Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Grebes
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Grebes
Pied-billed Grebe
Horned Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Eared Grebe
Western Grebe
Clark's Grebe
[Western Grebe X Clark's Grebe]
[Aechmophorus grebe]

Red-necked Grebe(Podiceps grisegena)
1935Summer Not often is the nest of the grc~t Red-noclced Grebe found, yet 4 M.B.C. members saw nests during the past. nesting season. Gusto..v Swanson reports a nest he found at Annandale, May 30th. In it wore 5 dull, whii•e~ eggs. John Dobie writes from Park P.apids that on Ju..11e. 6th he saw a.nest being built. On June 9th, R. M. Berthel saw an adult bird at Birch Lake,· a mile from White Bear Lake. On June 23rd, he returned and found a nest 'dth 6 eggs. On Jttne 28th~ he showed the nest to Breckenridge who photographed it. When Berthel oame back July 20th, he found an old bird with 5 young, another old bird with 6 J•ou:1g, anc1 2 other old birds standing guard at a distn...'1ce. Evidently there had been a. second nest which Barthel had not soen. The Flicker, 1935 -10
1938SummerIn Beltrami County on June 17, Oscar Owre and Bob Upson found a nest with one egg; ar Lake of the Woods on July 22, Gustav Swanson saw several broods of 5-7 young. The last date for this species, July 27, was submitted by K. Carlander who saw 7 young just out of the nest at Rice Lake in Anoka County.
1940SummerKenneth Car­lander was fortunate to find 7 young, just out of the nest, at Lake Vermillion, St. Louis Co., on July 30.
1943SummerJuly 25, 3 egg1s, Leech Lake. K. Carlande;r.
1945Summer3 nests with eggs, June 25, Wright Co., Don and Eldeen Jacobs.
1945WinterOne at Minneapolis, December 13, 1938, (Mrs. Frances Davidson).
1947Summer5 eggs, July 7, Becker Co., Barrett.
1961Springreported on 5 April at Duluth by Robert Ulvang and on 23 April at Graceville, Big Stone County, by William Pieper and the Huber brothers.
1961SummerTwo nests with three and four eggs seen at Swan Lake, Nicollet County on 24 June and 8 July, respectively, by Avifauna! Club members. See article elsewhere in this issue.
1961FallJan Green reports one at Duluth on 1 Nov.
1961WinterOne seen on Febru· ary 19 at Duluth by Jan Green.
1962SpringApril 9 Duluth, Robert Ulvang; April 18 Minneapolis, Bob Janssen; by May 12 this species was on all Minneapolis lakes.
1962FallNov. 10, Pleasant Lake, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; Dec. 6, Le~ter River, Duluth, Janet C. Green.
1963SpringApril 12 Cokato, Wright County, Erma Christopher; April 15, Lake Washington, Carver County, Brother Theodore; April 18, Lake Vadnais, Ramsey County, H. Huber; April 27, Duluth, about 300, Jan Green.
1963SummerClearwater Co., Roy Lake, June 1-29, incubating, R. Grant, Avifauna! Club. Polk Co., June 28, incubating, R. Grant. Big Stone Co., Artichoke Lake, incubating, R. Grant. Mahnomen Co., June 29, ad, 4y, Avi fauna! Club.
1963Falllatest Nov. 11, Cook Co., A. E. Allin.
1963WinterJan 4, Two Harbors, Lake Co., 1 bird in winter plumage; Gerald Church. Feb. 15, Janet Green and others saw what was presumably the same bird, in the same bay.
1964Spring4-5 Hennepin Co, RBJ; 4-18 Two Harbors, GEC; 4-24 Marshall Co, DLO.
1964Fall9-21 Cook Co., 4, MAF. 10-22 Duluth, JCG. 11-11 Waseca Co., WRP, RG; 11-15 Stevens Co., 2, KH, ES; 11·28 Lake Harriet, Mpls., RBJ.
1965Springearliest 4-8 St. Cloud, NH.
1965Falllatest 9-17 (16) and 10-15 (1) Holt, Marshall Co, DLO.
1966Springearliest 4-8 Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge, DLO, 4-14 Morrison Co, LSR and 4-15 Minneapolis, VL and Duluth, JCG.
1966Summer6-23 Mille Lacs Lake 2 nests, NMH; 7-17 Sugar Lake, Wright County, ad-1y MAS; 7-23 Carver Co. 2ad 2y. BL; 7-30 Middle Lake, Nicollet Co, ad ly, RBJ; 8-15 Swan Lake, Nicollet Co, 4ad 8y, PE; also reported from Hennepin and Becker Co's. One found dead on Minnesota Point, St. Louis Co, 6-27, PBH.
1966FallLatest 10-14 Stearns Co., RPR; 10-20 Two Harbors, JCG and I 0-29 Grand Marais, BL, HFH, EMB, RG.
1966Winter12-20 Knife River, Lake Co., DP.
1967Springearly dates 4-13 Hennepm (FN/ MAS) and Morrison (LSR) C<;>'s.; 4-15 Hennepin Co., HFH; 4-16 Ntcollet Co., EMB; 4-17 Hennepin Co. DB. '
1967Summernested at Assumption Lake, Carver Co. FN/ MAS, Sugar Lake, Wright Co., GES.
1967Fall 8-20 Wright Co., DB; 8-30 Lake Co., JCG; 9-20 Lake Co., FN/MAS; 9-24 Duluth, JCG.
1968Summer nested in Wright, Clearwater, Todd and Hubbard Co's; also reported from Cass Co.
1968FallOnly one report, 11-2 Hennepin MHM.
1969Spring4-14 Lake Co., JCG; 4-18 Wabasha Co., DWM; 4-19 (4) Carver Co., KP; 5-9 Cook Co., RLG.
1969Summernested in Wright County. Good number of reports from Clearwater, Marshall, Mahnomen, and Ottertail Co's in the north and from Wright and Carver Co's in the south.
1969Fall8-15 St. Louis MC; 9-23, 11-1 St. Louis JCG.
1969Winter12-27 (2) Lake Superior, St. Louis Co. JCG.
1970Spring4-13 Hennepin DB; 4-15 Hennepin GES, WL; 4-16 Hennepin CH; peak 4-21 and 4-26 Duluth (500) JG, MMC; early north 4-15 Duluth MMC; 4-16 Lake RK; 4-16 Duluth JG.
1970Summernested in Wright Co. (Sugar Lake, ETS); also reported from Duluth 6-8 MMC (2) and Marshall Co.
1970Fall6 reports 8-20 (17) and 9-24 Marshall AR;9-4, 10-18,10-25 Duluth MMC, )G.
1970Winter12-1 Hennepin VL.
1971Springearliest in north JG; 4-13 Duluth MMC; 4-16 Marshall AR; early south 4-22 Hennepin WKE, FN; 4-25 Hennepin OJ; peak 5-1 Lake and Cook (200) KE, RR.
1971Summerreported from Anoka, St. Louis, Marshall, Clearwater and Stevens.
1971Falllate north 10-23 Crow Win~!; 10-28 Duluth; only report south 9-5 Lincoln HK.
1971Winter1-29 St. Louis PF, B&DC; 1-31 Lake FN; -both Lake Superior.
1972Summernested in Pooe, Kandiyohi; seen also in Clearwater, Wright (8-5 ES).
1973Fall Reported from St. Louis, Nicollet, Sherburne. Late north 10-30 Crow Wing (TS); 12-2 Mille Lacs (JJ). Late South 11-11 Le Sueur (GR).
1973Winter 2 seen off Lutsen, Cook Co. on 1-26 (KE).
1974Spring Early south 4-6 Hennepin OJ; 4-23 Hennepin VL, BDC; early north 4-20 Otter Tail PF, CLH; 4-21 Morrison LSR.
1974Summer Nested in Marshall and Douglas; also reporte~ from Clearwater, Todd, Stearns, Wnght, Ramsey; more reports than usual.
1974Fall Late south 9-19 Wabasha WDM; 929 Hennepin FN; late north 9-22 St. Louis RBJ; 10-10 Marshall AR.
1974Winter Two very late migrants at Duluth on 12-21 (JG).
1975Spring Early south 4-12 Anoka SC; 4-17 Stearns NMH; early north 4-12 Lake Superior GJN; 4-12 Cook RBJ; 4-16 St. Louis JCG; 4-28 Aitkin (9) JB, TS.
1975Summer Nested in Marshall also reported from Itasca (7-17, BB), Clearwater (6-1, DM) and Hennepin (7-6, OJ).
1975Fallearly south 8-3 Wright ES; 8-4 Yellow Medicine GO; late south 10-23 Wright ES; 11-15 Wright ES; late north 11-5 Marshall KE; 11-9 St. Louis KE.
1975Winternow almost an annual winter event on Lake Super ior; seen on 1-30 at Hovland, Cook Co. (TS) and on 1-31 off Split Rock Lighthouse, Lake Co. (KE).
1976Spring Early south 4-8 Stearns NMH; 5-1 Pope (10+ ) BH; early north 4-14 Marshall SV; 4-21 Crow Wing DK; 4-22 St. Louis JCG.
1976Summernested in Roseau, Marshall, Todd, Pope (BSH) and Hennepin (OJ); also reported from Clearwater, Ottertail, St. Louis (6-27, BJ) and Wright.
1976Fall Late north 10-20 Duluth, 10-24 Otter Tail, 11-20 St. Louis; only report south 11-7 Hennepin ES.
1977Spring Early south 4-9 Stearns NH; early north 4-5 St. Louis GN; 4-16 Otter Tail SM; GO. 2/1 Winter 1977
1977Summer Nested in Marshall, Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Cass, Becker 9 Spring 1978 and Wright; also reported from Otter Tail, Pope and Anoka.
1977Fall 11-7 Duluth (JG).
1978Summer Breeding reported from Marshall Todd and American Crow Wing; also seen i~ Roseau, Becker, Otter Tail, Douglas, Pope and Hennepin (French Lake).
1978Fall Late north 10-19 Aitkin OJ, 10-21 Cook KE, 11-12 Otter Tail GO. No reports south.
1979Spring Early south 4-13 Chisago DGW, 4-14 Anoka KL, 4-17 Hennepin BS; early north 4-11 St. Louis KE, 4-16 Itasca WL, 4-20 Beltrami JM. Peak 5-8 Marshall ANWR (420).
1979Summer Breeding reported from Anoka, Todd; also seen in Marshall, Beltrami, Becker, Otter Tail, Crow Wing, Hennepin, Nicollet, (Oakleaf Lake).
1979Fall Late north 10-4 St. Louis KE, 10-17 Grant NH, 11-24 Otter Tail GMO; late south 9-8 Hennepin OJ, 10-16 Washington DS.
1980Spring Early south 4-18 Nicollet JCF, 4-27 Hennepin OJ; early north 4-15 St. Louis KE, 4-18 Marshall ANWR, 4-19 Pine RJ.
1980Summer Breeding in Roseau, Marshall Beltrami,. Crow Wing, Todd, Wright; also seen m Mahnomen, Cass, Otter Tail Nicollet. '
1980Fall Late north 10-4 Mahnomen JC 10-7 St. Louis KE, 10-13 Cass LLH; late south 8-21 Anoka KL. Peak August (no date) Marshall (100+) ANWR.
1980Winter Two reports from Lake Superior: Cook 1-25 (5) (KMH) and Lake 1-19 (3) at Flood Bay (TS).
1981SpringEarly south 5-1 Nicollet JCF, 5-12 Hennepin SC, VL, 5-14 Pope HK; early north 4-11 St. Louis KE and Otter Tail GMO, 4-13 Lake of the Woods TA, 4-15 Beltrami RJ. 
1981Summer Breeding data from Clearwater, Mahnomen, Todd, Pope; nesting reported from Crow Wing, Otter Tail. Seen throughout range plus one on 7-5 at Duluth (KRE).
1981Fall Late north 10-22 Todd RJ, 10-31 Crow Wing WN, 11-13 Itasca MS, St. Louis TL. No reports south.
1981Winter Only report: Duluth, 2-22 (JG).
1982Spring Early south 4-10 Scott GS; early north 4-16 St. Louis JG, 4-17 Aitkin WN, 4-21 Marshall ANWR, 4-23 Otter Tail GMO, 4-26 Cook KMH.
1982Summer Breeding data from Itasca, Beltrami, Crow Wing, Todd, Pope (Lake Johanna), Steele (Oak Glen Lake). Also seen in Roseau, Marshall, Clearwater, Hubbard, Clay, Ottertail.
1982Fall Late north 1/15 Crow Wing JB, 11/10 Todd NH, 11/15 Beltrami JP; late south 1/127 Hennepin ES.
1983Spring South 4/21 Wabasha WDM, 5/3 Nicollet MF, Redwood KL; early north 4/7 _St. Louis KE, 4/17 Lake SWIMS, Lake of the Woods TW, Pennington KSS.
1983Summer Breeding data from Marshall (I 00 nests, Agassiz NWR), Becker, Todd, Douglas, Pope, Crow Wing. Also seen in Beltrami, Clearwater, Mahnomen, Ottertail, Hennepin , Nicollet.
1983Fall Late reports (all north) 9/25 St. Louis RJ, 9/27 Cook KMH, 11/30 Beltrami JSP.
1983Winter Reported only from Five Mile Rock, Cook Co. on 2-1, B. J. Rose.
1984Spring Early south 3/29 Dakota SSt (equals earliest date on record), 4-21 Nicollet JCF, 4/26 Hennepin SC; early north 4/7 Duluth KE, 4/10 Marshall ANWR, 4/12 Polk KL.
1984Summernested in Koochiching, Marshall, Clearwater, Todd, Pope and Hennepin; also seen in St. Louis, Roseau, Steams, Anoka, Renville, and Nicollet.
1984Fall Late reports all north 11/3 Cook GNS, St. Louis BL, 11/6 Todd KL.
1984Winter Reported from St. Louis County's portion of Lake Superior on 1-5, (R & J Newman) and a very early migrant (?) in Rice Co. on 2-27 (FS).
1985Spring Early south 4/9 Hennepin VL, 4/13 Nicollet JCF, 4/14 Olmsted JEB, RE, AP; early north 4/13 St. Louis KE, 4/15 Wilkin SDM, 4/18 Marshall ANWR.
1985Summer Nested in St. Louis (Kabetogama Lake, SC), Crow Wing, Clearwater, Becker, Pope, Todd, Kandiyohi, Meeker (BG), Nicollet. Also seen in Cass, Beltrami, Roseau, Marshall, Douglas, McLeod, Hennepin.
1985Fall Late north 1/1l Otter Tail DS, ll/4 Lake of the Woods RJ; late south l11l5-l9 Hennepin JD, SC, GP.
1986Spring Early south 4/3 Anoka KL, 4/9 Meeker Winter 1986 RJ, 4/11 Nicollet JCF; early north 4/5 Aitkin WN, 4/10 Todd KL, 4/11 Becker MBW.
1986Summer Nested in Clearwater, Crow Wing, Todd, Pope; probable nesting in Lyon. Also seen in Duluth (6/24, KE), Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Agassiz NWR, Hubbard, Otter Tail, Redwood, Nicollet, Blue Earth.
1986Fall Late north 11/9 Crow Wing AB, II 121 Lake SS, SWIMS, 11/22 St. Louis BL; south 8/28 Anoka SC, 9/19 Nicollet JF, 10/14 Ramsey KB.
1986Winter One Lake Superior report: Duluth Township 12/6 (2,AB).
1987Spring Early south 3/28 ChippewaAP, 4/5 Hennepin SC, 4/11 Anoka SC, GP; early north 4/7 Marshall ANWR, 4/11 Grant RG, RJ, 4/17 Clearwater AB.
1987Summer Nested in Crow Wing, Todd, Pope, Anoka; probable nesting in Stevens. Also seen in 12 other counties throughout range plus Lyon, Cook (6/20, m.ob.). Greatest number of counties reported from in at least 15 years.
1987Fall Late north 9/3 Marshall IT, 10/18 Duluth AB, 10/30 Beltrami KH; late south 8/16 Pope AB, 9/13 Meeker RJ,AP, 10/9 Nicollet JF.
1987Winter Reported from Lake Harriet in Mpls. on 12-4, (5, SC).
1988Spring Early south 4/7 Hennepin SC, 4/9 Freeborn NH, 4/15 Nicollet JF; early north 4/3 Duluth JG, 4/10 Becker RG, 4/11 Cook KMH.
1988Summer Nested in Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Becker, Hubbard, Crow Wing, Todd, Pope, Anoka. Also seen in Kittson, Roseau, Beltrami, Hennepin.
1988Fall Late north 9/5 Clearwater AB, 10/24 Otter Tail DS, 10/29 Lake SC; south 9/20 Hennepin DC.
1989Spring Early south 4/9 Goodhue JD, 4/15 Hennepin OJ, Winona RG; early north 4/15 Duluth JAG, 4/16 Kanabec AB, 4/17 Aitkin WN.
1989Summer Nested in Roseau, Norman, Hubbard, Crow Wing, Kandiyohi; probable nesting in Itasca, Becker, Anoka. Also seen in nine counties within range south to Blue Earth, plus Cook all summer, mob.
1989Fall Late north 11/1 Todd RJ, 11/4 Duluth KE, 11/24 Lake DPV; late south 9/11 Sherburne SWR, 11/10 Hennepin DB.
1989Winter Probable late migrant at Two Harbors, Lake Co. 12/18 DV; a likely extremely early migrant on the Mississippi River at St. Paul, Ramsey Co. 2/10 PS, SB.
1990Spring Early south 4/12 Sherburne SNWR, 4/18 Hennepin SC, 5/2 Waseca KV; early north 4/15 Aitkin SC, 4/20 St. Louis KE, 4/21 Marshall MO.
1990Summer Nested in Lake of the Woods, Clearwater, Steele AP; probable nesting in Clay, Becker, Otter Tail, Crow Wing. Seen in eight other counties in northwest and north-central plus Todd, Hennepin.
1990Fall Late north 10/14 OtterTail DS, IllII Cook SDM, 11/24 Lake DPV; late south 9/27 Hennepin OJ, 10/30 Ramsey KB.
1991Spring Early south 4/2 Hennepin KB, 4/12 Freeborn AP, 4/16 Anoka GP, Lyon HK; early north 4/5 Becker DEB, 4/13 Douglas RJ, 4/15 St. Louis KE.
1991Summer Nested in seven counties as far south as Steele, Scott AP; probable nesting in Clay, Rice. Seen in 10 other counties north of Scott.
1991Fall Late north 10/15 St. Louis TW, 10/28 Otter Tail DS, 11/4 Lake DPV; late south 10/31 Hennepin SC, 11/3 Cottonwood ED.
1991Winter Only report St Louis 1/6 KE.
1992Spring Early south 3/30 Ramsey KB, 4/14 Hennepin SC, 4/15 Olmsted JB, BSE; early north 3/8 Lake DPV (overwintered?), 4/8 Otter Tail SDM, 4/12 Becker BBe.
1992Summer More reports than usual. Nested in Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Hubbard, Crow Wing; probable nesting in Clay, Becker, Morrison. Seen in 15 additional counties as far south as Blue Earth.
1992Fall Late north 10/31 Todd RJ, 11/18 Cook KE, 11/30 Duluth DBe; late south 10/2 Hennepin SC, 11/17 Ramsey RG, 11/19 Carver RG.
1992Winter Only report a late migrant on 12/17 Olmsted JB.
1993Spring Early south 4/6 Ramsey RH, 4/9 Rice TF, 4/10 Brown JS, LeSueur PS and Renville SDM. Early north 4/2 St. Louis DPV, 4/6 Otter Tail SDM, 4/12 Douglas KKW.
1993Summer Nested in Clearwater; probable nesting in Marshall, Crow Wing. Seen in 14 additional counties as far south as Lincoln, Rice.
1993Fall Late north 10/21 Cook PS, 10/24 Todd RJ, 11/17 Lake DPV. Late south 10/10 Carver WM, 11/18 Hennepin KB, SC.
1993Winter Only report 12/18 St. Louis KE.
1994Spring Early south 4/9 Hennepin DN, 4/12 Rice DF, 4/16 Anoka CF and Meeker AB; early north 3/25 Lake DPV, 4/11 St. Louis MH, 4/12 Beltrami DJ.
1994Summer Nested in Clearwater, Otter Tail, Douglas, Crow Wing, St. Louis counties; probable breeding in Becker, Grant, Cass, Kandiyohi counties. Observed in 11 other counties in all regions of the state except in the southwest and southeast.
1994Fall Late north 10/22 TBr, 11/6 Lake KE, MH, and Otter Tail DS. South reports 8/11 Sibley RJ, 10/10 Hennepin WM.
1994Winter Four reports, more than usual: two reports from Lake Superior, St. Louis Co. on 12/10–17 MH et al., then again 2/9–26 fide KE (different location). Most unusual were the reports of two seen on 12/17 on the Mississippi River, Wright Co. PKL, and one seen on the Bemidji CBC.
1995Spring Early south 3/30 Anoka KB and Hennepin PJ, DN, 3/31 Olmsted CK; early north 4/10 Clay RO, 4/11 Cass SM/CE, 4/16 Becker BBe, Duluth AH and Todd JSK.
1995Summer Nested in Marshall, Mahnomen, Clear-water, St. Louis, Big Stone; probable nesting in seven counties. Seen in eight additional counties as far south as Nicollet, Rice.
1995Fall Seen late on 11/25 St. Louis KE; reported in eight north and four south counties.
1995Winter Two individuals seen on the Duluth CBC.
1996Spring Reported from 42 counties. Early south 3/30 Dakota RJ. Early north 4/18 Beltrami SCM and St. Louis (47) AE. Peak 5/4 Baudette River mouth, Lake of the Woods Co. (60) PS.
1996Summer Most reports in 15+ years. Nested in Lac qui Parle JL, Marshall, Koochiching, Otter Tail, Wright; probable breeding in seven counties. Seen in 12 other counties in all regions except southwest and southeast.
1996Fall Found in only eight north and five south counties. Late north 10/20 Cass KB, 10/25 Marshall SKS (no north reports in November). Late south 11/24 Hennepin (1) KB, SC (only late date).
1997Spring Reported from 31 counties. Early north 4/6 Kanabec CM (ten-year median early date 4/7).
1997Summer Observed in 21 counties as far east as St. Louis and as far south as Le Sueur; probable nesting in Becker, Otter Tail, Pope, Hennepin, Waseca.
1997Fall Reported from eight north and three south counties. Late north 11/11 Lake of the Woods CMG. Late south 11/30 Hennepin SC, KB.
1997Winter Reported 12/14 Hennepin (Lake Calhoun) mob, and 1/22 Wabasha (Read's Landing) TBr.
1998Spring Reported from 29 counties. Peak 4/6 Hennepin (12) PBu.
1998Summer Nested in six counties including Waseca JSe; probable nesting in Marshall, Todd, Lincoln, Hennepin. Seen in eight additional northwest and west central counties.
1998Fall Reported from sixteen north and three south counties. Late north 11/8 Cass PS and Lake LE, 11/26 Becker BK. No representative late south dates.
1999Spring Arrived on time both south (4/1 Hennepin KO) and north (4/8 Roseau and Koochiching KB) during early April. Peak count 4/12 St. Louis (35 in Duluth) JN.
1999Summer Reported in 16 counties as far south as Waseca, and in all regions except southeast and southwest. Late migrant 6/3 Cook (Grand Marais) KB. New nesting records in Swift PS, Carver WM.
1999Fall First county record 8/28 Traverse MBW. Possible early migrant 8/1 Lincoln PS. See winter report for late migrants.
1999Winter All reports: Late north 12/3 Becker †BK, 12/8 Cook (Good Harbor Bay) KB. Mid-winter report 1/15 St. Louis (Lake Superior) AH.
2000Spring Reported from 15 south and 15 north counties but none in the southwest region. Early south 3/25 Hennepin (French L.) SC, 4/1 Swift DN and Hennepin (Bass Ponds) SC. Early north 3/31 Douglas RH and Otter Tail SDM, then no reports until 4/7 Cook WM.
2000Summer Most reports since 1996. Observed in 24 counties as far west as Marshall, Clay, 6/23 & 7/13 Big Stone KJB; as far south as Waseca, Steele; and as far east as 6/2 Cook DRB. New nesting record in Sibley RBJ.
2000Fall Late north 10/28 Lake WCM, 11/5 Cook DRB, DBz. Only reported from five south counties, with only one of these later than August: 11/3 Hennepin PEB.
2000Winter One or two birds seen 1/13 through mid-February on Lake Superior from Duluth, St. Louis County to Two Harbors, Lake County mob.
2001Spring Reported from 24 south and 22 north counties and in all regions, but only Cottonwood in Southwest, Olmsted in Southeast. Arrived later than recent medians south (4/3) and north (4/7). Early south 4/5+ Hennepin mob, 4/7 McLeod DMF. Early north 4/11 Aitkin CLB and St. Louis NAJ. Peak count 4/23 St. Louis (365+ at Duluth) PHS.
2001Summer Observed in 13 counties in the Northwest, North-central, West-central, and Central regions; plus St. Louis, Hennepin, Nicollet, Le Sueur, Waseca, Freeborn.
2001Fall Reported from 13 north and 10 south counties, including 10/4 Dakota (L. Byllesby) CR. Late north 11/23 Aitkin AXH. Late south 11/10 Hennepin PEB. Also see winter report.
2001Winter Only reports from L. Superior: 12/15 Duluth CBC, 12/17 Cook PCC, PHS, 12/10–26 Lake JWL.
2002Spring Reported from 26 south and 19 north counties. Early south (median 4/3) 4/12 McLeod RWS, 4/13–14 in five counties. Only report from Southeast region: 5/11 Mower JJS. Early north (median 4/8) 4/6 St. Louis PHS, 4/13–19 in six counties. High count 4/26 St. Louis (110 at Duluth) PHS.
2002Summer Record-high number of reports. Observed in 30 counties (including 6/12 Cook JWL) in all regions except Southeast; new nesting record in McLeod RWS.
2002Fall Reported from 13 north and 12 south counties, including 10/25 Dakota (2 locations) ADS, TAT. Late north 11/22 Lake JWL. Late south 11/17 Hennepin CRM.
2003Spring Reported from 18 south and 15 north counties and in all regions, though only Cottonwood in the Southwest. Early south 4/3 Chippewa KJB, 4/11 Hennepin PEJ. Early north 4/9 Clay RGj, 4/10 St. Louis NAJ. Peak count 4/30 St. Louis (210) PHS.
2003Summer Seen in 26 counties in all regions except Southwest and Southeast; observed as far east as 6/17 Cook RBJ. New nesting record in Big Stone KJB, BJU.
2003Fall Seen in 14 north and 8 south counties, including 11/2 Dakota JPM and 11/4 Hennepin ChM. Late north 11/16 Cook KRE, 11/21 Lake JWL, but also see winter report. Late south 11/8 Rice DAB.
2003Winter Reported 12/1 Lake JWL and 12/20 Duluth CBC.
2004Spring Reported from 26 south and 17 north counties in all regions. Early south 4/1 Freeborn AEB and Waseca LS, 4/2 Olmsted CWG and Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north 4/7 St. Louis SLF, 4/11 Wadena PJB. Peak count 4/14 St. Louis (350 in Duluth) KJB.
2004Summer Observed in 18 counties statewide except South-central, Southeast, East-central. New nesting records in Polk EEF, Clay NAJ, Lincoln BJU.
2004Fall Seen in nine north and three south counties, including 10/2 Dakota ADS, JPM. Late north 10/30 Lake JPM, 10/31 Cook JWL, Marshall JMJ, but also see winter report. No representative late south dates.
2004Winter Only report: 12/18 St. Louis (Duluth CBC) fide JWL.
2005Spring Found in 17 south and 14 north counties in all regions. Early south 3/30 Hennepin OLJ, 3/31 Dakota ADS. Early north 4/2 St. Louis ALE, 4/6 Todd fide JMJ. Peak count 4/13 St. Louis (325 in Duluth) MTA.
2005Summer Observed in 18 counties in all regions of state except East-central and Southwest. New nesting record for Renville BJU.
2005Fall Observed in 16 north and 8 south counties. Late north 11/19 St. Louis DWK, 11/25+ Lake JWL. Late south 10/30 Meeker DWK, 10/31 Dakota JPM (median 11/10), but also see winter report.
2005Winter All reports from Lake Superior in Lake: 12/27 Flood Bay JWL, 1/14 Two Harbors (Lighthouse Point, probably same bird) JWL.
2006Spring Reported from 28 south and 19 north counties in all regions. Early south 3/26 Dakota KJB, 3/29 Dakota (same bird?) ADS, 4/1 Kandiyohi, Martin, Meeker (median 4/3). Early north 4/3 Clay PBB, 4/9 in four counties (median 4/7). Peak counts 4/9 St. Louis (196 at Park Point, Duluth) PHS, 4/21 Lake and St. Louis (166 on L. Superior) JWL.
2006Summer Seen in 27 coun-ties in all regions of state except Southeast.
2006Fall Seen in 13 north and 12 south counties. Late north 11/4 Cook HHD, 11/17 St. Louis CMB. Late south 11/18 Brown BTS, 11/22 Hennepin CMB (median 11/10).
2007Spring1532 Early south 3/30 Meeker DMF and Olmsted JWH (median 4/3). Early north 4/9 Lake and St. Louis JWL, 4/11 Otter Tail SPM (median 4/7).
2007Summer1321 Reported from record high number of counties in all regions except Southeast. First county breeding records for Stearns PCC, Redwood JEB.
2007Fall149 High counts 10/7 St. Louis (51) KJB, 10/21 Aitkin (25) AXH. Late north 11/11 St. Louis SLF, 11/23 Lake JWL, but also see winter report. Late south 10/23 Blue Earth RMD, 11/25 Meeker DMF (median 11/10).
2007Winter1 All north reports from Two Harbors in Lake: 12/2 (6 at Agate Bay) JWL, 12/11 (Agate Bay) JWL, 12/27 (same bird as early December, Burlington Bay) JWL.
2008Spring2031 Early south (median 4/2) 4/5 Anoka MCA, Dakota/Goodhue BAF, RBW, Le Sueur RBJ, DAC, 4/6 Hennepin HCT. Early north 4/7 (median) St. Louis PHS, 4/13 Lake JWL. High counts 4/22 St. Louis (500 on Colby Lake, Hoyt Lakes) ALE, 4/22 St. Louis (393 at Park Point, Duluth) PHS.
2008Summer1317 Reported from all regions except Southwest, Southeast.
2008Fall1516 Late north 10/26 St. Louis PHS, 11/13 Marshall fide JMJ (median 12/3). Late south 10/14 Pope, Swift DMF, 10/27 Hennepin DDo, SLP (median 11/10).
2009Spring2030 Early south (median 4/3) 4/4 Meeker DMF, 4/5 Mower ARW, JWH. Early north (median 4/7) 4/3 Marshall JMJ, 4/14 Cass BAW, St. Louis PHS. High count 4/25 St. Louis (103) PHS.
2009Summer813 Reported from all regions except Northeast, East-central, Southwest.
2009Fall128 High count 8/22 St. Louis (60, Sand Point Lake) DMK. Late north 11/1 Lake PLJ, 11/8 Cook KRE, m.ob., 11/16 Todd JLO (median 12/3). Late south 10/20 Wright DPG, 10/31 Stevens DPG, 11/8 Hennepin BAF (median 11/10).
2010Spring1422 Early south 4/3 (median) Swift WCM, 4/4 Hennepin CMB, 4/5 Rice TFB, Stearns PCC. Early north (median 4/7) 4/6 Marshall GT, 4/10 Koochiching HHD, 4/11 Cass BAW. High count 5/1 St. Louis (482, Park Point) PHS.
2010Summer1617 Observed in all regions except Southeast. First county breeding records for Grant DPG, Stevens AXH, Traverse DPG.
2010Fall169 Late north 11/8 Aitkin BJU, 11/9 Otter Tail DvS, 11/27 St. Louis PHS (median 12/3). Late south 10/25 Big Stone BJU, 11/30 Hennepin m.ob. (median 11/10), but also see winter report.
2010Winter2 All reports: 12/2 Hennepin (continuing from 11/27, Lake Calhoun) TAT, 12/5 Goodhue (Red Wing, Bayfront Park) JWH.
2011Spring2433 Early south (median 4/3) 4/7 Hennepin JLO, CMB, SHF, 4/9 Sherburne PLJ, Wright HCT, 4/10 Chisago MHe, Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north (median 4/7) 4/9 Douglas DPG, 4/11 Cass BAW, Grant DBM, Morrison FGo, St. Louis PHS, DBF, 4/14 Otter Tail DST. Record high count 4/28 St. Louis (1,213, Park Point) PHS.
2011Summer1519Found in all regions except Southeast. First county breeding record from Le Sueur RBW.
2011Fall1517 Late north 11/12 Crow Wing ABi, 11/13 Cook ANy, JPr (median 12/3). Late south 11/7 Goodhue GMi, 11/12 Wright HCT, 11/13 Hennepin m.ob., Washington PSm (median 11/10).
2011Winter1All reports: 1/1 St. Louis (Duluth, 23rd Ave. West) BCM, 1/7 St. Louis ANy, SC.
2012Spring2229 Early south (median 4/3) 3/20 Lac qui Parle BJU, 3/23 Hennepin (2) CMB, 3/31 Chisago LS. Early north (median 4/7) 4/1 Todd BWF, JWH, 4/3 Clearwater RAE, 4/4 Marshall RAE, JMJ. High counts 4/22 St. Louis (130, Park Point, Duluth) MLH, 4/22 St. Louis (70, Bear Island Lake) SLF.
2012Summer2212 Found in all regions except South-central and Southeast.
2012Fall1713 Late north 11/8 Cook JLK, 11/9 Aitkin HHD, RAE, Traverse BJU, 11/17 Lake JLK (median 12/3). Late south 11/10 Carver WCM, Pope HHD, RAE, 11/17 Anoka DWK, 11/28 Wabasha DVe (median 11/10), but see winter report.
2012Winter3All north: 12/3 Cass (Gull Lake) BAW, 12/15 St. Louis (2, Duluth CBC), 12/16–1/26 Lake (Two Harbors) JWL, m.ob. CBC high count 12/22 Two Harbors (4). No south reports.
2013Spring2637 Early south (median 4/3) 4/8 Anoka JFR, SBM, DWK, Goodhue GJM, Hennepin JFR, HCT, Rice DAB, PEJ, 4/9 Olmsted JLO, JWH. Early north (median 4/7) 4/15 St. Louis EBr, 4/21 Lake JWL, CMn. New county record 5/4 Houston DBz. High counts 4/26 St. Louis (2,094, record high state count, Park Point) PHS, 4/29 St. Louis (1,513, Park Point) PHS.
2013Summer1316 Found in all regions except East-central, Southeast. First county breeding record for Sherburne PLJ.
2013Fall1614 High count 9/7 St. Louis (16, Park Point) JSn. Late north 11/5 Morrison (2) KEm, 11/14 Lake EBr, 11/16 Aitkin AFo (median 12/3). Late south 10/18 Meeker DPG, 11/7 Hennepin (Lake Harriet) PEB, CMB, TAT, 11/8 Anoka BRL (median 11/10).
2013Winter1 One report: 12/2 Cass BAW.
2014Spring2223Early south (median 4/3) 4/14 Sherburne PLJ, PMJ, 4/15 Dakota PEJ, 4/18 Hennepin ph. CMB. Early north (median 4/7) 4/24 Cass BAW, Polk SVo, St. Louis ClN, 4/25 Lake JWL, TJo, Marshall RAE, St. Louis JLK, AM. Notable high counts in St. Louis on Lake Superior all exceeded the prior state record count (2,094): 5/1 (3,955) PHS, 5/2 (3,594) PHS, 5/9 (2,519, different birds from those of the 5/1–2 high counts) KJB.
2014Summer1612Found in all regions of state except East-central, Southeast.
2014Fall1517 High count 8/11 St. Louis (78, two large rafts on Cummings Lake, perhaps knocked down by the prior night's storm) JPa. Late north 11/17–30 St. Louis JLK, m.ob. (median 12/3). Late south 11/13–15 Hennepin ToL, CMB, 11/15 Wabasha DFN, PEJ (median 11/10).
2014Winter1 One report: 2/3 Lake (Two Harbors) †JLK.
2015Spring2326 Early south (median 4/3) 4/2 Hennepin CMB, 4/4–5 Goodhue SHF, BAF, m.ob., 4/5 Sherburne PLJ. Early north (median 4/7) 4/8 Beltrami DPJ, 4/16 Lake JWL, 4/17 in Marshall, Pennington, Polk, Roseau, St. Louis. High counts 5/1 Lake (593, Knife Island, counted individually) JWL, 4/26 St. Louis (277, Stoney Point) JLK.
2015Summer1310 Observed in all regions except East-central, Southwest, Southeast.
2015Fall1711 High count 8/29 St. Louis (7, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Late north 11/14 Itasca SC, EEO, 11/17 Cass SC, 11/29 Beltrami SC (median 12/2). Late south 10/26 Rice TFB, Sherburne PLJ, 11/1 Dakota JLO, Steele DFN, 11/12–16 Kandiyohi (Green Lake) JWd (median 11/14).
2015Winter22 All north: 12/3–20 Lake (Two Harbors) HHD, RAE, JWL, 12/19 Duluth CBC, 1/6–8 St. Louis (2–4, Stoney Point) †JPR, PRo, ph. JJu. All south: 12/2–9 Hennepin (Lake Calhoun) †WPo, ph. CMB, ph. GrS, ph. JBu, m.ob., 12/4 Winona (2, Veterans Memorial Park) CNg.
2016Spring2427 Early south (median 4/3) 3/20 Steele JWH, 3/29 Goodhue (2) PEJ, †KDS, 3/30 Faribault DFe. Early north (median 4/7) 4/5–14 St. Louis JPR, JLK, 4/9 Lake JWL. High count 5/13 St. Louis (356, Park Point) JLK.
2016Summer1814 Observed in all regions except Southeast.
2016Fall1715 High counts 8/3 St. Louis (12, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 9/20 Cook (12, Grand Marais) RRd. Late north 11/25–26 St. Louis (max. 5) JLK, m.ob., 11/26–28 Lake RyS, m. ob. (median 12/8). Late south 11/15 Hennepin (Lake Calhoun) ASu, 11/18 Olmsted LAV, 11/21–24 Meeker (Lake Ripley) BNn, AaL (median 11/16).
2016Winter32 All north: 12/3 Lake (Two Harbors) SC, MJB, DOr, St. Louis (Duluth, Brighton Beach) DOr, BAb, MJB, St. Louis (Park Point) JLK, 12/23–30 St. Louis (1–2, Duluth, Canal Park) JLK, 12/28–1/21 Lake (Two Harbors) m.ob., 1/17–26 Cook (Taconite Harbor) JWL, m.ob., 2/1 Lake (Silver Bay) JPR, 2/19 Cook (Good Harbor Bay) ClN, m.ob. Two south reports: 12/4 Waseca (3, Waseca, Clear Lake) RBW, 12/13 Hennepin (Lake Calhoun) CMB.
2017Spring2532 Early south (median 4/2) 3/25 Steele JWH, 3/29 Benton FGo, 4/1 Freeborn PEJ, McLeod BAb. Early north (median 4/7) 3/21–4/10 St. Louis (max. 6, Duluth) JPR, m.ob., 4/8 Traverse HCT, 4/11 Hubbard REn. High count 4/28 St. Louis (1,000, Park Point) JPR.
2017Summer1611 Observed in all regions except Southeast.
2017Fall1720 High count 8/2 Nicollet (22, Swan Lake) BHe. Late north 11/12 St. Louis (2) JWH, StK, 11/12–13 Lake (2) BBd, JBu, JLK, 11/18 Itasca TCL (median 12/8). Late south 11/24–26 Washington IsH, EzH, GJa, 11/25 Ramsey IVa, (median 11/18).
2017Winter2 All north 12/17 Two Harbors CBC, St. Louis (Lakewood Pumping Station) ASu, LiH.
2018Spring2737 Early south (median 4/2) 4/8–10 Washington (Point Douglas Park) ebd, DWK, 4/10 Goodhue PEJ, 4/10–11 Hennepin (max. 5) DEl, WFe. Early north (median 4/7) 4/12–13 St. Louis JPR, BEA, JLK, 4/15–16 Otter Tail DFe. High count 5/13 St. Louis (219, Park Point) NWn.
2018Summer1718 Observed in all regions except Southeast.
2018Fall1524  High counts 8/1 Marshall (8, Agassiz Valley Impoundment) MGo, 10/23 Lake (8, Knife River Marina) ClN, 11/3 Lake (Iona’s Beach S.N.A.) CRM, m.ob. Late north 11/7 Lake ABm, St. Louis DgM, 11/27 Hubbard REn (median 12/8). Late south 11/5 Lyon NMe, 11/8 Hennepin ASu, 11/13 Kandiyohi HHD (median 11/18).
2018Winter No reports for the first winter since 2009.
2019Summer1616 Found in all regions except East-central, Southeast. Unusual location 7/6 Martin HCT.
 Breeds mostly north and central. Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.