Families |
Species: Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons |
American Bittern Least Bittern Great Blue Heron |
Great Egret Snowy Egret Little Blue Heron |
Tricolored Heron Cattle Egret Green Heron |
Black-crowned Night-Heron Yellow-crowned Night-Heron |
Great Blue Heron(Ardea herodias) | ||||
Year | Season | N | S | |
1930 | Summer | This species nested again this sununer in the tamarack swamp near Nine Mile Creek. One nest in this small colony, situated in the top of a fifty foot tamarack, held five eggs on April 27th (the writer). | ||
1931 | Summer | Adults building a nest June 10th (Swedenborg). One younc nearly full grow.a in tamarack swanp north of St. Paul, July 3rd (several observers) | ||
1932 | Summer | A nwlber of heronries of this species were found, but the contents of the nests were determined only when the young birds were in the nest, first on June 12 at Lrute Minnetonka (Ralph Eisele & Walter Dewey), and last on July 12th at Rainy Lake1 the young being nearly full-grown in the latter colony (Swanson).. | ||
1933 | Summer | A colony of about 55 pairs of this bird,.,as visited by Hiemenz on May 4th. He found them "nesting in tall Basswood and Tamarack trees along the Sauk River about 2 miles west of Rockville, Stearns County. l climbed one tree tvhich gave me the view of 1 0 nests. Five nests held 5 eggs eacb and 5 nosts held 4 eggs each. The birds were incubating on most of the 11ests. The eggs seemed fresh. Several nests were just being built. One tree held 10 nests and 2 held 7 nests. | ||
1934 | Summer | Four colonies were reported. The first, visited by Hanson and Hiomcnz, was located along the So.uk.tliver, 2, miles west of Rockville, Stenrns County. On April 8th it wo.s found to bo undorgoing repairs, the nests being rebuilt. A nest was investigated ru1d found to be empty. On April 22nd one nest hold 3 eggs and birds wore on ·nost cf the other nests; however, these observers report, "This colony seemed much smaller th~·it was last year, probably only about 40 pairs nesting." Another colony was visited by Hier.:enz, who writes, "On April 9th, the birds were bui).ding and the nests soened tiliaost ccnplete. They were all new structures, ns the fo.ruor living nearby said that all tho old trees with nests had boon felled during tho w:i.nter, having been dead. Thoro we~e possibly 75 pairs nesting." The third colony, located near Barnesville, Ottertail Count:{, \·!as visited on May 17th, and consisted of about 80 nests, r.1ost of which were probnbly or1pty. or about 10 nests investigated, one or two had 2 or 3 eggs, according to Woolsey, who visited tho colony. The latest rccke~r reported was seen by Mnrius Morse and his friend Feeney, on Au~st 1st at Itasca Pnrk. The nests, nunbering "probably over 10011, were perched in the tops of sene 80-foot Norway Pines. At this tir.1e all but 2 or 3 uere vncant. Nearly full-grown young were seen in two of the nests. | ||
1935 | Summer | Berthel was visiting Lake Koronis near Paynesville on July 4th. While there, he saw tho Great Blue Heron rookery, which at that time had five nests still in use. The nearly-grown young \oiCrc climbing around in the elm trees which harbored the colony. Four of the large elems had been killed by the droppings of the birds. | ||
1936 | Summer | J. P. Jensen reports nests nuru.bering between 150 o.nd 1?5 in the horonry on Sioux Lake near Dassel. On June 22nd the young herons wore two-thirds groYn and had commenced to climb about in tho tree tops~ | ||
1937 | Summer | A rookery of ten nests which probably contained eggs was discovered in the Cloquet Valley Forest by Marius Morse, May 3· A twenty-seven nest rookery was found by A. B. Erickson at the St. Croix Nat'! Park. There were large young in the nests on June 29. | ||
1940 | Summer | The T. S. Roberts Club reported an undetermined number of this species incubating at the colony near Rockville, Stearns Co., on May I9-John Strey of Duluth visited a rookery of approximately 50 nests near Granite Falls, Yellow Medicine Co., on May I2. On investigating 8 nests he found they contained 5 eggs each. | ||
1943 | Summer | June 12, feed1ng young, Washington County, Bro.s. Lewis and Pius. July 7, Leech Lake. K. Carlander. May 8, several nests in tree tops, Nine Mile Creek, Mpls. A. Chambers. | ||
1945 | Summer | Colony on Dunlap Island, young in 30 nests, June 3, Don and Eideen Jacobs; 100 nests with eggs and young, May 30, Ramsey Co., Brother Hubert. | ||
1945 | Winter | One at Newport, January, 1938, (R. A. Kortman); one near St. Paul, December 12, 1944, (Brother Hubert Lewis). BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON. Three near St. Paul, December 26, 1939, (A. C. Rosenwinkel). | ||
1946 | Summer | Building nests, May 11 and 12, Ramsey and Anoka Co., large young on June 1, some out of nests on June 13, Bro. Hubert. The Ramsey Co. colony contained 22 nests, that in Anoka contained 72 nests. | ||
1961 | Spring | R. Grant reports six on nests at the Rice Lake heronry, Ramsey County on 23 March. By 4 April there were over 200 on nests. Dr. Rysgaard reports this species at General Shield's Lake, Rice County on 2 April. Green Heron. seen 30 April near Northfield by Dr. Rysgaard, 29 April in Twin City area by A. C. Rosenwikel and 5 May at Marine-onthe- St. Croix by Dean Honetschlager. Great White Heron was seen 13 May (shortly after the strong southerly winds) near Elmore, Faribault County. (See Notes of Interest). | ||
1961 | Summer | Forest Strnad found 6/0 nests near Faribault, Rice County on 7 July. He banded five immatures. R. Grant reported 200 on nests in Ramsey County as early as 6 April. | ||
1962 | Spring | This fellow doesn't have a Diners Club credit card, but he is served his own fishy menu on whatever slough or stream he decides to patronize. The lake in this case happened to be Frog Lake, in Western Minnesota, where this spooky Great Blue Heron eats bullheads all summer long. His rapier thrusts, with his razor sharp bill are so accurate he seldom goes hungry. Ernest Strubbe, Alberta, Minnesota has observed many Blue Herons on Frog Lake and he states that "on many occasions the heron beats the fish on the ground until it is tenderized to suit his pallet." Ken Haag, St. Paul, Minnesota. | ||
1962 | Summer | Aug. 13, Marsh Lake, 2 nests with young, Arlin Anderson. Common Egret: Aug. 13, Marsh Lake, 7 nests with young, Arlin Anderson. | ||
1962 | Fall | latest dates; Dec. 2, Mud Lake, Traverse Co., R. Grant; Dec. 4, Cedar Ave. Bridge, Minneapolis, H. Huber; Dec. 15, Winona, Brother Theodore. | ||
1963 | Spring | March 16, Washington County, D. Honetschlager; March 22, Rice County, 0. Rustad; March 23, Blaine, Anoka County, R. Janssen; March 27, Duluth (early), Jan Green; March 28, Swift County, E. D. Strand; April 12, Shatley, Beltrami County, Mabel Goranson. | ||
1963 | Summer | Cass Co., near Walker, April 19, 75 active nests in rookery, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mathisen. Anoka Co., Rice Lake, May 10, 120 active nests in rookery, A. C. Rosenwinkel. Common Egret: Anoka Co., Rice Lake, May 10, 2 active nests in rookery, A. C. Rosenwinkel. Houston Co., Reno, June 8, compact flock of 56 plus, Avifauna! Club. This species has been exhibiting wandering pecularities in recent years. The Ornithology Newsletter from Manitoba this spring reported an Egret at Oak Point, St. Laurent and Ashern. These areas are adjacent to Kittson County, Minnesota. | ||
1963 | Winter | Jan 4, Winona, Avifanual Club. | ||
1964 | Spring | 3-27 Ramsey Co, BL 3-30 Anoka Co, ACR; 4-1 Wright Co, EC; 4-1 Stearns Co, RPR; 4-1 Hennepin Co, MAS; 4-3 Marshall Co, DLO; 4-4 Washington Co, DH; 4-5 Duluth, NJH; 4-12 Beltrami Co, MG. | ||
1964 | Summer | breeding in St. Louis (VFB, DRM) and Dakota (GL) Counties. | ||
1964 | Fall | 11-4 Washington Co, ACR; 11-4 Stearns Co, RPR; 11-10 Hennepin Co, FN; 11-10 Wabasha Co, JPF. | ||
1964 | Winter | One wintering at Prairie Island, Winona Co, seen by many observers thru Dec. and Jan. Seen last on 2-13 (RG, RLH) for first Minnesota February record. | ||
1965 | Spring | earliest 3-31 Rice Co, OAR and St. Cloud, fide NH. | ||
1965 | Fall | latest 11-10 Ramsey Co, VL and Wabasha Co, DGM. | ||
1966 | Spring | earliest 3-14 Benton Co, NMH; 3-17 Rice Co, OAR; 3-18 Stearns Co, RPR. | ||
1966 | Summer | nested in Rice, Dakota, Stearns Co's; also reported from Ramsey, Morrison, Roseau, Itasca, BeltTami, Wabasha, Lake, St. Louis, Cass, Nicollet, Blue Earth, Faribault, Waseca, Pope, Washington, Hennepin, Goodhue, Hubbard, Winona, Houston, Wright, Wabasha and Cottonwood Co's. | ||
1966 | Fall | Latest 11-6 Houston Co., FL; 11-8 Blue Earth Co. (EDK) and Hennepin Co. (FN/ MAS); 11-23 Washington Co., WWL. | ||
1966 | Winter | 1-2 Winona, Winona Co., fide GD; 1-2 Blackdog, Dakota Co., RBJ; 2-13 Cotton, St. Louis Co., Mrs. R. S. Nethercott fide VFB, second February record for the state and perhaps the only winter record north of the Twin Cities area? | ||
1967 | Spring | early 3-19 Pope Co., THE LOON 86 WH; 3-22 Rice Co., OAR and Ramsey Co., BL; 3-25 several reports, north to Aitkin Co., CEP. | ||
1967 | Summer | nested Anoka Co.; also reported from Morrison, Swift, Jackson, Nobles, Cottonwood, Hennepin, Houston, Aitkin, Hubbard, Clearwater, McLeod, Goodhue, Carver, Stevens, Big THE LOON 122 Stone, Pope, Traverse, Lac qui Parle, Washington, Wabasha, Beltrami, Crow Wing, Ramsey Co's. | ||
1967 | Fall | latest 11-18 Houston Co., FL; 11-19 Dakota Co., FN/MAS; 11-23 Anoka Co., ACR and Pope Co., WH; 11-25 Dakota Co., RJC. | ||
1967 | Winter | 12-5 Blackdog, Dakota Co., 1, FN/ MAS; 12-7 Minneapolis, 1, FN/MAS. | ||
1968 | Spring | earliest 3-15 Rice Co., OAR; 3-18 Wright Co., EHD and Wabasha Co., DGM; 3-21 St. Paul, BL; 3-23 Stearns Co., KE. | ||
1968 | Summer | nested in Lac qui Parle, Mille Lacs, LeSeur, Grant, Hubbard, Rice, Itasca, Morrison and Clearwater Co's; also reported from Swift, Jackson, Nobles, Beltrami , Meeker, Sibley, McLeod, Becker, Morrison, Pope, Lake, Washington, Blue Earth, Carlton, St. Louis, Crow Wing, Anoka, Sherburne, Wright, Cook, Hennepin, Winona Co's. | ||
1968 | Fall | 8-4 Cottonwood LAF; 8-17 Cook RLG; 8-25 Watonwan DMF; 9-11 Pope WH; latest 11/0 Wabasha BT; 11-16 Olmsted AFR; 100+ reported in Nobles for September HSH. | ||
1969 | Spring | 3-19 (5) Rice Co., OAR; 3-23 (6) Dakota Co., FN /MAS, VL and Mille Lacs Co., MI; 4-6 Beltrami Co., JM, and Kanabec Co., RHJ. | ||
1969 | Summer | reported by 32 observors throughout the state. The colonies at Lake Johanna, Pope County and near Cold Spring, Stearns Co. were active this year. | ||
1969 | Fall | 8-3 Carver 100 KH; 8-14 Wright 50 BAH; 10-19 St. Louis JCG; 11-1 Swift RBJ; 11-4 Pope WH. | ||
1970 | Spring | early south 3-12 Wabasha HW; 3-23 Nicollet LF; 3-25 Rice OR and Stearns MC; peak 4-11 Pope (200) BH; early north 3-31 Morrison JB; 4-5 Marshall AR and St. Louis NH, MMC. | ||
1970 | Fall | late south 11-7 Hou ston FL; 11-8 Wabasha TV; 11-10 Pope WH; late north 10-31 Pine KS; 11-5 and 8 Duluth, fide )G. | ||
1970 | Winter | I 2-5 Winona AFR. | ||
1971 | Spring | early south 3-14 Pope WH and Hlennepin CH and Dakota KJG; early north 3-27 Ottertail AMB; 3-30 Marshall AR; peak 4-17 Pope (150) BH. | ||
1971 | Summer | nested in Pope, Hennepin, Carver and Rice; also reported from 29 other counties. | ||
1971 | Fall | late south 11-23 Wabasha; 11-28 Wri!!ht; 12-4 Carver; l•te north 11-14 Ottertail and Duluth; 11-26 Crow Wing. | ||
1971 | Winter | 12-4 Carver KH; 12·5 Dakota KRE; 12-18 Fergus Falls KRE; 2-20 Winona RG. | ||
1972 | Winter | 1-31 Sherburne SRS. | ||
1973 | Summer | Nested in Pope (200 nests) St. Louis (100 nests) Mille Lacs (30 nests), Marshall, Itasca, Hubbard, Aitkin, Stearns & Hennepin; seen in 22 other counties. | ||
1973 | Fall | Reported from 25 counties. Late north 11-15 Clay (GAA); 11-17 Morrison (LSR). Late south 11-1 Wabasha (DWM); 11-4 Wright (ETS). Peak 8-1 Marshall (300) (AWR). | ||
1973 | Winter | One lingered until 12-31 at Black Dog L., Dakota Co. and was noted on the Bloomington Christmas Count. | ||
1974 | Spring | Early south 3-4 Stearns (5) MC earliest date on record; 3-6 Stearns (5) NMH; 3-8 LeSueur HC; 3-10 Hennepin OJ and Rice OAR; early north 3-28 Mille Lacs MI; 4-5 Marshall AR, 4-7 St. Louis MK; peak 5-18 Pope (150+) BH. | ||
1974 | Summer | Nested in Itasca, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Pope, Hennepin, Winona; also reported from 35 other counties. | ||
1974 | Fall | Late south 10-25 Hennepin OJ; 11-3 Houston FL; late north 10-9 Itasca MS; 10-24 Marshall AR. | ||
1974 | Winter | Late migrants 12-2 Chippewa (CH), 12-3 Dakota (VRL), and Bloomington Christmas Count; also 2-13 at Spring Banks L., Dakota Co. (CF)-coincidentally the only other two February records were also on the 13th! Whistling. Swan Lingered long enough to participate on the Fergus Falls, Big Stone, Rochester (cripple) and Wabasha (382) Christmas Counts; also 3 in Stearns Co. on 12-11 and 1-5 (BH, NH); as late as 12-12 at Weaver marshes, Wabasha Co. 1000 were still present, and one swan remained all winter (WDM). | ||
1975 | Spring | Early south 3-1 Goodhue CF (details?); 3-8 Freeborn DG; 3-16 Yellow Medicine GLO; early north 3-17 Becker TRS; 3-21 Cass AES; 4-7 St. Louis NJH; peak 5-17 Pope (300+ ) HCK. | ||
1975 | Summer | Nested in Hubbard, Mille Lacs, Pope, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Hennepin, Ramsey and VVashington; also reported from 27 other counties. | ||
1975 | Fall | late south 11-10 Pipestone AD; Carver JRG; 11-15 Hennepin VL; 11-26 Wabasha RB; late north 11-1 Pine DB; 11·28 Ottertail SM. | ||
1975 | Winter | recorded during the St. Paul Northeast Christmas Count period; also what was probably a very early spring migrant on 2-27 in Hennepin Co. (NMH). | ||
1976 | Spring | Early south 3-16 Hennepin HPR; 3/7 Stearns NMH; 2 reports on 3-18; early north 3-24 Mille Lacs MI; 3-26 Marshall SV; 3-27 St. Louis NJH. | ||
1976 | Summer | nested in Beltrami, Hubbard, Pope, Meeker, Wright, Anoka and Wabasha; also reported from 39 other counties. | ||
1976 | Fall | Late north 11-6 Crow Wing, 11-26 Duluth PKL; late south 10-31 Washington, 11-4 Rock, 11-16 Olmsted. | ||
1976 | Winter | Lingered unti112-24 Redwood (WF); another seen 2-17 Crow Wing (TS; overwintered or a very early migrant?). | ||
1977 | Spring | Early south 3-8 Hennepin HCP; 3-13 Murray HK; 3-14 Mower RK; early north 3-25 St. Louis HPD; 3 reports on 3-26. | ||
1977 | Summer | Nested in Hubbard, Grant, Pope, Lac qui Parle, Anoka and Winona; also reported from 30 other counties throughout the state. | ||
1977 | Fall | Late north 11-2 Duluth (GN), 11-8 Todd (KL); late south 11-20 Pipestone (AD). | ||
1977 | Winter | Two late stragglers 1-4 Orwell W.M.A., Otter Tail Co. (P. Millard) and 1-5 to 1-8 Black Doe L., Dakota Co. (MJ, BB). | ||
1978 | Spring | Early north 3-26 Otter Tail GO; 3-30 Hubbard HF; 3-31 Marshall SV. | ||
1978 | Summer | Breeding reported from Marshall (30+ nests), Becker (200+), Hubbard (34, Kabekina WMA), Morrison (50+, Royalton), Anoka (50+, Rice Lake), Wabasha (50), Grant (50+, Pelican Lake), Pope (Lake Johanna), Lac qui Parle (75 nests, Big Stone NWR); also seen throughout the state. | ||
1978 | Fall | Late north 11-5 Lac qui Parle CMB, 11-26 Crow Wing TS; late south 11-23 Hennepin PF, 11-25 Sherburne EH, 11-26 Hennepin RJ. | ||
1978 | Winter | No less than 10 reports in December from Anoka, Dakota, Olmsted, Cottonwood, Otter Tail (until 12-21, SM), and the Cedar Creek Bog, Faribault, Minneapolis, Winona and Marshall CBCs; yet another species to defy the weather. | ||
1979 | Spring | Early south 3-13 Fillmore John Weiss fide VH, 3-15 Freeborn DG and Ramsey BH; early north 3-17 Mille Lacs DB, Otter Tail GMO and Lake KE. Peak 5-31 Otter Tail GMO (808). | ||
1979 | Summer | Breeding reported from St. Louis, Cass, Hubbard, Beltrami, Marshall, Grant, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Pope, Kandiyohi, Meeker, Wright, Stearns, Morrison, Sherburne, Anoka, Chisago, Rice, Le Sueur; also seen throughout the state. | ||
1979 | Fall | Late north 11-1 Otter Tail GMO, 11-8 Clay SM, 11-25 Hubbard Julie Probst fide TL; late south 11-11 Lac qui Parle CMB, 11-12 Hennepin SC, 11-18 Hennepin SC. | ||
1979 | Winter | Two reports: 12-2 Rock (NB) and 12-29 Bloomington CBC. | ||
1980 | Spring | Early south 3-16 Ramsey BDC, 3-17 Dakota RJ, 3-19 Anoka KL (100+); early north 3-27 Otter Tail GMO, 3-30 Hubbard HF, 4-1 Marshall ANWR. | ||
1980 | Summer | Breeding reported from seven counties; seen also throughout the state. First migrants: St. Louis (Lake Superior), 7-19 (JCG). | ||
1980 | Fall | Late north 11-13 Clay LCF, 11-15 Lake of the Woods TS, 11-25 Polk fide KSS; late south 11-15 Houston FL, 11/9 Hennepin SC, 11-30 Rice KJ. | ||
1980 | Winter | Five reports: a late migrant in Redwood 12-27 (LJF); an early migrant in Mower 2-16 (RJ); January records from Willow River Township, Pine County (Mike Link) and Scott 1-25 (RBA); and one that overwintered in Otter Tail 12-13 until 2-24 (GMO). | ||
1981 | Spring | Early south 3-14 Anoka BH, 3-20 Stearns NH, 3-21 Dakota MW, Houston JPI AM and Olmsted JEB; early north 3-22 Itasca TL, 3-25 Hubbard HJF, 3-28 Duluth Dick Green, Otter Tail GMO and Todd RJ. | ||
1981 | Fall | Late north 11-3 Marshall KSS, 11-7 Beltrami JP, AS, Otter Tail GMO; late south 11-8 Mower RRK, 11-22 Houston FL, 11-29 Big Stone RG. | ||
1981 | Winter | Four December reports: Otter Tail 12-26 (GMO) in the north and Redwood; 12-26 (LJF); Le Sueur 12-4 (HFC) and Mower; 12-20 (RJ) and 1221 (RRK). | ||
1982 | Spring | Early south 3-13 Dodge RJ, 3-14 Anoka KL, 3-15 Stearns NH; early north 3-16 Otter Tail GMO, SDM, 3-23 Hubbard BM and St. Louis KE. | ||
1982 | Summer | Breeding data from Lake, Hubbard, Grant, Pope, Rice. Seen throughout the state. | ||
1982 | Fall | Late north 1/116 Lake KE, 1/118 Polk KSS, 1/122 Duluth KE; late south 1/120 Houston FL, KL, 1/121 Dakota MW. | ||
1982 | Winter | Three south reports: Dakota, 12/18 (MW), Winona, 1/22 (RA), and Rock 1/31 (JS). | ||
1983 | Spring | Early south 3/5 Mower BJ, 31 I 0 Washington TBB, 3/13 Wabasha AB; early north 3/13 Hubbard BM, 3/26 Beltrami AS, 3/30 Otter Tail GMO. | ||
1983 | Summer | Breeding data from Marshall, Hubbard, Morrison, Grant, Pope, Stearns, Ramsey. Seen throughout the state. | ||
1983 | Fall | Late north II 19 Hubbard HJF, II 1/5 Cook KMH, 1/124 Clay LCF; late south 11/19 Dakota MW, 11/24 Stearns KSS, 1/130 Houston FL. | ||
1983 | Winter | Southeast reports from Houston 12-2 (FL) and Wabasha 1-8 (DWM). A west central report from the Orwell Dam, Otter Tail on 1-5 (GMO) and a northwest report of very early migrants, 2-22, (2) Mahnomem, (MH). | ||
1984 | Spring | Early south 3/19 Anoka OS, 3/23 Washington TBB, 3/24 Sibley HK, Steele OJ; early north 3/24 Becker RJ, Otter Tail SDM, 3/26 Marshall ANWR. | ||
1984 | Summer | nested in Marshall, Hubbard, Lake, Morrison, Pope, Ramsey, Le Sueur and Houston; also seen in 35 other counties. | ||
1984 | Fall | Late north 11/21 Otter Tail SDM, Ill 23 Carlton KL, 11/26 Cook KMH ; late south 11/21 Houston FL, 11/24 Washington DS, 11/25 Dakota TT. | ||
1984 | Winter | Four CBC reports: Grand Marais (I), Excelsior (4), Bloomington (I) and Cedar Lake (1). Also reported at Black Dog, Dakota Co. until 1-13 (mob), Goodhue 1-5 (JPAM), Olmsted 1-13 (SC) and Fillmore 12-19 (J. Gislason). | ||
1985 | Spring | Early south 3/1 Le Sueur HC, 3/12 Dakota TTu, 3/15 Ramsey KB; early north 3/19 Becker MBW, 3/22 Otter Tail SDM, 3/23 Hubbard HJF. | ||
1985 | Summer | Nested in St. Louis, Hubbard, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Swift (WT), Pope, Morrison, Pine; probable nesting in Grant, Sherburne. Also seen in 44 other counties throughout the state. | ||
1985 | Fall | Late north 11/17 Cook KMH, 11/21 Becker WL, 11/23 St. Louis D. Litchfield; late south 11 I 18 Goodhue JD, 11/19 Houston FL, 11/30 Dakota TTu. | ||
1985 | Winter | Reported at Grey Cloud Island, Washington County until mid January (TBB); Black Dog, Dakota County until12/22 (mob) and Houston, 12/7 (FL). | ||
1986 | Spring | Early south 3/9 Houston EMF, Mower RRK, Scott RJ; early north 3/27 Hubbard JL, 3/28 Marshall ANWR, Wilkin GAM. | ||
1986 | Summer | Nested in Lake, Hubbard (110 young, Kabekona WMA, HJF), Becker, Morrison, Grant, Pope, Meeker, LeSueur, Waseca (approx. 150 nests, Elysian Lake, JS), Faribault; probable nesting in Big Stone, Kandiyohi, Ramsey, Sibley, Fillmore. Also seen in 44 other counties throughout the state. | ||
1986 | Fall | Late north 11/15 St. Louis fide KE, 11/17 Cook KMH, 11/22 Lake BL; late south 1/128 Cottonwood E. Duerksen, Houston EMF, McLeod RJ, II 129 Martin KL, II 130 Mower AB,OJ. | ||
1986 | Winter | Probably the most reports ever: seen on Wild River, Marshall, Mountain Lake-Windom, Faribault and Austin CBC's with some individuals remaining until mid-January, and in White Bear Lake, Ramsey Co. until 2/4 (MRBA). A total of thirteen individuals reported. Thndra Swan Late west central region migrants in Otter Tail, December (SDM); Grant, 12/7 (KL) and Chippewa, 12/2 (FE). Two overwintered in Wabasha (WDM) and 3500 were on the river in Houston on 12/1 (FL). Two unidentified swans in Duluth on 2/27 (M. Hendrikson) may have been very early migrants or possibly Mute Swans from Ashland Co., Wisconsin. | ||
1987 | Spring | Early south 3/6WashingtonTBB, 3/7 Ramsey BL, 3/9 Mower JM; early north 3/19 Otter Tail SDM, 3/21 Hubbard HJF, 3/22 Beltrami KH. | ||
1987 | Summer | Nested in Lake, Morrison, Grant, Pope, Swift; probable nesting in Sherburne, Washington, Faribault. Also seen in 52 other counties throughout the state. | ||
1987 | Fall | Late north 10/13 Clay LCF, 11/13 St. Louis SW, ll/24 Cook SOL; late south ll/10 HennepinES , ll/21 Steams DO, 11/29RiceFS. | ||
1987 | Winter | Eight December reports including the Hibbing and Fergus Falls CBC's. One January record, OtterTail Co., 11/5 (SDM). | ||
1988 | Spring | Early south 3/11 Olmsted JEB, Rice FKS and Steams NHi; early north 3/24 Otter Tail SDM, 3/25 Cass TK, 3/27 Aitkin WN. | ||
1988 | Summer | Observed in 68 counties throughout the state; nesting records from Hubbard, Morrison, Pope. Fall migrants seen at Duluth on 7/30 (KE). | ||
1988 | Fall | Late north Ill18 Becker BK, 11/24 Otter Tail SDM, 11/26 Norman RJ, AP; late south 11/11 Dakota DZ and Washington DS, 11/14 Hennepin SC, 11/19 Scott DZ. | ||
1988 | Winter | Reported on the Bemidji, Fergus Falls, St. Paul and Afton CBCs and in Wright 12/3 DO and Mower l/30 RRK. Late in the period it was learned that up to 10 individuals had probably overwintered at Pig's Eye, Ramsey Co. fide RJ. Thndra Swan Late migrants in Roseau 12/5 KH, Wabasha 12/1 WDM (3,000), Houston 12/15 EMF(30) and the Minneapolis North CBC. The increasing number of released and free flying Trumpeter Swans in the state indicates that care must be exercised when identifying out of range/date swans. The three flying over Sleepy Eye on 1/28 would more likely be Trumpeters. The two seen on the Mississippi River in Hastings, Dakota Co. in Dec. and | ||
1989 | Spring | Early south 3/16 Steams JMa, 3/17 Fillmore fide AP, 3/20 Houston EMF; Early north 3/24 Otter Tail SDM, 3/25 Duluth KE, 3/26 Becker, Beltrami, Clay, Marshall m.ob. | ||
1989 | Summer | Nested in ten counties throughout central, east central, south central, and southeast regions including McLeod (32 nests) TI, Sibley (25 nests) TI, Watonwan (8 nests) TI, Olmsted (30 nests) TI. Also seen in 47 other counties statewide. | ||
1989 | Fall | Late north 11/7 Duluth KE, 11/18 Aitkin WN, 11/26 Wilkin SDM; late south 11/15 Sherburne SWR, 11/21 Dakota KR, 11/28 Lac qui Parle CMB. | ||
1989 | Winter | December records from Anoka 12/3 GP; Lyon, Dakota, Ramsey, Faribault and Austin CBCs; and Sherburne. January records only from Brown 1/5 BB and Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. 1/1 EL. Mild spell may have allowed overwintering but no further records until likely earliest ever spring migrants in Anoka 2/3 SC and 2/4 GP. | ||
1990 | Spring | Early south 3/10 Rice TB, OR, 3/12 Cottonwood ED, Olmsted JB; early north 3/20 Todd PH, 3/21 Clay LCF, 3/28 Otter Tail SDM. | ||
1990 | Summer | Fewer reports than usual. Nested in Hubbard, Olmsted, Brown JS ; seen in 44 other counties statewide. | ||
1990 | Fall | Late north 1 1/3 Hubbard RG, Aitkin WN, 11/4 Clay Mo, 11/7 Koochiching GM; late south 11/20 Olmsted AP, 11/23 Pipestone JP, 11/29 Goodhue DP. | ||
1990 | Winter | Late migrants found at Anoka 12/2 PKL; Rice 12/4 (2) FKS and 12/16TB; Goose Lake, Ramsey 12/3 PC; also found on the St. Paul, Austin and Excelsior CBCs; probable overwintering bird at spring holes at Grey Cloud Island, Washington 1/3 & 1/16 TEB; early migrant on the Shell Rock R., Freeborn 2/3 RRK. | ||
1991 | Spring | Early south 3/8 Dakota KR, 3/10 Anoka GP, 3/13 Rice OR; early north 3/20 Becker DEB, 3/26 Hubbard JL, 3/27 Aitkin WN. | ||
1991 | Summer | Nested in Hubbard, Anoka; seen in 51 other counties statewide. | ||
1991 | Fall | Late north 11/8 Cook SOL, 11/10 Aitkin WN, 11/30 Otter Tail MO; late south 11/27 Hennepin DC, Kandiyohi CJ, 11/29 Dakota SC, Goodhue LS, MS. | ||
1991 | Winter | Record number of reports. Overwintered in Hennepin, Winona and Ramsey (the 12 on the St. Paul CBC all overwintered near Pigs Eye Lake, KB). December and early January reports from seven additional counties south, including Dakota where 9 were seen on 12–7 KB. Two north reports on Fergus Falls CBC and Becker 12/9 BBe. CBC total of 25 individuals. | ||
1992 | Spring | Early south 3/1 Hennepin HT, TT, 3/2 Dakota DN and Sherburne SNWR; early north 3/18 Grant SDM, 3/21 Becker BBe, 3/22 Itasca TS. | ||
1992 | Summer | Nested in Kittson MCBS, Marshall, Beltrami, Hubbard, Meeker, Ramsey, Dakota; seen in 48 additional counties statewide, including five southwest counties. | ||
1992 | Fall | Late north 11/1 Otter Tail SDM, 11/6 Duluth FN, 11/27 Becker BBe; late south 11/17 Wabasha DWM, 11/27 Carver PB, RG, 11/28 Hennepin DM. | ||
1992 | Winter | Again widespread; reported from 11 counties (12 l.y.). Overwintered at Cedar Creek Natural History Area, Anoka Co., JH; on the Mississippi River, Ramsey Co. mob; and at Grey Cloud Island, Washington Co. TEB. Lingering individuals reported in Dec. and early Jan. from Lyon, Blue Earth, Goodhue, Scott, Dakota, and Hennepin. Only north report 12/16 Otter Tail SDM. CBC total only 4 (25 l.y.). | ||
1993 | Spring | Early south 3/10 Washington TEB, 3/16 Rice TB, 3/18 Stearns RG. Early north 3/25 Becker BBe, 3/26 Otter Tail SDM, 3/27 Douglas KKW and Wilkin RJ. | ||
1993 | Summer | Nested in seven counties, probable nesting in Cottonwood; seen in 45 additional counties statewide. | ||
1993 | Fall | Late north 10/23 Aitkin WN, 10/24 Otter Tail WM, 11/16 Becker BK. Late south 11/13 Freeborn RJ, Winona JPo, 11/18 Goodhue DS, 11/30 Ramsey KB. | ||
1993 | Winter | Reported from only four counties (11 l.y.). Single individuals reported overwintering in Ramsey and Washington counties, and December reports from Dakota and Rice counties. | ||
1994 | Spring | Early south 3/8 Rice OR, 3/12 Anoka PKL and Winona JPo; early north 3/12 Otter Tail SDM, 3/19 Becker BBe, 3/22 Aitkin WN and Hubbard HJF. | ||
1994 | Summer | Nested in Cass, Pope, Faribault; probable breeding in 13 counties. Observed in 42 additional counties throughout state. | ||
1994 | Fall | Late north 10/29 Aitkin WN, 10/31 Otter Tail CS, 11/10 Douglas RH. Late south 11/12 Carver CS and Rock ND, 11/20 Kandiyohi RF. | ||
1994 | Winter | Reported from twelve counties as far north as Otter Tail. Despite mild weather, the only overwintering report was from the Pigs Eye Lake outlet, Ramsey Co. where eight were seen on 1/2 AH, and seven still present on 1/21 JD. The reports 1/30 Otter Tail BBe and 2/2 Brown BBo may also represent overwintering; most other reports were in December and early January, with one additional report in late February: 2/20 Goodhue HH. CBC total 10. | ||
1995 | Spring | Early south 3/11 Hennepin SC and Ramsey BL, 3/12 Dakota, Rice, Scott and Winona mob; early north 3/18 Aitkin WN and St. Louis DBe, 3/19 Otter Tail SDM. | ||
1995 | Summer | Fewer reports than usual. Nested in Otter Tail, Douglas, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Carver, Ramsey; probable nesting in Beltrami, Becker. Observed in 40 other counties statewide. | ||
1995 | Fall | Eighteen north reports with one late 11/12 Carlton LW; seen in 28 south counties. | ||
1995 | Winter | Overwintered at the Pigs Eye Lake outlet into the Mississippi River, St. Paul, Ramsey Co. where a peak of 20 was counted on 12/27 KB. Twelve individuals still present on 2/29. Also reported through mid-January in six other south counties, plus 12/6 Becker BBe in the north. | ||
1996 | Spring | Reported from 70 counties. Early north 3/11 Becker BBe; peak 4/3 Becker (100) BBe. | ||
1996 | Summer | Most reports since 1988. Nested in Cass, Meeker; probable nesting in Clearwater, Aitkin, Kandiyohi, Hennepin, Watonwan. Seen in 56 other counties statewide. | ||
1996 | Fall | Reported from 56 counties statewide. Late north (only November report) 11/3 Wadena PBi. | ||
1996 | Winter | Overwintered at the usual location along the Mississippi River near Pigs Eye Lake, St. Paul, Ramsey Co. where a peak of 14 individuals seen in Dec. KB (but only two of these overwintered). Also reported through early January in six other south counties, plus 12/19 Otter Tail SDM in the north. An additional bird may have wintered at the Old Cedar Avenue bridge, Hennepin Co. where reported as late as 2/1 fide SC. | ||
1997 | Spring | Reported from 67 counties. | ||
1997 | Summer | Most reports since 1988; seen in 65 counties statewide. | ||
1997 | Fall | Reported from 54 counties. Late north 11/15 Aitkin WN. | ||
1997 | Winter | Overwintered along the Mississippi River near Pigs Eye Lake, South St. Paul, Ramsey Co. where up to five birds were seen on 1/19 (KB). Reported through early January in five additional south counties. Only north report was 12/3 Becker BBe. Potential early migrants included 2/4 Murray ND, 2/6 Washington TEB, and 2/28 Mower RRK. CBC total 15, nine of which were on the St. Paul CBC. | ||
1998 | Spring | Reported from 63 counties. | ||
1998 | Summer | Many reports, similar to previous two years. Reported in 65 counties statewide. New nesting record in Lyon RgS; probable breeding in seven counties. | ||
1998 | Fall | Peak count 9/29 Lyon (45) RgS. Late north 11/30–12/2 St. Louis JN. Reported from 58 counties statewide. | ||
1998 | Winter | Late north 12/2 St. Louis JN, and the Fergus Falls and Crookston CBCs. Reported from seven counties south. Only reports after 1/1 were 1/16 Ramsey (7) BL, 1/9 & 2/20 Washington TEB, and 2/25 Hennepin fide AH (early migrant?). | ||
1999 | Spring | Early south 3/5 Rice TBo, 3/6 Dakota DBS; also see winter report. Many north reports during the last week of March (earliest 3/24 Douglas SWa). | ||
1999 | Summer | Observed in 59 counties statewide. | ||
1999 | Fall | Largest count 8/12 Lac qui Parle (43 at BSNWR) BOl. See winter report for late migrants. | ||
1999 | Winter | Reported from one north and nine south counties. Overwintered in Otter Tail and Ramsey. Peak 1/8 Ramsey (16 at traditional location on Mississippi River at Pigs Eye Lake outlet, South St. Paul) AH. Additional mid-winter report: 1/22 Waseca JZ (frozen in ice). Potential early migrants 2/20 Fillmore SDM, 2/27 Freeborn ABa. | ||
2000 | Spring | Seen in 29 south and 22 north counties. See winter report for early south migrants. Overwintered in Otter Tail; early north migrants 3/18 Cass MRN, 3/20 Aitkin WN. | ||
2000 | Summer | Reported in 66 counties statewide. | ||
2000 | Fall | Reported from 23 north and 44 south counties. Late north 11/29 Otter Tail SDM. See winter report for late south migrants. | ||
2000 | Winter | Reported from one north and nine south counties. Overwintered in Otter Tail and Ramsey. Peak 1/8 Ramsey (16 at the traditional location on the Mississippi R. at Pigs Eye Lake outlet, South St. Paul) AXH. One additional mid-winter report: 1/22 Waseca JEZ (frozen in ice). Possible early migrants 2/20 Fillmore SPM, DKM, 2/27 Freeborn AEB. | ||
2001 | Spring | Seen in 43 south and 25 north counties. Overwintered in Twin Cities area (see winter report) but migrants reported 3/14 in Anoka, Dakota and Rice (recent median 3/8). Early north (median 3/20) 3/21–22 Otter Tail mob. | ||
2001 | Summer | Reported in 53 counties statewide. | ||
2001 | Fall | Reported from 18 north and 39 south counties. Late north 10/31 Carlton LAW. See winter report for late south migrants. | ||
2001 | Winter | Fewer reports than usual. Nineteen individuals reported from six south counties. The only reports not associated with a CBC were from Ramsey (Pigs Eye L. outlet, Mississippi River, South St. Paul), with a maximum of 12 on 1/6 (KJB). | ||
2002 | Spring | Seen in 44 south and 25 north counties. Overwintered in Ramsey; first migrants seen 3/12 Dakota (56) KJB, 3/13 Rice TFB. Early north 3/30 Otter Tail SPM, DKM, 3/31 Pine WCM. | ||
2002 | Summer | Reported in 62 counties statewide; new nesting record in Lincoln RJS. | ||
2002 | Fall | Reported from 28 north and 41 south counties. | ||
2002 | Winter | Reported from 7 north and 19 south counties. Late north 1/4 Pine CRG, 1/13 St. Louis (near Virginia) fide DRB. Overwintered south in Hennepin, Dakota, Ramsey and Winona counties. Maximum count 17 on 1/25 Ramsey (Pigs Eye Lake outlet into Mississippi River) KJB. Potential early migrant 2/20 Stearns STW. | ||
2003 | Spring | Seen in 41 south and 26 north counties. Overwintered in Twin Cities area and Winona (see winter report); probable migrants 3/12 Rice TFB, 3/13 Dakota (H.P.B.C.) KJB and Freeborn AEB. Early north 3/16 Cass MRN, 3/23 Hubbard JWP. | ||
2003 | Summer | Observed in 59 counties statewide. | ||
2003 | Fall | Reported from 24 north and 36 south counties. | ||
2003 | Winter | Reported from 11 south counties but the only report after 1/1 was of overwintering birds near Pigs Eye Island, St. Paul where a maximum of 15 was recorded 1/7 Ramsey KJB. Only north reports: 12/15 Pine County CBC, 12/20 Fergus Falls CBC, 1/1 Pillager CBC. | ||
2004 | Spring | Observed in 42 south and 27 north counties. Overwintered in Ramsey (see winter report); probable migrants 3/2 Rice TFB, 3/8 Freeborn AEB. Early north 3/12 Otter Tail DTT, SMT, 3/21 Wadena PJB. Peak count 3/20 Rice (120) DAB. | ||
2004 | Summer | Seen in 51 counties throughout state. | ||
2004 | Fall | Reported from 23 north and 34 south counties. Late north 11/17 Polk EEF, 11/22 Clay EEF. | ||
2004 | Winter | Reported from five counties statewide. Only north report 12/17 Otter Tail SPM. Latest report 1/2 Dakota (Black Dog L.) PEJ; also lingered 12/17 Rice DAB, 12/20 Hennepin DWK. A total of 14 reported on the St. Paul (NE Suburban) CBC fide RW. Early south 2/19 Hennepin (Bass Ponds, record-early if not overwintering) DWK. | ||
2005 | Spring | Seen in 44 south and 24 north counties. Early south 3/6 Freeborn AEB and Rice m.obs., 3/7 Olmsted DMA, but also see winter report. Early north 3/22 Pine RBJ, 3/24 Hubbard MAW and Crow Wing MRN. | ||
2005 | Summer | Seen in 66 counties statewide. | ||
2005 | Fall | Found in 30 north and 38 south counties. Late north (but see winter report) 11/13 Clay BWF, 11/19 Hubbard MAW. | ||
2005 | Winter | Reported from four north and nine south counties. Overwintered Otter Tail SPM; also recorded on the Battle Lake (1) and Fergus Falls (5) CBCs. All other north reports: 12/22 Rothsay CBC (2), 1/1 Todd BWF, 1/15 Wadena PJB, 2/4 Pennington fide JMJ. Overwintered south in Hennepin (Bass Ponds) DWK and probably elsewhere in Twin Cities metro area. Possibly overwintered in Cottonwood, where seen 1/10, 1/20, 2/6 BRB. Additional late reports away from Twin Cities 1/4 Meeker DMF, 1/10 Waseca JPS, 2/6 (overwintered?) Sherburne ASc, 2/8, 2/10 (overwintered?) Rice TFB, DAB. Spring migrants indistinguishable from overwintering birds. | ||
2006 | Spring | Found in 50 south and 28 north counties. Please see winter report for potential early south migrants and overwintering locations. Early north (overwintered Otter Tail) 3/18 Douglas HHD, 3/19 Grant SPM. | ||
2006 | Summer | Observed in 77 counties statewide. | ||
2006 | Fall | Found in 29 north and 52 south counties. Late north 11/24 Morrison CAM, 11/25 Marshall GLH. | ||
2006 | Winter | 1 | 14 | Only north report: 1/7 St. Louis (near Floodwood, observed by D. Johnson of Illinois) fide KRE. Several January reports south away from usual overwintering locations, including 1/1 Olmsted (Rochester) JWH, 1/2 Dakota (Bull Frog Pond, Hastings) ADS, 1/6 Meeker Litchfield) DMF, 1/9, 1/13 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) CMB, CRM, DDo, 1/11 Steele NFT. Overwintered 1/26–2/16 Sherburne (county road 1 at county road 87) ASc. |
2007 | Spring | 29 | 52 | Early south (away from overwintering areas) 3/9 Rice FVS, TFB, 3/10 Scott DFN, PEJ (median 3/8). Early north 3/22 Hubbard MAW and Mille Lacs ASc (median 3/20). |
2007 | Summer | 26 | 49 | Seen statewide. |
2007 | Fall | 31 | 46 | Late north 10/21 Aitkin AXH and Wadena PJB, 11/24 Crow Wing JLO. |
2007 | Winter | Reported on Wilmar, Faribault, and Austin CBCs. January through mid-February reports: 1/12, 1/16 and 2/16 Ramsey (2, near Pig's Eye) BAF; 1/26, 2/19 Sherburne (2) ASc. Probable first migrants 2/23 Ramsey (11, Pig's Eye) BAF, 2/25 Olmsted (Rochester) JWH. | ||
2008 | Spring | 29 | 51 | See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/20) 3/12 Otter Tail SPM, 3/25 Cass DAY, Morrison HHD. High count 4/9 Meeker (80 at Pidgeon Lake) DPG. |
2008 | Summer | 26 | 40 | Seen throughout state. |
2008 | Fall | 26 | 48 | Late north 10/27 Beltrami PJR, 11/1 Grant DPG (median 12/9). |
2008 | Winter | 2 | All reports: 12/13 Ramsey (2) BAF, 12/20 Rice DAB, 1/3 Ramsey (2) BAF, 1/25 Ramsey (2) BAF, 2/1 Ramsey (3) BAF, 2/21 Ramsey BAF, 2/22 Ramsey BAF. | |
2009 | Spring | 29 | 49 | Early south (median 3/8) 3/2 Sherburne ASc, 3/7 Ramsey BAF, Rice TFB. Early north (median 3/20) 3/21 Grant SPM, 3/22 Todd MSK. High counts 4/8 Wright (90) DPG, 3/28 McLeod (50) MJB. |
2009 | Summer | 28 | 41 | Observed statewide. |
2009 | Fall | 28 | 47 | Late north 10/29 Pennington, Polk RBW, 10/30 Aitkin PEJ, 11/9 Carlton CRM (median 12/1). |
2009 | Winter | 3 | All reports 12/5 – 2/27 Ramsey (max. 7, Kaposia Landing and Pig's Eye) BAF, m.ob., 12/12 Dakota PEJ, and on the following CBCs: 12/19 St. Paul North (11), 12/20 Austin. | |
2010 | Spring | 29 | 50 | Early south (median 3/8) 3/6 Hennepin BWi, 3/7 Winona ANy, 3/8 Mower ARW. Early north (median 3/20) 3/21 Kanabec BHa, 3/26 Douglas JPE, 3/27 Beltrami DPJ, Pine ABL, Wadena PJB. |
2010 | Summer | 27 | 46 | Found statewide. First county breeding record from Traverse DPG. |
2010 | Fall | 29 | 48 | Late north 10/21 Crow Wing RBW, 10/23 Wadena PJB (median 12/1). |
2010 | Winter | 1 | 7 | One north report: 12/9 St. Louis (Manganika Lake, south of Virginia) SLF fide JWL. Overwintered Ramsey (Mississippi River, Pig's Eye outflow), with from 1–5 birds reported throughout January to 2/13 m.ob. Also overwintered Hennepin (2, Bass Ponds) m.ob., and possibly Martin (one report 1/23) HHD, RAE. High counts from December in Ramsey (Pig's Eye outflow) included 12/22 (16) YK, MJI, 12/29 (9) BAF. |
2011 | Spring | 33 | 53 | Early south (median 3/8) 3/5 Goodhue PEJ, DFN, 3/7 Winona ANy, 3/11 Olmsted JWH, LAV, Ramsey TAT, Rice TFB. Early north (median 3/20) 3/17 Douglas JPE, 3/20 Cass BAW, 3/27 Hubbard MAW, Kanabec HHD. High counts 4/17 Hennepin (50, North Mississippi R.P.) JMN, 5/7 Rice (50, Sakatah Lake S.P.) JMN. |
2011 | Summer | 31 | 48 | Seen statewide. First county breeding record from Renville DPG. |
2011 | Fall | 25 | 49 | High counts 9/4 Grant (35) JCC, 9/9 Hennepin (23) DWK. Late north 10/15 Grant DPG, 10/22 Otter Tail GLa, Wilkin m.ob., 10/27 Crow Wing RBJ, DAC, St. Louis JLK (median 12/1). |
2011 | Winter | 7 | Overwintered Ramsey at traditional location (Kaposia Landing) m.ob., with peak of 10 on 1/27 and 1/29 BAF, SHF. Also overwintered Hennepin (1/1–2/9, Basset Creek) RCB, Dakota (Black Dog Lake, peak of 5 on 2/9) PEJ, Blue Earth (near Mount Kato) ChH, AnK. Other reports suggesting overwintering include 1/1 Afton CBC, 1/26 Dakota (Cannon River) KSm, 2/3 Ramsey (Lake Phalen) MaK. | |
2012 | Spring | 33 | 52 | Early south (away from overwintering areas) 3/6 Anoka AXH, Goodhue PEJ, Meeker DPG, Rice GLa, DAB, TFB, Washington PEJ, 3/7 Dakota AFo, Winona ANy. Early north (median 3/20) 3/17 Douglas JPE, 3/18 Cass DAY, Pine ANy, 3/19 Hubbard MAW. High counts 5/20 Wright (145, Camp Courage rookery) MJB, 3/21 Hennepin (52, Marshall Terrace Park) SKS, 3/22 Pine (48) AXH. |
2012 | Summer | 32 | 53 | Seen in all counties except Cook. |
2012 | Fall | 29 | 52 | High counts 8/5 Aitkin (42) JLK, 8/2 Carver (25) JCy, 9/2 Hennepin (25) ThM. Late north 10/21 Grant DBM, JMJ, 10/27 St. Louis JLK (median 12/1). |
2012 | Winter | 1 | 10 | One north report: 12/16 Carlton-Cloquet CBC. December reports from Dakota, Hennepin, Jackson, Lac qui Parle, Ramsey, Rice, Sibley. Overwintered Dakota (2, Black Dog Lake) PEJ, CAs, Ramsey (up to 5, Kaposia Landing) m.ob. CBC high counts 12/15 St. Paul (North) (13), 12/15 Bloomington (5). |
2013 | Spring | 30 | 53 | Early south (away from overwintering areas) 3/6 Blue Earth ChH, 3/9 Meeker (Litchfield) JAn, 3/13 Dakota CPu. Early north (median 3/20) 3/29 Clearwater KLa, Crow Wing MRN, Douglas JPE, Pine JMP, St. Louis KJB, 4/2 Becker fide JMJ, Otter Tail JDo, 4/3 Cass BAW. High count 4/28 Carver (96, Lake Waconia) WCM. |
2013 | Summer | 30 | 50 | Seen throughout state. |
2013 | Fall | 27 | 50 | High counts 9/9, 9/10 Carver (45, Chaska Lake, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy, 9/11 Hennepin (40, Purgatory Creek wetland) DAd. Late north 11/1 Mille Lacs WAn, 11/6 Douglas JPE, Polk SAu (median 12/1). |
2013 | Winter | 9 | Reported through mid January in Dakota (Black Dog Lake) m.ob., with 4 on 1/11 PEJ, 2 on 1/19 RTe (last report), and through 2/1 Ramsey (1–2, Kaposia Landing), BAF, ANy. Overwintered Hennepin (1, Bass Ponds) m.ob. Other reports after December: 1/10 Rice (2) TFB, 1/29 Washington ALD. CBC high count 12/14 St. Paul (North) (10). | |
2014 | Spring | 33 | 52 | Early south (median 3/8) 3/4 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) DAd, 3/7 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) AxG, 3/9 Washington JHh, 3/10 Big Stone BJU. Early north (median 3/20) 3/23 Crow Wing JPR, 3/30 Becker HeH, ShG, Douglas JPE. High counts 4/10 Wright (100) ToL, 5/1 Meeker (100, Pigeon Lake rookery) RMa, 5/10 Meeker (100) AXH. |
2014 | Summer | 31 | 48 | Seen statewide. |
2014 | Fall | 33 | 53 | High count 8/1 Hennepin (40, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) CMB. Late north 10/30 Pine (Pine City W.T.P.) RBJ, DAC, 11/10 Hubbard (Shingobee Lake) MAW, 11/16 Traverse DLP (median 12/1). |
2014 | Winter | 1 | 9 | One north report 12/13 Hubbard (Spider Lake) MAW. Overwintered Hennepin (1, Bass Ponds) m.ob. In contrast to recent years, there were only two post-December reports, both singles, from the traditional Kaposia Landing overwintering site (Ramsey): 1/2 BDo, 1/13 KDS. Other south records (all singles) after December include 1/1 Rice TFB, 1/9 Hennepin (Courage Center) PJM, 1/10 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) GJa, 1/19 Blue Earth ChH, 1/31 Washington (Grey Cloud Island) GJa, 2/13 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) PEJ. |
2015 | Spring | 29 | 53 | Early south (median 3/8) 3/2–11 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) RCo, m.ob., 3/8 Dakota LEC, 3/13 Carver MJa, Scott PEJ. Early north (median 3/20) 3/24–27 Crow Wing JPR, m.ob., 3/28 St. Louis WRe, 3/30 Douglas BEc. High counts 3/31 Wright (155, Camp Courage) DPG, 4/12 Washington (135, Boomsite rookery) BCo. |
2015 | Summer | 32 | 48 | Observed statewide. High counts 6/25 St. Louis (115, Canosia State W.M.A.) JLK, 6/6 Wright (109, Camp Courage) MJB. First county breeding record Steele PSu. |
2015 | Fall | 31 | 53 | High counts 8/9 Yellow Medicine (21, Miedd Lake) GWe, 8/11 Wright (17, Albion W.M.A.) MJB, Late north 10/24 Marshall (near Warren) SAu, 10/30 Grant (Hodgson Lake) CNn, 11/5 Becker SC (median 11/16). |
2015 | Winter | 2 | 9 | Two north reports: 12/12 Hubbard (Kabekona Lake) REn, 12/17 Glacial Ridge CBC. December reports from nine south counties. Overwintered Ramsey (Kaposia Landing) m.ob. with peak counts 2/4 (3), 2/10 (4) BAF, Rice m.ob. CBC high count 12/19 Faribault (3). |
2016 | Spring | 32 | 53 | Reported from all counties except Kittson and Norman. Early south away from overwintering areas 3/7 Blue Earth MJB, Hennepin (2) CMB, (3, Marshall Terrace Park) AsB, Houston SHo, Rice (2, Sakatah Lake S.P.) WPS. Early north (median 3/20) 3/16 Douglas BEc, 3/20 Pine TJo, 3/21 Kanabec RAE. High counts 4/14 Hennepin (160, Marshall Terrace Park Rookery, Minneapolis) SKS, 4/17 Wright (125, 80th St. Rookery) RBd. |
2016 | Summer | 31 | 53 | Observed in every county except Pennington, Roseau, Wilkin. High count 6/27 Wright (180, 80th St. Rookery) RBd. |
2016 | Fall | 33 | 53 | High counts 8/13 Grant (15, Lake Mustinka) ClN, 9/6 Marshall (15, Agassiz N.W.R.) SAu. Late north 11/17 Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) WPl, Todd JeM, 11/24 Otter Tail (Glendalough S.P.) KnM (median 11/24), but also see winter report. |
2016 | Winter | 1 | 19 | One north report 12/1 Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) WPl. December reports from 16 south counties, all of 1–2 birds. Midwinter reports from six south counties (Dakota, Fillmore, Hennepin, Rice, Scott, Winona) all singles. No reports after 1/3 from usually reliable Ramsey (Pigs Eye) overwintering site. CBC high count 12/31 St. Paul (North) (6). |
2017 | Spring | 32 | 53 | Reported from all counties except Red Lake and Roseau. Overwintered south in several counties. Early north (median 3/18) 3/17 Crow Wing PSP, 3/19 Otter Tail WPl, 3/20 Pine LEv, St. Louis JPR. High counts 4/9 Hennepin (100, Minneapolis) SKS, 4/6, 5/2 Wright (86, Camp Courage Rookery) ToL, MJB. |
2017 | Summer | 29 | 53 | Reported from every county except Cook, Mahnomen, Pennington, Red Lake, Wilkin. |
2017 | Fall | 30 | 53 | High counts 8/6 Sibley (24, Le Sueur W.T.P.) WCM, 8/7 Big Stone (17, Graceville) DOr. Late north 11/8 Grant (2, North Ottawa Impoundment) WPl, Traverse ebd, 11/11 Clay KnM, LiH (median 11/20). |
2017 | Winter | 2 | 7 | All north reports: 12/16 Fergus Falls CBC, 12/17 Kensington CBC, 1/1 Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) WPl. Reported from only seven south counties, the fewest in the past five years. December reports from five south counties (all 1–2 birds). January to mid February reports from Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Rice, Scott, Winona; all singles except 1/14 Rice (4) TFB. The few late February reports appeared to be known overwintering birds. |
2018 | Spring | 31 | 53 | Reported from all counties except Lake of the Woods, Norman, and Wilkin. Overwintered south in several counties. Early north (median 3/18) 3/20 Clearwater CoC, 3/22 Crow Wing (2) DMz, 3/23 Morrison ebd. High counts 5/9 Washington (90, Stillwater) JLe, 4/19 Hennepin (70, Marshall Terrace Park) GrS. |
2018 | Summer | 30 | 53 | Seen in every county except Cook, Norman, Pennington, Red Lake. |
2018 | Fall | 31 | 53 | Â High count 8/18 Hennepin (100, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) KBg. Late north 11/8 Clay ebd, St. Louis KSz, 11/11 Pine ebd (median 12/2). |
2018 | Winter | 21 | Reported from a season-record 21 south counties (previous winter record was 19 in 2016, 2002). January reports from seven counties (all 1–2 individuals). Overwintered (through 2/15) Hennepin (2, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Bass Ponds) m.ob. No other February reports. No reports from the previously reliable Ramsey (Kaposia/Pigs Eye) overwintering location. CBC high counts 12/16 Austin (4), 12/15 Rochester (3). | |
2019 | Summer | 31 | 53 | Â Reported from every county except Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Pennington. |
  | ||||
  | Breeds throughout. |
Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird. | |
Column N | Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North. |
Column S | Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South. |