Northern Cardinal(Cardinalis cardinalis) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1930 | Summer | | | A nest of this most interesting species was round by Charles Evans at Fcrt Snelling on May 16th. It contained three Northern Cardinal's eggs and a Brown-headed Cowbird's egg. Gustav Swanson and Alden Risser found the only other nest reported, on May 18th, at Frontenac, in which were two eggs, one a Oowbird's• |
1931 | Summer | | | A nest found by Jerome St.or~dt at Hastings contained three eggs on Hay 2nd. |
1933 | Summer | | | Throe nests of the xtedbird were reported. Brat::kctt reports a nest found on April 30th in Glenwood Park, Minneapc:~is. It wo.s placed in a small spruce and contained 1 egg. The nc:st was deserted a day or<.eoelater. Fischer and Swanson fotmd two nests in Filmore County on May 14th~ one of which wns completed but ompty. The other hold 3 eggs. |
1934 | Summer | | | A nest with 3 eggs, found by Risser on April 22nd, was the earliest record for this jaunty fellow. Our latest record came from Prosser, who reported a nest with 2 eggs, seen by Roy Thompson on July.31st. |
1935 | Summer | | | Risser a.nd Rysgno.rc1, St. Pa.ul' s clk'U!l~ion nest hunters, have a nice early reoord. On May 5th, they saw a nest which even at that date hold 3 eggs. But on the same da.y Swedenborg sa.w,ancthor bUilding in a. cedar at Nine-mile Creek nenr the THin °ities. |
1936 | Summer | | | A nest of four eggs was found by ~~sser, Erickson, Don Mahle, and Rysgaard at Fronte11ac on May 24th. |
1938 | Summer | | | On May 21 George C. Kucz saw a female incubating; her nest was in a woodbine. On May 30 Kutz located~ another nest built in a honeysuckle; 5 eggs were in the nest. The nest was deserted on June 7; none of the eggs hatched. Both nests were found near Stillwater. |
1940 | Summer | | | In Wirth Park (Mpls.) a nest with 3 eggs was found by M. Thompson on May 5, all of which hatched but were destroyed. A. D. DuBois found a nest at Minnetonka on May I6, which contained 2 eggs and I young bird. |
1943 | Summer | | | June 25, 1 egg, Glenwood Park, Mpls. S. C. Holmberg. Dakota Co'Unty, 2 nests with 7 eggs, May 29 and June 13. Bros. Lewis and Pius. |
1944 | Summer | | | 2. May 16, one cowbird egg, Hennepin, Cummings. May 23, one young out, Hennepin, Miss Aler. |
1945 | Summer | | | Nest, Dakota Co., July 8, Russell Hofstead; 1 cardinal hatched, April 23, W. J. Breckenridge; 2 nests with eggs, April 28, May 26, Ramsey Co., Brother Hubert; nest with eggs, Frontenac, May 13, nest with young, July 10, Hennepin Co., Don and Eldeen Jacobs. |
1945 | Winter | | | One at Duluth, winter of 1938-39. A quite common resident in the southern part of the state. |
1946 | Summer | | | Young out, May 3, Hennepin Co., Aler; 2 young, May 12, Goodhue Co., Barrett. ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK. Eggs, June 1, and 2 eggs, June 24, Dakota Co., 3 eggs, June 4, St. Louis Co., Bro. Hubert. 1 egg and 3 cowbird eggs, May 20, Hennepin Co., Breckenridge. |
1962 | Summer | | | Goodview, no date given, 2 nests, Grace Gordon; May 19, Goodhue Co., 5 eggs, H. Huber; Winona, no dates, 3 eggs, Grace Dahm; 1 young out of nest, Louis Feiten; 3 immatures at feeders, Grace Dahm. |
1962 | Fall | | | Like the Tufted Titmouse and Red-bellied Woodpecker, the Cardi nal is extending its range across our state, perhaps even more quickly than the other two species. The Conservation Dept. station at Washkish, Beltrami County, about 30 miles south of Baudette and the Canadian border, reports that they had several Northern Cardinals there this past summer. H. R. Hanson reports one at a feeder in Walker, Cass County, during November and early December; Nov. 28, Duluth, Mrs. Jack Everett; the Northern Cardinal is almost becoming a regular visitor in the Duluth area now. |
1962 | Winter | | | following reports were out of the ordinary: Dec. 2, male, Duluth, Mrs. B. Rutherford; Jan. 31, female, Doll!llelly, Stevens Co., most of winter at Allie Olson feeder, reported by Del Holdgrafer; Feb. 12, male, Lac qui Parle Co., Lowry Elliott; Feb. 16, male, Schroeder, Cook. Co., Janet Green; a sharp increase in Northern Cardinals was reported by John Feehan who states that Clyde Brown has counted as many as 50 at once near his farm at Genoa, twelve miles north of Rochester. |
1963 | Spring | | | Usual reports from southeastern Minnesota. Most interesting report was an adult seen on June 1, Mahnomen Co., R. Grant. |
1963 | Summer | | | Winona Co., Winona, July 24, 2 y, Ted Glubka. Sibley Co., near Belle Plaine, May 11, 1 y just out of nest, banded, R. Huber. Ramsey Co., Bald Eagle Lake, July 1, 3 y at feeder; 2nd brood left nest on Aug. 16, Eliza beth Campbell. Blue Grosb~ak: Rock Co., south of Manley, on South Dakota border, July 27, six observed, behaving as if young in vicinity, Avifauna! Club; on Aug. 3, again observed, pair with young, plus several other individuals, Avifauna! Club. Note of Interest will appear in future issue. |
1963 | Fall | | | Nov. 21, Frog Lake, Stevens Co., male seen by AI Roslin; also reported in the Fargo-Moorhead area by 8 observers during the fall season, fide Elizabeth Anderson. |
1964 | Summer | | | breeding Ramsey Co, ELC; Fargo-Moorhead, ad and 2y at feeder, EGA. |
1964 | Fall | | | noteworthy records the fall," Fargo-Moorhead, 8 observers fide EGA; 10-18 Beltrami Co, MG; 10-22 to 10-31 Duluth, feeder, Pearl Griffith. |
1964 | Winter | | | Usual reports from SE Minn N. to Washington (MRR, BL, DH, DS), Ramsey (ELC, ACR, BL), Anoka (TEM, LJ), Hennepin (RDT, EMB, MHM, FN, VS, EWJ) and Wright (EC) Co's. Numbers · up very noticeably, many reports of 5-20 in a given area. Of special interest, 1 at feeder all winter in Crow Wing Co, Dale Saunders; 12-8 to 2-14 Collegeville, Stearns Co, 3 to 4, RPR; week of 1-10, Two Harbors, pair reported to RN; Jan, Duluth, 1, ED; 2-10, Mille Lacs Co, 1, WJH. |
1965 | Winter | | | North: 12/1, Polk, CCE; 12/28 Duluth, E. Davidson. South: reported by 26 people in Stearns, Stevens, Swift, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Wright, Dakota, Rice, Winona, Olmsted, Wabasha, Cottonwood, Murray plus Xmas, Lyon, Kandiyohi. Evening Grosbeak. Local groups (up to 50) reported but generally uncommon and irregular, although reported throughout the state with the notable exception of the Twin Cities area where the only observations were Xmas count period, Excelsior and 1/1 (23), St. Paul NE. Xmas. Also not reported from Pope, Wright, Hennepin (except above), Ramsey, Washington, (except above), Dakota, Cottonwood, Nobles. |
1966 | Spring | | | the usual reports from southeastern Minnesota; northerly records: April, pair at Duluth feeder, AKA; 4-30 Crow Wing Co, MSB; 5-17 Bemidji, EBH; 5-28 Duluth, 1 male, RG. |
1966 | Summer | | | nested in Hennepin and Ramsey Co's; also reported from Blue Earth, Wright, Murray, Stevens, Winona. Washington, Rice, Nicollet, Goodhue, Scott, Wabasha, and Stearns Co's. |
1966 | Fall | | | Interesting northerly records: 10-26 to 11-13 Duluth, 4 different reports fide JCG, RN; 10-17 Lutsen, Cook Co., 4 pair, DRG; 10-27 Hibbing, fide SM; 10-31 Tofte, 1 female fide MOP; 11-16 Lutsen, 6, DRG. Rose -breasted Grosbeak: Latest 9-20 Washington Co., WWL; 9-26 Hennepin Co., VL; exceptional records: 10-17 Fargo, MGA; 10-23, 10-26, 11-8 French River, St. Louis Co., imm male, B. Borgeson and JCG; 10-29 Cook Co., HFH, BL, EMB, RG. |
1966 | Winter | | | reported from Washington, Hennepin (16 at feeder daily, DWL), Rice, Cook (12-17 Lutsen, RLG, and 1 female at feeder daily from Dec. to 2-8 Tofte, MOP), Olmsted, Stearns, Wright, Cottonwood, Wabasha, Winona (194 on Christmas Count), Lyon, Kanabec, Anoka, Stevens and St. Louis (12-4 Duluth, 1 male, Milt Sundquist fide JCG) Counties. |
1967 | Summer | | | nested Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington Co's and FARGO-MOORHEAD (fide ECA); also reported from Cottonwood, Wabasha, Goodhue, Stevens Co's. |
1967 | Fall | | | usual southerly records, with these few northerly records Morrison Co., 11-10, LSR; Duluth, 9-13, 2 males, RL, 11-12, 1 male fide RN, 11-18, 1 male, male, KS; Hibbing, 11-29, 1 male, banded on 12-1, HM; Cook Co., Schroeder, 10-23, MOP; at Fargo-Moorhead, .... EGA received reports from 7 observers during fall. |
1967 | Winter | | | reported from Cottonwood, Ramsey, Chisago, Carver, Washington, Stearns, Rice, Stevens, Olmsted, Fillmore, Lyon, Wabasha, Watonwan, Blue Earth, Ramsey Goodhue (63 at one time MH!!) Co's.; also Fargo-Moorhead; several noteworthy northerly records 1-27 Encampment Forest, Lake Co., 1 male, KE; all Dec., Duluth, St. Louis Co., 1 female, 19 Hibbing, St. Louis Co. , 1 daily HM. |
1968 | Spring | | | reported from Carver, Wright, Hennepin, Winona, Olmstead, Chisago, Rice, Stearns, Ramsey, Houston, Stevens, Cottonwood, Anoka, Wabasha, Washington Co's and Fargo-Moorhead; several northerly reports, also: 5-20 Crow Wing Co., 2, MSB; 5-25 Shatley, Beltrami Co., pair, MG; "May," near Onamia, Mille Lacs Co., MIV. |
1968 | Summer | | | nested in Crow Wing (A.E. Olson), Hennepin Co's, and Fargo-Moorhead (fide EGA); also reported from Stearns, Brown, Winona, Wright, Wabasha, Ramsey, Carver, Rice, Washington, Anoka Co's; very late record of ad male feeding 1 fledgling on 10-3 at Mahtomedi, Ramsey Co, by Dale Haswell ! |
1968 | Fall | | | Usual southern records; 1021 Cook a pair RLG; 11-5 Itasca ACR. |
1969 | Spring | | | Wright, Rice, Anoka Winona, Olmsted, Hennepin, Nicollet, Goodhue, Blue Earth, Jackson, Ramsey, Cottonwood, Carver, Freeborn, and Washington Counties. Only 1 report north: 5-24 Duluth, Anne K. Arndt fide JCG. |
1969 | Summer | | | nested in Hennepin (4-6 early); also reported from Winona, Wabasha, Dakota, Washington, Ramsey, Rice, Freeborn, Le Sueur, Wright, Carver, and Stearns Co's. |
1969 | Fall | | | Reports from Blue Earth, Carver, Chisago, Cottonwood, Freeborn, Hennepin, Mille Lacs, Olmsted, Ramsey, Wabasha, Washington, Winona. |
1969 | Winter | | | Reported from Yellow Medicine, Hennepin, Winona, Wabasha, Olmsted, Wright, Ramsey, Rice, Cottonwood, Chisago, Carver, Washington, Lyon, Goodhue, Blue Earth, Stearns, Mille Lacs (Princeton). |
1970 | Spring | | | 4-10 Morrison LR; only report north. |
1970 | Summer | | | nested in Hennepin, Ramsey, and Washington Co's; reported from Wabasha, Winona, Wright, Freeborn, Carver, and Stearns Co's. |
1970 | Fall | | | reports north KS, ]G, PH; 11-1 Morrison LR; 11-24 Lake, H. Decker. |
1970 | Winter | | | common in se range from Wright and Washington se to Rice, Olmsted, Houston; further west 1 to 2 reported from Freeborn, Watonwan, Cottonwood, Swift; a few in n. part of regular range in Stearns, Mille Lacs; winter invasion in Itasca (Wawina), St. Louis (DuluthFloodwood, minimum of 8 birds), Cook (2 birds). |
1971 | Spring | | | 2 reports north Duluth, H. Lease; 4-20 Lake RK. |
1971 | Summer | | | nested in Hennepin, McLeod and Ram ~~ba~~~. rm~!;e~~fs~';o,CaJS~!~thDa,!<~Ja,M~~!~~h (present all summer at Agassiz, "rare," JBMH). |
1971 | Fall | | | 2 north reports 11-1 Little Marais, Lake Co. Rose-breasted C'l•osbPak: late south 9-27 Hennepin and Stearns; 9-?8 D~kot,.; 10-7 Ramsey; late north 9-21 Duluth; 9-28 Morrison. India<> Buntina: late sonth 9-5 Dakota; 9-11 Wright; 9-26 'Pope; late north 9-21 Duluth. |
1972 | Summer | | | nested In (Hennepin); seen also in DULUTH (7-78 male, B. Hojnacki), Stearns, Isanti, 1 Wright, Sherourne, Washington, Ramsey, Carver, Rice Houston, Blue Earth (6·10 Vernon Center EDK'>. |
1972 | Winter | | | NORTH One male seen daily at feeder Deerwood, Crow Wing TS; 12-16 (2) Otter Tail KRE. SOUTH Reported from twelve counties. |
1973 | Summer | | | Breeding cards from Goodhue, Wabasha; seen in 17 other counties, including St. Louis (Duluth -1 male all summer MMC). |
1973 | Fall | | | Seen in ten counties. |
1973 | Winter | | | Reported from 25 counties north to St. Louis (all winter), Stearns and Lac qui Parle. |
1974 | Spring | | | 5 reports north from 3-9 to 5-14 in Mille Lacs, Clay and St. Louis. |
1974 | Summer | | | Nested in St. Louis, Sherburne, Hennepin, Ramsey, Houston; also reported from 16 other counties north to Aitkin (6-8, NJ) and St. Louis (MMC). |
1974 | Fall | | | Reports north 11-10 Clay FMAS; November Duluth JG, MMC. |
1974 | Winter | | | Reported from 26 counties north and west to Lake (2-1, VRL), St. Louis (Duluth Christmas Count and 12-10 in Hibbing, H. Micensky), Carlton (E. Peterson), Clay (2-24, LCF), Big Stone, Lyon and Rock. |
1975 | Spring | | | 6 reports north from 5-2 to 5-24 in Hubbard, St. Louis, Becker, Crow Wing Co's. |
1975 | Summer | | | Nested in Hennepin and Olmsted; also reported from 15 other counties west to Lyon, Murray and Rock (6-11 and 7~5; KE, PE). |
1975 | Fall | | | reports from the edge of its range were 10-24 Duluth C. Grant; 11-10 to 17 Duluth H. Nelson; 11·18 Ottertail SM; 8-8 Clay LCF; 9-11 Rock KE. |
1975 | Winter | | | reported on 27 counties north and west to St. Louis (Duluth Christmas Count) and Big Stone (Big Stone N. W. R. Christmas Count); peak of 129 on the Afton Christmas Count. |
1976 | Spring | | | 3 reports north 3-18 to 4-24: Clay (1) LCF; 5-5 Crow Wing (1) JB; May St. Louis Henry Roberts. |
1976 | Summer | | | nested in Hennepin, Wabasha and Blue Earth; also reported from 16 other counties north and west to Lake (6-16, GO), St. Louis (7-3 Duluth, JG) and Yellow Medicine. |
1976 | Fall | | | North report on 11-22 Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. GO. |
1976 | Winter | | | Reported from 27 counties west and north to Redwood, Lyon, Big Stone (Christmas Count), Otter Tail (4 on Fergus Falls Christmas Count) and Duluth (Christmas Count Period). |
1977 | Spring | | | 3 reports out of the usual range: 4-24 Crow Wing (1) JB; 5-22 Pipestone (1); 5-30 Lincoln (1) KE. |
1977 | Summer | | | Nested in Hennepin, Ramsey and Olmsted; also reported from 11 other counties west to Grant (6-9, KE), Big Stone (BSRP) and Rock (6-29, KE). |
1977 | Fall | | | Only unusual report was a bird seen in Duluth from September through November (fide JG). |
1977 | Winter | | | Reported from 28 counties north to Big Stone, Stearns and Duluth (CBCperiod.) |
1978 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Stearns and Ramsey; seen also in 13 other counties in the southeast, east-central and central regions plus Jackson (RLG), Nicollet (JCF) and Aitkin (CMB). |
1978 | Fall | | | Reported only from South central and Southeast. |
1978 | Winter | | | Reported from 24 counties north to Big Stone and Aitkin (overwintered, (WN). |
1979 | Spring | | | Reported northwest to Becker county 423 TNWR. |
1979 | Summer | | | Seen in 20 counties in the Southeast, East Central, Central and South Central regions plus Redwood, Jackson, Rock (6-26 Blue Mounds VL). |
1979 | Fall | | | Reported from 11 southern counties. |
1979 | Winter | | | Reported from 23 counties north to Otter Tail and St. Louis. |
1980 | Spring | | | Reported from 20 southern counties and from north in Hubbard County. |
1980 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from St. Louis (Duluth), Dakota, LeSueur, Lac qui Parle; also seen throughout the southern half of the state plus Clay (7-10 Moorhead). |
1980 | Fall | | | One report north 11-28 St. Louis M. B. Nevers; reported from 16 counties south. |
1980 | Winter | | | Reported from 21 counties north to Crow Wing and Otter Tail. |
1981 | Spring | | | Reported from 19 counties south and from Crow Wing, Lake and St. Louis counties north. Rose-breated Grosbeak Early south 4-27 Hennepin ES, Houston EMF, 4-28 Wabasha DWM, 4-30 Lyon HK; early north 5-1 Lake of the Woods TA, 5-3 Crow Wing JB, 5-4 Itasca TCS. |
1981 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Stearns, Sherburne, Hennepin, Houston. Seen in the South half (eastern, central regions only) plus Clay (6-1, L&CF) and Lake (mid-May -6-1, Knife River, J. Eaton). |
1981 | Fall | | | Reported from Mille Lacs and fourteen counties south. |
1981 | Winter | | | Reports from 22 counties north to Otter Tail 1-11 until 1-26 (GMO); Duluth, three December reports; and Lake, a female at Finland until 12-12 (SWMS). |
1982 | Spring | | | Reported from 22 counties south and from Crow Wing, Lake, Roseau and St. Louis counties north. |
1982 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Hennepin, Steele, Wabasha. Seen in 21 other counties as far north as Morrison and Duluth (6/5 male; JCG). |
1982 | Fall | | | Reported from Aitkin and St. Louis counties north and from ten counties south. |
1982 | Winter | | | Three north reports, Wilkin, two all winter (SDM) Otter Tail, Deer Creek, 1/7 (PKL) and a Duluth feeder on 12/18 (V. Adams). Also reported from 18 south counties. |
1983 | Spring | | | Reported from twenty two counties south and from Crow Wing, Mille Lacs and St. Louis counties north. |
1983 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Morrison, Brown. Also seen in 12 other counties in the South plus Duluth (male, 7/8) and Hubbard (6/27 Bsnedict, fide HJF). |
1983 | Fall | | | Reported from thirteen counties south and from Clay and St. Louis counties north. |
1983 | Winter | | | North reports from the Fergus Falls, Walker, Crosby, Hibbing and Duluth CBC's. Overwintered in Aitkin County (JB) and one in Grand Protage, Cook County on 1-22 (BDC). Also in Duluth from 2-23 on, (DRBA). Reported from 25 south counties, being most abundant in the east central and south east regions. A peak CBC count of 288 at Rochester and a statewide total of 1430. |
1984 | Spring | | | Reported from nineteen counties south; four reports north 4/20 Aitkin WN, 5/19 Cook EH, 5/20 Otter Tail SDM, Todd SDM. |
1984 | Summer | | | nested in Ramsey, Brown and Le Sueur; also seen in 13 other counties including St. Louis (6/11 Aurora-Hoyt Lakes -AE) and Clearwater (6/17 Bagley -AB). |
1984 | Fall | | | Reported from 13 counties south and from Mille Lacs, Pennington and St. Louis counties north. |
1984 | Winter | | | Reported from 28 south and central region counties and Pennington until 12-12 (KSS) and Cook, a pair throughout February (SL) in the north. Also on the Fargo and Duluth CBC's. Peak count of 237 at Rochester and a statewide total of II 00. |
1985 | Spring | | | Two reports north 3/12 St. Louis KE, 4/14 Aitkin WN ; reported from 21 coun ties south. |
1985 | Summer | | | Nested in Sherburne, Ramsey, Olmsted; probable nesting in Dakota. Seen in 14 other counties west to Redwood and north to Morrison. |
1985 | Fall | | | One report north 11/13 Duluth fide KE; reported from nineteen counties south. |
1985 | Winter | | | One at a Kittson County feeder, 12/9 MRBA and in Duluth 12/14, J. Newman. Also reported from 13 central and 18 south region counties. A statewide CBC count of 1534 (1100 L.y.) with a high count of 341 at Rochester. |
1986 | Spring | | | Four reports north 3/14 Otter Tail overwintered SDM, 4/13 Aitkin WN, 5/6 Clay LCF, 5/10 Cook EH; reported from twenty-one counties south. |
1986 | Summer | | | Nested in Sherburne, Brown Rice (GR), Olmsted; probable nesting in Hennepin. Also seen in 21 other counties throughout the South, including Rock. |
1986 | Fall | | | Reported from Aitkin and Clay counties north and west to Lyon and Redwood counties. |
1986 | Winter | | | Reported on the Grand Rapids CBC; in Aitkin County and in 31 additional central and south region counties. Also noted as "increasing in Marshall", Lyon (HK). |
1987 | Spring | | | Two reports north 3/7 Aitkin WN and 5/16 St. Louis AE. Reported from 23 counties south. |
1987 | Summer | | | Nested in Washington (WL), Ramsey, LeSueur (EK), Brown; probable nesting in Mower. Also seen in 21 other counties west to Murray, Lyon, Chippewa; north to Stearns, Anoka and Duluth (611, fide KE). |
1987 | Fall | | | Reported from Clay and Otter Tail as well as 18 counties throughout the south. |
1987 | Winter | | | Reported from 30 south and central region counties; and Crow Wing and Cook in the north. Statewide CBC total of 1933. |
1988 | Spring | | | Reported north from Aitkin, Pine and St. Louis as well as 17 counties throughout the south. |
1988 | Summer | | | Nested in Sherburne, Ramsey, Brown, Fillmore (NAO) ; probable nesting in Freeborn. Seen in 24 other counties north to Pine and west to Cottonwood, Jackson; plus Clay (7117, two in Moorhead, fide LCF), Becker (6/21, two birds, BK). |
1988 | Fall | | | Reported from Aitkin, Cook, OtterTail and St. Louis Counties north and from eighteen counties south. |
1988 | Winter | | | Reported from six north, 14 central and 18 south region counties (32 I. y.). Statewide CBC total of 1794 (1,933 l.y.). |
1989 | Spring | | | Four reports north 3/23 Cook WP 4/16 Kittson TR, 5/10 Beltrami KH, 5/16 Aitkin WN, Reported from 30 counties south. |
1989 | Summer | | | Nested in Brown, Le Sueur, Fillmore; probable nesting in Washington, Dakota, Olmsted. Seen in 23 other counties as far north as Lac qui Parle, Kanabec. |
1989 | Fall | | | Twelve reports from Aitkin; Carlton, Lake and Duluth. Reported from 26 counties south. |
1989 | Winter | | | Reported from a record 48 counties (38 l.y.) including the Roseau CBC. Statewide CBC total of 2,026 (I, 794 I. y.). As many as six individuals were in the Duluth area fide KE. · |
1990 | Spring | | | Reported from six northern counties: Aitkin , Lake, Otter Tail, Pennington, St. Louis and Todd. Reported from 26 counties south. |
1990 | Summer | | | Nested in Hennepin, Washington; probable nesting in Olmsted, Fillmore. Seen in 22 other Southern counties plus Kanabec; also near Bemidji, Beltrami Co., 6/28 (fide DJ) and Two Harbors, Lake Co., 7/4 DPV. |
1990 | Fall | | | Reported from Clay, Cook and Otter Tail plus 20 counties south. |
1990 | Winter | | | Reported from 36 counties ( 48 1. y.) with a statewide CBC total of 1,963 (2,026 l.y.). Northern reports numerous with birds in Hovland, Cook SOL; near Two Harbors (fide DPV); Duluth (4 reports at feeders, fide KE); Aitkin 2/24 WN; and on the Crosby and Long Prairie CBCs. Absent in Otter Tail Co. this winter. |
1991 | Spring | | | Reported from Aitkin, Becker, Clay, Mille Lacs, Otter Tail and 29 counties south. |
1991 | Summer | | | Nested in Brown, Washington, Mower JM, Winona HVA; probable nesting in Le Sueur, Olmsted. Seen in 17 other southern counties plus Becker TNWR, Cass DH, St. Louis Co. (Eveleth) SW/MS. |
1991 | Fall | | | Reported from Aitkin, Becker, Koochiching, Otter Tail, Pennington and St. Louis (Duluth) as well as 19 counties south. |
1991 | Winter | | | Reported from 37 counties (36 l.y.), 8 of which were north (6 l.y.), including the Long Prairie, Grand Forks, and Grand Rapids CBC's, plus Otter Tail mob, Becker 1/5 BE, Aitkin WN, St. Louis (Duluth CBC and in Ely fide SSc), and Lake 12/4 DPV. CBC total 2,194 (1,963 l.y.). |
1992 | Spring | | | Reported from 30 counties south and seven counties north to Pennington. |
1992 | Summer | | | Nested in Hennepin, Washington, Winona; probable nesting in Kandiyohi, Anoka, Nicollet, Le Sueur. Seen in 21 additional southern counties plus Morrison, Mille Lacs, Becker BBe. |
1992 | Fall | | | Reported from Becker, Cook, Kanabec, and St. Louis counties north and 23 counties south. |
1992 | Winter | | | Reported from 42 counties (37 l.y.) from as far north as 12/1–13 Cook County SOL, Duluth mob, the Crosby (count week) and Long Prairie CBCs, 12/27 Otter Tail SDM, 12/2 Wilkin PS, Becker (no date) BBe, and overwintering in Marshall Co. fide KSS. CBC total 1702. |
1993 | Spring | | | Reported from six counties north and 27 south. |
1993 | Summer | | | Nested in Hennepin, Ramsey, Winona; probable breeding in Nicollet, Olmsted. Seen in 23 southern counties plus Clay, Becker, Aitkin, Kanabec, St. Louis. |
1993 | Fall | | | Reported from seven counties north and 19 counties south. |
1993 | Winter | | | Reported from 33 counties (42 l.y.) as far north as Cook (overwintering at Magney State Park, SOL), St. Louis (three feeder locations in Duluth fide KE) and 12/18 and 2/1 Becker BBe. |
1994 | Spring | | | Reported from 30 south and seven north counties. |
1994 | Summer | | | Nested in Anoka WL, Ramsey, Washington, Winona; probable nesting in Becker, Otter Tail, Kanabec, Nicollet, Brown. Seen in 14 other southern counties plus Morrison, St. Louis. |
1994 | Fall | | | Reported from four counties north and 19 counties south. |
1994 | Winter | | | Reported from 37 counties in all regions of the state, although only northwest report was in Clay. Overwintered in northeast in Cook. CBC total 1969. |
1995 | Spring | | | Reported from 23 south and nine north counties. |
1995 | Summer | | | Nested in four counties, probable nesting in four; seen in 12 other southern counties plus Mahnomen, Becker, Otter Tail, Douglas, Todd, Aitkin. |
1995 | Fall | | | Reported from 6 north and 20 south counties. |
1995 | Winter | | | Reported from an above average 46 counties throughout the state including overwintering as far northwest as Pennington and Roseau. CBC total 1,940, including a high count of 340 on the St. Paul (northeast suburban) CBC. |
1996 | Spring | | | Reported from 32 south and 6 north counties. Interesting north reports included a male which overwintered in Roseau (BSi) and increasing numbers in St. Louis (KE). |
1996 | Summer | | | Record number of reports. Nested in Morrison, Washington, Brown, Rice; probable nesting in seven counties. Observed in 26 other counties as far north as Hubbard, Pine. |
1996 | Fall | | | Reported from 4 north and 27 south counties. |
1996 | Winter | | | Northward expansion continues slowly. Reported from 43 counties throughout the state (46 l.y.). Unusual was a female overwintering at Lake Bronson, Kittson Co. fide KB, PS. CBC total 2,347, apparently the highest ever. |
1997 | Spring | | | Reported from 28 south and 8 north counties. |
1997 | Summer | | | Many reports, similar to last year. Seen in 33 southern counties plus Wadena, Morrison, Kanabec, Pine, Carlton, St. Louis; probable nesting in six counties. |
1997 | Fall | | | Reported from 5 north (including 10/26 Lutsen, Cook Co. fide AH) and 23 south counties. |
1997 | Winter | | | Reported from 45 counties throughout the state. CBC total 1,561, the lowest since 1986 (2,347 l.y.). |
1998 | Spring | | | Reported from 31 south counties and from Aitkin, Kanabec, Morrison, St. Louis and Todd in the north. Numbers continue to increase in the northeast (KE). |
1998 | Summer | | | Seen in 26 southern counties (although none in southwest) plus Becker, Todd, Aitkin, Kanabec, St. Louis; probable nesting in Todd, Ramsey, Freeborn, Winona. |
1998 | Fall | | | Reported from Aitkin, Becker, Kanabec, Morrison, Otter Tail, St. Louis, and Todd in the north, and throughout the south regions. |
1998 | Winter | | | Reported from 42 counties as far north as St. Louis and Becker. CBC total 2,470. |
1999 | Spring | | | Reported throughout its range. Reports continue to increase in the northeast region, especially in Duluth. |
1999 | Summer | | | Observed in 34 counties as far north as St. Louis (Duluth) and as far west as a line through Otter Tail, Kandiyohi, Martin; new nesting record in Nicollet BBo. |
1999 | Fall | | | Continued expansion in the north with reports from Aitkin, Becker (TNWR), Cook, Hubbard, Kanabec, Lake, Otter Tail, St. Louis, and Wadena. Reported throughout the south. |
1999 | Winter | | | Reported from 43 counties in all regions, with increased numbers noted at northern fringe in Otter Tail, Becker, and St. Louis, plus one report 1/26 Koochiching (Margie) KB. |
2000 | Spring | | | Seen in 27 south and 10 north counties, as far northwest as Polk (4/30, EF). Observed in Cass, Crow Wing and Aitkin in north-central region, and St. Louis in northeast (still increasing in Duluth, KE). |
2000 | Summer | | | Record high number of reports. Observed in 45 counties as far north as Clay, Crow Wing, Aitkin, St. Louis. |
2000 | Fall | | | Reported from all regions except in extreme northwest and north-central counties. Numbers continue to increase in the northeast. Reported throughout the south. TEB had 28 at their feeders on 11/19 in Washington! |
2000 | Winter | | | Reported from 50 counties throughout the state. Peak count 12/16 Winona CBC (358). |
2001 | Spring | | | Seen in 36 south and 14 north counties, as far north as Kittson (4/4, fide BAB) and Lake of the Woods (5/16, PHS). Continues to increase in St. Louis County (fide KRE). Pair observed mid-March in Lake (Two Harbors) DBz. |
2001 | Summer | | | Seen in 36 counties as far north as Clay, Becker, Crow Wing, Aitkin; plus possible nesting at Eveleth in St. Louis Co. KRS, BAB.
2001 | Fall | | | Reported from all regions except the Northwest and West-central. |
2001 | Winter | | | Reported from 52 counties as far north as a line from Clay to southern St. Louis (Duluth), plus the Warren CBC. |
2002 | Spring | | | Observed in 32 south and 15 north counties as far north as Marshall (Old Mill S.P.) in Northwest, Lake of the Woods (3/27, female at Roosevelt, GMM, JMF) in North-central, and Lake (Two Harbors) in Northeast. |
2002 | Summer | | | Many reports, similar to 2000. Seen in 45 counties as far north as Polk, Beltrami, St. Louis; plus new county record 7/14 Traverse PCC, PHS. |
2002 | Fall | | | Reported throughout the state, with fewest reports from Northwest (Pennington and Becker) and Southwest (Yellow Medicine). |
2002 | Winter | | | Reported from 48 counties throughout the state. |
2003 | Spring | | | Observed in 29 south and 17 north counties as far north as Marshall in Northwest, Beltrami in North-central, and Lake (Two Harbors) and St. Louis (Aurora) in Northeast. |
2003 | Summer | | | Reported in 41 counties as far north as Marshall, St. Louis, Lake; new nesting record in Renville MDL. |
2003 | Fall | | | Reported from Becker, Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, and Rock in western regions. No reports from Carlton, Dodge, Houston in the east. |
2003 | Winter | | | Reported from 51 counties throughout the state. |
2004 | Spring | | | Observed in 35 south and 13 north counties as far north as Marshall in Northwest, Aitkin, Crow Wing and Wadena in North-central, and Lake and St. Louis in Northeast. |
2004 | Summer | | | Seen in 38 counties in all regions of state. |
2004 | Fall | | | Reported from Marshall, Clay, Becker, Otter Tail, and Lyon in the western regions. No reports from Carlton or Fillmore in the east. |
2004 | Winter | | | Reported from 11 north and 25 south counties in all regions except the Southwest. Overwintered north in Hubbard (Akeley) MAW and Lake (at least 2 individuals, Two Harbors) JWL. |
2005 | Spring | | | Reported from 30 south and 17 north counties in all regions. Northern extent as follows: Clay and Becker in Northwest, Hubband and Cass in North-central, St. Louis and Lake in Northeast. |
2005 | Summer | | | Reported from 42 counties in all regions except Northeast. |
2005 | Fall | | | Reported throughout the state as far north as 9/4 Lake of the Woods (Zippel Bay S.P.) KRE et al. |
2005 | Winter | | | Reported from 46 counties statewide as far north as Marshall (Warren CBC) in the Northwest, Beltrami (Waskish) and Lake of the Woods (Baudette) in the North-central, and Cook (Grand Marais) in the Northeast. |
2006 | Spring | | | Reported throughout the state in all regions. High count 3/12 Steele (12 at feeder) NFT. Northern extent as follows: Polk, Clearwater, Itasca, St. Louis (Ely), Lake (Beaver Bay). |
2006 | Summer | | | Found in 60 counties in all regions of state. First nesting record for Kanabec CAM. |
2006 | Fall | | | Reported throughout the state except in Northwest. |
2006 | Winter | 18 | 36 | Reported from a record 54 counties statewide. This species continues its colonization in the north and has become a fairly common bird in Duluth. |
2007 | Spring | 22 | 50 | Reported throughout the state as far northwest as Kittson (5/23, LW) and as far northeast as St. Louis (Ely) and Cook (Schroeder). |
2007 | Summer | 16 | 42 | Reported from all regions of the state. |
2007 | Fall | 16 | 44 | Reported throughout all regions. Unusual were 8 in Cook on 10/28 (KRE). |
2007 | Winter | 18 | 38 | Number of reports about the same as last year. Reported from all regions statewide, and only missing from the extreme Northwest, North-central, and the extreme Southwest counties. Consistent numbers north likely represent ongoing range expansion in that region. CBC high count Rochester (358). |
2008 | Spring | 23 | 46 | Reported throughout with extreme range limits to Kittson (3/31 fide JMJ) and Lake (4/5 JWL). |
2008 | Summer | 16 | 39 | Reported from all regions of state. |
2008 | Fall | 10 | 41 | Reported throughout the state. |
2008 | Winter | 12 | 42 | Widespread reports but none north of a line from Pine to Clay counties, except for CBC reports as far north as Grand Marais, Cotton, Grand Rapids, and Bemidji. No significant numbers were reported. CBC high count 273 (Henderson). |
2009 | Spring | 18 | 49 | Reported statewide, as far north as Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Beltrami, Becker, and Clay counties. |
2009 | Summer | 16 | 38 | Seen statewide. Unusual report 6/12 Pennington (Thief River Falls) PHS. First county breeding records from Carver JCy, Scott JEB, Wright RLL, Crow Wing fide MRN, Scott JEB. |
2009 | Fall | 15 | 43 | Reported widely as far north as Cass; also found in Pennington and Roseau. |
2009 | Winter | 21 | 41 | Recorded from more counties than in any of the previous five years. Reports were from throughout the state (including extreme Northwest and Northeast) and season. High counts 1/2 Wright (31) JFR, 12/19 Dakota (26) MRH. CBC high count 12/19 Bloomington (316), with several others exceeding 250. |
2010 | Spring | 22 | 49 | Reported statewide; northernmost records 4/22 Cook ARu and 5/29 Koochiching DGr. |
2010 | Summer | 17 | 44 | Seen throughout the state. First county breeding records from Cass MRN, Cook ARu, Pine EMH. |
2010 | Fall | 14 | 47 | Reported in most counties south of a line from Clearwater to Cook. |
2010 | Winter | 17 | 45 | Reported from about the same number of counties as last year, although including only one (Polk) north of line from Clay to Itasca. Farthest north reports 12/18 Grand Marais CBC, 12/2–22 Polk (East Grand Forks) SAu. High count north 12/2 Mille Lacs (4) RBW. South high counts 12/18 Hennepin (24) MDu, 1/13 Hennepin (24) YK. CBC high counts 12/18 Henderson (350), 12/18 Excelsior (298), 12/18 Faribault (288). CBC high count north 12/19 Little Falls (26), 12/18 Duluth (25). |
2011 | Spring | 23 | 50 | Reported statewide. Northernmost records 3/5 Cook DMB, 5/25 Kittson TrB. |
2011 | Summer | 18 | 45 | Found in all regions of state. First county breeding record from Stevens MKu. High count 7/22 Goodhue (20, Cannon Valley Trail) LKL. |
2011 | Fall | 16 | 52 | Only Northwest report was from Roseau (near Lancaster) LW. Otherwise, seen statewide. |
2011 | Winter | 17 | 44 | Number of reports down just slightly from the last two years (62 counties in 2010 and 2009). Observed in all regions throughout the state, including even 1/2–2/19 Kittson LW. CBC high counts 12/17 Faribault (233), 12/31 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (216), 12/17 Bloomington (198). |
2012 | Spring | 23 | 52 | Reported statewide. High counts 4/8 Hennepin (40, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) DAd, 4/29 Hennepin (25, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) DAd, 3/15 Dakota (23, Lebanon Hills R.P.) RaM. |
2012 | Summer | 22 | 48 | Observed in all regions of state. First county breeding records for Aitkin WEN, Waseca PCo. |
2012 | Fall | 23 | 47 | Found in all regions but not the extreme northwest. Reported on the edge of its distribution in the state from Pennington 8/20, 9/1, 9/25 SAS and 10/26 Koochiching ph. AMe. High count 8/12 Hennepin (25, Elm Creek Park) TLo. |
2012 | Winter | 23 | 43 | More reports than any of the previous five years. Widespread across the state, but mostly missing from the western border counties. Rare winter record: 2/15 Lake of the Woods CaP. CBC high counts 12/15 Excelsior (283), 12/15 Faribault (226), 12/15 Rochester (219). This species continues to expand its range north and west throughout the state. |
2013 | Spring | 22 | 49 | Reported statewide, except for far northwest corner. Extreme north reports 3/8–4/4 Koochiching RAE, DAC, RBJ, 4/26 Cook DKa. High counts 3/18 Rice (30) JLn, 5/10 Hennepin (23) AbA. |
2013 | Summer | 19 | 47 | Reported from all regions, but not in northwest corner of state. First county breeding record for Itasca GCr. |
2013 | Fall | 16 | 46 | Reported throughout the state. The most northerly reports were from Polk and Itasca. High counts 8/3 Scott (20, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) KRo, 11/24 Anoka (14) DvS. |
2013 | Winter | 17 | 43 | Number of reporting counties about average over the previous five winters. Reported from all regions statewide, but more scattered in the northwest and western counties. Unusual in the far north was 1/27 Lake of the Woods MHK. CBC high counts 12/14 Rochester (248), 12/14 Excelsior (213). |
2014 | Spring | 17 | 53 | Reported statewide except in far northwest corner. Northernmost report 4/16 Cook (Grand Marais) DMB. |
2014 | Summer | 17 | 49 | Found in all regions of state. |
2014 | Fall | 21 | 47 | Fewer reports than normal but still seen in all regions including extreme northeast (Cook, Lake) and northwest (Marshall, Pennington and Polk). High count 9/16 Hennepin (13, Westwood Hills N.C.) TPM. |
2014 | Winter | 19 | 45 | Reported from all regions statewide, but less commonly in northwest and western counties. High counts 12/13 Washington (30) GJa, 12/27 Dakota (28) ADS, 1/15 Hennepin (27) TAT. CBC high counts 12/20 Rice (228), 12/20 Excelsior (179), 12/20 Henderson (165). |
2015 | Spring | 24 | 52 | Reported statewide including all Northeast counties, Beltrami, and 5/4 Kittson (Karlstad) CSc. Noteable high count 4/25 Hennepin (27, Hyland Lake P.R.) MHu. |
2015 | Summer | 23 | 49 | Reported from all regions. |
2015 | Fall | 21 | 46 | Reported in most of the state, though absent from many of the far western and North-central counties. High counts 10/25 Hennepin (15, Elm Creek P.R) TLo, 10/31 Hennepin (13) DAs. |
2015 | Winter | 19 | 49 | Reported from more counties than any of previous five years with fewest reports from Northwest and West-central. High counts 12/26 Dakota (49) TAT, ADS, 2/13 Brown (32) LBr, 2/14 Hennepin (26) MCa. CBC high counts 12/19 Excelsior (232), 12/19 Bloomington (213), 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (187). |
2016 | Spring | 21 | 53 | Reported from all regions except for portions of extreme Northeast and much of the Northwest. Noteable high counts 3/12 Hennepin (27, Hyland Lake P.R.) MHu, 4/14 Hennepin (24, Westwood Hills N.C.) JD, 4/3 Hennepin (20, Elm Creek P.R.) TLo. |
2016 | Summer | 17 | 46 | Reported from all regions. |
2016 | Fall | 20 | 49 | Reported from most of the state but not reported from extreme southwest, northwest and north-central counties. High counts 9/6 Scott (15) RCu, 8/23 Hennepin (14, Westwood Hills N.C.) EGB, 8/27 Washington (13) PNi. |
2016 | Winter | 21 | 46 | Reported from all regions of state, as far north as Roseau, with fewest reports from western counties. High counts 12/31 Dakota (40) ADS, 2/19 Hennepin (31, Hyland Lake P.R.) MHu, 12/17 Rice (29) DAB. CBC high counts 12/17 Henderson (260), 12/17 Faribault (224), 12/18 Rochester (181). |
2017 | Spring | 23 | 53 | Reported from all regions, though few observations in the Northwest. Notable high count 5/6 Hennepin (37, Hyland Lake P.R.) MHu. |
2017 | Summer | 21 | 50 | Found in all regions. |
2017 | Fall | 25 | 49 | Reported from most of the state with fewer reports from the western and north-central tier of counties. High counts 9/27 Hennepin (16, Nine Mile Creek) JCm, SCo, MCo, 8/5 Carver (15, Rapids Lake) JCy, 11/22 Washington (15, Afton S.P.) GJa, 11/30 Washington (15) PNi. |
2017 | Winter | 20 | 48 | Reported from all regions of the state in numbers somewhat greater than 10-year average of 62 counties. High counts 12/30 Dakota (33) KDS, 1/25 Olmsted (30) LH. CBC high counts 12/16 Excelsior (213), 12/16 Faribault (164), 12/16 Rochester (150). |
2018 | Spring | 24 | 52 | Reported in all regions with fewest observations from the Northwest. |
2018 | Summer | 24 | 49 | Found in all regions. First county breeding record 6/21 Douglas JHh. |
2018 | Fall | 22 | 48 | Â Reported from most of the state though absent from many North-central, Northwest and Southwest counties. High counts 9/14 Ramsey (21, White Bear Lake) ebd, 9/14 Hennepin (18, Ninemile Creek) ebd, 11/22 Hennepin (18, Medicine Lake) RCl, 11/27 Washington (18, Cottage Grove) PNi. |
2018 | Winter | 24 | 51 | Reported from 75 counties in all regions of the state, although less frequently in Northwest, as expected. Unusual reports 12/21 Lincoln (Hole-in-the-Mountain C.P.) LiH, 1/12 Norman (Halstad) JCJ, SAu. High counts 1/20 Rice (50) DAB, 2/2 Winona (40) LiH, 12/29 Dakota (38) ADS. CBC high counts 12/15 Excelsior (266), 12/15 St. Paul (North) (230), 12/29 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (219). |
2019 | Summer | 23 | 50 | Â Found in every region. Noteworthy sighting 7/17 Koochiching (Voyageurs N.P., Rainy Lake) AJF. |
  | Permanent resident throughout. |