Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Towhees, Sparrows
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Towhees, Sparrows
Cassin's Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow
Black-throated Sparrow
Lark Sparrow
Lark Bunting
Chipping Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Brewer's Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
American Tree Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
[Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)]
[Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)]
[Dark-eyed Junco (Pink-sided)]
[Dark-eyed Junco (White-winged)]
[Dark-eyed Junco (Gray-headed)]
White-crowned Sparrow
[White-crowned Sparrow (Eastern)]
[White-crowned Sparrow (Gambel's)]
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Harris's Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow
LeConte's Sparrow
Nelson's Sparrow
Baird's Sparrow
Henslow's Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
Green-tailed Towhee
Spotted Towhee
Eastern Towhee
[Spotted Towhee X Eastern Towhee]
[Pipilo towhee]

Dark-eyed Junco(Junco hyemalis)
1931SummerThe only nest of this Canadian Zone species was found by Jerome Stoudt near Tofte, Minnesota on July 9th, when the nest contained four young.
1932Summer Tree Sporrow Clay-colored Sparrcw Harrist Sparrow
1934Summer -The first no-;t of this species held 4 large yovng when found June 19th at Common Loon Lake by Mr. and Mrs. Swodenborg and Dr. Prosser. This nest was built in a hollow left when a rock ho.c1 dislodged • from a roadside bank about 3 feet f'ron1 tho level of the road. The young left the nest on June 21st. The lo.t.est nest held 3 eggs and 2 Covrbird eggs when found on July 11i;h by Feeney at Itasca Park.
1935Summer Wo have another good record from Brackett. On }by 30th, at Itasca Lake ho looked at a set cf 4 junco eggs. Cnrlander1s June 20th record of young out of the nest being fed at West Bearskin Lake completes our data on this species.
1936Summer At Lake _Caribou on June 22nd E. D. Swedenborg located a nest of one egg.
1937SummerOn July 21 Swedenborg found a nest of five large young near Palisade Head. Marius Morse, a~ Cloquet Valley Forest, found a nest of four eggs on July 23.
1938SummerA nest, sunk in the moss in a tamarack swamp, was found at Lake Vermillion on June 7 by Swedenborg and Prosser; it held~ one small young. On August ro Swanson saw juvenals being fed in Itasca Park.
1945Summer2 nests. 4 eggs each, June 7-12, Cook Co., Brother Hubert.
1945WinterPresent every winter in southern Minnesota. Scores of records. TREE SPARROW. Rather common winter visitant in southern Minnesota; sometimes seen in flocks numbering a few hundred individuals. WHITE-THROATED SPARROW. An injured bird in Duluth, winter of 1945-46, (Mrs. Olin); four near St. Paul, last week of December, 1944, (Brother Lewis).
1962FallOct. 20, Carlos Avery Refuge, Anoka Co., one adult male seen, R Huber; this Junco has always been a source of fascination for Richard Oehlenschlager and me. I would like to encourage all of you to send in your reports of this bird, with complete and detailed descriptions where possible, and with particular referencE: to the contrast of the hood with the back and sides, and the color of these three parts.
1962Winterall winter at feeder of Dr. W. J. Breckenridge, N Mpls; Jan. 15, West Burns Valley, Winona Co., Gwen Miller; Feb. 12, Lac qui Parle Co., one seen, Lowry Elliott.
1963SpringMarch 25, Karlstad, Kittson., (good description of male and female), Elizabeth Danielson; April 3-6, Two Harbors, pair, Ruth Kuchta; April 5-13, Hibbing, St. Louis Co., Harriet Micensky; May 4, Goodhue Co., R. Janssen. Tree Sparrow: Last reports, April 17, Washington Co., D. Honetschlager; April17, Minneapolis, R. Janssen; April 27, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel.
1963SummerBeltrami Co., south of Waskish, June 29, 2 ad with several flying y, Avifauna! Club.
1963FallOct 6, Nimrod, Wadena Co., adult collected, R. Oehlenschlager; Oct. 12, Minneapolis, R. B. Janssen; Oct. 14, Washington Co., W. R. Pieper; Oct. 14, Hibbing, St. Louis Co., Harriet Micensky; Oct. 19, Fargo-Moorhead area, Mrs. Leslie Welter; Oct. 26, Nimrod, Wadena Co., adult male collected, R. Oehlenschlager; Nov. 2, Hennepin Co., R. B. Janssen; Nov. 16, Sibley Co., R. B. Janssen. Tree Sparrow: earliest, Oct. 2, Hibbing, St. Louis Co., Harriet Micensky and Oct. 5, Whitewater State Park, Winona Co., R. B. Janssen.
1963WinterDec 3, Eden Prairie, Hennepin Co., Mrs. Eck; Dec 10-15, Minneapolis, Mpls Audubon Society; Dec 28, Dakota Co., Frank Kelley; most of winter, Minneapolis, feeder of Mrs. Ed Harms; Jan 5, Stevens Co., R. Grant; Jan 12, Willmar, Kandiyohi Co., at feeder, 0. Pearson; most of Feb, Washington Co., D. Honetschlager. See also Christmas counts.
1964Springlatest dates 4-18 Two Harbors, RK; 4-9 through 4-23 Wadena Co, specimens taken, RO; 3-20 Hennepin Co, MEH; 3-7 Ramsey Oo, ACR; 4-11 Carver Co, RBJ. Tree Sparrow: latest dates, 4-14 Stearns Co, RPR; 4-23 Hennepin Co, RBJ; 4-17 Marshall Co, DLO; 5-4 Ramsey Co, ACR; 5-10 Cook Co, HH.
1964Summer7-18, Meadowlands, St. Louis Co, ad carrying food, DM; 6-16, Cook Co, RBJ.
1964WinterMore reports than I can recall in six years. Those lingering at feeders for some time: 12-2 to 2-26, Mpls, 2, MAM, EWJ; 12-3 to 2-28, Collegeville, Stearns Co, 3 to 6, RPR; 12-18, Mpls, 2, TEM; 1-4 to 2-23, Rochester, 1, FEB; Dec to 2-28, Mpls, 1 or 2, WJB; Singles and transients: 12:10, Mpls, 1, EMB; 1225, Mpls, 1, DB; 12-25, Ramsey Co, 1, BL; 12-26, Anoka Co, 1, XC; 12-26, Ramsey Co, 2, ACR; 12-27, Cedar Creek Bog, Anoka Co, 1, XC; 12-28, Willmar, Kandiyohi Co, 2, XC; 1-1, Afton, Washington Co, 4, XC; 1-2, Fargo, 3, XC; 1-23, Morris, Stevens Co, 2, RAG; 1-23, Plainview, Wabasha Co, 2, DGM; 1-24 to 1-31, Motley, Morrison Co, 2 to 4, peak 7 on 1-29, CW; 2-6, Nicols, Dakota Co, 1, VS; 2-19, St. Paul, 1, BL; 2-25, Washington Co, 1, DS. Tree Sparrow: Wintering north to Twin
1965Springat least 7 April records; latest 4-29, Washington Co, DS. Tree Sparrow: many reports for last 10 days of April! latest 5-1 Schroeder, MOP.
1965Fall10-1 Hennepin Co, 1, VS; 10-7 Hennepin Co, RDT; 10-13 Washington Co, 1, WWL; 10-27 Minneapolis, 1, VL; 10-30 Hennepin Co, EMB; 11-6 Tofte, Cook Co, 1, MOP; 11-29 Tofte, 1, MOP; 11-30 Rice Co, 1, DB; 11-30 Winona, 1, GD; the early October dates are most interesting; one wonders if these are really oregonus or actually the blackhooded race (cis-montanus) of the Slatecolored Junco; specimens are needed here, any found dead should be turned in to the Museum of Natural History. Tree Sparrow: earliest 9-28, St. Louis Co, VFB; 10-2 Rochester, MIG and 10-5 Washington Co, WWL; 10-8 Tofte, MOP and Two Harbors, RK; many thereafter.
1965WinterNorth: present, Polk, G&SM; 12/30 (64), Ottertail, Xmas; 1/2 (2), Duluth, Xmas; 1/2, Cass, Xmas. Central and South: all winter, reported by 28 people, usually in small groups (1-10) from Morrison and Mille Lacs Counties southward. Migrants?: 2/6 (55), 2/15 (100), Sherburne, NMH. Dark-eyed Junco. A few (1-2) reported by 16 people wintering with the Slate-colored Juncos. Since observers differ as to exactly what to call an Dark-eyed Junco, no actual count of the number of observations can be given. Descriptions would be welcomed. Tree Sparrow. South: all winter, sp1all groups (1-10) in Stevens, Stearns, Wright, Chisago, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington. Dakota plus Lyon, Xmas; more common
1966Springlatest 4-28 Cook Co, HH; 4-29 Agassiz Refuge, DLO; 4-30 Collegeville, RPR. Tree Sparrow: latest 5-15 Cook Co, MOP; 5-20 Cook Co, MAF; 5-23 Cook Co, HH.
1966Summerreported from Lake, St. Louis, Marshall and Clearwater Co's. Chip,ping Sparrow: nested in Stearns, Cottonwood, Hennepin, Ramsey, St. Louis and Wright Co's; also reported from 22 other counties. Clay-c,olored Sparrow: reported from Washington, Beltrami, Clay, Stevens, St. Louis, Crow Wing, Stearns, Lake, Dakota, Cass, and Wadena Co's.
1966FallR. Oehlenschlager informs 17 March 1967 me that after examining many specimens of this and the preceding species (and their hybrids) that even the fully adult male (black hood, pink sides, brown back) is virtually inseparable in the field from the dark-hooded cismontanus "sub species" of the Dark-eyed Junco. Therefore I submit the following for what they are worth: 10-10 Hennepin Co., MHM; 10-15 Lake Co., RK and Duluth, AKA; 10-16 Duluth, JCG; I 0-17 Washington Co., DS; 10-19 Lake Co., RK; 11-8 Dakota Co., FN/MAS; 11-10 Fargo, MGA and Morris, JAH; 11-11 Cook Co.,MAF; 11-13 Morris, JAH; 11-27 Fargo, MGA; 11-28 Washington Co., WWL; 11-29 Stearns Co., RPR. Tree Sparrow: Earliest 9-10 Beltrami Co., MK; 9-20 Cook Co., JCG; 9-26 Lake
1966Winterreported from Olmsted, Stearns, Lyon, Hennepin, Ramsey, Winona and Rice Co's; some of our banders have recently reported Oregon x Slatecolored Junco hybrids, something that even an expert taxonomsit would hesitate doing; eventually the two might even be regarded as conspecific; until such time as the entire genus has been overhauled, observers should keep accurate, objective descriptions of any blackhooded individuals seen. Tree Sparrow: reported from Hennepin, Lyon, Stearns, Washington, Rice, Ramsey, Anoka, Olmsted, Wright, Nobles, Stevens, Big Stone, Wabasha and Winona Co's.; one northerly record, 12-7 Cook Co., JCG.
1967Springreported in March from Wright, Kanabec, Stevens, Hennepin Carver and Washington Co's.; reported in April from Hennepin, Stearns, Marshall, Lake, Aitkin and Washington Co's.; reported in May only from Beltrami Co., MG. 
1967Summerreported from Aitkin, Lake Co's.
1967Fall earliest in south, 8-30 Fargo - Moorhead, EGA; 9-16 Stearns Co., KE; 9-26 Pope Co., JAH; 9-27 Hennepin Co., MEH; 9-29 Hennepin Co., MHM; latest in north, 11-1 Cook Co., RLG; 11-9 Lake Co., RK; 11-10 Cook Co., MOP. - Oregon Junco - 10-9 Hennepin Co., 1, MHM; 10-20 Stearns Co., 1, KE; 10-24 Washington Co., DS; 11-30 Anoka Co., 1, PE.
1967Winter numbers down, appearances irregular from Anoka, Mille Lacs, Nobles, Watonwan, Olmsted, Beltrami, Washington, Carver, St. Louis, Cook, Henepin, Lyon, Rice, Isanti, Morrison, Fillmore, Pope, Wabasha, Ramsey, Stevens, Stearns Dakota Co's.; also Fargo- Moorhead. - Oregon Junco - 1-8 Wyoming, Washington Co., 1 banded, FVS; no date, Hugo, Washington Co., GCA; 1-10, 2-28 Carver Co., MHM; seen daily, Bloomington, 1, MEH; 1-30 Cyrus, Pope Co., 1, WH; 1-16, 1-18 Christmas Lake, Hennepin Co., 1, RDT; 12-9(2), 12-21(1) Collegeville, Steams Co., KE; 12-21 Minneapolis, 1, gray hood, pink sides, brown back, MES; it is interesting that only one of the above observations was accompanied by a description.
1968Spring latest in south, 5-5 Carver Co., RTH and Hennepin Co., JAJ; 5-6 Duluth, JCG; 5-7 Hennepin Co., CKS; one exceptional date, 5-27 Anoka Co., WHL. - Oregon Junco - late 3-17 Minneapolis, EHH; 3-23 Carver Co., RTH; 3-29 Stearns Co., KE; 3-30 Minneapolis, EBM; 4-14 Shotley, Beltrami Co., MG.
1968Summer nested in Carlton Co (GWG); also reported from Lake, St. Louis, Beltrami Co's.
1968Fall10-27-1029 Cook MAF, MOP. (See article this issue) Tree Sparrow: Earliest 9-27 Chisago EL; 10-13 Cook J CG; 10-15 Nobles HSH; 10-24 Winona BT.
1968Winter12-13 Stearns (St. Cloud) NMH; 12-19 Olmsted AFR; 12-21 Rice 2 GNR; 12-28 Hennepin 2 RBJ; 12-30-1-11 (Minneapolis) VL; 1-4 Winona DB, RBJ; 1-8-2-7 (Minneapolis) AJ; 2-8 Winona (Pickwick) FZL. Tree Sparrow: North -last: 12-8 Cook JP; all winter Morrison 10 LSR; South -all winter from Chisago County southward.
1969Spring1-1 (2) Winona Co., BT; 3-16 Carver Co., MHM; 4-7 Carver Co., THH; 4-9 Cook Co., OP; 4-12 Duluth, MMG; 4-14 Cook Co., MA; 4-20 Cook Co., MA; 5-2 Washington Co., WWL. Tree Sparrow: Early: 4-8 Duluth, KS; 4-9 Morrison Co., LSR; 4-27 (15) Watonwan Co., LAF; 4-30 Washington Co., WWL; 5-14 Lake Co., RK; 5-17 Cook Co., OP.
1969Summer6-21 Toivola, St. Louis Co. nest with 1y PH; also reported from Cook, Beltrami, and Duluth (6-2, 30, 7-6, 21 BH).
1969Fall11-24-11- 28 Duluth at feeder, JCG, MC. Tree Sparrow: 11-11 Winona 125 BTV; TH; 10-19 Duluth MC and KS; 11-19 Cook MAF; 11-28 Cook JP; 11-30 Carver KH; 11-30 Hennepin MM.
1969WinterFrom 1-3 reported by 18 observers in junco flocks in the southern half of the state. Tree Sparrow: In the South wintered in good numbers; only reports in the North: Mille Lacs (1-3 all winter, WJH); Gnesen Twp., St. Louis Co. 1-24, two, KRE).
1970Spring17 reports Duluth MMC; 4-28 Winona TV. Tree Sparrow: early north 4-2 Lake RK; 4-9 Mille Lacs Ml and Cook JP; late 5-12 Cook JP and Duluth jG; 5-15 Lake RK.
1970Fallreported from Hennepin, Winona, Carver, Crow Wing, and Duluth. Tree Sparrow: early 10-1 Stearns MC; 10-2 Duluth MMC; late north 11-14 Duluth MMC; 11-23 Duluth ]G.
1970Wintersingles reported by 12 observers in the southern half of the state. Tree Sparrow: wintered from Wright and Sherburne southward to Watonwan and Winona; in the North reported from Duluth (3 on Xmas) and Lake (two, 1-23 Little Marais JCG).
1971Springlate south 4-5 Hennepin WKE; 4-15 Sherburne RLD; 4-16 Wabasha WDM; 3 reports north: 4-3 Crow Wing JB; 4-2, 4-8 Lake RK; 3-17, 4-9 Duluth MMC. Tree Sparrow: early north 4-2 Lake, M.E. Pe nner; 4-5 Duluth MMC; 4-7 Crow Wing JB; late 5-10 Carver KH; 5-15 Stearns KE, PE, RR.
1971Summerreported from Cook, St. Louis and Clearwater.
1971Fallreported from Hennepin, Wabasha, Carver, Winona, Washington, Crow Wing and Duluth. Tree Sparrow: early 9-30 Mille Lacs; 10-2 Cook; 10-8 Duluth; late north 11-21 Grant; 11-22 Duluth; 11-27 Crow Wing; peak 10-29 Crow Wing (1000) TS.
1972Summerseen in Clearwater, Beltrami, Crow Wing, N. & S. St. Louis (6-24 Cotton DB; 7-15 Duluth MMC), Lake.
1972WinterPr·esent from late fall until 2-24 Lac qui Parle AFE. Third state record. Tree Sparrow: NORTH Reported from Becker, Crow Win_g (5 daily at feeder). Douglas and Otter Tail. SOUTH Reported from twenty counties. Maximums: 12-16 (212) Rice OAR; 2-18 (150) Nicollet JN.
1973Spring48 REPORTERS REPORTING. EARLY SOUTH 3-111 AHOKA. SCJ  3-1!11 LAC QUI PARLE Af'EJ 3-1!11 WABASHA DV'HJ I:ARLY NORTH 3 • 1/1 CLAY LCP:J  3-l!llil GRAHT KREJ 3- le CASS HRHJ PEAK 4-88 LYON (2811'S> HCKi 4•1itB LYON  Scarlet Tanager
1973Summer Nested in Aitkin, Lake; seen in St. Louis, Cook.
1973Fall Seen in 27 counties. Peak 10-13 Clay (400) (KBZ). Tree Sparrow Common this year; Seen in 16 counties. Early 9-27 St. Louis (JCG); 10-1 Ramsey (2) (JAB).
1973Winter Reported from 32 counties north to Cook, St. Louis, Cass, Marshall and Clay. Tree Sparrow Reported from 31 counties north to Duluth, Crow Wing, Todd, Otter Tail and Marshall.
1974Spring Late south 5-16 Stearns NMH; 5-29 Dakota RC; early north 3-6 Crow Wing JB; 3-11 Clay LCF; 3-11 Clearwater RCD. Tree Sparrow Early north 3-14 Clay LCF; 3-15 Clay KZ; late 5-14 Olmsted JF; 5-26 Lake BH. Chipping Spa,rrow Early south 4-2 Le Sueur GR; 4-3 Stearns NMH; 4-8 Dakota RC; early north 4-16 Hubbard HJF; 4-22 ClayLCF.
1974Summer Reported from Lake of the Woods, Clearwater, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1974Fall Late north 11-30 Morrison LSR, Duluth JG; early south 9-15 Hennepin OJ; 9-21 Ramsey DM. Tree Sparrow Early north 9-20 Clay FMAS; 9-22 St. Louis JAB; early south 9-29 Rock KE; 10-8 Murray AD; late north 11-9 Duluth MMC; 11-10 Ottertail LCF.
1974Winter Reported from 35 counties north to Clearwater, Cass, Crow Wing, St. Louis, Lake and Cook. Tree Sparrow Reported from 28 counties north to Ottertail and Crow Wing.
1975Spring Late south 5-7 Hennepin WKE; 5-11 Lyon HCK; early north 3-1 St. Louis MMC; 3-16 Becker TRS; 3-21 Clay LCF. Tree Sparrow Early north 3-21 Marshall SV; 3-29 Clearwater RCD and Morrison LSR; late 5-15 Becker TRS.
1975Summer Reported from Lake of the Woods, Carlton, St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
1975Fallearly south 8-4 Wabasha DWM; 9-3 Wright ES; 9-9 Anoka BB; late north 11-15 Clay LCF; 11-18 Duluth JG; 11-30 Morrison LSR. Tree Sparrow: early north 10-4 Duluth DS; 10-10 Marshall SV; early south 9-28 Dodge VH; 10-11 Rock KE; Isanti PE, RJ; late north 11·11 Mille Lacs MI; 11-28 Ottertail SM.
1975Winterreported from 38 counties north to Crow Wing, St. Louis, Cook, Polk, Cass and Clay Co's; peak of 558 on Afton Christmas Count. Tree Sparrow: reported from 37 counties north to Polk, Marshall, Crow Wing and Lake Co's; peak of 895 on the Wabasha Christmas Count; though more common in the Southeast, this species was harder to find than normal in the Southwest.
1976Spring Late south 5-21 Hennepin ETS; early north 3-1 Clay LCF; 3 reports on 3-19. Winter 1976 Tree Sparrow Early north 3-3 Clay LCF; 3-14 Otter Tail GW; 3-23 Marshall SV; late 5-13 St. Louis JCG.
1976Summerreported from Itasca, St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
1976Fall Early south 9-16 Washington and Olmsted, 9-17 Hennepin. Tree Sparrow Early north 9-13 Duluth GN, 10-1 Marshall and Otter Tail; early south 9-26 Lac qui Parle, 10-5 Washington, 10-8 Murray.
1976Winter Reported from 37 counties north to Marshall, Clearwater, Hubbard, St. Louis, Lake and Cook. Tree Sparrow Reported from 32 counties north to Otter Tail, Crow Wing, Pine and St. Louis (until 2-10 at Ely; LP).
1977Spring Late south 5-4 Hennepin ES; early north 3 reports on 3-1. Tree Sparrow Early north 3-8 St. Louis GN; 3-11, 3-12 Otter Tail SM, GEW, GO.
1977Summer Nested in Lake of the Woods; also reported from Hubbard, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook find Otter Tail (6-2 to 7-12, GO).
1977Fall Early south 9-7 Olmsted (E. Webster). Tree Sparrow Early south 9-25 Cottonwood (RG).
1977Winter Reported from 37 counties north to Marshall, Polk, St. Louis, Lake and Cook. Tree Sparrow Reported from 29 counties north to Polk (Crookston CBC) and Duluth Twp. (at a feeder into Jan.).
1978Summer Breeding reported from Beltrami; seen also in Cook, Lake, Otter Tail (6-1, 6-18, Fergus Falls, GLO).
1978Fall Early south 9-9 Fillmore GBE and 9-22 Houston EMF. Tree Sparrow Early north 10-1 Clay RJ and 10-3 Crow Wing JB; early south 10-16 Cottonwood RG, 10-17 Murray AD and 10-18 Anoka JH.
1978Winter Reported from 42 counties north to Polk, Pennington, Hubbard, Cass, Clearwater, Crow Wing, Duluth and Cook; more north reports than usual. Tree Sparrow Reported from 31 counties north to Otter Tail (Fergus Falls CBC) and Crow Wing (Crosby CBC).
1979Spring Late south 5-10 Hennepin TD, 5-11 Hennepin ES, 5-12 Anoka JCH; late north 5-31 Otter Tail GMO. Tree Sparrow Late south 5-12 Redwood RJ; late north 5-12 St. Louis DA.
1979Summer Seen in Lake, Beltrami, Crow Wing (7-21 Markee Lake, DS).
1979Fall Early south 9-13 Houston EMF, 9-27 Hennepin KWE and VL. Tree Sparrow Early north 9-25 St. Louis DA, 10-12 Beltrami SL; early south 9-18 Anoka BH, 9-30 Hennepin RMA. Chipping Spa1rrow Late north 10-15 St. Louis JG, 1028 St. Louis BL; late south 10-19 Nicollet JCF, 10-21 Winona JSD. Clay-colored Spa1rrow Late north 10-7 Otter Tail GMO, 10/5 Polk KSS; late south 10-5 Lac qui
1979Winter Reported from 35 counties north to Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca Beltrami and Otter Tail. ' Tree Sparrow Reported from 27 counties north and northwest to Aitkin, Crow Wing, Todd, Otter Tail, Polk, Pennington and Marshall. Field Spanow Overwintered at a feeder in Webster, Scott Co., photographed on 1-12 and 2-10 (R. Leis). Also reported on the Hastings and St. Paul CBC.
1980Spring Late south 5-8 Hennepin OJ, 5-14 Olmsted JF; late north 4-27 Clay LCF, 5-1 St. Louis JG. Tree Sparrow Late south 4-26 Lyon HK, 5-8 Wabasha WDM; late north 4-21 Otter Tail GMO, 5-3 St. Louis KE.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Koochiching; also seen in Lake of the Woods, Itasca, Lake, Cook.
1980Fall Early south 9-12 Olmsted JSD, 9-19 Anoka JLH, Houston EMF. Tree Sparrow Early north 9-7 St. Louis JG, 10-6 Red Lake KSS; early south 9-16 Murray AD, 10-4 Anoka DS. Chipping. Sparrow Late north 10-12 ·otter Tail GW, 10-22 St. Louis LW; late south 10-26 Houston EMF, 10-31 Hennepin DB.
1980Winter Reported from 28 counties north to Cook, Lake of the Woods, Crow Wing and Otter Tail. Tree Sparrow Reported from 26 counties north to Cook 1-6 (TS) and Lake 1-24 (KG).
1981Spring Late south 5-5 Hennepin SC, GP, 5-10 Washington DS, 5-13 Ramsey RH. Tree Sparrow Late south 4-16 Hennepin SE, ES, 4-17 Hennepin SC, 4-27 Hennepin OJ, Ramsey RH; late north 5-2 St. Louis JG, 5-3 Lake SW / MS, 5-7 Cook KMH.
1981Summer Breeding data from Cook. Also seen in Lake, St. Louis, Koochiching, Beltrami, Lake of the Woods, Marshall.
1981Fall Early south 9-15 Washington DGW, 9-17 Houston EMF, 9-18 Nicollet JCF. Tree Sparrow Early north 9-28 Clay LCF, 10-2 Cook KMH; early south 10-2 Nicollet JCF, 10-7 Olmsted JEB.
1981Winter Reported from eight north and 29 south counties. Tree Sparrow Reported from 23 south counties and Clay, Otter Tail and Duluth in the north.
1982Spring Late south 5-17 Ramsey RH, 5-22 Olmsted JEB. Tree Sparrow Late south 4-26 Hennepin SC, 4-27 Hennepin AB, VL, 5-1 Olmsted JEB; late north 4-29 Pennington KSS, St. Louis JG, 4-30 Cook MKH, Lake SWI MS, 5-1 Red Lake RJ, 5-5 Lake of the Woods TW.
1982Summer Breeding data from Cook.
1982Fall Early south 9/18 Anoka SC, 9/24 Nicollet JCF, 9/25 Olmsted JEB.
1982Winter Widespread throughout the state with reports from 43 counties including Kittson, Marshall; overwintered (KSS), Lake 1/1, 1/2 (SWIMS) and Cook, Dec. (KMH).
1983Spring Late south 5/10 Ramsey RH, 5!13 Cottonwood WH.
1983Summer Seen in Cook, Lake.
1983Fall Early south 9/22 Cottonwood LAF, 9/23 Olmsted JEB, 9/25 Anoka SC, Brown JSp, Lac qui Parle FE.
1983Winter Widespread and common throughout the central and southern regions and more reports than normal from the north regions. Overwintered in Polk and Pennington (KSS) in the northwest and Hovland (SL) and Poplar Lake (KMH) in the northeast. A statewide CBC total of 4860 with a peak of 797 on the Rochester count. A Grayheaded race overwintered at the Richardson Nature Center in the Twin Cities; The Loon 56:70.
1984Spring Late south 5/13 Washington TBB, 5/15 Ramsey RH, JPAM, ES, 5/31 Olmsted JEB.
1984Summernested in Cook; also seen in Lake.
1984Fall Early south 9/15 Anoka SC, 9/20 Olmsted PP, 9/23 Hennepin IT.
1984Winter Reported from 53 counties throughout the state. A statewide CBC count of 4381 with a peak of 899 at Rochester.
1985Spring Late south 4/29 Ramsey RH, 51 I Cottonwood WH, 5/7 Murray ND.
1985Summer Probable nesting in Cook. Also seen in Lake, St. Louis, Koochiching, Marshall (Agassiz NWR).
1985Winter Reported from 47 counties throughout the state. A statewide CBC count of 4024 (4381 L. y.) with a high count of 887 (899 L. y.) at Rochester.
1986Spring Late south 5/6 Fillmore AMP, 5/8 Hennepin SC, 5/10 Hennepin ES, Olmsted JEB.
1986Summer Probable nesting in St. Louis. Also seen in eight other counties throughout range plus Mille Lacs (6/9, BBS).
1986Fall Early south 9/6 Anoka SC, GP and Olmsted RE, 9/18 Brown JS.
1986Winter Reported from 52 counties ( 47 L. Y.) throughout the state. Statewide CBC total of 2672 ( 4024 L. Y.).
1987Spring Late south 5/3 Fillmore AB, 5/4 Anoka GP, 5/9 Winona JB, RSE.,
1987Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Agassiz NWR, Beltrami, Cass, Dodge (6/20 Claremont Cemetery; AP, RJ).
1987Fall Early south 8/3 Anoka SC, 8/24 Washington WL, 8/26 Sherburne DZ.
1987Winter Reported from 51 counties throughout the state (52 L. Y.) with a statewide CBC total of 8/61 (2672 L.Y.).
1988Spring Late south 5/1 Dakota DZ, 5/10 Blue Earth MF, 5/12 Nicollet MT.
1988Summer Nested in Cook; also seen in Marshall, Koochiching, Lake, Crow Wing.
1988Fall Early south 9/9 Anoka SC, 9/10 Stevens RJ, 9/22 Olmsted JB.
1988Winter Reported from 45 counties (51 l.y.) throughout the state with a CBC total of 3,066 (8,161 l.y.).
1989Spring Late south 5/2 Hennepin DZ, 5/3 Fillmore NAO, Washington JD, 5/7 Houston EMF. Winter 1989
1989Summer Relatively few reports; seen in Kittson TR, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1989Fall Early south 9/2 Hennepin OJ, 9/20 Dakota JD, 9/23 Hennepin SC.
1989Winter Reported from an unprecedented 60 counties (45 l.y.) throughout the state with a CBC total of 6,656. Overwintered as far north as Todd and Hovland, Cook Co. OSL. Light snow cover in south may have dispersed birds as many observers noted low numbers.
1990Spring Late south 5/2 Olmsted BSE, Sherburne SNWR, 5/5 Lac qui Parle CMB, Ramsey RH, 5/14 Hennepin SC.
1990Summer Reports from Lake of the Woods, Koochiching, Itasca, Lake, Cook.
1990Fall Early south 9/15 Hennepin SC, Olmsted JB, Winona CS, 9/23 Ramsey EL, Washington OS, 9/24 Sherburne SWR.
1990Winter Reported in 51 counties statewide with a CBC total of7,199 (6,656l.y.). Overwintered as far north as Clay, Becker, and Cook and reported "abundant" in Washington Co. TEB. One of the few passerines to show an increase this winter.
1991Spring Late south 5/9 Hennepin SC, Winona CS, 5/10 Washington WL, 5/20 Lac qui Parle CMB.
1991Summer Seen in Roseau, Pennington, Lake and Cook Counties.
1991Winter Reported from 46 counties (51 l.y.) throughout the state as far north as Cook, Koochiching and Roseau, but generally very scarce with a CBC total of only 2,369 (7,199 l.y.), and many of these apparently did not overwinter since they were reported only in December or on CBC's.
1992Spring Late south 5/6 Dakota JD, Lac qui Parle FE and Pipestone JP, 5/17 Cottonwood ED.
1992Summer Only reports from Roseau, Lake.
1992Fall Early south 9/17 Rice TB, 9/22 Hennepin SC, OJ.
1992Winter Numbers about average. Reported from 54 counties (46 l.y.) statewide as far north as the border in Cook mob (overwintering), 2/20 Beltrami PKL, 2/27 Koochiching KB, and the Warren and Roseau CBCs. CBC total 3,838 (2,369 l.y.).
1993Spring Late south 5/3 Hennepin SC, Houston EMF, 5/8 Goodhue EL.
1993Summer Seen in Roseau, Becker, Lake of the Woods, Cass, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus early migrant 7/29 Hennepin TJB.
1993Fall Early south 8/12 Hennepin SC, 8/17 Olmsted JB.
1993Winter Reported from 40 counties statewide (54 l.y.) with overwintering as far north as Polk, Koochiching and St. Louis.
1994Spring Late south 5/11 Winona JPo, CS, 5/22 Faribault RG.
1994Summer Reported from Roseau, Clearwater, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake.
1994Fall Early south 9/16 Anoka JH, 9/17 Hennepin SC.
1994Winter Reported from 50 counties throughout the state with overwintering noted as far north as Koochiching and Cook. Large numbers (140–150+) were reported on 12/18 in Fillmore and Houston PKL. CBC total 5,168.
1995Spring Late south 5/12 Washington County TEB, DN, 5/16 Cottonwood ED, 5/24 Hennepin SC.
1995Summer Observed in Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake.
1995Fall Early south 8/27 Hennepin SC, WM, 9/12 Chisago RG. Migration in north peaked 9/21–27 fide CMG and BK.
1995Winter Reported from 54 counties throughout the state. CBC total an above average 7,537.
1996Spring Late south 5/15 Washington WL, 5/16 Hennepin TT, 5/26 Cottonwood ED. Reported from 22 counties north, with peak movement between 4/10 and 4/16.
1996Summer Reported in Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake.
1996Fall Reported from 16 north counties throughout the period. Early south 9/21 Hennepin SC, 9/25 Lac qui Parle FE and Murray RgS. Large numbers of this species were moving through Becker county 10/10–18 (BBe, BK). “Oregon” race individuals were reported 11/1 Hennepin OJ and 11/24 Anoka JBe.
1996Winter Although the reports from 59 counties throughout the state is a near-record number, the CBC total of 4,695 is only average (7,537 l.y.).
1997Spring Peak movement between 3/20 and 4/10, with largest numbers (1,000s) reported on 3/30 Big Stone LE. Late south 5/9 Hennepin TT, 5/14 Lyon RgS, 5/17 Washington WL. Reported from 20 counties north. The “Oregon” race reported 3/28 Dakota DBS, 3/28–31 Washington WL, 3/30 Mower RJe.
1997Summer Only reports from Aitkin, Carlton.
1997Fall Reported from 17 north counties throughout the period. Early south 9/11 Hennepin SC, 9/19 Sherburne RJ, and 9/20 Anoka MM. Three “Oregon” race sightings of four individuals: 10/16 Dakota DBS, 11/22 Stearns (2) MJ/DT, 11/23 Clay MRN.
1997Winter Reported from 59 counties throughout the state. CBC total 6,064.
1998Spring Late south 5/2 Lyon RgS, 5/31 Rice TBo. JN reported an early wave of migrants 3/1–5, then none until 3/28. TW observed two major movements of migrants through St. Louis on 4/6 and 4/25. “Oregon” race individuals reported from Otter Tail DST, 3/28 Stearns MJ/DT, 3/1 and 4/1 Dakota DBS.
1998Summer Only observation from Lake.
1998Fall Reported throughout the period north. Early south 9/12 Hennepin SC and Anoka RH, 9/15 McLeod RbS and Mower RRK.
1998Winter Reported from 56 counties throughout the state. CBC total a record 9,165.
1999Spring Late south 5/22 Hennepin ABo, 5/23–29 Anoka MM. Peak count south 4/2 Isanti (flock of 480) KB. Peak count north 4/3 Mille Lacs (1,200) KB.
1999Summer Most reports since 1993. Seen in Roseau, St. Louis, Lake, Carlton, Pine; plus 6/10 – 7/18 Wadena PBi and late migrant(?) 6/2 Hennepin (singing) TBo.
1999Fall Apparent migrants north began appearing 9/12 in Wadena (PBi) and were widely distributed by 9/20. Early south 9/16 Hennepin SC, 9/18 Hennepin TT, 9/20 Hennepin SL and Stearns MJ/DT. Widely reported south by 9/25. Very interesting was the apparent “Gray-headed” Junco briefly described 10/8 Pipestone ND. The “Oregon” Junco was recorded 10/17–30 Dakota (2) DBS and 10/24 Cass MRN.
1999Winter Reported from 55 counties throughout the state.
2000Spring Seen in 33 south and 20 north counties. Observed in all regions during the winter season, but DJo noted migrants 3/31 in Beltrami. Flock of 500 grounded after snowstorm 4/10 Beckerfide BBe. “Oregon” Juncos seen in four counties, including 4/16 St. Louis †TW, 5/28 Houston †NWi, mob.
2000Summer Seen in Roseau, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
2000Fall Reported throughout the period in northern regions. Early south 9/12 Anoka SLC, 9/17 Hennepin SLC. Notable high count 10/16 St. Louis (500) TPW. Possible “pink-sided” form found 10/15 Ramsey (Pig's Eye Lake) SWe, and another 11/8 Becker fide BAB. Possible “Oregon” reported 11/14–12/25 Kanabec CM and 11/23 Winona DBz.
2000Winter Reported from 60 counties throughout the state. Peak count on Winona CBC (1374).
2001Spring Found in 39 south and 23 north counties throughout state. Peak counts 4/9–13 Otter Tail (200 in yard) DTT, SMT, 4/15 Wright (total 300 in 2 flocks) DPJ. “Oregon” Junco 3/31 – 4/1 Otter Tail DTT, SMT.
2001Summer Observed in St. Louis, Lake, Carlton.
2001Fall Reported throughout the period north, with peak numbers in mid-October. Early south 8/25 Dakota MAO, 9/13 Anoka JJS, 9/16 Meeker DMF. “Oregon” race 10/27 Meeker DMF, 11/6 Dakota TAT.
2001Winter Reported from 15 north and 39 south counties; absent from the northern two tiers of counties in the North-central and Northwest regions.
2002Spring Seen in 34 south and 21 north counties. Late south 5/15 Hennepin TAT, 5/24 Stearns DRu. High count 4/14 Polk (807) EEF.
2002Summer Reported in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, St. Louis, Lake.
2002Fall Early south 8/23 Chisago RBJ, 9/10 Freeborn AEB, 9/15 Anoka KJB. A “Pink-sided Junco” was reported without details. (See Birding 35:132–136 for a recent discussion of identification difficulties.)
2002Winter Reported from 55 counties throughout the state.
2003Spring Found in 28 south and 18 north counties. “Oregon” Juncos reported in Beltrami, Cass, Dakota, Otter Tail. Late south 5/10 Hennepin SLC, 5/12 Winona OWB. Peak count 3/28 Wadena (270) PJB.
2003Summer Reported in Beltrami, Cass, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Pine.
2003Fall Early south 9/15 Hennepin SLC, 9/23 Rice FVS, 9/25 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 9/11). Frequent south reports beginning 9/27. Highest reported count 10/18 Mower (100) RRK.
2003Winter Reported from 55 counties throughout the state.
2004Spring Found in 35 south and 24 north counties. “Oregon” Junco early April in Carver ph. RMD. Late south 5/15 Hennepin SLC and Rice TFB. Highest reported counts 4/5 Wadena (345) PJB, 4/10 Polk (400 between East Grand Forks and Mentor) EEF.
2004Summer Observed 6/6 Lake NRRI, 6/6, 6/20 Polk (Rydell N.W.R.), 6/8 St. Louis SLF, 6/30 Roseau KLP, SSP.
2004Fall Early south 9/24 Meeker DMF, 9/26 Hennepin SLC, then frequent south reports beginning 9/28. Partial albino 10/25 Hennepin TAT.
2004Winter Found in 12 north and 26 south counties throughout.
2005Spring Reported from 38 south and 23 north counties in all regions. Late south 5/14 Washington DPS, 5/19 Fillmore NBO. “Oregon” race documented 3/31 Dakota †ADS. Highest reported count 4/3 Beltrami (340) PJB.
2005Summer Observed 6/4 Koochiching AXH, 6/17, 6/24, 6/28 St. Louis NRRI, ALE, SLF.
2005Fall Reported from all regions. First arrivals south 9/4 Olmsted PWP, 9/17 Scott RBJ.
2005Winter Reported from 18 north and 39 south counties statewide.
2006Spring Reported from 46 south and 27 north counties in all regions. Season high count 4/1 Stearns (200) SWe. Late south 5/8 & 5/12 Lac qui Parle BJU. Male “Oregon Junco” reported 3/28 Otter Tail DTT, SMT.
2006Summer Seen in Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Itasca, Cass, St. Louis, Cook.
2006Fall Early south reports 9/9 Lac qui Parle BJU, 9/11 Sherburne PLJ are on track with the median arrival (9/11). Otherwise reported from all regions throughout the rest of the season. High count 10/8 Scott (260 at Louisville Swamp and Lawrence Unit, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) BAF.
2006Winter1944 Individuals of the “Oregon” race thurberi noted 12/4 Hennepin ErR, 12/16 (Duluth CBC) through 1/21 St. Louis †TPW, and 12/30 Dakota (2, Hastings CBC).
2007Spring3250 Late south 5/13 Meeker DMF, 5/21 Rice TFB. Season high count 3/25 Crow Wing (500) JSB. “Oregon” race reported 3/29 Dakota ADS.
2007Summer51 Multiple reports from Cass, St. Louis and Lake, and also 6/7 Sherburne (no details) ASc, 7/3 Wadena PJB.
2007Fall3046 Early south (median 9/10) 9/9 Anoka DWK, 9/13 Meeker DMF, 9/21 Anoka JBB, 9/22 Washington LS. Otherwise, reported throughout the state and season.
2007Winter2239 Reported from all regions statewide and throughout the season. Several observations of the “Oregon” race, J. h. thurberi, were noted, including several from CBCs. The CBC high count of this form was from Fargo (5). The CBC high count of the “Slate-colored”, or unspecified races, was Winona (1,303). Overwintering was specifically noted in Ramsey (8) AXH. Undocumented was a “Pink-sided” individual, a race still not conclusively known in the state.
2008Spring3051 Late south 5/13 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/14 Hennepin ATF, 5/26 Sherburne HCT (median 5/18). Season high counts 4/7 Crow Wing (1,000) JSB, 4/11 Isanti (800) CKB.
2008Summer3 Observed 6/1 Lake JWL, 6/4, 6/5, 6/9, 6/17, 6/18, 6/22, 6/25, 6/26 Itasca MCBS, and 6/8, 6/14 Pine MCA, LS, CRM.
2008Fall3038 Early south (median 9/10) 9/8 Sherburne ASc, 9/20 Carver JCy, Pope DBM, Sherburne PLJ, 9/21 Chisago MHe, Scott BAF. Otherwise reported throughout the state and the rest of the season.
2008Winter1748 High count (165) 12/28 Wabasha DAB. CBC high counts Henderson (673), Rochester (653). “Oregon” subspecies reported 12/30 Brown †BTS, 1/13 Hennepin †DDo, and 1/15 – 2/8 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R. headquarters) †ALD, †PEB, DWK; also from 5 CBCs(2 only partially within Minnesota), with a high count of 3 (Fargo-Moorhead).
2009Spring3051 Seen statewide. Late south 5/9 Cottonwood LS, Stearns HHD, 5/11 Rice DAT, Yellow Medicine DBz (median 5/18). Season high count 3/27 Brown (433) RJS.
2009Summer7 Observed sparingly within usual summer range: Cass, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Aitkin, Mille Lacs.
2009Fall2840 Early south (median 9/9) 8/29 Hennepin MDu, 9/1 Ramsey REH, 9/2 Sherburne ASc. Season high counts 10/9 Cook (133) PCC, PHS, 10/30 Anoka (128) CKB. Otherwise reported throughout the state and the season.
2009Winter2245 About the same number of reports as last year, from all regions and throughout the season. There were several reports of the “Oregon” subspecies but only one was documented: 1/7 Dakota SLP, 1/13 Blue Earth ChH, 2/14 Hennepin †DDo, 2/15 Winona KSh. High counts 1/2 Wright (123) JFR, 12/23 Meeker (121) MJB. CBC high counts 12/19 Northwest McLeod (1,056), Rochester (994), with three others totaling in the 800s.
2010Spring3150 Reported statewide. Most reports south through end of April. Late south 5/1 CarverJCy, McLeod ANr, 5/5 Hennepin MWe, then one very late straggler 5/31 Dakota JPM (median 5/19).
2010Summer102 Observed in all northern regions and Central, plus Goodhue.
2010Fall3449 Early south (median 9/9) 8/21–26 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) BJU, 9/4 Hennepin GiH, 9/14 Anoka SKS, 9/18 Sherburne ASc. Season high counts 10/6 St. Louis (314, Duluth) KJB, CRu, 10/11 Sherburne (120) PLJ. Otherwise reported throughout the state and season.
2010Winter2445 Reported from about the same number of counties as last year. High count 12/19 Mower (78) NFT. CBC high counts 12/18 Winona (1,472), 12/18 Rochester (611). Three reports of the “Oregon” subspecies were documented by photos: 12/2–2/28 Hennepin (Minnehaha Creek near Lake Hiawatha) ph. DDo, 12/22 Dakota (Eagan) ph. JPM, 1/16 Washington (Dellwood) ph. KMe.
2011Spring3253 Seen statewide. Late south 5/25 Washington RBl, 5/27 Hennepin LiM, 5/29 Kandiyohi JoS (median 5/19). Noteable high counts: 4/7 Cass (500) ABi, 4/7 Roseau (300) LeG, 4/23 St. Louis (300) TPW.
2011Summer101Observed in all northern regions plus 6/26 Le Sueur PRH. First county breeding record from St. Louis MCBS.
2011Fall3352 Reported from 85 of 87 counties. Early south 8/27 Olmsted PSm, 8/29 Swift (3) BJU, 9/1 Rice (2) FVS. High counts 10/9 St. Louis (1,000 at Park Point) KJB, 9/30 Cass (500) DAY.
2011Winter2545Fairly consistent number of counties reporting over the past three years (69 in 2010, 67 in 2009). Seen in all regions statewide and throughout the season. Individual high count 1/21 Houston (87, Houston) RTP. CBC high counts 12/17 Winona (517), Rochester (516), 1/2 Wabasha (499), 12/31 Hastings-Etter (461). "Oregon" subspecies 1/23–2/2 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) ph. BJU.
2012Spring3452 Reported statewide. High count 3/29 Sherburne (122, Sherburne N.W.R.) BAB. Late south 5/8 Washington (Lake Elmo R.P.) BDo, 5/9 Anoka (Cedar Creek Natural History Area) DAs (median 5/19).
2012Summer101 Found in North-central, Northeast, East-central, plus 7/20 Watonwan fide BBA.
2012Fall3349 Found in 82 of 87 counties. Early south (median 9/9) 9/7 Ramsey AdJ, 9/9 Lyon GWe, 9/13 Hennepin TAT. High count 10/9 Mille Lacs (est. 1,000, over a two-hour period) SMC.
2012Winter2751 More reports than any of the previous five winters. Seen in all regions statewide and throughout the season. CBC high counts 12/30 Red Wing (1,031), 1/5 Wabasha (555). There was an unprecedented number of reports of the “Oregon” subspecies group involving at least 22 different birds, 14 of which were documented (7 with photos). Documented records include 12/2–2/17 Polk ph. SAu, 12/5–1/17 Hennepin ph. BeS, 12/15 Carver ph. BeS, 12/16 Nicollet ChH, 12/18 (2) Faribault CoN, ClN, 12/20, 12/29 Dakota ph. KDS, CTS, DwS, 12/22 Rock ChA, 12/23–2/23 Lyon ph. GWe, 12/28 Rice RQu, 1/1 Anoka DPG, 1/28–2/15 Winona ph. KyS, 2/1–17 Kandiyohi ph. JWd, 2/16 Douglas TWa. Good details, and if possible photos, of any races of juncos other than Slate-colored are always requested.
2013Spring3253 Seen statewide. High counts 4/14 Dakota (1,000) TAT, 4/13 Carver (860) JCy, 4/15 Rice (500) JHl, DAT. Late south 5/18 Hennepin HSt, Stearns JSP, Yellow Medicine CoN, 5/19 Sherburne JiB, 5/23 Redwood DBM (median 5/19).
2013Summer8 Found in Beltrami, Cass, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis. High count 7/17 St. Louis (11, including 7 singing males and one family group along Admiral Road, Sax-Zim Bog) PCh.
2013Fall3049 Reported throughout the state in 79 counties. Early south (median 9/9) 9/15 Carver WCM, Washington ECl. Record high fall count 10/13 St. Louis (2,070, North Shore between Duluth and Lake County line) KRE.
2013Winter2552 Found in all but ten counties. CBC high counts 12/29 Red Wing (1,169, including 283 in Goodhue by JFR), 12/14 Winona (825). There were numerous reports of the “Oregon” subspecies group, many with accompanying photos or detailed descriptions, including the following: male and female in Polk seen throughout the season ph. SAu; 12/5–6 Hennepin (female, Minneapolis) TAT; through 12/9 in Kandiyohi JWd; 12/9–2/8 Morrison ph. KEm; 12/21–1/29 Murray (max. 3 at feeder in Currie; one photographed) ph. TCu; 12/21 Scott (rural Shakopee) ph. DCK; 1/4 Wabasha KDS; 2/11–19 Pipestone ph. TKa. Good details, and if possible photos, of any subspecies of juncos other than “Slate-colored” are always requested.
2014Spring3351Seen statewide. Late south 5/16 Kandiyohi JIl, Olmsted LAV, Scott BAb, 5/17 Anoka DPG, 5/24 Stearns MJB (median 5/19). "Oregon" subspecies reports 3/31–4/1 Morrison (max. 2) ph. KEm, 4/3 Stearns MJB, 4/4 Ramsey Tl, 4/5 Dakota ADS, 4/7 Crow Wing ph. JPR, through 4/13 Polk (2) ph. SAu, 4/16 Otter Tail DST, 4/19 Hennepin ph. BAF, SHF.
2014Summer31Observed north in Hubbard, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis, plus late south 6/9 Scott MwS.
2014Fall3350 Reported throughout the state in 83 counties. Early south (median 9/9) 9/20 Carver JCy, PTA, Yellow Medicine HHD, 9/21 Carver BAb, JCy, Chisago TSh. Impressive high counts 10/4 St. Louis (1,074, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/5 St. Louis/Lake (1,009 along the North Shore between Lester River and Two Harbors; 647 in St. Louis, 362 in Lake) PHS.
2014Winter2447 Reported from about the same number of counties as last five years and throughout the season. High count 12/28 Goodhue (171) DAB. CBC high counts 12/28 Red Wing (693), 1/1 Whitewater River (433), 12/20 Faribault (409). Numerous reports of “Oregon” subspecies with accompanying photos and detailed descriptions including the following: 12/10 Morrison ph. KEm, 12/11 Hennepin †ADr, 12/28 Polk ph. SAu.
2015Spring3352 High counts 4/4 Winona (300, Whitewater S.P.) SPe, 4/11 St. Louis (200, Sax-Zim Bog) ClN, 4/8 Hennepin (161) ChC. Late south 5/12 Hennepin EGi, Ramsey CHi, 5/21 Sherburne PLJ (median 5/19).
2015Summer9 Reported from North-central, Northeast, plus Pine, Roseau. High count 6/28 Lake (5, Whyte Road) ph. JWL.
2015Fall3349 Found in 82 of 87 counties. Early south (median 9/10) 9/19 Blue Earth ChH, Carver JCy, Dakota JBu, Ramsey MJM, 9/20 Hennepin JuW, Stearns MSk, 9/21 Ramsey BNW. High counts all from St. Louis, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census, KJB: 1,593 on 10/7, 1,224 on 10/13, 958 on 10/11.
2015Winter2351 Reported statewide, although fewer reports from Northwest and North-central. High counts 1/2 Wabasha (135) SWe, KDS, 12/19 Morrison (116) MEm, KEm, 1/2 Wabasha (98) RoC. CBC high counts 1/2 Wabasha (632), 1/1 Whitewater River (528), 12/19 Rochester (491). There were numerous reports to eBird of “Oregon” juncos throughout season, from 13 counties, at least seven records supported by photos.
2016Spring3353 Seen statewide. High counts 3/29 Polk (200) SAu, 4/10 Lyon (200, Camden S.P.) JtH. Late south 5/18 Nobles HHD, 5/19 Dakota FHa, 5/25 Sherburne SMn (median 5/22).
2016Summer81 Reported from North-central, Northeast plus Anoka, Roseau. High count 6/23 St. Louis (6, Sax-Zim Bog) CSa.
2016Fall3252 Early south (median 9/10) 9/14 Goodhue LAV, 9/17 Hennepin ERa, 9/21 Carver JCy. High counts from St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB: 389 on 10/6, 385 on 10/7, 244 on 10/12; also 10/12 Hubbard (159, Paul Bunyan S.F.) AxB.
2016Winter2652 Reported from all but nine counties, consistent with past several winters. Individuals of Oregon group noted in Clay, Dakota, Hennepin, Lyon, Morrison, Nobles, Olmsted, Otter Tail, St. Louis, Winona. High counts 1/1 Winona (90, Whitewater W.M.A.) SPe, 12/31 Dakota (71) ADS. CBC high counts 12/17 Faribault (673), 12/17 Henderson (652), 12/17 LaCrosse–LaCrescent (621).
2017Spring3453 Seen statewide. High counts 4/28 Cook (2,100, near Grand Marais) KJB, 3/30 Crow Wing (200) JLA, 4/27 Cook (200, Cascade River S.P.) JfD. Late south 5/23 McLeod BHa, 5/27 Lyon GWe, 5/30 Anoka RCl (median 5/22).
2017Summer114 Found in North-central, Northeast plus Benton, Hennepin, Lyon, Steele.
2017Fall3452 First south reports (median 9/11) were unusually early, beginning 8/15 Hennepin CRa, 9/5 Stearns LKo, 9/9 Sherburne GUn. Multiple high counts reported from Stoney Point in St. Louis: 10/5 (1,871) TRd, StK, 10/13 (1,424) TRd, StK, 10/9 (578) TRd; also 10/19 St. Louis (359) H.R.B.O.
2017Winter2952 Reported from all but six counties, well above the 10-year average of 71 counties. High counts 1/2 Wabasha (135) KDS, 2/18 Lyon (124) RJS, 1/1 Freeborn (118) SHo. CBC high counts 12/20 Sherburne N.W.R. (422), 1/1 Whitewater River (407), 1/1 Albert Lea (406). The “Oregon” subspecies was reported from Dakota, Hennepin, Morrison, Sherburne, Stearns, Winona, and from seven CBCs: 12/14 Lac qui Parle, 12/16 Fargo-Moorhead, 12/16 Wild River, 12/17 Marshall, 12/31 Wabasha, 1/1 Mountain Lake-Windom.
2018Spring10 Reported from March through April with late reports 4/19 Ramsey LiH, 4/22 Blue Earth LiH, Nicollet LiH, 4/27 Steele LiH.
2018Summer92 Seen in all northern regions plus 7/18 Hennepin CRa, 6/30 Nicollet HHD, Pine. High count 7/27 St. Louis (6, Superior N.F., North Arm Trails) ebd.
2018Fall3452 Early south (median 9/9) 9/15 Scott BHe, 9/18 Anoka DFe, Sherburne PLJ. High counts 11/18 Nicollet (200) ChH, 10/14 St. Louis (160, Stoney Point) StK, 10/10 Hubbard (150, Paul Bunyan S.F.) REn, 10/12 St. Louis (130, Sax-Zim Bog) ebd. Oreganus group reported north 10/5 Wadena LiH, 10/10 Lake NaH, 10/18 Morrison HHD, 11/12 Morrison SEm, and south 10/2 Meeker PKF, 10/14 Blue Earth ChH, 10/24 Washington PNi, 11/11 Wright RBJ, 11/12–13 Blue Earth ChH, 11/18 Nicollet ChH, Chisago ph. MTe, 11/20 Blue Earth JWg.
2018Winter3252 Reported throughout the season from all but Koochiching, Rock, Traverse. High counts 1/19 Fillmore (200) MJM, 12/29 Freeborn (88) SHo, 1/27 Dakota (80) MiT, MwT. CBC high counts 1/1 Long Prairie (439), 12/29 Hastings-Etter (419), 12/29 Albert Lea (340).
2019Summer82 Observed in Aitkin, Beltrami, Cass, Cook, Dakota, Hennepin, Lake, Polk, St. Louis, Wadena. Late spring migrant 6/10 Hennepin †CRa.
 Breeds north-central and northeast. Migrant throughout and winter visitant mostly south.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.