Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Grebes
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Grebes
Pied-billed Grebe
Horned Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Eared Grebe
Western Grebe
Clark's Grebe
[Western Grebe X Clark's Grebe]
[Aechmophorus grebe]

Eared Grebe(Podiceps nigricollis)
1930SummerAnesting colony of Eared Grebe was found by Alden Risser near Herman, June 30tho The nests were observed tram a distance and the incubating birds distinctly seen, but there was no opportunity to closely examine them. (Pied-billed Grebe should follow here, see bottom of page)
1938SummerThree nests with 4-6 eggs each of this western-ranging Grebe were found at Heron Lake on May 29 by G. Swanson; and between June 6-7, Bob Upson located 3 nests that held 2, 4, and 9 eggs at Lake Traverse.
1947Summer3 nests with 8 eggs, June 11, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis.
1961Springapparently slipped by most observers, but R. Grant observed two at Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle County, on 20 May. He said they appeared to be building a nest. The following day, three were seen by the Huber brothers and William Pieper in the same area.
1961SummerTen nests examined by Avifauna! Club members on 24 June at Swan Lake each contained from two to four eggs. On 12 July at the same area, 12 nests each contained from one to three eggs. Many more nests were seen but not examined as to contents. See article elsewhere in this issue.
1962SpringApril 28 Swan Lake, Nic· olett Co., Bob Janssen; May 27 Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co., Avifauna! Club.
1963SpringApril 13, Frog Lake, Stevens County, E. Strubbe; May 5, Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle County, R. Grant; May 30, Swan Lake, Nicollet County, 3 seen, R. Janssen.
1963SummerStevens Co., Frog Lake, Aug. 31, 2 seen, Avifauna! Club. Regular summer resident here. Lac qui Parle Co., Salt Lake, Aug 3, 1 seen, Avifauna! Club. Occasional summer resident.
1964Spring4-16 Pope Co, ELC; 4-18 Frontenac, Goodhue Co, RBJ; 4-19 Becker Co, EGA; 5-10 Salt Lake, RG; 5-18 Marshall Co, DLO; 5-20 Anoka Co, MAS; 6-6 Rock Co, DP.
1964Summerone seen 6-16,Lake Superior, Big Sucker River, St. Louis Comtty, RBJ.
1964Fall11-7 Lac qui Parle Co., 2 mi S Salt Lake, RBJ, RG; latest date on record.
1965SpringMore reports than usual, and eastward drift noted, even in Wisconsin. 4-11 Duluth, PBH; 4-14 Rochester, JPF; 4-21 Belle Prairie, LSR; 4-22 Holt, DLO; 4-27 Hennepin Co, MHM; 429 Lake Andrew, OP and Rice Co, OAR; 5-1 Cass Co, WJH and 5-6 Duluth, JCG.
1966Springearliest 4-16 White Bear, MIG, 4-22 to 4-27 Duluth, JCG et al and 4-29 Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge, DLO.
1966Summerreported from Marshall and Roseau Co's, but no nests.
1966Fall9-10 Brown Co., 1, RBJ.
1967Spring3-30 Alberta, Stevens Co., 4, ES (very few March records) "March" in Olmsted Co., CMJ, JPF; next records 4-23 Crow Wing Co., 8, JGH; 4-26 Carlton Co., 6, JGH; 4-27 Becker Co., LJK; 4-28 Stevens Co., JAH; 4-29 Hennepin Co., TKS; 5-4 Lac qui Parle Co., JAH; 5-6 Lyon Co., PE; 5-12 Marshall Co., AWR; 5-13 to 5-16 Hennepin Co., EHH, FN/ MAS, RBI; 5-16 to 5-23 FargoMoorhead, EGA, L WJ; northeasterly records are most unusual.
1967Fall only fall reports were from "wrong" part of state 10-23 Hovland, Cook Co., 1, FN/MAS; 11-28 Duluth, 1 frozen in harbor ice, rescued and brought to JCG, latest date on record for state.
1968Spring 4-29 Stevens Co., MSB; 5-3 Moorhead, fide EGA; "May", Marshall Co., A WR; only reports.
1968Summer 8-5 Rice Lake, Clearwater Co., RBP; 8-29 Mille Lacs Lake, Mille Lacs Co., RBJ.
1969Spring5-3 Becker Co., EGA; 5-24 Lac qui Parle Co., DB.
1970Spring4-12 ·Nobles (2) HH; next 5-3 Lyon (3) KE, PE; 5-12 and 19 Duluth MMC; 5-29 Lyon (2) PE; only reports.
1970Summerreported from Marshall Co. (Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge) and Lyo n Co. (PE).
1970Fall9-5 Lyon (3) PE; only report. Western Grebe: 8-22, 9-4, 9-26, 10-1 7 Kandiyohi (11) BH; 9-16 (127) and 10-1 (3) Marshall AR; only reports.
1970Winter4-12 (2) Nobles HSH.
1971Springno less than 10 reports (only 4 last year): 4-15 Big Stone (6), Liz Campbell; 4-23 Marshall (3) AR; 4-23 Jackson (2) JAB; 5-1 Nicollet FL; 5-9, 5-14, 5-30 Clay (2·6) LW; 5-11 Morrison LR; 5-12 Lac qui Parle (2) RR; 5·15, 5-16 Lyon (4·6), many observers; 5-16 Martin TV; 5-22 Lac qui Parle (10) BDC; a total of 38 individuals!
1971SummerBH observed 8 adults on nests and 1 young on 7-25 at Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co.; also reported from Marshall.
1971Fall5 reports DB; 9-16 Crow Wing TS and Marshall AR; 10-30 Ottertail (10) RHJ; only 1 report last fall.
1972Summer6-24 (6) Heron Lake, Jackson Co. JAB.
1973Summer 6-15 Marshall (KE) 7-8 Nicollet (JCG)
1973Fall Only two reports: 8-29 Marshall (60) and 10-3 Marshall (AWR).
1974Spring 16 reports of 70 individuals: early south: 4-13, 4-20 Wabasha DWM; 4-15 Freeborn DG; 4-16 Lyon HCK; early lhe Loon north 4-22 Otter Tail PF; 4-25 Marshall AR; 4-27 Otter Tail MS; peak 5-3 Marshall (20) AR; 5-12 Lyon (20) HCK; one report on Lake Superior 4-24 (2) M. Penner.
1974Summer Nested in Marshall; also reported from Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co. (EC, JG, KE, RJ) where a peak of 12 was noted on 7-11.
1974Fall Only report south 8-17 Lyon RBJ, PE; all reports north 9-2 Clay KBZ; 10/7 Marshall HR; 11-16 Duluth MMC.
1975Spring 30 reports of 61 individuals. Early south, 3 reports on 4-13; early north 4-20 Clay ABNGP; 5-1 Becker TRS; 5-6 Lake Superior GJN; two other reports from NE, 5-28, 29 Lake Superior (1) MMC, BDC.
1975Summer Reported from Marshall (SV), Lac qui Parle (6-1, KG; 7-19, KE, PE, RJ), Lyon (6-14, PE) and Nobles (6-15, RJ).
1975Fall8-16 to 11-8 Lyon various observers; 9-20, 10-25, 11-16 Duluth various observers; 9-3 Marshall SV; all reports.
1976Spring Early south 4-7 Lyon HK; 4-10 Cottonwood ED; 2 reports NE 4-27 St. Louis Helen Tucker; 5-20 Cook JH.
1976Summernested in Marshall (SV); also seen 6-1 Lyon (GO).
1976Fall 3 reports: 9-4, 9-25, 9-26 Lyon KE, RJ, DGW, 9-21 Cook (2) and 10-8 Lake KE.
1977Spring Early south 4-5 Hennepin VL; 4-8 Lyon BL; 4-9 Pipestone KE; Early north 4-15 Morrison PM; 4-24 Otter Tail GO; 4-26 Marshall SVA; 1 report NE, 5-3 St. Louis GN.
1977Summer Nested in Roseau, Lac qui Parle and Pope; also reported from Marshall (peak of 120 on 6-10, KE), Clay, Big Stone and Lyon.
1978Spring 4-25 Hennepin DB, outside normal range.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Marshall, Lac qui Parle; also seen in Mahnomen, Roseau, Becker, Lincoln, Lyon and Hennepin (French Lake).
1978Fall Peak 8-13 to 9-9 Marshall (200) ANWR; late north 9-15 Marshall ANWR, 9-25 St. Louis MG. Also reported from Freeborn, Lac qui Parle and Wilkin counties.
1978Winter One at Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. from 1-20 on (GO); an amazing first winter record considering the severity of the season.
1979Spring Early south 4-20 Mower RRK, 4-21 Kandiyohi DBA and Lac qui Parle LJF; early north 4-14 Itasca WL, 4-18 Otter Tail SM, 4-20 Grant KE. Peak 5-8 Marshall ANWR (210). Unusual 5-21 Lake SW.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Nicollet, Lyon, Yellow Medicine; also seen in Wilkin, Becker, Marshall, Beltrami (Lake Movil).
1979Fall 8-4 Waseca RJ, 8-1 Wilkin GMO, 8-19 Pennington KSS, 9-28 Nicollet JCF, 11-11 Otter Tail GMO; only reports.
1980Spring Early south 4-6 Lyon HK, 4-24 Freeborn DG, 4-25 Mower RRK, Nicollet JCF; early north 4-17 St. Louis SNF, 4-23 Grant SM, 5-13 Pennington KSS, Marshall SY.
1980Summer Breeding in Wilkin, Nicollet; also seen in Roseau,.Marshall, Pennington, Stevens, Lac Qm Parle.
1980Fall Early south 9-27 Nicollet JCF; late dates 10-12 Cass LLH, 10-28 Marshall KSS; peak August (no date) Marshall (400) ANWR.
1981Summer Breeding data from Big Stone, Wilkin, Stevens. Seen throughout range plus isolated reports from Beltrami (Waskish), Cass (Chippewa NF), Hennepin (all summer, French Lake, OLJ).
1981Fall Early south 8-11 Le Sueur KL, 8-25 Nicollet MF; late dates 10-8 Becker RN, 10-17 Otter Tail GMO.
1982Spring Early south 4-24 Yellow Medicine HK, 4-27 Hennepin VL and Scott RJ; early north 4-25 Polk MH, 4-27 Marshall ANWR, -.. S. Western Grebe ? Early south 4-5 Washington TBB, 4-18 Stearns NH, 4-21 Blue Earth JCF and Lac qui Parle CMB; early north 4-16 Aitkin JBA 4-18 Otter Tail SDM, 4-29 Marshall NWR.
1982Summer Breeding data from Marshall, Big Stone, Yellow Medicine, Martin. Seen throughout range plus Carlton (6/ 12, Moose Lake sewage ponds).
1982Fall 8/21, 28, 29 Carlton, Kittson, Wilkin RJ, 9/11 Marshall JP, 9/17 Nicollet JCF, 10/31 Polk KSS.
1983Spring South 4/23 Nobles KL, 4/29 Nicollet JCF, 5/19 Yellow Medicine JS; early north 4/20 Mille Lacs MLWMA, 4/23 Traverse RJ, 4/25 Marshall ANWR.
1983Summer Breeding data from Marshall (I 00 + nests, Agassiz NWR), Yellow Medicine (18 nests, Tyson Lake, JS). Also seen in Polk, Clearwater, Norman, Clay, Big Stone, Nicollet, Jackson.
1983Fall Late north 9/8 Polk RJ, I 018 Marshall KSS, 10/22 Otter Tail OS; late south 8/19 Yellow Medicine DB, OJ, 9/23 Nicollet JCF.
1984Spring Early south 4/28 Cottonwood LAF, Lac qui Parle many obs.; early north 4/12 Marshall KL, 4/28 Otter Tail GMO, 5/13 St. Louis KE.
1984Summernested in Marshall (75 pairs at Agissiz NWR -JM); also seen in Polk, Pennington, Lac qui Parle and Nicollet.
1984Fall Late north 10/16 Duluth KE, 10/18 Pennington KSS, 10/27 Crow Wing KL; late south 9/20 Dodge RJ, 10/7 Nicollet JCF.
1985Spring Early south 4/1 Dakota AB, 4/12 Washington OS, 4/27 Nicollet TT, Lac qui Parle m.ob. ; early north 4/18 Marshall ANWR, 4/28 Roseau RJ, Wilkin SDM.
1985Summer Nested in Big Stone, Swift (53 nests, Lake Shibble, WT), Yellow Medicine, Lyon (WT), Nicollet, Freeborn (two ad., two young, Helmer Myre SP, KWB); probable nesting in Polk. Also seen in Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Wilkin, Lac qui Parle, Wright (617 Pelican Lake, one, M. Link), Brown.
1985Fall 8/17 Steams RJ, 8/25 Traverse GAM. 9/19-21 St. Louis KE, KL 10/12 Redwood RJ.
1986Spring Early south 4/9 Lac qui Parle SSt, 4/12 Hennepin ES, Lyon HK; early north 4/21 Becker BK, 4/26 Clearwater MMM, Pennington KSS.
1986Summer Probable nesting in Lac qui Parle (Salt Lake). Also seen in Agassiz NWR, Nicollet. Apparently much less widespread than last year; fewest reports in ten years.
1986Fall Late north 9/4 Polk RJ, 9/28 Clay LCF, 10/25 Grant AB; late south 9/1 Lac qui Parle GS, 11/18-29 Lake Calhoun, Hennepin SC, GP, m.ob.
1987Spring Early south 4/11 Nicollet MF, 4/24 Lac qui Parle OJ; early north 4/20 Marshall ANWR, 4/28 Red Lake GS and 5/17 PolkAB.
1987Summer Nesting in Carver (3 broods, Tiger Lake; AB, RJ), Marshall (268 nests, Thief Lake WMA, KH). Also seen in Clay, Nicollet.
1987Fall 8/14 Dodge BSE, 8/15 Nicollet JF, 8/31 Polk AB.
1988Spring 4/1 Lac qui Parle FE, 4/4 Nicollet LW, 4/17 Lincoln AB and Lyon AB, TT; early north 4/12 Marshall ANWR, 4/25 Hubbard JL, 4/27 Beltrami KH.
1988Summer Nested in Nicollet (328 nests, JB), Big Stone (120, JB), Marshall (583, JB), Lac qui Parle (15, JB), Stevens. Also seen in Roseau, Wilkin, Clay, Hubbard, Lake of the Woods.
1988Fall Late north 8/19 Beltrami RJ, AP, 10/24 OtterTail DS, 10/29 Lake SC; late south 8/20 McLeod AB, 9/20 Hennepin DC, 10/29 Faribault RJ.
1989Spring Early south 4/19 Wabasha AP, 4/21 Swift CMB, 5/6 Freeborn AB, Hennepin DC; early north 4/23 Clay LCF, only report north.
1989Summer Nested in Marshall, Clearwater KB, AB, Traverse JBo, Grant JBo, Big Stone, Stevens. Also seen in Polk, Swift, 6/26 Carver RG, 6/24 Hennepin SC.
1989Fall Reported 8/12 Marshall AP, 8/13 Pennington RJ, 8/26 Cottonwood AP, 9/14 Pennington PS.
1990Spring Early south 4/8 Rock AB, 4/28 Steele KV, 5/3 Big Stone SC; early north 4/25 Polk PS, 5/3 Beltrami DJ, 5/6 Wilkin MO, also 5/17 Duluth mob.
1990Summer More reports than usual from east; nested in Steele AP and seen in Anoka KB, Hennepin mob, Winona AP, CS. Also seen in 10 counties within western range.
1990Fall Reported 8/7 Steele RJ, 9/2 Polk AB, 9/25 Hennepin KB, 10/28 Otter Tail MO.
1990Winter One at Lake Calhoun, Hennepin 12/4 to 12/21 mob.
1991Spring Early south 4/16 Ramsey DS, 4/17 Cotton- wood ED, 4/20 Lac qui Parle FE; early north 4/6 (earliest date on record) Clay MO, 4/25 Roseau KSS, 4/28 Otter Tail SDM.
1991Summer Nested in Roseau, Yellow Medicine; probable nesting in Traverse. Seen in nine additional counties within range including Hennepin, Scott.
1991Fall Late north 8/4 Traverse AB, 9/26 Wilkin KE; late south 9/14 Stevens KB, 10/24 Chippewa AB, 11/14 Hennepin SC.
1992Spring Early south 4/4 Lac qui Parle KR, 4/16 Hennepin SC, 4/24 Washington TEB; early north 5/5 Clay MO, 5/7 Wilkin MCBS, 5/14 Roseau NJ.
1992Summer Nested in Hennepin (French L.) DM, Marshall; probable breeding in Wilkin County. Seen in eight other western counties plus Wright.
1992Fall Late north 9/29 Pine RG, 10/9 Lake MH, 10/17 Duluth DBe; late south 11/8 Rice TB, 11/18 Ramsey KB, EL, 11/26 Carver DM.
1993Spring Early south 4/16 Rock JP, 4/17 Big Stone, Lac qui Parle DN, 4/24 Scott SK. Early north 4/30 Grant SDM, Pennington KSS.
1993Summer Nested in Murray KB; probable nesting in Roseau, Yellow Medicine. Observed in seven other western counties plus Renville, Hennepin, Rice.
1993Fall Late north 10/16 St. Louis PBu, 10/23 Wilkin WM, 10/25 Pennington RJ. Late south 10/14 Washington DS, 10/16 Faribault RJ, 10/30 Chippewa AB.
1994Spring Early south 4/3 Watonwan ED, 4/6 Ramsey KB, 4/17 Stevens AB; early north 4/10 Mille Lacs KB, 5/7 Roseau PS, 5/14 Wilkin SDM.
1994Summer Fewest reports since 1987. Probable breeding at Camp Ripley in Morrison County SM (The Loon 66:118) and in Marshall, Big Stone counties. Also seen in Hennepin (WM, DJe), Roseau, Pennington, Lac qui Parle, and Redwood counties.
1994Fall Late north 10/10 Marshall KSS, 10/22 Pennington RJ. Late south 10/5 Anoka KB, 11/5 LeSueur RJ, 11/9 Lac qui Parle DN.
1995Spring Early south 4/22 Lac qui Parle TEB, JW and Rice FKS, 4/25 Carver MB; early north 4/26 Marshall SKS, 4/30 Clay RO, 5/5 Becker MN.
1995Summer Unusually scarce; fewest reports since 1986. Nested in Marshall; also observed in Polk, Lac qui Parle.
1995Fall Reported in only three north and two south counties.
1996Spring Reported from 11 south and 4 north counties. Early south 4/21 Big Stone PJ, 4/25 Pipestone JP, 4/27 Lac qui Parle JL.
1996Summer Few reports, similar to last year. Also observed in Roseau, Marshall, Lac qui Parle; plus lingering migrant last seen 6/8 Hennepin.
1996Fall Seen in six north and three south counties. Late north 10/3 Pennington KB (only October report). Late south (median 11/4) 11/24 Hennepin (1) KB, SC.
1997Spring Reported from ten south and three north counties. Early south 4/13 Carver DBM. Early north 5/8 St. Louis SL, 5/10 Cass DJo.
1997Summer Probable nesting in Roseau, Big Stone; also observed in Pennington, Wilkin, Traverse, Lac qui Parle.
1997Fall Reported from only five north and four south counties. No November reports north. Late south 11/8 Lac qui Parle (2) DN.
1998Spring Reported from seven south and four north counties. Numbers down in the west.
1998Summer Probable breeding in Waseca. Also observed in Roseau, Marshall, Polk, Pennington, Clay, Wilkin, Hennepin; plus 6/4 Olmsted.
1998Fall All reports: 8/18–20 Olmsted DA/BE, 8/30 Marshall JJ, 9/14–16 Dakota TT, mob, 10/3 Morrison MJ/DT.
1999Spring Fewer reports than usual, especially throughout the western regions. Early south 4/3 Yellow Medicine RJ, 4/11 Mower RRK. Unusual reports 5/1 Pine BBr, 5/29 St. Louis (Park Point in Duluth) RJF.
1999Summer Trend of few reports continues for fifth consecutive year: only reports from Marshall, Pennington, Wilkin, Lyon, Carver, Rice.
1999Fall Very scarce, continuing the trend noticed this summer. Only north records were in Norman, Polk, and Traverse in August, plus a late migrant 10/23 Marshall JJ. Reported south in Lac qui Parle and Stevens, then 10/9 Anoka JH, 10/18 Chippewa ABo.
2000Spring Seen in 12 south and 7 north counties in all regions except the northeast. Early south 4/1 Redwood PJ, DN, 4/5 Ramsey DS. Several reports from Winona (Lewiston lagoons) in May. Only April report north: 4/29 Marshall JJ. Note: None of these reports refer to more than 6–8 birds, which may indicate persistent declines in the state as noted in summer 1999 report. Please give numbers of birds for all future observations of this species.
2000Summer Most reports since 1993. Observed in seven western counties plus Hennepin, Carver, Nicollet, Faribault; also 6/3–7 St. Louis (pair in alternate plumage at Duluth) WCM, PHS, 6/12 Winona (2 at Lewiston sewage ponds) CRM.
2000Fall Scarce, as in fall 1999. Only north report: 9/11 Polk EEF (earliest north departure since 1987). In the south, reported from Big Stone, 9/2–4 Hennepin (French L.) OLJ, SLC, 10/3 Waseca JPS, 11/4 Yellow Medicine BRL, and 11/19 Hennepin CRM, †PEB (median 11/4).
2001Spring Seen in 16 south and 12 north counties, but none in Northeast. More reports than last spring but numbers of birds usually omitted; peak count 5/17 Marshall (125 at Warren lagoons) PHS. Early south (median 4/9) 4/8 Rice FVS, KNS. Early north (median 4/25) 4/10 Beltrami (one in basic plumage, L. Bemidji) †DPJ, 4/26 Wilkin KJB.
2001Summer Reported in Kittson, Roseau, Marshall, Polk, Clay, Carver, Sibley.
2001Fall Relatively scarce for the third consecutive year. Late north 10/7 Beltrami DPJ, 10/28 Otter Tail DPS; also reported from Clay, Pennington, Polk, Wilkin. Late south 9/29 Dakota (180th St. marsh) CRG, 10/27 Dakota (L. Marion) JMa. Only other south reports: Pipestone, Renville, Rock.
2002Spring Reported from 19 south and 14 north counties in all regions. Early south 4/7 Mower RRK, 4/13 Lac qui Parle m.ob. Early north 4/7 (second earliest north) Clay RHO, 4/13 Cass SWS. More reports than usual in Northeast, including three locations in St. Louis: 4/17 Melrude BKY, 4/26 Duluth BCM, 5/14 Biwabik (2) ALE. Exceptional location 5/10–15 Lake (Two Harbors) JWL. High count 5/10 Polk (63 at East Grand Forks) EEF.
2002Summer Record number of observations, almost double the previous ten-year average. Seen in nine western counties plus Brown, Nicollet, Sibley, Carver, Hennepin, Waseca. Peak counts 400+ on nests at Swan L. in Sibley Co. DDM, and 300 on 7/19 at Warren sewage lagoons in Marshall Co. CRM.
2002Fall Reported from eight north and nine south counties. Only eastern report: 8/10 Hennepin OLJ. Apparently departed about one month earlier than recent medians north (10/10) and south (11/4). Late north 9/13 Polk EEF. Late south 10/2 Big Stone RBJ.
2003Spring Seen in 13 south and 8 north counties, and in all regions except the North-central. Arrived later than the recent median (4/8) south: 4/17 Ramsey DPS, 4/20 Waseca LWF. Early north (median 4/23) 4/17 Clay RHO, 4/25 Becker BRK. Unusual locations 5/10–13 Lake (Two Harbors) JWL, PHS, 5/29 Carlton (Moose Lake lagoons) MSS. Peak count 5/22 Marshall (50 at Warren) PHS.
2003Summer Many reports, similar to last year. Observed in seven western counties plus Kandiyohi, Meeker, Carver, Sibley, Nicollet, Brown; also 6/14 St. Louis (Biwabik sewage ponds) ALE.
2003Fall Reported from only eight north and five south counties. No reports from eastern regions. Late north 10/8 Marshall CRM, 10/9 Pennington CRM, 11/2 Red Lake fide JMJ. Late south 10/13 Brown CRM, 11/1 Meeker RWS.
2004Spring Seen in 18 south and 13 north counties in all regions. Early south 4/9 Freeborn AEB, 4/11 Lac qui Parle BJU, then 4/23 Washington DPS. Early north (median 4/22) 5/1 Marshall JMJ, 5/2 Itasca (8) EO. Unusual locations 5/19 St. Louis (Floodwood W.T.P.) †AXH, †PHS, 5/21 Lake (Flood Bay) ph. JWL. Peak count 5/28 Lac qui Parle (134) BJU.
2004Summer Observed in Roseau, Marshall, Pennington, Polk, Clay, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Brown, Stearns, Sherburne, Hennepin.
2004Fall Reported from eight north and seven south counties. No reports from eastern regions. Late north 10/14 Itasca EEO, 10/23 Pennington JMJ. Late south 10/22 Stearns PCC, 11/3 Rice TFB.
2005Spring Seen in 16 south and 10 north counties, none in North-central. Early south 4/13 Brown BTS, 4/16 Pipestone CFa (median 4/9). Early north 4/12 Polk EEF, 4/17 Marshall DPS (median 4/23). Unusual location 5/14–22 St. Louis (Biwabik W.T.P.) ALE.
2005Summer Reported from Polk (156 nests fide JMJ), Clay, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Renville, Nicollet, Waseca.
2005Fall Reported from six north and six south counties. No reports from eastern regions. Late north 10/23 Lake of the Woods fide JMJ, 11/12 Polk EEF (median 10/10). Late south 10/13 Brown BTS (median 11/1).
2006Spring Found in 18 south and 5 north counties, none in Northeast. Early south 4/10 Hennepin MCA, 4/13 Meeker DMF. Early north 4/22 Kittson JMJ, 4/23 Pennington and Red Lake PHS. Highest reported count 5/22 Polk (75 at East Grand Forks lagoons) PHS.
2006Summer Observed in Marshall, Stevens, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Yellow Medicine, Brown, Nicollet, Meeker.
2006Fall Reported from seven north and eight south counties. Only eastern report: 9/4 Pine JWH. Late north 10/5 Beltrami PBD, 10/29 Polk (3) JMJ. Late south 10/30 Big Stone BJU, 11/5 Meeker DMF.
2007Spring715 Early south 4/15 Meeker DMF, 4/18 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 4/9). Early north 4/22 (median) Pennington JMJ, 4/25 Clearwater PJR. Notable northeast reports: 5/19–20 Lake (Castle Danger W.T.P.) JWL, 5/19 St. Louis (Biwabik W.T.P.) ALE, 5/19–22 St. Louis (max. 2, Park Point, Duluth) ASc, KRE, JWL.
2007Summer49 Seen in Marshall, Polk, Clay, Wilkin, Big Stone, Swift, Lac qui Parle, Lyon, Meeker, Renville, Sibley, Martin, Dakota. High count 7/27 Polk (250, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) DOL.
2007Fall910 Late north 9/26 Traverse BJU, 11/3 Todd MSK (median 10/22). Late south 10/4 Lincoln BJU, 10/12 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2008Spring1222 Early south (median 4/10) 4/7 Mower JEM, 4/12 Hennepin DCZ. Early north (median 4/22) 4/16 Marshall GT, 4/26 Pennington JMJ. Notable Northeast and North-central reports: 5/7 St. Louis (mouth of Lester River, Duluth) UK, 5/14 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) †PHS, SLF, 5/22 Aitkin MCA.
2008Summer39 Observed in West-central, Central, South-central plus 6/8 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) †PHS, Roseau. First county breeding records from Rice FVS, Waseca JPS.
2008Fall57 Late north 9/1 Marshall, Pennington CRM, m.ob., 9/28 Wilkin DBM. Late south 9/14 Stearns DMF, 10/7 Brown BTS (median 11/2).
2009Spring912 Early south (median 4/9) 4/25 Big Stone MJB, SWe, Lac qui Parle FGo, MJB, Pope MJB, 4/26 Dakota JPM. Early north 4/19 Morrison FGo, 4/24 Marshall GT.
2009Summer15 Only north report: 7/23 Marshall CHu. High count 7/18 Sibley (15) DWK. All other south reports: Lac qui Parle (Salt L.), Renville, Meeker, Freeborn.
2009Fall39 All north reports: 8/29 Traverse HHD, 9/2 Hubbard HHD, 9/5 Roseau (3, Greenbush W.T.P.) KRE, m.ob. Late south 9/20 Lac qui Parle WCM, 10/7 Stevens CRM, 10/24 Ramsey LS (median 10/31).
2010Spring310 Early south (median 4/9) 4/14 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/25 Yellow Medicine BJU. All north 5/2–6 Polk (East Grand Forks W.T.P.) m.ob., 5/28 Morrison CRM, 5/31 Pennington PLJ. New county record 5/22 Benton (Rice W.T.P.) JWH.
2010Summer27 Seen in Big Stone, Dakota, Freeborn, Lac qui Parle, Pine, Polk, Renville, Sibley, Yellow Medicine.
2010Fall58 All north reports: 9/3 Roseau KRE, m.ob., 9/4 Kittson (2) MBe, 9/5 Marshall KRE, m.ob., Pennington CRM, 10/8 Pennington HHD, 10/10 Polk (East Grand Forks W.T.P.) CMK. Late south 9/28 Big Stone BJU, 10/1 Brown BTS (median 10/31).
2011Spring1327 More widespread than normal. Early south (median 4/9) 4/11 Chisago CAB, 4/14 Dakota DWK, 4/15 Stearns PCC. Early north (median 4/22) 4/9 Traverse BJU, 4/12 Morrison FGo, 4/16 Grant GLa. Additional new county record 4/20 Kanabec CAM.
2011Summer43Reported from Big Stone, Kittson, Marshall, Lac qui Parle, Polk, Renville, Sibley,
2011Fall78 All north reports 8/20 Grant BJU, 8/21 Traverse BJU, 8/27 Wilkin RAE, 9/1 Mahnomen DBM, 9/2 Polk LMS, 9/4 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) JCC, Pennington m.ob., 9/5 Red Lake KRE, LS. Late south 10/23 Lac qui Parle DLP, 10/30 Blue Earth ChH (median 10/31). Unusual southeast report 8/28 Wabasha DBz.
2012Spring1315 Early south (median 4/9) 3/31 Lac qui Parle, Yellow Medicine BJU, 4/6 Renville RBW, 4/11 Hennepin ACr. Early north (median 4/22) 4/9 Morrison FGo, 4/18 Pennington MA, 4/19 Marshall HHu. Notable northeast reports: 5/7 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) SBM, ACr, 5/12 Itasca (Splithand Lake) ph. JLK, 5/31 Koochiching RAE.
2012Summer75 Observed in scattered locations west of a line from Lake of the Woods to Sibley, plus 6/12–17 St. Louis AEK.
2012Fall59 All north 8/8 Marshall DaW, 9/1 Roseau (2), 9/2–3 Pennington (6), 9/3 Red Lake (2) KRE, m.ob., 9/14 Grant HHD, RAE. Late south 9/26 Sibley RBW, 10/5 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/21 Big Stone DLP (median 10/31).
2013Spring1931 Early south (median 4/9) 3/29 Nobles CRM, ALo, 4/2 Scott PEJ, DWK, 4/3 Kandiyohi DPG. Early north (median 4/22) 4/10 Otter Tail SAv, 4/12 Itasca (Grand Rapids) SC, ph. EEO, 4/17 Cook (Grand Marais) ph. DMB. Other notable northeast reports: 5/5 Lake (Flood Bay) ph. SZ, 5/6–23 St. Louis (Park Point) ph. JLK, PHS, 5/22 Lake (2, Two Harbors) JWL.
2013Summer54 Observed in Grant, Isanti, Lac qui Parle, Norman, Polk, Renville, Roseau, Sibley, Wilkin, including 7/27 Lac qui Parle (colony of 17 nests) AXH.
2013Fall57 High counts 8/17 Lac qui Parle (18, still eight nests with eggs (2–3 each) at Salt Lake and evidence of recent hatchings) AXH, 8/7 Grant (11, North Ottawa Impoundment) DBi. Late north 9/1 Pennington ALo, Polk GLa, 9/2 Marshall LS, CRM, Pennington CRM, RBJ, DAC, GLa, (median 10/22). Late south 9/26 Big Stone DLP, 10/7 Brown BTS, 10/9 Wright (Howard Lake) RBW, †DWK (median 10/31).
2014Spring1018Early south (median 4/9) 4/11 Hennepin TLo, 4/15 Goodhue GJM, 4/16 Washington JLM. Early north (median 4/22) 4/20 Polk SAu, 4/29 Wilkin ANy. Two Northeast reports: 5/4 St. Louis (3) KJB, 5/7 St. Louis (1) †MLH. New county record 5/4 Fillmore (6, Kapper's Pond) JWH, ph. GEr.
2014Summer58Seen in scattered locations in all regions except North-central, Northeast, Southeast. High count 7/26 Lac qui Parle (52, Salt Lake) PCC.
2014Fall118 High counts 8/3 Lac qui Parle (51, birds still nesting on Salt Lake) KeL, Late north 9/1 Pennington JLK, 9/5 Wilkin (3) HHD, 10/10 Douglas JEl (median 10/22). Late south 9/25 Sibley RBJ, DAC, 9/28 Lac qui Parle DLP, 9/30 Sibley HHD (median 10/31).
2015Spring1012 Early south (median 4/9) 4/10–25 Lac qui Parle PLJ, PMJ, m.ob., 4/15 Nobles DHr, 4/25 Hennepin TPM, Lyon GWe, Olmsted JmP. Early north (median 4/22) 4/16–26 Morrison KEm, m.ob., 4/22 Douglas CSh. High count 5/25 Lac qui Parle (29, Salt Lake) KeL.
2015Summer73 Found in Northwest, West-central plus Brown. High count 7/3–7/24 Polk (200, about 100 nests in mid-July, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) SAu.
2015Fall106 High counts 8/1 Polk (200, East Grand Forks W.T.P., est. 100 nests) SAu. First county record 8/7 Wadena (Blueberry Lake) RBJ. Late north 9/25 Clearwater (Clearbrook W.T.P.) RAE, 10/9 St. Louis (Brighton Beach) HHD, JPR, 11/18 Polk (2, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) DaL (median 10/10). Late south 9/28 Faribault (2, Wells W.T.P.) DWK, 10/5 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS, 11/14 Redwood (Lamberton W.T.P.) BTS (median 10/30).
2015Winter1 One report: 12/1–27 Hennepin (Lake Harriet) JmM, m.ob. (photographed by many).
2016Spring1226 Early south (median 4/11) 4/20 Hennepin (Lake Calhoun) †TLo, 4/23–24 Lac qui Parle (Salt Lake) KEm, m.ob., 4/24 Big Stone DLP, Freeborn PSu. Early north (median 4/21) 5/1 Polk NWi, 5/2 Douglas JLK. High counts 5/9 Polk (35, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) SAu, 5/14 Stearns (18, Albany W.T.P.) RPR.
2016Summer109 Found in all western regions plus Nicollet, Stearns. High count 6/19 Polk (300, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) SAu.
2016Fall66 High counts 8/9 Lac qui Parle (10, Salt Lake) CRa, BAb, ASu. Late north 9/4 Marshall LGl, m.ob., Wilkin JPr, m.ob., 9/5 Norman JWH, Pennington JCC, 10/29 Beltrami FGo. Late south 10/26–30 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS, MiO, 10/31 Big Stone DLP, (2, Ortonville) KnM (median 10/30).
2017Spring721 Early south (median 4/11) 4/9 Hennepin (5, Lake Harriet) SMr, 4/10–11 Ramsey LiH, m.ob., 4/11 Dakota (3) BrT. Early north (median 4/21) 4/13 Morrison FGo, 4/25 Marshall (2) HHu, 4/26 Polk (1) HHu. High counts 5/19 Marshall (14, Agassiz N.W.R.) SBM, 5/31 Grant (12, North Ottawa) WPl.
2017Summer84 Found in Northwest, West-central, plus Brown, Carver, Faribault, Sibley. At least 49 nests at East Grand Forks W.T.P., Polk SAu.
2017Fall68 High count 8/1 Polk (40, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) SAu. Late north 9/4 Grant (3) PLJ, Marshall KRE, then only 10/24 Polk (East Grand Forks W.T.P.) DaL (median 10/10). Late south 10/5 Sibley (3) DBz, HHD, 10/10 Lyon GWe, 10/11 Freeborn (3) KEm (median 10/27).
2018Spring1825 Early south (median 4/11) 4/10–12 Hennepin (max. 6, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) DWK, m.ob., 4/12 Scott MSw. Early north (median 4/20) 4/12 Grant RAE, m.ob., 4/15 Clay PBB, 4/21 Morrison FGo. High counts 5/6 Lac qui Parle (25, Salt Lake) ASu, LiH, 5/20 Polk (22, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) SAu.
2018Summer67 Reported from western regions plus Blue Earth, Cook, Faribault. First county breeding record 6/30 Faribault DAB.
2018Fall811 High counts 8/5 Grant (20, North Ottawa Impoundment) ebd, 8/16 Faribault (14, Wells W.T.P.) KDS. Late north 9/2 Roseau RAE, 9/2–3 Marshall DWK, m.ob., 9/3 Koochiching (International Falls W.T.P.) JiP, 9/3 Pennington ANy, 9/18 Douglas ebd (median 10/10). Late south 9/30 Faribault BAb, 10/9 Freeborn (State Line Lake) ebd, 10/19 Lac qui Parle (Salt Lake) LiH, Yellow Medicine (Miller-Richter W.M.A.) LiH (median 10/27).
2019Summer66 Observed in Northwest, West-central, Central, South-central regions.
 Breeds mostly west. Migrant throughout, but rare northeast.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.