Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Warblers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Warblers
Worm-eating Warbler
Louisiana Waterthrush
Northern Waterthrush
Golden-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
[Golden-winged Warbler X Blue-winged Warbler]
[Lawrence's Warbler]
[Brewster's Warbler]
Black-and-white Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Connecticut Warbler
MacGillivray's Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Kentucky Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler
American Redstart
Kirtland's Warbler
Cape May Warbler
Cerulean Warbler
Northern Parula
Magnolia Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Palm Warbler
Pine Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
[Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)]
[Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)]
Yellow-throated Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Townsend's Warbler
Hermit Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Canada Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
Painted Redstart

Northern Waterthrush(Parkesia noveboracensis)
1930SummerA young bird of this species was Been by the writer, being fed, on June 24th, at Island Lake, near Northome. ·
1932SummerA young bird out of the nest was seen at Mille Laos Lake, August 19th (Huseby).
1933Summer Swodonborg reports young being fad on June 2oth. This observation was made on an island in Common Loon Lake, Cook County.
1934Summer To Mr. and Nrs. Swodenborg nncl Dr. Prosser goes tho credit for finding tho first Minnesota nest of this species. They located it at Caribou Lake_, Cook County, on June 22nd, when it hold 4 eggs. A1though this species had been seen l:lany times prmriously during ~ the breeding season o.nc1 even found feedinc: young in tho northern part of tho state, the nest had not been found before in Minnesota.
1935Summer ----·· On June 20th at vlest Bearskin Lake, Carlander saw an adult carry food under a tangle of roots several times. iUld June 27th on an island in Caribou Lake, Prosser and Swedenborg observed large young out of the nest being fed.
1936Summer Swedenborg saw a nest of three large young June 21st at Caribou Lalce.
1962FallSept. 26, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel, last date.
1963SpringMay 2, Minneapolis, R. Janssen; May 7, Washington Co., D. Honetschlager; May 8, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 9, Wright Co., Erma Christopher.
1963Falllatest, Sept. 25, Minneapolis, R. B. Janssen and Oct. 8, Minneapolis, Gloria Peleaux.
1964Spring5-6 Duluth, JCG; 4-29 Stearns Co, peak 5-7, not seen after 5-10, RPR; 4-28 Hennepin Co, "many!" on 5-5, MAS; 5-9 Wright Co, EC; 5-6 Ramsey Co, ELC; 5-17 Washington Co, DH; 4-18 Ramsey Co, good details, BL; 5-4 Frontenac, JPF; 5-8 Ramsey, ACR.
1964Summerspring date addenda, 5-6, Stevens Co, RAG; fall dates, 8-4, Minneapolis, MAS; 8-13, Rice Co, MAS; 8-17, Crow Wing Co, TEM; 8-22, Kelsey, St. Louis Co, DP, FL; 8 23, Minneapolis, DB.
1964Fall9-8 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 9-12 Ramsey Co, ACR; 9-25 Two Harbors, RK.
1965Springearliest 4-28 Minneapolis, FL; many by 5-9.
1965Falllatest 9-18 Belle Prairie, LSR and 9-22 Two Harbors, RK.
1966Springearliest 4-23 Dakota Co, MIG; 4-26 Minneapolis, DB; 4-27 Minneapolis, EHH, EMB; 5-2 Hennepin Co, MHM.
1966Summerreported from Lake and St. Louis Co's.
1966FallLatest 9-25 Cook Co., JCG; 10-1 Fargo, MGA and Olmsted Co., JPF.
1967Springearly 4-29 Winona Co., RBJ; 4-30 Fillmore Co., EHH and Olmsted Co., CMJ, JPF; 5-2 Wash ington Co., WWL.
1967Summerreported only from Cook Co.; 8-10(1), 8-15(4) FargoMoorhead, fide EGA, early migrants.
1967Fall latest 9-28 Minneapolis, VL; 9-29 Morrison Co., LSR; 10-3 Anoka Co., PE.
1968Spring early 4-28 Minneapolis, DB, JAJ; 5-1 Minneapolis, VL; 5-2 Minneapolis, EHH; 5-6 Fargo-Moorhead, fide EGA.
1968Summer reported only from Lake Co (JCG, JAH); 8-8 Fargo-Moorhead,. fide EGA, fall migrant.
1969Spring4-29 Hennepin Co., EIS, FN j MAS; 4-30 Minneapolis, VL; 5-3 Mille Lacs Co., MI; 5-6 Morrison Co., LSR; 5-13 (10) Washington Co., DS; 5-14 Goodhue Co., WKE.
1969Summer6-15 Jacobson, Aitkin Co. JJ, only report.
1969Fall9-2 Morrison 4 LSR; 8-17 Chisago 1 banded FVS; 10-3 Duluth KS; 10-19 Pope WH; 10-21 Ramsey MIG; 10-25 Lake BL.
1970Springearly south 4-28 Ramsey AW; 4-30 and 5-2 Goodhue KE, PE; early north 5-2 Duluth RL; 5-3 Duluth JG; peak 5-12 Anoka (15) BH; late south 5-29 Winona IV.
1970Summer7-18 Duluth KE; also reported from Cook Co.
1970Falllate north 8-31 Crow Wing )B; 9-17 Duluth FN; early south 8-21 Hennepin DB; 8-24 Hennepin VL and Wright ES; late south 9-20 Hennepin VL.
1971Springearly south 4-27 Hennepin FN, ES; 5-1 Hennepin DB and Carver MHM; earlynorth 5-2 Marshall KH, VL; 5-4 Morrison LR.
1971Summerreported from Cook and St. Louis. Connectiiut Warbler: nested in Hubbard (6-27, 5 young, D. Parmelee and R. Oehlenschlager); also reported from Aitkin, Wadena, Lake of the Woods and Clearwater; more reports than usual.
1971Fallearly south 8-14 Wright; 8-19 Washington; late south 9-24 Hennepin; 9-27 Washington; 9-28 Pope; late north 9-11 Morrison; 9-23 Duluth.
1972Summerseen in N. & S. St. Louis, Lake, Cook; migrant? -7-15 St. Croix River, Wash ington Co. REH.
1973Summer Seen in Cook, St. Louis, Aitkin, Chisago (6-28 JAB)-migrant.
1973Fall Reported from six counties.
1974Spring Early south 4-25 Hennepin ETS; 4-27 Le Sueur GR; 4-30 Hennepin WKE; early north 5-4 Mille Lacs MI; 5-11 Clay LCF; 5-14 St. Louis GJN, UMD.
1974Summer Reported from St. Louis, Lake, Cook; migrants seen 6-1 and 6-2 in Clearwater, Ottertail, Hennepin (KZ, NJ, ES).
1974Fall Early south 8-14 Wright ES; late north 9-13 Marshall AR; 9-22 Carlton RBJ; late south 9-15 Wright ES; 9-18 Hennepin VL.
1975Spring Early south 4-14 Hennepin RAG; 427 Lac qui Parle RBJ, KE; early north 4-30 Clay SC; 5-3 Marshall SV; 5-9 Morrison LSR; late south 5-21 Hennepin OW.
1975Summer Reported from St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
1975Fallearly south 8-4 Hennepin FN; 8-10 Murray AD; late north 9-6 Duluth JG; 9-13 Marshall SV; late south 9-14 Hennepin VL.
1976Spring Early south 4-27 Cottonwood LF; 430 Goodhue RBJ; 5-1 Hennepin ETS and Houston FL; early north 5-4, 5-8 Marshall SV; 5-14 Crow Wing JB; 5-15 Morrison LSR and Itasca MS; late south 5-23 Lincoln KE.
1976Summerreported from St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
1976Fall Early south 8-17 Hennepin, 8-22 Olmsted; late north 9-24 Marshall, 10-8 Cook KE; late south 10-2 Goodhue, 10-6 Hennepin, 10-9 Washington.
1977Spring Early south 3 reports on 5-1; early north 5-5 Otter Tail SM; 3 reports on 5-7; late south 5-29 Hennepin VL.
1977Summer Reported from Clearwater, St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
1977Fall Early south 8-2 Hennepin (DB); late north 10-1 Itasca (DB).
1978Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis and Beltrami (7-1 Tamarac River).
1978Fall Early south 8-15 Hennepin DB; late north 9-3 Beltrami MM; late south 9-21 Cottonwood LF. Louisiana, Waterthrush Only one report 8-6 Chisago RJ.
1979Spring Early south 4-30 Hennepin ES, 5-1 Cottonwood LF; early north 5-5 Otter Tail SM and GMO; late south 5-28 Anoka JCH, Houston EMF.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Anoka (carrying food, Cedar Creek, JLH); also seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Beltrami.
1979Fall Early south 8-11 Hennepin DB and OJ; late north one report 10-23 St. Louis DA; late south 9-20 Hennepin DB.
1980Spring Early south 4-27 Washington DS, 5-2 Olmsted JB; early north 5-8 Clay LCF, 5-10 Lake SW; late south 5-17 Houston KG, 5-26 Olmsted JF. Louisian'a' Waterthrush Two reports 5-11 Hennepin ES, 5-14 Anoka KL.
1980Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Beltrami, Hubbard, Pine, Chisago (Goose Creek, T36R20).
1980Fall Early south 8-13 Washington DS, 8-17 Hennepin VL; late north 9-10 Lake SW, 10-6 Cook KMH; late south 9-21 Wright ES, 9-23 Hennepin ES.
1981Spring Early south 4-28 Hennepin SC, Olmsted JF, 4-29 Hennepin OJ, ES, Olmsted JSD; early north 5-6 Pennington KSS, 5-9 Aitkin JG, Itasca TL, Marshall FDS, Morrison DCF, St. Louis D. Green, KE; late south 5-25 Anoka JLH, 5-26 Hennepin SC, 5-30 Hennepin DB.
1981Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Cass.
1981Fall Early south 8-19 Hennepin VL, 8-26 Sherburne EH/ SS, 8-28 Hennepin DB, SC, Washington DMB; late north 9-17 Pennington KSS, 9-26 Itasca RJ; late south 9-23 Hennepin, 9-24 Hennepin SC, 9-26 Hennepin DB.
1982Spring Early south 4-26 Hennepin AB, 4-27 Hennepin VL, 4-28 Ramsey BL; early north 5-2 Otter Tail SDM, 5-5 Beltrami JSP, 5-6 Mille Lacs CF I KB, Pennington KSS, St. Louis JG; late south 5-15 Anoka JLH.
1982Summer Seen in Cook, St. Louis, Beltrami (Turtle Lake), Mille Lacs (Mille Lacs WMA), Anoka (Cedar Creek NHA).
1982Fall Early south 8/11 Hennepin DB, 8/20 Hennepin SC, Olmsted RE, 8/23 Brown JSp; late north 9/13 St. Louis LE, 9/20 Cook KMH, 9/21 Crow Wing JB; late south 9/22 Hennepin SC, 9/26 Ramsey DZ/MC, 10/2 Brown JSp.
1983Spring Eary south 4/27 Brown JSp, 4/29 Hennepin DB, 5/2 Anoka SC, Hennepin ES; early north 5/6 Clay LCF, 5/8 Clay TI, 51 I 0 St. Louis TL; late south 5/25 Brown JSp, Hennepin DB, Olmsted RE.
1983Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Pine, Mille Lacs, ANOKA (Cedar Creek).
1983Fall Early south 8/17 Hennepin DB, SC, 8/27 Renville FKS, 9/2 Sibley NH; late north 10/1 St. Louis VR, 10/2 Cook KMH, 10/6 St. Louis KE; late south 9/25 Brown JSp, 10/1 Renville RJ, 10/4 Hennepin SC.
1984Spring Early south 4/26 Dakota JD, Ramsey BL, 4/27 Anoka SC, Hennepin DB, 4/28 Houston FL, Winona SSt; early north 5/9 Marshall ANWR, St. Louis fide KE, 5/10 Clay LDF, Itasca DB, Mille Lacs MLWMA, St. Louis MH, 5/11 Lake SWMS; late south 5/24 Hennepin SC, 5/25 Hennepin DB, 5/28 Hennepin PL.
1984Summerseen in Cook and Lake.
1984Fall Early south 8/17 Hennepin DB, 8/18 Houston EMF, 9/22 Hennepin SC; late north 9/24 Roseau AJ, 9/26 Cook KMH, 9/30 Itasca AB, DB ; late south 10/4 Hennepin SC, 10/7 Brown JSp, 10/10 LeSueur HC.
1985Spring Early south 4/28 Ramsey BL, 4/30 Lyon HK, Mower RRK, Washington SS, 5/1 Hennepin SC, Olmsted PP, Winona JH; early north 5/2 Clay LCF, 5/6 St. Louis KE, 5/7 Cook WP; late south 5/18 Brown JSp, Rice FKS, 5/21 Hennepin DB!, 5/26 Houston EMF.
1985Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Marshall (Agassiz NWR), Pine.
1985Fall Early south 8/9 Hennepin SC, GP, 8/14 Brown JS ; late north 8/8 Clay LCF, 8/28 Beltrami AB, 9/10 Wilkin GAM; late south 9/22 Brown JS, 10/4 Hennepin SC.
1986Spring Early south 4/26 Hennepin SC, GP, Martin RJ, 4/27 Hennepin TTu, 4/28 Ramsey BL, KB, Washington SSt; early north 5/4 Bubbard JL, Wilkin SDM, 5/5 St. Louis Fide KE, 5/6 Clay LCF.
1986Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Agassiz NWR, Kittson (6/24, AB).
1986Fall Early south 8/2 Hennepin TI, 8/10 Brown JS and Ramsey KB; late north 9/1 Otter Tail SDM, 9/20 Itasca AB, 10/4 Mille Lacs RG, RJ; late south 9/27 Rice AP, 10/3 Hennepin SC, 10/4 Dakota TI.
1987Spring Early south 4/22 Hennepin TT, 4/30 Houston KR and Lac qui Parle SC, 5/2 Hennepin DB, Mower RRK, Pipestone JP and Washington DZ; early north 5/8 Cook KMH, 5/9 Koochiching RJ, 5/12 St. Louis MHIJS ; late south 5/20 Houston EMF and LeSueur EK, 5/22 Brown JS, 5/24 Winona AP.
1987Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Agassiz NWR, Becker (7123 Tamarac NWR, BK), Anoka (Cedar Creek NHA).
1987Fall Early south 8/4 Hennepin DB, SC, 8/12 Houston EMF, 8/16 Pipestone KE, RSE, RH; late north 9/6 Clay LCF, 10/3 Itasca AB; late south 10/7 Hennepin DBC, 10/10 Hennepin DB, 10/24 Dakota TT.
1988Spring Early south 4/30 Hennepin TT, Mower JM, Steele KV and Washington TBB, 5/1 Brown JS and Dakota JD, 5/2 Fillmore NAO, Lyon HK and Pipestone JP; early north 5/3 Clay LCF, 5/4 Marshall SKS, 5/8 Carlton LW, Cook KMH and St. Louis MH&JS; late south 5/13 Hennepin RH, 5/17 Freeborn NH, 5/21 Hennepin DB.
1988Summer Only reports from Beltrami, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Wadena (7/30, RJ-probable early migrant).
1988Fall Early south 8/1 Hennepin SC, 8/8 Fillmore NAO, 8/17 Brown JS ; late north 9/3 Beltrami AB, 9/10 Cook KMH, 9/11 Clay LCF; late south 9/20 Hennepin DB, 9/22 Hennepin ES, 9/29 Hennepin SC.
1989Spring Early south 4/19 Fillmore NAO, 4/25 Hennepin SC, GP, ES, 4/26 Goodhue APr, Houston EMF, Pipestone JP, Ramsey KB; early north 5/4 Beltrami DJ, 5/5 Pennington SKS, Duluth MH, 5/7 Aitkin WN; late south 5/15 Wabasha WDM, 5/20 Hennepin SC, 5/31 Brown JS.
1989Summer Seen in St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Anoka 6/5 WL; early migrant 7/30 Hennepin OJ.
1989Fall Early south 8/7 Anoka GP, 8/8 Hennepin SC, 8/ll Hennepin DB; late north 9/16 Kanabec AP, RJ, 9/17 Cook KMH, 9/26 Lake DPV; late south 9/20 Anoka GP, 9/23 Hennepin SC, 9/27 Winona CS.
1990Spring Early south 4/24 Brown JSp, Hennepin SC, GP, 4/25 Dakota JD, BL, Rice AP; early north 5/3 Lake DV, 5/5 Clay LCF, 5/12 Beltrami DJ; late south 5/18 Nicollet JCF, Winona CS, 5/20 Martin BB and Wabasha AP, 5/22 Hennepin SC.
1990Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, Itasca, Aitkin, Anoka; early migrant 7/25 Hennepin DB.
1990Fall Early south 8/13 Hennepin SC, 8/17 Brown JS, Houston EMF, 8/20 Rice AP; late north 9/9 Clay LCF, 9/14 Cook KMH, 9/19 Lake DPV; late south 9/15 Winona CS, 9/19 Ramsey KB, 9/26 Hennepin SC.
1991Spring Early south 4/27 Hennepin SC, GP, DZ, Kandiyohi JR, 4/28 Goodhue WP, LeSueur PS, Rice TB ; early north 5/1 Itasca DB, 5/5 Grant SDM; late south 5/20 Olmsted BSE, 5/21 Brown JS, Hennepin SC.
1991Summer Seen in Kittson KB, Beltrami, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus 7/20 Mille Lacs RJ, 6/4 Washington PC, 7/28 Brown JS.
1991Fall Early south 8/3 Traverse JPa, 8/8 Hennepin SC; late north 9/28 Itasca AB, 9/29 Cook KMH; late south 9/30 Dodge AB, 10/3 Brown JS.
1992Spring Early dates south: 4/29 LeSueur EK, 4/30 Hennepin SC; early north 5/5 Clay LCF, 5/9 Becker BBe and Cook KMH; late south 5/25 Hennepin TT, 5/30 Chisago MCBS.
1992Summer Reported in St. Louis, Aitkin, Kittson MCBS, Marshall MCBS, Becker BK; plus migrants 6/1 Brown, 6/20 Anoka DZ.
1992Fall Early south 8/2 Rice TB, 8/3 Hennepin SC, TT; late north 9/6 Koochiching GM, 9/13 Beltrami DJ; late south 9/21 Brown JS, 9/29 Hennepin SC.
1993Spring Early south 4/24 Hennepin TT, 4/28 Goodhue DC, Lyon HK, Rice TB. Early north 5/6 Becker BBe, Kanabec CM, 5/8 Cook KMH. Late south 5/27 Houston KB, 5/29 Hennepin SC.
1993Summer Seen in Roseau, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Pine; plus late migrant in Winona (no date).
1993Fall Early south 8/4 Anoka KB, 8/6 Hennepin SC. Late north 9/21 Beltrami DJ, 10/3 Clay LCF. Late south 9/21 Brown JS, Hennepin SC, TT, 9/23 Hennepin PBu.
1994Spring Early south 4/24 Winona CS, 4/26 Brown JS and Rice TB; early north 5/5 Grant SDM, 5/8 Aitkin WN and Kanabec CM; late south 5/24 Dakota TT, 5/27 Rice TB.
1994Summer Reported in Roseau, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis, Cook, Cass, Aitkin; plus a singing bird on 6/16–17 in Morrison Co.(The Loon 66:118) and the usual report from the Cedar Creek Area in Anoka Co.
1994Fall Early south 8/7 Hennepin SC, 8/15 Winona CS. Late north 8/20 St. Louis TW, 9/8 Cook KMH. Late south 10/4 Anoka KB, 10/10 Ramsey TT.
1995Spring Early south 4/30 Brown JS and Rice TB, 5/1 Anoka KB and Hennepin SC; early north 5/7 Grant SDM, 5/9 Kanabec CM, 5/11 Cook KMH and Mahnomen MCBS; late south 5/29 Hennepin TT and Scott JBe.
1995Summer Nested in St Louis KB; probable nesting in Anoka. Also reported in Koochiching, Lake, Cook, Aitkin, Carlton; plus 6/22 Mahnomen MCBS.
1995Fall Early south 8/17 Hennepin SC, 8/19 Hennepin TT. Late north 10/5 Cook KMH, 10/7 (fourth latest north) Lake DV. Late south 10/2 Winona CS, 10/7 and Hennepin SC.
1996Spring Early south 4/28 Big Stone CS, HT, 4/29 Winona CS, 5/2 Freeborn ABa. Early north 5/9 Todd JSK, SDu, 5/11 Carlton LW and Clay RO. Late south 5/27 Anoka (2) TT and Hennepin PBu, 5/28 Pipestone JP.
1996Summer Reported in Roseau, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Aitkin, Pine, Anoka; plus late migrant 6/2 Lac qui Parle.
1996Fall Late north 9/14 St. Louis RJ, 9/30 St. Louis AE. Late south 9/21 Ramsey TT, 9/25 Goodhue KB, 10/14 Hennepin SC.
1997Spring Early south 5/1 Fillmore NO, 5/2 Hennepin TT and McLeod RbS. Early north 5/5 Aitkin CB, 5/8 Kanabec CM, 5/9 Todd JSK/SDu, 5/10 Aitkin WN. Peak count of 40 on 5/14 Winona AH, PS.
1997Summer Reported in Kittson, Roseau, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis, Anoka.
1997Fall Late north 9/20 Carlton LW, 9/21 Lake of the Woods PS, 10/2 St. Louis AE. Late south 10/4 Hennepin PBu, 10/5 Hennepin TT, 10/14 Hennepin SC.
1998Spring Early south 4/26 Lyon RgS, 4/27 Olmsted CK and Cottonwood ED. Early north 5/8 Otter Tail SDM, 5/9 Otter Tail DST and Todd JSK.
1998Summer Probable breeding in Lake; also observed in Kittson, Aitkin, St. Louis, Cook. Late migrant 6/2 Brown.
1998Fall Late north (all September reports) 9/1 Aitkin CB, 9/7 Aitkin CB and St. Louis KB, 9/27 Carlton LW. Early south 8/7 Hennepin TT, 8/11 Brown JSp, 8/13 McLeod RbS and Anoka TBr. Late south 9/27 Hennepin SC, 10/1 Ramsey JDa, 10/3 Hennepin TT.
1999Spring Arrived south on time, where first reported 4/25 Dakota TT, 4/26 Olmsted CH. Early north 4/26 (earliest north date) Todd JSK, SDu, 5/1 Clay RO, 5/3 Beltrami DJo. Late south 5/26 Hennepin SC, 5/30 Scott SL.
1999Summer Reported in Cass, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Carlton, Pine; plus 6/7 Anoka RH, KB and new nesting record in Aitkin WN.
1999Fall Early south 8/10 Hennepin SC, TT, 8/19 Brown JSp, 8/20 Stearns CMa. Left the north well before recent median (9/28). Late north 8/30 Beltrami DJo, 9/6 Carlton LW and Polk EF. Late south 9/18 Scott SL, 9/20 Brown JSp, 10/3 Hennepin TT.
2000Spring Seen in 24 south and 13 north counties. Early south (median 4/26) 4/22 Houston DN, then in five counties between 4/25–30. Early north (median 5/5) 4/30 Otter Tail SDM, 5/1 Clay RO and Kanabec CM. No south reports after 5/28 Houston NWi.
2000Summer Reported in the counties of Roseau, St. Louis, Cook, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Isanti, and Anoka.
2000Fall Only north report after mid-September: 10/1 Cook KMH. Peak 9/6 Anoka (7) KJB. Reported in summer as far south as Anoka; first migrants 8/5 Houston DPS, 8/10 Dakota ADS. Late south 10/3 Hennepin TAT and Ramsey REH.
2001Spring Seen in 34 south and 13 north counties. Early south 4/21 Dakota ADS, 4/23 Ramsey TAT, then 4/26–30 in six counties. Early north 5/2 Aitkin CLB, 5/3 St. Louis fide DRB, 5/6–9 in seven counties. No late south migrants after 5/28 Brown JSS.
2001Summer Record high number of reports; seen in eight North-central and Northeast counties plus Kittson, Kanabec, Pine, Anoka.
2001Fall Early south (away from known breeding areas) 8/13 Murray CRM. High count 9/11 Anoka (8) KJB. All September reports north: 9/8 Cass MRN, 9/19 St. Louis NAJ. Late south 10/1 Hennepin ChM, TAT.
2002Spring Observed in 31 south and 16 north counties. Early south 4/28 Anoka KJB and Hennepin SLC, TAT, 4/30 Dodge JJS. Early north 5/4 Clay RHO, 5/11 in three counties. Late south (away from known breeding areas) 5/27 Dakota TAT. Record high count 5/10 Anoka (64) KJB.
2002Summer Observed in seven North-central and Northeast counties plus Pine; also 6/15 Anoka (singing at Boot Lake S.N.A.) DCZ, 6/19 Otter Tail RPR.
2002Fall Early south 8/9 Anoka KJB and Freeborn AEB, 8/19 Hennepin and Ramsey. Late north 9/21 Carlton RBJ, 9/29 Carlton LAW. Late south 9/11 Rice TFB, then three reports from Hennepin ending with 10/12 TAT.
2002Winter First winter record 12/8–14 Winona (Whitewater State Park) †DBz.
2003Spring Arrived within one day of recent medians; found in all regions. Early south 4/25 Anoka KJB, 4/27 Fillmore JJS. Early north 5/4 Kanabec CAM, 5/7 Otter Tail EJE. Late south (away from known breeding areas) 5/25 Hennepin SLC.
2003Summer Reported in eight North-central and Northeast counties plus Mille Lacs, Pine; also Anoka (11 territories) KJB. Late migrant 6/5 Clay GEN.
2003Fall Found in 10 north and 6 south counties. Early south 8/16 Hennepin DWK, 8/18 Brown JJS. Late north 9/26 Lake ChM, 9/28 Pennington JMJ. After 9/9, only four south reports from Hennepin, where last recorded 10/7 TAT (median 10/3).
2004Spring Early south 4/23 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/28 Freeborn AEB and Rice DAB (median 4/26). Early north 4/29 Otter Tail SPM, 5/2 Douglas SPM, 5/6 Otter Tail EJE and St. Louis JWL (median 5/4). High count 5/8 Rice (25) DAB. Late south 5/20 Yellow Medicine WCM, 5/24 Rice TFB, 5/27 Hennepin SLC.
2004Summer Observed in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Cass, Beltrami, Marshall, Todd, plus 7/23 Mahnomen CRM.
2004Fall Reported from all regions except the Southwest. Early south (away from known breeding locations) 8/13 Goodhue DFN, 8/14 Dakota DWK, 8/15 Stearns KRE. Only two September reports north: 9/5 Lake JWL, 9/23 Clay RHO (median 9/28). Late south 9/15 Brown JSS, 9/22 Stearns STW, 9/24 Hennepin SLC (median 10/3).
2005Spring Found in all regions. Early south 4/16 Hennepin OLJ, then none until 4/28 Brown BTS, 5/5 Fillmore, Freeborn, Meeker, Rice (median 4/26). Early north 5/5 Clay RHO, 5/7 Beltrami BJU, 5/8 Kanabec, St. Louis and Wadena (median 5/4). Late south (away from known breeding locations) 5/24 Lincoln, Pipestone, and Rock PHS.
2005Summer Reported from Cass, Itasca, Aitkin, Cook, Lake, St. Louis, plus 6/19 Anoka PKL, 7/17 Le Sueur BJU.
2005Fall Reported from 15 north and 13 south counties. Early south 8/11 Sherburne ASc, 8/13 Hennepin ChM and Rice (3) DAB, FVS. Late north 9/19 Polk EEF, 9/20 Cook CJT, 10/3 St. Louis SLF, LAW (median 9/27). Late south 9/15 Olmsted JWH, 9/27 Hennepin ChM (median 10/3).
2006Spring Found in all regions. Early south 4/22 Rice JEB, 4/27 Swift BJU, 4/28 Scott RBW (median 4/26). Early north 5/1 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/3 St. Louis LAW, 5/6 Douglas CAM (median 5/4). Late south 5/23 Lac qui Parle and Scott, 5/26 Anoka BWF (median 5/28).
2006Summer Observed in 12 counties within usual summer range including Anoka (Boot Lake S.N.A.) PKL. Late migrant (non-breeding bird?) 6/13 Lincoln MCBS.
2006Fall Reported from 17 north and 22 south counties. Early south (away from known breeding locations) 8/18 Fillmore NBO and Hennepin (3) DWK, 8/19 Rice TFB (median 8/7). High counts 9/4 Hennepin (10) BAF, 9/4 St. Louis (9) SLF. Late north 9/26 St. Louis (2) SLF, 9/28 St. Louis LAW (median 9/28). Late south 9/26 Dakota JLO, 9/27 Hennepin (2) CMB (median 10/3).
2007Spring1640 Early south 4/22 Meeker DMF, 4/23 Ramsey BRL, 4/28 Steele KRV (median 4/25). Early north 5/5 Clay (3) RHO and Mille Lacs ASc, 5/6 Clay PBB, RHO (median 5/4). High count 5/7 Cass (10) BAW. Late south (but see summer report) 5/20 Hennepin DWK, PEB, 5/26 Fillmore HHD (median 5/28).
2007Summer52 Observed in Itasca, Cass, St. Louis, Lake, Cook. Late northward migrant 6/1 Lac qui Parle BJU, while 6/22 Anoka RBJ was likely summering.
2007Fall1020 Early south (median 8/7) 8/5 Jackson KJB, 8/14 Lac qui Parle BJU, Rice TFB, 8/15 Sherburne PLJ. High counts of ten birds on 9/1, 8 on 8/25 and 8 on 9/3 all from Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) BAF. Late north 9/22 St. Louis DWK, 9/25 Otter Tail DTT, 10/3 St. Louis SLF (median 9/28). Late south 9/28 Jackson BJU, 10/3 Olmsted JWH, 10/20 Washington LMS (median 10/3).
2008Spring2640 Early south (median 4/25) 4/23 Washington CPK, 4/26 Rice TFB, 4/29 Meeker DMF. Early north (median 5/4) 4/26 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/1 Otter Tail DST, 5/2 Clay RHO. High counts 5/14 Yellow Medicine (19, Upper Sioux Agency S.P. and Blue Devil Valley S.N.A.) BJU, 5/9 Lac qui Parle (15) BJU, 5/2 Hennepin (10) CMB. Late south 5/27 Dakota, Le Sueur, Renville, and Scott BJU, Rice DAB, 5/31 Dakota RLW, Washington MJB (median 5/29).
2008Summer91 Reported from Wadena, Cass, Koochiching, Itasca, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Pine,Anoka.
2008Fall922 Early south (median 8/7) 8/11 Fillmore MJB, 8/14 Brown BTS, 8/16 Ramsey HHD. High count 9/13 Scott (6, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) BAF. Late north 9/12 Morrison DMF, St. Louis PHS, 9/27 Cass BAW (median 9/28). Late south 9/24 Steele RBW, 9/29 Hennepin CMB, 9/30 Wright DMF (median 10/3).
2009Spring2034 Early south (median 4/25) 4/24 Hennepin TAT, Wabasha DBz, 4/25 Anoka JWL, PEB, Hennepin MDu, Lac qui Parle BJU, Olmsted JWH. Early north (median 5/4) 5/4 Cass BAW, 5/5 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/8 Morrison MJB, Pennington JMJ. High count 5/10 Hennepin (6) CMB. Late south 5/24 Hennepin SIv, 5/25 Kandiyohi CAM, but see summer report (median 5/29).
2009Summer101 Reported from all northern regions plus Mille Lacs. Late south migrants 6/1 Rice TFB, 6/11 Hennepin (Mound Springs Park) SLC.
2009Fall517 Early south (median 8/7) 8/1 Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) BAF, 8/15 Rice TFB, 8/20 Hennepin SLC, 8/22 Blue Earth ChH, Hennepin (2) BAF. High counts 9/7 St. Louis (6) PHS, 9/12 St. Louis (6) MDu. Late north 9/14 St. Louis ABL, 10/1 St. Louis SLF, 10/3 St. Louis PHS (median 9/28). Late south 9/26 Hennepin DWK, Wabasha JCC, 9/28 Dakota (2) ADS, 10/3 Hennepin BAF, 10/4 Hennepin SLC (median 10/3).
2010Spring1831 Early south (median 4/25) 4/20 Winona ASM, 4/29 Hennepin (2) CMB, Rice TFB. Early north (median 5/4) 4/29 Crow Wing (Northland Arboretum) ABi. High counts 5/9 Hennepin (16) CMB, 5/10 Ramsey (15, Crosby Farm Park) MDu. Late south 5/23 Hennepin CMB, Renville BJU, Rock (Blue Mounds S.P.) CLW, DCh, Yellow Medicine BJU, 5/24 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 5/29).
2010Summer91 Reported in Aitkin, Cass, Cook, Crow Wing, Hennepin, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis.
2010Fall1323 Early south (median 8/7) 8/7 Hennepin SLC, Redwood WCM, 8/12 Hennepin BSa. High counts 8/24 St. Louis (5) CRu, 9/4 Scott (5, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) BAF. Late north 9/4 Kittson LMS, CRM, 9/5 Marshall LMS, LS, Polk LMS, 9/6 Clearwater LMS well ahead of the 9/28 median. Late south 10/3 Hennepin BAF, Ramsey (Maplewood N.C.) KCr, 10/4 Hennepin DWK, 10/6 Hennepin SLC (median 10/3).
2011Spring2738 Early south (median 4/25) 4/24 Steele JHD, 4/28 Big Stone BJU, 4/29 Hennepin SBM. Early north (median 5/4) 5/1 St. Louis (2) JLK, 5/3 St. Louis ALo, JLK, 5/5 Cass BAW, 5/7 Itasca SC, Polk SAu. High count 5/6 Hennepin (12) CMB. Late south 5/28 Anoka (Boot Lake S.N.A.) PEB, 5/29 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 5/29).
2011Summer15Reported from Northeast and North-Central plus Pine, Polk, Todd.
2011Fall1028 Early south (median 8/7) 8/9 Carver (Carver P.R.) JCy, 8/10 Hennepin SLC, Jackson (Independence Lake) RBW. Late north 9/17 St. Louis MFS, 9/18 Grant BJU (median 9/28). Late south 9/28 Hennepin CMB, TAT, SLC, 10/3 Big Stone, Lac qui Parle BJU (median 10/3).
2012Spring2542 Early south (median 4/25) 4/21 Dakota DFN, 4/27 Hennepin CMB, 4/28 Brown RBW. Early north (median 5/4) 5/3 Hubbard MAW, 5/4 Todd JLK. High counts 5/6 Hennepin (17, Wood Lake N.C.) CMB, Carver (14) JCy. Late south 5/26 Hennepin TAT, Rock LS, 5/28 Hennepin (T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) TAT (median 5/29).
2012Summer15 Reported from all northern regions plus Mille Lacs, Morrison, Pine.
2012Fall1127 Early south (median 8/7) 8/8 Dakota DVe, 8/9 Hennepin CMB, 8/10 Ramsey MJM. Late north 9/18 Lake EEO, 9/19 Cook EEO, 9/21 St. Louis SmR (median 9/28). Late south 10/1 Ramsey SBM, Rice TFB, 10/8 Dakota DVe, 10/10 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 10/3).
2013Spring2539 Early south (median 4/25) 4/25 Winona DBz, 4/26 Wright JCn, 4/27 Houston JWH, ANy. Early north (median 5/4) 4/30 St. Louis (4) KRE, PHS, JLK, 5/2 Clay TCL. High count 5/10 Goodhue (20, Hok-si-la Park) JEc. Late south 5/29 Hennepin CMB, Lyon GWe, Washington PNi, 5/30 Carver JCy (median 5/29), but also see summer report.
2013Summer172 Reported from all northern regions, Central, East-central. High count 6/2 Cook (10, Lima Mountain Road) WCM.
2013Fall1323 Early south (median 8/7) 8/6 Carver JCy, 8/13 Ramsey RMD, Steele PSu, 8/14 Sherburne PLJ. High count 8/22 Carver (13) JCy. Late north 9/15 Clay MO, 9/16, 9/18 Itasca SC, 9/21 Lake of the Woods BWF (median 9/28). Late south 9/24 Carver JCy, Hennepin CMB, 9/30 Dakota DVe (median 10/3).
2014Spring2748Early south (median 4/25) 4/28 Rice TFB, 4/29 Rice JLn, 4/30 Hennepin CMB, Lac qui Parle DLP. Early north (median 5/4) 5/4 Clay MO, PBB, 5/5 Cass BAW, Clay TCL, Crow Wing JPR. High count 5/7 Hennepin (47, T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) SMC. Late south 5/26 Hennepin TAT, CMB, GrS, 5/27 Lac qui Parle DLP (median 5/29).
2014Summer11Observed in North-central, Northeast, plus Mille Lacs, Pine, Roseau.
2014Fall1927 High count 9/7 Carver (8, Rapids Lake Unit, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy. Late north 10/4 Lake JWL, 10/5 Lake PHS, 10/8 St. Louis KRE (median 9/28). Late south 10/5 Ramsey BAF, 10/8 Hennepin DWK, 10/13 Hennepin ph. KOk, followed by a very late individual lingering in downtown Minneapolis 10/17–10/30 ph. DWK, JCC, SBM.
2015Spring2445 Early south (median 4/25) 4/27 Hennepin DWK, 4/28 Dakota DEv, Olmsted MiD, 4/29 Lac qui Parle KJB, McLeod BHa. Early north (median 5/4) 5/1 Crow Wing EGa, JPR, 5/2 Itasca SC. High counts 5/11 Lyon (19) RJS, 5/8 Hennepin (9) CMB. Late south 5/27 Brown RBW, 5/28 Hennepin JEl, SKe (median 5/29).
2015Summer162 Reported from all northern regions, plus Anoka, Isanti, Kanabec. High count 6/11 Lake (4, Parent L.) JWL.
2015Fall1827 High counts 9/3 St. Louis (22, carefully counted at Southworth Marsh, Park Point) PHS, JLK, 9/1 St. Louis (18, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Late north 10/7, 10/9 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB (median 9/28). Late south 10/5 Scott RMD, SC, 10/6 Hennepin CMB, Ramsey (2) BAF (median 10/3).
2016Spring3049 Early south (median 4/24) 4/22 Hennepin ASu, 4/24 Big Stone DLP, Hennepin KRo, Rice TFB, Washington JDS. Early north (median 5/4) 5/2 Cass DAY, 5/8 Polk SAu, 5/9 St. Louis SLP, 5/10 Itasca SC, Polk SAu. High counts 5/7 Goodhue (10, Hok-Si-La Park) SWe, 5/16 Hennepin (10, Westwood Hills N.C.) GAn. Late south 5/26 Hennepin EGB, Stearns AaL, 5/28 Hennepin CWB (median 5/29).
2016Summer101 Reported from North-central, Northeast, plus Hennepin, Marshall, Pine. High count 6/14 Cook (10, BWCAW, Caribou L.) JWL.
2016Fall1824 High counts 8/30 St. Louis (8) ALx, StK, 9/8 Carver (8) JCy, 9/2 Carver (7) JCy, 9/8 Hennepin (7) CMB. Late north 9/14 St. Louis LME, 9/15–16 Cook JeB, CLW (median 9/28). Late south 10/2 Anoka HCT, 10/6–11 Hennepin CMB (median 10/3).
2017Spring2548 Several reports prior to the median arrival date (4/24) starting with 4/18 Ramsey AHn, 4/19 Ramsey PRH, 4/23 Hennepin SDz, Houston KHg, Lac qui Parle DLP. Early north (median 5/4) 4/28 Morrison FGo, 5/2 Douglas ToR, 5/5 Itasca SC, 5/6 Cass SC. High counts 5/10 Hennepin (18, Bass Lake Preserve) SKS, 5/9 Hennepin (12) CMB, 5/9 Hennepin (11, T. S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) AWi, 5/26 Lake of the Woods (10, Zippel Bay S.P.) CAs. Late south 5/28 Anoka DCZ, 5/31 Hennepin KvB (median 5/29), but also see summer report.
2017Summer164 Observed north and east of a line from Clay to Carver.
2017Fall2027 High counts 9/4 Hennepin (8) FFa, 8/22 Carver (7, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum) JCy, 8/30 Hennepin (7) CMB. Late north 10/5 St. Louis TRd, StK, 10/8 St. Louis H.R.B.O. (median 9/28). Late south 10/2 Hennepin (Government Center) JCC, (Bass Ponds) SDz, 10/3 Hennepin TAT, 10/4 Hennepin (T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) CWB, CMB (median 10/4).
2018Spring3148 Early south (median 4/24) 4/28 Houston DSt, 4/29 Murray KEm, JWH, Stearns PCC then numerous reports beginning 4/30. Early north (median 5/3) 4/30 Pine KrM, 5/1 Crow Wing JLA, Wadena RAE, 5/2 Cass JhH, Crow Wing PSP, St. Louis JLK, Todd TLu. High counts 5/13 Goodhue (19, Frontenac S.P.) ASu, LiH, 5/9 Carver (16, Rapids Lake, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy, 5/6 Hennepin (14, T. S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) BAF, CMB, SHF. Late south 5/25 Hennepin SBM, 5/31 Anoka TSI, SKo (median 5/29).
2018Summer12 Observed in North-central, Northeast, plus Becker, Mille Lacs.
2018Fall2440 High counts 9/19 Hennepin (25, Bass Lake Preserve) SKS, 9/18 Hennepin (14, Mill Ruins Park) IVa, 8/21 St. Louis (13, Mud Lake) JLK, 9/18 Hennepin (13, Veterans Memorial Park) BAF. Late north 10/12 Cass TCL, 10/14 St. Louis StK, 10/19 St. Louis JLK (median 9/28). Late south 10/16 Goodhue LiH, ClB, Hennepin EGB, 10/17 Dakota DdS (median 10/4).
2019Summer155 Found in all northern regions plus Central, East-central. Late south migrants 6/1 Hennepin JBn, 6/2 Washington JDS.
 Breeds north-central and northeast. Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.