Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
White-tailed Kite
Swallow-tailed Kite
Golden Eagle
Northern Harrier
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Northern Goshawk
Bald Eagle
Mississippi Kite
Red-shouldered Hawk
Broad-winged Hawk
Swainson's Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
[Red-tailed Hawk (Eastern)]
[Red-tailed Hawk (Northern)]
[Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's)]
[Red-tailed Hawk (Krider's)]
Rough-legged Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk

Northern Goshawk(Accipiter gentilis)
1934Summer One of the prize observations of the season was turned in by Marius Morse, who reported a Geshnwk' s nest found April 10th, containing 3 eggs and located near Cloquet, Ccrlton County. Several dnys later it held four eggs. (See article in the May issue of tho Common Flicker describing this find.) V.rillia..'ll Webb also savr this nest.
1935Summer If it happens again next year we shall have to adr,ut that it has become n habit with Morse. Last year he found a nest of this unconmon Accipitor and this year he has again found near Cloquet, a nest of the biggest bird hawk. In the Cloquet Valley Forest 15 feet up in a ?-inch white pine located in n stand of young Norway pines he made one of the best fli1ds of the year, a nest containing 3 young Northern Goshawks. On the snr,1o day that Horse saw the nest, May 16th, a trapper shot one of the parent birds.
1936Summer A young of the "Big Blue Darter" was brought into the Arrowhead Museum alive a.t'ter tho nest had been destroyed and the female killed. The only record for this species was a nest of ~own contents at Sturgeon Lake which George Rysganrd found on July 12th.
1943Summer16 miles north Dul'uth. 2 birds, July 24. 0. Lakela.
1945SummerNest with two young, June 3, 14 miles N. of Duluth, Olga Lakela.
1945WinterTwo near St. Paul, December 30, 1945, (St. Paul Bird Club members).
1961FallLast seen at Duluth on 1 Nov. by Jan Green. First Twin Cities report was by A. C. Rosenwinkel, 18 Nov., Ramsey County.
1961WinterA. C. Rosenwinkel saw one January 12 in Ramsey County. Bob Janssen and R. Oehlenschlager saw one near Nimrod, Wadena County on Feb· ruary 17.
1962FallThis and several other northern species made unprecedented invasions of Minnesota this fall. First one, an immature, seen Sept. 24, Duluth, Janet C. Green; seen all during Sept. with peak for that month on Sept. 30, when 6 were seen. Immatures made up about half of total seen during September; during Oct., 90% or greater were adults; numbers moving through increased consistently thruout Oct. with peak for that month occurring on Oct. 30 when 169 were counted at Hawk Lookout, Duluth, iu 3 hour period (P. B. Hofslund, Janet C. Green); latest report, Nov. 3, one seen at Two Harbors dump, Lake Co., Avifauna! Club; another seen near Isabella, Lake Co., same date, Avifauna! Club.
1963Springlatest report, April 28, Du· luth, Jan Green.
1963SummerSt. Louis Co., Cloquet Forest Research Center, late May, 3 eggs. All three hatched, y were banded, still in area as of Aug. 24. G. W. Gullion.
1963Fallfor the second autumn in succession, extremely heavy numbers of Northern Goshawks were seen at the hawk J.ookout in Duluth. This fall they ar· rived about a month earlier than last year and in still heavier numbers. Counts of 50-70 per day were realized, with 10-15 per hour during daily peaks.
1963WinterJanet Green reports that in Northeastern Minnesota, they were present "all greater num· bers than usual." Reports from elsewhere are as follows: Nov. 25, Ramsey Co., R. B. Janssen Dec 1, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel Dec 27, Ramsey Co., Eliz. Campbell Dec 28, Hennepin Co., Mrs. Ed Harms Dec 28, Dakota Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel Dec 29, Anoka Co., Avifauna! Club Dec 29, Winona Co., Grace Dahm Jan 6, Dakota Co., R. B. Janssen Jan 6, Goodhue Co., R. B. Janssen Jan 11, Anoka Co., R. B. Janssen Jan 12, Ramsey Co., Eliz. Campbell Jan 17, Anoka Co., Bill Litkey Jan 17, Ramsey Co., Bill Litkey Jan 17, Chisago Co., Bill Litkey Feb 1, Olmsted Co., R. B. Janssen Feb 2, Fillmore Co., John Feehan
1964Spring3-13 Princeton, brought to JO, she banded and released it in Washington Co; 3-20, Stearns Co, RPR; 3-22, 4-10 and 4-11 Wadena Oo, RO; 3-15 Duluth, AMBR; 4-8 Stearns Co, RPR; at Duluth on 4-11 (PBH), 5-8 (JCG), 5-16 (PBH) and 5-17 (DM).
1964Summer8-14, Crow Wing Co, MSB; 8-29, Lake Co, JCG. . Red-tailed Hawk: breeding in Crow Wing (MSB) and Roseau (PEB) Coun ties.
1964Fall9-20 Duluth, PBH; 9-29 Duluth, 4, PBH, JCG; 10-2 Roseau Co, PEB, JLR; 10-13 Roseau Co, 3, PEB, JLR; 10/9 Ramsey Co, GL; 10-21 Two Harbors, 12, RK; 10-24 Roseau Co, PEB, JLR; 11-1 Ely, St. Louis Co, JNG; 11-1 Mille Lacs Co, RBJ; 11-6 Stevens Co, ES; 11-8 Wadena Co, RO ; 11-10 Hennepin Co, RG; 11-17 to 11-21 Roseau Co, PEB, JLR; 12-2 Hennepin Co, RBJ.
1964WinterAbout 30 reports from 18 observers. County records: Ramsey (BL, ACR, ELC, EMB), Washington (BL), Wabasha (DGM, RG, RLH), Hennepin (MEH, MAS), Carlton (RPR), Stearns (RPR), Anoka (ELC, LJ, MAS, EWJ), Wadena (RO, WRP, RG, RLH), Cass (RO), Beltrami (RO, RG, RLH), Lake (JCG, RK), and St. Louis (JNG, AKA, NJH). From 1 to 3 birds in each case.
1965Fall10-10 Hennepin Co, RDT; 10-22 Cook Co, HH, 10-23 Marshall Co, DLO. Red-shouldered Hawk. 9-23 Winona, GD and 11-15 Hennepin Co, RDT. B11oad-winged Hawk: latest 10-3 Lake Vermilion, St. Louis Co, 1, VFB and 10/0 Collegeville, 2, RPR.
1965WinterNorth: 12 observations by 6 people in Cook, Wadena, Cass, Marshall, St. Louis, Aitkin. Central: 8 observations by 8 people in Stearns, Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey, Dakota. South: only, 2/23, Olmstead, JPF.
1966Spring3-5 Hennepin Co, EMB; 3-12 Stearns Co, RPR; 3-28 Sherburne Co, NMH; 4-8 Agassiz Refuge, DLO; 4-18 Agassiz Refuge, DLO; 5-8 Frontenac, MIG; 5-26 Bemidji, EBH.
1966SummerMorrison Co, CW; 6-24 Crane Lake, St. Louis Co, 2, DS; 8-28 Caribou River, Cook Co, 1 imm, JCG.
1966Fall9-5 Cook Co., AEA; 11-2 Washington Co., WHL; 11-8 Stearns Co., RPR; 11-20 Ramsey Co., ACR.
1966Winter12-1 Hennepin Co., MEH; 1226 St. Louis Co., OAF; 1-1 Goodhue Co., RBI; 1-5 St. Louis Co., LTM; 1-26 Morrison Co., LSR; 1-27 Washington Co., DS; 1-31 Ramsey Co., JO; 2-18 Cook Co., AR; 2-26 Roseau Co., PEB; 2-27 Goodhue Co., EMB.
1967Springthroughout March, Aitkin Co., CEP; 3-22 Marshall Co., AWR; 3-31 Stevens Co., ES; 4-15 Itasca Co., ACR; 5-23 Clearwater Co. fide RPR.
1967Summernested very early at Camp Wilder, Washington Co., fide ELC but nest abandoned, probably due to excessive human activity in immediate area; 6-23 St. Louis Co., near Duluth, DS.
1967Fall 8-30 Duluth, PBH; 9-9 Pine Co., BL; 9-16 Lyon Co., DB,EHH; 9-23 Duluth, PBH; 10-8 Stearns Co., KE; 10-14 Duluth, PBH; 11-11 Lake of the Woods Co., PEB; 11-17 Anoka Co., PE; 11-18 Beltrami Co., JAH.
1967Winter Dec., Hugo, Washington Co., GCA; 2-13 (captured 2-21) Carlos Avery Refuge, Anoka Co., WHL.
1968Spring 3-2 Ponemah, Beltrami Co., 1 ad, JAH; "April", Marshall Co., 1, AWR.
1968Summer 7-10 Carlton Co, 2y, GWG.
1968Fall9-19 Wabasha 3 DGM; 927 Duluth 5 JCG; 10-21 Morrison NMH; 10-23 Duluth 7 MC.
1968WinterScarce-reported from Anoka (Carlos Avery) twice fide WHL; 12-22 Rice GNR; 2-2 Cook EC; 2-16 Wadena RO; 2-20 Aitkin (Rice Lake Refuge) CEP.
1969Spring3-2 Wadena Co., R. Olenschlager, fide JCG; 4-21 Duluth, MMC.
1969Fall8-31 Cass BAH; 9-9 Duluth MC and PBH; 10-9 Duluth PBH; 10-25 Lake BL; 11-23 Pine MIG; 11-26 Duluth MC; 11-30 Ramsey 1 imm. EC.
1969Winter12-20 Stearns KRE; Feb., Anoka WHL; all winter, Rice GNR.
1970Spring3-10 Washington WHL; 4-4 St. _, Louis BL, RG; only reports. ··
1970Fall7 reports 9-22 (4), 9-27, 10-5, 10-28, 11-5 Duluth MMC, )G, PH.
1970Winter3 reports South 12-15 Hennepin W&KE, 2-15 (3 ad) Ramsey JAB, 2-19 Hennepin CKS; 9 reports North from Itasca, Crow Wing, St. Louis, Lake all singles and imm. except 1-3 (2 ad, 1 imm) Duluth KRE.
1971Springonly 3 reports and 5-l Duluth MMC; 5-29 Brainerd, Crow WingCo. NMH
1971Fall10 reports from Aitkin, Lake, Duluth and Marshall; no south reports.
1971Winterreported by 6 people in Cook, Beltrami, Duluth, Ramsey, Hennepin, Dakota.
1972Summerseen in Hubbard, N. St. Louis.
1972WinterReported by 15 observers from the following counties: Aitkin, Becker, Crow Wing, Lake, St. Louis, Anoka, Ramsey, Sherburne and Watonwan. On 12-21 Sherburne Refuge Staff reported 1 adult at feeder! EC, KG, and TS reported observing a very white adult on 2-11 in Aitkin. Only six reports last year.
1973Summer St. Louis (6-5 & 7-13 MMC), Aitkin (7-28 TS). Sharp-shinned. Hawk Seen in St. Louis, Aitkin, Mille Lacs & Sherburne. Cooper1s Hawk Nested in Crow Wing (TS) & Anoka (SC).
1973Fall Reported from Marshall, Becker, Mille Lacs, Hubbard. Early south 10-27 Sherburne (SWR). Early north 8-6 Carlton (OLJ) (probably breeding bird). 9-4 St. Louis (JCG). Peak 10-13 St. Louis (616) (JCG).
1973Winter Reported in good numbers from 17 counties south to Redwood, Le Sueur and Dakota.
1974Spring Late south 4-15, 4-28 Freeborn DG; late north 4-18 Crow Wing TS; 5-23 St. Louis DWM.
1974Summer Only report was 6-1 in Clearwater Co. (KZ).
1974Fall Only reports south 11-14 Hennepin OJ; 11-23 Dakota RBJ; peak 8-31 to 12/1 Hawk Ridge (1,300).
1974Winter Reported from 18 counties south to Yellow Medicine, Renville and Rice.
1975Spring Late south 4-6 Cottonwood LR and Hennepin OLJ; 4-7 Carver JJW; 4-29 Hennepin BDC; late north 4-22 and 522 St. Louis GJN.
1975Summer 2 reports: 6-11 St. Louis (DWM) and 6-21 Aitkin (OJ).
1975Fallearly north 9-6 Duluth GC; only report south 10-25 Benton BL. Sharp·shinned Hawk: late north 1025 Grant SM; 10-28 Duluth Hawk Ridge; late south 11-29 Hennepin PF; peak 9-7 Duluth (703) Hawk Ridge.
1975Winterreported from 13 counties south to Washington, Hennepin, Nobles and Lac qui Parle.
1976Spring 3 reports: 3-29 Marshall (1) SV; 4-6 Crow Wing DK; 4-24 Chippewa OJ.
1976Summer6-21 Ely, St. Louis Co. (GN); only report.
1976Fall Early south 9-9 Anoka PKL and 9-22 Ramsey EC; both are very early dates.
1976Winter Reported only from Crow Wing, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Anoka (Cedar Creek Christmas Count and on 1-27 by DS) and Carver (2-20, DGW) Co's; fewer reports than usual.
1977Spring 5 reports: 3-10 Anoka KLF; 3-31 Itasca MS; 4-25 St. Louis CNS; 5-9 St. Louis MH; 5-23 St. Louis BE.
1977Summer 2 reports: 6-18 Hoyt Lakes, St. Louis Co. (LP); 7-30 Itasca (PM).
1977Winter Reported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Anoka, Ramsey, Hennepin, Dakota and Goodhue.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Lake; also seen in Cook.
1978Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge total 166, peak Oct; early south 9-11 Washington DMB, 9-17 Freeborn DG.
1978Winter Reported from 11 counties south to Anoka and Washington.
1979Spring 9 reports; late south 4-13 Nicollet JCF, 4-15 Hennepin ES; late north 5-2 Beltrami JM, 5-27 St. Louis BDC.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Beltrami; also seen in St. Louis, Cook.
1979Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge total 326 peak first week of Sept. Other reports: 9-14 Cook CMB, 9-15 Carlton OJ, 9-29 Pine OJ, 11-25 Chisago EH.
1979Winter Fourteen reports: five counties north including Marshall 1-1 and 2-9 (SKS) and four counties south to Olmsted 12-15 (JB).
1980Spring Late south 3-19 Hennepin RH, 4-1 Washington RJ, 4-24 Dakota JD; late north 4-4 Beltrami JM, 4-29 Roseau TA, 5-16 Otter Tail GMO.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Clearwater (Itaska SP) and Pine (T40N, R17W, St. Croix SP); also seen in St. Louis, Cook.
1980Fall Hawk Ridge total 250 (last year 326); 8-11 Lake SW, 9-14 St. Louis RJ, 10-5 Wright ES, 10-21 St. Louis JG, 10-27 Cook KMH, 10-31 St. Louis JG, 11-30 Wabasha JD. Sharp-shin,ned Hawk Hawk Ridge total 11,127 (last year 10, 795); late north 10-12 Traverse SM, 10-15 St. Louis JG, 11-12 Hubbard HJF; late south 11-19 Mower RRK, 1/24 Hennepin OJ, 11-29 Houston FL.
1980Winter Twelve reports from six north and eight south counties.
1981Spring 3-7 Houston JPI AM, 3-14 Washington DS, 3-28 Washington WHL, only reports south.
1981Summer Breeding data from Woods, Koochiching. range plus Pine. Lake Seen of the within
1981Fall Hawk Ridge total 981 (1980:250); early south 10-26 Houston EMF, 11-25 Anoka BH.
1981Winter Reported from six north and five south counties including Martin 2-27 (RBJ).
1982Spring Late south 4-9 Anoka OJ, Scott DJ, 4-28 Wabasha DMW, 5-15 Goodhue AB.
1982Summer Seen in St. Louis; "nesting pair" at Northwoods Audubon Center, Pine Co. (M. Link).
1982Fall Hawk Ridge count: 5819 (1982: 981) an invasion year! Early south 8/29 Anoka KL, 9/18 Cottonwood WH, 10/6 Yellow Medicine JS.
1982Winter Last fall's record Hawk Ridge flight resulted in what is probably a record winter season for the species. About 40 reports from twenty-three counties throughout the state except the south and west central regions. The southernmost reports were from Mower and Fillmore and the westerly reports included Swift, Otter Tail and Marshall .
1983Spring Late south 5/4 Dakota JD, Lac qui Parle KL, Olmsted JEB, 5/6 Anoka AM/JP.
1983Summer Breeding data from Clearwater, Pine. Also seen in Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Cook, Carlton.
1983Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count 1999 ( 1982: 5819); early south 9/11 Dakota 10, 10/25 Anoka SC, Dodge RG, RJ.
1983Winter Widespread, with reports from 15 north and 13 south counties throughout the state of about 53 individuals. The majority were reported from the southeast, east central, north central and northwest regions.
1984Spring Permanent resident; late south 41I5 Rice KJ, 4/26 Hennepin SC, 4/8 Nicollet MF.
1984Summerseen in Marshall, Clearwater, Pine and Carlton.
1984Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 934 (1983: 1,999); early south 9/15 Anoka DS, 10/20 Houston FL, 11!11 Brown JSp.
1984Winter The 31 individuals reported from 24 counties in all but the SC region are down somewhat from last year's total of 53. Two SW reports; Cottonwood on 2-12 (E. Duerkson), and Jackson 12-22 (G. Hodnefield).
1985Spring Late south 4/13 Hennepin OJ, DB, 4/19 Olmsted AP.
1985Summer Seen in Cook, Marshall.
1985Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 670 ( 1984: 934) down for past two years. Early south 9/9 Olmsted AP, 10/5 Houston FL, Ramsey KB, 10/18 Pope DR.
1985Winter The reports of about 31 individuals from 22 counties are almost identical with last year's reports. The southwest region reports this year were from Yell ow Medicine and Redwood, both on Ill (KL).
1986Spring Late south 4/27 Hennepin OJ, 4/29 Mower JM, 5/19 Olmsted AMP.
1986Summer Seen in St. Louis, Aitkin, Agassiz NWR.
1986Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 354 ( 1985: 670); Early south 9/22 Fillmore JM, 9/27 Houston FL, 9/29 Olmsted BE.
1986Winter Widespread but scarcer than last year. Reports of about 19 individuals from 16 counties throughout the state.
1987Spring Late south 3/21 Mower RRK, 4/23 Olmsted RSE, 5/29 Stearns NH.
1987Summer Nested in Hubbard; probable nesting in Koochiching. Also seen in Agassiz NWR.
1987Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 203 (1986: 354); early south Ill I Olmsted AB, II 1/4 Anoka GP.
1987Winter Fewer reports than normal. Reported on the Bemidji, Hibbing, Aurora, Sax-Zim, Duluth, Crosby, Wild River and Rochester CBC's. The only other report was from Anoka 1/6 (KL) and 2/7 (SC).
1988Spring 3/16 Mower RJ, AP, 4/21 Hennepin SC, 4/24 Le Sueur RG.
1988Summer Seen in Kittson (TR), Marshall, Aitkin, Hubbard.
1988Fall Hawk Ridge count: 177; early north 8/18 Duluth HR; early south 9/5 Olmsted BSE, 9/10 Hennepin RJ.
1988Winter Reported from four north, four central and one south region county.
1989Summer Only reports from St. Louis, Mahnomen, Morrison.
1989Fall Hawk Ridge count: 106; reported north 8/12 Marshall RJ, AP; 10/28 Cook WP; south 10/7 Anoka DS.
1989Winter Reported from five southern, one central, and two northern counties.
1990Summer Nested in St. Louis KB; also seen in Aitkin, Cook.
1990Fall Hawk Ridge count: 626; early north 8/9 Norman BK, 8/27 Hawk Ridge; early south 10/7 Anoka DS, 10/24 Ramsey KB, 10/26 Washington TEB.
1990Winter Thirty-nine birds reported from 23 counties (8 l.y.), a prelude to a heavier flight this fall. Seen in seven southern counties south of the Minnesota R. and nine northwestern counties , the majority of records not occurring until late Dec. and Jan. Four seen on the Sax-Zim CBC.
1991Spring Late south 3/10 Hennepin RJ, 4/2 Olmsted BSE, 4/6 Scott DB.
1991Summer Observed in Roseau, Clearwater, Cook.
1991Fall Hawk Ridge count 1,107; early north 9/10 Hawk Ridge, 9/20 Marshall KSS, 10/7 Becker BK; early south 9/21 Pipestone JPa, 11/3 Hennepin KB, 11/24 Stearns DO.
1991Winter Reported from only 21 counties (23 l.y.) indicating that the invasion has yet to come. Only south reports were Anoka (no date), Chisago 1/1 RJ, Dakota 2/3 KB and St. Paul NE CBC in the east central, and Olmsted 12/15, 1/1, & 2/27 BSE, JB in the southeast. Statewide CBC total of only 31, 15 of which were on the Duluth CBC (a record high).
1992Spring Late south 4/17 Mower RRK, 4/29 Anoka DN, 4/30 Sherburne DO.
1992Summer Only report from Roseau.
1992Fall Hawk Ridge count: 2,247. Early north 9/4 Clearwater AB, 9/20 St. Louis PB, OJ, 10/17 Koochiching RJ; early south 10/4 Goodhue KB and Houston FL, 10/24 Anoka KL.
1992Winter Despite lower than expected flight over Hawk Ridge last fall, there was a record number of winter reports. At least 71 reports (including CBCs) from 37 counties in all regions of the state from as far south as Mower and Freeborn on Iowa border. The majority of reports (excluding CBCs) were from Jan., with a CBC total of only 17 (31 l.y.), suggesting a relatively late influx into the state.
1993Spring Late south 5/5 Washington DS, 5/8 Olmsted JB.
1993Summer Only report: nested in St. Louis.
1993Fall Hawk Ridge count: 1,393, down sharply. Early north 8/15 Aitkin WN, 9/2 Hawk Ridge, 9/30 Cook DPV. Early south 9/12 Isanti PKL, 10/8 Washington WL, 10/14 Brown JS.
1993Winter Widely distributed. Reported from 25 counties statewide (37 l.y.) as far south as Dodge and Brown. Reports fairly evenly distributed among the three months.
1994Spring Late south 3/26 Morrison DO, 4/2 Anoka PKL, 4/6 Winona CS.
1994Summer Reported in St. Louis, Cook.
1994Fall Hawk Ridge count: 274, down sharply. Early north 8/14 St. Louis MH, 9/3 Cook KMH, 10/16 Wilkin SDM. Early south 10/21 Hennepin OJ and Houston JD, 11/9 Scott DBM.
1994Winter Scarce. Reported from only 11 counties north, and six counties south. South reports include the Afton, St. Paul, Hastings, Mankato, and Excelsior CBCs, plus 12/25 Anoka PKL and 1/14 Scott RJ. The five reported on St. Paul CBC seems too high.
1995Spring Late south 3/11 Hennepin RJ, 3/16 Dakota SK, 4/15 Olmsted CK.
1995Summer Probable nesting in St. Louis; also observed in Clearwater, Koochiching, Itasca.
1995Fall Reported from nine north and four south counties; 362 flew over Hawk Ridge.
1995Winter Reported from 16 counties; only south reports were 12/10 Washington TEB and the Lac qui Parle, Excelsior, and St. Paul CBCs. Most reports were in December (only one February observation reported). CBC total only six.
1996Spring Reported from seven north counties. Five of the seven south reports occurred 4/6–22.
1996Summer Only records: Itasca and St. Louis.
1996Fall Reported from eight counties north but only Houston in the south.
1996Winter Very scarce. Only 17 individuals reported from 15 counties. Only four south reports, all from the Twin Cities region (all accurate?).
1997Spring Two reports south: 3/28 Rice JL, 4/18 Chisago SWe. Reported from five counties north.
1997Summer Observed in Koochiching, Aitkin, St. Louis (flying over Lake Superior!) PS.
1997Fall Reported from five counties northeast. Two reports south: 9/29 Rice JLa, JL, 11/21 Olmsted JL. Peak 10/15 HRNR (43).
1997Winter Only six reports from five north counties. CBC total 1.
1998Spring Reported from three south and eight north counties. Late south 4/16 Olmsted CK.
1998Summer Only reports from Kittson, Roseau; none reported in northeast.
1998Fall Reported from eight north counties. Four reports south: 9/19 Dakota RH, 11/13 Dakota DBS, 11/15 Goodhue JL, 11/27 Olmsted DA/BE.
1998Winter Ten reports from eight counties, all but one in the north-- — the lowest total since 1988. CBC total 4.
1999Spring Very few reports, continuing the trend noted during the winter season. Only one was seen during the Enger Tower census in Duluth. Late south 4/1 Rice JL, 4/2 Meeker DF.
1999Summer Only reports: St. Louis, Carlton.
1999Fall Reported north from Clay, Cook, Itasca and St. Louis. Only south report: 11/13 Washington DN.
1999Winter About 20 individuals reported from seven north and seven south counties.
2000Spring All north reports: 4/10 Morrison WB, plus Aitkin, St. Louis, Cook. Reported without details from four south counties.
2000Summer Reported in Lake of the Woods, Aitkin, St. Louis.
2000Fall Reported from 11 north and 5 south counties. Record early south 9/1 Hennepin (adult) †ABo. First county record 10/7 Kandiyohi RBJ. All other south reports were in November from Freeborn, Hennepin, Houston, Rice.
2000Winter Approximately 65 individuals reported from 20 north and 8 south counties.
2001Spring More than twice as many reports as last spring. Reported from eight south counties (same number as winter season) through 4/15 Ramsey REH, 4/17 Hennepin OLJ. Reported from ten north counties, including 4/5 Wilkin SPM, 4/14 Mille Lacs MRN.
2001Summer Only report from Cass.
2001Fall All north reports: Aitkin, Becker, Clay, Douglas, Kittson, Lake, St. Louis. Only south reports: 11/5, 11/10 Hennepin CMM, OLJ.
2001Winter Except for the 21 counted at Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve in Duluth on 12/8, about 42 individuals were reported from 16 north and 8 south counties. Most southerly were 12/27 Nobles RBJ, 1/20 Winona (adult) †JBr.
2002Spring Seen in six south and four north counties. Late south 4/14 Big Stone RPR, 5/10 Hennepin BRL. Also see Table 1.
2002Summer The summer's only reports were from Cass and Lake counties.
2002Fall All north reports: Aitkin, Cass, Cook, Lake, Pine, St. Louis, Wilkin (10/30, SPM). Also see Table 1. All south reports: 9/23 Dakota SWe, 10/29, 11/30 Rice TFB.
2002Winter Maximum 40 individuals reported from 12 north and 5 south counties.
2003Spring Seen in five south and five north counties. No reports from Southeast, Southwest, or Northwest. Late south 4/27 Scott JEB. Also see Table 1.
2003Summer Reported in Marshall, St. Louis, Lake.
2003Fall All north reports: Beltrami, Carlton, Cook, Crow Wing, Kittson, Lake, Marshall, Pine, Polk, St. Louis, Todd. Total of 866 at H.R.N.R., Duluth. Several reports south, including early south 9/26 Rice DAB, 9/30 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/10 Olmsted PWP, and November reports from Chippewa, Dakota, Hennepin (2), and Waseca.
2003Winter Approximately 29 reports from 22 counties throughout the state as far south as the Austin, Faribault and Lamberton CBCs.
2004Spring Seen in seven south and nine north counties; no reports from Southwest. Late south 4/22 Steele NFT, 4/27 Dakota JPM. Also see Table 1.
2004Summer Only reports: 7/12 Aitkin CLB, KWR, (no date) Roseau BJS.
2004Fall All north reports: Carlton, Cass, Cook, Clay, Itasca, Lake, Marshall, Otter Tail, Pine, St. Louis. Only south reports: 10/9 Hennepin OLJ, 10/10, 11/13 Meeker DMF, 11/13 Hennepin AXH.
2004Winter Located in 19 north and 6 south counties including 1/12 Nicollet RMD, 2/12 Rice PEJ. Immature photographed 12/4 Dakota JPM.
2005Spring Observed in four south and eight north counties; no reports from Southwest or Northwest. Late south 3/24 Olmsted DMA, 4/4 Dakota JPM. Also see Table 1.
2005Summer Only report: 7/16 Carlton DFN.
2005Fall All north reports: Aitkin, Beltrami, Cass, Clearwater, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, St. Louis, Wadena. Only south reports: 9/9, 10/14, 11/22 Lac qui Parle PME, BJU, 9/21 Houston ph. FZL, 10/22 Cottonwood WCM, 11/13 Blue Earth ChH, 11/22 Dakota JPM.
2005Winter Located in 12 north and 10 south counties statewide except in Southwest. Found on 12 CBCs.
2006Spring Seen in seven south and nine north counties; no reports from Northwest. Late south 3/30 Meeker DMF, 4/4 Lyon RJS. Also see Table 1.
2006Summer Most records since 1983. Observed 6/3 Koochiching AXH, 6/23, 7/14 Itasca NRRI, BJU, 7/4 Cass NRRI, 7/20 Aitkin KWR, 7/22 Beltrami DWK.
2006Fall All north reports: Aitkin, Beltrami, Pine, St. Louis. All south reports: 10/16, 11/3 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/18, 10/27 Hennepin PEB, 10/21 Steele NFT, 10/27 Washington DAB, 11/6 Yellow Medicine BJU, 11/11 Scott BAF. Also see undocumented reports.
2006Winter56 Reported from half as many counties as last year. No details provided for any of the south individuals, including several immatures posing particular ID challenges.
2007Spring45 North reports from Aitkin, Cass, Pine, St. Louis. Late south 4/21 Lac qui Parle and Swift BJU (median 4/19).
2007Summer1 Observed 6/29 Lake (Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center) NRRI.
2007Fall62 All north reports: Cass, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis, Todd. Seasonal total of 200 from H.R.B.O. well below average of 765. All south reports: 11/19 Olmsted JLO, JWH, 11/30 Sherburne ASc.
2007Winter76 Again this season, no details provided for any reports, even though immatures can pose significant ID challenges. In fact, of 23 reports, only one adult mentioned: 12/27 Pine MCA.
2008Spring76 North reports from Aitkin, Beltrami, Crow Wing, Douglas, Hubbard, Mille Lacs, and Morrison. Late south 3/29 Ramsey REH, 4/13 Faribault DBM (median 4/20).
2008Summer2 Reported 6/5, 6/11 Itasca MCBS, 6/8 Pine MCA.
2008Fall63 All north reports: Carlton, Cass, Clay, Clearwater, Mille Lacs, St. Louis. Seasonal total of 248 from H.R.B.O. well below average of 705. All south reports: 10/17 Sherburne ASc, 11/15 Rice DAB, 11/18 Meeker DMF.
2008Winter55 All north reports from St. Louis: 12/20 (immature, Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve) TPW, 12/22 (adult, Sax-Zim CBC), 12/25 (adult, Lakewood Twp) TPW. Additional north reports 12/23 Cass DAY, 1/1 Lake of the Woods (2, Baudette CBC) fide JMJ. All south: 12/16 Lyon RJS, 1/2 Benton (immature) DPG, 1/27, 2/5 Meeker (immature, same bird?) DMF, 2/4 Sherburne DDo, 2/7 Stevens ABL, 2/20 Sherburne ASc.
2009Spring62 All south reports: 3/16 Lac qui Parle (Baxter W.M.A.) BJU, 4/10 Hennepin ABL. North reports from Crow Wing, Douglas, Itasca, Koochiching, Marshall, St. Louis. Also see Table 1.
2009Summer4 Unusual observation 6/27 Mille Lacs (sitting on prey (rabbit), then flushed along county road) ASc. All other reports: 6/1 St. Louis KRE, 6/24 Aitkin KCR, 7/8 Cook MCBS, 7/10 St. Louis TD.
2009Fall7 All reports: Carlton, Cook, Hubbard, Itasca, Lake, Pine, St. Louis. Seasonal total of 239 from H.R.B.O., Duluth well below average of 680.
2009Winter8 North reports from Aitkin, Carlton, Cass, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Mahnomen, Roseau, and St. Louis. Two south reports, but neither documented. Because of identification problems, seasonal compilers request documentation for this species outside its normal range.
2010Spring122 All south reports: 4/3 Ramsey ALo, 4/4 Washington DFN. North reports from Aitkin, Beltrami, Cass, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Itasca, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Mille Lacs, Pennington, Roseau, St. Louis. No reports with details. Also see Table 1.
2010Summer5 Found 6/7, 6/20, 7/12, 7/28 St. Louis fide BBA, LBF, 6/14, 6/17, Lake SSw, fide BBA, 6/16 Beltrami PBD, 7/9, 7/16 Cook RBJ, RMD. First county breeding record from Itasca SC.
2010Fall74 All north reports: Aitkin, Clay, Douglas, Lake, Pine, Roseau, St. Louis. Seasonal total of 185 from H.R.B.O., Duluth well below average of 656. All south reports: 9/30 Steele PSu, 10/16 Ramsey SeH, 10/24 Wright (Lake Maria S.P.) HCT, 11/6 Swift DBM.
2010Winter144 Reported widely north (found in 8 or fewer counties north in prior four winters). One documented report: 12/18 Sibley (adult) ph. fide CWG. Additional south reports from Big Stone, Lac qui Parle and Dakota were without details. Because of identification problems, seasonal compilers request documentation for this species outside its normal range.
2011Spring94 All south reports: 3/14 Hennepin (migrant, Lakewood Cemetery) TAT, 3/19 Lac qui Parle (immature, Perry Twp.) †BJU, 4/1 Ramsey REH, 4/16 Swift JOr. North reports from Aitkin, Becker, Cass, Cook, Hubbard, Itasca, Koochiching, Roseau, St. Louis.
2011Summer8Found in all northern regions. First county breeding record from Roseau BJS.
2011Fall62 All north reports: Aitkin, Cass, Cook, Itasca, Lake, St. Louis. Seasonal total of 233 from H.R.B.O., Duluth, well below average of 656. Only south reports 10/27 Chippewa (immature, Lac qui Parle W.M.A.) BJU, 11/27 Benton (immature, Sartell W.M.A.) HHD.
2011Winter73Reported from fewer counties than last year (10 vs. 18). North reports from Aitkin, Clay, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Lake, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis; those with documentation (all adults) include 12/13 Hubbard (Spider Lake) MAW, 1/10, 1/25 St. Louis ph. JMa, 2/10 St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog) MTo, 2/18, 2/25 Lake (Two Harbors) JWL. One south 1/31 Lac qui Parle (Riverside W.M.A.) ph. BJU. Neither of the other 2 south reports (Isanti, Rice) were documented.
2012Spring83 All south 3/19 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) CRM, 3/24 Ramsey REH, 3/31 Lac qui Parle BJU. North reports from Cass, Hubbard, Itasca, Kittson, Koochiching, Lake, Marshall, St. Louis.
2012Summer9 Reported from Cass, Hubbard, Itasca, Kittson, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Pennington, Roseau, St. Louis.
2012Fall123 North reports from Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Kittson, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Mahnomen, Otter Tail, Red Lake, St. Louis. All south reports: 11/10 Olmsted JPr, 11/17 Rice TFB, 11/21 Hennepin ThM. High count 11/15 St. Louis (17, H.R.N.R.) KJB.
2012Winter154All south (none included any details, including age): 12/14 Rice TFB, St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC, 1/1 Lac qui Parle DLP, 1/5 Carver MaP. Reported from more north counties than in any of the previous five winters, but only two reports were documented: 12/16 St. Louis (Virginia) SLF, 1/21 St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog). Most north reports were from the Sax-Zim Bog.
2013Spring95 All south reports: 3/8 Hennepin JCn, 3/15 Lac qui Parle (juvenile, Big Stone N.W.R.) DLP, 3/29 Olmsted MHm, Rock (immature, Blue Mounds S.P.) †KRE, 4/24 Chisago JSa, 5/17 Hennepin †DWK. North reports from Cass, Clearwater, Hubbard, Itasca, Koochiching, Marshall, Mille Lacs, Otter Tail, St. Louis.
2013Summer9 Observed in Becker, Cass, Cook, Crow Wing, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Pine, St. Louis.
2013Fall72 North reports from Cass, Clay, Cook, Kittson, Lake, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis. Season total of 164 from Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census KJB. Only south reports 10/9 Anoka DvS, 11/13 Blue Earth BHW.
2013Winter96 Reported from fewer north counties than last winter (9 vs. 15) but only one documented: 12/21 Crow Wing BU, JPR. Most reports were from Sax-Zim Bog (St. Louis). All south (three were well documented): 12/12 Jackson HHD, RAE, †CRM, 12/21 Austin CBC, Redwood ph. MJM, 12/28 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC, 1/4 Wright HHD, DFe, 1/9 Dakota †DVe.
2014Spring94All south reports 3/15–16 Brown (juvenile, Lake Hanska C.P.) †BTS, †MiO, 3/26, 3/30 Blue Earth (max. 2, Land of Memories Park) BHW, ChH, 4/12 Sherburne (Zimmerman) THl, 5/21 Hennepin (adult, Nine Mile Creek) †DW. North reports from Beltrami, Cass, Carlton, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Pine, Polk, St. Louis.
2014Summer4Seen 6/3 St. Louis MBS, 6/15 Aitkin CEn, 6/20 Itasca SC, 7/26 Cass PRH.
2014Fall63 Reported north from Cass, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Lake, Polk, St. Louis. High count 10/9 St. Louis (18, H.R.B.O.) KJB. All south reports 10/1 Wright RAE, 11/18 Blue Earth BHW, 11/30 Olmsted JPr.
2014Winter64 North reports from fewer counties (6) than in any of the previous 5 winters (Carlton, Clay, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, Todd, St. Louis). Only two included descriptive details: 1/11 Clay PBB, 1/19 St. Louis SLF. South reports from Big Stone, Blue Earth, Dakota, Washington, but only two included descriptive details: 12/24 Washington RPR, 1/12 Dakota (adult) ph. RaM. CBC high count 1/2 Sax-Zim Bog (3).
2015Spring105 All south reports 3/14 Watonwan (juvenile) †DWK, SBM, 3/15, 3/19 Blue Earth BHW, 3/31 Carver (adult, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Rapids Lake Unit) JCy, 4/19 McLeod BHa, 5/2–21 Hennepin (Nine Mile Creek) ph. JuW, ph. ROx, m.ob. North reports from Aitkin, Carlton, Clearwater, Crow Wing, Itasca, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Pine, St. Louis, Todd.
2015Summer71 Seen in Cass, Clearwater, Crow Wing, Itasca, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, St. Louis, and 6/12, 6/17 Hennepin (adult, Nine Mile Creek, Bloomington) †DWK, †KRo.
2015Fall75 North reports from Carlton, Clay, Cook, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis. High count 10/16 St. Louis (15, H.R.B.O.) KJB. All south reports 10/8 Wright ToL, 11/6 Dakota DVe, 11/3 Rice TFB, 11/19 Washington EzH, 11/21, 11/27 Blue Earth B.H.W.
2015Winter711 North reports from Aitkin, Cass, Cook, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, St. Louis, all singles. Most were from St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog). South reports from 11 counties, the most for the season since 2005. All reports were of single birds. South reports with documentation include 12/06 McLeod ph. DRp, 1/30 Redwood †BTS, 2/16 Carver †JCy, 2/18 Nicollet †MiO, 2/23 Hennepin †JWl.
2016Spring114 All south 3/30 Ramsey JFR, 4/15–5/12 Hennepin (pair breeding in Bloomington; also see summer report) ADS, RBW, †CMB, ph. DlC, m.ob., 4/25 Blue Earth BHW, 5/8 Washington BDo.
2016Summer81 Seen in all northern regions, but primarily Northeast. Exceptional breeding record 6/21 Hennepin PNi, apparently the first since the late 1800's.
2016Fall92 North reports from Aitkin, Clearwater, Cook, Itasca, Kittson, Koochiching, Lake, Marshall, St. Louis. All south 10/17 Blue Earth ChH, 10/18 Blue Earth B.H.W., 10/30 Olmsted JPr, 11/5 Olmsted KHg. High counts 10/20 St. Louis (18) H.R.B.O., 10/12 St. Louis (13) H.R.B.O.
2016Winter96 Most north reports were from St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog). South reports totaled about 9 individuals from 6 counties, but only 3 included any documentation: 1/2 Dakota ph. DVe, 1/3 Dakota †AJF, 2/7 Kandiyohi †DOr.
2017Spring84 All south 4/16 Isanti (Wayside Prairie Park) RCl, 4/22 Olmsted (Rochester) ShC, 4/25 Hennepin (adult, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) LiH, 4/29 Washington (adult, Afton S.P.) DTr. North reports from Marshall, Mahnomen, Becker, Grant, Hubbard, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis.
2017Summer3 Reported from Beltrami, Lake, St. Louis.
2017Fall123 More widely reported north than in any previous fall since at least the mid-90s. All south 9/28 Washington (Cottage Grove) PNi, 10/24 and 10/30 Blue Earth (single immatures) BHW, 11/24 Hennepin (Crow-Hassan P.R.) ph. JuW. High counts 10/24 St. Louis (21) H.R.B.O., 10/28 St. Louis (17) H.R.B.O..
2017Winter137 Reported from 13 north counties, the most since winter 2012 (15). By far the most north reports were from St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog). South reports included about 9 individuals from 7 counties; those with documentation include 12/2 Dakota ALw, 12/16–2/18 Hennepin m.ob., 2/22 Yellow Medicine GWe. CBC high counts 12/17 Virginia (2), 12/18 Sax-Zim (2), 1/1 Philbrook (2).
2018Spring103 All south 3/1–4/1 Hennepin (Brooklyn Park) RCo, m.ob., 3/11–4/19 Hennepin (Bloomington) DEl, 4/5 Blue Earth (Bethany Hawkwatch) BHW, 5/1 Meeker PKF. Unusual north report 3/9 Clay (Elkton Twp.) MO); also found north in Roseau, Clearwater, Beltrami, Itasca, Aitkin, Morrison, Pine, St. Louis, Lake.
2018Summer7 Reported from Becker, Cass, Crow Wing, Itasca, Lake, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis.
2018Fall106 North reports from Beltrami, Cass, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Mille Lacs, Morrison, St. Louis. All south 9/28 Goodhue PEJ, 9/29–30 Sherburne IVa, PLJ, 10/10 Blue Earth (2, juveniles) BHW, 10/11 Ramsey LiH, 11/22 Olmsted DSq. High counts 10/20 St. Louis (19) H.R.B.O., 10/17 St. Louis (15) H.R.B.O.
2018Winter104 Reported from 10 north counties, typical for the season (10-year average is 9). Most reports by far were from St. Louis (especially Sax-Zim Bog). All south reports: 12/11 Rice TFB, 12/29 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC, 1/22 Stearns AaL, 1/23 Scott ASu, 1/25 Rice RBJ. CBC high count 12/29 Cook Area (2).
2019Summer6 Reported from Cass, Clearwater, Cook, Hubbard, Koochiching, St. Louis.
 Breeds locally north-central and northeast. Irruptive migrant and winter visitant mostly north. State designation: Special Concern.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.