Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Rails, Gallinules, Coots
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Yellow Rail
Black Rail
King Rail
Virginia Rail
Purple Gallinule
Common Gallinule
[Common Moorhen]
American Coot

Common Gallinule(Gallinula galeata)
1930SummerNo neat ot this species was reported, but downy young were seen by Marius Morse at Crystal Lake on July 7th and by Alden Risser at St. Paul on July 3oth,
1931SummerA nest \-dth 6 eggs on June 14th by Stanley Stein (adult birds not seen}; another with two eggs on June 2oth (Risser and Donald Fischer),
1932Summer2 nosts were found, both on Mo.y 29, One had 5 eggs, and was seen by John Dobie at Swan Lake, while the other had 10 eggs, ru1d was found by s. Stein.
1933Summer Two nests reported. The first was found nt Fort Snelling on May 20th by Upson, when it held 6 eggs. The other ~rns discovered nt the same place on May 24th by CUlnr:lin[Ss, and contained 9 eggs.
1934Summer Rissci-and Rysga.nrd found a nest 'With 9 egc;s of' th13 gallinule on June.3rd. Another nest with 2 pipped eggs o.ncl 2 l:i.,rely youngsters 'Was loco.ted by Irene Jensen o.nd the writor on June ;~,3rd.
1935Summer George Rysgaard found a nest on May.30th. It had 1 egg when he first sa,., it, and 4 on June 2nd. Brecl~enriclge saw a nest with 12 eggs on June 21st.. Evans and Upson sn.vr the lo.tcst nest on July 4th. It contained 6 eggs.
1938SummerThe first Gallinule nest was located by Gus Swa!l­ son at Heron Lake on May 29; it held 4 eggs. Two days later Bob Upson found 2 nests at Minneapolis; each contained 8 eggs. Two quarter-grown young were seen by Arnold Erickson at Long Meadow on August 7·
1940SummerThe single record of this species was submitted by A. D. DuBois, who found at Lake Min­netonka on June 3, a nest with IO eggs.
1943SummerMay 31, 5 eggs, Ramsey County. Bros. Lewis and Pius. Several nests with small young. West city limits of Mpls. F. S. David­son. June 29 and July 3.
1944Summer4. June 6, built, Hennepin, Eastman. June 22, two nests, nine eggs and two eggs, St. Paul, Brother Hubert and Brother Pius. June 27, four small young, Hennepin, Hoi­stead and Olson.
1945SummerNest with 9 eggs, June 16, Hennepin Co., Don and Eldeen Jacobs.
1947Summer6 eggs, June 1, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis; 3 eggs, June 25; 8 eggs, June 29; 2 broods, June 29, Hennepin Co., Jacobs; 5 young July 15, Pope Co., Barrett.
1961SummerAn adult with four young was seen on 8 July at Swan Lake by members of A vifaunal Club. Dave Pearson reports young on Diamond Lake, Hennepin County on 25 July and still other young in the Carlos Avery Refuge on 30 July. SHOREBIRDS: Only five species were reported as nesting, but at least 28 species seen during the summer months because of late spring migrants and early fall migrants. The overlap of these hegirae makes it possible to record a few of these species during each and every month of the summer.
1962SummerSept. 8, Tiger Lake, Carver Co., one sub-adult, Avifauna! Club; two more sub-adults same day, south of Gaylord, Sibley Co.
1963SpringMay 11, Swan Lake, Nicollet County, Avifauna! Club; May 25, Ramsey County, A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 29, Washington County, A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 30, Young America, Carver County, R. Janssen.
1964Spring5-29 Ramsey Co, Mrs. Swedenborg. Semipalmated Pl01Jer: 4-14 Hennepin Co, MAS; 4-25 Salt Lake, RG, RLH; 5-7 Grand Marais, Cook Co, JCG.
1964Summer7-4, Anoka Co, ad and 6y, RBJ.
1964Fall9-18 Ramsey Co, A CR.
1965Spring5-5 Hennepin Co, TEM; 5-7 Holt, DLO; 5-10 Hennepin Co, MHM and Duluth fide RN; 5-15 Alberta, ES; 5-25 Hennepin Co, FN, TEM. Northward strays are especially noteworthy.
1965Fall9-26 Ramsey Co, TKS and 10-9 Hutchinson, McLeod Co, RLH.
1966Spring5-14 LaCrescent, 1, EMB; 5-31 Goodhue Co, 1, EHH.
1966Summer6-8 Goodhue Co, 2, RPR; 6-21 through 7-9 Hennepin Co, EWJ, VL, RL, FN/ MAS; 7-11 Cass Co, nr Grand Rapids, PE, see Notes of Interest in previous issue; 7-23 Swan Lake, Nicollet Co, ad-7y, RG, DB, BL; 8-2 Hennepin Co, ad-5y, VL, SW; 8-13 La Crescent, Houston Co, 6 ad, many y, RG; most reports we've had in years.
1966FallLatest 8-16 Hennepin Co., 2 ad., 5 imm., VL; 9-18 Stearns Co., 3, RPR.
1967Spring5-7 Winona Co., GD; 5-12 Hennepin Co., FN/ MAS; 5-21 Houston Co., FL; 5-27 Stearns Co., RPR.
1967Summer6-7 Bloomington, Hennepin Co., 1, VL; 6-10 Dorer Pools, Wabasha Co., 1, HFH; 6-10 La Crescent, Houston Co., 2, FL; 6-12 Wacouta, Goodhue Co., 3, EHH; 8-15 Carver Co., 6, DB.
1967Fall 8-6 Washington Co., 1, ACR; only report.
1968Spring 5-15 LaCrescent, Houston Co., 2, FL; 5-19 Frontenac, Goodhue Co., 3, EMB; only reports.
1968Summer 6-7 LaCrescent, Houston Co, 3, DB; 7-28 Young America, Carver Co, 2 ad+ 6y, DB ; 8- 11 LaCrescent, Houston Co, 1, VL.
1968FallSummer nesting Ramsey 7 y, 9-21 2 y BL.
1969Spring5-3 (3) Houston Co., FL; 5-17 Houston Co., BT.
1969Summeronly record, 7-24 Winona, 7,'BT.
1969Fall9-21 Winona BTV.
1970Spring2 birds each on 5-9 and 5-16 Houston Co. FL, BL; only reports.
1970Summernested in july at LaCrescent, Houston Co. (7 y) and at Whitewater, Winona Co. (6 y) BTV.
1971Springonly 3 reports FL; 5-25 Hennepin KJG; 5-27 Hennepin DB. Coot: early south 3-14 Goodhue, Winona KE, PE and Dakota KJG; 3-19 Olmsted FS; early north 4-7 Marshall AR; 4-9 Clearwater RCD and Crow Wing JB.
1971Summernested in Stearns and Hennepin; only reports.
1971Fall4 reports KG; 10-2 Cyrus, Pope Co., RBJ; 10-12 Hennepin (3) PE.
1972Summernested in Hennepin, Houston; seen also in Ramsey.
1973Summer Nested in Houston; seen in Anoka.
1973Fall Reported from 8-21 through 9-22 (23 individuals) in Houston by (KRE, FL, RBJ). Also, one report on 10-14 Lake R. Kohlbry.
1974Spring Only 3 reports: 5-2 Houston (2) FL; 5-5 Hennepin (1) VL; 5-5 Stearns (1 dead) NMH.
1974Summer Nested at the La Crescent marshes, Houston Co.; no other reports.
1974Fall 8-24 Houston (11) FL; 9-14 Sibley KG; 9-24 Houston KBZ.
1975Spring 1 report: 4-26 Houston (1) FL.
1975Fall9-15 Hennepin ES; and 10-27 Wabasha DWM.
1976Spring 4 reports: 5-9 Anoka (1) KL· 5-16 Houston and Hennepin (2) BB: 5-29 ' Houston (7) DGW.
1976Summernested in Houston (La Crescent); also seen by many for the second year in a row at Wood L., Richfield, Hennepin Co.; also seen in Kandiyohi (7-17, Sunburg, OJ) and Stearns (Linneman L., 6-10, NH); there have been very few reports in recent years away from La Crescent.
1976Fall 3 reports: 8-7 Houston RJ, 9-8, 9-10 Anoka PKL, 9-12, 10-3 Hennepin MM.
1977Spring 9 reports: 5-3 Hennepin AJ, VL; 5-15 Houston TS; 5-21, 5-24 Washington DGW and Anoka (1) KLF; 5-29 Houston KE; 5-29 Houston FL; 5-31 Washington RJ.
1977Summer Nested in Houston (La Crescent), Washington (6-13, Oakdale Twp., 4 young, EC, DGW), Ramsey (6-27, 2 young, JF) and Hennepin (7-28 to 7-30, Wood L., 3 broods, BE, RJ); also reported in Anoka (Carlos Avery W.M.A., KL); more reports than usual for the second summer in a row.
1977Fall Reported from 8-5 to 10-2 Washington (BL, DGW); until 8-20 Anoka (KL), and 8-7 to 9-14 Hennepin (LJF, BE).
1978Spring 5-21, 5-31 Washington DW, RBJ.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Houston (LaCrescent); also seen in Washington, Anoka and Ramsey.
1979Spring 5-11 Ramsey BDC, 5-12 Cottonwood LJF, 5-16 Hennepin RA, 5-18 Stearns NH, 5-27 Anoka KL, 5-28 Houston GS.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Todd (Lake Osakis, NMH), Anoka; also seen in Wright, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Nicollet, Houston.
1979Fall 8-7 Anoka RJ, 8-20 Houston DGW, 8-22 Wabasha WDM, 9-8 Washington SC, 9-9 Ramsey DGW, 9-24 Wabasha WDM, 10-5 Wabasha WDM.
1980Spring 5-17 Houston KG, 5-18 Ramsey BL; only reports.
1980Summer Breeding in Todd (Lake Osakis); also seen in Anoka, Wabasha, Houston.
1980Fall 8-8 Nicollet JCF, 10-5 Wabasha WDM, 10-10 Dakota JD, 10-14 Wabasha WDM.
1981Spring 5-2 Hennepin RA, 5-15 SM, 5-19 Mower RRK, 5-26 Anoka GP.
1981Summer Seen in Anoka (Carlos Avery), Scott (Fisher Lake), Houston (Reno).
1981Fall 10-12, 13, 15 Wabasha! (6) WDM, only report.
1982Spring 4-28 Olmsted BE, 5-12 Wabasha DWM, 5:'!7 Hennepin ES.
1982Summer Seen in Hennepin (Minn. River Valley NWR), Aitkin (Rice Lake NWR), Marshall (Agassiz NWR).
1982Fall 8/13, 9/10 Nicollet JCF.
1983Spring Reported 5/1 Mille Lacs MLWMA, 5/28 Houston KJ.
1983Summer Seen in Houston, Hennepin, MAHNO MEN (one, 7/9, east of Waubun, D. Vosick) .
1983Fall 8/23 Houston (I ad., 4 juv.) FL, 8/28 Chisago (3) RG, 9/26 Wabasha DWM, 9/27 Hennepin (2) JD -all reports.
1984Spring 5/9 Hennepin SC, 5/13 ES, 5/19 Houston AB. Wabasha BL, DZ, 5/23 Cottonwood WH, 5/26 Houston DGW, 5/26 and 27 KE -all reports.
1984Summerseen in Anoka, Hennepin, Houston and Watonwan (7/l RJ).
1984Fall 8/28 to 8/30 Wabasha (2 ad., 5 y.) WDM, 9/29 Watonwan (3) RJ.
1985Spring All reports: 5/6 Hennepin (I) SC, 5/9 Wabasha WDM, 5/17 Carver (I) KL, 5/26 Scott TTu, 5/28 Marshall (I) ANWR.
1985Summer Nested in Sherburne (Clear Lake, RJ), Brown (Linden Lake, JP/AM). Also seen in Marshall (Agassiz NWR, JM), Anoka, Wabasha.
1985Fall All reports: 8/1-817 Isanti (one ad., two y.) RJ, KL, 9/18-9121 Wabasha (4) WDM.
1986Spring All reports: 4/28 Wabasha WDM, 5/7 Washington (1) JD, 5/8 (1) RG, 5/23 Ramsey RJ, 5/26 Hennepin fide SC, 5/27 Agassiz NWR, Marshall Co. (1) KE.
1986Summer Seen only at Wood Lake, Hennepin Co.
1987Spring All reports: 5/14 Goodhue RG, 5/17-18 Wabasha (3) AP
1987Summer Seen in Wright and Hennepin.
1987Fall All reports: 8/22 - 9/9 Wright (max. 3) m.ob., 9/3 Wabasha (3) AP.
1988Spring 5!30 Blue Earth MF; only report.
1988Summer Nesting in Todd (L. Osakis, two adults with five young on 7/24, KE). Seen also at Agassiz NWR, Marshall Co. (6/ 1, JM), Anoka, Hennepin, Steele.
1988Fall One report: 8/8 Anoka (1) OS.
1989Spring All reports: 4/29 and 5/27 Kellogg, Wabasha Co. m.ob., 5/27 Houston KE, 5/29 Weaver, Wabasha Co. (2) m.ob. and Winona (2) fide AP.
1989Summer Probable nesting in Houston; also seen in Winona, Blue Earth, plus 6/27 Polk AB.
1989Fall All reports: 8/6-28 Anoka (2) GP, SC, 8/30 Winona (2) CS.
1990Summer Only report: nested in Houston.
1991Spring All reports: 5/4-5 Wabasha (max 8) AB, PS, 5/1 l Houston FL, 5/20-22 RiceTB, PB.
1991Summer Observed in Martin, Rice, Meeker, Winona.
1991Fall All reports: 8/3-11 Anoka (two adults, two young) TT, KB, EL, 8/24 Winona CS, 9/4 Sherburne N. W. R.
1992Spring All reports: 5/17–30 La Crescent, Houston County KE, mob, 5/25 Winona CS.
1992Summer Observed in Wright, Cottonwood, Blue Earth.
1992Fall All reports: 8/1 Chippewa RG, RJ, 8/15–22 Cottonwood, Lyon County PE et al.
1993Spring All reports: 5/4–5/11 Houston FS, JB, 5/6 Steele KB, 5/16 Winona CS, 5/20 Winona KB.
1993Summer Nested in Anoka (Carlos Avery WMA); also seen in Rice, Winona, 7/27 Stevens (fide PB).
1993Fall Only reports from Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area from 8/19–8/28 mob. Downy young seen in late August.
1994Spring All reports: 5/2 Winona CS, 5/10 Cottonwood ED, 5/20 Anoka DBM, 5/22 Winona CS, 5/24 Sibley RG.
1994Summer Nested in Anoka, probable nesting in Houston; also seen in Hennepin, Blue Earth, Faribault.
1994Fall All reports: 8/27–9/28 Wood Lake Nature Center, Hennepin Co. (max 2) mob, Anoka (no dates) mob, 9/10 Winona JW, 9/25 Wright (3) ES.
1995Spring All reports: 4/25 Carver MB, 4/28 Hennepin TT, 5/7–14 Winona CS, JW. Number of reports down from last year.
1995Summer Reported from Nicollet, Winona, Houston.
1996Spring Number of reports up. Early south 5/3 Winona CS, 5/10 Freeborn ABa, 5/15 Rice JL; also reported from Anoka, Hennepin, Houston. Only north report 5/31 Otter Tail (2) SDM.
1996Summer Pair seen throughout season near Fergus Falls in Otter Tail SDM; also observed in Wabasha.
1997Spring Only reports: 4/11 Winona fide AH, 4/12 Washington DS.
1997Summer Probable nesting in Wabasha; also observed in Olmsted, Winona.
1997Fall Only reports: 8/23 Wabasha KO, 8/23–24 Winona (2) CS.
1998Spring All reports: 5/19 Winona CS, (no date) Wabasha AH.
1998Summer Only report: possible nesting in Wabasha.
1998Fall No reports.
1999Spring Singles reported 5/21 Olmsted (Eastside WMA) SE, 5/22 and 5/31 Wabasha (Whitewater WMA) JLU, PS.
1999Summer New nesting record in Kandiyohi RE, RJF; also observed in Anoka, Washington, Wabasha, Houston.
1999Fall Reported through 8/5 Kandiyohi (see summer report) DF and 9/6 Anoka (family group at Carlos Avery WMA) fide AH.
2000Spring Four reports of single birds: 5/16–22+ Dakota (Vermillion Twp.) KG et al., 5/17 Kandiyohi (Prairie Woods near Willmar, same location as 1999) RE et al., 5/20 Rice (near Circle L.) TBo, 5/29 Wabasha (Whitewater WMA) MBW.
2000Summer Two reports of lone birds: 6/23–24 Wabasha (Whitewater WMA) JLU, DBz, and 7/5 Dakota (140th St. marsh, same as spring report) SEL, mob.
2000Fall Seen 8/26 – 9/3 Meeker (Minnesota L.) DMF et al., 9/4–9 Blue Earth (Beauford) DMA, RLE, MJF.
2001Spring Singles seen 5/11 Olmsted (county road 9 marsh) JJS, 5/25 Winona (Whitewater W.M.A.) CRG.
2001Summer Only report from Meeker.
2001Fall All reports: through 9/28 Meeker (pair with 7 young, Minnesota L.) DMF et al., 9/28 Nicollet (Swan L.) RWS.
2002Spring No reports.
2002Summer All reports: 6/3 and 7/1 Wabasha (Whitewater W.M.A.) PHS, JLU, 6/4 Meeker (L. Hanson) DMF, 6/16 Meeker (Minnesota L.) DMF, 7/11 Houston (no location) OWB.
2002Fall No reports.
2003Spring All reports: 5/6 Freeborn AEB, DDM, 5/12 Mower RDK, RCK, 5/16 Olmsted PWP, 5/31+ Becker (Hamden Slough N.W.R.) †RHO, m.ob (The Loon 75:235).
2003Summer Pair observed throughout the summer in Becker (Hamden Slough N.W.R., originally found 5/31 †RHO) †PHS, m.ob., followed by early August reports of adults with six young at same location. Also reported 7/27+ Hennepin (Old Cedar Avenue Bridge) BBB, m.ob.
2003Fall All reports: family group lingered through 9/15 Becker (Hamden Slough N.W.R., please see summer report), one adult found 7/27 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave., BBB) observed through 9/17 m.obs.
2004Spring All reports: 4/17 Olmsted OWB, 5/15 Winona (2 along state highway 76) KAK, 5/30+ Brown (nesting pair at Rosenau-Lambrecht W.M.A.) PRH et al., 5/31 Washington (100th St. S., east of Jamaica Ave.) PH.
2004Summer Observed 6/1–7/21 Brown (pair with 8 chicks, Rosenau-Lambrecht W.M.A.) BTS, DAB, BWF, m.ob., 7/16 Stearns (Getty Twp.) BJU.
2004Fall Progeny of nesting pair (see summer report) last seen 9/28 Brown BTS.
2005Spring All reports: 5/15 Rice TFB, 5/17 Kanabec (Rum River S.F.) †BWF, HHD, MKr, CAS, JJS.
2005Summer Record high number of reports: seen 6/19 Meeker (2 adults at East Lake Ripley) DMF, 7/16 Olmsted (East Landfill Reservoir) JWH, PWP, LS, 7/17–18 Le Sueur (Huoy L. and L. Jefferson) BJU, 7/20 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 7/27 Wright (Willma L.) DMF, 7/27+ Stearns (pair with up to six young at St. John's University) BR, HHD, m.ob.
2005Fall All reports: adult through 8/3 and six young through 8/25 Stearns (St. John's Arboretum) PCC, m.ob., adult with four young 9/3–17 Stevens (Morris) RBW.
2006Spring No reports.
2006Summer Seen in 12 coun-ties. First nesting records for Otter Tail SPM, Yellow Medicine (Miller L.) BJU. Additional first county occurrences 6/11–29 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) PCC, ph. PHS, 7/4 Swift (Lubenow W.M.A.) ph. BJU, 7/16 Big Stone (West Toqua L.) BJU. Also reported from Chippewa, Nobles, Meeker, Le Sueur, Scott, Anoka, Olmsted.
2006Fall Only north report: through 8/15 Otter Tail (pair with 4 young near New York Mills) TMc, †JMJ, SPM, m.ob. South reports from Big Stone (West Toqua L.), Lac qui Parle (Hantho W.M.A.), Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.), Waseca (max. 3 adults and 8 juveniles at Moonan Marsh, †JPS, m.ob.), Yellow Medicine (Miller Lake and Upper Sioux Agency S.P.). Last reported 10/5 Yellow Medicine BJU.
2007Spring1 Unusual location 5/29–31 St. Louis (Indian Point, Duluth) ph. LME, m.ob.
2007Summer16 Observed 6/1 St. Louis (Duluth, same bird as late May) JCG, 6/11 Watonwan (Antrim Twp.) MCBS, 6/17 Nicollet (Duck Lake) BJU, 6/25, 7/30 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 7/4 Meeker (Forest City Twp.) DMF, and throughout the season in Waseca (2, at Moonan Marsh) JPS, m.ob.
2007Fall1 At least one bird from summer at Moonan Marsh in Waseca County last reported 8/4 RMD, 8/19 JWH.
2008Spring16 All south reports: 5/8 Nicollet (Swan Lake W.M.A.) RMD, 5/11–15 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 5/16 Big Stone ASc, 5/21 Blue Earth (2, Indian Lake W.M.A.) ChH, 5/28 Meeker (Belle Lake) DMF, 5/31 Houston DPG. Only north report: 5/21–23 Otter Tail (Underwood) PEi, DST.
2008Summer1 Only record: 6/23 Meeker (East Lake Ripley) DMF.
2008Fall No reports.
2009Spring1 Only report: 5/25+ Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.) PLJ.
2009Summer2 Pair with 8 young at Sherburne N.W.R. (Big Bluestem Pool) m.ob. Only other report: 6/13 Sibley ph. MSw.
2009Fall2 Reported from two locations: 8/2–9/21 Sherburne (up to 8 individuals present at Sherburne N.W.R., likely a family group from summer season) PLJ, 10/16 Yellow Medicine LS.
2010Spring1 All reports from Lac qui Parle: 5/1 (location?) ASc, 5/7–8 Big Stone N.W.R. BJU.
2010Summer4 Seen 6/2 – 7/9 Sherburne (Big Bluestem Pool, Sherburne N.W.R.) PLJ, ASc, 6/12 – 7/3 McLeod PRH, ph. CMB, m.ob. 7/16–24 Sibley RBW, m.ob., 7/24 Houston (7, 3 ad. and 4 juv.) APa.
2010Fall4 All reports: 8/2 Houston DBz, 8/2 – 9/30 Sherburne (three immatures resulting from breeding during summer season, Sherburne N.W.R.) AXH, PLJ, ASc, 8/4 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 9/10 McLeod RZi.
2011Spring4 All reports: 4/27 Sherburne ASc, 4/30–5/3 Rice (River Bend N.C.) DAB, m.ob., 5/5 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 5/7 Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.) MJB, 5/9–10 Hennepin (Veteran's Memorial Park, Richfield) SBM, m.ob.
2011Summer4Found in Blue Earth, Brown, Lac qui Parle, Sherburne. First county breeding records for Blue Earth RMD, Nicollet (August observation) DBM.
2011Fall6 Observed south in Blue Earth (535th Ave. south of Hwy. 60), Brown (Milford Twp.), Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.), Nicollet (Swan Lake), Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.), Swift (Lubenow W.P.A.). High count 8/28 Blue Earth (8, 1 adult and 7 young) JWH, DAB. Late south 10/10 Nicollet (winter-plumaged adult) RPR (median 9/8).
2012Spring3 All south reports after recent median 5/7: 5/19 Blue Earth (Maple River W.M.A.) AnK, ChH and Houston (Blue Lake, La Crescent) WCM, 5/24–30 Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.) m.ob.
2012Summer6 Observed in Blue Earth, Dakota, Sherburne, Sibley, Wabasha, Winona. First county breeding records for Dakota (7 or 8 young) SWe, Swift (1 young, September record) DBM.
2012Fall16 Only north report: 9/10 Grant (ad. in winter plumage, North Ottawa Impoundment) DBM. High counts of 9 on 8/3 Dakota JLO and 8/5 Dakota BAF refer to 2 adults with 7 young at 180th St. Marsh; last reported there 9/28 GJM, well past the recent south median 9/8. Also reported south in Sherburne (Big Bluestem Pool, Sherburne N.W.R.), Stevens (Morris Wetland District auto loop), Swift (Lubenow W.P.A.), Wabasha (Whitewater W.M.A.), Wright (Peyton Ave. SW).
2013Spring4 All reports: 5/13 Winona (Bartlet Lake) DBz, m.ob., 5/15 and 5/18 Houston (Mound Prairie Marsh) ANy, DBz, MGo, JWH, HHD, 5/21 and 5/26 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) ASd, DLP, 5/26 Sherburne DWK.
2013Summer5 Nested again in Sherburne. First county breeding record for Freeborn RPR. Also seen in Blue Earth, Nicollet, Winona.
2013Fall2 Only reports were of one or two juveniles in Nicollet (Swan Lake, north boat access) 8/13 (2) through 9/3 (1) MiO, m.ob. and 10/5 Winona (2, Praire Island Campground) ph. JIs (median 9/8).
2014Spring3Found 5/8+ Sherburne (3, Sherburne N.W.R., Big Bluestem Pool where this species has been found annually since 2009) TLa, ph. JlB, ph. JPR, m.ob., 5/11+ Wabasha (2, Whitewater W.M.A., Dorer Pools) DBz, ANy, m.ob., 5/17 Fillmore (Kapper's Pond) JWH, ph. CWG, RMD, BWF, ChH.
2014Summer5Seen in Dakota, Sherburne, Washington, Winona, Wright. First county breeding from Wabasha (August record) ANy.
2014Fall15 Only north reports were 8/20–9/8 Todd (2 adults and max. 5 juveniles, Long Prairie, Imperial Rd.) ph. †BWF, m.ob. South reports 8/1–9/12 Sherburne (max. 3 ad. and 5 juv., second nesting this year at Big Bluestem Pool) PLJ, PMJ, JlB, m.ob.; 8/2–4 Washington (1 ad. and 3 juv., Paul Hugo Farms W.M.A.) MJB, JWH, m.ob.; 8/6 Nicollet (2, Swan Lake, north access) RBW; 8/8 Meeker (1 ad. and 2 juv., Poplar W.M.A.) MJB; 8/19 Wabasha (1 ad. and 4 juv., Whitewater W.M.A., Dorer Pools) ANy.
2015Spring3 All south 5/8–13 Olmsted (Kalmar Reservoir) ph. JPr, m.ob., 5/20 Dakota (180th St. Marsh) DVe, AlV, 5/23 Sherburne (Orrock) THl, VDo.
2015Summer3 Observed in Houston, Nicollet, Wabasha.
2015Fall4 All south 8/8 Wright (Albion W.M.A.) MJB, 8/9 Houston (2, La Crescent) ToL, 9/25, 10/1 Nicollet (Swan Lake W.M.A., adult) MiO, 10/24 Anoka (Carlos Avery W.M.A., Pool 5) REH.
2016Spring12 One north report 5/31 Grant (Niemacki Lake Park) †JFl. All south reports: 5/7–9 Hennepin (Wood Lake N.C.) †TJo, †CMB, m.ob., 5/21 Wabasha (3, Whitewater W.M.A.) SHo.
2016Summer No reports.
2016Fall No reports.
2017Spring11 All reports 5/27–28 Houston (La Crescent) ph. KRE, m.ob., 5/29 Todd (West Union Lake) LiH.
2017Summer17 Seen in Grant, Houston, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, Nicollet, Stevens, Wabasha, Washington. First county breeding record 7/18 Stevens WPl.
2017Fall14 One north report 8/12 Todd (Quistdorff W.M.A.) AaL, m.ob. Four south reports were of family groups continuing from the summer: through 8/5 Houston (2, Shepard’s Marsh) MJB, through 8/19 Kandiyohi (7, two adults with five young at Olson Wetland Restoration) KnM, m.ob., through 8/27 Stevens (3 juveniles, Alberta Marsh W.M.A.) DWK, HCT, PEB, through 9/25 Nicollet (max. 5, one adult and four young at Swan Lake) HHD, MiO, m.ob.
2018Spring7 All south 4/30–5/6 Cottonwood (C.R. 16, Mountain Lake) JuJ, m.ob., 5/5–12 Wabasha (2, Whitewater W.M.A.) JWH, m.ob., 5/6 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) KRo, 5/8 Wright (Albion W.M.A.) HHD, ToL, 5/12–21 Chippewa KRE, m.ob., 5/13–15 Freeborn (Arrowhead Point C.P.) RAE, HHD, 5/22 Cottonwood (Bat Lake) DAk, 5/26–28 Sherburne (Big Bluestem Pool) JCC, RCl.
2018Summer110 Seen in scattered locations in central regions and South-central, Southeast. New county record 7/8 Traverse LiH.
2018Fall6 All south 8/2–9/2 Brown (5, two adults and three chicks, 2/5th St.) MiO, m.ob., 8/4–9/14 Kandiyohi (max. 5, one adult and four chicks, Olson wetland) RAE, GHo, 8/7–8 Faribault (390th Ave./150th St.) WAF, m.ob., 8/8 Freeborn (Arrowhead Point C.P.) RAE, MJB, 8/8–12 Watonwan (rural Lewisville) MiO, STa, 8/12 Steele (Ellendale wetland) HCT.
2019Summer8 Seen in Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Houston, Kandiyohi, Rice, Sibley, Steele, Waseca, Watonwan. First county breeding records: 7/24 Carver WCM, 8/4 Waseca PSu.
 Breeds locally south. State designation: Special Concern.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.