Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Thrashers, Mockingbirds
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Gray Catbird
Curve-billed Thrasher
Brown Thrasher
Sage Thrasher
Northern Mockingbird

Brown Thrasher(Toxostoma rufum)
1930SummerStanley Stein observed a Brown Thrasher build· ing, near Shakopee on May 4th, but the earliest completed nest, with four eggs, was found by th:e writer, near Lake Cornelia, on May 10th. The last reported was seen by Stanley Stein on July 20th; contents, two newly hatched young. Alden Carpenter found a nest situated on the ground, near Robbinsdale, on May 25th.
1931SummerFirst nest had one egg on i4o..~r 14th; last nest had 5 eggs June 4th (lr-Toolsey); -two others reported.
1932SummerHuseby reports the earliest nest, May 10th, when 1 egg adorned its int0rior. The latest nest was found Juno 24th, and the writer was properly thl·ashed while examining the very small,·naked young.
1933Summer F..ighteen nests found. A ;.:est found by St-ein on May 15th held 3 C£ms, and another found by tho writer on tho sru:1c date held a like nur.1bor of eggs. Beth vrere seen near Shulcopeo. Mrs. Peterson discovered the last nest near ~~dison on Juno 24th, when tho contents were.3 eggs. -40 -Tho F11gker, 1933
1934Summer To Hiemenz goes the credit for both the earliest and latest nesting records of this musical contortionist. On May 20th he found 2 nests at Hutchinson with 2 and 4 eggs respectively, and on the 19th of June he located a nest
1935Summer Dr. Roberts' bird class saw 2 Thrasher nests on tho ground in Hennepin County ~my 29th. Each nest contained 4 speckled eggs. Swodenborg saw a nest with 3 large young May 30th. A bird which was doubtless brooding hor second or third clutch of the year ws found by Rysgaard to have 3 eggs July 18th.
1936Summer A large number of' nests of' this northern rival of' tho Hook ingbird were reported, On May 5th a pair were observed building in st. Paul by George Rysga.ard, On l.fu.y 9th a nest containing one egg was f'oWld built on the ground. On Hay 23rd Alden Risser and George Rysgaard f'oWid a nest built on the ground in a brush thicket at Frontenac. It held three eggs of' the native bird and one · Cowbi.!-d egg was found 'With the aid of' a flashlight in the middle or the night. Incidentally the two discoverers were seeking firewood at the time or the discovery and were not intentionally hunting Brown Thrasher nests. The latest nest was found at Ma9ison by Mrs, Peterson on June 28th at · which time it held young nestlings. ·
1937SummerSix thrashers' nests were found. On May 23 G. Rysgaard and E. D. Swedenborg found nests con­taining four eggs each; Rysgaard saw his at Frontenac. Mrs. C. E. Peterson saw young awing near Madison, Minn., on July 25.
1938SummerOn May 14 Upson found a nest of 4 eggs at Minnea­polis. In Houston County, Carlander found a nest of 6 eggs on May 21. Voth and Hiebert found thrashers nesting in Cottonwood County on May 23. On May 27, at St. Paul, Tilford Moore found a nest that held 4 eggs. Near. C!, isago City Nathan Mahon found a gr:JUnd nest that held 4 eggs on June 26. On July 16, at Minneapolis, K. Carlander fo und a nest that contained 5 young.
1940SummerMany nests reported. The average number of eggs per nest was 3· Some members reporting were: T. S. Roberst Club, D. S. T. C. Ornithology Class and Nature Study Class, C. Hero, Reuben Lentz, Jack Lentz, R. Norman and Martin Laakso. In addition L. Hackl, Mrs. Olin, Miss Severena Holmberg and H. Engstrom.
1943SummerJune 4, Wiillona, 7 nests. Bro.s. Lewis and Pius.
1944Summer33. May 1, building, Minneapolis, Eastman. May 10, two eggs and one cowbird egg, St. Paul, Olson. June 20, one egg, Dodge County, Fred Blanch. Others by Cum­mings, Hofstead, Olsbn, Brother Hub­ert, Brother Pius, and Kutz.
1945Summer4 nests with eggs, May 13 to June 20, Ramsey Co., Russell Hofstead; 2 nests with eggs, May 22, nest with young and eggs, June 29, Ramsey Co., Brother Hubert; nest with young, July 4, Duluth, Olga Lakela; 2 nests with eggs, Ramsey Co., June 5, William Longley; 9 nests with eggs, May 5 to June 3, Hennepin Co., Fred Blanch and Larry Flahavan; nest with young, May 29, Hennepin Co., Wallace E. Hamilton; nest, 4 eggs, Frontenac, May 13, 2 nests with eggs, May 14, June 6, Hennepin Co., nest with young, Wright Co., June 28, Don and Eldeen Jacobs.
1945WinterOne at Minneapolis, December 21, 1938, (Mrs. Davidson); one at Fairmont, winter of 1939-40, (Dr. Luedtke).
1946Summerred-eyed vireo, yellow warbler (3), chipping sparrow (2), song sparrow.
1947SummerBuilding, May 18, Hennepin Co., Barrett; 4 eggs, May 24; 4 eggs, May 31, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis; 4 eggs, May 24; 1 egg, May 31, Minneapolis, Futcher.
1961SummerOn 27 May, H. Huber found a nest with three eggs on Minnesota Point, Duluth. On 10 June the Huber brothers banded one young just out of the nest at Reno. Forest Strnad banded two young near Kasson on 7 June.
1962SummerGoodview, no date, nest destroyed twice, Grace Gordon; Winona, no date, nest, Grace Dahm; June 9, Clay Co., nest, no eggs, Avi fauna! Club; June 16, Ramsey Co., 4 young just out of nest, A. C. Rosenwinkel. Robin: April 17, Ramsey Co., nest half completed, A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 9, St. Paul, 2 young out of nest, A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 17, Minneapolis, 2 young out of nest, H. Huber; May 23, Hibbing, female on nest, Harriet Micensky; June 2, Ham Lake, Anoka Co., 1 young, H. Huber; July, Cass Co., adult at nest, Mr. and Mrs. John Math isen; Goodview, no dates, 4 nests, one with 4 young, Grace Gordon; Winona, no dates, 2 broods raised, Grace Dahm. H ermit Thrush: June 23, Itasca Park, several heard singing, Avifauna! Club; July 21, Hibbing, one heard singing,
1962Falllast report, Oct. 27, ~lamsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel.
1962WinterDec. 18, Carver Co., N of Shakopee, R. Huber; see also the 1962 Christmas Census in this issue. Robin: Widely reported throughout state this winter in small numbers, as far North as Waskish and North Shore. Largest flocks seen just above and below Two Harbors area where up to 20 seen on several occasions by various observers. Jan. 1, Purgatory Creek, R. Janssen.
1963SpringMarch 25, (probably a wintering bird) Kandiyohi Co., George Erickson; April 6, Kandiyohi Co., Pauline Lastine; April 16, Cokato, Wright Co., Erma Christopher; April 18, Washington Co., D. Honetschlager; April 19, Winona, F. Voelker; May 3, Shotley, Beltrami Co., Mabel Goranson; May 9, Cass Co., the Mathisens.
1963SummerSt. Louis Co., Duluth, 1 y, D. Meyer. Beltrami Co., Shatley, July 1, 2 nests, 1 incubating, other with June 2, 3y hatched from 4 eggs, Mabel Goranson. Ramsey Co., June 7, 3y out of nest, A. C. Rosenwinkel; Bald Eagle Lake, late May, 4 nestlings, E. Campbell. Winona Co., Winona, late June, ad with 2y, Leon Knopp. Goodview, July 2, 4y newly hatched, left nest July 12, Grace Gordon. Robin: Numerous nestings reported from St. Louis, Winona, Hennepin, Ramsey, Sibley and Cass Counties.
1963Falllatest, Oct. 5, Frontenac, Goodhue Co., R. B. Janssen.
1963Winterone all winter at feeder of Mrs. Ed Harms, Mpls and V. F. Ogren, Willmar, Kandiyohi Co. Robin: Much scarcer than usual this winter; reported from St. Louis (Du· luth, Hibbing), Cass (Walker), Kandi· yohi (Willmar), Ramsey (St. Paul), ·Blue Earth (Vernon Center) and Rice (Northfield) Counties, one bird in each case.
1964Spring3-25 Hennepin Co, 3, ACR; 4-22 Duluth, JCG; 4-25 Stearns Co, RPR; 4-28 Hennepin Co, MAS; 4-22 Duluth, JCG; 4-26 Ramsey ELC; 4-21 Washington Co, DH; 4-26 Pope Co, WH; 5-18 Marshall Co, DLO; 4-25 Fargo, EGA; 4-19 Wabasha Co, JPF; 4-26 Wright Co, EC; 5-8 Beltrami Co, MG.
1964Summerbreeding Ramsey (ACR, ELC), St. Louis (HM, DM, SM, SNE, AKA), Wabasha (DRM), Winona (GG) and Beltrami (MG) Counties; also Fargo-Moorhead, EGA. Robin: breeding in Ramsey, St. Louis, Lake, Beltrami, Clay, Hennepin, Crow Wing, Winona, Wabasha and Hubbard Counties.
1964Fall9-27 Ramsey Co, ELC; 9-27 Duluth, JCG; 10-16 Ramsey Co, ACR.
1964WinterDec to present time, 1 at feeder in S. St. Paul, Dakota Co, fide MRL. Robin: Usual few wintering in SE corner of Minn but of special interest were huge numbers wintering in NE corner of our state. RK reports peak of 40 at Two Harbors, MAF reports "hundreds" at Schroeder and a new all-time high of 570 seen on Duluth XC. But the greatest number reported was on 12-13, on Hwy 61 between the "Ely cutoff" and Grand Marais, when K. Denis estimated about a thousand Robins. Other localities of interest, Morris, Stevens Co, entire period, 1, RAG and Mora, Kanabec Co, 1 on 2-24, RHJ.
1965Springearliest 4-10 Minneapolis, FN; next record 4-16 Willmar, LSZ.
1965Falllatest 10-3 Cyrus, WH, and all of November, Shotley, MG.
1966Springearliest 4-17 Rochester, JPF; 4-21 St. Cloud, NMH; 4-22 Wabasha, DGM.
1966Summernested in Ramsey, Dakota, Wright and Nobles Co's; also reported from 23 other counties.
1966FallLatest 10-11 Duluth, JHM; 10-31 Duluth, JGH; 11-23 Cook Co. RGA (good details).
1966Winter12-1 Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., 1 at feeder, fide MIG; all fall until 12-16 when it fell prey to a Northern Shrike, Lutsen, Cook Co., RLG; midDecember to mid-January, Northfield, Rice Co., 1, GNR; very few winter records. Robin: scattered reports from Cook, St. Louis, Stearns, Hennepin, Winona, Rice, Washington, Stevens, Wabasha, Wright and Yellow Medicine Co's.
1967Springearly 3-30 Fargo-Moorhead fide EGA; 4-8 Stearns Co., RPR; 4-14 Hennepin Co., FN/ MAS. Robin: early 3-9 Rice Co., OAR; 3-15 Olmstead Co., CMJ, JPF; 3-18 Nobles Co., HSH.
1967Summernested Hennepin, Lyon, Cook, Washington Co's and Fargo-Moorhead; also reported from Goodhue, Carver, Lac qui Parle, Itasca, Hubbard, Beltrami, Nobles, St. Louis, Wabasha, Pope, Morrison, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Cottonwood Co's. Robin: nested Nobles, Cook, Lyon, Washington, Hennepin, Hubbard, Ramsey, Beltrami, Itasca, Crow Wing Co's. and Fargo-Moorhead; also reported from Carver, Pope, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Stevens, Traverse, Clearwater, Lake, Wabasha, Morrison, St. Louis, Aitkin, Cottonwood Co's.
1967Fall latest 10-25 Anoka Co., PE; 11-10 Duluth, Joan Brodie fide RN; 11-10 Pope Co., WH; 11-30 (this one overwintered) Hennepin Co., MEH.
1967Winter 1 all winter at Cascade River, Cook Co., seen on 2-4 by HEP; 1 all winter at feeder, Bloomington, Hennepin Co., MEH.
1968Spring early 4-3 Rice Co., OAR (exceptional); next 4-17 Minneapolis, EMB and Washington Co., JO; 4-19 Minneapolis, VL; 4-21 Carver Co., RTH.
1968Summer nested in Polk, Nobles, Morrison, Rice, Lyon, Hubbard, Cottonwood, Mille Lacs Co's; also reported from Beltrami, Lake, Anoka, Hennepin, Pine, Blue Earth, Wabasha, Carver, Carlton, Pope, Washington, Crow Wing, Wright, Winina Co's.
1968FallLatest 10-1 Olmsted HBW; 10-5 Hennepin WKE; 11-24 Duluth JCG for Anne K. Arndt. Robin: Concentrations 9 -7 Cottonwood 72 LAF; 9-25 Lake 100+ RK; 21 March 1969 9-27 Duluth 75 JCG; 10-3 Anoka 1/0 WHL.
1969Spring4-18 Wabasha Co., DWM; 4-19 Hennepin Co., EFH; 4-21 Mille Lacs Co., DMF; 4-24 Kanabec Co., RHJ. Robin: 3-15 Worthington, HSH; 3-16 Watonwan Co., DMF; 3-27 Morrison Co., LSR; 3-29 Kanabec Co., RHJ; 3-23 (100+) Blue Earth Co., HBT; 4-27 (25) Cottonwood Co., LAF.
1969Summernested in Hennepin and Blue Earth Co's.; also reported from 28 counties throughout the state. Robin: nested in St. Louis, Lake, Wright, Aitkin, Rock, Wabasha, Hennepin, Washington, Watonwan and Morrison Co's.; reported by most observers throughout the state.
1969Fall9-9 Chisago 6 EL; 10-11 Winona BTV; 10-22 Duluth MC; 10-28 Carver KH; 10-29 Cook MAF. Robin: 9-28 Hennepin 143 MM; 10-8 Duluth 200 JCG; 11-21 Cook JP; 11-29 Duluth MC· 11-30 Nobles HSH; 11-30 Ramsey EC; 11-30 Hennepin CH.
1969Winter11-15 - 3-29 Duluth Twp., St. Louis Co. JCG. Robin: A few wintered in Cook. Lake, St. Louis, Morrison, Renville, Fillmore, Olmsted, Cottonwood, Ramsey, Blue Earth, Freeborn, Chisago, Wabasha, Nobles, Washington; flocks (40-60) in Hennepin, Rice, Winona, Goodhue.
1970Springearly south 4-17 Chisago EL; 4-25 Hennepin jGM and Blue Earth EK· early north 4-28 Mille Lacs MJ· 4-29 Lak~ RK. ' Robin: early north 3-17 Mille LacsM1;3-20 Duluth MMC; peak 4-21 Duluth (200) jG.
1970Summernes ted in Ramsey, Wright, Hennepin, and Mille Lacs Co's. Robin : nested in Ramsey, St. Louis, Winon a (1 0 nests yie lde d 3.2 y per nest, BTV), Hennep in, Stearns, Mille Lacs, Anoka, Wright, Washington, and Carlton Co's. Wood Thrush : nested in Goodhue Co; also reported from Winona, He nnepin, Houston, and Carver Co's; NE reports fro m Duluth (june, july, MMC), 'L ake (7-4 Beaver Bay, ME), and St. Louis (6·2, 6-20, Clifton, JCG) Co's. Hermit Thrush : reported from La ke and Cook Co's. One ex tralimital observation: 7-18 Emily, Crow Wing Co. (singing bird) J B.
1970Falllate north 10-10 Aitken jB; late south 10-4 Hennepin WKE; 10-8 Hennepin PF, VL; 11-30 to 12-10 Carver KH. Robin: late north 11-11 Cook jP; 11-17 Duluth )G; late south 11-22 Hennepin VL; 11-27 Cottonwood LF; 11-30 Winona TV.
1970Winter6 birds from Olmsted (to 2-1, fide CW), Carver (Dec. thru Feb., KH), Crow Wing (Crosby, early Nov. to 1-23, T. Savajola), Lake (Little Marais, Nov. to 1-23, fide JCG), Duluth (12-15 to 1-8; Nov. to 2-12; fide JCG); 4-14 Hennepin FN.
1971Springearly south 4-18 Scott PE; 4-20 Carver MHM and Winona TV and Cottonwood LF; early north 4-25 Morrison LR; 5-3 Hubbard AP. Robin: early north 3-19 Duluth MMC; 3-21 Clay DM; 3-26 Duluth JG. VARIED THRUSH : one adult female or immature male was at a feeder in Two Harbors, Lake Co. from 3-9 to 4-9; on 3-31 the bird was seen by KE and RK.
1971Summernested in Wright, Wabasha, St. Louis, Hennepin, Nobles and Carver; also reportedfrom 21 other counties. Robin: nested in Stearns, Hennepin, Ramsey, Wright, Wabasha, Cottonwood, Carver and Nobles; also reported from 24 other counties.
1971Falllate south J0-9 Chisago; 10-16 Hennepin; 12-3 Dakota, M. Goldberg; late north 10-22 Clay; 11-30 Ottertail. Robin: late north 11-24 Mille Lacs; 11-27 Grant; 11-28 Crow Wing; peak 9-5 Carver (1000) KH.
1972Summerbreeding card from S. St. Louis, nesting reported In 6 others; seen In 24 other counties as far NE as N. St. Louis (Little Long Lake), Lake (Finland; Beaver Bay). Robin: breeding cards from 7 counties, nestingreported in 8 others; seen in 23 other counties.
1972Winter12-2 Cottonwood Gladys Hartness fide LAF; 12-16 Cottonwood LR; 12-22 thru 1-5 Watonwan EDK. Robin: NORTH Reported from Becker, Grant and St. Louis. SOUTH Reported from eight counties.
1973Summer Breeding cards from 6 counties; seen in 27 other counties, including Cook (6-30 JCG).
1973Fall Reported from eight counties.
1973Winter Seen on no less than 4 Christmas Counts: Bloomington (also all winter), St. Paul Northeast and Rochester (also all winter); another on 2-2 Carlos Avery Wildlife Area,. An?ka Co. (F~); seems to be increasmg m recent wmters.
1974Spring Early south 3-30 Murray AD; 5 reports on 4-20; early north 4-23 Clay LCF; 4-25 Pine ML; 4-27 Marshall AR.
1974Summer Nested in St. Louis, Stearns, Hennepin, Ramsey, Wabasha, Cottonwood; also reported from 28 other counties.
1974Fall 9-29 Rock KE; 10-8 Murray AD; 11-1 Hennepin VL; no late dates north.
1974Winter Reported on the Winona Christmas Count, from 12-28 to 2-14 in Olmsted Co. (JF), and on 1-25 in Hennepin Co. (VRL).
1975Spring Early south 4-4 Washington GA; 4/2 Hennepin EPRD; 4-19 Rock KE, RBJ, RAG: early north 5-3 Morrison LSR; 5-4 Clay LCF and Clearwater RCD.
1975Summer Nested in Mille Lacs, Hennepin, Cottonwood and Rock; also reported from 32 other counties.
1975Falllate north 9-9 Clay LCF; late south 11-2 Stearns NMH; 11-3 Olmstead JF; 11-17 Freeborn DG.
1975Winter5 reported on the Wabasha Christmas Count, and birds overwintered in Minneapolis (KG) and in Austin (fide RKJ); this species seems almost a regular winter visitor now.
1976Spring Early south 4-2 Hennepin HPR; 4/5 Ramsey BDC; 6 reports on 4-17; early north 4-22 St. Louis GN and Crow Wing DK; 4-23 Itasca MS; 4-28 Marshall SV and St. Louis DS.
1976Summernested in Clay, St. Louis, Stearns, Lincoln, Hennepin and Blue Earth; also reported from 30 other counties.
1976Fall Late north 9-19 Duluth and Pine; late south 10-16 Rock and Ramsey, 1027 Lac qui Parle, 11-2 Hennepin.
1976Winter Reported from the Minneapolis Christmas Count.
1977Spring Early south 4-13 Houston EF; 5 reports on 4-15; early north 4-20 Clay LCF; 4-25 Otter Tail GO and Aitkin JB; 4-26 Otter Tail GN.
1977Summer Nested in Clay, Morrison, Lac qui Parle, Hennepin, Dakota and Wabasha; also reported from 26 other counties throughout the state.
1977Winter Reported on the Owatonna CBC and all winter at a feeder in Albert Lea, Freeborn Co.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Sherburne and Anoka; also seen throughout the state.
1978Fall Late north 9-18 Clay LCF, 11-11 Crow Wing JB; late south 10-31 Anoka PKL, 11-28 Olmsted JF.
1978Winter Until 12-18 at Rochester, Olmsted Co. (JF) and overwintered at Crosby, Crow Wing Co. (JB).
1979Spring Early south 4-4 Stearns NH, 4-13 Olmsted JB; early north 4-25 Cass HH, 4-28 St. Louis KE.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Morrison, Stearns, Hennepin; also seen throughout the state.
1979Fall Late north 9-16 St. Louis JG, OJ, 9-29 St. Louis DA; late south 10-19 Houston EMF, 10-23 Le Sueur HC.
1979Winter One in Hennepin Co. from 12-15 until 1-26 (OJ, BJ).
1980Spring Early south 4-1 Hennepin OJ, 4-9 Sherburne EH, 4-17 Dakota JD; early north 4-22 Pine SW, 4-28 St. Louis DA, 5-1 KMH, Otter Tail GMO. American, Robin Early south 3-9 Ramsey RH, 3-10 Washington DR, 3-13 Lac qui Parle FAE; early north 3-2 Cook DG, 3-15 Clay LCF, 3-16 Otter Tail. Overwintered north and south.
1980Summer Breeding reported from St. Louis, Clay, Stearns, Sherburne, Anoka, Dakota, LeSueur, Olmsted; seen also throughout the state except Lake, Cook.
1980Fall Late north 9-9 St. Louis LLH, 9-20 Clay LCF, 11-1 Polk DS; late south 9-22 Hennepin PF, SC, Murray AD, 9-25 Redwood LJF, 10-1 Houston EMF.
1980Winter Three reports: Cottonwood CBC, at Duluth feeders until 1-31 (KE) and Ramsey 12-11 until 1-25 (REH).
1981Spring Early south 3-21 Dakota JD, 4-1 Stearns NMH, 4-11 Goodhue BL, 4-12 Dakota KG, Washington DR; early north 4-26 Grant SM, 4-30 Clay LCF, Aitkin JB.
1981Summer Breeding data from Stearns, Le Sueur. Seen throughout the state.
1981Fall Late north 9-14 Clay LCF, 9-21 St. Louis TL, 9-26 KE, 9-25 Beltrami JP; late south 9-25 Nicollet JCF, 9-30 EMF, 10-8 Hennepin SC, 10-15 ES.
1981Winter Two feeder reports: Finland, Lake Co. until1-10 (SWMS) and a December report from Bloomington, Hennepin Co. (RBA).
1982Spring Early south 3-28 Olmsted BE, (wintering bird?), 4-7 Martin EB/ K, 4-18 Houston EMF, 4-20 Mower RRK, Hennepin 4-22 AB, 4-23 DB; early north 4-24 Otter Tail SDM, 4-26 Becker EHI SS, 5-1 Itasca TL, St. Louis KE, Lake SW / MS, 5-3 Mille Lacs CF I KB.
1982Summer Breeding data from Morrison, Stearns, Big Stone, Olmsted. Seen throughout the state.
1982Fall Late north 10/10 Clay LCF, 10/13 Traverse SDM, 10/24 Hubbard HJF; late south 10/1 Nicollet JCF, 10/4 Anoka SC, 10/13 Houston EMF, 11/7 Washington DS.
1982Winter One on the Aurora, St. Louis Co. CBC, one in Duluth at the H. Simonson feeder until 12/21 and a south report from Mower Co. at the Harmel Nature Center on 1/23 (RRK).
1983Spring Early south 4/20 Olmsted JEB, 4/22 Nicollet JCF, Houston EMF, 4/23 Houston FL; early north 4/18 Aitkin WN, 4/25 Marshall ANWR, 4/26 Cook SL.
1983Summer Breeding data from Pennington, Hub bard, Steams, Big Stone, Anoka, LeSueur, Brown. Seen throughout the state. -Sprague's Pipit One, heard and seen, 6!13, Bicentennial Prairie, Clay Co. (G. Niemi).
1983Fall Late north 9/17 St. Louis JSP, Clay LCF, 9/18 St. Louis AB, 9/24 Otter Tail SDM; late south 10/17 Hennepin SC, III 14 Houston EMF, 11/30 Murray AD, Lac qui Parle FE; several reports into Dec.
1983Winter Reports of about NINE individuals. The Duluth and Aurora CBC's and Marshall, 12-25, A. Forrester, in the north and the Rochester, Bloomington and Marshall (2) CBC's in the south. Additional south reports from Hennepin, 1-30 (MRBA), Murray, overwintered (ADK), Lyon, two until mid-January (HK) and Lac qui Parle where one seen in a pail of cracked com on a car hood was subsequently found dead in late Dec. (FE).
1984Spring Early south 4/23 Washington SSt, 4/24 Olmsted RE, 4/25 Sherburne SSa; early north 4/23 St. Louis MH, 4/24 Marshall ANWR, 5/1 Clay LCF, Aitkin WN, Otter Tail GMO.
1984Summernested in Stearns, Morrison, Lake, Anoka, Sherburne, Ramsey, Brown, Big Stone, Le Sueur and Wabasha; also seen in 41 other counties .
1984Fall Late north 10/16 Cook KMH, 10/27 Kanabec AB, 10/29 Pennington KSS; late south 10/18 Stevens RJ, 10/20 Chippewa AB, 10/28 Lyon HK.
1984Winter Reported at a St. Louis Co. feeder Townsend's Solitaire, January 1985, Duluth -Photo by Mark Stensaas.
1985Spring Early south 3/27 Cottonwood fide LAF (wintering bird?) 4/11 Sherburne SSI DO, 4/14 Washington TBB, 4/16 Hen nepin VL, Wabasha WDM ; early north 4/16 Marshall ANWR, 4/21 St. Louis KC, 4/22 Wilkin GAM, 4/30 Koochiching GM, Otter Tail NJ.
1985Summer Nested in Lake, Mahnomen (MH), Stearns, Meeker, Anoka, Ramsey, Dakota, Olmsted, Brown, Murray; probable nesting in Koochiching, Clay, Chippewa. Also seen in 35 other counties throughout the state.
1985Fall Late north 10/12 Cook KMH, 10/23 Clay LCF; late south 10/11 Chippewa RGJ, 10/16 Cottonwood ED, I0/21 Hennepin RJ.
1985Winter Feeder reports from Duluth 12/31, L. Haw ley, White Bear Lake, Ramsey Co. 2/17 (MRBA) and the Hart's feeder in Lake County. This individual remained until 1/25 and was then brought inside for the remainder of the winter, fide (SWMS), southeast reports from the Austin and Rochester CBCs.
1986Spring Early south 4/11 Washington TBB, 4/12 Mower JM, 4/13 Dodge AB, 4/14 Cottonwood ED, Mower RRK; early north 4/20 Clay LCF, 4/25 Pennington KSS, 4/28 St. Louis KE, 4/30 Lake SWIMS.
1986Summer Nested in Clearwater(AB), Stearns, Benton (NH), Sherburne, Ramsey, Brown, Olmsted; probable nesting in Cottonwood, Blue Earth, Freeborn. Also seen in 49 other counties throughout the state.
1986Fall Late north 9/16 St. Louis SS, 10/24 Lake of the Woods RJ; late south 109128 Sherburne DOISS, 11/7 Hennepin DB, 11/16 Nicollet MF.
1986Winter Two reports: One overwintered at a Crow Wing Co. feeder (fide, WN), and in Freeborn 1/10 (RG).
1987Spring Early south 4/11 Chippewa RGJ, 4/16 Houston EMF, 4/18 Olmsted JB; early north 4/12 Duluth D. Keinholz, 4/24 Beltrami TK, 4/26 Clay MMM.
1987Summer Nested in Clay, Steams, Brown, LeSueur. Also seen in 56 other counties throughout the state.
1987Fall Late north 9/26 Clay LCF, 10/7 Becker BK, 10/24 Cook SOL; late south 10/23 Lac qui Parle FE, 10/25 Houston EMF, 10/26 Stevens EL.
1987Winter Two overwintered in Cook (KMH) and reports from the Fargo-Moorhead and Fergus Falls CBC's.
1988Spring Early south 4/9 Hennepin BH, 4/16 Fillmore NAO and Steele KV, 4/21 Mower JM; early north 4/30 Traverse RJ, 5/1 Todd PH and Wilkin FKS, 5/2 Clay LCF, Otter Tail SDM and Pennington SKS.
1988Summer Nested in eight counties including Freeborn (NH); probable nesting in Cottonwood . Seen in 45 other counties statewide.
1988Fall Late north 9/22 Clay LCF, 10/4 Lake SW/MS, 11/13 Aitkin WN; late south 9/27 Ramsey RH, 10/1 Cottonwood BF, 11/8 Hennepin ES.
1988Winter Reported in Aitkin 12/15-1128 WN, Anoka 12/30 MBR and Dakota 12/31 JD.
1989Spring Early south 4/18 Mower RRK, 4/20 Dodge BSE and Fillmore NAO; early north 4/24 Norman RJ, 5/1 Duluth KE, 5/3 Clay LCF.
1989Summer Nested in Clay, Brown, LeSueur, Rice; probable nesting in Todd, Fillmore. Seen in 48 other counties statewide.
1989Fall Late north 9/9 Lake DPV, 9/20 Cook KMH, 10/1 Clay LCF; late south 10/1 Brown JS, 10/6 Hennepin SC, 10/8 Anoka GP.
1989Winter Reported on the Crosby and Cedar Creek Bog CBCs.
1990Spring Early south 4/20 Le Sueur EK, 4/21 Cottonwood ED and Washington TEB, 4/22 Hennepin DZ, Mower RRK and Murray ND; early north 4/16 Clay LCF, 4/24 Aitkin WN, 4/25 Pennington KSS.
1990Summer Nested in Aitkin WN, Isanti MDP, Winona CS, Brown, Le Sueur; probable nesting in Hennepin, Washington. Seen in 39 other counties statewide.
1990Fall Late north 9/10 Pennington KSS, 9/21 Clay LCf and Otter Tail MO, 11/4 Morrison KE; late south 10/5 Anoka GP, 10/19 Olmsted JB, 10/23 Hennepin SC.
1990Winter Found on the Willmar, Sherburne NWR, Nicollet County, and Windom-Mountain Lake CBCs.
1991Spring Early south 4/15 Hennepin KB, 4/16 Blue Earth MF, 4/18 Rock ND; early north 4/27 Aitkin WN and Clay LCF, 4/28 Otter Tail SDM, SIS Becker DJ.
1991Summer Nested in Le Sueur; seen in 42 other counties throughout state.
1991Fall Late north 9/15 Clay LCF and Pennington KSS, 10/22 Otter Tail MO, 10/26 Lake KR; late south 10/30 Pipestone JP, 11/8 Hennepin SC, 11/15 Brown JS.
1991Winter One reported on the New Ulm CBC, and at Afton, Washington Co. in early December fide RJ.
1992Spring Early south 3/2 (probably overwintered) Fillmore GMD, 4/15 Brown JS, 4/19 Hennepin JF, 4/20 Mower JM; early north 4/30 Kanabec CM, 5/1 Becker BBe, Clay LCF and Grant GS, 5/4 Itasca TS.
1992Summer Nested in Washington WL, Le Sueur; probable breeding in Crow Wing, Hennepin, Cottonwood, Winona. Reported in 46 other counties statewide.
1992Fall Late north 9/17 Lake DPV, 9/26 Otter Tail MO, 10/6 Becker BBe; late south 10/1 Rice TB, 10/10 Hennepin TT, 10/23 Winona CS.
1992Winter Reported on the Austin CBC (no details included); and from Tofte, Cook County until 1/3 fide PB.
1993Spring Early south 4/19 Brown JS, 4/21 Hennepin DC, 4/22 Mower RRK and Winona CS. Early north 4/28 Aitkin WN, Otter Tail SDM and Traverse PS, 4/30 Kanabec CM, 5/2 Clay LCF.
1993Summer Nested in Kanabec, Brown, Wabasha, Winona; probable breeding in Crow Wing, Dakota, Le Sueur. Seen in 35 additional counties statewide.
1993Fall Late north 9/10 Clay LCF, 9/12 Aitkin WN. Late south 10/2 McLeod RJ and Rice TB, 10/18 Hennepin TT.
1993Winter Reported overwintering in St. Louis KE and Otter Tail SDM, plus 1/1 Stearns fide PBa and 1/15 Jackson fide GH.
1994Spring Early south 4/19 Houston EMF, Ramsey AB and Winona CS, 4/21 Cottonwood ED and Rice TB; early north 4/19 Douglas SWa, 4/23 Clay LCF. Also overwintered through 3/23 Duluth KE.
1994Summer Fewest reports in ten+ years. Nested in Aitkin, Winona; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Kandiyohi, Blue Earth, Dakota. Seen in 29 additional counties statewide.
1994Fall Late north 8/28 Aitkin WN, 9/11 Koochiching GM, 10/22 Clay CF. late south 9/29 Hennepin TT, 10/23 Carver AB, 11/30 Winona CS.
1994Winter Five reports (above average): overwintered Kandiyohi RF, 12/6–9 Winona CS, 12/10 Cook SOL, through 2/1 Carver mob, and the Bloomington CBC.
1995Spring Early south 4/15 Rice TB, 4/16 Cottonwood ED, 4/17 Olmsted CK; early north 5/2 Carlton LW and Kanabec CM, 5/3 St. Louis ME, SS, 5/5 Otter Tail SDM.
1995Summer Probable breeding in Anoka, Hennepin, Winona; observed in 41 other counties statewide.
1995Fall Late north 10/28 St. Louis WM, 11/26 St. Louis DBe, 11/30 Lake DV. Late south 10/9 Hennepin KB, 10/21 Hennepin SC, 11/19 Martin BBo.
1995Winter Six individuals (above average); reported 12/14 Lake DV, 1/3 Dakota RG, mid-January Wright fide AH, until 2/1 Beltrami DJo, and on the Duluth and Hastings-Etter CBCs.
1996Spring Early south 4/18 Hennepin SC, 4/9 Fillmore NO and Waseca JZ. Early north 4/28 Crow Wing PP, 5/1 Otter Tail SDM, 5/4 Douglas SWa.
1996Summer Nested in five counties including Blue Earth BBo; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Freeborn. Seen in 39 additional counties statewide.
1996Fall Late north 11/22, 11/30 Kanabec CM. Late south 10/6 Hennepin SC, 10/10 Lincoln JA, RgS, 10/14 Murray RgS.
1996Winter A record ten individuals. Reported 1/10 Otter Tail SDM, 1/11 Kanabec CM and 1/19 Blue Earth MF. Also reported on the Afton, Albert Lea, Duluth, Faribault and Grand Marais CBCs. Lack of subsequent reports suggests none of the birds successfully overwintered, and the Kanabec Co. bird was found dead on 2/2.
1997Spring Early south 4/6 Mower RRK, 4/8 Hennepin SC, 4/25 Brown RJ. Early north 4/29 Otter Tail SDM, 5/4 Kanabec CN, 5/6 St. Louis SS.
1997Summer Observed in 48 counties statewide. New nesting record in McLeod RbS; probable breeding recorded in Anoka, Washington, Nobles, and Freeborn.
1997Fall Late north 9/13 Kanabec CM, 9/21 Lake DV. Late south 9/21 Hennepin HT, 10/18 Ramsey RH, 10/19 Hennepin SC.
1997Winter Only one report (record ten individuals l.y.) 12/12 Hennepin fide AH.
1998Spring Early south 4/12 Hennepin TT, 4/13 Stearns MJ/DT and Rice TBo. Early north 4/23 Aitkin WN, 4/25 Wadena, 4/27 Kanabec CM.
1998Summer Seen in 41 counties throughout state; probable nesting in Norman, Crow Wing, St. Louis, Lyon, Ramsey, Watonwan, Freeborn.
1998Fall Very few north reports; one lingered through the end of the period at a Duluth feeder fide KE. Late south 10/24 Lyon RgS, 10/30 McLeod RbS, 11/14 McLeod (different bird, overwintered) RbS and Rice TBo, JL.
1998Winter Reported 12/12 Anoka MM, 12/1–1/1 McLeod RbS, through 1/6 St. Louis (Duluth) fide KE (found dead), 1/20 & 2/14 Todd JSK, and the Faribault and Winona CBCs.
1999Spring Except for 4/4 Meeker DF and 4/13 Brown JSp, all south reports were later than the recent median arrival date (4/15). Noted as late by RJ and next reported 4/18 Watonwan ED. The report 4/3 Todd JSK, SDu, probably refers to the same bird seen there in January and February (see winter report), as this species rarely arrives north before late April. Early north 4/23 Beltrami DJo, 4/30 in Aitkin, St. Louis. Peak count 5/8 Good-hue (16) AH, PS. See also summer report.
1999Summer Observed in 44 counties statewide.
1999Fall Earliest north departure in 15+ years. Late north 9/12 Kanabec BA, Otter Tail SDM and Wadena PBi. Regular reports south through mid-September, then only 9/23 Hennepin PBu, 10/23 Washington TEB, 11/19 McLeod DF, 11/20 Hennepin SC, TT.
1999Winter Reported 12/5 Hennepin (Wood Lake Nature Center) TT, and on the †St. Paul (northeast suburban) CBC.
2000Spring Observed in 29 south and 15 north counties statewide. Arrived one day before recent medians south and north. Early south 4/14 in two counties with peak migration 4/21–27. Early north 4/25 in two counties followed by daily arrivals through the end of April.
2000Summer Most reports since 1992. Observed in 52 counties statewide; new nesting record in Itasca DRM.
2000Fall Numerous reports north through 9/17, then none until two or three found at the end of November: 11/20 Otter Tail GEW, 11/29 Otter Tail DST, 11/30 Kanabec CM. South reports showed a similar pattern with many seen through 10/4, then only 10/31 Hennepin ABo. Also see winter report.
2000Winter Overwintered in Hennepin (Bloomington) SLC, mob. Also reported on the †Baudette, Fergus Falls, and Excelsior CBCs, and through 1/3 Mower JJS (including the Austin CBC).
2001Spring Observed in 37 south and 18 north counties statewide. See winter report for overwintering birds in Hennepin, Dakota. Early south 4/13 Fillmore NBO, then daily arrivals in four counties 4/14–16. Early north 4/19 Otter Tail KKW, 4/29 Aitkin PEJ.
2001Summer Seen in 39 counties statewide; new nesting record in Watonwan DLB.
2001Fall North reports until 10/6 Clay RHO, 10/7 Wadena PJB, 10/20 Morrison DPJ. Late south 10/16 Hennepin SLC, 11/2 Jackson MJC.
2001Winter Only reports: 1/2 Polk (2 at Crookston) EEF, 1/5 Dakota TAT, ADS.
2002Spring Reported from 36 south and 19 north counties statewide. Overwintered through 3/11 Freeborn AEB. Early south 4/6 Dakota TAT, 4/12 Fillmore NBO. Early north 4/26 Douglas REH, 4/29–30 in three counties. High count 5/6 Pipestone (15) PHS.
2002Summer Found in 49 counties statewide.
2002Fall Late north 9/23 Kanabec BLA, 9/28 Lake CRM, 10/1 Carlton JJS, but also see winter report. Late south 10/12 Dakota ADS, 10/21 Hennepin SLC, 10/24 Hennepin TAT (same bird?), but also see winter report.
2002Winter All reports: overwintered Otter Tail SPM, 1/26 Cook (Schroeder) JCT, 2/3 Winona (Utica) fide JBD.
2003Spring Arrived south 4/7 Dakota JPM, 4/9 Carver RMD; both preceded recent median arrival date (4/14). Early north 4/23 Pine JMP, 4/26 Kanabec CAM, 4/27 Wadena PJB (median 4/25).
2003Summer Observed in 47 counties in all regions except Southeast.
2003Fall All north reports: August/September sightings in Beltrami, Clay, Pine, St. Louis and Wadena, plus (late north) 10/25 Lake JWL, but also see winter report. Observed in 16 south counties until 10/26 Waseca JPS, then no reports until winter season.
2003Winter All reports: 12/14 Two Harbors CBC, 12/20 Duluth, Minneapolis (North) and Bloomington CBCs, 1/1 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) m.ob., 1/3 Isabella CBC, 2/21 Itasca (Grand Rapids) SC.
2004Spring Early south 4/16 Hennepin PEJ, REH, 4/17 Steele NFT, 4/18 Lac qui Parle FAE and Watonwan DLB (median 4/13). Early north 4/27 Aitkin WEN and Todd JSK, SID, 4/28 St. Louis ALE. Both arrivals three days later than recent medians.
2004Summer Seen in 45 counties throughout state.
2004Fall Found in 7 north and 12 south counties. Late north 10/3 Lake JWL, 11/11 St. Louis JRN. Late south 10/8 Brown JSS, 10/23 Hennepin TAT.
2004Winter All reports: 12/12 Roseau fide JMJ, 12/18 Clay fide JMJ, 12/20 & 12/25 Anoka (Fridley) RCS.
2005Spring Reported from 24 north and 45 south counties. Early south 4/10 Martin PH and Watonwan DLB, 4/11 Cottonwood and Fillmore (median 4/14). Early north 4/19 Pine JMP, 4/21 Otter Tail DTT, SMT, St. Louis LAW (median 4/25).
2005Summer Reported from 50 counties throughout state.
2005Fall Late north sightings through 9/20, then only 10/8 Lake JWL, 10/23 Cook PHS, 11/6 Lake MTA. Late south 10/1 Hennepin DWK, 10/5 Brown JSS, 10/18 Lac qui Parle FAE.
2005Winter All reports: 12/24 St. Louis (1) JRN; overwintered south in Hennepin (Brooklyn Park at private residence) OLJ.
2006Spring Reported from 21 north and 43 south counties. Early south 4/9 Carver CRM, 4/11 Rice TFB, 4/13 Houston FZL (median 4/14). Early north 4/11 Mille Lacs ASc, 4/20 Otter Tail SPM, 4/21 St. Louis LAW (median 4/25).
2006Summer Found in 72 coun-ties in all regions of state.
2006Fall High count 9/26 Lac qui Parle (6) BJU. Late north dates through 9/19 not representative of this species' normal fall migration, but see winter report. Late south 11/16 Meeker DMF, 11/24 Blue Earth fide KLa; see winter report for additional late south.
2006Winter21 All reports: 12/7 Itasca EEO, 12/16 Clay (Fargo-Moorhead CBC) fide RHO, 1/8–11 Dakota (Farmington) RCP.
2007Spring2548 Well-represented in all regions. Early south 3/25 Washington †AXH, 3/31 Hennepin BAF well ahead of median (4/13). Early north 4/20 Pine JMP, 4/21 Mille Lacs ASc, 4/22 Kanabec CAM (median 4/24).
2007Summer2442 Reported from all regions of the state.
2007Fall1020 Most birds had departed the state well ahead of recent medians, with only one October report north and two south; no November reports. Late north 9/22 St. Louis ALB, 9/29 Cass MRN, 10/10 Todd MSK (median 12/16). Late south 9/28 Jackson BJU, 10/10 Rice DAB, 10/13 Brown JSS, but see winter report.
2007Winter2 Only reports Bloomington CBC and 12/22 Kandiyohi PBB.
2008Spring2443 Early south (median 4/12) 4/16 Rice TFB, 4/17 Carver RBW, 4/18 Blue Earth ChH. Early north (median 4/23) 4/16 Mille Lacs ASc, 4/19 Douglas JPE, 4/22 Otter Tail SPM.
2008Summer1836 Reported from all regions of state.
2008Fall1119 Late north departures well before median: 9/13 Lake JWL, St. Louis CMB, 9/20 Wadena PJB, 9/24 Carlton DMF. Late south 9/19 Rice TFB, 9/28 Waseca DAB, JWH, 9/30 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/1 Hennepin CMB, 10/6 Hennepin CMB, 11/29 Wright (Montrose) DMF.
2008Winter1 One making daily visits to a feeding station in Faribault, Rice County beginning in early December was documented 1/18 †DAB.
2009Spring2449 Early south (median 4/12) 4/18 Ramsey LS, Wabasha DBz, 4/19 Sibley DAB, JWH, 4/20 Hennepin ABL. Early north (median 4/23) 4/18 Mille Lacs ASc, 4/25 Douglas JPE, 4/28 Cass DAY.
2009Summer2842 Found statewide.
2009Fall1022 Late north 10/19 Lake DBM, then 11/15–21 Kanabec CAM (median 12/16). Late south 9/26 Winona (4, Prairie Island) JCC, 9/27 Sherburne MHe, 9/28 Olmsted LAV, 10/2 Hennepin SLC (median 12/19).
2009Winter4 All reports: 12/2–9 Kanabec CAM, 12/20 – 1/24 Carlton (Mahtowa) ph. †CJo, 12/20 Lake (Two Harbors) JWL, 12/22 Tamarac N.W.R. CBC.
2010Spring2049 Early south (median 4/13) 4/4 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/14 Dakota (2) CMB, Rice TFB, 4/15 Brown JSS. Early north (median 4/23) 4/20 Kanabec CAM, Otter Tail DST, 4/22 Cass HHD, DAY, St. Louis ALo. High count 5/12 Washington (15, Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A.) MDu.
2010Summer2744 Found in all regions of the state. First county breeding records from Pipestone fide BBA, Scott fide BBA.
2010Fall920 Late north 9/25 Polk SAu, 10/3 St. Louis NAJ, 11/4 Lake (Two Harbors) CRu (median 12/13). Late south 10/18 Swift BJU, 10/22 Dakota CTa, 10/29 Hennepin ChC (median 12/22).
2010Winter21 All north 12/19 Lake (Two Harbors) JWL, 1/25–26 St. Louis (East Duluth) fide JWL. All south 12/18 Steele ph. WTH, 12/31 Ramsey (Maplewood) MMa.
2011Spring2752 Early south (median 4/13) 4/9 Waseca BWL, 4/11 McLeod PRH, Waseca DCu. Early north (median 4/23) 4/25 Lake JWL, 4/26 Otter Tail, DST, 4/28 Itasca SC, Morrison FGo. High count: 5/26 Houston (11) RTe.
2011Summer2649Found in all regions of state. First county breeding records for Dodge TEB, Kittson BaW, MC, Pine CCa, APa. High counts 6/26 Washington (11, Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A.) TAT, 7/17 Sherburne (10, Sherburne N.W.R.) ACr.
2011Fall624 High counts 8/14 Washington (6, Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A.) ACr. Few north reports, late north 9/24 St. Louis RZi, 10/11 St. Louis JLK (median 12/13). Late south 10/5 Lyon JEB, 10/13 Olmsted LAV, 11/3 Sherburne PLJ (median 12/22).
2011Winter13One north report: 1/28 Morrison FGo. All south reports: 12/17 St. Cloud-Collegeville CBC, 12/18 Austin CBC, 2/12 Hennepin (Golden Valley) ph. JPi, which had been overwintering since December.
2012Spring2349 First arrivals well ahead of median both north and south. Early south (median 4/13) 3/23 Washington (Carpenter N.C.) JHg, 4/4 Olmsted JPr, 4/5 Dakota SKS. Early north (median 4/23) 4/14 Kanabec SC, DBz, RMD, JWH, Morrison FGo, St. Louis SES, 4/15 Wadena PJB. High counts 5/31 Washington (8, Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A.) PNi.
2012Summer3251 Reported from every county except Chippewa, Grant, Mower. High count 6/2 Washington (10, Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A.) JJo. First county breeding records for Fillmore BAS, Waseca PAl, Wilkin CCa.
2012Fall1332 Late north 10/5 St. Louis KJB, ABL, 10/6 Douglas JPE (median 12/13). Late south 11/2 Hennepin TAT, 11/26, 11/29 Dakota (Riverwood Park, Hastings) DVe (median 12/22).
2012Winter2 New winter record 12/21 Carver JCC. Also, continuing from November, 12/4–1/1 Dakota DVe, including 12/29 Hastings/Etter CBC.
2013Spring2852 Overwintering bird continued through 3/16 Carver (Minnesota Landscape Arboretum) KSo. Early south (median 4/12) 4/6 Ramsey FKB, 4/7 Carver JCy, 4/8 Hennepin CMB. Early north (median 4/23) 4/27 St. Louis KGr, Todd DTM, JeM, 4/28 Beltrami FGo, Hubbard MAW, Mahnomen CSo, Otter Tail RZi. High count 4/29 Washington (12, Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A.) BDo.
2013Summer2849 Observed in all regions of state. First county breeding records from Faribault JSc, Goodhue CCa, Norman AXH, Renville JSc, Steele PSu, Yellow Medicine SWe.
2013Fall1223 Late north 10/5 Clay MO, 10/24 Morrison KEm, 10/30 Cook BRL (median 12/13). Late south 10/12 Sibley DWK, 10/13 Hennepin CMB, 10/17 Hennepin TAT (median 12/22).
2013Winter4 All reports: 12/14 Willmar CBC, 12/15 Olmsted JWH, 12/21–2/7 Sherburne (injured wing, visiting feeder in Becker) ph. StS, 1/20 Hennepin (Minnetonka, present for about two weeks prior) ph. fide AXH.
2014Spring2949Early south (median 4/13) 4/11 Freeborn LeF, Scott BAb, 4/12 Winona DBz. Early north (median 4/23) 4/24 Itasca SC, 4/25 Morrison MEm, KEm, 4/26 Todd HHD. High counts 5/10 Clay (8) RSh, 5/19 Washington (8) PNi, 5/23, 5/26 Sherburne (8, Wildlife Drive) JSf, JCr.
2014Summer2546Found in all regions of state. High count 6/8 Pine (12, St. Croix S.P.) KeA.
2014Fall1832 High count 9/15 Hennepin (6, Elm Creek P.R.) KMa. Late north 10/4 Polk SAu, 10/6 St. Louis ToL, 10/8 Aitkin KeM (median 12/13). Late south 10/21 Hennepin TAT, 10/23 Ramsey AXH, 11/9 Hennepin ClN (median 12/22).
2014Winter22 Same number of reports as previous year. All north 12/10 (visiting feeder since October) Pennington KrH, 12/20 Duluth CBC. All south 12/20 Olmsted (continuing bird from November) †RLE, 1/1,1/3 Ramsey (St. Anthony, continuing bird from November) SEh.
2015Spring2849 Arrived well ahead of median dates both north and south. Early south (median 4/13) 4/4 Chisago JSa, 4/11 Freeborn DFN, 4/12 Anoka RiS, Dakota DVe. Early north (median 4/23) 4/12 Hubbard MAW, 4/13 Crow Wing EGa, Morrison KEm, 4/16 Cass SC, Otter Tail fide JMJ. High counts 5/1 Washington (10, Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A.) PNi, 5/8 Scott (10, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Louisville Swamp) BAF, 5/8 Sherburne (10, Sherburne N.W.R., Wildlife Drive) JlB.
2015Summer2948 Found in all regions. High count 6/19 Sherburne (11, Sherburne N.W.R., Wildlife Drive) JlB.
2015Fall1832 High count 9/5 Sherburne (6, Sherburne N.W.R.) KEm, JEm, MEm. Late north 11/1–9 Cook DOK, ph. DMB, m.ob., 11/13 St. Louis JPR, and a bird first seen 11/7 Itasca continued into the winter season fide RBW (median 11/2). Late south 11/12 Sherburne PRH, 11/26 Winona BwR, but see winter report (median 12/8).
2015Winter54 Reported from more than double the number of counties as any of the previous ten years with an especially high number of observations from north counties. All north: one in Itasca beginning 11/7 remained there through 2/26 fide RBW; 12/23, 12/30 Becker KHa, Detroit Lakes CBC; and seen on the Duluth, Fergus Falls, Grand Marais CBCs. South reports 12/19 Willmar CBC, Bloomington CBC, 12/26–1/22 Le Sueur (feeder station) ph. fide RBW, 1/1 Dakota (Inver Grove Heights) MDc, 1/4–2/16 Hennepin (T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) CWB, m.ob., 1/29 Dakota (Ravenna Twp.) KDS.
2016Spring2953 Early south (median 4/12) 3/22 Brown JSc, 4/9 Dakota AlF, 4/10 Goodhue LEC. Early north (median 4/23) 4/16 Crow Wing ph. EGa, 4/17 Morrison SEm, 4/19 Itasca SC, Morrison SEm, Todd SDi. High count 4/23 Washington (10, Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A.) JuW.
2016Summer2649 Found in all regions. High counts 6/18 Sherburne (14, Sherburne N.W.R.) JEm, SEm, 7/7 Hennepin (10, Westwood Hills N.C.) GAn.
2016Fall1231 High counts 9/1 Otter Tail (4) WPl, 9/7 Scott (4) RiC. Late north 10/9 St. Louis SC, 10/15 Grant CNn, 10/25 Pine LEv (median 10/30). Late south 11/17 Scott JEB, 11/24 Freeborn AEB (median 12/8), but see winter report for late-lingering birds both north and south.
2016Winter22 Reported from four counties, equal to the ten-year average. All reports:12/17 Duluth CBC (2), 12/23 Ely CBC, 12/25 Freeborn AEB, 12/30 Carlton-Cloquet CBC, 1/8 Redwood GWe.
2017Spring3153 First report 3/5 Fillmore ph. ToM may represent an overwintering bird, followed by early south (median 4/9) 4/5 Dakota DdS, 4/9 Carver LiH, Faribault BAy, Olmsted LSf, Washington BDo, Winona DSt, SHo. Early north (median 4/23) 4/13 St. Louis LME, 4/17 Crow Wing FGo, 4/19 Crow Wing DMz, Itasca SC, Morrison SEm. High counts 5/6 Washington (14, Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A.) GJa, 5/4 Sherburne (11, Sherburne N.W.R.) SMC.
2017Summer2750 Found statewide. High count 6/3 Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.) RCl.
2017Fall2034 High counts 8/5, 8/13 Grant (4) CNn, 8/20 Chisago (4) MTe, 9/17 Hennepin (4) TSI. Late north 10/3 Grant CNn, 11/7–15 Cook (Tofte Ranger District) PgR (median 10/30). Late south 10/3 Hennepin TAT, 10/8 Benton LKo, MKo, 11/21–25 Anoka PJM (median 12/30).
2017Winter12 Three individuals lingered through much of season: 12/16 Grand Marais CBC, 1/21, 1/24 Cook (same bird?, Grand Marais) ph. JuM, 12/23–1/5 Winona (Whitewater S.P. feeders) JmP, ph. JPr, m.ob., 1/3–2/7 Hennepin (Minneapolis) ph. GrS, m.ob.
2018Spring3052 Early south (median 4/9) 4/12 Brown MiO, 4/16 Hennepin ebd, 4/19 Dakota KDS. Early north (median 4/23) 4/20 Polk LnT, 4/24, 4/25 Crow Wing DMz, 4/27 Morrison FGo. High count 5/2 Washington (21, Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A.) LiH.
2018Summer3251 Found in every county except Cook, Jackson, Lincoln, Red Lake. High count 7/6 Sherburne (12, Prairie’s Edge Wildlife Drive) ebd.
2018Fall2038 High counts 8/12 Washington (7, Afton S.P.) REn, AxB, EzH, IsH, 9/7 Steele (5, Somerset Twp.) PSu. Late north 10/7 St. Louis ebd, 10/9 St. Louis ebd, 11/2 St. Louis BMu (median 11/18). Late south 11/11 Stearns LKo, MKo, 11/23 Hennepin ebd (median 1/1).
2018Winter43 Observed in seven widely scattered counties (Cook, Crow Wing, Hennepin, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Olmsted, Winona) somewhat above ten-year average of four. Midwinter north reports from Cook and Lake and Hennepin, Winona, Olmsted in south. All reports of single birds.
2019Summer3253 Reported from every county except Clearwater, Pennington. First county breeding record: 7/23 Carlton HTr. High count 6/23 Sherburne (11, Sherburne N.W.R., Wildlife Drive) AFo.
 Breeds throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.