Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Old World Sparrows
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Old World Sparrows
House Sparrow
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
[House Sparrow X Eurasian Tree Sparrow]

House Sparrow(Passer domesticus)
1931SummerA nest with four eggs was reported by !-Irs. c. E. Peterson at 1/1adison on April 25th. Hr. Swedenborg noted the first yot'ng out of the nest on V.!S.y 15th.
1932SummerA nest at Madison harbored 1 egg on May 14dMrs. Peterson). Another at Onamia housed young birds on August 18 (Sweden borg) •
1933Summer Eight nesting datos for this ubiqu:ttous species received. Hiemenz found a nest near St. Cloud on April 26th, on which date it har~ bored large young. A nest with 3 eggs wa.s found on July 23rd near Minneapolis by Swcdenborg. Hiamenz saw two nests in the vicinity of Pine River, County, which were loco.ted 35 and. 50 feet from tho ground in jack pines. ·
1934Summer Only four records for this pugnacious foreigner were roportcd. On Mo.y 1st Hicmenz found o. nest at St. Clouci. \.J"hich harbored large young. August 2nd he investigated a nest with 5 fresh eggs nenr Pierz, and August 23rd he found a nest with 3 fresh eggs.
1935Summer Some members will object to the including of this bird here; but, after all, it is a bird and it i§. found in Minnesota. We may not like it, but we can not ignore it. Mrs. C. E. Peterson investigated a nest holding 5 eggs at Hadison May 15th.
1936Summer ' For the sake of the record, an English Sparrow's nest record is included. On May 2nd Kenneth Ca.rlander found a nest of six eggs in Minneapolis.
1938SummerYoung just able to fly were seen on May I 5 by Carlander at Minneapolis. In a house pro· vided for Martins a pair of House Sparrows nested; a pair of Grackles and a pair of House Wrens shared the house with them. The house and occupants were noted near Lake Vermillion on June 8 by Swedenborg and Prosser.
1944SummerReported only by Eastman, July 17, building, Park Rapids.
1945WinterCommon permanent resident.
1947SummerIn courtship display, Feb. 20; mating, April 18; pulling bark fibers from honeysuckle bush, May 8, feeding young out of nest, May 20; feeding young, July 23, Duluth, Moore.
1970Summernested in Mille Lacs, Stearns Co's.
1972Summernesting reported from 3 counties" seen in 23 others.
1973Winter Alive and well. Meadowlark, sp. Reported from 11 counties north to Clay Co. (Moorhead Christmas Count) and Mahnomen Co. (1-3, LCF).
1974Spring Reported from 11 counties.
1974Summer Nested in St. Louis, Stearns, Hennepin, Rock; also reported from 22 other counties.
1974Winter Not only did Grand Marais have no pigeons on its Christmas Count, but it also lucked out with no House Sparrows. Meadowlark, sp. Reported from 15 counties north to Clay, Kandiyohi, Stearns and Sherburne.
1975Spring Reported from 25 counties. Winter 1975
1975Summer Nested in Hennepin; also reported from 26 other counties.
1975Winternot only did the Northwoods Christmas Count avoid Starling, but they also missed House Sparrow; no sparrows either on the Grand Marais Christmas Count. Meadowlark, sp.: reported from 13 counties north to Marshall (Warren Christmas Count); also an early migrant on 2-24 in Nobles Co. (GO).
1976Spring Reported from 30 counties.
1976Summernested in Clay, Lac qui Parle and Anoka; also reported from 31 other counties.
1976Fall Permanent resident.
1976Winter Reported from 33 counties.
1977Spring Reported from most counties.
1977Summer Nested in Lac qui Parle and Anoka; also reported from 29 other counties throughout the state.
1977Winter Reported from 25 counties. Eastern Medowlark Two carefully studied 12-23 in Houston and Fillmore (RJ).
1978Summer Breeding reported from Isanti and Anoka; also seen throughout the state.
1978Winter Reported from 35 counties. Meadowlark, sp. December migrants reported from 12 counties north to Clay and Crow Wing; one February migrant 2-28 Fillmore; apparently none overwintered. The Loon
1979Spring Reported from 22 plus counties.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Rock, Stearns, Olmsted; also seen throughout the state.
1979Winter Reported from 29 counties. Meadowlark sp. Two reports: Chippewa 12-12 (BJ) and Blue Earth 1-15 (DHJ).
1980Spring Reported from 28 counties throughout the state.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Stearns, Anoka, LeSueur; seen also throughout the state.
1980Winter Reported from 30 counties. Meadowlark Sp. Three February reports: Otter Tail 2-4 (SM), Cottonwood 2-20 (LAF) and Rock 2-28 (BJ).
1981Spring Reported from 24 counties throughout the state.
1981Summer Breeding data from Stearns, Le Sueur. Seen throughout the state.
1981Winter Reports from 51 counties throughout the state; absent from Cook after 12-31 (KMH).
1982Spring Reported from 59 counties throughout the state.
1982Fall Reported from 27 counties throughout the state.
1982Winter Last on the new checklist but first in this years contest for the most widely reported species; 72 counties throughout the state.
1983Spring Reported from twenty one counties south and ten counties north.
1983Summer Breeding data from Stearns, LeSueur. Seen throughout the state.
1983Fall Reported from twenty-six counties throughout the state.
1983Winter After overcoming the urge to totally ignore this pest species, it must be reported that it was the most widely reported (85 counties) and most abundant species in the state (CBC total of 33,447). It was absent only on the Northwoods and Grand Marais counts (last seen in Cook on 12-8). Does this species leave Cook and Lake counties and wander down the lakeshore to winter in Duluth?
1984Spring Reported from 40 counties throughout the state.
1984Summernested in Clay, Kittson, Brown, Le Sueur and Hennepin; also seen in 37 other counties.
1984Fall Reported from 33 counties throughout the state.
1984Winter Twenty-five overwintered in Grand Marais. Also reported from 77 counties throughout the state with a total CBC count of 34,188.
1985Spring Reported from 40 counties.
1985Summer Nested in Pennington (TT), Stearns, Chippewa (RGJ), Meeker, Wabasha (WDM), Brown, Murray, Nobles; probable nesting in Clay, Ramsey, Dakota. Also seen in 33 other counties throughout the state.
1985Fall Reported from thirty-one counties throughout the state.
1985Winter Reported from 84 counties throughout the state. No reports from Lake, Carlton and Hubbard. Statewide CBC total of 31,562 (34,188 L.y. ).
1986Spring Reported from 13 counties north and 25 counties south.
1986Summer Nested in Pennington, Pope (DR), Stearns, Sherburne (SD), Benton (NH), Washington (WL), Carver, Rice (FKS), Freeborn (NHo), Lac qui Parle; probable nesting in Clay, Dakota. Also seen in 47 other counties throughout the state.
1986Fall Reported from thirteen counties north and twenty four counties south.
1986Winter Not seen in Carlton and Clearwater Co's.
1987Spring Reported from 37 counties through-out state.
1987Summer Nested in Pennington, Benton, Steams, Dakota (RH), Brown, Nicollet (TI), Le Sueur. Also seen in 51 other counties throughout the state.
1987Fall Reported from ten counties north and 24 counties south.
1987Winter Reported from all 87 counties.
1988Spring Reported from II counties north and 28 counties south.
1988Fall Reported from 16 counties north and 23 counties south.
1988Winter Reported from 81 counties.
1989Spring Reported from 12 counties north and 23 counties south.
1989Summer Nested in Todd, Brown, Le Sueur, Rice, Olmsted; seen in 58 other counties statewide. Male House Finches at feeder, June 1989, Owatonna, Steele County. Photo by Shirley Mens.
1989Fall Reported from 15 counties north and 26 counties south.
1989Winter Reported in 75 counties statewide. RRK Ron & Rose Knees kern SK Sarah Kohlbry
1990Spring Reported from 15 counties north and 28 counties south.
1990Summer Fewer reports than in recent years. Nested in Brown, Le Sueur, Rice; probable nesting in Washington. Seen in 45 other counties statewide.
1990Fall Reported from 14 counties north and 24 counties south.
1990Winter Reported in 73 counties statewide. KE reports lower numbers in Duluth.
1991Spring Reported from 15 counties north and 25 counties south.
1991Summer Nested in six counties including Becker BB; probable nesting in three. Seen in 42 additional counties statewide.
1991Fall Reported from eight counties north and 28 counties south.
1991Winter Reported from only 45 counties (73 l.y.) statewide, with a CBC total of 34,459.
1992Spring Reported from 17 counties north and 27 counties south.
1992Summer Nested in Washington, Le Sueur, Brown; probable nesting in Becker, Cottonwood. Observed in 43 additional counties.
1992Fall Reported from 13 counties north and 21 counties south.
1992Winter Reported from 84 counties (45 l.y.) statewide, with a CBC total of 25,648.
1993Spring Reported from 18 counties north and 31 counties south.
1993Summer Nested in Dakota, Brown, Winona HVA, JPo; probable breeding in Cottonwood, Hennepin, Ramsey. Observed in 42 other counties statewide.
1993Fall Reported from 11 counties north and 22 counties south.
1993Winter Reported from 85 counties statewide.
1994Spring Reported from 14 north and 28 south counties.
1994Summer Fewest reports in more than ten years. Nested in six counties including Crow Wing JS/MN, Fillmore HVA; probable nesting in Kandiyohi, Dakota, and Olmsted. Seen in 27 additional counties statewide.
1994Fall Reported from 11 north and 19 south counties.
1994Winter Reported from 81 counties throughout the state. CBC total 21,236.
1995Spring Reported from 24 south and 15 north counties.
1995Summer Nested in Dakota, Brown; probable nesting in seven counties. Recorded in 37 additional counties statewide.
1995Fall Reported from 19 north and 24 south counties.
1995Winter Reported from 77 counties throughout the state. CBC total 23,789.
1996Spring Reported from 41 south and 17 north counties.
1996Summer Nested in McLeod RbS, Nicollet, Rice; probable nesting in four counties. Observed in 50 other counties statewide.
1996Fall Reported from 13 north and 34 south counties.
1996Winter Reported from 64 counties throughout the state. CBC total 27,124.
1997Spring Reported from 36 south and 18 north counties.
1997Summer Seen in 54 counties statewide; probable nesting in Lyon, Freeborn.
1997Fall Reported from 13 north and 27 south counties.
1997Winter Reported from 85 counties throughout the state. CBC total 21,572.
1998Spring Reported throughout the state. KB found a surprising total of 225 birds in a single flock in Ramsey.
1998Summer Observed in 55 counties throughout state; probable nesting in seven counties.
1998Fall Reported throughout the state.
1998Winter Reported from 59 counties throughout the state. CBC total 23,767.
1999Spring Reported throughout the state.
1999Summer Observed in 53 counties statewide; new nesting records in Otter Tail DST, Wilkin GN, Traverse GN, Lyon RgS.
1999Fall Reported throughout the state.
1999Winter Reported from 63 counties throughout the state.
2000Spring Observed statewide.
2000Summer Record high number of reports. Observed in 67 counties statewide; new nesting records in Itasca DRM, Douglas REH.
2000Fall Reported statewide.
2000Winter Reported from 62 counties throughout the state.
2001Spring Seen in 54 counties.
2001Summer Reported in 50 counties throughout state.
2001Fall Ubiquitous, except in extreme North-central region.
2001Winter Reported from 57 counties throughout the state.
2002Spring Seen in 65 counties.
2002Summer Reported in 58 counties throughout state; new nesting records in Polk EEF, Cass MRN, Yellow Medicine RJS.
2002Fall Everywhere.
2002Winter Reported from 55 counties throughout the state.
2003Spring Statewide.
2003Summer Observed in 58 counties statewide.
2003Fall Statewide.
2003Winter Reported from 57 counties throughout the state.
2004Spring Observed in 49 counties statewide.
2004Summer Observed in 58 counties throughout state; new nesting records for Swift BJU, Houston KAK.
2004Fall Statewide.
2004Winter Reported from 40 counties statewide except the Southwest.
2005Spring Reported throughout the state.
2005Summer Most reports since 1989: seen in 61 counties throughout state.
2005Fall Statewide.
2005Winter Reported from 60 counties statewide.
2006Spring Seen statewide.
2006Summer Reported from 82 counties statewide.
2006Fall Statewide.
2006Winter2237 Reported from 59 counties statewide.
2007Spring Seen statewide.
2007Summer3147 Seen throughout the state.
2007Fall2948 Statewide.
2007Winter2539 Reported from all regions statewide throughout the period. CBC high count Henderson (1,981).
2008Spring3152 Reported statewide in all counties but four.
2008Summer2443 Reported statewide.
2008Fall3145 Reported statewide and throughout the season.
2008Winter2048 Reported from all regions statewide throughout the period. The number of reports has been slowly but consistently increasing over the last five–year period, perhaps due to less reporting bias from observers. High count was 12/8 Anoka (151) CKB, a modest number for this ubiquitous species.
2009Spring3353 Reported statewide.
2009Summer2944 Reported throughout state. First county breeding records from Hubbard fide BBA, Jackson fide BBA, Faribault MCBS, Morrison MRN, Stevens MKu, Goodhue WOS.
2009Fall1848 Reported statewide.
2009Winter2641 Reported statewide throughout the period and from all regions. High count 1/2 Wright JFR (195). CBC high count 12/19 St. Paul North (1,769).
2010Spring3150 Reported statewide.
2010Summer2851 Reported from all regions of the state. First county breeding records for Roseau BJS, Scott fide BBA, Steele PSu.
2010Fall3052 Reported statewide.
2010Winter2647 Reported from 73 counties, the most in the past 5 years. Reported from every county (except Koochiching) east of a line from and including Lake of the Woods south to Jackson, but unreported from 13 counties west of that line. High count 12/18 Hennepin (295) JCC. CBC high count 12/18 St. Paul (North) (1,785), which also had last year's high count with nearly the same total.
2011Spring2953 Reported statewide, except from the far Northeast.
2011Summer3353Observed in all counties except Wilkin. First county breeding records for Dodge TEB, Mower ANy. High count 6/24 Scott (32) JEB.
2011Fall3251 Reported statewide.
2011Winter2948Reported from all but 5 north and 5 south counties. High counts 1/8 Dakota (250), 12/30 Goodhue (124) JFR, 12/23 Meeker (105) MJB. CBC high counts 12/17 Winona (767), 12/17 St. Paul (North) (702), 12/17 Rochester (697).
2012Spring3453 Reported from all counties. High count 3/17 Winona (~300) SPu.
2012Summer3453 Reported from all counties. High count 7/31 Lyon (200, backyard feeder in Cottonwood) GWe. First county breeding records for Aitkin WEN, 6/2 Cottonwood JSc, Martin JSc, Renville JoS, Sibley PRH, Waseca PCo, Watonwan JSc.
2012Fall3353 Reported statewide and throughout the season.
2012Winter3050 More reports than any of the previous five winters, and seen in all regions statewide. Number of reporting counties continues to increase annually. CBC high counts 12/29 Hastings-Etter (744), 12/15 Northwest McLeod (Hutchinson) (712).
2013Spring3153 Reported statewide.
2013Summer3353 Reported from all counties except Hubbard. High count 7/23 Ramsey (70, University of Minnesota, St. Paul campus) JWu. First county breeding records from Beltrami fide BBA, Big Stone SWe, Chisago JFR, Kanabec CCa, Mille Lacs CCa.
2013Fall3251 Reported statewide. Noteable high counts 10/20 Ramsey (120) JFR, 9/1 Fillmore (100) DKl, 11/27 Hennepin (100) JuW.
2013Winter2748 Number of reporting counties dropped for the first time since 2009, but still reported statewide. CBC high counts 12/14 Northwest McLeod (Hutchinson) (1,235), 12/14 St. Paul (North) (1,153).
2014Spring3153Reported statewide. High counts 3/5 Polk (120) SAu, 3/1 Hennepin (100) KOk.
2014Summer3450Reported from every county except Jackson, Watonwan, Waseca. High count 7/30 Ramsey (42, St. Paul, Montreal Ave.) MBa. First county breeding record from Grant CNn.
2014Fall3053 Reported statewide.
2014Winter2848 Reported from all but six north and five southwest counties. High counts 12/28 Goodhue (263) JFR, 1/3 Wright (170) JFR, 12/28 Goodhue (156) DAB. CBC high counts 12/20 St. Paul (North) (1,111), 12/20 Winona (1,108), 12/28 Red Wing (1,011).
2015Spring3153 Reported statewide. High counts 3/11 Olmsted (200) KDy, 3/8 Lyon (100) GWe.
2015Summer3353 Found in every county except Cook. First county breeding record for Norman AXH.
2015Fall3253 Reported statewide. High count 8/20 Hennepin (250) DJa.
2015Winter2549 Reported statewide and throughout season from similar number of counties as past five years. High counts 1/17 Dakota (225) KvM, 1/2 Hennepin (219) GrS, 1/14 Dakota (200) ALw. CBC high counts 12/19 Rochester (1,107), 12/19 Marshall (990), 12/19 St. Paul (North) (907), 12/19 Northwest McLeod (905).
2016Spring3353 Reported from all counties except Cook. High count 3/13 Ramsey (75) OGo.
2016Summer3253 Found in all counties except Mahnomen, Wilkin.
2016Fall2953 High count 8/24 Hennepin (160, I-494 and France Ave.) JuW.
2016Winter3052 Reported statewide and throughout season from all but five counties. High counts 12/20 Stevens (465, Morris) KeM, 12/21 Hennepin (326, UM East Bank campus) AJF, 12/25 Lyon (235) GWe. CBC high counts 12/15 Cottonwood (801), 12/20 Morris (784), 12/18 Rochester (673).
2017Spring3353 Reported from all counties except Roseau. High count 3/10 Dakota (150) KvM.
2017Summer3453 Found in all counties. High count 7/16 Pipestone (175) AJF.
2017Fall2952 Unreported from numerous north counties. High count 8/23 Ramsey (102, UM St. Paul Campus) EGB.
2017Winter3253 Reported statewide and throughout season from all but three counties. High counts 1/26 Hennepin (350, University of Minnesota East Bank) AJF, 1/9 Hennepin (200, Cancer Survivors Park) ARh, 12/9 Ramsey (150) ASu. CBC high counts 12/30 Hastings-Etter (930), 12/16 Northwest McLeod (Hutchinson) (662), 12/16 St. Paul (North) (595).
2018Spring3053 Reported from all regions. High counts 3/2, 3/5 Hennepin (100, Minneapolis) GrS.
2018Summer3453 Reported from all counties.
2018Fall3253 Reported statewide. High counts 10/14 Ramsey (200, Red Rock Road) MwT, 10/20 Mahnomen (150, Main Street, Mahnomen) JCJ, SAu.
2018Winter3151 Reported statewide and throughout the season from all but four counties. High counts 12/15 Hennepin (500) MwT, 1/5 Pipestone (237) ASu, GWe, 2/2 Dakota (200) MwT, 2/8 Kittson (200) ebd. CBC high counts 1/5 Pipestone (691), 12/15 Rochester (636), 12/14 Morris (567).
2019Summer3453 Reported from all counties.
 Introduced in North America. Permanent resident throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.