Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
Greater White-fronted Goose
[Taiga Bean-Goose]
[Brant (Atlantic)]
[Brant (Black)]
Cackling Goose
Canada Goose
[Greater White-fronted Goose X Canada Goose]
Mute Swan
Trumpeter Swan
Tundra Swan
[Cygnus swan]
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Cinnamon Teal
[Blue-winged Teal x Cinnamon Teal]
Northern Shoveler
Eurasian Wigeon
American Wigeon
[Gadwall X Mallard]
American Black Duck
[Mallard X American Black Duck]
Mottled Duck
Northern Pintail
[Mallard X Northern Pintail]
Green-winged Teal
[Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)]
[Green-winged Teal (American)]
Ring-necked Duck
Tufted Duck
Greater Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Greater Scaup]
Lesser Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Lesser Scaup]
King Eider
Common Eider
[Somateria eider]
Harlequin Duck
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
[Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye]
Barrow's Goldeneye
[Common Goldeneye X Barrow's Goldeneye]
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser
[Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser]
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck

Mallard(Anas platyrhynchos)
1930SummerOnly nest reported, one found at Swam Lake, in Nieollet County, June Sth, with five eggs (Leander Fischer).
1931SummerA nest with nine eggs on JtUle 24th. {D. Fiaahor).
1932Summer'l'Ho Mallards 1 nests wore found, one on 1-.hy 11th with 10 eggs (Swanson), und tho other on June 4th with 8 eggs (Leander Fischer). _
1933Summer A nest containing 9 eggs was found on June 18th by Fischer at Thief Lake. Risser reports two broods of downy young about one-fourth grown, one on June 29th and tho other on July 1st, at Sturgeon Lake. Ho pons tho following about the latter "The fcm.."tie was swimming o.long peacefully, follm·rod by a string of 8 ho.lf-grown young. I throw a stick toward her, hoping she would fly so that I could identify her. She immediately began splashing around.frantioallyk and tho young scrambled into tho weeds. Then she flew back a few rods into some reeds which I was approaching and como out with 2 more young, which she proceeded to chase across the pond into the reeds where tho other young wore. One of them wns slow, and she frequently darted at him impatiently to chase him on."
1934Summer Although a number of observers reported seeing broods of Jl)ung Mallards, the only nest with eggs was rcportocl by Alden Risser and Geo. Rysgaard, who found it on June 3rd. The contents vT•ere 13 eggs, 2 C of which were hatching.
1937SummerThe earliest nest was found May 3 by M. Morse at Cloquet Valley Forest. It contained two eggs. The first young were seen by G. Rysgaard, L. Pittelkow, A. Risser, and A. Evanson at \Y/arren on June 18. Eight young were sem in a flock.
1938SummerThe first Mallard nest, one of 9 eggs, was spotted by Bob Upson at Minneapolis on May 24. Five days later at Heron Lake G. Swanson found a nest of 8 eggs. Dr. C. C. Prosser and Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Swedenborg found an 8 egg nest in a tamarack swamp at Lake Vermillion on June 8. On June 15, Oscar Owre and Bob Upson were in Beltrami County where they found a IO egg nest. Mrs. Warnosky, on June I9, found the first young Mallards, 3 of them, 6o miles north of Duluth. Finally, on June 27, Dr. and Mrs. Don Mahle discovered ro downy young at Blackduck.
1940SummerFive observers reported this species. The first nest of the season (I 2 eggs) was observed west of St. Cloud on Lake Osakis by the T. S. Roberts Club on May I5. The last nest was re­ported on July 3I, from Lake Vermillion by K. Carlander.
1943SummerJune 3-9, 22 yomng, We·st City Limits MpLs. F. S. Davidson. July 28, 12 week old yo'ung, Cass Lake. K. Carlander. May 25, Fort Snelling, 2 nests. Bro·s. Lewis and Pius..
1944Summer3. July 16, nine eggs, St. Louis County, Margaret Hatfield. Two others found by Brother Hubert and Brother Pius later were flooded.
1945SummerNest with 12 eggs later destroyed, May• 27, Hennepin Co., Don and Eldeen Jacobs; nest with 12 eggs, May 19, Hennepin Co., Fred Blanch and Larry Flahavan; nest witt )ggs, Washington Co., May 19, nest with eggs, Ramsey Co., May 20, Brothel' Hubert.
1945WinterPresent, sometimes in large flocks, in the southern part of the state each winter. RED-LEGGED BLACK DUCK. Fifteen near St. Paul, December 30, 1945, (Members of St. Paul Bird Club); six near Shakopee, February 10, 1946, (Sweden borg).
1946Summer5 eggs and 1 pheasant egg, May 26, Hennepin Co., Longley; 8 young, May 26, Ramsey Co.; 11 young, June2, Ramsey Co., Moore; 9 young, June 29, Benton Co.; 12 eggs, Wright Co., Barrett. Pheasant eggs are often found in upland-nesting ducks' nests, where they probably never hatch.
1947Summer8 young, June 1, Douglas Co., Barrett; 2 nests with 17 eggs, June 23, Hennepin Co., Jacobs; 3 broods of young (22), June 23, Hennepin Co., Jacobs; 10 young, July 5, Hennepin Co., Barrett; 4 broods, (31 in all) July 6, Hennepin Co., Jacobs; 8 young, July 26, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis; June 27, 4 young (10-days old), Itasca Park, Longley.
1961SummerA. C. Rosenwinkel saw three broods of young in Ramsey County between 13 June and 14 July.
1962SummerJune 3-15, Minneapolis, 4 broods with 3, 7, 11, 13 young, Brother Theodore; June 9, Clay Co., near Felton, nest with 11 eggs, R. Huber; July 10, Bowstring Lake, Itasca Co., 9 broods, John Mathisen; July 11, Edina, Hennepin Co., 10 young, H. Huber; July 30, Farm Lake, Ely, St. Louis Co., 6 young, Janet C. Green.
1963SummerNumerous nestings reported for Hennepin, Ramsey, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Becker and Mahnomen Counties.
1964Summerbreeding in Hennepin (RLH), Ramsey CACR, ELC), St. Louis (JCG, DM, SNE, VFB), Cook (JCG, AEA, HH), Beltrami (MG, JAM), Lake (JCG), Cass (JAM), Crow Wing (TEM), Hubbard (LWJ) and Roseau (PEB) Counties.
1965WinterAll winter Hennepin, Ramsey, Dakota, Goodhue, Wabasha, Winona, Olmsted; groups of 1020, Ottertail (Xmas), Kandiyohi (Xmas), Stearns (RPR), Cook (semi-wild, JCG). Migrants?: 2/21 (10), St. Joseph (RPR) and 2/26 (1), St. Cloud (NMH), Stearns Co.; 2/26 (750), "Black Dog", Dakota Co., JRR.
1966Springearliest 3-4 Wabasha, DGM and Rice Co, OAR; 3-7 Cottonwood, MMM; 3/3 Stearns Co, RPR.
1966SummerNested in Hennepin, Dakota, Rice, Stearns, Sherburne, Itasca, Ramsey, Morrison, Lake and St. Louis Co's; also reported from Crow Wing, Roseau, Beltrami, Wabasha Co's.
1966Winterreported from Houston, Winona, Olmsted, Goodhue, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Yellow Medicine, Stearns, St. Louis, Lake and Cook Co's.
1967Summernested in Hennepin, Ramsey, St. Louis, Cook, Mahnomen, Sherburne Co's; also reported from Morrison, Nobles, Hubbard, Clearwater, Carver, Stevens, Big Stone, Traverse, Pope, Lac qui Parle, Washington, Wabasha, Cass, Crow Wing Co's.
1967Winter reported from Hennepin, St. Louis, Dakota, Cook, Rice, Nobles, Wright, Anoka, Goodhue, Carver, Lake and Wabasha Co's.
1968Summer nested in Marshall, St. Louis, Carver, Cook, Sherburne, Mille Lacs, Anoka, Clearwater Co's; also reported from Crow Wing, Carlton, Pine, Hennepin, Nobles, Wabasha, Swift, Jackson, Beltrami, McLeod, Lyon, Morrison, Pope, Washington, Blue Earth, Lake, Cottonwood, Wright, Winona, Rice, Clay Co's.
1968FallNumerous reports from just about everywhere.
1969Spring3-8 Hennepin Co., CKS; 3-17 (100+) Worthington, HSH; 3-24 (80) Watonwan Co., EDK; 4-6 Cass Co., JAM; 4-8 St. Louis Co., MH.
1969Summer40 nests recorded from Itasca, Anoka, St. Louis, Ramsey, Cook, Beltrami, Wabasha, Lake, Morrison, Becker, Mille Lacs, Wright, Hennepin, Hubbard Co's. Brood size ranged from 2 to 17, averaging about 8 per nest.
1969Fall10-29 Carver 1000+ TH; 11-9 Carver 4000 KH; 11-30 Hennepin CH and MM; 11-30 Wabasha DGM; 11-30 Duluth MC.
1969WinterWintered South in Anoka Olmsted, Ramsey, Stearns, Carver, Hennepin, Winona, Chisago, Wright, Washington, Dakota, Goodhue (500, KRE), Rice, Wabasha; North in Beltrami (4, RCR), Duluth (12, JCG), Cook (100, JCG), Morrison.
1970Springpeak 4-8 Duluth (1800) MMC, jG.
1970Summernested in Morrison, Hennepin, Mille Lacs, Carver, Cass, St. Louis, Ramsey, Chippewa, Anoka, Swift, Pope, Dakota, and Wright Co's. 25 nests throughout the state averaged 6.6 young per nest, down 1.4 from last year.
1970Fallpeak 11-29 Dakota (5000) VL.
1970Winterwintered North in Crow Wing (Brainerd, 35, JB), Cook (40), St. Louis (Virginia, 80, KRE; North Shore up to 6); South in Wabasha, Olmsted, Rice, Winona, Sherburne, Goodhue, Wright, Lac qui Parle (250, BAH), Dakota (5,000, RJB), Hennepin, Ramsey, Carver (400, KH).
1971Springpeak 4-16 Marshall (5540) AR.
1971Summernested in Hennepin, St. Louis, Sherburne, Carver. Stevens, Ramsey, Pope, Wright, Wabasha, Nobles, McLeod, Cottonwood and Rice; also reported from 13 other counties.
1971Fallpeak 10-27 Marshall (31,620) AR.
1971WinterNorth 12-29 (2) Orr, St. Louis Co. NJH; 1-2 Duluth KRE; all winter (200) Grand Marais, (1500) Fergus Falls. SE Quarter all winter where open water, average flock (20-50); largest number: (100) Red Wing, It also was an invasion year for Snowy Owls; they were more numerous in the southern half of the state than they have been for several years. Raptors were particularly concentrated in the Duluth harbor where they fed on rodents, pigeons and pheasants that in turn feed on the spilled grain. During the winter 5+ Red-tailed Hawks, 3+ Rough-legged Hawks, 6+
1972Summerbreeding cards from 6 counties, nesting reported in 7 others; seen in 20 other counties.
1973Summer Reports from 29 counties; (135 young on Como Lake, Ramsey Co. 6-26 J. Wedin Walters).
1973Fall Reported from 19 counties. Peak 10-3 Marshall 37,300 (AWR).
1973Winter Reported from 23 counties north to Cook, Cass and Clay; peak of 6,000 on the Wabasha Christmas Count.
1974Spring Peak 4-19 Marshall (4164) AR.
1974Summer Nested in Marshall, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Clay, Kanabec, Benton, Stearns, Isanti, Wright, Swift, Chippewa, Pope, Rock, Hennepin, Ramsey, Wabasha; also reported from 19 other counties.
1974Fall Peak 10-7 Marshall (67,000) AR.
1974Winter Reported from 27 counties north to Marshall, Itasca and Cook; peaks of 5000 on 12-2 in Chippewa Co., 7956 on the Bloomington Christmas Count, and 6000 on 12-19 in Winona Co.
1975Spring Peak 5-2 Marshall (1970) AR.
1975Summer Nested in Marshall, Clearwater, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Mille Lacs, Pope, Lac qui Parle, Kandiyohi, Lyon, Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey and Houston; also reported from 17 other counties.
1975Fallpeak 11-14 Wabasha (5000) RB.
1975Winterreported from 29 counties north to Cook, St. Louis, Otter Tail and Marshall (12-13, SV); peak of 10,000 on the Wabasha Christmas Count.
1976Spring Peak 4-30 Marshall (5,000) A WR.
1976Summernested in Marshall, Hubbard, Itasca, St. Louis, Morrison, Wright, Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey, Rice, Pope, Cottonwood and Yellow Medicine; also reported from 18 other counties.
1976Fall Peak 9-10 Marshall (48,000) ANWR.
1976Winter Reported from 29 counties north to Polk, Otter Tail, St. Louis and Cook Co's.
1977Spring Peak 4-15 Marshall (13,850) SVA.
1977Summer Nested in Marshall, Hubbard, Itasca, St. Louis, Cook, Big Stone, Pope, Benton, Isanti, Anoka, Hennepin, Washington, Dakota, Olmsted, Morrison and Lac qui Parle; also reported from 17 other counties throughout the state.
1977Fall Peak 9-21 Marshall (47,000) ANWR (fide SV). Gadwa-ll Peak 9-21 Marshall (39,000) ANWR (fide SV).
1977Winter Overwintered in 24 counties north to Hubbard, Lake and Cook; December migrants also seen in Polk, Clay, Becker, Kandiyohi, Lyon and Cottonwood and February migrants seen in Pope.
1978Summer Breeding reported from St. Louis, Hubbard, Washington, Wabasha, Wright, Cook, Sherburne, Cottonwood, Beltrami, Lac qui Parle, Marshall, Anoka, Hennepin, Isanti and Stearns; also seen throughout the state.
1978Fall Peak 10-4 Marshall (64,540) ANWR, 11-18 Lac qui Parle (40,000) OE.
1979Spring Reported from 38 counties. Peak 4-30 Marshall ANWR (2260).
1979Summer Breeding reported from Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Marshall, Wadena, Todd, Morrison, Benton, Stearns, Sherburne, Anoka, Hennepin, Dakota, Goodhue, Lac qui Parle; also seen throughout the state.
1979Fall Peaks 10-3 Marshall ANWR (29,900), 11-16 Hennepin OJ (2,000).
1980Summer Breeding reported from 18 counties; seen also throughout the state.
1980Winter Reported from 33 counties north to Cook, Lake, Itasca and Hubbard.
1981Spring Permanent resident south; early north 3-8 Marshall, 3-18 Becker TNWR, 3-26 Wilkin FKS, reported from 29 other counties.
1981Summer Breeding data from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Koochiching, Itasca, Hubbard, Clearwater, Pennington, Becker, Stevens, Stearns, Hennepin, Le Sueur. Seen throughout the state.
1981Fall Peak of 35,000 reported from Lac qui Parle AE. Reported from 25 additional counties.
1981Winter Overwintered in the northeast at Grand Marais, Cook Co. (KMH) and Carlton, Moose Lake 20 (JP). Reported in Lake until 12-14 (SWMS) and at Duluth until 1-12 (KE). Late migrants in the northwest and north central as follows: Pennington 12-6 (SKS), Beltrami 12-5 (JP), 12-6 (AS) and Hubbard 12-4 (HJF). The only other report was of overwintering at Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. Also reported from 21 south counties.
1982Summer Breeding data from Cook, St. Louis, Itasca, Beltrami, Hubbard, Becker, Wilkin, Big Stone, Pope, Steams, Benton, Sherburne, Hennepin, Washington, Wabasha, LeSueur, Martin. Seen throughout the state.
1982Fall Permanent resident; reported from 15 counties north, 26 south.
1982Winter Reported from 34 counties throughout the state except the NW Region.
1983Spring Permanent resident; reported from 22 counties north, 28 counties south.
1983Summer Breeding data from 20 counties. Also seen in 22 other counties throughout the state.
1983Fall Permanent resident; reported from 14 counties north, 21 south.
1983Winter Reported from 37 counties throughout the state north to Polk, Beltrami, Koochiching and Cook. A state wide CBC total of 14,856 individuals of whicn only 135 were reported from the three northern regions.
1984Spring Permanent resident; reported from 27 counties south, 21 counties north.
1984Summernested in Lake of the Woods, Lake, Cass, Marshall, Cook, Beltrami, Crow Wing, Pennington, Clay, Carlton, Pine, Steams, Pope, Le Sueur, Sherburne and Ramsey; also seen in 28 other counties.
1984Fall Permanent resident, reported from 14 counties north, 14 south.
1984Winter Down slightly from last year. Reported from 29 counties in all except the NW Region. Late inland north individuals in International Falls on 12-2 (5) (KL). A statewide CBC count of 12,258 with the high count (2322) on the Mpls CBC. Most abundant in the Twin Cities area and the SE region.
1985SpringOverwintered in many areas. Reported from 31 counties south, 18 north.
1985Summer Nested in Cook, St. Louis, Crow Wing, Polk, Mahnomen, Big Stone, Steams, Meeker, Wright, Ramsey, Dodge (RJ), Brown (JSp), Cottonwood, Jackson, Pipestone (WT), Murray, Lyon, Yellow Medicine; probable nesting in Itasca, Anoka. Seen in 31 other counties throughout the state.
1985Fall Permanent resident, reported from 12 counties north, 24 south.
1985Winter Reported from 36 counties in all regions except the SW. A statewide CBC count 11,902 (12,258 L.y.) with a peak of 3819 on the Mpls. North Count. Unusual north region reports from Marshall12/30 (ANWR) and northern Lake County, 1/20 (l)(SS).
1986Spring Abundant permanent resident, reported from 31 counties south, 18 north.
1986Summer Nested in Cook, Lake, Koochiching, Crow Wing, Cass, Hubbard, Clay, Pope, Stearns, Benton, Sherburne, Hennepin, Carver, Redwood (RJ), Freeborn (NHo), Winona (RJ); probable nesting in Carlton, Pine, Anoka, Ramsey, Fillmore, Also seen in 38 other counties throughout the state.
1986Fall Reported from 16 counties north, 22 counties south.
1986Winter A statewide CBC total of 15,697 (11,902 L. Y.). Reported from 39 counties throughout the state. High CBC count of 3/00 at St. Paul.
1987Spring Reported from 35 counties south, 13 north.
1987Summer Nested in 18 counties including Douglas (AB); probable nesting in three additional counties. Seen in 40 other counties throughout the state.
1987Fall Reported from 15 counties north, 27 counties south.
1987Winter Reported from 41 counties in all but the NW region. A statewide CBC total of 15,581 (15,692 L.Y.).
1988Spring Reported from 30 counties south, 19 north.
1988Summer Nested in 22 counties including Norman (MS), Lincoln (JSc), Waseca (GS). Seen in 40 other counties statewide.
1988Fall Reported from 24 counties north, 32 counties south.
1988Winter Reported from 34 (41 l.y.) counties. Statewide CBC total of 13,354 (15,6921.y.).
1989Spring Reported from 36 counties south, 17 counties north.
1989Summer Breeding reported in ten counties, probable breeding in two. Seen in 48 other counties statewide.
1989Fall Reported from 20 counties north, 24 south.
1989Winter Found in 45 counties (34 l.y.). Statewide CBC total of 18,782 (13,354 l.y.). Favored by bare ground in December as in Houston where 1000's fed in fields and spent nights on pools in Winnebago Creek.
1990Spring Reported from 34 counties south, 15 counties north.
1990Summer Nested in Clay, Crow Wing, LeSueur, Martin; probable nesting in eight counties. Seen in 40 other counties statewide.
1990Fall Reported from 19 counties north, 24 south.
1990Winter Found in 38 counties (45 l.y.) with a statewide CBC total of 14,643 (18,782 l.y.). Overwintering noted in the north in Clay, Beltrami, Otter Tail, and Cook. I,OOOs at Grey Cloud Island, Washington 12/16 TEB; 150 of a flock of 300 died in the Winona oil spill.
1991Spring Reported from 3 7 counties south, 21 counties north.
1991Summer Fewer reports than usual. Nested in seven counties, probable nesting in nine; seen in 31 other counties statewide.
1991Fall Reported from 26 counties south, 14 counties north.
1991Winter Reported from 30 counties (38 l.y.) statewide as far north and west as Beltrami (to early January, DJ) and Pennington 2/9 KSS. Statewide CBC total of 15,846 (14,643 l.y.). Large numbers of up to 12,000 (1/3 KB) wintering in St. Paul near Pigs Eye Lake.
1992Spring Reported from 35 counties south, 19 counties north.
1992Summer Nested in 15 counties including Red Lake DNe, Mower RRK; probable breeding in Becker, Cook, Anoka, Cottonwood. Seen in 31 other counties throughout state.
1992Fall Reported from 23 counties south, 15 counties north.
1992Winter Reported from 44 counties (30 l.y.) statewide as far north as Cook (Grand Marais), St. Louis (Virginia Power Plant), Itasca, Beltrami, and East Grand Forks CBC, Polk Co. CBC total 18,208 (15,846 l.y.). Only large concentration noted was 10,000 on 12/2 at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. KB.
1993Spring Reported from 39 counties south, 22 counties north.
1993Summer Nested in 17 counties; probable breeding in three. Seen in 38 additional counties statewide.
1993Fall Reported from 16 counties north, 28 counties south.
1993Winter Reported from 39 counties statewide (44 l.y.).
1994Spring Reported from 27 south and 22 north counties.
1994Summer Fewest reports since 1984. Nested in 22 counties including Watonwan MS, Blue Earth LF, RJ; probable breeding in six. Observed in 17 other counties statewide.
1994Fall Reported from 16 counties north, 24 counties south.
1994Winter Reported from 42 counties throughout the state. CBC total 23,718; probably a record number. High count 7,422 on the St. Paul CBC.
1995Spring Reported from 31 south and 23 north counties.
1995Summer Nested in 17 counties, probable nesting in eight; observed in 34 other counties.
1995Fall Seen in 51 counties statewide.
1995Winter Reported from a record 51 counties. CBC total a record 33,049 individuals, with 12,468 on the St. Paul CBC.
1996Spring Reported from 75 counties.
1996Summer MDNR estimates 3/5,000 breeding birds in state — 44% above 30-year average. Nested in eight counties, probable nesting in nine; observed in 48 other counties statewide.
1996Fall Single observer counts: 11/3 Big Stone (6,000) LE, 11/14 Dakota (8,000) KB. During early November, statewide DNR/USFWS surveys tallied 492,719 (fide CS). This included an estimated 300,000+ at Lac qui Parle NWR on 11/3, possibly the highest count ever on the refuge (fide JS).
1996Winter Reported from 41 counties throughout the state. CBC total 22,915, less than the record 33,049 l.y., but similar to recent high counts.
1997Spring Reported from 73 counties.
1997Summer Many reports, similar to previous year. Observed in 65 counties statewide; probable breeding in six counties.
1997Fall Reported from 54 counties.
1997Winter Reported from a record 53 counties throughout the state (41 l.y.). CBC total 24,126.
1998Spring Reported from 74 counties across the state. Minnesota DNR estimated state population at 386,000, 87% above the long-term average.
1998Summer Observed in 61 counties throughout state. New nesting record in Steele FKS; probable nesting in ten counties.
1998Fall Peak count 11/21 Cottonwood (~1,000) ED. Reported from 40 counties.
1998Winter Reported from 49 counties throughout the state. CBC total a record 40,101, with nine counts over 1,000 birds. Peaks: St. Paul CBC (9,506), and 12/1 Faribault (10,000 on Minnesota Lake) KB.
1999Spring Reported throughout the state.
1999Summer Observed in 59 counties statewide.
1999Fall Reported throughout the state. Peak count 11/17 Lac qui Parle (37,307 at BSNWR) BOl.
1999Winter Reported from 47 counties throughout the state. Peaks 12/1 BSNWR (23,460) BOl, 12/18 Bloomington CBC (17,785).
2000Spring Seen throughout the state.
2000Summer MDNR survey indicates that numbers are 55% above the long-term average; seen in 66 counties statewide.
2000Fall Reported throughout the state. Peak counts 10/29 Aitkin (15,000) WEN, 11/1 Lac qui Parle (10,820) BEO.
2000Winter Reported from 42 counties throughout the state. Peak on the St. Paul CBC (6272).
2001Spring Seen throughout the state.
2001Summer MDNR reports little change in numbers of breeding birds from the previous year; the count remains about 53% above the long-term average. Observed in 56 counties statewide; new nesting record in Otter Tail DTT.
2001Fall Reported throughout the state. High count 11/9 Lac qui Parle (32,494 at Big Stone N.W.R.) BEO.
2001Winter Reported from 46 counties throughout the state. Peak count on the Fairmont CBC (8,940).
2002Spring Seen throughout the state.
2002Summer D.N.R. estimated breeding population at around 367,000, up 14% from last year. Seen in 67 counties throughout state.
2002Fall Reported throughout the state. No significant counts.
2002Winter Reported from 43 counties throughout the state.
2003Spring Reported statewide. Seasonal total of 23,424 at H.P.B.C. (KJB).
2003Summer Observed in 63 counties throughout state.
2003Fall Reported throughout the state. High count 10/15 Aitkin (30,820) Rice Lake N.W.R.
2003Winter Reported from 49 counties throughout the state. Highest reported count 12/20 St. Paul (North) CBC (7170).
2004Spring Statewide. Peak concentrations 3/6 (11,300 in Lac qui Parle and Chippewa) BJU. Seasonal total of 31,734 at H.P.B.C. (peak 11,906 on 3/21) KJB.
2004Summer Fewer reports than usual: observed in 55 counties statewide.
2004Fall Reported throughout the state. High count 10/14 Aitkin (123,952) Rice Lake N.W.R.
2004Winter Reported from 35 counties statewide. Migrants reported 2/28 Mower (76) RCK, RDK. Highest reported count 12/26 St. Paul (NE Suburban) CBC (8000) fide RW.
2005Spring Reported statewide.
2005Summer Seen in 66 counties throughout state.
2005Fall Reported throughout the state. High count 10/4 Marshall (25,000) Agassiz N.W.R.
2005Winter Reported from 12 north and 34 south counties with some birds present all winter where open water persisted. A total of 1,057 tallied 12/17 on the Duluth CBC fide JWL. Mid-winter reports as far north as 1/15 Cook (25, Grand Marais), 1/29 Beltrami (12) fide JMJ.
2006Spring Reported statewide.
2006Summer Found in 73 counties through-out state.
2006Fall Reported throughout the state. High count 11/20 Houston (15,180 on Pool #8, includes birds in Wisconsin) Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R.
2006Winter1231 High count north 12/16 Clay (1,000 in Moorhead area) CMN. About 100 overwintered on Silver Lake and Manganika Creek in St. Louis (Virginia) SLF. A flock of 5,000–6,000 was feeding in corn fields in Dakota (Vermillion Twp.) late January and early February BAF, JPM, NFT.
2007Spring3552 Reported from all 87 counties.
2007Summer3145 High count 6/14 Roseau (550, in rice paddy, mostly males) RBJ. First county breeding record for Sibley MRN.
2007Fall3446 Reported throughout the state. High count 11/13 Houston (11,560 at Pool #8, includes birds in Wisconsin) Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R.
2007Winter830 High count of 1,400 found on 2/5 in St. Louis near W.L.S.S.D. treatment plant, Duluth (PHS). Also notable were 357 seen 2/1 in Anoka at dam on Rum River (CKB). Continuous snow cover this winter apparently was responsible for much reduced numbers.
2008Spring3552 Reported from all 87 counties.
2008Summer2739 Reported from all regions of state. First county breeding record for Chisago LS.
2008Fall3348 Reported throughout the state. High counts 10/28 Houston (10,095 at Pool #8, includes birds in Wisconsin) Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R, 8/24 Marshall (1,590) PHS, 10/18 Lac qui Parle (1,276) PHS.
2008Winter1028 High counts 2/15 Dakota (4,000, Black Dog Lake) BAF, 12/20 St. Louis (1,195, Duluth CBC) PHS, 12/20 Clay (500, Moorhead W.T.P.) PBB.
2009Spring3353 Reported statewide.
2009Summer3144 Reported throughout state. First county breeding record from Grant DPG.
2009Fall3250 Reported throughout the state. High counts 11/12 Houston (9,855, Pool #8, includes birds in Wisconsin) Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R. USFWS, 11/22 Marshall (3,000, Agassiz N.W.R.) MAn.
2009Winter1635 CBC high counts: 12/19 Minneapolis (North) CBC (5,164), Bloomington CBC (5,016), St. Paul (North) CBC (4,864). Also, non-CBC high count 12/5 Dakota (3,000, Black Dog Lake) BAF.
2010Spring3453 Reported from all 87 counties. High count 3/9 Dakota (3,000) JPM.
2010Summer3248 Seen throughout the state.
2010Fall3252 Reported throughout the state. High count 11/23 Houston (13,530, Pool #8, includes birds in Wisconsin) Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R.
2010Winter1834 High counts: 12/18 Dakota (1,990) PEB, 12/28 Scott (1,550, Shakopee Mill Pond) MJI, 12/18 Clay (1,365) fide JMJ. CBC high counts: 12/18 St. Paul (North) (3,580), Bloomington (3,157), Minneapolis (North) (2,352), Excelsior (2,061), Fargo-Moorhead (1,365), Duluth (1,129). Numerous overwintering reports from January and February of as many as 183 individuals St. Louis (Duluth) m.ob.
2011Spring3453 Reported throughout the state.
2011Summer3352Observed statewide. First county breeding records from Renville DPG, Traverse DPG.
2011Fall3352 Reported throughout the state. High counts 11/21 Houston (56,110 at Pool 8, includes birds in Wisconsin) Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R. USFWS, 11/18 Hennepin (900, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) BeS.
2011Winter1742High counts north 12/18 Clay (1,500) PBB, 2/3 St. Louis (965) CLW. High counts south 2/1 Dakota (5,000, near Spring Lake) MDu, 2/26 Dakota (5,000, feeding in corn field near 2/5th St./ U.S. 52) BAF. CBC high counts 12/31 Hastings-Etter (10,687), 12/17 Fairmont (5,372), 12/17 Minneapolis (North) (4,608).
2012Spring3453 Reported from all 87 counties. High count 3/7 Dakota (~5,000, Lake Byllesby) AFo.
2012Summer3453 Seen in all counties. High count 7/28 Hennepin (400, Bass Ponds, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) SHF. First county breeding record from Faribault DAB.
2012Fall3251 Reported throughout the state. High count 11/2 Stearns (est. 800, Albany W.T.P.) RPR.
2012Winter1740 Reported from about the same number of counties both north and south as last year. State high counts were from St. Louis (Duluth, 27th Ave. West): 2/13 (2,500) EKi, 2/12 (2,350) KJB, 1/19 St. Louis (2,250) JLK. South high counts were 1,000 or fewer; this is substantially lower than in most recent winters, perhaps due in part to the increased access restrictions at Black Dog Lake (Dakota). CBC high counts 12/15 Minneapolis (North) (2,899), 12/15 St. Paul (North) (2,811), 12/15 Faribault (1,942).
2013Spring3453 Reported from all 87 counties.
2013Summer3453 Observed in every county in state. High count 6/20 Clearwater (est. 350, Clearwater Rice Paddies) SBM.
2013Fall3351 Reported throughout the state. High counts 11/17 Ramsey (800, Vadnais Lake) PNi, 11/30 St. Louis (624, Park Point) JLK.
2013Winter1229 High counts north 1/11 St. Louis (650) JLK, 12/14 Clay (450) PBB. Midwinter north reports from 10 counties, with midwinter high count (away from Duluth) 1/11 Clay (275) PBB. South high counts 2/16 Stearns, Benton, and Sherburne combined (1,024, Mississippi River) PCC, 1/19 Dakota (1,000, Black Dog Lake) ToL, IHu.
2013Winter Hybrid male reported 1/25, 2/2 Clay (Moorhead) ph. DWR.
2014Spring3353Reported statewide. High counts 4/13 Chisago (1,500, sod fields) JSa, 3/1 Stearns (1,441, Mississippi River) PCC.
2014Summer3449Reported from every county except Cottonwood, Dodge, Waseca. High count 6/8 Grant (350, North Ottawa Impoundment) SBM.
2014Fall3451 Reported throughout the state. High counts 11/14 Winona (2,000, Prairie Island Spillway) ClN, 11/21 St. Louis (1,250, Duluth Port Terminal) JLK.
2014Winter1838 High counts north 12/29 St. Louis (1,250, Duluth) JLK, 12/20 Clay (760, Moorhead) PBB. Midwinter north reports from 12 counties, with midwinter high count 2/3 St. Louis (750, Duluth) JLK, and (away from Duluth) 2/14 Douglas (350) ToR. South high counts 2/6 Dakota (3,700, Black Dog Lake) PEJ, 12/13 Washington (2,000) ToL. CBC high counts 12/20 Minneapolis (North) (2,797), 12/20 Fergus Falls (2,000), 12/20 St. Paul (North) (1,995), 12/20 Duluth (1,662).
2015Spring3453 Reported from all 87 counties.
2015Summer3451 Reported from every county except Chippewa, Dodge. High count 6/2 Marshall (500, Agassiz Valley Impoundment) SAu.
2015Fall3451 Reported throughout the state. High counts 11/20 Mille Lacs (4,100, Lake Ogechie) RBJ, 11/27 Houston (500, Brownsville Overlook) BAF.
2015Winter2248 High counts north 12/19 Clay (890) PBB, 1/4, 1/10 St. Louis (Duluth, 800) m.ob. Post-December reports from 16 north counties. Midwinter north high counts away from Duluth 1/8 Morrison (70) KEm, MEm, 2/13 Douglas (45) ToR. Reported from all but five south counties, with season high counts 12/12 Wabasha (1,800) PEJ, 2/29 Jackson (1,200) KnM, 12/3 Olmsted (1,000) LAV. CBC high counts 12/19 St. Paul (North) (2,607), 12/19 Excelsior (1,832), 12/19 Northwest McLeod (Hutchinson) (1,633), 12/19 Duluth (1,577), 12/19 Bloomington (1,511).
2016Spring3453 Reported from all 87 counties.
2016Summer3351 Observed in all counties except Dodge, Houston, Kittson.
2016Fall3452 Reported throughout the state. High counts 10/16 Hennepin (1,000, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) LKt, 10/23 Aitkin (1,000) EGa, 11/24 Houston (1,000, Brownsville Overlook) SOa.
2016Winter2249 Reported from about the same number of counties statewide as last year, including all but four south counties. Midwinter high count 1/14 Scott (2,500, Shakopee) BAF. Large influx south of early spring migrants late February with season high count 2/21 Yellow Medicine (14,000, Miedd Lake) JtH. CBC high counts 12/17 Minneapolis (North) (3,949), 12/17 Excelsior (2,026), 12/31 St. Paul (North) (1,722), 12/17 Duluth (1,604).
2017Spring3453 Reported from all 87 counties. High counts 3/22 Lyon (6,000, Lines W.M.A. and a nearby field) GWe, 3/19 Chippewa (5,000, Fort Renville) KnM.
2017Summer3451 Reported from every county except Chippewa, Rock. A female with six day-old ducklings found 12/6 Hennepin fide AXH is a remarkably late breeding record.
2017Fall3451 Reported throughout the state. High count 11/12 Lac qui Parle (8,000, Big Stone N.W.R., estimated by 100s) LiH, ASu, KnM.
2017Winter1846 High counts north 2/7 St. Louis (1,800, Duluth) JLK, 12/16 Clay (1,500, American Crystal Sugar Lagoons) PBB. South high counts 1/19 Scott (4,000, Shakopee Mill Pond) PEJ, 1/6 Dakota (3,200, Lake Byllesby R.P.) TSk. Overwintered widely, with post-December reports from 15 north and 34 south counties. CBC high counts 12/17 Kensington (8,059), 12/16 Minneapolis (North) (3,363), St. Paul (North) (2,770).
2018Spring3453 Reported from all 87 counties. High counts 4/15 Lyon (5,400, along the Redwood River and surrounding fields) GWe, 4/7 Dakota (5,000, in Vermillion, conservative estimate) BAF, SHF.
2018Summer3453 .Observed in all counties.
2018Fall3451 Reported throughout the state. High counts 11/23 Dakota (2,500, Lake Byllesby R.P.) KvM, 8/7 Marshall (2,000, Agassiz N.W.R.) ebd.
2018Winter1945 Reported from about the same number of counties statewide as last year. Overwintered widely, with post-December reports from 14 north and 35 south counties. High counts north 12/11 St. Louis (1,400, Duluth) KRE, 1/6 St. Louis (1,000, Duluth) SAu. Away from Duluth, north high count 12/15 Clay (750) PBB, and 12/18 Otter Tail (500) REn. South high count 2/2 Scott (2,600, Shakopee Mill Pond) IVa. Away from Shakopee, south high count 1/12 Dakota (851, Lakeville) DGd, TmG. CBC high counts 12/15 St. Paul (North) (3,245), 12/15 Minneapolis (North) (2,163), 12/15 Excelsior (1,806).
2019Summer3452 Reported from every county except Dodge.
 Breeds throughout. Locally overwinters.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.