Northern Mockingbird(Mimus polyglottos) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1945 | Winter | | | One in Minneapolis, winter of 1938-39, (Breckenridge). |
1961 | Spring | | | Seen by R. Grant just north of Centerville, Anoka County on 27 April. |
1962 | Spring | | | May 3 and 5 St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Vincent Heig, bird remain ed in area for about a week; May 19 east of Rosemount, Dakota Co., Avifauna! Club. |
1962 | Summer | | | June 24, St. Paul, adult female banded by Mrs. Robert Leach. |
1963 | Spring | | | May 11 thru 26, Two Harbors, Lake Co., Ruth Kuchta; May 15, West Newton, Winona Co., Grace Gordon and E. Tyler. |
1963 | Fall | | | Nov. 7, St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Elizabeth Leach. |
1964 | Spring | | | 4-19 Anoka Co, RG, RBJ, LJ, RLH; 5-9 and 5-10 Duluth, JCG, BL. |
1964 | Summer | | | Ramsey Co, 1 adult seen from about 5-1 to 7-1, Mrs. L. A. Carlson; 8-18, Minneapolis, KWE. DP informs me that a woman in Anoka Co brought several nestling Mockers home with her from Kansas and raised them as "pets" this summer. |
1964 | Fall | | | 11-7 Fairfield Corners, Swift Co, RG, RBJ. |
1964 | Winter | | | 12-10 to 12-12, Duluth, G. Sundquist, good details given to RN. Few winter records, especially as far north as Duluth. |
1965 | Spring | | | more reports than usual: 4-6 Minneapolis, WRP; 5-1 Goodhue Co, 2, RBJ, FL, photographed by DB; 5-4 Duluth, PBH; 5-8 Shotley, MG and Tofte, MOP; 5-9 Grand Lake, NH. |
1965 | Fall | | | 11-10 and 11-11 Northfield, GNR. |
1966 | Spring | | | reported in May from Long Lake in New Brighton by Mrs. Carlson; she said one had spent the previous summer in the same area; 5-2 Cyrus, Pope Co, WH (details?); 5-2 Bloomington, 1, H. M. Wynne; 5-10 Shotley, Beltrami Co, MG (details?) (very THE LOON northern record); 5-21 Duluth, PBH and Dakota Co, MRL; 5-22 Dakota Co, DB; more reports than we've had in a long time. Catbird: earliest 4-23 Dakota Co, MIG; 4-24 Cass Lake, EBH; 5-2 Rice Lake Refuge, CEP. |
1966 | Summer | | | 6-6 West Duluth, fide RN; 6-7 Meadowlands, fide RN; 6-9 Two Harbors, 1 specimen taken, Vince Heig; 6-13 Fargo, 1 seen, good details, Mrs. F. B. Scheel; 7-16 Cyrus, Pope Co, WH; these reports are very interesting in that there are very few previous summer records for the state. Catbird: nesting in Scott, Lake, St. Louis, Anoka, Winona, Stearns and Douglas Co's; also reported from Cottonwood, Pope, Ramsey, Rice, Hennepin, Goodhue, Washington, Wright, Aitkin, Olmsted, Wabasha, Stevens, Cass, Dakota, Beltrami, Nobles, Morrison, Polk and Crow Wing Co's. |
1966 | Fall | | | 11-11 Cook Co., MAF (good details). |
1966 | Winter | | | 12-11 to 1-11 Schroeder, Cook Co., MAF; 11-27 to 1-12 Randall, Morrison Co., Hildur Dalquist; good details on both records. |
1967 | Spring | | | no less than 13 reports!! 4-14 Wright Co., EC; 4-20 Cook Co., MOP; 4~22 Nobles Co., HSH; 4-24 Winona Co., FV/ HVBC; 4-30 St. Louis Co., BB; 5-1 Aitkin Co., CEP; 5-4 Winona Co., DGM; 5-4 Hennepin Co., CFC; 5-7 Jackson Co., RBJ; 5-13 Hennepin Co., A WD; 5-25 Beltrami Co., MG; 5-27 Anoka Co., RBJ; 5-27 Cook Co., DH. |
1968 | Spring | | | 3-30 Mille Lacs Co., 1, KE (exceptional); 5-7 Pope Co., WH; 5-17 Minnetonka, Hennepin Co., Mrs. Rudolph Dvergsten. |
1968 | Summer | | | first seen on 5-30, gathering nest material on 6-2, nest with 4e on 6-9, 4y hatched on 6-20, ad feeding yin nest on 6-24, nest empty on 7-5, Royalton, Morrison Co, NMH - first Minnesota nesting record; |
1968 | Fall | | | 9-9 Morrison (Royalton) NMH; 10-4 and 10-11 Mille Lacs (Onamia) MIV. |
1968 | Winter | | | 12-2-20 Hennepin (Minneapolis) RZ, KP. Robin: Reported from Blue Earth, Goodhue, Rice, Hennepin, St. Louis, Carver, Morrison, and Ramsey Counties; 12-11 Blue Earth EDK; 2-26 Hennepin RG. |
1969 | Summer | | | 8-20 Royalton, Morrison Co. 4 eggs hatching, 2nd nesting of the year and second reported Minnesota nesting record, EC; 7-(4-9) Hollow Rock, Grand Portage, Cook Co., one in juv. plumage, JJG. |
1969 | Fall | | | 8-16 Morrison 2 DJ?; 9-6 Morrison RBJ and TH; 11-8 Wmona BTV· 11-22 Duluth MC; 11-23 Duluth JCG 'and R. Lender. Catbird: 9-23 Morrison LSR; 9-24 Mille Lacs Ml; 10-14 Hennep~n DB; 10-15 Ramsey JJ; 8-25 Hennepm 3 WKE. |
1969 | Winter | | | 12-13 - 1-2 Redwood PE. |
1970 | Spring | | | 6 reports, 4 from the north: 5-21 Wabasha TV; 5-23 Blue Earth HT; 5-2, 13, 23 Duluth MMC, jG; 5-23 Stoney Point, St. Louis Co., BL. Catbird: early south 4-29 Ramsey jj; 4-30 Goodhue KE and Winona TV· early north 5-6 Morrison LR; 5-13 Mille La~s MI. |
1971 | Spring | | | 6 reports 5-23 Duluth, K. Sundquist; 5-23, 5-24 Crow WingJB; 5-27 Nobles, J. Brandenberg; 5-28 Olmsted HW; 5-29, 30 Duluth JG, RBJ, KJG. |
1971 | Summer | | | 6-1 White Bear, Ramsey Co., S. Cunningham; 6-30 Hutchinson, McLeod Co.,.J. Nubel. |
1971 | Fall | | | 1 report MI. |
1972 | Summer | | | seen in Hubbard (JM; 6-28 EW), Mille Lacs (7-23 Onamia Ml), Winona (7-3 two locations near Winona, D. Tessen). |
1973 | Summer | | | Itasca (7-2 BB), Wright (6-23 fide BAH), Polk (6-15 KE). |
1973 | Fall | | | One report: 11-11 Hennepin (RPR). |
1973 | Winter | | | One in St. Paul, Ramsey Co. from 12-18 to 1-8 (M. Goldberg). |
1974 | Spring | | | 8 reports: 5-4 Renville (1) DR; 5-10 Olmsted (2) HB; 5-17 St. Louis (1) MMC; 5-25 St. Louis (1) RBJ, DR; 5-26 Lake (1) MMC; 5-27 Lake (1) J. Gallian; 5-31 Beltrami (1) B. Carr. |
1974 | Summer | | | One reported 6-8 at Stoney Point, St. Louis Co. (RJ). |
1974 | Fall | | | 9-15 Duluth J. Telfer; 9-25 Cottonwood LF. |
1975 | Spring | | | 9 reports: 3-30 Hennepin JC, DY; 424 Olmsted (1) JF; 5-4 Blue Earth (1) OLE; 5-9 Crow Wing (1) CLH; 5-17 Cass (1) HRH; 5-18 Cook (2) MMC; 5-26 Hubbard KG; 5-31 St. Louis BL, H. Huber; 5-31 Rock (1) RL. |
1975 | Summer | | | 6-28 Albert Lea, Freeborn Co. (DG); only report. |
1975 | Fall | | | only report 11-29 Grand Marais Cook county RJ, JG, PE. |
1975 | Winter | | | one at a feeder in Brooklyn Park, Hennepin Co. from 12-5 to 12-14 (fide OJ). Gray Ca,tbird: one wintered at Warren, Marsha,ll Co. from 12-14 on (L. Johnson); only the 2nd overwintering bird on record. |
1976 | Spring | | | 4 reports: 5-5 Le Sueur Ward Tanner; early May Morrison (Royalton) NMH; 5-11 Carver HPR; 5-28 (Aitkin) Aitkin (1) Steve Blanich. |
1976 | Fall | | | 2 reports: 9-20 Two Harbors, Lake Co., J. Perkins; 10-9 Duluth EC, BL, KE. |
1977 | Spring | | | 3 reports: 5-21 Anoka (1) KLF; 5-26 Wadena RJ; 5-27 and 5-28 Clay LCF. |
1977 | Summer | | | A pair, seen by many observers in June at Blue Mounds St. Pk., Rock Co., eventually nested in July, raising 2 young (S. Herje, B. Anderson); only the second state nesting record. |
1977 | Fall | | | Only report 10-16 St. Louis (JG). |
1978 | Spring | | | 4-14, 5-11 Hennepin (1), Ramsey (1) BC; 5-23 Washington (2) JD. |
1978 | Summer | | | Seen in Beltrami (6-12, Waskish) and Washington (7-19, JD). |
1978 | Winter | | | Reported on the Minneapolis CBC; no other regular Minnesota species is more vague in its geographic and seasonal distribution than this one. |
1979 | Spring | | | 5-15 Morrison NH, 5-23 Cook MMC, 5-26 Babbitt TH. |
1979 | Summer | | | Seen in early July in St. Paul, Ramsey Co. (fide RBJ). Gra,y Catbird Breeding reported from St. Louis, Otter Tail, Big Stone, Stearns, Anoka, Washington, Houston; also seen throughout the state. |
1979 | Fall | | | Only report 10-7 Cottonwood (Mt. Lake) RG. |
1979 | Winter | | | Two reports, both from the north: Lake, Two Harbors 1-18 (KE) and Clearwater 2-16 (SY). |
1980 | Spring | | | 4-3 Hennepin RBA, 5-3 St. Louis KE, 5-7 Clay LCF. |
1980 | Summer | | | All records from early June: Beltrami (6-5, T155R30), Morrison (6-2, fide NMH), Ramsey (6-9 Shoreview), Lake (6-8 Knife River). |
1980 | Fall | | | 10-10, 16 Cook RBA, 10-18 Wadena RBA, 10-27 Dakota JD. |
1981 | Spring | | | All reports: 4-16 Cottonwood, 4-26 KLF, 4-28 Houston EMF, 5-30 Blue Earth JCF, 5-31 St. Louis B. Healey. |
1981 | Summer | | | One on 6-9 Orwell, Otter Tail Co. (SM). |
1981 | Fall | | | Only reports: 10-31 Grand Marais DB, 11-1 Red Lake AS. |
1981 | Winter | | | One reported on the Duluth CBC. |
1982 | Spring | | | Reported by m.ob. 4-27 to 5-22 from the following counties: Cottonwood, Lac qui Parle and St. Louis. |
1982 | Fall | | | All reports: 91 I Cottonwood LAF, I0117 Wilkin JB, 11/6 Aitkin LW, 11/12 St. Louis fide M. Carr. |
1982 | Winter | | | Reported only from Duluth on 1/23 (mob)-and 2/25 (JP/AM). |
1983 | Spring | | | All reports: 4/8 Ramsey BL, 4/23 Olmsted RE, JEB, 4/29 St. Louis KE, 5/12 Blue Earth MF, 5/13 Otter Tail RBA, 5/17 Lake of the Woods TW, 5/18 Ramsey J. Gislason fide KL, 5/21 Lake RBA, 5/23 St. Louis SDM, Stearns NH. |
1983 | Summer | | | One, 6/9 Lutsen, Cook Co. (K&MH, RBJ). |
1983 | Fall | | | 9/l 0 Cottonwood LAF, Ill16 to 11/27 Washington M.ob. |
1983 | Winter | | | One found dead in Washington, 12-27 (JD). |
1984 | Spring | | | All reports: 5/13 Otter Tail GMO, 5/17 St. Louis J. Green, 5/18 Aitkin GS, 5/20 Roseau AJ, 5/23 St. Louis KE, 5/24 Roseau AJ. |
1984 | Summer | | | 6/5 Grand Marais, Cook Co., (KMH); 6/9 Crow Wing (GSw); 6/18 Blue Earth (MF). |
1984 | Winter | | | The individual reported on the Rochester CBC remained until 1-16 (mob). |
1985 | Spring | | | All reports: 4/21 Olmsted m.ob., 5/10 Wadena KL, 5/11 Cook KMH, 5/14 Goodhue DB, 5/21 St. Louis KE, 5/24 Morrison NH. |
1985 | Summer | | | Seen in Morrison (6/2 Royalton, NH), Wabasha (one, 6/15, RJ). |
1985 | Fall | | | All reports: 9/7 Blue Earth MF, 10/19 Duluth M. Hendrickson, 10/31 Carver MS. |
1986 | Spring | | | All reports: 4/13 Freeborn AB, Otter Tail GAM, 5/3,6 St. Louis KE, 5/11 Clay LCF, 5/14 Cook KMH (2), WP, 5/16 Cook T. Dyke, 5/18 Clearwater KB and Renville KL. (no date) |
1986 | Summer | | | Seen in Cook for the third summer in the last four years (6/11-12, SL). Also first summer sighting in Wilkin in at least 13 years (7111, JD). |
1986 | Fall | | | 10/18 Duluth P. Backstrom. |
1986 | Winter | | | One report from Ramsey on the 12/7 MRBA but no details received. Also reported on the Cottonwood CBC. |
1987 | Spring | | | All reports : 4/26 Cottonwood LAF, 5/10 Faribault KWB, 5/11 Marshall AP, 5/14 St. Louis KE, 5/22 Polk KE and Clay LCF, 5/24 Redwood KE. |
1987 | Summer | | | County first sightings of the same bird on 6/28 in Murray and Pipestone (n.e. of Edgerton , AB). |
1987 | Fall | | | 1/17 Olmsted JEB. |
1987 | Winter | | | Reported in Moorhead from 12/22 until 12/26 (LCF). |
1988 | Spring | | | All reports: 4/29 Nicollet JF, 5/20 Norman MS, 5/21 Duluth BU. |
1988 | Summer | | | Only report: one bird along Lake Superior in Cook (6/3, KMH). |
1988 | Fall | | | Only report: 11/4-12/5 Beltrami ES. |
1988 | Winter | | | Reported on the Bemidji CBC. First seen and photographed on 12/4 ESm. |
1989 | Spring | | | All reports: 4/26 Pennington SKS, 5/3 Dakota JD, 5!18 Sherburne DO, 5/20 Scott AB. |
1989 | Summer | | | Only report: 6/11 Stevens SDM. |
1989 | Fall | | | Two reports: 8/27 Brown mob, 11/3-26 Cook PS et al. |
1989 | Winter | | | Found in Rice 12/4 TB et al. |
1990 | Spring | | | All reports : 5/3 Rock PG, 5/8 Olmsted JB, BSE, 5/11 Aitkin GP, 5/19-20 Duluth KE, MSt. |
1990 | Summer | | | More reports than usual; June sightings in Cook KMH, Lake SWIMS, Lac qui Parle CMB, Le Sueur RJ, PS. |
1990 | Fall | | | One report: 11/8 Koochiching GM. |
1991 | Spring | | | All reports: 5/10 Hennepin (I) SC et al. and Lake (I) DPV, 5/1 1-18 Pipestone (2) ND, JP, 5/15 Duluth (I) fide KE, 5/18 Duluth (1, different location) PB. |
1991 | Summer | | | Observed in Lake BR, Murray ND and Kittson RG. |
1991 | Fall | | | One report: 10/27 Lake (1) DBe. |
1992 | Spring | | | All reports: 5/2 Goodhue DZ, 5/4–8 near downtown Duluth CE, mob, 5/11 Clay LCF, 5/12 Park Point, Duluth TD, 5/14 Sherburne SNWR, 5/22 Grand Portage, Cook Co. TBe, 5/24 Cliff Creek, Cook Co. KMH, 5/31 Marshall KSS et al. |
1992 | Fall | | | All reports: 10/9–11/8 Cook DM et al, 11/4–10 Becker BBe. |
1992 | Winter | | | Reported 2/28 Scott KG et al. (The Loon 65:101). |
1993 | Spring | | | All reports: 3/1–5/1 Scott mob, 4/24 Winona AM, 4/24–27 Lac qui Parle mob, 4/29–5/2 and 5/31 Aitkin WN, 5/2 Mower fide PB, 5/5 Dakota fide PB, 5/6–18 Hennepin (five individuals at four locations) TT, PT, TBr, OJ, 5/8 Washington DS, 5/14–15 Marshall AE, 5/16 Duluth fide KE, 5/25 Stevens BBo. |
1993 | Summer | | | Only report: one bird observed in Watonwan Co. from 6/15 through end of period (RG et al.). |
1994 | Spring | | | All reports: 4/23 Clay LCF, 4/30 Lac qui Parle mob, 5/14 Blue Earth ED and Kandiyohi RF, CJ, 5/14 and 5/16 Duluth (different locations) ME/SK, TW, 5/15 Lake DE, 5/30 Cook KMH. |
1994 | Summer | | | Three reports of single birds: 6/7,10 St. Louis (Park Point) fide KE and PBa; 6/17 Wilkin SDM; 7/8 Aitkin WN. |
1994 | Fall | | | Only report: 10/14 St. Louis DE. |
1995 | Spring | | | All reports: 3/12 Duluth SDM, 4/30 Clearwater SS, 5/3 Hennepin JPo, 5/16 Douglas PKL, 5/22 Murray ND, 5/23 Hubbard DJ. |
1995 | Summer | | | Two reports: single bird on 6/4 at Bass Ponds in Hennepin Co. OJ, and single bird on 6/4 near County Fairgrounds in Scott Co. fide AH. |
1996 | Spring | | | All reports: 4/19 Blue Earth MF, 5/12 Lac qui Parle FE, 5/16 Clay DWi, 5/18 St. Louis DBe et al., 5/19 Hennepin TT, 5/19 (same bird may have been at this location for three consecutive years) Kandiyohi RJF, 5/23 Beltrami (2) GS, 5/26 St. Louis BT, fide SS, 5/27 Cook OSL. |
1996 | Summer | | | Many reports, including third nesting record for state. Successfully nested near downtown Minneapolis in Hennepin TT, mob; singing bird also reported 6/9 and 6/15 at different location in Hennepin SC. Additional records: 6/2 Pine fide AH, 6/5 Cook OSL, 6/8 Anoka AH, 6/9 Isanti TT. |
1996 | Fall | | | All reports 8/7 Hennepin (two immatures) TT et al., 10/31–11/1 Brown JSp. |
1997 | Spring | | | All reports: 5/8 Murray (Moulton Township.) ND, 5/12 Dakota (2) CSm, fide AH, 5/23 Hennepin (near Rogers Township) TBr, 5/24 Olmsted BBr, 5/25 Cook fide KE, 5/31 St. Louis (Meadowlands) mob. |
1997 | Summer | | | Only report: 6/1 St. Louis TW. |
1997 | Fall | | | All reports: 8/12 Brown JSp, 8/23 Aitkin WN, WSf, 10/25 Cook MH et al., 11/9 Hennepin BG, 11/24–30 Becker (Detroit Lakes) BBe. |
1997 | Winter | | | Overwintered in Becker (Detroit Lakes) BBe. Also reported 2/7 Wabasha fide AH. |
1998 | Spring | | | All reports: 4/24 Clay (Felton Prairie) RK, 4/30 Houston DS, 5/8 Otter Tail SDM, 5/11 Hennepin TT, 5/15 McLeod RbS, 5/15 Cook fide OSL, 5/18 Dakota fide AH. |
1998 | Summer | | | Total of three reports: 6/6 Aitkin AH; 6/3–12 Kanabec (first county record) CM, mob; mid-May through 7/22 Pipestone ND, mob. |
1998 | Fall | | | All reports: through 8/3 Pipestone (see summer season) RJ, 9/17 Ramsey fide AH, 10/25 Cook (Taconite Harbor) AH. |
1998 | Winter | | | Reported 12/20 Lake JLi, and 1/5 Beltrami DJo. |
1999 | Spring | | | All reports: 4/26–5/6 Washington mob, 5/8 Goodhue (Frontenac S. P.) GrP, 5/9 Carver fide AH, 5/13 Rice mob, 5/25 Isanti RH. There were also four reports from the Duluth area in late May which involved a total of two to four birds: 5/21–24 (40th Ave. West) RRS et al., 5/25 (Lester R. Road) TW, 5/26 (Park Point) NJ, 5/31 (Ryan Rd.) fide DBe. |
1999 | Summer | | | Four reports: 6/6 McLeod RTF, 6/13 Sherburne (Sherburne NWR) WSt, 6/19 Meeker DF, 6/19 Cook fide AH. |
1999 | Fall | | | Remarkably, the only two reports were from the most northeastern county and both were found by the same observers! Reported 9/19 Cook (Tofte) and 11/21 Cook (Hovland) DBM. This species made an appearance in Cook last fall also. |
1999 | Winter | | | Reported 12/1 Cook (Grand Marais) JDa, †KB, 12/2 Sherburne (Elk River) fide AH, and 1/7–21 St. Louis (Duluth) mob. |
2000 | Spring | | | No fewer than 14 individuals were reported in 9 counties. All were in May except those seen intermittently from 1/7 (see winter report) through 3/9+ St. Louis (Duluth) JHf and 4/13 Cottonwood (near Typhoon WMA) BBo. Also reported south from Kandiyohi (2), Anoka, Hennepin (2), and Mower. All additional north reports: 5/5 Marshall (Thief L.) †CHe (The Loon 72:249–250), 5/20 Beltrami (2) †PBD, 5/8 Lake (Knife R.) JLi, 5/15–19 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) FN et al., and 5/20–22 St. Louis (Duluth Twp.) mob. |
2000 | Summer | | | All reports: 6/5, 6/26 Dakota (Mendota Heights) SEL, TAT, 6/20 Watonwan (near Lewisville) DBr, 6/28 St. Louis (near Embarrass) †SS. |
2000 | Fall | | | Only reports: 9/23 Olmsted fide AXH and 10/21 Cook (northeast of Hovland) NAJ. This species has been reported from Cook in three of the last four fall seasons. |
2000 | Winter | | | No reports. |
2001 | Spring | | | All reports south: 4/24 McLeod RTF, 5/11 Ramsey TAN, 5/12 Goodhue DFN, 5/12 Meeker (Corvuso) TAT, 5/12 Yellow Medicine (Burr) BRL, TAT, 5/16 Kandiyohi fide RAE, 5/26 Rice TFB, JGL. Two north reports from St. Louis County: 5/5–7 (Duluth Twp.) UK, 5/23–27 (Park Point in Duluth) mob. |
2001 | Summer | | | Two reports: 6/17 Cook (photographed at Tofte) JWL et al. and 6/28–30 Olmsted (Chester Woods Co. Park) JGL.
2001 | Fall | | | All reports: 10/26 Murray (Chanarambie Twp.) NED, 11/2–19 St. Louis (Duluth) m.obs., 11/9 Douglas (Garfield) SWi, 11/10 Dakota SWe. |
2001 | Winter | | | Observed 12/13–1/17 St. Louis (Duluth) including the †Duluth CBC. |
2002 | Spring | | | All reports: 4/11 Olmsted (by county road 22) JWH, 4/16 Olmsted (county road 3) DMA, 4/24+ (Rosemont) TAT, m.ob., 5/1 Winona CAS fide JJS, 5/11 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave.) RMD, 5/18 Lac qui Parle BRL. Two north reports: overwintered through mid-April St. Louis (Duluth) m.ob., 5/27 Cook (Hollow Rock) †MeM, TV. |
2002 | Summer | | | All observations: 6/24 Cass (near Whipholt) fide AXH, 6/29 Fillmore (Forestville S.P.) JPE, 6/29 – 7/29 Dakota (new county nesting record; four downy young found in nest near Empire) ES, JPM et al. |
2002 | Fall | | | All reports: through 8/11 Dakota (The Loon 75:116) JPM, TAT, 8/10 Olmsted (Chester Woods C.P.) OWB, 10/6 St. Louis (Park Point) fide DRB, 10/8 Ramsey (Falcon Heights) MEO, 11/8 Hennepin (Mounds Spring Park) TAT, 11/14 Cook (Croftville) PB. |
2003 | Spring | | | Major influx. First reported 4/14 Goodhue (Frontenac S.P.) KLa, 4/25–5/18 Mower (Hormel N.C.) m.ob., 4/29 Freeborn NAJ, CRM et al., plus two in Bloomington, Hennepin County (same bird?). Nine birds arrived in early May: 5/1 Hennepin (Bass Ponds), 5/2 Stevens (Morris), 5/3 Freeborn (White Woods C.P.), 5/3 Cook (Schroeder), 5/3 St. Louis (Church Rd., Duluth), 5/4 Winona, 5/5 Steele (Owatonna) †NFT, 5/7 Becker (Tamarac N.W.R.), and 5/10 Pine. Seven birds reported during the last week of May: 5/23 Lake (Two Harbors), 5/25 St. Louis (Sax-Zim bog), 5/25 Cook (Grand Marais), 5/26 Cook (Schroeder), and a surprising three individuals at Split Rock Cabins 5/26 Lake fide AXH. Grand total 20 or 21 birds! |
2003 | Summer | | | Reported 6/5 St. Louis (Hoyt Lakes) ALE, 6/7 Aitkin (no location) WEN, 6/27 Meeker (Kingston South Twp.) DMF. |
2003 | Fall | | | Only reports: 8/26 St. Louis (Duluth) fide AXH, 9/28 Cook (Cutface Creek) JWL et al. |
2003 | Winter | | | Reported 12/14–1/9 Cook (Grand Marais) m.ob. |
2004 | Spring | | | Seventeen reports of 18 birds! All south reports: 4/20 Hennepin (Wood Lake) fide AXH, 4/21 Blue Earth (Minneopa S.P.) MJF, 4/21–22 Mower (River Bend Campground) JEM, 4/25 Lac qui Parle (Mehurin Twp.) BJU, 5/1 Winona (Whitewater W.M.A.) JPS and Mower (Austin) RNS, 5/5 Fillmore JHD, 5/17 Rock (Blue Mounds S.P.) DBz, 5/18 Big Stone (Ortonville) BJU, and an undated report from Jackson (North Heron W.M.A.) BRB. North reports all from the North Shore: 3/16 St. Louis DRB, 4/22-24 St. Louis CE, 5/10 Lake (Flood Bay) KRE, PHS, JWL, 5/13 Lake (Iona's Beach) JWL, 5/18 Lake (2 at Split Rock Lighthouse S.P.) RBJ, JEB, 5/20 Cook (Schroeder) DJS, 5/27–29 Lake (Castle Danger) AXH, PHS. |
2004 | Summer | | | Five reports: 6/3 Cook (Spruce Creek) JGW et al., 6/4, 6/27 St. Louis DBF, SLF, 6/6 Yellow Medicine BJU, 6/13 Scott RMD, 7/3 Cook (Gunflint Trail) fide DRB. |
2004 | Fall | | | All reports: 10/2 McLeod (Hutchinson) PRH, 11/19 Murray fide AXH, 11/21 St. Louis (2) fide DRB. |
2005 | Spring | | | A veritable invasion across the state! At least 13 or 14 individuals reported south and 14–16 north. Early south 4/10 Murray fide AXH, 4/17 Mower (Austin) JEM, 4/17–18 Brown (Flandrau S.P.) JSS, BTS. Early north 3/31 Beltrami BJU, 5/10–22 Crow Wing (2) JSB, 5/14 Clay (north of Blazing Star Prairie) RHO, DPJ. Additional south reports in chronological order from Olmsted, Swift, Stearns, Nicollet, Redwood, Hennepin (2), Brown (second location), Scott, Ramsey, Lac qui Parle. Additional north reports from Marshall, Becker, Clay (Gooseberry Park), Cass, Crow Wing (2 birds, seven miles away from the first sighting in this county), Lake, and from five different locations in St. Louis between 5/21 and 5/27. |
2005 | Summer | | | Most reports ever: 6/1, 6/21, 7/27 Clay MM fide JMJ, BJU, 6/2, 6/9–13, 7/8 Lac qui Parle BJU, 6/12 Lake JWL, 6/15 St. Louis BET, 7/1 Meeker DMF, 7/6 Ramsey JFR, 7/15 Renville BJU, 7/16 Le Sueur BJU, 7/26 Hennepin KS. |
2005 | Fall | | | All reports: 8/1 Hennepin (Golden Valley) fide AXH, 9/23 Olmsted CCB, 10/14 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) BJU, 10/15 St. Louis (Scenic 61 near Homestead Road) AXH, PHS, 10/28 Douglas (Osakis W.T.P.) JPE. |
2006 | Spring | | | Statewide total of 21 reports from March (1), April (4), and May (16). South reports from Lac qui Parle (5 locations between 3/4 and 5/23, BJU), Swift, Kandiyohi, Wabasha, and Ramsey. Twelve north reports beginning 4/18 Douglas BDS; also found in Clay, Aitkin (2 locations), Carlton, St. Louis (3 locations), Lake, and Cook (2 locations). |
2006 | Summer | | | Three reports: 6/1 Cook SMc, 6/16 Le Sueur BJU, 7/4 Lac qui Parle BJU. |
2006 | Fall | | | Single reports north and south, respectively: 8/19 St. Louis (Hermantown) UK and 10/1 Big Stone (Odessa) BJU. |
2006 | Winter | | 2 | All reports: 1/21 Lac qui Parle BJU, 1/24 Hennepin TLa. |
2007 | Spring | 7 | 5 | Early south 4/23 Scott/Dakota (Murphy Hanrehan P.R.) JJE; May reports from Dakota (2), Hennepin (2), Ramsey, Scott, Wright. All north reports: 5/5 Todd JSK, 5/6 Polk PHS, 5/11 St. Louis (Ely) BET, 5/13–14 Kanabec †CAM, NSc, 5/18 Lake (Encampment Forest) JWL, 5/20 Lake (Isaacson Rd) JWL, 5/22 Aitkin (Rice Lake N.W.R.) MMc, 5/23 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) JMJ, 5/25 St. Louis (40th Ave. West, Duluth) JLK, 5/27 Lake (Castle Danger) ph. JWL. |
2007 | Summer | 1 | | Reported 7/9 St. Louis (Duluth Lakewalk) TAN. |
2007 | Fall | 2 | 1 | Only north reports: 9/15 Cook fide AXH and 11/17–29 St. Louis (Hoyt Lakes) †NAJ, LS, JCC, ph. MLH. From the south, only sighting 10/6 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) DSw. |
2007 | Winter | 2 | | Two reports: 12/15+ Morrison (near Bowlus) †FGo, CGo, 2/27 St. Louis (Duluth) fide JWL. |
2008 | Spring | 3 | 6 | Early south 4/20 Mower ARW, 4/22 Faribault WAF. May reports from Mower, Meeker, Olmsted (2 separate reports), Blue Earth, Brown. All north 5/4–5 St. Louis DAG, FKB, 5/14 Lake (Two Harbors) JWL, 5/16 Lake (Castle Danger) fide JWL, 5/22 St. Louis MLH, 5/25 Cass ph. †BAW. |
2008 | Summer | 2 | 2 | Observed 6/4 Renville DMF, 6/8 Cass BAW, 6/9–26 Hennepin SWe, DWK, CMB, m.ob., 6/22 Hubbard MAW. |
2008 | Fall | 1 | 4 | All north 11/17 Cass (Walker) ph. BAW. All south 8/1 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/1 Dodge (Blooming Prairie) KRV, 11/16 Pope DRa, 11/30 Blue Earth (Minneopa S.P.) †ChH. |
2008 | Winter | 1 | 1 | One discovered in mid-November in Cass (Walker) lingered until 12/3 BAW. Another first reported from Minneopa S.P. in Blue Earth on 11/30 was still present 12/1 DBM. |
2009 | Spring | 4 | 5 | All south 5/17 Anoka SIv, 5/19 Hennepin (2, Minneapolis) fide AXH, 5/19–30 Hennepin (MSP Airport) DDo, m.ob., 5/20 Dakota RLW, 5/22 Nicollet (St. Peter) RMD, 5/28 Washington (Stillwater) fide AXH. All north 5/16 Kittson ph. LW, 5/16–17 St. Louis (Crane Lake) DMK, 5/17 Lake (Iona's Beach) JWL, 5/20 Lake (Two Harbors) JWL, 5/21 Marshall fide JMJ, 5/21–24 St. Louis (Park Point Recreation Area, Duluth.) PHS, SCZ, MLH, FKB, 5/23 Marshall HHD. |
2009 | Summer | 2 | 4 | All north reports: 6/6–12 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth, probably same bird from late May at new location; its repertoire included excellent renditions of Belted Kingfisher, Northern Flicker and Eastern Phoebe) PHS, 6/20 Cass DAY. All south reports: one from spring through 6/23 Hennepin (MSP airport) m.ob.; one in Stillwater since 5/28 joined by second bird 7/8 Washington CMB, SSc, and last reported 7/16 m.ob.; 6/14 Wright HCT; 7/18 Blue Earth ChH. |
2009 | Fall | 1 | 2 | Only north report 9/27 St. Louis (Bayfront Park, Duluth) LS, KRE, SLP. All south reports: 8/1 Meeker (Litchfield golf course) DMF, 9/30 Olmsted (Rochester) CCB. |
2010 | Spring | 4 | 5 | All south reports 4/10 Olmsted RLE, 4/20 Wright (Buffalo) RaP, 4/21 Washington (Afton) DZa, 5/2 Le Sueur (north of Elysian) CVK, 5/4 Dakota (singing at Empire electric station) JPM. All north 5/3, 5/4 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R. headquarters) fide JMJ, 5/8–10 Lake (downtown Two Harbors) JWL, 5/18 St. Louis (Sky Harbor Airport) LME, 5/24 Pine CPr, 5/25 St. Louis (Park Point) PHS. |
2010 | Summer | | 2 | Observed 6/3 Waseca fide BBA, 6/26 Hennepin fide AXH. |
2010 | Fall | | 3 | All south 10/6 Jackson (north end of Spirit Lake) BJU, 10/8 – 11/21 McLeod (residence in Hutchinson) BEH, †PRH, ph DAC, m.ob., 10/21 Kandiyohi JSr. |
2010 | Winter | | | |
2011 | Spring | 3 | 4 | All south 4/23 Big Stone (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 4/30 Rice (River Bend N.C.) DAB, TFB, 5/19 Washington (Cottage Grove) fide BAF, 5/26 Nicollet (Benson Park, North Mankato) AnK, ChH. All north 5/6 Hubbard fide JMJ, 5/14 Cook (Grand Marais) ANy, and 3 locations in St. Louis: 5/9 (east Duluth) FKB, 5/11–19 (Duluth Rose Garden) DOK, PHS, 5/13–30 (Park Point R.A.) NAJ, EBr, ph. PHS, m.ob., 5/19 Brown (New Ulm) fide AXH. |
2011 | Summer | 1 | 1 | Seen 6/5 Lake (Split Rock Lighthouse S.P.) RBe, 6/11 Lake (Two Harbors) AM, 6/24 Houston (location?) RTP. |
2011 | Fall | | 1 | Only report 9/6 Lac qui Parle ph. BJU. |
2012 | Spring | 3 | 4 | All south 4/30 Rice TFB, Watonwan (Madelia) AnK, 5/13 Brown (Shag Road) MiO, 5/15 Murray (290th Ave. and C.R. 3) RMD. All north 3/23 Wilkin (Rothsay W.M.A.) JBB, 4/16 Marshall fide AXH, 5/18 St. Louis (Ely) fide JWL, 5/22 St. Louis (Duluth) ALo, 5/24 St. Louis (Park Point) LBe. |
2012 | Summer | 2 | 1 | Seen 6/6 Murray RMD, SC, St. Louis FKB, 6/20 Goodhue BRL, 6/25 Polk fide BBA. |
2012 | Fall | 3 | 1 | All north 8/25 Koochiching †FGo, 9/2 Roseau (Springsteel Island) KRE, 10/28–11/11 Cook (Grand Marais) TAT, also reported by the m.ob. searching for the Cassin's Kingbird present. Only south report 10/30 Dakota JLO. |
2013 | Spring | 4 | 6 | All south 5/2–3 McLeod KdB, 5/6 Anoka ph. †CKB, 5/13–14 Ramsey (Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary) JPS, ph. LMS, m.ob., 5/18 Scott DiW, first county record 5/26 Chisago ph. †CaC. All north 4/29–5/7 St. Louis (Park Point) DRB, ph. PHS, ph. AM, ph. JLK, m.ob., 5/10–14 Pine †JMP, 5/11 Becker KBl, 5/30 St. Louis RAE, ALo, JLK, CRM, 5/31 Cook KRE, CRM. |
2013 | Summer | 3 | | Reported 6/1–11 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) ph. AM, (2) †MTA, (2) PHS, JLK, CLW, 6/5 Cook (mouth of the Brule River, Naniboujou Lodge) CLW, 6/6 Polk (NE of Winger) †RPR, 6/29 Cook (Gunflint Trail, South Brule River) ph. KOv, 7/13 Cook LGr. |
2013 | Fall | 2 | | Two reports: 11/3 Cook (Grand Marais) KRE, ThM, PEB, 11/30 Koochiching (Loman) ph. AMe. |
2014 | Spring | 4 | 3 | All south reports: 4/26 Martin (Fish Lake boat access) RBW, 5/9 Fillmore HHD, RAE, JWH, RTP, 5/11 Redwood MJM. All north: 5/11 Itasca ph. SC, 5/15–22 St. Louis (Park Point) ph. †JLK, †PHS, m.ob., 5/22 Lake (Agate Bay) JWL, 5/23 Becker (Rainbow Resort) ph. LiS, St. Louis (Everett St. and Morningside Ave.) SVB. |
2014 | Summer | 2 | 1 | Seen 6/3 Washington (3M facility) KSc, 6/7 Cook (Grand Marais) HHD, KRE, LS, RAE, RZi, 7/17 St. Louis (Duluth) fide JWL. |
2014 | Fall | | | First fall season with no reports since 1995. |
2014 | Winter | 1 | | First winter report since 2008: 1/1 Beltrami (Bemidji) ph. MLM, fide DPJ. |
2015 | Spring | 3 | 5 | All south reports: 5/2 Hennepin (Coon Rapids Dam R.P.) ph. KOk, Watonwan (Eagles Nest C.P.) BRB, ph. MiO, 5/13 Faribault WaF, Watonwan ph. ChH, †AnK, 5/15 Wabasha DBz, 5/17 Faribault (2) WAF, 5/17–19 McLeod (Piepenburg C.P.) ph. PRH, HHD, RAE. All north 5/3 Crow Wing ph. EGa, JPR, 5/16 Becker (Tamarac N.W.R.) ph. ShG, HeH, 5/24 St. Louis (Duluth Port Terminal) ph. JLK. |
2015 | Summer | 2 | 5 | Seen in Cook, Dakota, Lake, McLeod, Rice, Steele, Washington. |
2015 | Fall | 1 | | Only reports from Cook, 10/31 (Good Harbor Bay) DAB, ph. JPR, ph. JWL, m.ob., 11/14 (Ray Berglund State Wayside) CIN. |
2016 | Spring | 5 | 9 | A major influx of this species, with 15 individuals reported. Early south (median 4/25) 4/16 Lac qui Parle PEJ, DFN, 4/17 Hennepin MHu, 4/29 Ramsey TAN. Also reports from Brown, Dakota, Olmsted, Rock, Sherburne, Steele. All north (median arrival 5/5) 4/14 Morrison JVl, 4/28 Otter Tail JsS, 5/2 St. Louis BET, 5/4 Koochiching RMD, 5/14 Aitkin TLr, 5/23 St. Louis BMu, JPR. |
2016 | Summer | 5 | 3 | More reports than usual. Seen in Aitkin, Beltrami, Dakota, Kandiyohi, Lake, Mower, Otter Tail, St. Louis. |
2016 | Fall | 4 | 1 | All north reports: 9/30–10/2 St. Louis (Canal Park) ph. ALx, ph. BeA ph. JLK, m.ob., 10/11 Otter Tail CNn, 10/26 Lake (Bayside Park, Silver Bay) ph. DOv, JuK, then relocated here 11/5–7 CRM, m.ob., 11/3–7 Lake (Two Harbors) ph. JWL, m.ob., 11/4 Polk ph. HHu, 11/16–30 St. Louis (Park Point) ph. ALx, ph. JLK, m.ob. Only south report 10/2 Carver (Minnesota Landscape Arboretum) JTg. |
2016 | Winter | 1 | | One early winter report of bird continuing from fall season: 12/2 St. Louis (Southworth Marsh, Duluth) ALx, MMz. |
2017 | Spring | 1 | 13 | Another excellent spring for this species, although reports were confined to the south region apart from several individuals in Duluth. Early south (median 4/24) 4/15 Brown MiO, 4/19 Lac qui Parle JF, 4/26 Hennepin RBW, BAb. Unusual south records 4/28 Sibley ph. MiO, 5/10 Lincoln (150th Ave.) JCC, 5/18 Benton HHD, DBz, ANy. All north reports (median arrival 5/4) 4/10–12 St. Louis (Park Point) ph. JPR, ph. JLK, BMU, ClN, 4/25 – 5/4 St. Louis (Park Point, possibly the same individual) ph. JPR, ph. JLK, ph. ArL, m.ob., 4/27 St. Louis (Superior St., Duluth) JPR. |
2017 | Summer | 1 | 4 | Reported 6/2 Scott JEB, 6/15 St. Louis (Sunset Memorial Park) ArL, 6/20 Rock (Blue Mounds S.P.) ebd, 6/23 Blue Earth (Minneopa S.P.) †ChH, 6/24 Wabasha FGo. |
2017 | Fall | | | Only the second fall season since 1995 with no reports. |
2017 | Winter | 1 | | One report of this species that is observed in roughly every other winter: 12/10–23 St. Louis (Duluth) BMu, m.ob. |
2018 | Spring | 5 | 5 | All south reports (median 4/23) 5/1–16 Washington (Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A.) GJa, m.ob., 5/10 Freeborn (Hayward W.T.P.) PEB, 5/17–31+ Anoka (2, Fridley) CF, ph. RMD, m.ob., 5/21–22 Stevens (Perkins Lake) ANy, DBz, ASu, 5/28 Yellow Medicine (Mound Spring Prairie S.N.A.) GJa, ASu. All north (median 5/3) 5/8 St. Louis (Meadowlands) JuG, ClN, 5/11 Cook (Sugarloaf Point S.N.A.) ebd, 5/13 Aitkin (Rice Lake N.W.R.) LGr, 5/20 Clay LiH, 5/22 St. Louis (Park Point) JPR, 5/26 Cook (Hollow Rock Resort) WPe, Lake (C.R. 2 and C.R. 15) ANy, BWF, 5/28 Cook (Naniboujou Lodge) ANy. |
2018 | Summer | 5 | 4 | Observed in Anoka, Beltrami, Hennepin, Kittson, Lake, Meeker, Pine, Polk, Stearns. First county breeding record 6/2 Anoka CF; 4 young fledged 6/24 AXH (The Loon 91:32–35). |
2018 | Fall | | 2 | Two individuals reported, both south. One from summer continued through 8/27 Anoka (Fridley) GWe, 8/30 Ramsey (Rice Creek North Regional Trail) LiH. |
2019 | Summer | 1 | 1 | Found 6/2 Hennepin RJA, 6/21–22 Lake (New Tomahawk Rd., just W of Stony River) WCM, ASu, JSu. |
  | Rare throughout in all seasons. Seven breeding records. |