Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Warblers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Warblers
Worm-eating Warbler
Louisiana Waterthrush
Northern Waterthrush
Golden-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
[Golden-winged Warbler X Blue-winged Warbler]
[Lawrence's Warbler]
[Brewster's Warbler]
Black-and-white Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Connecticut Warbler
MacGillivray's Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Kentucky Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler
American Redstart
Kirtland's Warbler
Cape May Warbler
Cerulean Warbler
Northern Parula
Magnolia Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Palm Warbler
Pine Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
[Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)]
[Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)]
Yellow-throated Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Townsend's Warbler
Hermit Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Canada Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
Painted Redstart

Magnolia Warbler(Setophaga magnolia)
1933Summer The only nest reported was found on June 26th by Swedenborg, about 5 miles south of McGregor • The contents 'Were 2 warbler eggs and two eggs of the Brown-headed Cowbird.
1935Summer Along the Poplar River in Cook County June 26th, Prosser and Swodenbol~g happened upon a nest with 4 eggs about 5 feet above the ground in a small balsam.
1938SummerAt Lake Vermillion two nests, each with 3 eggs and 2 cowbird eggs, were observed by Prosser and Swedenborg on June IO.
1945Summer1 young with parents, August 25, 2 young wilh parents, August 17, Cook Co., William Longley.
1962Falllast report, Oct. 7, Duluth, Anne K. Arndt. 
1963SpringMay 7, Minneapolis, R. Janssen; May 10, Wright Co., Erma Christopher; May 11, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 11, Washington Co., D. Honetschlager.
1963SummerLake Co., Twin Lake, July 15, male feeding 2y out of nest, Jan Green.
1963Falllatest, Sept. 25, Minneapolis, R. B. Janssen.
1964Spring5-11 Stearns Co, RPR; 5-4 Hennepin Oo, RBJ; 5-9 Wright Co, EC; 5-5 Ramsey Co, ELC; 5-10 Washington Co, DH; 5-3 Rice Co, IG; 5-11 Frontenac, JPF; 5-9 Ramsey Co, ACR; 5-7 Duluth, JCG.
1964Summerfall dates, 8-23, Minneapolis, DB.
1964Fall9-5 Crow Wing Co, TEM; 9-11 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 9-14 Lake Co, RAG; 9-24 Duluth, JCG; 10-12 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA.
1965Springearliest 5-1 Washington Co, DS and Rice Co, CE, PE, JB.
1965Falllatest 9-30 Cook Co, HH, 10-1 Minneapolis, VL and 10-2 Mora, RHJ.
1966Springearliest 4-23 Dakota Co, MIG; 5-1 Nobles Co, HSH; 5-4 Washington Co, WWL; 5-7 Minneapolis, CKS and Goodhue Co, BL.
1966Summer6-6 Duluth, JCG; 7-11 Lake Co, N of Two Harbors, DP; 7-31 Crow Wing Co, TEM; 8-29 Lake Co, JCG; 8-30 Duluth AKA.
1966FallLatest 9-18 Duluth, AKA, Washington Co., WHL, Hennepin Co., JAJ and Olmsted Co., JPF; 923 Washington Co., WWL; 9-27 Duluth, JCG and Lake Co., RK; one exceptional record 10-16 Fargo, MGA.
1967Springearly 5-2 Hennepin Co., FN/ MAS; 5-5 Washington Co., WHL; 5-11 Wright Co., EC, Ramsey Co., BL, Stevens Co., JAH, Kanabec Co., RHJ, Stearns Co., RPR and Washington Co., WHL. C~pe May Warbler: early 5-11 Hennepm Co., MEH and Washington Co., WHL; 5-13 Goodhue Co., MIG, Hennepin Co., TKS and Kanabec Co., RHJ; 5-14 Goodhue Co., HFH, EMB.
1967Summerreported from Lake, Cook Co's.
1967Fall latest 9-21 Hibbing, HM; 9-26 Anoka Co., PE; 9-30 Washington Co., DS.
1968Spring early 5-2 Washington Co., DS; 5-6 Washington Co., WWL and Fargo-Moorhead, 50, fide EGA; 5-7 Minneapolis, DB; 5-11 Rice Co., OAR.
1968Summer 6-4 Chisago Co, WHL, late spring migrant; reported from Cook, Lake, Hubbard (TCD) Co's; 8-27 Anoka Co, WHL, fall migrant.
1968FallLatest 9-19 St. Louis (Hibbing) HM; 9-21 St. Louis (Minn. Pt.) DB; 9-23 Morrison LSR; 9-27 Hennepin VL.
1969Spring5-1 Washington Co., WWL; 5-4 Hennepin Co., VL; 5-6 Morrison Co., LSR; 5-10 Isanti Co., CU; 5-20 Olmsted Co., CCW, and Hennepin Co., MHM.
1969Summer7-11 Lac La Croix, St. Louis Co. MMC, RL; 6-29 Duluth VL; 7-12 Gooseberry Falls, Lake Co., one singing male KE, RR, also reported from Cook Co.
1969Fall9-9 Hennepin EWJ; 9-16 Ramsey BAH and VL; 9-28 Duluth JCG; 10-10 Hennepin CH.
1970Springearly south 5-2 Stearns MC; 5-7 Dakota DB and Hennepin RG; early north 5-9 Crow Wing JB; 5-10 St. Louis NH; peak 5-25 Duluth (40) JC; late south 5-27 Chisago FS; 5-29 Hennepin DB.
1970Summer6-14 to 6-20 Duluth MMC; 6-30 Duluth MMC; quite unexplainable was a singing male at the T.S. Roberts Sactuary, HENNEPIN Co, 6-26 DB. Also reported from Cook and Lake Co's.
1970Falllate north 9-7 Morrison LR; 9-20 Crow Wing )B; early south 8-30 Wright ES; 8-31 Washington WL; late south 9-10 Hennepin VL; 9-27 Wright BH; 10-3 Winona TV.
1971Springearly south 5-4 Carver KH 5-10 Hennepin VL; 5-11 Hennepin OJ-early north 5-12 Crow ~ing JB; 5-15 Duluth MMC; late south 5-31 Hennepm WKE, BDC and Wright BH.
1971Summerreported from St. Louis, Cook, Crow Wing and Lake; late migrants reported on 6-2 Hennepin ES and 6-3 Cottonwood LF.
1971Fallearly south 8-23 Ramsey; 8-25 Hennepin; late south 10-9 Hennepin; late north 9-16 Crow Wing; 9-18 Lake; 9-28 Duluth.
1972Summerseen in N. St. Louis, Lake, Cook; migrant -6-3 Hennepin. C,ape May Warbler: seen in Clearwater (RCD), S. (6-24 Cotton DB) & N. St. Louis, Cook.
1973Fall Seen in eight counties. Peak 9-16 St. Louis (120) (JAB).
1974Fall Early south 8-28 Hennepin VL; late north 10-3 Duluth JG; late south 9-29 Rock KE; 10-6 Lac qui Parle AFE; 10/3 Murray AD; note that all late dates are west.
1975Spring Early south 4-16 Yellow Medicine GLO; 4 reports on 5-6; early north 5-9 Morrison LSR; 5-12 Hubbard HJF; 5-14 St. Louis JCG; late south 5-31 Lyon HCK and Rock LAF, OLJ, KE.
1975Summer Reported from Clearwater, St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
1975Fallearly south 8-19 Wright ES; 8-23 Lyon HK; late north 9-18 Hubbard HF; 10-2 Duluth M. Kohlbry; late south 9-28 Yellow Medicine GO; 10-5 Dodge VH; 11-10 Blue Earth VR.
1976Spring Early south 6 reports on 5-11; early north 5-14 St. Louis PD; 5-15 St. Louis NJH and Crow Wing JB; 5-16 Marshall SV; late south 5-31 Lyon NH.
1976Summerreported from St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
1976Fall Early south 8-15 Washington and Ramsey, 8-23 Olmsted; late north 9-20 Cook, 9-23 Duluth; late south 9-28 Washington, 9-30 Murray, 10-3 Blue Earth.
1977Spring Early south 4-22 Cottonwood LAF; 5-1 Cottonwood ED; 5-5 Hennepin OJ; early north 4-23 Hubbard HF earliest date for the state; 5-6 Clay LCF; 5-9 Otter Tail GO; late south 5-30 Hennepin ES.
1977Summer Nested in Clearwater and Lake; also reported from Lake of the Woods, St. Louis and Cook.
1977Fall Late south 10-10 Washington (DMB).
1978Summer Breeding reported from Beltrami; also seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis and Clearwater.
1978Fall Early south 8-27 Washington DMB and Anoka KL; late north 10-5 Hubbard HF; late south 9-21 Freeborn DG, Houston EMF and Olmsted VH. Cape May Wa,rbler Early south Anoka KL; late north St. Louis GO; late south 9-9 Anoka KL.
1979Spring Early south 5-6 Washington DR; ten reports from nine counties on 5-7 and 5-8; early north 5-12 Aitkin DAS; St. Louis KE; late south 5-29 Martin EB.
1979Summer Late migrant 6-1 Clay. Breeding reported from Lake; also seen in Cook, St. Louis, Itasca, Beltrami, Clearwater.
1979Fall Early south 8-27 Anoka JH, 8-29 Anoka KL; late north 9-26 St. Louis KMH, 10-7 St. Louis JG; late south 10-4 Ramsey BSH, 10-9 Stearns MC. Cape Ma,y Warbler,1 Late north 9-20t St. Louis KMH, 10-4 Pennington 'KSS; one report south 9-3 Washington WL.
1980Spring Early south 5-10 Hennepin SC, Cottonwood RJ, Winona OJ, 5-11 Fillmore RRK; early north 5-10 Clay LCF, 5-13 Cook KMH.
1980Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Beltrami, Clearwater. Early mgrant: 8-1 Washington.
1981Spring Early south 5-3 Mower RRK, Olmsted JF, 5-4 Houston EMF, 5-5 Hennepin BDC; early north 5-3 St. Louis D. Green, 5-6 Lake SWI MS, 5-7 Crow Wing JB, TS; late south 5-26 Anoka JLH, Houston EMF, Rice KJ, 5-27 Hennepin DB, 5-29 Hennepin ES.
1981Fall Early south 8-25 Hennepin SC, 8-28 Nicollet JCF, 8-29 Washington DS; late north 10-6 Aitkin RJ, 10-18 Aitkin L. Paynter; late south 9-25 Hennepin ES, 9-28 Hennepin DB.
1982Spring Early south 5-5 Hennepin SC, 5-6 Hennepin DB, ES, 5-7 Rice KJ; early north 5-10 qay LCF, Crow Wing JB, 5-11 St. Loms LW, 5-12 Polk NH; late sout~ 5-25 Rice KJ, 5-27 Lyon HK, Martm EBK.
1982Summer Breeding data from Cook. Also seen in Lake, St. Louis, Koochiching.
1982Fall Early south 8-20 Houston EMF, 8/28 Ramsey DZ/MC, 8/30 Hennepin DB, Murray AD; late north 9/19 St. Louis LE, SDM 10/5 Cook KMH, 10/8 St. Louis LW; late south 9/28 Anoka SC, 10/10 Martin EBK.
1983Spring Early south 5/5 Mower RRK, 5/6 Anoka SC, Mower BJ, Olmsted JEB, 5/7 Dakota BL, GS, Goodhue DGW, Houston EMF, Martin KL, Murray HK, Olmsted RJ, Ramsey DZIMC; early north 5/6 Clay LCF, Mille Lacs MLWMA, Otter Tail SDM, 5/12 Lake SWIMS, 5/13 Cook KMH; late south 5/26 Hennepin DB, SC, ES, 5/28 Brown JSp.
1983Summer Seen in St. Louis, Lake, Cook. Late migrant South: 6/3 Hennepin.
1983Fall Early south 8/20 Houston EMF, 8/22 Hennepin SC, 8/29 DB; late north 10/1 Itasca AB, 10/2 St. Louis MH, 10/4 KE, 10/5 AE, 10/7 Polk DS, 10/13 Cook KMH,; late south 10/1 Cottonwood LAF, 10/2 Brown JSp, 10/5 Hennepin SC.
1984Spring Early south 5/10 Wabasha WDM, Olmsted RE, Mower RRK, Hennepin ES, VL, 51 II Houston EMF; early north 5/ I MLWMA, 5/13 Aitkin WN, 5/15 St. Louis KC, SNP, Clearwater MM, 5/16 Marshall ANWR, KSS, Cook KMH; late south 5/25 Ramsey DGW, 5/29 Hennepin SC, Dakota JD.
1984Summerseen in Cook, Lake and St. Louis.
1984Fall Early south 8/22 Hennepin SC, 8/24 Houston EMF; late north 9/26 Mille Lacs RJ, Pennington KSS, 10/10 Cook KMH ; late south 9/30 OJ, I0/2 Hennepin SC, I0/ 13 Murray AD.
1985Spring Early south 5/2 Blue Earth MF, 5/5 Olmsted AP, 5/6 Hennepin OJ, VL, Dakota TTu; early north 5/8 Cook KMH, 5/1 I St. Louis KE, SS, 5/12 Polk AB, Roseau AJ, Norman BK, 5/13 Wilkin GAM, Otter Tail SDM; late south Hennepin 5/27 DB, 5/28 SC, 5/30 ES, 5/27 Pipestone JP.
1985Summer Nested in Lake. Also seen in Cook, St. Louis, Otter Tail (no date, GAM).
1985Fall Early south 8/21 Hennepin SC, 8/25 Ramsey KB, 8/25 Anoka GP; late north 9/28 Grant RJ, 10/3 St. Louis L W, 10/3 Cook KMH; late south 9/20 Ramsey KB, 9/21 Olmsted JEB, 9/22 Houston EMF, 9/22 Brown JS.
1986Spring Early south 5/4 Houston JPIAM, 5/5 Hennepin SC, Olmsted JEB, Washington SSt, 5/6 Houston EMF, Olmsted RE; early north 5/3 Polk KSS, 5/6 St. Louis KE, 5/10 Cook WP 5/11 Clay LCF, Otter Tail SDM, Crow Wing WN, Lake SWIMS; late south 5/23 Murray ND, 5/24 Lac qui Parle FE, 5/26 Le Sueur HJC, Fillmore AMP.
1986Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Carlton, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami.
1986Fall Early south 8/11 Ramsey KB, 8/U Anoka JH, 8/15 Dakot TT; late north 9/20 Itasca AB, DB and OtterTail SDM, 9/21 Clay LCF, 9/27 Cook KMH; late south 10/4 Sherburne RG, RJ, 10/9 Hennepin ES, 10/16 Ramsey KB.
1987Spring Early south 5/9 Brown JS, 5/10 Ramsey KB, 5/13 Hennepin BDC; early north 51 II Cook KMH, WP, 5/12 Duluth KE, 5/13 Lake SWIMS; late south 5/22 Mower RRK, 5/23 Lyon HK and Brown JS.
1987Summer Nested in Cook. Also seen in Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Beltrami.
1987Fall Early south 8/4 Anoka JH, 8/14 Dakota TT and Wright ES and Houston FL; late north 9/18 Clay LCF, 9/20 Itasca AB and St. Louis RSE, 9/24 Cook KMH; late south 9/25 Fillmore ANO, 9/28 Hennepin SC, 10/10 Houston FL.
1988Spring Early south 5/2 Mower JM, 5/3 Hennepin SC, Olmsted BSE and Wright JMa; early north 5/7 Lake of the Woods SKS, 5/12 Cook KMH; late south 5/23 Stevens AB, 5/27 Cottonwood BF.
1988Summer Only reports: St. Louis, Lake, Cook; late migrant 6/1 Hennepin.
1988Fall Late north 9/18 Aitkin RJ, 9/26 Cook KMH, 10/1 Wilkin RJ; late south 9/25 Blue Earth AB, 9/30 Hennepin SC, ES, 10/2 Houston EMF.
1989Spring Early south 5/5 Ramsey AB and Anoka GP, 5/6 Goodhue SC, 5/7 Hennepin OJ; early north 5/13 Cook KMH, 5/14 Clay LCF, 5/16 St. Louis AE; late south 5/25 Hennepin SC, 5/31 Brown JS.
1989Summer Seen in Itasca, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; late migrant 6/ l Brown.
1989Fall Early south 8/14 Anoka OP, 8/19 Hennepin SC; late north 9/21 Clay LCF and St. Louis PS, 9/23 Cook KMH, 9/30 Lake DPV; late south 9/27 Houston EMF, 9/29 Fillmore NAO, 9/30 Hennepin SC.
1990Spring Early south 5/10 Mower JM, 5/11 Olmsted JB, BSE; early north 5/12 St. Louis fide KE, Clay LCF, 5/15 Becker BK and Cook KMH; late south 5/25 Pipestone JP, 5/26 Brown JSp and Martin BB.
1990Summer Only records: St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1990Fall Early south 8/18 Anoka GP, 8/21 Brown J S, Houston EMF and Ramsey KB; late north 9/16 Wilkin MO, 9/22 Cook KMH, 10/6 Lake KR; late south 9/21 Winona CS, 9/26 Hennepin SC.
1991Spring Early south 4/27 Brown BB, 5/3 Hennepin SC, DZ; early north 5/9 Becker BK, Clay LCF and Wilkin SDM, 5!11 Hubbard JL, Lake SWIMS, Otter Tail MO and St. Louis SS; late south 5/25 Washington WL, 5/26 Houston AP.
1991Summer Probable nesting in St. Louis, Cook; also seen in Roseau, Lake.
1991Fall Early south 8/9 Ramsey KB, 8/12 Hennepin SC, TT; late north 9/14 Lake DPV and St. Louis TEB, KR, 10/1 Cook KMH; late south10/5 Hennepin SC, 10/16 Winona CS.
1992Spring Early south 4/29 Pipestone ND, 5/7 Dakota JD and Winona CS, 5/8 Cottonwood ED and Lac qui Parle FE; early north 5/7 Kanabec CM, 5/8 Beltrami DJ, 5/9 Aitkin WN and Clay LCF; late south 5/26 Ramsey KB, 5/29 Hennepin SC.
1992Summer Reported in Roseau, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus extremely early migrants 7/18 Hennepin SC, 7/27 Pipestone ND.
1992Fall Early south 8/18 Hennepin SC, 8/19 Ramsey KB; late north 9/27 Cook KMH, 10/3 Roseau PS, 10/4 Aitkin WN; late south 9/26 Goodhue RJ, 10/23 Winona CS.
1993Spring Early south 5/5 Lac qui Parle FE, 5/6 Anoka JW, Dakota DSm, Hennepin SC, TT and Ramsey DB, DC. Early north 5/7 St. Louis DBe, 5/8 Becker BBe and Kanabec CM, 5/9 Aitkin WN. Late south 5/28 Brown JS, 5/29 Hennepin TT.
1993Summer Reported in Beltrami, Cass, Aitkin, Carlton, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus late migrants 6/1 Washington and Mower.
1993Fall Early south 8/15 Hennepin SC, 8/18 Brown JS and Rice TB. Late north 9/23 Lake DPV, 9/30 St. Louis TW, 10/1 Cook KMH. Late south 9/27 Winona CS, 9/28 Hennepin DB, SC.
1994Spring Early south 5/8 Winona AM, 5/9 Hennepin TT; early north 5/8 St. Louis ME/SK, 5/12 Kanabec CM; late south 5/22 Chippewa AB, 5/25 Hennepin SC.
1994Summer Observed in Roseau, Koochiching, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1994Fall Early south 8/15 Olmsted JB, 8/17 Rice RG. Late north 9/24 Kanabec CM, 9/25 Cook KMH, 9/28 Carlton LW. Late south 10/4 Winona CS, 10/5 Hennepin JBe and Mower RRK.
1995Spring Early south 5/8 Olmsted CK, 5/9 Hennepin SC, Mower RRK, JM and Rice TB; early north 5/11 St. Louis AE, 5/13 Kanabec CM, 5/14 Clay RO and Aitkin CB; late south 5/29 Nicollet PJ, DN, 5/31 Brown JS and Hennepin JBe, SC.
1995Summer Probable breeding in Lake; also seen in Koochiching, St. Louis, Cook, Carlton. Late migrant 6/12 Anoka KB.
1995Fall Early south 8/19 Hennepin SC, 8/22 Winona ASM. Late north 9/20 Becker BK, 9/26 Cook KMH, 10/8 (fourth latest north) Lake DV. Late south 10/10 Brown JSp and Hennepin SC, 10/28 (third latest on record) Hennepin JBe, CF.
1996Spring Early south 5/11 Winona CS, 5/12 Dakota DBS and Houston JSt. Early north 5/16 Cass DaC, fide MN and Todd JSK, SDu. Late south 5/28 Brown JSp, 5/29 Pipestone JP, 5/30 Hennepin SC.
1996Summer Reported in Koochiching, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus late migrants 6/2 Isanti and Anoka.
1996Fall Early south 8/16 Hennepin SC, 8/23 Nicollet MF and Winona CS. Late north 9/23 Carlton LW, 9/24 St. Louis AE, 10/3 St. Louis PBu. Late south 10/5 Hennepin SC, 10/8 Fillmore NO, 10/9 Winona CS.
1997Spring Early south 5/8 Rice TBo and Hennepin SC, 5/10 Goodhue SWe. Early north 5/17 Aitkin CB and Kanabec CM, 5/18 Clay PP. Late south 5/29 Hennepin SC, 5/30 Mower RJe, 5/31 Mower RRK.
1997Summer Reported in Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake; plus late migrant 6/1 Freeborn.
1997Fall Early south 8/21 Hennepin SC, 8/23 Ramsey TT, 8/26 McLeod RbS. Late north 9/28 Kittson PS, 9/30 St. Louis AE, 10/18 (ties latest north) Lake AH. Late south 9/29 Hennepin TT, 10/1 Hennepin SC, 10/4 Fillmore NO.
1998Spring Early south 5/11 Rice TBo, 5/13 Houston EMF and Hennepin SC. Early north 5/10 St. Louis AE, 5/12 St. Louis SS, 5/14 Kanabec CM. Late south 5/20 Brown JSp, 5/22 Murray ND, 5/31 Hennepin TT.
1998Summer Seen in Koochiching, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus late migrants 6/2 Rock, 6/9 Hennepin.
1998Fall Early south 8/13 Anoka TBr, 8/15 Hennepin SC and Rice TBo, 8/16 Hennepin TT. Late north 9/22 Cook KMH, 9/24 St. Louis LW, 9/26 Itasca ABo. Late south 9/22 Anoka TBr and Hennepin PBu, 10/5 Washington DS, 10/9 Hennepin SC.
1999Spring Arrived earlier than the recent median arrival dates south (5/8) and north (5/10). Early south 5/3 in Freeborn, Rice, Fillmore, then 5/4 Hennepin SC. Early north 5/7 St. Louis PS, 5/8 Todd JSK, SDu and Carlton LW. No south reports after 5/27 Hennepin SC.
1999Summer Reported in Becker, Itasca, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Carlton, Pine.
1999Fall One south report on time (recent median 8/15) in Hennepin, then no reports until rapid movement south nine days later. Departed north and south about one week early. Early south 8/14 Hennepin SC, TT, 8/23 Brown JSp, Fillmore NO and Freeborn ABa. Late north 9/19 Carlton LW and St. Louis SWe, TW, 9/22 Cook KMH. Late south 9/23 Fillmore NO, 9/26 Hennepin SC, TT and Mower DSm.
2000Spring Observed in 23 south and 13 north counties. Early south 4/23 (second earliest) Mower RRK, 5/5 Rice TBo, then daily through 5/14. Early north 5/6 Otter Tail SDM and Cass MRN, then daily arrivals 5/7–11.
2000Summer Reported in Aitkin, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus late migrant 6/2 Dakota.
2000Fall Migration through south primarily between mid-August and end of September. Late north 9/25 Aitkin CLB, 9/28 St. Louis ALE. Late south 10/3 Mower (4) RRK, 10/4 Carver RMD, TJD. Both extremes were near recent median departure dates (north 10/1, south 10/5).
2001Spring Reported from 30 south and 15 north counties statewide. Arrived exactly on recent median dates. Early south 5/5 Fillmore, Nicollet and Hennepin, 5/6 in seven counties. Early north 5/9 Carlton MCBS and St. Louis ALE, NAJ, 5/10 in three counties.
2001Summer Reported in Lake of the Woods, Itasca, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Carlton, Pine; plus 6/2 Meeker.
2001Fall Early south 8/10 Isanti REH, 8/13 Fillmore NBO. Late north 9/20 St. Louis ALE, 9/22 Carlton LAW. Late south 10/3 Hennepin SLC, 10/6 Wright DFJ.
2002Spring Observed in 36 south and 21 north counties. Early south 5/4 Rice TFB, 5/5 in five counties. Early north 5/11 in six counties, 5/12 Lake JWL. Late south 5/31 Anoka (2) KJB and Hennepin TAT, also see summer report. High count 5/15 Mille Lacs L. (49) KJB.
2002Summer Reported in Cass, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Carlton, Pine.
2002Fall Early south 8/19 Hennepin ChM, SLC, 8/23 Anoka KJB. Late north 9/28 Carlton LAW, St. Louis JWL. Late south 10/2 Rice TFB, 10/9 Hennepin DWK, 10/28 (ties third latest date in state) Hennepin TAT.
2003Spring Arrived on time. Early south 5/5 Hennepin DWK, 5/9 Freeborn, Olmsted, Rice. Early north 5/10 Kanabec CAM, Otter Tail (4 reports) and Todd. High counts 5/15 Anoka (12) KJB, 5/22 Clay (10) PHS. Late south 5/31 Hennepin DWK, PEJ.
2003Summer Observed in Beltrami, Itasca, Cass, Carlton, Lake, Cook; plus new nesting record in St. Louis M.C.B.S.
2003Fall Total of 44 reports from 11 north and 12 south counties in all regions except Southwest. Early south 8/20 Hennepin ChM, 8/22 Hennepin TAT, 8/23 Dakota ADS. Highest reported count 9/15 St. Louis (25 at Park Point, Duluth) SCB, PHS. Late north 9/30 Beltrami DPJ, 10/7 St. Louis SLF. Late south 10/4 Hennepin SLC and Olmsted OWB, 10/11 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2004Spring Reported from 23 north and 35 south counties. Early south 5/6 Rice TFB, then eight more counties 5/8 (median 5/5). Early north 5/1 Hubbard MAW, then four new counties on 5/11 (median 5/9). Late south 5/27 Hennepin SLC, 5/29 Chippewa and Lac qui Parle BJU. High count 5/28 Kittson (38) AXH, PHS.
2004Summer Observed in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Aitkin, Cass, Polk, Clay, Otter Tail, Lac qui Parle, Yellow Medicine; late south 6/6 Yellow Medicine BJU.
2004Fall First south reports from Hennepin beginning 8/23 TAT, then 8/28 Freeborn, Ramsey and Rice. Late north 9/23 Clay and Pine, 9/24 Lake JWL, 9/27 St. Louis LAW (median 10/1). Late south 9/28 Hennepin SLC, 9/29 Dakota JPM, then none until 10/11 Goodhue BRL (median 10/6).
2005Spring Found in 17 north and 28 south counties, representing all regions. Early south 5/7 Stearns STW, 5/8 Goodhue JWH, DAB. Early north 5/5 St. Louis FJN, 5/6 Cass BJU, 5/9 Carlton JWL. Late south 5/30 Scott BAF.
2005Summer Observed in Itasca, Cass, Aitkin, Cook, Lake St. Louis, plus 6/11 Carver WCM.
2005Fall High count 8/31 Fillmore (23) NBO. Early south 8/13 Lac qui Parle BJU, 8/17 Fillmore NBO (median 8/14). Late north 9/30 St. Louis LAW, 10/3 St. Louis SLF (median 10/1). Only October reports south: 10/3 Dakota RBW, 10/4 Hennepin DOB (median 10/5).
2006Spring Reported from every region. Early south 5/8 Fillmore JWH and Rice TFB, 5/9 Olmsted, Ramsey, Steele. Early north 5/4 Lake JWL, 5/6 Cook (5) SMc, 5/10 St. Louis JEB (median 5/9). Late south 5/26 Fillmore NBO, 5/27 Dakota SWe (median 5/31).
2006Summer Found in 12 counties, mostly in North-central and Northeast. Late south migrants 6/1 Meeker (2 individuals) DMF, 6/2 Sherburne ASc.
2006Fall Early south 8/11 Sherburne PLJ, 8/14 Hennepin ChM, 8/18 Fillmore (3) NBO. High counts 9/2 (12), 9/10 (18) Anoka DWK. Late north 9/25 Douglas RBW and St. Louis (2) SLF, 9/27 Carlton LAW (median 10/1). Late south 10/1 Rice DAB, 10/3 Isanti LBF, 10/5 Scott JEB (median 10/6).
2007Spring1432 Early south 5/5 Blue Earth ChH, Faribault WAF, Hennepin CMB, Olmsted JWH, and Waseca DAB equaled the 5/5 median. Second earliest north arrival 4/24 Carlton LAW; no additional reports until 5/8 Clay PBB, 5/9 Carlton RBW and St. Louis NAJ (median 5/9). Record high spring count in a momentous Park Point fallout 5/31 St. Louis (60) CLW. Late south 5/27 Pipestone and Rock m.ob., also see summer report.
2007Summer81 Observed in Koochiching, Itasca, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Pine, plus northbound migrant 6/1 Meeker DMF.
2007Fall828 Early south (median 8/15) 8/14 Lac qui Parle BJU, Rice TFB, 8/15 Dakota JPM, Hennepin JBB, 8/17 Olmsted JWH. High counts 8/24 Rice (11) DAB, 8/26 St. Louis (11) PHS. Late north 10/1 St. Louis (2) SLF, 10/9 Lake JWL, 10/14 Wilkin JCC (median 10/1). Late south 10/5 Anoka JBB, Ramsey (7) EMH, 10/6 Hennepin JBB, 10/8 Ramsey (2) BRL.
2008Spring2336 Early south (median 5/5) 5/4 McLeod HHD, Rice TFB, 5/5 Sherburne ASc, 5/6 Hennepin CMB. Early north (median 5/8) 5/9 Cass (2) BAW, 5/10 Clay DWR, PBB. High count 5/30 St. Louis (26) PHS. Late south 5/30 Scott BAF, 5/31 Le Sueur RBJ, Olmsted JWH, also see summer report (median 5/31).
2008Summer104 Record number of reports. Seen in North-central, Northeast, Central, East-central. Late south 6/11 Dakota (Fish Lake Park, Eagan) ADS.
2008Fall1323 Early south (median 8/15) 8/19 Carver JCy, 8/22 Meeker DMF, 8/24 Hennepin DWK. High count 9/12 St. Louis (20) PHS. Late north 9/21 Cass DAY, 9/23 Mille Lacs ASc, 9/28 St. Louis KRE, LS (median 10/1). Late south 9/28 Fillmore NBO, Steele DAB, 9/29 Hennepin CMB, ALD, 10/1 Hennepin CMB (median 10/6).
2009Spring2529 Early south (median 5/5) 5/5 Olmsted DMA, 5/6 Winona ASM, ANy, 5/8 Hennepin TAT. Early north (median 5/8) 5/2 Lake AXH, 5/9 Hubbard MAW, 5/13 St. Louis (12) PHS. High count 5/16 Benton (30) MJB. Late south 5/23 Brown BTS, Hennepin ALD, Nicollet DAB, JWH, Scott MDu, 5/24 Anoka DWK (median 5/31).
2009Summer9 All observations within usual range in North-central and Northeast regions.
2009Fall1128 Early south (median 8/14) 8/26 Ramsey JWH, 8/27 Dakota HHD, Hennepin SLC, 8/28 Washington LS. High count 9/12 St. Louis (15, Park Point) MDu. Late north 9/23 Carlton LAW, 9/27 St. Louis SLP, 10/10 St. Louis DOK (median 10/1). Late south 10/11 Fillmore NBO, 10/16 Carver JCy, 10/20 Sherburne (Blue Hill Trail, Sherburne N.W.R.) PLJ (median 10/6).
2010Spring1323 Early south (median 5/5) 5/7 Rice TFB, 5/9 Goodhue BNW, 5/10 Carver CRM. Early north (median 5/9) 5/12 Cass ABi, 5/15 St. Louis FKB, NAJ, ALo, Wadena PJB. High counts 5/24 St. Louis (95, Park Point, Southworth marsh to end of point) DWK, 5/25 St. Louis (42, Park Point) PHS. Late south 5/24 Hennepin CMB, Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/26, 5/29 Steele PSu (median 5/31).
2010Summer121 Observed in North-central and Northeast, plus Mille Lacs, Roseau, Steele. First county breeding record from Itasca BCS.
2010Fall1227 Early south (median 8/15) 8/15 Anoka DWK, Hennepin SLC, 8/17 Anoka (2) BWe, Carver JCy. High count 8/21 St. Louis (15, Park Point) CRu. Late north 9/25 Lake LS, RTe, TAb, Polk SAu, 10/3 St. Louis AM (median 10/1). Late south 10/1 Washington (2) LMS, 10/3 Hennepin CMB, 10/6 Jackson BJU (median 10/6).
2011Spring3051 Reported abundantly this season, from all but six counties. Early south (median 5/5) 4/30 Dakota BAF, 5/2 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/3 Washington PSm. Early north (median 5/9) 5/8 St. Louis JLK, AM, 5/9 Itasca SC, Polk SAu. Noteable high counts 5/23 St. Louis (39, Park Point, Duluth) PHS, 5/9 Hennepin (22) CMB. Late south 5/30 Chippewa BJU, Hennepin TAT, SLC, Swift BJU (median 5/31).
2011Summer12Seen in all northern regions. High counts 6/6 Cook (10, Superior National Forest) TSk, 6/5 St. Louis (9, Sax-Zim Bog) PHS.
2011Fall1729 Early south (median 8/15) 8/20 Anoka (Linwood Lake) DWK, Dakota (Acacia Cemetery) TAT, Hennepin SLC, Stevens (2), Swift BJU. High count 9/3 Anoka (12, Columbus Twp.) RBJ. Late north 9/25 Crow Wing (2) JLK, St. Louis JPr, 10/2 Morrison FGo (median 10/1). Late south 9/27 Carver (3) JCy, Hennepin CMB, (4, T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) TAT, (Westwood N.C.) DWK, (Veterans Memorial Park) SBM, 9/28 Dakota (Lebanon Hills R.P.) RaM, Hennepin CMB, (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) TAT, SLC, Rice TFB, Steele PSu (median 10/6).
2012Spring1739 Early south (median 5/5) 5/2 Olmsted LAV, 5/3 Hennepin CMB, (Wood Lake N.C.) TAT, (Theodore Wirth) JSI, (Bloomington) MBS, Olmsted JWH. Early north (median 5/9) 5/4 Todd JeM, DTM, 5/5 St. Louis AM, Todd JLK. Late south 5/28 Blue Earth ChH, 5/30 Washington KMo, 5/31 Dakota (2) RaM, Lac qui Parle DLP (median 5/31). Also see undocumented reports.
2012Summer12 Found in all northern regions. High counts 6/25 Lake (8, Ogishkemuncie Lake area) APa, 6/15 Cook (7, Lima Mtn. Rd.) HdG.
2012Fall2040 Early south (median 8/15) 8/12 Brown (2) BTS, 8/13 Hennepin CMB, (Minnehaha Creek) TAT, 8/14 Hennepin CMB, (T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) TAT, Kandiyohi RBW. High counts 9/17 Lake (12, Tettegouche S.P.) JeL, 9/17 St. Louis (10, Hartley Park) JLK, 9/17 St. Louis (10, H.R.N.R.) SmR. Late north 9/25 Crow Wing JLK, 9/28 Cook ph. DMB, 10/7 St. Louis JLK (median 10/1). Late south 9/28 Hennepin (2) TAT, 9/29 Brown MiO, Carver JCy, Steele (2) PSu, Winona ClN, CoN (median 10/6).
2013Spring3046 Early south (median 5/5) 5/8 Hennepin JCC, Olmsted JWH, Rice DAB, Washington DBM plus six other counties on 5/9. Early north (median 5/9) 5/8 Lake NLM, 5/13 Hubbard MaH, 5/14 Beltrami DPJ, Cass (2) BAW plus five other counties on 5/15. Highest counts both from the Park Point R.A. and adjacent Southworth Marsh in St. Louis: 5/19 (72) PHS, JLK, MLH, 5/30 (68) PHS. Late south 5/30 Brown JSS, Chisago DAB, Hennepin CMB, Rice DAT, but also see summer report (median 5/31).
2013Summer162 Reported from all northern regions, East-central, plus late south migrant 6/7 Le Sueur RBW.
2013Fall2227 Early south (median 8/15) 8/22 Brown MiO, Carver DWK, Hennepin TAT, CMB, 8/23 Carver JCy, Hennepin TAT, Rice TFB, Scott BAF. High counts 9/1 St. Louis (10, H.R.N.R.) KJB, 9/2 St. Louis (10, Sax-Zim Bog) GTa, CMg. Late north 10/2 Lake ECo, St. Louis KJB, 10/10 St. Louis SLF (median 10/1). Reported south in October only from Hennepin, last found 10/6 DWK (median 10/6).
2014Spring2748Early south (median 5/5) 5/3 Lyon RJS, Ramsey HEd. Early north (median 5/9) 5/7 Cass BAW, Clay PBB, Hubbard MaH. High counts 5/17 Goodhue (16, Hok-Si-La Park) SPe, 5/18 Steele (16, Saco Farm Woods & Fields) PSu. Late south 5/26 Renville GWe, Steele PSu, 5/28 Ramsey BCh (median 5/31).
2014Summer111Observed in all northern regions plus a late migrant 6/4 Carver JCy.
2014Fall2634 Early south (median 8/15) 8/17 Anoka DWK, 8/21 Hennepin TAT, 8/22 Carver JCy then many reports beginning 8/23. High counts 9/2 St. Louis (9, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 9/6 St. Louis (8, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 8/8 Cook (7) GWi. Late north 10/6 Lake KRE, 10/8 St. Louis KJB, 10/13 St. Louis JEd, DTr (median 10/1). Late south 10/4 Carver BAF, SHF, Hennepin CMB, Sherburne PLJ, 10/6 Hennepin TLo, Ramsey ASi, 10/7 Ramsey REH (median 10/6).
2015Spring2848 Early south (median 5/5) 5/2 Le Sueur BTS, 5/3 Olmsted JWH, 5/5 Hennepin JWl. Early north (median 5/9) 5/3 Morrison RPR, 5/7 St. Louis SC, TmL, JLK, 5/8 Itasca SC, Lake JWL. High count 5/17 St. Louis (74, Park Point R.A.) KJB. Late south 5/27 Hennepin CMB, HHD, GrS, Lac qui Parle DLP, Scott PEB, Steele PSu, 5/31 Nobles BTS (median 5/31).
2015Summer10 Reported in North-central, Northeast, plus Pine. High count 6/10 Lake (10, Whyte Rd.) CLW.
2015Fall2139 Early south (median 8/16) 8/11 Carver JCy, Hennepin TAT, 8/13 Sherburne PLJ. High counts 9/1 St. Louis (27, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 9/3 St. Louis (24, Park Point R.A.) JPR. Late north 9/29 Todd JLK, 10/3 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB (median 10/3). Late south 10/5 Steele PSu, Washington PNi, 10/22 Hennepin SiP, BDe (median 10/6).
2016Spring2346 Early south (median 5/5) 5/6 Faribault WAF, 5/7 Goodhue m.ob, 5/9 Rice TFB then many reports starting 5/10. Early north (median 5/8) 5/11 Traverse ANy, DBz, 5/12 Cass DAY, Lake JWL, St. Louis ClN, Wilkin ANy, DBz. High counts 5/26 St. Louis (9) EBr, 5/28 St. Louis (9) ASn, 5/12 Olmsted (8). Late south 5/28 Hennepin TAT, ACr, 5/29 Pipestone m.ob. (median 5/31).
2016Summer101 Reported from North-central, Northeast plus Roseau and late spring migrant 6/7 Waseca (Goose Lake Park) PSu. High counts 7/23 St. Louis (13, Northeast Grade Rd.) GCl, 6/8 Cook (9, Deer L.) APa.
2016Fall2740 Early south (median 8/15) 8/14 Carver JCy, 8/17 Hennepin TAT, 8/18 Sherburne PLJ. High counts 9/13 St. Louis (30, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 8/30 St. Louis (23, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 9/7 Washington (22, Oakdale Nature Preserve) BDo. Late north 9/24 Todd JeM, 9/27 St. Louis JLK, 10/6 (11), 10/7, 10/8 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB (median 10/3). Late south 10/6 Hennepin CBs, 10/10 Fillmore NBO, 10/15 Dodge BAb (median 10/6).
2017Spring2743 Many early south reports (median 5/5) starting on 5/8 Dakota KTu, Hennepin TAT, AtK, Mower SWm, Nicollet RHh, Olmsted JWH, m.ob., Rice TFB, Steele PSu, Washington PNi, with many more reports on 5/9. Early north (median 5/8) 5/9 St. Louis JfD, 5/10 Cass DAY. High counts 5/17 St. Louis (23, Park Point R.A.) JLK, 5/17 Carver (17, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy, 5/24 Carver (16, Carver P.R.) JCy. Late south 5/28 Sherburne JPR, Washington PNi, 5/29 Steele PSu (median 5/31).
2017Summer122 Reported in North-central, Northeast, plus presumed spring migrants 6/1 Hennepin m.ob., 6/15–17 Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) ebd, EGy, JuW. High count 6/13 Cook (15, Lima Mtn. Rd. “triangle”) ebd.
2017Fall2341 Early south (median 8/16) 8/18 Hennepin TAT, 8/19 Washington PNi, 8/20 Hennepin FFa, MKr. High counts 9/28 St. Louis (11, Stoney Point) TRd, 9/1 Dakota (9, Miesville Ravine P.R.) DVe. Late north 10/1 Lake JWL, 10/4 St. Louis StK, TRd, 10/5 Cook JaJ (median 10/3). Late south 10/7 Washington GJa, 10/13 Hennepin DWK (median 10/6).
2018Spring3048 Early south (median 5/5) 5/1 Washington JDS, 5/2 Stearns MKo, LKo, 5/4 Hennepin CDg, Ramsey CMu. Early north (median 5/8) 5/7 Traverse HCT, 5/8 Pine SBE, and also from Cass, Douglas, Morrison, St. Louis on 5/9. High counts 5/10 Hennepin (26, Veterans Memorial Park) DGu, 5/19 St. Louis (23, Stoney Point) StK, 5/9 Washington (20, Riverside Park) DnS, GJa. Late south 5/24 Hennepin JmM, GrS, ASu, 5/25 Winona AJF, 5/27 Hennepin ebd (median 6/2).
2018Summer101 Found in North-central, Northeast, plus 6/6 Kandiyohi (migrant), Roseau.
2018Fall2848  Early south (median 8/16) 8/10 Hennepin ACr, 8/12 Carver COg, Hennepin ebd, McLeod BHa. High counts 9/18 Washington (29, Afton S.P.) PNi, 9/3 Ramsey (17, Wilkinson Lake) LiH, 9/18 Washington (17, Afton S.P.) BDo, 9/18 Hennepin (16, Mill Ruins Park) IVa. Late north 10/14 St. Louis JLK, 10/20 Lake JWL, 10/21 St. Louis RyS, StK (median 10/3). Late south 10/15 Dakota CJE, 10/16 Carver WCM, 10/18 Ramsey MJB (median 10/6).
2019Summer107 Reported from North-central, Northeast plus spring migrants in Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Kandiyohi, Olmsted, Rice, Wright. High count 6/23 Cook (14, South Brule & Lima Grade roads) ASu, JSu.
 Breeds north-central and northeast. Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.