Killdeer(Charadrius vociferus) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1930 | Summer | | | Three nests found, two by the writer, April 28th and May 20th, both at Lake Calhoun and each containing three eggs. The other was found by Alden Riuer, near St. Paul on May 2nd and held four eggs, Young were seen by Gustav Swanson near Frontenac, May 17th, by Alden Carpenter, near Robbinsdale, May 18th, and by Leander Fischer and Stanley Stein, near Sh~opee, May 21st. |
1931 | Summer | | | Five nests were reported by as many observers, between the dates of April 19th and June 21st. The contents were three or four ege;s in each case. |
1932 | Summer | | | No Killdeer nests were found until Hc'l.Y 1/1 when 2 were observed, both with 4 eggs, one by s. Stein, and the other by Dobie. The eggs in the former nest were hatching. The last set was found by the writer on June 24, and contained 2 fresh eggs, an incomplete set. |
1933 | Summer | | | Eleven nests of this noisy knave were reportoo.. Swanson discovered the first at Long Meadow on April 26th. Its i.nterior was graccc1 With 4 eggs. The last nest, found n few feet from the soyrce of the Mississippi River in Itasca Park on Juu1e 21st by Swanson, Fischer, Stein and the writer, held 4 eggs. |
1934 | Summer | | | Mr. and Mrs. Swedenborg report the earliest nest, :t'oUJ.'ld by then on AprU 28th, 'When it held 4 eggs. On:LJuly 8th Mn.riu:3 ·Horse found, in his wanderings near Mille lacs Lake, a nest of i~his bird containing 2 newly-hatched young.and one egg. Perhap:3 the nost e~... traordinary find of the season is that of a Killde1i)J:>t s nest eontainingono egg of its owner and one Brown-headed Cowbird egg. It was found by Risser on a golf course near Sturgeon Lake on July '13th. The :f.'o.te of the young Brown-headed Cowbird is suggestoc1 by the follo'Winc; no·l;e which he supplies: "On tho 16th one of the boys noticed o. y1::>un.g bird in this nest, and the follovling morning I returned and found the bird still incubating, but thex-e ws only the Killdeer's egg " FrOLl this we might sur:nise that the young Brown-headed Cowbird did not receive the proper care, such as he would have oxporicncod in ru1 altricial bird1s nest. This Brown-headed Cowbird's egg was noticeably lo:rt;or than the ordinary Brown-headed Cowbird's egg, and Risser conncnts, 11 Tho possibility of this so:,lowhat atypico.l Brown-headed Cowbird egg being a very atypic12l Killdeer egg has been considered, but I doubt this because of the typical passerine shape of the eg~ (rounded) the texture o:f' tho ogrz shell, nnd the color of the egg (white background with light brown markings) and the fnct that tho egg hatched. I do not think so small |
1935 | Summer | | | Sterling Brackett, Carlandor, and Turner nearly stopped on a Killdeer which was brooding 4 eggs April 27th. Tho first young out of tho nest were seen at Lake Harriet on May 12th by Milton Thompson. Breckenridge furnishes uawith the latest record, 4 eggs on July 1st, 16 -~Flick~, 1935 |
1936 | Summer | | | The earliest report comes from l1ary Voiovich who discovered a nest on lflaY 25th containing four eggs at Aurora. tf. J. ·Breckenridge found a nest of four eggs in Ra.m.sey County on June 4th. A nest was found by Alden Risser and George Rysgac.rd ne~?.0 Saint Paul on June 7th at which time it held two eggs~ On J ly 8th W. J. Breokenridge saw downy chicks in Hennepin County. ' |
1937 | Summer | | | The first nest was found on April 24 by Dana Struthers; there were two eggs in it. On June I I Struthers found the last nest. It, ~oo, held two eggs. |
1938 | Summer | | | According to D. Struthers the Killdeer has taken to roof nesting. On June Io, he found 4 eggs on the roof of Ramsey Jr. High School, Minneapolis. Newly-hatched young were found by E. D. Swedenborg on May I5 at Minneapolis. On June 25 at Warren, Don Mahle saw 3 half-grown young. Four eggs were found by B. Upson at Lake Traverse on June 6. The last nest, also of 4 eggs, was noted by G. Swanson at Lake of ~he Woods (Pine Island) on July 5· |
1940 | Summer | | | As a great many nests of the killdeer were found, the earliest and latest nests are mentioned. Miss Alma Chesley, of Duluth, found a nest with 4 eggs in the Forest Hill Cemetery on May I6. The author found a nest at Sand Lake, Minnesota on July I I. The female was incubating and no effort was made to count her eggs. |
1943 | Summer | | | May 17, 3 nests, Ramsey County. Bl'o,s. Lewis and Pius. St. Louis County, 1 young, August 1. 0. Lakela. In May 20 eggs found in foUJr nests, Duluth by Misses Lakela, Elwell, and Brown. |
1944 | Summer | | | 7. May 27, four eggs, St. Paul, Olson. May 30, June 1, four eggs, Duluth, Lakela. July 10, four eggs, Minneapolis, Hamilton. July 23, four large young, Duluth, Lakela. Another found by Brother Hubert. |
1945 | Summer | | | 2 young, May 30, 4 young, July 4, Duluth, Olga Lakela; young, May 24, Hennepin Co., Don and Eldeen Jacobs; nest with 4 eggs, Hennepin Co., Lulu M. Aler; nest with young, May 1, Hennepin Co., Wallace E. Hamilton; nest with 4 eggs, May 7, nest with 4 eggs, May 20, nest with 2 eggs, 2 young, July 3, Ramsey Co., Brother Hubert. |
1946 | Summer | | | 4 eggs, April 18; 4 eggs, April 21; 4 eggs, May 11, Ramsey Co., Bro. Hubert; 2 young, May 7, Hennepin Co., Longley; 2 young, June 26, Harbor Island, Duluth, Lakela; 3 young, July 7, Ramsey Co., Moore; 3 young, July 28, Duluth, Rose Shimmick. |
1947 | Summer | | | 4 eggs, May 15; 3 eggs, May 29, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis; 3 young, June 7, Isanti Co., Barrett; 3 eggs, June 12, 1 egg punctured, 2 eggs missing, June 12, Hennepin Co., Pratt; 3 eggs, June 21, Hennepin Co., Futcher; 2 young, June 26, Duluth, Lakela; 4 half-grown young, June 29, Duluth, Lakela; 1 egg, July 1, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis; 3 young, July 28, Duluth, Shimmick. |
1961 | Summer | | | Nest with four eggs found near La Crescent, on 13 May by Avifauna} Club members. Nest with four eggs on Minnesota Point, Duluth, found by Avifauna} Club members on 27 May. Four young, just out of nest, banded by Avifauna! Club members at Syre on 4 July and still four more young banded same day in Clay County, just south of Norman County line on Highway 82. Two young banded in Hennepin County by R. Huber on 3 July. |
1961 | Winter | | | One seen January 6 by D. Honetschlager in Washington County. |
1962 | Summer | | | June 6-12, Minneapolis, 4, 3, 2 young, Brother Theodore; July 21, Duluth, 6 eggs, Avifauna! Club. |
1962 | Fall | | | latest reports, Dec. 2, Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co., R. Grant; Dec. 15, ·winona, one seen by Brother Theodore. |
1963 | Summer | | | Numerous breeding reports from Winona, Beltrami, Ramsey and St. Louis Counties. Upland Plover: Becker Co., June 28, pr, 2y, R. Grant. |
1963 | Winter | | | Jan 4, Feb 1, Winona, Avifauna! Club. |
1964 | Summer | | | breeding in Ramsey (ELC), St. Louis (HM, DM), Lake (RLH), Winona (GD) and Roseau (PEE) Counties. |
1964 | Winter | | | Three wintered at Prairie Island, Winona Co, seen by many observ· ers; 12-26, near Stillwater, Washington Co, 2, XC; 1-2, near Etter, Dakota Co, 2, RG, RLH. |
1966 | Summer | | | nested in Lake, Washington, Crow Wing, Cook and Wright Co's; also THE LOON reported from Rice, Cass, Ramsey, Hennepin, Itasca, Goodhue, Carver, Dakota, Rock, Lincoln, Lyon, Clay, Mahnomen, Norman, Becker, Sherburne, Houston, Winona, Wabasha Co's. |
1966 | Winter | | | 12-2 Dakota Co., ACR; 12-26 Wabasha Co., FV; 1-2 Winona Co., fide GD; 2-18 (DB) and 2-26 (RBJ) Scott Co. |
1967 | Spring | | | early 3-2 Fargo-Moorhead, fide EGA; 3-10 Wabasha Co., DGM;. 3-11 Dakota Co., EMB; 3-19 Olmsted Co., JPF, CMJ. |
1967 | Summer | | | nested in Ramsey, Cook, Itasca Co's; also reported from Pope, Stevens, Traverse, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Cottonwood, Washington, Beltrami, Hubbard, Aitkin, St. Louis, Hennepin, Crow Wing, Morrison, Wabasha, Clearwater, Carver, Nobles Co's. |
1967 | Fall | | | latest 11-7 Sibley Co., FN/ MAS; 11-10 Pope Co., WH; 11-24 St. Paul, ACR. |
1967 | Winter | | | 12-30 (Xmas Count), 1-1 (RBJ, RLH), Barden, Scott Co., 2. |
1968 | Spring | | | early 3-9 Olmsted Co., AFR; 3-10 Pope Co., WH; 3-15 Stearns Co., KE, Wabasha Co., DGM, Blue Earth Co., EDK. |
1968 | Summer | | | nested in Cook, Mille Lacs, Kanabec Co's ; also reported from Meeker, Morrison, Anoka, Nobles, Rice, Blue Earth, Lake, Cottonwood, Pope, Sherburne, Clearwater, Washington, St. Louis, Carver, Lyon, Sibley, McLeod, Carlton, Stevens, Wabasha, Hennepin, Wright, Winona Co's. |
1968 | Fall | | | 8-11 Carver 50+ MHM; 9· 17 March 1969 22 Duluth 25 JCG; 9-29 Aitkin 100+ MSB; 10-30 Wabasha 10 DGM; 11-3 Lyon 8 HCK. |
1969 | Spring | | | 3-16 Wright Co., BAP; 3-18 Watonwan Co., DWM, Dakota Co., EIS, FNj MAS, and Rice Co., OAR; 4-4 Duluth, JCG, and Lake Co., RK; 4-7 (10) Roseau Co., PEE; 4-29 (10) Duluth, PBH. |
1969 | Summer | | | nested in Anoka, Meeker, Nobles, Pope, Wabasha, St. Louis, Ramsey, Hennepin (2 nests), and Dakota. Reported by most observors throughout the state. |
1969 | Fall | | | 8-31 Pope 50 WH; 9-20 Duluth 37 BL; 10-10 Mille Lacs MI; 11-8 Dakota RGL; 11-11 Hennepin ETS; 11-12 Duluth TH. |
1969 | Winter | | | 12-22 (BTV), 2-21 (RG) Winona. |
1970 | Spring | | | early south 3-7 Houston FL; 3-18 Rice OR; 3-20 Wabasha WDM; early north 3-20 Duluth jG; 4-3 Duluth MMC. |
1970 | Summer | | | nested in Mille Lacs, Stearns, Winona, Anoka, and Dakota Co's; also reported from 19 other counties. |
1970 | Fall | | | late south 10-21 Wright ES; 10-22 Washington WL; 11-18 Pope WH; late north 10-10 Cook ]P; 10-11 Duluth ]G; 10-22 Marshall AR. |
1970 | Winter | | | 12-19, 1-9 Winona FZL. |
1971 | Spring | | | early south 3-2 Hennepin PF; 6 reports on 3-13; early north 3-30 Ottertail AMB; 3-31 Duluth JG and Crow Wing JB and Mille Lacs MI. |
1971 | Summer | | | nested in Ramsey, Swift, Aitkin, St. Louis, Rice, Carver, Scott, Dakota, Lyon, Nobles, Jackson, Hennepin and Clay; also reported from 22 other counties. |
1971 | Fall | | | late south 11-17 Wabasha; 11-20 Houston; 11-25 Lac qui Parle; late north 10-9 Ottertail and Douglas; 10-24 Duluth. |
1972 | Summer | | | breeding cards from St. Louis and Pope, nesting reported in 7 others; seen In 25 other counties; flocking (25-40) 7-2 Lyon, 7-26 Duluth. |
1972 | Winter | | | 1-7· New Hartford, Winona Co. FZL. |
1973 | Summer | | | Nesting reports from St. Louis, Aitkin~ Crow Wing, Pope, Kandi.yohi, Wnght, Ramsey, & Dakota; seen m 21 other counties. |
1973 | Fall | | | Reported from 18 counties. Peak 96 Mille Lacs (30) (MI). |
1973 | Winter | | | 2 seen on the St. Paul Northeast Christmas Count; also on 1-12 in Houston and Winona (2) (FL). |
1974 | Spring | | | Early south 3-3 Rock KE; 6 reports on 3-6; early north 3-15 St. Louis MMC; 3-30 Marshall AR; 3 reports on 4-6. MOUNTAIN PLOVER 5-2 Moorhead Clay Co. (3) C. Falk, first state record (See last issue of LOON, Vol. 46, No. 3 for details). |
1974 | Summer | | | Nested in Marshall, Clay, St. Louis, Stearns, Yellow Medicine, Sherburne, Ramsey, Le Sueur, Lac qui Parle; also reported from 32 other counties. |
1974 | Fall | | | Late south 10-26 Rock KE; 10-27 Ramsey GC; 11-17 Hennepin ES; late north 10-17 Marshall AR; 11-5 Clay FMAS. |
1974 | Winter | | | Reported from the St. Paul N.E., Winona, La Crosse and Rock Co. Christmas Counts; also 2-28 Houston (FL). |
1975 | Spring | | | Early south 3-6 Hennepin OLJ; 3-10 Freeborn DG; 3-14 Yellow Medicine GLO; early north 3-17 Mille Lacs MI; 4-9 St. Louis JCG and Crow Wing TS. |
1975 | Summer | | | Nested in Marshall, Aitkin, St. Louis, Mille Lacs, Lyon, Olmsted and Wabasha; also reported from 29 other counties. |
1975 | Fall | | | late north 10-25 Duluth JG; 11-11 Mille Lacs MI; late south 11-9 Lyon PE; 11-22 Carver JRG; 1/30 Dodge VH; peak 8-23 Lyon (90) HK. |
1975 | Winter | | | reported on the St. Paul Northeast Christmas Count; wintered in Dodge Co. (VH); early spring migrant 2-26 Olmstead (VH). |
1976 | Spring | | | Early south 3-1 Lincoln LK; 3-7 Olmsted JF; 3-10 Fillmore GE; early north 3-19 Otter Tail GW and Crow Wing Steve Blanich; 3-21 Marshall SV; 3-24 Crow Wing DK. |
1976 | Summer | | | nested in Marshall, Roseau, Cass, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Swift, Benton, Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington and Lincoln; also reported from 27 other counties. |
1976 | Fall | | | Late north 10-29 Mille Lacs and 10-30 Crow Wing; late south 11-2 Murray, 11-5 Anoka, 11-8 Lac qui Parle. |
1976 | Winter | | | Reported on the St. Paul N.E. (5seen) and Winona Christmas Counts; a very early spring migrant on 2-25 in Becker Co. (JL). |
1977 | Spring | | | Early south 3-3 Stearns NH; 3-7 Ramsey SH; 3-8 Washington DGW, Hennepin HCP; early north 3-11 Otter Tail SM; 3-14 Crow Wing DK; 3-21 Otter Tail GEW. |
1977 | Summer | | | Nested in Marshall, Hubbard, Cass, Lac qui Parle, Cottonwood, Stearns, Anoka, Hennepin and St. Louis; also reported from 28 other counties throughout the state. |
1977 | Fall | | | Late north 11-5 Otter Tail (DS). |
1978 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Hennepin, Sherburne, Stearns, Wright, Stevens, Anoka, St. Louis, Lac qui Parle, Beltrami and Marshall; seen elsewhere throughout the state. |
1978 | Fall | | | Late north 10-8 Clay LCF, 10-12 JB; late south 11-14 Goodhue JD, 11-25 Houston OJ, RJ, 11-30 Houston FL. |
1979 | Spring | | | Early south 3-3 Goodhue JB, 3-11 Olmsted VH, 3-13 Houston EMF; early north 3-21 Cook SW, 3-31 Aitkin TS, Otter Tail GMO, 4-5 St. Louis KE. |
1979 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Lake, Itasca, Wadena, Pennington, Otter Tail, Stea,rns, Sherburne, Anoka, Hennepin, Goodhue, Olmsted; also seen throughout the state. |
1979 | Fall | | | Late north 10-14 Otter Tail GMO, 11-1 St. Louis JG, 11-8 Lake KE; late south 11-9 Murray AD, 11-11 Cottonwood RG, 11-18 Mower RRK. |
1979 | Winter | | | A late migrant in Houston 12-12 (MEF) and an early migrant in Whitewater State Park 2-25, (D. Palmquist). |
1980 | Spring | | | Early south 3-1 Blue Earth DJ 3-6 Winona JB, JSD, 3-15 Nicollet JCF; early north 3~25 Otter Tail SM 3-29 St. Louis DA, 3-30 Aitkin WN,' Hubbard SY, Marshall ANWR, KSS. |
1980 | Summer | | | Breeding reported in 14 counties; seen also throughout the state. Killdeer nest, May 20, 1981 Hill City, Aitkin County |
1980 | Fall | | | Late north 10-3 Clay LCF, 10-5 Mahnomen JC, 10-20 St. Louis LLH; late south 10-22 Houston JP, 11-9 Olmsted JEB, 11-28 Nicollet JCF. |
1980 | Winter | | | Three reports: Dakota 12-17 (one heard) (TC) and 2-6 (RBA). Also Houston 1-17 (JM). |
1981 | Spring | | | Early south 3-1 Cottonwood LAF, 3-6 Houston FL, 3-14 Dakota JD and Stearns NH; early north 3-14 Otter Tail GMO, 3-23 Hubbard DJ, 3-24 Clay LCF, Crow Wing JB and Pennngton KSS. |
1981 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Aitkin, Pennington, Big Stone, Stearns, Hennepin, Le Sneur. Seen throughout the state. |
1981 | Fall | | | Late north 10-10 Aitkin WN (100), 10-15 Wilkin OJ, 11-4 Itasca JC; late south 11-13 Blue Earth JCF, 11-16 Olmsted JEB, 11-25 Houston FL. |
1981 | Winter | | | Reported only from Houston on 2-28 (FL) with the notation "may have overwintered." |
1982 | Spring | | | Early south 3-10 Mower RRK, 3-14 Cottonwood LAF, Dakota JD, Lyon HK and Olmsted JEB, BE; early north 3-17 Clay SDM, 3-29 St. Louis LW, 3-30 Pennington KSS. |
1982 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Cook, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Pennington, Big Stone, Steams, Hennepin, LeSueur, Martin. Seen throughout the state. |
1982 | Fall | | | Late north 10/2 Beltrami JP, I 0/14 St. Louis KE, 10/16 Aitkin WN; late south 10/24 Le Sueur RJ, Murray AD and Washington DS. |
1982 | Winter | | | Early south migrants in Murray 2/28 (AD) and Mower 2/27 (RRK). |
1983 | Spring | | | Early south 3/1 Murray AD, 3/2 Lac qui Parle GMO, 3/3 five southern counties; early north 3/26 Otter Tail GMO, 3/28 Marshall ANWR, 4/1 Cass HF, Wadena AB. |
1983 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Lake, St. Louis, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, Pennington, Mahnomen, Hubbard, Steams, Sherburne, Lac qui Parle. Seen throughout the state. |
1983 | Fall | | | Late north 10/15 Marshall KC, I0122 Mille Lacs DB, 10/23 Clay LCF; late south 11/4 Nicollet JCF, 11/11 Le Sueur RJ, II/12 Houston FL. Killdeer, 8/15183, Sartell, Stearns County, Nestor Hiemenz |
1983 | Winter | | | Early migrants in Houston, 2-18 (EMF) and Lyon 2-25 (HK). |
1984 | Spring | | | Early south 3/3 Houston EMF, 3/15 Sherburne SSa, 3/18 Houston JPI AM; early north 3/24 Ottertail SDM, 3/25 GMO, 3/25 Aitkin WN, 3/27 Marshall ANWR, Mahnomen MHa. |
1984 | Summer | | | nested in Cook, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Polk, Pennington, Hubbard, Aitkin, Clay, Benton, Stearns, Carver, Hennepin, Ramsey, Brown, Cotton juvenile Merlin at nest, 18 july 1984, Harriet Lake, Lake County. Photo by Steve Wilson wood, Blue Earth and Big Stone; also seen in 42 other counties. |
1984 | Fall | | | Late north 10/30 Cook KMH, 11/3 St. Louis KE, 11/4 Cook BL; late south 10/26 Hennepin SC, Murray AD, Dakota JD, TT, 11/2 Lyon HK, 11/22 Watonwan JEB. |
1985 | Spring | | | Early south 3/6 Washington TBB, 3/7 Houston EMF, Dakota JPIAM, 3/9 Pope RJ, Mower RRK, Fillmore KL, Olmsted m.ob.; early north 3/9 Lake fide SWIMS, 3/10 Otter Tail SDM, 3/17 Wilkin GAM. |
1985 | Summer | | | Nested in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Big Stone, Ramsey, Wabasha, Brown, Murray; probable nesting in Stearns. Also seen in 43 other counties throughout the state. |
1985 | Fall | | | Late north 10/16 Mille Lacs RJ, 10/20 Clay LCF, 10/26 Cook KMH; late south 11/1 Brown JS, 11/10 Anoka DS, 11/14 Washington WL. |
1985 | Winter | | | A possible early migrant in Houston, 2-23 (KL). |
1986 | Spring | | | Early south 3/8 Washington TBB, 3/11 Fillmore, Olmsted AMP, 3/13 Olmsted PP, 3/15 Blue Earth JCF; early north 3/24 Clay SDM, 3/25 St. Louis m.ob., Norman BK, Wilkin GAM, Pennington KSS. |
1986 | Summer | | | Nested in Lake, St. Louis, Koochiching (FS), Pennington, Big Stone, Stearns, Benton , Sherburne, Wright, Hennepin, Ramsey, Brown, Rice, Faribault (RJ), Freeborn (NHo), Fillmore (RJ); probable nesting in Cook, Anoka, Mower. Also seen in 46 other counties throughout the state. MOUNTAIN PLOVER Two birds, 7/2-5 Faribault (RJ et at., The Loon 58:154-158; first state record). |
1986 | Fall | | | Late north 9/26 Wadena AB, 10/8 Clay LCF, 10/29 Wilklin GAM; late south IIIII Murray NO, 1/123 Lyon HK, 11/27 Houston FL. |
1986 | Winter | | | Three late February migrants: Murray 2/26 (MK), Fillmore 2/27 (fide, AP) and Brown 2/27 (JS). |
1987 | Spring | | | Early south 3/2 Dakota IT, 3/4 Olmsted JB, Cottonwood LAFand Hennepin OJ; early north 3/3 Clay and Hubbard JL, 3/4 Otter Tail SDM, 3/7Wilkin GAM. 4/21-517 Duluth albino (The Loon 59:147-148) |
1987 | Summer | | | Nested in St. Louis, Aitkin, Pennington, Clay, Stevens, Lac qui Parle, Pipestone(JP), Brown, Steams, Benton. Also seen in 55 other counties throughout the state. |
1987 | Fall | | | Late north 10/18 Clay LCF, 10/21 Norman BK, 11/30 Duluth KE; late south 11/2 Brown JS, 11/3 Anoka m.ob., 11/28 Martin RG. |
1988 | Spring | | | Early south 3/2 Washington DS, 3/6 Murray ND and Nicollet LW, 3/8 Olmsted JEB and Wabasha KR; early north 3/23 Todd PH, 3/24 Clay MMM and Otter Tail SDM, 3/29 Aitkin WN and Lake fide KE. |
1988 | Summer | | | More reports than in recent years; nested in 11 counties and seen in 60 other counties throughout the state. |
1988 | Fall | | | Late north 10/5 Crow Wing AB, 10/14 Clay SC, 11/6 OtterTail SDM; late south 11/4 Murray JP, 11/5 Wright RJ, 11/28 Ramsey DS. |
1989 | Spring | | | Early south 3/7 Fillmore GMD, 3/18 Houston EMF and Mower JM, 3/19 Olmsted, Houston and Mower AP; early north 3/23 Todd PH, 3/26 Aitkin WN, Clay LCF and Duluth AE, MS, 3/27 Beltrami KH. |
1989 | Summer | | | Nested in Lake, Otter Tail KB, Wilkin, Lac qui Parle, Anoka; probable nesting in Becker, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Hennepin, Washington. Seen in 57 other counties statewide. |
1989 | Fall | | | Late north 10/10 Aitkin SC, 10/15 Clay LCF, 10/21 Wilkin KE; late south 11/4 Goodhue BL, 11/11 Rice AP, 11/24 Olmsted JB. |
1989 | Winter | | | Early migrant in Houston 2/22 EMF. |
1990 | Spring | | | Early south 3/4 Washington TEB, 3/7 Fillmore NAO, Blue Earth BB; early north 3/12 Otter Tail SDM, 3/13 Aitkin WN and St. Louis MST. |
1990 | Summer | | | Fewer reports than usual. Nested in Isanti MDP, Le Sueur, Fillmore; probable nesting in Cook, Becker, OtterTail, Stearns. Seen in 49 other counties statewide. |
1990 | Fall | | | Late north 10/22 Marshall BK, 10/27 Polk DC and Wilkin MO; late south 11/2 Pipestone JP, 11/14 Olmsted AP, 11/24 Lac qui Parle CMB. |
1991 | Spring | | | Early south 3/5 Pipestone ND, JP, 3/6 Olmsted BSE, 3/9 Wabasha BL; early north 3!2q Clay SDM, 3/23 Aitkin WN and Beltrami KH, 3/26 Becker DEB, BK. |
1991 | Summer | | | Fewer reports for second straight year. Nested in eight counties including Kittson KB, Winona HVA; probable nesting in four other counties. Seen in 40 other counties statewide. |
1991 | Fall | | | Late north 10/14 Lake DPV, 10/18 Becker BB, 10/21 Wilkin RJ; late south 10/22 Chippewa AB and Blue Earth LF, 10/23 Ramsey RH, 10/30 Olmsted AP. |
1991 | Winter | | | Returning migrant reported in Hennepin 2/29 fide RJ. |
1992 | Spring | | | Early south 3/1 Rice TB and Washington DN, 3/2 Murray and Rock ND, 3/3 Houston FL; early north 3/1 Otter Tail SDM (earliest date on record), 3/21 Becker BBe, 3/26 St. Louis DE. |
1992 | Summer | | | Nested in seven counties including Chisago KB; probable nesting in four. Seen in 47 additional counties statewide. |
1992 | Fall | | | Late north 10/19 Kittson RJ, 10/24 Pennington PS, 11/4 St. Louis PS; late south 10/28 Martin BBo, 10/29 Carver KR, 11/7 Goodhue BL. |
1993 | Spring | | | Early south 3/23 Cottonwood ED, 3/24 Olmsted AP, 3/25 Rice TB. Early north 3/26 Becker BBe, 3/28 Traverse AB, 3/29 Cass JB/TS. |
1993 | Summer | | | Nested in 12 counties including Kanabec CM; probable nesting in Cottonwood. Seen in 39 additional counties statewide. |
1993 | Fall | | | Late north 10/30 Wilkin WM; late south 10/28 Martin BBo, 10/30 Kandiyohi AB, 10/31 Rice RJ. |
1994 | Spring | | | Early south 3/11 Houston FL and Winona CS, 3/12 Washington DN; early north 3/17 Becker BBe, 3/20 Otter Tail SDM, 4/1 Aitkin JB/TS. |
1994 | Summer | | | Fewest reports in ten+ years. Nested in eight counties including Grant SDM; probable nesting in Mille Lacs, Kandiyohi. Seen in 32 additional counties statewide. |
1994 | Fall | | | Late north 10/15 Kanabec FJ, 10/20 Beltrami DJ, 10/22 Cook BC. Late south 11/11 Rock ND and Houston FL, 11/29 Winona CS. |
1994 | Winter | | | Three reports of late migrants, all the latest dates on record: 12/2 Cook DS (first north report in winter), 12/9 Winona CS, and 12/10 Houston FL (2). |
1995 | Spring | | | Early south 3/8 Olmsted, 3/10 Dakota SK, 3/11 Martin BB; early north 3/15 Becker BBe, 3/15 Otter Tail SDM, 3/17 Clay CF. |
1995 | Summer | | | Nested in eight counties; probable nesting in Rice. Seen in 38 additional counties statewide, including a peak of 221 on 7/28 at sod farm in Anoka County KB. |
1995 | Fall | | | Late north 9/22 Itasca ABo, 9/27 Kittson SKS, 10/11 Pennington SKS. Late south 10/22 Martin BB, 11/2 Hennepin SC, 11/5 Le Sueur RG. Peak count 55 on 9/27 Rice FKS. |
1995 | Winter | | | Early migrant noted 2/25 Houston JSt (tie for third earliest date on record). |
1996 | Spring | | | Early south 3/9 Anoka DS, 3/11 Ramsey RH, 3/12 Houston CS. Early north 4/5 Clay RO, 4/7 Douglas SWa, 4/8 Crow Wing PP and Otter Tail KKW. |
1996 | Summer | | | Most reports since 1989. Nested in five counties including Todd JSK; probable nesting in three. Observed in 59 additional counties statewide. |
1996 | Fall | | | Late north 10/6 St. Louis TW, 10/9 Clay MRN, 10/19 Wilkin BBo. Late south 10/20 Big Stone LE and Sherburne GS, 10/27 Hennepin KB, 11/11 Rice TBo. Peak counts 8/2 Dakota (68) TT, 8/4 Big Stone (100s) LE. |
1996 | Winter | | | Overwintered 1/28–2/25 Houston EMF. This is the first overwintering report since at least 1981. Early migrants noted 2/17 Anoka KB (earliest date on record) and 2/26 Fillmore NO. Both of the latter records were heard only. |
1997 | Spring | | | Overwintered in Houston EMF; 3/7 Olmsted CH. Early north 3/27 Otter Tail KKW, 4/1 St. Louis TW, 4/2 Aitkin WN. Peak of >100 on 3/30 Big Stone LE. Nested in Nicollet LF et al. |
1997 | Summer | | | Seen in 62 counties statewide; peak concentrations on 7/15 at Breckenridge lagoons (144) in Wilkin Co. GO and on 7/27 at Lino Lakes (128) in Anoka Co. KB. New nesting record in McLeod RbS; probable breeding in seven counties. |
1997 | Fall | | | Late north 10/10 Clay RO, 10/14 Cook KMH, 10/25 Lake AH. Late south 11/1 Hennepin SC, 11/5 Meeker CMa and Rice RJ. Peak count on 8/28 Dakota (125) SWe. |
1997 | Winter | | | Late migrant noted 12/14 Washington BL. Early migrants noted 2/22 Brown JSp (heard only), 2/25 Houston FL, 2/26 Mower fide AH, and 2/28 Rice RJ. An additional report was received from Dodge, but no date was included. |
1998 | Spring | | | Early north 3/23 St. Louis TW, 3/25 Carlton LW. See Winter report for early south migrant dates. |
1998 | Summer | | | Seen in 69 counties statewide. New nesting records in Pine SWe, Renville RgS; probable nesting in eight counties. Post-breeding concentration of 79 observed on 7/29 near Lino Lakes in Anoka Co. KB. |
1998 | Fall | | | Peak counts 8/9 Anoka (182 in one location, plus 172 at two other sites) KB, 9/12 Lyon (150) RgS. Late north 10/2 St. Louis JN, 10/10 Aitkin WN, 10/17 Lake BSe. See winter report for late south dates. |
1998 | Winter | | | Late south 12/1 Waseca (two locations) KB, JD, and 12/12 Houston FL. Peak 12/7 Brownsville, Houston Co. (11) KB. |
1999 | Spring | | | Except for the southeast region, this species arrived later than usual. Early south 3/3 Houston FL, 3/6 Houston and Winona JSt. One was documented 3/14 Otter Tail DST; no other north dates until late March. |
1999 | Summer | | | Reported in 59 counties throughout state. Of interest were these peak counts: 7/23 Anoka (149) KB, 7/26 Big Stone (73) KB, 7/28 Stearns (203) PC, 7/31 Kandiyohi (100+) RJ. |
1999 | Fall | | | Peak count 10/16 Jackson (328 at South Heron L.) PC. Late north 10/16 Douglas RH and Wilkin CN. Late south 11/20 Dodge JSt, 11/25 Le Sueur (Waterville) KB, 11/29 Le Sueur (St. Peter sewage ponds) KB; also see winter report. |
1999 | Winter | | | Only reports before late Feb. were from Houston (where overwintered) and 12/11 Dakota (Lakeville) MO. Early south migrants from 14 counties beginning 2/24 Winona (fly-over) KB. |
2000 | Spring | | | Observed in 48 south and 25 north counties throughout the state. See winter report for early south migrants. Early north 3/4 Otter Tail SDM, 3/7 Wilkin fide BBe. No significant counts. |
2000 | Summer | | | The most reports since 1988. Observed in 70 counties statewide; new nesting record in Todd JSK. Peak counts 7/1 Big Stone (270) KJB, 7/7 Lac qui Parle (201) BEO. |
2000 | Fall | | | High count 173 at BSNWR in Lac qui Parle County on 8/3 (BEO). Seen in five north counties on 10/1, then 10/14 Aitkin WEN, 11/11 Aitkin and Mille Lacs TAT. Found in five south counties during November, last seen 11/27 Houston CRM. |
2000 | Winter | | | Reported 12/2 Washington (Afton) BRL and 12/16 Winona CBC (2). |
2001 | Spring | | | Observed in 45 south and 26 north counties throughout the state. Early south 3/10 Houston FZL, 3/14 Dakota KJB. Early north 3/20 St. Louis fide KRE, 3/21 in three counties. |
2001 | Summer | | | Recorded in 54 counties statewide. New nesting record in Watonwan DLB; peak count 7/20 Lac Qui Parle (260) BEO.
2001 | Fall | | | Reported from 13 north and 40 south counties in all regions. High count 8/8 Lac qui Parle (338 at Big Stone N.W.R.) BEO. Late north 11/9 Wadena PJB, but see winter report. |
2001 | Winter | | | Reported from nine south counties and one north county. Latest north date on record 12/4 St. Louis †PHS. Late south 12/28 Dakota ADS. No January reports, but two birds 2/1 Houston FZL were reported as overwintering. Additional February reports: 2/8 Washington TAT, 2/18 Wabasha PEJ, 2/24 Mower RCK, RDK. |
2002 | Spring | | | Reported from 80 counties. Early south (but see winter report) 3/12 Dakota KJB, 3/16–18 in ten counties. Early north 3/13 Todd JSK, SDu, 3/26 Crow Wing PSP. Peak 4/3 Dakota (117 at H.P.B.C.) KJB. |
2002 | Summer | | | More reports than usual; seen in 73 counties statewide. New nesting record in Douglas REH, record-high count 7/7 Traverse (530 at Mud L.) PHS. |
2002 | Fall | | | Reported from 24 north and 36 south counties statewide. High counts 8/1 Jackson (500 estimated at Heron L.) KJB, 8/6 Dakota (400+ at Castle Rock sod farms) DJW, JOA, 8/18 Meeker (370 in sections 17/18, Litchfield Twp.) DMF. Late north 10/27 Cook KRE. Please see winter report for late south migrants. |
2002 | Winter | | | Only reports: 12/11 & 12/28 Houston FZL and 12/13 Cottonwood BRB. |
2003 | Spring | | | Reported from 69 counties statewide. Peak migration in mid-March. Early south 3/14 in six counties, 3/15–16 in sixteen. Early north 3/15 Traverse DKM, SPM, 3/16 Carlton, Cass, Crow Wing. Highest reported count 5/23 Marshall (66 at Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS. |
2003 | Summer | | | Observed in 65 counties statewide. Highest reported count 7/29 Lac qui Parle (374) KJB; new nesting record in Steele NFT. |
2003 | Fall | | | Reported from 24 north and 33 south counties statewide. Highest reported counts 8/12 (463, KJB), 8/16 (496, PCC) Big Stone, plus 229 on the latter date in Lac qui Parle PCC; also note 285 at sod farms 8/21 Dakota SWe. Late north 10/20 Marshall PHS, JMJ, 10/26 Wadena PJB. See winter report for late south migrants. |
2003 | Winter | | | All reports: Late south 12/30 Houston FZL. Early south 2/28 Jackson PEJ, 2/28 Dakota ADS (2), 2/29 Dakota (7) JPM. |
2004 | Spring | | | Reported from 43 south and 26 north counties statewide. Please see winter report for early south migrants. Early north 3/19 Clay RHO and Otter Tail SPM, 3/25–28 in seven counties. Highest reported counts 1/3–129 on three Big Stone surveys including 4/12 (127) PCC, plus 5/6 Lac qui Parle (90 in section 6, Perry Twp.) BJU. |
2004 | Summer | | | Reported from 56 counties statewide. Record-high count 7/25 Big Stone (975) PHS, JMJ. |
2004 | Fall | | | Reported from 16 north and 30 south counties statewide. Please see summer report for record-high count (975) in Big Stone; additional tallies there 8/1 (869) PHS et al., 8/7 (836) KJB, PCC, 8/15 (891) PCC, PHS. High counts elsewhere 8/6 Traverse (418 at Mud L.) KJB, 8/21 Lac qui Parle (808) PCC et al., 9/4 Dakota (337 at sod farms) SWe. Late north 10/16 Wadena PJB, 10/17, 10/21 Polk JMJ, PHS. Late south 11/30+ Houston FZL, also see winter report. |
2004 | Winter | | | One report: 2/24 Houston FZL. |
2005 | Spring | | | Reported from 83 counties statewide. One reported 3/2 Houston FZL possibly same as 2/24 (see winter report); early south 3/5 Nicollet RMD, 3/6 Freeborn AEB. Early north 3/21 Otter Tail ARo, 3/23–28 in 11 counties. Highest reported count 4/17 Big Stone (80) JWL, PHS. |
2005 | Summer | | | Reported from 65 counties statewide. Highest reported count 7/24 Lac qui Parle (782) PHS. |
2005 | Fall | | | Observed in 24 north and 36 south counties. Please see summer report for high counts. Late north 10/8 Polk EEF, 10/16 Grant BJU. Late south 11/20 Nicollet RMD, 11/28 Houston FZL. |
2005 | Winter | | | Only report: 1/9 Houston (Brownsville) FZL |
2006 | Spring | | | Reported from 48 south and 33 north counties. Early south 3/5 Lac qui Parle BJU, 3/9 Olmsted JWH. Early north 3/11 Douglas fide JMJ, 3/18 Cook CJT. Highest reported count 3/30 Lac qui Parle (340) BJU; all other counts <50 birds. |
2006 | Summer | | | Reported from all 87 coun-ties. Record-high count 7/9 Lac qui Parle (1,251 including 9/0 at Big Stone N.W.R.) PCC, RSF, JMJ, PHS. |
2006 | Fall | | | Observed in 21 north and 45 south counties. High count (but see summer report) 8/6 Lac qui Parle (694, including 5/9 at Big Stone N.W.R.) PCC, PHS. Late north 10/30 Pine KEc and Traverse BJU. Late south 11/22–24 Brown BTS. Please see winter report for additional observations north and south. |
2006 | Winter | 1 | 1 | All reports north: 12/24 Lake fide JWL, 1/4 Lake (same bird, Two Harbors) JWL. All reports south from Lac qui Parle: 12/31 (Walter Twp.), 1/6 (Perry Twp.), 1/16 (Walter Twp.) BJU. |
2007 | Spring | 31 | 51 | Early south (but see winter report) 3/1 Goodhue LEC and Houston FZL, 3/9 Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, Rice. Early north 3/12 Wadena RBW, 3/15 Mille Lacs ASc. High count 5/13 Big Stone (57) PCC, PHS. |
2007 | Summer | 30 | 49 | High count 7/28 Lac qui Parle (924) PHS, DAY. First county breeding record for Meeker TNe. |
2007 | Fall | 27 | 45 | Late north 9/23 Wadena PJB and St. Louis (5) PHS, then none until 10/20 Becker HHD. Late south 11/10 Meeker DMF, 11/11 Stearns HHD. High counts 9/2 Lac qui Parle (408) PCC, 9/3 Traverse (260, section 19, Croke Twp.) BJU. |
2007 | Winter | | 2 | All south 12/8 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) DWK, 1/4 Rice (2) PHi. |
2008 | Spring | 29 | 52 | Early south (median 3/1) 3/12 Mower JEM, 3/13 Anoka CKB, Rice (3) DAB, and Steele (2) NFT. Early north (median 3/17) 3/20 Mille Lacs (4) NSc, 3/28 Mille Lacs ASc. High count 4/14 Mower (109) JEM. |
2008 | Summer | 23 | 44 | Observed throughout state. High count 7/26 Lac qui Parle (471) PCC, PHS. First county breeding records from Norman AXH, Sibley DAB. |
2008 | Fall | 31 | 48 | High count 8/30 Lac qui Parle (471) PCC, PHS. Late north 10/2 Traverse PHS, 10/9 Morrison RBJ (median 10/27). Last reported south 11/16 Houston NBO. |
2009 | Spring | 31 | 53 | Early south (median 3/2) 3/7 Carver WCM and Scott DWK, 3/14 Dakota SLP, Meeker DMF, Olmsted JWH. Early north (median 3/18) 3/15 Mille Lacs ASc, 3/16 Cass BAW, Otter Tail SPM, Polk BDF. High count 3/27 Houston (120) DPG. |
2009 | Summer | 29 | 46 | [29 North, 46 South]Reported statewide. First county breeding record from Mower PMa. High count 7/26 Lac qui Parle (1,088) PCC. |
2009 | Fall | 23 | 41 | High count 8/9 Lac qui Parle (698) PCC. Late north 10/18 Carlton HHD and Douglas JPE, 10/19 St. Louis (Duluth) PHS (median 10/26). Late south 11/13 Hennepin PEJ, 11/20 Carver JCy (median 12/4). |
2009 | Winter | | 1 | Only south report 12/3 Houston (4, Wildcat Landing) KJB. |
2010 | Spring | 34 | 53 | Early south (median 3/2) 3/11 Mower ARW, Sherburne ASc, 3/12 Rice TFB, Winona ASM. Early north (median 3/18) 3/15 Mille Lacs ASc, 3/17 Hubbard MAW. No significant counts. |
2010 | Summer | 31 | 49 | ] Seen throughout the state. First county breeding records for Mower fide BBA, Rock AXH. Record high count 7/31 Lac qui Parle (1,616 including 777 at Hamlin W.M.A.) PCC. |
2010 | Fall | 28 | 53 | High counts 8/7 Lac qui Parle (917) PCC, 8/28 Lac qui Parle (867) PCC. Late north 10/30 Douglas JPE, 11/11 St. Louis BJU (median 10/26). Late south 11/20 Fillmore DCr, 11/22 Cottonwood BRB (median 12/4). |
2010 | Winter | | 1 | Two early migrants found 2/26 in Houston (south of Brownsville) DJa. |
2011 | Spring | 34 | 52 | Early south (median 3/2) 3/6 Houston DJa, 3/9 Dakota CMB. Early north (median 3/18) 3/20 Mille Lacs ASc, 3/30 St. Louis FKB. No significant counts. |
2011 | Summer | 32 | 52 | Reported from all counties except Lake, Norman, Pipestone. First county breeding record from Traverse DPG. High count 7/31 Lac qui Parle (366) PCC. |
2011 | Fall | 25 | 49 | High count 8/20 Big Stone (552) PCC, PHS. Late north 10/24 Kittson (Joe River S.W.A.) TrB, 10/29 Marshall (2, Warren) HHu and Pine DWK (median 10/26). See winter report for late migrants and potential overwintering birds south. |
2011 | Winter | | 4 | All south reports: 12/18 Dakota (Vermillion River near Hastings) PEJ, DFN, 1/21 Houston (2, C.R. 32 and C.R.3) ANy, JWH, (3) RTP, 1/24 Houston RTP; probable early migrants 2/27 Olmsted (Cascade Lake) LAV, Wabasha (Pool 5) PEJ. |
2012 | Spring | 34 | 53 | See winter report for early migrants south (median 3/2). North reports 3/11 Hubbard MAW and Morrison CMB, 3/12 Mille Lacs ASc, Morrison (Camp Ripley) LaM, Traverse BJU, Wadena PJB followed by many reports before recent median 3/18. High count 3/11 Dakota (75, Lake Byllesby) ACr. |
2012 | Summer | 33 | 53 | Reported from every county except Carlton. First county breeding records for Clearwater fide BBA, Dodge CHa, Red Lake fide BBA. |
2012 | Fall | 33 | 52 | High count 8/1 Lac qui Parle (194, Haydenville W.M.A.) BJU. Late north 10/22 Douglas DBM, 11/6 Cass BAW (median 10/26). See winter report for late migrants and potentially overwintering birds south. |
2012 | Winter | | 4 | All reports: 12/2 Lyon (3, Cottonwood W.T.P.) GWe, 12/5–15 Rice TFB, 1/6 Sherburne (Elk River) ToL, overwintered (12/24–2/24) Olmsted (up to 3, Dover Twp.) CH, JWH, m.ob. |
2013 | Spring | 33 | 53 | South reports 3/1 Houston DJa, 3/2 Olmsted JWH, 3/3 Houston StD, DJa, 3/8 Olmsted LAV refer to birds at known overwintering locations; first probable migrants observed 3/8 Rice TFB (median 3/2). Early north (median 3/18) 3/28 Otter Tail TJa, then 3/29 in five more counties. High counts 3/29 Dakota (30, Hampton Marsh) RTe, 3/29 Rice (30) DAB, 3/30 Dakota (est. 30) TAT, 4/7 Brown (30, Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) DWK. |
2013 | Summer | 34 | 53 | Found in every county in state. First county breeding record for Redwood JSc. |
2013 | Fall | 30 | 51 | High count 9/21 Koochiching (97, counted individually in a flooded field) MDu. Late north 10/27 Cook RZi, Polk JMJ (median 10/26). See winter report for late south migrants and potentially overwintering birds. |
2013 | Winter | | 3 | All south reports: 12/1 Houston (4, Wildcat Landing) JWH, 12/7, 1/1 Olmsted DBM, 1/1 Whitewater River CBC, 1/9 Olmsted ANy, SC, JWH. |
2014 | Spring | 33 | 52 | Early south (median 3/2) 3/15 Lac qui Parle BJU, Winona DBz, 3/20 Lyon (4) GWe, and eight addtional counties on 3/21. Early north (median 3/18) 3/21 Otter Tail WVE, JVE, 3/30 Becker HeH, ShG, Clay PBB, Crow Wing ABi, Douglas JPE. High counts 5/4 Chippewa (28, Montevideo) DoC, 4/11 Cottonwood (25, Shalom Hill Farm) TKa. |
2014 | Summer | 30 | 52 | Found in all but five counties. |
2014 | Fall | 30 | 52 | High counts 8/2 Grant (255, North Ottawa Impoundment.) PCC, 8/2 Stevens (189, Donnelly Twp., C.R. 20 at 580th Ave.) PCC. Late north 10/12 Mille Lacs (4) CRM, 10/23 Red Lake ANy, 10/24 Becker HHD (median 10/26). Late south 11/9 Murray GWe, Ramsey HHD, Stearns RPR, 11/10 Lyon (3) GWe (median 12/4). |
2014 | Winter | | 2 | Two reports: 12/25 Lyon (Sham Lake) GWe, 1/16 Houston (near Brownsville) DBz. |
2015 | Spring | 34 | 53 | Early south (median 3/2) 3/3 Anoka REH, 3/12 in six additional counties. Early north (median 3/18) 3/13 Otter Tail AaH, 3/16 Wadena PJB, 3/20 Morrison (3) KEm. High counts 5/15 Yellow Medicine (45, Miller-Richter W.M.A.) ClN, 3/16 Faribault (40, north end of Prescott W.P.A.) ClN. |
2015 | Summer | 34 | 52 | Found in every county except Wabasha. |
2015 | Fall | 32 | 53 | High count 9/22 Freeborn (200, estimated count of a single flock) TAT. Late north 10/24 Kanabec DFe, 10/27 Otter Tail SRo, 11/6 Becker (12, Hamden Slough N.W.R.) ANy (median 10/25). See winter report for late south migrants. |
2015 | Winter | | 5 | Multiple individuals lingered in Dakota/Goodhue (Lake Byllesby): 12/5 (18) ADS, 12/7 (19), 12/18 (5) KDS. Other reports include 12/11 Houston (2) DBz, 12/27 Red Wing CBC, 1/1 Olmsted JPr, JJS, 1/15, 2/5 Olmsted DBz, MJB. Presumed early migrants starting 2/28 Winona PEJ. |
2016 | Spring | 34 | 53 | Reported from all 87 counties. Early south (but also see winter report) 3/3–5 Houston SHo, HHD, followed by reports from 14 other counties on 3/6. Early north (median 3/17) 3/6 Otter Tail KTe, 3/6–7 Todd MJB, JeM, 3/8 Douglas BEc. High counts 5/30 Yellow Medicine (41, Miedd Lake) GWe, 3/19 Carver (36, near Cologne) ToL. |
2016 | Summer | 33 | 53 | Reported from every county except Lake. Southbound high count 7/24 Yellow Medicine (264, Miedd L.) GWe. |
2016 | Fall | 31 | 53 | High counts 9/22 Carver (160, Tacoma Ave.) ALx, 10/1 Brown (150, Milford Twp.) RPR. Late north 10/21 Lake BAb, m.ob., 10/23–24 Aitkin EGa, DBz, 11/2 Grant NaH (median 10/25). See winter report for late south migrants. |
2016 | Winter | | 16 | No December reports. Overwintered Olmsted (near Dover) DBz, m.ob.; no other midwinter reports. Influx of early spring migrants starting 2/19 in four different counties, by end of month in 16 south counties, with high count 2/25 Houston (4) SHo. This is the highest county total for the season in at least the past 20 years. |
2017 | Spring | 34 | 53 | Reported from all 87 counties. Early south (median 3/1) 3/2 Dakota LEC, Goodhue NSc, 3/4 Yellow Medicine NMe, followed by reports from 20 additional counties on 3/5. Early north (median 3/15) 3/5 Becker HeH, ShG, Douglas BEc, 3/6–18 Otter Tail JsS, Todd TLu. High counts 3/27 Cottonwood (40, Wolf Lake W.P.A.) KEm, 3/29 Hennepin (30, Maple Grove) RMu. |
2017 | Summer | 34 | 53 | Found in all counties. |
2017 | Fall | 32 | 51 | High count 9/13 Yellow Medicine (200, Lyon/Yellow Medicine Conservation Easement) GWe. Late north 10/17 Wilkin (6) KnM, 10/19 Grant (2) CNn, St. Louis JLK, 10/21 Lake GWe, JtH (median 10/25). |
2017 | Winter | | 7 | No December records, and no reports of overwintering birds. All reports were from late February (starting 2/25) of presumed early migrants from seven counties in the southeastern quarter of the state: Dakota, Houston, Olmsted, Scott, Waseca, Washington, Winona. High count 2/28 Houston (5) SHo. |
2018 | Spring | 34 | 53 | Reported from all 87 counties. Early migrants in 7 south counties in the last week of February (median 3/1). Early north (median 3/15) 3/22 Douglas BEc, 3/23 Todd TLu, 3/23–24 Morrison KnM, m.ob., 3/24 Cass DoH. High counts 4/17 Nicollet (100) ChH, 3/28 Redwood (38) NMe. |
2018 | Summer | 34 | 53 | Found in all counties. |
2018 | Fall | 32 | 53 |  High counts 8/10 Freeborn (350, Freeborn Lake) REn, AxB, 8/13 Lyon (243, Lone Tree Lake) GWe. Late north 10/12 Becker TCL, m.ob. Lake CRa, Morrison KEm, Wadena REn, 10/12–17 Kanabec SPS, EzH, 10/19 Traverse LiH (median 10/26). Late south 11/28 Houston SHo, but also see winter report. |
2018 | Winter | | 2 | All reports: 12/4–8 Houston (up to 4, Wildcat Park) m.ob., 12/6 Blue Earth (3, St. Clair) ebd. |
2019 | Summer | 34 | 53 | Â Observed in every county. |
  | Breeds throughout. |