[Golden-winged Warbler X Blue-winged Warbler](Vermivora chrysoptera X V. cyanoptera) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1968 | Spring | | | two reports of the "Brewster's" phenotype: 5-15 Minneapolis, FN/ MAS; 5-22 Alma, Wisconsin adjacent to Wabasha Co., Minnesota, DGM. |
2011 | Spring | | | “Lawrence's” hybrid 5/26 Blue Earth (Minneopa S.P.) RBJ. |
2013 | Spring | | | A “Brewster's” Warbler was photographed 5/23 Pine County ph. DAC. |
2014 | Spring | | 5 | More reports than usual of these apparent hybrids: 5/7 Ramsey (Vista Hills Park) †MJM, 5/8–12 Hennepin (Veterans Memorial Park, Richfield) ph. SBM, 5/13 Hennepin (Rock Garden near Lake Harriet) KvB, ToL, 5/16 Fillmore TAT, 5/17 Hennepin (Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden) GrS, 5/21 Steele (Saco Farm Woods & Fields) †PSu, 5/21–24 Carver (possibly the same bird seen spring 2013 at the same location) JCy. All were described or photographed as a variant of the Brewster's backcross form, except for the Rock Garden bird which was not described. |
2014 | Summer | | 1 | "Lawrence's" Warbler seen 6/14 Blue Earth (Minneopa S.P.) ph. ChH. |
2015 | Spring | | 1 | Apparent hybrids, both of the “Brewster's” form, were found 5/11 Steele (2) ph. †PSu. |
2015 | Fall | | 1 | One “Brewster's” found 8/19 Carver JCy. |
2016 | Fall | | 1 | All reports were of Brewster's-type hybrids: 8/14 Carver (Minnesota Landscape Arboretum) JCy, 8/21 Carver (Rapids Lake, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.; with a male and female/immature Golden-winged) JCy, 8/22 Benton MJB, 8/25, 8/28 Dakota (Spring Lake P.R.) KDS, AJF. |
2017 | Spring | | 3 | All reports 5/11 Hennepin (Lakewood Cemetery, Brewster's) TAT, 5/16 and 5/24 Carver (Carver P.R., mostly resembled Brewster's) JCy, 5/23 Washington (William O'Brien S.P., Brewster's) BDo, PNi. |
2017 | Fall | | 3 | Brewster’s-type hybrids were reported south: 8/18–19 Ramsey (Sucker Lake) LiH, ASu, MiS, DnS, 8/27 Stearns PCC, 9/19 Dakota (Lilydale R.P.) JDv. |
2018 | Spring | 1 | 1 | All reports of this hybrid pertained to the “Brewster's” form: 5/10 Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) BrT, TSk, 5/26 Pine KrM. |
2018 | Fall | | 1 | One report of “Brewster’s” Warbler” 8/30 Hennepin (Lone Lake Park) MJM. |
2019 | Summer | | 1 | Only report 6/2 Houston (Richard J. Dorer S.F., Gordon Anderson R.A.) IVa. |
  | Hybrid Species. |