Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Warblers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Warblers
Worm-eating Warbler
Louisiana Waterthrush
Northern Waterthrush
Golden-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
[Golden-winged Warbler X Blue-winged Warbler]
[Lawrence's Warbler]
[Brewster's Warbler]
Black-and-white Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Connecticut Warbler
MacGillivray's Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Kentucky Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler
American Redstart
Kirtland's Warbler
Cape May Warbler
Cerulean Warbler
Northern Parula
Magnolia Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Palm Warbler
Pine Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
[Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)]
[Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)]
Yellow-throated Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Townsend's Warbler
Hermit Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Canada Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
Painted Redstart

Black-throated Blue Warbler(Setophaga caerulescens)
1933Summer An adult of this species ca.ITying food was seen in Itasca Park on June 2oth by the writer.
1934Summer Two nests of this species add considerably to the value of this year's report. The first was found at Common Loon L'llca on June 18th by Nr. and Mrs. Swedenborg ond Dr. Prosser. It hold four eggs. Two days later, on June 20th, Hr.nson found a nest holding four halfgrovm young, near Lake ~Hnnibigoshish.
1935Summer On August 14th Prosser saw a family of 2 adults and 2 fullsized young at Lake Vermillion, St. Louis County.
1961FallThree were seen by P. B. Hofslund at Duluth on 11 Sep. Mrs. Olyphant trapped a male at Lake Olson, Washington County, on 10 Oct., one day later than the latest date listed by Roberts.
1962SpringMay 22 Duluth, P. B. Hofslund.
1962SummerAug. 24, 2 miles north of Isabella, Lake Co., adult male seen by R. Oehlenschlager. Myrtle Warbler: Hibbing, July or Aug., exact date not given, adult feeding young off the nest, Harriet Micensky.
1963SpringMay 26, Two Harbors, Ruth Kuchta, May 28, Duluth, R. Ulvang.
1963FallSept. 17, Fargo-Moorhead area, Mrs. Philip Vo· gel; Oct. 3, Pickwick, Winona Co., Pauline Wershofen. Myrtle Warbler: latest, Oct. 26, Osakis, Douglas Co., R. B. Janssen; Nov. 2, Ely, St. Louis Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; Nov. 9, Ramsey Co., A. C Rosenwinkel.
1964Spring5-19, T. S. Roberts, Sanctuary, Mpls., Minn. 2 seen, MAS; 5-26 Duluth, AKA.
1964Summer7·5, Lake Co, 11 mi E of Jordan, logging roads, RK.
1964Fall9-17 Edina, Hennepin Co, KWE.
1965Spring5-22 Anoka Co, ACR; 5-29 Fargo, fide MGA; no details on either.
1965Fall9-8 (VL) and 9-9 (FN) T. S. Roberts' Sanctuary, Minneapolis (details?). Myrtle Warbler: latest 10-27 Minneapolis, VL and Wabasha, DGM.
1966Spring5-3 Washington Co, WWL; 5-14 Frontenac, MIG; 5-21 St. Louis Co, KS; 5-21 Washington Co, DS; no details on any of these observations; the female is difficult to identify; the adult male is unmistakable; evaluation of these reports would therefore be much easier if observers would indicate which sex they saw. 
1966Summer6-19 Cook Co, near Tofte, pair and one male, two adjacent territories, JCG. Myrtle Warbler. nested in St. Louis Co; also reported from Roseau, Lake and Itasca Co's.
1966Fall9-9 Lake Co., WJB and Cook Co., ad male, Mrs. Margaret Brooke fide JCG (good descrip~ tion, etc.); 9-12 Anoka Co., WHL; 9-17 Duluth, ad female, FN/ MAS; 9-21 Hennepin Co., MHM. Myrtle Warbler: Latest 10-20 Stearns Co., RPR; 10-27 Fargo, MGA; 10-28 Cook Co., MOP; exceptional records 11-1 Duluth, JGH; early Nov., Lake Jane, Washington Co., JO; 11-25 Cook Co., MOP.
1967Spring5-16 Hennepin Co., FN/ MAS; 5-26 Duluth, RL; 5-28 Cook Co., RBJ, JCG; 5-29 Cook Co., EMB; 6-2 Clearwater Co., Lake Itasca, RPR.
1967Summer6-3 Tofte, Cook Co., along Sawhill Trail, 1, DB; also in same area on 6-10 (Heartbreak Ridge), JCG; 8-31 North St. Paul, Washington Co., 1 ad female banded, JO, early migrant. Myrtle Warbler: reported from Lake, Cook, Clearwater Co's.
1967Fall 8-31 Washington Co., 1 banded, JO; 9-2 Washington Co., 1, WWL; 9-17 Two Harbors, Lake Co., 1 ad male banded, RK; 9-27 Washington Co., ELC; 9-29 Washington Co., 2, DS; more records than we've had for some time.
1968Summer 6-26 Heartbreak Ridge, Cook Co, JCG; 6-29 Goldeneye Lake, (near Cramer) Lake Co, JCG.
1969Spring5-11 Goodhue Co., WWL; 5-24 Cook Co., MMC; 5-25 Goodhue Co., DS.
1969Summer"June" Grand Portage, Cook Co., 4 localities JJG. Myrtle Warbler: reported from St. Louis, Cook, Roseau, Clearwater Co's; also 7-21 Carlton Co. DB; 7-6 Gull Lake, Cass Co., one male CH.
1969Fall9-2 Hennepin EWJ; 9-24 Hennepin VL. Myrtle Warbler: 9-26 Carver 100+ TH; 9-27 Duluth 100s PBH; 9-8 ETS; 9-9 Hennepin WKE; 10-28 Carver MHM; 10-28 Pine MIG; 10-29 St. Louis JCG.
1970Spring5-25 Duluth JGH; only report. 
1970Summer6-11 Isabella, Lake Co. JCG; "In June and July in Cook Co. (within 20 miles of the shore) 10 different localities, more than usual", John C. Green fide jCG; 6-22 St. Louis Co. (Normana Twp) MMC. Myrtle Warbler: reported from St. Louis, Marshall, Cook, and Beltrami Co's.
1970Fall9-20 and 21 Hennepin (2) VL; only report. Myrtle Warbler: late north 10-20 Cook MA; 10-23 Duluth MMC; early south 9-1 Carver KH; 9-17 Wabasha WDM; late south 10-27 Lyon HK and Hennepin VL; 10-31 Washington WL; 11-1 Hennepin DB.
1971Spring2 reports RCD; 5-17 Frontenac, Goodhue Co. FN. 
1971Fall2 reports Mrs. A. Fuller; 9-11 Wright ES. Myrtle Warbler: early south 8-18 Wabasha; 9-12 Wright; late south 10-24 Hennepin; 10-29 Wabasha; 10-30 Nobles; late north 10-31 Ottertail; 11-11 Duluth.
1972Summerseen in Clearwater (6-22 Bear Paw Point Trail, Itasca State Park EWM), Lake, Cook. Myrtle Warbler: seen in Clearwater, Hubbard, Crow Wing, Aitkin, N. St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1973Summer St. Louis (6-7 Duluth JAB), 6-9 JCG, Cook 6-26 JCG. Yellow-rumped. Warbler Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Aitkin, Isanti, Anoka.
1974Spring 3 reports: 5-11 Rice (2) OR; 5-12 Hennepin (1) PCHS; 5-21 St. Louis JG.
1974Summer No less than five reports of what used to be a very rare warbler; 6-17 Cook (five singing males, MMC); 6-22 Cook (two, RJ), 6-22 and 6-23 Isabella, Lake Co. (KG, JG); 7-4 Ely, St. Louis Co. (JG); 7-6 Garden L., St. Louis Co. (JG).
1974Fall 9-8 Hennepin OJ; 10-3 Wilkin RBJ.
1975Spring 3 reports: 5-2 Lyon, Tracy (1) NH; 5-10 Fillmore (2) JF; 5-19 Wright. Howard Lake (4).
1975Summer 4 reports: 6-26 Goldeneye L., Lake Co. (JG); 6-29 Honeymoon Lookout, Cook Co. (JG); 7-1 Gunflint Trail, Cook Co. (GN); 7-5 Wagosh L., St. Louis Co. (JG).
1975Fall8-16, 19 Lake GC; 9-22 Duluth M. Carr; 8-24 Olmstead JF; and 10-17 to 10-21 Hennepin C. Jendro (2).
1976Spring 2 reports: 5-19 Clearwater (1) WL; 5-28 St. Louis (Babbitt, 2) PD.
1976Summer3 reports: one male on 6-11 at Onamia, Mille Lacs Co. (NH); 6-21 and 7-27 in Lake Co. (JG).
1976Fall 4 reports: 8-21 Cook RJ, 8-29 Olmsted WE and Hennepin DB, 9-1 Hennepin PF.
1977Spring 3 reports: 5-20 Lyon (Marshall, 1) HK; 5-23 St. Louis (1) HPD; 5-30 St. Louis (1) BC.
1977Summer Again reported by many observers at Heartbreak Hill, Cook Co.; also reported 6-18 Lake (GO) and in June, Itasca St. Pk., Clearwater Co. (B. Fall).
1977Fall All reports listed which were more than usual, 8-13 Hennepin (FN), 8-18 Otter Tail (OJ), 8-27 St. Louis (DGW), 8-28 Hennepin (RJ), 9-15 Olmsted (JF), 9-18 Lake (DGW), and 9-23 St. Louis (ES).
1978Summer Seen in Cook and St. Louis (Babbitt, Burntside Lake).
1978Fall Early south 8-31 Cottonwood LF; late north 9-14 St. Louis KE; late south 9-19 Hennepin DB.
1979Spring Five reports 5-10 Olmsted VH, 5-14 Dakota JD, 5-18 Ramsey BDC, 5-23 Becker GMO and TNWR.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Lake (Grouse Lake, SW); also seen in Cook (Lima Mtn. Rd., Heartbreak Ridge), St. Louis (Babbitt).
1979Fall Late north 9-14 St. Louis DA, 9-16 Lake CMB, 9-18 Cook KMH; late south 9-30 Sherburne EH, 10-2 Cottonwood LF.
1980Spring Four reports: 5-14 St. Louis SNF, 5-19 Otter Tail GMO, 5-23 Cook KMH, 5-25 Itasca FKB, all north.
1980Summer Seen in Cook, Lake.
1980Fall Early south 8-26 Cottonwood LF, 9-2 Hennepin RBA late north 9-17 Clay LCF, 9-24 Red Lake KSS; late south 9-18 Hennepin RBA, 9-19 Hennepin sc. Yellow-rumped Warbler. Early south 8-10 Murray JD, 8-21 Lyon HK; late north 10-26 St. Louis LW, 11-3 St. Louis KE; late south 10-26 Dakota MW, Houston FL, 11-12 Redwood LJF.
1981SpringEarly south 5-25 Dakota KG, Murray A. Dekam; early north 5-1 Hubbard DJ, 5-18 Cook KMH, 5-25 St. Louis KE, JG.
1981Fall Eight reports: 9-4 Washington GS, 9-7 Red Lake KSS, 9-14 Lake SW / MS, 9-18 and 9-19 Hennepin SC, 9-23 and 9-24 St. Louis KE.
1982Spring Six reports: 5-15 Cook MKH, St. Louis KE, 5-16 St. Louis TL, 5-18 St. Louis JB, 5-25 Cook FL, Goodhue VL.
1982Summer Breeding data from Cook. Also seen in Lake, Koochiching (Koochiching SF; JCR).
1982Fall Seven reports: 8/27 Goodhue BL, 9/7 Hennepin SC, 9/11 St. Louis TS, 9/16 Hennepin SC, 9/22 Cook KMH, 9/30 Olmsted JEB, 10/2 Brown JSp. Yellow-romped Warbler Late north 10/23 Cook KMH, DGW, 10/30 St. Louis LE, 11/8 St. Louis KE; late south I 0-29 Brown JSp, 10/31 Anoka SC, 11/6 Nicollet RJ.
1983Spring Early south 5/15 Hennepin BDC, Pipestone RJ, 5/19 Blue Earth JCF, early north SIS Mille Lacs MLWMA, 5/18 Cook KMH, Lake SWIMS, 5/19 St. Louis TL, 5/21 St. Louis EA.
1983Summer Seen in Lake, Cook.
1983Fall All reports: 8/29 Lake SWIMS, 9/14 Yellow Medicine RG, 9/22 HRNR, 9/25 Pipestone JP, 9/30 Cook KMH, 11/12-30 Washington M.ob. (The Loon 56:65).
1983Winter Remained at a Washington County feeder until 12-2, see The Loon: 56:65
1984Spring All reports: 5/20 Hubbard, DGW, Cook 5/28 KMH, 5/29 FL (2), 5/29 Hennepin OJ, 5/30 Lake SWIMS.
1984Summerseen in Lake and Cook. Yellow-romped Warbler: seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Carlton, Koochiching, Hubbard and Clearwater.
1984Fall Late north 9/10 Itasca WL, 9/29 St. Louis FL; late south 9/2 Anoka SC, 9/8 Goodhue BL, 9/13 Hennepin SC.
1985Spring All reports: 5/12 Mower J. Morrison, 5/17 Cook KMH, 5/18 Lake SS, 5/19 Lake AB, 5/24, 26,31 Lake SWIMS.
1985Summer Seen in Cook and Lake.
1985Fall Early south 8/20 Wright ES, 8/25 Hennepin ES, 8/26 Ramsey KB, 8/26 Dakota JD; late north 9/18 Cook KMH, 9/25 Wilkin GAM; late south 9/26 Mower RRK, JM, 9/30 Ramsey KB, 10/4 Hennepin SC, GP. Yellow-romped Warbler Early south 8/21 Dakota JD, 8/26 Washington DS; late north 10/14 St. Louis LW, 11/21 Cook KMH (The Loon 57:184) Audubon's subspecies; late south 10/22 Mower JM, 10/23 Cottonwood LAF, 10/29 Brown JS.
1986Spring All reports: 5/11 Ramsey BL, 5/14 St. Louis KE, 5/20 Cook KMH, WP, 5/26 St. Louis SDM. 
1986Summer Seen in Cook, Lake.
1986Fall Seventeen reports from eight counties. Late south 9/20 Lincoln RJ, 9/27 Brown JS, 10/2 Waseca RJ, 10/4 Anoka SC, GP. Most reports ever!
1987Spring All reports: 5/19 Washington OS, 5/23 Lake MM, 5/25 Lake SWIMS, 5/28 Duluth, M. Hendrickson, 5/30,31 Lake m.ob., 5/31 Cook KMH, EH.
1987Summer Seen in Cook, Lake (as many as 12 singing males, Tettegouche State Park, SWIMS; Moose Lake, SS).
1987Fall All reports : 9/2 Cook KMH, 9/9 Fillmore AP, 10/6 Hennepin SC.
1988Spring All reports: 5/21 Cook WP, 5/22 Duluth fide KE, 5/25 Cook KMH, 5/29 Cook TM.
1988Summer Seen in Lake, Cook; late migrant 6/5 Carver (PS); early migrant 7/28 Olmsted (BSE). Yellow-romped Warbler Seen in nine counties in northeast and north central plus Roseau; early migrant 7/30 Hennepin (SC).
1988Fall All reports: 8/14 Hennepin DZ, 8/18 Aitkin AP, RJ, 8/28 Olmsted BSE, 9/9 Murray ND, 9/5-20 Hennepin (five individuals) SC, 9/21 Washington WL.
1989Spring Only reports: 5/17 Cook KMH, 5/18-20 Duluth (12) m.ob.
1989Summer A singing male found 7/8-9 in nothern St. Louis MH; also seen in Cook.
1989Fall All reports: 9/1 Lake DPV, 9/6-29 Hennepin (six individuals) SC, PS, DB. Yellow-romped Warbler Early south 8/22 Winona CS, 8/25 Lyon TO; late north 10/15 Clay LCF, 11/12 Duluth JO, 11/26 Cook PE; late south 10/29 Ramsey EL, 11/11 Fillmore NAO and Houston EMF, 11/20 Wabasha KR.
1990Spring All reports: 5/18 Carlton (1) MSt, 5/19-24 St. Louis mob.
1990Summer Seen in Lake, Cook; late migrant? 6/3 Itasca DA. Yellow-romped Warbler Probable nesting in St. Louis; also seen in Beltrami, Clearwater, Hubbard, Itasca, Aitkin, Lake, Cook.
1990Fall All reports: 8/18 Cook KMH, 9/27 Pipestone ND, JP, 10/6 Lake KR.
1991Spring One report: 5/12 Olmsted (I) BSE.
1991Summer Seen in Lake, Cook; plus 6/23 Becker TNWR.
1991Fall All reports: 8/4 and 9/8 Cook KMH, 9/6 Becker BB, 9/10 Lake DPV, 9/12 Ramsey KB, 9/15 Marshall MO, 9/26 Otter Tail SDM, 10/24 Ely, St. Louis Co. SS.
1992Spring All reports: 5/15 Goodhue JF, 5/16–26 Olmsted (three locations) AP, JB, 5/18–30 Cook (four locations) KMH, DN, 5/28–30 Lake (four) KE, DN.
1992Summer Only reports from Lake, Cook.
1992Fall All reports: 8/26–9/6 Hennepin (three to four) DC, SC, TT, 9/12–10/6 Becker (two) BBe, 9/24 Cook KMH, 10/9 Brown JS.
1993Spring All reports: 5/11–14 Hennepin (two locations) TT, OJ, 5/23?29 Cook (two locations, seven+ individuals) KMH, KR, mob, 5/29 Lake (two locations, eight individuals) AH, DN.
1993Summer Observed in usual locations in Lake, Cook; plus singing bird observed 7/17 St. Louis DZ (Tower Soudan S.P.).
1993Fall Reported 8/28 Cook KMH, 9/3 Ramsey KB, 9/9–10/8 Hennepin (nine individuals) mob.
1994Spring All reports: 5/11 Hennepin DB, mob, 5/22­?29 Lake (two locations, five individuals) DSM, WM, DN.
1994Summer Reported in St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1994Fall Reported from 11 counties (3 last year). Early south 9/5 Anoka JBe, CF, 9/12 Winona CS. Late north 9/10 Clay CF, 9/24 Duluth CM, 9/27 Carlton LW. Late south 10/16–17 Hennepin SC, JBe, DW, 10/18 Ramsey JaW.
1995Spring All reports: 5/10–11 Winona CS, AM, 5/12–15 Hennepin TT, mob, 5/19–25 Cook KMH, SM/CE, 5/22–27 Lake PS, DN, 5/28–29 Duluth, St. Louis Co. mob, 5/29 Carlton SB.
1995Summer Only reports from Lake, Cook.
1995Fall Reported from ten counties (11 l.y.). Early south 9/4 Olmsted JSt, 9/9 Anoka KB. Late north 8/28 Aitkin MG, 9/2 Aitkin WN, 9/3 Aitkin MG. Late south 9/10 Winona CS, 10/3 Hennepin fide AH, 10/28 (fourth latest on record) Hennepin JBe, CF. SC reports six individuals in Hennepin between 9/12–29.
1996Spring All reports: 5/18 Dakota RH, 5/19 Anoka PKL, 5/21 Anoka CF, 5/23 Lake SW/MS, 5/26 Lake (5) DN, 5/27 Lake DN.
1996Summer Reported in St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1996Fall Early south 8/31 Brown JSp, 9/6 Winona CS, 9/15 Anoka KB. Late north 9/6 Todd RJ, 9/7 Carlton LW, 9/23 St. Louis fide KE. Late south 9/24 Hennepin SC, KB, 10/5 Hennepin SC.
1997Spring All reports: 5/11 Olmsted DA, BE, 5/15–16 Hennepin TT, mob, 5/18 Goodhue BBa, 5/20 Hennepin HT, 5/24 St. Louis TW, 5/31 St. Louis (Sax Zim) SL, DSa.
1997Summer Only report: singing male in mid-June within Sax-Zim bog area in St. Louis Co. DBe.
1997Fall Early south 9/2 Hennepin (the first of five individuals, all seen within the county beginning on 9/2–9) SC, 9/5 Rice JLa, JL, 9/6 Hennepin (one singing male) TT. Late north 9/18 Cook JBr, and 10/6 (ties second latest north, seen at HRNR) St. Louis fide KE. Late south 9/26 Houston FL, and 10/4 Hennepin (2) mob. Total of 17 birds (13 l.y.) from 7 different counties.
1998Spring No reports south. All north reports: 5/11 Cook KMH, 5/16 Lake MSt, DV, 5/22 Cook MSt, 5/23 Lake (Tettegouche State Park) DN, 5/28 Cook (Gunflint Lake) KMH, 5/29 Cass (T145N, R30W, section 34) EP.
1998Summer A remarkable 53 singing males located during research study at Tettegouche S. P. in Lake Co. JLi; also reported in Cook.
1998Fall All north reports: 8/11 and 8/20 Aitkin (female) CMG, 9/28 Pennington (female in Thief River Falls) JJ, 10/10 Otter Tail SDM. Excellent migration in the southeast region and the Twin Cities area, especially in Hennepin where SC reported a minimum of three females and two males 8/27–9/23 at Cedar Lake alone; others were at Wood Lake 8/20 (female) and 9/10–13 (male) both LE, Roberts Sanctuary 9/4–5 (female) TT, PBu, plus four additional reports in Hennepin with locations not given. All south reports outside of Hennepin: 8/15 Anoka (Rice Creek Park) CF, 8/23 Kandiyohi RJF, 8/31 Olmsted DA, BE, 9/4 Rice TBo, 9/5 Goodhue SWe, 9/16 Rice JLa, 9/20 Ramsey TT, 9/22 Carver RJ, 9/23 Olmsted DA, BE, 10/11 Olmsted CH, JHo.
1999Spring Only south report: three females documented 5/13 Meeker (Darwin-Dassel Park) DF. All north reports: 5/21+ Lake LW, DN, 5/29 Aitkin WN, 5/29 Cook DN.
1999Summer Seen in Itasca (no date) JLi, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1999Fall Fewer reports than usual, though SC seemed to have no trouble finding them in Hennepin! All reports: 8/26 Hennepin (female at Cedar L.) SC, 9/2 Hennepin (female at Elm Creek) SC, 9/8 Washington RJ, 9/15 Ramsey fide AH, 9/17–21 Hennepin (male at Cedar L.) SC, ChM, 10/11 McLeod (female) †DF.
2000Spring Only reports from Lake beginning 5/14 (JLi), plus 5/23 St. Louis JLi.
2000Summer Seen in 35–40 locations adjacent to the Superior Hiking Trail in Lake and Cook counties MWS (see The Loon 71:11–13 for more information about this species' status in the aforementioned area).
2000Fall Only reports in north: 8/29 Lake (4) DRB, 9/9 Beltrami RJS. Most south reports were in Hennepin: 9/7 male in Minnetonka fide MKE, 9/10 female CMM, 9/28 male CMM, 9/30 male at Cedar Lake (same as 9/28?) SLC, 10/1 male (same as 9/28–30?) CMM, 10/3 found dead downtown Minneapolis TAT, and 10/9 male CMM. The only other south report was 9/23 Scott (female at Murphy-Hanrehan) TPB.
2001Spring Several reports from Lake beginning 5/11 (LAW), 5/12+ Lake and Cook (35–40 territories) MSt. Also observed 5/16 St. Louis ALE.
2001Summer Singing males found at 35 to 40 locations along the Superior Hiking Trail in Lake and Cook counties MWS; circumstantial evidence suggests defoliation by caterpillars in June had a negative impact on overall numbers. Also reported in St. Louis.
2001Fall No north reports except 9/6, 9/13, 10/19 in the same Becker backyard fide BAB, but exceptional migration south. Early south 8/30 Meeker (Litchfield N.C.) DMF, 9/1 Anoka (Locke Park) KJB, 9/1 Hennepin (T.S. Roberts Sanctuary) m.obs. Reports of multiple birds: 9/3 Hennepin (3 at T.S. Roberts) SLC, 9/13 Anoka (5 at Martin- Island-Linwood Regional Park) KJB. Late south 10/4 Hennepin (T.S. Roberts) ChM. Also reported from Dakota, Rice, and first county occurrences 9/6 Scott DBa, 9/17 Chisago CRM.
2002Spring All south reports: 5/8 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) DFJ, 5/11–12 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) †NSp, 5/12 Sherburne (Snuffy's Landing) ADB, 5/15 Washington (Colby L.) AXH, PHS, 5/25 Houston (Beaver Creek Valley S.P.) CRG. Only north reports were from breeding areas in Northeast region, beginning 5/18 Cook MWS. High count 5/29 Lake (14 singing males at Tettegouche S.P.) JWL.
2002Summer Heard and seen at 30 locations along survey route in Lake and Cook counties MWS; also reported in St. Louis, 6/1 Marshall (adult male at Agassiz N.W.R.) JMJ, 6/3 Hennepin (singing male at Cedar L.) SLC.
2002Fall Four north reports: 8/15 Cook (3 at Oberg Mtn.) DCZ, 9/26 St. Louis (same as 9/27?) fide DRB, 9/27 St. Louis (H.R.N.R.) FJN, DSC, 10/6 Carlton LAW. No fewer than eight individuals reported from five different Hennepin locations between 9/10 and 10/9; all other south reports: 9/14 Rice FVS, 9/19 Ramsey (Crosby Farm) TAT, 10/5 Anoka (Fridley) BRL.
2003Spring South reports: 5/10 Washington NAMC, 5/13–14 Freeborn DDM, BJM, AEB, 5/28 Anoka (Pioneer Park) KJB. Only north reports from breeding grounds, where first found 5/17 Cook (10) MWS, 5/23 Lake (3) MWS.
2003Summer Reported in St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus 6/20 Itasca (no location) N.R.R.I. Peak count 7/12 Cook (11 or 12 near Lutsen) MWS.
2003Fall All north reports: 9/6 Red Lake (female at Huot) PHS, 9/9 Clay (male near Sabin) DKn, 9/15 St. Louis (female at Duluth) PHS, 10/14 Roseau (T162N, R44W) JGW. South reports from Goodhue (2), Houston, Lac qui Parle and Waseca, plus eight birds in six Twin Cities metro locations. Early south 8/28 Hennepin SLC, 9/1 Anoka BRL. Late south 10/11 Hennepin TAT and Waseca JPS, 10/13 Ramsey BRL.
2004Spring Two south reports: 5/6 Carver WCM, 5/9 Dakota FVS. Early north 5/9 Becker SPM. All other reports from the Northeast, including 5/17 Cook (10) MWS, 5/30 Carlton (late migrant?) LAW.
2004Summer Unusual reports 6/16 Anoka PG, 6/23 Sherburne PJG. Also observed in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, and 7/16 Beltrami BJU.
2004Fall Only north report 8/22 Lake (male near Finland) AXH. All south reports 9/3 Le Sueur (Sakatah Lake S.P.) WCM, 9/10–11 Anoka (Linwood Lake) DWK, JJS, 9/13 Rice TFB, 9/19–20 Hennepin (male at Cedar Lake) SLC, 9/21 Hennepin (female at Cedar Lake) SLC.
2005Spring Four south reports: 5/15 Meeker (Litchfield N.C.) DMF, 5/16 Dakota (male in Eagan) DHo, 5/17 Martin (Cedar Lake C.P.) PH, 5/24 Lincoln (Hole-in-the-Mountain C.P.) PHS. All north reports were from the Northeast: 5/7 (second earliest north) St. Louis SES, 5/21 St. Louis (Park Point) fide JWL and Cook (8 singing on Moose Mountain near Lutsen) MWS, 5/22 Carlton LAW, plus three reports from Lake: 5/27 Tettegouche S.P. DFN, 5/28 Stoney Loop Rd. (F.R. 103) JWL, 5/29 Trapper's Lake Rd. (F.R. 369) JWL.
2005Summer Reported 6/11, 7/15, 7/25 Cook NRRI, DCZ, LBF, 6/13, 7/2 Lake NRRI, MCA, 6/15 St. Louis NRRI.
2005Fall Found in five north and five south counties. North reports away from the Northeast 9/1 Mille Lacs ASc, 9/4 Beltrami (male, Long Lake W.M.A.) BJU, 9/25 Itasca †EEO. Early south 8/23 Lincoln (female at Hole-in-the-Mountain C.P.) BJU. Late north 9/28 St. Louis (Duluth) LBe. South reports from Hennepin, Olmsted and Waseca in the first half of September, then late south 9/17 Nicollet ChH.
2006Spring The only south reports were from Lac qui Parle, where BJU found a female on 4/30 (second earliest) in Walter Twp. and two males on 5/12 at Lac qui Parle S.P. Reported north from Lake and Cook, beginning 5/26 Lake (2) DFN and 5/28 Cook (12 on Moose Mountain) MWS.
2006Summer Reported from four north counties: Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook. Late south migrant 6/3 Anoka LS. Unusual report away from known breeding locations 6/17 Duluth (singing male at Hartley Field) KRE.
2006Fall Two north reports: 8/19 St. Louis (Hoyt Lakes) ALE, 9/29 Lake LAW. More south reports than usual (four counties in 2004 and five in 2005), beginning 8/22 Hennepin (male at Old Cedar Ave) JEP, 8/29 Fillmore (male) NBO, 9/2 Anoka (female at Linwood L.) DWK, Carver RJS, and Dakota (Minnesota Zoo) DMF. All other south reports: 9/4 Big Stone (male at Big Stone Lake S.P.) BJU, 9/5 Hennepin (Cedar L.) ChM, 9/16 Scott (female at Murphy-Hanrehan Park) BAF, 9/26 Hennepin MPi, 10/14 Lac qui Parle (female in Boyd) †FAE, 10/15 Hennepin (Cedar Lake) ChM.
2007Spring31 Only south report: adult male 5/8 Hennepin (Wood Lake N.C.) CMB through 5/23 ph. DAC, ph. JPM, m.ob. Early north 5/19 St. Louis ASc, 5/25 Lake DFN, 5/27 Carlton LAW (median 5/18).
2007Summer4 Reported from Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook. High count 6/12 Cook (13) NRRI.
2007Fall16 All south 8/26 Anoka (along Linwood L.) DWK, Goodhue (Miesville Ravine) DDo, 8/31 Rice (banded) DAT, 9/2 Anoka DWK, 9/3 Washington RBW, 9/7 Wright (near Stanley Eddy Park) DMF, 9/13 Hennepin (male at Old Cedar Ave., JEP), 9/22–24 Hennepin (female at Minnehaha Creek) BAF, JLO, JWH, 10/17–18 Hennepin (male at Old Cedar Ave.) fide AXH. Only north report 9/2 St. Louis (female found along Maple Woods Trail at H.R.B.O.) JCG.
2008Spring57 Many more reports than usual. Early south (median 5/11) 5/10 Hennepin m.ob., Stearns fide PCC, ph. PNM, HHD. Late south 5/19 Washington BRL, 5/21 Hennepin CMB (median 5/22). Early north (median 5/18) 5/13 Cook DMB, 5/15 Cook fide JWL, 5/17 Itasca EEO.
2008Summer2 Found 6/1, 6/7, 6/8 Cook (3) WCM, JEB, JWH, 6/12, 6/30 Itasca MCBS, 6/15, 6/17, 7/15 Lake JWL, FKB, Lake LS.
2008Fall17 New county record: 9/20 Pope (juvenile or female caught in a Glacial Lakes S.P. skylight) DBM. All north 9/6 St. Louis JPM, 9/7 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB, 9/13 St. Louis CMB, KCR, 10/4 St. Louis FGo. All south reports 9/7 Anoka (2 banded at Springbrook N.C. in Fridley: 1 hatch-year male, 1 hatch-year female) RLR, Rice (hatch-year male banded) DAT, 9/10 Dakota DAC, 9/20 Pope DBM, 9/25 Hennepin HHD, 9/27 Lyon (2) RJS, 9/30 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/1 Lyon (adult male) ph. MKO, 10/9 Dakota JPM.
2009Spring22 All south 5/5 Martin EBK, 5/15–17 Hennepin (Veteran's Park, Richfield) CMB, DWK, JLO, JPM, TAT, 5/22 Hennepin (Minnehaha Falls Ravine) DDo. Early north (median 5/18) 5/22 Lake (2, Tettegouche S.P.) MWS, 5/23 Cook (3, Oberg Mountain) MWS, 5/24 Lake (Goldeneye Lake) DFN. High count 5/29 Cook (8, Oberg Mountain) MWS.
2009Summer2 Observed in Lake (Crosby-Manitou S.P.), Cook. MCBS reported 125–131 males at 1/9 locations in Cook.
2009Fall25 All south 8/18 Anoka REH, 8/29 Anoka DWK, 9/19 Anoka DWK, 9/20 Anoka (hatch-year male banded) RLR, Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) BAF, 9/23 Lac qui Parle (Boyd) FAE, 9/24 Ramsey BRL, 9/26 Anoka (2) DWK, 10/20 Rice (hatch-year male banded) ph. DAT, 10/25 Rice TFB (median early 9/2, late 10/6). All north 8/30 Carlton LAW, 9/11 St. Louis (female at Park Point Recreation Area, Duluth) PHS (median late 9/28).
2010Spring31 Only south report 5/24 Lac qui Parle (adult male, Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU (median late 5/21). All north reports (median arrival 5/18) 5/15 St. Louis FKB, 5/21 Cook (2, Oberg Mountain) MJB, Lake (5, Tettegouche S.P.) MJB, 5/24 St. Louis (Park Point) KRE, 5/30 Cook (2, Oberg Mountain) DFN.
2010Summer3 Many reports from Cook and Lake, along with scattered records from St. Louis, though mid-July.
2010Fall16 Many south reports, mainly from Hennepin where about 14 were tallied † 8 by SLC alone! New county record 9/20 Steele PSu. Early south (median 9/3) 8/29 Hennepin (Minnehaha Creek) DDo, BAF, 9/8 Hennepin (T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) JMc, Sherburne PLJ. High count 9/20 Hennepin (3, Cedar Lake) SLC. Only north report 9/19 Clay fide JMJ (median late 9/28). Late south 9/25 Hennepin PRH, 9/27 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. bridge) SLC (median 10/7).
2011Spring31 All south (median 5/11) 5/14–15 Hennepin (Veteran's Memorial Park, Richfield) CMB, SMC, SBM, 5/23 Hennepin (male, Wood Lake N.C.) CMB, SLC. All north (median 5/18) 5/9 St. Louis JCG, 5/22–23 St. Louis PHS, JLK, AM, 5/28 Lake SIv, 5/29 Cook DFN, KRo, SLP, SIv.
2011Summer5Unusual location 6/8 Clearwater (Itasca S.P.) BSc. Also observed in Cook, Koochiching (Franz Jevne S.P.), Lake, St. Louis.
2011Fall4 All south 9/9 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) BeS, 9/10 Anoka (adult male, Linwood Lake) DWK, 9/11 Hennepin (female, Wood Lake N.C.) DWK, 9/16 Rice (juvenal male banded, Northfield) DAT, 9/17–19 Hennepin (hatch-year female, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) BAF, SHF, ph. BeH, 9/19 Hennepin (female, Staring Lake Park, Eden Prairie) SLC, Lac qui Parle (adult male, Big Stone N.W.R.) ph. BJU, 9/22 Hennepin (female, Courage Center) PJM, 10/24 Hennepin (Westwood Hills N.C.) GFe, 11/3 Hennepin (male, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) †SLC.
2012Spring51 Only south report 5/19 Ramsey (St. Anthony Park) RMD. All north 5/10 St. Louis (Hartley N.C.) DYo, 5/19 Cook (Oberg Mountain) SLP, Morrison (female) FGo, Pine CAB, 5/20 Lake (female, Lighthouse Point, Two Harbors) JWL, 5/25 Lake (Tettagouche S.P.) DFN, 5/26 Cook (Tofte) KRo.
2012Summer8 Reported from Aitkin, Beltrami, Cass, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, St. Louis.
2012Fall37 All north reports: 8/1 Lake (South Kawishiwi Campground) RSt, 8/19–20 St. Louis (Bear Head Lake S.P.) RMa, 9/18 Cook (Naniboujou Lodge) JPr. All south reports: 8/24 Hennepin (adult male, Nine Mile Creek) SLC, CMB, 8/31 Hennepin (Minnehaha Creek) TAT, CMB, 9/1 Anoka (female, Linwood Lake) DWK, 9/2 Rice (Northfield) DAT, 9/7–13 Fillmore (female, Preston) NBO, 9/18–21 Hennepin (female, Westwood Hills N.C.) CMB, ThM, 9/26 Hennepin KRo, 9/28 Olmsted JPr, 10/10 Lac qui Parle (female, Big Stone N.W.R.) ph. BJU, 10/18 Rice (female, Northfield) ph. DAT, 10/21 Freeborn (female) DBz (median early 9/3, late 10/7).
2013Spring47 All south (median 5/11) 5/12 Hennepin AMa, 5/13 Olmsted MHm, 5/14 Rice TFB, 5/15 Hennepin (Prospect Park) SAu, 5/17 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) JoM, 5/19 Dakota JLO, 5/21 Olmsted MHm, 5/24 Isanti DPG, Kandiyohi ANy, JWH, Scott JSp, m.ob. Early north 5/14 Cass (2, Deep Portage Learning Center) BAW, 5/18 St. Louis WCM, JLK, 5/19 Itasca SC, St. Louis PHS, m.ob. High counts 5/29 Cook (6, Gunflint Trail) ASd, 5/19 St. Louis (5, second highest northbound count away from breeding areas) PHS.
2013Summer3 Observed in Cook, Lake, St. Louis.
2013Fall33 All north 8/2 Lake CHl, 8/7 Cook DMB, 8/22 St. Louis RSt, 8/23 Cook MWi, 8/31 St. Louis DPa, 9/9 Cook LCM, 9/12 St. Louis JLK, and then record late north 10/27 Cook JSL, ALo, m.ob. All south 9/4 Hennepin CMB, 9/8 Anoka JSl, AWh, 9/20 Hennepin DPa, 9/24 Hennepin (Wood Lake N.C.) CMB, 9/27 Olmsted LAV, 10/3 and 10/12 Hennepin (T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) CMB (median 10/8).
2014Spring24Few reports of this uncommon species. All south 5/9 Mower (Cedar City Cemetery) BJL, 5/13 Hennepin (Plymouth) SSt, 5/15 Dakota (Eagan) PBl, Hennepin (Westwood Hills N.C.) ThM, 5/16 Washington (Afton S.P.) BDo, PNi, 5/18 Hennepin (Richardson N.C.) JRg, Washington (Mahtomedi) TJd, 5/24 Dakota (Lake Rebecca P.R.) PHa, 5/26 Hennepin (Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden) BCh. North reports beginning 5/22 Kanabec (male) CAM, then only from Cook 5/23+ DFN, m.ob.
2014Summer3Reported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis.
2014Fall25 All north 8/21 Cook (male, Sawbill Landing) RMa, 9/7 Lake (Gabbro Lake) DwS, KDS. All south 8/20 Sherburne (female, Woodland Trails Park, Elk River) PLJ, PMJ, 8/30 Hennepin (male, Westwood N.C.) SMC, 9/10 Dakota (Lebanon Hills R.P.) RaM, 9/20–21 Carver (male, Rapids Lake Unit, Minnesota Valley N.W.R) JCy, 9/26 Winona ANy, 9/29 Hennepin (male, Bryant Lake R. P.) BAb.
2015Spring56 All south reports (median 5/11) 5/11 Carver CRM, Hennepin KAR, 5/12 Lincoln (Hole-in-the-Mountain C.P.) ANy, 5/16 Hennepin KAR, 5/19 Anoka RLR, 5/20 Chisago MHe, 5/27 Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) PEB. North reports began (median 5/17) 5/16 St. Louis (2, male and female, Park Point R.A.) PHS, ph. JWL, m.ob. First reports from Lake on 5/19, and from Cook on 5/22. Only north reports away from North Shore 5/21 Itasca (Secret Lake) PLe, 5/27 Morrison (Camp Ripley) JsH.
2015Summer3 Reported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis.
2015Fall58 Several reports from St. Louis and Cook counties from 8/11–9/26. Away from the North Shore, 9/6 Morrison (Charles A. Lindbergh S. P.) JEm, KEm, DLP, 9/14 Crow Wing PSP, 10/19 Todd JeM, SwM (median 9/29). High count 9/1 St. Louis (4, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Several south reports starting 8/20 mostly from the East-central and Southeast. Unusual report 9/25 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) DLP, and also an amazing single bird that lingered 10/30–11/30 Sherburne (Talahi Park, St. Cloud) TSh, m.ob. (median 10/9).
2016Spring46 All south (median 5/11) 5/1 Hennepin (Coon Rapids Dam R.P.) JAn, 5/7 Goodhue (Hok-Si-La Park) SuE, SEg, 5/10 Waseca (Maplewood Park) BAb, 5/15 Anoka (Carlos Avery W.M.A.) SKo, TSI, Goodhue LH, 5/18 Isanti (Spencer Brook W.M.A.) DPG, 5/24 Ramsey (Fort Snelling S.P.) EGB. Early north 5/14 Lake (Wolf Ridge E.L.C.) CEl, 5/16 St. Louis BcM, 5/18 Cook (Oberg Mountain) DMB, JBs, (Carleton Peak Trail) JTo.
2016Summer4 Reported from Cook, Itasca, Lake, St. Louis.
2016Fall613 Several reports from Cook and St. Louis counties from 8/22–9/14. Other north reports: 9/4–10 Morrison (southeast of Little Falls) ph. †KEm, m.ob., 9/9 Pine SBE, 9/25 Itasca (Little White Oak) PCo, 10/8 Otter Tail GMO (median 9/29). Numbers of south reports were over twice the fall average. Unusual south reports 9/16 Steele (Kaplan Woods) RBW, BAb, 9/20 Watonwan (female, Eagles Nest C.P.) ph. STa, HHD. Late south 9/14–25 Ramsey (Mullin's Woods, U of M St. Paul Campus) m.ob., 9/25 Lyon RJS, 10/2 Hennepin CMB (median 10/9), but also see winter report for a record-late migrant.
2016Winter1 Reported for only the second time in winter season for Minnesota: 12/11 Hennepin (male, Excelsior) ph. DSd. Only previous winter report was 2 December 1983 in Washington County (The Loon 56:65).
2017Spring36 All south reports (median 5/11) 5/13 Dakota (Lebanon Hills R.P.) JBu, Wright (Otsego C.P.) JOs, AnJ, 5/14 Hennepin (Minnehaha Falls) EGB, 5/15 and 5/24 Mower (Honey Tree Farm) SWm, 5/22 Meeker (Darwin-Dassel C.P.) BNn, 5/25 Ramsey CEl, LiH. Early north (median 5/18) 5/18 Cook JaJ, 5/19 Cook BCo, St. Louis SLF, 5/20 Cook DLB, St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) DRy. High count 5/26 Cook (5, Oberg Mtn.) DFN.
2017Summer3 Found in Cook, Lake, St. Louis.
2017Fall44 All north 8/23 Cook (female, Lutsen) ph. DLB, 9/1 Morrison (female, Lake Shamineau) RPR, 9/7 Cook (Sawbill Lake) RMa, Itasca (Dunning Lake) EEO, 10/23 Lake (female, Cove Point Lodge) NAn. All south 9/2 Anoka ELC, 9/10 Rice TFB, 9/12 Scott (male) ph. DCK, 9/14 Rice DAT, 10/13 Hennepin (male, Mississippi Gorge R.P.) AAr, 10/31 Rice (Carleton College Cowling Arboretum) DAT.
2018Spring65 All south 5/5 Hennepin (Mt. Normandale Lake Park) ebd, 5/9 Dakota (Fort Snelling S.P.) IVa, Hennepin (Purgatory Creek) ebd, 5/10 Hennepin (Staring Lake Park) ebd, 5/11 Rice (Carleton College Cowling Arboretum) NiR, 5/12 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) NRa, 5/13 Chisago (Interstate S.P.) ebd, 5/16 Dakota (Spring Lake P.R.) LiH, 5/19 Hennepin (Crow-Hassan P.R.) ASu, 5/20 Scott (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) EGB. Early north (median 5/17) 5/14 Cook (Oberg Mountain) JBs, 5/15 Cook ebd, 5/17 Clearwater (Itasca S.P.) ToR, St. Louis (Hartley Park) JLK, 5/18 Carlton (Jay Cooke S.P.) BDo, JPR, 5/19 Pine TJo. High counts 5/20 Lake (4) NLM, 5/25 Cook (4, Oberg Mountain) DFN.
2018Summer41 Observed in Cook, Itasca, Lake, St. Louis and late migrant 6/4 Hennepin SOa.
2018Fall511 In addition to the expected reports along the North Shore were two unusual north reports: 8/9 Hubbard (Skoe C.P.) GHo, KDS, 9/4 Carlton (Moose Lake W.T.P.) OGo, DyL. The number of south reports was about twice the usual average beginning with (median 8/30) 8/21 Anoka (Rice Creek Chain of Lakes R.P.) DWK, 8/26 Hennepin (Coon Rapids Dam R.P.) TLo, Isanti (Springvale C.P.) DAB. Unusual south reports from 9/1 Houston (female, Twp. Rd. 2/1) LiH, ClB, Watonwan (female, Fedje Lake) MiO, 9/10 Olmsted (female, Indian Heights Park) LAV. Last south reports 10/6 Anoka ebd, 10/8 Hennepin CMB, 10/12 Chisago (Interstate S.P.) MSw (median 10/11).
2019Summer5 Reported from Clearwater, Cook, Itasca, Lake, St. Louis. High count 6/17 Cook (8, Oberg Mountain) MGo, m.ob.
 Breeds locally northeast. Rare mostly fall migrant east.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.