Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Cormorants
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Cormorants
Neotropic Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant

Double-crested Cormorant(Phalacrocorax auritus)
1932SummerGustav Swanson reports the only Cormorant nests, having found 20 nests at Cormorant Reck, Lake of the Wcods, on July 23. Three nests contained four eggs; 5 had 3 eggs; ~d two had one egg.
1933Summer The nesting colony on Gull Rook, Lake of the Woods, was visited by P. o. Fryklund on May 20th. He found, "43 nests, with 1 to 6 eggs, the average number.3 to 4 eggs per nest", and adds, "from a few of the larger sets collected I found a number or eggs with incubation commenced."
1934Summer Nests of this snake-necked fisherman were repcrtod from one locality, Gull Rock, on Lake of the vloods. On May 19th, P. o. Fryklund counted 140 nests with eggs varying in number from one to six, but averaging 3 or 4. Of a few eggs col1ec.ted, all were fresh. One month later, on the 19th of June, John Dobie's ornithological zeal brought him to this same colony, ~~erQ he found 130 nests containing from 1 to 5 eggs or youn~.
1938SummerThe sole record for this species comes from Gustav Swanson who found I I nests with young on American Crow Duck Reef (Lake of the Woods) on July I4­
1945WinterOne on Lake Harriet at Minneapolis, December 17, 1939, (E. D. Sweden· borg).
1961Springseen on 23 April at Lake Traverse by the Avifauna! Club. Dean Honetschlager reports one near Marine-onthe- St. Croix in Washington County on 15 April. John Hale saw them at Grant Portage, Cook County on 27 April. Egrets, Herons and Bitterns: Eight species were reported this spring. A ninth species was added, the Great White Heron, and the second sight record for the state of the Cattle Egret was recorded.
1961FallJ. K. Bronoel reports one at Duluth on 30 Nov. 
1962SummerAug. 13, Marsh Lake, ten nests with young, Arlin Anderson.
1963SpringApril 2, Cokato, Wright County, Erma Christopher; April 6, Rice Lake, Hennepin County, R. Janssen; April 10, Winona, the Dahms.
1963SummerBig Stone Co., Artichoke Lake, 15·100 present all summer, R. Grant. Traverse Co., Lake Traverse, 30-150 present all summer, R. Grant.
1963FallSept. 29, Traverse Co., Avifauna! Club; Oct. 15, Hennepin Co., Harding Huber; Nov. 17, Scott Co., W. R. Pieper. Green H eron: latest Oct. 24, Minne· apolis, R. B. Janssen. Common Egret: Aug. 23, Dalton, Ottertail Co., 23 birds, Dennis Warner; Sept. 29, Traverse Co., Avifauna! Club; latest Oct. 20, Hennepin Co., R. Glassel.
1964Spring4-4 Lac qui Parle Co, RBJ; 4-16 Hennepin Co, 9, MAS; 4-16 Marshall Co, DLO; 4-18 Swift Co, RG; 4-18 Duluth, 5, JCG; 4-20 Ramsey Co, ACR; 4-20 Wadena Co (2nd Co. record), RO. HERONS, EGRETS, ETC.
1964Summer6-15, Dul uth, RBJ.
1965Springearliest 4-10 Salt Lake, RAG.
1965Falllatest 10-15 Holt, Marshall Co, 4, DLO and 11-6 Lac qui Parle Co, 2, RBJ.
1966Spring4-14 Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge, DLO; 4-16 Stevens Co, ES; 4-17 Duluth (JGH), Wabasha (DGM), Goodhue Co (EMB), Dakota Co (EMB) and Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge (CEP); 4-23 Dakota Co, MIG, ACR and Goodhue Co, BL, RBJ; 424 Big Stone Co, VL; 4-25 Rice Co, EWJ; 4-29 Morrison Co, LSR and Wabasha Co, DGM; 4-30 Sibley Co, RBJ; 5-1 Hennepin Co, CKS and Rice Co, OAR; 5-5 Lake Traverse, DB; 5-7 Grant Co, MVS; 5-15 Cass Co, EBH; 5-16 Agassiz Refuge, DLO; 5-19 Jackson Co, NMH; 5-21 Salt Lake, BL; 5-22 Winona, GD, GG, FV; 5-24 Lac qui Parle Co, EHH.
1966Summernested in Pope Co (see Notes of Interest in previous issue); also reported from Rice, Lac qui Parle, Mille Lacs, Traverse and St. Louis Co's.
1966FallLatest 9-22 Lyon Co., PE; 9-30 Lac qui Parle Co., JAH; 10-8 Duluth (HFH) and Ramsey Co. (ACR); 10-15 Ramsey Co., ACR.
1967Springearly 4-1 Lac qui Parle Co., DB, HFH; 4-8 Traverse Co., EHH; 4-11 Marshall Co., AWR; 4-12 Fargo-Moorhead fide EGA; 4-14 Pope Co., RPR.
1967Summerreported from Lac qui Parle, Ottertail, Big Stone, Stevens, Traverse Co's.
1967Fall latest 9-18 Traverse Co., 750, JAH; 9-30 Lac qui Parle Co., JLS; 10-6 Big Stone Co., 5, JAH; 10-28 Lyon Co., 1, PE.
1968Spring earliest 3-30 Lac qui Parle Co., DB; 4-5 Big Stone Co., JAH; 4-6 Lac qui Parle Co., KE; 4-7 Wright Co., EHD; it is encouraging that this species was reported from 10 counties by 14 observers.
1968Summer nested in Lac qui Parle, Marshall Co's; also reported from Becker, Hubbard, Grant Co's.
1968Fall9-7 Lyon BL; 9-13 and 9-30 Pope WH; 10-11 Lac qui Parle 85 PE; 10-13 Winona BT; 10-18 Mille Lacs 1 imm. ELC; 11-3 Houston FL.
1969Spring3-13 Winona Co., BT; 4-5 (7) Goodhue Co., BL; 4-22 Duluth, PBH; 5-2 (11) Lake Co., MMC.
1969Summerreported from Lac qui Parle (50, FL), Marshall, Chippewa, Anoka (6-7, 1 bird), and Swift Co's. Also 7 (migrants) at Duluth on 6-1 (JJG) and 1 there on 7-19 (KE). The breeding colony at Lake Johanna, Pope Co., was again active this summer (BAH).
1969Fall8-29 Pope 13 WH; 10-5 Lyon 50 KE; 8-11 Duluth J. P. Perkins; 8-4 Pope WH; 10-12 Morrison LSR; 10-21 Hennepin VL and ETS; 11-15 Houston FL.
1970Springearly south 4-5 Nobles HH; 4-8 Wabasha WDM; 4-12 Lac qui Parle (126) DB; peak 4-26 Clay (200) EA; early north 4-25 Duluth KE, PE; 4-25 Marshall AR.
1970Summer6-21 Barnum, Carlton Co. Ron L. Huber, fide JCG; also reported from Kandiyohi, Swift (2 areas, BAH), Marshall, Pope (Lake Johann a colony active, BAH), Stearn s (SW corner), St. Louis (Duluth harbor) Co's. Great Blue Heron : nested Mille Lacs, Hennepin (Champlin, 200 birds, KH) and in St. Louis Co's. Reported from 12 other counties throughout the state.
1970Falllate south 10-23 Winona TV; 10-29 Carver KH; 11-8 Houston FL; late north 10-29 Marshall AR; peak 10-8 Marshall (82) AR.
1971Summernested in Pope, Wadena and Marshall; also reported from Clearwater, Nobles, Kandiyohi, Swift, Lac qui Parle and Stevens.
1971Falllate south 10-20 Henn<> oin; IO-n Traverse and Lac qui Parle; 11-2S Winona TV: latP. north 10-16 Grant; 10-21 Marshall; peak 9-24 Ottertail (240) KE.
1972Summernested in Clearwater, Pope. L•c oui Parle, Bil!" i'tone, IGrant); seen also in Kandivohi, Stevens, Swift. Winona. Great B!ue Heron: nested in Bil! Stone (50 nests', Pooe (300 nests). Mille Lacs (38 nests), (Clearwater), IGr~nt: Ashbv), (L~ke: Basswood Lake\, (Hennepin: Elm Creekl, (McLeod: Campbell Lake); seen in 23 other counties.
1973Summer Nested in Lac qui Parle & Pope; seen also in Marshall, Clay, Grant, Aitkin, Mille Lacs, Kandiyohi, Hennepin, Nicollet & St. Louis (6-5 Duluth JCG).
1973Fall Reported from Becker, Lyon, Murray, Pope, Clearwater, Grant, Cook, Wabasha, St. Louis Dakota. Late north 10-25 Mille Lacks (MI); 10-26 Marshall (4) (AWR); 11-9 Mille Lacs (TS). Late south 10-13 Swift (BAH). Peak 10-25 Lac qui Parle (400) (AFE). Fewer reports than usual from the south.
1974Summer Nested in Grant and Pope; also reported from Marshall, Beltrami, Duluth, Cook, Hennepin, Dakota, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Chippewa, Lincoln, Lyon.
1974Fall Late south 10-14 Le Sueur GR; 11-6 Lac qui Parle KE; late north 9-16 Itasca MS; 10-10 Marshall AR.
1975SpringEarly south 4-12 Lac qui Parle RAG; 4-13 Lyon HCK; 4-19 Pipestone KE and Lac qui Parle PVK and Nobles RBJ; early north 4-19 St. Louis JCG; 4-22 Marshall AR; 4-23 Morrison LSR; peak 5-3 Pope (300+ ) BAH.
1975Summer Nested in Meeker, Pope and Big Stone; also reported from Marshall, Aitkin, Grant, Yellow Medicine, Lincoln, Murray and Ramsey.
1975Falllate south 11-5 Traverse KE; 11-9 Lyon PE; 11-16 Las qui Parle AFE; late north 11-9 Duluth KE, Ottertail LCF.
1976Spring Early south 4-1 Big Stone BS; 4-3 Pope BH; 4-4 Chisago DGW; early north 4-10 Otter Tail GW; 4-11 Marshall SV; 4-17 St. Louis DS.
1976Summernested in Becker, Big Stone, Pope, Meeker and Wright; also reported from Marshall, Clay, Ottertail, Douglas, Lac qui Parle, Swift, Lincoln and Kandiyohi.
1976Fall Late north 10-14 Marshall and Duluth; late south 10-16 Houston, 10-23 Lincoln, 11-11 Big Stone KE.
1977Spring Early south 3-26 Lac qui Parle RJ, DGW; 4-4 Big Stone KE; 4-8 Lyon BL; early north 4-3 Otter Tail TS; 4-8 Cook Norman Denis; 4-10 Marshall SVA.
1977Summer Nested in Grant, Pope and Lac qui Parle; also reported from Marshall, Otter Tail, Aitkin, Duluth, Lincoln, Anoka, Wright and Hennepin.
1977Fall Late north 10-26 Marshall (SV), 11/6 Clay (E. Welter); late south 11-25 Big Stone.
1978Spring Early north 4-7, 4-8 Otter Tail SM, GO, GW and DW.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Pope (100+ nests, Lake Johanna) and Meeker; also seen in 14 other counties in all regions of the state except the southcentral; present in the gull colony on Knife Island in June (J. Eaton).
1978Fall Late north 10-21 Marshall SV, 10-25 Marshall ANWR, 11-25 Mille Lacs (35) WL; late south 11-13 Ramsey EC, 11/8 Houston FL.
1978Winter A very late migrant at Big Stone N.W.R., Lac qui Parle Co. on 12-10 (CMB).
1979Spring Early south 4-6 Lyon HK, 4-7 Cottonwood LF, 4-8 Anoka KL, DGW; early north 4-18 Marshall ANWR, 4-20 Otter Tail GS, 4-21 Itasca JM. Peak 4-16 Lac qui Parle JS (300).
1979Summer Breeding reported from Pope, Lac qui Parle, Kandiyohi, Meeker, Wright, Ramsey; also seen throughout western regions, Central, East Central plus Blue Earth, Hubbard, Beltrami.
1979Fall Late north 11-3 St. Louis BL, RJ; late south 11-13 Lac qui Parle OE, 11-18 Hennepin SC, 11-23 Olmsted JB, JSD.
1979Winter Late migrants at Big Stone; until 1-1 at Ortonville (BJ), latest date on record.
1980Spring Early south 4-3 Blue Earth MF, 4-6 Anoka KL, Dakota JH; early north 4-13 Otter Tail SM, 4-16 Grant GMO, 4-17 Marshall ANWR, Wright DCF.
1980Summer Breeding in Grant, Big Stone, Pope, Meeker, Anoka (Howard Lake); also seen in the central and western regions.
1980Fall Late north 11-2 Otter Tail DS, 11-22 Mille Lacs BL; late south 11-8 Houston JP, 11-9 Anoka KL; peaks August (no date) Marshall (500) ANWR, 10-21 Nicollet (400) JCF.
1980Winter Reported on the Hastings CBC. A very late straggler in Ramsey 1-18 (FKB), details in The Loon 53:112, and a very early migrant (or a possible overwintering individual?) in Sherburne on 2-18 (EH).
1981Spring Early south 3-31 Dakota TC, Sibley RJ, 4-1 Traverse SM, 4-2 Blue Earth MF, Houston FL and Lyon HK; early north 4-6 Pennington KSS, 4-10 St. Louis TL, 4-11 Otter Tail GMO and St. Louis KE.
1981Summer Breeding data from Grant, Pope, Big Stone, Swift, Kandiyohi; nesting reported from Meeker, Anoka. Seen throughout the western, southern and central regions; individual birds in Aitkin (Kimberly WMA), St. Louis (Duluth harbor), Lake (Snowbank Lake). Numbers expanding. Great Blue. Heron Breeding data from Cook, Lake, Hubbard, Grant, Pope, Stearns, Morrison; nesting reported from 25 other counties throughout all regions except the Southwest.
1981Fall Late north 10-25 Clay LCF, 10-26 Beltrami JP, St. Louis RA, 10-31 Pine KL; late south 11-22 Rice HC, 11-26 Mower RRK, 11-29 Dakota MW.
1981Winter Two individuals remained at Black Dog until 12-19 (Mob).
1982Spring Early south 4-1 Daktoa SC, Lac qui Parle KL, 4-2 Rice KJ; early north 4-11 Otter Tail SDM, 4-13 Beltrami AS, 4-14 Polk MH.
1982Summer Breeding data from Grant, Pope. Seen throughout the western regions and in all other regions except the Southeast.
1982Fall Late north I0/23 St. Louis LE, 10/24 Lake DGW, I0126 Beltrami JP; late south 11/17 Ramsey KL, 11/20 Goodhue DS, I I /28 Dakota MW. ANHINGA Seen over Hawk Ridge in Duluth 9/20 by KE, many others. First Minnesota record for this species. See The Loon (55:28-30)
1982Winter A late migrant at Black Dog, 121l8 until 12/22 (MW) plus two very early migrants or possible overwintering individuals at Lock and Dam #3, Goodhue Co., 1/30 (JP-AM) and 21l5 (RBJ).
1983Spring Early south 3/30 Goodhue JD, 4/12 Blue Earth MF, Kandiyohi JS; early north 4/9 Otter Tail GMO, 4/19 Marshall ANWR, 4/20 Pennington KSS.
1983Summer Breeding data from Ottertail, Grant, Pope, Big Stone, Ramsey. Seen throughout the Western regions, East Central, Central, South Central. Only St. Louis in the Northeast, Lake of the Woods in the North Central, and not in the Southeast at all.
1983Fall Late north 11/7 Lake of the Woods AJ, Mille Lacs KL, 11/12 Otter Tail NH, III 30 Beltrami JSP; late south II 1/2 Goodhue JPIAM, 11//8 Washington TBB, 11/25 Dakota AB; peak 10/7 Nicollet JCF (1000).
1983Winter Late migrants in the SE; Dakota till 12/2, Goodhue till 12-5, Wabasha till 12-3 and Olmsted from 12-3 until 1-5 (PP).
1984Spring Early south 3/20 Sherburne SSa, 3/31 Lac qui Parle BL, DZ, 4/4 Dakota DZ; Early north 4/6 Otter Tail GMO, 4/11 Big Stone, RJ, Mahnomen JD. ANHINGA 5/26 Scott DB, Karol Gresser; second Minnesota record. (The Loon 56:203)
1984Fall Late north II/II Otter Tail SDM, II/ 25 Lake KE, KL, Mille Lacs KL; late south II/16 Goodhue BL, 11/23 Ramsey RH, 11/24 Wabasha WL.
1984Winter Reported on the Mankato CBC, Rochester 12-2 (JPAM) and in Austin, Mower Co. until 1-6 (RRK).
1985Spring Early south 3/20 Lac qui Parle FE, 3/21 Dakota AB, 3/27 Mower RRK; early north 3/23 Wilkin GAM, 3/29 Otter Tail SDM, 4/3 Roseau AJ.
1985Summer Nested in St. Louis (tailings ponds at Hibbing, Mountain Iron), Grant, Pope, Swift, Lac qui Parle (853 nests, Big Stone NWR, WT). Seen in 32 other counties throughout the state except in the southeast.
1985Fall Late north 11/3 Clearwater RJ, Otter Tail DS, Traverse GAM; late south 11/18 Goodhue JD, 11/19 Sherburne SS/DO, 11/24 Le Sueur HJC.
1985Winter Two reports; one at Black Dog on 12/7 (IT) and one overwintered at Silver Lake, Olmsted County (mob). Fall1986 1/7
1986Spring Early south 3/1 Olmsted AMP (wintering bird) 3/23 Lac qui Parle TRF, 3/29 Faribault RJ, Meeker KL, TM; early north 3/24 Hubbard, Becker JL, 3/28 Wilkin GAM, 3/30 Otter Tail SDM.
1986Summer Reported nesting in more counties (nine) than in any previous year including Becker (15 nests, Sand Lake, MMo), Grant, Big Stone, Pope, Meeker (approx. 550 nests, Pigeon Lake, JS), Sherburne (SD), LeSueur, Waseca (Elysian Lake, JS), Faribault (300 nests, Minnesota Lake, JHS); probable nesting in Kandiyohi. Also seen in 23 other counties throughout the state including Cook.
1986Fall Late north 11/12 Otter Tail SDM, Wilkin GAM, 11/7 Lake of the Woods KL; late south 11/25 Hennepin SC, Wabasha WDM, 11/30 Dakota TTu; peak 9/7 Freeborn NHo (200).
1987Spring Early south 3/25 Dakota IT, 3/28 Lac qui Parle m.ob., 3/29 Rock GS, Wabasha KR; early north 4/11 Douglas RJ and Duluth KE, 4/12 Clay LCF.
1987Summer Nested in Grant, Pope, Swift; probable nesting in Lake of the Woods, Faribault. Also seen in 23 other counties throughout the south except only Olmsted in the southeast and in six other counties in the western portion of the north plus St. Louis.
1987Fall Late north 10/25 Aitkin WN, 11/7 Otter Tail KE, 11/17 Roseau MC; late south ll/10 Waseca AP, ll/24 Carver ES, 11/30 Wright DO.
1987Winter Reported on the Duluth and La Crosse/La Crescent CBC's, and on Lake Superior at Knife River on 12/10 (SWMS).
1988Spring Early south 3/22 Steams JMa, 3/23 Lac qui Parle FE, 3/26 Dakota TT, DZ; early north 4/1 Otter Tail SDM, 4/3 Duluth MHe, 4/5 Koochiching GM.
1988Summer Breeding reported in Pope and Swift. Seen in 29 other counties as far northeast as a line from Lake of the Woods to Washington, and as far southwest as Lac qui Parle, Cottonwood, Freeborn. No reports from southeast.
1988Fall Late north 11/22 Crow Wing WN, 11/24 Beltrami AB, 11/30 Duluth KE; late south 11/J 9 Carver RJ, 11/20 Houston KE, 11/30 Dakota SC, ES.
1988Winter Reported on the Bloomington and Bemidji CBCs. Also reported in Cook Co. 12/10 AB, Lake 1/1 JL and Goodhue l/2 AB. Two individuals at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. remained throughout the winter.
1989Spring Early south 3/25 Nicollet RJ, 3/27 Hennepin KB, 3/28 Pipestone JP; early north 4/2 Grant SDM, 4/15 CookWP, 4/16 Duluth ME.
1989Summer Numbers apparently increasing. Nested in Big Stone, Kandiyohi (1200 nests) TI, Meeker (500 nests) TI, Faribault (200 nests) TI, Waseca (150 nests) TI, Le Sueur (10 nests) TI. Seen in 40 other counties in all regions of state.
1989Fall Late north 10/28 Clay DJ, 11/4 Aitkin WN, 11/5 OtterTail SDM; late south 11/17 Ramsey EL, 11/19 Goodhue AB, 11/25 Dakota GP.
1989Winter Reported on the Bloomington CBC (3); from Rice 12/16 FKS; Goodhue 11/4 AB; Black Dog Lake, Dakota 1/7 (2) GP; Rochester, Olmsted Co. 12/7.
1990Spring Early south 3/21 Rice OR, 3/27 Blue Earth JCF, 3/30 Dakota mob; early north 3/30 Otter Tail SDM, 4/10 St. Louis AE, 4/13 Douglas RJ.
1990Summer Nested in Lake of the Woods, Rice AP; seen in 36 other counties statewide.
1990Fall Late north ll/8 Pennington KSS, 11/11 OtterTail MO, 11/12 Duluth SDM; late south ll/24 Mower RRK, Cottonwood RG, RJ, 11/28 Washington WL, 11/30 Goodhue RG.
1990Winter Reported from Rice 12/3 mob and the St. Paul CBC; rare January records from Goodhue Ill AB and 11/2 BL.
1991Spring Early south 3/25 Dakota KB, 3/26 Lac qui Parle RG, 3/30 Kandiyohi CJ; early north 4/6 OtterTail SDM, Todd KB, 4/13 Becker MO.
1991Summer Probable breeding in Roseau; seen in 33 other counties throughout state.
1991Fall Late north 10/25 Clay LCF, 10/27 Becker MO, 10/29 Pennington KSS; late south 11/25 Olmsted JB, 11/27 Kandiyohi CJ, 11/29 Dakota SC.
1991Winter Two or three overwintered at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. KB, mob.
1992Spring Early south 3/1 Dakota JB, RH (overwintered), 3/7 Hennepin DB, 3/24 Rice TB; early north 3/28 Grant SDM, 4/7 Kanabec CM, 4/11 St. Louis TW.
1992Summer Nested in Marshall, Ramsey; seen in 37 other counties statewide.
1992Fall Late north 11/18 Cooke, 11/22 Duluth TD, FN, 11/26 Otter Tail SDM, MO; late south 11/22 Winona CS, 11/23 Olmsted JB, 11/27 Carver PB, RG.
1992Winter One overwintered at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. mob, for the second year in a row. Also reported 2/28 Como Lake, Ramsey Co. (4) DJe (early migrants?).
1993Spring Early south 3/1 Dakota AB (overwintered), 3/28 Ramsey KB, 4/2 Sherburne DO. Early north 4/6 Otter Tail SDM, 4/10 Grant AB, 4/12 Douglas KKW.
1993Summer Nested in Lake of the Woods, Ramsey; probable nesting in Cook. Observed in 37 other counties statewide.
1993Fall Late north 10/24 Crow Wing DSM, Otter Tail RJ, 11/17 Pennington KSS, 11/30 Beltrami County DJ. Late south 11/6 Chisago RJ, Ramsey KB, 11/11 Dakota TT, 11/13 Martin BBo.
1993Winter Reported 12/4 Beltrami County DJo, 12/18 Nicollet MF, and 12/19 Dakota TT, mob.
1994Spring Early south 3/5 Rice OR, 3/21 Ramsey KB, 3/31 Hennepin DN; early north 3/16 St. Louis ME/SK, 3/27 Otter Tail SDM, 4/9 Kanabec CM.
1994Summer Nested in Pope, Faribault; probable breeding in six other counties. Observed in 30 additional counties statewide.
1994Fall Late north 11/5 Aitkin WN, 11/21 Beltrami AB, 11/30 Lake CMG. Late south 11/20 Kandiyohi RF, 11/22 Dakota RG, 11/30 Washington TEB.
1994Winter Overwintered at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. mob (up to five seen in December, but only two apparently overwintered), and at Rochester, Olmsted Co. mob (only one reported).
1995Spring Overwintered Dakota PJ; early south 3/5 (earliest date on record) Hennepin SK, 3/18 Olmsted DBS, 3/22 Ramsey KB; early north 3/30 Pennington SKS, 4/2 Grant SDM, 4/9 Douglas SW; peak 4/23 Crow Wing and Mille Lacs (500+) WL.
1995Summer Nested in St. Louis, Ramsey; probable nesting in Beltrami, Cook. Seen in 29 additional counties in all regions.
1995Fall Reported from 19 north and 25 south counties.
1995Winter Lingering bird at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. recorded on the Bloomington CBC.
1996Spring Reported from 61 counties.
1996Summer Nested in Big Stone, Meeker; observed in 33 additional counties statewide.
1996Fall Peak count 10/1 Dakota (2,000) KB. Seen in 54 of Minnesota's 87 counties. Late north 11/1 Morrison MJ/DT, 11/3 Aitkin WN, 11/10 Clay (4) MRN. Late south (stragglers may overwinter) 11/24 Hennepin SC, 11/27 Ramsey KB.
1996Winter One at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. lingered as late as 1/2 AH, mob. Also reported on the Little Falls and St. Paul CBCs.
1997Spring Reported from 60 counties. Early north 3/20 Otter Tail SDM (ten-year median 4/1).
1997Summer Probable nesting in Wright, Nicollet, Olmsted; observed in 39 additional counties throughout state.
1997Fall Reported from 47 counties. Late north 11/14 St. Louis LW.
1997Winter One individual probably overwintered (reported through 2/7) along the Mississippi River in South St. Paul, Ramsey and Dakota counties BL, AH, JDa. Four were seen at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. as late as 1/1 (KB), and one remained until 1/24 (PJ), through 1/11 Hennepin (Golden Valley) SC.
1998Spring Reported from 47 counties. Peak 5/21 Faribault (200) FL.
1998Summer Probable nesting in Big Stone, Yellow Medicine, Cook; observed in 38 additional counties throughout state.
1998Fall Peak counts 10/3 Lyon (515) RgS, 10/11 Beltrami (600) KB. Reported from 46 counties. Many individuals throughout the state lingered into December.
1998Winter Reported from a record 13 counties (20-year average is only 2). Overwintered in Otter Tail SDM (first overwintering report in north). Late north 12/8 Mille Lacs KB, SC, 12/11 Beltrami DJo, and 12/25 St. Louis PS. Late south 12/19 Wabasha KB, 12/19 Winona (Winona CBC), and 12/28 Dakota KB. Also reported 2/28 Goodhue JSt (early migrant?).
1999Spring Many south reports at the end of March (earliest 3/20 Dakota KB), later than usual. Early north 4/2 Morrison WB, 4/7 in three different counties. Also see winter report.
1999Summer Seen in 37 counties statewide.
1999Fall Reported from throughout the state. Peak number 9/17 Lyon (670) RgS. See winter report for late north migrants.
1999Winter Seven still present at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. on 12/10 KB, but only three overwintered at this location. All additional reports: Late north 12/16 St. Louis fide KE. Late south 12/18 Excelsior CBC (2) and Winona CBC (1).
2000Spring Seen in 36 south and 21 north counties statewide. First seen away from Dakota (where 3 overwintered) 3/6 Blue Earth LF. Early north 4/1 St. Louis FN, 4/2 Traverse DN and Beltrami DJo.
2000Summer Seen in 41 counties statewide.
2000Fall Seen throughout the state, including 17 north and 36 south counties. Peak count 10/2 Dakota (500+ at Gun Club L.) SWe. See winter report for late migrants.
2000Winter Six birds still present at Black Dog Lake, Dakota County on 12/2 TAT, but only three overwintered at this location. Two individuals overwintered along the Mississippi River near Hastings, Dakota County and Point Douglas, Washington County. Late north 12/4 St. Louis (Duluth) PHS.
2001Spring Seen in 39 south and 27 north counties throughout the state. Overwintered in Dakota but migrants noted there 3/18 (median 3/19) PEJ. Peak migration and record high count 4/9 (4147 at Hastings-Prescott Bird Count) KJB. Only report north during March: 3/28 Otter Tail SPM, DKM.
2001Summer Fewest reports since 1995; seen in 33 counties statewide.
2001Fall Seen in 12 north and 37 south counties. Late north 11/18 Lake JWL. See winter report for additional late migrants.
2001Winter Reported from nine counties. Overwintered in Dakota (25 at Black Dog L.) PEJ, m.ob. Only additional report after early January was 2/14 Otter Tail (4) JLH. Only additional north location was from early December in St. Louis fide KRE.
2002Spring Seen in 40 south and 24 north counties. Overwintered Dakota (Black Dog L., see winter report). Early south migrants 3/20 Dakota (H.P.B.C.) KJB, 3/28 Ramsey (36) TAT. Numbers down at H.P.B.C. (peak 2/94 on 4/14) KJB. Early north 3/17 Becker BRK, 4/6 Otter Tail SPM, DKM and St. Louis PHS, peak migration 4/12–20 (15 north counties) including 4/16 St. Louis (600+ at W.S.H.C. in Duluth) FJN, DSC.
2002Summer Reported in 36 counties statewide; new nesting record in Lake N.R.R.I.
2002Fall Seen in 26 north and 37 south counties. High count 8/22 Lake of the Woods (3000+ passed Rocky Pt.) KJB. Late north 11/10 Otter Tail DPS. Please see winter report for late south migrants.
2002Winter Reported on the Excelsior (4) and Rochester (count week) CBCs. Also reported through 1/20 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) PEJ.
2003Spring Seen in 37 south and 18 north counties statewide. Early south (median 3/19) 3/23 Jackson, Rice and Dakota, 3/28 Olmsted PWP. Seasonal total of 7616 at H.P.B.C. (peak 2067 on 4/15) KJB. Only north report (median 3/30) during March: 3/17 Becker BRK.
2003Summer Seen in 36 counties in all regions except Southeast.
2003Fall Found in 21 north and 24 south counties. Peak count 9/29 Lac qui Parle (2500 at Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU. Late north 10/31 St. Louis CRM, 11/16 Lake KRE. Late south 11/13 Le Sueur ChH, 11/29 Dakota DAB, but also see winter report.
2003Winter Up to 30 reported at Black Dog Lake, 12/6 Dakota PWP, approximately 7 of which overwintered. Also reported 12/20 Fergus Falls CBC and 1/12 & 1/21 Olmsted PWP.
2004Spring Seen in 33 south and 24 north counties statewide. Early south 3/16 Mower JEM, 3/19 Dakota (H.P.B.C.) KJB, ADS and Rice TFB. Early north 3/24 Otter Tail fide JMJ, 3/31 Grant SPM. Seasonal total of 4401 at H.P.B.C. down from previous years (peak 1001 on 4/3) KJB. Notable concentrations 4/20 Polk (1074) EEF, 4/28 St. Louis (est. 1000 at W.S.H.C., Duluth) FJN, DSC.
2004Summer Seen in 40 counties statewide. The Minnesota D.N.R. reports attempted nesting Mille Lacs (Mille Lacs N.W.R.).
2004Fall Observed in 18 north and 32 south counties in all regions. Peak count 9/16 Dakota (1,200 at Black Dog L.) SWe. Late north 11/11 Crow Wing RBJ, 11/28 St. Louis JRN. Late south 11/21 Meeker DMF, 11/27 Hennepin DWK, but also see winter report.
2004Winter Up to 17 reported 12/18 Dakota (Black Dog L.) PEB, where at least 7 attempted overwintering through 1/25 PEJ, m.ob. Also, 12/10 Houston (U.M.R.N.W.F.R., Pool 8) FZL.
2005Spring Seen in 38 south and 25 north counties. Early south 3/6 Dakota LS, 3/17 Rice FVS. Early north 4/5 Grant LS, Otter Tail DTT, SMT, LS, and Wadena PJB, 4/6 St. Louis SLF.
2005Summer Most reports since 1989: seen in 44 counties statewide.
2005Fall Seen in 24 north and 35 south counties in all regions. High count 9/13 Blue Earth (102) ChH. Late north 11/12 Mille Lacs WCM, 11/26 St. Louis PHS (ties median). Late south 11/12 Ramsey REH, 11/13 Dakota CRM, but also see winter report.
2005Winter Only north report: 12/22 Traverse (Bois de Sioux River) BJU. Late south 1/3 Ramsey (2) BRL, 1/7 Dakota ASc, 1/22 Wright DSa.
2006Spring Observed in 44 south and 25 north counties. Early south 3/11 Meeker DMF and Ramsey KJB, 3/16 Rice FVS. Early north 3/29 St. Louis SLF, 4/1 Otter Tail DTT, SMT.
2006Summer Reported from 62 counties statewide.
2006Fall Found in 23 north and 46 south counties. Peak count 9/23 St. Louis (340) RPR. Late north 11/18 Mille Lacs HHD, 11/22 Becker PBB. Late south 11/24 Goodhue ADS, 11/28 Dakota CMB, but also see winter report.
2006Winter6 Late south 1/13 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) DDo, 1/20 Hennepin DAT.
2007Spring2646 Early south 3/14 Dakota ADS and Ramsey BRL, 3/16 Rice TFB (median 3/18). Early north 3/23 Otter Tail SPM, 3/26 Grant and Traverse BJU (median 3/30).
2007Summer1944 Reported throughout state. High count 7/14 Cass (200, Leech Lake) AXH. First county breeding record for Cass SMe.
2007Fall2742 High counts 10/20 Ramsey (310 at Pig's Eye Island) RBJ, 8/3 Cass (300 at Pelican Island, Leech L.) BAW. Late north 11/4 Cook KRE, m.ob., 11/17 Otter Tail DTT. Late south 11/24 Rice DAB, 11/25 Houston NBO, Meeker DMF, but also see winter report.
2007Winter14 Reported north on Fergus Falls CBC. Present in Dakota (4 at Black Dog Lake) until 1/16 PEJ, BAF. Found in Ramsey 2/2 (adult, Pig's Eye), 2/16 (immature, Pig's Eye) BAF and on the St. Paul NE Suburban CBC.
2008Spring2851 Early south (median 3/18) 3/13 Dakota PEJ, Rice TFB, 3/15 Ramsey BAF. Early north (median 3/30) 4/4 St. Louis SLF, 4/8 Otter Tail DST. High counts 5/2 Benton (5,000 at Little Rock Lake) MRN, 4/30 Otter Tail (594 at Sand Lake) FKB.
2008Summer1436 Observed in all regions except Northwest.
2008Fall2643 High counts 8/22 Mille Lacs (1,075 on Mille Lacs Lake) ASc, 9/17 Lake of the Woods (1.000) MRN. Late north 11/3 Cass, Itasca BJU, 11/15 Mille Lacs HHD (median 11/27). Late south 11/22 Carver WCM, Dakota BAF, 11/28 Dakota DAB, JWH, but also see winter report.
2008Winter2 Single birds reported from Dakota (Black Dog Lake) and Ramsey (Kaposia Landing, Mississipi River) throughout the period ADS, BAF, MJB.
2009Spring2646 Early south (median 3/17) 3/14 Ramsey (5) BAF, 3/15 Rice DAB, DWK, TFB. Early north (median 3/30) 4/3 St. Louis DBF, 4/10 Mille Lacs RBJ, DAC. High counts 4/19 Stearns (600, Vail Lake) MJB, 4/23 Yellow Medicine (600) DPG.
2009Summer2228 Seen throughout state. High count 6/12 Meeker (400–450 nests at Pigeon Lake, Collinwood Twp.) PLJ.
2009Fall2242 High counts 9/27 Dakota (850, Black Dog Lake) BAF, 9/27 Anoka (200, Carlos Avery W.M.A.) DPG. Late north 10/31 Traverse DPG, 11/8 Lake JLO, 11/29 Mille Lacs MJB (median 11/24). Late south 11/23 Anoka DWK, 11/29 Dakota BAF, Waseca DAB, JWH, 11/30 Rice TFB (median 12/28), but also see winter report.
2009Winter3 Reported 12/1 Waseca DBM, 12/2–4 Lac qui Parle (likely crippled) BJU, and 12/4–30 Dakota (max. 6, Black Dog Lake) BAF, m.ob.
2010Spring2351 Early south (median 3/17) 3/13 Goodhue PEJ, Rice TFB, 3/18 Scott JEB, Winona PEJ. Early north (median 3/30) 4/4 Clay RHO, 4/8 Traverse BJU. High count 4/17 St. Louis (397, Duluth Harbor) PHS.
2010Summer1934 Found throughout state. First county breeding record from Traverse DPG.
2010Fall2445 High counts 10/12 Goodhue (2,066, Gores Pool #3 W.M.A.) SKS, 9/27 Dakota (1,870, Mud Hen Lakes) SKS, 10/12 Dakota (1,482, Spring Lake Park Reserve--Schaar's Bluff) SKS, 9/27 Dakota (1,390, Mississippi River Lock & Dam # 2) SKS. Late north 11/8 Aitkin BJU, 11/14 Douglas ARW (median 11/24).
2010Winter2 Two reports: 12/19 Dakota (Mississippi River, Hastings) YK, 2/13 Goodhue (Prairie Island) PEJ.
2011Spring3253 Early north (median 3/30) 4/4 Otter Tail BDE, 4/7 Cass DAY, Morrison, Otter Tail SC, 4/8 Grant DAB, Marshall MA, Traverse SC. High count 4/12 Rice (700, Sakatah Lake) DCu.
2011Summer1943Found statewide. First county breeding record from Douglas DPG.
2011Fall2547 High count 9/25 Hennepin (500, Old Cedar Avenue Bridge) BeH. Late north 11/5 Mille Lacs WCM, 11/18 St. Louis BeH (median 11/24).
2011Winter4All reports: 12/3 Rice DAB, 12/9 Wabasha NSg, ANy, DBM, 12/12 Rice TFB, 12/17 St. Paul North CBC (10), 12/26 Goodhue (2, Prairie Island) PEJ, DFN.
2012Spring2750 Early south (median 3/17) 3/4 Rice FVS, 3/7 Big Stone BJU, 3/10 Le Sueur PEB, Rice DAB, GLa, DFN. Early north (median 3/30) 3/18 Douglas HHD, Pine ANy, 3/20 St. Louis FKB, DBF, 3/24 Douglas DPG, Morrison DLP. High count 4/9 Becker (~300) BDS.
2012Summer2842 Seen throughout state.
2012Fall2849 High counts 9/30 Hennepin (est. 500) BAF, 8/21 Cass (300) DAY. Late north 11/9 Beltrami, Lake of the Woods, Roseau PBB, Traverse BJU, 11/28 St. Louis EBr (median 11/24).
2012Winter2 Multiple individuals present Dakota (up to 9, Black Dog Lake) through mid-December, and at least two remained until 1/12 (one was injured but the other could fly well) m.ob.
2013Spring3052 Early south (median 3/17) 3/18 Rock DBz, ANy, 3/22 Ramsey BAF, SHF, 3/24 Dakota SuB, BBy. Early north (median 3/30) 4/2 Traverse DLP, 4/10 Otter Tail GO, 4/13 St. Louis JLK, SLF. High count 4/20 Le Sueur (500, Sakatah Lake) KrR.
2013Summer2542 Found in all regions of the state. High counts 6/16 Meeker (590, Pigeon Lake, Dassel) PLJ, 6/18 Wright (350, Pelican Lake) DWK, 7/7 Wright (350, Howard Lake) AHo.
2013Fall2545 High counts 10/1 Dakota (1,200, Spring Lake P.R.) DVe, 10/13 Lyon (est. 800, Sham Lake) GWe. Late north 11/10 Crow Wing HCT, 11/13 Mille Lacs (2) ToL, 11/14 Pine (2, Grindstone Lake) RBJ, ToL (median 11/24).
2013Winter2 South reports include one that remained through 12/28 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) m.ob., and one through 12/21 Washington (Pt. Douglas Park) m.ob.
2014Spring3051Early south (median 3/17) 3/21 Chisago ALo, Rice DAB, JLn, 3/22 Dakota BRL. Early north (median 3/30) 4/9 St. Louis TPW, 4/10 Cass BAW, Otter Tail JsS. High counts 5/1 Crow Wing (380, Crow Wing Lake) JLK, 5/4 Meeker (331, Lake Washington) RMa.
2014Summer2440Reported throughout state. High counts 6/13 Meeker (600, Pigeon Lake, Dassel) PLJ, 6/5 Otter Tail (300, Chautauqua Lake) SSi.
2014Fall2948 High counts 9/25 Hennepin (1,000, Old Cedar Bridge) CMB, 9/29 Dakota (780, Lake Rebecca Park) DVe. Late north 10/31 Mille Lacs DAB, 11/2 St. Louis (Superior Entry) JLK, 11/8 St. Louis (2, Park Point) WFl (median 11/24).
2014Winter1 One report: 1/1 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) BAF, SHF.
2015Spring2848 Early south (median 3/17) 3/15 Wright JBm, 3/19–23 Rice DAB, 3/23 Mower SWm. Early north (median 3/30) 3/24 Cass DAY, 3/29 Grant WCM, 3/31 Crow Wing JPR, Grant HHD. High counts 5/17 Meeker (350, Pigeon Lake) PLJ, 4/10 Grant (300, Pelican Lake) SBM.
2015Summer2139 Reported statewide. High count 6/13 Meeker (1,000, Pigeon L.) RHi.
2015Fall3049 High counts 9/29 Dakota (1,000, Black Dog Lake) BAF, 10/3 Lyon (350, Sham Lake) GWe. Late north 11/7 Lake JJS, GLa, 11/8 Pennington JMJ, 11/29 Beltrami SC, St. Louis (Canal Park) JLK (median 11/22).
2015Winter26 Reported from eight counties statewide, the most in at least the past ten winters. All north 12/19–24 Douglas (Lake Carlos) BEc, ToR, MJB, 12/21 St. Louis (adult, Duluth south of Aerial Lift Bridge) PHS. South reports in December from Dakota, Goodhue, Kandiyohi, Rice, Wabasha, with high counts 12/19 Bloomington CBC (4), 12/14 Goodhue (3, Lock and Dam 3) KDS.
2016Spring3250 Early south (median 3/14) 3/7 Rice (3, Sakatah Lake S.P.) WPS, 3/9–10 Rice (locations?) TFB, MJB, 3/11 Blue Earth ChH, McLeod (2) ANy, LSe, JWZ. Early north (median 3/31) 3/19 Otter Tail (Hansel Lake) AaL, 3/27 Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) WPl, 3/29–30 Lake (4) JWL. High counts 5/28 Meeker (600, Pigeon Lake, Dassel) PLJ, 4/19 Becker (265, LaBelle and Duck lakes) ShG, HeH.
2016Summer2246 Observed statewide. High counts 7/2 Rice (1,000, The Narrows, Lower Sakatah L.) KvM, 7/22 Meeker (700, S.R. 15) LEv.
2016Fall3049 High count 9/28 Dakota (1,450, counted by 5s at Spring Lake P.R., Schaar's Bluff) BAF. Late north 11/10 Cass HHD, Lake JWL, 11/11 Grant (2) CNn, 11/27 Otter Tail RAE, HHD (median 11/22). See winter report for late south migrants.
2016Winter4 All reports: 12/1–6 Big Stone and Lac qui Parle DLP, 12/1–7 Hennepin (1–2, Bass Ponds, Ft. Snelling S.P.) m.ob., 12/11–13 Scott (Quarry Lake) m.ob., 12/13 Washington (Pt. Douglas Park) GHo.
2017Spring3253 Early south (median 3/14) 3/5 Lac qui Parle KeM, 3/7 Dakota (3, Black Dog Lake) RBW, HHD, BAb, KDS, 3/12 Dakota (3, Mississippi River Lock and Dam 2) AJF. Early north (median 3/30) 3/24 Morrison FGo, 3/27 Otter Tail (2) WPl, 4/2 Clay (7) MO. High counts 4/21 Lincoln (1,350, Hawks Nest Lake) GWe, 5/29 Meeker (600, Pigeon Lake Overlook) PLJ.
2017Summer2544 Reported statewide. High count 7/2 Le Sueur (750, Sakatah Lake S.P. rookery) LiH, ASu.
2017Fall2751 High counts 10/5 Dakota (2,350, Spring Lake P.R., counted by 5s) BAF. Late north 11/4 Lake DAB, followed by one that lingered in Todd until 11/11 RAE (median 11/22). Late south 11/25 Cottonwood MiO, BTS, Washington BDo, 11/30 Dakota BBr.
2017Winter1 One report: 12/3–6 Goodhue (2, Mississippi River Lock and Dam 3) KDS.
2018Spring3353 Early south (median 3/14) 3/9–10 (max. 2) Ramsey BAF, 3/16 Kandiyohi RAE, 3/17 Dakota (3) ebd, Goodhue KDS, Pope AaL, Stearns (2) AaL. Early north (median 3/30) 3/26–4/12 Otter Tail (max. 70) WPl, m.ob., 4/12 Grant (max. 14) CRM, m.ob., St. Louis (max. 10) JLK, m.ob. High counts 5/26 Meeker (870, Pigeon Lake) PLJ, 4/23 Washington (600, Wolf Marina) JEc.
2018Summer2843 Observed in all regions. High count 7/18 Meeker (2,000, Pigeon L. Overlook) KDS, GHo, 7/24 Lincoln (871, Hawks Nest L.) GWe. First county breeding record 8/6 Hennepin BAF.
2018Fall3151 High counts 8/20 Big Stone (3,050, Marsh Lake, estimate) GWe, 10/2 Dakota (1,500, Spring Lake P.R.) MwT. Late north 10/26 Kanabec BAb, m.ob., St. Louis (2) REn, 10/28 Lake MwT, 11/1 Mille Lacs ebd (median 11/22). Late south 11/18 Washington MJB, 11/21 Anoka (20) ebd, 11/22 Goodhue ClB (median 12/26), but also see winter report.
2018Winter2 All reports: 12/3–6 Rice TFB, 12/21–22 Goodhue (Colville Park) RBW, PEJ.
2019Summer2747 Reported statewide.
 Breeds throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.