Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Woodpeckers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Woodpeckers
Lewis's Woodpecker
Red-headed Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Williamson's Sapsucker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
American Three-toed Woodpecker
Black-backed Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
[Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)]
[Northern Flicker (Red-shafted)]
Pileated Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpecker(Dryocopus pileatus)
1932SummerNr. Swanson e:xanunccl a full grow but juvenal Pilea"ted Woodpecker on August 27th at Lake of the l1oods.
1933Summer Three nests of this nagnificent bird wore located, One of those was being excavated on March 7th and was apparently completed on March 26th, according to the observer, Hi~enz, who found it ncar St. Claud. The fcnalc flew fron this nest on April 2nd, but its ino.ccossibility prevented knowledge of the contents. The same observer discovered n cor.1pletod but enpty nest on Hay 1st. Breckenridge reports a nest which cont~ed 3 young on May 21st. It was found in Anoka County.
1934Summer Tho only nest of this giant woodpecker included in the reports wus found by tho University ornithology class. Mrs. W. J. Bracken,.. ridge, a menber of the class, reported that the bird flushed fran the nest on May 7t·h and again on May 16th. The contents were not ascertained.
1936Summer Dr, Svredcnborg soueht out a nest of two or,gs on l4.'ly.31st. J. P. Jensen found a nest with fGiilllle incubating en Juno 22nd in Meeker C-ounty. Five young able to fly ware seen by Cha.l-les DuToit on June 28th in Douglas County.
1945SummerYoung in nest, Hennepin Co., June 10, Don and Eldeen Jacobs.
1945WinterPermanent residents. REDBELLIED WOODPECKER, Permanent residents.
1963SummerSt. Louis Co., Duluth, June 14, 3y in dead tree, D. Meyer. Red-bellied Woodpeclzer: Ramsey Co., Bald Eagle Lake, pr with 1y at suet feder, Elizabeth Campbell.
1964SummerHibbing, St. Louis Co, 6-20, 2y in nest, MJE.
1964WinterReported from Beltrami (RLH), Stearns (RPR), Ramsey (ELC, ACR), Washington (DS, DH, BL), Kanabec (RHJ), Cook (LS, MOP), St. Louis (AKA, WJH, JCG, VFB), Lake (MIG), Wabasha (DGM), Dakota (BL, ACR), Hennepin (MEH, VS), Olmsted (LJ), Goodhue (FN), Kandiyohi (XC). Anoka (XC), and Winona (XC) Co's.
1966Summernested in Washington and Stearns Co's; also reported from Pope, Rice, Wright, Cook, St. Louis, Wabasha, Lake and Roseau Co's.
1966Winterquite a few reports ~st~e:d~C~o~'s~·~~o~F:a~r~g~o~.---:--;:--:;:-:::::;;;:::::::;___ for this handsome recluse; listed from
1967Summernested Cook Co.; also reported from Washington, Hennepin, Goodhue, St. Louis Co's.
1967Fall reported from Fargo-Moorhead and Wabasha, Anoka, Hennepin, Cook, Stearns, Washington, Clearwater, St. Louis, Goodhue, Morrison Co's.
1967Winter reported from Hennepin, Carver, Blue Earth, Rice, Fillmore, Anoka, Wabasha, Stearns, Cook, Morrison, Chisago, St Louis, Washington, Pope Co's.; also Fargo-Moorhead.
1968Spring reported from Anoka, Hennepin, Goodhue, Rice, Marshall, Washington, Winona, Stearns, Morrison, Cook, Aitkin, Chisago, St. Louis, Wabasha and Carver Co.'s and FargoMoorhead.
1968Summer reported from Cook, Clearwater, Beltrami, Lake, Anoka, Rice, Washington, Carlton, Crow Wing, Winona Co's.
1968FallReported from Beltrami, Chisago, Cook, Crow Wing, Douglas, Hennepin, Pine, Roseau, St. Louis and Winona.
1969Springreported from Becker, Blue Earth, Cook, Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Lake, Mille Lacs, Pine, Ramsey, Rice, Wadena, Washington, and Winona Counties.
1969Summerreported from Hennepin, Wright, Anoka, Rice, St. Louis, Crow Wing, Cook, Washington, and Blue Earth (5 mi E of Amboy, 6-1 to 7-31 DMF) Co's.
1969FallAnoka, Blue Earth, Carver, Chisago, Hennepin, Marshall, Mille Lacs, Pine, St. Louis, Wabasha, Winona, and Wright counties.
1969WinterReported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, Aitkin, Clearwater, Winona, Carver, Blue Earth, Stearns, Ramsey, Hennepin, Chisago, Wright, Washington, Rice, Dakota, Wabasha, Goodhue, Fillmore.
1970Springreported from Carver, Rice, Wright, Washington, Stearns, Ramsey, Hennepin, Blue Earth, Aitkin, Goodhue, Beltrami, Dakota, St. Louis, and Cook.
1970Summernested in Hennepin (july, Mound, 1 y, KH); also reported from St. Louis, Crow Wing, Meeker, Carver and Winona Co's.
1970Fallreported from Mille Lacs, St. Louis, Cook, Hennepin, Wright, Anoka, Carver, Wabasha, Washington, and Dakota.
1970Winterreported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Crow Wing, Cass, Clearwater, MilleLacs, Sherburne, Wright, Carver, Washington, Hennepin, Dakota, Goodhue, Fillmore, Rice, Wabasha, Lac qui Parle (Ref uge 1-23 BAH).
1971Springreported from Nicollet, Stearns, Marshall, Mille Lacs, St. Louis, Ottertail, Clearwater, Carver, Sibley, Goodhue, Sherburne, Wabasha, Winona, Washington, Hennepin, Rice, Wright, Meeker, and Cook.
1971Summernested in Koochiching, Aitkin and Carver; also reported fro,m Hennepi.n, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, Clearwater, St. Louts, Sherburne, Rice, Lake of the Woods, Ramsey and Wabasha.
1971Fallreported from Grant, Crow Wing, Cook, Cass, Duluth, Mille Lacs, Aitkin, Morrison, Clearwater, Blue Earth, Dakota, Washington, Hennepin, Winona, Wabasha, Wright, Lac qui Parle, Carver, Anoka, Sherburne, Pine, Pope and Becker; only 10 reports last year.
1971Winterrenorted from 16 counties including Wadena, Douglas, Blue Earth on western margin. Red-bellied Woodoecker: North reported from Crow Wing (2, JB), Aitkin (JB), Cass (Walker). South reported from 13 counties: Stearns and Sherburne southeastward to Carver, Rice, and Olmsted on Western margin.
1972WinterReported from twenty-one counties.
1973Summer Seen in St. Louis, Itasca, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, Stearns, Sherburne, Wright, Hennepin, Nicollet, Lake.
1973Fall Seen in 14 counties.
1973Winter Reported from 23 counties.
1974Spring Reported from Mille Lacs, Clay, St. Louis, Hubbard, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Houston, Wright, Hennepin, Benton, Sibley, Goodhue, Le Sueur, Wabasha, Pope, Stearns, Carver and Olmsted.
1974Summer Nested in Wright; also reported from 20 other counties; more common than usual.
1974Winter Reported from 25 counties west to Polk, Ottertail, Stearns and Le Sueur; peaks of 7 and 8 on the St. Paul N.E. and Excelsior Christmas Counts. Red-.bellied Woodpecker Reported from 25 counties north and west to Stearns, Marshall (Warren Christmas Count, details?), Big Stone and Rock.
1975Spring Reported from 26 counties.
1975Summer Nested in Cook; also reported from 11 other counties.
1975Fallreported from 23 counties.
1975Winterreported from 31 counties west to Polk, Lac qui Parle and Kandiyohi Co's; peaks of 10 on Excelsior, St. Paul Northeast, Afton and Itasca Christmas Counts; more reports than usuaL
1976Spring Reported from 28 counties.
1976Winter Reported from 29 counties west to Clay and Lyon.
1977Spring Reported from 26 counties.
1977Summer Nested in Hennepin; also reported from 20 other counties southwest to Lac qui Parle.
1977Winter Reported from 34 counties.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Stearns; also seen in 17 other counties in the northern and eastern regions plus Otter Tail and Nicollet.
1978Fall Reported from about 13 counties.
1978Winter Reported from 32 counties including Jackson (12-26 Kilen Woods S P., G. Hodnefield).
1979Spring Reports from 29 counties. Red-bellied> Woodpecker Reports from 23 counties.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Olmsted; also seen in 22 counties, including Redwood, Lac qui Parle along the Minnesota River but not further south.
1979Fall Reported from 23 counties.
1979Winter Reported from 30 counties west to Lac qui Parle.
1980Spring Reports from 31 counties.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Cook, Morrison, Stearns, Houston; also seen throughout the state except south of the Minnesota River Valley in the Southwest and South Central Regions.
1980Fall Reported from 17 north and 16 south counties.
1980Winter Reported from 31 counties.
1981Spring Reports from 38 counties.
1981Summer Breeding data from Beltrami, Cass; nesting reported from Clearwater, Cook. Seen in all regions except the Southwest.
1981Fall Reported from 19 north and 20 south counties.
1981Winter Reported from 31 counties throughout the state.
1982Spring Reported from 20 south and 14 north counties.
1982Summer Breeding data from Cook. Seen throughout the state except the Southwest.
1982Winter Reported from 32 counties throughout the state with the exception of the SW region.
1983Spring Reported from 25 counties south, 15 north.
1983Summer Breeding data from Cook, Lake, Brown. Seen throughout the state except the West Central and Southwest.
1983Fall Reported from I 0 counties north, 12 south.
1983Winter Reported from IS north and 25 south counties throughout the state. Statewide CBC count of 1/2 with a peak of 14 on the Excelsior count. Reported in the west regions only from Lyon, Pope, Otter Tail, Polk and Pennington.
1984Spring Reported from twenty-two south and fifteen north counties.
1984Summernested in Lake, Aitkin and Crow Wing; also seen in 28 other counties.
1985Spring Reported from 16 north counties, 20 south.
1985Summer Nested in Cook, Aitkin, Lac qui Parle (Lac qui Parle SP, WSS), Ramsey (KB); probable nesting in Pope. Also seen in 27 other counties south to Lyon (HK), Brown, Mower.
1986Spring Reported from I 0 north and 25 south counties.
1986Summer Nested in Cook, Ramsey,Mower (RRK). Also seen in 32 other counties in all regions except the southwest.
1986Fall Reported from 18 north and 20 south counties .
1986Winter Reported from 46 counties throughout the state with a statewide CBC count of 173 (I 05 L.Y.). High count of 21 on the St. Paul NE count.
1987Spring Reported from 15 north and 26 south counties.
1987Summer Nested in Lake, St. Louis (CO); probable nesting in Cook. Also seen in 29 other counties west to Pennington, Clay, Otter Tail, Steams, Brown, Mower.
1987Fall Reported from 15 north and 32 south counties.
1987Winter A statewide CBC total of 151 (173 L. Y.) and reports from 48 counties throughout the state (46 L.Y.).
1988Spring Reported from 24 south and 13 north counties. Great Gray Owl, 17 May 1988, Aitkin County. Photo by Warren Nelson.
1988Summer N~ste.d i': Clearwater, St. Louis; probable nestmg m Fillmore. Seen in 34 other counties west to Marshall, Clay, Todd, Wright, Le Sueur, Freeborn; also seen in Brown and Lac qui Parle.
1988Fall Reported from 23 north and 18 south counties.
1988Winter Reported from 48 counties (same as l.y.) throughout the state with a CBC total of 175 ( 151 l.y.).
1989Spring Reported from 30 south and 16 north counties.
1989Summer Nested in Washington DS, Fillmore NAO; probable nesting in Becker, Crow Wing, Cook, Hennepin. Seen in 22 other counties in all regions except southwest.
1989Fall Reported from 20 north and 21 south counties.
1989Winter Reported from 55 counties (48 l.y.) throughout the state with a statewide CBC total of 226 ( 17 5 l. y.) Recorded outs ide normal range with two on the Grand Forks CBC and seen in Wilkin SDM.
1990Spring Reported from 18 north and 2S south counties .
1990Summer Nested in Lake of the Woods KSS, Aitkin; probable nesting in Crow Wing. Seen in 35 other counties in all regions, including Lyon in southwest.
1990Fall Reported from 19 north and 18 south counties .
1990Winter Recorded on the Fairmont CBC, in Norman, Clay, and Polk in the northwest, and in 44 other counties (55 l.y.) with a state-wide CBC total of 223 (226 1. y.). Some local scarcities noted in Hennepin and Washington.
1991Spring Reported from 19 north and 24 south counties.
1991Summer Nested in Kittson KB, St. Louis, Anoka JH; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Lake, Hennepin. Seen in 33 other counties in all regions except southwest.
1991Fall Reported from 13 north and 19 south counties.
1991Winter Reported from 41 counties (48 l.y.) in all regions except the southwest. The report in Lac qui Parle FE was unusual. Statewide CBC total 173 (223 l.y.).
1992Spring Reported from 20 north and 28 south counties.
1992Summer Nested in Kandiyohi AB, Brown, Washington; probable breeding in Pennington, Becker, Crow Wing. Seen in 34 other counties statewide, including Yellow Medicine and Lyon in southwest.
1992Fall Reported from 22 north and 21 south counties.
1992Winter Reported from 48 counties (41 l.y.) through-out the state. CBC total 181.
1993Spring Reported from 20 north and 28 south counties.
1993Summer Probable nesting in Crow Wing, Wabasha; seen in 36 other counties in all regions, including Lyon in southwest.
1993Fall Reported from 23 north and 24 south counties.
1993Winter Reported from 38 counties (48 l.y.) throughout the state.
1994Spring Reported from 19 north and 27 south counties.
1994Summer Nested in Winona JPo, Crow Wing; probable nesting in St. Louis, Kandiyohi, Anoka, Ramsey. Observed in 23 other counties in all regions except southwest.
1994Fall Reported from 15 counties in the north and 19 counties in the south.
1994Winter Reported from 42 counties throughout the state. CBC total 185.
1995Spring Reported from 20 south and 19 north counties.
1995Summer Nested in Marshall BO, St. Louis, Anoka; probable nesting in Todd, Crow Wing. Observed in 30 other counties in all regions, including Lyon in southwest.
1995Fall Reported from 20 north and 19 south counties.
1995Winter Reported from 52 counties throughout the state. CBC total 235.
1996Spring Reported from 26 south and 22 north counties.
1996Summer Nested in Aitkin, Brown; probable nesting in Crow Wing. Seen in 34 other counties in all regions except west central and southwest.
1996Fall Reported from 15 north and 18 south counties.
1996Winter Reported from 49 counties throughout the state. CBC total 192.
1997Spring Reported from 22 south and 19 north counties.
1997Summer Observed in 34 counties as far west as a line through Beltrami, Becker, Stearns, Brown; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Olmsted.
1997Fall Reported from 16 north and 16 south counties.
1997Winter Reported from 49 counties throughout the state. CBC total 222.
1998Spring Reported from 24 south and 17 north counties.
1998Summer Probable nesting in Becker, Crow Wing; seen in 32 additional counties in all regions except southwest.
1998Fall Reported from 14 north and 24 south counties.
1998Winter Reported from 48 counties throughout the state. CBC total 2/1.
1999Spring Reported throughout its normal range.
1999Summer Observed in 38 counties as far west as a line through Polk, Clay, Kandiyohi, Brown.
1999Fall Reported from all regions of the state, in 19 north and 17 south counties.
1999Winter Reported from 52 counties throughout the state.
2000Spring Observed in 26 south and 17 north counties, and in all regions, but only Lyon in southwest.
2000Summer Record high number of reports. Seen in 42 counties in all regions (but only 7/16 Lyon CRM in southwest).
2000Fall Reported in 19 north and 20 south counties, and from all regions except the southwest.
2000Winter Reported from 47 counties throughout the state.
2001Spring Observed in 31 south and 26 north counties, but only Lyon and Yellow Medicine in Southwest.
2001Summer Reported in 38 counties in all regions except Southwest.
2001Fall Reported from 45 counties and in all regions, but only Yellow Medicine in Southwest.
2001Winter Reported from a record 57 counties throughout the state.
2002Spring Reported within usual range from 31 south and 24 north counties.
2002Summer Record-high number of reports; seen in 42 counties as far west and south as a line through Clay, Pope, Nicollet, Freeborn; plus 6/25 Jackson CRM.
2002Fall Reported from 43 counties in all regions, but only Yellow Medicine in the Southwest.
2002Winter Reported from 52 counties throughout the state.
2003Spring Reported from 24 south and 22 north counties, as far southwest as Big Stone (Lac qui Parle W.M.A.) and Lyon (Camden S.P.).
2003Summer Many reports, similar to last year; reported in 44 counties in all regions except Southwest.
2003Fall Reported from 51 counties in all regions except Southwest.
2003Winter Reported from 56 counties throughout the state.
2004Spring Reported from 52 counties in all regions except Southwest.
2004Summer Fewest reports since 1994: observed in 33 counties in all regions of state except Southwest; new nesting records Polk fide EEF, Otter Tail DTT, SMT.
2004Fall Reported from 44 counties in all regions, including two reports from Southwest: 10/11 Rock (juvenile at Luverne) †DCh, CFe, MZ, 10/21 Nobles (West Graham L.) LBF.
2004Winter Reported from 19 north and 22 south counties in all regions including the Cottonwood, Mountain Lake-Windom, and Marshall CBCs in the Southwest.
2005Spring Reported from 56 counties in all regions, but only Yellow Medicine in Southwest.
2005Summer Reported from 40 counties in all regions of state.
2005Fall Reported from 53 counties in all regions except the Southwest.
2005Winter Reported from 24 north and 26 south counties statewide.
2006Spring Reported from 60 counties as far southwest as Yellow Medicine, Redwood, Brown, plus 5/17 Jackson PHS.
2006Summer Reported from 51 counties in all regions of state, including Lyon, Murray, Redwood, and Yellow Medicine in Southwest.
2006Fall Reported from 28 north and 35 south counties as far southwest as Lac qui Parle, Redwood, Yellow Medicine.
2006Winter2332 Reported within range statewide. High count 12/23 Redwood (13) PBB.
2007Spring2943 Observed in all regions as far southwest as Lyon and Murray.
2007Summer2328 Reported from all regions of the state. First county breeding record for Swift ph. KRE, RPR.
2007Fall2729 Reported from all regions of the state as far southwest as Brown and Lyon.
2007Winter2332 Reported throughout the season and within range statewide, missing only from the Southwest region. CBC high count St. Paul NE Suburban (47).
2008Spring2838 Observed in all regions of the state as far southwest as Murray.
2008Summer2030 Seen in all regions of state.
2008Fall2333 Reported throughout the season in all regions of the state as far southwest as Brown.
2008Winter2229 Reported throughout the season in all regions. A CBC total of 398 represents a 59% increase over 20–year average. High CBC tallies of 32 shared by both Crosby and St. Paul NE Suburban counts.
2009Spring2639 Reported throughout the season in all regions of the state except the far southwest.
2009Summer2526 Observed in all regions of state. Only observation in Southwest region: 7/3 Redwood HHD.
2009Fall2534 Observed in all regions of the state as far southwest as Murray.
2009Winter2636 Numerous reports throughout period statewide. CBC high counts 12/19 Crosby (37), 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (32).
2010Spring2640 Observed statewide as far southwest as Murray.
2010Summer2330 Found in all regions of the state. First county breeding records from Clay fide BBA, Dakota ADS, Douglas JPE, Sherburne PLJ.
2010Fall3036 Observed in all regions of the state as far southwest as Lyon. High count 11/5 Morrison (7, Lincoln) MJB.
2010Winter2539 Reported statewide, except from the Southwest. CBC high counts 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (40), 12/18 Crosby (29).
2011Spring3046 Observed statewide as far southwest as Lyon and Murray. High count 4/7 Cass (6) ABi.
2011Summer2532Reported from all regions of state. First county breeding record from Todd CCa.
2011Fall2939 Reported as far southwest as Cottonwood, Redwood; also unreported from the southern tier of counties west of Mower.
2011Winter2736Widespread with numerous reports throughout the state north of a line from Lac Qui Parle southeast to Freeborn. South of this line only reported 12/17 Marshall CBC (3), Jackson County CBC. CBC high counts 12/31 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (44), 12/17 Crosby (27), 12/17 Wild River (21), 12/17 Duluth (18), 12/17 Excelsior (17), 12/17 Faribault (16).
2012Spring3043 Reported nearly statewide. Unusual southwest reports include 5/15 Lincoln BWF, and 5/6 Rock LS.
2012Summer3034 Seen in all regions of state. First county breeding records for Carlton fide BBA, McLeod PRH.
2012Fall3037 Observed in all regions, though absent from southwest outside of Minnesota River valley.
2012Winter2940 More reporting counties than in any of the previous five winters. Reported from all regions statewide, but very scarce south and west of a line from Lac qui Parle to Freeborn. All reports from that southwestern area include: 12/15 Faribault ClN,CoN, Marshall CBC (2), Fairmont CBC. CBC high counts 12/27 Crosby (42), 12/29 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (41).
2013Spring2747 Observed nearly statewide, as far southwest as Lincoln and Murray.
2013Summer3033 Found in all regions except Southwest.
2013Fall2839 Observed in all regions, though absent from southwest outside of Minnesota River valley except for 10/19 Jackson ANy, RZi, DOK.
2013Winter2538 Reported statewide, but scarce in the West-central, Southwest and South-Central regions, as usual. CBC high counts 12/14 Crosby (34), 12/14 Detroit Lakes (32).
2014Spring3046Reported statewide except from the extreme southwest. High count 3/30 Stearns (5, St. Wendel) LuS.
2014Summer2529Observed in all regions except Southwest. First county breeding record from Steele PSu.
2014Fall2841 Observed in all regions, though absent from southwest outside of Minnesota River Valley except for 8/12 Nobles RBW.
2014Winter2641 Reported statewide, but scarce in the Southwest and West-central regions. CBC high counts 12/27 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (36), 12/20 Duluth (33), 12/20 Crosby (27).
2015Spring3249 Reported statewide, including several unusual reports from the far southwest: 4/4 Lincoln BTS, 5/25 Rock GrS, 5/31 Nobles BTS.
2015Summer2939 Reported from every region. First county breeding record for Chisago JSa.
2015Fall3044 Observed in all regions, as far southwest as Jackson, Murray.
2015Winter3044 Reported statewide from highest number of counties in past ten years, but scarce in Southwest as usual. High counts 1/1 Cass (8) PSP, 1/2 Wabasha (7) RoC. CBC high counts 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (38), 12/19 Duluth (28), 12/30 Detroit Lakes (25).
2016Spring3246 Reported statewide. High count 4/15 Cass (8, North Country Trail) DoH.
2016Summer2740 Reported from all regions. High count 7/28 Crow Wing (5, Pine Terrace Resort) JFm.
2016Fall3244 Found statewide, though fewest reports from the Southwest region. High count 11/5 Beltrami (6, Shooks) JhB.
2016Winter2943 Reported statewide and throughout season, but less frequently in Southwest as usual. High counts 12/31 Stearns (6) MJB, 1/3 Morrison (6) MEm, KEm, 1/28 Dakota (6) MMa. CBC high counts 12/15 Detroit Lakes (36), 12/31 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (31), 12/19 Tamarac NWR (22).
2017Spring3350 Found in every county but Traverse and three southwest counties, where always unusual. First county record 5/14 Pipestone (Split Rock Creek S.P.) JWZ. High counts 4/5 Winona (6, Whitewater W.M.A.) KHg, 5/12 Wright (6, Robert Ney Memorial P.R.) MLk.
2017Summer2842 Reported from all regions.
2017Fall3245 Found statewide, though few reports southwest of a line from Lincoln to Faribault counties. High count 11/11 Cass (7, Evergreen Lodge Resort) ebd.
2017Winter3144 Observed in all regions, but less frequently in Southwest; reported from the highest number of counties in past ten years. Unusual winter record 1/10 Traverse DLP. High count 12/17 Anoka (7) JRk, JSa, DGn. CBC high counts 12/30 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (45), 12/16 Duluth (27), 12/19 Detroit Lakes (27).
2018Spring3247 Reported statewide. High count 5/15 Douglas (6, Lake Carlos S.P.) MLk.
2018Summer3044 Found in all regions.
2018Fall3147  Found statewide, though few reports from the Southwest region. Several high counts of up to five individuals in Sherburne, Wright and Hubbard.
2018Winter3142 Reported from 73 counties in all regions, but less frequently from counties in the historical prairie biome of the state. High counts 12/17 Clearwater (14) CoC. CBC high counts 12/29 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (32), 12/15 Duluth (30), 12/22 Wild River (29).
2019Summer3144 Found in all regions.
 Permanent resident throughout, but rare southwest.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.