1, Lone Tree Lake) ph. †GWe, ph. HCT, m.ob. (The Loon 89:87–91), 5/9 Blue Earth (1, 557th Ave just north of Maple River W.M.A.) ph. JNe, (2, C.R. 14 near Minnesota Lake) ph. JCF, TDh (The Loon 89:87–91). All north 5/12–13 Grant (max. 2, North Ottawa Impoundment) ph. ALu, ph. WPl, HHD (The Loon 89:87–91). |
2017 | Summer | 1 | | Seen 6/15 – 7/31+ Grant (pair, North Ottawa Impoundment) CNn, †PCC, †KRE, ph. m.ob. Copulation was observed and they defended suspected nest area from intrusion by Great Egret and Ring-billed Gulls, but no eggs or young were ever seen. |
2017 | Fall | 1 | | At least one of a pair from summer continued through 8/9 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) NaH. |
2018 | Spring | 1 | 6 | One north report 5/4–12 Grant (1, North Ottawa Impoundment) BMu, ph. †WPl, m.ob. All south reports 5/4–5 Olmsted (max. 4, South Landfill Reservoir) ph. LHv, m.ob., 5/5 Swift (5, Murdock W.T.P.) †HCT, 5/18 Nicollet (2, 701st St./C.R. 21) †RBW, RAE, MiO, 5/18 Watonwan (320th St., Madelia) ph. †DFe, 5/18 Lyon ph. NMe, ph. GWe, 5/27 Wright (Pelican Lake) ph. ToL, m.ob. |
2018 | Fall | 1 | | One reported north 10/14–17 Grant (1, North Ottawa Impoundment) ph. WPl, MaJ. |
  | Forty-three records: 33 spring, 2 spring-summer, 3 summer, 3 summer-fall, and 2 fall. One breeding record (2014). Recorded in eight of the last ten years, most recently 2018. |