Families |
Species: Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons |
American Bittern Least Bittern Great Blue Heron |
Great Egret Snowy Egret Little Blue Heron |
Tricolored Heron Cattle Egret Green Heron |
Black-crowned Night-Heron Yellow-crowned Night-Heron |
Least Bittern(Ixobrychus exilis) | ||||
Year | Season | N | S | |
1930 | Summer | Earliest nest found at Crystal Lake (Marius Morse), May¥17th, containing a single egg (this nest) held five eggs on June 2nd). The latest, found by Alden Risser, at St. Paul on June 18th, with four fresh eggs. | ||
1932 | Summer | The only nest of this eccentric bird is reported froo Swan Lake, June 16th (Dobie). | ||
1933 | Summer | The only nest of this nimble little acrcbat of the reeds was found by Hiemonz, ncar St. Cloud. It hold 4 fresh eggs on Juno 5. | ||
1934 | Summer | -On May 25th, at Little Rock Lnke, Morrison County, Hiomonz found o. nest of this slender, silent narsh....dwelle!', contni:n:ing 3 fresh eggs. On the 7th of June the sane observer and his shnrp..~~yed and diligent co-worker, Jack Hanson, visited the same le.ke and.fou..l'ld another nest of this species with the same nunbor of fresh eggs. 1 | ||
1935 | Summer | This elusive little slough resident hid its nests from all but 2 observers this year. Breckenridge with his water skiis located 2 nests, 2 with 2 eggs, and 2 with 4 og~s, on Juno 21st. For July 7th he reports 3 nore vD.th 4, 4, and 5 eggs in each. Evnns and Upson, the Blub's nee bog-trotters, take the record fol.' number of Least Bittern nests in one day. They spcmt a merry July 4th finding 8 nests of this species, 2 with young,. ·. and 6 with eggs. ' I Five members sent in data on this common species; Dobie of Park Rapids is earliest with 12 eggs for May 6th. Breckenridge saw 7 downy.young on May 28th, 9 young on 1'4ay.31st, 1 and ; young on June 13th, and 9 young on July 1st. Sterling.. -·::· ·· · . Brackett came across a nest with 7 eggs along the shore of a bay of Itasca Lake on May 3oth.-Prosser saw several small young at :New Brighton June 7th, and MariUs Morse saw 2 :· :·: families on a small marsh in the st. CroiX Forest, June 24th. | ||
1936 | Summer | Robert Upson reports seven nests of this diminutive bittern as proof of their breeding L~ nunbers in the Twin City area. Two nests contained two eggs each, one nest hold throe eggs; one nest had four eggs, and tho seventh housed five eggs. The first nest, ~mich contained eleven egGs, was discovered by E. D. Swedenborg on Mny 9th; the following dny n nest containing twelve eggs was found by George Rysg~ard. Mnrius Morse's buntings disclosed a nest of ten eggs in n nest nt Cloquet~ Milton Thompson found a nest of ton eggs on :Hay 26th near Eveleth. | ||
1937 | Summer | A nest found by R. Upson on May 30 contained two eggs; a second nest found by Upson on June 25 held five eggs. Both were found at Minneapolis. | ||
1938 | Summer | Four downy young of this species were found on June 30 at Minneapolis by Milton Thompson and Bob Upson. | ||
1940 | Summer | During the week beginning June 3, Mr. DuBois found 3 nests of this odd looking bird, containing 5, 4 and 6 eggs respectively. The nests were found in the vicinity of Lake Minnetonka. | ||
1943 | Summer | Mpls., June 3, neS't being built; July 21, young well grown. Francis S. Davidson. | ||
1961 | Spring | quite often elusive, were seen on 20 May at Swan Lake, in Nicollet County, by Brother Theodore, R. Janssen and R. Glassel. | ||
1961 | Summer | Seen by Avifauna! Club members on 24 June and 8 July at Swan Lake. DUCKS, GEESE AND SWANS: | ||
1961 | Fall | Last report was 1 Oct. at Heron Lake, Jackson County, by Avifauna! Club members. | ||
1962 | Spring | May 27, Swan Lake, Nicollet Co., Avifauna! Club. | ||
1962 | Fall | Sept. 8, Swan Lake, Nicollet Co., 2 seen, Avifauna! Club. | ||
1963 | Spring | May 17, Artichoke Lake, Big Stone County, R. Grant; May 20, Winona, Jean Mcintosh; June 8, Swan Lake, Nicollet County, adult male, Avifauna! Club. | ||
1963 | Fall | latest Nov. 5, Ramsey Co., Mpls. Audubon Society, exceptionally late. | ||
1964 | Summer | breeding in Wright Co, GS, one seen 7-4 Anoka Co, RBJ. | ||
1965 | Spring | There are rarely many reports of this secretive little heron. 5-8 Hennepin Co, DB, RBJ; 5-31 Dakota-Scott Co "ine, JRR. | ||
1965 | Fall | only report, 9-11 Carver Co, 1, RBJ. | ||
1966 | Spring | .5-14 Washington Co, WWL; only report. | ||
1966 | Summer | 6-7 Rice Co, OAR; 6-8 Washington Co, WWL; 7-23 Nicollet Co, 12, RG; 8-11 Twin Lakes, Kittson Co, 2, PE (northernmost state record); more reports of this species than we've had in some time. THE LOON | ||
1966 | Fall | 8-7 (FN / MAS) and 8-9 (VL) Hennepin Co.; 8-13 Nicollet Co., EHH; 8-24 Crow Wing Co., JAH. | ||
1967 | Spring | 5-1 Itasca Co., JAM; 5-26 Ramsey Co., FN/ MAS. | ||
1967 | Summer | reported from Nobles, Houston, Wright, Beltrami (JAM), Washington Co's. | ||
1967 | Fall | 8-10 Carver Co., FN/ MAS; 8-12 Nicollet Co., DB; 8-20 Wright Co., DB; 8-29 Nicollet Co., DB. | ||
1968 | Spring | 5-22 Nobles Co., 1, HSH; only report. | ||
1968 | Summer | nested in Wright, Hubbard (TCD) Co's; also reported from Houston Co. | ||
1968 | Fall | 8-25 Wright 4 ETS; 9/6 Cook (Schroeder) Mrs. Marion Olsen; 10-12 Nicollet (Middle Lake) DB fide A. Bolduc. | ||
1969 | Spring | 5-6 Winona Co., BT; Duluth, MMC; 5-30 Brown Co., DMF. | ||
1969 | Summer | reported from Nicollet, Sibley, Wabasha, Wright, and Goodhue Co's. Slight increase in reports this year. | ||
1969 | Fall | 8-1 Nicollet 2 DB. | ||
1970 | Spring | 5-13 Rice OR; 5-18 Marshall AR; only reports. | ||
1970 | Summer | reported from Carver, Hennepin, Nicollet, Winona, Wright, and MARSHALL Co's. | ||
1970 | Fall | 3 reports 8-16 Carver KH; 9-5 Nicollet DB. | ||
1971 | Spring | 5-12 Ramsey DM; 5-25 Hennepin DB, KJG; only reports! | ||
1971 | Summer | more reports than usual from Hennepin. Crow Wing, Nicollet (on 7-4 BDC counted 10), Pope, Marshall, Carver, Wright, Sherburne, Rice and vVabasha. | ||
1971 | Fall | more rP.oorts th"n usual south !1-?t Hennepin; !1·25 Lvon; 10-3 Pope; late north 8-28 Aitkin; 9-16 Marshall. | ||
1972 | Summer | seen in Wright, Kandiyohi, Bil! Ston<'. Nicollet, Carver, Winona, Houston, CROW WING (6-18 Deerwood TS). | ||
1973 | Summer | Seen in Lincoln, Jackson, Nicollet, Wright, Sherburne, St. Louis (6-23 St. Louis River JCG). | ||
1973 | Fall | Only three reports (seven last year), 8-5 Wright (4) (BAH); 8-16 Nicollet (2) (GN); 9-9 Houston (2) (FL). | ||
1974 | Spring | 5-4 Lyon DR-only report. | ||
1974 | Summer | Nested in Stearns and Wright; also reported from Redwood, Pipestone, Nicollet, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey. | ||
1974 | Fall | All reports 8-18 Rice OR; 8-25 Wright BII; 8-31 Hennepin PZ; 9-3 Dakota (3) MW; 9-5 Marshall AR. Flamingo 9-25 Marshall AR -an escape from zoo in Winnipeg. | ||
1975 | Spring | 4 reports: 5-17 and 5-31 Hennepin CLH; 5-17 Otter Tail (1) GLO; 5-28 Stearns NMH. | ||
1975 | Summer | Reported from Marshall, Aitkin, Pope, Big Stone, Wright, Rock, Hennepin and Ramsey. | ||
1975 | Fall | only reports 8-19, 8· 20 Hennepin RJ, KE, PE; and 8-2, 8-8 Marshall SV. | ||
1976 | Spring | 4 reports: 5-17 Dakota JG; 5-21 to 5-23 Freeborn DG; 5-23 Yellow Medicine (unusual southwest) GO; 5-29 Marshall (Agassiz NWR) LH. | ||
1976 | Summer | more reports than usual; reported from Marshall, Ottertail, Duluth (7-14, TD), Stearns, Kandiyohi, Wright, Hennepin, Washington, Rice, Houston and Cottonwood. | ||
1976 | Fall | Late north 7-14 Duluth, 9-26 Otter Tail GO; late south 9-12 Hennepin, 9-14 Grant. | ||
1977 | Spring | 5-7 Anoka DAS; 5-25 Polk RJ. | ||
1977 | Summer | Reported from 14 counties north to Roseau (5 on 6-13, KE) with a peak of 8 on 7-27 in Hennepin Co. (VL); much more common than usual. | ||
1977 | Fall | Late north 8-4 to 8-17 Duluth (GN), 8-10 Otter Tail. (GO). | ||
1978 | Spring | Early north 5-15 Otter Tail GO and Marshall SV. | ||
1978 | Summer | Breeding reported from Stearns, Watonwan; also seen in Houston, Wabasha, Lac qui Parle, Pope. Grant, Otter Tail, Marshall, Roseau (Roseau River) and St. Louis (Duluth, GN). | ||
1978 | Fall | Summer resident Martin EB, August Marshall (10) ANWR, 8-3 Otter Tail GO, 8-4 to 9-10 Lac qui Parle CMB, 8-30 Hennepin VL. | ||
1979 | Spring | 5-11 Lac qui Parle CMB, Ramsey BDC, 5-13 Martin EB, 5-14 Le Sueur JM, 5-18 Beltrami ANWR, 5-26 Anoka BH and Hennepin RE, 5-31 St. Louis TS. | ||
1979 | Summer | Seen in Anoka, Hennepin, Wright, McLeod, Nicollet, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, Otter Tail, Marshall (Agassiz NWR), St. Louis (Duluth harbor, G. Niemi). | ||
1979 | Fall | 8-2 Lac qui Parle CMB and Otter Tail GMO, 8-5 Anoka KL, 8-11, 12 Washington REA, 8-24 Nicollet JCF, 9-9 Ramsey DGW; only reports. | ||
1980 | Spring | 5-17 Olmsted JSD, JF, 5-22 Marshall ANWR, 5-23 Nicollet JCF, 5-24 Lac qui Parle JS, 5-29 Grant GMO, 5-31 Swift BSG. | ||
1980 | Summer | Reported from the western regions (north to Agassiz NWR), the Central Region, plus Nicollet and Anoka. | ||
1980 | Fall | 8-6 Kandiyohi RH, 9-5 Nicollet JCF, 10-8 Anoka RBA. | ||
1981 | Spring | 5-1 Otter Tail GMO, 5-10 Washington DS, 5-16 Dakota KG. | ||
1981 | Summer | Very few reports-seen in Grant, Kandiyohi, Rock, Nicollet, Anoka. | ||
1981 | Fall | 8-12 Freeborn RG (6), 8-25 Nicollet MF (8), 9-25 Nicollet JCF. | ||
1982 | Spring | 5-10 Olmsted JEB, 5-15 Martin EB/ K, 5-20 Blue Earth MF, 5-27 Goodhue BL. | ||
1982 | Summer | Breeding data from Marshall, Pope. Seen in Washington, Scott, Nicollet, Freeborn. | ||
1982 | Fall | 8/3 Marshall JM, 8/20 Kandiyohi JS, 9/4 Otter Tail DS, 9/9 Nicollet JCF. | ||
1983 | Spring | 5/13 Rice KJ, 5/16 Marshall ANWR, 5/21 Faribault KL, 5/24 Hennepin VL. | ||
1983 | Summer | Nested at Agassiz NWR, Marshall Co. (4 nests). Seen in Pope, Benton, Sherburne, Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Steele, Nicollet, Jackson (Heron Lake, JS). | ||
1983 | Fall | 8/3 Clearwater AB, 8/16 Hennepin MS, 8/27 Hennepin VL, I011 Nicollet JCF. | ||
1984 | Spring | 5/4 Otter Tail GMO, 5/12 Freeborn RJ, 5/18 Marshall ANWR, 5/24 Blue Earth MF, 5/26 Olmsted RE. | ||
1984 | Summer | nested in Marshall and Pope; also seen in 12 other counties including Duluth (6/4-9, 2 birds -KE). | ||
1984 | Fall | 8/25 Hennepin TT, 9/15 Redwood RJ, 9/22 Goodhue, BL, DZ. | ||
1985 | Spring | 5/11 Hennepin DZ, 5/16 Mower RRK, 5/22 Marshall ANWR, 5/30 Clearwater AB. | ||
1985 | Summer | Nested in Polk, Nicollet (PB). Also seen in Marshall, Pennington, Mahnomen, Becker, Pope, Hennepin, Blue Earth. | ||
1985 | Fall | 8/17 Big Stone BL. | ||
1986 | Spring | 5/13 Marshall ANWR, 5/14 Hennepin AB, 5/22 Blue Earth MF, 5/28 Jackson NH, 5/31 Houston KE; only reports. | ||
1986 | Summer | Nested in Agassiz NWR. Also seen in Anoka, Hennepin, Nicollet, Brown, Jackson, Lyon, Yellow Medicine. | ||
1986 | Fall | Reported 8/2 Hennepin SC, TTu, 9/1 Freeborn NHo, 9/19 Nicollet JF | ||
1987 | Spring | 5/23 Sherburne AB, 5/30 Douglas RG, RJ; only reports. | ||
1987 | Summer | Seen in Agassiz NWR, Grant, Pope, Hennepin, Freeborn, Houston. Third consecutive year of declining number of sightings, bringing it near midpoint of the six to seven year population cycle it has followed for at least the last 18 years. | ||
1987 | Fall | Reported 8/8 Brown RJ, 8/16 Hennepin TT, 9/7 Stevens EL. | ||
1988 | Spring | 5/27 Marshall KE. | ||
1988 | Summer | Seen in Marshall, Red Lake, Anoka, Redwood, Hennepin, Dakota. Relatively few sightings, similar to last year. | ||
1988 | Fall | 9/24 Dakota DZ, 10/8 Aitkin WN; only reports. | ||
1989 | Spring | Early south 5/19 Hennepin AB, 5/27 Wabasha AP, 5/31 Cottonwood ED; only north report: 5/28 St. Louis fide KE. | ||
1989 | Summer | Reports from four east central counties plus Sherburne, Norman, Wilkin, St. Louis, Houston. | ||
1990 | Spring | Only report: 5/11 Rock PG. | ||
1990 | Summer | Seen in Renville, Sherburne, Anoka, Hennepin, Carver, Goodhue, Houston. | ||
1990 | Fall | Reported 8/23 and 8/30 Hennepin SC, 9/15 Anoka KB. | ||
1991 | Spring | Reported 5/11 Hennepin KR, 5/18 Kittson KB, 5/23 Roseau KB, 5/24 Hennepin OJ. | ||
1991 | Summer | Reported in Roseau, Clay, Becker, Clearwater, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Sherburne, Hennepin, Houston. | ||
1991 | Fall | Reported 8/4 Traverse AB, DB, 8/25 Jackson TEB, KE, 9/17 Clearwater KB. | ||
1992 | Spring | Early south 5/16 Anoka RH, 5/19 Cottonwood ED, 5/25 Goodhue TEB; north 5/25 Becker MO. | ||
1992 | Summer | Reported in Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Polk, Renville, Meeker, Wright, Sherburne, Hennepin, Ramsey, Houston. | ||
1992 | Fall | Reported 8/26 Rice TB, 9/1 Rice FKS. | ||
1993 | Spring | Only reports 5/16, 20 Winona KB, CS, 5/22 Anoka RH. | ||
1993 | Summer | Observed in Pennington, Anoka, Hennepin, Cottonwood, Watonwan, Faribault, Winona. | ||
1993 | Fall | Reported 10/2 Sibley RG, EJ. | ||
1994 | Spring | Reported 5/14 Chisago RH, 5/22 Winona CS, 5/26 Lac qui Parle FE, 5/29 Marshall MH. | ||
1994 | Summer | Probable breeding in Hennepin; also seen in Roseau, Marshall, Otter Tail, Lac qui Parle, Sherburne, Anoka. | ||
1994 | Fall | Reported from Hennepin 8/4 CF and 9/2 SC. | ||
1995 | Spring | Only reports 5/25 Anoka KB and 5/31 Kandiyohi RF/JC. | ||
1995 | Summer | Seen in Polk, Mahnomen, Clearwater, Cass, Anoka, Hennepin. | ||
1995 | Fall | Only one report: 8/19 Lyon KE et al. | ||
1996 | Spring | All reports: 5/17 Duluth DBe, 5/19 Winona CS, HT, 5/25–26 Houston mob, 5/25 Kittson PS, 5/28 Cottonwood ED. | ||
1996 | Summer | Reported in Becker, Chippewa, Waton-wan, Hennepin, Dakota, Steele and Wabasha. | ||
1996 | Fall | Only reports: 8/18 Hennepin DN, 8/31 Ramsey AH. | ||
1997 | Spring | All reports: 5/10 Lincoln PS and Lyon RgS. | ||
1997 | Summer | Observed in Marshall, Pennington, St. Louis, Cass, Freeborn, Houston. | ||
1997 | Fall | Only report: 8/24 Itasca (Plug Hat Point on Lake Winnibigoshish) AH. | ||
1998 | Spring | Reported from three counties south and four counties north. Early north 5/15 Becker AH, PS. | ||
1998 | Summer | Fewest reports in 18+ years. Probable nesting in Hennepin; also observed in Kittson, Clay. | ||
1998 | Fall | No reports. | ||
1999 | Spring | Reported from three locations in Hennepin, plus Jackson, Kandiyohi, Freeborn, Wabasha. One was earlier than usual 5/9 Hennepin (Wood L.) AH, PH, PS, and two were calling from a marsh north of Spirit L., Jackson Co. during the late afternoon on 5/13 (PS). No north reports. | ||
1999 | Summer | Few reports: seen in Kandiyohi, Meeker, Hennepin, Anoka. | ||
1999 | Fall | No reports north. All south reports were in August: Freeborn, Hennepin, Lac qui Parle, Olmsted, and Stearns. Last reported 8/22 from two counties. | ||
2000 | Spring | All reports were in May and none were in the north. Early south 5/9 Hennepin SC, 5/11 Houston AH, PS; also seen in Kandiyohi, Meeker, Dakota. | ||
2000 | Summer | Reported in Marshall, Cass, Wright, Hennepin, Anoka, Nicollet, Steele, Wabasha. | ||
2000 | Fall | Observed 8/7 Hennepin (Wood L.) PEB, 9/11 Freeborn AEB. | ||
2001 | Spring | Reported from only three south counties beginning 5/19 Meeker DMF; also seen in Freeborn and Nicollet. All north reports: 5/20 Becker (3 at TNWR) mob, (no date) Kittson HHD. | ||
2001 | Summer | Almost double the usual number of reports; seen in Roseau, Marshall, Becker, Wilkin, Benton, Sherburne, Anoka, Wright, Hennepin, Dakota, Nicollet, Freeborn. | ||
2001 | Fall | Only report: 8/17 Lac qui Parle (2) BEO. | ||
2002 | Spring | Early south 5/11 Murray SWe, 5/18 Meeker DMF; also reported in Cottonwood, Kandiyohi, and Steele. Only north report: 5/26 Roseau AXH, PHS. | ||
2002 | Summer | Many reports. Seen in 13 counties as far north as Otter Tail, Stearns, Sherburne, Anoka. | ||
2002 | Fall | All north reports: 8/15 Becker (Detroit Lakes) fide JMJ, 9/1 Polk (Maple L.) EEF. Reported south in early August from Big Stone, Kandiyohi, Yellow Medicine. | ||
2003 | Spring | First reported south 5/6 Hennepin OLJ; also observed in Dakota, Freeborn, and Nicollet. All north reports: 5/12 (second earliest date) Clay RHO, late May in Marshall fide JMJ. | ||
2003 | Summer | Many reports, similar to previous two years. Seen in 14 counties in all regions except Northeast, Southwest, and Southeast. | ||
2003 | Fall | All reports: 8/5 Hennepin (2 at Old Cedar Ave.) m.obs., 8/17 Wadena PJB, 8/19 Lac qui Parle JJS, Otter Tail (no date) EJE. | ||
2004 | Spring | All reports: 5/4 Aitkin (2 at Rice Lake N.W.R.) WEN, 5/13–18 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) JEP, BWF, 5/18 Scott (Belle Plaine W.T.P.) BWF, 5/22 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 5/30 Brown PRH. | ||
2004 | Summer | Reported from Norman, Clay, Otter Tail, Wadena, Todd, Grant, and eight south counties. | ||
2004 | Fall | All reports: 8/9–11 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave.) m.ob., 8/18 Winona CAS, 8/26 Lyon RJS. | ||
2005 | Spring | All reports: 5/20 Waseca JPS, 5/21 Meeker (Minnesota L.) DMF, 5/23 Polk (Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) RPR, 5/28 Marshall JJS, WCM, 5/29 Houston PHS. | ||
2005 | Summer | Record high number of reports: observed in 18 counties in all regions except North-central, Northeast, Southeast. First nesting record for Yellow Medicine BJU. | ||
2005 | Fall | All reports: 8/7–13 Lac qui Parle (4 birds in three locations) BJU, 8/22 Wilkin JEB, RBJ, 9/1 Hubbard (L. Hattie Twp.) BJU. | ||
2006 | Spring | All south reports: 5/5+ Dakota (max. 2) m.ob., 5/10 Houston (Mound Prairie Marsh) DBz, 5/19 Waseca DAB, JPS, 5/21 Lac qui Parle (Hamline Twp.) BJU, 5/27 Wright (2 at Clearwater L.) KTP, 5/29 Lac qui Parle (Perry Twp.) BJU. All north reports: 5/17 Beltrami RBJ, 5/28 Wadena PJB, 5/29 Becker (near Audubon) RBW, 5/31 Kittson LW. | ||
2006 | Summer | Found in 28 counties throughout state except Northeast. | ||
2006 | Fall | All reports: 8/3–9/2 Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) TAN, m.ob., 8/4 Sherburne PLJ, 8/5–9 Lac qui Parle (2 from two locations) BJU, 8/10 Ramsey ph. AXH, 8/12 Wadena PJB, 9/4 Big Stone (W. Toqua L.) BJU. | ||
2007 | Spring | 1 | 7 | All south reports: 5/23 Yellow Medicine (St. Leo W.M.A.) BJU, 5/24 Scott HHD, RBW, 5/27 Carver (Chaska L.) JCy, Faribault HHD, Meeker (Minnesota L.) DMF, and Pipestone JWH, RMD, 5/29 Lac qui Parle (Caerulean W.M.A.) BJU, 5/31 Lac qui Parle (2, Arena Twp.) BJU. Only north report: 5/21 Kanabec DPG. |
2007 | Summer | 5 | 13 | Reported from all regions except the Southeast. First county breeding record for Jackson AXH. Unusual location 6/29 St. Louis (2 birds at Mud Lake, Gary-New Duluth) HHD. |
2007 | Fall | 2 | 4 | All reports: 8/1 Lac qui Parle (Caerulean W.M.A.) BJU, 8/5 Meeker (Minnesota L.) DMF, 8/11 Jackson (Spirit L.) CH, JWH, JCC, LS, 8/31 Blue Earth AXH, Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) BJU, 9/3 Itasca LS, Jackson (Spirit L.) PHS, JWH. |
2008 | Spring | 3 | 5 | All south reports: 5/6 Lac qui Parle (Perry Twp.) BJU, 5/14–15 Sibley (2 at Sand Lake) WCM, 5/15 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 5/16 Big Stone ASc, 5/28 Meeker (4 in Danielson Twp.) DMF, 5/31 Houston DPG. All north reports: 5/26 Clearwater JMJ, 5/30 Todd (Little Lake Osakis) fide RPR, 5/31 Cass (Big Rice Lake) BAW. |
2008 | Summer | 3 | 10 | Found in all regions of the state except the Southwest. All north reports: 6/27 Norman RBW, 7/13 Wadena PJB, 7/27 St. Louis (2, Floodwood W.T.P.) SWe. |
2008 | Fall | 3 | 11 | All reports: 8/3 Big Stone (Thielke Lake) DWK, JCC, JLO, 8/3 Sherburne PLJ, 8/3–10 Blue Earth ChH, DBM, 8/3–9/2 Morrison (Rice Lake W.M.A.) FGo, 8/4 Steele ARW, 8/9 Wadena PJB, 8/10 Redwood (2 at Willow W.M.A.) RMD, et al., 8/12 Swift (found dead in Appleton) BJU, 8/15 Nicollet RMD, 8/17 Otter Tail SPM, 8/25 Wright (2 at Pelican Lake) fide RPR, 8/26 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 9/12 Sibley (Sand Lake) RBW, 9/27 Scott (found dead) PEJ. |
2009 | Spring | 1 | 10 | All south reports: 5/3–16 Winona ANy, 5/4–6 Anoka AXH, DWK, PEB, 5/4–8 Nicollet RMD, WCM, 5/15 Meeker (Tower's Lake) DMF, 5/17 Stearns RMD, JWH, 5/19 Murray JEB, 5/22 Carver (2, Assumption Lake) JCy, Lyon RJS, 5/23 Chisago MJB, 5/30 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) ALD, CRM. Only north report: 5/23 Marshall (3) CRM. |
2009 | Summer | 5 | 8 | Reported from all regions except Northeast, East-central, Southwest. All counts ? 3 birds. |
2009 | Fall | 3 | All reports: 8/1 Lyon (2, Black Rush Lake W.M.A.) JCC, Sherburne PLJ, 8/23 Big Stone (Thielke Lake) KRE. | |
2010 | Spring | 2 | 5 | All south reports: 5/23 Nicollet ChH, RMD, Yellow Medicine (Upper Sioux Agency S.P.) BJU, 5/25 Big Stone CRM, 5/31 Brown (Stately Twp.) BTS, Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU. All north reports: 5/14 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) GT, 5/26 Cass KMo. |
2010 | Summer | 6 | 14 | Reported from all regions except Northeast. |
2010 | Fall | 1 | 4 | Only north report: 8/21 Grant (Herman) RTe. All south reports: 8/1–18 Sherburne (2, Sherburne N.W.R.) PLJ, m.ob., 8/4 Lac qui Parle (Plover Prairie) BJU, 8/12 Big Stone (Artichoke Lake) BJU, Swift (Lubenow W.P.A.) BJU, 8/22 Big Stone (Thielke Lake) KRE, (Ortonville) RTe. |
2011 | Spring | 5 | 11 | All south reports: 5/8 Isanti DBM, 5/9–20 Lac qui Parle (Madrena W.M.A.) BJU, 5/12 Hennepin CMB, 5/13–14 Dakota JLO, 5/14 Sherburne RZi, 5/23 Watonwan AnK, 5/26 Houston (2, Caledonia) RTe, CRM, 5/28 Lyon (2) RJS, Murray (Big Slough W.M.A.) DPG, 5/29 Anoka (Carlos Avery W.M.A.) MHe, Lac qui Parle RMD, BJU, Winona (Whitewater W.M.A.) RBW. All north 5/7 Morrison FGo, 5/8 Kittson LW, 5/9 Marshall MA, 5/22 Cass ABi, 5/29 Pennington JWH, BWF. |
2011 | Summer | 8 | 21 | Reported from scattered sites in all regions except Northeast. |
2011 | Fall | 1 | 7 | Only north report 9/9 Douglas JPE. All south reports 8/1 Lac qui Parle (Agassiz Twp.) BJU, 8/7 Hennepin (Gleason Lake) RaR, Lac qui Parle (Pegg Lake) RBJ, 8/10 Nicollet (10, Swan Lake) RMD, 8/12 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) RaR, 8/19 Big Stone/Stevens (640th Avenue) PHS, 8/20 Swift (Lubenow W.P.A.) BJU, 8/21 Big Stone (Toqua Twp.) BJU, Cottonwood RMD, 9/10 Swift DBM. |
2012 | Spring | 5 | 13 | All south reports: 5/8 Wabasha RPR, 5/10+ Lac qui Parle ASc, BJU, 5/13 Swift (Lubenow W.P.A.) SBM, Winona (Dorer Pools) DBz, 5/17 Meeker JEB, 5/17–19 Wabasha (Whitewater W.M.A.) JWH, ANy, SHo, 5/19 Houston (Mound Prairie) WCM, 5/21+ Sherburne PLJ, m.ob., 5/26 Rock (2) CRM, m.ob., 5/27–31 Pipestone (Woodstock W.M.A.) KRE, m.ob., 5/30 Anoka (Carlos Avery W.M.A.) SBM, Cottonwood SC, Murray SWe, 5/31 Isanti (Crooked Road W.M.A.) DPG. All north reports: 5/19–26 Douglas JPE, 5/24 Kittson LW, 5/25 Otter Tail DST, 5/29 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/31+ St. Louis (near Crane Lake) †DMK. |
2012 | Summer | 11 | 18 | Found in all regions except North-central. New county record 6/15 Cook (Frost Lake, BWCA) ChJ. First county breeding record from Sherburne (August record) PLJ. |
2012 | Fall | 11 | No north reports. Late south 8/25 Nicollet (2) MiO, 9/1 Sherburne PLJ, 9/16 Hennepin SBM, ACr (median 9/2). | |
2013 | Spring | 1 | 5 | All south reports: 5/6 Wabasha (Lake Zumbro) JBn, 5/20 Washington DaR, 5/21 Ramsey (Crosby Farm R.P.) JoD, 5/23 Carver (Carver P.R.) JCy, 5/25 Hennepin (Wood Lake N.C.) CAs, 5/26 Wabasha (2, Whitewater W.M.A.) SHo, 5/31 Hennepin LMS. Only north report 5/25 Kanabec DPG. |
2013 | Summer | 6 | 13 | Found in widely scattered locations in all regions except Southwest. First county record 7/10 Lake (county road 15, east of Beaver River Road) DBM. |
2013 | Fall | 1 | 4 | All north 8/16 Becker DLP. Late south 8/16 Faribault (195th Street Marsh) ClN, CoN, 8/24 Hennepin (Wood Lake N.C.) BAF, 9/3 Nicollet (Middle Lake) MiO, 9/15 Hennepin (Westwood Hills N.C.) AWh, JSl. |
2014 | Spring | 2 | 6 | All south reports 5/8–10 Dakota (180th St. Marsh) GLa, CRM, ToL, 5/14 Jackson (near Holthe S.N.A.) BRB, 5/21 Goodhue (Hok-Si-La Park) DCZ, PSm, 5/24 Hennepin (2, Old Cedar Ave Bridge ) PEB, CMB, 5/25–27 Wabasha (Dorer Pools) DAB, RPR, DBz, 5/28 Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) DEv. All north reports 5/24 Norman RAE, 5/25 Kittson (3, Twin Lakes W.M.A.) CRM, m.ob. |
2014 | Summer | 7 | 12 | Found in scattered locations south and west of a line from Marshall to Pine. New county record 6/19 Pine (Chengwatana S.F.) HHD, RAE, m.ob. High count 7/27+ Hennepin (8, Wood Lake N.C.) CMB. |
2014 | Fall | 1 | 6 | High counts 8/5–12 Hennepin (8) CMB. Only north report 8/4 Roseau DPG. Late south 9/5 Hennepin (Wood Lake N.C.) PRi, 9/18 Hennepin CMB, 9/25 Washington SCr (median 9/2). |
2015 | Spring | 2 | 14 | South reports beginning 5/12 Washington RRu, JEc. Also reported in Anoka, Benton, Carver, Chisago, Hennepin, Kandiyohi, Meeker, Nicollet, Pope, Ramsey, Scott, Sherburne and Winona. All north reports Marshall 5/3–27 (Agassiz N.W.R.) CCr, KRi, 5/25 Norman (2) PEB, m.ob. |
2015 | Summer | 10 | 14 | Reported from scattered locations in all regions except Northeast. High count 6/18 Sherburne (5, Sherburne N.W.R.) ToL. First county breeding record for Ramsey AXH. |
2015 | Fall | 7 | No north reports. Late south 9/6 Yellow Medicine (Spellman Lake W.P.A.) GWe, 9/7 Anoka (Rice Creek Chain of Lakes P.R.) BSp, 9/23 Cottonwood (Wolf Lake W.P.A.) KEm (median 9/2). | |
2016 | Spring | 4 | 3 | All south 5/6–30+ Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.) JlB, m.ob., 5/7 Lyon (Black Rush Lake W.P.A.) RJS, 5/27–29 Anoka (3, Carlos Avery W.M.A.) RMD, ELC. All north 5/17 Becker (Tamarac N.W.R., South Tamarac Access Drive) PEB, 5/20 Morrison (Scandia Valley) RPR, 5/21 Becker (Tamarac N.W.R. Visitor's Center) DPi, LSm, NaH, 5/24 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) CAs, 5/27 Red Lake RBJ. |
2016 | Summer | 7 | 17 | Seen in scattered locations in all regions except Northeast. |
2016 | Fall | 1 | 4 | Only north report: 8/3 Morrison (Shamineau Lake) CRM, KMS, SSc. Late south 8/21 Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R., Wildlife Drive) ShB, SaJ, AJF, 9/2 Winona (Whitewater S.P.) DRy. |
2017 | Spring | 6 | 8 | Early south (median 5/11) 5/11 Hennepin MB-S, TFi, Sherburne ToL, 5/12 Dakota LiH, Watonwan KRE, m.ob. All north 5/13 Becker (Itasca S.P.) HeH, ShG, Morrison FGo, 5/19 Pennington DWK, HCT, SBM, 5/26 Douglas JPE, Otter Tail (Dane Prairie) WPl, 5/28–31 Crow Wing (Ray Cook W.M.A.) RBW, m.ob. Highest tally only 2. |
2017 | Summer | 5 | 23 | Observed in all southern and central regions plus Clay. First county breeding record 7/6 Washington AXH. |
2017 | Fall | 1 | 10 | Only north report 8/13 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) GUn. Late south 9/8 Cottonwood (Wolf Lake W.P.A.) KEm, 9/9 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) BAF, SHF, 9/10 Lyon (2, Sham Lake) GWe (median 9/2). |
2018 | Spring | 9 | 15 | Early south (median 5/11) 5/5 Olmsted (Kalmar Reservoir) ASu, LiH, Wabasha (4, season high count, Whitewater W.M.A.) ASu, LiH, 5/6 Jackson DAk, m.ob. All north 5/11–13 Otter Tail JsS, 5/12–13 Clearwater (Itasca S.P.) ebd, 5/16 Polk ebd, 5/22–28 Grant (max. 2, North Ottawa Impoundment) LiH, 5/26 Beltrami RAE, HHD, 5/28 Cook (Grand Portage W.T.P.) ANy, BWF, Marshall NWi, JCJ, 5/30 Traverse ASu, 5/31 Cass HHD. |
2018 | Summer | 9 | 30 | Observed in all regions. First county breeding record 7/14 St. Louis SGW. |
2018 | Fall | 3 | 22 |  All north 8/2–9 Becker (Stinking Lake) ebd, HHD, 8/4–11, 9/3 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) ebd, m.ob., 8/4, 8/9 St. Louis (max. 3, Mud Lake) JLK, m.ob., 8/9 Becker HHD. High counts 8/14 Olmsted (5, Eastside W.M.A.) RAE, m.ob., 8/17 Steele (5, Rice Lake S.P.) MwT. Late south 9/19 Nobles (2) KEm, 9/24 Cottonwood KEm, 9/27 Lyon RJS (median 9/3). |
2019 | Summer | 10 | 29 |  Observed in every region. Unusual locations 6/2 – 7/4 St. Louis (2, Mud Lake) JLK, m.ob., 7/7 Itasca (near Cohasset) BDo, LiH. |
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  | Breeds throughout, except northeast. |
Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird. | |
Column N | Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North. |
Column S | Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South. |