Northern Harrier(Circus hudsonius) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1930 | Summer | | | Charles Evans found the only nest reported or this hawk, at Fort Snelling on V~y 10th; contents, five eggs. |
1931 | Summer | | | A nest with 5 eegs on J.fay 17th (Swedenborg). Another uost with 6 eggs ready to hatch on June 11th (t-Ioolsey). |
1932 | Summer | | | F1,.ve nests of this hawk were found, 1 all by Breckenridge, and all on the sane square 1nl!ii as the 4 Red-tails~ nests. The earliest was found on ~1.3, when it had, 1 The Flicker, 1932 4 eggs. It was a fresh set, for a fifth egg was deposited subsequently. The last nest was found on May 25, when it held 6 eggs. |
1933 | Summer | | | This Harrier is well-represented, thirteen nests having been reported. The earliest date is for a nest found in Anoka County by W. J. Breckenridge on April 29th. The nest hold 4 eggs. The latest nest was located by Stein and the writi:lT in Norman County on Juno 17tht and contained 4 eggs. The "Wl:'itc~r witnossotl a most, interesting incident while observing a nest of this species from a blind in Norman County. The nest harbored several young who were affected considerably by the terrific heat which blazed down relentlessly on the prairie, and during a short intorval when tho old bird was off tho nest one of the little fellows died from lack of shelter. A few moments later tho malo bird dropped like a :· plummet, seized tho deceased in his talons without alighting, and made off• From the narrow confines of the bl:i.nd it was impossible to see what dispoflition "ras made of his cargo1, but he no doubt dropped it not fnr distant, for he was back a1~ the nost in a trice. I do not believe the young bird was dc~voured. |
1934 | Summer | | | On May 13th Hanson and Hiemenz set out to find the first Harrier's nest of the season. After locating one with 5 eggs they hunted around a little more and just to show how easy it was, they found tmother in the same slough (near St. Cloud). ·rhis also contained five eggs~ The last nest of the season was found by Upson on July 11th, when it hold four eggso |
1935 | Summer | | | On Hay 11th, Evans, Tur~er, and Upson flush0d a female from a nest where she had boon incubating 3 eggs. The well-built reed nest wns a platform raised 8 inches above the foot of water in which it stood. It was situated 100 yards from shore in an open marsh filled with broken dead reeds. The female circled tho nest at a distance of 200 ynrds until the intruders left. Morse found a. nest on the ground in a 11 dryn cedar swamp in the Cloquet Valley Forest on May 27th. Tho parent was incubating 4 eggs, and a fifth egg, W1ich had been cracked, lay at the edge of the nest. Swodenborg and Upeon came upon the last nest on May 3oth. It held 5 eggs. P. 14 -The Flicker, 1935 |
1936 | Summer | | | Kenneth Garlander has the· earliest date for the Harrier, April 11th, when he. saw the bi~ building near D~lano. on l1a.y 2nd Chuck Evans, Don SJ?.d Mrs. Mahle, and Ft.s. Dhesi found a nest with a single egg in the tamarack· swamp near Minneapolis. The following day this nest was chanced upon by Upson; it then held two eggs. The nest was later destroyed. On May 14th Robert Turner; R. Barthel, and Robert Upson found another nest ap~oxitno.tely in the same spot; it held four eggs~ the last of which hatched on June 8th when the nest was visited by Go6rge Rysgaard. A nest of five eggs was reported from Ramsey County by W. J. Breckenridge on May 19th. A clutch of eight eggs was found in Pine County b.1 Arnold Erickson on June 8th. The latest nesting report comes tram Arnola~ickson who discovered a nest of five eggs on the twenty-second of June in Pine Gountr.._.. The only report comes.from faithful Marius Norse in Cloquet. A nest of unknown contents was viewed by ~ius May 4th. This lone pair of fish haWks. chose a for~y foot birch snag adjaoont to the Cloquet River as their home. The c.c.c. camp has erected two signs on the roadside and on the river. in a.n effort to protect this breeding paire · |
1937 | Summer | | | D. Struthers located a nest of four eggs, May 8, at Minneapolis. Five young and one egg were in a nest found by E. D. Swedenborg at Minneapolis, June 10. On the twentieth of June a nest of three young and one egg was found by A. Risser and G. Rysgaard at Euclid. |
1938 | Summer | | | A two-egg nest of a Northern Harrier was found by D. Struthers and Bob Upson on April 25 at Minneapolis. |
1940 | Summer | | | A nest with 5 eggs was found in the vicinity of Clear Lake, near St. Cloud, on May 22 by the T. S. Roberts Club. |
1945 | Winter | | | Fertile, winter 1941 -42, (Nelson); several records near Minneapolis. GRAY GYRFALCON. One caught in a trap at Fertile, January 15, 1940, (Martin Nelson). |
1961 | Summer | | | R. Grant found a nest with three young and an egg on 17 June, near Waubun. |
1961 | Winter | | | John Hall saw one on December 6 in Ramsey County. |
1963 | Winter | | | Wintering in reduced numbers for the past two winters. Reported this winter from Dakota, Stevens and St. Louis Counties, the latter records apparently the first winter records from that area (Dec 30, Duluth, L. T. Magnus and Jan 18, Sax, Jan Green). |
1964 | Spring | | | 3-2 Sherburne Co, RPR; 3-5 Marshall Co, DLO; 3-12 Duluth, JCG; 3-13 Hennepin Co, MEH; 3-14 Dakota Co, RBJ; 3-15 Warroad, JR; 3-16 Wright Co, EC; 3-19 Hennepin Co, EWJ; 3-21 Washington Co, DH. |
1964 | Summer | | | breeding in Roseau Co, PEB. |
1964 | Fall | | | 9-12 Duluth, peak, 35, PBH; 11-4 Wright Co, EC; 11-17 FargoMoorhead, EGA; 11-28 Pope Co, 4, RAG. |
1964 | Winter | | | Scarce. 2-7, Hennepin Co, 1, EMB; 2-21, Wright Co, 1, EC. |
1965 | Spring | | | earliest 3-31 Cokato, EC, Kellogg, DGM and Washington Co, DH. |
1965 | Fall | | | latest 11-27 Anoka Co BL and 12-1 Pine Bend, RG. ' |
1966 | Spring | | | earliest 3-6 Olmsted Co, JPF; 3-7 Nobles Co, HSH; 3-8 Stearns Co, RPR. |
1966 | Summer | | | reported from Morrison, Roseau, Sherburne, Lake, Rock, Cass, Wadena, Nobles, Dakota, Rice, Cook, Wright, and Crow Wing Co's. |
1966 | Fall | | | Latest 11-1 Roseau Co., PEB and Traverse Co., JAH; 11-28 Wabasha Co., DGM. |
1966 | Winter | | | 1-2 Steele Co., OAR; one all winter, Olmsted Co., JPF, CMJ. |
1967 | Spring | | | early 3-3 Fargo-Moorhead, fide EGA; 3-5 Nobles Co., HSH; 3-8 Watonwan Co., EDK and Rice Co., OAR; 3-10 Blue Earth Co., EDK. |
1967 | Summer | | | nested in Anoka Co.; also reported Nobles, Wabasha, Pope, Washington, Stevens, Crow Wing, Cook, Aitkin, St. Louis Co's. |
1967 | Fall | | | latest 11-1 Wabasha Co., DGM; 11-4 Nicollet Co., DB; 11-5 Hennepin Co., CKS and Pine Co., DS. |
1967 | Winter | | | reported from Nobles, Renville, Olmstead, Wabasha, Stearns, Aitkin (12-28 McGregor, ME) Co's. |
1968 | Spring | | | early 3-1 Wabasha Co., DGM; 3-8 Marshall Co., A WR and Aitkin Co., CEP; 3-9 Nobles Co., HSH and Stevens Co., JAH; 3-10 Carver Co., RTH, Cottonwood Co., LAF and FargoMoorhead, fide EGA. |
1968 | Summer | | | reported from Carlton, Clay, Nobles, Crow Wing, Pine, Morrison, Washington, Cottonwood, Cook, Anoka, Rice, Wright, Mille Lacs Co's. |
1968 | Fall | | | 9-24 Duluth 18 JCG; 9-26 Duluth 86 MC; 10-13 Cottonwood (Mountain Lake) 5 LAF; late north 11-10 Pine MIG; 11-15 Roseau PEB; late south 11-18 Watonwan EDK; 11-26 Wabasha DGM. |
1968 | Winter | | | Last 12-1 Fillmore AFR; 12-1 Nobles HSH; 12-2 Dodge 2 RG; 12-2-5 Blue Earth EDK. |
1969 | Spring | | | 3-16 Rice Co., OAR; 3-18 Morrison Co., LSR, and Duluth, JGH; 3-19 Wabasha Co., DWM. |
1969 | Fall | | | 9-12 Duluth 47 PBH; 10-18 Duluth 10 PBH; 8-2 Duluth MC and PBH; late 10-25 Cass MC; 10-27 Duluth MAF; south 8-20 Nobles HSH; 11-6 Carver TH; 11-28 Wabasha RGL. |
1970 | Spring | | | early south 3-7 Wabasha WDM; 3-17 Dakota RG; 3-17 Watonwan E K; peak 5-9 Marshall and Beltrami (16) GES; early north 3-18 Marshall AR; 4-4 Aitkin and St. Louis BL. |
1970 | Summer | | | reported from Stearns, Dakota, Washington, Wright, Carver, Crow Wing, Marshall, and St. Louis Co's. |
1970 | Fall | | | late south 11-5 Washington EC; 11-6 Carver KH; 11-15 Wright ES; late north 11-12 Marshall Ar; 11-13 Crow Wing EC; peak 9-22 Duluth (99) PH. |
1970 | Winter | | | 2-15 Dakota HFH; 3-12 Goodhue FN. |
1971 | Spring | | | early south 3-13 Murray AD and Nobles HH; 3-17 Watonwan EK; early north 3-29 Marshall AR; 3-30 Clearwater RD; peak 4-11 Duluth (14) KE. |
1971 | Summer | | | no nests found but reported from 19 counties throughout the state, north to Kittson and St. Louis, south to Nobles and Rice. |
1971 | Fall | | | late south 11-19 Lac qui Parle; 11-21 Cottonwood; 11-27 Waseca; late north 11-21 Marshall; 11-24 Morrison. |
1971 | Winter | | | 12-24 Wadena NJ; 12-29 Scott JAB; 1-2 Ramsey JAB; 1-7 Marshall AzNWR. |
1972 | Winter | | | 12-18 (5) Weaver JAB; 2-19 Morrison BAH. |
1973 | Summer | | | Reports from 22 counties. |
1973 | Fall | | | Reported from 16 countries. Late north 11-30 Marshall (AWR). Late south 11-25 Stearns (LAF). Peak 9-12 (17) Marshall (AWR). |
1973 | Winter | | | Reported on the Fergus Falls and Bloomington Christmas Counts; also seen 12-7 (6), 12-9 (2) and 2-21 (1) Aitkin (TS), 12-9 to 14 Stearns (NH), 1-20 Ramsey (JB) and 2-22 Cottonwood (LR -early migrant?). |
1974 | Spring | | | Early South 3-1 Stearns NMH; 3-3 Lyon HCK; 3-4 Cottonwood LAF; early north 3-7 Pine ML; 3-8 Mille Lacs MI; 3-10 Aitkin TS. |
1974 | Summer | | | Reported from 20 counties. |
1974 | Fall | | | Late south 11-13 Le Sueur GR; 1/28 Wabasha WDM; late north 11-10 Aitken KE; 11-11 Mille Lacs MI; 11-21 St. Louis B. Hojnacki. |
1974 | Winter | | | Reported on the Excelsior, Bloomington, St. Paul and La Crosse Christmas Counts; also 12-2 Swift (HH), 12-21 Hennepin (VRL), 12-24 Rice (BJ), 1-7 Sibley (RG). |
1975 | Spring | | | Early south 3-6 Hennepin JC, DY; 3/9 Hennepin EPRD and Cottonwood LAF and Wabasha WDM; early north 3-15 Becker TRS; 3-22 Marshall AR; and Morrison DAF; 4-8 Clay LCF. |
1975 | Summer | | | Reported from only 12 counties; fewer reports than usual. |
1975 | Fall | | | late north 11-6 Ros· eau and 11-7 Beltrami KE; late south 10-26 Lac qui Parle AFE; 10-27 Freeborn RK; 11-6 Hennepin EM. |
1975 | Winter | | | reported on the Marshall, Owatonna, Afton and Winona Christmas Counts! also 1-21 Carlton (F. Kaliher), 1·26 Lake (MM); 12-28 and 2-29 Wilkin (SM); 2-16 Otter Tail (SM); 2-14 Blue Earth; 2-17 Murray (AD); more reports than usuaL |
1976 | Spring | | | Early south 3-6 Goodhue SG, PS; 3-7 Dakota OJ; 3-11 Rice OR and Houston FL; early north 3-17 Marshall SV; 3-19 Aitkin JB; 3-22 Pine ML. |
1976 | Summer | | | reported from 22 counties. |
1976 | Fall | | | Late north 11-5 Mille Lacs and 11-6 Koochiching; late south 10-31 Wabasha, 11-7 Cottonwood, and 11-12 Olmsted. |
1976 | Winter | | | 6 reports: 12-20 Wilkin (SM); 1-1 Otter Tail (NJ); 1-30 Washington (JD); 2-5 Goodhue (BJ); 2-13 to 2-21 Anoka (KL); 2-27 Dakota (ES). |
1977 | Spring | | | Early south 3-1 Anoka KLF; 3-5 Wabasha RJ; 3-9 Dakota JD; early north 3-10 Wilkin, Otter Tail SM; 3-15 Crow Wing DK; 3-16 Morrison PM. |
1977 | Summer | | | Reported from 17 counties throughout the state; continues to be less common than in former years. |
1977 | Fall | | | Late north 11-16 St. Louis (KE), 11/9 Mille Lacs (OJ, BE); 11-21 Duluth (HR). |
1977 | Winter | | | Five reports: 12-5 Kandiyohi (HH), 12-8 Mower (RRK), Marshall CBC (5 seen), 1-11 Hennepin (TD) and 1-15 Washington (JD). |
1978 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Anoka; also seen throughout the state. |
1978 | Fall | | | Duluth Hawk Ridge total 6/4, peak Sept, Oct; late north 11-8 Crow Wing JB, 11-30 Morrison PM, late south 11-18 Fillmore RJ, 11-22 Fillmore EMF, 11-28 Sherburne EC. |
1978 | Winter | | | Reported 12-11 Anoka (BS), 12-18 Pope (HH), 1-27 Chisago (RH), and on the Excelsior CBC. |
1979 | Spring | | | Early south 3-5 Anoka KL, 3-16 Yellow Medicine JS, 3-17 Hennepin TD, Watonwan JB; early north 3-21 Marshall ANWR, 3-25 Pine KE, 3-29 Becker GMO. |
1979 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Anoka; also seen in 20 other counties in the six northern and central regions plus Olmsted (only county in the southern regions). |
1979 | Fall | | | Duluth Hawk Ridge total 562, peak Sept. Late north 10-28 Marshall KSS, 11-10 Beltrami SL, MV and St. Louis KE; late south 11-10 Cottonwood RG, 11-11 Lac qui Parle OE, 11-18 Wadena RJ. |
1979 | Winter | | | More reports than usual. Reported from Kandiyohi, Lyon and Swift in the southwest and Aitkin 12-2, 11 (TS), 12-26 (SC) and St. Louis 1-2 SaxZim (KE) in the north. |
1980 | Spring | | | Early south 3-7 Nicollet JCF, 3-15 Redwood LJF, 3-18 Stearns NH, Wabasha WDM; early north 3-15 Otter Tail GMO, 3-20 Mille Lacs TL, 3-21 Pine KE. |
1980 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Stearns, Aitkin, Marshall; also seen in 28 other counties in the northern and central regions plus only Olmsted in the southern regions. |
1980 | Fall | | | Hawk Ridge total 582 (last year 562); late north 11-12 Morrison EC 11-16 St. Louis KE, LW, 11-30 Aitkin 'wN. |
1980 | Winter | | | Eleven reports: Mower, Swift, Nicollet, Olmsted, Anoka and Sherburne in the south and Lake of the Woods 12-4 (TD), Aitkin 1-24 (SC), Crow Wing, Crosby CBC, Marshall 122 (KSS) and 2-27 (FS) and Mahnomen 2-25 (OJ) from the north. |
1981 | Spring | | | Early south 3-1 Sherburne DB, 3-12 Lyon HK, 3-13 Wabasha DB, OJ, WDM; early north 3-6 Otter Tail SM, 3-8 Aitkin WN, 3-15 Itasca SY. 192 The Loon Vol. 53 |
1981 | Summer | | | No breeding evidence. Seen throughout state except in the Southeast. |
1981 | Winter | | | Only report: Nicollet 12-6 (LAF). |
1982 | Spring | | | Early south 3-14 Olmsted JEB 3-15 Renville FKS, 3-16 Blue Earth ' JCF· early north 3-3 Marshall ANWR, 3-14 Otter Tail GMO and Wilkin SDM. |
1982 | Summer | | | Breeding data from St. Louis. Seen throughout the state. |
1982 | Fall | | | Hawk Ridge count: 386 (1982: 8/1). Late north I0123 Aitkin WN, 10/24 Hubbard DJ, 11/2 Hawk Rid~; late south 11/5 Cottonwood WH and Nicollet JCF, 11/27 Dakota FL. |
1982 | Winter | | | North reports from Wilkin, 1/1 (SDM), Otter Tail, 1/14, 1/28 (GMO)) and Hubbard 2/21 (DJ). South reports from Stearns 12/3 (NH) and Goodhue, (no date). |
1983 | Spring | | | Early south 3/ I Anoka KL, Le Sueur EK, 3/3 Lyon HK, Watonwan JS ; early north 3/2 Clay TT, 3/5 Aitkin WN, Hubbard H. Warrington fide OJ. |
1983 | Summer | | | Seen in 30 counties throughout the state. |
1983 | Fall | | | Duluth Hawk Ridge count 274, lowest since 1969 (1982:386); late north 11/7 Mille Lacs AB, 11/9 Crow Wing WL, 11/ I I Beltrami JPS; late south 11/21 Houston EMF, 11/25 Dakota AB, 11/26 Goodhue OJ (34), Olmsted JEB. |
1983 | Winter | | | Three December and eight February reports of 12 individuals. Two on the Rochester CBC; Otter Tail 12-4 and 2-28 (SDM); Sherburne 12-26 (SSEH); Mahnomen 2-10 (MH); Wadena 2-19 (AB); Aitkin 2-21 to 2-26 (2) (mob); Dakota 2-23 (RG); Goodhue 2-26 (JD); Clay 2-26 (LCF) and Blue Earth 2-29 (JCT). |
1984 | Spring | | | Early south 3/1 Le Sueur HC, Rock KE, 3/25 Mower RRK; early north 3/3 Otter Tail GMO, 3/11 Aitkin WN, 3/28 Polk KSS. |
1984 | Summer | | | nested in Marshall; also seen in 22 other counties. |
1984 | Fall | | | Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 961, second highest total ( 1983:274); late north 11/15 Hawk Ridge, 11/22 Beltrami AB, 11/24 Aitkin SC; late south 11/2 Cottonwood LAF, 11/9 Nicollet JCF, 11/17 Washington IT. |
1984 | Winter | | | Reported in Hubbard, 12-20 (HJF), Aitkin , 12-6 (WN) and on the St. Paul, Cottonwood and Mountain Lake CBCs. |
1985 | Spring | | | Early south 3/9 Olmsted JEB, AP, 3/10 Chippewa RGJ, 3/11 Sherburne SSIDO; early north 3/13 Otter Tail SDM, Polk TT, 3/15 Marshall ANWR. |
1985 | Summer | | | Nested in Washington (BL). Seen in 24 other counties throughout the state, but most often in the northwest and north central regions. |
1985 | Fall | | | Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 606 ( 1984: 961) record high day of 169 on 10/ I. Late north 10/20 Aitkin WN, 11/2 Norman, Clay RJ, 11/7 Hawk Ridge; late south 11/24 Ramsey KB, Sherburne KL, 11/29 Mower JM. |
1985 | Winter | | | Reported on the Excelsior, Mountain Lake (count week) and Rochester (count week) CBCs. An additional Olmsted County report from 1/23 (AMP). |
1986 | Spring | | | Early south 3/5 Fillmore JM, 3/9 Olmsted AMP, Ramsey KB; early north 3/8 Wilkin SDM, 3/19 Marshall ANWR, 3/27 Duluth KE. |
1986 | Summer | | | Seen in 33 counties throughout the state. |
1986 | Fall | | | Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 400 (1985 : 606), late north IIIII OtterTail SDM, 11/16 Hawk Ridge, 11/29 Aitkin WN. |
1986 | Winter | | | Reports of nine individuals: Morrison on 12/9 (KL); Mille Lacs on 1/11 (RG) and the Wild River and Faribault CBC's. February reports of migrants (?) from Mower 2/14 (RRK);Anoka 2/27 (KB); Aitkin 2/22 (WN); Wilkin 2/19 (1, KE) 2/25 (3, SDM) and Beltrami 2/27 (TK). |
1987 | Spring | | | Six February reports (The Loon 59: 132), also 3/4 Olmsted JB, 3/5 Fillmore RG, AP and Freeborn NHo; north 3/6 Marshall ANWR, 3/14 Polk BK and St. Louis AE. |
1987 | Summer | | | Nested in Lac qui Parle (J. Schladweiler). Also seen in 38 other counties in all regions, but least common in southern regions. More reports than in the past. |
1987 | Fall | | | Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 429 ( 1986: 400); late north 11/9 Hubbard WL, 11/13 Duluth HR, 11/27 Aitkin WN; late south Ill 21 Fillmore AB, 11/29 Wabasha AP, 11/30 Houston EMF. |
1987 | Winter | | | Ten reports: The Baudette, Sax-Zim and Bloomington CBC's, Benton 12/12 (RJ), Sherburne 12/8 (DO), Anoka 12/2 (RJ), 12/15 (WL), Dakota 12/18 (TT), Scott 11/9 (TT), Le Sueur 1/3 (JCF), 1/28 (EK) and Cottonwood, 2/26 (BF). |
1988 | Spring | | | Early south 3/1 Mower RRK, 3/3 Washington JD, 3/5 Chisago RJ and Cottonwood ED; early north 3/5 Aitkin WN, 3/6 Otter Tail SDM, 3/10 Marshall ANWR. |
1988 | Summer | | | More reports than in recent years; seen in 48 counties throughout the state, including 12 counties in southeast and south central; early migrant seen at Duluth on 7/30 (KE). |
1988 | Fall | | | Hawk Ridge count: 705; late north 10/14 Wilkin SC, 10/24 Cook SOL, 11/7 Duluth HR; late south 10/28 Nicollet JF, 11/8 Cottonwood BF, 11/17 Goodhue AP. |
1988 | Winter | | | Reported on the Willmar and Cedar Creek Bog CBCs. Also reported in Wadena 2/8 DB, Dakota 1/2 AB, Goodhue 12/18, 11/5 AB and Rice 12/6 FKS. |
1989 | Spring | | | Early south 3/9 Nicollet JCF, 3/10 Goodhue AP, 3/12 Mower RRK, Olmsted AB; early north 3/4 Wadena KH, 3/23 Todd PH, 3/26 Clay LCF, Otter Tail SDM. |
1989 | Summer | | | Fewer reports than in previous two years. Nested in Wilkin; seen in 29 other counties statewide, but least common in southern regions. |
1989 | Fall | | | Hawk Ridge count: 1/98; late north 11/11 Lake WL, 11/12 Duluth HR; 11/24 Roseau AB; late south ll/10 Steele AB, 11/24 Fillmore JM, 11/27 Houston EMF. |
1989 | Winter | | | Reported on the Rochester, Bloomington, Fillmore, Austin and Wabasha CBCs. Also reported overwintering in Houston. Seen in Grant 1/1 RJ; and Otter Tail II 1 and 2/25 SDM. Returning birds found in Fillmore 2/4 and Washington 2/27. |
1990 | Spring | | | Early south 3/4 Brown JSp, 3/11 Blue Earth JCF, Rice OR; early north 3/10 Aitkin WN, 3/12 Otter Tail SDM, 3/15 St. Louis GS. |
1990 | Summer | | | Seen in 31 counties in all regions. |
1990 | Fall | | | Hawk Ridge count: 384; late n<;>rt~ 10/27 Otter Tail MO, Polk DS, 11/3 A1tkm WN, 11/4 Hawk Ridge; late south 11/24 Steams DO, 11/27 Brown JS, 11/28 Houston EMF. |
1990 | Winter | | | Reported on the Fairmont, Long Prairie, Nicollet Co., and Willmar CBCs. Other December records from Becker 12/4 BK, Mower, and Jackson; spring migrants found in Murray 2/25 NDK; Lac qui Parle 2/27 CMB and at Talcot L. WMA, Cottonwood (2) 2/24 LR. |
1991 | Spring | | | Early south 3/5 Sherburne SWR, 3/8 Brown JS, Fillmore GMD, Goodhue RG; early north 3/7 Mahnomen BK, 3/8 Becker DEB, Wilkin MO. |
1991 | Summer | | | Seen in 31 counties throughout state. |
1991 | Fall | | | Hawk Ridge count: 648; late north 10/26 Pennington KSS, 11/23 Becker MO, 11/30 Aitkin WN; late south 11/16 Goodhue KB, 11/18 Olmsted JB, 11/30 Wabasha WDM. |
1991 | Winter | | | Reported on Marshall CBC, Cottonwood 1/16 EL, Rock 2/6 ND, Sherburne 2/7 SNWR, and Clay 2/16 KB. |
1992 | Spring | | | Early south 3/1 Lyon HK and Rice TB, 3/3 Fillmore GMD; early north 3/2 Aitkin WN, 3/6 Clay MM, 3/8 Wilkin SDM. |
1992 | Summer | | | Nested in Roseau MCBS, Red Lake MCBS, Becker LD, Marshall; seen in 28 other counties statewide. |
1992 | Fall | | | Hawk Ridge count: 387, down 40%. Late north 10/17 Koochiching RJ, 11/12 Cook SOL, 11/18 Norman BK; late south 11/3 Wabasha DWM, 11/4 Martin BBo, 11/14 Winona CS. |
1992 | Winter | | | Reported on the Austin (1) and Rochester (count week) CBCs. |
1993 | Spring | | | Early south 3/19 Dakota RG, 3/20 Anoka PKL, 3/21 Rice TB and Winona ND. Early north 3/22 St. Louis AE, 3/26 Otter Tail SDM, 3/27 Roseau PS. |
1993 | Summer | | | Probable nesting in Marshall. Observed in 31 additional counties in all regions except southeast. |
1993 | Fall | | | Hawk Ridge count: 807, nearly double 1992. Late north 10/29 Pennington KSS, 10/30 Douglas DN, 10/31 Clay LCF. Late south 11/20 Rice OR, 11/21 Hennepin SC, Olmsted BJ. |
1993 | Winter | | | Reported 12/12 Houston EMF, 12/27 Chisago DBe, 2/19 Goodhue BL, and 2/28 Hennepin SWe. |
1994 | Spring | | | Early south 3/4 Hennepin TBr, 3/5 Rice RJ, 3/12 Nicollet AB and Stearns RG; early north 3/11 Aitkin WN, Otter Tail CS/KC and St. Louis JB/TS. |
1994 | Summer | | | Nested in Wabasha ML; probable nesting in Marshall. Seen in 30 other counties throughout state. |
1994 | Fall | | | Hawk Ridge count: 1,390, a new record. Late north 11/20 Kanabec CM, 11/24 Hawk Ridge, 11/25 Koochiching AB. Late south 11/11 Washington TEB, 11/13 Carver DBM, 11/14 Houston EMF. |
1994 | Winter | | | Seven reports, more than usual: 12/11–24 Dakota mob, 12/12–1/7 St. Louis mob, the Albert Lea and Warren CBCs, 2/4 Dakota PJ, 2/20 Fillmore AH, and 2/24 Martin DBr. |
1995 | Spring | | | Early south 3/1 Dakota SK, 3/3 Houston EMF, 3/4 Murray ND; early north 3/13 Otter Tail SDM and St. Louis TW, 3/16 Todd JSK. |
1995 | Summer | | | Reported from 33 counties in all regions of the state. |
1995 | Fall | | | Reported from 21 north and 14 south counties; numbers sharply down at Hawk Ridge with only 450 counted (record high of 1,390 last fall). |
1995 | Winter | | | Above average number of reports. Eleven individuals reported from nine counties as far north as Pine. |
1996 | Spring | | | Reported from 66 counties. Early south 3/3 Olmsted JSt, 3/7 Brown CMa and Rock ND. Early north 3/12 Kanabec BA, Aitkin WN, Douglas SWa and Otter Tail SDM. |
1996 | Summer | | | Nested in Nobles NAD, Rice JLa, JL; seen in 35 other counties statewide. |
1996 | Fall | | | Found in 42 counties including 8/17 Waseca (2 fledglings) JSe. Late north 11/1 Kanabec CM, 11/9 Mahnomen BK. Late south 11/6 Murray ND, 11/9 Goodhue PBu, 11/18 Winona CS. |
1996 | Winter | | | No reports (in the last 25 years, there has been an average of 6.5 reports, with no year missed!). |
1997 | Spring | | | Reported from 63 counties. |
1997 | Summer | | | Reported in 36 counties statewide. |
1997 | Fall | | | Reported from 38 counties. Late north 11/9 Aitkin WN. Peak 10/30 HRNR (68). |
1997 | Winter | | | Early migrants 2/25 Carver RJ, 2/26 Aitkin CB, 2/27 Anoka PKL, 2/28 Wabasha BL. |
1998 | Spring | | | Reported from 52 counties. See Winter report for early migrant dates. |
1998 | Summer | | | Probable nesting in Wilkin; seen in 33 other counties statewide. |
1998 | Fall | | | Reported from 38 counties. Late north 11/8 Aitkin WN, 11/13 Kanabec AH and St. Louis (HRNR) FN. |
1998 | Winter | | | Late north 12/6 Clay SDM, and 12/9 Wilkin SDM. Reported from 13 counties south through 1/6 Dakota AH, including a record CBC total of 19. None overwintered. Early south 2/17 Fillmore NO, AO, 2/19 Fillmore (6) NO, AO and Mower RRK, 2/21 Anoka fide AH, and 2/26 Houston EMF. |
1999 | Spring | | | See winter report for early south migrants. Early north 3/14 Douglas KKW, 3/17 Cass WB. Peak migration 3/27–4/4 Cass MRN. |
1999 | Summer | | | Reported in 37 counties statewide. |
1999 | Fall | | | Reported throughout the state from 21 north and 29 south counties. See winter report for late migrants. |
1999 | Winter | | | Reported from 40 counties throughout the state and throughout the season. A total of 124 reports were received (some reports may pertain to the same individual), distributed as follows: 58 in December, 43 in January, and 23 in February. |
2000 | Spring | | | Observed in 32 south and 19 north counties statewide. Several north reports during the first few days of March may represent migrants, but see winter report. |
2000 | Summer | | | Most reports since 1988. Observed in 46 counties in all regions (but only Mower in southeast); new nesting record in Douglas SWa. |
2000 | Fall | | | Reported from 18 north and 31 south counties. November reports north from six counties, including the latest on 11/15 St. Louis (HRNR) FN. Reported from nine south counties during November; also see winter report. |
2000 | Winter | | | Eleven individuals were reported from eleven counties in all regions, except none in West-central or Northeast. Only reports after December were 1/21 Clay RHO, 2/4 Dakota TAT, and 2/17 Scott CRM. |
2001 | Spring | | | Observed in 37 south and 25 north counties throughout the state. Early south (median 3/4) 3/11 Houston KAK, 3/14 Dakota KJB, but see winter report. Early north (median 3/10) 3/22 Morrison/Cass (Camp Ripley) WLB, 3/25–26 Wilkin mob. |
2001 | Summer | | | Fewest reports since 1985. Seen in 27 counties in all regions except Southwest.
2001 | Fall | | | Reported from 19 north and 34 south counties. November sightings in seven north counties, including 11/18 St. Louis (H.R.N.R. in Duluth) FJN. Also see winter report. |
2001 | Winter | | | Approximately 36 individuals observed in 20 south counties plus Marshall, Polk, Clay, and Wilkin in the Northwest and West-central regions. Only January reports: 1/12 Murray BRB, 1/17 Lyon RJS. Slight increase in reports beginning 2/17–19, including 2/17 Wilkin (3 males) SPM. |
2002 | Spring | | | Seen in 37 south and 25 north counties. Possible early south migrants 3/12 Rice TFB, 3/16–30 in 12 counties. Early north (but see winter report) 3/8 Wilkin SPM, DKM, 3/17 Cass WLB, SWS. Also see Table 1. |
2002 | Summer | | | Reported in 37 counties in all regions except Southeast. |
2002 | Fall | | | Seen in 21 north and 28 south counties. Late north 11/10 St. Louis (H.R.N.R., Duluth) FJN, DSC and Wadena PJB, but also see winter report. |
2002 | Winter | | | Maximum 35 individuals reported from 6 north and 13 south counties in all regions except the Southwest and Northwest. Reported throughout the season. |
2003 | Spring | | | Seen in 37 counties south and 26 north. Early south migrants inseparable from those reported throughout the winter season. Early north 3/15–16 in seven counties. Also see Table 1. |
2003 | Summer | | | More reports than usual; seen in 46 counties in all regions except Southeast. |
2003 | Fall | | | Reported from 22 north and 30 south counties. Late north 11/11 St. Louis (H.R.N.R., Duluth) FJN, DSC. |
2003 | Winter | | | Approximately 20 individuals reported from 14 south counties throughout the season. Only north report 2/29 Polk fide JMJ. |
2004 | Spring | | | Reported from 37 south and 27 north counties. Possible early north migrants 3/1 Otter Tail SPM, 3/2 Wilkin DTT, SMT, but see winter report. Also see Table 1. |
2004 | Summer | | | Reported from 43 counties in all regions except Southeast. |
2004 | Fall | | | Reported from 21 north and 17 south counties. Late north 11/22 Aitkin DWK, 11/27 St. Louis PEB, but also see winter report. |
2004 | Winter | | | Found in 8 north and 13 south counties. Late north 12/12 Carlton EEO, 12/15 Otter Tail DST. Late south 12/18 Freeborn AEB and Sherburne (10, Sherburne N.W.R. CBC) fide RJS, 12/19 Anoka (4, first record for Cedar Creek CBC) SWe. No reports of overwintering; lack of January records suggests most birds left the state by mid-winter. Probable early south migrants 2/3 Brown BTS, 2/12 Dakota PWP. Early north 2/13 Norman (male) PHS. |
2005 | Spring | | | Reported from 40 south and 29 north counties. Possible early north migrants 3/5 St. Louis MLH, 3/7 Wadena PJB, but see winter report. Peak counts 4/2 Roseau (23) JMJ, PHS, 4/4 Kittson (28) JMJ. Also see Table 1. |
2005 | Summer | | | Observed in 43 counties in all regions of state. |
2005 | Fall | | | Reported from 33 north and 29 south counties. Late north 11/14 Mille Lacs CRM, 11/19 St. Louis (H.R.B.O., Duluth) FJN, RSB, but also see winter report. |
2005 | Winter | | | All reports north: 12/4 Marshall JMJ, 2/11 St. Louis (3, Meadowlands) NAJ. Reported from 14 south counties. All December reports from CBCs. All January reports: 1/2 Mountain Lake-Windom CBC, 1/12 Lac qui Parle BJU, 1/15 Scott DWK, JLO, 1/22 Nicollet ChH, 1/30 Olmsted PWP. |
2006 | Spring | | | Reported from 42 south and 29 north counties. Possible early north migrants (see winter report) 3/4 Clay PBB, 3/10 Otter Tail SPM, Polk RRz, Pine JMP. Also see Table 1. |
2006 | Summer | | | Found in 63 counties throughout state. |
2006 | Fall | | | Observed in 29 north and 35 south counties. Late north 11/29 Cass MRN, 11/30 Carlton RBW, but also see winter report. |
2006 | Winter | 8 | 13 | The mild winter produced numerous south reports and several late January reports in northern regions, including 1/20 Cass HHD, 1/20 Morrison DPG, 1/22, 1/25 Wilkin TSS, CMN. |
2007 | Spring | 32 | 48 | Possible early north migrants 3/10 Grant HHD, 3/12 Traverse RBW (median 3/8), but see winter report. High count 3/25 Polk (10) JMJ. |
2007 | Summer | 22 | 31 | Observed throughout state. |
2007 | Fall | 33 | 37 | Peak number 52 on 9/14 at H.R.B.O. in St. Louis. Late north 11/14 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) EMG, KJB, 11/24 Aitkin and Kanabec DPG. |
2007 | Winter | | 4 | All south 12/2 Dakota (male over Black Dog Park) BAF, 12/3 Dakota CRM, 12/4 Meeker DMF, 12/29 Freeborn AEB, 1/30 Stearns MDN (overwintering?). |
2008 | Spring | 31 | 49 | Early south (median 3/4) 3/1 Mower JEM, Rock DBM, 3/7 Wabasha KCR. Early north (median 3/9) 3/10 Polk NGE, 3/13 Polk KLa. High count 4/4 Douglas (19) JPE. |
2008 | Summer | 20 | 28 | Seen throughout state. |
2008 | Fall | 32 | 32 | High count 9/15 St. Louis (39 at H.R.B.O.) KJB. Late north 11/16 Marshall JMJ, 11/18 St. Louis NAJ, but also see winter report. |
2008 | Winter | 2 | 10 | All north: 12/4 Marshall fide JMJ, 12/9 Morrison MJB. All January reports south: 1/1 Meeker DMF, 1/20 Scott CMB. |
2009 | Spring | 32 | 51 | Early north (median 3/10) 3/15 Hubbard SPM, Polk and Red Lake JMJ, 3/16 Marshall fide JMJ, Otter Tail DST, St. Louis (W.S.H.C.) KJB. High counts 4/25 Lac qui Parle (30) SWe, 3/22 Douglas (21) JPE, 4/5 Kandiyohi (16) MJB. Also see Table 1. |
2009 | Summer | 25 | 23 | Found in all regions except Southwest. |
2009 | Fall | 25 | 34 | High count 8/21 St. Louis (25 at H.R.B.O.) KJB. Late north 11/12 Aitkin PEJ, 11/15 Clay RHO, Morrison MRN, St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB, 11/29 Mille Lacs MJB (median 11/25), but also see winter report. |
2009 | Winter | 1 | 10 | Only north report 12/20 Grand Forks-East Grand Forks CBC. High counts 12/5 Anoka (4, Carlos Avery) DWK, 12/2 Lac qui Parle (3) BJU. Only post-December reports: 1/3 Mower ARW, 1/14 Stearns (Zion Twp.) JSc, 2/5 Swift JoS. |
2010 | Spring | 33 | 49 | Early north (median 3/10) 3/17 Clay fide JMJ, Polk KLa, St. Louis (W.S.H.C.) KJB, 3/18 Cass BAW, Marshall GT, 3/19 Douglas JPE, Otter Tail DST. High counts 4/2 St. Louis (13, W.S.H.C.) KJB, Kandiyohi (11) WCM. Also see Table 1. |
2010 | Summer | 29 | 35 | Seen throughout the state. First county breeding records for Beltrami RPR, Chippewa DPG, Pope DPG. |
2010 | Fall | 29 | 38 | High count 9/4 St. Louis (48 at H.R.B.O.) KJB. Late north 11/20 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB, 11/27 Mille Lacs ASc, Todd HHD (median 11/25), but also see winter report. |
2010 | Winter | 2 | 5 | Two north reports: 12/18 Fergus Falls CBC, 2/17 Grant RBW. Only one south report after CBC period: 1/14 Lac qui Parle (female, Madison W.M.A.) BJU. All reports of single birds except 12/18 Willmar CBC (2). |
2011 | Spring | 34 | 52 | Early north (median 3/10) 3/5 Morrison FGo, 3/6 Clay fide JMJ, 3/10 Pennington SAS. High count 5/2 Kittson (10) TrB. |
2011 | Summer | 31 | 31 | See in all regions of state. First county breeding record from Kittson LW. |
2011 | Fall | 31 | 45 | High count 9/11 St. Louis (116 at H.R.B.O.) KJB. Late north 11/18 Becker MO, GO, Mille Lacs RBJ, 11/24 St. Louis KJB, ABL (median 11/25), but also see winter report. |
2011 | Winter | 13 | 22 | Reported from 35 counties, more than in any of the previous 5 years (7 total last year, including only 2 north). Midwinter records north include 1/5 Otter Tail DST, 1/6 Wilkin (4) MO, 1/7 Polk (2) SAu, 1/8 Wadena PJB, 1/14–15 Crow Wing ABi, 1/14 Otter Tail HHD, 1/19 Hubbard MaH, 1/22 Polk HHu, 1/30 Crow Wing JLK, 2/7 Otter Tail GO, 2/15 Otter Tail BDE. January to mid-February south reports totaled at least 18 individuals from Brown, Carver, Chippewa, Dakota, Hennepin, Houston, Lac qui Parle, Le Sueur, Nicollet, Pope, Stearns, Winona. |
2012 | Spring | 34 | 52 | Early north (median 3/10) 3/10 Douglas, Grant DBM, Polk HHu, Wadena PJB, 3/11 Cass ABi, Marshall JMJ, 3/12 Clay RHO, Kittson LW, Traverse BJU. High count 4/2 Polk (15, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) AFo. |
2012 | Summer | 33 | 45 | Seen throughout state. First county breeding records for Clay DLW, Hubbard RPR, Morrison MJB. |
2012 | Fall | 27 | 44 | High count 9/9 St. Louis (41, H.R.N.R.) KJB. Late north 11/23 St. Louis KJB, ABL, 11/24 Douglas JPE and Otter Tail RAE, HHD (median 11/25), but also see winter report. |
2012 | Winter | 4 | 17 | December north reports from Beltrami, Hubbard, Otter Tail, Wilkin. Only one north report after December: 1/18 Wilkin (Rothsay W.M.A.) MO. January to mid-February south reports from Anoka, Big Stone, Cottonwood, Fillmore, Hennepin, Olmsted, Scott, Sibley. |
2013 | Spring | 32 | 53 | Early south (median 3/4) 3/1 Dakota RaM, 3/3 Hennepin ThM, 3/14 Rice TFB. Early north (median 3/10) 3/22 Clay RHO, 3/24 Norman KMa, 3/28 Becker ASM, Otter Tail TJa, Polk EH. |
2013 | Summer | 33 | 39 | Seen in all regions of state. First county breeding record for Steele PSu. |
2013 | Fall | 28 | 39 | High count 9/12 St. Louis (23, H.R.N.R.) KJB. Late north 11/13 Mille Lacs ToL, 11/21 Mahnomen fide JMJ, 11/29 St. Louis KJB. See winter report for late south individuals. |
2013 | Winter | | 12 | No north reports for the first time in the last five winters, and only a few south reports after December: 1/4 Northern Wright County CBC, Wabasha CBC (2), 1/9 Olmsted PTr, 2/16 Winona DBz, DWK. |
2014 | Spring | 33 | 49 | Early south (median 3/4) 3/10 Dakota TAT, 3/11 Murray DHr, Olmsted, 3/14 Freeborn AHk. Early north (median 3/10) 3/4, 3/11 St. Louis NPo, EBr, 3/13 Polk GT. High counts 4/20 St. Louis (16, W.S.H.C.) FJN, 5/16 Marshall (15, Agassiz N.W.R.) AHr. |
2014 | Summer | 29 | 32 | Reported from all regions of state. |
2014 | Fall | 31 | 44 | High counts 9/21 St. Louis (38, H.R.B.O.) KJB, 10/5 St. Louis (38, H.R.B.O.) KJB. Late north 11/5 Wadena PJB, 11/7 Douglas BEc, 11/8 Aitkin PEB, Lake BAb, 11/13 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB. See winter report for late south individuals. |
2014 | Winter | 1 | 6 | Fewer reports than in any of the last three winters. Only north report: 2/13 Douglas BEc. South reports include 12/20 Hennepin LSy, 1/3 Hennepin RCo, Wabasha CBC (3), 1/12 Washington KDS, 1/16 Dakota JLO, 1/18 Olmsted MiD, 1/31 Hennepin DEv, 2/6 Rice WWH. |
2015 | Spring | 34 | 52 | Early south (median 3/4) 3/9 Freeborn TAT, Rice TFB, 3/10 Brown MiO, Mower TAT, Nicollet DPG, Wright ToL. Early north (median 3/10) 3/10 Carlton AVa, 3/11 Crow Wing JPR, 3/12 Clay PBB, Otter Tail AaH, Polk KuE. High count 5/17 Polk (8, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) GHi. |
2015 | Summer | 31 | 37 | Seen throughout state. High count 7/1 Clay (6, northern portion of county) JHd, SHd. |
2015 | Fall | 31 | 48 | High count 10/12 St. Louis (75, H.R.B.O.) KJB. Late north 11/22 St. Louis JWL, 11/23 Clay NaH, 11/29 Crow Wing PSP. See winter report for late south individuals. |
2015 | Winter | 5 | 29 | Reported from 34 counties statewide, the most for the season since 2011 (35). All north: 12/14 Tamarac N.W.R. CBC, 12/15 Mille Lacs DPG, 12/19 Fargo-Moorhead CBD, 12/20 Grand Forks-East Grand Forks CBC, 1/2 Pine PRH, 2/28 Mille Lacs KNo. South reports after December from 11 counties (all singles). High counts 12/2 Blue Earth (4) BHW, 12/23 Scott (3, Shakopee) JWZ, ROx, 12/28 Goodhue (3, Prairie Island, Upper Island), Goodhue (3, Prairie Island, Lower Island) GJM. CBC high counts 12/26 Hastings-Etter (4), 12/27 Red Wing (4). |
2016 | Spring | 33 | 53 | Found in every county but Cook. Overwintered south, with probable early migrants also in February. Early north (median 3/10) 3/7 Pine (Pine City) KrM, St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog) SJu, SNe, Traverse DLP. High count 4/3 Blue Earth (11) BHW. |
2016 | Summer | 32 | 35 | Seen in all regions. High counts 6/30 St. Louis (6, Sax-Zim Bog) EBr, 7/21 Polk (6, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) SAu. |
2016 | Fall | 34 | 48 | High counts 9/20 St. Louis (116) H.R.B.O., 9/27 St. Louis (84) H.R.B.O. See winter summary for late north migrants. |
2016 | Winter | 16 | 45 | Reported from a season-record 61 counties statewide; highest winter county total in past 25 years was 40 (1999–2000). December north reports (through 12/13) from four counties (Clay, Kittson, Marshall, St. Louis), all of 1–2 individuals, then no other north reports until mid February, when there was an influx of presumed early spring migrants (all of 1–2 individuals) from 2/18 to end of month from 14 counties. December south reports from 26 counties, all of 1–3 birds. From January to mid February, south reports (1–2 birds) from 13 counties. Starting mid February to end of month, notable increase of presumed early spring migrants, with reports from 33 south counties (all of 1–2 birds). |
2017 | Spring | 34 | 52 | Reported from every county but Wabasha. Overwintered south in multiple locations. Early north migrants began appearing in mid February. High counts 4/29 Kittson (16) WCM, 4/28 Marshall (13, Agassiz N.W.R.) WCM. |
2017 | Summer | 34 | 42 | Observed statewide. First county breeding record 7/29 Sherburne AXH. |
2017 | Fall | 32 | 50 | High counts all from H.R.B.O. in St. Louis: 9/17 (36), 9/27 (33), 9/23 (31), 10/5 (31), 9/28 (29). See winter report for late migrants and overwintering individuals. |
2017 | Winter | 8 | 32 | Reported from 40 counties statewide, the second highest winter since 1999 (last winter's 61 was the highest). December north reports from seven counties. North reports after December include: 1/7 Otter Tail MKu, 1/20 Otter Tail JsS, 1/27 Crow Wing JnP, 1/30 Todd TLu, 2/6 Grant BPa. South reports from 21 counties in December, and 20 after December (all singles). CBC high count 12/17 Austin (2). |
2018 | Spring | 34 | 53 | Reported from every county. Overwintered south in multiple locations. Early north (median 3/10) 3/1 Pine KrM, 3/3 Becker ebd, 3/9 Clay MO, Otter Tail fide JMJ. High count 4/24 Polk (18, total from Rydell N.W.R., Glacial Ridge N.W.R., Red Lake Falls, and Lost Forty S.N.A.) REn. |
2018 | Summer | 32 | 37 | Seen in all regions. |
2018 | Fall | 34 | 49 | Â High counts all at H.R.B.O. in St. Louis: 9/21 (27), 9/28 (25), 10/16 (21). See winter report for late migrants and overwintering individuals. |
2018 | Winter | 8 | 22 | Reported from 30 counties statewide, the fewest since 2014 but more than the 10-year average (24). December north reports from eight counties, but only one after December: 1/1 Pine ASu. South reports from 12 counties in December and 12 in January, but only 3 in February. High count 12/13 Murray (3) DAk. CBC high count 12/16 Little Falls (3). |
2019 | Summer | 32 | 36 | Â Seen in all regions. |
  | Breeds throughout. |