Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Canada Jay
Blue Jay
Clark's Nutcracker
Black-billed Magpie
American Crow
Common Raven

Blue Jay(Cyanocitta cristata)
1931SummerMr. S't-:cdenborg reports a nest with 4 eggs May )rd.
1932SummerEight Blue Jays 1 nests were: found, the first' with 5 eggs on May 4th (s. Stein &Woolsey). The last had 4 eggs on lJune 21st (the witer). The foJ.:lowing acco•unt is written by ' Ralph Woolsey from Fargo, NQD., nen May 12th a. pair of jays started looking for a place to nest, finally choosing one near 'L thq house, where I could wntch the building c'porations and. their various mating antics and contortions, ac9mapanied by sounds which only jays are capable of On ~y 14th they commenced construction, workii?-g leistirely in the morning ' or evening, but not in the heat of the dl:w. Both birds took: part < in the buil¢ling program. ' The tl-Tigs were not picked up from the ground,"but were broken, off trees and bue:hes by the birds, 1 The nest was completed in a week, andj the first egg was laid ) · on the 21 st, fallowed by three more in as nan.y days. '1 ' I ~ '
1933Summer Fourte~ nests of this ribald rascal reported, The first was located in Powderhorn Park, Minneapolis, on April 26th by John Huseby, It held 6 eggs. Swanson found tho last, containing 4 eggs, on May 22nd at Coon Creek.
1934Summer Although Hanson and Hicmenz found a completed but empty nest on April 26tP, near s;. Cloud, there wore no occupied nests recorded until Hay'9th.,. 0~ that < E:i~clo found a nest ··~th 2 eggs. Hanson tmd Hicmenz found the. latest nost near st. Cloud on Juno 11th, when it held 1 fresh · ogg.
1935Summer Prosser found a Blue Jay as early as April 24th. Carlandcr' s report of 3 young SEien along tho Hin.TJ.esota River 11ay 26th is the first record of young for 1935, but a nest with 6 eggs was seen by Upson May 15th. The latest nest is one which Breckenridge found contained 5 young July 2nd.
1936Summer l·1ny is the early date :for this gaudy, vociferous marauder. Robert Upson discovered a nest o:f two eggs near Minneapolis on this date. E. D. Swedenborg found a nest containing four largo young on June 21st near Hinnoapolis.
1937SummerUpson found a nest that held four eggs on May ro. On May 27, near Excelsior, E. D. Swedenborg found a nest of five eggs.
1938SummerOn May 28 Mr. E. D. Swedenborg found a nest of 3 young. Near Afton 3 young about to leave the nest were seen by Rysgaard, Breckenridge, and Dr. Prosser on June 3·
1940SummerMilton Thompson ob­served a bird incubating her eggs on May 5, in Minneapolis.
1943Summer3 nests. Ramsey c.ounty; Dakota and Winona counties, May 5, 29, and June 8. Bros. Lewis and Pius. Harriet Bird Refuge (Mpls.), June 5. Fmncis S. Davidson.
1944Summer15. April13, building, St. Paul, Hofstead. April 28, four eggs, St. Paul, Brother Hubert and Brother Pius. July 12, two young out, Hennepin, Field. Others by Hamilton, Blanch, Hofstead, and Olson.
1945Summer2 nests, one with 4 eggs, one with 5 young, Ramsey Co., May 23-26, Brother Hubert.
1945WinterCommon permanent resident. NORTHERN RAVEN. Twelve at Virginia, January 12, 1941, (Barrows); several records along the north shore, winter of 1943-44.
1946Summer2 eggs, April 27, Dakota Co., Dro. Hubert; 4 young out, July 26, St. Louis Co., Lakela; building, April 5, Ramsey Co., Longley; young out, June 30, July 7, July 14, Ramsey Co., Moore.
1947Summer5 eggs, May 31, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis; 4 young, July 26, Duluth, Lakela; feeding 2 wellgrown young, July 26, Duluth, Moore.
1961SummerForest Strnad banded four young from nest at Kasson on 9 June.
1962SummerJune 7, nest with 3 young, Brother Theodore; July 21, Cass Co., 2 young out of nest, Mr. and Mrs. John Mathisen; July 6-31, Ramsey Co., 3 broods seen by A. C. Rosenwinkel.
1963SummerNumerous nestings reported from St. Louis, Ramsey, Cass and Winona Counties.
1964Summerbreeding Hennepin (MAS), Ramsey (ACR), Winona (GD, CG) and Hubbard (LWJ) Counties; also FargoMoorhead, EGA.
1966Summernested in Nobles, Hennepin, Ramsey Co's; also reported from 22 other counties.
1966Winterreported from Cook, St. Louis, Lake, Hennepin, Roseau, Stearns, Ramsey, Stevens, Nobles, Cottonwood, Rice, Olmsted, Washington, Wright, Crow Wing, Sherburne, Morrison, Wabasha, Pope, Blue Earth, Beltrami, Kanabec and Mille Lacs Co's.
1967Summernested Ramsey, Cook, Hennepin, Benton, Hubbard Co's. and FargoMoorhead; also reported from Stevens, Pope, St. Louis, Nobles, Clearwater, Beltrami, Lake, Wabasha, Morrison, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Washington, Cottonwood Co's.
1967Winter reported from 32 counties, all across the state.
1968Summer nested in Lyon, Anoka, Mille Lacs, Hennepin, Nobles, Morrison, Clearwater Co's; reported also from Beltrami Stevens, Wabasha, St. Louis, Blue Earth, Pine, Washington, Crow Wing, Lake, Carlton, Cottonwood, Carver, Rice, Pope, Wright, Sherburne, Winona Co's.
1968FallConcentrations reported 9-1 Lake 150 RK; 9-11 Cook 40 MOP; 9-12 St. Louis 75 LM; 9-22 Hennepin 20 to 25 WKE.
1968WinterReported from 25 counties throughout state.
1969Spring3-1 Duluth, MMC; 5-6 Cook Co., MMC, Duluth JCG and (77) PBH; 5-8 (90) Duluth, PBH; 5-19 (76) Cook Co., OP; 5-29 (flock) Cook Co., OP, and (flock) Duluth, JCG.
1969Summernested in Hennepin, Wabasha, and St. Louis Co's.; also reported by most observers throughout the state.
1969Fall8-1 Hennepin 20 WKE; 8-1 Chisago 10 EL; 9-16 Duluth 270 PBH; 11-11 St. Louis 8 HM. Black-bi lied Magpie: 9-24 Mille Lacs (Onamia) MI for Al Mohler; 9-27 Roseau 5 EDK.
1969WinterReported from 30 counties.
1970Fallreported from 29 counties.
1970Winterreported from 29 counties.
1971Springpeak 5-22 Duluth (IOO's) MMC.
1971Summernested in Wabasha, Wright, Swift, Ramsey, Hennepin, Carver and Cottonwood; also reported from 21 other counties.
1971Fallpeak 9-16 Duluth (5000) MMC.
1972Summerbreeding cards from Ramsey and Nobles, nesting reported in 5 others; seen In 26 other counties.
1972WinterNORTH Reported from 18 counties. SOUTH Reported from 18 counties.
1973Summer Breeding cards from Lake, Wabasha, Cottonwood, Jackson; reported from 25 other counties.
1973Fall Reported from 16 counties.
1973Winter Reported from 41 counties.
1974Spring Reported from 15 counties.
1974Summer Nested in Clay, Sherburne, Wright, Hennepin, Wabasha, Pipestone; also reported from 35 other counties; more reports than usual. Black-billed. Magpie Continues to be reported in summer; two again at Agassiz N. W. R., Marshall Co. probably nested (SV); another nesting two mi. north of Meadowlands, St. Louis Co. (young seen along roadsides, M. Holets); one seen 7-2 Polk (DE).
1974Winter Reported from 42 counties.
1975Spring Reported from 33 counties.
1975Summer Nested in Mille Lacs, Hennepin, Cot tonwood and Pipestone; also reported from 29 other counties.
1975Winterreported from 49 counties throughout the state including a peak of 633 on the Sherburne N. W. R. Christmas Count.
1976Summernested in Clay, Hubbard, Lac qui Parle, Cottonwood, Stearns, Anoka, Hennepin, Le Sueur and Blue Earth; also reported from 32 other counties.
1976Fall Permanent resident.
1976Winter Reported from 44 counties throughout the state.
1977Spring Reported from 32 counties.
1977Summer Nested in Hubbard, Clay, Lac qui Parle, Anoka, Hennepin and Olmsted; also reported from 31 other counties throughout the state.
1977Winter Reported from 41 counties. Fall 1978 161
1978Summer Breeding reported from Stearns, Watonwan, Hennepin and Anoka; also seen throughout the state.
1978Fall Permanent resident. 9-15 Duluth (100+) NH.
1978Winter Reported from 47 counties, but thought to be down in numbers in s. Minnesota (also due to a poor acorn crop?).
1979Spring Reports from 34 counties. Permanent resident.
1979Summer Breeding reported from St. Louis, Stearns, Anoka, Hennepin, Goodhue, Cottonwood, Otter Tail, Clay; also seen throughout the state.
1979Fall Permanent resident.
1979Winter Reported from 43 counties throughout the state.
1980Spring Permanent resident. Reports from 36 counties.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Clay, Stearns, Anoka, Washington, LeSueur; seen also throughout the state. Blue Jay nest, June 11, 1981, St. Cloud, Stearns County
1980Fall Reported from ten counties north and 19 south.
1980Winter Reported from 48 counties.
1981Spring Permanent resident reported from 22 south and 12 north counties.
1981Summer Breeding data from Pennington, Stearns, Hennepin, Le Sueur; nesting reported from Anoka. Seen throughout the state.
1981Fall Reported from 24 north and 33 south counties.
1981Winter Reported from 52 counties throughout the state.
1982Spring Permanent resident reported from 33 south and 28 north counties.
1982Summer Breeding data from Pennington, Itasca, Mille Lacs, Steams, Sherburne, Ramsey, Washington, LeSueur. Seen throughout the state.
1982Fall Permanent resident reported from 19 north and 23 south counties.
1982Winter Reported from 59 counties throughout the state.
1983Spring Reported from 26 counties, south 18 north.
1983Summer Breeding data from Pennington, Clearwater, Hubbard, Morrison, Mille Lacs, Stearns, Anoka. Seen throughout the state.
1983Fall Reported from 19 counties north, 24 south. 10/30 HRNR I I 00 total.
1983Winter Reported from 69 counties throughout the state. Statewide CBC total of 3352 with a peak of 336 on the St. Paul NE count. Most common in the east and central regions with typical CBC counts ranging from 50-200. In the west regions CBC counts ranged from seven to 30.
1984Spring Reported from thirty south and twenty north counties.
1984Summernested in Clay, Aitkin, Anoka, Ramsey, Brown, LeSueur, Cottonwood and Blue Earth; also seen in 40 other counties.
1984Fall Reported from 18 counties north, 22 south. 9/19 HR (467).
1984Winter Reported from 65 counties throughout the state. Numbers virtually identical with last year.
1985Spring Reported from 19 north and 30 south counties.
1985Summer Nested in Steams, Ramsey, Washington, Dakota (RHo), Wabasha; probable nesting in Clay, Anoka, Chippewa, Murray. Seen in 37 other counties throughout the state.
1985Fall Reported from 17 north and 29 south counties.
1985Winter Reported from 74 counties throughout the state. Peak of 980 on the St. Paul northeast count and a statewide total of 5594 (3584 L.y.).
1986Spring Reported from 17 north and 32 south counties.
1986Summer Nested in Morrison, Steams, Hennepin, Ramsey, Dakota; probable nesting in Pennington , Crow Wing, Pope, Anoka, Cottonwood. Also seen in 49 other counties throughout the state.
1986Fall Reported from 17 north and 26 south counties ; peak 9/6-7 Duluth (2527) M. Hendrickson.
1986Winter Reported from 79 counties (74 L. Y.) throughout the state with a statewide CBC total of 2768 (5594 L.Y.). ·
1987Spring Reported from 15 north and 29 south counties.
1987Summer Nested in Morrison, Stearns, Brown, Steele (EK); probable nesting in Anoka, Dakota, Lyon, Cottonwood. Also seen in 52 other counties throughout the state.
1987Fall Reported from 14 north and 34 south counties; peak 9/8 Duluth (3400) PB.
1987Winter Reported from 73 counties (79 L. Y.). with a statewide CBC total of 4817 (2768 L.Y.).
1988Spring Reported from 34 south and 19 north counties.
1988Summer Nested in nine counties including Todd (PH), Fillmore (NAO); probable nesting in Crow Wing. Seen in 55 other counties statewide.
1988Fall Reported from 20 north and 30 south counties; peak 9/14 Duluth 2024.
1988Winter Reported from 79 counties throughout the state with a CBC total of3,789 (4,817l.y.).
1989Spring Reported from 36 south and 15 north counties.
1989Summer Nested in Polk AB, Todd, LeSueur; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Anoka. Seen in 55 other counties statewide.
1989Fall Reported from 19 north and 30 south counties .
1989Winter Recorded from 76 counties throughout the state with a CBC total of 4,410 (3, 789l.y.).
1990Spring Reported from 14 north and 27 south counties .
1990Summer Nested in six counties including Crow Wing JS/MN, Martin BB, FaribaultGS ; probable nesting in five counties. Seen in 45 other counties statewide.
1990Fall Reported from 19 north and 29 south counties; peak 9/10 Lakewood Pumping Station, Duluth (3268) fide KE. Black-bellied Magpie Reported from Aitkin, Becker, Beltrami, Clearwater, Hubbard, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, Roseau and Wilkin Counties.
1990Winter Recorded from 67 counties throughout the state with a CBC total of 3,053 (4,410 l.y.), generally noted as reduced in numbers throughout the state.
1991Spring Reported from 18 north and 29 south counties.
1991Summer Nested in three counties, probable nesting in four; seen in 45 other counties statewide.
1991Fall Reported from 18 north and 31 south counties.
1991Winter Reported from 51 counties (67 l.y.) statewide with a CBC total of 5,040 (3,053 l.y.).
1992Spring Reported from 22 north and 32 south counties.
1992Summer Nested in Pipestone; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Anoka, Le Sueur, Cottonwood. Seen in 49 additional counties statewide.
1992Fall Reported from 20 north and 34 south counties.
1992Winter Reported from 81 counties (51 l.y.) statewide with a CBC total of 5,084.
1993Spring Reported from 21 north and 35 south counties.
1993Summer Nested in Anoka, Washington, Winona HVA, JPo; probable nesting in Aitkin, Crow Wing, Sherburne, Dakota. Seen in 48 additional counties statewide.
1993Fall Reported from 23 north and 31 south counties. Peak 9/19 Mille Lacs (1,100 counted on east side of Mille Lacs Lake in one hour) KB.
1993Winter Reported from 76 counties (81 l.y.) statewide.
1994Spring Reported from 21 north and 33 south counties.
1994Summer Nested in Crow Wing, Winona; probable breeding in six counties. Observed in 39 other counties statewide.
1994Fall Reported from 20 north and 27 south counties.
1994Winter Reported from 80 counties throughout the state. CBC total 5,774.
1995Spring Reported from 29 south and 24 north counties.
1995Summer Nested in four counties including Mower RRK; probable nesting in six. Seen in 40 additional counties statewide.
1995Fall Reported throughout the state.
1995Winter Reported from 74 counties throughout the state. CBC total 5,185.
1996Spring Reported from 41 south and 24 north counties.
1996Summer Nested in Rice; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Anoka, Nicollet, Freeborn. Seen in 61 additional counties statewide.
1996Fall Reported throughout the state.
1996Winter Reported from 69 counties throughout the state. CBC total 5,248.
1997Spring Reported throughout the state.
1997Summer Seen in 61 counties statewide; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Lyon, Dakota, Rice, Freeborn.
1997Fall Reported throughout the state.
1997Winter Reported from 86 counties throughout the state. CBC total 3,972 (5,248 l.y.).
1998Spring Reported throughout the state.
1998Summer Seen in 62 counties statewide. New nesting record in Becker BBe; probable nesting in six counties.
1998Fall Reported throughout the state.
1998Winter Reported from 64 counties throughout the state. CBC total 3,481. Peak 2/16 Hubbard (63) JMW.
1999Spring Reported throughout the state. Peak count 5/17 St. Louis (525 on Park Point in Duluth) FN.
1999Summer Observed in 60 counties statewide.
1999Fall Reported throughout the state.
1999Winter Reported from 70 counties throughout the state. The cumulative CBC total was the lowest in many years and several observers noted greatly reduced numbers in the Twin Cities area.
2000Spring Occurs throughout the state.
2000Summer Observed in 65 counties statewide.
2000Fall Reported throughout state.
2000Winter Reported from 65 counties throughout the state.
2001Spring Occurs throughout the state.
2001Summer New nesting record in Houston JGL; reported in 60 counties throughout state.
2001Fall Reported statewide.
2001Winter Reported from 65 counties throughout the state.
2002Spring Occurs throughout the state.
2002Summer Seen in 66 counties throughout state.
2002Fall Found in all regions. High count 10/2 St. Louis (3000 at Stoney Pt.) KWR, MCA.
2002Winter Reported from 62 counties throughout the state.
2003Spring Occurs throughout the state.
2003Summer Observed in 61 counties statewide.
2003Fall Reported statewide. Peak migration 9/19 Washington (200+ transited the St. Croix River Valley) TEB, 9/20 Brown (55) BTS.
2003Winter Reported from 63 counties throughout the state.
2004Spring Found statewide.
2004Summer Seen in 56 counties statewide.
2004Fall Reported statewide.
2004Winter Reported from 54 counties throughout the state.
2005Spring Found throughout the state and season.
2005Summer Most reports ever: seen in 67 counties throughout state.
2005Fall Reported statewide.
2005Winter Reported from 65 counties statewide. In December, a partial albino visited a feeder in Rice (Northfield) ph. TSc fide GDB.
2006Spring Found in 79 of 87 counties. High counts 4/6 Sherburne (33) RBJ, 5/2 Pine (28) JMP.
2006Summer Observed in 81 counties in all regions of state. New nesting record for Chisago AEK.
2006Fall Reported from 82 of 87 counties throughout the season. High counts of 46 and 44 in Rice 9/23 and 9/24, respectively (DAB).
2006Winter2840 Reported from 68 counties statewide, a slight increase over the past 5 years.
2007Spring3053 Found throughout the season.
2007Summer2945 Reported from all regions of the state.
2007Fall3550 Reported statewide throughout the period. All high counts from H.R.B.O. in St. Louis (EMG, KJB): 4,826 on 9/10, 3,736 on 9/17. Seasonal count of 25,319 at H.R.B.O. High count away from the North Shore 9/25 Nicollet (29) RMD.
2007Winter2537 Reported statewide with numbers down slightly from last year. CBC high count Rochester (262).
2008Spring3350 Reported statewide. High counts 5/9 Mille Lacs (140) RBJ, 5/3 Goodhue (100) BNW.
2008Summer2239 Reported from all regions of state.
2008Fall3245 Reported statewide. Numbers up in Cass, Crow Wing MRN. High counts 9/16 St. Louis (2,456 at H.R.B.O.) KJB, 9/24 Blue Earth (100) ChH, 9/27 Blue Earth (100) ChH.
2008Winter3049 Reported from an impressive 79 counties including the four “corner counties”.
2009Spring3251 Reported statewide. In St. Louis, the W.S.H.C. produced 1,473 on 5/6 and a season total of 3,048 KJB.
2009Summer2840 Reported from all regions. Short-tailed fledgling still begging for food 7/28 Cass MRN. Other first county breeding records from Cook ARu, Stevens MKu.
2009Fall3051 Reported statewide. High counts 9/14 St. Louis (3,642, H.R.B.O.) KJB, 9/24 Blue Earth (60, single flock) ChH, 9/18 Dakota (54, 3 migrating flocks) BAF.
2009Winter2744 Reported statewide. CBC high counts: 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (339), 12/19 Rochester (314), 12/19 Excelsior (286), 12/19 Crosby (277), 12/28 Pine County (269), 12/19 Faribault (258).
2010Spring3053 Reported statewide. High count 5/15 St. Louis (2,535 at W.S.H.C., Duluth) KJB.
2010Summer2848 Reported from throughout the state. First county breeding records for Benton MRN, Douglas fide BBA, Pope DRa, Rock AXH.
2010Fall3253 Reported statewide. Record-high seasonal count of 65,116 from H.R.B.O. (St. Louis), with a new record single-day count of 7,612 on 9/14 KJB, CRu.
2010Winter3047 Found statewide. CBC high counts 12/19 Cedar Creek Bog (373), 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (341).
2011Spring3453 Reported statewide. High count 5/12 St. Louis (1,800, Park Point R.A.) JLK.
2011Summer3348Found statewide. First county breeding records for Freeborn RPR, Pine APa, SGF, Roseau BJS. High count 6/16 St. Louis (20, Superior National Forest Road 200) AJo, BWi.
2011Fall3353 Reported statewide. Strong seasonal movement noted along the North Shore, peaking in late September with high counts of 4,380 on 9/25, and 2,718 on 9/23, both from the Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census, St. Louis.
2011Winter3047Reported from all regions statewide. CBC high counts 12/17 Sherburne N.W.R. (337), 12/18 Cedar Creek Bog (282), 12/17 Crosby (223).
2012Spring3453 Reported statewide. All high counts reported by JLK from Park Point, St. Louis including 5/10 (550), 5/2 (440).
2012Summer3352 Found in every county except Stevens and Traverse. High count 6/2 St. Louis (22, Minnesota Point) JLK. First county breeding records for Koochiching fide BBA, Waseca PAl.
2012Fall3453 Reported statewide. North Shore migration peaked in mid-September with several high counts in the thousands from the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census, including 9/13 (4,715) KJB, followed by 9/14 (5,038) KJB.
2012Winter3252 Highest number of reporting counties from the previous five winters, missing from only three counties statewide. CBC high counts 12/29 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (232), 12/15 Rochester (193).
2013Spring3452 Reported statewide. High counts, both from Park Point, St. Louis: 5/23 (875) JLK, 5/16 (427) JLK.
2013Summer3351 Found in every county except Cottonwood, Nobles, Norman. High count 6/15 Lake (40, Gooseberry Falls S.P.) JJo. First county breeding records from Kittson DKb, Meeker fide BBA, Sibley RBW.
2013Fall3352 Reported statewide. Once again, peak migration reported in mid-September from the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census in St. Louis, with a new record high count reported 9/16 (5,627) KJB, followed by nearly as many 9/21 (5,599) KJB.
2013Winter3250 Reported from all but five western counties. CBC high counts 12/28 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (597), 12/21 Sherburne N.W.R. (415), 12/21 Minneapolis (North) (301).
2014Spring3453Reported statewide. High count 5/10 St. Louis (1,200, Park Point) KJB.
2014Summer3350Reported from all but four counties. First county breeding record from Grant CNn.
2014Fall3453 Reported statewide. All high counts reported by KJB from the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census (St. Louis), where counts of 9,490 on 9/15 and 5,835 on 9/17 exceeded the previous record high count.
2014Winter3151 Reported from all counties except Kittson, Mahnomen, Traverse, Renville and Rock. High count 12/20 Crow Wing (67) KCR, CLR. CBC high counts 12/20 Sherburne N.W.R. (265), 12/20 Crosby (207), 12/20 Rochester (192).
2015Spring3353 Reported statewide. Many high counts from Park Point in St. Louis: 5/21 (1,280) JLK, 5/3 (951) ClN.
2015Summer3351 Reported from all counties except Chippewa, Faribault. High count 6/11 St. Louis (67, Park Point) CLW.
2015Fall3453 Reported statewide. Peak movement in mid-September at the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census (St. Louis, KJB), with counts of 10,812 on 9/10, 6,090 on 9/18, and 6,009 on 9/11.
2015Winter3252 Reported from all but three counties statewide. High counts 12/20 Anoka (61) JSa, SWe, DGn, 12/28 Pine (55) JFR, 12/26 Dakota (44) TAT, ADS. CBC high counts 12/19 Sherburne NWR (516), 12/20 Cedar Creek Bog (357), 12/19 Faribault (213).
2016Spring3453 Reported statewide. High migration counts, all from St. Louis (Park Point): 5/12 (1,500) ClN, 5/4 (1,245) JLK, 5/19 (1,038) ClN.
2016Summer3250 Reported throughout the state. High count 6/2 St. Louis (256, Duluth, Minnesota Point) JLK; they also tallied 154 at Park Point R.A. the next day, representing the tail of spring migration.
2016Fall3453 Statewide reports. Strong mid-September seasonal movement, high counts 9/13 St. Louis (6,714, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 9/10 St. Louis (6,205, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 9/14 St. Louis (4,434, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB.
2016Winter3151 Reported statewide throughout the season from all but five counties. High counts 12/19 St. Louis (39) ClN, 12/17 Douglas (34) ToR, 12/31 Dakota (32) ADS. CBC high counts 12/17 Henderson (184), 12/31 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (153), 12/17 Faribault (145).
2017Spring3353 Reported statewide. High counts 5/10 St. Louis (1,500, Park Point R.A.) KRE, JPR, 5/19 St. Louis (950, Park Point R.A.) JLK.
2017Summer3152 Found in all counties except Mahnomen, Pennington, Red Lake, Sibley. High count 6/10 St. Louis (96 spring migrants, including flock of 48, Stoney Point) TRd.
2017Fall3453 Reported statewide. High counts 9/12 St. Louis (4,758) H.R.B.O., 9/14 St. Louis (3,858) H.R.B.O.
2017Winter3252 Reported statewide throughout the season from all but three western counties. High counts 12/17 Morrison (96) MEm, KEm, 12/20 Sherburne (78) MJB, DOr. CBC high counts 12/20 Sherburne N.W.R. (620), 12/17 Cedar Creek Bog (470).
2018Spring3453 Reported statewide. High counts all from Park Point, St. Louis County: 5/8 (3,578) JLK, 5/7 (2,088) JDx, ClN, JPR, 5/5 (1,937) StK.
2018Summer3453 Found in all counties. High count 7/31 Sherburne (30, Big Lake) MLk.
2018Fall3453 Reported statewide. High counts 9/13 St. Louis (5,655) H.R.B.O., 9/17 St. Louis (2,880, Stoney Point) KJB.
2018Winter3352 Reported from all counties except Traverse and Nobles. High counts 1/4 Dakota (40) IVa, 12/16 Morrison (36) SEm, 12/15 Carver (33) JLl, 12/15 Ramsey (33) KSi. CBC high counts 12/15 Excelsior (381), 12/18 Sherburne N.W.R. (325), 12/15 St. Paul (North) (292).
2019Summer3353 Found in every county except Wilkin.
 Permanent resident throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.