Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Gulls, Terns
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Gulls, Terns
Black-legged Kittiwake
Ivory Gull
Sabine's Gull
Bonaparte's Gull
Black-headed Gull
Little Gull
Ross's Gull
Laughing Gull
Franklin's Gull
Mew Gull
Ring-billed Gull
California Gull
Herring Gull
[Herring Gull (American)]
[Herring Gull (Vega)]
Iceland Gull
[Iceland Gull (Thayer's)]
[Iceland Gull (Kumlien's)]
[Iceland Gull (Iceland)]
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Glaucous-winged Gull
Glaucous Gull
Glaucous Gull
[Herring Gull X Glaucous Gull]
Great Black-backed Gull
Least Tern
Gull-billed Tern
Caspian Tern
Black Tern
Common Tern
Arctic Tern
Forster's Tern
[Sterna tern]
[Royal Tern]
Sandwich Tern
Elegant Tern

Iceland Gull(Larus glaucoides)
1962WinterThree seen in Knife River-Two Harbors area, between Jan. 8, and Jan. 15, by Janet Green and other observers. Carefully identified at close range, in company with Glaucous and Herring Gulls. A note of interest on this will appear in a future issue. Not seen during Feb., but one adult seen again at Knife River on Mar. 2, by Janet Green. About eight previous records, some of which are open to question because of lack of details. Two specimens have been taken in Minnesota.
1963SpringMarch 23, French River, 1 second year bird, Avifauna! Club and Jan Green; March 31, Talmadge River, 1 second year and 1 third year, A vif aunal Club; these were presumably the same birds seen earlier in the year and reported in the previous issue of The Flicker.
1963Winterall winter, one first year bird in vicinity of Talmadge, French and Knife Rivers along North Shore of Lake Superior, seen by many observers, photographed at distance of 20 feet, first arrived Dec 15, seen thru March; One second year bird s·een at Two Harbors dump, Lake Co., Dec 15, Jan Green.
1964Springlast date for wintering bird, 3-29, St. Louis Co, first year bird, JCG.
1964Fall11-14 Knife River, Lake Co, one 1st yr bird, JCG, RG, RLH.
1964Winter12-27 and 1-3, Knife River, Lake Co, 1, JCG; this species will probably prove to be a regular winter visitor each year, now that we've learned the secrets of identifying it.
1966Winter1-15 to 2-2 Knife River, Lake Co., and 2-28 Two Harbors, JCG; she estimates five different individuals based on plumage differences.
1967Winter 1-10 Knife River, Lake Co., 1 imm, photographed by JCG.
1968Spring 4-24 Duluth, 1 imm, JCG; only report.
1971Spring4-5 Two Harbors, Lake Co. (1 imm) JG, good details.
1971Winter2-8,9 Duluth MMC, JCG; 2-27 (2) Two Harbors FN.
1974Fall 11-17 Eagle Lake, St. Louis JG (1 imm.).
1974Winter This elusive gull was found on 2-11 at Stoney Point, St. Louis Co. (1i, BJ).
1975Wintera first year immature with a light sub-terminal tail band was seen on 2-1 at Duluth (KE, P. Egeland. D. Ruhme); first indentified as a Thayer's until we read the article in the December issue of American Birds; that article seems to contradict some of what we believed about Thayer's Gulls previously; the issue is still complicated enough that extreme care is necessary when trying to separate some of the lighter immature Thayer's from first year Iceland.
1976Spring 1 report: 3-14 St. Louis JCG.
1977Winter (None for sure but see Thayer's Gull below.)
1978Spring 5-2, 5-18 St. Louis GN, JCG, KE.
1981Winter Two in the Duluth area until 1-9, details in the Loon 54:3-4.
1982Fall 11/16 Grand Marais, Cook Co. (one ad.) KE. See The Loon (55 :38)
1982Winter An adult was present in Duluth from 12/16 until 12/22 (KE). Details in The Loon 55:33.
1986Winter A first winter individual at Lake Calhoun, Hennepin County on 12/8 (SC) and three different individuals in Duluth between 12/17 and 1/17, (KE). Again, see TheLoon59:100- IO I for additional details of the Duluth observations .
1987Winter Two reports; Cook 12/10 (KMH), and Black Dog, Dakota County 12/20,21 (RJ, m.ob.).
1988Winter Reported at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. on 12/5 KE, SC, and in Ramsey 12/18 RG m.ob. (The Loon 61:48-49).
1989Fall 11/19 Lake Calhoun, Minneapolis (imm.) SC eta!. (The Loon 61:207-208).
1989Winter Reported on the Duluth CBC. (The Loon 62: 1/0).
1991Fall 11/9-10 Grand Marais, Cook County PS et al. (The Loon 64:59-61); 11/25 Black Dog Lake, Dakota County RG, BF (The Loon 64:57-59), 11/28 Grand Marais, Cook County (one adult) KMH (The Loon 64:59-60).
1991Winter One first winter bird seen at Knife River in Lake Co. 12/29, 1/26, and 2/3–8 KE, PS et al. (The Loon 64:119–20), and same bird in St. Louis 1/17 DPV.
1992Spring All reports: wintering bird at Knife River, Lake County last observed 3/9 KE (The Loon 64:119–120), 4/30 Duluth, St. Louis County KE.
1992Winter Reported 12/4 Lake City, Goodhue/Wabasha counties KB (The Loon 65:97–98).
1993Winter One first-winter individual reported 12/10 Hennepin and 12/10–17 Anoka KB, mob (The Loon 66:102–103).
1994Spring One report: 4/9 Oak Grove Township, Anoka Co. KB (The Loon 66:147–148).
1994Winter Two reports, both from Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. An adult reported 12/10–18 PBu, BF, and a first-winter individual reported 12/17–26 PBu, BF (details provided for both).
1995Spring Reported 3/25–4/2 Colville Park, Good-hue Co. (first-winter) BF, mob (The Loon 67:116–117), 3/29 Colville Park, Goodhue Co. (adult) KB (The Loon 67:184–185), 4/7 Pine Bend landfill, Dakota Co. (first-winter) KB .
1995Fall Reported 11/26 Lake City, Wabasha (adult) KB, 11/29 Black Dog Lake, Dakota (first-winter) KB.
1995Winter A second-winter individual reported 12/1 Dakota BF (The Loon 67:252–253), and a first-winter individual reported 12/2 Dakota KB (The Loon 68:59).
1997Fall One first-winter bird reported 11/2–30 Cook (Grand Marais) KE, MH et al. Another first-winter bird photographed in Grand Marais was an apparent intergrade with thayeri (KB, PS, mob).
1997Winter Four individuals reported. One first-winter individual (see fall report) remained through 12/8 Cook (Grand Marais) mob. An adult present 12/11–1/5 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) SC, KB, mob, was joined by a first-winter bird 12/22–1/5 at this same location KB, mob. A third-winter bird was seen 2/18 Washington (Point Douglas, second county record) KB.
1998Spring All reports: 3/124/9 Dakota (adult) †CRM, m.ob., 3/13 Goodhue (different adult, Colville Park) KB, 3/27–28 Dakota (first-year at Pine Bend) KB, SC, 4/14 St. Louis (first-year) KB.
1998Fall All reports: 11/14 St. Louis (second-winter) PS, 11/16 Cook (first-winter) AH, PS, 11/28 St. Louis (adult and first-winter) PS.
1998Winter No reports.
1999Spring No reports.
1999Fall Only two reports: 11/14+ Cook (Grand Marais) CK, JSt et al., plus an additional first-winter bird 11/20 Cook †PC.
1999Winter One first-winter individual photographed 12/1 Cook †KB, one adult seen 12/4 Cook †PC, both in Grand Marais harbor.
2000Spring No reports.
2000Fall A juvenile or first-winter bird observed 11/27 Cook (Grand Marais) †PHS proved to be the only report.
2001Spring One documented report: 3/24 Dakota (first-year) †TAT.
2001Fall Based on size, bare parts, and plumage characteristics, four different juvenile/first-winter birds found along North Shore of Lake Superior. All reports: 10/12–14 Cook (Grand Marais) †KRE et al., 10/27+ Cook (2 on 11/18, at Grand Marais) †PCC, †PHS, m.obs., 11/22 Lake (Two Harbors) †PHS.
2001Winter Four individuals were documented: 12/9 Lake (first-winter at Two Harbors) †JWL, 12/15 †Duluth CBC (first-winter), 1/1 Dakota (adult “Kumlien's” at Black Dog L.) †TAT, BAF, and 1/11 St. Louis (adult at Duluth) †MH (probably same individual that wintered at the Superior, Wisconsin landfill).
2002Spring No reports following good numbers during the fall (4) and winter (4) seasons.
2002Fall First-winter reported 11/27+ Dakota (Black Dog L.) †ADS, †TAT et al.
2002Winter All reports: adult 2/23 St. Louis (Duluth) †PHS, and first-winter individual 11/27–1/20 Dakota ADS, PEB, KJB, m.ob. (photographed by many observers). Latter bird ranged into Hennepin and Washington counties as well.
2003Spring No reports.
2003Fall No reports.
2003Winter First-winter individual 1/20–2/29 Lake (Two Harbors) †KRE, ph. JWL, m.ob. Another first-winter reported 12/31 Dakota †JPM.
2004Spring First-year bird at Two Harbors (see winter report) observed through 3/6 Lake JWL; possibly the same individual 3/24, 4/5 St. Louis (W.S.H.C., Duluth) ph. FJN.
2004Fall No reports.
2004Winter One report of first-winter individual 12/4 Cook (Grand Marais) †PHS.
2005Spring Only report: 4/16 Kanabec (first-cycle at Mora) ph. JWL, PHS.
2005Fall Single first-cycle birds reported 11/7–8 Lake (Beaver Bay) DBF, †SLF, DWK, SBM, 11/23 Cook (Grand Marais) ph. †KJB.
2005Winter One north report 1/1–28 St. Louis (adult “Kumlien's” at Canal Park, Duluth) ph. MLH, ph. †PHS. A veritable “irruption” year in the metro area with up to four individuals present throughout most of December and January. A 3rd-cycle bird was found 12/16 Ramsey and Dakota (Hardman Ave.) ph. †KJB, JPM, and also wandered to Dakota (Black Dog Lake) and Washington (St. Croix River) through 1/12. Presumably the same 1st-cycle individual present 12/29–1/22 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) and Washington (Pt. Douglas) ph. JPM, †BAF, †KJB, m.ob. Three birds (1st- and 3rd-cycle, adult) reported 1/2 Black Dog Lake †BAF; the latter showed characteristics of nominate glaucoides. A possible 2nd-cycle bird reported 1/7 Black Dog Lake JPM.
2006Spring Only report: 3/12 Goodhue (first-cycle bird at Hansen's Harbor, Lake Pepin) †KJB.
2006Fall Only report: adult at Superior Entry 11/18 St. Louis ph. †PHS.
2006Winter1 First-cycle bird 12/2 thru mid-December Dakota (Black Dog Lake) ph. †JPM, MCA, PHS, CLW, DWK, EEO. A large 2nd-cycle (male?) was present 12/20–1/8 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) ph. JPM, †PEB, DWK.
2007Spring No reports.
2007Fall11 Only north reports from St. Louis: 11/8–17 (first-cycle, Duluth) ph. †KJB, DRB, LBe. Reported south only from Dakota 11/29 (heavily marked first-cycle at Black Dog L.) †JPM, 11/29–30 (adult Kumlien's at Black Dog L.) †BAF, †JPM.
2007Winter11 Two north reports: 1/13 St. Louis (first-cycle near the W.L.S.S.D. treatment plant in Duluth) †PHS, 1/27 St. Louis (third-cycle, Duluth harbor) †KRE. Though missing Feb., the third-cycle bird was refound 3/2 †PHS. One south report 12/8 Dakota (Black Dog Lake, probably same subadult seen 11/29; see fall report) †PEB.
2008Spring1 All reports from St. Louis: 3/2 (second- or third-cycle, Duluth harbor) †PHS, 4/14–17 (Bailey's Lake, Virginia) DBF, †SLF.
2008Fall12 All reports: 11/22 St. Louis (ad. “Kumlien's” at Port Terminal, Duluth) †PHS, 11/24 St. Louis (ad. at Canal Park) ph. KJB, 11/25+ St. Louis (first-cycle at Canal Park) ph. KJB, 11/27–29 Ramsey (ad. “Kumlien's”) †DAB, †PEB, m.ob., 11/29+ Dakota (first-cycle, Black Dog Lake) DAB, JWH, 11/30+ Dakota (ad. “Kumlien's” at Black Dog Lake, different from Ramsey bird) †BAF, †DWK, †PEB.
2008Winter23 Three individuals north. First-cycle in St. Louis (Duluth) lingered from fall until 12/2 KJB. Another first-cycle found in St. Louis (Superior Entry) 12/1–7 KJB. Probably same first-cycle individual present 1/30 – 2/16 St. Louis was found in Lake 2/20 PHS. Three reports south, also. An adult Kumlien's persisted from 11/30 – 1/4 (see Fall report) in Dakota (Black Dog Lake) / Washington (Pt. Douglas) †PEB, †BAF, ph. †JPM, ADS, m.ob. Also, at least one first-cycle reported 12/4–25 ph. †JPM, †BAF, m.ob. and a second-cycle reported 12/16 – 1/2 at Black Dog Lake and Prescott area †BAF, †JPM, m.ob.
2009Spring1 All reports from St. Louis: first-cycle gull found in late January reported through 4/19 ph. †PHS, m.ob.; 5/18–21 (first-cycle, record late) ph. KJB.
2009Fall1 Six different individuals, all reported from St. Louis (Superior Entry): 10/28+ (first-cycle, Minnesota side of Superior Entry) ph. KJB, ph. PHS, ph. MLH; 11/5+ (first-cycle) ph. PHS, ph. MLH, ph. KJB; 11/15+ (first-cycle) ph. vt. PHS, ph. KJB; 11/21+ (adult) MLH, PHS, ph. KJB; 11/23 (adult) ph. KJB; 11/28 (first-cycle) PHS. Two record high counts, both from Minnesota side of Superior Entry in St. Louis: 11/22 (4, one adult and three first-cycles) KJB, 11/28 (4, all first-cycle) PHS.
2009Winter13 Even more impressive than the above, record numbers (17) of this rare regular migrant were documented this season. KJB photographed 14 different individuals in the Duluth-Superior area during the fall/winter period, with at least ten in Minnesota during the winter. High single-day counts in St. Louis: 1/16 (5; 3 first-cycle, 1 second-cycle, 1 adult, Canal Park) †PHS, ph. MLH, 1/17 (5; 1 adult, 2 second-cycle, 2 first-cycle, Duluth harbor) ph. †KJB, 12/12 (3; 1 second-cycle (ph.), 2 first-cycles, Canal Park) †PHS, 12/19 (3; all first-cycle) ph. †PHS. At least 3 individuals in Dakota this season: first-cycle 12/4–26 ADS, †PEB, †JPM, ph. TPB; second-cycle 12/19–22 †JPM, †BAF, ph. TPB; adult 12/19 – 1/4 †BAF, ph. †JPM, †PEB. The first-cycle was also seen in Hennepin, and the adult in Washington. All 3 were present at Black Dog Lake on 12/19.
2010Spring1 At least five individuals were present in St. Louis: a first-cycle through 4/9 ph. KJB; an adult 3/31 – 4/11 ph. KJB, ph. PHS; another first-cycle through 5/4 ph. KJB; and second-cycle birds in Duluth through 5/10 (yellow irides) ph. KJB and 4/25 – 5/12 (dark irides) ph. †PHS.
2010Fall1 Only report: St. Louis: 11/14 (adult, Duluth, Superior Entry) ph. †PHS. Second-cycle presumed hybrid Thayer's X Iceland Gull first found at Wisconsin Point 10/20 ph. MLH, ph. PHS, JLK, seen regularly in Duluth (primarily at Canal Park) beginning 10/31 ph. KJB, m.ob.
2010Winter13 North reports all from St. Louis, where a peak count of 8 (1 first-cycle, 2 third-cycles, 5 adults) were seen in Duluth on 12/5 by KJB . Total for the season in Duluth was ten (1 first-cycle, 2 second-cycles, 2 third-cycles, 5 adults) ph. KJB, though by Janaury at most only two were present at any one time. Additional photographic documentation of many of these individuals by ph. PHS, ph. MLH. South reports began with an adult Kumlien's at Kaposia Landing in Ramsey/Dakota 12/5–6 ELC, †JPM and 12/15 SLo, and possibly the same adult in Dakota/Washington at Lock and Dam #2 and Pt. Douglas Park 12/18–1/18 ph. †BAF, m.ob. Probable second-cycle Thayer's x Iceland intergrade in Dakota (Lake Rebecca) 12/19–1/16 ph. YK, BAF.
2011Spring11 Third-cycle overwintered through 3/24 St. Louis (Duluth) ph. PHS, m.ob. First-cycle reported 3/13 St. Louis (Duluth) PHS, and presumably a different individual 4/29 St. Louis (Hearding Island) ph. PHS. Three presumed Thayer's Gull X Iceland Gull intergrades were also seen in March PHS (two overwintered).
2011Fall1 Six individuals identifiably photographed in St. Louis by KJB, MLH, PHS. All reports: 10/15 (first-cycle at Superior Entry, 2nd earliest date) MLH, PHS, 11/2–14 (second-cycle at Superior Entry) PHS, 11/14+ (third-cycle at Canal Park) KJB, PHS, m.ob., 11/19–24 (first-cycle at Canal Park) KJB, 11/23+ (adult Kumlien's at Canal Park) PHS, m.ob., 11/28–29 (different adult Kumlien's at Canal Park) PHS, KJB.
2011Winter24All north reports from St. Louis except one (Lake). Duluth area (mostly Canal Park, 27th Ave.West) season total based on individually identifiable photographs by KJB, PHS, MLH: at least 11 individuals (6 first-cycle, 1 third-cycle, 4 adults), with high counts 12/31 (6 including 3 first-cycle, 1 third-cycle, 2 adult) KJB, 1/7, 1/14 (4) PHS, and numerous other reports from area through February m.ob. One photographed adult 12/31, 1/8, 2/7 appeared to be L. g. glaucoides KJB, PHS, as did one first- or second-cycle 2/1–8 KJB, PHS, m.ob, although subspecies designation for subadult plumages is uncertain. Four other birds (1 first-cycle, 3 adult) appeared intermediate between L. thayeri and L. g. kumlieni KJB. At least 3 individuals south: 12/6–1/9 Hennepin and Dakota (first-cycle, Black Dog Lake/Mississippi River and Long Meadow Lake) †SeP, ph. †PEB, ph. †BAF, ph. †CMB, ph. RTe, ph. DAT, m.ob., 12/28–1/26 Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey (adult, Black Dog Lake, Long Meadow Lake, Kaposia Landing) †BAF, †PEB, PEJ, ELC, 1/2 Goodhue (adult, Lake City) †JWH, ph. ANy.
2012Spring1 Observed in St. Louis (various locations in Duluth) as late as 3/24 (first-cycle) PHS.
2012Fall12 At least three individuals reported from Superior Entry and Canal Park in St. Louis beginning 11/17 (first-cycle, Superior Entry) KJB (early median 11/18). Reported south 11/16–19 Goodhue (first-cycle, Frontenac boat landing) ANy, DBz, m.ob., 11/24–25 Hennepin (first-cycle, Lake Harriet) BAF, SMy.
2012Winter12 All north records from St. Louis (Duluth), where at least seven individuals were reported throughout the season m.ob., including four adults (one of which was confirmed by images 12/8 KJB as returning for the fourth consecutive winter), three first-cycles ph. PHS, m.ob., and a third-cycle type 12/1–1/5 JLK, ph. PHS that may have been a Thayer's/Iceland intergrade. South reports: 12/19–1/1 Hennepin and Dakota (first-cycle, Lake Harriet and Black Dog Lake) †KRo, †CMB, †PEB, m.ob., 1/1, 1/6 Dakota (adult, Black Dog Lake, with some characters intermediate between typical Kumlien's and Thayer's gulls) †PEB, ph. CAs, ph. TPB.
2013Spring2 All north 3/26 St. Louis (first-cycle at mouth of Miller Creek) KJB, 3/29 Lake (first-cycle, Knife River Marina) KJB, 3/31 St. Louis (2, mouth of Miller Creek) KJB, 4/13 St. Louis (Hearding Island) JLK, 4/21 St. Louis (second-cycle; individual overwintered in the Duluth-Superior Harbor) PHS, (first-cycle, mouth of Miller Creek) JLK, 5/16 St. Louis (second-cycle, Hearding Island) ph. †KRE. Also see summer report!
2013Summer1 First summer record 6/10 St. Louis (first-cycle, Minnesota side of Superior Entry) ph. †PHS.
2013Fall1 All reports were from St. Louis: 11/9 (unaged, Superior Entry) TRK, 11/15 (adult, Canal Park) JLK, ph. †PHS, MLH, 11/20 (unaged, Canal Park) JLK, 11/23 (adult, Canal Park) TRK, 11/29 (adult, Canal Park; this individual showed completely unmarked white primary tips, suggestive of L. g. glaucoides rather than the expected L. g. kumlieni) ph. †KJB.
2013Winter11 Several north reports of single individuals St. Louis (Duluth) through 12/15 JLK, TLK, though none afterwards. One south report Dakota (adult, Black Dog Lake) 12/15 †AGu.
2014Spring1Only report: 5/11 Wabasha (first-cycle, C.R. 30 and C.R. 24) ph. ANy.
2014Fall12 North reports began 10/26 St. Louis (first-cycle, Superior Entry) ph. PHS, JLK, MLH. Subsequent arrivals followed 11/2 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, and a second first-cycle 11/9 St. Louis (Canal Park) ph. PHS. An apparent Thayer's X Iceland intergrade was also present in Duluth for most of the month of November. All south 11/21 Dakota (4, comprised of one first-cycle at the Burnsville Landfill and two adults and one second-cycle at the Pine Bend Landfill) ADS, 11/23 Hennepin (first-cycle, Lake Calhoun) DWK, TAT.
2014Winter11 All north reports were of 1–2 birds (adult, first-cycle), December through mid February St. Louis (Duluth) m.ob. First-cycle was photographed by many. Last reported 2/19 (no details) EBr, LiC. South reports from Dakota (Burnsville landfill): 12/31 (adult) †MJI, 12/31–1/2 (first cycle) †MJI, †ADS, ANy.
2015Spring2 A total of four north individuals: 3/10 Lake (first-cycle, Knife Island) JWL, 4/30 St. Louis (3, two first-cycle and one second-cycle at Superior Entry) TRK, 5/10 St. Louis (one of the 4/30 birds continuing at Superior Entry) TRK, 5/16 St. Louis (continuing first-cycle) PHS.
2015Fall21 Early north 11/1 Cook (adult, Grand Portage Marina) ph. KRE, 11/6+ St. Louis HHD, (second-cycle, Superior Entry) MLH, TPM, (3, season's high count, Duluth Harbor) TPM, (adult Park Point, Dune Bridge) JEd, DTr. Only south 11/29 Hennepin (adult, Lake Harriet) †CMB, DWK, †SBM, †GrS, †BAF.
2015Winter22 High counts, all St. Louis (Duluth): 12/12 (5, Superior Entry) PHS, TRK, JLK, RJ, including three second-cycle, one third-cycle, one adult, 1/1 (4, Canal Park) SBM. Up to two birds overwintered into February (Canal Park) m.ob. One report from Lake (Two Harbors) 2/12 JWL. All south: 12/2–3 Hennepin (adult, Lake Harriet, continuing from 11/29) BAF, PRH, PNi, 2/22 Winona (adult, near Minneiska) †KnM.
2016Spring11 All south 3/26–27 Scott (flooded field on S.R. 13, 1/2 mile south of C.R. 8) BAb, †RMD, RBW, DWK, 4/3 Scott (same location) BAb. All north 3/3–4 St. Louis (Canal Park) ph. JPR, 3/6 St. Louis (Canal Park) YK, 3/7 St. Louis (Interstate Island W.M.A.) JPR, 3/15 St. Louis (2, Park Point R.A.) JPR, 4/9 St. Louis (2, Superior Entry) PHS, 4/27–29 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) PHS, JWL, MLH, 5/1 St. Louis (first-cycle, Superior Entry) ClN.
2016Fall32 First arrival was an adult 10/23 Lake (Agate Bay, Two Harbors) ph. ClN, JWH, JWL. All subsequent reports were from St. Louis: 11/12 (first-cycle, Canal Park) ph. ALx, JLf, 11/13 (2, adult and third-cycle, Superior Entry) ClN, LiH, BMu, and then reports of an un-aged individual at Canal Park through the last half of November.
2016Winter24 In July 2017, the 58th supplement to the American Ornithological Society's Check-list of North American Birds merged Thayer's Gull with Iceland Gull into a single species, with Thayer's as a subspecies. Starting this season, this revised taxonomy will be followed in the Seasonal Reports, with Thayer's and Kumlien's gull reports distinguished when possible. December Thayer's high counts north all from St. Louis (Duluth, Canal Park): 12/11 (16) PHS, 12/24 (14) JPR. Overwintered Duluth, with midwinter peak 1/29 (16 Thayer's, Canal Park) MLH. Smaller numbers (6 or fewer) were reported throughout February. Scattered Thayer's reports (all singles) throughout the season from Lake. There were Kumlien's reports throughout the season in Duluth (Canal Park), mostly singles but with peak 1/29 (3) StK, TRd. In the south, relatively few reports of Thayer's (all from Twin Cities) through mid December, all of 1–2 birds. No reports after 12/19, and no Kumlien's reports.
2017Spring22 All south 3/5 Hennepin (3, L. g. thayeri) MwT, 3/6–12 Dakota (first-cycle and adult L. g. thayeri, Black Dog Lake) BAF, RBW, m.ob. Overwintered in St. Louis and Lake. High count 3/19 St. Louis (4, Duluth, Port Terminal) LiH. Late north 3/25 Lake (L. g. thayeri, Agate Bay) REn, 3/26 St. Louis (L. g. thayeri, Park Point) JLK, 4/17 St. Louis (2, Park Point) PHS (median 5/9). No explicit reports of L. g. kumlieni.
2017Fall45 Early north (median 10/6) 10/7 St. Louis (adult, Superior Entry) MSb, 10/13 St. Louis (Stoney Point) TRd, StK, 10/14 St. Louis (first-cycle, Park Point) JPR. Early south (median 10/5) 10/28 Hennepin (2, Wood Lake N.C.) TBu, KBu, 11/10 Hennepin (first-cycle) CMB, 11/12 Hennepin (immature, Lake of the Isles) IVa, (Lake Harriet) GAn, 11/13 Rice TFB. Notable report 11/13 Clay (Clay County Gravel Pits) HeH, ShG. High counts 11/5 St. Louis (12, Superior Entry: 3 first-cycle, 2 second-cycle, 1 third-cycle, 6 adults) JOs, ClN, DnS, MiS, 11/12 St. Louis (11, Superior Entry (Minnesota): no first-cycle, 3 second-cycle, 2 third-cycle, 6 adults.) ClN. Only one individual confirmed as L. g. kumlieni, 11/17–25 Hennepin (adult) BAF, m.ob., but most reports did not specify between kumlieni and thayeri subspecies.
2017Winter22 Reported in small numbers (1–2) throughout the season in Lake, and through December to 1/1 in St. Louis (Duluth) m.ob., with high count 12/10 (4) JLK. South reports of small numbers (1–3) in Hennepin through 12/10, and Washington (singles) through 12/17 m.ob. No other south reports. All reports statewide are presumed to be the Thayer's subspecies (although most were identified only as Iceland Gull); there were no reports of Kumlien's.
2018Spring11 All south 4/11 Winona ASu. Overwintered in St. Louis and Lake. High counts 3/27 St. Louis (2, adult and third-cycle at W.S.H.C.) ClN, JDx. Latest north 4/21 St. Louis (adult, W.S.H.C.) JPR, FJN. No explicit reports to the subspecies level.
2018Fall46 Early north (median 10/6) 10/8 Kanabec (2, Knife Lake) ASu, 10/12 St. Louis (adult thayeri, Superior Entry) EzH, IsH, 10/26 St. Louis (thayeri, Superior Entry) REn. Early south (median 10/5) 11/2 Hennepin (adult thayeri, Lake Harriet) FFa, 11/4–6 Lyon (first-cycle, Black Rush Lake W.P.A.) RJS, m.ob., 11/8 Hennepin (thayeri, Lake Harriet) CMB, ASu. High counts 11/18 St. Louis (8, Canal Park) MaJ, 11/18 St. Louis (5, Canal Park: 1 first-cycle, 1 third-cycle, 3 adults) ClN. Only two birds reported as L. g. kumlieni, 11/18 St. Louis BAb, 11/22–25 Wabasha JWH, but most reports did not specify between kumlieni and thayeri subspecies.
2018Winter21 High count 12/15 St. Louis (7, Duluth) ClN, JDx; other December counts were 4 or fewer. Duluth reports after December were all of 1–2 individuals; last reported 2/15 JLK. Several January reports (through 1/22 JLK) Lake. One south report: 12/1 Washington (Grey Cloud Island gravel pit) PNi. Nearly all reports statewide were either identified as or presumed to be the Thayer’s subspecies. There were only two reports of Kumlien’s (Duluth): 12/15 ClN, JDx, 12/24 JCa.
 Rare migrant and winter visitant.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.