Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Warblers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Warblers
Worm-eating Warbler
Louisiana Waterthrush
Northern Waterthrush
Golden-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
[Golden-winged Warbler X Blue-winged Warbler]
[Lawrence's Warbler]
[Brewster's Warbler]
Black-and-white Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Connecticut Warbler
MacGillivray's Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Kentucky Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler
American Redstart
Kirtland's Warbler
Cape May Warbler
Cerulean Warbler
Northern Parula
Magnolia Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Palm Warbler
Pine Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
[Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)]
[Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)]
Yellow-throated Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Townsend's Warbler
Hermit Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Canada Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
Painted Redstart

Connecticut Warbler(Oporornis agilis)
1961SpringHaving never seen this warbler, I recently surveyed all issues of the Flicker since 1937. I found only three published Minnesota records for this species as compared with 17 for the rare Blackthroated Blue!!! I would therefore like to invite all of you to send me your Connecticut Warbler records, past and present. On 27 May we heard two singing near Nickerson, Pine County, but were unable to see the birds. Brother Theodore saw one near Nerstrand, Rice County on 18 May. An early arrival was seen 10 May at Frontenac by Dr. Rysgaard. William Pieper and Harding Huber saw one at Duluth on 27 May. Robert Janssen saw one singing from the top of an Elm tree at Sand Dunes State Forest on 30 May, an unusual incident,
1961SummerMrs. John Micensky saw a female feeding one young out of the nest. There are only two previous nestings recorded for Minnesota. Bob Cohen reports two singing males at Duluth: one at Chester Park on 28 June and one at Harbor Island, Minnesota Point, St. Louis County on 25 June. Mrs. John Micensky saw a female feeding one young out of the nest. There are only two previous nestings recorded for Minnesota. Bob Cohen reports two singing males at Duluth: one at Chester Park on 28 June and one at Harbor Island, Minnesota Point, St. Louis County on 25 June.
1961FallOne was seen at Duluth by R. Janssen on 9 Sep.
1962SpringMay 15 Minneapolis, R. Huber and W. R. Pieper; May 24 Minneapolis, W. R. Pieper saw three, May 25 Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 30 Duluth, Janet C. Green ;May 27 first arrival at Hibbing, Harriet Micensky; she reports that they are very active as of June 6.
1962SummerJune 24, Hibbing, adult singing continuously, Harciet Micensky. She saw it again July 2; July 21, one seen, singing, about 4 miles north of Virginia, Avifaunal Club; Aug. 18, Duluth, one in fall plumage, Avifaunal Club. Yellowthroat: Goodview, near Winona, exact date not given, nest in willows, contents not noted, Grace Gordon. Bobolin!:: Aug. 1, Wadena Co., one juvenile seen by R. Oehlenschlager.
1963SpringMay 7, Duluth 2 seen (very early), M. Aftreith; ~ay 9, Minneapolis, s·everal observers (early); May 16, Duluth, Jan Green; May 24, Minneapolis, R. Janssen; May 24, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 31, Hibbing, St. Louis Co., Harriet Micensky.
1963SummerJune 8, Duluth, 1 female, Jan Green; June 1-3, Hibbing, Harriet Micensky; June 17-18, 4 areas in Superior National Forest north of Two Harbors, Robert Stein; four other reports during June in the Fernberg area, Lake County, Jan Green and Avifauna! Club. Yellowthroat: Ramsey Co., May 30, female incubating 3 eggs, A. C. Rosenwinkel. St. Louis Co, Duluth, June 23, 5 eggs, D Meyer.
1963FallAug. 17, Sand Lake, Lake Co., D. Pearson; Aug. 19, Anoka Co., D. Pearson; Aug. 24, Duluth, Avifauna! Club; Aug. 30, Washington Co, Jane Olyphant; Sept. 21, Watonwan Co., TV Tower Kill, Avifauna! Club.
1964Spring5-27 Stearns Co, RPR; 5-20 Anoka Co, MAS; 5-18 Rochester, JPF.
1964Summerspring dates, 520, Stevens Co, RAG; 6-6, Duluth, JCG; fall dates, 7-18, Meadowlands, St. Louis Co, DM.
1964Fall9-7 Hibbing, 1 banded, HM; 9-18 Edina, Hennepin Co, 1, KWE; 9-19 Duluth, 1 banded, the Sanford Tylers.
1965Springearliest 5-11 Anoka Co, WHL (details?); this shy, elusive species is one of our latest spring arrivals; only other records: Rochester, 522, JPF; Goodhue Co, 5-26, WRP; Hennepin Co, 5-25(DB), 5-30(DB, FN) and 531( TKS); Moorhead, 5-30, 5-31, LWJ; Hibbing, 5-23(JCG) and 5-26(HM).
1965Fall9-4 St. Paul, VS and 9-8 Minneapolis, VL, only reports.
1966Spring5-17 Morris, JAR; 5-21 Hennepin and Goodhue Co's, EMB; 5-22 Stearns Co, NMH; 5-26 Carlos Avery Refuge, WHL; 5-29 Collegeville, RPR; 5-31 Minneapolis, VL.
1966Summer6-1 Minneapolis, MHM and 6-7 Duluth, JCG, late migrants; 7-5 Sawhill Trail, Cook Co, 1 male, DP.
1966Fall8-26 to 9-2 Fargo, 4 reports, fide MGA; 9-2 Morrison Co., LSR; 9-13 Lake Co., RK and Duluth, JCG; 9-20 Hennepin Co., FN/ MAS.
1967Spring5-21 Hennepin Co., JAJ and Washington Co., WWL; 5-22 Hennepin Co., DB; 5-23 Hennepin Co., FN/MAS; 5-25 Hennepin Co., RDT.
1967Summer6-3 Beltrami Co., nr Shotley, DGF; 6-10 Cook Co., JCG; 6-14 Lake Co., JCG.
1967Fall 8-17 Morrison Co., LSR; 8-24/25/26 Fargo- Moorhead, EGA; 8-31 Washington Co., WWL; 9-1 Washington Co., 10, WWL; 9-6 Wabasha Co., DGM; 9-8 Lake Co., RK; 9-12 Morrison Co., 2, LSR; 9-19 Lake Co., RK; 9-28 Minneapolis, VL.
1968Summer 6-5 Morrison Co, LSR; 6-12 Fargo-Moorhead, fide EGA; late spring migrants; reported otherwise only from Lake, Cook Co's; 8-26 Mille Lacs Co, MIV, early fall migrant.
1968Fall8-26 Mille Lacs MIV; 9-4 Ramsey MIG; 9-6 Hennepin WKE; 9-9 Duluth 1 banded JCG for Koni Sundquist.
1969Spring5-11 Minneapolis, FN j MAS; 5-19 (7) Cook Co., MA; 5-22 Minneapolis, EIS, and Hibbing, HM; 5-23 Minneapolis, BL; 5-25 Waseca Co., WF.
1969Summer6-14 Skime, Roseau Co., 3 singing males, JJG, RBJ.
1969Fall9-6 Duluth RBJ and TH; 9-22 Hennepin VL.
1970Spring9 reports 5-10 Hennepin BDC; 5-12 Washington WH L; 2 northerly reports: 5-27 Morrison LR; 5-30 Duluth RL; late south 5-29 Hennepin DB,
1970Fall4 reports 8-30 Hennepin FN; 9-13 and 19 Cook (3) MA.
1971Springonly 3 reports VL; 5-29 Carlton (5) BL; 5-31 Hennepin DB,FN.
1971Fall5 reports Hennepin OJ; 9-18 Lake RBJ; 9-19 Lake JAB; 9-30 Olmsted CW. Mournina Warbler: early south 8-29 Pope; late south 9-5 Wright; late north 9-11 Morrison. Yellowthroat: late south 9-25 L:von; 9-26 Wrh!'ht; 9-27 Hennepin; late north 10-7 Crow Wing; 10-11 Cook.
1972Summerseen In N. St. Louis; migrants -6-10 killed by flying into window, Mountain Lake1 COTTONWOOD Co., identified by P. K. Lago bird bander) from Ocheyedan, Iowa, 6-11 another seen in same area, fide Mrs. LAF.
1973Summer Nested in Aitkin (TS); seen in Cook (6-30 JCG) 8; Hennepin (6-11 FN) migrant.
1973Fall Seen in Lyon, Hennepin, Aitkin.
1974Spring 12 reports from 5-5 to 5-30 in Hennepin (15 birds), Freeborn (1), Stearns (1), Cottonwood (1), Aitkin (4) and Pine (1).
1974Summer Reported from Lake of the Woods, Clearwater, Aitkin, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; more reports than usual.
1974Fall 5 reports 8-9,11 St. Louis WDM; 8-12 Duluth MMC; 9-2 Ottertail KBZ; 9-4 Duluth JG; 10-3 Hennepin WKE (details were submitted).
1975Spring 17 reports from 5-11 to 6-1 from Hennepin (9), Olmsted (11); Rock (1); Carlton (11); Freeborn (1); Cottonwood (1); Lyon (1); Anoka (1); Blue Earth (1).
1975Summer Reported from Marshall, Aitkin, Cass and St. Louis; late migrants 6-1 Pipestone (HK) and 6-8 Rock (KE).
1975Falllate north 9-5 Duluth JG; 9-14 Mille Lacs Ml; early south 8-30 Hennepin EM; late south 9-12, 21 Cottonwood LF; only reports south.
1976Spring 19 reports from 5-15 to 5-31 from Pipestone (2), Carlton (1), Beltrami (1), Roseau (2), Cottonwood (2), Clearwater (1), Hennepin (6), Itasca (2), Pine (1), Lincoln (1), Rock (1), Mower (2), Crow Wing (1), Mille Lacs (1).
1976Summernested in Roseau (7-3, adult carrying food, WKE) and Lake (6-19, 4 young, R. Huber); also reported from Marshall, Cass, Itasca and a late migrant on 6-1 in Hennepin (DB).
1976Fall Early south 8-25 Hennepin, 9-1 Cottonwood; late north 8-21 Cook, 9-12 Duluth; late south 9-9 Rock and Washington, 9-26 Cottonwood, 1 0-27 Olmsted, M. Snyder. Mourning Wa,rbler Early south 8-21 Olmsted, 8-22 Cottonwood; late north 9-16 Duluth; late south 9-24 Washington.
1977Spring 19 reports from 5-10 to 5-30 from Hennepin (2), St. Louis (8), Roseau (2), Pipestone (1), Pine (1), Lake (2), Otter Tail (1), Aitkin (2).
1977Summer Nested in Aitkin (2 nests found, JB); also reported from Roseau, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis, Lake and Pine (6-18, St. Croix St. Pk., R. Kneeskern); migrants seen 6-1 Hennepin and 7-21 Clay (LCF).
1977Fall Late south 9-25 Cottonwood (LF), 10-27 Washington (DMB). 
1978Summer Breeding reported from Beltrami (Waskish); seen also in Lake, St. Louis, Aitkin, Clearwater (Itasca SP) and Roseau (Hayes Lake SP).
1978Fall Early south 8-19 Washington DMB; late north 10-1 Clay LCF; late south 9-30 Hennepin OJ.
1979Spring Early south 5-7 Olmsted VH, 5-10 Olmsted JF, Rice LB; early north 5-20 Otter Tail GMO; late south 5-31 Hennepin ES.
1979Summer Late migrants 6-4 Clay, 6-7 Duluth. Seen in Roseau, Beltrami, St. Louis, Carlton. Mourning Wa,rbler Late migrants 6-3 Otter Tail, 6-10 Swift. Breeding reported from St. Louis, Anoka (Cedar Creek, Centerville), Washington (Camp Wilder); also seen in Cook, Lake, Pine, Chisago, Crow Wing, Cass, Itasca, Beltrami, Clearwater.
1979Fall Early south 8-25 Anoka KL, 8-27 Mower RRK; late north 9-21 Itasca TL, 9-23 Marshall KSS; late south 9-19 Anoka KL, 9-20 Hennepin VL. Mourning Wa1rbler Late north 9-16 St. Louis DA, 9-17 Cook and Lake CMB, 9-23 Marshall KSS; late south 9-25 Washington DMB, 9-29 Washington WL.
1980Spring Early south 5-11 Fillmore RRK, 5-21 Hennepin DB, SC; early north 5-17 St. Louis DA, 5-24 Itasca FKB; late south 5-31 Cottonwood LF.
1980Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Carlton, Pine (St. Croix NA), Aitkin, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, ,, Beltrami, Roseau, Otter Tail (7-1 Elizabeth Twp., GO).
1980Fall -Early south 8-27 Hennepin SC; late north 9-13 Itasca TL; late south 9-5 Washington DS.
1981Spring Early south 5-14 Ramsey RJ, 5-16 Rice KJ, 5-20 Hennepin OJ; early north 5-17 Beltrami AS, 5-24 St. Louis JG, 5-25 St. Louis KE; late south 5-30 Cottonwood LAF.
1981Summer Seen in nine counties within range plus Wadena, Pine (T145R17).
1981Fall Five reports: 8-20 St. Louis KE, 8-26 Sherburne EH/ SS, 8-30 Carlton RJ, 9-11 Dakota JD, 9-19 Le Sueur HC.
1982Spring Early south 5-10 Olmsted BE; early north 5-21 St. Louis KE, 5-22 Lake of the Woods TW, 5-23 Beltrami AS; late south 5-27 Hennepin ES, 5-28 Hennepin OJ.
1982Summer Seen in Cook, Koochiching, St. Louis, Aitkin.
1982Fall Four reports: 9/9 St. Louis KE, 9/10 St. Louis LE, 9/13 Cook KMH, 9/20 Cottonwood LAF.
1983Spring Early south 5/19 Cottonwood WH, 5/21 Brown JSp, Goodhue BL, Hennepin DB, 5/23 Hennepin ES; early north 5/20 Mille Lacs MLWMA, 5/21 St. Louis AB, SDM, TL. 5/23 Polk KSS; late south 5/28 Brown JSp, 5/30 Hennepin OJ.
1983Summer Seen in Lake, St. Louis, Lake of the Woods, Hubbard, Aitkin, Carlton. Late migrants South: 6/3, 6/7; North: 6/7 Ottertail.
1983Fall Late north 9/3 Grant RG, RJ, 9/8 Clearwater LCF, 9/10 Pennington KSS.
1984Spring Early south 5/8 Cottonwood WH, 5/15 OJ, early north 5/27 Roseau AJ, KSS, 5/28 Clay LCF, 5/29 St. Louis KE; late south 5/25 Hennepin DB, 5/26 Sherburne SSa, 5/30 Hennepin DB.
1984Summerseen in Lake of the Woods, Koochiching, Beltrami, Itasca, Hubbard, Aitkin, Carlton and Lake.
1984Fall Two reports north 8/18 Pine RJ, 9/15 Mille Lacs MLWMA, St. Louis HR; late south 9/29 Olmsted JEB, 10/5 Dakota JD, 10/11 Lac qui Parle FE.
1985Spring Early south 5/5 Cottonwood LAF, 5/6 Olmsted AP; early north 5/10 Clay LCF, 5/22 St. Louis KE; late south 5/30 Hennepin DB, 5/31 Hennepin SC.
1985Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Aitkin, Itasca, Clearwater, Marshall (Agassiz NWR).
1985Fall Early south 8/21 Murray AD, 8/29 Hennepin ES, 8/30 Hennepin SC, GP; late north 9/10 Wilkin GAM, 9/22 Cook KMH; late south 9/7 Lac qui Parle RJ, 9/9 Hennepin SC, 9/12 Lac qui Parle FE.
1986Spring Early south 5/6 Fillmore AMP, 5/7 Dakota JD, 5/13 Hennepin SC; early north 5/12 Clay LCF, 5/14 St. Louis KE, 5/24 Lake of the Woods KSS, St. Louis SS; late south 5/23 Ramsey KB, 5/24 Scott DB 1, 5/29 Dakota JPIAM.
1986Summer Seen in eight counties within range plus Wadena (617, BBS), Mille Lacs (6/2, migrant?, DB).
1986Fall Early south 8/18 Freeborn NHo and Hennepin DB, 8/27 Dakota TI; late south 9/12 Freeborn NHo, 9/13 Hennepin SC.
1987Spring Early south 5/5 Washington TBB, 5/10 Olmsted RSE, 5/18 Brown JS and Ramsey KB ; early north 5/16 Duluth KE, 5/17 Lake SWIMS, 5/18 Clay LCF; late south 5/25 Goodhue ES, 5/28 Hennepin ES.
1987Summer Seen in Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Agassiz NWR, Aitkin, Mille Lacs (715 Lewis Twp., AB).
1987Fall Early south 8/20 Fillmore ANO, 8/23 Anoka GP; late north 8/27 Becker BK, 9/7 Clay LCF; late south 9/14 Hennepin SC, 10/14 Hennepin SC.
1988Spring Early south 5/20 Hennepin DB, 5/23 Lac qui Parle AB; early north 5/20 Clay LCF, 5/22 Lake SS; late south 5/28 Brown JS.
1988Summer Relatively few reports: seen in Roseau, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake; early migrant 7/26 Hennepin (DB).
1988Fall Late north 9/3 Clearwater AB; late south 8/30 Goodhue AP, 8/31 Filmore NAO, 9/5 Hennepin SC.
1989Spring Early south 5/8 LeSueur EK, 5/11 Cottonwood ED, 5/19 Hennepin SC, ES; early north 5/19 Duluth KE, 5/20 Aitkin WN, 5/22 Clay LCF; late south 5/22 Hennepin SC, 5/31 Dakota JD.
1989Summer Seen in Beltrami, Koochiching, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake; late migrants 6/1 Brown, 6/6 Hennepin.
1989Fall Late south 8/26 Nobles RJ, 9!9 Hennepin PS.
1990Spring Early south 5/1 Washington WL, 5/12 Cottonwood ED, 5/20 Ramsey BL; early north 5/24 Clay LCF, 5/26 Aitkin WN, 5/27 Lake SWIMS; late south 5/27 Lac qui Parle BL, Rice TB, 5/29 Hennepin SC.
1990Summer Relatively few reports; seen in Beltrami, Itasca, Aitkin, Lake, Cook.
1990Fall All reports: 8/20 Lake DPV, 8/31 Ramsey RH, 9/2 Olmsted JB, 9/12 Hennepin DB.
1991Spring Early south 5/14 Freeborn AP, 5/18 Brown JS ; early north 5/9 Clay LCF, 5/14 Aitkin WN; late south 5/20 Hennepin DB, RiceTB, 5/21 Brown JS.
1991Summer Observed in Kittson MH/AJ, Roseau, Hubbard, Koochiching, Itasca, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake.
1991Fall Early south 8/12 Hennepin SC, 8/17 Ramsey RH; late north 9/14 St. Louis KR, 9/24 Lake DPV; late south 9/1 Olmsted AP, 9/4 Blue Earth LF.
1992Spring Early south 5/6 Pipestone JP, 5/9 Fillmore GMD; early north 5/9 Becker BBe, 5/21 Clay LCF; late south 5/24 Hennepin TT, 5/26 Ramsey KB.
1992Summer Seen in Roseau, Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Clearwater, Aitkin, Carlton, Lake; plus late migrant 6/6 Rock.
1992Fall Early south 8/19 Hennepin SC, 8/21 Ramsey RH; late north 9/6 Aitkin DN, 9/29 Lake DPV; late south 9/1 Carver MB, 10/3 Hennepin JF.
1993Spring Early south 5/8 Goodhue BL, 5/9 Hennepin DZ. Early north 5/8 Becker BBe, 5/15 Aitkin WN. Late south 5/28 Hennepin SC, 5/29 Brown JS.
1993Summer Nested in Aitkin; also seen in Roseau, Beltrami, St. Louis, Carlton, Lake.
1993Fall Early south 8/20 Anoka JH, 9/6 Jackson KB. Late north 10/5 Lake DPV. Late south 9/16 Ramsey KB, 9/18 Olmsted AP.
1994Spring Early south 5/14 Chisago RH and Hennepin DB, SC; early north 5/20 St. Louis AE, 5/21 Roseau PS; late south 5/25 Hennepin SC and Rice TB, 5/26 Brown JS.
1994Summer Observed in Roseau, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake, Hubbard, Itasca, Aitkin; plus late migrant(?) 6/9 Morrison.
1994Fall Early south 8/15 Steele RG, 8/21 Winona CS. Late north 8/27 Crow Wing SK, 9/4 Carlton LW. Late south 9/13 Hennepin SC, 9/15 Brown JS, 11/2 (latest date on record) Hennepin AH.
1995Spring Early south 5/13 Carver MB, WM, 5/16 Blue Earth MF, Hennepin DW and Ramsey CF; early north 5/16 Aitkin CB, 5/20 St. Louis mob; late south 5/24 Anoka KB, 5/29 Hennepin TT.
1995Summer Observed in Beltrami, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake, Aitkin, Pine; plus late migrant 6/11 Washington TT.
1995Fall Early south 8/24 Winona CS, 8/29 Hennepin SC, RG. Late north 9/4 Itasca BN, 9/19 Pennington SKS. Late south 9/8 Anoka JH, 9/14 Hennepin OJ.
1996Spring Early south 5/18 Scott DN and Benton RJ, 5/19 Hennepin TT. Early north 5/20 Cass fide MN and St. Louis SW/MS, 5/25 Becker SDM. Late south 5/23 Brown JSp and Rice TBo, 5/30 Hennepin SC.
1996Summer Reported in Roseau, Pennington, Koochi-ching, St. Louis, Lake, Aitkin.
1996Fall Early south 8/24 Wright RJ, 8/27 Hennepin PBu and Lac qui Parle FE. Peak north 8/24 Roseau (8 singing) PS. No late north dates. Late south 9/12 Anoka KB, 9/21 Lac qui Parle FE, 9/29 McLeod RbS.
1997Spring Early south 5/9 Olmsted CH, 5/14 Winona AH, PS, 5/18 Hennepin DZ. Early north 5/20 Aitkin WN, 5/24 Beltrami SCM and Clearwater TBr. Still present in several southern counties on 5/31, including Kandiyohi RJF.
1997Summer Observed in Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis, and Cook counties; plus late migrants 6/3 Lyon, 6/19 Ramsey KB.
1997Fall Only south reports: 8/31 Washington WL, 9/6 Stearns RJ. Late north 9/3 Aitkin CB, 9/17 Kanabec CM.
1998Spring All south reports: 5/13 Hennepin SC, 5/14 Hennepin TT, 5/25 Hennepin TT. Early north 5/16 Cass EP, 5/20 Aitkin WN, 5/25 St. Louis PS.
1998Summer Seen in Marshall, Beltrami, Hubbard, Koochiching, Itasca, Aitkin, St. Louis; plus late migrants 6/2 Hennepin, 6/5 Clay.
1998Fall Early south 8/18 McLeod RbS, 8/30 Hennepin SC. Late north 8/30 St. Louis ABo, 9/15 Becker BBe, 9/20 Aitkin CMG. Late south 9/15 Houston FL, 9/16 Hennepin SC.
1999Spring Fewer reports than usual and arrived relatively late. Early south 5/13 Rice TBo, 5/14 Meeker (Litchfield N. C.) DF and Hennepin TT. Early north 5/18 Roseau AH, PS, 5/20 St. Louis AH. Last reported south 5/26 Rice SC.
1999Summer Recorded in Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Itasca, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake.
1999Fall All reports: 9/11 Hennepin DBo, 9/12 Wadena PBi, 10/3 Wadena PBi.
2000Spring Reported from total of nine south and six north counties, mostly in central regions. No reports from the southeast or west-central. Early south 5/9 Steele RJ, 5/15 Nicollet PS. Early north 5/20 Red Lake JJ and St. Louis mob, 5/22 Clay RO. Late south 5/29 Rice TBo, 5/30 Hennepin TT.
2000Summer Seen in Itasca, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake; plus late migrant 6/2 Hennepin BBB.
2000Fall Only reports: 8/26 Aitkin WEN, 8/29 Washington RBJ, 9/3 Aitkin CLB, 9/12 St. Louis (downtown Duluth) DRB.
2001Spring Reported from ten south and eight north counties. None seen in Southeast or West-central regions. First reported 5/13 Freeborn AEB and Meeker DMF. Early north 5/17+ Roseau PHS, 5/19+ St. Louis JWL et al. Late south 5/29 Hennepin SLC, TAT, but also see summer report.
2001Summer Most reports since 1980. Seen in eight North-central and Northeast counties plus Roseau, Mille Lacs, Pine; late migrant 6/10 Hennepin BBB.
2001Fall Late north 9/12 St. Louis SLC, KJB, 9/16 Carlton LAW. All south reports: 8/28 Freeborn RBJ, 9/9 Hennepin SLC, 9/18 Hennepin TAT, 9/29 Hennepin OLJ.
2002Spring Reported from ten south and four north counties. Early south 5/11 Goodhue KJB, 5/13 Meeker DMF. Early north 5/20 Lake m.ob., 5/23 Clay RHO. Late south 5/27 in five counties. High count 5/27 Anoka (8) KJB.
2002Summer Observed in eight North-central and Northeast counties plus Roseau, Pine.
2002Fall Only north report 9/28 St. Louis CRM. All south reports 9/15 Hennepin ChM, SLC, 9/30 Dakota ADS, 10/1 Ramsey REH, 10/5 Hennepin (Wood L.) †PEB.
2003Spring Observed in 10 south and 10 north counties. Early south 5/10 Wabasha NAMC, 5/15 Fillmore NBO. Early north 5/17 St. Louis m.ob., 5/21–22 in six counties. Late south 5/29 Hennepin SLC, also see summer report.
2003Summer Found in nine North-central and Northeast counties plus Roseau; late migrant 6/11 Sherburne PLJ.
2003Fall Late north 9/7 Red Lake PHS and Wadena PJB (median 9/17). Only other north report from Pine. Early south 8/23 Hennepin †CBr, 8/27 Chipppewa RBJ. Late south 9/20 Carver RMD, 9/30 Lac qui Parle FAE (median 9/14).
2004Spring Reported from 14 south and 11 north counties in all regions except the Southeast. Early south 5/14 Washington DPS, 5/17 Rice TFB and Watonwan JJS. Numbers up in Twin Cities, including 5/21–26 Dakota (total of 8) JPM, 5/18–27 Hennepin (total of 6) SLC. Early north 5/13, 5/15, 5/16 Aitkin WEN, 5/18 Aitkin JWL and Todd JSK, SID. Late south 5/28 Dakota JPM and Yellow Medicine RBJ, also see summer report.
2004Summer Seen in nine north counties; late migrant 6/8 Chippewa JEB.
2004Fall All reports: 8/22 Lac qui Parle FAE, 9/11 Clay KCo, 9/23 St. Louis MTA.
2005Spring Reported from nine north and seven south counties. Early south 5/15 Meeker DMF, 5/17 Big Stone and Lac qui Parle PHS, 5/19 Hennepin CMB. Early north (median 5/17) 5/10 St. Louis DAG, 5/19 Itasca RBJ. Late south 5/29 Scott BAF, 5/30 Hennepin HCT (but also see summer report).
2005Summer Seen in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Koochiching, Itasca, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis.
2005Fall Reported from eight north and six south counties. Departed within two days of recent medians. Early south 8/23 Lac qui Parle and Lincoln BJU. Late north 9/18 Lake JWL. Late south 9/18 Anoka DWK.
2006Spring Reported from seven south and six north counties. Early south 5/9–10 Hennepin CMB, 5/12 Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north 5/9 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/17 Beltrami JEB. Late south 5/27 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2006Summer Found in nine North-central and Northeast counties. No reports of migrants.
2006Fall Reported from five north and nine south counties. Late north 9/1 Mille Lacs NSc and St. Louis SLF, 9/19 Beltrami MLM (median 9/18). Early south 8/19 Chippewa RBJ and Hennepin DWK. Late south 9/12 Sherburne PLJ, 9/26 Hennepin ChM (median 9/16).
2007Spring56 Early south 5/6 Hennepin DDo, 5/8 Carver JCy (median 5/11). All north reports were later than recent median (5/17). Early north 5/21 Todd JSK, 5/23 Lake of the Woods DAC, RBJ. Late south (also see summer report) 5/23 Rice TFB, 5/25 Mower JEB.
2007Summer7 Observed in Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Itasca, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis.
2007Fall44 All north 8/10 Aitkin (3) ASc, 8/14 Cass ALB, Mille Lacs ASc, 8/26 St. Louis KRE, 9/5 St. Louis PHS, 9/22 St. Louis JLO. All south 8/25 Sherburne ASc, 8/26 Anoka DWK, Goodhue SWe, Meeker DMF, 9/1 Meeker DMF. Median early south 8/23, late north 9/19, late south 9/17.
2008Spring79 Early south (median 5/10) 5/12 Ramsey (Crosby Farm Park) DKo, 5/17 Meeker DMF, 5/20 Olmsted JWH, 5/22 Rice TFB. Early north 5/17 (median) Otter Tail DBM, 5/24 St. Louis JLO, DWK, 5/25 Cass BAW. Late south 5/27 Rice DAB, 5/30 Hennepin PEB, 5/31 Dakota DWK, JLO, Hennepin SRG, Scott BAF (median 5/30).
2008Summer92 Reported from Roseau, Clay (6/1, Moorhead, RHO), Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Itasca, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis, Carlton, plus late south migrants 6/1 McLeod PRH, Scott BAF.
2008Fall35 All north 8/30 Aitkin ASc, 9/6 Mille Lacs ASc, 9/12 Lake LBF, 9/23 Mille Lacs ASc. All south 8/27 Lac qui Parle BJU, 8/29 Ramsey BRL, 9/12 Stearns RBJ, 9/17 Rice DAT, 9/30 Hennepin DWK. Median early south 8/23, late north 9/19, south 9/17.
2009Spring96 Early south (median 5/10) 5/15 Anoka DWK, 5/18 Meeker DMF, 5/21 Nicollet RMD, ChH, 5/22 Hennepin DWK, PEB. Early north (median 5/17) 5/18 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/21 Cass BAW, 5/23 Hubbard MaH, Lake of the Woods MHK, St. Louis DWK. Reported as far west as Clay (5/31, Buffalo River S.P., MO). Late south (median 5/30) 5/23 Rice TFB, Wright DMF, 5/24 Hennepin CMB, DDo, 5/30 Nicollet PRH, CMB, m.ob.
2009Summer9 Observed in North-central, Northeast, plus Pine. This species normally migrates through early June, but all observations within usual summer range except 6/17 Mille Lacs (Kathio S.P.) ASc.
2009Fall38 Only north reports: 8/4 Roseau TFo, 9/12 Carlton DPG, Mille Lacs ASc. Early south 8/26 Brown (Flandrau S.P.) BTS, 8/28 Anoka DPG, 8/29 Anoka DWK. Late south 9/13 Dodge DBM, 9/18 Carver JCy, Hennepin (Wood Lake N.C.) BAF.
2010Spring86 Early south (median 5/11) 5/17–23 Hennepin CMB, 5/20–21 Rice TFB, 5/23 Renville (Skalbekken C.P.) BJU, Rock (Blue Mounds S.P.) CLW, DCh, Yellow Medicine (Upper Sioux Agency S. P.) BJU. Early north (median 5/17) 5/10 Hubbard MAW, 5/16 Clearwater KLa, 5/17 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/18 Cass ABi. Late south 5/25 Hennepin CMB, 5/29–31 Rice TFB.
2010Summer11 Observed in all northern regions.
2010Fall31 Very few sightings this season. All reports 8/16 St. Louis TAb, 8/25 Beltrami TAb, 8/28 Mille Lacs ASc, 8/29 Hennepin DDo, 9/16 Hennepin RTe.
2011Spring1113 Early south (median 5/11) 5/4 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) KRS, CMB, 5/13 Hennepin CMB, 5/14 Fillmore RTP, Sherburne ASc, 5/17 Anoka (singing) DFN. Early north (median 5/17) 5/13 Itasca RBJ, DAC, Mille Lacs ASc, 5/16 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/20 Aitkin ASc, Becker SPe. Late south 5/26 Waseca RAE, 5/28 Anoka PEB, Hennepin SLC (median 5/30).
2011Summer13Observed in Northeast, North-central, as well as Pine, Roseau.
2011Fall39 All north reports 8/11 Aitkin KCR, 8/26 Douglas JPE, 8/27 Hubbard BeH, 9/4 Aitkin DPG. All south 8/28 Hennepin †SLC, 8/29 Lac qui Parle (Lac qui Parle S.P.) BJU, Swift (Lac qui Parle W.M.A.) BJU, 8/31 Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.) PLJ, 9/3 Yellow Medicine (Upper Sioux Agency S.P.) BJU, 9/5 Anoka DWK, 9/13 Carver (Minnesota Landscape Arboretum) JCy.
2012Spring812 Early south (median 5/11) 5/6 Olmsted MHm, Washington DFN, 5/9 Mower NFT, 5/10 Rice TFB, 5/12 Dakota BAF, SHF, Wabasha DBz. Early north 5/7 Hubbard MAW, 5/9 Itasca PLe, 5/17 Roseau BSi, 5/18 Itasca PLe. High counts 5/20 Clay (4, S. Moorhead) RHO, 5/28 St. Louis (max. 4) PHS, JLK, MLH, m.ob. Late south 5/24 Carver (Laketown Twp.) WCM, 5/25 Hennepin (2) (T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) SRG, m.ob., 5/27 Hennepin (Veterans Memorial Park) SBM, Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU (median 5/30).
2012Summer12 Reported from all northern regions. High counts 6/7, 6/10 St. Louis (5, Sax-Zim Bog) JM, RFi, EBr.
2012Fall57 Early south (median 8/24) 8/20 Rice DAT, JHl, 8/25 Lac qui Parle DLP. Late north 9/5 St. Louis RCa, 9/12 St. Louis JLK, 9/13 Cook RSt (median 9/18). Late south 9/21 Hennepin ThM, 9/22 Nicollet APi, 9/24 Winona ClN (median 9/16).
2013Spring821 Early south (median 5/11) 5/12 Hennepin PRH, 5/16 Hennepin DWK, 5/17 Dakota EGo, Lac qui Parle DLP. All north 5/19 Otter Tail JsS, RTo, 5/21 St. Louis KJB, 5/22 Itasca CRM, Pine ToL, St. Louis RZi, JLK, 5/23 Itasca PLe, Koochiching AXH. Late south 5/28 McLeod PRH, 5/29 Anoka RBW, 5/29–30 Hennepin DWK, TAT, CMB (median 5/30).
2013Summer10 Reported in Aitkin, Beltrami, Clearwater, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Marshall, Pine, St. Louis.
2013Fall45 Early south (median 8/24) 8/23 Carver (Minnesota Landscape Arboretum) JCy, 8/25 Hennepin (Fort Snelling S.P.) HCT, 8/29 Brown (Flandrau S.P.) MiO, 8/30 Carver JTe, 8/31 Hennepin (General Mills Research Nature Area) RCB, (Westwood Hills N.C.) SOa. Late north 9/8 Cook LCM, 9/16 Lake TNa, 9/17 St. Louis AVa.(median 9/18). Late south 9/11 Carver (Chaska Lake, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy, 9/12 Hennepin LBF, 9/15 Lac qui Parle DLP, 9/16 Blue Earth ChH (median 9/16).
2014Spring714Early south (median 5/11) 5/9 Hennepin CMB, 5/12 Carver RBJ, CRM, ALo. Early north (median 5/17) 5/13 Carlton AVa, 5/24 Cook SLP, Hubbard MaH, St. Louis JLK. Late south 5/26 Hennepin CMB, Pipestone TKa, Steele PSu, Washington DFN, 5/31 Hennepin BTS (median 5/30).
2014Summer9Observed in Carlton, Cass, Cook, Itasca, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Otter Tail, Roseau, St. Louis.
2014Fall63 Early south (median 8/24) 8/26 Sherburne TSh, 8/29 Sherburne JlB, 9/11 Lac qui Parle FAE. Late north (median 9/18) 9/2 Lake JWL, 9/10 St. Louis DSl, 9/11 Crow Wing MRN. Late south 9/15 Sherburne TSh, 9/18 Sherburne PLJ (median 9/16).
2015Spring613 Early south (median 5/11) 5/7 Hennepin JHh, 5/13 Anoka JAn, Carver JCy. Early north (median 5/17) 5/9 Hubbard MAW, 5/17 St. Louis KJB, 5/20 Crow Wing JPR. High counts 5/27 St. Louis (4, Sax-Zim Bog) CRm, 5/30 St. Louis (4, Sax-Zim Bog) JMa. Late south 5/28 Ramsey JEd, 5/29 Hennepin JmM, 5/30 Hennepin CMB (median 5/30)
2015Summer9 Found in Aitkin, Beltrami, Cook, Itasca, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Pine, Roseau, St. Louis. High counts 6/7, 6/9 St. Louis (4, Sax-Zim Bog) ClN, CLW, 6/8 Itasca (4, Otenagen Rd. Bog) ScW.
2015Fall58 Late north 9/6 Hubbard RAE, 9/9, 9/12 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. All south (median 8/24) 8/27 Washington (Stillwater) WHe, 8/28 Washington (Afton S.P.) MYg, 9/4 McLeod PRH, 9/7 Kandiyohi MJB, 9/9 Hennepin JWf, Mower CRM, 9/10 Carver JCy, 9/16 Benton RAE, 9/25 Hennepin SBM, 10/5–6 Olmsted JPr (median 9/18).
2016Spring511 Early south (median 5/12) 5/11 Ramsey RbC, 5/14 Chisago JSa, Hennepin ASu, 5/15 Carver JCy. Early north 5/17 Itasca TCL, 5/20 St. Louis AKO, 5/21 Itasca SC, Kanabec RMD, JWH, MJB, St. Louis JLK. Late south 5/28 Hennepin BAF, 5/29 Le Sueur RBW (median 5/30).
2016Summer12 Found in North-central, Northeast plus Pine, Roseau. High count 6/3 St. Louis (4, Hwy. 83, near Stony Creek) SDS.
2016Fall86 An above-average number of south reports beginning (median 8/24) 8/20 Hennepin (Golden Valley) RBJ, 8/23 Hennepin (Wood Lake N.C.) CRM, KYg, Lyon GWe. Late north 9/6 Grant CNn, 9/14 Cook JeB, CLW, 9/15 Grant CNn (median 9/18). Late south 9/10 Dakota KvM, Hennepin TAT, JLl, 9/11 Dakota BeS (median 9/18).
2017Spring615 Early south (median 5/12) 5/9 Hennepin CRM, 5/10 Meeker BNn, 5/13 Carver JTg, Washington CDe. Unusual report from 5/22 Murray (Lake Shetek S.P.) a.t. KnM. Early north (median 5/16) 5/23 Cass DAY, 5/24–25 St. Louis DFe, m.ob., 5/26 Lake of the Woods CAs, Wadena JEB. Late south 5/27 Carver JCy, Hennepin JCa, Lyon GWe, Stearns HHD, 5/29 Ramsey JuW (median 5/30).
2017Summer8 Observed in Beltrami, Hubbard, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, St. Louis, Wadena. High count 6/6 St. Louis (5, Sax-Zim Bog) JPR.
2017Fall47 All south 8/23 Murray (Lake Shetek S.P.) RAE, 8/28 Washington (Carpenter N.C.) TMn, 8/29 Ramsey (Chatham Open Space) LiH, 9/2 Brown BAb, 9/3 Washington (Lake Elmo R.P.) MDa, 9/4 Carver (Minnesota Landscape Arboretum) JCy, 9/4–6 Hennepin (T. S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) ebd, CWB, 9/6 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) IMc, 9/7 Hennepin (Coldwater Spring) TAT, Stearns (Beaver Island Trail) LKo, 9/8 Washington (Brown’s Creek Nature Preserve) JEc, 9/11 Benton (Englund Ecotone S.N.A.) MJB, 9/26 Stearns (St. John’s Arboreteum) HHD (median 9/18). Late north 9/12 St. Louis TRd, 9/14 St. Louis JLK (median 9/17).
2018Spring816 Early south (median 5/11) 5/7 Hennepin (Veterans Memorial Park) SBM, SBE, 5/10 Chisago JSa, Hennepin (2, Staring Lake Park) ebd, Meeker PKF, Washington CDe, TAr. Early north 5/18 Clay DvM, CMk, 5/19 Cass BEc, Todd TLu. High counts 5/25 Roseau (4, Beltrami Island S.F.) CAs, 5/10 Chisago (3, Wild River S.P.) JSa, 5/19 Cass (3, near Walker) BEc. Late south 5/23 Carver JCy, Faribault BAy, 5/24 Hennepin RBW, ASu (median 5/30).
2018Summer11 Observed in North-central, Northeast plus Roseau.
2018Fall619 Most reports south in over ten years starting with (median 8/24) 8/15  Sherburne PLJ, 8/21 Lyon NMe, Meeker BNn, TNe, Sherburne RAE, 8/22 Hennepin MGi. New county record: 9/12 Pope (Glacial Lakes S. P.) JFl. High counts 8/4 St. Louis (3, Sax-Zim Bog) ebd. Late north 9/1 Carlton ebd, St. Louis AKO, JLK, 9/7 Douglas BEc (median 9/17).
2019Summer92 Territorial birds in North-central, Northeast, plus Roseau. Late spring migrants 6/1 Kandiyohi JWd, 6/2 Dakota AJF, 6/6 Morrison MJB. High count 7/2 Beltrami (5, Big Bog State R.A.) EOs.
 Breeds north-central and northeast, but absent far northeast. Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.