Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Warblers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Warblers
Worm-eating Warbler
Louisiana Waterthrush
Northern Waterthrush
Golden-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
[Golden-winged Warbler X Blue-winged Warbler]
[Lawrence's Warbler]
[Brewster's Warbler]
Black-and-white Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Connecticut Warbler
MacGillivray's Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Kentucky Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler
American Redstart
Kirtland's Warbler
Cape May Warbler
Cerulean Warbler
Northern Parula
Magnolia Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Palm Warbler
Pine Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
[Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)]
[Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)]
Yellow-throated Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Townsend's Warbler
Hermit Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Canada Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
Painted Redstart

Common Yellowthroat(Geothlypis trichas)
1930SummerA yellowthroat was observed building on May 18th, near Shakopee, by Stanley Stein and Leander Fischer• The first completed nest, eon~aining five eggs, was found by the writer near Ebteelsior, on June 1st. Marius Morse located a nest with three young, one a Brown-headed Cowbird, at Robbinsdale on June 26th.
1931SummerA nest with four eggs on June 14th (S~ey Stein, and another with one egg and two additional eggs of the cowbird, on June 15th (Alden Risser).
1932SummerA nest with 5 eggs was found on June 5th (Breckenridge). The young in another nest left their home when approached on June 23rd by Robert Upson.
1933Summer Thre" nests were found. Tho first was discovered by Eisele and Hansen near Minneapolis on June 2nd, whon tho contents were. 4 eggs. Heimenz found a nest no:ll' st. Cloud on June 8th which held 5 eggs, and the last was repated by Eisele~ who found it near Minneapolis on Juno 11th, on which date it containEid 4 eggs.. · ·
1934Summer The earliest nests of this species were found in t,.,o localities on June 8th. Near Cross Lake a nest with 5 trash egga was found by Hiemenz, while another nest with 4 eggs was found by M:r. and Mrs. Swedenborg. The latest was found June 17th n.t Linuood• where / severell nests of this bird wore found by the Club o~:podition (see Ust under BOB-WHITE). One of these held 5 eggs o.nd another 1 egg and ' young of various sizes, the smallest just emerging laboriously from the egg.
1935Summer The June 15th trip to Linwood Lake produced 2 nests. Evans, Prosser, Risser, Swedenborg and Upson saw a nest with J eggs, and Carlander reports a second which had 2 Common Yellowthroat eggs and a Covrbird egg.
1936Summer On June 7th Alden Risser and George Rysgaard found three nests near Long Meadow~ The nests held five eggs, four eggs, and a Brown-headed Cowbird's egg, and one egg and three young respectively. The club members discovered a nest at Linwood Lake June 14th which held two eggs. w. J. Breckenridge located t\lO nests. A nest found in Hennepin County on June 15th held four eggs; a nest in Anoka County on July 2nd held three eggs •
1937SummerJune Io-Nest, 4 eggs (Sw~denborg). June 29-Nest, 3 eggs of yellowthroat, I of cowbird. Sturgeon Lake (Rysgaard).
1943SummerJune 8, 4 eggs, Winona. Bros. Lewis and Pius.
1944Summer2. June 21, three young, St. Paul, Brother Hubert and Brother Pius. July 17, adult feeding young cowbird, Park Rapids, Eastman.
1945Summeroven-bird, western meadowlark 2, prothonotary warbler, myrtle warbler, phoebe.
1946SummerYoung just out, June 26, Ramsey Co., Bro. Hubert; -1 young out, Aug. 12, Ramsey Co., Alma Chesley; 5 eggs, June 9, Ramsey Co., Longley and Harrell.
1947Summer4 eggs, July 16, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis 4 young, Aug. 12, St. Paul, Chesley.
1964Spring5-7 Stearns Co, RPR; 5-5 Hennepin Co, MAS; 5-9 Wright Co, EC; 5-6 Ramsey Co, ELC; 5-5 Washington Co, DH; 5-5 Rochester, JPF; 5-3 Ramsey Co, ACR; 5-3 Duluth, DM; 5-2 Wabasha Co, RBJ.
1964Summer UNDERTAIL COVERTS July 1 singing intensity and frequency were noticeably reduced. Towards evening and under overcast skies this also occurred. The song was usually soften· ed in volume, shortened to three and a half or four notes, and lessened in fre· quency. During its most intense sing ing periods, I timed the song intervals at twelve to fifteen seconds and up to eighty.five songs in a series. In the slower periods, the intervals remained the same but a series rarely exceeded ten. Singing perches were usually obvious vantage points located anywhere from a bush two feet off the ground to a dead cottonwood thirty feet up; on the whole they were used quite consistently. One peculiar habit connected with
1964Fall10-2 Hibbing, HM; 10-5 Washington Co, 10-7 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 10-9 Duluth, JCG.
1966Springearliest 4-23 Dakota Co, MIG; 5-4 Crow Wing Co, MSB; 5-5 Minneapolis, VL and Winona, GD, GG, FV.
1967Springearly 4-10 Hennepin Co., MEH; next 5-1 Washington Co., WWL; 5-9 Nobles Co., HSH; 5-10 Stevens Co., JAH, Hennepin Co., DB, Olmsted Co., JPF, CMJ, Ramsey Co., RJC and Carver Co., VL.
1967Fall latest 9-29 Minneapolis, VL; 9-30 Stearns Co., KE; 10-5 Anoka Co., PE; 10-11 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA.
1968Spring early 5-2 Anoka Co., WHL; 5-7 Morrison Co., LSR, Minneapolis, FN/MAS and Fargo-Moorhead, fide EGA; 5-8 Minneapolis, DB, KP; 5-9 Cottonwood Co., LAF and Minneapolis, EHH.
1968Summer nested in Anoka, Mille Lacs, Washington Co's; also reported from Stearns, Hubbard, Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Pine Clearwater, Morrison, Pope, Sherburn~, Crow Wing, Carlton, W~ight, Hennepin, Cottonwood, Carver, R1ce, Goodhue, Nobles, Swift, Lyon, Wabasha, Beltrami, Winona Co's.
1969Spring4-23 Hennepin, EFH; 5-3 Dakota Co., RBJ; 5-5 Mille Lacs Co., MI; 5-9 Morrison Co., LSR; 5-24 (15) Duluth, PBH.
1973Summer Reports from 40 counties.
1973FallReported from ten counties. Also 11-10 St. Louis (GN) (very unusual; probably the latest on record.)
1974Spring Early south 4-24 Mower DS; 5-2 Swift HH; 5-4 Stearns NMH; early north 5-11 Clay LCF; 5-22 Mille Lacs MI; 5-14 Crow Wing TS.
1974Summer Nested in Hennepin, LeSueur, Pipestone, Rock; also reported from 39 other counties.
1974Fall Late north 10-6 Marshall AR; 10-12 Mille Lacs MI; late south 10-5 Rock KE; 10-12 Cottonwood LF; 10-13 Rock KE.
1975Spring Early south 5-1 Hennepin OW. JC, DY, and Rock KE; 5-2 Hennepin ETS, PVK; early north 5-8 Morrison LSR; 5-10 Mille Lacs MI; 5-11 Mille Lacs LP.
1975Summer Reported from 41 counties.
1975Falllate north 9-26 Morrison LSR; 9-28 Marshall SV; late south 9-28 Dakota DGW; 10-3 Goodhue CF; 11-2 Hennepin KE, RJ, PE, JG.
1976Spring Early south 4-28 Yellow Medicine GO; 4-30 Goodhue RBJ; 5-5 Mower RKJ; early north 4-28 St. Louis DS; 5-4 Cass HH; 5-10 Lake ME. Y.ELLOW-BREASTED CHAT 2 reports: 5-12 (1) KE and 5-25 (1) GO both from Blue Mounds State Park, Rock Co.
1976Summernested in St. Louis, Le Sueur and Lincoln; also reported from 40 other counties.
1976Fall Late north 10-6 Marshall, 10-11 Wilkin; late. south 10-3 Wright, 10-16 Rock, 10-31 Hennepin MM.
1977Spring Early south 5-5 Ramsey WL; 4 reports on 5-6; early north 5-6 Crow Wing TS and Otter Tail SM; 5-7 Wilkin GO, GEW.
1977Summer Nested in Anoka and Olmsted; also reported from 31 other counties throughout the state; fewer reports than usual.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Beltrami; also seen throughout the state.
1978Fall Late north 9-15 Clay LCF; late south 11-25 Houston RJ, OJ, FL.
1979Spring Early south 5-5 Rice LB, Washington JD, DR; early north 5-13 Beltrami JM.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Lake, Marshall, Stearns, Lac qui Parle, Anoka, Olmsted; also seen in 30 other counties throughout the state.
1979Fall Late north 9-26 St. Louis JG, DA, KMH, 10-4 Pennington KSS; late south 10-2 Hennepin RJ, 10-3 Houston EMF.
1980Spring Early south 4-29 Hennepin SE, 4-30 Dakota KG; early north 5-14 Marshall ANWR, 5-15 Lake SW, Pennington TSS.
1980Summer Breeding reported from St. Louis; seen also throughout the state.
1980Fall Late north 9-27 Wilkin GW, 10-1 St. Louis JG; late south 10-3 Carver RJ, Hennepin SC, 10-4 Goodhue BL, Hennepin ES.
1981Spring Early south 4-28 Washington DS, 5-3 Blue Earth JCF, Lyon HK, Mower RRK, Wright DCF, 5-4 Wabasha DWM; early north 5-6 Polk KSS, St. Louis KE, 5-8 Clearwater JP, 5-9 Aitkin WN, JB, TS, Marshall FDS.
1981Summer Breeding data from Lake of the Woods, Lyon, Le Sueur. Seen in 53 other counties throughout the state.
1981Fall Late north 10-3 Aitkin WN, 10-6 St. Louis KE; late south 10-10 Freeborn BL, RJ, 10-12 Hennepin SC.
1982Spring Early south 5-7 Martin EBK, 5-8 Anoka JLH, Goodhue BDC, Hennepin SC, Olmsted JEB, BE, Washington RH, 5-9 Goodhue DGW, Hennepin RJ, ES, Houston JPI AM, Rice KJ, Washington TBB; early north 5-10 Clay LCF, 5-11 Mille Lacs CF I KB, 5-14 St. Louis JG.
1982Summer Breeding data from Clearwater, Hubbard, Mille Lacs. Seen throughout the state.
1982Fall Late north 9/20 Cook KMH, 9/25 Wadena AB, 9/26 Pennington KSS; late south 10/4 Wright ES, 10/7 Hennepin SC, 10/13 Traverse RJ.
1982Winter One present at a Wright Co. feeder on 12/28 (GS). Details in The Loon 55:33.
1983Spring Early south 5/1 Washington OS, 5/5 Cottonwood WH, Murray AD, 5/6 Brown JSp, Dakota JD, Houston EMF, Nicollet JCF, Sherburne EHISS ; early north 5/9 Clay LCF, 5/10 Mille Lacs MLWMA, St. Louis TL, 5/11 Crown Wing JB.
1983Summer Breeding data from Clearwater, Hubbard, Aitkin, Mille Lacs. Also seen in 40 other counties throughout the state.
1983Fall Late north I016 St. Louis KE, I019 St. Louis HRNR, 10/13 Cook KMH; late south 10/14 Dakota MW, 10/16 Brown JSp, 11/15 Nicollet JCF.
1984Spring Early south 4/27 Anoka SC, 4/28 Yellow Medicine HK, 4/29 Ramsey BL; early north 5/10 Otter Tail SDM, St. Louis KE, 5/12 Polk AB, 5/13 Aitkin WN.
1984Summernested in Clearwater, Anoka, Ramsey and Le Sueur; also seen in 50 other counties.
1984Fall Late north I0/21 Cook KE, I0/22 Cook KMH, IIIII St. Louis fide KE; late south 10/5 Chippewa AB, 10/8 Dakota SC, 10/9 Martin EBK.
1985Spring Early south 5/2 Lyon HK, Ramsey KB, 5/3 Hennepin DB!, Dodge RJ, Hennepin SC; early north 5/9 Clay LCF, Morrison NH, 5!10 Wilkin GAM, 5/11 Becker MBW.
1985Summer Nested in Cook, Morrison (NH), Washington, Ramsey, Murray; probable nesting in Clay, Pope, Kanabec, Nobles. Seen in 44 other counties throughout the state. Most widely reported warbler.
1985Fall Late north 9/22 Otter Tail SDM, 9/23 Clay LCF, 10/19 Cook BL, KMH; late south 10/1 Brown JS, 10/3 Ramsey KB, 11/1 Hennepin TTu.
1986Spring Early south 4/26 Blue Earth RJ, 5/3 Hennepin OJ, 5/4 Blue Earth MF, Hennepin SC, TTu, Ramsey KB; early north 5/4 Hubbard JL, 5/5 St. Louis fide KE, 5/5 Clay LCF.
1986Fall Late north 9/14 Clay LCF and Duluth TM, 10/12 Cook GS; late south 10/5 Olmsted PP, 10/7 Brown JS, 10/26 Lyon HK.
1987Spring Early south 5/5 Hennepin SC, KR, 5/6 Ramsey KB, 5/7 Dakota TT; early north 5/14 AitkinWN, Marshall ANWR, St. Louis KE and Wadena DB, 5/15 Beltrami TK, St. Louis AE and Wadena AB, 5/16 Douglas TM.
1987Summer Nested in Clearwater, Brown (JSp); probable nesting in Anoka, Le Sueur. Also seen in 57 other counties throughout the state.
1987Fall Late north 10/3 Itasca DB, 10/10 Aitkin WN, 10/18 St. Louis KE; late south 10/4 Murray NO, lOil i Dakota DZ, 10/14 Hennepin SC.
1987Winter Fifth December record, Hennepin County at the Wood Lake Nature Center 12/23 (SC).
1988Spring Early south 5/6 Dakota TT, Hennepin AB, Olmsted BSE and Ramsey RH; early north 5/10 Marshall ANWR, 5/11 Pennington SKS, 5/14CiayLCF, OtterTail SDM and Todd PH.
1988Summer Nested in Anoka; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Aitkin, St. Louis, Brown. Seen in 61 other counties statewide.
1988Fall Late north 10/I Clearwater AB, 10/2 Clay LCF, 10/16 St. Louis TBB; late south 9/30 Olmsted JB, Pipestone JP, Ramsey RH, 10/1 Brown JS, 10/8 Hennepin SC.
1989Spring Early south 5/4 Murray ND, 5/5 Cottonwood ED, Hennepin SC, Houston EMF, AP, Mower JM, Ramsey AB; early north 4/27 St. Louis AE, 5/6 Becker BK, 5/7 Polk SKS, 5/10 Todd PH.
1989Summer Probable nesting in Becker, Todd, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, LeSueur. Seen in 60 other counties statewide.
1989Fall Late north 9/23 Lake DPV, 9/24 St. Louis PS, 9/29 Cook KMH; late south 10/3 Brown JS, Hennepin SC, 10/4 Winona CS, 10/7 Wabasha BL.
1990Spring Early south 4/30 Dakota JD, 5/6 Mower JM, 5/7 Ramsey KH; early north 5/11 Clay LCF, 5/13 Becker BK, 5/15 St. Louis KE.
1990Summer Nested in Anoka; probable nesting in Becker, Hubbard, Washington, Le Sueur. Seen in 56 other counties statewide.
1990Fall Late north 9/27 Clay MO, 10/8 Lake DPV, 10/19 Cook KMH; late south 9/30 Dodge AB, 10/3 Hennepin GP, 10/8 Hennepin SC.
1991Spring Early south 4/30 Rock NO, 5/1 Mower RRK, 5/3 Houston JM; early north 5/9 Clay LCF, Otter Tail SDM, 5/10 Hubbard JL.
1991Summer Fewer reports than in past seven years. Probable nesting in Clearwater, Crow Wing, Kandiyohi; seen in 48 other counties.
1991Fall Late north 10/1 Cook KMH, 10/26 St. Louis TW; late south 10/6 Ramsey KB, 10/7 Olmsted AP, Winona CS.
1992Spring Early south 5/2 Hennepin TT, Houston EMF, Murray ND, Ramsey AB, EL and Winona CS, 5/3 Dakota JD; early north 5/8 Becker BBe and Roseau MCBS.
1992Summer Nested in Marshall, Crow Wing JS/MN; probable nesting in Morrison, Le Sueur. Seen in 50 other counties statewide.
1992Fall Late north 10/1 St. Louis SC, 10/2 Lake DPV; late south 11/14 Hennepin SC, 11/27 Hennepin TT.
1993Spring Early south 5/2 Dakota KB and Winona AM, CS, 5/3 Lyon HK, Wabasha CS and Washington PC. Early north 5/5 Becker BBe, 5/7 Clay LCF.
1993Summer Probable nesting in six counties; observed in 46 additional counties statewide.
1993Fall Late north 9/26 St. Louis KB, TW, 9/28 Cook KMH. Late south 10/16 Sherburne RB, 10/26 Hennepin SC.
1994Spring Early south 4/23 Lac qui Parle RB, 5/6 Olmsted JBo; early north 5/8 St. Louis ME/SK, 5/12 St. Louis AE.
1994Summer Fewest reports since 1983. Nested in Winona JPo; probable nesting in Cass, Crow Wing, Cook, Kandiyohi, Brown. Seen in 38 additional counties statewide.
1994Fall Late north 9/26 Roseau KB, 9/27 Carlton LW. Late south 11/22 Dakota RG, 11/24 Hennepin SC, JBe.
1994Winter One reported on 12/5 at the Bass Ponds, Hennepin Co. RG, mob. Only the sixth December record.
1995Spring Early south 5/7 Brown JW, 5/8 Pipestone ND; early north 5/7 Douglas SW, 5/13 Becker BBe, 5/14 Aitkin CB.
1995Summer Nested in St. Louis, Winona; probable nesting in five counties. Seen in 43 other counties throughout state.
1995Fall Late north 9/27 Cook KMH, RJ, 10/3 St. Louis DV. Late south 10/7 Goodhue BL, 10/11 Hennepin SC, 10/14 Scott WM.
1996Spring Early south 5/4 Rice TBo, 5/7 Pipestone JP, 5/11 Goodhue JSt, DZ. Early north 5/7 Clearwater MN, 5/16 Beltrami SCM, GS.
1996Summer Nested in Becker BBe, Rice; probable nesting in four counties. Seen in 55 additional counties statewide.
1996Fall Late north 10/9 Clay MRN, 11/2 (second latest north date) Lake mob. Late south 9/28 Ramsey RH and Washington WL, 10/13 Hennepin SC.
1997Spring Early south 5/5 Olmsted DA, BE, 5/7 Rice TBo, 5/9 Cottonwood ED and Fillmore NO. Early north 5/12 Clay RO, DWi, 5/17 Aitkin WN, 5/18 Kanabec BA and Wadena PBi.
1997Summer Observed in 58 counties statewide. New nesting record in Dakota SWe; probable breeding in Kanabec, Anoka, Lyon, Murray, and Rice.
1997Fall Late north 9/21 Aitkin WN and Lake DV, 9/27 St. Louis CM, 9/30 Beltrami DJo. Late south 10/4 Lyon RgS, 10/22 Hennepin PBu.
1997Winter Reported 12/13–15 Hennepin TT, JPo.
1998Spring Early south 5/8 Hennepin TT and Rice TBo, 5/9 five additional reports. Early north 4/22 (ties earliest north date) Becker BBe, 5/12 Aitkin WN, 5/13 Cass EP.
1998Summer Reported in 60 counties statewide. New nesting record in McLeod RbS; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Dakota, Freeborn, Fillmore.
1998Fall Late north 9/27 Aitkin CB, 9/28 Clearwater PBD, 9/29 St. Louis CB. Late south 10/9 Hennepin TT, 10/25 Hennepin SC.
1999Spring Arrived south on time, but arrived north three days earlier than usual. Early south 5/3 in four counties, then many reports 5/4, 5/5, 5/6. Early north 5/5 Clay RO and Beltrami DJo, 5/6 Carlton LW.
1999Summer Observed in 57 counties statewide; new nesting record in Cass JS/MN.
1999Fall Late north 9/27 Clay DDC, 10/9 Cook KMH, 10/30–31 Cook DBM, WM. Late south 10/6 Meeker DF, 10/22 Chippewa ABo, 10/31 Brown JSp.
2000Spring Seen in 30 south and 22 north counties statewide. Early south (median 5/4) 4/28 McLeod DF, 4/30 Meeker DF, then 5/3. Arrived north on time, where first seen 5/7 in two counties.
2000Summer Most reports since 1986. Seen in 67 counties statewide; new nesting records in Itasca DRM, and Jackson AXH.
2000Fall Reported from four north counties on 9/23–24, but then only 11/22 St. Louis (latest north date; recently deceased bird in downtown Duluth) JoH. Latest south 10/24 Mower RRK, 11/17 Rice TFB (median 10/26).
2001Spring Seen in 38 south and 22 north counties statewide. Early south 4/29 Mower RNS, 4/30 in six counties. Arrived north 5/1 St. Louis SPM, DKM, 5/6 Aitkin, Clay.
2001Summer Seen in 54 counties statewide; new nesting record in Clay GEN.
2001Fall High count 9/16 Anoka (58) KJB. Late north 9/22 Carlton LAW and Lake JJS, 10/13 St. Louis TAT. Late south 10/11 Isanti REH, 11/9 Hennepin TAT.
2002Spring Seen in 38 south and 24 north counties. Early south 5/1 Nicollet MJF, 5/4 in seven counties. Early north (median 5/7) 4/28 Wadena PJB, then no reports until 5/11 Clay, Kanabec, Morrison and Otter Tail.
2002Summer Seen in 67 counties statewide; new nesting record in Yellow Medicine RJS.
2002Fall Late north 10/19 Polk PHS, 10/20 Aitkin SLC, 10/30 Lake JWL. Late south 10/8 Anoka RBJ, 10/12 Hennepin DWK, 11/9 Hennepin †SLC (two weeks later than median south late date 10/26).
2003Spring Seen in 30 south and 18 north counties. Early south 5/3 Anoka KJB, 5/4 Hennepin DWK and Waseca JJS, peak migration 5/10–17 (39 reports from 21 south counties). Early north 5/9 Wilkin KJB, 5/10 in four counties.
2003Summer Observed in 62 counties statewide.
2003Fall Highest reported count 9/15 St. Louis (50 at Park Point, Duluth) SCB, PHS. Frequent north reports through 9/22, then only 10/5 Beltrami DPJ, 10/12 Lake JWL, 11/8 Lake JPM (median 10/13). All south reports after 9/25 were from the Twin Cities, where last reported 10/4 Dakota SWe, 10/3-7 Hennepin DWK, SLC, TAT.
2004Spring Seen in 30 south and 25 north counties. Early south 5/4 Brown JEB, 5/5 Mower JEM, peak migration 5/8–12 (17 south counties). Early north 5/6 Becker BRK, 5/9 St. Louis JWL. Highest reported count 5/28 Kittson (60) AXH, PHS.
2004Summer Seen in 57 counties statewide.
2004Fall Reported from all regions except Southwest. Only two north reports from October: 10/3 St. Louis ALE and 10/7 Cook JWL. Frequent south reports through 9/25, then four October reports from four counties, latest10/10 Brown JSS. Both north and south departure dates well before medians.
2005Spring Found in 39 south and 28 north counties. Early south 5/5 Freeborn AEB, 5/6 Meeker DMF, LeSueur DPS, Rice DAB. Early north 5/7 Beltrami BJU, 5/9 Mille Lacs ASc and St. Louis MTA, 5/10 Clay DPJ and Pine JMP.
2005Summer Most reports ever: found in 72 counties throughout the state.
2005Fall Reported in all regions of the state. Second-highest fall count 8/17 Pine (50) MCA. Late north 10/14 Pine JMP, 10/15 Lake MTA. Late south 10/7 Dakota RBW.
2006Spring Reported from 43 south and 25 north counties in all regions. Early south 5/1 Olmsted JWH, 5/2 Olmsted JJS, 5/3 Rice TFB. Early north 5/7 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/10 Pine JMP, 5/12 Lake JWL.
2006Summer Reported from all 87 counties. New nesting records for Wilkin PBB, Kanabec LBF.
2006Fall Reported from all regions. High count 9/23 Hennepin (16 at Wood Lake N.C.) CMB. Late north 9/25 Pennington JMJ, 9/27 Beltrami KLa, 10/4 Mille Lacs ASc. Late south 10/9 Washington RBJ, 10/10 Anoka JBB, 10/14 Hennepin CMB.
2007Spring2650 Early south 4/17 (earliest date on record, no details) Hennepin SCa, 4/28 Dakota LEC, and 4/28 Steele KRV, 5/1 Ramsey EEO (median 5/3). Early north 4/29 Beltrami DPJ, 5/5 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/7 Cass BAW and Lake JWL (median 5/7). High count 5/12 Steele (28) NFT.
2007Summer3350 Reported statewide.
2007Fall2535 Season high count 9/5 St. Louis (17) PHS. Late north 9/27 Mille Lacs ASc, 9/29 St. Louis PHS, m.ob., 10/9 St. Louis SLF (median 10/14). Late south 10/9 Blue Earth ChH, 10/13 Hennepin SWe, 10/20 Washington LMS (median 10/26).
2008Spring2745 Early south (median 5/2) 4/26 Mower JEM, 5/1 Dakota JLO, Rice TFB, 5/2 Fillmore DBz. Early north (median 5/7) 5/9 Mille Lacs RBJ, Morrison RBJ, 5/10 Clay RHO, 5/13 five additional counties. Notable high counts 5/30 St. Louis (31) PHS, 5/28 Marshall (30, Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS.
2008Summer2443 Reported throughout state. First county breeding record from Carver JCy.
2008Fall2839 Late north 9/24 Pine DMF, 9/25 St. Louis DMF, 9/27 St. Louis HHD, PBB, 10/4 Aitkin PEJ (median 10/14). Late south 10/6 Hennepin DWK, 10/13 Hennepin DWK (median 10/26). Season high counts 8/2 Lac qui Parle (31) PCC, PHS, 8/29 Scott (27) BAF, 8/1 Big Stone (20) PHS.
2009Spring2944 Early south (median 5/2) 5/3 Hennepin KRo, Nicollet DBM, 5/4 Brown BTS, Rice TFB, Sherburne ASc. Early north (median 5/7) 5/9 Douglas JPE, 5/11 Mille Lacs ASc, Morrison RBJ, 5/13 St. Louis PHS, 5/14 Becker DBM. Season high count 5/13 Rice (15) DAB, 5/28 Marshall (15) PHS, JMJ.
2009Summer3346 Found statewide. High count 6/25 St. Louis (15) TPW. First county breeding record for Scott BAF.
2009Fall1839 High counts 9/7 St. Louis (21) PHS, 9/12 Carver (12) JCy. Late north 9/24 Cook EEO, 9/26–27 Itasca EEO, 10/9 Aitkin PEJ (median 10/13). Late south 10/25 11/29 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) BAF, 11/28 Freeborn DAB, JWH (median 10/23). Also see winter report.
2009Winter1 One bird reported at the Old Cedar Avenue Bridge (Hennepin) through November was still present on 12/1 †SLC.
2010Spring3146 Early south (median 5/2) 4/27 Hennepin RDa, 5/1 Carver JCy, 5/2 Olmsted JWH, Rice MDu. Early north (median 5/7) 5/6–7 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/12 St. Louis PHS, 5/13 Clay RHO. Notable high counts 5/19 Hennepin (40) CDu, 5/30 Washington (35) MDN, 5/28 Hennepin (27) MDu.
2010Summer3149 Found throughout state. First county breeding records for Benton MRN, Chippewa DPG, Douglas JPE, Meeker fide BBA, Otter Tail CBr, Pope DRa, Roseau BJS, Sherburne PLJ, Stevens JWL.
2010Fall2639 Abundant north until late September. Late north 11/8 and 11/11 St. Louis ph. KJB (median 10/13). Reported throughout the season south until mid-October. Late south 10/24–25 Hennepin BAF, TAT, 11/14–15 Hennepin SLC, DWK (median 10/23).
2011Spring3352 Early south (median 5/2) 4/30 Dakota PEJ, DFN, Dodge JWH, Hennepin StB, Redwood SVo. Early north (median 5/7) 5/7 St. Louis JLK, 5/8 Cass BAW, ABi, 5/9 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) MA, Morrison FGo. Noteworthy high counts 5/16 Steele (30) JHD, 5/11 Hennepin (25) SSa, 5/23 St. Louis (21) PHS.
2011Summer3452Reported from all counties except Pipestone. First county breeding records for Carlton JLK, Koochiching GJN, Wadena CCa. High count 6/5 St. Louis (74, Sax-Zim Bog) PHS.
2011Fall2644 High count 9/23 Hennepin (20) CMB. Late north 9/30 Itasca EEO, Lake RAE, KRE, 10/9 St. Louis (2) JLK, 10/13 Aitkin PEJ (median 10/13). Late south 10/12 Washington JHg, 10/23 Fillmore NBO, 10/28–11/30 Hennepin (max. 2 at Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) BAF, SHF, SLC, MDu.
2012Spring3149 Early south (median 5/2) 5/1 Blue Earth ChH, 5/2 Kandiyohi (3) SSy, McLeod PRH, Olmsted JWH, MHn, Rice TFB, Scott MMz, 5/3 eight more counties. Early north (median 5/7) 4/30 Kittson (Joe River S.W.A.) TrB, 5/5 Beltrami DPJ, Douglas JPE, Mille Lacs DPG, Morrison FGo, MJB, Todd FGo, MJB, (4) JLK. High counts 5/19 Scott (20, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) SHF, 5/26 Wabasha (18, Whitewater W.M.A.) SHo.
2012Summer3453 Found in all counties. High count 7/7 St. Louis (108 - record high summer count, Sax-Zim Bog) PHS, MLH. First county breeding records for Goodhue fide BBA, Isanti DPG, Waseca PCo.
2012Fall3045 High counts 9/13 Carver (25, Rapids Lake Unit) JCy, 8/31 Todd (21) JLK. Late north 10/7 Lake KRo, KRE, St. Louis AM, 11/4 Lake KRE (median 10/13). Late south 10/11 Carver JCy, 10/13 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) ASi, 10/15 Hennepin (immature, Lake Nokomis) TAT (median 10/23).
2013Spring3251 Early south (median 5/2) 4/30 Hennepin RDa, 5/1 Hennepin CAs, Houston ANy, Winona DBz. Early north (median 5/7) 5/10 Aitkin PEJ, 5/12 Douglas fide JMJ, 5/14 Pine JMP, 5/15 Cass BAW, Grant WCM, Mille Lacs ToL, St. Louis ALo. Noteable high counts 5/25 Hennepin (27, Westwood Hills N.C.) ABo, 5/10 Goodhue (20) JEc, 5/18 Hennepin (18) CMB, 5/30 St. Louis (18) PHS.
2013Summer3453 Reported from every county. High counts 6/4 Hennepin (32, Elm Creek P.R.) TLo, 6/5 Marshall (32, Agassiz N.W.R.) KHO. First county breeding records from Big Stone SWe, Cottonwood TrF.
2013Fall3044 High counts 8/2 St. Louis (28, Sax-Zim Bog) SLo, 8/27 Carver (20, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum) GTa, CMg. Late north 10/2 Lake ECo, St. Louis JLK, 10/6 St. Louis ALo, 10/12 St. Louis AM (median 10/13). Late south 10/13 Hennepin SMc, 10/17 Carver JCy, 10/21 Hennepin KOk (median 10/23).
2014Spring3253Early south (median 5/2) 5/2 Hennepin CMB, 5/4 Hennepin DFe plus nine other counties on 5/5. Early north (median 5/7) 5/6 Cass BAW, 5/7 Crow Wing JPR, 5/9 St. Louis TPW. High counts 5/28 St. Louis (52, Sax-Zim Bog) PNi, DAd, 5/30 Sherburne (50, Sherburne N.W.R.) DSp.
2014Summer3449Reported statewide. High counts 6/26 Sherburne (50, Sherburne N.W.R., Wildlife Drive) SKe, 6/21 St. Louis (33, Sax-Zim Bog) TRK. First county breeding record from Steele PSu.
2014Fall3345 High counts 9/9 Douglas (25, Lake Carlos S.P.) TFj, 9/2 Marshall (22, Agassiz N.W.R.) JLK. Few north reports after late September. Late north 10/2 Lake JPr, Polk SAu, 10/6 St. Louis KJB, 10/7 St. Louis JLK (median 10/13). Few south reports after the first week of October; late south 10/14 Hennepin DTr, JEd, 10/19 Ramsey BAF, 10/31 Washington PAl (median 10/23).
2015Spring3252 Early south (median 5/2) 4/25 Hennepin CMB, 5/2 Lyon GWe, 5/3 Dakota DEv plus from four more counties on 5/4. Early north (median 5/7) 5/4 Douglas BEc, 5/7 Crow Wing JPR, EGa, Lake JWL, 5/8 Hubbard MAW, Polk SAu. High counts 5/16 Stearns (50) WWH, 5/23 Hennepin (31) MHu, 5/17 St. Louis (28) KJB.
2015Summer3452 Found in all counties except Chippewa. High counts 7/18 St. Louis (47, Sax-Zim Bog) MoW, 6/3 Sherburne (40, Sherburne N.W.R.) CRa, PNi, SKe.
2015Fall3046 High counts 9/5 Sherburne (20, Sherburne N.W.R.) ToL, 8/3 St. Louis (19, Hartley Park) JLK. Late north 10/7 Aitkin KCR, 10/18 Lake and St. Louis KCR (median 10/12). Late south 10/20 Lyon GWe, JtH, 10/21 Hennepin DCZ, 11/4 McLeod PRH (median 10/20).
2016Spring3453 Early south (median 5/1) 4/25 Wabasha JHn, 4/29 Hennepin DAs, Stevens JFl, 5/1 Dakota JDv. Early north (median 5/7) 5/3 Wilkin LSl, 5/6 Otter Tail JSm, 5/10 St. Louis JLK, JPR. High counts 5/24 Marshall (93, Agassiz N.W.R.) KnM, 5/21 Sherburne (61, Sherburne N.W.R.) RCl.
2016Summer3453 Found in all counties. High counts 6/25 Anoka (58, Carlos Avery W.M.A.) RCl, 7/2 Sherburne (54, Sherburne N.W.R.) RCl.
2016Fall3351 High counts 8/31 Beltrami (28) GrM, 8/7 Sherburne (24, Sherburne N.W.R.) RCl. Late north 10/9 Lake JWL, St. Louis JLK, ClN, 10/12 Lake (Two Harbors, Paul Van Hoven Park) JWL, 10/15 Lake (Sand River/Campers Lake) JWL (median 10/12). Late south 10/10 Hennepin GAn, 10/16 Carver JCy, 10/21 Yellow Medicine GWe (median 10/21).
2017Spring3253 Early south (median 5/1) 4/28 Hennepin JcB, Washington MMa, 4/29 Lac qui Parle DHe. Early north (median 5/7) 5/9 Crow Wing PSP, St. Louis JWL, JLK, 5/10 Crow Wing ABi, St. Louis ALo. High counts 5/28 Carver (53, Carver P.R.) JMg, 5/28 Sherburne (52, Sherburne N.W.R.) MHu.
2017Summer3453 Reported from all counties. High count 7/5 Sherburne (64, Sherburne N.W.R., Wildlife Dr.) RCl. First county breeding record 8/18 Faribault HSt.
2017Fall3351 High counts 8/2 Carver (25, Carver P.R.) JCy, 8/26 Marshall (25, Agassiz N.W.R.) KnM. Late north 10/6 St. Louis (Duluth) ArL, (McQuade Small Craft Harbor) JPR, 10/8 St. Louis (Stoney Point) TRd (median 10/12). Late south 10/21 Dakota ebd, 10/22 Hennepin KBg, 11/26 Hennepin ASu, LiH (median 10/21).
2018Spring3353 Early south (median 5/1) 4/27–29 Rice NiR, 4/30 Hennepin ebd, Isanti ebd, Olmsted KHo, Ramsey TAN, Washington BDo, then numerous reports beginning 5/1. Early north (median 5/7) 5/2 Cass JhH, Crow Wing JLA, 5/5 Cass DoH, Morrison MJB, HHD. High counts 5/30 Lincoln (67, Dead Coon W.P.A.) GWe, 5/28 Sherburne (53, Sherburne N.W.R.) RCl, 5/12 Hennepin (35, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCa.
2018Summer3453 Found in all counties. High count 6/26 Lyon (148, Coon Creek W.M.A) GWe. First county breeding records 7/14 Chisago MTe, 7/24 Traverse WCM.
2018Fall3353 High counts 9/18 Washington (75, Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A.) GJa, 9/19 Scott (50, Prior Lake) MJM, 8/9 St. Louis (40, Mud Lake) JPR. Late north 10/19 Clearwater LME, 10/20 Lake JWL, 10/27 Lake DAB, JtH, GWe (median 10/12). Late south 10/27 Chisago BDo, 10/31 Carver JCy, 11/8 Hennepin ASu (median 10/25).
2019Summer3453 Found in all counties. High counts 6/30 Clay (70, Bluestem Prairie S.N.A.) CMk, 6/16 Sherburne (53, Sherburne N.W.R., Wildlife Drive) RCl.
 Breeds throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.