Northern Rough-winged Swallow(Stelgidopteryx serripennis) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1930 | Summer | | | The writer found a nest with four eggs on May 23rd at Minneapolis and one loTith four young near Ebcoelsior on July 5th, the earliest and latesto A nest found by Marius Morse Robbinsdale, June 8th, held seven eggs. |
1931 | Summer | | | A. ·nest· with thrse egge on May 30th (StruU.ey Stein);. three nests reported on June 24th, contents unknown. |
1932 | Summer | | | The earliest nest 'olms found en May 28th by Stanley St~In it reposed 2 white eegs. Whroe nests wore found by Mr. Swedenborg, thu latest on June 25th, when the yount:; were about a week old. |
1933 | Summer | | | Six breeding records of this spocius obtained. Swedenborg furnishes us the £irst infornation, that of n nest found noar Minneapolis on June 3rd which contained 3 eggs. Himaenz reports the last, £ound near St.. Cloud on June 26th. It harbored 5 newly-·· · hatched young. |
1934 | Summer | | | Although Hiemenz found these bi!rds building near st. Cloud, as early as May! 1,7th, no occupied nests were reported before June 3rd, when Risser and Rysgaard, those redoubtable ramblers, imrestigated a nest containing 6 eggs. A nest with 5 eggs, found ncar St. Cloud on Juno 19th by Hiomonz, tvns the la.tost recorded. |
1935 | Summer | | | Dr. Prosser found many of these birds at work April.30th, tunnelling into a bank nenr a lake in Anoka Co1mty, On July 21st, Breckenridge so.w young not in tho nest, but 3 largo young seen by Swodenborg had not left thc~:l~r nest July 28th. |
1936 | Summer | | | The records for this species limitc;Jd to two. :tt. D. Swedenborg observed this species building on Mo.y 17th; (h;mrge Rysgaard found a nest of six eggs on June 8th. |
1937 | Summer | | | On June 21 Upson found two nests in Minneapolis; one held an undetermined number of young, ~he other, five eggs. |
1938 | Summer | | | K. Carlander found several nests of eggs near Frontenac on May 20. A pair of rough wings, building in a kingfisher's runway near Lake Vermillion on June ro, were observed by Dr. Prosser and Mr. Swed enborg. |
1943 | Summer | | | June 24, eggs lllnd young, Leech Lake. K. Carlander. 8 nests, June 22, Dakota County. Bros. Lewi,s and Pius. |
1944 | Summer | | | 52. May 13, excavating, Fort Snelling; June 21, building; St. Paul, Hofstead. Brother Hubert and Brother Pius estimated that 50 were using drain tiles for nesting, on May 16, Fort Snelling. |
1945 | Summer | | | 1 nest, Ramsey Co., May 30, and 2 nests Washington Co., June 3, Russell Hofstead; 4 nests, Washington Co., May 20, many at Ft. Snelling, May 26, Brother Hubert. |
1961 | Summer | | | Forest Strnad banded five young near Kasson on 28 June. R. Huber banded four young near Winona an 1 July. |
1962 | Summer | | | July 8, St. Paul, one young being fed by adult, R. Huber. II |
1964 | Spring | | | 4-18 Goodhue Co, RBJ; 4-22 Anoka Co, LJ; 4-25 Chippewa Co, RG; 4-26 Duluth, DM; 4-26 Stearns Co, RPR; 5-6 Hennepin Co, MAS. |
1964 | Summer | | | breeding Ramsey Co, ELC and Fargo-Moorhead, EGA. |
1964 | Fall | | | 9-23 Washington Co, ACR; 9-27 Mpls, RBJ; 10-10 Mpls, HFH. |
1965 | Spring | | | earliest 4-20 Henepin Co, RDT. |
1965 | Fall | | | latest 9-3 Ramsey Co, 15, ACR and 9-19 Stearns Co, 25, NMH. |
1966 | Spring | | | earliest 4-20 Winona, GD, GG, FV; 4-23 Minneapolis, EMB and Goodhue Co, RBJ; 4-29 Scott Co, EHH, Hennepin Co, DB. |
1966 | Summer | | | reported from Jackson, Goodhue, Faribault, Stearns, Marshall, Ramsey, Pope, St. Louis, ClearWater, Stearns, Rice, Grant, Dakota, Carver and Wright Co's. |
1967 | Spring | | | early 4-9 Chisago Co., ACR; 4-16 Anoka Co., MHM; 4-18 Hennepin Co., FN/MAS; 4-20 Stearns Co., RPR. |
1967 | Summer | | | reported from Ramsey, Carver, Hennepin, Crow Wing, Washington Co's. |
1967 | Fall | | | latest 8-15, 8-29 Washington Co., DS; 9-10 Washington Co., WWL. |
1968 | Spring | | | early 4-20 Dakota Co., DB; 4-21 Houston Co., FL; 4-25 Stearns Co., KE; 4-28 Carver Co., EMB. |
1968 | Summer | | | nested in Lyon Co; also reported from Clearwater, Washington, Hubbard, Douglas, Cottonwood, Lake (JCG), Jackson, Morrison, Clay, Anoka, Rice, Pine, Winona Co's. |
1968 | Fall | | | 8-11 Carver MHM; 8-22 Cottonwood LAF. |
1969 | Spring | | | 4-10 Winona Co., BT; 4-23 Carver Co., THH; 5-8 Duluth, PBH; 5-15 Morrison Co., LSR; 5-24 (15) Blue Earth Co., CKS. |
1969 | Summer | | | reported from Winona, Goodhue, Washington, Ramsey, Rice, Swift, Nobles, Cottonwood, Morrison, Mille Lacs, and Clay, Mahnomen, and St. Louis Co's., in the north. |
1969 | Fall | | | 8-1 Chisago 15 EL; 8-2 Winona BTV; 8-19, 9-7 Wright 15+ and 1, ETS. |
1970 | Spring | | | early south 4-1 S. Goodhue KE; 4-17 Hennepin GES; 4-18 Redwood RG; early north 4-26 Duluth KE, PE; 4-30 Duluth MMC. |
1970 | Summer | | | nes ted in Morrison, Wright, Winona, and Hennepin Co's; northe ast records where the bird is irregul ar include Duluth, Lester River, a10d Clifton Twp. in St. Louis Co. |
1970 | Fall | | | only report north 9-10 Duluth JG ; late south 9-12 Stearns MC; 9-25 Winona TV; 9-29 Hennepin VL; peak 9-10 Mcleod (100) FN; also on 10-4 LF reported a flock of 2000 swallows in Brown Co. which she identified as Rough-winged; this would be an unusual date and concentration; JG feels that they were immature Purple Martins; we think they were immature Tree Swallows: LF said: "They all looked more or less alike, muddy brown breasts and sides with brown backs." |
1971 | Spring | | | early south 4-16 Washington BL; 4-17 Winona TV; 4-18 Cottonwood LF; early norih 5-5 Duluth KE, RR; 5-11 Morrison LR. |
1971 | Summer | | | nested in Lake; also reported from 13 other counties. |
1972 | Summer | | | nesting reported in 4 counties; seen in 13 other counties as far north as Duluth and Clearwater. |
1973 | Summer | | | Nested in Clay, St. Louis; seen in 17 other counties, including Kittson. |
1974 | Spring | | | Early south 4-11 Rock DR; 4-13 Rock KG; 4-19 Le Sueur GR· early north 4-30 Morrison LSR· 5-4 Clay LCF. ' |
1974 | Summer | | | Nested in Washington; also reported from 21 other counties. |
1974 | Fall | | | Late 9-29 Wright ES; 10-7 Freeborn DG; 10-11 Hennepin VL. |
1975 | Fall | | | no reports north late south 9-15 Washington DGW; 9-25 Goodhue CF; 10-4 Hennepin ES. |
1976 | Summer | | | nested in St. Louis and Chisago; also reported from 20 other counties including Lake and Cook. |
1976 | Fall | | | Late north 8-28 Duluth, 9-18 Otter Tail GO; late south 9-11 Rock, 10-2 Goodhue, 10-11 Hennepin. |
1977 | Summer | | | Reported from 22 counties throughout the state. |
1978 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Stearns; also seen throughout the state. |
1978 | Fall | | | Late north 9-2 Duluth RJ; late south 9-17 Lac qui Parle CMB, 9-28 Hennepin VL. Barn Swa1llow Late north 9-24 Otter Tail NJ, 10-1 Otter Tail GM; late south 10-13 Swift DB, 10-28 Washington DS. |
1979 | Spring | | | Early south 4-14 Le Sueur EB, 4-15 Le Sueur HFC; early north 4-19 Beltrami JM, 4-20 Otter Tail KE. |
1979 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Otter Tail, Stearns, Anoka; also seen throughout the state except Lake, Cook. |
1979 | Fall | | | Eleven reports, late south 9-16 Olmsted JF, 10-10 Hennepin VL, Lac qui Parle CMB. |
1980 | Spring | | | Early south 4-5 Wabasha WDM, 4-6 Martin EB, 4-13 Hennepin TL; early north 4-19 St. Louis SNF, 4-23 Otter Tail GW, SM. |
1980 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Stearns; seen also throughout the state except the Northeast Region where reported only from Duluth. |
1980 | Fall | | | Late north 9-18 Otter Tail GW, 10-4 SM, 10-19 St. Louis LW; late south 9-21 Houston JP, 10-3 Nicollet JCF, 10-4 Hennepin OJ, 10-5 Wright ES. |
1981 | Spring | | | Early south 4-4 Dakota KG, 4-11 Wabasha BL, Houston FL, 4-15 Lyon HK; early north 4-22 Otter Tail SM, 5-3 Beltrami JP. |
1981 | Summer | | | Breeding data from COOK, Clearwater, Morrison. Seen throughout the state. |
1981 | Fall | | | Late north 8-18 Cook KMH, 9-11 Wilkin KL, 10-11 Otter Tail GW; late south Hennepin 9-25 ES, 9-29 DB, 10-2 RA, 10-12 SC. |
1982 | Spring | | | Early south 4-15 Houston EMF, 4-16 Olmsted BE, 4-17 Rice KJ, 4-21 Hennepin SC, RH, 4-22 Ramsey BL, BDC; early north 4-14 Otter Tail SDM, 4-24 Mille Lacs AB, 4-28 St. Louis KE, JG, 5-1 Carlton LW. · |
1982 | Summer | | | Seen throughout the state. |
1982 | Fall | | | Late north 8/28 Wilkin OJ, DB; late south 9/21 Hennepin VL, 9/22 AB, I0/8 SC, 9/18 Nicollet JCF, 10/2 Brown JSp. |
1983 | Spring | | | Early south 4/19 Sherburne EHISS, 4/20 Ramsey RH, Houston EMF, 4/21 Anoka SC, 4/22 Nicollet JCF; early north 4/20 Otter Tail SDM, 4/23 Douglas RJ, 4/30 Lake of the Woods TW, St. Louis TL, Clearwater, A B. |
1983 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Lake, Clearwater, Mahnomen, Morrison, Stearns. Seen throughout the state. |
1983 | Fall | | | Late north 9/2S Clay LCF, 10/12 Pine RG; late south 10/1 Lyon RJ, 10/2 Washington DS, 10/3 Brown JSp, 10/16 Dakota MW, 10/17 Hennepin SC. |
1984 | Spring | | | Early south 4/15 Houston EMF, 4/16 Hennepin SC, 4/21 Nicollet JCF, Ramsey RH, 4/24 Dakota JD; early north 4-8 Clay LCF, Otter Tail 4/18 GMO, 4/19 SDM, 4/22 Roseau AJ. |
1984 | Summer | | | seen in 30 counties. |
1984 | Fall | | | Late north 9/9 Clay LCF; late south Hennepin 10/8 DB, 10/24 SC, 10/20 Houston FL. |
1985 | Spring | | | Early south 4/13 Goodhue JD, Olmsted AP, JEB, Dakota ITu, Mower RRK, 4/14 Cottonwood WH, Dakota DZ, 4/15 Ramsey KB 4/16 RH, 4/16 Hennepin VL, RJ; early north 4!17 Otter Tail SDM, 4/21 Clay LCF, 4/23 St. Louis SS, 4/27 Clearwater MM; most reports 4/13 to 21. |
1985 | Summer | | | Nested in St. Louis (Ely), Ramsey (KB), Dakota (RHo); probable nesting in Roseau, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs. Also seen in 23 other counties in all regions, but scarce in the northeast and north central. |
1985 | Fall | | | Late north 9/20 St. Louis DB!, 9/29 Clay LCF; late south 10/16 Hennepin SC, 10/12 Brown JS. |
1986 | Spring | | | Early south 4/2 Olmsted RE, 4/8 Ramsey KB, 4/10 Hennepin TTu; 4/11 Brown JS; early north 3/29 Marshall ANWR, 4/6 Traverse GAM, 4/22 Otter Tail SDM, 4/26 Carlton LW. |
1986 | Summer | | | Nested in Brown (JSp); probable nesting in Koochiching, Anoka, Dakota. Also seen in 28 other counties in all regions. |
1986 | Fall | | | Late north 8/30 Polk AB, 9/14 Clay LCF; late south 9/30 Hennepin DB, 10/18 Scott BL. |
1987 | Spring | | | Early south 4/17 Houston FL, 4/18 Brown JS and Olmsted RSE, 4/19 Big Stone KB; early north 4/16 Wilkin GAM, 4/26 Clay LCF and Duluth KE, 4/30 Clearwater MM. |
1987 | Summer | | | Nested in Dakota. Also seen in 32 other counties in all regions. |
1987 | Fall | | | Late north 8/29 Clay LCF; late south 9/6 Brown JS, 9/23 Fillmore AP, RJ, 10/10 Hennepin SC. |
1988 | Spring | | | Early south 4/6 Ramsey RH, 4/9 Winona AP, 4/10 Hennepin DZ; early north 4/24 Clay LCF, 4/30Todd PH and Carlton LW, 5/1 Otter Tail SDM. |
1988 | Summer | | | Nested in Todd (PH), Steams, Rice, Goodhue (AP); probable nesting in Traverse. Seen in 39 other counties statewide except northeast and north central. |
1988 | Fall | | | Late north 9/15 Todd PH, 9/25 Clay LCF; late south 9/17 Brown JS, 9/25 Blue Earth AB, 10/5 Hennepin SC. |
1989 | Spring | | | Early south 4/15 Washington DZ, 4/17 Ramsey AB, 4/18 Fillmore NAO and Goodhue APr; early north 4/17 Otter Tail SDM, 4/21 Todd PH, 4/23 Clay LCF. |
1989 | Summer | | | Nested in Lake, Todd; probable nesting in Marshall, Fillmore. Seen in 28 other counties in all regions except west central; scarce in north central. |
1989 | Fall | | | Late north 9/17 Clay LCF, 9/28 Todd PH; late south 9/4 Fillmore NAO, 9/24 Winona CS, 10/5 Hennepin SC. |
1990 | Spring | | | Early south 4/18 Winona RJ, 4/20 Blue Earth BB, MF and Houston EMF, 4/22 Brown JSp and Washington RA; early north 4/20 Todd PH, 4/22 Clay LCF, 4/23 Carlton MSt. |
1990 | Summer | | | Probable nesting in Clearwater, Otter Tail, Crow Wing; seen in 31 other counties south of Clearwater, plus Lake. |
1990 | Fall | | | Late north 8/22 Itasca AB, 9/22 Otter Tail MO, 9/23 Clay LCF; late south 8/26 Hennepin EL, 9/8 Blue Earth EK, 9/14 Lac qui Parle CMB and Washington WL. |
1991 | Spring | | | Early south 4/6 Cottonwood ED, 4/8 Dakota RG, 4/14 Washington TEB ; early north 4/21 Otter Tail SDM, 4/28 Clay LCF, 5/2 Beltrami OJ. |
1991 | Summer | | | Relatively few reports. Probable nesting in Clearwater, Crow Wing; seen in 26 additional counties statewide. |
1991 | Fall | | | Late north 9/15 Clay LCF, 9/22 Otter Tail MO; late south 9/4 Washington WL, 9/6 Pipestone JP, 9/29 Wright KB. |
1992 | Spring | | | Early south 4/17 Hennepin SC, 4/18 Goodhue DZ, 4/20 Dakota JD; early north 4/19 Clay LCF, 5/2 Clearwater DJ, 5/7 Beltrami DJ. |
1992 | Summer | | | Nested in Crow Wing, probable nesting in Marshall; seen in 34 other counties statewide. |
1992 | Fall | | | Late north 9/6 Becker DJ, 9/13 Otter Tail MO, 9/20 Clay LCF; late south 9/12 Nicollet MF, 9/25 Anoka DS, 9/27 Hennepin TT and Le Sueur PS. |
1993 | Spring | | | Early south 4/21 Washington TEB, 4/22 Hennepin OJ and Rice TB. Early north 4/27 Otter Tail CS/KC, 4/28 Traverse PS, 5/2 St. Louis SS. |
1993 | Summer | | | Nested in Aitkin WN, Dakota; probable breeding in Crow Wing, Hennepin, Washington. Seen in 26 other counties statewide. |
1993 | Fall | | | Late north 9/4 Aitkin WN, 9/14 Marshall KSS, 9/19 Clay LCF. Late south 9/5 Jackson KB, 9/15 Olmsted JB, 10/3 Hennepin TT. |
1994 | Spring | | | Early south 4/10 Houston EMF, 4/13 Dakota RH and Winona CS, 4/15 Olmsted JBo; early north 4/20 Red Lake KSS, 4/23 Clay LCF and Polk DJ, 4/27 Grant SDM. |
1994 | Summer | | | Nested in Winona JPo, Aitkin; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Kandiyohi, Fillmore. Observed in 24 other counties in all regions. |
1994 | Fall | | | Late north 8/6 Roseau PS, 8/21 Aitkin WN, 8/26 Pennington KSS. Late south 9/18 Hennepin TT, 9/22 Dakota KB, SC, 9/24 Houston JD. |
1995 | Spring | | | Early south 4/7 Winona CS, 4/15 Hennepin DN, 4/16 Olmsted CK; early north 5/8 Kanabec CM, Norman BK and Polk SKS, 5/9 Beltrami DJ, 5/10 St. Louis AE. |
1995 | Summer | | | Nested in Dakota; probable nesting in seven counties. Seen in 25 additional counties throughout state. |
1995 | Fall | | | Late north 9/3 Aitkin MG, 10/8 (third latest north) Otter Tail SDM. Late south 9/8 Hennepin TT, 10/6 Hennepin PBu. |
1996 | Spring | | | Early south 4/12 Goodhue RJ, 4/13 Winona CS, 4/14 Hennepin PBu. Early north 4/21 Otter Tail WM, 5/1 St. Louis NJ, 5/3 St. Louis AE. |
1996 | Summer | | | Probable nesting in Washington; observed in 29 other counties in all regions. |
1996 | Fall | | | Late north 8/3 Kittson and Roseau PS, 8/24 Aitkin WN, 8/31 Carlton LW. Late south 9/24 Brown JSp, 9/30 Dakota (12) TT, 10/4 Hennepin RH. |
1997 | Spring | | | Early south 4/16 Washington TEB, 4/18 Anoka KB, 4/19 Hennepin RH. Early north 4/21 Otter Tail SDM, 4/25 St. Louis AE, 4/26 Aitkin WN. |
1997 | Summer | | | Seen in 33 counties in all regions of state; probable nesting in Washington, Dakota, and in Brown. |
1997 | Fall | | | Representative late north 9/13 Clay CN. Late south 10/4 Hennepin RJ, 10/10 Hennepin TT. |
1998 | Spring | | | Early south 4/16 Rice TBo, 4/17 Ramsey (3) TT, 4/17 Olmsted CK. Early north 4/20 Otter Tail SDM, 4/27 St. Louis AE. |
1998 | Summer | | | Probable nesting in Freeborn, Houston; seen in 26 other counties in all regions except northwest. |
1998 | Fall | | | Only north report after August: 9/3 Wadena PBi. Late south 9/25 Dakota TT, 10/2 Anoka RH, 10/3 Lyon RgS. |
1999 | Spring | | | Arrived south on time, but few north reports. Early south 4/11 Hennepin TT, 4/14 Rice TBo (recent median 4/15). Only April report north: 4/25 Douglas ABo. |
1999 | Summer | | | Observed in 31 counties statewide. |
1999 | Fall | | | Late north 8/21 Grant CMa and Wadena PBi, 8/28 Grant SL; compare these to the recent median departure date (9/20). Late south 9/21 Hennepin SC and Meeker CMa, 10/1 Hennepin PBu. |
2000 | Spring | | | Reported from 29 south and 11 north counties in all regions, but only Clay in northwest and St. Louis in northeast. Early south (where recent median 4/14) 4/6 Carver RTD, then 4/13. Arrived north on time, where first seen 4/21 in three counties. Peak 5/31 Dakota (180) NWi. |
2000 | Summer | | | Most reports since 1988; observed in 42 counties statewide. |
2000 | Fall | | | Very scarce! Only four reports north, the latest of these 8/5 St. Louis TPW (recent median north departure date 9/19). More numerous south, where reported from 10 counties, but still noted as scarce. Only two reports after mid-September: 9/18 Dakota (15) TAT and 10/1 Meeker DMF. High count 9/9 Blue Earth (30) LWF. |
2001 | Spring | | | Reported from 34 south and 18 north counties. Early south (median 4/13) 4/4 Fillmore NBO, then daily arrivals 4/7–10. Early north 4/20 Otter Tail DKM, 4/30 Beltrami DPJ. |
2001 | Summer | | | Reported in 31 counties in all regions except Southwest.
2001 | Fall | | | Only north report: 8/19 Wadena PBJ, well before recent median north departure date (9/17). Even scarcer than in Fall 2000 (four north reports last year). Seen in 15 south counties; late south 9/25 Brown JSS and Renville CRM, 9/29 Dakota TAT. |
2002 | Spring | | | Seen in 32 south and 15 north counties. Early south 4/7 Freeborn AEB, then daily arrivals 4/11–17. Early north 4/20 Lake JWL, 4/21 Otter Tail PHS. |
2002 | Summer | | | Reported in 38 counties statewide. |
2002 | Fall | | | Six north reports (cf. one in 2001); late north 8/31 Marshall CRM, 9/1 Polk SWe, almost two weeks prior to median departure (9/14). Four September reports south, then only 10/4 Dakota ADS, 11/6 (latest date on record) Scott †PEJ. |
2003 | Spring | | | Arrived within three days of recent medians south and north. Early south 4/14 Dakota KJB and Freeborn AEB. First north reports 4/17 Otter Tail SPM, DKM, then none until 4/29 Kanabec CAM. One report each from the Southwest (Redwood) and Northwest (Clay). |
2003 | Summer | | | Found in 34 counties statewide. |
2003 | Fall | | | Reported from five north counties, including 9/1 Marshall KRE et al. and Red Lake JMJ, almost two weeks prior to median departure (9/14). Total of 13 reports from 11 south counties. Only reports after mid-September: 9/20 Le Sueur ChH, 10/1 Houston FZL. |
2004 | Spring | | | Early south 4/11 Hennepin WCM, 4/15 Dakota BRL, 4/16 Goodhue JJS, Rice TFB. Early north 4/19 Otter Tail SPM, 4/21 St. Louis SLF, 4/25 Kanabec CAM. Both early arrivals one day prior to recent medians. |
2004 | Summer | | | Observed in 33 counties in all regions of state. |
2004 | Fall | | | All north reports: 8/27 Lake JWL, 9/4 Todd CAM, 9/8 Otter Tail JEB. South reports from Sherburne, Meeker, Rice, Hennepin, Winona and Fillmore in August, then only 9/7 Hennepin WCM — compare to median south departure (10/3). |
2005 | Spring | | | Early south 4/9 Scott RBJ, 4/11 Fillmore NBO, 4/14 Hennepin HCT (median 4/12). All April north reports: 4/23 St. Louis SLF, 4/24 Kanabec CAM (median 4/20). High count 67 in Fillmore (5/14 NBO). |
2005 | Summer | | |
2005 | Fall | | | Reported from 5 north and 17 south counties. High count 8/13 Rice (20) DAB. Late north 8/24 Clearwater JEB, 9/4 Clearwater BJU (median 9/14). Few south reports after August: 9/17 Le Sueur ChH and Olmsted DAB, 10/7 Houston FZL (median 10/4). |
2006 | Spring | | | Present for one week south and three weeks north before first reports from western regions. Early south 4/7 Winona JMJ, 4/10 Rice TFB, 4/11 Dakota JPM. Early north 4/24 Crow Wing JEB, RBJ, 4/25 St, Louis SLF. First western reports 4/15 Lac qui Parle, 5/13 Otter Tail. |
2006 | Summer | | | Reported from 64 counties throughout state except northwestern corner. |
2006 | Fall | | | Reported from 5 north and 21 south counties. Only three north reports after 8/5: 8/12 Otter Tail HHD, 8/20 Cass (25) DAY, 8/30 Traverse BJU (median 9/8). Late south 9/28 Steele NFT, 10/2 McLeod CRM, JEB (median 10/3). |
2007 | Spring | 15 | 51 | Early south 4/14 Anoka (8) CMa (median 4/11); peak migration 4/20–23 in ten counties. Early north 4/22 St. Louis DBF, SLF, 4/24 Douglas DAC, RBJ and Mille Lacs ASc (median 4/20); peak migration 5/4–9 in six counties. |
2007 | Summer | 18 | 39 | Observed statewide. |
2007 | Fall | 6 | 16 | High count 8/14 Big Stone (27) BJU. All north reports 8/1 Cass BAW, 8/4 Pine LS, 8/6 Traverse BJU, 8/31 Polk, Red Lake BJU, 9/4 Traverse BJU, 9/15 Douglas DTT (median departure 9/6). Late south 9/11 Washington RBJ, 9/13 Sherburne RBJ, 9/23 Stevens RBW, well before 10/3 median. |
2008 | Spring | 19 | 45 | Early south (median 4/11) 4/16 Hennepin WCM, Rice DAB, 4/17 Hennepin CMB, Rice TFB. Early north (median 4/20) 4/21 St. Louis FKB, 4/24 Traverse DBM, 4/27 Cass BAW, St. Louis SLF. |
2008 | Summer | 16 | 31 | Reported statewide. |
2008 | Fall | 3 | 20 | All north reports 8/22 Otter Tail MJB, 8/23 Douglas, Otter Tail DMF, 8/29 Hubbard DBM (median late 9/6). Last south reports well before the 10/3 median: 8/27 Carver (Carver P.R.) JCy, 8/31 Sibley WCM, 9/12 Fillmore NBO, Lac qui Parle BJU, Murray RBW. |
2009 | Spring | 20 | 47 | Early south (median 4/11) 4/3 Dakota JPM, 4/17 Stearns PCC, 4/18 Olmsted JWH, Rice DAB. Early north (median 4/20) 4/24 St. Louis DBF, 5/1 Douglas JPE, St. Louis EEO, NAJ, 5/2 Mille Lacs ASc, Traverse DPG. |
2009 | Summer | 15 | 33 | Found in all regions except Southwest. First county breeding records from Isanti DPG, Lac qui Parle (bald and pink hours-old young in nest) AXH. |
2009 | Fall | 1 | 14 | Only two north reports, both a month after the 9/8 median departure: 10/8 Otter Tail CRM, 10/9 Otter Tail (5, Ottertail River, Fergus Falls) MO. Late south were also well after the median: 10/12–13 Carver (3) JCy, 10/28 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) ADS (median 10/3). |
2010 | Spring | 17 | 42 | Early south (median 4/12) 4/13 Dakota JPM, Rice TFB, 4/16 Dakota CMB, MDu, Olmsted JWH. Early north (median 4/21) 4/17 Douglas JPE, 4/30 Cass BAW. |
2010 | Summer | 21 | 33 | Seen in all regions of the state. First county breeding record from Douglas JPE. |
2010 | Fall | 5 | 21 | High count 8/20 Washington (25, Carpenter N.C.) JaH. Late north 8/20 Douglas and Grant (4) RTe, 9/1 Wadena DBM (median 9/6). Late south 9/7 Scott GLa, 9/8 Stearns STW, 9/15 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 10/3). |
2011 | Spring | 25 | 47 | Early south (median 4/12) 4/8 Hennepin SLC, 4/10 Hennepin CMB, 4/13 Ramsey REH. Early north (median 4/21) 4/26 Grant RAE, 4/27 Crow Wing FGo, 5/5 Carlton FKB. |
2011 | Summer | 20 | 42 | Found in all regions of state. First county breeding records from Scott CCa, Wabasha CCa. High counts 7/6 St. Louis (20, Bear Island area) JLK, 7/8 Beltrami (20, Knutson Dam) JKe. |
2011 | Fall | 6 | 23 | High count 9/2 Washington (53, Carpenter N.C.) JHg. Late north 8/21 Traverse BJU, 9/5 Red Lake KRE, LS, CRM, 9/18 Grant BJU (median 9/6). Late south 9/17 Waseca JCC, 9/20 Lac qui Parle BJU, 9/23 Washington (15, Carpenter N.C.) JHg (median 10/3). |
2012 | Spring | 22 | 46 | Two south arrivals both prior to previous record early date: 3/17 Redwood †SVo, (Willow Lake W.M.A.) SVo, 3/18 Carver (2, Rapids Lake) †JCy. Early north (median 4/21) 4/10 Otter Tail fide JMJ, 4/27 Kanabec JPr. High counts 5/11 Goodhue (65, Frontenac S.P.) BNW, 5/12 Winona (50, Whitewater S.P.) MDe. |
2012 | Summer | 27 | 45 | Seen in all regions of state. High count 7/25 Chisago (25, along St. Croix River) RMa. First county breeding record from Murray SWe. |
2012 | Fall | 7 | 27 | Late north 8/28 Traverse BJU, 9/8 Clearwater MbH, 9/24 Traverse BWF, JWH (median 9/8). Late south 9/13 Washington (18) PAl, 9/15 Dakota (2) TAT, HSt, Lyon GWe (median 10/3). |
2013 | Spring | 20 | 40 | Early south (median 4/12) 4/22 Dakota (three separate locations) ANy, CAs, GHo, Winona DBz, 4/24 Goodhue GJM, Houston DBz. Early north (median 4/21) 4/28 Otter Tail ALo, 4/29 Otter Tail JsS, JSw, 5/2 Mahnomen KMy, 5/3 Beltrami DPJ. High counts 5/10 Goodhue (100, Hok-si-la Park) JEc, 5/22 Goodhue (100, Prairie Island) DVe. |
2013 | Summer | 23 | 45 | Seen in every region. First county breeding records from Fillmore fide BBA, Mower CCa, Red Lake DKb, Sibley CCa. High count 6/24 Goodhue (50, Lake Byllesby) KDS. |
2013 | Fall | 9 | 28 | High counts 8/27 Marshall (43) JLK, 8/17 Anoka (20) MSo, TKa. Late north 8/28 Polk JLK, 9/3 Otter Tail JsS, JSw, 9/5 Otter Tail JSw (median 9/6). Late south 9/13 Dodge LMS, 9/18 Washington PNi well ahead of the 10/2 median. |
2014 | Spring | 19 | 48 | Early south (median 4/12) 4/19 Hennepin GLa, CMB, 4/20 Dakota PEJ, JEd, DTr, Hennepin SC, DAB, AxG, Ramsey MSc, Rice TFB, Winona LHl. Early north (median 4/21) 4/22 Morrison ANy, 5/1 Becker ShG, HeH, 5/4 Clay PBB. High counts 5/11 Wabasha (70, Whitewater W.M.A.) RaJ, 4/21 Ramsey (50, Crosby Farm R.P.) MSc, 5/10 Winona (50, Whitewater S.P.) RaJ. |
2014 | Summer | 17 | 39 | Found in all regions of state. High counts 7/3 Fillmore (50, north branch of Root River) JDv, 6/9 Hennepin (20, Clifton French R.P.) RBu. First county breeding record from Sherburne PLJ. |
2014 | Fall | 4 | 25 | High count 8/31 Lyon (14) GWe. All north reports 8/1 Douglas BMu, 8/14 Morrison MRN, 8/15 St. Louis TRK, 9/2 Marshall JLK (median late 9/11). Late south 9/15 Sherburne TSh, 9/22 Goodhue GJM, 10/7 Goodhue GJM (median 10/3). |
2015 | Spring | 21 | 44 | Early south (median 4/12) 4/12 Lyon GWe, 4/15 Nobles DHr, 4/16 Carver DAB, ANy, DBz. Early north (median 4/21) 4/21 Douglas JMs, 5/1 Crow Wing EGa, 5/6 Cass DeT, Crow Wing JPR. High counts 5/19 Hennepin (50, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) PNi, 5/7 Dakota (40, 180th St. Marsh) DVe. |
2015 | Summer | 19 | 39 | Observed in all regions. High counts 7/29 Washington (68, Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A.) SBM, 7/15 Dakota (50, Mississippi River Lock and Dam 2) PNi. First county breeding record for Carver JCy. |
2015 | Fall | 7 | 27 | High counts 8/3 Lyon (20, Cottonwood Lake) GWe, 8/26 Dakota (20, 180th St. Marsh) DVe. Late north 8/24 St. Louis LME, 8/30 St. Louis AKO, 9/1 Otter Tail DBi (median 9/4). Late south 9/27 Redwood BTS, 10/3 Scott BAb, 10/4 Lyon GWe (median 9/30). |
2016 | Spring | 26 | 46 | Early south (median 4/11) 4/13 Ramsey WRe, MRe, 4/14 Carver ANy, 4/15 Rice TFB. Early north (median 4/21) 4/24 Pine JWL, Wadena JWH, SC, ANy, 4/25 Mille Lacs JWH. High counts 5/14 Anoka (100, Cenaiko Lake) JKe, 5/14 Goodhue (100, Hok-Si-La Park) KeA, 5/24 Washington (50) NSa. |
2016 | Summer | 24 | 45 | Observed in every region. High counts 7/20 Lac qui Parle (50, Lac qui Parle S.P.) MGo, 7/4 Olmsted (35, Olmsted County East Landfill) KHg, 7/21 Rice (35, Prairie Creek W.M.A., Koester Prairie Unit) JLt, BLt, 7/6 Washington (30, Otisville) MBw, 7/18 Stearns (30, Paynesville W.T.P.) KnM. First county breeding record 7/8 Benton DOr. |
2016 | Fall | 15 | 31 | High counts 8/14 Sherburne (30, Sherburne N.W.R.) RCl, 8/13 Grant (25, North Ottawa Impoundment) ClN, 8/17 Sibley (25, Gaylord W.T.P.) RiC. Late north 9/2 Morrison MEm, KEm, 9/4 Wilkin JPr, JJS, 9/13 Morrison FGo (median 9/3). Late south 9/20 Wright JWl, 9/25 Houston DBz, 10/13 Houston RMD (median 10/1). |
2017 | Spring | 25 | 50 | Early south (median 4/11) 4/8 Lyon GWe, 4/9 Rice TFB, Winona SHo, 4/11 Hennepin BAb. Early north (median 4/21) 4/17 Otter Tail fide JMJ, 4/22 Mille Lacs MJB, Otter Tail JSw, JsS, 4/25 Aitkin JLK, Todd TLu. High counts 4/30 Stearns (50, Lake Maria) LKo, 5/22 Hennepin (46, Mississippi Gorge R.P.) DSh. |
2017 | Summer | 30 | 47 | Seen throughout state. |
2017 | Fall | 12 | 36 | Only North-central report: 8/18 Lake of the Woods (8, Morris Point) AxB. High counts 9/5 Washington (50) ECl, 8/5 Lac qui Parle (48, Salt Lake) DnS, MWS. Late north 9/2 Otter Tail JsS, Pine RyC, 9/3 Otter Tail BAr (median 9/2). Late south 9/23 Sherburne PLJ, 9/24 Rice NiR, 9/27 Lac qui Parle TAT (median 10/1). |
2018 | Spring | 27 | 50 | Early south (median 4/11) 4/11 Wright LiH, 4/13 Hennepin ASu, LiH, Washington KIs. Early north (median 4/21) 4/27 Grant ABL, 4/28 Grant ToR, Morrison TLu, AaL, Pine SBE. High count 5/17 Hennepin (60, Westwood Hills N.C.) BBr. |
2018 | Summer | 25 | 50 | Seen throughout state. High count 6/30 Washington (68, 100th St. Marsh) ERH. First county breeding record 7/6 Steele PSu. |
2018 | Fall | 14 | 38 | Â High counts 8/24 Freeborn (50, Albert Lea) ebd, 8/24 St. Louis (50, Park Point R.A.) JLK. Late north 8/31 St. Louis RBW, 9/8 Grant CNn, 9/22 Todd JLK (median 9/3). Late south 10/6 Le Sueur DWK, Olmsted MHn, 10/8 Carver JCy (median 10/1). |
2019 | Summer | 26 | 50 | Â Observed throughout state. High count 7/16 Goodhue (100, 3/0th St.) CDg. |
  | Breeds throughout. |