Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Blackbirds, Orioles
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Blackbirds, Orioles
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Eastern Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark
[Sturnella meadowlark]
Orchard Oriole
Bullock's Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Scott's Oriole
Red-winged Blackbird
Brown-headed Cowbird
Rusty Blackbird
Brewer's Blackbird
Common Grackle
Great-tailed Grackle
[Quiscalus grackle]

Bobolink(Dolichonyx oryzivorus)
1930SummerTo Fischer goes the credit for finding the only nest reportec on this species. This was near Shakopee on May 27th, at which time it held tour eggs.
1931SummerMr. Swedenborg found a nest with two eggs on June.3rd.
1932Summer6 nests of this songster w~e found within a week. Tho first was seen Juno 5, and it had 4 eggs (Eisele& Downey). 2 nests were seen on June 11, one with 3 and one with 5 eggs (Downey & Risser). At three nests that I saw, the female flushed directly from the nest only when aL'IJlost stepped upon. I mention this as it is contrary to certain popular beliefs.
1933Summer Four nests were found. A nest with 3 eggs found in Pennington County by Grimes on June 6th held 4 eggs and 1 egg of the Brown-headed Cowbird on June 8th. Another nest, found by Gr~es a.t Thief Lnke, Marshall County, on June 18th, hold 1 egg. Swanson discovered a nest with 4 siilllll young in Pennington County on June 20th, and another on June 21st which harbored 3 young about two-thirds fledged.
1934Summer n nest of this joyous scngster, with 2 Colrbird eggs and 2 of the ower's, was found by Hanson and Hiemenz at Little Rock Lake on June 7th. Another Bobolink egg lay broken on the ground beside the nest--probably the work of the Brown-headed Cowbird. No nests \.J"ere found later than June 17th, on which date the memorable. expedition to Linwood occured (refer to enumeration of participants' names under BOB-WHITE). Two nests were recorded on this trip; one with 5 eggs and another with 2 eggs and three young.
1936Summer The two earliest nests were found on May.30th by E. D. Swedenborg. The first held four eggs; the second held three small young. Robert Upson flushed a female from a nest of six eggs. on June 8th. A nest of five young was discovered by Rysgaard on June 10th.
1937SummerOn June II B. Oure found a skunk blackbird's nest ~hat held five eggs. K. Morrison, N. Mahon and B. Upson were working the field at the same time.
1938SummerOn May 24, at Minnea­polis, Upson found a Bobolink's nest that held 2 Bobolink's eggs and 3 meadowlark's eggs. At Warren on June 25 Dr. Mahle found a nest and one egg.
1944Summer3. June 15, one egg; July 9, four young; St. Paul, Brother Hubert and Brother Pius. July 8, four young, all just recently killed by an unknown animal, Duluth, Alvera Larson and Lakela. MEADOWLARK, WESTERN? July 22, five eggs, Cottonwood County, Ol­son.
1946Summer1 egg, June 25; young out, June 27, Ramsey Co., Bro. Hubert. Reported for three of the past six years.
1947SummerSeveral birds seen car- rying food and male seen feeding young out of nest, July 28, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis.
1961SummerA nest with foug eggs was found 17 June by Avifauna! Club members. The nest was in Becker County, just south of Waubun. lt"estern Meadowlark:. A nest with two eggs was found at Salt Lake by Avifauna! Club on 6 May.
1962SpringMay 5 Washington Co., Dean Honetschlager; May 5 Claremont, Dodge Oo., Avifauna! Club; May 30 very common in Becker, Mahnomen and Clay Counties, Avifauna! Club.
1962Falllast date, Sept. 30, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel. Eastern M eadowlark, Dec. 15, Winona, Brother Theodore.
1963SpringMay 8, Wright Co., Erma Christopher; May 8, Beltrami Co., the Mathisens (early); May 11, Gotha, Carver Co., Avifauna! Club; May 15, Rice Co., 0. Rustad.
1963SummerClay Co, Moorhead, July 17, both sexes carrying food, D. Meyer.
1963Falllatest, Sept. 21, Watonwan Co., TV Tower Kill, Avifauna! Club; Nov. 3, one adult male, still in breeding plumage, Cass Co., just east of Nimrod, R. L. Huber, exceptionally late.
1964Spring5-7 Sherburne Co, RPR; 5-20 Anoka Co, MAS; 5-7 Wright Co, EC; 5-18 Marshall Co, DLO; 5-23 Crow Wing Co, TEM; 4-19 Douglas Co, MVS; 5-17 Beltrami Co, MG; 4-25 Dakota Co, ACT; 5-17 Washington Oo, ACR.
1964Fall9-5 Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co, RBJ.
1965Springearliest 5-1 Rice Co, PE, CE, JB; next records 5-6 Skull Lake, OP and 5-7 Plainview, DGM.
1966Springearliest 5-3 St. Paul, ACR; 5-5 Kanabec Co, RHJ; 5-6 Rice Lake Refuge, CEP.
1966Summernested in Washington Co; also reported from Beltrami, St. Louis, Pope, Cass, Wright, Stevens, Nobles, Dakota, Sherburne, Hennepin, Wadena, Morrison, Waseca, Aitkin, Wabasha, Stearns, Marshall, Roseau, Ramsey and Crow Wing Co's.
1966FallLatest 9-3 Anoka Co., BL; 9/0 Martin Co., RBJ; 9-12 Sauk Centre, RPR.
1967Springearly 5-6 Jackson Co., EHH; 5-7 Jackson Co., RBJ; 5-10 Carver Co., VL and Kanabec Co., RHJ.
1967Summerreported from Hennepin, Washington, Anoka, Beltrami, Carver, Aitkin, Wabasha, Morrison, Nobles, Jackson, Pope, McLeod, Clay, Crow Wing, St. Louis Co's. 129 December 1967
1967Fall latest 9-3 Pipestone Co., BL; 9-13 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 9-15 Washington Co., 6, WWL.
1968Spring early 4-28 Washington Co., DS, WWL; 5-2 Anoka Co., WHL; 5-4 Rice Co., OAR and Houston Co., EHH, DB; 5-9 Aitkin Co., CEP.
1968Summer nested in Hubbard Co; also reported from Stearns, Pine, Clearwater, Morrison, Todd, Pope, Sherburne, Crow Wing, Carlton (GWG), Wadena, Cottonwood, Carver, Blue Earth, Rice, Clay, Norman, Hennepin, Washington, Nobles, Swift, Lyon, Wabasha, Beltrami (ME), Anoka, Lake (JCG), Wright, Winona Co's.
1968FallNone reported.
1969Spring5-2 Nobles Co., HSH; 5-3 Nicollet Co., DB, and Dakota Co., RBJ; 5-10 Kanabec Co., RHJ; 5-12 Mille Lacs Co., MI; 5-18 (20) Washington Co., DS, and (10) Sherburne Co., JAJ.
1969Summerreported from 26 counties throughout the state.
1969Fall8-2 Winona 6 BTV; 8-11 Mille Lacs 20 MI; 8-16 Morrison RBJ; 8-24 Ramsey JJ; 9-13 Cottonwood 1 dead on road LAF.
1970Springear ly south 5-3 Hen nep in KH ; 5-4 Rice OR; 5-7 Dakota DB ; early north 5-12 Mille Lacs BDC; 5-14 Lake RK.
1970Summernested in Mille Lacs Co.; reported from 17 other counties in good numbers this year.
1970Falllate north 8-29 to 9-1 Mille Lacs Ml; 9-29 Duluth (2) )G, KE, RR; only report south 9-7 Nicollet (50) RG.
1971Springearly south 5-6 Lyon HK; 5-7 Watonwan EK; 5-8 Sherburne RLD and Dakota DB and Lyon PE; early north 5-9 Grant MS; 5-10 Clearwater RCD.
1971Summernested in Sherburne; also reported from 28 other counties.
1971Falllate sout.h 8-25 Ramsey 9-5 Lyon; late north 9-11 Grant; 9-13 Mille Lacs. 
1972Summerbreeding cards from Clay and Dakota, nesting reported in 4 others; seen in 19 other counties.
1973Summer Reports from 32 counties.
1973Fall Seen in Mahnomen, Aitkin, (only one report last year.) Also 10-5 Hennepin (SC).
1974Spring Early south 4-15 Cottonwood RBD; 4-30 Blue Earth GR; 5-7 Murray AD; only 4 reports north: 5-16 Aitkin (100+ ) L. Paynter; 5-18 Beltrami MS; 5-19 Clay KZ; 5-26 St. Louis NJH.
1974Summer Nested in Clay and Rock; also reported from 38 other counties.
1974Fall Late north 8-29 Marshall AR; late south 9-7 Freeborn, Steele RBJ.
1975Spring Early south 4-20 Jackson RD; 5-3 Hennepin JC, DY; 4 reports on 5-5; early north 5-9 Otter Tail MS; 5-10 Morrison DAF and Pine GA.
1975Summer Nested in Mille Lacs and Hennepin; also reported from 30 other counties.
1975Falllate south 8-2 Swift RJ; 8·23 Lac qui Parle; 8-30 Washington GC.
1976Spring Early south 5-4 Carver HPR, JRG; 4 reports on 5-7; early north 5-12 Otter Tail NJ; 5-13 Marshall SV; 5-14 Todd GW and St. Louis DS.
1976Summernested in. Dakota; also reported from 36 other counties.
1976Fall 4 reports: 8-8 Wsahington DGW, 8-29 Otter Tail GO, 9-4 Marshall SV, 9-25 Hennepin OJ.
1977Spring Early south 4-24 Watonwan ED; 5-2 Carver HCP, JRG; 5-4 Hennepin RJ; early north 4-24 Aitkin JB; 5-7 Wilkin GO, GEW; 5-9 St. Louis DA.
1977Summer Nested in Aitkin: also reported from 36 other counties throughout the state.
1977Fall Very few reports, late north 9-17 Wilkin (GW).
1978Summer Breeding reported from Beltrami; also seen throughout the state.
1978Fall Peak of 200 8-23 Marshall, Dick Vasse; late north 9-10 Clay LCF; late south 10-21 Anoka JH.
1979Spring Early south 4-21 Lac qui Parle JD (good details), 5-5 Freeborn DG, Houston EMF, Olmsted JB; early north 5-12 Otter Tail DCF, 5-13 Otter Tail SM.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Stearns, Brown; also seen throughout the state.
1979Fall Late north 9-2 Clay LCF, 9-7 Polk KSS; late south 8-19 Lac qui Parle CMB. Eastern Meadowla,rk Late north 9-14 St. Louis KMH, 9-15 St. Louis DA, 10-20 Pine RJ; late south 11-1 Le Sueur HC.
1980Spring Early south 5-2 Lac qui Parle JD, 5-3 Freeborn DG; early north 5-15 Marshall ANWR, SY, Otter Tail GMO, SM, St. Louis TOS.
1980Summer Breeding reported from St. Louis, Clay, Hennepin, Olmsted; seen also throughout the state.
1980Fall Five reports: 8-8 Aitkin WN, Olmsted JEB, 8-10 Clay LCF, 8-18 Pennington KSS, 8-22 Lyon HK.
1981Spring Early south 4-24 Blue Earth MR 5-1 Fillmore GEE, 5-3 Houston EMF' Rice KJ; early north 5-9 Otter Tail OJ: 5-10 Itasca TL, Marshall FDS Otter Tail DCF, SM, 5-14 Lake SW / MS.
1981Summer Breeding data from Stearns. Seen throughout the state including the North Shore part of Lake, Cook.
1981Fall Late north 8-29 Aitkin WN, Wilkin OJ, 9-15 Mille Lacs RJ; no reports south.
1982Spring Early south 5-4 Nicollet MF, 5-5 Houston EMF, Redwood LJF, Wabasha DWM, 5-6 Olmsted BE; early north 5-6 Mille Lacs CF I KB, 5-8 Aitkin WN, Beltrami AS, Pine LW, 5-9 Crow Wing JB, Pennington KSS, Polk MH.
1982Summer Breeding data from Mille Lacs. Seen throughout the state.
1982Fall Late north 8/22 Pennington KSS, 8/28 Clay RJ, Wilkin OJ, 8/29 Clay LCF; late south 9/29 Freeborn RJ.
1983Spring Early south 5/5 Washington RH, 5/6 Olmsted JEB, 5/7 Brown JSp, Houston EMF; early north 5/9 Polk TT, 5/10 Mille Lacs MLWMA, Polk KSS, 5/11 Otter Tail SDM.
1983Summer Breeding data from Steams. Seen throughout the state.
1983Fall Late north 10/3 St. Louis KE, 10/5 St. Louis HRNR; late south 9/2 Olmsted JEB, 9/23 Mower RG.
1984Spring Early south 4/25 Sherburne SSa, 5/2 Dodge JEB, 5/4 Cottonwood WH, Houston EMF; early north 5/6 Wilkin SDM. 5/10 Polk KSS, 5/12 Mille Lacs MLWMA.
1984Summernested in Clay, Rock and Olmsted; also seen in 41 other counties.
1984Fall Late north 9/22 Wadena RJ, 10/2 ClearwaterAB , I 013 Lake KL; late south 9/9 Anoka TT, 9/23 Hennepin OJ, 9/30 Wabasha MS.
1985Spring Early south 5/1 Cottowood WH, 5/2 Houston EMF, 5/5 Carver RJ, Nicollet JCF; early north 5/9 Clay LCF, 5/10 Crow Wing KL, Wadena AB, 5/11 Marshall ANWR, Otter Tail NJ.
1985Summer Nested in St. Louis (SWIMS), Meeker; probable nesting in Clay, Murray. Also seen in 40 other counties throughout the state.
1985Fall Late north 9/1 Clearwater AB, 9/18 St. Louis KE, 9/20 Clay LCF: late south 8/19 Murray AD, 9/18 Wright RJ, 9/25 Hennepin sc.
1986Spring Early south 5/5 Mower RRK, 5/7 Brown JS, Dakota SC, TTu, Fillmore AMP, Hennepin OJ, Olmsted PP, 5/8 Houston EMF, Olmsted JEB, Redwood RJ ; early north 5/6 Aitkin WN, 5/7 St. Louis KE, Wilkin GAM, 5/8 Otter Tail SDM.
1986Summer Seen in 57 counties throughout the state.
1986Fall Late north 8/9 Aitkin WN, 8/30 Polk AB, 9/14 Clay LCF; late south 8/16 Mower JM, 8/31 Fillmore AP, 9/1 Anoka TT, DZ.
1987Spring Early south 5/2 Mower JM, 5/3 Houston FL, 5/5 Freeborn RJE; early north 5/8 Duluth fide KE, 51 lO Aitkin WN, Clearwater RJ, Norman BK.
1987Summer Seen in 53 counties throughout the state.
1987Fall Late north 8/23 Aitkin WN, Clay LCF, 8/31 Polk AB; late south 9/12 Hennepin TT, 9/13 Lac qui Parle RJ, AP.
1988Summer More reports than in recent years. Nested in Aitkin, Lac qui Parle (BHa); seen in 61 other counties statewide.
1988Fall Late north 9/4 Clay LCF, 9/14 St. Louis AB, 10/3 Dulutha KE; late south 9/17 Hennepin TSo, 9/29 Faribault RJ, 10/9 Winona and Houston AP.
1989Spring Early south 4/25 Houston EMF, 5/2 Olmsted PP, 5/8 Murray ND; early north 5/9 Wilkin KB, 5/10 Aitkin WN, 5/11 Kittson TR.
1989Summer Nested in Wilkin KB, JH; seen in 49 other counties statewide.
1989Fall Late north 9/3 Clearwater AB, 10/8 Clay LCF, 10/12 Duluth KE; late south 8/20 Lac qui Parle CMB, 8/26 Nobles RJ.
1990Spring Early south 5/5 Steele RJ, 5/8 Wabasha WDM, 5/9 Freeborn AP, Rice OR; early north 5/10 Polk PS, 5/11 Aitkin GP, Clay LCF.
1990Summer Fewer reports than in recent years. Probable breeding in Clay; seen in 40 other counties statewide.
1990Fall Late north 9/8 Aitkin WN, 9/15 Clay LCF, 9/16 Wilkin MO; late south 8/31 Winona CS, 9/7 Pipestone RJ, 9/30 Dodge AB.
1991Spring Early south 4/27 Lac qui Parle KR, 5/1 Fillmore GMD, 5/4 Brown JS, Houston JM ; early north 5/5 Aitkin JF, 5!9 Grant SDM, 5/10 Clay LCF, Wilkin MO.
1991Summer Nested in Roseau KB, Brown; seen in 45 other counties statewide.
1991Fall Late north 9/7 Aitkin WN, 9/15 Roseau MO; late south 8/17 Anoka RJ, 9/5 Hennepin KB.
1992Spring Early south 4/26 Houston EMF, 5/3 Jackson AB; early north 5/3 Todd KB, 5/9 Otter Tail CS/KC and Roseau MCBS.
1992Summer Nested in Kittson MCBS; seen in 46 other counties statewide.
1992Fall Late north 9/19 Clay LCF, 9/20 Wilkin MO; late south 10/1 Carver RG.
1993Spring Early south 5/4 Carver RH, 5/10 Carver RB. Early north 5/5 Otter Tail SDM, 5/6 Kanabec CM and Polk KSS.
1993Summer Nested in Stevens BBo, Aitkin; seen in 41 additional counties statewide.
1993Fall Late north 8/22 Aitkin WN, Clearwater RJ, Becker KB, 8/29 Clearwater AB. Late south 8/17 Rice OR, 8/24 Washington WL.
1994Spring Early south 5/5 Rice TB, 5/7 Chisago RH, Fillmore DSm, Olmsted JSt and Washington DS; early north 5/5 Kanabec CM, 5/9 Otter Tail CS/KC.
1994Summer Fewest reports in over ten years. Nested in Winona JPo, probable nesting in Kanabec; seen in 35 other counties statewide.
1994Fall Late north 9/14 St. Louis TW, 10/17 St. Louis MH. Late south 8/21 Olmsted JB and Winona counties CS, 9/12 Hennepin TT.
1995Spring Early south 5/3 Cottonwood ED, 5/4 Rice TB, 5/6 Dakota TT, Nicollet JW and Sibley County BL; early north 4/22 (second earliest date north) Clay CN, RO, 5/7 Douglas SW and Pine CM.
1995Summer Probable nesting in Rice; seen in 42 additional counties throughout state.
1995Fall Late north 8/18 Wadena ABo, 8/27 Kittson KB, 8/28 Pennington SKS. Late south 9/25 Anoka KB, 10/1 Hennepin TT, 10/4 Waseca RJ.
1996Spring Early south 4/29 Lincoln JA, RgS, 5/5 Mower RRK and Rice JL. Early north 5/11 Wadena PBi, 5/12 Douglas SWa, 5/13 Marshall SKS.
1996Summer Most reports since 1988. Probable nesting in Kandiyohi, Nobles, Rice, Freeborn; seen in 56 additional counties statewide.
1996Fall Late north 9/7 Roseau (30) KB, 9/8 Lake of the Woods PS, 11/11 near Illgen City, Lake Co. KE, PS (latest date ever in state). Late south 9/26 Hennepin SC, 10/5 Houston CS, 10/11 Carver (13) MB.
1997Spring Early south 5/6 Carver RH and Fillmore NO, 5/9 Olmsted DA, BE. Early north 5/10 Aitkin WN, Becker BBe and Todd JSK/SDu.
1997Summer Probable breeding in Lyon, Olmsted; seen in 48 additional counties statewide.
1997Fall Late north 8/28 Pennington RJ, 9/8 Aitkin CB, 9/13 Clay CN. Late south 9/13 Waseca JSe, 10/15 (ties second latest date south) Hennepin PBu.
1998Spring Early south 5/7 Rice TBo and Nicollet MF, 5/8 Big Stone RJ. Early north 5/9 Aitkin WN, Cass WB, and Morrison MJ/DT.
1998Summer Seen in 49 counties statewide. New nesting record in Todd JSK; probable nesting in Otter Tail, Chisago.
1998Fall Late north 9/2 Clay RO, 9/5 Wadena PBi, 9/29 St. Louis PS. Late south 10/6 Hennepin SC, 10/12 Hennepin TT.
1999Spring Arrived at about the same time, south and north. Isolated reports in early May were followed by many arrivals 5/8–15 throughout the state. Early south 5/3 Washington RJ, 5/4 Rice TBo. Early north 5/3 Todd JSK, SDu, 5/5 Cass WB. Reported from all nine regions.
1999Summer Fewest reports since 1994. Observed in 38 counties throughout state; one new nesting record in Cass JS/MN. Southbound flock (100+) reported 7/19 Aitkin CB.
1999Fall Late north 8/21 Wadena PBi, 8/26 Todd JSK, 9/12 Aitkin WN. Only south reports after 9/4 were 9/25 Hennepin TT, 10/1 Hennepin (Richfield community gardens) PBu, 10/2 Hennepin (Wood Lake) SC.
2000Spring Observed in 28 south and 21 north counties. Arrived simultaneously south and north. First reported south 5/3 Freeborn RJ, 5/4 Meeker DF, 5/6 in five counties. Early north 5/3 Aitkin WN, then daily arrivals in eight counties 5/6–10.
2000Summer Reported in 55 counties statewide.
2000Fall Highest count 9/15 Wilkin (179) KJB; only subsequent north report was 10/4 Lake KRE. Most departed from the south by mid-September, but one was seen 9/30 Dakota SWe, ADS.
2001Spring Observed in 33 south and 20 north counties statewide. Early south (median 5/3) 4/26 Dakota ADS, 5/2–5 in seven counties. Early north 5/5 Clay RHO, 5/6–10 in five counties.
2001Summer Reported in 43 counties statewide; peak count 7/15 Wilkin (178) TAT, ADS.
2001Fall High count 9/11 Anoka (18) KJB. Late north 9/11 Polk EEF, 9/16 Wadena PJB. Late south 9/22 Dakota ADS, TAT, 9/22 Hennepin SLC.
2002Spring Reported from 29 south and 19 north counties. Arrived slightly after the recent medians south (5/3) and north (5/5). Early south 5/4 Washington DFN, 5/5–7 in seven counties. Early north 5/8 Traverse KJB, 5/10–15 in nine counties. High count 5/11 Wright (33) DFJ.
2002Summer Observed in 57 counties throughout state.
2002Fall Late north 9/21 St. Louis TAT, 9/26 Lake KRE (median 9/16). Late south 8/27 Swift (72) KJB, 9/1 Dakota TAT, 9/12 Rock (250+) RBJ (median 9/30).
2003Spring Found in 32 south and 16 north counties. Early south (median 5/3) 4/29 Goodhue BRL, 5/3–5 in eight counties. Early north (median 5/6) 5/4 Todd JSK, SID, 5/9–10 in nine counties.
2003Summer Seen in 54 counties statewide; new nesting records in Pine JMP, McLeod RWS.
2003Fall Peak migration late August in the Northwest, e.g., 150+ in one flock 8/30 Red Lake PHS. Late north 9/17 Kanabec JMP, 9/24 St. Louis KRE. August reports south in Waseca, Yellow Medicine and Lac qui Parle, including 162 at Plover Prairie 8/22 Lac qui Parle BJU. Late south 9/8 and 10/5 in Hennepin TAT.
2004Spring Found in 32 south and 24 north counties. Early south 4/28 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/2 Dakota ADS; peak migration 5/7–12 in 14 counties. Early north 5/8 in five counties, 5/9–12 in seven. Highest reported count 5/8 Steele (48) NFT et al.
2004Summer Seen in 56 counties statewide.
2004Fall Reported from 13 north counties; late north 9/23 St. Louis KRE, 10/1 Lake JWL. Reported from six south counties, latest being a high count of 150 on 9/4 Meeker DMF (three south reports were undated).
2005Spring Found in 35 south and 24 north counties in all regions. Early south 5/1 Lac qui Parle PHS. Early north 4/24 (third earliest) Marshall DMy. Highest reported count 5/14 Pine (27) JMP.
2005Summer Seen in 57 counties in all regions of state.
2005Fall Reported from 12 north counties through mid-September. High count 8/22 Otter Tail (131) RBJ. Late north 9/17 Cass BJU. Reported in 19 south counties through mid-October. Last reported 10/14 Olmsted JWH, 10/27 (record-late south) Watonwan BRB.
2006Spring Reported from 38 south and 22 north counties. Early south 4/23 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/30 Meeker DMF, 5/1 Steele NFT, KRV. Early north 5/5 Pennington SAS, 5/7 Clay JMJ, PHS. Highest reported count 5/24 Brown (20) RPR.
2006Summer Observed in 79 counties statewide. New nesting record for Fillmore NBO.
2006Fall Only a handful of north reports in August. Relatively low high counts 8/4 Nicollet (30) ChH, 9/2 Chisago (25) DWK. Late north 9/17 Otter Tail DTT, SMT. Reported from 16 south counties until 9/26 Olmsted JWH, 10/1 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2007Spring2244 Early south 5/1 Olmsted JWH, 5/5 Meeker DMF and Carver JCy (median 5/2). Early north 5/5 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/7 Kanabec CAM, 5/8 Pine JMP (median 5/5). Season high count 5/12 Steele (35) NFT.
2007Summer3244 Seen throughout the state.
2007Fall1313 Aside from high count of 75 in Aitkin on 8/25 (PEJ), relatively low number of observations both north and south. Late north 9/2 Roseau JCC, CRM, LS, Wilkin HHD, 9/15 St. Louis LS, 9/22 St. Louis MCA (median 9/18). Late south 9/10 Yellow Medicine BJU, 9/26–28 Olmsted JWH, 10/11 Brown JEB (median 9/30).
2008Spring2542 Early south (median 5/1) 5/1 Faribault WAF, Lac qui Parle BJU, Olmsted JWH, 5/2 Fillmore DBz, Kandiyohi JoS. Early north (median 5/5) 4/20 Wadena PJB, 5/9 Morrison RBJ, Polk NGE, 5/10 Clay RHO, Hubbard MAW, Mille Lacs ASc. Season high counts 5/15 Steele (45) DAB, 5/27 Lac qui Parle (12) PHS.
2008Summer2336 Observed statewide.
2008Fall1513 Late north 9/8 St. Louis ABL, 9/13 Grant HHD, 9/24 Lake KRE, 10/2 Beltrami JEB (median 9/18). Late south 9/12 Stearns RBJ, 9/16 Nicollet (3) RMD, 9/28 Steele and Waseca DAB, RMD, JWH (median 9/30). Season high counts 9/4 Lac qui Parle (52) BJU, 8/30 Lac qui Parle (50) PCC, PHS, 8/31 Nicollet (46) RMD.
2009Spring2736 Early south (median 5/1) 5/3 Meeker DMF, 5/4 Fillmore JWH, 5/5 Olmsted JWH, Swift JoS. Early north (median 5/5) 5/6 Otter Tail TJa, 5/9 Clay RHO, Otter Tail DST, 5/10 Kanabec DBM.
2009Summer2937 Found in all regions of state. High count 6/12 Pennington (59 territorial males in ~420 hectares, Numedal Twp.) PHS, 7/10 Hennepin (66, Crow Hassan P.R.) SLC.
2009Fall717 Late north 9/7 Marshall JCC, KRE, 9/11 St. Louis ABL, 9/26 St. Louis KRE, LS, 10/3 St. Louis PHS (median 9/20). Late south 9/12 Big Stone, Lac qui Parle PHS, Le Sueur ChH, Nicollet RMD, ChH, 9/14 Murray JEB, 9/19 Scott BAF, 9/23 Hennepin SLC, 9/27 Steele JWH (median 9/30).
2010Spring2545 Early south (median 5/1) 5/8 Carver HHD, Mower ARW, Wright DPG, 5/9 Brown BTS, Carver JCy, Lac qui Parle BJU, Rice TFB, Scott SLP, Wabasha JWH. Early north (median 5/5) 5/12 Cass ABi, Polk MAh, 5/13 Norman MAh, CMe. Season high count 5/19 Wilkin (35) AMe.
2010Summer3242 Reported from all regions of the state. First county breeding record from Marshall fide BBA.
2010Fall919 Season high counts 8/4 Lac qui Parle (35) BJU, 8/24 St. Louis (28) CRu, 8/14 Carver (18) JCy. Late north 9/4 Kittson KRE, LS, 9/5 Marshall KRE, LS, 9/18 St. Louis KRE (median 9/20). Late south 9/19 Dodge JWH, 10/4 Martin CRM, 10/6 Jackson BJU, Nobles CRM (median 9/30).
2011Spring2846 Early south (median 5/1) 4/30 Blue Earth ChH, 5/3 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/5 Big Stone BJU, Dakota JLO, SWe, SLP, Olmsted JWH. Early north (median 5/5) 5/7 Cass BAW, Kanabec HHD, 5/10 Aitkin and Mille Lacs RBJ, DAC, Kanabec RAE.
2011Summer3248Observed throughout state. First county breeding records for Isanti DPG, Lyon RJS. High counts 7/31 Rock (35, Blue Mounds S.P.) BeS, 6/12 Aitkin (30, township road 380) CLW, m.ob.
2011Fall720 High counts 8/23 Rice (200) TFB, 8/6 Stevens (40) KRE. Late north 9/18 Grant (3) BJU, and the following reports from St. Louis (Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census) 9/19 (2) KJB, 9/25 KJB, 10/8 KJB (median 9/20). Late south 9/25 Hennepin BAF, 9/29 Meeker JEB, 10/3 Lac qui Parle (8) BJU, 10/7 Lac qui Parle CRM (median 9/30).
2012Spring3043 Early south (median 5/1) 4/30 Watonwan AnK, 5/3 Faribault RBJ, DAC, Olmsted BWF, JWH, JPr, 5/4 Cottonwood SVo. Early north (median 5/5) 5/3 Marshall GAK, 5/5 Douglas JPE, Pennington JMJ, 5/6 Polk PRH, JCC, Traverse DBz. High counts 5/12 Rock (35, Touch the Sky Prairie) BMg, 5/23 Wilkin (30, Kettle Drummer Prairie) MJM.
2012Summer3351 Seen in every county except Grant, Wabasha, Waseca. High counts 6/29 Rice (est. 60, Nerstrand Big Woods S.P.) GHo, 6/17 Polk (30, Tympanuchus W.M.A.) ErH. First county breeding records for Blue Earth PCo, Chisago KSc, Clearwater fide BBA, Houston APa, Itasca AXH, Jackson JSc, Martin JSc, Morrison PSP, Otter Tail CCa, Polk fide BBA, Pope fide BBA, Rice fide BBA, Watonwan AnK, Yellow Medicine PME.
2012Fall1123 High counts all from Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census in St. Louis (KJB): 8/26 (471, record state count, Lester River location), 9/11 (158, Lester River location), season total 1,104. Late north 9/23 Grant JWH, 9/24 St. Louis (Lester River) KJB, 10/10 St. Louis (2, Lester River) KJB (median 9/20). Late south 9/15 Ramsey RMD, 9/25 Dakota GHo, Olmsted LAV (median 9/30).
2013Spring2945 Early south (median 5/1) 5/5 Blue Earth DAB, 5/7 Blue Earth ChH, Carver JCy, Dakota LEC, Fillmore BWF, JWH, Winona JEB. Early north (median 5/5) 5/7 Pine JMP, 5/8 Carlton ANy, Clay TCL, 5/10 Aitkin PEJ, Norman ALo. High counts 5/12 Clay (45) TCL, 5/23 Fillmore (23) CRM.
2013Summer3250 Seen in all counties except Cook, Lake, Martin, Ramsey, Sherburne. First county breeding records from Goodhue LEC, Kanabec DPG, Le Sueur PRH, Pennington, Red Lake DKb, Renville JSc.
2013Fall1424 High counts 9/11 St. Louis (86) KJB, 8/30 Pennington (40) KRE. Frequent reports through the end of September. Late north 9/20–10/1 all from St. Louis KJB (median 9/20). Late south 9/29 Olmsted DMs, JPr, Wright DWK, 10/5 Dodge RMD (median 9/30).
2014Spring2947Early south (median 5/1) reported from nine counties on 5/7. Early north (median 5/5) 5/9 Morrison HCT, Otter Tail JsS, 5/10 Marshall CCr then reported from eight counties on 5/11. High counts 5/12 Dakota (85) BDo, 5/20 Polk (65) VLa, JeD, 5/11 Becker (54) HeH, ShG.
2014Summer3149Observed throughout state.
2014Fall1127 High counts 8/18 St. Louis (50, Sax-Zim Bog) JKn, 9/16 St. Louis (46, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Late north 9/28 St. Louis ChH, KJB, 9/29 St. Louis KJB (median 9/20). Late south 9/19 Brown RBJ, 9/20 Renville HHD, 9/27 Olmsted ANy, JWH, JPr, SHk (median 9/30).
2015Spring2849 Early south (median 5/1) 5/4 Steele (Straight Creek W.P.A.) PSu, 5/6 Goodhue GJM, Hennepin RMD, Rice TFB, Steele (3, Rice Lake S.P.) PSu. Early north (median 5/5) 5/7 Marshall (near Strandquist) CCr, 5/8 Marshall (3, Agassiz N.W.R.) KRi, 5/9 Douglas JPE, 5/12 Crow Wing (3) JPR. High counts 5/28 Rock (40, Touch the Sky Prairie) TKa, 5/18 Rice (65, Prairie Creek W.M.A., Koester Prairie Unit) GHo,.
2015Summer3148 Found in every region of state. High count 6/8 Rice (50, Prairie Creek WMA) GHo.
2015Fall1322 High counts in St. Louis, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census, KJB: 350 on 8/29, 297 on 9/14; also 9/5 Blue Earth (200) ChH. Late north 9/20, 9/21, 9/27 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB (median 9/24). Late south 9/26 Hennepin ELC, Olmsted JPr, m.ob., 9/28 Washington PNi, 10/2 Dakota TAT, ADS, 10/6 Dakota WPo (median 10/1).
2016Spring2948 Early south (median 5/3) 5/1 Anoka RCl, 5/3 Blue Earth ChH, 5/4 Steele PSu, 5/5 Dodge JnS. Early north (median 5/5) 5/11 Otter Tail JSm, Traverse ANy, 5/12 Clay TCL, Wilkin ANy. High counts 5/21 Becker (30, Hamden Slough N.W.R.) BBd, JBu, 5/28 Clay (30, Felton Prairie) DBa, BBa, RBk, 5/24 Dodge (25, Ashland Twp.) JnS.
2016Summer3251 Found in every county except Cook, Hubbard, Ramsey, Watonwan. High counts 7/5 Lyon (82, Lone Tree L.) GWe, 7/11 Yellow Medicine (53, 460th grassland) GWe, 6/25 Steele (51, Rice Lake S.P.) EGB. First county breeding record 8/8 Benton DOr.
2016Fall1425 High counts 9/19 St. Louis (138, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 8/12 Hennepin (20, Crow-Hassan P.R.) GAn. Late north 10/6 St. Louis (2, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/7 Lake JWL (median 9/26). Late south 10/5 Le Sueur DWK, Nicollet RAE, 10/6 Olmsted LAV (median 10/1).
2017Spring3249 Arrived south on the median 5/3 Lyon GWe, Yellow Medicine GWe, followed by many reports on 5/7. Early north (median 5/5) 5/8–9 Grant (6) WPl, 5/9 Otter Tail WPl, JsS, 5/10 four more counties. High counts 5/10 Lyon (est. 240, Lone Tree Lake ) GWe, 5/11 Rock (40) LSm, 5/28 Polk (39) HHu.
2017Summer3451 Reported from all counties except Nobles, Sibley. High counts 7/7 Lyon (65, Lone Tree L.) GWe, 6/9, 6/11 Marshall (57, Agassiz Valley Impoundment) HHu.
2017Fall1021 High counts 8/4 Lyon (55, Lone Tree Lake) GWe, 9/2 Grant (25) SMC, 9/4 Yellow Medicine (25, Lyon/Yellow Medicine Conservation Easement) GWe, 8/19 Stearns (24, Albany W.T.P.) AUm. Late north 9/22 Kanabec ASu, LiH, then only reports of migrants down the North Shore (Two Harbors, Stoney Point, and H.R.N.R.) from 9/23 through 10/5 St. Louis TRd, StK (median 9/27). Late south 9/28 Carver WCM, 9/29 Brown HHD, 10/1 Freeborn JWH, 10/6 Olmsted JHB (median 10/2).
2018Spring3248 Early south (median 5/3) 4/28 Yellow Medicine GWe, 5/2 Houston DBz, 5/4 Olmsted BAb, MiD, then many reports beginning 5/5. Early north (median 5/6) 4/28 Grant ToR, 5/5 Kanabec SPS, 5/6 Otter Tail JLA, Wilkin SKS. High counts 5/12 Rice (110, Prairie Creek W.M.A.) JiP, GHo, 5/30 Lincoln (53, Dead Coon W.P.A.) GWe.
2018Summer3448 Found in all counties except Fillmore, Isanti, Ramsey, Sibley, Winona. High counts 6/6 Clay (61, Felton Prairie) EBr, ebd, 6/26 Lyon (59, Coon Creek W.M.A.) GWe.
2018Fall1536 High counts 9/1 Jackson (200, Caraway W.M.A.) BRB, 8/1 Kittson (75, Wallace C. Dayton Conservation & Wildlife Area) MGo. Late north 9/26 Lake KRE, 9/30 St. Louis KJB (median 9/29). Late south 9/30 Blue Earth ChH, Olmsted JmP, 10/7 Sherburne ebd (median 10/4).
2019Summer3152 Observed in every county except Anoka, Clearwater, Cook, Lake of the Woods.
 Breeds throughout, but rare northeast.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.