Ivory Gull(Pagophila eburnea) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1966 | Winter | | | one bird at Grand Portage, Cook Co., from about Christmas until third week of January, photographed by Mr. Hendricks, good details given to JCG; less than five records for our state. |
1970 | Fall | | | one possibly seen 10·28 Cook by Margaret and Matilda Wallblom; small size, all white body, black legs noted indicating adult plumage. |
1970 | Winter | | | one adult 2-17 Duluth city dump MMC; one adult 3-14 Knife River harbor Jim & Judy Brandenberg; probably same bird as seen in Oct. (Loon 42:146). |
1971 | Spring | | | 1 adult reported at Knife River, Lake Co. on 3-14 by J. Brandenberg; good details; a very rare species south of the Arctic. |
1975 | Winter | | | this rare and elusive Arctic visitor was found at Duluth on 1-1 (DS, J. Smith, C. and P. Bergman). |
1976 | Winter | | | Easily the most exciting and most frustrating bird of the season was an immature at Grand Marais discovered on 12-18 by DGW and photographed on 12-19 by S. Blanich (first Minn. photo record; there are still no specimens); unfortunately the bird had been present since about 12-1 according to local fishermen, leaving about 12-20, with none of the Twin Cities listers able to get there in time. |
1977 | Winter | | | An imm. was well described from a fishing boat off Duluth on 1-15 (D. Rau); this makes the third winter in a row that this very rare gull has been seen. |
1989 | Winter | | | One at Grand Marais, Cook Co. on 11/4 PS, SB, LR (The Loon 62:3-4). |
1991 | Winter | | | One present from 12/15–23 on the Mississippi River near Pigs Eye Lake in St. Paul, Ramsey/Dakota/Washington Counties DS, mob, and then by a second individual (apparently arriving independently) 12/23 BF, mob (The Loon 64: 3–5). |
2007 | Winter | 1 | | Second only to the above Ross's Gull, both in terms of rarity (less than a dozen Accepted records) and frustration to many birders, was this first-cycle individual found 1/7 St. Louis (Canal Park, Duluth) ph. †PHS, ph. †JWL, ph. †KRE, ph. MSS, ph. PSw. The gull was seen and photographed by only a few lucky birders for about two hours before it lifted off and departed the area. |
2015 | Winter | 1 | | Twelfth state record and the first in eight years: juvenile first reported 1/1 St. Louis (W.L.S.S.D., Duluth) JLK, then relocated the same day at Canal Park where it was seen daily through 1/9 m.ob. (The Loon 88:95–96). It was not recorded from 1/10–17 except for a brief period on 1/15 (JLK), then continued daily from 1/18–24 m.ob. During its stay it was reported to M.O.U. or eBird by 294 different people, and was documented by many with photos and descriptions. On 1/24 several observers reported that it appeared to be in poor health, and it died later that day (PHS). An apparently fresh partly eaten carcass of another juvenile was found on 1/5 about two miles south in Superior WI (Connor's Point) fide LME. In addition, another juvenile was photographed on 2/17 near Bayfield WI roughly 65 miles east of Duluth. |
  | Twelve records: 1 spring and 11 winter. Recorded in one (2016) of the last ten years. |